A - Aberdeen.
- A celebrated grammar school in, i.4.
- Greek early taught in, i.343–4.
- Reformed doctrine early embraced in, ii.426.
- Adamson, Patrick.
- Joins the reformed preachers, i.320.
- Appointed successor to Buchanan as Principal of StLeonard’s college, i.346.
- Aless, Alexander.
- Embraces the reformed sentiments, and is obliged to leave Scotland, i.31,370.
- Made Professor at Leipsic, i.371.
- Verses on, ii.440–1.
- Alexander, Robert, advocate.
- An early favourer of the reformation, i.31.
- Writes the testament of the Earl of Errol in Scots metre, i.376.
- Alexandersoun, Andrew.
- A martyr, i.357,361.
- Anabaptists.
- Knox’s warning against the dangerous principles of, i.207–11.
- Anderson, Robert.
- Convicted of heresy, i.361.
- Anderson, William.
- Convicted of heresy, i.359.
- Andrew’s, St.
- Knox teaches philosophy at, i.12.
- Reformed opinions spread privately in University of, i.37–8, 369–71.
- Knox retires from, i.38.
- Knox’s first sermon at, i.60.
- Knox expresses his confident hope of again preaching in, i.69–70.
- Opposition to Knox’s preaching at, i.265; ii.382–3.
- Knox preaches at, i.267.
- Demolition of monasteries at, i.267.
- Petition for Knox’s translation to, ii.138.
- Knox retires to, ii.189.
- Meets with opposition at, ii.191–4.
- His preaching and exhortations to the students at, ii.205–7, 348.
- Knox leaves, ii.212.
- Andrew’s, St, Castle of.
- Seized by the conspirators against Cardinal Beatoun, i.44.
- Retained by them, i.46.
- Knox takes refuge in, i.49.
- Sacrament of the Supper first dispensed in the Protestant form in, i.65.
- Besieged and taken, i.66.
- Andrew’s, St, Prior of.
- See Stewart, Lord James.
- Angus, Earl of.
- Knox employed in affairs of, ii.47, 309.
- Annand, George.
- Convicted of heresy, i.361.
- Annand, James.
- Convicted of heresy, i.361.
- Annand, Dean John.
- His dispute with Knox and Rough, i.58.
- Arbugkill, a friar.
- His attempt to defend the popish ceremonies against Knox, i.63–4.
- Arbuthnot, Alexander.
- Appointed by the General Assembly to revise a suspicious book, ii.346.
- Argyle, Countess of.
- Conversation between Knox and the Queen respecting her, ii.81.
- Her public repentance, ii.317.
- Argyle, old Earl of.
- Knox preaches in the house of, i.187–8.
- John Douglas taken under the protection of, i.229.
- Correspondence between archbishop Hamilton and, i.230–1.
- Argyle, young Earl of.
- Attends Knox’s sermons at Calder-house, i.177.
- Joins the Congregation, i.263–5.
- Knox employed in removing a variance between him and his lady, ii.47.
- Variance between earl of Murray and, ii.163.
- Arran, Earl of.
- Is suspected by the clergy, i.36.
- Made regent of Scotland, i.39.
- Abjures the reformed doctrine, ib.
- Resigns the regency to the Queen dowager, i.168.
- Is made Duke of Chastelherault, ib. See Chastelherault.
- Arran, Earl of, son to the former.
- Comes to Scotland, and persuades his father to join the Congregation, i.295.
- English ministers wish him raised to the Scottish throne, and married to Elizabeth, i.459.
- Knox employed in removing a feud between Bothwell and, ii.47.
- Lunacy of, 48.
- Articles of Church of England.
- Knox employed in revising, i.88.
- Assembly, Classical.
- See Presbytery.
- Assembly, General.
- What, ii.9.
- The first, ii.18.
- Moderator of, when introduced, ii.19.
- Approve of Knox’s conduct, ii.108.
- Employ Knox in drawing up public papers, ii.139–40.
- Their recommendation of Knox, ii.148.
- Give a commission to him, ii.159.
- Order the murderer of Regent Murray to be excommunicated in all the churches of the kingdom, ii.176–7.
- Their protestation against hierarchical titles, ii.199–200.
- Knox’s letter to, ii.200–1.
- His last letter to, ii.210.
- Their attention to the widow and daughters of Knox, ii.268.
- Order of procedure in, ii.301–2.
- Athole, Duke of.
- His reason for voting against the protestant Confession, i.330.
- Augustine.
- Influence of his writings on Knox, i.13.
- Aylmer, John.
- Answers Knox’s Blast, i.220.
- Character of his work, i.223–6.
- His address to the bishops, i.401.
- His invective against the King of France, i.415.
- His sentiments respecting the English constitution, i.433.
- His commendation of Knox, ii.239.
- Ayr.
- A minister early settled in, i.283.
B - Baillie, Alexander.
- His calumnies against Knox and other reformers, ii.326.
- Baillies of Jerviswood.
- A daughter of Knox married to one of the, ii.451.
- Balcanquhal, Walter.
- Defends Knox, ii.242.
- Bale, Bishop.
- Dedicates a book to Knox, i.236.
- Balfour, Sir James.
- His conversation with Knox in the French galleys, i.69–70.
- Accessory to the murder of Darnley, ii.340.
- Ballates.
- Gude and godlie, i.379.
- Similar compositions in other countries, ib.
- Ballesky, Martin.
- Forfeited for reading English books, i.364.
- Balnaves, Sir Henry, of Halhill.
- An early favourer of the reformation, i.35, 289, 360,396.
- His learning and reputation, i.50.
- Takes refuge in the Castle of StAndrews, i.51.
- Urges Knox to become a preacher, i.52.
- Composes a book on justification in the French prison, i.71.
- Extracts from Knox’s dedication to it, i.72–5.
- Extracts from the book, i.390–6.
- Bancroft, Dr.
- The first episcopalian who wrote disrespectfully of Knox, ii.241.
- Davidson’s answer to, ib.
- Bannatyne, Richard, Secretary to Knox.
- Discovers a MS. of Balnaves, i.72.
- Knox’s request to, at the beginning of his last illness, ii.220.
- His character of Knox, ii.237–8.
- His petition to the general assembly, ii.360.
- Barron, James.
- i.196; ii.390.
- Bassinden, Thomas.
- General assembly order a book printed by him to be called in, ii.346.
- Beatoun, Cardinal David, archbishop of StAndrews.
- Appoints assassins to kill Knox, i.38.
- Defeats the proposed marriage between Queen Mary and EdwardVI., i.39.
- His cruelties to the Reformers, i.43.
- His assassination, i.44, 382.
- Knox’s opinion of this, i.47–9, 384–7.
- Beatoun, James, archbishop of StAndrews.
- Puts Patrick Hamilton to death, i.29–30.
- Beatoun, James, archbishop of Glasgow.
- His character of Knox, i.181.
- Dispute between him and archbishop Hamilton, i.249; ii.292.
- Berwick.
- Knox preaches at, i.80–1.
- Knox visits, i.172, 174,287.
- Beveridge, ——.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31,355.
- Beza.
- Congratulates Knox on the abolition of episcopacy, ii.203–4.
- Epistolary correspondence between Knox and, ii.304.
- Bible, English.
- Imported into Scotland, i.32.
- Authorized by Parliament, i.40.
- Circulation of, i.40, 359,360.
- Bible, Geneva.
