General Departments; BOOKS, BOYS’ CLOTHING, CUTLERY, DRUGS, FANCY LEATHER GOODS, GENTS’ BOOTS, GENTS’ OUTFITS, GENTS’ STATIONERY, HAIRDRESSING, JEWELLERY, MOTOR EQUIPMENT, ORIENTAL, PHOTOGRAPHY, SADDLERY, SILVER & PLATE, SPORTS, TAILORING, TOYS BOOKS BOYS’ CLOTHING CUTLERY DRUGS FANCY LEATHER GOODS GENTS’ BOOTS GENTS’ OUTFITS GENTS’ STATIONERY HAIRDRESSING JEWELLERY MOTOR EQUIPMENT ORIENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY SADDLERY SILVER & PLATE SPORTS TAILORING TOYS The General Departments at Harrods aim to supply everyday household and personal requirements to best advantage as regards quality, variety and price. That they succeed in doing so is demonstrated by the immense patronage enjoyed not only from customers who personally visit the Store, but from others in all parts of the Kingdom who entrust Harrods with the execution of their orders by post, making use of this General Price List for the purpose. GEM AND JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT A PUBLIC TELEPHONE IS PROVIDED IN THIS DEPARTMENT FOR CUSTOMERS’ USE. Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Optical Goods. The following goods will be found of great service to Country Customers, who may rely upon their instructions being attended to in the same manner as though a personal visit was made. The illustrations show only a small selection of the well-furnished stock. Where a visit is not convenient, intending customers are invited to forward a list of their requirements, when a suitable assortment of goods will be forwarded on approval, without risk or obligation to purchase. In the event of any article selected being sold out and being unable to be replaced immediately, the nearest pattern of equal value will be substituted. PRESENTATION AND TESTIMONIAL CLOCKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS. DIAMOND Mounting and JEWELLERY alterations and repairs expeditiously executed by first-class workmen. Estimates and designs submitted for Remounting and Remodelling Jewellery, bringing old Jewellery up-to-date and wearable, at reasonable cost. Old Jewellery bought for Cash or Exchange. WATCHES AND CLOCKS repaired on the premises by a staff of competent workmen under the management of a full First-class Certificated Watchmaker. Chronometers, Repeaters and all kinds of complicated Watches have our very careful attention. OPTICAL REPAIRS are given every attention and prescriptions accurately worked. Estimates for Repairs free on request. CLOCK WINDING AND REGULATING. HARRODS undertake the winding and regulating of clocks within a radius of two miles of their establishment, on the following terms:—Any number of clocks not exceeding six in the same house, 21/- per annum; for each additional clock over six, 2/- per annum. For periods short of 12 months, a minimum charge of 21/- will be made. Special arrangements made for attending to clocks beyond above limit. Every care is taken to ensure the accurate performance of all clocks wound by Harrods, but the correct timekeeping of clocks in a bad state of repair cannot be guaranteed. Such clocks we would, however, be pleased to clean and repair, giving estimates if required. SPECIAL NOTICE. Every care is taken of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, left for Repair, Alteration, Re-mounting, etc., but the Directors will not hold themselves responsible for any damage done to very fragile goods, provided due care has been taken in the repair. [13] DIAMOND NECKLET, BROOCH, AND EARRINGS. J 3000. Exclusive new design. Diamond Brooch, in all Platinum. Finely mounted piece. Highest quality workmanship, French model, mounted in our English factory. £247 0 0 J 3001. Diamond and Pearl Earrings. £75 0 0 J 3002. Fine quality Diamond Drops. £150 0 0 J 3003. Platinum and Diamond Earrings. Skilfully made and fine effect. Best quality stones. £45 0 0 the pair. Can be altered for unpierced ears. J 3005. Platinum and Diamond Earrings. Highly finished and carefully set. Selected stones. £40 0 0 Can be altered for unpierced ears. J 3004. Exclusive new design. Diamond Necklet. Finely selected stones. Skilfully set in all Platinum settings, in the new mille grain settings. Centre forms stomacher brooch. Very fine and effective. £350 0 0 [14] JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT. DIAMOND NECKLETS, BROOCHES AND EARRINGS. No. J 3010. Diamond Brooch, new and elegant design. Platinum mounted. French style. High quality and good useful Brooch, £62 10 0 No. J 3011. Diamond and Pearl Earrings, £16 0 0 the pair. No. J 3012. Diamond Necklet, very pretty design, good quality Stones. Platinum mounted, £55 0 0 No. J 3013. Diamond and Pearl Earrings, £16 0 0 the pair. No. J 3014. Diamond Brooch, set in all Platinum, three Pearls in centre. Strong, useful Brooch, £55 0 0 No. J 3015. Diamond and Pearl Brooch. Platinum mounted, selected Stones, £96 0 0 No. J 3017. Diamond Necklet, very elegant design, quite exclusive. Diamonds Platinum set. Could be constructed to be used as hair ornament, £290 0 0 No. J 3016. Diamond Earrings, selected Stones, for pierced or unpierced ears, £11 11 0 the pair. No. J 3018. Diamond Earrings, selected Stones, for pierced or unpierced ears, £11 11 0 the pair. [15] DIAMOND NECKLETS, FANCY PEARL DITTO AND BROOCHES. J 3025. Diamond Necklet, fine bright Stones well mounted, Platinum Chain, £120. J 3027. Diamond and Pearl Pendant, well matched, Whole Pearl Fringe, Diamond Cap and Wreath set in Platinum, £23 7 6 J 3030. Diamond and Pearl Necklet, Platinum Chain, Well matched Pearl Fringe, Graduated Hanging, Loose, £42 10 0 J 3032. Diamond Necklet, fine White Choice Stones, effective design, £152 J 3026. For Velvet. Diamond Neck Slide, Platinum Mounted, Selected Stones, £48 J 3031. Pearl and Diamond Neck Ornament on velvet £14 5 0 J 3029. Diamond and Pearl Fringe Necklet, Oval and Caps set in fine quality Stones, Chased Design, £24 10 0 J 3028. Choice Design Diamond Brooch, Pearl Centre and Drop, best quality selected Diamonds, £45 10 0 [16] DIAMOND NECKLETS, HEAD ORNAMENTS, BROOCHES. No. J 3040. Diamond and Pearl Bar Brooch. As actual length shown. Selected quality stones. £53 10 0 No. J 3041. Diamond and Peridot Brooch. £25 0 0 No. J 3042. Exclusive Diamond Necklet. Choice New Design. Mounted in all Platinum. Selected and fine stones. Very Elegant. £23 0 0 No. J 3043. Exclusive Diamond Head Ornament, all fine White Diamonds and very lustrous. Choice effect. Mounted in Platinum. £168 10 0 No. J 3046. Diamond Bar Brooch. Pearl Centre and Ends. £48 10 0 [17] DIAMOND NECKLETS, BROOCHES AND NECK SLIDES. No. J 3050. Diamond Neck Slide mounted on Velvet, all stones lustrous and carefully selected. £80 0 0 No. J 3052. Fine Ruby and Diamond Pendant and Platinum Necklet Pearl Drop. £15 15 0 No. J 3051. Exclusive Diamond Slide for Velvet, dainty design and very effective for Neck wear, mounted in Platinum. £47 10 0 Designs submitted for using Customers’ own diamonds for mounting up in this style. No. J 3053. Sapphire and Diamond Brooch, Choice Lustrous stones. Finely mounted in Platinum. £31 0 0 No. J 3054. Diamond and Amethyst Fancy Necklet Pendant, or Diamonds and Peridot. £22 10 0 No. J 3055. Diamond Necklet with Pearl Drop, choice white stones, effective design. £95 15 0 No. J 3056. Diamond Pendant and Necklet, Sapphire Centre and Drops. Small Pearls in Rosettes. Set in Platinum. £28 10 0 No. J 3057. Diamond Bar Brooch, all fine white stones, mounted in Platinum. £40 15 0 No. J 3058. Diamond and Sapphire Pendant on Platinum Necklet, Pearl Drop. £9 15 0 [18] DIAMOND AND GEM SET BROOCHES. No. J 3065. Rose Diamonds and Peridot Brooch, whole Pearl edges, Platinum Bar ends. £5 0 0 No. J 3066. Diamond Brooch. Fine Diamond Cluster on Diamond Bar, Whole Pearl centre. Very brilliant effect. £34 10 0 No. J 3067. Diamond Brooch. Diamond Bow on Platinum Bar. Pearl centre. £5 5 0 No. J 3068. Diamond Brooch. Select design. £14 15 0 No. J 3070. Pearl and Diamond Circle Brooch. Fancy Stone centre. £10 15 0 No. J 3071. Diamond Brooch. Fine Model Horseshoe, set 9 Rubies at intervals. £52 10 0 No. J 3069. Diamond and Pearl Brooch. Platinum Mounted. £16 0 0 No. J 3072. Whole Pearl and Diamond and Platinum Circle Brooch. £11 11 0 No. J 3073. Diamond Brooch. Fine selected lustrous Stones. £55 0 0 No. J 3076. Diamond and Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire Cluster Circle Brooch. High quality Stones. £20 0 0 No. J 3074. Diamond Brooch. Fine design, also makes a very pretty Head Ornament, with Aigrette. Selected quality. £50 0 0 No. J 3077. Diamond and Pearl Brooch. Platinum Bar ends. Chased design. £11 5 0 No. J 3075. Pearl and Diamond Brooch. Special design. Platinum mounted. £32 10 0 No. J 3078. Diamond and Pearl Trefoil Brooch Selected Stones. £30 0 0 No. J 3079. Diamond and Whole Pearl Brooch. Elegantly mounted French character and settings. Lustrous Stones. £68 15 0 No. J 3080. Rose Diamond Brooch, Peridot centre. Platinum mounted. £7 0 0 No. J 3081. Diamond and Whole Pearl Brooch. Platinum mounted. Selected Stones. Choice design. £94 10 0 [19] GEM AND DRESS RINGS. No. J 3090. Diamonds, £18 15 0 No. J 3091. Fine Ruby and Diamond Fancy, £18 15 0 No. J 3092. Fine Diamond Fancy, £22 0 0 No. J 3093. Fine Pearl and Diamond Fancy, £11 15 0 No. J 3094. Two Diamonds, Sapphire shoulders, £7 12 6 No. J 3095. Amethyst and Pearl, £3 3 0 No. J 3096. Diamonds and Sapphire, £21 0 0 No. J 3097. Opal, Half Hoop, and Diamonds,£30 0 0 No. J 3098. Fine Opal and Diamond 7-stone, £8 15 0 No. J 3099. Amethysts and Diamonds, £6 6 0 No. J 3100. Diamonds, with Ruby Circle, £23 10 0 No. J 3101. Diamond and Rubies, £18 10 0 No. J 3102. Fine Diamond Marquise, £35 0 0 No. J 3103. Fine Opal and Diamond cluster, £17 10 0 No. J 3104. Diamonds and Rubies, Pearl Centre, £21 0 0 No. J 3105. Diamond and Emerald fancy cluster, platinum set, £65 0 0 No. J 3106. Diamonds, Ruby Centre £10 0 0 No. J 3107. Diamond Bow Ring, £37 10 0 No. J 3108. Diamonds, Sapphire Centre, £21 0 0 No. J 3109. Diamonds and Tourmaline Centre, £20 0 0 No. J 3110. Turquoise and Diamonds, set platinum, £17 10 0 No. J 3111. Pink Tourmaline and Diamonds, £15 0 0 No. J 3112. Diamonds, £22 10 0 No. J 3113. Diamonds and Sapphires, £12 0 0 No. J 3114. Diamonds, Sapphire Centre, £25 0 0 No. J 3115. Diamonds and Amethyst, £6 6 0 No. J 3116. Amethysts, £5 10 0 No. J 3120. Ruby and Diamonds, £9 10 0 No. J 3121. Amethysts, Diamond Points, £3 15 0 No. J 3117. Fine Sapphire and Diamond Marquise, £35 0 0 No. J 3122. Diamonds all round, £17 10 0 No. J 3118. Amethysts and Pearls, £3 15 0 No. J 3119. Fine Sapphire and Diamond 5-stone, £30 0 0 No. J 3123. Amethysts and Whole Pearls, £4 4 0 No. J 3124. Fine Ruby and Diamond 3-stone, £37 10 0 No. J 3125. Turquoise and Opal, £1 15 0 No. J 3126. Fine Diamond 5-stone, £37 10 0 No. J 3127. Diamonds, £17 10 0 No. J 3128. Fine Sapphire and Diamond 2-stone, £15 15 0 No. J 3129. Fine Diamonds, £14 10 0 [20] GEM DRESS RINGS. No. J 3135. Fine Pearl and Turquoise 5-stone, £3 15 0 No. J 3136. Fine Pearl and Diamond 3-stone, £12 0 0 No. J 3137. Fine Diamond single stone, £3 5 0 No. J 3138. Fine Pearl 3-stone, £6 6 0 No. J 3139. Fine Pearl and Diamond 3-stone, £2 15 0 No. J 3140. Fine Diamond 3-stone Gipsy, £16 12 6 No. J 3141. Fine Diamond 3-stone Gipsy, £47 15 0 No. J 3142. Fine Diamond single stone, £17 10 0 No. J 3143. Fine Diamond single stone, £27 0 0 No. J 3144. Fine Diamond 3-stone, Gipsy, £25 17 6 No. J 3145. Fine Pearl and Diamond cluster, £22 0 0 No. J 3146. Pearls and Diamonds, £10 10 0 No. J 3147. Fine Pearl and Diamond Marquise, £4 17 6 No. J 3148. Pearls and Olivines, £2 15 0 No. J 3149. Fine Pearl cluster, £310 0 No. J 3150. Pearls and Diamonds, £5 5 0 No. J 3151. Fine Pearl and Diamond cluster, £11 11 0 No. J 3152. Pearls, Diamond Centre, £3 15 0 No. J 3153. Diamonds and Sapphires, £5 5 0 No. J 3154. Fine Diamond cluster, £6 6 0 No. J 3155. Fine Ruby and Pearl 5-stone, £1 0 0 No. J 3156. Fine Diamond and Sapphire 5-stone, £2 10 0 No. J 3157. Pearl and Diamond 5-stone Half-hoop, £11 10 0 No. J 3158. Pearl and Turquoise 5-stone, £2 2 0 No. J 3159. Fine Diamond and Turquoise, £1 3 6 No. J 3160. Fine Sapphire and Diamond 5-stone, £3 5 0 No. J 3161. Sapphires and Diamonds, £4 10 0 No. J 3162. Fine Ruby and Diamond 5-stone, £5 5 0 No. J 3163. Fine Ruby and Diamond 8-stone, £2 13 6 No. J 3164. Diamonds and Sapphires, £5 0 0 No. J 3165. Opals and Diamonds, £3 7 6 No. J 3166. Pearls and Olivines, £2 12 6 No. J 3167. Fine Pearl and Diamond 10-stone, £4 10 0 No. J 3168. Pearls and Sapphires, £3 7 6 No. J 3169. Fine Diamond 6-stone, £3 13 6 No. J 3170. Fine Pearl 5-stone, £5 5 0 No. J 3171. Diamonds, £7 10 0 No. J 3172. Diamonds and Olivines, £3 7 6 No. J 3173. Diamonds and Pearls, £4 17 6 No. J 3174. Sapphires, Diamonds and Pearls, £4 4 0 No. J 3175. Fine Diamond 5-stone, £9 7 6 No. J 3176. Fine Diamond 5-stone Half-hoop, £6 0 0 No. J 3177. Fine Ruby and Diamond 5-stone, £7 15 0 No. J 3178. Pearls and Diamonds, £11 5 0 No. J 3179. Diamonds and Rubies, £5 12 6 [21] GEM SET AND FANCY RINGS, and WEDDING RINGS. No. J 3191. Fine Diamond 5-stone. £15 15 0 No. J 3192. Pearl and Diamond Cluster, £3 17 6 No. J 3193. Amethyst and Pearl, 40/0 No. J 3194. Turquoise and Diamond, £5 17 6 No. J 3195. Fine Ruby and Pearl 5-stone, 25/0 No. J 3196. Fine Diamond single stone, 45/0 No. J 3197. Fine Opal 5-stone, 35/0 No. J 3198. Amethyst and Pearl, 63/0 No. J 3199. Pearl and Diamond, 42/0 No. J 3200. Fine Diamond single stone, £12 17 6 No. J 3201. Fine Pearl 5-stone Half-hoop, £7 15 0 No. J 3202. Pearl and Fancy Stone, 29/6 No. J 3203. Turquoise, £5 18 6 No. J 3204. Fine Ruby or Sapphire and Diamond 7-stone, 70/0 No. J 3205. Fine Pearl 5-stone, 67/6 No. J 3206. Diamonds and Rubies. £3 7 6 No. J 3207. Fine Pearl and Diamond 3-stone, £18 15 0 No. J 3208. Three Diamonds, £6 15 0 No. J 3209. Pearls and Diamonds, £9 12 6 No. J 3210. Fine Opal and Diamond 5-stone, 53/6 No. J 3211. Diamonds, square cut Sapphire, £6 6 0 No. J 3212. Diamonds and Olivines, £3 7 6 No. J 3213. Fine Diamond 5-stone, £9 17 6 No. J 3214. Fine Diamond 5-stone, 87/6 No. J 3215. Diamonds and square cut. Rubies, £3 10 0 No. J 3216. Diamonds and Pearls, £2 5 0 No. J 3217. Fine Diamond 3-stone, £24 10 0 No. J 3218. Fine Diamond 5-stone Coronet, £37 10 0 No. J 3219. Amethyst, £6 6 0 No. J 3220. Fine Diamond 5-stone Half-hoop, £10 17 6 No. J 3221. Fine Ruby and Diamond 12-stone, £9 10 0 No. J 3222. Fine Diamond 5-stone Half-hoop, £29 15 0 No. J 3223. Turquoise Half-hoop, £7 7 0 No. J 3224. Opal Half-hoop, £4 15 0 No. J 3225. Fine Diamond 3-stone, £14 5 0 No. J 3226. Fine Ruby and Diamond 5-stone, £30 0 0 No. J 3227. Fine Sapphire & Diamond 7-stone, £16 0 0 No. J 3328. Pearls and Sapphires, £2 5 0 No. J 3229. Fine Sapphire & Diamond 7-stone, £10 10 0 No. J 3230. Rubies and Diamonds, £5 12 6 No. J 3231. 22-ct. Gold Oval Wedding Ring, very comfortable for wear. 21/0 up to 42/0 No. J 3232. 22-ct. Wedding Ring. Flat Inside and Broad, 21/0, 25/6, 30/0, 35/0 No. J 3233. Fine Diamond single stone, £35 0 No. J 3234. 22-ct. Gold Half Round Wedding Ring, fairly wide 30/0, 35/0, 42/0 to 60 No. J 3235. 22-ct. Wedding Ring, nearly round, 26/6, 30/0, 35/0 to 60/0 [22] DIAMOND AND PEARL-SET BRACELETS, PLATINUM MOUNTED. No. J 3240. Diamond Flexible Bracelet, £55 15 0 Sapphires and Diamonds, £34 0 0 No. J 3241. Diamond Bracelet, Flexible Gold and Platinum Chain, £56 10 0 No. J 3242. Diamond Bracelet, or same Design as Brooch. Same Price, viz., £75 0 0 Fine Quality Stones, mounted in Platinum. No. J 3243. Diamond and Pearl Flexible Bracelet, Platinum and Gold Links, £48 0 0 No. J 3244. Diamond Flexible Bracelet, Platinum and Gold Chain, Specially Selected Stones. Centre can be made as Brooch, to Order. Same Price, viz., £48 0 0 No. J 3245. Diamond Bracelet, mounted in all Platinum, Fine Quality Stones, Choice Design, £100 0 0 No. J 3246. Diamond and Pearl Bracelet, Flexible, Platinum mounted, £72 0 0 Same Design can be mounted as Brooch of same length. Same Price, £72 0 0 No. J 3247. Diamond Bracelet, set in Platinum and Gold, Expanding, £21 0 0 No. J 3248. Diamond Bracelet, set in all Platinum, Expanding, £75 0 0 [23] PEARL AND GEM SET PENDANTS AND NECKLETS. No. J 3261. 15-ct. Gold Pink Tourmaline and Pearl, 47/6 No. J 3262. Diamond & Sapphire Necklet, £57 10 0 No. J 3263. 15-ct. Gold Pearl and Peridot Pendant, £4 10 0 No. J 3264. 15-ct. Gold Latticework Pendant, set Diamonds, whole Pearls, £45 0 0 No. J 3265. Fine Gold and Pearl Hat Pin, 15/0 No. J 3266. Fine Olivine and Pearl Plaque, £35 0 0 No. J 3267. 15-ct. Gold and Fine Turquoise Hat Pin, 58/6 9-ct. Gold and Smaller Turquoise, 18/6 No. J 3268. 15-ct. Gold Pearl and Peridot Plaque, £7 7 0 No. J 3269. 15-ct. Gold Pearl and Amethyst, £2 12 6 No. J 3270. 15-ct. Gold Pearl Set Necklet, £7 15 0 No. J 3271. 15-ct. Gold Fine Amethyst and Pearl Pendant, £4 15 0 [24] GOLD PENDANTS, SET PEARLS AND FANCY STONES. No. J 3280. Gold Pendant, set Peridot, 22/6 Set Amethyst or Garnet, 21/0 No. J 3281. 