Trap rocks — Name, whence derived — Their igneous origin at first doubted — Their general appearance and character — Volcanic cones and craters, how formed — Mineral composition and texture of volcanic rocks — Varieties of felspar — Hornblende and augite — Isomorphism — Rocks, how to be studied — Basalt, greenstone, trachyte, porphyry, scoria, amygdaloid, lava, tuff — Alphabetical list, and explanation of names and synonyms, of volcanic rocks — Table of the analyses of minerals most abundant in the volcanic and hypogene rocks. The aqueous or fossiliferous rocks having now been described, we have next to examine those which may be called volcanic, in the most extended sense of that term. Suppose a a in the annexed diagram, to represent the crystalline formations, such as the granitic and metamorphic; b b the fossiliferous strata; and c c the volcanic rocks. These last are sometimes found, as was explained in the first chapter, breaking through a and b, sometimes overlying both, and occasionally alternating with the strata b b. They also are seen, in some instances, to pass insensibly into the unstratified division of a, or the Plutonic rocks. Fig. 434.
When geologists first began to examine attentively the structure of the northern and western parts of Europe, they were almost entirely ignorant of the phenomena of existing volcanos. They also found certain rocks, for the most part without stratification, and of a peculiar mineral composition, to which they gave different names, such as basalt, greenstone, porphyry, and amygdaloid. All these, which were recognized as belonging to one family, were called "trap" by Bergmann, from trappa, Swedish for a flight of steps—a name since adopted very generally into the nomenclature of the science; for it was observed that many rocks of this class occurred in great tabular masses of unequal extent, so as to form a succession of terraces or steps on the sides of hills. This configuration appears to be derived from two causes. First, the abrupt original terminations of sheets of melted matter, which have spread, whether on the land or bottom of the sea, over a level surface. For we know, in the case of lava flowing from a volcano, that a stream, when it has ceased to flow, and grown solid, very commonly ends in a steep slope, as at a, fig. 435. But, secondly, the step-like appearance arises more frequently Fig. 435. Step-like appearance of trap. Although the characters of trap rocks are greatly diversified, the beginner will easily learn to distinguish them as a class from the aqueous formations. Sometimes they present themselves, as already stated, in tabular masses, which are not divided into strata: sometimes in shapeless lumps and irregular cones, forming chains of small hills. Often they are seen in dikes and wall-like masses, intersecting fossiliferous beds. The rock is occasionally found divided into columns, often decomposing into balls of various sizes, from a few inches to several feet in diameter. The decomposing surface very commonly assumes a coating of a rusty iron colour, from the oxidation of ferruginous matter, so abundant in the traps in which augite or hornblende occur; or, in the felspathic varieties of trap, it acquires a white opaque coating, from the bleaching of the mineral called felspar. On examining any of these volcanic rocks, where they have not suffered disintegration, we rarely fail to detect a crystalline arrangement in one or more of the component minerals. Sometimes the texture of the mass is cellular or porous, or we perceive that it has once been full of pores and cells, which have afterwards become filled with carbonate of lime, or other infiltrated mineral. Most of the volcanic rocks produce a fertile soil by their disintegration. It seems that their component ingredients, silica, alumina, lime, potash, iron, and the rest, are in proportions well fitted for vegetation. As they do not effervesce with acids, a deficiency of calcareous matter might at first be suspected; but although the carbonate of lime is rare, except in the nodules of amygdaloids, yet it will be seen that lime sometimes enters largely into the composition of augite and hornblende. (See Table, p. 377.) Cones and Craters.—In regions where the eruption of volcanic matter has taken place in the open air, and where the surface has never since been subjected to great aqueous denudation, cones and craters constitute the most striking peculiarity of this class of formations. Many hundreds of these cones are seen in central France, in the ancient provinces of Auvergne, Velay, and Vivarais, where they observe, for the most part, a linear arrangement, and form chains of hills. Although none of the eruptions have happened within the historical era, the streams of lava may still be traced distinctly descending from many of the craters, and following the lowest Fig. 436. Part of the chain of extinct volcanos called the Monts Dome, Auvergne. (Scrope.) Composition and nomenclature.