- Knox one of the translators of, i.217.
- Blacat, John.
- Pursued for heresy, i.357.
- Blast, First, of the Trumpet.
- i.219–26, 237, 239,284.
- Knox’s explanation to Queen Mary respecting, ii.33–4, 356.
- See Aylmer, and Government, Female.
- Bodlih, Mr.
- ii.402.
- Boece, Hector, principal of the university of Aberdeen.
- i.3,5.
- Bonner, Bishop.
- John Rough put to death by, i.67.
- Barbarity of, i.138.
- Lenity with which he was treated by Elizabeth, i.238.
- Book of Common Order.
- See Geneva, Order of.
- Bothwell, Earl of.
- Knox employed to remove a feud between him and young Earl of Arran, ii.47,48.
- Murders the king, ii.152.
- Marries the Queen, ii.153–4.
- Borthwick, Lord.
- His reason for voting against the protestant Confession, i.330.
- Borthwick, Sir John.
- His opinion of the Reformation of HenryVIII. i.46.
- Released from the pains of heresy, i.368.
- Bowes of Streatlam.
- Pedigree of, ii.407.
- Bowes, Elizabeth.
- Favourable to the marriage between Knox and her daughter, i.89.
- Letters from Knox to, i.174, 182; ii.374, 381,383.
- Loses her husband, i.187,282.
- Further particulars of, i.281; ii.208,407.
- Bowes, Marjory.
- Knox married to, i.88,144.
- Knox’s letters to, intercepted, i.118.
- Accompanies her husband to Geneva, i.187.
- Joins her husband in Scotland, i.281–2.
- Her death, ii.19.
- Knox’s letters to, ii.379,381.
- Her parentage, ii.407.
- Bowes, Richard.
- Father of Mrs Knox, i.89.
- Bowes, Sir Robert, brother to the former.
- Painful interview of Knox with, i.115; ii.407.
- Boyd, Lord.
- Joins the Congregation, i.263.
- Craves Knox’s pardon on his death-bed, ii.225.
- Brabner, John.
- Verses on, ii.460.
- Bradford, John.
- i.86,109,411–2.
- Braid.
- See Fairley, laird of.
- Brechin.
- Early provided with a minister, i.283.
- See Chisholm.
- Bristol.
- George Wishart preaches at, i.383.
- Brown, John.
- Convicted of heresy, i.364.
- Buchanan, George.
- Studies under Major about same time with Knox, i.7.
- Similarity of their sentiments, i.8,10.
- Knox’s commendation of him, i.11.
- Embraces the reformed sentiments, and leaves the kingdom, i.31.
- His return to Scotland, ii.16–17.
- His tribute to the regent Murray’s memory, ii.176.
- Sits in the general assembly as a doctor, ii.282.
- Further particulars respecting, ii.295–8.
- Calumnies of popish writers against, ii.298,328.
- Buchanan, Patrick.
- ii.295–6.
- Bucer, Martin.
- i.79.
- Burne, Nicol.
- His calumnies against Knox, ii.324.
- Against the foreign reformers, ii.327.
C - Cairns, John.
- A Reader in Edinburgh, ii.52, 147,308.
- Cairns, Henry.
- Convicted of heresy, i.358,366.
- Caithness, Robert Stewart, bishop of.
- Visits Knox on his death-bed, ii.226.
- Calvin, John.
- High reputation of, i.134.
- Respect of English reformers for, ib.
- Friendship between Knox and, i.135,142.
- Character of the English liturgy by, i.145.
- Is displeased with Knox’s treatment at Frankfort, i.159.
- Advises Knox to return to Scotland, i.197.
- Difficulties which he had met with in establishing ecclesiastical discipline, ii.3.
- Knox’s correspondence with, ii.20,302.
- Comparison between Knox and, ii.260.
- Cameron, James.
- Convicted of heresy, i.367.
- Campbell of Kineancleugh.
- Accompanies Knox to Ayrshire, i.178.
- And to Castle Campbell, i.187.
- Is surety for Willock, i.253,447.
- Attends Knox in his last illness, ii.229.
- Campbell of Loudon, Sir Hugh.
- i.253.
- Cant, Robert.
- Convicted of heresy, i.358, 359,363.
- Carmichael, Richard.
- Convicted of heresy, i.365.
- Carmichael, William.
- ii.389.
- Carsewell, John, afterwards superintendent of Argyle.
- Joins the reformed preachers, i.320; ii.7.
- Cassillis, Earl of.
- Suspected by the clergy, i.36.
- Catalogue.
- Of Knox’s works, ii.363.
- Cecil.
- Correspondence between Knox and, i.243, 284, 287; ii.42.
- Chastelherault, Duke of.
- Knox warns against his ambitious designs, i.212.
- He joins the Congregation, i.295.
- Knox’s freedom in pointing out his faults, i.313.
- His design of excluding Mary from the throne opposed by Knox, ii.31.
- He is offended at the regency being conferred on Murray, ii.163–4.
- Is made lieutenant for the Queen, ii.164.
- Knox’s early suspicions of him, ii.396.
- See Arran, Earl of.
- Chisholm, William, Bishop of Brechin.
- Persecutes Wishart for teaching the Greek New Testament, i.343.
- Christison, John.
- Tried for heresy, i.253, 257,447–8.
- Church, Protestant, of Scotland.
- Sketch of its form of government and worship, ii.6–12.
- Danger to which it was exposed from Mary, ii.25–7.
- Inadequate provision for the ministers of, ii.43–4.
- Critical state of, ii.140–4.
- Improved state of, under Murray’s regency, ii.159–62.
- Sentiments of, respecting the difference between civil and ecclesiastical authority, ii.345–7.
- Clergy, Popish, of Scotland.
- Knox ordained by, i.12, 348; ii.450.
- Their character before the Reformation, i.14–24.
- Persecute the reformers, i.24,31.
- Instigate James V. to proscribe the protestant nobles and gentry, i.36.
- Suspect Knox of heresy, i.37.
- Degrade him from the priesthood, i.38.
- Their politic plan to counteract his preaching at StAndrew’s, i.64–5.
- Summon Knox before them, i.181.
- Condemn him as a heretic, and burn his effigy, i.190.
- Knox’s appellation from their sentence, i.215.
- Panic-struck at Knox’s return to Scotland, i.257.
- Their feeble exertions to counteract the reformation, i.320.
- Their pretended miracle at Musselburgh, i.321–4.
- Their ignorance of Greek, i.344.
- Their representations of Knox’s character, ii.94, 235,322–9.
- And concerning his second marriage, ii.109–10,329–30.
- See Council, Provincial, and Popery.
- Clerk, William.
- Convicted of heresy, i.358,366.
- Cockburn, John, of Ormiston.
- Places his son under Knox’s care, i.42,46.
- Is outlawed, i.162,360.
- Cocklaw, Thomas, parson of Tullibody.
- i.356, 358,363.
- Colville, Robert, of Cleish.
- His detection of the pretended miracle at Musselburgh, i.322–4; ii.292.
- Colvin, John.
- ii.349.
- Commissioners.
- See Visitors.
- Congregation, The.
- Their pacific intentions, i.260.
- Deceived by Queen Regent, i.262.
- First Lords of, i.263.
- Obtain assistance against the Regent from Elizabeth, i.287–89.
- Unfavourable turn in their affairs, i.312; ii.390.
- Knox reanimates them, i.313–15.
