Acids, 71
hydrobromic, 88
hydrochloric, 72
hydrocyanic, 100
hydrocyanic, in gastric disease, 103
lactic, 72
nitric, 72
nitro-muriatic, in hepatic insomnia, 103
phosphoric, 72
Aconite, 63, 93, 100
Africa, maladie du sommeil of, 30
winds from the deserts of, effect of, 46
Africans, habits of, regarding sleep, 40
victims of the maladie du sommeil, 30
Alcohol, 76
effect of, upon the brain, 54
in angina pectoris, 99
in asthma, 101
in chorea, 110
in dyspepsia, 103
in fever, 105
in hepatic diseases, 102
Allen, Prof. J. Adams, case of somnambulism observed by, 185
Allix, observations of, regarding bodily temperature in sleep, 7
Allix and Hohl, observations of, regarding the pulse in sleep, 6
Aloetic purgatives in insanity, 94
Ammonia, in fever, 105
Amyl nitrite, 84
in angina pectoris, 99
in asthma, 101
AnÆmia of the brain, 53
AnÆsthetics, 75
Angelic visitors, delusions regarding, 129
Angina pectoris, 99
Anti-spasmodic effects of belladonna, 69
Apparent death, 34
crucial test of, 35
Arabia, effects of wind from the deserts of, 46
Arago, observations of, regarding atmospheric electricity, 46
Arsenic, in asthma, 101
Atropia, 69
Atropine, use of, with opiates, 87
Artificial sleep, effect of, upon the process of oxidation, 9
mode of production of, 22
Artificial somnambulism, 214
cataleptic form of, 219
lethargic form of, 220
recollection of the events of, 227
somnambulic form of, 222
three varieties of, 219
Assafoetida, use of, in insomnia, 110
Assimilation, rate of, in sleep, 5
Association of ideas, cessation of, in sleep, 3
effect of, 123
Asphyxia, 100
Asthma, insomnia caused by, 101
relieved by atropine, 69
relieved by chloroform, 82
relieved by ether, 82
relieved by iodide of potassium, 110
relieved by lobelia, 71
relieved by stramonium, 71
relieved by tobacco, 71
Atmospheric electricity, effects of, 46
Australia, effect of winds from the deserts of, 46
Azam, a case of somnambulic life observed by, 208
Bachelder, Dr. G. H., observations of, on the maladie du sommeil, 32
Baillarger, hallucination excited by dreaming, 126
Ball and Chambard, classification of the varieties of somnambulism, 169
Baths, use of, as nervous stimulants, 60
cold, 73, 95
in fever, 104
in insomnia, 112
in scarlet fever, 76
shower, 95
warm, 94
Bartholow, on the use of phosphorus, 71
Beard and Rockwell, on the use of electricity, 62
Beer, effect of, 76
Belladonna, 69, 100
use of, in asthma, 101
use of, in fever, 104
use of, in hepatic diseases, 102
Bismuth, use of, in gastric diseases, 103
Bladder, insomnia in irritability of, 90
Blisters, use of, in rheumatism, 106
Blood, control of its circulation by the nervous system, 26
Bombardment, sleep during, 1
Boussingault, experiments of, on the process of oxidation in the tissues, 9
observations of, on respiration in sleep, 6
observations of, regarding the bodily temperature in sleep, 7
Brain, consequences of inordinate excitability of, 159, 161
exalted receptivity of, during the waking state, 150
exalted susceptibility of, in sleep and dreaming, 144, 150
the, its division into separate mechanisms, 13
the, a reservoir of sensory impressions, 124
Brandy, use of, in wakefulness, 77
Bromide of potassium, use of, in insanity, 95
of sodium, use of, in chronic alcoholism, 97
of sodium, use of, in delirium tremens, 98
Bromides, the, 88
use of, in convulsions, 110
use of, in delirium, 77
use of, in fever, 104
use of, in night terrors, 112
use of, in pregnancy, and after parturition, 109
use of, with chloral and morphia, 86
Brooke, Lieut. J. M., observations of, regarding hypnotic clairvoyance, 224
Bronchitis, insomnia caused by, 100
insomnia of, relieved with paraldehyde, 80
Brunton, Dr. T. Lauder, his theory of counter-irritation, 62
Butylchloral hydrate, 83
Buschick, experience of, in waking before earthquakes, 144
Caffeine, effect of, upon the brain, 54
Camphor, 67
use of, in asphyxia, 100
use of, in fevers, 105
use of, in the insomnia of cachexia, 108
use of, after parturition, 109
Cannabin, 69
Cannabin tannate, 68
Cannabis indica, 68
anti-aphrodisiac effect of, 69
use of, in delirium tremens, 98
use of, in fever, 104
use of, in insanity, 96, 97
