

Albert of Unicov, Archbishop of Prague, 104
Alexander V., decree against heresy, 99
Alexander V. recognised as Pope, 98
Alexander VI. appoints Cardinal of Monreale to see of OlmÜtz, 177
Account of, 18
Account of festivities when Alexander entered Babylon, 23
Extract from battle-piece, 22
Amos, Brother, theological treatises, 228
Andrew of Duba, author of early legal work, 51
Arbes, Jacob, Romanetta, 408
Arnold, Nicholas, antagonist of KomenskÝ, 276
Augusta, Bishop—
Hymns, 231
Sketch of career, 228
Summary, 230
Austi, John of, Hus retires to his castle, 107
Balbin (Balbinus)—
Account of Milic of Kremsier, 59
Miscellanea and other works, 356
BartoŠŠ PisÁr, Chronicles of Prague, 299
Bayle, judgment of KomenskÝ, 249, 273
Bechin, Wenceslas of, lays articles from Wycliffe's writings before assembly at Prague, 91
Benedict XIII., 95
Benes of Weitmil, Canon, incorporates Charles IV.'s notes in his chronicle, 49, 50
"Bible of Kralice," 248
Bienenberg, Joseph, AlterthÜmer in KÖnigreiche BÖhmen and History of the Town of KÖniggrÄtz, 357
Bilek, account of Bishop Augusta's prison life, 299, 311
Quotation from, 312
Account of Summary, 230
Filipika, 233
Grammatika CeskÁ, 239
History of the Unity lost, 296, 311
Knowledge of writings of Humanists, 175
Replika proti Misomusum extract from, 237
Sketch of career, 232
Visits Sigismund Gelenius, 185
Brezan's account of social condition of, 319
Chivalrous poetry, 17
Clergy, 58
Greek and Latin ritual in, 13
Humanist movement in, 174
Intellectual activity at beginning of sixteenth century, 295
Invaded by troops of Margrave of Meissen, 90
Prosperous during reign of Charles IV., 57
Religious sects in, 143, 152
Bohemian books burnt, 354
Bohemian Brethren ("Unity")—
Conferences of two parties, 216
Cromwell's suggestion for, 274
Decide to abandon Bohemia, 256
Discord among, 215
Effect on Bohemian literature, 201, 296
"First persecution," 205
Foundation of, 174
Historians of, 310
Historical archives, 296
Institutions modelled on Waldenses', 219
Luther's teaching affecting, 221
Bohemian language and literature, development of, 174, 295, 354, 403, 406
Bohemian lyric poems, 25
Bohemian writings, character of early, 8
Borc; directs Hanka's attention to manuscript, 2
Borivoj, Prince, concession of, 45
Brand, Erasmus and Sebastian, 189
Brezan, Wenceslas, History of House of Rosenberg, 314
Brezova, Laurence of, 50
Chronicon, record of Hussite wars, 147
"Brothers of Chilcic," 15;
join community of Kunwald, 205
BrÜnn, account of St. Catherine's martyrdom in Church of St. Jacob, 10
Budovec, Wenceslas, of Budova—
Anti-Alkoran, 243, 244
Letters, 247
Sketch of, 242
State papers, 247
Views of, 192
Calixtines (Utraquists), party of Hussites, 143
"Canon of VyŠehrad," chronicle of, 46
Cantio Zavisonis, extract from, 28
Cato, adaptation from Latin, 41
Cech appears in Bohemia, 32
Cech, Svatopluk, 419
Cechs, account of their establishment in Bohemia, 44
CelakovskÝ, Ladislav, collections of national songs, 404
Charles IV.—
As Bohemian historian, 48
Establishes Slavonic monks at Prague, 13
Invites Conrad Waldhauser to Bohemia, 58
Chatillon, Philip Gaultier (Walter)de, Latin poem of, 18
Chelcicky, Peter, 153
Character of writings, 157
Influence on "Bohemian Brethren," 171
Net of Faith; summary of, 166 seqq.
