We now enter upon the actual work of the lathe, which should be comparatively easy to understand after the foregoing observations. Your raw material having been chopped or shaved into a rough cylindrical form, you have to mount it in the lathe. I may suppose it a piece of beech for a tool-handle. If you have the cross-chuck, you should use it; if not, you may use the prong instead. In either case, centre the wood as truly as you can, so that, when the rest is fixed near it, the piece may not be much farther from it, as it revolves, in one place than another. Mind and screw down the back poppit tightly upon the lathe-bed, and also the rest, putting the latter as near the work as you can without touching it. Now set the lathe in motion,—this is tolerably easy, but to keep it in motion will probably not be easy at all. It is one of those operations which You must not expect to be able to run your tools along the work like a professional or old hand at the lathe; you must do the best you can. Hold the handle in the right hand, and with the left grasp both rest and tool together, and you will hold it firmly. Then you ought to run it along right or left at the right speed and the right angle, but you will be unable to do so yet;—never mind. Remember the principle I have laid down as to the position and angles of cutting tools, and trust to time and perseverance to make you a good workman. The gouge is the easiest and best tool to use at first; and you can do a fair amount of smooth work with it if you know how, although smoothing and levelling is the special work of the chisel. The gouge, however, is used for all sorts of curves and hollows, and though the actual point will only turn a groove if held still, the side of the cutting part will, if the tool is steadily advanced, turn very fair surfaces indeed. I strongly advise practice with this tool before attempting to use any other. Your early work is of little importance, and you may make up your mind to cut several pieces into shavings and chips without very grand success, even though you use a chisel; so I repeat, stick to the gouge only for some time, until you can use it towards left or right, and with either hand grasping the handle. With the chisel, far more care is required than with the last named. It is altogether a more difficult tool to use. To return to the supposed tool-handle. Having turned a cylinder, begin at the ferule, which you must cut off a brass or iron tube, or, which is easier, buy by the dozen or by the pound ready cut. You will want them three-quarters of an inch for your largest tools, and about three-eighths for the smallest, with some of half an inch, and you can then bore your tool-rack exactly true with centrebits of these sizes. Turn the place down for the ferule, and take care that you make a tight fit. Gauge with the callipers first of all, and turn almost to size, then try it on once or twice until it fits exactly. If you use the cross-chuck, you have this one great advantage—you can take out your work to put on the ferule, and replace it exactly as it was before, and it will continue to run true. As, however, the piece in the present case is but partially turned, it can be replaced with sufficient accuracy upon the prong-chuck, especially if you mark the side of the chuck, and of the piece of wood, and take care to replace them in the same relative position. You must now try with gouge and chisel to imitate the pattern handle, remembering always to work downwards from right and left into the various hollows—(you cannot cut the fibres neatly if you try to go up-hill); and where the two cuts meet in the hollows, you must do your best not You would hardly suppose it possible to turn off the end of a piece squarely and accurately with the gouge, but it is a good tool for the purpose. You must lay it on its side upon the rest, so that its back or bevel rests flat against the end of the piece from which the superfluous wood is to be taken; the edge or point of the tool is then allowed to cut the work by a slight movement of the handle. You can only do it in this way, with the bevel against the piece from which the cut is to be taken. Turned over to its usual position, it will hitch in and spoil the work in a moment. In the same way you can face up a bread-platter or similar flat work; but such articles as these are not mounted between centres, but screwed upon the taper screw-chuck or the flat plate with the screw-holes, so that you can get to the face of them. At first, however, until the In turning a platter you will certainly learn one lesson in mechanics. You will find that it is very hard work to turn anything that is larger than the pulley of your lathe, and you will only be able to take a very light cut. Probably you will find it the easiest plan to set the lathe in rapid movement, and apply the turning-tool only for an instant, and then to remove it until the work has recovered its impetus, thus cutting it, as it were, by repeated brief applications of the tool, instead of by one continuous cut. I shall sketch here (Fig. 49) one or two articles not requiring to be much hollowed out, which will help you to decide upon such work as is suitable to a young mechanic desiring, by steady practice and application, to become a proficient at the lathe, and as soft-wood turning will teach you more than that in hard wood, I shall direct all the following to be made of it by gouge and chisel alone. Fig. 49. These examples are not given as specimens of the rich work which can be done in the lathe, but as easy examples of elementary turning. No. 1 is a stand for an urn or hot water jug, and a slight recess may be made in the upper surface, in which a piece of cloth, or carpet, or oilcloth can be glued, which will make a neat finish. No. 2 is a bread-platter, showing how a little neat moulding takes away the clumsy appearance of the thick board necessary for this Figs. 7 and 8 are drawings of tool-handles. These are the best shape to grasp in the hand, and they look neat in the tool-rack. Tool-handles with a number of mouldings, are not only absurd, but are uncomfortable to hold, and not at all suited to their intended purpose. 