use of, in pregnancy, 109
use of, as a substitute for hyoscyamus, 113
Cantharides, 63
Capsicum, 63
Capsicum, use of, in the insomnia of delirium tremens, 77, 98
Carbolic acid, vapor of, for relief of cough, 100
Carbon, oxidation of, during sleep, 7
Carbonic acid gas, discharge of, during sleep, 9
Cardiac debility, use of butylchloral in, 83
Cardiac disease, insomnia of, treated with paraldehyde, 80
treated with digitalis, 66
Cardiac dyspnoea, relieved with opiates, 87, 98
Cardiac neuralgia, 99
Carotid arteries, compression of, for relief of insomnia, 25, 27, 57
Cataleptic form of artificial somnambulism, 219
Catarrh, nasal, effect of sleep upon, 8
Caton, Judge John D., on the difficulty of sleep during the continuous daylight of summer in Norway, 40
Cerebral activity, effect of, upon bodily temperature, 8
Cerebral anÆmia and its cause during sleep, 25, 28
use of phosphorus for, 71
Cerebral circulation, dependence of consciousness upon, 25, 27
during sleep, observations upon, by Professor Mosso, 26
Cerebral exhaustion, benefited by the use of phosphorus, 71
in fever, 105
Cerebral hyperÆmia, effects of, 145
insomnia of, treatment with paraldehyde, 80
Cerebral irritation in cachectic states, 108
Cerebro-spinal meningitis, use of opiates in, 93
Cerebro-spinal weakness, 110
Change of life, use of valerian during, 68
Chicago, embarkation from, 45
the great fire in, 40
Child-birth, insomnia after, 81
Chloral, 82
Chloral hydrate, influence of, upon oxidation in the tissues, 9
association of, with morphia and bromides, 86
use of, in angina pectoris, 99
use of, in asthma, 101
use of, in cachexias with insomnia, 109
use of, in chorea, 110
use of, in chronic alcoholism, 97
use of, in delirium tremens, 98
use of, in fevers, 104
use of, in hepatic diseases, 102
use of, in insanity, 95
use of, in meningitis, 94
use of, in night terrors, 112
use of, in respiratory diseases, 100
Chlorodyne, 82
use of, in syphilitic neuralgia, 107
Chloroform, 81
use of, in asthma, 101
use of, in convulsions, 110
spirit of, in the treatment of fevers, 105
Chossat, observations of, on the temperature of pigeons, 7
Circulation of blood, its regulation by the nervous system, 26
disorders of, 52
modified by counter-irritation, 63
state of, during sleep, 6
Clairvoyance, hypothetical explanation of, 148
in dreams, 146, 148, 149
in dreaming, and in natural somnambulism, 226
in the hypnotic state, 224
Clark, observations of, on the sleeping dropsy, 30
Codeia, 85
Codeine, 88
Coffee, effects of, upon the brain, 54
Cold, a nervous sedative, 73
Cold baths, 73
Cold, excessive, a cause of stupor, 47
Colic, uterine, relief of, 81
Color-blindness, effect of hypnotism upon, 223
Coma, 32
Coniine, 91
Conium, 90, 95
Consciousness, duration of the sensations required for its excitement, 23
state of, during sleep, 14
Convulsions, excited by compression of the carotid arteries, 27
treatment of, 110
Cough, spasmodic, treatment with spirit of chloroform, 82
Counter irritants, 62
Croton oil, 63
Cups, counter irritation with, 63, 93
Curci, observations of, regarding belladonna, 69
regarding morphia, 85
Cutaneous disorders, causes of insomnia, 55
DaCosta, on lithÆmia, 106
Darkness, favorable to sleep, 18
Day and night, alternation of, a cause of sleep, 17
Death, apparent, 34
test of, 35
Degeneration of the brain, 55
Demme, observations of, on bodily temperature in sleep, 7
Delirium, 54
excited by hyoscyamus, 70
excited by stramonium, 71
of exhaustion, 77
treatment of, with musk, 67
Delirium tremens, treatment of, with alcohol, 77
with bromides, 89
with capsicum, 77
with chloral, 82
with digitalis, 67
Delusions, caused by dreams, 128
Depressing emotions, a cause of sleep, 19
Diagram, illustrating the stages of sleep, 4
the varieties of somnambulism, 172
Digitalis, indirectly hypnotic effect of, 66
treatment of delirium tremens with, 98
Diminution of energy, represented by sleepiness, 2
Disease and dissolution, revival of memory in, 165
Dover’s powder, 67, 100, 104, 110, 52, 54,
Hypnagogic hallucinations, 3, 4
Hypnagogic state, 2
Hypnotic sleep, duration of, 217
Hypnotic sleep, clairvoyance in, 224
condition of the special senses in, 223