Opinion of towns, 215
Originator of "Unity," 202
Postilla, 159
Reply to Nicholas, 148, 158
Reply to Rokycan, quoted, 155, 170
Socialism, 153
Chlum, John of, accompanies Hus to Constance, 110
Chronicle of Dalimil. See Dalimil's Chronicle
Chronicle of Troy, 56
first Bohemian work printed, 57
Chronicon Boemorum—
Continuations of, 46
Described, 44
Early prose Latin work, 42
Numerous MSS. of, 46
Quoted in Dalimil's Chronicle, 31
Cimburg, Ctibor, of Tovacov, Book of Law, 172
Colloredo, Count, owner of estate of GrÜneberg, 6
Colonna, Cardinal, rejects appeal of Hus, 103
Comenius. See KomenskÝ
Constance, Council of, 108
Cosmas, "the father of Bohemian history," 42
Chronicon Boemorum. See that title
On "Gospodi pomiluj ny," 8
Sketch of his life, 42
Tales of Crocus, Libussa, Premysl, and "war of the maidens," 45
Cromwell's suggestion for Bohemian Brethren, 274
Curtius, Quintus, Alexandreis based on work of, 18
Dalimil's Chronicle, account of, 29
Preface quoted, 31
De Ecclesia, summary of (See also under Hus.)
De Geers, Lawrence, invites KomenskÝ to Amsterdam, 275
De Geers, Louis, correspondence with KomenskÝ, 268
Des Marets, Samuel, antagonist of KomenskÝ, 276
Dietmar, Bishop of Prague, "Gospodi pomiluj ny" sung at his installation, 8
DobrovskÝ, Joseph, "patriarch of Slavic philology," 359
Detailed Grammar of Bohemian Language, 360
History of Bohemian Language and its Older Literature, 360
Obtains appointment of archivist for PalackÝ, 389
Opinion of "MS. of GrÜneberg," 361
Drabik, influence over KomenskÝ, 252, 271
Prophecies, 272
Duba, Wenceslas of, accompanies Hus to Constance, 110
Eastern and Roman ritual, rivalry between, 13, 14
Erasmus of Rotterdam, and apology of "Unity," 220
Erben, Charles Jaromir, as editor and poet, 406
Edited and published books Of General Christian Matters, 65
Ernest of Pardubic, Archbishop of Prague, 36, 60, 93
FlajŠhans, Dr., history of Bohemian literature, 409
FlaŠka, Smil—
Advice of a Father to his Son, 36
Groom and the Scholar, 40
New Council, account of, 38
Sketch of career, 36
Francis, Provost of Prague, chronicle of, 48
Frederick II., Emperor, circular to princes, 139
Gebauer, Professor, writings on philology, 409
Gelenius, Gregory, 175;
translations of classical works into Bohemian, 184
Gelenius, Sigismund, sketch of, 185
George, King of Bohemia, 204
Germany, war between Charles V, and Protestants, 229
Gindely, Dr. Anton—
Historical works, 408
Opinion of Jaffet's list of ordinations, 241
Glagolitic alphabet employed, 13
Goethe, adaptation of Kytice, 2
Goll, Professor—
History of Bohemian Brethren, 412
Investigations on Bohemia and Greek Church, 137
On authorship of "Gospodi pomiluj ny," 8
On torture inflicted on Gregory, 206
Goll, Professor—
Researches into life of Chelcicky, 156
Gregory, Brother,
founder of "Unity," 203; St. Kunwald, 205
Controversy with Lucas of Prague, 217
Followers, 205, 207
Letters to Rokycan, extract from Fourth, 208
Tortured (?), 206
Gregory XII. recognised as Pope by Prague University, 95
Habernfeld, Andreas ab, Bellum Bohemicum, 353
Halek, minor poet, 404
Hanka, Venceslas—
And falsification of manuscripts, 8
Collection of Bohemian songs, 403
Discoverer of MS. of KÖniginhof, 2, 403
Publishes Tkadlecek the Weaver, 51
Harant, Christopher, of Polic—
Classical erudition, 298
Journey to Venice, Holy Land, and Egypt; extract from, 329, 333
Sketch of career, 326 seqq.
Views of, 192
Harasser, Walter, and articles from Wycliffe's writings, 91
Hartlib, Samuel, interested in Kome
nskÝ's "Pansophy," 260, 269
Hattala, Professor, edition of Re?i Besedni, 73, 75
Hayek, semi-mythical tales, 32
Henry of Baltenhagen recognises Gregory XII. as Pope, 95
Henry of Carinthia, 29
Heyduk, Adolphus, 408
Hilferding on Bohemians and Greek Church, 137
HladÍk, Wenceslas, 417
Hlavsa, John, BartoŠ's account of, 302
Hodic, George, Lord of, and Charles of erotin, 323
HÖfler, Professor, criticism of PalackÝ, 402
HoraPdovic, Minorite monastery of, 242
Hradil discovers MS. of Grammatika ?eskÁ, 239
HÜbner, John, makes selections from Wycliffe's writings, 91
Humanist movement, growth of, and development of Bohemian language, 174
Hurych, Miss, 421
Hus, John—
Affection for national language, 122
Attends Council of Constance—
forebodings, 109
Character, 140
Dcerka, 127
De Ecclesia, 111, 113;
summary of, 119
Expositions (VÝklad), 123 seqq.
