
Abstinence, 43, 102, 108, 118, 150, 235, 240, 280, 334
Accumulation, its impossibility respective unrestricted possibility 23, 188f., 198ff., 216, 237, 268, 303, 311, 325
— primitive, 161, 272, 364, 369f., 454
Africa, 352, 363f., 382, 386;
South, 411ff., 420, 451
Algeria, under French rule, 371, 377ff.;
under Turkish rule, 378
Allard, General, 381
America, 290, 352, 420, 422, 428;
United States of, 173, 293ff., 297, 307f., 357f., 362f., 379, 396, 398, 402, 404f., 409ff., 424ff., 432;
States of South, 420, 422ff.
American Civil War (War of Secession), 357f., 363, 396, 398f., 402, 424f., 430
Anton, G., 385
Arabs, 377, 380, 382ff.
Asia, 247, 290, 420ff., 443ff., 450
Australia, 420, 426f.

Baring, E., Earl of Cromer, 434
Barter, 213, 215f., 222, 229
Bastiat-Schultze, F., 238, 268
Bentham, J., 372
Bergmann, 211
Bismarck, 448
Blackhouse, E. T., 392, 394
Blanc, L., 227
Bland, L. O., 392, 394
Blanqui, 227
Boer Republics, 411, 414ff.
— War, 415
Bouding, 319f.
Brandt, M. V., 392
Bright, 447
Brissot, 265
Bruce, General, 391
Bryce, J., 363, 412
Buecher, Prof., 307f.
Bulgakov, 275, 298-310, 311, 313, 315, 317, 320, 324ff.

Cabet, 227
Cameron, 439
Canada, 408f.
Capital and income (Marx), 108;
(Rodbertus), 262ff.;
(Say), 56;
(Sismondi), 179ff., 215, 423;
(Adam Smith), 53f., 58ff., 74ff., 83
— circulating, 37, 57ff., 64, 74ff., 83, 85f., 156f., 166, 183ff., 259, 354
— constant, 13f., 18f., 22f., 38, 44, 51, 53, 64, 72f., 83, 85f., 88, 94f., 97, 100ff., 109ff., 123ff., 137, 141, 143, 147, 149, 153, 156ff., 187ff., 200, 208, 236, 256, 258, 298f., 302, 304f., 336f., 339, 344, 354ff., 359, 361, 365f., 458, 463
— — definition of, 37, 72, 76f.
— fixed, 19, 50, 53, 57ff., 74ff., 83, 85ff., 111, 140, 147, 158, 166, 184ff., 259, 341, 354
— national (per se), 54, 263
— productive, 43f., 97, 140, 148f., 157, 163, 420
— total social, 31, 49f., 53f., 59, 65, 79, 83, 86, 88, 96f., 101, 103, 107f., 110, 118, 147, 156, 169, 180, 341, 349f.
— variable, 14, 18f., 22, 38, 44, 74f., 85, 94ff., 99, 101, 105, 109ff., 114ff., 123, 125ff., 134, 137, 151ff., 156, 159, 161, 182f., 185ff., 207, 209, 234, 253, 256, 258, 302, 306, 334, 336, 344, 346, 350, 354f., 357, 359ff., 365f., 428, 457f., 460, 463f.;
definition, 37, 77;
in relation to surplus value, 252, 258, 337;
in relation to constant capital, 111, 303, 317, 321, 337, 339f.
Cavour, 449
Chartist movement, 227, 267
Chernishevski, 273
Chesney, Colonel, 439
Chevalier, M., 448
China, 41, 247, 289, 353, 373, 386ff., 419, 428;
Dowager Empress of, 392ff.
Class antagonism, 181
— rule, 78, 452, 456, 464
— society, 41
Cobden, R., 447f.
Colonial policy, 185, 247, 363f., 369ff., 419, 425, 451f., 454, 466
— — English in India, 88, 247, 371, 374f., 383
— — French in North Africa, 371, 380, 382
Commodity economy, see Economy
— Exchange, 81f., 85, 93f., 97ff., 118, 129f., 193f., 233, 270, 386, 428, 438, 443, 452, 454
— surplus, 195ff., 276-83
Communism, 263, 369, 378, 384
Compensation, theory of, 203
Competition, 21, 23, 40, 46, 48, 191, 202, 205, 207, 209, 230, 242, 259, 283, 297, 332, 342, 344, 368, 416, 419, 446, 450, 457, 466;
‘peaceful —’, 386, 452
Contradictions latent in capitalism, 202, 218, 227f., 239, 271, 286ff.
Corn Laws, 231
CorvÉe, 33, 39, 42, 84, 369, 395
Crises, 14, 35f., 41, 46, 103f., 173, 176f., 191, 194, 199, 201ff., 211, 213, 216, 218, 222, 227f., 232, 235ff., 244ff., 261, 268, 272, 274, 281f., 286, 298, 305, 312ff., 318f., 323f., 332, 342, 346f., 419, 422, 424, 426, 428, 467
Crusoe, Robinson, 179, 182, 185, 261ff.