9 and 10 Fig. 6 is a profile of a draughtsman, and fig. 6 B shows how they ought to be made, but for this you cannot use soft wood, and had better make them of box and ebony, or holly and ebony—(and, by and by, of black-wood and ivory). A cylinder is first turned, then marked off as shown with grooves cut by a parting-tool. The pieces are then It is quite possible, you must understand, to cut these out of soft wood, even pine or deal. We often see boxes of toys, children’s wooden plates and cups, turned very neatly of this material; but it is not worth while to use it if you can obtain boxwood. Moreover, box can be stained black to imitate ebony, and is very often made to serve instead of it. Figs. 4 and 5 are ring-stands for the toilette-table—very useful presents these to mothers, sisters, and, last but not least, lady cousins, and other young ladies too, perhaps, who are not cousins. These can be made in a variety of ways, and give great scope for the exercise of your powers of design. The first is a simple pedestal on a stand, turned quite smooth in an elegant and simple curve. The stand is also made without elaborate mouldings, giving altogether a chaste and elegant appearance to the design. The extremity is tipped with ivory, and an ivory ring surrounds the bottom of the pedestal. If this is made in plain deal, and thoroughly well finished and varnished, it will look very well. The nicest soft English wood, however, for this is certainly yew, some of which is beautifully fine in grain; and as it will take an excellent polish, it always looks This ring-stand will be made in two parts; the pedestal being separately turned at one end, a tenon will have to be made as in the case of the candlestick, and just above it the wood is to be turned off a little as if you were going to make a larger tenon. Over this a ring of ivory may be slipped and glued on, and the two can then be turned together. A carpenter’s chisel will do for the ivory, which will be scraped into form by it. It may be polished with a little chalk on a moist rag or flannel. You can buy odds and ends of ivory from the turners in rings and solid pieces, which will come in for all sorts of decorations, and you should save all old handles of knives, tooth-brushes, and such like, for a similar purpose. Both ivory and bone smell very disagreeably when in process of being turned. To tip such articles with ivory, you can drill a small hole in the top of the pedestal with great care, and fit the ivory after being turned into it; or you can, if the work is larger, bore the ivory and slip it on the wood;—much depends upon the size and nature of the work. The second ring-stand is of rather more elaborate construction. The baskets are made of little turned pedestals fitted into a round piece of wood to form the bottom, and into a ring which makes the rim. Baskets of this form (even apart from the ring-stand) are very neat and useful. It is very easy to turn rings of any size. Mount a piece of board in the lathe on the taper screw chuck—it need not even be cut to a round form; then determine the size of the proposed ring, and, holding a parting-tool upon the rest turned round to face the work, mark two circles, and deepen the cuts, until the ring falls off. Take care that the outer one is cut through first. The ring thus cut may be afterwards placed upon a cylinder turned to fit it, and finished upon the outside, and then placed inside a chuck of wood bored out to suit the work, and neatly rounded off upon the interior surface. Of course, if you have to make rings of bone or ivory which are already hollow, you can at once run a mandrel or spindle of wood or metal through them and subject them to the various operations required. Mandrels, or tapered cylinders of brass or iron, fitted as chucks to the mandrel of the lathe, are sold on purpose for this work, but a wooden rod answers just as well, and costs nothing. Turn such a rod a little tapering, and take care not to drive the work too far upon it, because, although at first you can safely drive it on very tightly, if it is of ivory or bone, you will frequently find your ring suddenly split and open when its thickness has been reduced to the required standard. If a number of equal rings are required, it is the best plan to turn a hollow cylinder and then saw off the rings as you are directed to saw off the draughtsmen. If you look round any fancy warehouse in which Swiss carvings are sold, you will see how beautifully soft white pine can be worked in the lathe by keen tools and clever hands. In Tunbridge, too, many thousands of soft-wood articles are manufactured yearly, some plain and merely varnished, and some curiously inlaid with coloured woods, so that you need not despise such materials as willow and sycamore and the various pine woods, which are all capable of being made into pretty articles of one kind or another. The varnish, however, for these is such as to coat them with a glassy layer which does not sink into the wood. Common rosin dissolved in turpentine or in linseed