Transcriber's Note PHYSICAL MAP OF HERTFORD HERTFORDSHIRE CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS 1. County and Shire. The Name Hertfordshire . Its Origin and Meaning. 2. General Characteristics of the County. 3. Size. Shape. Boundaries. 4. Surface and General Features. 5. Watershed. Rivers. 6. Geology and Soil. 7. Natural History. 8. Climate and Rainfall. 9. People Race, Dialect, Settlements, Population. 10. Agriculture Main Cultivations, Woodlands, Stock. 11. Special Cultivations. 12. Industries and Manufactures. 13. Minerals An Exhausted Industry. 14. History of Hertfordshire. 15. Antiquities Prehistoric, Roman, Saxon. 16. Architecture. ( a ) E cclesiastical Abbeys and Churches. 17. Architecture. ( b ) M ilitary Castles. 18. Architecture. ( c ) D omestic Famous Seats, Manor Houses, Cottages. 19. Communications Past and Present. Roads, Railways, Canals. 20. Administration and Divisions Ancient and Modern. 21. The Roll of Honour of the County. 22. THE CHIEF TOWNS AND VILLAGES OF HERTFORDSHIRE. Diagrams GEOLOGICAL MAP OF HERTFORD Transcriber's Note (2)