15-carat Gold Pendant, set Green Tourmaline and Pearls, 45/0 No. J 3282. 15-carat Gold Pendant, set Peridot and Pearls, 47/6 No. J 3283. 15-carat Gold Pendant, set Blue Tourmaline and Pearls, 70/0 No. J 3284. Platinum and 15-carat Gold, set whole Pearls and Rose Diamonds, 97/6 No. J 3285. 15-carat Gold Pendant, set Pearls, £3 12 6 No. J 3286. 15-carat Gold Pendant, set Peridot and Pearls, 42/0 No. J 3287. 9-carat Gold Pendant, set Turquoise, 12/6 No. J 3288. 15-carat Gold, set Blue Tourmaline, 40/0 No. J 3289. 15-carat Gold Pendant. Set Pearls, 42/0 No. J 3290. 15-carat Gold Brooch Pendant, set Peridot and Pearls, 38/6 No. J 3291. 15-carat Gold Brooch Pendant, set all Pearls, 52/6 No. J 3292. 15-carat Gold, set Blue Tourmalines and fine Pearls, 37/6 No. J 3293. 15-carat Gold Brooch Pendant, set Peridots and Pearls, 45/0 No. J 3294. 15-carat Gold Pendant, set Peridot and Pearls, 32/6 No. J 3295. 9-carat Gold Pendant, set Opals, 25/0 [25] PEARL AND FANCY STONE-SET NECKLETS AND PENDANTS. No. J 3300. Gold and Pearl Necklet Pendant, Garnet Centre and Drops, 37/6 No. J 3301. Tourmaline Pearl and Rose Diamond Necklet, £11 5 0 No. J 3302. Gold top Hat Pin, 7/6 No. J 3303. Gold Necklet Pendant, set Garnet and Pearl, or Turquoise and Pearl, 35/0 No. J 3304. 15 ct. Gold Peridot and Pearl Necklet Pendant or Amethyst Drop, 85/0 No. J 3305. Gold Necklet and Pendant, set Amethyst and Pearl, 25/0 No. J 3306. Gold top Hat Pin, 7/6 No. J 3307. Gold Hat Pin, 10/6 No. J 3308. Gold Necklet, set Pearls, Turquoise Centre and Drop, 65/0 No. J 3309. Gold Necklet and Pendant, set Garnets and Pearls, 30/0 No. J 3310. Gold top Hat Pin, 6/6 No. J 3311. Green Alloy Gold, set Blue Tourmalines and Pearls, very effective, 84/0 No. J 3312. Gold Hat Pin, 9/0 No. J 3313. Platinum and 15 ct. Gold Necklet and Pendant, set Rose Diamonds and fine Pearls, £6 5 0 No. J 3314. Gold Necklet and Pendant, set Amethyst and whole Pearls, 65/0 [26] NEW DESIGNS IN ENAMEL PENDANTS AND NECKLETS. No. J 3320. Gold Pendant and Gold Necklet, beautifully Enamelled. Complete 45/0 No. J 3321. Gold Pendant and Gold Necklet, Enamelled French Grey, Blue, &c. Set Pearls round edge. Complete £5 12 6 No. J 3322. Gold and Enamelled Pendant and Necklet. Necklet Enamelled to match with Pearls and Diamonds. Between, Pendant set Diamonds and Pearls. Enamelled in Pale Blue, French Grey, and Dark Blue. Complete £23 10 0 No. J 3323. Enamelled Pendant, Pearl Centre, various colours, box and glass at back for Hair or Photo. 22/6. No. J 3324. Plain Enamelled Pendant, Pearl Centre, box and glass at back for Photo. 15/0 No. J 3325. Gold Necklet and Enamelled Pendant. Pearl set where Necklet divides. Fancy Shades in Enamel. Very Effective. Complete 85/0 No. J 3326. Enamelled Pendant, Pearl Set, Fancy Centre. 52/6. No. J 3327. Gold Necklet and Enamelled Pendant, Set Pearls with Pearl Drop. Various Shades. Complete 52/6. [27] GOLD LOCKETS, SPECIAL HEAVY FINISH, AND GOLD NECKLETS. No. J 3335. 15-ct. Gold. Heavy Locket ... 56/0 18-ct. Ditto ... 65/0 No. J 3336. 15-ct. Gold Heavy Locket ... 45/0 18-ct. Ditto ... 62/0 ORDERS BY POST RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. No. J 3354. 9-ct. Gold Necklet. 15in. long. 9/6 No. J 3355. 9-ct. Gold Necklet. 15in. long. 9/6 No. J 3340. 15-ct. Gold Heavy Locket ... 44/0 18-ct. Ditto ... 58/6 No. J 3341. 9-ct. Heart Locket, Set Pearl, 18/6 No. J 3342. 15-ct. Gold Heavy Locket, 40/0 18-ct. Ditto 48/0 No. J 3343. 15-ct.Gold Heavy Locket, 33/6 18-ct. Ditto 45/0 No. J 3337. 9-ct. Gold Locket, 8/6 No. J 3338. 9-ct. Gold Locket, 13/6 No. J 3339. 9-ct. Gold Locket, 17/6 No. J 3344. 15-ct. Gold, Engine Turned ... 62/0 18-ct. Ditto ... 68/0 No. J 3345. 15-ct. Gold, Engine Turned.. 52/0 18-ct. Ditto ... 65/0 No. J 3349. 9-ct. Gold Locket, 12/6 No. J 3346. 15-ct. Gold, Engine Turned.. 48/0 18-ct. Ditto ... 58/0 No. J 3347. 15-ct. Gold, Engine Turned, 39/0, 18-ct. Ditto 48/0 No. J 3350. 9-ct. Gold Locket, 25/0 No. J 3351. 15-ct. Gold Locket, 27/6 No. J 3352. 9-ct. Gold Locket, 12/6 No. J 3348. 15-ct. Gold, Engine Turned, 35/0, 18-ct. Ditto 43/0 No. J 3353. Gold Neck Chain, 9-ct. 15/6, 12/6, 9/6 15-ct., 27/6, 25/0, 21/0, 15in. long. No. J 3356. 9-ct. Gold Necklet, 15in. long. 8/6 [28] PEARL, DIAMOND AND SEMI-PRECIOUS STONE SET BROOCHES. No. J 3360. 15-ct. Gold, Rose Diamonds Set in Platinum. £5 15 0 No. J 3364. 15-ct. Gold Brooch and 4 whole Pearls. Very effective. £2 15 0 No. J 3369. Pearl and Enamel Dragon Fly, Peridot Centre. £3 15 0 No. J 3361. Set Diamonds, Pearls and Cabochon Sapphire. £10 17 6 No. J 3363. Fine Strong Brooch, Chased Legs, Pearl Set Body. £5 5 0 No. J 3365. Fancy Enamelled Body, Chased Wings. £2 5 0 No. J 3367. Fine Brooch, First Quality Amethyst in Platinum Frame, £4 4 0 Price may vary, as Platinum may advance in price. No. J 3362. 18-ct. Gold Brooch, Platinum and Rose Diamonds. £4 12 6 No. J 3366. Fancy Pearl Wreath, Amethyst Centre. £3 15 0 No. J 3368. 15-ct. Gold Brooch, Set Fine Green Tourmaline, Pearls and Diamonds. £7 5 0 No. J 3371. Enamel, Pearl and Peridot Brooch. £3 15 0 No. J 3372. Pearl and Enamel Bee Brooch. £3 7 6 No. J 3374. Fancy Fly Brooch. Fancy Stones and Chased Body. £2 10 0 No. J 3375. 5-ct. Gold Brooch, set Turquoise and Pearls. 45/0 No. J 3376. Fine Brooch, Set Diamonds and Whole Pearls, Platinum Frame. £14 5 0 No. J 3370. Pearl and Enamel Dragon Fly. Useful Brooch. £5 5 0 No. J 3373. Pearl and Enamel Brooch. £3 3 0 No. J 3377. 15-ct. Gold, Set Blue Tourmalines and Pearls. £2 15 0 [29] PLAIN GOLD AND OTHER BROOCHES. No. J 3385. Set whole Pearl Edge, Enamelled Green inner circle, 32/6 No. J 3386. Set Pearls and Aquamarines, 47/6 No. J 3387. Set Pearls, Aquamarine Centre, Platinum front bar, 60/0 No. J 3388. 15 ct. Gold Mouse Trap Charm, 15/0 No. J 3389. Set Peridot of Fancy Stone,23/6 No. J 3390. Set Pearls and Aquamarine, £4 10 0 No. J 3391. Set Garnet, 17/6 No. J 3392. Signs of the Zodiac Birthday Charms Turquoise, December. 12/0 No. J 3396. Signs of the Zodiac Birthday Charm Garnet, January. 12/0 Other Designs for any other month. No. J 3393. 15 ct. Gold Sweep Charm, Enamelled Black. 15/0 No. J 3394. Set Blister Pearl 30/0 No. J 3395. Set Pearls, Peridot Centre, 35/0 No. J 3397. Set Peridot, 13/6 GOLD BROOCHES, SET PEARLS AND FANCY STONES. No. J 3410. Pearls and Amethyst, 15/6 No. J 3411. Set Pearls, 16/6 No. J 3412. Set Pearls, Fancy Peridot Centre, 16/6 No. J 3413. Set Pearls, 16/6 No. J 3415. Set Amethyst, Garnet, or Opal, 5/6 No. J 3416. Set Blue Tourmaline, 9/6 No. J 3417. Blue Tourmaline and Pearls, 15/0 No. J 3418. Pink or Green Tourmaline and Pearls, 20/0; Opal, 15/0 No. J 3419. Set Peridot and Pearls, 13/6 No. J 3420. Set Pink Tourmaline and Pearls, 12/6 No. J 3421. Pearl and Peridot, 18/6 No. J 3422. Peridot and Pearls, 9/6 No. J 3423. Set Amethyst or Aquamarine, 16/6 No. J 3424. Gold Flower, Fancy Stone Centre, 16/6 No. J 3425. Set Pearls, 15/6 No. J 3426. Pink Tourmaline, 15/6 No. J 3427. White Heather, Pearl Berries, 42/0 No. J 3428. 15 ct. Pink Tourmaline and Pearls, 36/6 No. J 3429. Pearl Cornflower, 25/0 No. J 3430. Set Garnet or Amethyst and Pearls, 10/6 No. J 3431. Pearls and Peridot, 25/0 No. J 3432. Green Tourmaline and Pearls, 33/6 No. J 3433. Set Pearls, 27/6 No. J 3434. Pearl Ivyleaf, Enamelled edge, 47/6 No. J 3435. Pearls and Diamond, £4 15 0 [31] FINE GOLD AND GEM-SET SPORTING BROOCHES. No. J 3440. Rose Diamond Horse Brooch, £5 7 6 All Gold, 40/0 No. J 3441. Solid Gold Pheasant, 18/0 No. J 3442. Rose Diamond Head and Tail. Body set fine quality fancy stone, Topaz, Amethyst, Peridot, &c. 45/0 No. J 3443. Gold Snipe on Enamelled Cartridge, 30/0 Rose Diamonds, 57/6 No. J 3444. Charm, Rose Diamonds, £8 0 0 No. J 3445. Rose Diamond Terrier Brooch. Good Model, £8 0 0 No. J 3446. Solid Gold, 35/0. Charm also can be made as Brooch. No. J 3447. Gold Terrier Brooch, 35/0 No. J 3448. Set Rose Diamonds, 52/6 No. J 3449. Quite Solid Gold Charm. Good Model, 35/0 No. J 3450. Good Fox Head Safety Pin, 30/0 No. J 3451. Rose Diamond Hare on Safety Pin, £6 6 0 All Gold, 42/0 No. J 3452. Solid Gold Terrier Charm. Fine Model, 27/6 No. J 3453. Rose Diamond Brooch, 75/0 Gold ditto, 42/0 No. J 3455. 15-carat Gold, Real Pearl, 42/0 No. J 3456. Rose Diamond Pheasant on Enamelled Bough, £4 17 6 No. J 3457. 15-carat Gold Chick Brooch and Whole Pearl, 55/0 No. J 3458. Rose Diamond Flying Ducks, £4 15 0 All Gold, 45/0 No. J 3459. Rose Diamond Pheasant sitting on Cartridge, 60/0 All Gold ditto, 44/0 No. J 3460. Rose Diamond Head, £4 15 0 All Gold ditto, 44/0 No. J 3461. Finely Chased Gold Rabbit and Turnip Bar Brooch, 28/6 In Rose Diamonds, 57/6 No. J 3462. Rose Diamond Bird on Bough, £4 15 0 No. J 3463. Rose Diamond Safety Pin, 55/0 All Gold ditto, 25/0 No. J 3464. Finely Chased Gold Squirrel and Merrythought Brooch, 25/0 In Rose Diamonds, 48/6. No. J 3465. Finely Chased Gold Running Greyhound Safety Brooch, 19/6 In Rose Diamonds, 35/0 No. J 3466. Fine Diamond Duck Brooch, 46/6 Plain Gold, 30/0 No. J 3467. Solid Gold Flying Duck, 15/6 [32] PEARL AND FANCY STONE SET BROOCHES. No. J 3475. Set Pearl Spray, Useful Brooch, 42/0 No. J 3476. 15 ct. Gold Brooch, Chased Gold Leaves, Pearl Bow, £1 15 0 No. J 3477. Pearl Spray, Peridot Centre, 33/6 No. J 3478. Set Peridot Centre and Pearls, Green Gold Chased Leaves, 45/0 No. J 3479. Pink Tourmaline and whole Pearls, £6 10 0 No. J 3480. Set Pearls, Peridot Centre, 70/0 No. J 3481. Set Blue Aquamarines and Pearls, 45/0 No. J 3484. Gold Twist, set Pearl Leaf, 35/0 No. J 3486. Set Fine Pearls, £4 15 0 No. J 3482. Set Rose Diamonds and Pearls, fine Peridot Centre, £6 15 0 No. J 3487. Topaz Brooch, Enamel and Pearl Edging, £6 6 0 No. J 3483. Set Turquoise and Pearls, 21/0 No. J 3485. 15 ct. Gold Twist, set whole Pearls, 33/0 No. J 3488. Set Pearls, set Amethyst or Peridot, 63/0 No. J 3489. Set Peridot Centre, 15/0 No. J 3490. Set Garnets and Pearls, 21/0 No. J 3491. Set Pearls, 45/0 No. J 3492. Set Peridot and Pearls, 50/0 No. J 3493. Set Whole Pearls, 25/0 No. J 3494. Set Pearls, 25/0 [33] 15-ct. GOLD PEARLS, DIAMONDS, PERIDOT, Etc., SET EARRINGS No. J 3500. Pearl Set Earrings, Platinum Chains, £4 7 6 per pair. No. J 3501. Pearl Set Earrings, Peridot centres, £4 5 0 per pair. No. J 3502. Peridot and Pearl Earrings, £4 10 0 per pair. No. J 3503. Pearl Set Earrings, well set and best quality Pearls, £5 17 6 per pair. No. J 3504. Fine Pearl and Diamond Earrings, £28 15 0 per pair. Smaller sizes at £24 0 0 and £18 0 0 per pair. No. J 3505. Diamond and Peridot Earrings, £9 15 0 per pair. No. J 3506. Diamond and Turquoise Earrings, £12 0 0 per pair. No. J 3507. Diamond Earrings, set in Platinum, £16 0 0 per pair. No. J 3508. Fine colour Amethyst and Diamond Earrings, £6 15 0 per pair. No. J 3509. Pearls and Blue Aquamarine Drops, 45/0 per pair. No. J 3510. Pearls and Pink Topaz, 57/6 per pair. No. J 3511. Pearls & Peridots, 63/0 per pair. No. J 3512. Pearls and Amethyst, 57/6 per pair. No. J 3513. Amethyst and Pearls, £3 0 0 per pair. No. J 3514. Pearl and Amethyst, 35/0 per pair. No. J 3515. Peridot & Pearls, 37/6 per pair. No. J 3516. Garnet Earrings, Gold Mounted, 15/6 per pair. No. J 3517. Pearls and Diamonds, Platinum Setting, £10 10 0 per pair. No. J 3518. Pearls and Sapphires, £7 10 0 per pair. No. J 3519. Pearls and Blue Aquamarines, 55/0 per pair. No. J 3520. Pearl and Peridot Earrings, £2 12 6 per pair. No. J 3521. Amethyst and whole Pearls, 17/6 per pair. No. J 3522. Pearls and Pink Topaz, 52/6 per pair. No. J 3523. Pearls and Amethyst, 45/0 per pair. No. J 3524. Pearls and Amethyst, 32/6 per pair. No. J 3525. Pearls & Peridots, 25/6 per pair. No. J 3526. Pearls & Peridots, 42/0 per pair. No. J 3527. Turquoise and Gold Earrings, to Screw on, 21/0 per pair. No. J 3528. Amethyst Drops, Pearl and Gold Tops, 60/0 per pair. [34] GOLD FLEXIBLE BRACELETS AND CHARMS. No. J 3538. Gold Bracelet, snap fastening, very elegant design, set Amethyst and Pearls, 72/6; set Peridots and Pearls, 77/6 No. J 3539. Gold Bracelet, set Amethyst and Pearls, £2 18 6; set Pearls and Peridots, £3 15 0 No. J 3540. Gold Bracelet, snap fastening, Blister Pearls, Swastika design, 63/0 No. J 3541. 15-ct. Gold Flexible Bracelet, strong and durable, 75/0 No. J 3542. 15-ct. Gold Flexible Bracelet, set Peridots or Amethysts, £6 6 0 No. J 3543. 15-ct. Gold Flexible Bracelet, very comfortable in wear, and very durable, 92/6 No. J 3544. Fine Turquoise and Gold Flexible Bracelet, 9-ct. 45/0 15-ct. 80/0 No. J 3545. Gold Bracelet, snap fastening, set all round with Amethysts and Pearls, 65/0; if Peridot and Pearls, 77/6 No. J 3546. Solid Gold Hound, 16/6 No. J 3547. Solid Gold Dachshund, 18/0 No. J 3548. Solid Gold Tiger, 17/6 No. J 3549. Solid Gold Bear, 18/6 No. J 3550. Solid Gold Lion, 16/6 No. J 3551. Solid Gold Fox, 15/0 No. J 3552. Fine Sapphire, Pearl, and Gold Flexible Bracelet, 27/6 [35] GOLD FLEXIBLE BRACELETS. No. J 3560. Child’s Gold Bracelet, 27/6 No. J 3561. Gold Flexible Bracelet. Reliable wearing. 37/6 No. J 3562. Gold Flexible Bracelet. Snap fastening. 30/0 No. J 3563. Gold Bracelet. New design. 50/0 No. J 3564. Gold Flexible Bracelet. Elegant design. £5 No. J 3565. Gold Flexible Bracelet. Two widths. Very neat. 84/0 and £5/5/0 No. J 3570. Gold Bracelet, Flexible. Set Diamonds and Rubies. £8/0/0 No. J 3566. Gold Flexible Bracelet. Important pattern. 40/0 No. J 3567. Gold Flexible Bracelet. Padlock fastening. 47/6 No. J 3568. Gold Flexible Bracelet. Fine pattern. 27/6 No. J 3569. Gold and Platinum Alloy Bracelet. Chain made. Very durable, from 95/0 [36] SOLID GOLD CHAIN PURSES & BAGS. No. J 3575. 9-ct. Gold Bag, pierced mount, strongly made, fine expanding mesh. 4in. £21; 5in. £26 15 0; 6in. £32 10 0 No. J 3577. 9-ct. Gold Chain Bag, strongly made pleated mesh, shaped plain mount. 4in. £15; 5in. £22 15 0; 6in. £27 15 0 No. J 3576. Gold Finger Chatelaine, 27/6 No. J 3578. 9-ct. Gold Chain Purse, finely finished, close mesh, strongly made and pleated. Size, 2½in. wide, length 3in. £6 6 0 Size smaller, £5 5 0 No. J 3579. 9-ct. Gold Chain Purse, best finish, close pleated mesh. 2¼in. long, £5 10 0. Smaller sizes, 77/6 and 65/0 No. J 3580. 9-ct. Gold Chain Purse. Plain mesh 2?in. size, 62/0; 2¼in. size, 68/6; 2½in. size, 80/0. Pleated mesh, 2?in. size, 77/6; 2¼in. size, 89/6; 2½in. size, £5 7 0 No. J 3581. 9-ct. Gold Chain Bag, very fine pleated expanding mesh, strong frame, £24 10 0 No. J 3582. 9-ct. Gold Chain Purse. Plain mesh, 2in. size, 57/6; 2¼in. size, 67/6; 2½in. size, 85/0. Pleated mesh, 2in. size, 75/0; 2¼in. size, 85/0; 2½in. size, £5 8 6 [37] GOLD VANITY CASES AND MEMO. BOOKS. No. J 3590. 3? × 1? 9-ct. Gold Vanity Case, with mirror and 2 Boxes. Plain, £9 17 6. Engine turned, £10 7 6 No. J 3592. 1¾ diameter. 9-ct. Gold ... £4 15 0 Engine turned ... £5 5 0 No. J 3591. 9-ct. Gold Cigarette Case and Match Box combined, with chain complete. Plain ...... £8 10 0 Engine turned ... £9 10 0 No. J 3593. | 9-ct. Gold Cigarette Case with Mirror. | 9-ct. Gold. | | 18-ct. Gold. | 3? × 1? | Plain ... £7/0/0 | | Plain £14/5/0 | Engine trnd. £7/12/6 | | Engine trnd. £14/10/0 | 3¼ × 2? | Plain ... £7/12/6 | | Plain ... £15/0/0 | Engine trnd. £8/8/0 | | Engine trnd. £16/0/0 | No. J 3594. 2¼ × 1¾ 9-ct. Gold Vanity Case, with Mirror and 1 Box. Plain, £7 13 6. Engine turned, £8 8 0 No. J 3595. 1¼ diameter. 9-ct. Gold Puff-box. 42/-, 1¾ ditto, 57/6 No. J 3597. 3? × 2¾ 9-ct. Gold Lady’s Card Case, plain, with chain and ring, £11 15 0 No. J 3596. 9-ct. Gold Sovereign and Note Case. Holds 10 sovs. and 6 ½-sovs., and notes. Plain ......... £9 10 0 Engine turned ... ... £10 5 0 No. J 3598. 9-ct. Gold Chatelaine Memo. Books. 9-ct. Plain. £3 13 6 £4 0 0 £4 15 0 9-ct. Gold Engine turned. £4 0 0 £4 10 0 £5 7 6 No. J 3599. 1? × 1? 9-ct. Plain Gold Puff Box, 67/- 9-ct. Engine turned ditto, 75/- No. J 3600. 3? × 2¾ 9-ct. Gold Lady’s Card Case. Engine turned, with chain and ring. £12 0 0 [38] JEWELLERY FOR THE SERVICES A SPECIALITY. HONI SOIT QUI MAL PENSE HONI SOIT QUI MAL PENSE No. J 1. 15th Hussars. Gold Lion and Crown, Enamel Garter, £6 6 0 PRO RECE PRO LEGE PRO PATRIA CONAMUR XVIII H PENINSULAR WATERLOO No. J 2. 18th Hussars. Diamond XVIII, H and Crown. Blue Wreath, Green Garter, £11 10 0 VRI XXI No. J 3. 21st Lancers. Gold Crown, and VRI Pennons Enamelled, £7 17 6 WATERLOO RIFLE BRIGADE PENINSULAR No. J 4. Rifle Brigade. Gold Crown, Silver Cross and Enamel Wreath, £2 17 6 5 ROYAL IRISH No. J 5. Diamond 5, Enamel Pennons and Ribbons, £5 0 0 9 QUEEN’S ROYAL No. J 6. 9th Lancers. Diamond 9, Enamel Pennons and Ribbon, £5 0 0 UBIQUE No. J 7. Royal Artillery. Gold Gun and Crown, Enamel Ribbon, £2 7 6 UBIQUE UBIQUE No. J 8. Royal Artillery. Red and Blue Monogram, Blue Ribbon, £5 15 0 HONI SOIT QUI MALY PENSE RHG EGYPT 1882 No. J 9. Royal Horse Guards. Gold Crown and Cipher, Enamel Garter, £3 10 0 2 LIFE GUARDS 2 LIFE GUARDS No. J 10. 2nd Life Guards. Gold Lion and Crown, Enamel Ribbon, £6 15 0 No. J 11. Grenadier Guards. Gold Monogram and Grenade, £2 17 6 NEMO IMPUNE LACESSIT No. J 12. Scots Guards. Silver Chipped Star, Enamelled Centre and Crown, £2 15 0 HONI SOIT QUI MALY PENSE No. J 13. Coldstream Guards. Diamond Star, Enamel Cross and Garter, £18 18 0 QUIS SEPARABIR MDCCLXXXIII No. J 14. Irish Guards. Chipped Silver Star, Enamel Centre, £2 10 0 FIRST REGIMENT No. J 15. 