Dalrymple, Oliver, 403f., 409
Declining wage rate, 20f., 229, 241, 244, 250f., 253, 258f.
Delamarre, AbbÉ, 393
Demand and supply (production), 36, 46, 133, 192f., 195, 200, 206, 212, 220ff., 230f., 242, 248, 324
— effective, 20, 34, 39, 131, 134, 155, 164f., 193f., 286, 329, 458, 461, 465f.
Devers, A., 448
Dialectical approach, 69, 205, 209, 265, 366
Diehl, Prof., 228f., 256, 266f.
Division of Labour, 79, 104, 128f., 148, 193, 233, 278, 297, 307f., 319, 321f.
Duehring, 194

East India Company, 375f., 386f., 411
Economics, bourgeois, 31, 49, 51, 68f., 106, 108, 112, 137, 170, 173f., 177, 179, 181, 189f., 209, 215, 218, 244, 268, 271, 279f., 295, 310, 325f.;
classical, 35, 57, 65, 67ff., 105, 108f., 179, 188f., 200, 203, 208, 210, 216, 227ff., 237, 238-252, 254, 256, 258, 266, 279, 325, 383, 446;
vulgar, 35f., 81, 108, 177, 211f., 320
Economy, commodity, 368ff., 386-394, 402, 417, 419f., 427f., 449, 465
— natural, 42, 255, 293, 368-385, 386, 402, 415, 417, 419, 427, 443
— peasant, handicrafts and domestic industries, 41, 289, 296, 358, 369, 374, 395-418, 435, 438, 444f., 465
— rural, 272
Egypt, 41, 201f., 353, 358, 425, 429ff., 450f.
Elgin, Lord, 391f.
Engels, Friedrich, 95, 102, 154, 166, 168, 194, 228, 241, 250, 275, 288ff., 294, 449f.
England, 173ff., 191, 218f., 227ff., 241, 245, 277, 286, 293, 297, 307f., 313, 316, 318, 352, 357, 366f., 391, 393, 410, 412, 420ff., 447ff.
English cotton industry, 297, 342, 352, 357f., 362, 422
Exploitation, 17, 21ff., 46, 73f., 108, 116, 181ff., 196, 220, 228, 241, 247, 255, 334, 343f., 358ff., 364, 374, 386, 428, 445, 451, 456
Eyth, Engineer, 431, 437

Family Associations, 374, 377, 380f.
Feudal system, 210, 293, 365, 368f., 381f.
Foreign trade, 136, 205f., 236, 246, 282, 297, 306, 309, 313, 350;
see also market
Fowler’s Works, 431
France, 174, 177, 191, 214, 218, 227, 291, 296, 379, 391, 393, 420f., 431f., 445, 448ff.
Franke, O., 373, 393
Free Trade, 205, 238, 242, 447ff.

