The first Poem inserted in the Supplement is so exceedingly rare, that the copy from which I have printed, is supposed to be unique. It is valuable as the principal events in our Reformer’s life are commemorated in it, and the leading features of his character delineated, by the pen of one who was personally acquainted with him. As a curious specimen of the Scottish language and versification at the period in which it was composed, the old orthography has been carefully retained. The serious reader will be pleased in tracing the vein of piety which runs through rhymes which must appear to him rude, and sometimes almost unintelligible.—Its author, John Davidson, was a regent, or teacher, in the University of StAndrews, and afterwards successively minister of Libberton, and of Salt-Preston, now called Prestonpans. I have already referred to several of his other writings. Vol.i. p.354. Vol.ii. p.241,349. He also published a Catechism, entitled, “Some Helpes for Young Schollers in Christianity,” printed at Edinburgh, by Robert Waldegrave in 1602. And he died about 1608. Note subjoined to Jameson’s edition of his Catechism, in 1708. Life of Davidson, in Wodrow’s MSS. vol.i. Bibl. Coll. Glas. The Latin Poems which follow are taken from a manuscript in the Advocates’ Library, and exhibit traits in the characters of the principal Scottish Martyrs and Reformers, with allusions to several events in their lives, which I have not met with elsewhere. On this account, and also as a specimen of Scottish literature, I have published a selection from the MS., which appears to have been written about the beginning of the seventeenth century. From the corrections with which it abounds, there is reason to think that the copy in the Library had belonged to the author. It likewise contains Latin Poems, entitled, “Icones Regum JudÆ et Israelis.” ANE BREIF COM- ¶ Quhairunto is addit in the end ane short discurs of the Estaitis quha hes cause to deploir the deith of this Excellent seruand of God. ¶ PSALME. XXXVII. ¶ Mark the vpricht man, and behauld the Iust, for the end of that man is peace. ¶ IMPRENTIT AT SANCTAN- TO THE MAIST GODLIE, ANCIENT, AND WORTHIE Considering with my self (maist worthie Knicht) the greit frailtie and vnsureness of all strenthis eirthly quhatsueuer, quharin ma lefing god, vsis to put his traist on the ane part, and the sure fortres and saifgaird of vprichtnes, howbeit destitute of all aide warldly on the vther part: I culd not withhald my pen fro vttering of that praise and commendation of vprichtnes, quhilk in my mynde I had consauit of the same. Being chiefly mouit heirunto be the Miraculous (as I may weill call it) and maist wonderfull preseruatioun of that maist notabill seruand of God, and sinceir Preicheour of Christis Euangell, Iohne Knox. Quha being bot of small estimatioun befoir the eyis of the warld, (zit greit befoir God,) was hatit vnto the deith. ¶ And this small frute of my sober trauellis, I haue thocht gude to offer and present to zow (maist worthie Knicht) not sa mekill for that, that I thocht it worthie to be presentit til ony: as that I wald let my gude will and grate367 mynd, be the same appeir towardis zow, throw quhais procurement I obteinit the benefite of that godly and faithfull (thocht mockit and falsly traducit of the warld) societie, quhairof presently I am participant. For the quhilk I acknawledge me, and my humbill seruice alwayis addettit to zour honour. And howbeit (as I mon confes) na thing can proceid of me that may in ony wayis correspond to zour meritis towardis me: zit sal the thankfulnes of mynd at na tyme (God willing) be deficient. Quhilk is to be acceptit quhair vther thingis are lacking, in place of greit rewaird. And the rather haue I takin bauldness to dedicate this lytill Treateis vnto zour honour, baith becaus I vnderstude, zow euer to haue bene sen zour Chyldheid, ane vnfenzeit ANE BREIF COMMENDATIOVN OFVPRICHTNES SEN that we se men till haue studyit ay Into this eirth sic strengthis to prepair, As micht be saifgaird to thame nicht and day, Quhen ony danger dang thame in dispair, Wald thow gude Reider haue ane strenth preclair368, Prouer. 