- English army arrives to assist them, i.318; ii.426.
- Their loyalty, i.457–60.
- See Protestants, Scottish.
- Cornaca, Helen.
- Applies for the degree of Doctor in Divinity, i.224,435.
- Corpse-present.
- i.23,350–4.
- Council, Provincial, of Scottish clergy.
- Acknowledge the corruptions of the Church, i.163.
- Their canons for reformation, i.166–7,416–18.
- Catechism published by their order, i.167,418–26.
- Application of the protestants to, i.250.
- Remonstrance by Roman Catholics to, ib.
- Agreement between Queen Regent and, i.252.
- See Clergy, Popish, and Popery.
- Council, Privy, of Scotland.
- Knox an extraordinary member of, i.298.
- Knox tried before, ii.99,105.
- Suspend Knox from preaching for a time, ii.136.
- Covenant, Religious.
- The first in Scotland, entered into by protestants of Mearns, i.179.
- Another subscribed by the lords, i.226.
- Another by the protestants of Edinburgh, ii.211.
- Coverdale, Miles, bishop of Exeter.
- i.372; ii.389.
- Cowsland, Walter.
- Convicted of heresy, i.358,363.
- Cox, Dr Richard.
- i.147–56.
- His sentiments concerning ceremonies, i.400–3.
- Craig, John.
- Account of, ii.53–7.
- His account of a dispute on resistance at Bologna, ii.126–7.
- His spirited behaviour at the Queen’s marriage with Bothwell, ii.153–4.
- Leaves Edinburgh, ii.213.
- Crail.
- Knox preaches in, i.265.
- Demolition of the monasteries at, i.268.
- Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury.
- His zeal in advancing the reformation, i.78–80.
- Employs Knox to preach at Berwick, i.80.
- Disposed to carry the reformation of the English church farther, i.400,408–9.
- Crichton of Brunston.
- i.162.
- Croft, Sir James.
- Knox’s interview with, at Berwick, i.287.
- Employed by Elizabeth to correspond with the Congregation, i.288.
- His reprimand of Knox’s proposal, i.292.
- Crossraguell, Abbot of.
- See Kennedy, Quintin.
- Cuninghame, Andrew, son of the Master of Glencairn.
- Convicted of heresy, i.364.
- See Glencairn.
- Cupar.
- The forces of the Queen Regent and Congregation meet at, i.267, 277; ii.388.
- Demolition of the Monasteries at, i.268.
D - Darnley, Lord.
- Is married to Queen Mary, ii.130–1.
- Displeased at a sermon of Knox, ii.135–6.
- Professes himself a papist, ii.143.
- Is murdered, ii.151.
- Alleged plot against his life at Perth, ii.192–3.
- Davidson, John.
- Account of Scottish martyrs by, i.354.
- His answers to Bancroft, ii.241.
- His Latin verses, ii.288.
- Banished by Morton, ii.349.
- His poem on Knox, ii.431.
- Deacons.
- Appointed at an early period of the reformation, i.227.
- In the foreign churches at London, i.406.
- Their office, ii.6.
- Number of, in Edinburgh, ii.53.
- Delaporte, Mons.
- Knox acts as colleague to, at Dieppe, i.203.
- Dieppe, in France.
- Knox on leaving England lands at, i.120.
- He visits, i.132, 134, 136, 172, 188, 197,236.
- Discipline, Ecclesiastical.
- Scottish reformers sensible of its importance, ii.2.
- Strictness of, ii.76–7.
- Strictness and impartiality of, in the church of Scotland, ii.76,317.
- Did not include civil punishments, ii.318.
- Discipline, First Book of.
- Knox one of its compilers, ii.4.
- Approbation of, ii.5.
- Its plan, ii.6.
- Reasons of the nobility’s aversion to, ii.12.
- Doctors.
- Their office in the protestant church, ii.6,281–2.
- Douglas, Bishop Gawin.
- Besieges the cathedral of Dunkeld, i.15.
- Douglas, George.
- See Angus, Earl of.
- Douglas, Hugh, of Langniddrie.
- Knox tutor to the family of, i.38, 42, 46,49.
- Douglas, John.
- Taken into Argyle’s family as chaplain, i.229,232.
- Preaches under the name of Grant, i.233.
- Presented to the archbishopric of St Andrews, ii.198.
- Knox refuses to inaugurate him, ii.204–5.
- Summoned before a provincial council, ii.421.
- Dunbar, Gavin, archbishop of Glasgow.
- His sermon at Ayr, i.16.
- Reformers in diocese of, ii.292.
- Duncan, John.
- Convicted of heresy, i.362.
- Dundas, Euphemia.
- Slanders Knox, ii.93.
- Dundas, George.
- An early Greek scholar, i.343.
- Dundee.
- The first town in which a protestant congregation was formed, i.227.
- Protestants of, summoned, ii.404–5.
- Great zeal of, ii.405.
- Knox preaches at, ii.407.
- Durham, bishop of.
- See Tonstal.
- Durie, John.
- Visits Knox in his last illness, ii.221.
E - Edinburgh.
- Knox preaches privately in, i.173.
- He preaches publicly in, i.182.
- He is burned in effigy at the cross of, i.188.
- A protestant church formed in, i.227.
- Demolition of the monasteries at, i.268; ii.423.
- Knox chosen minister of, i.277; ii.424.
- Leaves it, i.279.
- Knox resumes his ministry in, ii.1.
- Knox retires from, ii.146.
- Knox returns to, ii.154.
- Knox forced again to leave, ii.189.
- Inhabitants of, enter into a solemn league, ii.211.
- Knox arrives at, ii.212.
- Edinburgh, Kirk Session of.
- Number of, ii.53.
- Provide a smaller place of worship for Knox, ii.212.
- Knox’s interview with, on his death-bed, ii.221–3.
- Edinburgh, Town Council of.
- Their attention to the support of Knox, ii.46,307.
- Provide him with a colleague, ii.53,57.
- Their proceedings respecting a slander against Knox, ii.94,322.
- Remonstrate against the suspension of Knox, ii.137–8.
- Edward VI. of England.
- Proposed marriage between Queen Mary and, i.39.
- Knox made a chaplain to, i.86.
- Offers Knox a bishopric, i.95,100–1.
- His plan for improving the English church, i.107,405–10.
- State of his court, i.108.
- Spirited conduct of his chaplains, i.109,410.
- Last Sermon of Knox before him, i.110.
- Distress of Knox at his death, i.111.
- Knox’s prayer after his death, i.412.
- Elder, John.
- Convicted of heresy, i.359.
- Elders, Ruling.
- Appointed at an early period of the Reformation, i.227.
- In the foreign churches in London, i.406.
- Their office in the church of Scotland, ii.6.
- Elizabeth, Queen of England.
- Refuses to allow Knox to pass through England, i.236.
- Her impolitic severity to the English exiles at Geneva, i.238.
- Her lenity to the Papists, i.238.
- Grants a safe conduct to Knox’s wife, i.282.
- Knox apologizes to her for his Blast, i.287.
- She resolves to assist the Congregation, i.288–90.
- Sends an army to their assistance, i.317.
- Obtains advantageous terms of peace for them, i.319.
- Her personal aversion to the Scottish war, i.456.
- Knox’s opinion of her religious principles, ii.148.
- England.
- State of the Reformation in, under HenryVIII., i.44–5.