1st Life Guards. Enamelled Garter and Monogram, Gold Crown, £3 10 0 WATERLOO WATERLOO No. J 16. Scots Greys. Silver Eagle, Enamelled Green Plate, £5 0 0 BAYS No. J 17. 2nd Dragoon Guards. Diamond “BAYS,” Enamel Wreath and Crown, £6 5 0 QO No. J 18. 7th Hussars. Gold Crown Enamelled Monogram. £6 13 0 HONI SOIT QUI MALY PENSE No. J 19. Royal Fusiliers. Gold Crown, Enamel Rose and Garter, £3 10 0 VDG No. J 20. 5th Dragoon Guards. Gold Crown, Enamel Monogram, £2 0 0 XII No. J 21. 12th Lancers. Gold Crown, Silver Feathers and Enamel, £3 5 0 CUIDICH ’N RIGH No. J 22. Seaforth Highlanders. Gold F and Coronet, Enamel Wreath, £3 17 6 No. J 23. Naval. Gold Crown and Anchor, and Ditto Naval Crown, £5 0 0 TERAPER.... No. J 24. Royal Marine Light Infantry. Gold Lion and Crown and Wreath, Silver Sphere, £4 5 0 13 HUSSARS 13 HUSSARS No. J 25. 13th Hussars. Gold Crowns and 13, Enamel Ribbons, £6 5 0 Links, Scarfpins, Brooches, &c, may be had in the form of ANY REGIMENTAL CREST. Coloured Sketches and Estimates submitted upon application. [39] GOLD AND STONE SIGNETS. No. J 3630. Lady’s 18-ct. Gold Signet, Sard or Bloodstone, 28/6 No. J 3631. 18-ct. Gold Lady’s Signet. New Design, 21/0 No. J 3632. 18-ct. Massive Gold Signet. Extra Heavy, 85/6 Sard or Bloodstone, 87/6 No. J 3633. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet, 50/0 60/0 70/0 No. J 3634. Lady’s 18-ct. Gold Signet Set Bloodstone, 26/6 Lapis Lazuli, 42/0 No. J 3635. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet, 40/0 No. J 3636. 18-ct. Gold Signet, Curved Shoulders, 47/6 No. J 3637. 18-ct. Massive Gold Signet, Extra Heavy. Sard or Bloodstone, 63/0 All Gold, 72/0 No. J 3638. 18-ct. Gold Signet, Curved Shoulders, 50/0 No. J 3639. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet. New Design, 42/0, 52/6, 63/0 No. J 3640. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet, set Bloodstone or Sard, 52/6 No. J 3641. 18-ct. Gold Signet, with place for Photo, 52/6 No. J 3642. 18-ct. Massive Gold Signet. Extra Heavy. Sard or Bloodstone, 58/6 All Gold, 59/6 No. J 3643. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet, Bevel Edge, 55/0 No. J 3644. 18-ct. Gold Signet, Set Bloodstone or Sard, 40/0 No. J 3645. 18-ct. Signet, set Bloodstone or Sard, 40/0 No. J 3646. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet, Curved Shoulders, 45/0 No. J 3647. 18-ct. Massive Gold Signet. Extra Heavy. Sard or Bloodstone, 50/0 All Gold, 52/0 No. J 3648. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet, 38/6 No. J 3649. 18-ct. Gold Signet Ring Set Bloodstone or Sard 46/6 No. J 3650. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet, 42/0 No. J 3651. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet, 42/0 No. J 3652. 18-ct. Massive Gold Signet. Extra Heavy. Sard or Bloodstone, 50/0 All Gold, 49/0 No. J 3653. Solid 18-ct. Gold Signet, Curved Shoulders, 40/0 No. J 3654. Lady’s 18-ct. Gold Signet, 32/6 No. J 3655. Solid 18-ct. Gold Serpent Ring, Diamond Head, £5 15 0 No. J 3656. Solid 18-ct. Gold Band, Heavy, 50/0 No. J 3657. 18-ct. Massive Gold Signet. Extra Heavy. Sard or Bloodstone, 35/0 All Gold, 35/0 No. J 3658. Solid 18-ct. Gold Belcher Ring, 45/0 50/0 No. J 3659. 18-ct. Gold Serpent Ring, Diamond Eyes, 65/0 CRESTS, MONOGRAMS, ETC., ENGRAVED FOR SEALING PURPOSES. [40] GEM-SET AND ALL GOLD SCARF PINS. No. J 3669. Rose Diamond Circle, Sapphire Centre. £4 4 0 No. J 3670. Diamond Loop, Pearl Centre. £5 10 0 No. J 3671. Set Pearls. 21/0 No. J 3672. Sapphires and Rose Diamonds. £5 0 0 No. J 3673. Sapphire and Diamonds. £6 5 0 No. J 3674. Set Pearls. 21/0 No. J 3675. Set Pearls. 16/6 No. J 3676. Set Olivines and Diamonds. £4 17 6 No. J 3677. Set Pearls. 18/6 No. J 3678. Pearl Drops. 16/6 No. J 3679. All Gold. 25/0 No. J 3680. Pearl and Diamonds. £5 7 6 No. J 3681. Set Peridot and Pearl. 18/6 No. J 3682. Fine Pearl. £16 10 0 No. J 3683. Fine Diamond. £37 10 0 No. J 3684. Diamond Bar, Pearl Ends. £9 15 0 No. J 3685. Rose Diamonds. 35/0 No. J 3686. Set Pearls. 14/6 No. J 3687. Diamond Bow, Pearl Centre. £4 10 0 No. J 3688. Diamonds and Pearl. £3 9 0 No. J 3689. Diamonds, Ruby Centre. £5 5 0 No. J 3690. Platinum and Pearl. 14/6 No. J 3691. Olivine and Diamond. £4 4 0 No. J 3692. Set Pearls. 21/0 No. J 3693. Pearl Centre. 12/6 No. J 3694. Set Pearls. 10/6 No. J 3695. Platinum, Olivine Eyes. 25/0 No. J 3696. Rose Diamonds. 50/0 All Gold, 30/0 No. J 3697. All Gold. 22/6 No. J 3698. Rose Diamonds. 50/0 All Gold, 22/6 No. J 3699. Rose Diamonds.50/0 All Gold, 22/6 No. J 3700. All Gold. 21/0 No. J 3701. All Gold. 21/0 No. J 3702. Rose Diamonds,50/0 All Gold, 20/0 No. J 3703. Rose Diamonds. 45/0 All Gold, 18/6 [41] GOLD AND ENAMELLED STUDS, &c. No. J 3710. 9-ct. Gold. Set Turquoise or Pearl, 21/0 No. J 3711. Plain Gold Collar Clip, 6/6 pair. No. J 3712. Set Dress Studs. Mother o’ Pearl centres. Set Pearls. Platinum edges. 35/6 set. Case 2/0 No. J 3713. Gold Collar Clips. Set Pearls, 12/6 pair. Set Turquoise, 11/6 pair. No. J 3714. New Design “Roller” Tie Clip, 9-ct. Gold, 15/6 No. J 3715. No. J 3716. No. J 3717. Finest Quality Studs, convertible to Scarf Pins. No. J 3715. Fine Whole Pearl £10 10 0 No. J 3716. Fine White Brilliants £15 10 0 No. J 3717. Fine White Brilliants £5 17 6 No. J 3718. No. J 3719. No. J 3720. Finest Quality Studs, convertible to Scarf Pins. No. J 3718. Fine Pearl & Diamond Cluster £7 15 0 No. J 3719. Fine Diamond & Pearl Cluster £7 7 0 No. J 3720. Fine Diamond Cluster ... £12 5 0 No. J 3721. Set 18-ct. Front Studs, 15/6; 15-ct., 13/6; 9-ct., 6/6 No. J 3722. Set 18-ct. Front Studs, 12/6; 9-ct. ditto, 7/6 No. J 3723. Set Gold Dress Studs. Centres interchangeable. Three different colours Enamel. One plain Mother o’ Pearl. Diamond centres. £9 10 0 No. J 3724. Set Flat Oval Top Front Studs, 18-ct., 18/6; 15-ct., 13/6; 9-ct., 7/6 No. J 3725. Set Dress Studs. Enamelled edge. Mother o’ Pearl centres. Set Pearls. 32/0 Complete in Case. Studs, 10/6 each. Cases 1/0 No. J 3726. The New Jointed Solid Gold Safety Pin. 1¼in. 9-ct. 4/9 15-ct. 6/9 1½in. 9-ct. 5/6 15-ct. 8/0 1¾in. 9-ct. 6/0 15-ct. 9/3 2 in. 9-ct. 6/9 15-ct. 10/6 2¼in. 9-ct. 7/6 15 ct. 12/0 Velvet-lined case 2 or 3, 2/6; for 4 or 5, 3/6 extra No. J 3727. Set Mother o’ Pearl Front Studs. Platinum edge and stitches. 23/6 set of three. Made to screw off. No. J. 3728. Back Collar Stud. 9-ct. 4/0 18-ct. 8/0 No. J 3729. Gold Collar Stud. 18-ct. 11/0 9 ct. 5/6 No. J 3730. One-piece Gold Collar Stud. 18-ct. 9/0 9-ct. 4/6 No. J 3731. One-piece Gold Collar Stud. 18-ct. 9/0 9-ct. 4/6 No. J 3732. Set 18-ct. Front Studs, Ball Tops, 17/6; 15-ct. 13/6; 9-ct. 6/6 No. J 3733. 18-ct. Nearly Round Ball Top Studs, 14/0 set of 3. 15-ct. 11/6; 9-ct. 8/6 No. J 3734. Set Mother o’ Pearl Studs. Enamelled edge. 23/6 set. Case, 2/0 No. J 3736. Set 18-ct. Front Studs, 13/6; 15-ct. 11/6; 9-ct. 6/6 No. J 3735. Gold Safety Pins, jointed, flat front, engine-turned and hammered, very strong. 2¼in. 12/6, 2in. 11/6, 1¾in. 9/6, 1½in. 8/6, 1¼in. 8/0 Plain, flat. 1¾in. 7/6, 1½in. 6/6, 1¼in. 5/9 Cases for 3, 2/6 each [42] GOLD, MOTHER O’ PEARL AND ENAMELLED LINKS. No. J 3745. Gold Cuff Links. 9-ct. Gold, 17/6 per pair. 18-ct. ,, 37/6 ,, No. J 3746. Gold Torpedos Cuff Links. 9-ct. Gold, 16/6 per pair. 18-ct. ,, 36/6 ,, No. J 3747. Gold Cuff Links. 9-ct. Gold, 17/6 per pair. 18-ct.,, 36/6 ,, DRESS VEST BUTTONS. No. J 3778. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, Platinum edges. Set of 6, 52/6 No. J 3779. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, Gold borders and stitches. Set of 6, 75/0 No. J 3780. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, plain polished Platinum borders and stitches. Set of 6, 63/0 No. J 3781. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, White Enamelled border. Set of 6, 40/0 No. J 3782. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, set real Pearls, plain Platinum edge. Set of 6, 80/0 No. J 3783. Carved Mother-o’-Pearl centres, Enamelled edge. Set of 6, 50/0 Sets of 6 can be divided at proportionate prices. Cases supplied with each set. Rings for fixing included with each set. No. J 3784. Dress Vest Buttons. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, set Pearls, Chased Platinum edge. Set of 4, £4 0 0 Set of 6, £6 Gold edge same design, set of 6, £4 7 6 No. J 3785. Carved Platinum edge. Set of 4, set fine quality diamonds, £6 15 0 Set of 6, £10 0 0 Set of 6, set with sapphires, £6 15 0 No. J 3786. Gold edge, set Turquoise centre. Set of 4, 60/0 No. J 3787. Carved Mother-o’-Pearl centres, set Pearls, White Enamelled edge. Set of 4, 66/6 Set of 6, £5 0 0 No. J 3788. Dark Blue and White Enamelled edge, Diamond centres. Set of 4, £8 10 0 Set of 6, £12 15 0 No. J 3789. The New Interchangeable set of 4 Buttons. Can be used as Links when not in use as Buttons. Swivel connections. Centres interchangeable, viz.: Plain White Mother-o’-Pearl and three shades of Enamel. Diamond centres, £15 15 0 Sapphire centres, £10 10 0 No. J 3790. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, Plain Gold edges and stitches. Set of 6, 30/0 No. J 3791. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, Set Pearls, White Enamelled edge. Set of 6, 85/0 No. J 3792. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, Green Enamelled circles and edge. Set of 6, £5 No. J 3793. Mother-o’-Pearl, Gold edge and back, Whole Pearl centres. 75/0 No. J 3794. Mother-o’-Pearl, Gold stitches, Enamelled edge. Set of 6, 37/6 No. J 3795. Mother-o’-Pearl centres, Hammered Platinum edges, Pearl centre. Set of 6, 55/0 Sets of 6 can be divided at proportionate prices. Cases supplied with each set. Rings for fixing included with each set. [44] GOLD MOUNTED SILK DRESS FOBS AND SEALS. No. J 3800. 15 ct. Gold Fob Chain, strongly made, £5 10 0. Wider Designs, up to £8 10 0 No. J 3801. 9 ct. Gold Seal, Set Red Cornelian and Blood Stone, 13/6 No. J 3802. 9 ct. Gold Seal, 16/6 Red Cornelian Stone. No. J 3804. Gold Compass. 9 ct. Gold, 20/0 18 ct. Do. 38/0 No. J 3807. 9 ct. Gold Seal, All Gold Disc, 21/0 No. J 3808. 9 ct. Gold Seal, with Locket under Stone, set Red Cornelian, 21/0 No. J 3809. 9 ct. Gold Compass Seal, Blood Stone Back, 15/0 No. J 3803. Gold Mounted Watered Silk Fob, strongly made and good value. 9 ct. Gold, 21/0 15 ct. Do. 37/6 18 ct. Do. 47/6 No. J 3806. Gold Mounted Silk Fob, Strongly made. 9 ct. Gold, 32/6 15 ct. Do. 50/0 18 ct. Do. 63/0 No. J 3810. Gold Mounted Silk Fob, New Design in Mounts. 9 ct. Gold, 35/0 15 ct. Do. 57/6 18 ct. Do. 75/0 No. J 3805. Gold Mounted Leather Albert, plain or plaited. 9 ct. gold, 16/6; 18 ct. gold, 30/0 SEAL ENGRAVING—MONOGRAMS, ARMS, CRESTS—FAITHFULLY EXECUTED. WE ALSO HAVE IN STOCK A SELECTION OF GENUINE ANTIQUE SEALS, PRICES FROM 70/0. [45] GENTS’ PLATINUM, PLATINUM AND GOLD, AND GOLD ALBERTS. No. J 3811. Platinum Dress Albert, new pattern and durable. £7 10 0 No. J 3812. Solid Gold Albert, Fetter and 3 Rings. 9-ct. ... 50/0 15-ct. ... £4 15 0 No. J 3813. Solid Gold Fetter and 3 Rings. 9-ct. ... £5 0 0 15-ct. ... £7 7 0 No. J 3814. Platinum and Gold Dress Albert. £4 0 0 No. J 3814A. Solid Gold Close Curb Albert. 9-ct. ... 55/0 15-ct. ... £5 5 0 No. J 3815. Solid Gold Twisted Fetter. 9-ct. ... 63/0 15-ct. ... £6 2 6 No. J 3816. Platinum and Gold Dress Albert. £4 4 0 No. J 3817. Solid Gold Double Albert, Curb pattern. 9-ct. ... 85/0 15-ct. ... £7 0 0 No. J 3818. Solid Gold Open Curb Double Albert. 9-ct. ... 70/0 15-ct. ... £6 10 0 No. J 3819. Platinum and Gold Dress Albert. £7 0 0 No. J 3820. Solid Gold Albert, Twisted Fetter and Curb. 9-ct. ... 57/6 15-ct. ... £6 0 0 No. J 3821. Solid Gold Albert, Fetter and 1 Link. 9-ct. ... 95/0 15-ct. ... £6 15 0 No. J 3822. Platinum and Gold Dress Albert. £6 0 0 No. J 3823. Platinum and Gold Albert, Fetter and Knot. £6 17 6 No. J 3824. Platinum and Gold Curb Dress Albert. £5 2 6 [46] GOLD PENCIL CASES, PENHOLDERS, ETC. No. J 3826. Gent’s 9-ct. Gold Pen and Pencil Case, 25/0 Fluted, 27/6 No. J 3827. Lady’s 9-ct. Gold Pen and Pencil Case. Engraved, 20/0 Plain, 18/6 No. J 3828. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Round Cedar Pencil Case. 2½in. 20/0 2¾in. 22/6 3in. 25/0 No. J 3829. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Hexagon Cedar Pencil Case. 2½in. 25/0 3in. 30/0 3½in. 35/0 No. J 3830. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Flat Cedar Pencil Case, 15/6 ,,,, ,, Heavier ,, 18/6 No. J 3831. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Flat Cedar Pencil Case, 18/6 No. J 3832. Hall-Marked 9-ct. ditto, 12/6 & 15/6 Ditto, 18-ct., 40/0 No. J 3833. 9-ct. Gold and Enamelled Telescopic Pencil Case. Dark Blue, Light Blue, Red, Green, or Golden Yellow, 16/6 No. J 3835. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Pocket Knife | 2?in. | 2?in. | 3?in. | Gold Sides | 15/6 | 20/0 | 25/0 | Solid Gold Sides | 30/0 | 37/6 | 45/0 | Very Heavy ditto | 35/0 | 50/0 | 60/0 | 18-ct. Gold from £4 10, plain engine-turned £4 13 6 No. J 3836. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Toothpick. Engraved, 8/6 Plain, 6/6 No. J 3837. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Toothpick, 6/6 No. J 3838. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Cigar Piercer Pendant 22/6 RD 529154. No. J 3839. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Cigarette Holder and Gold-mounted Tube, real Amber, 67/6, 70/0, 77/6 RD Nº 507304. No. J 3840. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Ejector Penholder, 21/0 PATENT Nº 23817 No. J 3841. Full Length. PATENT Nº 23817 Same as above only showing piercer. Showing Point. No. J 3841. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Patent Cigar Piercer, 21/0 18-ct. Gold, 55/0 No. J 3842. Hall-Marked 9-ct. Gold Penholder, with Pencil, 19/0 Without Pencil 16/6 [47] GOLD PENCIL-CASES, PENHOLDERS, &c. THE NEW PATENT “POINTER” PENCIL CASE. The most Practical Pencil Case yet manufactured. Its advantages are: absolute rigidity in writing; sharpener for re-pointing leads ; and leads two inches long. Rd 576216 Pat Nº 7985/10 No. J 3846. Lady’s size, as illustrated above. Prices: | 9-ct. | Gold. | Plain ... ... | 18/0 | Ditto with Shackle, | 24/0 | ,, | ,, | Engine turned ... | 20/0 | ,, ,, | 26/0 | 15-ct. | ,, | Plain ... ... | 33/0 | ,, ,, | 45/0 | ,, | ,, | Engine turned ... | 36/0 | ,, ,, | 48/0 | 18-ct. | ,, | Plain ... ... | 42/0 | ,, ,, | 57/0 | ,, | ,, | Engine turned ... | 46/0 | ,, ,, | 61/0 | Pat Nº 7985/10 Rd 576216 No. J 3847. Gent’s size. Prices: | 9-ct. | Gold. | Plain ... ... | 24/0 | Ditto with Shackle, | 30/0 | ,, | ,, | Engine turned ... | 26/0 | ,, ,, | 32/0 | 15-ct. | ,, | Plain ... ... | 45/0 | ,, ,, | 57/0 | ,, | ,, | Engine turned ... | 48/0 | ,, ,, | 60/0 | 18-ct. | ,, | Plain ... ... | 57/0 | ,, ,, | 72/0 | ,, | ,, | Engine turned ... | 61/0 | ,, ,, | 76/0 | PAT Nº 7985/10 Rd Nº 566825 Rd Nº 565713 PATENT Nº 7985/10 Rd Nº 566825 Rd Nº 565713 No. J 3848. Commercial size, with Reserve for 8 leads. Prices: | 9-ct. | Gold. | Plain ... ... | 42/0 | Engine turned, | 45/0 | 15-ct. | ,, | ,, ... ... | 75/0 | ,, ,, | 80/0 | 18-ct. | ,, | ,, ... ... | 93/0 | ,, ,, | 100/0 | No. J 3849. Telescopic Pencil-Case. 9-ct. Gold, 23/6 18-ct. Gold, 63/0 No. J 3850. 9-ct. Gold, 21/0 15-ct. Gold, 50/0 18-ct. Gold, 60/0 No. J 3851. 9-ct. Gold. Plain, 9/6 Engine turned, 10/6 No. J 3852. 9-ct. Gold, 12/6 No. J 3853. Engraved, 28/6. Engine turned, 28/6 Plain, 27/0 No. J 3854. Stocked in 3 sizes, 9-ct. Gold, 19/6 ; 25/0 ; 29/6. No. J 3854. Closed as Pendant. No. J 3855. 9-ct. gold, 16/6 No. J 3856. 9-ct. gold, 8/6 Plain, 8/0 TELESCOPIC PENCILS. Any of the Telescopic Pencils illustrated above may be had in 9-ct., 15-ct. or 18-ct. Gold, in either Fluted, Twisted, Engraved, Engine-turned or Plain patterns. [48] GOLD CIGARETTE CASES, MATCH BOXES, SOVEREIGN CASES, Etc. No. J 3858. 9 ct. Gold, | small | 52/0 | 18 ct. ditto, | £5 14 0 | ,, | medium | 58/0 | ,, | £6 5 0 | ,, | large | 64/0 | ,, | £7 5 0 | No. J 3859. 9 ct. Gold, | small | £2 4 0 | 18 ct. ditto, | £5 15 0 | ,, | medium | £2 16 0 | ,, | £6 8 0 | ,, | large | £3 14 6 | ,, | £7 5 0 | No. J 3860. | 9 ct. Gold, | small | 48/0 | | ,, | medium | 57/6 | | ,, | large | 67/6 | No. J 3861. 9 ct. Round Dress Match Box, 33/6 Engine Turned, 37/6 No. J 3862. 9 ct. Gold, | small | £2 15 0 | 18 ct. ditto, | £5 13 6 | ,, | medium | £3 3 0 | ,, | £6 7 6 | ,, | large | £3 10 0 | ,, | £7 5 0 | Engine Turned. No. J 3863. 9 ct. Gold, £3 7 6 9 ct. ditto, Engine Turned, £3 14 6 No. J 3864. 9 ct. Gold Case, with Block Amber Tube. 2¼in., 48/0 2½in., 52/0 2¾in., 58/6 No. J 3865. 9 ct. Gold, 25/0 & 35/0 9 ct. Engine Turned, 30/0 & 40/0 No. J 3866. 9 ct. Gold Cigar Cutter, 21/0 & 32/6 15 ct. Gold, 65/0 18 ct. Gold, 100/0 No. J 3867. 9 ct. Plain, 60/0 Ditto, Heavier, 75/0 Ditto, Engine Turned, £4 0 0 18 ct. Plain, £7 5 0 Ditto, Engine Turned, £7 15 0 No. J 3868. 9 ct. Gold Plain, £3 13 6 No. J 3869. 