10, 12, Maist strang and stark to rin to in distres, 13, 18. This lytill schedull schortly sall declair Ecclesi. 9. How that the surest Towre is vprichtnes. Ps. 25, 27, 91. Quhilk vprichtnes we may descriue to be: Ane traid of lyfe conforme to Godds command, Iob. 31. Without all poysoun of Hypocrisie, Or turning to and fra, from hand to hand. Bot stoutly at the word of God to stand, Prouer. 5. Eschewing alwayis it for to transgres, Psalm 18. Not bowing back for thame that contramand. This wayis we may descriue this vprichtnes. For first thair is na Castell, Towre, nor Toun, Nor naturall strenth, as Alexander sayis, Q. Curt. li. 7. Bot manis Ingyne may vincous and ding doun, As that he had experience in his dayis, Na strenth was sure to theme that was his fais: The Craig in Asia did beir witnes, Q. Curt. li. 7. Howbeit in hicht vnto the sky it rais, It was ouercum for laik of vprichtnes. Euin sa that bailful Bour of Babilone, Q. Curt. li. 5. Na saifgaird was to Darius we reid, Ieremi. 51. Suppois it was ane maist strang Dongeone, And mony ma I micht declair in deid Bot sic exempellis Foraine nane we neid; Quhat surenes fand the Bischopis halynes, Into Dumbartane quhair he pat his Creid? It was not half sa sure as vprichtnes. The force of men gif ony will obtend, Ps. 33. 40. 60. Kinred, or friends to be ane gaird maist strang, Esai. 31. All is bot vane, they can not man defend, Jeremi. 17. For quha mair surely into Royat369 rang, Nor the greit Conquerour his friendis amang, Q. Curt. lib. 10. Zit was he poysonit, as sum dois express, Intill his Camp quhilk he had led sa lang: Than quhat is force of man till vprichtnes. Riches and rent we ken dois not abyde, Prouer. 11. Bot flitts and fochis370 euer to and fra; Eccles. 5. Than vane it is in thame for to confyde, Job. 11. Sen that we se thame asweill cum as ga: Psalm. 49. Thairfoir my friendis sen that the case is sa, 1. Timot. 6. That warldly strenth can haue na sickernes, Zephan. 1. Sum vther saifgaird surely we mon ha, Ecclesi. 2. Quhilk is nocht ellis bot only vprichtnes. Nahum. 3. Bot sum perchance that winks mair wylelie, Will say thay wait ane wyle371 that I na wist, With iouking thay will jangil372 craftelie, And on thair feit will ay licht quhen thay list, Thinking all surenes thairin to consist: Hypocrisie is quent373 with quyetnes, Bot all begylit thay ar into the mist; For nathing can be sure but vprichtnes. For quhat become of fals Achitophell, For als far as he saw before his neis, 2. Sam. 17. The Scriptures schawis I neid not heir to tell. The lyke of this in mony Historeis, I micht bring furth that to my purpois greis, Psalm. 7. How Hypocrites into thair craftynes, Ester. 7. Thame selfis hes trappit with greit misereis, Becaus thay did eschew all vprichtnes. Bot quha sa euer on the vther syde Hes preissit peirtly to leif vprichtlie, Ester. 6. And be the treuth bound bauldly till abyde, Dani. 6. Hes euer had the maist securitie. For thay had God thair buckler for to be, Quhome we mon grant to be ane strang fortres, Psalm. 76. Of quhome the Deuill can not get victorie, Psalm. 89. Nor all the enemies of vprichtnes. Think weill my friendis this is na fenzeit fair,374 1 Sam. 17. 18. For quha sa list of Dauid for to reid, 19. 20. 21. 22. May se quhat enemies he had alquhair, 29. 33. And zit how surely he did ay proceid; 2. Sam. 2. 3. 5. 8. Becaus he walkit vprichtly in deid. 15. 16. 18. 