General public (grand public), 135, 295, 298
Germany, 173, 271, 296f., 308, 366f., 420ff., 427, 442, 448ff.
Gold, production of, 99ff., 141, 154, 301f.
Great Britain, see England
Gros, 392

Hangers-on of the capitalist class, cf. also Third persons, 14, 81f., 112, 134f., 222f., 295, 332f., 350, 420, 454ff., 464
Hanotaux, A., 378
Hansen, 26
Harmony, doctrine of, 173, 177, 200, 203f., 211ff., 228f., 238, 271, 305, 325f., 446f.
Harrod, 19
Hermann, 243
Herodotus, 88f., 372
Hertzen, 273
Hicks, 28
Hobson, 21, 314

Ilyin, V., 189, 275, 287, 303, 309, 317, 320
Imperialism, 28, 320, 368, 416ff., 421, 445f., 452
India, 41f., 72, 88, 247, 286, 308, 352f., 365, 371ff., 380, 387, 425, 428, 454
Indian famine, 376, 382
— mutiny, 247, 374
Industrial reserve army, 15, 108, 111, 361
Intelligentsia, 273ff.
Ismail Pasha, 33, 431ff., 438
Issayev, Prof., 275
Italy, 173, 449ff.

Japan, 247, 353

Kablukov, Prof., 275
Kaffir, 411ff.
— Wars, 411, 413
Kalecki, 23
Kant, I., 326
Kareyev, 274
Kautsky, K., 228, 267, 318ff.
Keynes, Lord, 20f., 26
Kirchmann, v., 227-37, 238, 244, 248, 250, 252f., 260f., 266, 268, 309f., 351, 366
Kovalevski, M., 373, 375f., 384

Labour, abstract and concrete, 67ff., 72, 105
— intellectual and material, 77
— paid and unpaid, 37ff., 55, 62, 65ff., 71, 73, 75, 98, 322f., 343
— past and present, 66f., 70, 75, 80, 88f.
— problem, 363f.
Labour, progressive productivity of, its capitalist and general social expression, 258, 321f., 335f., 349, 357
Lafargue, 399, 404
Laissez-faire, 173, 238, 274
Lassalle, F., 228
Lavrov, P., 274
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, see Ilyin
Letournaux, A., 378
Lexis, 266
Leyden, V. v., 377
List, F., 307
Livingstone, Dr., 411
Loans, international, 387, 419-45, 451f.
Lodyshenski, K., 449
Lotz, W., 448
Lucas, C. P., 414
Luxury goods, 81, 102, 163, 197ff., 208, 235ff., 260, 277

MacCulloch, J. R., 177, 189, 191-202, 203, 206f., 211, 220, 222, 229, 233, 264, 335
Maine, Sir Henry, 373f.
Malthus, 24, 181, 211, 217, 219-23, 229, 298, 305, 309, 350
Manuilov, Prof., 275, 460
Market, internal and external, 236, 246, 277f., 283ff., 292, 294f., 299, 306ff., 316
— concept revised, 366
— problem of, 229f., 235, 277, 284, 289, 312ff., 345ff.
Marx, K., 13f., 16ff., 31, 36f., 43, 49, 51, 54, 60, 62ff., 76-92, 95, 99ff., 120-38, 139-54, 155ff., 189, 203, 205, 212, 215, 217f., 220, 223, 228, 233, 241, 243f., 255f., 258, 264, 268, 274f., 281f., 287, 295, 298-310, 311f., 316ff., 320, 324f., 329ff., 348, 350f., 357, 359ff., 417;
his diagram of capitalist reproduction, 84, 97, 99ff., 104, 113, 118f., 127, 274, 298-310, 311, 417, 428, 455;
his diagram of enlarged reproduction, 120-138, 304f., 313ff., 318, 323f., 329-47, 348, 353f., 359, 361, 417, 458ff.;
his diagram of simple reproduction, 76, 92, 103, 107, 112, 114, 173, 264, 299, 351, 361, 418
Marxism, 272ff., 310, 326;
‘legalist’, 275, 292, 294, 303, 305f., 317, 323, 324-6460;
‘orthodox’, 318
Mehemet Ali, 429, 435
Mehring, F., 228, 266f.
Mikhailovski, Prof., 274
Militarism, 27, 248, 276, 282, 298, 309, 350, 371, 439, 454-67
Mill, James, 191, 212, 220ff., 372f., 375, 383
Mill, John Stuart, 279
Money, as form of pure value, 38f., 43f., 76, 140
— circulation, 20, 50, 93-106, 139ff., 148, 193, 213, 300ff., 324
— sources, 144ff., 151ff., 156, 158ff., 300ff.
Monroe, President, 402
Moravitz, C., 443, 445
Most Favoured Nations Clause, 448