- Knox arrives in, i.78.
- State of religion in, under EdwardVI., i.78–9.
- Popery restored in, i.118–19.
- Knox leaves, i.120.
- Knox’s Admonition to, i.137,152.
- Persecution in, i.138.
- Exiles from, i.141–2.
- Knox visits his sons in, ii.147.
- Carries a letter to the bishops of, ii.148.
- England, Church of.
- Knox’s reasons for refusing a fixed charge in, i.98.
- Refuses a bishopric in, i.100,204.
- His sentiments respecting the government and worship of, i.101–5.
- Private opinions of the reformers of, similar to Knox’s, i.105–6,400–5.
- England, Privy Council of.
- Employ Knox to preach, i.80.
- Confer on him marks of approbation, i.90.
- Knox honourably acquitted by, i.92,95.
- Offer Knox the living of All Hallows, i.98–100.
- They petition Elizabeth to assist the Congregation, i.442.
- Errol, William Earl of.
- An early friend of the Reformation, i.34,376.
- Erskine, Lord.
- Attends Knox’s sermons, i.177.
- Invites him to return to Scotland, i.196.
- Refuses to assist the Congregation, i.278; ii.425.
- See Mar, Earl of.
- Erskine, John, of Dun.
- Greek language first patronised by, i.6.
- Reformed sentiments embraced by, i.35.
- He attends Knox’s Sermons at Edinburgh, i.173.
- Takes him to Dun, i.177.
- Favours the preachers, i.233–7,447.
- Made superintendent of Angus and Mearns, ii.7,46.
- Soothes Queen Mary, ii.90.
- Her good opinion of him, ii.133.
- His letters to Regent Mar, ii.346.
- Verses on, ii.444.
- Exercise, Weekly.
- What, ii.8,285.
- Practised in England, ib.
- Exhorters.
- ii.7.
- Exiles.
- Scottish, i.369–74.
F - Fagius, Paul.
- i.79.
- Fairley of Braid.
- His attention to Knox during his last illness, ii.221,227.
- Fergusson, David.
- Summoned for heresy, i.446.
- Improves the Scottish language, ii.18,298.
- Knox’s recommendation to his sermon, ii.210.
- Extracts from it, ii.287–9.
- His character, ii.298–301.
- Verses on, ii.462.
- Field, John.
- His commendation of Knox, ii.240.
- Fife, John.
- Embraces the reformed sentiments, i.31.
- Account of, i.371.
- Fleming, James.
- Marries one of Knox’s daughters, ii.269.
- Flescheour, Alexander.
- Convicted of heresy, i.361.
- Forman, bishop of Murray.
- Says grace before the Pope, i.19.
- Forrest, David.
- Knox lodges with, ii.46.
- Forrest, Henry.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31.
- Account of, i.354.
- Forrest, Thomas, vicar of Dollar.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31.
- Account of, i.355.
- Forrester, Robert.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31.
- Account of, i.355,365.
- Foster, (Forester,) William.
- Convicted of heresy, i.358,365.
- Fox, John, the martyrologist.
- i.146,156.
- Disapproves of Knox’s Blast, i.219.
- Knox’s letter to, ii.452.
- France.
- Knox carried prisoner to, i.67.
- His apology for the persecuted Protestants in, i.200–2.
- Knox preaches in, i.202.
- Designs of, against Scotland and England, i.241–2.
- Sends troops to the assistance of the Queen Regent, i.283.
- Persecution against the Protestants in, ii.48.
- Bartholomew massacre in, ii.215–16.
- Distress of Knox at this, ii.216.
- His denunciation against the King of, ii.217.
- France, Galleys of.
- Knox confined in, i.67–8.
- His conduct in, i.69, 71,87.
- Frankfort on the Maine.
- English exiles obtain a place of worship at, i.142.
- Knox called to be minister at, i.143,414.
- Dissensions about the English liturgy at, i.144.
- Moderation of Knox in these, i.146,149.
- Knox accused of treason to magistrates of, i.151.
- Knox leaves, i.155.
- Disputes continue at, i.156.
- Fullerton, Adam.
- ii.390.
G - Galloway, Bishop of.
- See Gordon.
- Galloway, Patrick.
- Defends the Scottish reformers, ii.242.
- Gardiner, bishop of Winchester.
- Cruelty of, i.138.
- Gau, John.
- i.376.
- Geneva.
- Knox visits, i.134.
- He studies at, i.139.
- Is invited to be pastor to the English church in, i.187.
- Leaves it for Scotland, i.197.
- Returns to, i.203.
- Knox obtains the freedom of the city, i.236.
- He leaves it finally, ib.
- Cherishes the desire of returning to, ii.162.
- See Bible.
- Geneva, Church of.
- Knox did not derive his first ideas of ecclesiastical polity from, i.101.
- Scottish church differed in some points from, i.102.
- Geneva, Order of.
- Its composition, i.146.
- Time of its introduction into Scotland, i.439.
- Difference between it and English liturgy, i.440.
- Worship generally conducted according to it in Scotland, ii.9.
- Gifford.
- Knox supposed to have been born at, i.1,335.
- Giffordgate.
- See Haddington.
- Gilby, Anthony.
- i.146, 187, 219;ii.366–7.
- Glasgow, University of.
- Knox studies at, i.3,339.
- Extracts from records of, i.340–2.
- Glencairn, Alexander, Earl of.
- An early friend of the Reformation, i.34.
- The sacrament celebrated by Knox at his house, i.179.
- Presents a letter from Knox to the Queen Regent, i.186.
- Invites Knox to return to Scotland, i.196.
- Remonstrates with the Queen Regent, i.253.
- Comes to the assistance of the Protestants, i.261.
- Visits Knox on his death-bed, ii.226.
- Reforms the churches at Glasgow, ii.423.
- Glencairn, William Earl of, father to the former.
- An early friend of the Reformation, i.35.
- See Cuninghame, Andrew.
- Glenorchy, laird of.
- A hearer of Knox, i.188.
- Goodman, Christopher.
- Colleague to Knox at Geneva, i.187, 194, 219, 255,293.
- Comes to Scotland, i.282;ii.389.
- An extraordinary member of privy council, i.298.
- Returns to England, ii.138.
- Further account of, ii.177,331–4.
- Knox’s letter to, ii.401.
- Verses on, ii.459.
- Gordon, bishop of Galloway.
- One of the protestant privy counsellors, i.298.
- Disappointed in his expectations of being made superintendent, ii.80,82.
- Occupies Knox’s pulpit, ii.189.
- Vindicates the Queen’s authority, ib.
- Gourlay, Norman.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31.
- Account of, i.354.
- Government, Female.
- Its incongruity when joined with ecclesiastical supremacy, i.435–6.
- Resolution of a committee of the Scottish parliament against, ii.334.
- See Blast.
- Government, Political.
- Influence of the Reformation on, i.299–303.
- Knox’s sentiments respecting, i.303–6,460–4.
- Grange, Laird of.
- See Kircaldy.
- Greek language.
- Its introduction into Scotland and progress, i.5, 6, 343–7;ii.315.
- Grindal, Archbishop of Canterbury.
- Approves of presbyterian ordination, i.56.
- His sermons before the court, i.410–12.
- Guillame, Thomas.
- Chaplain to the Regent Arran, instructs Knox in the reformed doctrine, i.40.
- Retires into England, i.41.
- Verses on, ii.456.