20. He was mair sure from Saulis cruelnes, Nor gif ten thousand men intill his neid, 1 Sam. 23. Had with him bene syne lackit vprichtnes. Of sic exempills we micht bring anew, Bot ane thair is that preifis our purpois plane, Of Daniell that Propheit wyse and trew, Dani. 6. How oft was he in danger to be slane! Into the Lyonis Den he fand na pane: The three Children the fyre did not oppres. Dani. 3. I think this only Historie might gane, To preif how sure a Towre is vprichtnes. Bot zit becaus exempills fetchit far, Mufis not so muche as thay thingis quhilk we se, I purpois schortly now for to cum nar, Vnto the but375 quhair chiefly I wald be: That is to schaw the prufe befoir zour ee Of thir premissis, as all mon confes That hes sene God wirking in this countrie, How ane hes bene perseruit in vprichtnes. It is Iohne Knox in deid quhome of I mene, That feruent faithfull seruand of the Lord, Quhome I dar bauldly byde at till haue bene, Ane maist trew Preichour of the Lordis word. I rak nathing quhat Rebalds376 heir record, Quha neuer culd speik gude of godlynes. This man I say eschaipit fyre and sword, And deit in peace, in praise of vprichtnes. Bot that this may be maid mair manifest: I will discurs sum thing in speciall, Tuiching this Lamp, on lyfe quhill he did lest. First he descendit bot of linage small; As commaunly God vsis for to call Amos. i. 7. The sempil sort his summoundis til expres. Mark. 1. Sa calling him, he gaue him giftis with all 1. Cor. 1. Maist excellent, besyde his vprichtnes. Iaco. 2. For weill I wait that Scotland neuer bure, In Scottis leid377 ane man mair Eloquent. Into perswading also I am sure, Was nane in Europe that was more potent. In Greik and Hebrew he was excellent, And als in Latine toung his propernes, Was tryit trym quhen scollers wer present. Bot thir wer nathing till his vprichtnes. For fra the tyme that God anis did him call, To bring thay joyfull newis vnto this land, Quhilk hes illuminat baith greit and small, He maid na stop but passit to fra hand, Idolatrie maist stoutly to ganestand: And chiefly that great Idoll of the Mes. Howbeit maist michtie enemies he fand, Zit schrinkit he na quhit from vprichtnes. The greuous Galayis maid him not agast, Althocht the Prelats gold in greit did geif, Ouir schipburd in the sey him for to cast, He fand sic grace they sufferit him to leif. Zea mairatour thay did him not mischeif, As thay did his Companzeounis mair and les, With pynefull panis quhen thay thair pythis did preif, God sa prouydit for his vprichtnes. In Ingland syne he did eschaip the Ire, Of Iesabell, that Monstour of Mahoun,378 In Scotland nixt with terrour him to tyre, Thay brint his picture in Edinburgh Toun. Bot sen to Scotland last he maid him boun,379 Quhat battell he hes bidden ze may ges, Sen Dagon and thay Deuillis he gart ding doun, In spite of thame that hatit vprichtnes. Thay that hes bene cheif in Authoritie, For the maist part had him at deidly feid, Zit he eschaipit all their crueltie, Howbeit oftymes thay did deuyse his deid, Zea, sum wer knawin perfitely be the heid Quha vndertuke his Dirige for to dres, Zit bauldly be hes baner he abaid, And did not iouk ane ioit from vprichtnes. Bot cheifly anis he was put to ane preace,380 Quhen that the Quene of tressoun did accuse him Befoir hir Lords in haly Rudehous place. Quhair clawbacks of the Court thocht till abuse him Sa prudetly this Propheit yair did vse him, Into refuting of thair fulischenes, That all the haill Nobilitie did ruse381 him And praisit God for his greit vprichtnes. Quhen Quene and Court could not get him couict, Bot sa wer disappointit of thair pray, Thay fryit in furie that he schaipit quick, Zit at the leist to get thair wills sum way, Thay wald haue had him wardit for ane day, In Dauois Towre, zea, for ane hour or les, It was denyit for ocht the Quene culd say. Thair micht be sene how sure was vprichtnes. Bot in quhat perrell trow ze he was last, Quhen Edinburgh he left with hart full sair, Doubtles na les nor ony that hes past, In spyte thay spak that him thay suld not spair Thay suld him schuit into the pulpit thair Becaus he did rebuke their fylthenes, And mischant382 murther that infects the air, Zit God preseruit him in vprichtnes. Mony may dangers nor I can declair, Be sey and land this Propheit did sustene, In France and Ingland, Scotland, heir and thair, Quhilk I refer to thame that mair hes bene Intill his company and sic things sene, Bot this far schortly I haue maid progress, To preif how God maist surely