1. Het Loo | Frontispiece | | FACING PAGE | 2. The “Berceau,” Het Loo | 8 | 3. Palace Gardens, Het Loo | 16 | 4. Azaleas, Het Loo | 24 | 5. The Return of the Storks | 28 | 6. The Promise of Spring | 32 | 7. A Crocus Field | 40 | 8. Hyacinths scattered on the Sand | 48 | 9. “In emerald tufts, flowers purple, blue, and white, like sapphire, pearl, and rich embroidery” | 56 | 10. Spanish Irises | 64 | 11. A Bulb Farm near Overveen | 68 | 12. “They spring, they bud, they blossome fresh and faire, and decke the world with their rich pompous showes” | 72 | 13. Bulb Time, Haarlem | 78 | 14. Tulips in their Prime | 84 | 15. “Here are tulips for you—white, for the bridal or the burial” | 88 | 16. “Whose leaves with their crimson glow Hide the heart that lies burning and black below” | 94 | 17. Darwin Tulips | 100 | 18. A Bulb House | 104 | 19. Flower-Market, Haarlem | 108 | 20. Hyacinth Flowers going to Market | 112 | 21. A Bulb-Grower’s Garden | 116 | 22. “When Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil” | 128 | 23. A Boatload of Fragrance | 144 | 24. A Dutch Garden in Spring | 160 |