H - Haddington.
- Knox born in Giffordgate of, i.1,336.
- Educated at grammar school of, i.3.
- Haddon, James.
- i.411.
- Hamilton, Archibald.
- His opposition to Knox, ii.192.
- His apostasy, ii.194.
- His calumnies against Knox, ii.323.
- His calumnies against Buchanan, ii.297.
- His account of Knox’s death, ii.351.
- Hamilton, Gavin, abbot of Kilwinning.
- Intercourse between Knox and, ii.173.
- His negotiations at Rome, ii.291.
- Hamilton, James, of Bothwelhaugh.
- Assassinates the Regent Murray, ii.165–8.
- Hamilton, James, of Kincavil.
- Convicted of heresy, i.369.
- Hamilton, John, archbishop of StAndrews.
- Persecutes Knox, i.44.
- Persecutes the protestants as enemies to the state, i.161.
- His Catechism, i.166,418.
- His correspondence with the Earl of Argyle, i.230.
- Puts Walter Mill to death, i.232.
- Reconciliation between him and the Queen Regent, i.246.
- Between him and archbishop Beatoun, i.249.
- Opposes Knox’s preaching at St Andrew’s, i.265; ii.388.
- His sermon, i.279.
- Restored to his jurisdiction by Queen Mary, ii.149.
- Accessory to the Regent Murray’s murder, ii.168.
- Is executed, ii.195.
- Correspondence with Rome, ii.291.
- Hamilton, John, a secular priest.
- His ridiculous stories concerning the reformers, ii.327–9.
- Hamilton, Robert.
- His calumny against Knox, ii.192.
- Hamilton, Patrick.
- Reproves the corruptions of the clergy, i.27.
- Travels to Germany, i.28.
- Suffers martyrdom in Scotland, i.29.
- Verses on, ii.454.
- Harlow, William.
- Preaches in England, i.169.
- Preaches in Scotland, i.170,233.
- Tried for heresy, i.253, 257,447–8.
- Becomes minister of the West Kirk, ii.52,347.
- Harrison, James.
- Embraces the reformed sentiments, and leaves Scotland, i.31.
- Account of, i.374.
- Hay, George.
- His answer to the abbot of Crossraguell’s mass, ii.62, 64,313–16.
- Verses on, ii.462.
- Hay, Andrew.
- Joins the reformed preachers, i.320.
- Hay, James.
- Convicted of heresy, i.361.
- Hebrew language.
- Knox acquires the knowledge of, i.6,139.
- Studied in Scotland, ii.15,291–5.
- Henderson, Henry, (master of the grammar school of Edinburgh).
- Suffers martyrdom, i.359.
- Henry VIII. of England.
- Presses the marriage of his son and the Queen of Scots, i.39.
- His partial reformation disliked by the Scottish reformers, i.44–6.
- Hepburn, John, prior.
- Storms the episcopal Castle of StAndrews, i.15.
- Herries, Lord.
- See Maxwell.
- Herriot, Adam, a friar of St Andrews.
- Joins the reformed preachers, i.319–20.
- Hickman, Mr.
- i.114; ii.394.
- Hooper, Bishop.
- i.149,400–1.
- Hope, Edward.
- ii.390.
- Hume, Mr.
- His remarks on Knox’s account of the assassination of Beatoun, i.384–7.
- His representation of the rudeness of Scotland, ii.17.
- His misrepresentations of the Scottish reformers, ii.247–8.
- His account of the conduct of Knox to Mary, ii.319–22.
- Huncan, (Duncan?) James.
- Convicted of heresy, i.359.
- Huntly, Earl of.
- His insurrection, ii.58.
- Hutcheson, Sir John.
- Convicted of heresy, i.367.
J - James V.
- Refuses to proscribe the protestants, i.35.
- Persecution during the reign of, i.354–67.
- Letter against heresy in Aberdeen by, ii.427.
- James VI.
- Knox preaches at coronation of, ii.155.
- His prejudices against the Scottish reformers, ii.241–3.
- Conversation between him and one of Knox’s daughters, ii.273–4.
- Jameson, Margaret.
- Convicted of heresy, i.358,366.
- Jerome.
- Influence of his writings on Knox, i.13.
- Jewel, Bishop.
- His opinion of episcopacy and ceremonies, i.301,303.
- Disapproves of Knox’s book on female government, ii.396.
- Johnston of Elphingston.
- ii.228.
- Johnston, John.
- Writer in Edinburgh, ii.390.
- Johnston, St.
- See Perth.
- Johnston, William, advocate.
- An early favourer of the reformation, i.35.
- Jonston, John, of StAndrew’s.
- His verses on Scottish Reformers, ii.454–62.
K - Kennedy, Quintin.
- His answer to Knox’s defence before Tonstal, i.398.
- His Compendious Tractive, ii.60.
- Challenges Willock to a dispute on the Mass, ii.62.
- Dispute between Knox and, ii.62–73.
- Farther account of his writings, ii.311–16.
- See Hay, George.
- Kennedy, Quintin.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31.
- Account of, i.355,376.
- Ker, Sir Andrew, of Fadounside.
- Marries Knox’s widow, ii.269, 352,356.
- Kethe, William.
- ii.331–2.
- Kilmaurs, Lord.
- See Glencairn, Alexander.
- Kineancleugh.
- See Campbell.
- Kircaldy, William, of Grange.
- An active agent of the Congregation, i.284.
- Excommunicated for the slaughter of Cardinal Beatoun, i.360.
- Governor of the Castle of Edinburgh for the Regent, ii.180.
- His defection, ii.181.
- Knox involved in a personal quarrel with, ii.182–3.
- Offers Knox a guard, ii.188.
- Knox’s dying message to, ii.224.
- Knox’s testimony to his former zeal, ii.393.
- Knollys, Sir Francis.
- His account of the protestant worship in Scotland, i.440.
- Knox, Sir Francis, father of the Reformer.
- His parentage, and situation in life, i.2,337–8.
- Knox, Eleazar, son to the Reformer.
- Account of, ii.209,268.
- Knox, Elizabeth, the Reformer’s daughter.
- Her fortitude at her husband’s trial, ii.269,271.
- Conversation between JamesVI. and, ii.273–4.
- Her testament, ii.417.
- See Welch.
- Knox, Margaret, the Reformer’s daughter.
- ii.269.
- Knox, Martha, the Reformer’s daughter.
- ii.269.
- Knox, Nathanael, son to the Reformer.
- Account of, ii.209,268.
- Knox, Paul.
- ii.416.
- Knox, William, brother to the Reformer, and minister of Cockpen.
- i.90–1.
- Knox, of Ranferly.
- i.2, 235,237.
- Kyd, Thomas.
- Convicted of heresy, i.357,362.
- Kyllor, a friar.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31.
- Account of, i.355,376.
L - Laing, James.
- His calumnies against Knox, ii.325–6.
- And against other reformers, ii.326–9.
- Lambert of Avignon.
- Patrick Hamilton studies under him at Marburg, i.29.
- Lambert, John.
- Degraded from the priesthood, i.363.
- Langniddrie, chapel at.
- Called Knox’s Kirk, i.43.
- See Douglas, Hugh.
- Lasco, John A.
- Character of, i.406.
- His account of the foreign churches in London, i.406–8.
- His account of EdwardVI.’s plan for the gradual reformation of the church of England, i.408–10.
- Latin.