dois mantene, Sic as continew intil vprichtnes. For this Excellent seruand of the Lord, Vnto the deith was hatit as we knaw, For sinceir preiching of the Lordis word With Kingis, Princes, hie estait and law, Zit in thair Ire him micht thay not ouirthraw, He did depart in peace and plesandnes: For all the troublis that ze hard vs schaw That he sustenit for lufe of vprichtnes. And this is merwell gif we will consider, Ane sempill man but383 warldly force or aide, Aganis quhome Kings and Princes did confidder384 Syne leaue this lyfe with list for all thair plaid,387 He had ane surer gaird we mon confes, Nor ony warldly strength that can be maid, Quhilk was nathing but only vprichtnes. Bot sum may say quhairto suld thow prefer This vprichtnes quhilk thow extolls sa hie Vntil all warldly strenthis that euer wer? Sen that the contrair daylie we may se, How upricht men ar murtherit mischantlie, Gene. 4. As first was Abell with greit cruelnes, Matth. 14. Gude Iohne the Baptist, and als Zacharie, 2. Chro. 24. Zea, Christ him self for all his vprichtnes. Matth. 27. Peter and Paull with mony may sensyne. Euseb. To.4. And of lat zeiris in Ingland as we knaw, fol.7. How mony piteously was put to pyne. And now in France that schame is for to schaw. Vide Sleidanum. Iames our gude Regent rakkin in that raw,388 Quha had rung zit wer not his richteousnes. Sa, I can se nathing sa sone ouirthraw Man in this eirth as dois this vprichtnes. To this I answer into termis schort, Quhen warldly strenth is vincust and maid waist, Prouer. 11
. With it man tynis baith courage and comfort, Quhen it is tynt quhairin he pat his traist: Bot quho that deith in vprichtnes dois taist, Prouer. 11. Sall haue the lyfe that lests with joyfulnes, Matth. 16. Sa they ar sure, becaus they ar imbraist Be the Eternall for thair vprichtnes. Bot this sa lichtly we may not pass by: I grant indeed quha preissis vprichtlie To serue the Lord mon first themselfis deny, Matth. 16. And na wayis dres to daut389 thame daintelie Bot thame prepair for troublis Identlie390, 2 Timo. 3. For troublis ar the bage they mon posses, Psalm. 34. Sen Sathan ceisis not continuallie 1 Pet. 5. To troubill thame that followi vprichtnes. Iob 1. Quhylis harling391 thame befoir Princes and Kings, Luc. 21. As rauing Rebalds rudelie to be rent, 1. Reg. 10. Accusing thame of troubling of all things, 1. Reg. 17. As cankerit Carlis that can not be content, Except all things be done be thair consent: Now scornit, now scurgeit, now b?d with bitternes, Matth. 27. Imprissonit, and sindrie fassiounis schent392, Ieremi. 38. And sum tymes dreuin to deith for vprichtnes. Act. 12. This is thair lote oftymes I will not lane393 Into this eirth that vse to be vpricht, Bot quhat of this? my purpois zit is plane: That is, that they are surer day, and nicht, Psalm. 91. For all this wo, nor ony warldly wicht: Psalm. 118. For in thair conscience is mair quyetnes In greitest troublis, nor the men of micht Hes in thair Castells, without vprichtnes. For quhen Belshazzer greit King of the Eist, Dani. 5. Ane thousand of his Princes had gart call, Drinkand the wyne befoir thame at the Feist, Intill his prydefull Pomp Imperiall: Euin in the middis of this his mirrie hall He saw ane sicht that sank him in sadnes, Quhen he persauit the fingers on the wall, Wryting his wrak for his vnvprichtnes. Quhat sall I say? I neid not till insist, To schaw how thay to God that dois Rebell, In thair maist micht can not be haldin blist, For in this warld they do begin thair hell, As Cain did that slew the iust Abell: Gene. 4. Within thair breist thay beir sic bailfulnes, Esai. 66. That toung of men can not the teynd part tell, Prouer. 15. Of inwart torments for vnvprichtnes. Bot thay that walks vprichtly with the Lord, Prouer. 