oil, kept on the hob so as to get warm, answers well for these deal articles, and is extensively used where the slight tinge of yellow is not considered important. There are many other much paler varnishes for works of greater value, or where the white wood is to be carefully preserved. Any of these can be had at oil and colour shops. Fig. 50. You will certainly find a difficulty in turning all exactly alike the little pillars of these baskets. You should turn several at once out of the same piece, separating them afterwards. Thus your pattern will always be close to the half-executed copy, which will somewhat assist you. Do your best in this respect, but be specially careful, at any Begin by turning a long cylinder; then set off the respective lengths of the pillars. Turn one complete as a pattern, and set the callipers to the largest part of it. Then go to work upon a second, using callipers freely at all parts of it. As these pillars will all be slender, you will be in great danger of breaking them; therefore use your tools lightly, taking only a very slight cut. But with all your care you will find it difficult to turn a row of more than two or three of the size wanted for such little baskets. I shall therefore show you how to make a support to fit at the back of the bar you are at work upon to support it against the pressure of the tool. Fig. 50 gives a representation of one or two such supports, which are often required in turning. The first is the most simple, and is the one most generally in use, because easy to make and to apply, and it answers tolerably well. A is merely a piece of wood, about three-quarters of an inch thick, cut as shown. This is stood up between the lathe-beds, like C, and fastened with a wedge before and behind. It allows the work in the lathe to revolve in the notch which is cut in it, as is evident from the drawing. One, two, or more such may be used if necessary. They must be carefully adjusted, so as not to bend the piece which is to be turned, and which is to be just supported, but no more. Where B is another simple form of back-stay, capable of nicer adjustment. The foot is that of a common rest, but if you have not a spare one, any wooden support is quite as good. Into this fits a turned part of the upright x y,—the upper part, y, of this being planed flat. Neither should be of deal; ash or elm is preferable. Thus the part x y can be raised and lowered at pleasure in the rest-socket. The top part is made of a half-inch board, about 2 or 2½ inches wide; a slit is cut in it, and it is fastened to x y by a short bolt and nut. Thus it is easy to raise and lower the end of this part, and to put it nearer to, or farther from, the work in the lathe, against which it can be adjusted with great nicety. Although there are several forms of back-stay, of more or less complicated construction, I know of none more generally serviceable than this last, which the young mechanic can make for himself. The notch should be lubricated with soap, or, if the blackness is not of importance (as when this part, which rotates in the notch, has finally to be cut away), with a mixture of soap and blacklead. This, remember, is always to be applied to wooden surfaces that are to work easily upon each other. It will sometimes happen that you require to bore a hole through a long piece of wood, as would be the case in making a wooden pipe, flute, bodkin-case, and many similar articles. To hold these in a chuck only would be often impossible, because the hole in the chuck would have to be as deep at least as half the length of the piece to be bored. For this kind of work, therefore, and for turning up a point on the end of a cylinder of iron or steel, like that of your back poppit, the following contrivance is used, which is called a boring-collar or cone-plate. It is represented in Fig. 50, D and E. This consists of a circular plate of metal, three-quarters of an inch thick, turning upon a large screw or pivot at its centre, by which pivot it is attached to a short poppit head, fitting between the bearers of the lathe as usual. There are six or eight conical holes bored round the circular plate, each of a different size; and these are so arranged as to height, or distance from the centre, that the top one (being in a perpendicular line passing through its centre and that of the bolt) is exactly as high as the axis of the mandrel. Thus, if it is clamped in that position, with the largest side of the conical holes next the mandrel, a piece of wood might be held at one end in a chuck, while the other might rest in such hole as was best suited to its size, not actually passing through it, but resting in the inside of the conical hole, in which it would rotate almost Sometimes it may be preferred to allow the end of such a piece of work to project through the cone-plate, a collar being turned on it to prevent it from going too far. A tool-handle, for instance, of the pattern before given, may be beautifully bored in the lathe by allowing the ferule to rotate in one of the holes of the cone-plate, the shoulder behind preventing it from going too far. The rest is brought round in front of the end of the handle, and a hole bored by a drill for wood; or, the point of a drill is brought against it, while the other end (having had a slight hole made by a centre-punch for the purpose) is allowed to centre itself on the point of the back poppit. The screw of the latter is then advanced, and the drill being prevented from itself revolving either by being grasped by the hand or a vice, a beautifully straight and even hole is rapidly made. Fig. 