- Schools in Scotland, i.4,5.
- Latimer, Bishop.
- i.88,109,411.
- Lawson, James, sub-principal of the University of Aberdeen.
- Chosen colleague to Knox, ii.214.
- Knox’s letter of invitation to, ii.214–15.
- Knox preaches for the last time at the admission of, ii.217–18.
- Teaches Hebrew at StAndrew’s, ii.294.
- His exertions in establishing the High School of Edinburgh, ii.295.
- Verses on, ii.461.
- Leith.
- Queen Regent takes possession of, i.277.
- Fortified by Regent Lennox, ii.190.
- Convention at, ii.198.
- Lennox, Earl of.
- Made Regent, ii.181.
- Is killed, ii.196–7.
- Leslie, Normand.
- i.161,360.
- Lethington.
- See Maitland, William.
- Level, George.
- ii.389.
- Lever, Thomas.
- i.411.
- Lewis XIII. of France.
- Interview between John Welch and, ii.271–2.
- Liberty, civil.
- Popery unfriendly to, i.299.
- Influence of the reformation on, i.301.
- Knox attached to, i.303.
- Lindores, Abbey of.
- i.270;ii.389.
- Lindsay, Lord.
- ii.226,341.
- Lindsay, Sir David, of the Mount.
- An early favourer of the reformation, i.35.
- Influence of his poems on the reformation, i.49, 210, 377,382.
- Urges Knox to become a preacher, i.52.
- Literature, State of.
- In Scotland, i.3–6.
- Influence of the reformation on, ii.10,13–14.
- See Greek and Hebrew.
- Liturgy, English.
- Knox employed in the revisal of, i.87,399.
- Dissensions at Frankfort about, i.4–60.
- Opinion of early bishops concerning, i.402.
- Whether used in Scotland at the beginning of the reformation, i.437–41.
- Liturgy, Knox’s.
- See Geneva, Order of.
- Locke, Mr.
- Knox lodges in the house of, i.114,195.
- Locke, Mrs Anne.
- Knox’s letters to, i.255; ii.387–394.
- Logie, Gawin, principal of StLeonard’s college.
- An early reformer, i.30.
- Leaves the kingdom, i.31,369.
- Logie, Robert.
- i.370.
- London.
- Knox summoned to, i.93.
- Preaches in, i.95–7.
- Lorn, Lord.
- See Argyle, young Earl of.
- Lovell, or Levell, George.
- i.253, 357, 446–8;ii.389.
- Lovell, James.
- Convicted of heresy, i.366.
- Lowett, (Lovell?) George.
- Pursued for heresy, i.357.
- Luther.
- Anecdotes of, i.20,100.
- His apologies, i.285.
- Comparison between Knox and, ii.260.
M - Macbee, (MaccabÆus,) John.
- Embraces the reformed sentiments, and is obliged to leave the kingdom, i.31.
- Made professor at Copenhagen, i.372.
- His proper name, M‘Alpine, i.373.
- Verses on, ii.440.
- Macbray, (Macbraire,) John.
- An early reformer, i.31, 373, 414; ii.292.
- Macdowal, John.
- An early reformer, i.81,373.
- Maitland, Thomas.
- Author of a fabricated conference between Knox and the Regent Murray, ii.174.
- Insults over the Regent’s death, ii.175.
- Maitland, William, of Lethington.
- Attends Knox’s sermons at Edinburgh, i.173.
- Reasoning between Knox and, i.175; ii.42–3, 112–28.
- His conduct at Knox’s trial, ii.98,105.
- Defends Knox’s prayers, ii.138.
- His defection from the Regent Murray, ii.167, 223–4.
- Major, John.
- Knox’s education under, i.7,339.
- Political and religious sentiments of, i.7–9.
- Present at Knox’s first sermon, i.61.
- Mar, Countess of.
- ii.12.
- Mar, Earl of.
- Made Regent, ii.196.
- His death, ii.226.
- See Erskine, Lord.
- Marischal, Earl.
- Suspected by the clergy, i.36.
- Favours Knox, i.183.
- Remains neutral in the contest between Queen Regent and the Congregation, i.263.
- Knox sends salutations to him, ii.401.
- Marsiliers, Pierre de.
- Teaches Greek at Montrose, i.345.
- Martyrs, Scottish.
- i.354–369.
- Martyr, Peter.
- i.78–9.
- Mary, Queen of England.
- Proclaimed, i.112.
- His prayer for, i.113,412.
- Her cruelty, i.138.
- This promotes the reformation in Scotland, i.169.
- Manner in which the English Exiles spoke of, i.415.
- Mary, of Guise, Queen Dowager of Scotland.
- Her intriguing spirit, i.39.
- Favours the Reformers, i.168.
- The protestant barons petition her, i.233.
- Her dissimulation, i.245–6,257.
- Prohibits the protestant preachers, i.252.
- Summons them to Stirling, i.254.
- Proclaims Knox an outlaw, i.256.
- Advances with an army to Perth, i.260.
- Violates the treaty of Perth, i.262;ii.387.
- Offers a reward for Knox’s head, i.294.
- Knox advises her suspension, i.297.
- Reflections on this, i.298.
- Her death, i.318–19.
- Remarks on Dr Robertson’s account of her conduct, i.444.
- Mary, Queen of Scots.
- Her proposed marriage with EdwardVI. defeated, i.39.
- Married to the Dauphin, i.39,77.
- Refuses to ratify the acts of Scots Parliament, ii.21.
- Arrives in Scotland, ii.22.
- Her education, and prejudices against the protestant religion,ib.
- Popular alarm at her setting up mass, ii.24.
- Resolves to punish Knox, ii.30.
- Interview between Knox and, ii.31–40.
- Second interview between Knox and, ii.48–52.
- Third interview between Knox and, ii.77–82.
- Her artifice, ii.82–3.
- Prevails on the Parliament not to ratify the reformed religion, ii.83–5.
- Fourth interview between Knox and, ii.88–92.
- Her conduct at Knox’s trial by the Council, ii.95–106.
- Writes to the Pope, and Council of Trent, ii.110–11.
- Knox’s form of prayer for, ii.113–16.
- Marries Lord Darnley, ii.130–1.
- Resolves on restoring the Popish worship, ii.143,305.
- Banishes Knox from Edinburgh, ii.147.
- Restores archbishop Hamilton, ii.149.
- Her alienation from her husband, ii.151.
- Her participation in the murder of her husband, ii.150–2.
- Her marriage with Bothwell, ii.153–4.
- Her imprisonment and resignation, ii.154–5.
- Knox vindicates his not praying for her, ii.185.
- Maxwell, Master of.
- i.440; ii.98.
- Melville, Andrew.
- i.345; ii.242,295.
- Melville, Sir James.
- Strictures on his memoirs, i.445.
- On his account of Regent Murray, ii.338,341.
- Melville, James.
- His account of Knox’s pulpit eloquence, ii.205–6.
- Melville, Sir John, of Raith.
- An early favourer of the reformation, i.35.
- Is executed, i.162.
- Methven, Paul.
- One of the protestant ministers, i.233, 253,447–8.
- Excommunicated, ii.74–6.
- Mill, Walter.
- His martyrdom, i.231.
- Milton, John.
- His eulogy of Knox, i.464.
- Monasteries, Scottish.
- Their number and degeneracy, i.17–18,348–9.
- Causes of their demolition at Perth, i.257,268.