Influence of Wycliffe on, 137
Latin and Bohemian letters, 131 seqq.
Letter to Richard Wyche, 131
O SavtokupectvÍ, treatise on simony, 127
On indulgences, 105, 129
Postilla, 130
Relations with Archbishop Zbynek, 93, 94, 98
Summary of career, 87 seqq.
Works, Bohemian and Latin, 57, 107, 117
Huska, Martin ("Loquis"), sketch of, 153
Hussite movement and development of Bohemian language, 297
Hussite wars, 143 seqq.
War songs, 9
Innocent IV. deposes Emperor Frederick II., 139
Institoris, Henry, works against "Unity," 294
Jacobellus of Mies—
Articles of Prague, 146
Maintained necessity of communion in two kinds, 112, 145
Jaffet, Brother, writings of, 241
Jagi?, Professor, on influence of Chel?icky's works, 153
Janov, Matthew of—
Precursor of Hus, 79
Recantation, 81
Sketch of, 80
Theological works, 81,
Translations, 2
Manuscript of KÖniggrÄtz, 3, 9
Legend of St. Prokop in, 12
Manuscript of St. Vitus, 3,
Manuscripts of beginning of present century, 7
Marek, Jungmann's friend, 404
Maria Teresa, Empress, excluded Bohemian language from schools, 358
Marsiglio of Padua, Defensor Fidei, 139
Masaryk, Professor Thomas, 415
Michael of Deutschbrod (de Causis)—
Complaint against Hus, 106
Draws up accusation of Hus, 111
Milheim, John of, founds Bethlehem Chapel, Prague, 88
Milic of Kremsier, sketch of, 59;
sermons in Bohemian, 60
Mladenovic, Peter of—
Account of Hus's journey, imprisonment and death, 116, 145
On accusation of Hus, 112
Record of Hus's journey, trial and death, 110
"Monk of Sazava," chronicle of, 47
Morfill, on Journal of Bohemian Museum, 391
Mourek, Bohemian-English and Anglo-Bohemian dictionaries, 410
MrŠtik, William, novelist, 417
MÜhlberg, Protestants defeated at, 229
Nassau University, 253
Neander studies works of Janov, 82
Nemcova, Mrs. Boena, Babicka (Grandmother), 405
New Council, beast-epic, 35;
account of, 38
Niederle, Dr., 416
Novikov, Eugene, on Bohemians and Greek Church, 137
Ottokar and Zavis, 35
Ottokar II., account of reign of, 33
Oxenstiern, Chancellor, KomenskÝ's interview with, 269
PalackÝ, Francis—
Defends Ottokar II., 33
Edits Journal of Bohemian Museum, 391
Examines early Bohemian histories, 46
Examines Rosenberg archives, 317
History of Bohemia, 390, 396;
censors and, 397
Investigations on Greek Church and Bohemia, 137
Latin and Bohemian documents, 402
Minor works, 400
Opinion of Manuscript of KÖniginhof, 2
PalackÝ, Francis—
Opinion of SkÁla ze Zhore, 335
Opinion of ŠtitnÝ, 74
Reply to HÖfler's criticisms, 402
Reply to invitation to German National Assembly, Frankfort, 392
Sketch of career, 388 seqq.
