| Page | The Enchanted Burro (New Mexico) | 1 | The Mummy-Miner (Peru) | 25 | A Boy of the Andes (Peru) | 43 | A Daughter of the Misti (Peru) | 65 | The Witch Deer (New Mexico) | 85 | Felipe’s Sugaring-Off (Peru) | 99 | AndrÉs, the Arriero (Bolivia) | 111 | Our Yellow Slave | 141 | The Peak of Gold (New Mexico) | 161 | Pablo’s Deer Hunt (New Mexico) | 179 | CandelÁria’s Curse (New Mexico) | 203 | The Habit of the Fraile (Peru) | 219 | The Great Magician | 241 | The Silver Omelet (Mexico) | 257 | A Duel in the Desert (California) | 275 | A ’Rastle with a Wildcat (New England) | 285 | A Tame Deer (California) | 299 | The Rebel Double Runner (New England) | 315 | The Balsa Boy of Lake Titi-Caca (Bolivia) | 333 |