conditions favorable to, 214
exaltation of the imitative faculty during, 227
methods of inducing, 215
perception during, 149
Hypnotism, 214
likeness of, to somnambulism, 203
observations of Braid, 214, 229
observations of Charcot, 214, 219, 221
observations of Cohn, 223
observations of De Watteville, 229
observations of Dumontpallier, 219, 221
observations of Fischer, 150, 227
observations of Harting, 215
observations of Heidenhain, 214, 215, 216, 222
observations of Milne-Edwards, 215
observations of Rieger, 229
observations of Wiehe, 229
receptivity of the brain to suggestions during, 226
suggestion of ideas during, 226
therapeutical use of, 228
Hysteria, a cause of double consciousness, 205
Hysterical excitement, treatment of, 68
Ice-cap, in the treatment of acute affections of the brain, 93
Iceland moss, for the relief of cough, 100
Ideas, their dependence upon molecular movements in the brain, 24
Illusions, excited by disease and by drugs, 120, 122
Imagination, persistence of, in sleep, 3
Imitative faculties, exaltation of, in hypnotic states, 227
Immermann, on cold baths, 73
Impulses to violence during somnambulism, 193
Im Thurn, Everard F., on dreams among the Indians of Guiana, 128
Indians, of Guiana, magic practices among, 42
Inflammations affecting the brain, 54
Inhalations, medicated, 100
Injuries of the brain, 55
Insanity, 54, 57, 70, 133
Insomnia, 38
Insomnia, causes of, 39
caused by aortic obstruction, 84
caused by asthma, 101
caused by cardiac disorders, 51
caused by cold, 47
caused by contagia of animal origin, 55
caused by cutaneous disorders, 49, 55
caused by dyspepsia, 51
caused by electrical disturbances, 46
caused by excrementitious substances, 55
caused by fatigue, 78
caused by heat, 44, 46
caused by heat and humidity, 44
caused by icterus, 49
caused by inflammations, 50
caused by insects, 49
caused by itching in myelitis, 49
caused by itch-mite, 49
caused by light, 39
caused by malaria, 72
caused by meningitis, 50
caused by miasms, 55
caused by morbid states of the central nervous organs, 51
caused by neuralgia, 50
caused by neuritis, 50
caused by neuromata, 50
caused by oxaluria, 72
caused by pain, 49
caused by parasites, 49
caused by periostitis, 50
caused by phosphatic diathesis, 72
caused by pneumogastric disorder, 51
caused by poisons, 55
caused by products of putrefaction, 55
caused by respiratory disorders, 51
caused by rheumatic diathesis, 72
caused by sounds, 41
caused by smells, 42
caused by stramonium, 71
caused by sympathetic nerve disorder, 50
Insomnia, occurrence of, after childbirth, 81
occurrence of, after parturition, 109
occurrence of, during acute affections of the brain, 92
occurrence of, during bronchitis, 80
occurrence of, during cardiac diseases, 66, 80, 87
occurrence of, during change of life in women, 84
occurrence of, during childhood, 110
occurrence of, during chorea, 110
occurrence of, during chronic alcoholism, 97
occurrence of, during chronic phthisis, 84
occurrence of, during delirium tremens, 87, 90, 97
occurrence of, during diseases of the heart and blood-vessels, 98
occurrence of, during diseases of the liver, 102
occurrence of, during diseases of the respiratory organs, 99
occurrence of, during disorders of nutrition, 107
occurrence of, during dysmenorrhoea, 84
occurrence of, during emphysema, 80
occurrence of, during febrile conditions and fevers, 87, 104
occurrence of, during gastric and intestinal disorders, 87, 103
occurrence of, during gout and rheumatism, 103, 107
occurrence of, during headache, 84
occurrence of, during hysteria, 81, 89
occurrence of, during insanity, 94
occurrence of, during irritability of the bladder, 90
occurrence of, during irritability of the sexual organs, 90
occurrence of, during irritative dyspepsia, 90
occurrence of, during jaundice, 80
occurrence of, during lithÆmia, 106, 107
occurrence of, during mania, 87, 89, 90
occurrence of, during melancholia, 96
occurrence of, during mental exhaustion, 89
occurrence of, during nervous disorders, 80
occurrence of, during neuralgia, 84
occurrence of, during old age, 78, 113
occurrence of, during opium habit, 84