14. In greitest troublis wantis not inwart rest, As the Apostillis doung394 for Godds word, Act. 5. Reioysit that for Christ sa thay were drest; Peter in prisone sleipit but molest; Act. 12. Paull in the stocks and Sylas with glaidnes, Act. 16. Did sing ane Psalme at midnicht, sa the best Surenes that man can haue, is vprichtnes. Sa be this surenes now I do not mene, That Godds seruands ar neuer tane away, Be cruell men, for the contrair is sene, For God oftymes of his Iudgements I say, Letts thame so fall, as thocht befoir the day: ¶ FINIS. M. I. D. ANE SCHORT THOW pure contempnit Kirk of God, In Scotland scatterit far abrod, Quhat leid410 may let the to lament: Sen baith the Tyger and the Tod, Maist cruellie cummis the to rent. Thow wants ane watcheman that tuke tent, Baith nicht and day that nocht suld noy the, Allace thow wants the Instrument, That was thy Lanterne to conuoy the. Thy lemand411 Lamp that schew sic licht, Was gude Iohne Knox, ane man vpricht, Quhais deith thow daylie may deploir. His presence maid thy bewtie bricht, And all thy doings did decoir: He did him haillie indeuoir, Thy richteous actioun to mantene, And libertie to the restoir, Pleading thy caus with King and Quene. He neuer huntit benefice, Nor catchit was with Couatice, Thocht he had offers mony one And was als meit for sic office As outher gellie412 Iok or Iohne, His mynd was ay sa the vpon, Thy only weilfair was his welth; Thairfoir lament sen he is gone, That huikit nathing413 for thy helth. Lament Assemblie Generall, At thy Conuentionis, ane and all, For thou wilt mis ane Moderatour, Quhais presence mufit greit and small, And terrifeit baith theif and tratour, With all vnrewlie Rubiatour,414 Thair ionkers durst not kyth thair cure, For feir of fasting in the frateur,415 And tynsall of the charge thay bure. But now I feir that thow sall se Greit missing of that man to be, Quhen craftie heidis sall na mair hyde The hurde416 of thair hypocrisie, Bot all sinceirnes set asyde, With policie will all things gyde, Thir Balamis birds sair may thow feir: Thairfoir be Godds buke abyde, And to sic bablers giue na eir. Giue strange opiniounis enteris in, Tak tent quha sic thingis dois begin, And with sic matteris mynts to mell;417 For Sathan ceisis not fra sin, The Kirk of Christ seiking to quell. Sic foly faill not to refell: For when the reik418 beginnis to ryse, The fyre will follow as thay tell, Be it not quencheit be the wyse. Bot cheifly murne and mak thy mane, Thou Kirk of Edinburgh allane, For thow may rew by419 all the rest, That this day thow wants sickin ane, Thy speciall Pastour, and the best That ony Kirk had eist or west. He did comfort the in all cair, And the foirwairnd of thy molest, Quhairby thow micht thyself prepair. There was na troubill come to the, Bot he foirspak it oppinlie, Thocht sum the mater than did mock, Gif he spak suith now thow may se, This day thy held is in the zock, God send the blyithnes of this block, And freith the from thy fais aboue the; For thow art the maist feruent flock That Scotland beiris, as deid dois proue the. And giue God sa handills the best, Allace what sall cum of the rest, Except repentance rin and red: It is ane mirrour manifest, Of dule and dolour to be dred, To fall on thame this barret420 bred. Bot till our purpois to returne, Thocht of this feir thow salbe fred, Zit hes thow mater for to murne. Becaus that watcheman thow dois want, That the in puretie did plant, And comfortit thy congregatioun: Bot zit thocht he be gane I grant The Lord can send the consolatioun, Gif thow giue him dew adoratioun, He will not leaue the comfortles, As alreddy thow hes probatioun. God grant thy Preicheours vprichtnes. ¶ Ze Lords also that dois frequent The loft in Sanct Geills Kirk lament, That Bogill421 thair that ze hard blaw, With quhome quhyles ze wer small content, For the schairp threitnings he did schaw: Zit thay maid zow sumquhat stand aw, Thocht not so muche as neid requyrit. This day in graue he lyis full law, Quhilk langtyme was of him desyrit. For seing all things not go weill, He said thair suld not mis ane reill That suld the cheifest walkin vp. Gif he said suith this day ze feill, Luke gif God hes begun to quhup, Bot thair byds zit ane sowrer Cup, Except zour maners ze amend, The