9 ct. Gold Double Sovereign Purse, 67/6 Heavier, £4 0 0 No. J 3870. Gents’ 9 ct. Gold Card Case. Plain, £5 0 0 Engine Turned, £5 10 0 No. J 3871. 9 ct. Gold Match Box, thin knife edge, 27/6 No. J 3872. 9 ct. Gold Card Case, Plain, £3 7 6 Ditto, Engine Turned, £3 13 6 [49] GOLD CIGAR AND CIGARETTE CASES. No. J 3873. 9ct. GOLD CIGARETTE CASES. Single Row. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | £8/12/6 | £10/7/6 | £12/0/0 | £13/13/0 | £15/13/6 | No. J 3874. GOLD CIGARETTE CASES. Single Row. | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 9ct. Gold ... | £11/15/0 | £10/6/0 | £9/5/0 | £8/15/0 | 18ct. Gold ... | £25/7/0 | £22/9/6 | £20/0/0 | £17/8/6 | No. J 3875. GOLD CIGARETTE CASES. Single Row. | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 9ct. Gold | £12/12/0 | £11/5/0 | £9/12/6 | £8/5/0 | 18ct. Gold | £28/0/0 | £24/15/0 | £22/3/6 | £18/10/0 | No. J 3876. 9ct. GOLD CIGAR CASE 1 | Flute, | 5½in., | £7/10/0 | 2 | ,, | 5?in., | £13/7/0 | 3 | ,, | 5?in., | £18/12/6 | 4 | ,, | 5?in., | £25/0/0 | No. J 3877. GOLD CIGARETTE CASES. Double Row. | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 9ct. Gold | £12/10/6 | £10/16/6 | £9/10/6 | £8/7/6 | 18ct. Gold | £25/7/0 | £22/9/6 | £20/0/0 | £17/8/6 | No. J 3878. 9ct. GOLD CIGARETTE CASE. Single Row. £8/0/0 No. J 3879. 9ct. GOLD CIGAR CASE, Knife Edge. 5?in. by 3¼in., £17/10/6 No. J 3880. 9ct. PLAIN GOLD CIGARETTE CASE, Double Row. £7/3/6 [50] LONG GUARDS IN PLATINUM AND PEARLS AND GOLD. No. J 3885. Long Platinum Dress Chain, Special Design, Registered Link, Pearls at intervals, 54 to 56in. long. £18 10 0 No. J 3886. Platinum and Pearl Long Guard, 54 to 56in. long. £20 0 0 No. J 3887. Platinum and Pearl Long Guard, exclusive new design, 54 to 56in. long. £22 0 0 No. J 3888. Platinum and Pearl Long Guard. £18 10 0 No. J 3889. Platinum and Pearl Long Guard, 54 to 56in. long. £21 10 0 No. J 3890. Platinum Pillar and whole Pearls Long Guard, 54 to 56in. long. £13 10 0 No. J 3891. Platinum and Pearl Guard, Whole Pearls, registered Knot Pattern, 54 to 56in. long. £25 10 0 No. J 3892. 9-ct. Gold Double Fetter Guard, wear well, 54 to 56in. long. £3 15 0 No. J 3893. 15-ct. Gold Guard, Knot Pattern, 54 to 56in. long. £7 0 0 No. J 3894. 18-ct. Gold Guard, Cable Pattern. £12 5 0 No. J 3895. Gold Guard, Fetter and 1 Knot Pattern. £4 17 6 No. J 3896. Gold Pillar and Ball Pattern Guard, 54 to 56in. long. £4 15 0 No. J 3897. 18-ct. Gold Watch Guard or Muff Chain, Fetter and Knot Pattern. £14 5 [51] HIGH-CLASS ENGLISH KEYLESS LEVER WATCHES WARRANTED No. J 5251 | “The United Service.” | 18-ct. Gold. | £ s. d. | Open Face ... | 11150 | Full Hunter ... | 13100 | Half Hunter ... | 14 0 0 | In Silver Cases. | Open Face ... | 3 18 6 | Full Hunter ... | 4 5 0 | Half Hunter ... | 4 10 0 | Adjusted for all Positions and Temperatures, Fully Jewelled, Breguet Spring to resist jarring and friction in hard wear. No. J 5252 Finest London Made. Chronograph, registering minutes, seconds, and fifths of seconds, with independent triple fly-back action, Keyless Lever, Jewelled throughout, Compensated Balance adjusted for all temperatures and positions, Breguet spring which prevents any variation in hunting or rough wear. Guaranteed to keep accurate time in all climates. | £ s. d. | Heavy 18 ct. Gold Hunter Case...... | 67100 | Ditto, but with Split Seconds for registering first and second in an event ... | 80 0 0 | Ditto, ditto, with the addition of Repeating Hours, Quarters and Minutes on richly toned Gongs ...... ...... | 130 0 0 | No. J 5253 | “The Varsity.” | 18 ct. Gold. | £ s. d. | Open Face ... | 20 0 0 | Full Hunter ... | 22100 | Half Hunter ... | 23 0 0 | In Silver Cases. | Open Face ... | 7 10 0 | Full Hunter ... | 8 0 0 | Half Hunter ... | 8 8 0 | These are all ¾-plate lever movements, and are the most reliable Watches produced. No. J 5254 | “The Standard.” | 18-ct. Gold. | £s. d. | Open Face ... | 18180 | Full Hunter ... | 21 0 0 | Half Hunter ... | 21100 | In Silver Cases. | Open Face ... | 6 10 0 | Full Hunter ... | 7 0 0 | Half Hunter ... | 7 7 0 | No. J 5255. | “The Regal.” | 18-ct. Gold. | £ s. d. | In Silver Cases. | £ s. d. | Open Face ... | 28 0 0 | Open Face ... | 7 0 0 | Full Hunter ... | 32 0 0 | Full Hunter ... | 7150 | Half Hunter ... | 32100 | Half Hunter ... | 8 5 0 | No. J 5256 | “The Admiralty.” | 18-ct. Gold. | £ s. d. | Open Face ... | 14100 | Full Hunter ... | 18100 | Half Hunter ... | 18180 | In Silver Cases. | Open Face ... | 5 0 0 | Full Hunter ... | 5 10 0 | Half Hunter ... | 6 0 0 | MONOGRAM ENGRAVED IF DESIRED, WITHOUT CHARGE. [52] HIGH GRADE ENGLISH WATCHES. Ladies New Keyless Lever Watch. Harrod’s Ltd LONDON No. J 5257 | The smallest English Watch made. | 18 ct. | Gold | Full | Hunter | £14 14 0 | 18 ct. | ,, | Half | ,, | £15 0 0 | No. J 5258 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever, combined English Watch and English made 15 ct. Expanding Bracelet, £14 14 0 Watches as Nos. J 5257, J 5259 can also be supplied as Bracelet Watches. Ladies New Keyless Lever Watch. No. J 5259 | The smallest English Watch made. | 9 ct. | Gold | Full | Hunter | £9 9 0 | 9 ct. | ,, | Half | ,, | £10 0 0 | No. J 5260 Ladies 18 ct. Gold Keyless English Lever Half Hunter Watch, fully Jewelled, £14 10 0 Silver do., £5 15 0 No. J 5261 18 ct. Gold PRESENTATION WATCH, Lever Movement, fully Jewelled, £22 0 0 Do., Specially Adjusted Movement, £25 0 0 No. J 5262 Ladies 18 ct. Gold Keyless English Lever Open Face Watch, fully Jewelled, £12 12 0 Silver do. £4 17 6 PRIZE MEDAL ENGLISH WATCHES. NEW FLAT MODELS. No. J 5263 Silver | Crystal Glass | £4 10 0 | 18 ct. Gold | ,, | £15 15 0 | No. J 5264 Silver | Half Hunter | £5 5 0 | 18 ct. Gold | ,, | £18 10 0 | Fully Jewelled and Compensated. No. J 5265 Silver | Lentille Shape Dress Watch | £4 10 0 | 18 ct. Gold | ditto | £15 15 0 | ALL WATCHES ARE CAREFULLY EXAMINED, REGULATED, AND GUARANTEED BY THE COMPANY. [53] CHRONOGRAPHS AND REPEATING WATCHES. Oxidized Chronograph Watches, £3 10 0 Higher Grades, specially recommended, £5 5 0, £6 6 0 No. J 5266. Keyless Lever Split Seconds Chronograph, fully Jewelled, compensation balance, Breguet spring, registering minutes, seconds, and fifths of seconds up to 60 minutes. | £ s. d. | 18 ct. | Gold | Open Face | 32 10 0 | 18 ,, | ,, | Full Hunter | 37 10 0 | 18 ,, | ,, | Half,, | 38 0 0 | Silver Open Face | 9 9 0 | Higher Grade | 14 0 0 | Silver ¼ Repeating Watches, £5 10 0 Oxidized ditto, £5 5 0 Silver Minute Repeating Watch, £11 0 0 Oxidized, £10 10 0 No. J 5267. Keyless Lever Chronograph Watch, Full Hunter Cases, fully Jewelled, compensation balance, Breguet spring, registering minutes, seconds and fifths of seconds, up to 30 or 60 minutes. | £ s. d. | | 18 ct. Gold | 28 10 0 | Silver | 10 5 0 | No. J 5268. Repeating Watch, striking hours and quarters, keyless lever movement, compensation balance, Breguet spring, fully Jewelled. | £ s. d. | 18 ct. | Gold Open Face | 20 0 0 | 18 ,, | ,,Full Hunter | 23 10 0 | 18 ,, | ,,Half,, | 24 0 0 | Ditto, ditto, striking hours, quarters, and minutes. | £ s. d. | 18 ct. | Gold Open Face | 29 10 0 | 18 ,, | ,,Full Hunter | 33 0 0 | 18 ,, | ,,Half,, | 33 10 0 | No. J 5269. Keyless Lever Chronograph Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance, Breguet spring, registering minutes, seconds, and fifths of seconds, up to 60 minutes. | £ s. d. | 18 ct. | Gold Open Face | 25 0 0 | 18 ,, | ,,Full | Hunter | 30 0 0 | 18 ,, | ,,Half | ,, | 30 10 0 | Silver | Open Face | 7 17 6 | ,, | Full | Hunter | 8 8 0 | ,, | Half | ,, | 8 12 6 | No. J 5270. Keyless Lever Chronograph Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance, Breguet spring, registering minutes, seconds, fifths of seconds up to 30 minutes. | £ s. d. | 18 ct. | Gold Open Face | 20 0 0 | 18 ,, | ,,Full | Hunter | 23 10 0 | 18 ,, | ,,Half | ,, | 24 0 0 | Silver | Open Face | 5 15 0 | ,, | Full | Hunter | 6 6 0 | ,, | Half | ,, | 6 10 0 | These superior quality Chronographs are as used for timing the GORDON-BENNETT CUP RACE. No. J 5271. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Chronograph Repeater Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance, Breguet spring, registering minutes, seconds, fifths of seconds, repeating hours, quarters, and minutes on richly-toned gongs. | £ s. d. | Open Face | 35 0 0 | Full | Hunter | 39 0 0 | Half | ,, | 39 10 0 | [54] KEYLESS LEVER WATCHES, WARRANTED. No. J 5272. Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance and Breguet spring, reliable timekeeper. 18 ct. Gold | £ s. d. | Open Face ... | 10 0 0 | Full Hunter ... | 12 0 0 | Half Hunter ... | 12 10 0 | In Silver Cases | Open Face ... | 3 5 0 | Full Hunter ... | 3 10 0 | Half Hunter ... | 3 15 0 | No. J 5273. High-Grade Adjusted Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance and Breguet spring. 18 ct. Gold | £ s. d. | Open Face ... | 16 10 0 | Full Hunter ... | 19 10 0 | Half Hunter ... | 20 0 0 | No. J 5274. Keyless Lever Watch, Jewelled Movement, good timekeeper. 18 ct. Gold | £ s. d. | Open Face ... | 8 8 0 | Full Hunter ... | 10 0 0 | Half Hunter ... | 10 10 0 | In Silver Cases | Open Face ... | 1 10 0 | Full Hunter ... | 1 15 0 | Half Hunter ... | 2 2 0 | No. J 5275. Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, Adjusted for all temperatures. 18 ct. Gold | £ s. d. | Open Face ... | 12 15 0 | Full Hunter ... | 15 0 0 | Half Hunter ... | 15 10 0 | In Silver Cases | Open Face ... | 4 0 0 | Full Hunter ... | 4 10 0 | Half Hunter ... | 4 15 0 | No. J 5276. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance and Breguet spring. | £ s. d. | Perfect Timekeeper | 13 10 0 | Ditto, in Oxydised Cases | 3 10 0 | It is not necessary to cut this list. To quote the number of article is sufficient. No. J 5277. PATENT SCREW-CASED DUSTPROOF WATCHES. Keyless Lever Watch, Jewelled in all holes, guaranteed a perfect timekeeper, specially adapted for military use on account of its shallow and smooth case, from which it can only be removed by raising winding button and unscrewing from the front. The Screw-case renders the watch both dustproof and airtight. | £ s. d. | 18 ct. Gold ... | 11 5 0 | Silver ... | 3 0 0 | Gun-metal ... | 2 5 0 | [55] WATCH DEPARTMENT. EXTRA FLAT LEVER WATCHES FOR DRESS WEAR. ALL WATCHES CAREFULLY EXAMINED, REGULATED, AND GUARANTEED BY THE COMPANY. No. J 5278. Illustration shows width of watch. No. J 5279. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, plain or engine turned, with small silver dial, dark blue enamelled circle. £13 10 0 IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO CUT THIS CATALOGUE. TO QUOTE NO. OF ARTICLE REQUIRED IS SUFFICIENT. No. J 5280. Higher Grade Swiss Dress Watches £20 and £27 0 0 No. J 5281. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance. Enamelled circle round dial. £12 10 0 No. J 5282. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled and compensation balance. Silvered dial. £9 0 0 No. J 5283. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled and compensation balance. Enamelled back, blue, white, red or black. £15 15 0 HIGH GRADE ENGLISH LEVER FLAT WATCHES. No. J 5284. FINEST LONDON MADE. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance, strong half-hunter case. £52 10 0 No. J 5285. FINEST LONDON MADE. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance, strong half-hunter case £50 0 0 No. J 5286. FINEST LONDON MADE. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled compensation balance, silvered dial. £45 0 0 [56] SILVER LEVER WATCHES. No. J 5287. Silver Keyless Lever Watch. Jewelled throughout. Accurate Timekeeper. Either Plain or Engine Turned Cases. Open Face ... | £2 7 6 | Full Hunter ... | £2 12 6 | Half Hunter ... | £2 17 6 | No. J 5288. THE CAMPAIGNER. Silver Keyless Lever Watch, Fully Jewelled, Compensation Balance, Breguet Spring. Open Face ... | £1 15 0 | Full Hunter ... | £2 0 0 | Oxidized Open Face | £1 10 0 | No. J 5289. Silver Keyless Lever Watch. Jewelled Movement. Open Face ... | £1 1 0 | Full Hunter ... | £1 7 6 | Half Hunter ... | £1 10 0 | No. J 5290. Silver Keyless Lever Watch. Fully Jewelled and Compensation Balance. Open Face ... | £1 15 0 | Full Hunter ... | £2 0 0 | Half Hunter ... | £2 5 0 | No. J 5291. Silver Keyless Lever Watch, Fully Jewelled, Compensation Balance, Breguet Spring. Open Face ... | £2 0 0 | Full Hunter ... | £2 5 0 | Half Hunter ... | £2 10 0 | No. J 5292. Silver Keyless Lever Watch. Fully Jewelled, Compensation Balance, and Breguet Spring. Open Face ... | £2 15 0 | Full Hunter ... | £3 0 0 | Half Hunter ... | £3 5 0 | 9ct. Gold and Leather Watch Bracelet. £2 0 0 No. J 5293. Silver Keyless Lever Watch, with Leather Wristlet. £1 1 0 All Watches are carefully Examined, Regulated, and Guaranteed by the Company. [57] JEWELLERY DEPARTMENT. LADIES’ KEYLESS WATCHES. No. J 5294. 18ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, Breguet Spring, Compensation Balance £8 8 0 Oxydised Ditto. ... | £4 4 0 | No. J 5295. 18ct. Gold Keyless Lever Hunter Watch, fully Jewelled Movement, Compensation Balance £6 15 0 Silver Ditto. ... | £2 10 0 | No. J 5296. 18ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled Plain Case £5 10 0 Silver Ditto. ... | £1 10 0 | Oxydised Ditto. ... | £1 5 0 | No. J 5297. 18ct. Gold Keyless Lever Half Hunter Watch, fully Jewelled, Breguet Spring, Compensation Balance £7 15 0 Silver Ditto. ... | £3 5 0 | Oxydised Ditto. ... | £3 0 0 | No. J 5298. THE NURSE’S WATCH. 18ct. Keyless Lever Watch, High Grade, fully Jewelled, Compensation Balance, with centre seconds £8 8 0 Silver Ditto. ... | £3 10 0 | Oxydised Ditto. ... | £3 0 0 | No. J 5299. 18ct. Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled Half Hunter, Engraved Case £6 6 0 No. J 5300. 18ct. Gold Screw-Cased “Dustproof” Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, Breguet Spring, Compensation Balance £7 7 0 Silver Ditto. ... | £3 17 6 | Oxydised Ditto. ... | £3 12 6 | Ditto, ditto, 2nd quality | £2 15 0 | No. J 5301. 18ct. Gold Keyless Lever Half Hunter Watch, fully Jewelled, Breguet Spring, Compensation Balance ... £5 5 0 9ct. Gold Ditto. ... | £3 17 6 | Silver Ditto. ... | £2 0 0 | No. J 5302. 18ct. Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, Breguet Spring, Compensation Balance ... £9 9 0 Silver Ditto. ... | £3 15 0 | Oxydised Ditto. ... | £3 7 6 | [58] JEWELLED AND ENAMELLED PENDANT WATCHES, AND LADIES’ CORSAGE WATCHES. No. J 5303. 18 ct. Gold and Enamel Keyless Watch, with Chain, fine quality, fully jewelled. £40 0 0 No. J 5304. 18 ct. Gold and Enamel Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance. £8 8 0 Either Green, Red, or Blue. No. J 5305. 11 ct. Gold and Enamel Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance. £8 8 0 Either Green, Red, or Blue. No. J 5306. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance, mounted with circle of fine Diamonds and Rubies, with Bow Brooch. £78 0 0 No. J 5307. Fine quality Keyless Lever Enamel Pendant Watch, with Diamonds set into Platinum. With Platinum Chain and Enamel Drop. £40 0 0 No. J 5308. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance, set fine White Diamonds, complete with Diamond Bow Brooch. £185 0 0 No. J 5309. 18 ct. Gold and Enamel Keyless Watch and Gold and Enamel Chain, with bow set with Diamonds. £40 0 0 No. J 5310. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance, back of watch enamelled flowers set with Diamonds, complete with Gold Brooch. £9 0 0 No. J 5311. Fine quality Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance, back of watch set with New Mine Sapphires, encircled with Rose Diamonds, also circle of Rose Diamonds in front of watch, with Swallow Brooch complete. £100 0 0 No. J 5312. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance, set with Pearls, with Bow Brooch complete. £30 0 0 [59] WATCH BRACELETS; GEM MOUNTED. No. J 5313. Platinum Expanding Watch Bracelet, set with fine quality Diamonds, high-grade Keyless Lever movement. Fully jewelled. £72 10 0 No. J 5314. Platinum and Enamel Expanding Bracelet Watch, high grade Keyless Lever, fully jewelled, set with fine White Diamonds. £118 0 0 No. J 5315. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, mounted on 18 ct. Gold Flexible Bracelet. Fully jewelled and compensation balance Bezil, set with 24 fine White Diamonds. £45 0 0 No. J 5316. Platinum Expanding Bracelet and small size Platinum Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance. Bezil set with 19 fine White Diamonds. £60 0 0 No. J 5317. 18 ct. Gold and Platinum Expanding Bracelet and Platinum Keyless Lever Watch, fully jewelled, compensation balance. Bezil set with 22 fine White Diamonds. £57 10 0 No. J 5318. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, mounted on 18 ct. Gold Flexible Bracelet, fully jewelled and compensation balance. Bezil set with Rose Diamonds and Sapphires, Rubies or Emeralds. £22 10 0 No. J 5319. 