Napoleon Bonaparte, 173
Napoleon III, 431, 448
Negroes, 362ff., 411ff.
Neo-Marxists, 291
Neo-Mercantilism, 296
Nikolayon, 275, 284-91, 292f., 299, 309, 351, 366, 408
Non-capitalist strata necessary for accumulation, 319f., 351ff., 357, 359, 361ff., 368, 386, 416, 427, 429, 446, 450, 452, 466
Nyok Ching Tsur, Dr., 395

Obshchina, 273, 288, 290
Opium Wars, 27, 247, 387, 391, 393, 447
Oppenheim, M. v., 439
Ort, 231f., 248, 252
Over-production, 91, 104, 149, 195, 199f., 213, 221, 235, 250, 252, 254, 279, 281f., 298, 324, 342
Owen, Robert, 174f., 191, 240

Palikao, Count, 392
Pan-Germans, 247
Peasantry, 27;
their expropriation, 288, 296, 362, 364, 369, 374f.
Peel, Sir Robert, 245
Peffer, Senator, 396, 398, 400f., 406f.
Physiocrats, 31, 49, 51, 56f., 62, 68, 71, 106, 233
Planned economy, 78f., 103f., 128ff., 195, 248, 312, 323
Plekhanov, Prof., 272, 275
Population increase, 15, 41, 78, 91, 107, 133f., 239, 360f., 371
Populism, 272ff., 283, 286ff., 303, 306, 309, 317, 325, 351
Positivism, 326
Pressel, Engineer, 441f.
Primitive social organisations, 32, 39, 41f., 72, 362, 368ff., 377, 415, 428, 454
Private enterprise, 79, 103, 248
Production, and consumption, 45f., 204, 211, 218, 244, 253, 260, 304f., 324, 326, 343, 349
— for social requirements, 37, 42, 129, 133, 139, 220, 260, 285, 304f., 316
— its two departments, 16, 18f., 23, 25, 83ff., 95ff., 99, 102, 114ff., 123ff., 127ff., 137, 233, 299, 323, 334, 336, 339ff., 353, 355, 417, 434
— capitalist, as creation of surplus value, 37ff., 42, 78, 84, 107, 343, 367, 427
— — as end in itself, 311, 316f., 320, 333, 346
— — its universal domination, 216f., 331, 333, 348, 351, 353, 361, 365, 410, 417, 467
Productive consumption, 236f., 316
Profit, of enterprise, 38, 232, 234
— motive, 34, 305, 322f.
Profit, rate, 17, 23f., 79f., 167;
(declining) 259, 320, 326, 338, 343f., 367
Progress, 28, 79, 89, 130f., 204, 216, 245, 249, 258f., 274, 296, 320, 323, 339
Property, ownership, 214, 248f., 265, 380f., 413
— communal, 77, 248, 289, 379, 381
— in land, 256, 262, 264f., 370
— — vested in Sovereign, 372f., 380f.
— private, 196, 240, 322, 378, 380, 382ff.
Proudhon, 137, 227, 241, 264f.
Punjab Alienation Act, 376