Speech at banquet quoted, 395
Palec, Stephen—
Abandons Hus, 106
Banished by Wenceslas, 108
Draws up accusation of Hus, 111
Pardubic, William of, 36
Pasek, John, BartoŠ's account of, 301
Patera, Adolphus, searches for early Bohemian MSS., 409
Payne, Peter, English Hussite, adversary of John of Pribram, 144
Sketch of, 146
Pelhrimov, Nicholas of ("Biskupec"), work of, 148
PeŠina, Tomas, Latin works treating of Moravia, 357
Peter the Great conversing with nobles at Prague, 355
Pfauser mediates between Maximilian and Blahoslav, 233
PÍc, Dr., 416
"Pickharts" or "Beghards," 205
PiseckÝ (Wenceslas Hladic)—
Greek studies, 184, 186
Sketch of career, 185
PodlipskÁ, Sophia, 405
PonatovskÁ, Christina—
Influence on KomenskÝ, 79
"Prophecies" of, 227
PonatovskÁ, Julian, 257
Account of foundation of, 45
Wycliffe's works burned at, 101
Prague University—
Articles from Wycliffe's works condemned by, 91, 106
Change in organisation, 97
Divisions, 91, 97
Recognises Gregory XII. as Pope, 95
Wycliffe's writings discussed at, 91
Prague University and development of Bohemian language, 297
Precursors of Hus, 57
Prefat, Ulrick, of Vlkanov, descriptions of Holy Land, 325
Premysl, adventures of, 32
Presl, John, account of, 405
Pribik. (See Pulkava.)
Pribram, John of, champion of moderate Utraquists, 144
Works, 144
Prokop of Neuhaus (Jindrichuv Hradec), theological writer of "Unity," 215, 217
Works in Bohemian, 218
Pulkava, account of his Bohemian chronicle, 49
Pypin and Spasovic, History of Slav Literatures, 386
Queen Kunegund, 28
Queen Sophia—
Friendly to Hus, 98, 136
Letter to Pope protesting against severity to Hus, 103
"Question of the Manuscripts," 1
Rakoczy, George, Prince of Transylvania, invites KomenskÝ to visit him, 271
Ranke studies archives of Vatican, 392
Rezek, Anton, historical works, 413
Rokycan, Archbishop, leader of advanced Calixtine party, 148
Originator of "Unity," 202
Postilla, 147
Relations with Gregory, 204, 206
Teaching of, 202
Romanist song, "Woe to you, Hus," 172
Rosenberg Library, Stockholm, legend of St. Catherine discovered in, 10
Rosenberg, Lords of, Brezan's history of, 314
Rosenberg, Peter of—
Important part in Bohemian politics, 318
Love of literature, 298
Rubes, popular song of, 404
Rudolph II. grants "Letter of Majesty" to Protestants, 243
Rukopis Kralodvorsky. (See Manuscript of KÖniginhof.)
Šafarik, Paul Joseph—
Opinion of Manuscript of KÖniginhof, 2
Sketch of career, 383
Staroitnosti SlovanskÉ (Slavic Antiquity), 386
Works on Slav language and race, 382, 383, 387
St. Anselm, legend of, 17
St. Bridget, visions of, and ŠtitnÝ, 79
St. Catherine, account of her martyrdom, 10
St. Catherine, legends of, 10
St. Cyrillus as author of "Gospodi pomiluj ny," 8
St. Cyrillus introduces Greek ritual into Bohemia, 13
St. Dorothy, legend of, 11
St. George, legend of, 17
St. Methodius as author of "Gospodi pomiluj ny," 8
St. Methodius introduces Greek ritual into Bohemia, 13
St. Prokop, legend of, 12, 47
St. Venceslas, hymn to, 8
St. Vitus, legend of St. Dorothy in, 11
Satires on Trades, 41
Sazava, monastery on, 13
SedlÁcek, Dr. Augustine, 416
Severus, Provost of MÉlnik, Chronicon Boemorum dedicated to, 44
Sigismund, King, conduct towards Hus, 109, 111
Sixt of Ottersdorf—
History of the Troubled Years in Bohemia, 304
Political career, 303
SkÁla ze Zhore—
Account of executions of Prague, 342
Chronology of the Church, 336;
extracts from, 337, 339, 341
Historie Cirkevni (History of the Church), 336
Sketch of career, 335
SlÁdek, J. V., translations of English poets, 407
Slavata, William Count—
Account of Count Thurn's banquet to Turkish embassy, 244, 348
HistorickÉ Spisovani (Historical Works), 352
Pamety, 346
Sketch of life, 345
Šlechta, John, "ze VŠehrd"—
Microcosmus, 188
Sketch of, 187
Songs at Daybreak (Svitanicka), 25;
translation of one, 26
Spencer, Henry, Bishop of Norwich, Flemish crusade opposed by Wycliffe, 106
Stanislaus of Znaym, abandons Hus, 106
Banished by Wenceslas, 108
"Stari Letopisove CeŠti," ancient Bohemian chroniclers, 171
Sternberg, Count Francis, protects PalackÝ, 390
Sternberg, Count Kaspar, President of Bohemian Museum, 390
ŠtitnÝ, Thomas of—
Of General Christian Manners, contents of, 65 seqq.
