Die-casting, a comparatively recent method for producing finished castings, is rapidly proving itself an important factor in the economical manufacture of interchangeable parts for adding machines, typewriters, telephones, automobiles and numerous other products where it is essential that the parts be nicely finished and accurate in dimensions. The term “die-casting” is self-explanatory, meaning “to cast by means of dies”; described briefly, the process consists of forcing molten metal into steel dies, allowing it to cool in them, and then opening the dies and removing the finished casting. It is the purpose of this treatise to give a general outline of the die-casting process, showing its possibilities and limitations, and also to give a description of the die-casting machinery and its operation, of the fundamental principles involved, and of the methods used in the die-making. Illustrative examples of the best types of dies, based on results obtained from actual experience, will also be given. Origin of Die CastingThe origin of the die-casting process is somewhat difficult to ascertain. We may look into the history of type founding and find that away back in 1838, the first casting machine for type, invented by Bruce, was a machine that involved the principles of die-casting as it is practiced to-day. More recently, in 1885, Otto Mergenthaler brought out the linotype machine. This machine is a good example of a die-casting machine. However, as we interpret the word to-day, die-casting is a broader term than type-casting or linotyping, although its development without doubt is due to the success of the linotype machine. It is doubtful if die-casting, properly speaking, was originated until about fifteen years ago, and it is certain that it is only during the past few years that the activities in this line have been very noticeable. One of the first experiments in the direction of die-casting was undertaken to get out some rubber mold parts cheaply enough to leave a profit on a job that was beginning to look dubious from the financial side. The molds were for making rubber plates about three inches square and one-eighth inch thick, the top side of which was decorated with fine raised scroll work; it was this latter feature that gave the trouble. After wasting much time and money trying to stamp the mold parts, a metal-tight box was made as shown in Figs.1 and 2 with a block screwed in it, the purpose of which was to shape the mold impression and impart to it the scroll design. As shown, the ends of the box were removable, being screwed on. This box was placed under a screw press and a straight plunger that just filled the top of the box was fitted to the head of the press. After the two were lined up, molten type metal was poured into the box, and as soon as the metal had cooled to the “mushy” state, the ram of the press was forced down
From such simple experiments as these, the die-casting industry has developed to its present stage. In view of the advances that have been made in die-casting, it is singular that there are to-day only Advantages, Possibilities and Limitations of Die CastingThe greatest advantage of die-casting is the fact that the castings produced are completely and accurately finished when taken from the dies. When we say completely, we mean that absolutely no machining is required after the piece has been cast, as it is ready to slip into its place in the machine or device of which it is to be a part. When we say accurately, we mean that each piece will come from the die an exact counterpart of the last one; and if the dies are carefully made, the castings will be accurate within 0.001 inch on all dimensions, whether they are outside measurements, diameters of holes or radii. All holes are cast and come out smoother than they could be reamed; lugs and gear teeth are cast in place; threads, external and internal, and of any desired pitch can be cast. Oil grooves can be cast in bearings, and, in a word, any piece that can be machined can be die-cast. The saving in machining works both ways; not only is all machine work eliminated by the one operation of casting, but the machine tools and the workmen necessary for their operation and up-keep are dispensed with, the expense of building jigs and fixtures is stopped; and no cutters, reamers, taps or drills are required for this branch of the production. In addition, the labor required for operating the casting machines may be classed as unskilled. No matter how intricate and exacting the machine work on a piece has been, and how skillful a workman was required to produce the work when machine-made, the same result may be brought about by die-casting, and usually the work is excelled, and, excluding the die-making, unskilled men can make the parts. From a metallurgical standpoint a die-casting is superior to a sand-casting on account of its density, strength and freedom from blow-holes. Also, when the hot metal comes in contact with the cool dies, it forms a “skin” similar to the scale on an iron sand-casting. As the die-casting requires no machining after leaving the dies, this skin increases