—Before speaking of the connection between the products of modern volcanos and the rocks usually styled trappean, and before describing the external forms of both, and the manner and position in which they occur in the earth's crust, it will be desirable to treat of their mineral composition and names. The varieties most frequently spoken of are basalt, greenstone, syenitic greenstone, clinkstone, claystone, and trachyte; while those founded chiefly on peculiarities of texture, are porphyry, amygdaloid, lava, tuff, scoriÆ, and pumice. It may be stated generally, that all these are mainly composed of two minerals, or families of simple minerals, felspar and hornblende; some almost entirely of hornblende, others of felspar. These two minerals may be regarded as two groups, rather than The other group, or hornblende, consists principally of two varieties; first, hornblende, and, secondly, augite, which were once regarded as very distinct, although now some eminent mineralogists are in doubt whether they are not one and the same mineral, differing only as one crystalline form of native sulphur differs from another. The history of the changes of opinion on this point is curious and instructive. Werner first distinguished augite from hornblende; and his proposal to separate them obtained afterwards the sanction of HaÜy, Mohs, and other celebrated mineralogists. It was agreed that the form of the crystals of the two species were different, and their structure, as shown by cleavage, that is to say, by breaking or cleaving the mineral with a chisel, or a blow of the hammer, in the direction in which it yields most readily. It was also found by analysis that augite usually contained more lime, less alumina, and no fluoric acid; which last, though not always found in hornblende, often enters into its composition in minute quantity. In addition to these characters, it was remarked as a geological fact, that augite and hornblende are very rarely associated together in the same rock; and that when this happened, as in some lavas of modern date, the hornblende occurs in the mass of the rock, where crystallization may have taken place more slowly, while the augite merely lines cavities where the crystals may have been produced rapidly. It was also remarked, that in the crystalline slags of furnaces, augitic forms were frequent, the hornblendic entirely absent; hence it was conjectured that hornblende might be the result of slow, and augite of rapid cooling. This view was confirmed by the fact, that Mitscherlich and Berthier were able to make augite artificially, but could never succeed in forming hornblende. Lastly, Gustavus Rose fused a mass of hornblende in a porcelain furnace, and found that it did not, on cooling, assume its previous shape, but invariably took that of augite. The same mineralogist observed certain crystals in rocks from Siberia which presented a hornblende cleavage, while they had the external form of augite. If, from these data, it is inferred that the same substance may assume the crystalline forms of hornblende or augite indifferently, according to the more or less rapid cooling of the melted mass, it is The different quantity of the impurities or refuse above alluded to, which may occur in all but the most transparent and perfect crystals, may partly explain the discordant results at which experienced chemists have arrived in their analysis of the same mineral. For the reader will find that a mineral determined to be the same by its physical characters, crystalline form, and optical properties, has often been declared by skilful analyzers to be composed of distinct elements. (See the table at p. 377.) This disagreement seemed at first subversive of the atomic theory, or the doctrine that there is a fixed and constant relation between the crystalline form and structure of a mineral, and its chemical composition. The apparent anomaly, however, which threatened to throw the whole science of mineralogy into confusion, was in a great degree reconciled to fixed principles by the discoveries of Professor Mitscherlich at Berlin, who ascertained that the composition of the minerals which had appeared so variable, was governed by a general law, to which he gave the name of isomorphism (from ?s??, isos, equal, and ??f?, morphe, form). According to this law, the ingredients of a given species of mineral are not absolutely fixed as to their kind and quality; but one ingredient may be replaced by an equivalent portion of some analogous ingredient. Thus, in augite, the lime may be in part replaced by portions of protoxide of iron, or of manganese, while the form of the crystal, and the angle of its cleavage planes, remain the same. These vicarious substitutions, however, of particular elements cannot exceed certain defined limits. Having been led into this digression on the recent progress of mineralogy, I may here observe that the geological student must endeavour as soon as possible to familiarize himself with the characters The external characters and composition of the felspars are extremely different from those of augite or hornblende; so that the volcanic rocks in which either of these minerals decidedly predominates, are easily recognized. But there are mixtures of the two elements in every possible proportion, the mass being sometimes exclusively composed of felspar, at other times solely of augite, or, again, of both in equal quantities. Occasionally, the two extremes, and all the intermediate gradations, may be detected in one continuous mass. Nevertheless there are certain varieties or compounds which prevail so largely in nature, and preserve so much uniformity of aspect and composition, that it is useful in geology to regard them as distinct rocks, and to assign names to them, such as basalt, greenstone, trachyte, and others, already mentioned. Basalt.