dreggs but dout als ze sall sup: From whilk danger God zow defend. Sanctandrois als not to leif out, His deith thou may deploir but dout, Thow knawis he lude the by the laue,422 For first in the he gaue the rout Till Antechrist that Romische slaue, Preicheing that Christ did only saue. Bot last, of Edinburgh exprest, Quhen he was not far fra his graue, He come to the by all the rest. God grant that thow may thankfull be, For his greit graces schawin to the, In sending the his seruands trew, Amen. Thow heiris na mair of me. Bot Kyle, and Cuninghame may rew Als sair as ony that I schew, To quhome this darling was maist deir; And vther gentill men anew, Quhome I haue not reheirsit heir. Than last of all to turn to zow, That wer our brethren, bot not now: God grant agane ze may cum hame, For we suld wis zour weill I vow, As also did this man be Name, Thocht sum said he did zow defame, He prayit to God that ze micht turne, That ze micht schaip Eternall schame; Thairfoir zour part is als to murne. For doutles he was mair zour freind, Nor thay that winkit, or manteind Zour fulische factioun and vnfair. In deid that ze suld not susteind, He thunderit threitnings to the air, To terrifie zow mair and mair, And rug423 zow back that ze micht rew;424 For he knew perseueird ze thair, Ze wer bot schipwrak but reskew.425 Than all this land thow may lament, That thow lacks sic ane Instrument, Till sum not plesand, zit, sa plane, That all the godly was content. Allace his lyke he left not ane, Nor I feir sall not se agane: Bot zit let vs nawayis dispair, For quhy our God dois zit remane, Quha can and will for his prepair. For thocht his deith we do deploir, Zit is he not our God thairfoir: As wickit wardlings wald obtend, Gone is zour God quhairin ze gloir. The leuing God we mak it kend, Is he, on quhome we do depend, Quha will not leaue vs in distres, Bot will his seruands till vs send, Till gyde vs throw this wildernes. Thairfoir letting thir Bablers be, Quhais chief Religioun is to lie, And all Godds seruands to backbyte, Traducing this man principallie: Let thame spew out in thair dispyte, All that thay will be word or wryte. Lyke as him self is into gloir, Sa sall all ages ay recyte, Iohne Knoxis Name, with greit decoir. ¶ FINIS. QVAM TVTVM QVEM petiere diu crudeles igne tyranni, SÆpius& ferro quem petiere duces. Occubuit (mirum) nullo violatus ab hoste, Eximius Christi KNOXIVS ille sator. Nam pater Æthereus Regum moderatur habenas, Electosque potens protegit vsque suos. Muniat hinc igitur nostras fiducia mentes, Ne mors nos tetricis terreat vlla minis. QuÓq; minus trepidi sistamus tramite recto, Huius ne pigeat viuere more viri. ¶ FINIS. Quod M. I. D. EXCERPTA E POEMATIS JOHANNIS JONSTONI; QUIBUS TITULI ???? S??F??O? SIVE DE CORONIS MARTYRUM IN SCOTIA; NECNON PECVLIVM ECCLESIÆ SCOTICANÆ. MS. IN BIBL. FACULT. JURID. EDIN. A. 6. 42. Patritius Hamiltonvs,426 Martyr, Andreapoli xxviii.Febr. An. Christi1527. E CÆlo alluxit primam Germania lucem, Qua Lanus, et vitreis qua fluit Albis aquis. Intulit hinc lucem nostrÆ Dux prÆvius orÆ. O felix terra! hoc si foret usa duce! Dira superstitio grassata tyrannide in omnes, Omniaque involvens Cimmeriis tenebris, Ille nequit lucem hanc sufferre. Ergo omnis in unam, Fraude, odiis, furiis, turba cruenta coit. Igne cremant. Vivus lucis qui fulserat igne, Par erat, ut moriens lumina ab igne daret. Joannes MachabÆvs,427 Alpinus, Christianismi in Dania Instaurator, HafniÆ Theol. Professor; floruit1550, testeBalÆo. I. Qvae tulit in lucem me Scotia, luce frui me Non tulit. Haud mirum: sprevit et ipsa Deum. Anglia vix cepit. Subeuntem Teutonis ora Suscipiens fovit L..onis in gremio. Lvtheri hic tetigisse datum dextramque Philippi: Cernere et hic Christvm lucidiore die. Me doctore dehinc amplexa est Dania Christvm; Hafnia dat patriam, datque eadem tumulum. Huc vitÆ cursus: supremi hic meta laboris. Hinc vehor exilii liber in astra metu. Havd jactura gravis, patria tellure carere: In patria gravior posse carere Deo. II. De Joh. MachabÆo