occurrence of, during paretic dementia, 96
occurrence of, during phthisis, 80, 87
occurrence of, during pregnancy, 89, 109
occurrence of, during the puerperal state, 89
occurrence of, during renal diseases, 101
occurrence of, during rheumatism and gout, 105, 107
occurrence of, during sexual excitement, 89
occurrence of, during spasmodic diseases, 109
occurrence of, during states of exhaustion, 67
occurrence of, during syphilis, 106, 107
Insomnia, relation of, to states of the cerebral circulation, 57
relief of, by compression of the carotid arteries, 25
Iodide of potassium, treatment of asthma with, 110
Ipecac, treatment of asthma with, 101
Irritability of the brain, 53, 54
Itching of eczema, relieved with cannabis indica, 69
Jacobi, A., on wakefulness of children, 111
Japanese, use of massage among, 61
Jaundice, insomnia of, treatment with paraldehyde, 80
Jessen, case of hallucination caused by dreaming, 127
Joseph, St., dreams of, 142, 160
Judgment, suspension of, during sleep, 3
KohlschÜtter, experiments of, to measure the depth of sleep, 16
Koumiss, 64
Lactic acid, hypnotic effects of, 72
Lactate of sodium, hypnotic effects of, 20, 72
Lactucarium, 88
Latent contracture, 221
Leeches, use of, 63, 93, 94
Lethargic form of artificial somnambulism, 220
Lethargy, 33
produced by excessive cold, 48
Lewin, observations of, on respiration during sleep, 6
experiments of, on oxidation in the tissues, 9
Liebermeister, experiments of, on oxidation in the tissues, 9
Life, normal, 4
possibility of intermissions in its active manifestation, 15
Light, interference of, with sleep, 40, 41
Liquors, effects of, 76
LithÆmia, a cause of insomnia, 106
Lithium bromide, 88
Lobelia, anti-spasmodic effects of, 71, 101
Lomi-lomi, 61
Lucid lethargy, 35
contrasted with somnambulic lethargy, 176
Lupulin, 90
Macario, case of somnambulism, reported by, 192
Mackinac, voyage to, 45
Macnish, case of somnambulic life, reported by, 206
Maladie du sommeil, 30
Malaria, treatment of insomnia, caused by, 72
Mania, use of chloral in, 82
Marmot, hibernation of, 48
temperature of, during hibernation, 8
Massage, 60, 109
Matter and mind, communication between, 22
Maury, A., classification of the varieties of somnambulism, 168
experience of, with table-rapping, 228
theory of, regarding forgetfulness of the events of somnambulism, 211
Measles, use of baths in, 74
Meat juice, 66
Memory, effect of physical exhaustion, 209
exaltation of, in somnambulism, 187
persistence of, in sleep, 3
relation of, to phenomena of somnambulism, 192
revival of, during disease and dissolution, 165
revival of, during dreaming, 162
Meningitis, 54, 57
Mental activity during sleep, 14
Mesnet, case of somnambulism related by, 196
Metaphysical healing, 229
Michigan, Lake, voyage upon, 45
Northern, summer climate of, favorable to sleep, 45
Milk, peptonized, 64
Mind and matter, communication between, 22
alternate states of action and repose, 15
sleep of, 15
state of, during sleep, 14
Mind-reading, 218, 227
Minnesota, summer climate of, favorable to sleep, 45
Mitchell, S. Weir, observations of, regarding effect of variable barometric pressure, 47
Molecular movement, its relation to the generation of ideas, 24
Moral responsibility in somnambulism, 203
Morphia, 97, 98, 100, 101
Morphine, influence of, on oxidation in the tissues, 10
Mosso, Professor, on the circulation of blood during sleep, 26
on respiration during sleep, 5
Mouth, condition of, during sleep, 8
Muscles, effect of sleep upon, 12
fibrillary twitching of, during sleep, 3
Muscle-reading, 218
Musk, 67, 100, 105
Mustard, 63
Nasal catarrh, state of secretion during sleep, 8
Narcotic stupor, 29
Nerves, of common sensation, affections of, 20
PflÜger’s hypothesis regarding the cause of, 21
preceded by sleepiness, 2
Preyer’s theory of, 20
rapid induction of, in certain cases, 24
relation between the duration of, and the average length of the night, 17
stages of, 4
the cause of, 29
unequal incidence of, upon different portions of the brain, 13
Sleep-drunkenness, 180, 181
Sleepiness, precursive of sleep,
Sleeping dropsy, 30
Sleeplessness, causes of, 39
Smells, abolition of sleep by, 42