—As an example of rocks in which augite greatly prevails, basalt may first be mentioned. Although we are more familiar with this term than with that of any other kind of trap, it is difficult to define it, the name having been used so vaguely. It has been very generally applied to any trap rock of a black, bluish, or leaden-grey colour, having a uniform and compact texture. Most strictly, it consists of an intimate mixture of augite, felspar, and iron, to which a mineral of an olive green colour, called olivine, is often superadded, in distinct grains or nodular masses. The iron is usually magnetic, and is often accompanied by another metal, titanium. Augite is the predominant mineral, the felspar being in much smaller proportions. There is no doubt that many of the fine-grained and dark-coloured trap rocks, called basalt, contained hornblende in the place of augite; but this will be deemed of small importance after the remarks above made. Other minerals are occasionally found in basalt; and this rock may pass insensibly into almost every variety of trap, especially Greenstone, or Dolerite, is usually defined as a granular rock, the constituent parts of which are hornblende and imperfectly crystallized felspar; the felspar being more abundant than in basalt; and the grains or crystals of the two minerals more distinct from each other. This name may also be extended to those rocks in which augite is substituted for hornblende (the dolorite of some authors), or to those in which albite replaces common felspar, forming the rock sometimes called Andesite. Syenitic greenstone.—The highly crystalline compounds of the same two minerals, felspar and hornblende, having a granitiform texture, and with occasionally some quartz accompanying, may be called Syenitic greenstone, a rock which frequently passes into ordinary trap, and as frequently into granite. Trachyte.—A porphyritic rock of a whitish or greyish colour, composed principally of glassy felspar, with crystals of the same, generally with some hornblende and some titaniferous iron. In composition it is extremely different from basalt, this being a felspathic, as the other is an augitic, rock. It has a peculiar rough feel, whence the name t?a???, trachus, rough. Some varieties of trachyte contain crystals of quartz. Fig. 437. Porphyry. Porphyry is merely a certain form of rock, very characteristic of the volcanic formations. When distinct crystals of one or more minerals are scattered through an earthy or compact base, the rock is termed a porphyry (see fig. 437.). Thus trachyte is porphyritic; for in it, as in many modern lavas, there are crystals of felspar; but in some porphyries the crystals are of augite, olivine, or other minerals. If the base be greenstone, basalt, or pitchstone, the rock may be denominated greenstone-porphyry, pitchstone-porphyry, and so forth. Amygdaloid.—This is also another form of igneous rock, admitting of every variety of composition. It comprehends any rock in which round or almond-shaped nodules of some mineral, such as agate, calcedony, calcareous spar, or zeolite, are scattered through a base of wackÉ, basalt, greenstone, or other kind of trap. It derives its name from the Greek word amygdala, an almond. The origin of this structure cannot be doubted, for we may trace the process of its formation in modern lavas. Small pores or cells are caused by bubbles of steam and gas confined in the melted matter. After or during consolidation, these empty spaces are gradually filled up by matter separating from the mass, or infiltered by water permeating the rock. As these bubbles have been sometimes lengthened by the flow of the lava before it finally cooled, the contents of such cavities Fig. 438. Scoriaceous lava in part converted into an amygdaloid. Montagne de la Veille, Department of Puy de Dome, France. The annexed figure represents a fragment of stone taken from the upper part of a sheet of basaltic lava in Auvergne. One half is scoriaceous, the pores being perfectly empty; the other part is amygdaloidal, the pores or cells being mostly filled up with carbonate of lime, forming white kernels. ScoriÆ and Pumice may next be mentioned as porous rocks, produced by the action of gases on materials melted by volcanic heat. ScoriÆ are usually of a reddish-brown and black colour, and are the cinders and slags of basaltic or augitic lavas. Pumice is a light, spongy, fibrous substance, produced by the action of gases on trachytic and other lavas; the relation, however, of its origin to the composition of lava is not yet well understood. Von Buch says that it never occurs where only Labrador-felspar is present. Lava.