Quesnay, 31, 48ff., 57, 62, 104f., 211

Railway construction, 289, 353, 398, 402, 409, 419ff., 425ff., 439, 445
Renner, K., 455
Rent, 38, 50ff., 57ff., 64, 68, 135, 181, 254f., 257, 266
Rentier, 223, 254
Reproduction, enlarged, 13, 40ff., 80, 89ff., 102, 107-19, 151, 155, 169, 184, 197, 209, 268, 300, 303, 312, 317f., 329, 335, 339f., 351, 353, 355, 429
— simple, 13, 15, 19, 41, 48, 98, 102, 104, 107f., 112f., 115, 127f., 130, 139, 143ff., 155f., 160ff., 165, 169, 187, 190, 197, 199f., 298, 300, 302, 312, 317, 329, 334, 338, 348, 351, 354
— transition from simple to enlarged, 123, 144f., 147, 150, 162f., 318;
see also Marx
Rhodes, Cecil, 413f., 416
Ricardo, D., 53f., 57, 62, 67f., 105f., 109f., 179, 181, 189, 191, 194ff., 203-10, 211, 215ff., 229f., 232f., 237, 240f., 243ff., 248, 254, 257, 261, 266, 268, 271, 279ff., 305, 324f., 345f., 350, 366, 383, 447
‘Right to Work’, 227, 229f.
Roberts of Kandahar, Lord, 374
Rodbertus, 22f., 54, 227ff., 237, 238-51, 252-68, 271, 274, 281f., 351
Rothstein, Th., 436ff.
Rozet, A., 385
Rusk, Secretary, 406
Russia, 167, 173, 271f., 275ff., 283f., 287ff., 297, 308, 326, 357, 419ff., 445, 449f., 452

St. Simon, 191
Said Pasha, 433ff.
Saling, 441
Saving, 17f., 20ff., 22f., 27, 163, 236f., 239, 260f., 265f.
Say, J. B., 53ff., 62f., 177ff., 189, 191, 204, 206, 210, 211-18, 219f., 222, 229ff., 237, 248, 254, 257, 264, 266, 268, 279, 305, 324f., 335, 366
Schaeffle, Prof., 293, 295, 307, 424
Scheibert, J., 388, 390
Schmoller, Prof., 293, 295ff.
Schneider, S., 440
Schultze, E., 410
Sering, 401, 407, 409f.
Severance of labour power from the means of production, 181, 210, 402
— of agriculture and trade (industry), 369, 395f.
Simmons, A. M., 398
Simons, 363
Sismondi, 24, 35, 53, 115, 173-90, 191-202, 203-10, 211-18, 219f., 222f., 227ff., 237, 240, 245, 248ff., 256, 260, 264, 268, 271, 274, 281f., 287f., 292, 309, 312, 317, 342, 350ff., 365f., 423ff.
Skvortsov, Prof., 275
Slavery, 33, 39, 72f., 84, 161, 209f., 241, 243, 255f., 359, 363, 369, 379, 400, 412, 432
Slavophiles, 273, 276
Smith, Adam, 36, 48, 50ff., 83, 105f., 108ff., 166, 169, 180, 185, 187ff., 191, 210f., 215, 228, 230f., 233, 256f., 260ff., 264, 266, 271, 346, 351, 383
Socialism, 228f., 266, 274, 325f., 467;
English, 244;
Utopian, 217;
and Marx’s analysis, 131
Sombart, Prof., 308
Spheres of interest, 445, 447, 452
State as consumer, 223, 454ff., 458, 460, 463, 466
Struve, Peter v., 275, 292-97, 298, 307, 309ff., 325f., 350
Suez Canal, 33, 430f., 433, 435ff.
Surplus value, 14, 18f., 38, 62, 78, 109ff., 128, 135, 139, 141, 185ff., 199, 207, 220, 234f., 253, 255ff., 265ff., 298, 301f., 310, 317, 332ff., 342f., 350, 353f., 357f., 365ff., 454, 456, 463, 466;
its capitalisation, 108, 112ff., 132, 136, 140, 142, 146f., 151f., 163, 165, 170, 184, 188, 196, 198, 237, 330f., 338, 340f., 345, 355, 357, 359f., 367, 417, 421, 428, 446, 451, 456, 464;
its consumption, 159ff., 169, 197, 254, 298, 303, 348, 354;
‘destruction’, 281f., 310, 344;
definition, 37f., 77;
realisation, 98ff., 132, 139, 142, 155ff., 165, 170, 200, 205ff., 278, 292f., 300, 303, 309f., 329, 341f., 346, 351, 355, 359, 365, 386, 417, 419, 421, 426, 428f., 442, 444, 451, 454, 461f.;
contradiction between its production and realisation, 345, 365
Sweezy, 13, 21