Patre, etChristiano, Filio Patris simillimo. Excedens terris MachabÆvs liquerat vno Unius in nato pectoris effigiem. Filius hanc solam potuit tibi promere: at illvm Mors habet. Ecquis eam reddere nunc valeat? Alex. Alesivs,428 (Obiit LipsiÆ xxJunij1565.) LipsiÆ Theol. Professor, de se et Joh.MachabÆo. Sors eadem exilii nobis, vitÆque laborumque, Ex quo nos Christi conciliavit amor. Una salus amborum, unum et commune periclum; Pertulimus pariter prÆstite cuncta Deo. Dania te coluit. Me Lipsia culta docentem Audiit, et sacros hausit ab ore sonvs. Qui mea scripta legit, MachabÆvm cernat in illis. Alterutrum noscis, noscis utrumque simul. Johannes Rochivs429 et Thomas Gulielmivs,430 Uterque a sacris Jac. Hamiltono Scotie Gubernatori, uterque Christi nomine Exul; et ille postea Martyr in Anglia, 22decemb.1557, Londinj. Postquam iterum premitur redivivi gloria Christi, Et crudelis adhuc omnia Presul agit, Cessimus inviti InvidiÆ, et crudelibus iris. Ah! facilis nocuit Principis ingenium. Doctores nuper quÆ nos adscripserat Aula Deficit: et nostrÆ spes cecidere simul. Redditur exilium Christi pro munere. Christvs Exul erat: nobis sitne probro exilium? Quid si mors adeunda sit? O mors illa beata! Qua vitÆ melior parta corona foret. Georgivs Sophocardivs,431 Sive Wys-hartus, Martyr, Andreapoli, Kal. Martii an.1546. Quam bene conveniunt divinis nomina rebus! DivinÆ hic SophiÆ corque oculusque viget. Qui Patris arcanam Sophiam, cÆlique recessus Corde fovens, terris Numina tanta aperit. Vnus amor Christvs. Pro Christo concitus ardor Altius humanis Enthea corda rapit. PrÆteritis aptans prÆsentia, jvdicat omnia; Et ventura dehinc ordine quÆque docet. Ipse suam mortem, tempusque modumque profatur, Fataque Carnifici tristia Sacrilego. Terrificam ad flammam stetit imperterritus. Ipsa Quin stupet invictos sic pavefacta animos, Vt vix ausa dehinc sit paucos carpere. Tota Ilicet innocui victa cruore viri est. Johannes Wedderbvrnvs,432 Pulsus in exilium, an.1546. Exul in Anglia moritur1556. I. Non meriti est nostri, meritas tibi dicere grates, Aut paria, aut aliqua parte referre vicem. QuÆ meruisse alii vellent, nec posse mereri est: HÆc velle, hÆc posse, hÆc te meruisse tuum est. Sic facis atque canis sacra: sic agis omnia, nil ut Sanctius, et nusquam purior ulla fides. Hinc nullum magis invisum caput hostibus: hinc et Nemo umquam meruit charior esse bonis. Grandius hoc meritum, nil te meruisse fateris, Humanis meritis nec superesse locum. II. De Johanne, Jacobo, et Roberto Wedderbvrno, Fratribus. Divisvm imperium, per tres, tria Numina, Fratres, Infera quÆque vides, quÆque superna, canunt. Vos miror potius tres vero nomine fratres, Vosque supra veneror, Numina vana, Deos; Concordes animas, clarissima lumina gentis, Tres paribus studiis, tres pietate pares. Felices qui vos tales genuere parentes, QuÆque orbi tellus pignora rara dedit. Progenitos CÆlo Alectum433 dedit inclyta terris: Inde Dei-Donum nomen habere putem. Johannes Knoxvs.434 Primus Evangelii Instaurator in Scotia, post superiora cruenta illa tempora, obiit placide Edinburgi XXIV.IXbris, hora noctis undecima,1572. I. Hic ille est Scotorum Knoxus Apostolus olim, Cui prior hos ingens Beza dedit titulos: Interpres cÆli, vero qui Numine plenus, Plurima venturi prÆscia signa dedit. Facundum pectus. Libertas maxima fandi. Totus inexhausto flagrat amore Dei. Quam pia cura Poli, tam humani meta furoris: Tanto plus victor, quo furit iste magis. Post varios hostes aggressa Calumnia tandem Hoc didicit, nulli nec sibi habere fidem. Herovm Pietas odio est mortalibus. Unum hoc Arguat Heroem hunc coelitus esse datum. II. Cvra Dei: RomÆ pestis: Mundi horror: et Orci Pernicies: cÆli fulmen ab arce tonans. Limite in hoc modico tanti jacet hospitis umbra: Vmbra silet; tamen est hostibus horror adhuc. Johannes Willocvs.435 Obiit in Anglia. Cum PatriÆ implessem donis coelestibus urbes, Mille olim obiiciens mortibus hanc animam, Ipsa adeo exultat cÆli sic luce sereni, Pene sibi ut cÆlum, et lux queat esse aliis: Excessi patria lÆtus