—This term has a somewhat vague signification, having been applied to all melted matter observed to flow in streams from volcanic vents. When this matter consolidates in the open air, the upper part is usually scoriaceous, and the mass becomes more and more stony as we descend, or in proportion as it has consolidated more slowly and under greater pressure. At the bottom, however, of a stream of lava, a small portion of scoriaceous rock very frequently occurs, formed by the first thin sheet of liquid matter, which often precedes the main current, or in consequence of the contact with water in or upon the damp soil. The more compact lavas are often porphyritic, but even the scoriaceous part sometimes contains imperfect crystals, which have been derived from some older rocks, in which the crystals pre-existed, but were not melted, as being more infusible in their nature. Although melted matter rising in a crater, and even that which enters rents on the side of a crater, is called lava, yet this term belongs more properly to that which has flowed either in the open air or on the bed of a lake or sea. If the same fluid has not reached the surface, but has been merely injected into fissures below ground, it is called trap. There is every variety of composition in lavas; some are trachytic, as in the Peak of Teneriffe; a great number are basaltic, as in Vesuvius and Auvergne; others are andesitic, as those of Chili; some Trap tuff, volcanic tuff.—Small angular fragments of the scoriÆ and pumice, above mentioned, and the dust of the same, produced by volcanic explosions, form the tuffs which abound in all regions of active volcanos, where showers of these materials, together with small pieces of other rocks ejected from the crater, fall down upon the land or into the sea. Here they often become mingled with shells, and are stratified. Such tuffs are sometimes bound together by a calcareous cement, and form a stone susceptible of a beautiful polish. But even when little or no lime is present, there is a great tendency in the materials of ordinary tuffs to cohere together. Besides the peculiarity of their composition, some tuffs, or volcanic grits, as they have been termed, differ from ordinary sandstones by the angularity of their grains. When the fragments are coarse, the rock is styled a volcanic breccia. Tufaceous conglomerates result from the intermixture of rolled fragments or pebbles of volcanic and other rocks with tuff. According to Mr. Scrope, the Italian geologists confine the term tuff, or tufa, to felspathose mixtures, and those composed principally of pumice, using the term peperino for the basaltic tuffs. We meet occasionally with extremely compact beds of volcanic materials, interstratified with fossiliferous rocks. These may sometimes be tuffs, although their density or compactness is such as to cause them to resemble many of those kinds of trap which are found in ordinary dikes. The chocolate-coloured mud, which was poured for weeks out of the crater of Graham's Island, in the Mediterranean, in 1831, must, when unmixed with other materials, have constituted a stone heavier than granite. Each cubic inch of the impalpable powder which has fallen for days through the atmosphere, during some modern eruptions, has been found to weigh, without being compressed, as much as ordinary trap rocks, and to be often identical with these in mineral composition. The fusibility of the igneous rocks generally exceeds that of other rocks, for there is much alkaline matter and lime in their composition, which serves as a flux to the large quantity of silica, which would be otherwise so refractory an ingredient. It is remarkable that, notwithstanding the abundance of this silica, quartz, that is, crystalline silica, is usually wanting in the volcanic rocks, or is present only as an occasional mineral, like mica. The elements of mica, as of quartz, occur in lava and trap; but the circumstances under which these rocks are formed are evidently unfavourable to the development of mica and quartz, minerals so characteristic of the hypogene formations. It would be tedious to enumerate all the varieties of trap and lava Explanation of the names, synonyms, and mineral composition of the more abundant volcanic rocks.Amphibolite. See Hornblende rock, amphibole being HaÜy's name for hornblende. Amygdaloid. A particular form of volcanic rock; see p. 372. Augite rock. A kind of basalt or greenstone, composed wholly or principally of granular augite. (Leonhard's Mineralreich, 2d edition, p. 85.) Augitic-porphyry. Crystals of Labrador-felspar and of augite, in a green or dark grey base. (Rose, Ann. des Mines, tom. 8. p. 22. 