- Alcoholic beverages, 41
- Appetite, 23, 35, 41
- Balanced ration, biological analysis of, 9
- Basal metabolism, definition of, 24
- Butter, 8
- Cabbage, 7
- Calorie, definition, 24
- Calories, cost of, 35
- Calorimeter, 24
- Cane sugar, 41
- Carbohydrates and muscular work, 40
- Chittenden, 16
- Corn and pellagra, 10
- in Italy, 7
- quantity available, 11
- reasons for using, 10
- syrup, 41
- Cream, use of, 11
- Diet, a balanced, 7
- a proper, 23
- Italian, 7
- of purified food-stuffs, 9
- DuBois, measurement of surface area, 26
- Economy in diet, 8
- Emaciation, metabolism in, 39
- Energy of sun, relation of life to, 23
- Fasting, metabolism in, 25
- Foods, cost of, 35
- Graham bread, 16
- Graham, Sylvester, 16
- Green leaves in diet, 8
- Heat production in man, 24
- Hindhede's dietary, 14
- Meat and muscle work, 18
- desirability of, 15
- economic production of, 19, 20
- in hot weather, 18, 43
- restricted diet of, in America, 18, 20
- in England, 19
- in Germany, 18
- specific dynamic action of, 17
- Meatless dietary, 14
- Men, metabolism of, 27
- Metabolism, definition of, 26
- in emaciation, 39
- in fasting, 25
- Milk, cost of, 13