tellure, libensque: Vt vicina istis crescerat aucta opibus. Hic etiam sevi cÆlestia semina verbi; Gensque pia hic nostram plurima sensit opem. HÆc et opes mihi, cumque opibus cumulavit honores; Nec secus ac Patria me Anglia civem habuit. Bis civis gemina in patria: mihi tertia restat; Possidet hÆredem tertia sola suum. Christophorvs Gvdmannvs,436 Anglus, Ecclesiastes Andreapolitanus: moritur in Cestrensi provincia AngliÆ an.1601. Non Ego, ceu credis, Scotis peregrinus in oris: Publica nec rerum cura aliena mihi. Hic geniti Christo, hic geritur Republica Christi: Christi Ego sum. In Christo his sumque ego congenitus; Quin genui hic partem Christo. Patremque Ducemque Et licet, et gaudent me vocitare suum. Queis patriam peperi: non hanc: sed quÆ altera cÆlo est, Hac prior; his dicar qui peregrinus ego: Alterutra jactent se alii regione profectos, Nomine se jactat utraque terra meo. Johannes Areskinus,437 Dunius, Equestri familia ortus, Religionis gravis et constans assertor, concionator nobilis, natusannosLXXX, moritur XIIMartij,1590. Post tot avos veteres, et tot decora inclyta rerum Surgit Areskino gloria major adhuc: Scilicet illa Crucis Christi, quÆ sola perennis: QuÆ regit una homines, quÆ facit una deos. Robora consiliis, pietatem miscet utrisque; Et faciendo docet, atque docendo facit. Heroem nullum huic Æquarint secula. Nullus Inter avos veteres fama et honore prior. Johannes Brabnervs,438 Aberdonensis, Ecclesiastes Celurcanus439 et Dunensis, moritur an.1564, postr. Kal. Novembris. Nascendi primam dedit Aberdonia lucem: Ille renascendi munera rettribuit. Vtrum ergo debet PatriÆ plus, an Patria illi? Mutua sic rerum gratia rite coit. Johannes Vin-ramvs,440 CÆnobii Augustinianorum olim PrÆfectus apud Andreanos, postea inter Christi Ministros: obiit senex XXIIX. Septemb.1581. Quo te censu hominum, quo te, Vin-Rame, reponam In numero? hic multum est anxia mens animi. Se prodit Pietas, neque turbida lucis imago est: Spargit enim de se lumina clara sui. Quin te aperi tandem manifesto in lumine. Pelle Turbidulos sensus, cumque pudore metus. Cum pietate etenim postquam se nubila miscet Mens hominum, lucis deperit ille vigor. Gaudet agens Pietas manifesta in luce. Nec illa Sit Pietas, quÆ haud pro scit Pietate mori. Johannes Rowivs,441 Ecclesiastes Perthensis, obit xvi. VIIIbris an.1580. Consilio prÆstans, rebus gravis auctor agendis, PrÆcipuos inter, Lumina prima Patres. Cognitio varia: immensa experientia rerum. Omnigenam linguam mens prÆit ingenii: Exactor disciplinÆ, vindexque severus, Ipse sibi censor, seque ad amussim habuit: Sancta domus, castique lares, frons lÆta, severa: Larga manus miseris, mensa benigna bonis. Vrbis delicium: sancti pia copula amoris: Una fides, fidei publica cura simul Clara viris, cultuque decens, pulcherrima Pertha: Rowivs at PerthÆ haud ultima fama fuit. Jacobvs Lausonivs,442 Ecclesiastes Edinburgensis, obiit xii.Octobris an.1584. Ingenio felix Lausonivs, ore diserto, Acer judicio, consiliisque gravis. Corpore non magno, mens ingens: Spiritus ardens, Invectumque decus pectoris atque animi. Non tulit Impietas. Patria migrare necesse est. Mitior in profugum terra aliena fuit. Hospitii cui jura volens vivo ista dedisset, Multa gemens tristi in funere dat tumulum. David Fergvsivs,443 Pastor ad Fermilo-dunum, obiit xxiij Augusti an.1598. Qvem non erudiit solers Academia, quem non Finxit Stagira nobilis: Nesciit ille tamen nescire illa omnia solers, QuÆ et ista et illa prodidit, Quin Doctore Deo scivit meliora sequutus, QuÆ et ista et illa nesciit. Disce hinc quÆ melius doceas Academia. Tuqe Disce hinc Stagira nobilis. Georgivs Haivs. Postqvam animum primis patriÆ effinxere CamenÆ Artibus, excepit culta Lvteta sinu. Cecropiis opibus, spoliisque orientis onustus, Intulit in patriam munera opima suam. Ingenium vegetum comitatur gratia linguÆ Lactea Nectareo verba lepore fluunt. Dum parat excedens locupletes linquere natos, Publica privatis posthabuisse ferunt. Optima sed Pietas patrimonÎ portio. Privis Si nimium indulges, publica rapta ruunt. |