18 ct. Gold Enamelled Keyless Lever Octagon Watch, Bezil set Rose Diamonds in Platinum, with 18 ct. Gold and Platinum Expanding Bracelet, High Grade Movement, Jewelled with 18 Rubies, Compensation balance and Breguet Spring. £38 10 0 No. J 5320. 18 ct. Gold Enamelled Keyless Lever Octagon Watch. Platinum Bezils set, 16 Rose Diamonds, with 15 ct. Gold Expanding Bracelet, High Grade movement, jewelled with 16 Rubies, Compensation Balance and Breguet Spring. £23 0 0 Ditto, 18 ct. Gold Watch, Platinum Bezil with 15 ct. Gold Expanding Bracelet. £21 10 0 [60] ENGLISH MADE EXPANDING BRACELETS, WITH RELIABLE LEVER WATCHES. No. J 5321. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | £4 17 6 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 6 6 0 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 7 17 6 | THESE BRACELETS ARE FITTED WITH GOLD SPRINGS WHICH ENSURE STRENGTH AND DURABILITY. No. J 5322. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | £4 17 6 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 6 6 0 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 7 17 6 | THESE WATCHES ARE FITTED WITH SWISS LEVER MOVEMENTS, AND ARE FULLY GUARANTEED. No. J 5324. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | £5 5 0 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 6 15 0 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 8 5 0 | SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF PLATINUM WATCHES IN STOCK. No. J 5323. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | £4 17 6 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 6 6 0 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 7 17 6 | No. J 5325. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | £4 17 6 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 6 6 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 7 17 6 | No. J 5326. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | 15/0 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 21/0 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 25/0 | No. J 5331. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | 11/0 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 16/6 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 18/6 | No. J 5327. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | 6/0 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 7/6 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 10/6 | No. J 5328. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | 6/0 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 9/0 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 11/6 | BRACELETS AS SECTIONS ILLUSTRATED CAN BE SUPPLIED TO WATCHES AS NOS. J 5321 ,, J 5322 ,, J 5323 ,, J 5325 AT EXTRA PRICES QUOTED No. J 5329. This Pattern same prices as Watch Bracelets illustrated. No. J 5330. 9 ct. | Gold | ... | 7/6 | 15 ct. | ,, | ... | 11/6 | 18 ct. | ,, | ... | 15/0 | WATCH BRACELETS AS NOS. J 5327 ,,J 5333 SET WITH OTHER STONES CAN BE SUPPLIED AT VARIOUS PRICES. No. J 5332. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch Bracelet, set with fine Diamonds and Olivines ... £30 0 0 No. J 5333. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch Bracelet, set with fine Diamonds and Rubies ... £40 0 0 OTHER STONES CAN BE SUPPLIED AT VARIOUS PRICES. [61] EXPANDING WATCH BRACELETS. No. J 5334. 18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever expanding Watch Bracelet,£14 0 0 No. J 5335. 15 ct. Gold Keyless Lever expanding Watch Bracelet,£7 7 0 No. J 5336. 9 ct. Gold Keyless Lever half Hunter expanding Watch Bracelet,£6 0 0 No. J 5337. 9 ct. Gold Keyless Lever expanding Watch Bracelet,£4 0 0 No. J 5338. 9 ct. Gold Keyless Lever half Hunter Watch Bracelet,£5 5 0 No. J 5339. 15 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch and 15 ct. expanding Bracelet,£7 10 0 No. J 5340. 9 ct. Gold Keyless Lever expanding Watch Bracelet,£4 7 6 No. J 5341. 9 ct. Gold Keyless Lever expanding Watch Bracelet. Gilt Dial | ... | £5 12 6 | 15 ct. Ditto | ... | £7 15 0 | No. J 5342. 9 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch expanding Bracelet | £ 5 5 0 | 15 ct. Watch and 15 ct. Bracelet | £ 9 10 0 | 18 ct. Watch and 15 ct. Bracelet | £10 10 0 | No. J 5343. 9 ct. Gold Keyless Lever expanding Watch Bracelet,£5 5 0 Ditto 15 ct. Watch and 15 ct. Bracelet, £8 0 0 THESE BRACELET WATCHES ARE FITTED WITH RELIABLE JEWELLED MOVEMENTS AND ARE FULLY GUARANTEED BY THE COMPANY. No. J 5344. 9 ct. Gold Keyless Lever expanding Watch Bracelet | £5 15 0 | Ditto 18 ct. Watch and 15 ct. Bracelet | £9 10 0 | [62] KEYLESS LEVER WATCHES ON LEATHER WRISTLETS. No. J 5345. Either Gilt or White Dials.18 ct. Gold Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, and compensation balance, £4 4 0 Higher Grade, £7 7 0 No. J 5346. Silver Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled and compensation balance, £1 15 0 15 ct. Gold, £3 7 6 No. J 5347. Silver Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled and compensation balance, £2 0 0 18 ct. Gold, £4 12 6 No. J 5348 Silver Lever “Screw Cased” Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance and Breguet spring, £3 0 0 9 ct. Gold, £5 15 0 18 ct. Gold, £8 15 0 No. J 5349 Silver Keyless Lever Watch, high grade, fully Jewelled, compensation balance and Breguet spring, £4 0 0 Second-quality, £1 17 6 9 ct. Gold, £5 10 0 18 ct. Gold, £8 0 0 No. J 5350 Silver Half Hunter, Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance and Breguet spring, £3 3 0 Ladies’ Smaller Size Half Hunter, 9 ct. Gold, £4 10 0 18 ct. Gold, £7 15 0 [63] OXYDISED STEEL KEYLESS LEVER WATCHES. These Watches are of Swiss manufacture and can be recommended as reliable Timekeepers. No. J 5351 Lady’s Keyless Lever Watch, Jewelled movement, 21/- No. J 5352 Lady’s Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, £1 17 6. No. J 5353 THE NURSE’S WATCH. Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance, with centre seconds hand, 42 No. J 5354 Gentleman’s Half-Hunter Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance, accurate timekeeper, 37/6. No. J 5355 Lady’s Keyless Lever Watch, fully Jewelled, compensation balance, high-grade movement, £2 17 6. No. J 5356 Keyless Lever Watch, 10/- Higher Grade movements, 15/-, 21/- Also can be had with Nickel Cases, SAME PRICES. No. J 5357 Lady’s Keyless Lever Half-Hunter Watch, compensation balance, fully Jewelled, 42/- No. J 5358 Gentleman’s Flat Keyless Lever Watch, for Evening Wear, fully Jewelled, compensation balance, £2 2 0. [64] CLOCK DEPARTMENT. CLOCKS FOR NIGHT USE. No. J 5001. 30-hour Electric Ceiling Clock, Illustration showing clock by day; when required for night move the face downwards till it is perpendicular, and by pressing button a huge reflection of dial of clock will be shown on the ceiling. 30/- No. J 5002. Size 4½ × 3¾ 30-hour Electric Illuminating Timepiece. Reliable Movement. Assorted Leathers. 24/6. No. J 5003. 8-day Leather Electric Ceiling-Clock, showing the time by day, as illustration, and by night by pressing the electric button, which reflects a huge dial on the ceiling, showing the time very distinctly. 63/0 No. J 5004. Size 4¾ × 4?. 30 hour Mahogany Case Electric Illuminating Timepiece, Pocket Size Lever Watch. 37/6 No. J 5005. Size 4½ × 4½. 30 hour Leather Electric Timepiece, Sound quality movement. 45/- MOST USEFUL PRESENTS FOR ALL TIMES. No. J 5006. Size 6? × 5¾. 8-day Crocodile Electric Illuminating Clock. Sound and Reliable Timekeeper, Brown or Green. £6/6/0 A LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER CLOCKS ALWAYS IN STOCK. No. J 5007. Size 4? × 4?. 8-day Electric Illuminating Night Clock, Fine Quality Movement with Alarm, £5/5/0 Dark Red, Blue or Green Leather. No. J 5008. Size 4 × 4. 8-day Leather Radium Folding Travelling Clock, Assorted Leather. 45/- 30-hour movements from 21/- No. J 5009. Size 4½ × 3?. 8-day Leather Electric Illuminated Timepiece. Fine quality movement. 60/0 The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4. [65] TRAVELLING CLOCKS AND COMBINATION CLOCK-BAROMETERS. No. J 5113. Pigskin or Enamelled Leather Dashboard Case to take large size Goliath Watch. Complete with 30-hour Watch, 21/6; 8-day, complete, 44/0; Case only, 9/0. “OUR SPECIALITY.” No. J 5114. 8-day Gilt Carriage Clock, with Red Leatherette Case, 13/6. Superior finish in Leather Case 21/0. Ditto, with Alarm, 28/6 Ditto, striking Hours and ½-Hours on Gong, 63/0, without Alarm. Height, without Handle, 4½in. No. J 5115. Real Crocodile Dashboard Case, 27/6, complete with 30-hour Goliath Watch; 8-day, complete, 50/0. Case only, 15/0 No. J 5116. 8-day Lever Travelling Clock. Thoroughly reliable movement. Good timekeeper. Height 3¾in. 21/0 No. J 5117. 8-day Oval Lever Travelling Clock. Reliable timekeeper. Height 3½in. 25/0 CLOCKS REGULARLY WOUND AND REGULATED BY ARRANGEMENT. No. J 5118. Folding Travelling Clock. The most useful and reliable clock for travellers. Excellent Lever Movement, 13/6, 17/6, 21/0, 25/0, 27/6, 30/0. 8-day, 35/0 and 45/0. No. J 5119. The latest novelty Motor Watch. Size, 4in. × 4in. High-grade Fully Jewelled Movement. Compensated Balance. Easily attached to inside fitments of Motor. 8-day movement. Assorted Colours Straight Grain Morocco, 47/6; Crushed Morocco, Assorted Colours, 52/6 No. J 5200. Leather Folding Travelling Combination Clock and Barometer. Thoroughly reliable movement. Clock to wind daily. Different Colours in Morocco or Calf. Size, 6¾in. × 3¾in., 35/0 and 42/0 respectively. Height, without Handle, 4?in., width 6?in. No. J 5201. 8-day Gilt Combination Clock, with Aneroid and Thermometer, Ivory Enamelled Dials, well-finished Movement, thoroughly reliable, in case complete, 70/0. [66] GILT CARRIAGE CLOCKS, EACH FITTED IN LEATHER TRAVELLING CASE. No. J 5205. 8-day Lever Travelling Timepiece. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 4½in. without handle. In red case complete, 25/0. No. J 5206. 8-day Lever Travelling Timepiece. Sound and Reliable Timekeeper. Height, 4½in. without handle. In red case complete, 30/0 No J 5207. 8-day Lever Travelling Timepiece. Sound and Reliable Timekeeper. Height, 4½in. without handle. In red case complete, 30/0 No. J 5208. 8-day Lever Travelling Timepiece. Sound Movement. Reliable Timekeeper. Height, 4½in. without handle. In red case complete, 27/6 No. J 5209. 8-day Lever Travelling Striking Clock. Striking hours and ½ hours on gong. Reliable Timekeeper. Height, 7in. with handle. In red case complete, 67/6 No. J 5210. 8-day Lever Travelling Timepiece. Well finished movement. Reliable Timekeeper. Height, 4½in. In red case complete, 21/0 No. J 5211. 8-day Lever Travelling Timepiece. Sound Movement. Reliable Timekeeper. Height, 4½in. Complete in red case, 30/0 No. J 5213. 8-day Oval Lever Travelling Timepiece. Well finished Movement. Reliable Timekeeper. Height 4½in., without handle. Complete in red case, 37/6 Alarm 42/0 No. J 5214. 8-day Lever Travelling Timepiece. Sound Movement. Reliable Timekeeper. Height, 4½in. Complete in red case, 27/6 [67] No. J 5220. 8-Day Best Quality French Travelling Repeating Striking Clock. Striking hours and ½ hours on gong. Perfect timekeeper. Height, 6¼in. without handle. Complete in Red Case, £9 No. J 5221. 8-Day Lever Travelling Striking Clock, striking the hours and ½ hours on gong. Reliable movement. Height, 7in. with handle. 90/0 No. J 5222. 8-Day Best Quality French Travelling Repeating Striking Clock, with alarm. Perfect timekeeper. Height, 6¼in. without handle. Complete in Red Case, £10 No. J 5223. 8-Day Fine Quality Lever Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 4½in. without handle, 63/0. Repeat strike at will, 72/6. Non-striking, 45/0 No. J 5224. 8-Day Best Quality French Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on gong and repeating the ¼ at will. Height, 6¼ inch. Complete in Red Case, £11/10/0 No. J 5225. 8-Day Lever Travelling Clock Height, 4in. without handle. Strikes hours and ½ hours on gong, 60/0. Repeat, 75/0 No. J 5226. 8-Day Gilt Lever Travelling Repeating Striking Clock, strikes the hours and ½ hours on gong and repeats the last hour at will. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 7½in. with handle. £5/15/0 No. J 5227. 8-Day Gilt Lever Travelling Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 7in. with handle. £5/5/0 No. J 5228. 8-Day Gilt and Cloisonne French Travelling Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on gong and repeats the last hour at will. Finely finished movement. Reliable timekeeper. Height, with handle, 7¼in. £9/9/0. [68] WATCH AND CLOCK DEPARTMENT. No. J 5234. Height 12in., width 6in. 8-day Buhl Clock, Gilt Ormolu Mounts, finely finished movement. Striking hours and ½-hours on Gong, £2 15 0 No. J 5235. Height 14in. 14-day Buhl Clock, deep Inlay with Gilt Ormolu Mounts, Best Finished Movement. Striking hours and ½-hours on Fine Toned Gong, £4 10 0 Same Movement with Tortoiseshell Veneer Inlaid Case, £5 17 6 No. J 5236. Height 15¼in., width 9in. 8-day Mahogany Ormolu Mounted Striking Clock, beautifully finished. Striking hours and ½-hours on Gong. Reliable Movement, £8 8 0 No. J 5237. Height 8in. including Handle. 14-day Striking Clock, LOUIS XVI., Heavy Frosted Gilt Ormolu Case, Unique Character, Strikes Hours and Half-hours on Bell, Thoroughly reliable, Elegant Reproduction, Lever Movement. £8 8 0. CLOCK DEPARTMENT. MARBLE AND BRONZE CLOCKS, ORNAMENTS. ETC. No. J 5246. Height 15½in. Set £35 0 0 No. J 5246. Height 18in. Width 7½in. 8-day Mahogany and Bronze Gilt Striking Clock. “Copy of the old Hamilton Lyre.” Reliable timekeeper. Set £35 0 0 Smaller size, Blue Enamel. Set £30 0 0 No. J 5246. Height 15½in. Set £35 0 0 No. J 5247. Height 8¾in. Set £18 0 0 No. J 5247. Height 10½in. Width 8½in. 8 day White Marble and Gilt Bronze Striking Clock. Beautifully modelled and well finished. Set £18 0 0 No. J 5247. Height 8¾in. Set £18 0 0 No. J 5248. Height 9¼in. Set £10 10 0 No. J 5248. Height 12½in. Width 6¾in. 8 day White Marble and Gilt Bronze Clock Set, striking hours and ½ hours. Reliable movement. Set £10 10 0 No. J 5248. Height 9¼in. Set £10 10 0 [70] WHITE MARBLE AND BRONZE, BUHL CLOCKS, Etc. No. J 5260. Height, 11in. £20 0 0Set. No. J 5260. Height, 16in., Width, 9in. 8-day White Marble and Bronze Gilt Clock Set, Striking hours and ½-hours on Bell, richly and heavily Gilt Bronze Work. £20 0 0Set. No. J 5260. Height, 11in. £20 0 0Set. No. J 5261. Height, 8¾in. 8-day White Marble and Gilt Bronze Clock, richly Gilt Case, reliable Timekeeper, £7 7 0 No. J 5262. Height, 8in. 14-day Striking Clock, Louis XVI. Heavy Frosted Gilt Bronze Case, Strikes hours and ½-hours on Bell, Lever Movement, reliable Timekeeper, £8 8 0 No. J 5263. Height, 6¾in. 8-day White Marble and Gilt Bronze Figured Clock, beautifully finished reliable Timekeeper £6 10 0 No. J 5264. Height, 14 × 6½in. 14-day Buhl Striking Clock, Striking hours and ½-hours on Gong, Gilt Bronze Mounted Case, reliable Timekeeper, 70/0 No. J 5265. Height, 12½ × 7in. 14-day Buhl Striking Clock, Striking hours and ½-hours on Gong, Bronze Mounted Case, reliable Timekeeper, £4 4 0 No. J 5266. Height, 14 × 6½in. 14-day Buhl Striking Clock, Striking hours and ½-hours on Gong, Bronze Mounted Case, reliable Timekeeper, 75/0 [71] INLAID AND CARVED WOOD STRIKING CLOCKS, Etc. No. J 5270. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Lever Timepiece, reliable timekeeper. Height, 11½in. Width, 5in. ... 37/6 No. J 5271. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Clock, sound lever movement, reliable timekeeper. Height, 8¾in. Width, 6½in. ... 35/0 No. J 5272. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Lever Timepiece, reliable timekeeper. Height, 10½in. Width, 6½in. ... 38/6 No. J 5273. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Lever Timepiece, reliable timekeeper. Height, 9in. ... 25/0 No. J 5274. 8-day Carved Mahogany Lever Timepiece, sound movement, reliable timekeeper. Height, 7½in. Width, 8in. ... 35/0 No. J 5275. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Lever Timepiece, reliable timekeeper. Height, 9¼in. ... 25/0 No. J 5276. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Lever Timepiece, reliable movement. Height, 8½in. Width, 5¼in. ... 24/6 No. J 5277. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Lever Timepiece, reliable timekeeper. Height, 8¼in. ... 25/0 No. J 5278. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Lever Timepiece, reliable movement. Height, 9½in. Width, 4¼in. ... 24/6 No. J 5279. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Clock, reliable movement. Height, 7in. Width, 2¾in. ... 15/0 No. J 5280. 8-day Carved Mahogany Lever Timepiece, sound movement, reliable timekeeper. Height, 9¾in. Width, 5¼in. ... 35/0 No. J 5281. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Clock, reliable movement. Height 7½in. Width, 2¾in. ... 