50, F, shows the position of the various pieces. The drill is here kept from rotating by a small spanner, the handle of which comes against the bed of the lathe. A great deal of work, both in wood and metal, is always drilled in this way. For wood, a small nose-bit, or auger-bit, or one of the American twist-drills, can be used, and this may be succeeded by a larger, until the hole will allow of the introduction It matters little, when using the cone-plate, whether you finish the turning of the outside before or after the boring is done. Very generally the box or other article is bored first, quite in its rough state, except that a short piece is turned down to fit into a hole of the cone-plate; and, keeping the latter in its place all the while, the wood is turned down and polished before removing it from the lathe. Sometimes, especially with metal, which is in no danger of splitting, the cone-plate is removed as soon as the hole has been made and replaced by the back-centre, the point of which, entering the hole, retains the work in its place while the outside is being fashioned. This of course insures the exterior surface being exactly concentric with the inside, which is often absolutely necessary in parts of machinery; but if wooden articles are finished in this way, there is great danger of their being split by the pressure of the back-centre as the work grows thinner and thinner under the action of the tools. Moreover, it must There is a fault in the cone-plate which boys will understand, and men, too, I imagine. It costs money! Therefore I shall now show you how to make a substitute, which will cost something under a shilling, if you do not mind a little trouble; but, if you do, you will never make a good workman, nor will you be good for much, I fear, in any way! A metal cone-plate for a 5-inch lathe costs £2 at least. I shall suppose you want a cone-plate in which to bore your tool-handles, for it is not easy to do this with a gimlet, so that the tools, when inserted, shall stand straight in their handles. If you have a 5-inch centre lathe, i.e., a lathe in which the central line or axis of the mandrel is 5 inches from the lathe-bed (in which case you can turn anything nearly 10 inches in diameter), cut out of a piece of beech, 3 inches thick, a short poppit 3½ inches high, of some such shape as seen in the fig. G; and in the lower part (which must be cut to fit between the lathe-bearers, and must be made square at the sides and true, so that the whole will stand squarely across the lathe-bed), either cut a mortice, a, for a wedge, or bore a hole for a screw, which must have a plate and nut to fasten under the bed like other poppits. Near the top, and exactly Three or four of these should be made, each with a different sized hole, or more if required; but you can add new ones at any time. The bolt, K, is to be made with a large This you will find a very simple form of boring-collar, easy to make, and of practical use. If you really take all the care you can, and follow the directions I have given, I do not see how you can possibly fail in constructing one. You should have a sliding-plate with a hole for each size of tool-handle ferule used, as you will frequently be making these. HOLLOWING OUT WORK.As I have spoken of boring, I will go on to treat now of the general practice of hollowing out chucks and boxes, and such like. If this is to be done in soft wood, such as The ordinary way to turn a box is as follows:—Prepare the wood as usual, turning it cylindrical, using any chuck you please for this work; cut off with the parting-tool rather more than the box and its cover together will require, and drive the piece thus separated into a cup-chuck. [You The next point on which you have to be on your guard is this,—having turned out the cover, you have to cut it off, not with a saw, but with your parting-tool. Now, be sure to leave thickness enough for the top of the cover; or, just as you think you have nearly severed the latter from the rest of the piece of wood, you will see a beautiful little ring tumble off,—sad relict of your box cover, which has come to an untimely end. The sliding square of the turner, of which I gave a description among the list of tools, will always enable you to gauge both the depth to which the work is hollowed out, and also the squareness of the inside to the bottom. But if you have no turner’s square, you can easily gauge the depth inside, and thus see how much is necessary to be allowed for the thickness of the top. Keep the parting-tool edgewise on the rest, which should be raised to such a height that, when this tool is laid horizontally across it, it will point nearly to the centre of the work, i.e., the axis of it. After the parting-tool has cut into the wood a little way, widen the groove a little, and continue to give the tool a little play right and left, unless its end is so much wider than its blade generally that it will clear itself perfectly as it goes deeper and deeper into cut. If it should bind, it is almost certain to break, for it is a very thin tool; and it is better to waste a little more of your material than to have to replace a spoiled tool. I shall suppose that you have now succeeded in cutting off the cover; pick it up and lay it near you. Directions are given generally to turn down next the flange upon which the cover of the box is to be fitted, but this is not to be wholly done yet, and you may proceed to hollow it out as soon as you have turned down just so much of this flange as will show you how much to leave in hollowing out the box. If you fit the cover before you have hollowed