Precursor of Hus, employs native language, 42, 57, 63, 74
ŠtitnÝ, Thomas of—
Reci Besedni, "Learned Entertainments," 73 seqq.
Sketch of career, 63
Stransky, Paul—
On Bohemians adhering to Greek Church, 137
Respublica Bojema, 353
Sturm, Venceslas, theological works, 294
Svetla, Karolina, novelist, 408
Swinburne, poem on St. Dorothy, 11
Sylvius, ÆnÆas (Pius II.)—
Account of visit to Tabor, 148
Account of Zika's death, 152
Work on Bohemia destroyed, 355
Tabor City, ÆnÆas Sylvius' account of visit to, 148
Taborites, advanced Hussites, 143
Tale of Alexander the Great, 56
Tandarius and Floribella, 25
"Tears of Mary Magdalene," legend of, 16
"Tears of St. Mary," legend of, 16
The Contest of the Body and the Soul, 17
The Death of King John, 35
The Garden of Roses, 25
The Painted Monks, written from Roman standpoint, 173
Theobaldus, Hussitenkrieg, 305
Theodoric, legends about, 25
Thurloe, suggestion for Bohemian Brethren, 274
Thurn, Count, pamphlet on assassination of Wallenstein, 346, 351
Tkadlecek the Weaver, account of, 51
Lament to Misfortune quoted, 53
Misfortune's reply, extract from, 56
Tieftrunk, Karl, historical works, 408
Tiem, Wenceslas, Dean of Passau, preaches crusade at Prague, 105
Tomek, Wenceslas—
Historical works, 408
On letter of safe conduct given to Hus, 109
Travels of Sir John Mandeville, translated into Bohemian by B?ezova, 147
Treaty of Westphalia and KomenskÝ, 271
T?ebizky, Benes, historical novels, 405
Tristram similar to Morte d'Arthur, 25
TruhlÁ?, Professor Joseph, collection of Latin letters of Bohuslav, 177;
Humanismus v ?echach, 414
Truth, allegorical poem, 17
Tyl, Joseph, dramatic works, 404
Ulrick, Prince, description of his meeting Bozena, 32
"Unity." (See Bohemian Brethren.)
Urban, Pope, and Mili? of Kremsier, 61
"Utraquist Church," 300
Utraquists (Calixtines) party of Hussites, 143
Velenovic, Nicholas, Hus defends, 94
Veleslavin, Adam Daniel, sketch of career and works, 189
Veleslavin, Adam Samuel, sketch of career, 190
Venceslas, Prince, descriptions of murder of, 32
Victorin Cornelius ze VŠehrd—
Relations with Bohuslav, 176
Sketch of, 183
Ten Books on the Rights of the Bohemian Land, 183
Vita Caroli translated into Bohemian, 49
Vl?ek, Jaroslav, 414
Vl?ek, Wenceslas, novelist, 416
Vodnan, John of, works of, 294
Vratislav, Venceslas, of Mitrovic, account of travels and adventures, 326
VrchlickÝ, Jaroslav (Emil Frida), dramas and other works, 418
VÝklad na pravo zemske, early legal work, 51
Waldenses' influence on Hussite movement, 166
Waldensian consecrating priest of "Unity," 207
Waldhauser, Conrad—
Latin Postilla, 159
Sketch of, 58
Works, 59
Wallenstein, Christina PonatovskÁ prophesies his death, 258
Weaver. (See Tkadle?ek the Weaver.)
Wenceslas IV.—
Attitude towards Popes, 95, 96, 98
Publishes "Decrees of Kutna Hora," 97
Struggle with Bohemian nobles, 36
White Mountain, battle of—
Misery of Bohemia after, 354
Political results of, 298
William of Zajic, 35
Winter, Sigismund, 414
Winthrop, Richard Charles, suggestions to KomenskÝ, 268
Wratislaw, Rev. A. H.—
Biography of John Hus, 86
On Hus's treatise on simony, 128
On resemblance between Tristram and Morte d'Arthur, 25
On works of Janov, Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. Edinburgh & London
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