1835.) Basalt. Chiefly augite—an intimate mixture of augite and felspar with magnetic iron, olivine, &c. See p. 371. The yellowish green mineral called olivine, can easily be distinguished from yellowish felspar by its infusibility, and having no cleavage. The edges turn brown in the flame of the blow-pipe. Basanite. Name given by Alex. Brongniart to a rock, having a base of basalt, with more or less distinct crystals of augite disseminated through it. Claystone and Claystone-porphyry. An earthy and compact stone, usually of a purplish colour, like an indurated clay; passes into hornstone; generally contains scattered crystals of felspar and sometimes of quartz. Compact Felspar, which has also been called Petrosilex; the rock so called includes the hornstone of some mineralogists, is allied to clinkstone, but is harder, more compact, and translucent. It is a varying rock, of which the chemical composition is not well defined, and is perhaps the same as that of clay. (MacCulloch's Classification of Rocks, p. 481.) Dr. MacCulloch says, that it contains both potash and soda. Cornean. A variety of claystone allied to hornstone. A fine homogeneous paste, supposed to consist of an aggregate of felspar, quartz, and hornblende, with occasionally epidote, and perhaps chlorite; it passes into compact felspar and hornstone. (De la Beche, Geol. Trans. second series, vol. 2. p. 3.) Diorite. A kind of greenstone, which see. Components, felspar and hornblende in grains. According to Rose, Ann. des Mines, tom. 8. p. 4., diorite consists of albite and hornblende. Dolerite. Formerly defined as a synonym of greenstone, which see. But, according to Rose (ibid. p. 32.), its composition is black augite and Labrador-felspar; according to Leonhard (Mineralreich, &c. p. 77.), augite, Labrador-felspar, and magnetic iron. Domite. An earthy trachyte, found in the Puy de Dome, in Auvergne. Euphotide. A mixture of grains of Labrador-felspar and diallage. (Rose, ibid. p. 19.) According to some, this rock is defined to be a mixture of augite or hornblende, and saussurite, a mineral allied to jade. (Allan's Mineralogy, p. 158.) See Diallage rock. Felspar-porphyry. Syn. Hornstone-porphyry; a base of felspar, with crystals of felspar, and crystals and grains of quartz. See also Hornstone. Gabbro, see Diallage rock. Greystone. (Graustein of Werner.) Lead grey and greenish rock, composed of felspar and augite, the felspar being more than seventy-five per cent. (Scrope, Journ. of Sci. No. 42. p. 221.) Greystone lavas are intermediate in composition between basaltic and trachytic lavas. Hypersthene Rock, a mixture of grains of Labrador-felspar and hypersthene (Rose, Ann. des Mines, tom. 8. p. 13.), having the structure of syenite or granite; abundant among the traps of Skye. Some geologists consider it a greenstone, in which hypersthene replaces hornblende. Laterite. A red jaspery rock, composed of silicate of alumina and oxide of iron. Abundant in the Deccan, in India; and referred to the trap formation; from Later, a brick or tile. Melaphyre. A variety of black porphyry, the base being black augite with crystals of felspar; from e?a?, melas, black. Ophiolite, sometimes same as Diallage rocks (Leonhard, p. 77.); sometimes a kind of serpentine. Ophite. A green porphyritic rock composed chiefly of hornblende, with crystals of that mineral in a base of the same, mixed with some felspar. It passes into serpentine by a mixture of talc. (Burat's d'Aubuisson, tom. ii. p. 63.) Pearlstone. A volcanic rock, having the lustre of mother of pearl; usually having a nodular structure; intimately related to obsidian, but less glassy. Peperino. A form of volcanic tuff, composed of basaltic scoriÆ. See p. 374. Petrosilex. See Clinkstone and Compact Felspar. Phonolite. Syn. of Clinkstone, which see. Porphyry. Any rock in which detached crystals of felspar, or of one or more minerals, are diffused through a base. See p. 372. Pozzolana. A kind of tuff. See p. 36. Pyroxenic-porphyry, same as augitic-porphyry, pyroxene being HaÜy's name for augite. ScoriÆ. Syn. volcanic cinders; reddish brown or black porous form of lava. See p. 373. Serpentine. A greenish rock, in which there is much magnesia; usually contains diallage, which is nearly allied to the simple mineral called serpentine. Occurs sometimes, though rarely, in dikes, altering the contiguous strata; is indifferently a member of the trappean or hypogene series. Syenitic-greenstone; composition, crystals or grains of felspar and hornblende. See p. 372. Tephrine, synonymous with lava. Name proposed by Alex. Brongniart. Toadstone. A local name in Derbyshire for a kind of wackÉ, which see. Trachyte. Chiefly composed of glassy felspar, with crystals of glassy felspar. See p. 372. Trap tuff. See p. 374. Trass. A kind of tuff or mud poured out by lake craters during eruptions; common in the Eifel, in Germany. Tufaceous Conglomerate. See p. 374. Tuff. Syn. Trap-tuff, volcanic tuff. See p. 374. Vitreous lava. See Pitchstone and Obsidian. Volcanic Tuff. See p. 374. Whinstone. A Scotch provincial term for greenstone and other hard trap rocks. ANALYSIS OF MINERALS MOST ABUNDANT IN THE VOLCANIC AND HYPOGENE ROCKS.
In the last column of the above Table, the letters B. C. F. W. represent Boracic acid, Carbonic acid, Fluoric acid, and Water. |