- Apology for this measure, i.270–6.
- Lamentation over, i.449.
- Loss sustained by their demolition, i.450–6.
- Monteith, Earl of.
- Joins the Congregation, i.263, ii.423.
- Montgomery, Robert.
- Joins the reformed preachers, i.320.
- Montrose.
- Greek early taught in, i.6,343.
- Early provided with a minister, i.283.
- Morrison, John.
- i.56.
- Morton, Earl of.
- Accused of simony, ii.198.
- His interview with Knox on his death-bed, ii.225–6.
- Elected Regent, ii.226.
- His eulogium on Knox, ii.234.
- His attention to Knox’s family, ii.268.
- Murray, Earl of.
- In favour with Mary, ii.58.
- Variance between Knox and, ii.85–6.
- Endeavours to intimidate Knox, ii.98.
- Defends Knox, ii.107.
- Is outlawed, ii.132–3.
- Returns from banishment, ii.145.
- Appointed Regent, ii.157.
- His favour to the protestant church, ii.160–1.
- Is assassinated, ii.165,167.
- His character, ii.168–70.
- Distress of Knox at his death, ii.172–4.
- Fabricated conference between Knox and, ii.174.
- Knox’s sermon before his funeral, ii.177.
- Remarks on Dr Robertson’s character of, ii.335–43.
- Epitaph, and verses on, ii.343–5.
- Prayer used by Knox after the death of, ii.402.
- Letter to General Assembly by, ii.404.
- See Stewart, Lord James.
- Murray, Patrick, of Tibbermuir.
- i.447.
- Murray, Sir William, of Tullybardine.
- ii.355.
N - Newcastle upon Tyne.
- Knox preaches at, i.83, 86,95.
- Knox offered the bishopric of, i.100.
- Northumberland, Duke of.
- Offended at Knox, i.92–3.
O - Ochiltree, Lord.
- Knox marries the daughter of, ii.109.
- See Stewart, Walter, and Margaret.
- Ormiston, Laird of.
- See Cockburn.
P - Parliament, Scottish.
- Protestant confession ratified by, i.328–31.
- Their indifference about the security of the protestant religion, ii.83.
- Knox prepares overtures for, ii.158,334.
- Receives a commission from, ii.159.
- See Bible and Reformation.
- Parkhurst, Bishop.
- i.171,400–4.
- Paterson, John.
- Convicted of heresy, i.357,362.
- Paterson, Robert.
- Convicted of heresy, i.357,362.
- Patritz, John.
- i.233.
- Perth.
- Demolition of monasteries at, i.257.
- Queen Regent threatens, i.260.
- Violates the treaty of, i.262;ii.387.
- A minister settled in, i.283.
- Hebrew first taught at, ii.16,293.
- Verses on the grammar school of, ii.294.
- See Simson, Andrew.
- Pillour, Laurence.
- Convicted of heresy, i.359.
- Pitmilly, Laird of.
- i.360.
- Pittarrow, Laird of.
- See Wishart, Sir John.
- Poetry.
- Its influence in promoting the reformation, i.33–4, 374–380.
- Ponet, Bishop.
- Similarity of his political sentiments to Knox’s, ii.333.
- Pont, Robert.
- ii.269,285.
- Extracts from his sermons, ii.289.
- Account of, ii.347–8, 356,406.
- Popery.
- State of, in Scotland, i.14.
- Sanguinary spirit of, ii.26–7, 306–7.
- Preparations for its restoration in Scotland, ii.143.
- Portfield, ——.
- ii.406.
- Presbytery.
- Early state of, ii.8,9.
- Preston, Dr.
- Attends Knox in his last illness, ii.229,231.
- Prophesying.
- See Exercise, Weekly.
- Protestant Lords.
- Invite Knox to return from Geneva, i.196.
- Repent of this, i.197.
- Knox animates them by his letters, i.198.
- His advice to them respecting resistance, i.212–14.
- Renew their invitation to Knox, i.226.
- Petition the Queen Regent, i.233,441.
- Resolve on decisive measures, i.263.
- Their aversion to the Book of Discipline, ii.12,13.
- Protestant Preachers.
- Summoned to Stirling, i.254.
- Knox resolves to accompany them, i.256.
- Outlawed, i.257.
- Released, i.277.
- Their exertions during the civil war, i.319.
- Their increase, i.320.
R - Randolph, the English ambassador.
- His account of Knox’s preaching, ii.41.
- His letter respecting Knox’s History, ii.359.
- Knox’s confidential communications with, ii.402.
- Readers.
- Their temporary employment, ii.6,282.
- Reformation in Scotland.
- Urgent necessity of, i.24–5.
- Causes of its progress, i.32,34.
- Early embraced by nobles and gentry, i.35.
- Spreads in the University of St Andrews, i.30,37.
- Laws against, i.37–8,163.
- Embraced by Knox, i.38.
- Languishing state of, i.160–68.
- Causes of its revival, i.168–71.
- Progress of, i.190,226.
- Its influence on civil liberty, i.301–14.
- Established by Parliament, i.330.
- Knox’s History of, ii.358.
- See Church, Protestant.
- Reformers, English.
- Approve of Knox’s call to the ministry, i.55.
- Dislike many things in their ecclesiastical establishment, i.105, 400–5.
- Their opinion of Knox, ii.239–40.
- Religion.
- Corrupt form of it in Scotland before the Reformation, i.14–24.
- Resistance to civil rulers.
- Knox’s advice respecting, i.212–4.
- Doctrine of the New Testament respecting, i.308–12.
- Knox vindicates it before Queen Mary, ii.35–6.
- Debate between Knox and Maitland concerning, ii.117–25.
- Craig’s account of a dispute on, at Bologna, ii.126–7.
- See Government, Political.
- Richardson, Robert.
- Embraces the reformed sentiments, and is obliged to leave Scotland, i.31.
- Account of, i.374.
- Ridley, Bishop.
- His testimony to Knox, i.411. ii.240.
- Rizzio, David.
- Assassination of, ii.144.
- Robertson, Dr.
- Remarks on his account of the Queen Regent’s conduct to the protestants, i.444.
- On his character of Queen Mary, ii.248–9.
- On his character of Regent Murray, ii.335–43.
- Robeson, John.
- Convicted of heresy, i.358.
- Rollock, George.
- ii.389.
- Rollock, James.
- Convicted of heresy, i.358, 359,365.
- Rollock, Richard.
- Convicted of heresy, i.362.
- Rothes, Earl of.
- Joins the Congregation, i.263;ii.423.
- Rough, John.
- A friar, embraces the Reformation, i.51–2.
- His solemn charge to Knox to undertake the ministry, i.53.
- Knox assists him in a dispute, i.58.
- Summoned before the clergy, i.62.
- Is martyred in England, i.67.
- Verses on, ii.456.
- Row, John.
- Account of, ii.15.
- Teaches Hebrew at Perth, ii.16.
- Further account of, ii.291–3.
- Verses on, ii.461.
- Row, son to the above.
- His early proficiency in Hebrew, ii.294.
- His epitaph, ii.301.
- Russel, Jerom.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31.
- Account of, i.355.
- Ruthven, Lilias, daughter to Lord Ruthven.
- An early favourer of the Reformation, i.35.
- Ruthven, Lord.
- An early favourer of the Reformation, i.35.
- Ruthven, Lord, son to the former.
- Joins the Congregation, i.263.