the wearing qualities of the casting. The possibilities of die-casting are numerous. By this method of manufacturing it is possible and practical to cast pieces that could not possibly be machined. It is an every-day occurrence to make castings with inserted parts of another metal, as, for instance, a zinc wheel with a steel hub. It is also possible to make babbitt bearings that are harder and better than can be made in any other way. Often there are two or more parts of a device that have formerly been made separately, machined and assembled, that can be die-cast as one piece. In such cases the saving in production is very great. Figures and letters may be cast sunken or in relief on wheels for counting or printing, and of Fig.3. Examples of Die-castings “There is no great gain without some small loss,” is just as true of a process like die-casting as it is of anything else. The limitations of this work are few, however, and they are here given so as to state the situation fairly. Generally speaking, a part should not be considered for die-casting if there are but few pieces required, because the cost of the dies would usually be prohibitive. Often, however, it happens that because of the large amount of accurate machine work being done on a machine part, it is economical to make a die for the comparatively small number of parts required and die-cast them. A case illustrating this phase of the matter recently occurred in actual practice. In getting out an order of two hundred vending machines, it was decided to try die-casting on a part that was difficult to machine. The dies were expensive, costing $200, and as there were only 200 pieces A rough part that would require little or no machining should not be die-cast, because pound for pound, the die-casting metals cost more than cast iron or steel. The casting machine cannot make parts as rapidly or of as hard metals as the punch press or the automatic screw machine. For this latter reason a part that necessarily must be made of brass, iron or steel, cannot be die-cast, although mixtures approximately equal in strength to iron and brass are readily die-cast. To give added strength to a die-cast part it is often advisable to add webs and ribs or to insert brass or iron pins at points that are weak or subject to hard wear. Roughly speaking, it is the part that has required a good deal of accurate machine operations that shows the greatest difference in cost when die-cast, and sometimes the saving is as great as 80 per cent. The Metals used in Die CastingThe metals that produce the best die-castings are alloys of lead, tin, zinc, antimony, aluminum and copper, and the bulk of the die-castings made at the present time are mixtures of the first four of these metals. From them, compositions may be made that will meet the requirements of nearly any part. For parts that perform little or no actual work, save to “lend their weight,” such as balance weights, novelties and ornaments for show windows, etc., a mixture consisting principally of lead, often stiffened with a little antimony, is used. There is but little strength to this metal, but it is used because of its weight and low cost. For parts that are subject to wear, such as phonograph, telephone, gas-meter and adding machine parts, an alloy composed of zinc, tin and a small amount of copper is used. This alloy may be plated or japanned, and is a good metal to use on general work. Another metal, used chiefly for casting pieces that have delicate points in their design but are not subjected to hard wear, consists principally of tin alloyed with lead and zinc to suit the requirements of the work. This mixture casts freely, and the finished castings come out exceptionally clean. Still another metal, used chiefly for casting pieces that have letters and figures for printing, is similar to the standard type metal—5 parts lead and 1 part antimony; but if there are teeth cast on the sides of the printing wheel a harder mixture will be required to give longer life to the gears. The following mixtures are typical of die-casting or “white brass” alloys: copper, 10 parts; zinc, 83 parts; aluminum, 2 parts; tin, 5 parts. Another is copper, 6 parts; zinc, 90 parts; aluminum, 3 parts; tin, 1 part. Another containing antimony is copper, 5 parts; zinc, 85 parts; tin, 5 parts; antimony, 5 parts. Shonberg’s patented alloy is copper, 3 parts; zinc, 87 parts; tin, 10 parts. Alloys containing 15 to 40 per cent copper and 60 to 85 per cent zinc are brittle, having low strength Aluminum may be cast, but it is a difficult metal to run into thin walls and fine details; it plays, however, an important part in some good mixtures used for die casting. Experiments are now being conducted for die-casting manganese bronze, and it is said that some very good castings have already been made. Its wearing qualities are so valuable that it is particularly desirable for making die-castings. The Die-casting MachineThe three important requisites for good die-casting are the machine, the dies and the metal. The casting machine is fully as essential as either of the other requisites, and although