15/0 [72] CARVED AND INLAID WOOD CLOCKS. J 5286. Size 6½in. × 8½in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany best French Lever Timepiece, reliable and sound movement, 50/0 J 5287. Size 6¾in. × 9¾in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany best French Lever Timepiece, sound and reliable timekeeper, 52/6 J 5288. Size 7½in. × 6½in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany best quality French Lever Timepiece, sound, reliable movement, good timekeeper, 50/0 J 5289. Size 10½in. × 5in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany best French Lever Timepiece, sound and reliable timekeeper, 50/0 J 5290. Size 5¾in. × 8¾in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany best quality French Lever Timepiece, reliable timekeeper, 45/0 J 5291. Size 8in. × 5½in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany best French Lever Timepiece, sound and reliable timekeeper, 50/0 J 5292. Size 7½in. × 5½in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany best French Lever Timepiece, sound, reliable timekeeper, 50/0 J 5293. Size 9in. × 6in. 8-Day Mahogany, exclusive design, best quality French Lever Timepiece, sound movement and reliable timekeeper, 57/6 J 5294. Size 7¾in. × 6¾in. 8-Day Mahogany best quality French Lever Timepiece, exclusive design, sound and reliable timekeeper, 55/0 J 5295. Size 8¼in. × 6¼in. 8-Day Mahogany best quality French Lever Timepiece, sound and reliable timekeeper, 50/0 J 5296. Size 8¾in. × 6½in. 8-day Mahogany best quality French Lever Timepiece, sound and reliable movement, 50/0 [73] INLAID WOOD STRIKING CLOCKS. No. J 5300. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height 10in., width 6½in. 55/0 No. J 5301. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Sound movement, reliable timekeeper. Height 10¼in., width 7in. 63/0 No. J 5302. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Sound movement, reliable timekeeper. Height 9¾in., width 5¾in. 55/0 No. J 5303. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Silvered Dial. Reliable timekeeper. Height 10in., width 7in. 72/6 No. J 5304. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Sound movement, reliable timekeeper. Height 10½in., width 6½in. 55/0 No. J 5305. 8-day Mahogany Brass Inlaid Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Silvered Dial. Reliable timekeeper. Height 10¾in., width 7¾in. 72/6 No. J 5306. 8-day Carved Mahogany French Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height 10¼in., width 7½in. £5 10 0 No. J 5307. 8-day Mahogany Superior Quality Brass Inlaid Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height 13in., width 9¼in. £5 10 0 No. J 5308. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Sound movement, reliable timekeeper. Height 10¼in., width 6in. £6 0 0 [74] INLAID WOOD STRIKING CLOCKS, Etc. No. J 5314. 8-day Beautifully Inlaid Mahogany French Striking Clock, Striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 9¾in.; width, 8in.; 4in. dial. £5 No. J 5315. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany French Striking Clock. First quality movement, striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 11½in.; width, 6¼in.; 4-in. dial. 87/6 No. J 5316. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 9½in.; width, 5¼in.; 4-in. dial. £4 4 0 No. J 5317. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 10¼in.; width 6¼in.; 4-in. dial. 87/6 No. J 5318. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 10in.; width, 7in.; 4-in. dial. 70/0 No. J 5319. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 8½in.; width, 6in.; 4-in. dial. 60/0 No. J 5320. 8-day Mahogany French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 11½in.; width, 6¼in.; 4-in. dial. £5 No. J 5321. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 10¾in.; width, 7in.; 4¾in. dial. £4 10 0 No. J 5322. 8-day Carved Mahogany French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on fine tone gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 10in.; width, 6¾in.; 4-in. dial. £4 17 6 No. J 5323. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 9¾in.; width, 8¼in.; 4-in. dial. 87/6 No. J 5324. 8-day Carved Mahogany best quality French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on gong. Perfect timekeeper. Height, 9in.; width, 7in.; 4¾-in. dial. £6 10 0 No. J 5325. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany French Striking Clock. Striking hours and half hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 12in.; width, 9in.; 4¾-inch dial, £5 5 0 [75] INLAID AND CARVED WOOD STRIKING CLOCKS, ETC. No. J 5330. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, first quality movement, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 14½in. Width, 9¾in. 6in. dial. £7 10 0 No. J 5331. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, first quality movement, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 15¼in. Width, 10½in. Dial, 6in. £8 10 0 No. J 5332. 8-day Mahogany first-quality French Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on deep tone gong. Perfect timekeeper. Height, 18in. Width, 11½in. Dial, 8in. £10 0 0 No. J 5333. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany first-quality French Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Beautifully inlaid, reliable timekeeper. Height, 14in. Width, 10in. 6in. face. £8 8 0 No. J 5334. 8-day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. First quality movement. Height, 12½in. Width, 7½in. 5in. dial, £5 17 6 Larger size. 16in. × 9½in. 6in. dial, £7 7 0 No. J 5335. 8-day Mahogany French Striking Clock, first quality movement, striking hours and ½-hours on fine deep tone gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 11¾in. Width, 9¾in. 5in. dial. £6 0 0 No. J 5336. 8-day Brass Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, first quality movement, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper. Height, 17¼in. Width, 9¼in. 6in. face. £7 7 0 [76] STRIKING CLOCKS IN WOOD CASES. No. J 5337. Height 10in., Width 7½in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on Gong, best French Movement, 4¼in. Dial, £6 0 0 No. J 5338. Height 10½in., Width 7½in. 8-Day Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on Gong, good reliable timekeeper, Face 4¼in., £6 0 0 No. J 5339. Height 11in., Width 7¾in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking on Gong the hours and ½ hours, best French Works, perfect timekeeper, £6 0 0 No. J 5340. Height 10in., Width 7in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on Gong, first quality Movement and Case, reliable timekeeper, Face 4¼in., £5 7 6 No. J 5341. Height 10in., Width 7in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on Gong, best quality French Movement, Dial 4¼in., £5 7 6 No. J 5342. Height 11½in., Width 6in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on Gong, best French Movement, Dial 4¼in., £5 5 0 No. J 5343. Height 11in., Width 8in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on Gong, first quality Movement, reliable timekeeper, £6 10 0 No. J 5344. Height 11in., Width 8in. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on Gong, best quality French Movement, perfect timekeeper, Dial 4¾in., £6 10 0 No. J 5345. Height 10in., Width 7in. 8-Day Gothic Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking hours and ½ hours on Gong, best Movement, reliable timekeeper, Dial 4¼in., £5 7 6 The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4. [77] INLAID AND CARVED WOOD STRIKING CLOCKS, &C. No. J 5350. 8-Day Carved Fumed Oak 5-Gong Westminster ¼-Chime, Brass Mounted Dial, reliable Timekeeper. Height 16in., width 10½in. £9 10 0 No. J 5351. 8-Day Mahogany ¼-Ting Tang, strike on 2 Gongs. Height 12in., width 8¾in. £6 0 0 No. J 5350. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany, 5-Gong Westminster Chime. Height 16¼in., width 11½in. £12 0 0 No. J 5353. Real Bronze Dutch Figure, finely finished. Height 12in. £12 12 0 pair. No. J 5354. 8-Day Carved Mahogany 5-Gong Westminster Chime, Silvered Dial. Sound and Reliable Movement. Height 16in., width 1¼in. £12 0 0 No. J 5353. Real Bronze Dutch Figure. Ivory face. Finely finished, £12 12 0 pair. No. J 5355. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking Hours and ½-hours on Gong. Sound Movement, Reliable Timekeeper. Height 11in., width 8in. 80/0 No. J 5356. Mahogany Silvered Dial ¼-Chime Clock, best finished Movement, excellent Timekeeper. Height 8¼in., width 6¼in., ... 87/6 ,,10½in.,,, 8¼in., ... 126/0 Full Westminster Chime, 8¾in. × 7in., £12 0 0 No. J 5357. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany Striking Clock, striking Hours and ½-Hours on Gong. Sound Movement. Reliable Timekeeper. Height 11in., width 9in. £4 10 0 [78] MINIATURE GRANDFATHER, INLAID AND CARVED STRIKING CLOCKS. No. J 5360. 8-Day Carved Mahogany Westminster Chime Clock on 5 gongs. Best English workmanship throughout. Perfect timekeeper. Height 7ft. 2in. £37 10 0 To strike hours and half-hour only, £27 10 0 No. J 5361. 8-Day Carved Mahogany English 5 Gong Westminster Chiming Clock. Best English Works. Perfect Timekeeper. Height 16½in. Width 12in. £21 Clocks on this page are English made and have the very best works. No. J 5362. 8-Day Mahogany Miniature English Grandfather Striking Clock, striking hours and half-hours on Gong. Best English Workmanship throughout. Perfect timekeeper. Height 5ft. 11in. £25 No. J 5363. 8-Day Inlaid Mahogany English Striking Clock. Perfect Timekeeper. Height 13¾in. Width 11¼in. £14 10 0 No. J 5364. 8-Day Brass Inlaid Mahogany English Striking Clock. Perfect Timekeeper. Height 13½in. Width 9½in. £11 15 0 No. J 5365. 8-Day Carved Mahogany English Striking Clock. Perfect Timekeeper. Height 14in. Width 10in. £15 10 0 [79] GRANDFATHER CLOCKS. No. J 5370. Mahogany 8-day Tubular Chiming Clock, chiming on 9 tubes “at will,” the Westminster, St. Michael, and Whittington Chimes. English made; perfect timekeeper. Height, 7ft.10in. £50 No. J 5371. Mahogany 8-day Grandfather Clock, English make throughout, reliable timekeeper. Strikes hours and half-hours on a Deep-toned Gong. Brass-mounted Dial, Cast Corners. Height, 6ft.8in. £14 10 0 No. J 5372. 8-day Grandfather Clock, English make, Mahogany or Oak Case, fitted with fine bold plain Dial to well-finished Striking Movement. Striking hours and half-hours on Gong. Height 6ft.7in. £18 No. J 5373. 8-day Mahogany English made Grandfather Clock, fitted with a Brass Mounted Dial, Silvered Circle to a well-finished Striking Movement. Striking hours and half-hours on Gong. Height, 7ft.3in. £11 11 0 [80] No. J 5379. 8-day Carved Mahogany Tubular Chiming Clock, 2-change chimes, Westminster and Whittington; best English works; perfect timekeeper. Height9ft. £75 0 0 No. J 5380. 8-day Grandfather Tubular Chiming Clock, in Mahogany or Oak Case, 3-change chimes changeable at will, Westminster, St. Michael and Whittington; English made; perfect timekeeper. Height7ft.10in. £50 0 0 No. J 5381. 8-day Grandfather Tubular Chiming Clock in Mahogany or Oak Case, 3-change chimes changeable at will, Westminster, St. Michael and Whittington; all British made; perfect timekeeper. Height7ft.4ins. £45 0 0 No. J 5382. Carved Mahogany or Oak 8-day Grandfather Tubular Chime Clock, 3-change chimes, the best English workmanship throughout, Westminster, St. Michael and Whittington; perfect timekeeper. Height,8ft.3in. £85 0 0 [81] MARBLE CLOCKS. No. J 5385. Height 10½in., width 10½in. 8-day Marble French Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper, 42/0 No. J 5386. Height 12in., length 13in. 8-day Marble and Bronze Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper, 60/0 No. J 5387. Height 10in., width 11in. 8-day Marble French Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper, 47/6 No. J 5388. Height 11in., width 8½in. 8-day Marble Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper, 32/6. Non-strike, 22/6 No. J 5389. Height 13in., width 13½in. 8-day Marble and Bronze French Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Sound and reliable movement, 60/0 No. J 5390. Height 11in., length 8½in. 8-day Marble Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Good timekeeper, 32/6. Non-strike, 22/6 No. J 5391. Height 10¾in., width 10¾in. 8-day Marble Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper,42/0. Non-strike, 32/0 No. J 5392. Height 12½in., width 10in. 8-day Marble Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper, 45/0 No. J 5393. Height 11½in., width 11in. 8-day Marble and Bronze Striking Clock, striking hours and ½-hours on gong. Reliable timekeeper, 57/6 [82] MARBLE CLOCKS, BRONZE ORNAMENTS, Etc. No. J 5400. Bronze Figure, French Rag Picker, height 9¼in., beautifully finished, ivory face and hands, £8 8 0 each. No. J 5401. 8-day Marble and Bronze Striking Clock, strikes hours and ½-hours on Gong, reliable timekeeper. Height13½in., width16in., £5 10 0. No. J 5400. Bronze Figure, French Carter, height10½in., beautifully finished, ivory face and hands, £8 8 0 each. No. J 5402. 8-day Marble and Bronze Clock, strikes hours and ½-hours on Gong, reliable timekeeper. Height12½in., width10½in., 60/-. No. J 5403. 8-day Marble and Bronze Striking Clock, strikes hours and ½-hours on Gong, good timekeeper. Height12in., width12½in., 75/- No. J 5404. 8-day Marble Striking Clock strikes hours and ½-hours on Gong, bronze mounts in relief. Height12in., width10½in. 63/0. No. J 5405. Marble and Bronze Vases, beautifully finished, to match Clock. Height8½in., £6pair. No. J 5406. 14-day Marble and Bronze figured Clock, strikes hours and ½-hours on Gong, best French movement, well modelled and beautifully finished. Height12½in., width17½in., £9 0 0 No. J 5405. Marble and Bronze Vases, beautifully finished, to match Clock. Height8½in., £6pair. [83] No. J 5410. Solid Brass Case Lever Clock, for ships, factories, engine-room, saloons, &c. 8-day reliable movement. 6in. dial, £2 8 6; 7in., £2 12 6; 8in., £2 18 6. Can also be had with Lock and Key to fasten front, 3/6 extra. No. J 5411. VIENNA REGULATOR, 8-day Weight Clock, Striking hours and ½-hours on Fine Tone Gong. Dull Walnut or Oak Case. White Enamel Dial. Length 41½in. ... £3 17 6 Do. with Non-striking Movement £3 3 0 Recommended for Accurate Timekeeping. No. J 5412. 8-day 12in. English Dial. Highly finished, London made. Polished Mahogany or Oak Case, made especially for Harrods. Pendulum movement, with gut line, 35/0; with chain line, 45/0. 10in. dial, gut line, 35/0; with chain, 42/0. Also made in larger sizes and extra quality to order. No. J 5413. 8-day Superior Quality American Drop Dial. Thoroughly sound, reliable movement. Long Pendulum. Accurate timekeeper. 10in. dial, length 23½in., striking, 23/6; non-striking, 19/6. 12in. dial, length 25in., striking, 25/6; non-striking, 22/6 No. J 5414. 1 day Best Carved Case, height 17½in. Good Sound Movement. Brass Chains, Pine-Shaped Weights, 18/6. Cuckoos’ hours and ½-hours. Other designs and prices, 11/6, 13/6, 16/0, 20/0, 25/0. No. J 5415. 12-in. American 8-day Dial. Well finished. Polished Mahogany or Light Oak Case. Thorough good timekeeper, 17/6 Striking do., 23/6 BÜrk System No. J 5416. Watchman’s Clock, can be used for Six Stations, useful for Watchmen going their rounds on Estates or Establishments. Very accurate and cannot be tampered with, and solely under control of an Overseer. The Ribbon B is placed in fresh each day, and the different Keys press one of the Springs (which are shown at top left side of diagram) and penetrate the Ribbon between the lines. Price, £4 15 0, 1 year’s Ribbons included; extra Ribbons for 1 year, 4/0. Leather Sling Pouch for carrying same over shoulder, 7/6. Iron Boxes or Stations for keeping Keys in, 3/0 each. No. J 5417. 8-day Brass Drum Clock, will go in any position. Cyl. Movement, 10/6. Lever, 15/0 [84] OPTICAL DEPARTMENT This Department is under the care of an Experienced Optician who will test Customers’ sight on scientific principles without charge. The system employed is to test carefully each eye separately, whereby the exactness of vision is thoroughly determined. The fitting of Frames is an important point of which we make a speciality, as very often as much inconvenience is caused by an ill-fitting Frame as by unsuitable Lenses. Spectacle testing Special attention given to the execution of Oculists’ prescriptions. In no case do we advise Spectacles unless they are necessary and beneficial. A Register is kept of Customers’ Sight for future reference, when desired. In case of loss, duplicates can be forwarded at once. For the convenience of Customers residing at a distance and unable to visit Harrods, sets of trial lenses will be forwarded by post on receipt of a deposit of 21/0. Special quotations furnished for any optical instrument not mentioned in this List. All Optical Goods sold by us are of the best quality and description, and the prices are based upon a rate of profit which enables us to sell these goods at a low figure. SPECTACLES No. J O 6000. Steel frame, convex or concave glasses ... | per pair | 2/6 | Ditto, light frame, with bevelled joint, and best white convex and concave glasses ... | ,, | 3/6 | Ditto, with pebbles ... | ,, | 4/6 | Ditto, with best pebbles ... | ,, | 6/6 | Gold filled spectacles, with convex or concave glasses ... | ,, | 8/6 | Ditto, Ditto, with best convex pebbles ... | ,, | 10/6 | Light Gold Spectacles, glazed with pebbles, from ... | ,, | 18/0 | Ditto, stout, 15-carat ... | ,, | 36/0 | Inviso Regd Rimless No. J O 6001. “INVISO” RIMLESS SPECTACLE. 