out the box, you will have the mortification of finding it a great deal too loose when the box is finished, because the latter will contract in size as soon as ever the solid core is removed from it. After you have hollowed it out, you must gauge the inside of the cover, and the outside of the place that it is to occupy, with the in-and-out callipers, or with a common pair, and turn the flange till it is almost correct to this gauge, and only a very little larger than it ought to be. When this is the case, do not trust any longer to the callipers, but try on the cover again and again until you get a nice fit. You must finish the flange with a chisel, held flat; and again I repeat the caution about keeping it truly square, so that the cover will hold equally tight in all positions. When this is the case, leave it on, and give a last touch to both box and cover together, when you ought barely to be able to see the joint. You have now only to cut off the box as you did the cover, using the same precautions. Before it is quite To be able to make a box well, with its cover well fitted, is to be able to do all kinds of similar work. Yet in these may be special details deserving notice. Probably, therefore, when speaking in a future page of particular objects which have to be turned, such special details will be more fitting than if given here. I shall therefore pass on to another part of the subject, namely, screwed and twisted work. SCREWS AND TWISTS.Neither of these can be very accurately made without special and somewhat expensive apparatus; but both can with practice be done tolerably well by the young mechanic with ordinary simple means. I need not describe a screw, for all boys know what it is; and sporting boys, of which in these days there are many, know what sort of animal a screw is. Well, never mind. I am always riding a screw, I believe, for it is my hobby, and there is a great deal of There are several modes of cutting screws, in the lathe and out of it. The small ones required for holding together the different parts of machinery, as well as larger ones for the same purpose, are always cut with stock and dies. The very small ones used by watchmakers, and all below one-eighth of an inch diameter, are made by the screw-plate. But when either large or small screws are required of great accuracy, they are invariably cut in the lathe, and with the aid of mechanical appliances of the most delicately accurate description. These are all metal screws. But the young mechanic will often wish to put screwed covers to his boxes, and to join various parts of his work by screwed connections instead of glue; and all these may be cut in the lathe by simple hand-tools skilfully applied, although the operation is sufficiently fraught with difficulty to require a great deal of practice before it can be done with certainty Fig. 51. The tools required are represented at A, B, Fig. 51. A is an outside, and B an inside screw chasing-tool. These are always made in pairs, of exactly the same pitch, i.e., the outside tool being applied to the inside, the respective notches and points will exactly fit into each other. If you were to examine the under side of these tools, shown at C, you would notice that the notches do not run straight, but slanting. They are in fact parts of screw threads; and you Now, supposing you were to hold the tool A flat on the rest, while a cylindrical piece of wood revolved in contact with it, you would cut a series of rings only; but if you were at the same time to slide the tool sideways upon the rest, so that by the time the wood had revolved once, the first point of the tool would have just reached the spot which was occupied by the second when you started, you would have traced a screw thread of that particular pitch. This is what you have to learn to do always, and with certainty, no matter what pitch of tool you may be using, and it is easy to understand how difficult the operation must be to a beginner. Indeed, there are numbers of otherwise good turners who have never succeeded in mastering this work. Nevertheless it can be done, and, although difficult, it is not so much so as might be supposed. Indeed, at first sight it would hardly be believed possible, because each different pitch of tool, and each different-sized piece of work, requires a different speed of traverse to be given to the tool. But a practised hand will strike thread after thread without failure, and those whose trade is to make all sorts of screw-covered boxes and similar articles, will execute the work with as much speed and apparent ease, as they would any ordinary operation of turning. I shall tell you The chasing-tool must run from right to left for an ordinary right-handed screw (and a left-handed one is very seldom required), so that the young mechanic need not trouble himself about it. Precise directions cannot be given further than to have a rest with a very smooth and even edge, which will not in the least hinder the traverse of the chasing-tool, and to get the lathe into steady, equable motion. Then hold the tool lightly, but firmly, keeping it at right angles with the work. Allow it only just to touch until you find you have got into the right swing. It is all a matter of knack and practice; and if you succeed quickly, you may congratulate yourself. The inside chasing-tool is used in precisely the same way, running it from the outer edge of the hole inwards. To some this is an easier tool to use than the outside chaser. I cannot say that I find it so; especially as one has to work more in the dark; unless the work is of large The chasers require