Smile, during sleep, 12
Smith, E., experiments of, on oxidation in the tissues, 9
Snoring, occasional interruption of sleep by, 11
Society for Psychical Research, investigations by, 149, 217
Sodium bromide, 88
Somniation, 169
Somnambulic dreams, 171, 178, 181
recollections of, 188
Somnambulic form of artificial somnambulism, 222
Somnambulic lethargy, 171, 173
contrasted with lucid lethargy, 176
Somnambulic life, 169, 204
a case of, 206
a case of, related by Azam, 208
a case of, related by Macnish, 206
Somnambulism, 166
artificial, 214
case of, related by Prof. J. Adams Allen, 185
case of, related by J. P. Frank, 195
case of, related by Macario, 192
case of, related by Mesnet, 196
case of, related by P. Max Simon, 182
causes of, 166
condition of sensory organs during, 191
dependence of, upon partial sleep of the brain, 11
likeness of, to hypnotism, 203
moral responsibility in, 203
phenomena of, 167, 210
physiological cause of, 180
relation of memory with events of, 192
varieties of, according to A. Maury, 168
varieties of, according to Ball and Chambard, 169
varieties of, diagrammatically exhibited, 172
violent impulses during, 193
Somnolence, 30
Somnolentia, 180, 181
Sound, effect of, to hinder sleep, 42
effect of, to induce sleep, 42
Spasmodic croup, 110
Special sense organs, affections of, 39
Special senses, condition of, during invasion of sleep, 11
perversion of, during the hypnotic state, 223
Spinal cord, irritability of, 110
reflex energy of, during sleep, 3
Spinal irritation, 62
Spirit of chloroform, 81
Spiritual circle, manifestations in, 227
Stewart, Dugald, observation of, 43
Stimulants after parturition, 109
in fever, 105
nervous, 59
Stramonium, 70, 101
StrÜmpell, observations of, regarding sleep produced by suppression of sensation, 18
Strychnia, 105
Stupor produced by excessive heat or cold, 47
Subsultus tendinum, treatment of, with musk, 67
Suction, involuntary, during infantile sleep, 12
Suppression of sensation, a cause of sleep, 18
Swedish movement cure, 61
Sympathetic nerves, affections of, 39, 50
Table-rapping, method of communication in, 228
Tannate of cannabin, 68
Tartar emetic, use of, in asthma, 101
use of, in delirium tremens, 98
use of, in fever, 104
use of, with opium, 108
Taste, relation of, to insomnia, 43
Tea, effect of, upon the brain, 54
Telegraphy without a wire, through water, 147
Telepathy, investigation of, by the Society for Psychical Research, 149
Temperature, of the body, during sleep, 7
sense of, 43
Thapsia, 63
Theory of sleep, Obersteiner’s, 20
PflÜger’s, 21
Preyer’s, 20
Thirst, 2
Thompson, Sir William, his doctrine concerning a sixth sense, 43
Tickling, effect of during sleep, 12
Tobacco, anti-spasmodic effect of, 71, 99, 101
Transfer of perceptions, 217
Trousseau, observations of, on the pulse during sleep, 6
Tuberculosis of the cerebral membranes, 55
Tully’s Powder, 67
Tumors of the brain, 55
Turkish baths, 60
Turpentine, 63
Typhoid fever, insomnia during, 64
treatment of, with baths, 74
treatment of, with musk, 68
treatment of, with Tully’s Powder, 67
Typhus fever, treatment of, with musk, 68
Unconsciousness, produced by compression of the carotid arteries, 27
relation of, to modifications of the cerebral circulation, 25
Urea, elimination of, during sleep, 9
Urine, secretion of, during sleep, 9
Uterine colic, 81
Valerian, 68, 109
Valerianate of ammonia, 68
of zinc, 68
Venereal act, a cause of sleep, 19
Vierordt, observations of, on the duration of sleep, 110
Visions, character of, 119
of the ancient prophets, 161
Voit, observations of, on oxidation in the tissues, 9
on respiration during sleep, 6
Volition, cessation of, during sleep, 3
Wakefulness, 38
causes of, 39
dependence of, upon instability of cerebral protoplasm, 22
Warburton, Rev. Canon, clairvoyant dream of, 146
Weariness, a cause of sleep, 1
Wharton and StillÉ, on sleep-drunkenness, 181
Whooping-cough, treatment of, with belladonna, 69
Wind, effect of, upon sleep, 45
Wine, effects of, 76
use of, in the insomnia of old age, 78
Ziemssen, von, on the use of baths, 73
[1] Rosenbach, Zeitschr. f. klin. med. 1881. Brain, Vol. IV, p. 138.