there are a number of different styles of casting machines in use, each of which has its advantages over the others, especially in the eyes of their respective designers, the fundamental principles upon which they all operate are the same. In each there is the melting pot and the burner, the cylinder and the piston for forcing the metal into the dies, and the dies with One or two of the largest firms in the die-casting industry have automatic casting machines for turning out duplicate work in large quantities very rapidly. These machines are complicated and are only profitable on large quantities of work, and for that reason their use is not extensive. In general, their operating principles are the same as in the case of the hand machines, but provision is made for automatically opening and closing the dies, compressing the metal, and ejecting the castings. The Soss Die-casting MachineThe Soss die-casting machine, manufactured and sold by the Soss Manufacturing Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., was the first die-casting machine to be placed on the open market. This machine is shown in Figs.4 and 5, and in section in Fig.6. The Soss Manufacturing Co. originally manufactured invisible hinges exclusively. At the advent of the die-casting era, they commenced to make these hinges from die-castings, and placed orders with a leading die-casting concern amounting to thousands of dollars each year. After the die-cast hinges had been on the market for a short time, complaints commenced to come in, some to the effect that the hinges were breaking and others that the hinges were corroding. Either of these faults was serious enough to blast the reputation of the hinge, but the first trouble, breakage, was the more important. Examination of the broken hinges showed that the castings were porous and full of flaws, and as the makers of the castings could not produce castings sufficiently strong for the hinges, Mr. Soss started to experiment for himself. This experimenting led to the production of the Soss die-casting machine. Fig.4. General View of the Soss Die-casting Machine Referring to the illustrations Figs.5 and 6, A is the base and frame of the machine, B is the heating chamber located at one end of the machine, and within this heating chamber is the tank C, shown in Fig.6. This tank contains the metal from which the die-castings are made, and the metal is heated by the burners D. These burners are fed by air and gas through piping on the side of and beneath the furnace. To facilitate lighting the burners and inspecting their condition at any time, there is an opening (not shown) through the firebrick lining of the furnace and the outer iron wall, on a level with the top of the burners. There is also another opening through the furnace wall to allow the gases due to the combustion to escape. Through the bottom of the tank, well to the inner side of the furnace, runs the cylinder E. Below the bottom of the tank, the cylinder makes a right-angle turn, extending through the furnace wall and terminating just outside of the wall. The orifice of this cylinder is controlled by gate F. In that part of the cylinder that extends upward into the tank, there is an Fig.5. Working Parts of the Soss Die-casting Machine At the opposite end of the machine from the furnace, is the mechanism for operating the dies. This mechanism consists of a pair of square rods K, upon which are mounted the sleeves L. These sleeves have a long bearing surface and are attached to the die-plate M. Lever N at the end of the operating mechanism controls the movement of these sleeves by means of links O. Upon these sleeves is mounted a secondary set of sleeves P, attached to the other die-plate Q, and whose Operation of the Die-casting MachineThe metal for the die-casting machine is mixed in the proper proportions for the work in hand by means of a separate furnace, before being poured into the tank of the machine itself. The burners are lighted and the dies are set up on the two die-plates. As soon as the machine has “warmed up,” so that the metal is in a thoroughly melted condition, the sprue-cutting lever T is thrown back, leaving a clear passageway to the die cavities. Lever R is pulled backward, thus bringing die-plate Q up to die-plate M, which operation closes the two halves of the die. Then lever N is thrown forward, thereby bringing the closed die up to the body of the machine, with the nozzle in close contact with the outlet of the cylinder. Next, the gate F is opened, and the man at the compression lever I gives the lever a quick, hard pull, forcing the metal in the cylinder downward and into the dies. The molten metal literally “squirts” into the dies. Gate F is now closed; lever N is pulled back to remove the dies from the cylinder outlet; and the sprue-cutting lever T is pushed forward, cutting off the sprue and pushing it out of the nozzle into the kettle placed beneath it. The lever R is pushed forward, and a finished casting is ejected from the dies. An important advantage that this machine has over other die-casting machines is the fact that the metal for