to be very sharp to cut wooden screws neatly, but observe you must only rub the upper flat face upon the oilstone, or, if a notch has been made by using the tools upon metal (they will cut brass well with care), grind them in the same way; the great secret being to hold the tool quite flat on the stone. You will thus, even by continual grinding, only thin the blade of the chaser, which will thus last for a long time. A practised hand will even cut a good thread with any flat piece of steel filed into equal notches, but a screw-chaser is the only tool really fit for the purpose. Fig. 52. The most effectual remedy for the screw-cutting difficulty, is unfortunately rather expensive in its best form. But in another, it is by no means costly; and although it may not look so well as the first, it is equally effective, and extensively used by the turners at Tunbridge Wells, who make those beautiful little inlaid boxes and other articles. I shall explain this to you, therefore, first:— A, is a lathe-head, something like the one I have already Fig. 52, C, is called a half-nut. It has a set of screw-threads, cut where the semicircular hollow is, which threads fit one of the screws on the mandrel. A whole row of these half-nuts are fitted to turn at one end upon a long bar, so that either one can be raised up at pleasure to touch the screw upon the mandrel, which has threads of the same pitch as itself, B. These, then, are ranged under the mandrel, and when it is desired to make it traverse in its collars, one of these half-nuts is raised and kept up by a wedge placed underneath it. When no screw is required, a somewhat similar half-nut, but with merely a sharp edge instead of a thread, is raised, and this edge falls into a In the more expensive traversing mandrels, although the principle is the same, there is a little difference in the arrangement of the different parts. The mandrel is not very much longer than usual; and it has no screw-threads cut upon it. But a number of ferules like K, are made each with a screw upon its edge, and one of these of the desired pitch is slid upon the end of the mandrel at b, fig. P, and is there held by a nut or otherwise, so that it cannot move out of its place. The half-nut is seen at a. It consists of a piece of brass or steel of the form shown with a hole in the middle, and a screw cut upon each hollow, so that it is a circle or set of half-nuts of different pitches. This slips over a pin at a, and when the screw b is turned, it draws up this pin and the nut attached, until the latter comes in contact with the ferule upon the end of the mandrel. This is very neat but expensive. Now, by far the cheapest and best way for the young mechanic, is to set boldly to work to conquer the difficulty of chasing screws by hand. There are even disadvantages in the expensive form of a traversing mandrel, which render it by no means a desirable mode of fitting up a lathe, and after all, the length of screw which it enables one to cut is very limited, By far the greater number of common screws are cut without the lathe, by screw-plates, or stocks and dies, and the nut, or hole into which such screws are to fit, is cut with a tap. A screw-plate is a simple affair,—a mere flat plate of steel, in which several holes are drilled, which are afterwards threaded by screwing into them taps, or hard cutting steel screws of the size required; the plate is then hardened by being heated red-hot and suddenly cooled, after which being much harder than brass, iron, or steel which has not gone through such process, it will in turn cut a thread upon any of these by simply screwing them into it. But although this will answer for small and common screws, it is not at all suitable for better ones, because the thread is burred up, not cut cleanly as it would be with a proper tool. A far better plan is a stock and dies; the latter being practically a hardened steel nut sawn in half, and fitted so that the two halves can be pressed nearer and nearer together as the screw thread becomes deeper. The dies are screwed up by means of a thumbscrew opposite to the handle. To use it, a piece of iron is filed up or turned to the required size, which must be exactly that of the finished screw. The dies are then loosened and slipped on to the end of this screw-blank as it is called, and are then slightly tightened upon it. All that is now required is to keep turning the tool round and round upon the pin, which it will soon cut into a screw thread. When the stock is at the bottom or top, you may tighten the dies, and so work up or down; but never tighten them in any other part. If iron or steel is to be cut, use oil with the tool, but brass may be dry. If the screw is of steel, heat it red-hot and let it cool very gradually, to make it as soft as possible. The hole or nut, into which the screw is to fit, is to be drilled so as just to allow the taper tap to enter about a couple of threads; a wrench, or, if small, a hand-vice is then applied to twist it forcibly into the hole, when the thread will be completed. Take great care to hold the tap upright, or else, if it is a screw with a flat head which has to fit into it, it will not lie correctly, but one side of the head will touch while the other is more or less raised. There are other modes of screw cutting, but at present I need only mention one, which is used for wooden screws alone. It is called a screw-box, and is only made to cut one size, a tap being always sold to match. You can, however, purchase any size you like, from a quarter of an inch to 2 or 3 inches; but the latter are only intended for very |