[2] Alfred Maury, Le Sommeil et les RÊves, Chap. IV.
[3] Hermann’s Handbuch der Physiologie, Vol. IV, Part II, p. 98.
[4] Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten, Vol. I, p. 346.
[5] Handbuch der Physiologie, Vol. IV, Pt. II, p. 217.
[6] Op. cit., pp. 142 and 456.
[7] Dic. Encyc. des Sci. MÉd., Art. Sommeil, pp. 277.
[8] Quoted by Vierordt, Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten, Vol. I, p. 307.
[9] Dic. Encyc. des. MÉd., Ie sÉrie, t. XV, p. 75.
[10] Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten, Vol. I, p. 383.
[11] Carpenter’s Physiology, 8th edition, p. 560.
[12] Handbuch der Physiologie, Vol. II, Pt. II, p. 297.
[13] Quincke, Archiv. f. Experim. Pathol., Vol. VII, p. 115.
[14] Carpenter’s Physiology, 8th edition, p. 526, Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten, 2d edition, Vol. I, p. 373.
[15] Dic. Encyc. des Sci. MÉd., IIIe SÉrie, Vol. X, p. 268.
[16] Handbuch der Physiologie, Vol. V, p. 142-156.
[17] KohlschÜtter, Messungen der Festigkeit des Schlafes. Dissert. Leipzig, 1862, und Zeitschrift f. rat. Med., 1863. Quoted, Hermann’s Handbuch der Physiologie, Vol. II, Pt. II, p. 295.
[18] Obersteiner, Zur Theorie des Schlafes, Zeitschr. f. Psych. XXIX. Preyer, Ueber die Ursachen des Schlafes. Vortrag. Stuttgart bei Enke. 1877, und centralbl. f. d. Med. Wiss. 1875. S. 577.
[19] Theorie des Schlafes. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol. X, 468.
[20] Artificial AnÆsthesia and AnÆsthetics, pp. 15-17.
[21] Carpenter’s Physiology, 8th ed., p. 852.
[22] Sulla Circolazione del Sangue nel Cervello dell’Uomo. Abstract in Brain, Vol. IV, p. 100.
[23] Transactions of the London Epidemiological Society, Vol. I, p. 116.
[24] De la maladie du sommeil, 1869.
[25] The Medical Record, July 1, 1882, p. 23.
[26] Real. Encyc. der ges. Heilkunde, VIII, 276.
[27] Op. cit. p. 276.
[28] A Summer in Norway, by John Dean Caton, pp. 251 and 311.
[29] A. Maury, op. cit., p. 156.
[30] Among the Indians of Guiana. By Everard F. Im Thurn.
[31] Le Sommeil et les RÊves, p. 154.
[32] Nature, Vol. XXIX, pp. 438-462.
[33] Ganot’s Physics.
[34] Dic. Encyc. des Sci. MÉd., Art. Climat.
[35] Comptes-rendus Acad. des Sci., 1840, t. XI, p. 823.
[36] Am. Journ. Med. Sci., April, 1877, p. 305.
[37] A remarkable illustration of this will be found related in The Lancet, July 26, 1884, p. 112.