the castings is taken from the bottom of the melting pot, whereas most other machines use metal from the top of the tank. At the bottom of the tank the metal is always the best, as it is free from impurities and dross; hence, there is little chance for the formation of blow-holes. A handful of rosin thrown into Fig.6. Section of Soss Die-casting Machine While this description of the operation of the die-casting machine may convey the idea that the process is a slow one, as a matter of fact, the time required is, on the average, not over a minute and a half for turning out a finished casting. With the ejection of the casting from the dies, the product is completed, in theory; but in practice there are always a few small thin fins, caused by the air vents or by improperly fitted portions of the dies. It is, however, but the work of a few seconds to break off these fins, and unless there are many of them, or they are excessively thick, they are detrimental neither to the quality nor the quantity of finished castings. Points on the Operation of the Die-casting MachineWe have now taken up the description and general operation of the die-casting machine, but like every other machine, there are numerous little kinds and practices in its working the observing of which makes the difference between good and poor die-casting. Some of these points are here given. The casting machine is best operated by three men, one of whom attends to the compression lever and the metal supply in the tank. The other two men stand on each side of the die-end of the machine, and it is their duty to operate the sprue-cutter, open the dies and remove the finished casting, clean the dies with air and close them, throw back the die-plates to their casting position over the cylinder outlet, and do any other work incident to the operation of the machine. While it requires three men to operate a die-casting machine in the best manner, the man who attends to the compression lever has a good deal of spare time between strokes, and if two or even three of the machines are conveniently placed, one man can easily pull levers for all three. The metal should be kept just above the melting point and at a uniform temperature. If the metal is worked too cold, the result will manifest itself in castings that are full of seams and creases, and it will be difficult to “fill” the thin places in the dies. If, on the other hand the metal is allowed to get too hot, the die will throw excessively long fins, the castings will not cool as quickly in the die, and consequently they cannot be made as rapidly. On account of the importance of keeping the metal at a uniform heat, the fresh metal that is added to that in the tank from time to time, is kept heated in a separate furnace. Therefore, when the metal in the tank gets low, the new supply does not reduce the temperature of the metal being worked. Some casters use a thermometer to indicate the heat of the metal. Casting-dies require lubrication frequently. Just how often they should be lubricated depends on the shape of the die, the composition of the casting metal, and the general performance of the dies. Beeswax is the common lubricant, and the lubrication consists in merely rubbing the cake over the surfaces of the dies that come in contact with the casting metal. In die-casting large parts, the dies must be kept cool by some artificial means, for hot dies are conducive to slow In the Soss machine, the burners are so placed that the metal in the cylinder is kept at a slightly higher heat than that in the tank proper. This condition is brought about by having the cylinder directly over the burners. The value of this feature lies in the fact that gas is not wasted in heating the entire tank full of metal to this higher heat, but still the metal under compression is at the required temperature. The gas consumption of the average die-casting machine is about 100 cubic feet per hour. The speed at which die-castings may be produced varies with the size of the castings being made, the composition of the metal being cast, and the style of dies that must be employed. In many cases, in die-casting, separate brass or steel pieces are used, that must be placed in the dies before each operation so that they will be inserted in and become a part of the finished casting. The dies may be difficult of operation on account of draft problems or pins and screws that must be inserted in the dies and removed from each casting before another can be made. These different types of dies will be more fully described in the next chapter. Taken as a whole, from ten to sixty pieces per hour are the maximum limits for speed in die-casting, and with a well-working die, of simple construction, a speed of forty pieces per hour is considered good production. It is possible, however, when the castings to be produced are small in size and simple in shape, to gate a number of them together, or rather to construct the dies so that six or more castings may be made at once. By this means it is often possible to cast five or six thousand pieces per day of ten hours, on a hand die-casting machine. |