9 ct. Gold Mounts ... | perpair | 27/6 | Gold filled ... | ,, | 17/6 | Nickel ... | ,, | 12/6 | Straw steel spectacle, with twisted wire, flexible curl sides, W bridge, suitable for driving, riding, &c., glazed with concave or convex glasses ... | ,, | 5/6 | Gold filled spectacles, curl sides ... | ,, | 8/6 | Gold frame ... | from | ,, | 21/0 | EYE-GLASSES, Etc. No. J O 6005. Nickel-plated, Canadian pattern, cork placquets | perpair | 2/6 | Ditto, Glazed, with Convex pebbles | ,, | 4/6 | Ditto, Glazed, with best pebbles | ,, | 6/6 | Gold ditto, with pebbles | from | ,, | 16/6 | Gold ditto, 15-carat, with best pebbles | ,,,, | 27/0 | White metal frame with dome-shaped tinted glasses | ,, | 3/6 | HORIZONTAL PINCE-NEZ. No. J O 6006. Adjustable bridge Pince-Nez, with cork placquets, possess all the advantages of a spectacle frame, with the lightness and comfort of a folder. The bridge is composed of two fine steel bars, surrounded by a spiral steel spring, which expands or contracts according to the width of the wearer’s nose; specially suitable for astigmatic or short-sighted persons. In nickel-plated steel, Convex or Concave lenses, from 3/6 per pair. Ditto, Gold-filled frame | from | 10/0 | perpair | Ditto, Gold frames | ,, | 15/0 | ,, | 15-carat ditto | ,, | 30/0 | ,, | BIFOCAL LENSES, for Reading and Distance use, the two sights worked on one lens, fitted to the above ... extra per pair from 15/0 RIMLESS PINCE-NEZ. No. J O 6007. Patent Fairy Fitting, 10-carat Gold Mounts, No. J O 6007 ... 21/0 American Clip, rimless, very light and elegant. Price 4/6 Steel Mounts. ,, 12/6 Gold,, No. J O 6008. The “SELF-FIX.” Rimless Eye-glass, very neat and well fitting. An extra pair of lenses is supplied with each pair, in case of breakage the new lens is easily fitted by the user. Gold mounted with extra lenses in case, 25/0 No. J O 6009. Tinted spectacles, without sights, for protection of the eyes from the glare of the sun, neutral or blue | perpair | 1/6 | Ditto, best quality | ,, | 3/6 | If with Domed glasses, as illustration, No.JO6009 | ,, | 2/6 | Ditto, best quality steel frames, with best quality worked glasses assorted tints | ,, | 3/6 | Tinted glasses, pure nickel frames, for hot climates | ,, | 4/6 | “ZEPHYR” RIMLESS EYE-GLASSES. No. J O 6010. Easy fitting. Gold Mounted, 15/0; Gold Filled, 7/6 PATENT COLLAPSIBLE EYE-PROTECTORS. No. J O 6011. Solid nickel frame, with collapsible eye cups and tinted lenses, in case ... per pair 7/6 FOLDING EYE PRESERVERS. No. J O 6012 (Closed). New Pattern Cyclists’ Eye Protectors, with tinted flat or dome-shaped glasses and folding gauze sides, No. J O 6012 | perpair | 2/6 | Ditto, in pure nickel (incorrodible), with best worked glasses | ,, | 4/6 | THE NEW ALUMINIUM AND GUN-METAL SPECTACLE AND EYE-GLASS CASES. Aluminium snap case, for straight or curl side spectacles as | No. J O 6013, | each | 3/0 | Bronzed metal ditto | ,, | ,, | 3/6 | Aluminium case for astigmatic clip as | No. J O 6014 | ,, | 2/6 | Bronzed metal ditto | ,, | ,, | 3/0 | EYE-GLASS CASES. No. J O 6015. Gusset Cases, as No. J O 6015, 0/4 each. Astig. Cases, 0/6, 1/0 each. No. J O 6016. Spring flap, metal, Morocco covered, stiff case for astigmatic clip. J O 6016 | ... | each | 1/0 | Ditto, aluminium, ditto | ... | ,, | 1/6 | Ditto, nickel, polished, uncovered | ... | ,, | 2/6 | Ditto, bronzed metal | ... | ,, | 2/9 | [86] LORGNETTES, Etc. No. J O 6017. Engraved, Silver Gilt, 21/0 No. J O 6018. Louis Pattern. Silver Gilt Frames. Plain ... | from | 19/0 | Fancy ... | ,, | 21/0 | Oxidized Steel | 19/0 | No. J O 6019. Louis Hand Frame Silver Gilt, 21/0 No. J O 6020. Gold, Louis pattern, from 45/0 No. J O 6021. No. J O 6021.—New Automatic Chain Eye-glass or Pencil Holder, with Safety Pin, Attachment, German Silver Chain, strong and practical. Black Enamel Front | 2/0 | Black Enamel Front with Gilt Chain | 3/0 | Gun Metal Front,,,, | 4/6 | White Celluloid Front ,,,, | 4/6 | Sterling Silver Front with German Silver Chain | 5/0 | Rolled Gold Front,,,, | 6/0 | Fancy Rolled Gold Front | 7/6 | Solid Gold Case with Gold Chain | 50/0 | 12/6 17/0 14/6 15/6 Tortoiseshell Lorgnettes Imitation Tortoiseshell Lorgnettes, from 3/6. Real Tortoiseshell, 7/6 to 25/0. Ditto, fitted with Gold fronts, from 22/6 No. J O 6022. Plain Tortoiseshell, hand case each 21/0 No. J O 6023. Silver Pince-nez Case, Plain, 16/6; Engraved, 19/6. No. J O 6024. Silver-mounted Chatelaine Spectacle Case, 12/6. EYE-GLASS CORDS AND CHAINS. Gilt, Nickel, and Oxidized Chains | each 1/0 | Silver | 1/6 and 1/9 | Gold, as No. J O 6026-7-8 and 6029 | from 6/9 | Rolled Gold | 1/6 and 2/0 | Gold and Platinum, as No. J O 6025 | 21/0 | Chatelaine Spectacle Cases, assorted patterns | from | 1/6 | Nickel-plated Chain and Mounts, as No. J O 6030 | ,, | 4/0 | Oxidized Metal with Nickel Mounts, as No. J O 6031 | ,, | 5/9 | Silver-mounted Chatelaine Spectacle Cases (Hall Marked) | 7/0 to 16/6 | Chatelaine Spectacle Cases, Solid Silver, as No. J O 6033 | 20/0 | ,,,,,, ,,as No. J O 6034 | 23/6 | ,,Eyeglass,, ,, as No. J O 6032 | 21/0 | [87] READING GLASSES. No. J O 6035. Mounted in German Silver, with Ebonized Handles Diameter in inches. Round. 1? | 1? | 2? | 2? | 2? | 1/0 | 1/2 | 1/6 | 1/8 | 1/11 | 2? | 3? | 3½ | 3¾ | 4 | 4¾ | 2/3 | 2/9 | 3/0 | 3/8 | 4/3 | 5/9 | No. J O 6036. Best quality, with German Silver Rim, Real Ebony and Ivory Handles. | Ebony Handles. | Ivory Handles. | 3in. ... | 7/6 | 15/0 | 4 ,, ... | 10/9 | 21/0 | 5 ,, ... | 14/0 | 30/0 | No. J O 6037. Aluminium Mounted Reading Glass. 2? | in. | diam. | ... | 5/6 | 3¼ | ,, | ,, | ... | 8/0 | 4 | ,, | ,, | ... | 11/0 | No. J O 6038. Fancy Oxidized Mounts. 1? | in. | ... | 2/6 | 2? | ,, | ... | 3/9 | 3 | ,, | ... | 5/0 | 3¼ | ,, | ... | 5/6 | 3½ | ,, | ... | 7/0 | No. J O 6039. Best Lenses, with Black Horn Mounts. 3 | in. | ... | 9/6 | 4 | ,, | ... | 15/0 | 5 | ,, | ... | 22/0 | POCKET MAGNIFIERS. No. J O 6040. Tortoiseshell Doublet and Coddington, 7/6. No. J O 6041. Tortoiseshell Planoscopic Magnifier, flat field, 7/6. No. J O 6042. Three-power Magnifier, 1/9. Best quality, with Diaphragm, 2/9. No. J O 6044. Superior Vulcanite Pocket Magnifier, best Lens. Single ... 6/0 Double ... 7/6 No. J O 6045. Folding Pocket Magnifier, Vulcanite Mounts. 1 | in. | ... | 0/9 | 1½ | ,, | ... | 1/6 | 2 | ,, | ... | 2/0 | 2½ | ,, | ... | 3/0 | No. J O 6043. Universal Linen Tester, with Microscopic attachment, very powerful, with apertures of various sizes, 9/3. No. J O 6055. Brass | ... | 0/10 | Nickel | ... | 1/3 | Achromatic Lenses | ... | 2/0 | No. J O 6046. Stamp Magnifier, specially recommended for the use of postage stamp collectors. It consists of a solid block of glass, which is placed flat on the postage stamp. Diameter of lens 1¼in. 4/6. 1½in. 5/6 No. J O 6047. Coddington, in Nickel Case, 3/3, 4/0, 4/9 & 5/9. No. J O 6048. Nickel Reading Glass on Stand, 15/6 No. J O 6049. Brass Tripod or Garden Microscope, 1/2 Ditto, large size, Nickel, 2/6. No. J O 6050. Aluminium mounted pocket magnifier. 1 | lens | ... | 2/6 | 2 | ,, | ... | 3/3 | No. J O 6051. Metal Table or Desk Stand for Eye-glasses or Spectacles. Nickel, 2/9; Gun Metal 3/0. No. J O 6052. Fancy Metal Gilt or Oxidized Mounted Reading Glass, in best velvet lined snap Morocco case, suitable for presentation. Diameter of lens. 3¼in., 18/6. 3½in., 20/0. 3¾in., 22/6. No. J O 6053. Superior Silver Gilt Mounted “Louis” Magnifier or Reading Glass, in snap Morocco case. 1?in. | diameter, | 2? | in. in length, | 13/6 | ,, | ,, | 3? | ,,,, | 16/6 | “Lasin” No. J O 6054. “Lasin” (Regd.), a preparation for preventing moisture or steam forming on Spectacles, Lenses, Motor Goggles, &c., per stick, 0/8 “Lasin” Cloth in books for the pocket, 1/3 [88] MICROSCOPES. No. J O 6056. School Microscope, complete in mahogany case, forceps and slides, 4/9 Ditto, with divisible triplet objective, 6/9 No. J O 6057. Microscope with condenser for examining opaque objects, 7/6 No. J O 6058. Microscope with 3 powers and condenser, 13/6 No. J O 6059. Superior Microscope, with Rack Adjustment, 3 powers and condenser, 21/0 No. J O 6060. Well-made enamelled iron stand, with brass body, concentric screw adjustment, 3 divisible powers, mahogany case complete, 17/0 No. J O 6063. Dissecting Stand Microscope with adjusting screw motion of mirror reflector, in mahogany case, forceps, &c, 12/6 each. No. J O 6061. The improved Universal Microscope, for use either vertically or horizontally, with extra draw tube for highest power; a compact portable instrument. Complete in box, 7/6 each. MICROSCOPES BY LEITZ, VOIGTLÄNDER AND ZEISS TO ORDER. No. J O 6062. New Table Microscope, with large flat field. This is an invaluable instrument to Curio Hunters, Stamp Collectors, Botanists, Jewellers, and others. It has a magnification power of 20 times: Price, 21/0 No. J O 6065. THE LONDON MICROSCOPE. Stand, in case | £3 5 6 | Two Eyepieces, Nos. I. and II. | 0100 | ? in. (14 mm.) Object Glass | 0120 | ? in. (4 mm.),,,, | 1100 | 1/12 in. (2 mm.) Oil Immersion do., or 1/14 in. (1·8 mm.) Oil Immersion do. | 4 0 0 | Abbe Condenser | 0100 | Dust-tight Triple Nosepiece | 0176 | Magnifying Power from 54 to 880 | 11 5 0 | No. J O 6067. VoigtlÄnder Microscope. Stand, | £3 12 0 | Iris Diaphragm to stage, | £0 10 0 | Double Nose Piece, | £0 15 0 | ? in. (16 mm.) objective, | £0 18 0 | ? inch (4 mm.) | £1 12 0 | 2 Eyepieces. Nos. II. and IV | £0 10 0 | Total, | £7 17 0 | No. J O 6066. Society of arts microscope. With ¼ in. divisible objective, dividing to ½ in. and 1in., condenser, life cage and forceps, in mahogany cabinet, with lock and key, 65/0 No. J O 6064. Students’ Microscope, with rack adjustment, divisible ¼ in. objective, condenser, rotating diaphragm, fitted on Stand with Trunnion Joint, in case, 32/6 [89] OPERA GLASSES. No. J O 6068. “Duchess” Opera Glass fitted with six good quality lenses, Morocco covered body. Diam. of Object Glass, | 1in. | 1¼in. | 1½in. | 1¾in. | | 6/6 | 8/0 | 10/6 | 12/6 | Do., Best Quality, | 9/6 | 13/0 | 14/6 | 20/0 | Fig. 843. No. J O 6069. ZEISS PRISMATIC. Teleater Theatre Glass, 3 times magnification. Leather with Gilt Mounts, £6 5 0 Black Leather with Oxidised Mounts, case included, £5 10 0 No. J O 6070. Superior Pocket Opera Glass. This glass is constructed to give the best result in the smallest size. Black Morocco covered, in Purse case, 15/6 No. J O 6071. The “Elite” Opera Glass. Latest design, with large lenses. Finest quality and finish. Pearl and Aluminium, 65/0 Red Tortoiseshell and Gilt, 85/0 No. J O 6072. Pocket Opera Glass in Purse Case. Japanned and Morocco, 10/6 Fancy Leather and Gilt, 15/6 Pearl and Aluminium, 27/0 No. J O 6073. “La Mignonne” Folding Pocket Opera Glass in Black Morocco, 17/6 Fancy Leather from 21/- No. J O 6074. Pearl and Aluminium, or Tortoiseshell and Aluminium Opera Glass, fitted with 12 superior lenses, 55/0 No. J O 6075. Lorgnette Opera Glass. Fancy Pearl and Gilt, extremely pretty design, with Telescopic Handle, 40/0 In Plush Bag. No. J O 6076. VoigtlÄnder “TannhÄuser,” A new Opera Glass, made of Aluminium. Magnifying three diameters, with large field of view, 55/0 Pearl and Aluminium, 75/0 No. J O 6077. Russia Leather and Aluminium Opera Glass, with telescopic handle. Good power and definition. Complete, in plush bag. 25/0 No. J O 6078. This new form of Ladies’ Opera Glass is strongly recommended on account of its doing away with the fatigue of holding up in the ordinary form. The handle draws out to about ten inches long, and is detachable. Pearl body and handle, first quality lenses, in Velvet Sac. Gilt Mounted ... ... 56/0 Aluminium do... ... 78/6 [90] FIELD AND MARINE GLASSES. No. J O 6079. Pocket Field Opera Glass. Recommended on account of its large field and crispness of definition. This glass will be found very useful where it is not convenient to take an ordinary field glass. Price 26/6 No. J O 6080. This Glass has been designed to meet the want of tourists and others requiring a good glass at a reasonable price, without being heavy or bulky. Aluminium, covered with Morocco, fitted with soft Crush Case, which can be folded into small compass when not in use. Price 21/6 No. J O 6081. The “Emperor.” This Glass has a world-wide reputation, is fitted with the usual Sun and Spray Shades, and Russia covered. Price, with 6 lenses, 30/0; 12 ditto, 40/0. Complete in Black or Brown Solid Leather Sling Case. No. J O 6082. War Office pattern Military Binocular, complete in Case, 39/0 Ditto by VoigtlÄnder, 60/0 No. J O 6083. London Made Field Glasses. 1?in. Object Glasses ... 50/0 2 ,,,, ... 60/0 In Best English Solid Leather Case. No. J O 6084. The “Combination,” a three change Glass, is by a very ingenious contrivance made to suit the various requirements of the user. By turning the small knob at side the glass is changed for either Theatre, Field, or Marine use, each being plainly indicated on revolving bar. Price 38/0; best quality, 55/0 No. J O 6085. The “Yeoman’s” Glass. Suited for South Africa, where a powerful strongly-made Binocular is required that will stand rough usage. Price, in strong Solid Brown Case, 31/6 No. J O 6086. Short form Binocular, Morocco covered, superior selected Lenses, giving extreme luminosity in an indifferent light. Size of Object Glass, 1¾in. Japan metal mounts... ... ...27/6 Ditto, aluminium... ... ... 36/6 No. J O 6087. The “Newmarket” High Power Race Glass is a Binocular specially constructed for the use of sporting men, tourists, &c. The magnifying and penetrating power of these glasses is very great. Made in 3 sizes and supplied in Solid Leather Sling Case, 12 lenses, 45/0, 50/0, 60/0. Ditto in Aluminium, 75/0, 85/0 105/0 [91] VOIGTLÄNDER (TOURIST). No. J O 6088. A companionable Binocular in solid leather sling case, mounted in aluminium. Weight, 10 ozs. only. Magnification four times. Price complete, £2 10 0 VOIGTLÄNDER (RACE). No. J O 6089. This is acceptable to all Racing Men, inasmuch as it has a magnifying power of six times, with large field, good and brilliant definition. Weight, 15¾ ozs. Price (in Sling Case) £3 11 0 VOIGTLÄNDER (STALKER). No. J O 6090. Has a magnification of eight times, and is the most powerful Galilean Binocular made, and has good definition, with extreme power. Weight, 16¼ ozs. Price, in Sling Case, £4 1 0 THE ROSS “FIELD” JOINTED GLASS. No. J O 6092. Glasses with centres wider or narrower than the separation of the user’s eyes strain the sight and produce fatigue; but the exact coincidence of the two fields obtained when using the “Field” Binocular avoids this, ensures perfect vision, and produces, as a natural result, a sense of comfort that is otherwise unattainable. Price ... ... £3 10 0 No. J O 6091. Strongly-made Marine Glass, suitable for night service, having lenses specially arranged for giving the greatest amount of light. In Aluminium, £2 5 0 No. J O 6093. The Improved High Power. Suitable for officer’s pouch, or tourists requiring a portable glass with high magnifying power, perfect definition, good light, and large field of view. It is also fitted with sun and spray shades, making it suitable for field or theatre. Height, 2½in. Weight, 9 oz. Complete in Leather Crush Case, with Strap and extra Leather Sling, 22/6 Ditto in Aluminium, 35/0 No. J O 6095. Powerful Portable Binocular Telescope, with magnification of 12 times, fairly large field, rapid focussing adjustment. In cigar case or solid leather belt case with shoulder sling. Japanned Brass and Morocco ... 60/0 Aluminium ... ... ... 80/0 No. J O 6094.ROSS, CELEBRATED FIELD AND OPERA GLASSES. Military Binoculars. | 12 Lenses.Aluminium. | | | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | No. 3 | ... | 3100 | 4 10 0 | ,, 4 | ... | 4 0 0 | 5 0 0 | ,, 5 | ... | 4 10 0 | 5 10 0 | ,, 6 | ... | 5 0 0 | 6 0 0 | Opera Glasses. | 12 Lenses. Bright Aluminium. | | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | No. 2 | ... | 2 5 0 | 3 7 6 | ,, 2a | ... | 2 10 0 | 3 12 6 | ,, 3 | ... | 2 15 0 | 3 17 6 | ,, 4 | ... | 3 5 0 | 4 12 6 | Naval Binoculars. | 6 Lenses.