Tariffs, protective, 231, 297, 399, 446-53, 456
Taussig, 399f.
Taxation, 369, 373f., 379, 381, 383, 394, 396, 399, 435ff., 443, 455, 458, 464f.;
indirect, 455ff., 460f., 463f.
Tax collector, 372f., 443f.
‘Third Persons’, 135, 159, 292-7, 298, 305, 348, 350, 458
‘Three World Empires’, 292-7
Timur (Tamerlane), 375
Tooke, 156
Trade Unions, 271, 461
Tucker, Josiah, 211
Tugan Baranovski, Prof., 23, 210, 275, 303, 305f., 310, 311-23, 324ff., 330, 335f., 346, 366, 422ff.
Turkey, 353, 385, 419, 425f., 436, 439, 442, 445

Unemployment, 177, 208, 240, 282
Usury, 373, 377, 381, 383f.
Utopianism, 249, 262, 264, 268, 288, 291

Value, problem of pure, 35f.
— Marx’s theory of, 66, 68, 105, 281
— Ricardo’s theory of, 68, 105
— Rodbertus’ theory of, 240ff., 256, 259
Value, Adam Smith’s theory of, 62, 64ff., 105f.
— relationships and material points of view, 81f., 105, 112, 264, 336, 354, 417
Victoria, Queen, 393
Violence, 371, 446, 452
Vorontsov, V., 24, 274f., 276-83, 287, 291ff., 299, 303, 309f., 350, 366, 460

Wagner, Prof., 256, 266f., 293, 295, 297, 307
Warren, Count, 375
Wilson, H. H., 372f.
Wilson, James, 376
World (international) Commerce, 205, 307f., 359
World Market, 200, 202, 205, 296f., 308

Zadruga, 378

[Transcriber’s notes:
List of errors:
Page 20 "stook" changed to "stock" ("requires an increase in the stock")
Page 31 "Quesney" changed to "Quesnay" ("of this problem: one by Quesney,")
Page 121 missing "(" added ("(800v+ 25v+ 55v)")
Pages 175 and 192 "E" replaced with "É" ("Nouveaux Principes d’Économie Politique")
Page 220 Footnote reference to 224 altered from original 9, assumed to be 2
Page 227 "simulated" changed to "stimulated" ("the working class had stimulated Sismondi’s opposition")
Page 255 "irelevant" changed to "irrelevant" ("irrelevant to the productive process,")
Page 275 "." changed to "," ("One of the two champions of the ‘populist’ movement,")
Page 275 second "." added as in "V. V." ("Vorontsov, known in Russia mainly under the nom de plume V. V.,")
Page 293 "’" added ("open whether these ‘third persons’")
Page 293 """ changed to "’" ("entirely on the basis of the home market.’")
Page 300 Two instances of "formulae" changed to "formulÆ"
Page 340 space added to betweenthe ("determined by the relations between the two departments")
Page 354 "producduction" changed to "production" ("the sphere of capitalist production,")
page 379 "57,500,000,000 acres" changed to "57,000,000 acres" [based on the German text "23.000.000 Hektar" converted to acres and rounded]
Page 381 "assocations" changed to "associations" ("of accelerating the process of dissolving the family associations")
Page 434 "." removed after "per cent" ("an annual charge of 9 per cent")
Page 441 "Alleppo" changed to "Aleppo" ("vilayets Aydin, Baghdad, Mossul, Diarbekir, Ursa and Aleppo")
Page 474 "," changed to ";" ("443, 455, 458, 464f.;")
Footnote 180 missing "." added to "470." ("MacCulloch, loc. cit., p. 470.")
Footnote 213 "Noveaux" changed to "Nouveaux" ("Nouveaux Principes ..., vol. i, p. 117.")
Footnote 233 "socialer" changed to "sozialer" ("Über die Grundrente in sozialer Beziehung.")
Footnote 239 "f," changed to "f." ("Op. cit., vol. ii, pp. 104 f.")
Footnote 260 missing "." added to "Ibid.," ("Ibid., vol. i, p. 19.")]


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