- His son visits Knox on his death-bed, ii.226.
S - Sadler, Sir Ralph.
- Ambassador from HenryVIII., i.45.
- Carries on the correspondence with the Congregation, i.288.
- Greek motto of, i.344.
- Sandilands, Sir James.
- An early favourer of the Reformation, i.35.
- Knox dispenses the sacrament in the house of, i.176.
- A petition to the Queen Regent presented by, i.234,441.
- Seatoun, Alexander.
- Embraces the reformed sentiments, and is obliged to leave Scotland, i.31.
- Account of, i.370.
- Scotland.
- State of literature in, at commencement of the Reformation, i.3–6.
- State of Religion in, i.14–24.
- Scottish language, cultivation of.
- By the reformers, ii.18,298.
- Scrimger, Henry.
- i.346.
- Session, Kirk.
- What, ii.8.
- Session, Court of.
- Robert Pont one of the judges of, ii.347.
- Simson, Andrew, master of the grammar school of Perth.
- i.5.
- Anecdote respecting the scholars of, i.377.
- See Dunbar.
- Simson, Duncan.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31.
- Account of, i.354, 357,363.
- Simson, Patrick.
- Teaches Greek at Spot, i.346.
- Sinclair.
- The name of Knox’s mother, i.2.
- Sinclair, Bishop of Ross.
- Informs against Knox, ii.97.
- Votes for his acquittal, ii.105.
- Smeton, Thomas.
- His learning, i.347.
- His account of Knox’s last illness and death, ii.219.
- His character of Knox, ii.238–9.
- His Hebrew literature, ii.295.
- Somerset, Protector of England.
- His fall lamented by Knox, i.92.
- Somerville, Lord.
- His vote against protestant confession, i.330.
- Spotswood, John.
- Favours the Reformation, i.177.
- Joins the preachers, i.320.
- Made superintendent of Lothian, ii.7,47.
- Spotswood, Archbishop.
- His commendation of Knox, ii.244.
- His account of the Book of Discipline, ii.283–4.
- Stewart, Archibald.
- Visits Knox on his death-bed, ii.221.
- Stewart, Lord James, Prior of StAndrews.
- Attends Knox’s sermons, i.177.
- Invites Knox to return to Scotland, i.196.
- Joins the Congregation, i.263–4.
- Proofs of his loyalty, i.458.
- Created Earl of Murray, ii.58.
- See Murray, Earl of.
- Stewart, John, son to Lord Methven.
- An early favourer of the reformation, i.35.
- Convicted of heresy, i.367.
- Stewart, Margaret, daughter of Lord Ochiltree.
- Married to Knox, ii.109, 220, 268, 410,415.
- Married to Sir A.Ker of Fadounside, ii.268,353.
- Copy of Knox’s letters in her possession, ii.372.
- Stewart, Walter, son to Lord Ochiltree.
- Convicted of heresy, i.360,362.
- Stewart, William.
- Translator for the kirk, ii.355.
- Stirling.
- Demolition of the monasteries at, i.268; ii.425.
- A minister early settled in, i.283.
- Story, Dr.
- His defence of Mary’s persecution, i.239.
- Straiton, David.
- Suffers martyrdom, i.31.
- Account of, i.353, 358,363.
- Straiton, of Lauriston.
- An early friend of the Reformation, i.35.
- Sudderland, Nicoll.
- ii.406.
- Superintendents.
- Bishops so called in England, i.401.
- Their office in the foreign churches in London, i.406.
- Difference between diocesan bishops and, ii.283–4.
- Switzerland.
- Knox visits, i.132.
- Syme, James.
- i.173,196.
- Synods, Provincial.
- What, ii.9
T - Testament of Knox.
- ii.410–16.
- Testament of Mrs Welch.
- ii.417.
- Throkmorton, Sir Nicholas.
- i.281, 457; ii.157.
- Thou, De.
- His character of Regent Murray, ii.341–2.
- Tonstal, Bishop of Durham.
- Character of, i.81–2,238.
- Knox’s defence before, i.83–4, 395–9.
- Tremellius, Emanuel.
- i.79.
- Tulchan Bishops.
- ii.200.
- Tyrie, John.
- Knox’s answer to, ii.207–9.
V - Vaus, John, rector of the school of Aberdeen.
- i.4,5.
- Venable, John.
- Reformer of Dieppe, i.203.
- Visitors of churches.
- What, ii.7.
W - Wallace, Adam.
- His martyrdom, i.162; ii.292.
- Wannand, Alexander.
- Convicted of heresy, i.357,362.
- Wedderburn, James.
- Author of satires against the popish clergy, i.376.
- Verses on, ii.457.
- Wedderburn, Gilbert.
- Convicted of heresy, i.357,362.
- Wedderburn, John.
- Convicted of heresy, i.358–9.
- Wedderburn, John and Robert.
- Authors of Psalms and Godly Ballads, i.378.
- Verses on, ii.457.
- Welch, John.
- Marries one of Knox’s daughters, ii.269.
- Is found guilty of treason, ii.270–1.
- Interview between LewisXIII. and, ii.272.
- See Knox, Elizabeth.
- Whitlaw, Alexander, of Greenrig.
- i.282, 287; ii.394.
- Whittingham, Dean of Durham.
- Ordained at Geneva, i.56.
- A friend of Knox, i.146,153.
- Successor to Knox at Geneva, i.197.
- Eulogium on him by the Earl of Warwick, i.432–3.
- Williams.
- See Guillaume.
- Willock, John.
- Returns to Scotland, i.170.
- Preaches privately, i.171,173.
- Leaves Scotland, i.175.
- Returns and joins the protestant preachers, i.233.
- Tried for heresy, i.253, 257, 447–8.
- Officiates for Knox in Edinburgh, i.279.
- His advice respecting the suspension of the Queen Regent, i.297.
- Made a member of the extraordinary Privy Council, i.298.
- His stipend, i.308, ii.355.
- Made superintendent of Glasgow, ii.7.
- Goes to England, ii.177.
- Calumny against, ib.
- Pretended conversation between Knox and, ii.316.
- Verses on, ii.459.
- Wingate, (Winzet,) Ninian.
- Knox’s controversy with, ii.73.
- Winchester of Kinglassie, George.
- Convicted of heresy, i.162,367.
- Winram, John, Sub-prior of St Andrews.
- Connives at the reformed opinions, i.30.
- His cautious behaviour, i.62.
- Joins the reformers, i.319.
- Made superintendent of Fife, i.424; ii.7.
- His Catechism, i.424.
- Verses on, ii.460.
- Wishart, George.
- Banished for teaching the Greek New Testament, i.47,343.
- Returns to Scotland, i.41.
- Knox attends, i.42.
- Is outlawed, i.360.
- Account of him by one of his scholars, i.380.
- Bears a fagot at Bristol, i.383.
- Translates the Swiss confession, i.384.
- Verses on, ii.456.
- Wishart, Sir John, of Pittarrow, brother to the former.
- Knox writes to, i.200.
- Made comptroller, ii.44, 96,354.
- Knox’s letter to, ii.400.
- Davidson’s dedication to, ii.431.
- Wood, John, Secretary to the Regent Murray.
- Is assassinated, ii.166.
- Knox’s letters to, ii.395,397.
Z - Zuinglius.
- His influence with the senate of Zurich, ii.13.
- Comparison between Knox and, ii.260.