[38] Dic. Encyc. des Sci. MÉd., Art. Froid, p. 139.
[39] Medical and Surgical Electricity, 4th ed., p. 413.
[40] Nature, March, 1883.
[41] Lo Sperimentale, April, 1884.
[42] Artificial AnÆsthesia and AnÆsthetics, pp. 20-28. William Wood & Co., New York, 1881.
[43] Bull. gÉn. de ThÉrap., 1884, 2º Livr.
[44] Centralblatt fÜr klin. med., 1884. Nr. 12.
[45] The National Dispensatory, 1884, p. 433.
[46] Deutsche Med. wochenschr., 1883, Nr. 49.
[47] Lo Sperimentale, April, 1884.
[48] The National Dispensatory, 1884, p. 993.
[49] Kiernan, Journ. Nerv. and Mental Diseases, Vol. X, p. 234.
[50] Psychological Medicine, Bucknill and Tuke, 4th ed., p. 731.
[51] Clinical Lectures on Mental Diseases.
[52] Ringer’s Therapeutics, 10th ed., p. 421.
[53] C. H. Jones, Functional Nervous Disorders, p. 284.
[54] Am. Jour. Med. Sci., Oct., 1881, p. 313.
[55] Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten, Vol. I., p. 214.
[56] Op. cit., Vol. I., Pt. 2, p. 153.
[57] Herbert Spencer, First Principles, p. 486.
[58] A. Maury. Le Sommeil et les RÊves, p. 154.
[59] On Intelligence, p. 61.
[60] Wharton and StillÉ’s Medical Jurisprudence, Third Edition, Vol. I, p. 482.
[61] Among the Indians of Guiana. By Everard F. Im Thurn. London: 1883, p. 344.
[62] A. Maury, Le Sommeil et les RÊves, p. 219 et seq.
[63] Obscure Diseases of the Brain and Mind. Philadelphia, 1866, pp. 394-398.
[64] Le Monde des RÊves, p. 88.
[65] Op. cit., p. 91.
[66] The Nineteenth Century, July, 1884, p. 71.
[67] Nature, October, 16, 1884, p. 596.
[68] Lebensmagnetismus oder Hypnotismus, von Dr. E. L. Fischer, pp. 71-73.
[69] The Nineteenth Century, July, 1884, p. 89.
[70] Visions: A Study of False Sight, p. 39.
[71] Inquiries concerning the Intellectual Powers, tenth edition, p. 283.
[72] Medical Inquiries and Observations upon Diseases of the Mind, p. 277.
[73] Loc. cit.
[74] Le Sommeil et les RÊves, p. 248.
[75] Dic. Encyc. des Sci. MÉd., Article Somnambulisme Naturel.
[76] The Lancet, Dec. 22, 1883, p. 1,078, and Jan. 5, 1884, p 5.
[77] Brain, Jan., 1884, p. 454.
[78] Medical Jurisprudence, 3d ed., Vol. I, pp. 464-471.
[79] Le Monde des RÊves, p. 257.
[80] Chicago Medical Journal, 1869, p. 650.
[81] Maury, Le Sommeil et les RÊves, p. 234.
[82] Pathologie interne.
[83] L’ Union MÉdicale, July 21st and 23d, 1874.
[84] Chicago Journ. of Nervous and Mental Diseases, Vol. II, p. 48.
[85] Loc. cit.
[86] Philosophy of Sleep, p. 167.
[87] Revue Scientifique, May 20, Sept. 16, 1876; Dec. 22, 1877; March 8, 1879.
[88] Vol. III, p. 584.
[89] Chapters on Mental Physiology, p. 160.
[90] Le Sommeil et les RÊves, p. 226.
[91] Lancet, July 29, 1882, p. 164.
[92] Transactions of the Society, etc., Vols. I, II, III.
[93] Le ProgrÈs MÉdical, Feb. 18, 1882, p. 124.
[94] Le ProgrÈs MÉdical, March 25, 1882, p. 223.
[95] Le ProgrÈs MÉdical, Jan. 14, 1882, p. 25.
[96] Brain, Vol. III, p. 394.
[97] Op. cit., p. 18.
[98] Le Sommeil et les RÊves, p. 361.
[99] Op. cit.
[100] Berlin. Klin. Wochenschr, January, 1884.
[101] Der Hypnotismus, Jena, 1884.
[102] Brain, July, 1884, p. 278.