“Standard.” | | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | No. 4 | ... | 2 10 0 | — | ,, 5 | ... | 3 0 0 | 3 10 0 | ,, 6 | ... | 3 10 0 | 4 0 0 | Squat Pattern Binoculars. | 12 Lenses.Aluminium. | | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | No. 3 | ... | 3 5 0 | 4 5 0 | ,, 4 | ... | 3 15 0 | 4 15 0 | ,, 5 | ... | 4 5 0 | 5 5 0 | ,, 6 | ... | 4 15 0 | 5 15 0 | The Numbers quoted above correspond with Object Glasses of the following sizes:—No. 2, 15 lignes; No. 2a, 17 lignes; No. 3, 19 lignes; No. 4, 21 lignes; No. 5, 24 lignes; No. 6, 26 lignes. Opera Glasses covered with real Crocodile Skin and Fancy Mounts of choice selection. [92] PRISMATIC BINOCULARS. ROSS LONDON No. J O 6096. Ross Stereo Prism Binoculars. Brilliant Definition over an unusually large field. With Simultaneous Focussing Adjustment. Magnification. | Dia. of Object Glass. | Price. | × 8 | 24 m/m. | £7 10 0 | × 10 | 24 m/m. | £8 10 0 | Focussing by Eye-pieces. Magnification. | Dia. of Object Glass. | Price. | Monoculars. | × 6 | 30 m/m. | £7 10 0 | £3 10 0 | × 8 | 24 m/m. | £6 10 0 | £3 0 0 | × 10 | 24 m/m. | £7 10 0 | £3 10 0 | × 12 | 30 m/m. | £9 0 0 | £4 5 0 | PRISMATIC BINOCULARS. Prismatic Binoculars are made in two forms, one is focussed by adjustable Eye-pieces only which has a divided scale, and the other has a wheel focussing movement, which is the most convenient form of adjustment; the latter is a much simpler way, and can be manipulated by ladies with the greatest of ease. The Eye-pieces in both Models can also be adjusted for differences of vision. With the index set at 0, persons with normal vision can distinguish distant objects sharply without strain. No. J O 6103. Sportsman Prism. × 8 Magnification. Splendid Race and Aviator’s Binocular, in Solid Leather Sling Case, 57/6. No. J O 6097. VoigtlÄnder Prism Binoculars. Giving enhanced stereoscopic effect. Invaluable for Sporting, Racing, Touring, Military and Naval purposes. | Binoculars. | | Magnification. | Dia. of Object Glass. | With Wheel Motion. | Without Wheel Motion. | Monocular Form. | × 6 | 25 m/m. | £6 10 | £6 0 | £2 15 | × 6 | 30 m/m. | £8 0 | £7 10 | £3 10 | × 8 | 25 m/m. | £7 0 | £6 10 | £3 0 | × 8 | 30 m/m. | £9 0 | £8 10 | £4 0 | × 12 | 30 m/m. | £9 15 | £9 5 | £4 5 | CARL ZEISS, JENA No. J O 6098. Zeiss Prism Binoculars. These Glasses give a very large flat field of view. Binoculars. Without Wheel Motion. | Magnification. | £ s. d. | Approx. Weight. Oz. | Width of Scene at 1000 yds. Yds. | Code Word. | × 6 | 60 0 | 14½ | 120 | Telex | × 8 | 6 10 0 | 20 | 115 | Telact | × 6 Stalking | 7 10 0 | 22¾ | 150 | Silvamar | × 12 | 9 5 0 | 23 | 58 | Telefort | With Wheel Motion. | × 6 Ladies’ | 6 0 0 | 7 | 123 | Teletur | × 6 | 6 15 0 | 17 | 120 | Telexem | × 8 | 7 5 0 | 22¼ | 115 | Telactem | × 6 Stalking | 8 5 0 | 25½ | 150 | Silvarem | Monoculars. | × 6 | ... | ... | price | £2 15 0 | × 8 | ... | ... | ,, | £3 0 0 | × 12 | ... | ... | ,, | £4 5 0 | No. J O 6099. Goerz “Neo-Trieder” Binocular. × 6 | ... | price | £6 10 0 | × 8 | ... | ,, | £7 0 0 | × 12 | ... | ,, | £9 10 0 | Goerz Monoculars. × 6 | ... | price | 55/0 | × 8 | ... | ,, | 60/0 | × 12 | ... | ,, | 80/0 | No. J O 6101. “Popular” Prism. Well-made glass, giving excellent definition and enhanced stereoscopic effect. Fitted with wheel focussing motion. Magnification 8 times. £4 10 0 GOERZ 6× No. J O 6100. Goerz “Pagor” Binocular. This Binocular is extremely portable. × 6, weight 10 oz. | ... | £6 10 0 | × 8, weight 10¾ oz. | ... | £7 0 0 | × 10, weight 11 oz. | ... | £8 8 0 | No. J O 6102. The “Universal.” Good Quality Prismatic Binocular, giving large field with good definition. Magnification 8 times, £5 5 0. The above Prices include Solid Leather Sling Case. [93] ZEISS NEW HIGH POWER BINOCULARS. No. J O 6104. Linear Teleduz£10 10 0 Magnification Telextin 10 10 0 VOIGTLÄNDER NIGHT BINOCULAR. No. J O 6107. Specially recommended for Night Marine use, this glass has exceptional luminosity. £3 15 0 No. J O 6106. Binocular Telescopes, 16 lens, with rapid action focussing arrangements, in best sling case. The most powerful form of glass made, £4 10 0 £5 0 0. Do. Aluminium 5100 600 TELESCOPES. No. J O 6112. Boy Scout Telescope and Compass, a three-draw instrument, magnifying ten times, and being fitted with a compass is very suitable for scouting purposes. Complete in brown leather case, with loop for belt, 8/6 No. J O 6113. Diameter of Object Glass, 1in., 1?in., and 1¼in. 3 draw ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6/0, 7/6, 10/6 Telescope, with Sun or Spray Shade, and Astronomical Eye-piece. Diameter of Object Glass, 11/16 in., 1¼in., 1?in., and 1?in. 3 draw ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12/6, 18/0, 21/0, 25/0 No. J O 6114. With leather caps and strap, oxidized draw-tubes, covered Morocco or Pigskin ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 25/0 Army Signalling Telescope, of light construction; very compact and strong; as supplied to the War Office, with Caps and Sling. Object glass 1?in., length when open 30in., closed 10in. ... 31/6 No. J O 6115. The Club Telescope. Superior Telescope, 3in. object glass, rackwork adjustment, pancratic tube magnifying 50, 60, 70 times, leather caps and sling, mounted on stout tripod stand ... ... ... ... ... ... £12 10 0 VOIGTLÄNDER’S DEER-STALKING TELESCOPES For Tourists, Sportsmen, Military Purposes, etc., etc. No. J O 6116. With 3 draws, German Silver. Bodies covered with Morocco, all other parts bronzed dull black. Magnification in Diameters. | Aperture of Object Glass. | Length. | Brass. | Aluminium. | Closed. | In use. | | mm. | ins. | ins. | ins. | No. | £ s. d. | No. | £ s. d. | 14 | 28 | 1¼ | 8 | 17 | 9 | 3130 | 15 | 84 0 | 18 | 35 | 1? | 8 | 21 | 10 | 4100 | 16 | 10160 | 23 | 42 | 1? | 10 | 28 | 11 | 5 8 0 | 17 | 14150 | 26 | 46 | 1¾ | 11 | 31 | 12 | 6130 | 18 | 16160 | 26 | 54 | 2? | 11 | 31 | 13 | 9150 | | | 26 | 59 | 2? | | 31 | 14 | 10160 | | | No. J O 6117. Cadet Model. Brass, morocco or brown leather covered | £1 16 0 | German Silver ditto | 2 2 0 | By VoigtlÄnder | 2100 | “Officer of the Watch.” | Admiralty Pattern Telescope, magnifying 15 diameters, German Silver Mounts, Brown leather covered, with leather cap | £2 8 0 | Ditto, ditto, by VoigtlÄnder | 2150 | No. J O 6118. The Perfect Pocket Telescope. Very Powerful, magnifying 9 times, in Soft Case, 12/6 Ditto Aluminium, 21/0 No. J O 6119. Superior Astronomical Telescope, fitted with best objectives, with substantial brass fittings, improved star finder, dew cap, 2 astro eye pieces magnifying 100 and 150 Diameters, and 1 terrestrial eye piece 45 Diameters, strong mahogany tripod with mechanical mountings. 3in. | obj. | ... ... | £14 0 0 | 3½in. | ,, | ... ... | 20 0 0 | 4in. | ,, | ... ... | 30 0 0 | 5in. | ,, | ... ... | 45 0 0 | SECONDHAND ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES. Special Price List on Application. No. J O 6120. ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPE. Astronomical Telescope, 3in. object glass, in polished brass case, day and night eye pieces, in polished pine case, £5 0 0 Astronomical Telescope with 3in. object glass, vertical steady rod rack and finder on folding tripod stand, complete in pine case with lock and key; will show the crescent form of Venus, will divide the principal double stars and show Saturn’s rings, £10 0 0 Extra Astronomical eye pieces for ditto, from 15/0 Mahogany tripod stand for above, extra, £11 5 0 [95] thermometers. Customers will please note that as the range of Thermometers varies they may not be as represented in illustration unless specially ordered. These goods are sent only at Customers’ own risk. Boxwood Thermometers, 8in., polished scale, Spirit Tube... 0/9 ,, ,, ,, ,, Mercury Tube ... 1/0 and 2/6 ,, ,, ,, best quality, large enamelled Mercury Tube (No. J O 6123) ... 4/0 No. J O 6126. Nickel Mounted Opal Glass Scale Pedestal Thermometer, 4/6 Sick Room Open Range Thermometer, with black spirit tube, as No. J O 6122 | ... | 1/0 | 8-in. boxwood Hygienic Thermometer, with large open range, enamelled black spirit tube, legible figures, and very sensitive, showing the slightest variation in temperature | ... | 2/0 | Porcelain Scale Thermometer, as No. J O 6125 | ... | 2/6 | Bath Thermometer, plain tube | ... | 1/0 | ,,,,enamelled tube, as No. J O 6124 | ... | 1/6 | ,,,,porcelain scale, cream or black case | ... | 2/6 | ,,,,,,,,copper case | ... | 3/6 | ,,,,metal ,,,,10 in., best quality | ... | 4/9 | Sixe’s Self-registering Day and Night Thermometer, 8-in. boxwood scale, with magnet for re-setting indices, as No. J O 6121, 3/6; 10in. scale | ... | 5/6 | Ditto, polished zinc scale, 8in. 6/0; 10in. | ... | 9/0 | Ditto, opal glass scale, 8in. 7/6; 10in. | ... | 9/6 | Ditto, opal glass, broad scale, lens front tubes, as No. J O 6132 (see below) | ... | 11/0and14/0 | Self-registering Day and Night Thermometer, opal glass scale, with several Mounts, on Oak Board for use outside window, as No. J O 6133 | ... | 17/6,19/0,22/0 | No. J O 6127. HYGROMETERS. Mason’s wet and dry bulb, plain boxwood, 6/6; in tin case, 8/0; Porcelain scale, in Japanned case, with tubes graduated on the surface, 12/6 Self-registering Minimum Thermometer, boxwood scale, | ... | 0/10 and 1/3 | Best quality ditto, 8in., as No. J O 6128 | ... | 1/9 | ,,,,10in., as No. J O 6128 | ... | 2/9 | Metal Minimum Thermometer, 8in. incorrodible metal scale, as No. J O 6129 | ... | 2/0 | Self-registering Day and Night Thermometer, boxwood scale, as No. J O 6130 | ... | 8in. 5/6; 10in. 7/6 | Ditto, opal glass scale | ... | 8in. 9/0; 10in. 13/6 | No. J O 6131. Porcelain Oven Thermometer, Reading 200° to 600°, 4/6 * No. J O 6132 (see above). [96] No. J O 6134. Inlaid Mahogany Aneroid 5in. Diameter Dial, £2 2 0 No. J O 6133. Carved Oak Pendant Barometer, 8in. Diameter Dial, £3 5 0 No. J O 6135. Carved Oak Rustic combined Clock, Thermometer, and Barometer, with 8-day wind in front of Clock. 50/0 No. J O 6136. Aneroid and Thermometer, 25/0 No. J O 6137. Carved Oak Aneroid and Thermometer, 8in. Diameter Dial, £2 10 0 No. J O 6138. Best quality Aneroid Barometer, in Light or Dark Oak Frame, 60/0 No. J O 6139. Mercurial Barometer, Oak or Walnut Frame, 25/0 No. J O 6140. Inlaid Rosewood Mahogany Aneroid 8in. Diameter Dial, £2 5 0 No. J O 6141. Mercurial Pediment Barometer, Oak or Walnut, 50/0 No. J O 6142. Aneroid Barometer, Carved Oak Frame, 8in. Dial, 25/0. Ditto, with visible movement, superior quality, 30/0 [97] BAROGRAPHS AND THERMOGRAPHS. These Instruments, as shown in the illustrations, are most interesting to those who take note of atmospheric variations, as a complete record is given by a pen upon a printed chart for an entire week, and by its form the exact barometric reading can be seen at any moment, as well as the varying line traced by the pen for the time preceding. The charts also, which are changed at the commencement of each week, can be retained as a record for the entire year. Full descriptions and directions for use are supplied with each instrument. No. J O 6143. Plain Sheet Glass Cover, Fumed Oak or Polished Mahogany Frame, complete with supply of charts for one year, as illustration. Price£3 3 0 No. J O 6144. THERMOGRAPH. This instrument is arranged and constructed for recording on a chart the maximum, minimum and varying changes of temperature which continually take place wherever it may be located. In Copper Case. Price£5 0 0 No. J O 6145. Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Sheet Glass Cover, and supply of charts for one year, as illustration. Price£4 0 0 No. J O 6146. DIAL BAROGRAPH. This instrument combines with the record of the Barograph Chart the dial readings of an ordinary Aneroid Barometer; both are actuated by the same movement of the pen upon the Chart and the hand on the Dial, giving the same indications. Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Bevelled Plate Glasses and Chart Drawer at base, with supply of charts for one year. Price£5 15 0 No. J O 6147. Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Bevelled Plate Glasses, and front opening drawer, two divisions for taking used and unused charts, complete with supply of charts for one year, as illustration. Price£5 0 0 No. J O 6148. The Baro-Thermograph is a similar instrument to the Barograph, with the addition of a Thermograph, which acts independently to the Barograph on the same chart, but in a different coloured ink. This addition makes it a most interesting instrument, which enables one to record the rise and fall of the Thermometer during the week, as well as that of the Barometer. Oak, Walnut or Mahogany, with Bevelled Plate Glass Cover, and supply of charts for one year, as illustration. Price£6 15 0 Bracket to match either of the above £1 1 0 [98] WATCH-SIZE ANEROID BAROMETERS. No. J O 6149. Watch-size Aneroid, in Gilt Case, Enamel Dial, in Leather-covered snap Case, 20/0 No. J O 6152. Pocket Aneroid, compensated movement, with altitude scale, transparent Compass in lid, 37/6 No. J O 6151. Watch Aneroid, with Silvered Metal Dial, Altitude Scale 8,000 or 10,000 feet, compensated, 33/0 Silver Case, ditto, 62/6 No. J O 6153. Best Quality Gilt Aneroid, Watch size, with Altitude Scale up to 10,000 feet, compensated for temperature, with raised ring Thermometer, in Morocco Case, 42/0 No. J O 6150. Traveller’s Combination Set, consisting of well made Aneroid Barometer and Keyless Watch, with double-scale Thermometer in centre, mounted in well-made Leather Case, with strut, 55/0, or in Silver-Mounted Case, 78/6 No. J O 6154. Superior Watch Aneroid with Keyless Movement, Altitude Scale to 10,000 feet, compensated. Gilt Case, 47/6 Silver Case, 67/6 No. J O 6155. Revolving Crystal Sphere Aneroid Barometer, mounted on Gilt Stand with curved Thermometer on reverse side, 42/6 No. J O 6156. Aneroid, with Compass and Thermometer in lid, 50/0 Ditto, with large figures, Day and Night Compass on reverse side of Aneroid, 65/0 No. J O 6157. Oak or Mahogany Stand Aneroid, with 5in. diameter porcelain dial, 22/6 No. J O 6158. Travellers’ Weather Guide, Barometer and Thermometer, very light. Suitable for the pocket. Owing to the very open scale with which this instrument is fitted, the slightest variations in atmospheric pressure are instantly recorded. Complete in Morocco snap Case, 3½in. square, 45/0. Aneroid only in round Case, 37/6 No. J O 6159. Ladies’ size Watch Aneroid and Thermometer, forming pretty Combination Set, 45/0 [99] ANEROID BAROMETERS. Please note that Barometers and Thermometers, and other delicate Glass Instruments, cannot be enclosed with other goods, and can only be sent at Customers’ own risk. No. J O 6160. Oxidized metal case Aneroid Barometer, with visible movement, 2½in. dia. 8/6 Ditto, ditto, 3½in. dia. 9/6 Porcelain Dial Aneroid, in Paper Case | ... | 11/0 | Ditto and Thermometer on Dial, Paper Case | ... | 14/0 | Ditto, Superior Instrument, Leather Case | ... | 17/0 | Ditto, and Thermometer, Leather Case | ... | 20/6 | Best Quality Movement | ... | 35/0 | No. J O 6162. Green Oak Enamel Dial Aneroid, 8/6, 15/0 Orders by post receive careful and prompt attention from opticians. No. J O 6163. Cylindrical Case Aneroid, best quality Movement, Compensated, Silver Dial and Thermometer, 50/0 No. J O 6164. Rope Frame Aneroid Barometer (Carved Oak Frame), Opal Glass Dial, 15/0, 21/0 Ditto, ditto, best quality, Silver Dial and Thermometer, 26/0, 33/0, 42/0 No. J O 6165. Light or Dark Oak, Carved Diamond Pattern, Aneroid, 5in., 18/0, 6in., 22/0 Universal Aneroid, in Enamelled Frame, Opal Dial | ... | 13/6 | Brass Case ditto | ... | 18/6 | No. J O 6167. Travelling Aneroid, in Leather Stand Case with Handle, 23/6 No. J O 6168. Yachting pattern, Rope, Oval Combination Clock, Aneroid and Thermometer (wind-in-front Clock), 50/0 Ditto, with Lever Movement, 60/0 No. J O 6169. Travelling Aneroid in Silver Mounted Case, 40/0 [100] COMPASSES, Etc. No. J O 6170. Pocket Transparent Pebble Compass. This consists of two Plano-Convex Lenses, with a very sensitive Bar Needle accurately balanced. Being optically worked it answers as a magnifier and burning-glass also. 1½in., | Silver | mounted | ...... | 30/0 | 1¼in., | ,, | ,, | ...... | 22/0 | 1?in., | ,, | ,, | ...... | 17/6 | No. J O 6171. Brass Pocket Compass, Silvered Dial. 1 in., 1/2 1¼ in., 1/8 1½in., 2/3 2 in., 3/0 No. J O 6172. Watch-form Compass, with best Blued Needle. N and S in Gold on same, superior finish, in Morocco Case, 3/6 Larger, 4/6 MILITARY AND NIGHT MARCHING COMPASSES. No. J O 6173. Brass Direction Compass, with movable hand for marking the direction in which the traveller wishes to proceed, 6/0 Ditto smaller size, 4/6 No. J O 6174. Bronze or Nickel Hunter-Case Compass, Bar Needle Jewel Centre, and self-acting Stop, as illustration, 6/0, 7/0, 8/0 each. Ditto, Floating Pearl Dial, 7/6, 8/6, 9/6 each. ORDERS BY POST ARE CAREFULLY AND PROMPTLY EXECUTED. No. J O 6176. Night Marching Compass with graduated aluminium dial, luminous centre in bronzed case, with sight in lid. Complete with brown leather case, with loop at back for fixing on belt, 18/6 each. No. J O 6175. Nickel Case Hunter Compass, Bar Needle, with Sights, 15/0 No. J O 6177. Silvered Dial Needle Compass, with stop, agate centre, brass case, with cover, 1¾in., 5/0 Ditto, Nickel, 6/0 No. J O 6178. 2½in. Prismatic Compass (Major Hutchinson’s), in solid leather sling case, 33/0 No. J O 6179. Service Pattern Luminous Prismatic Compass. Mark VI. Complete, in brown leather sling case, 51/0 A LARGE SELECTION OF MILITARY COMPASSES IN STOCK. No. J O 6180. Service Pattern Clinometer, in leather sling case, 33/0 with Military Prismatic Compass, 66/0 No. J O 6181. Strong bronzed metal case with jointed lid, floating Singer pattern, pearl dial, 12/6 [101] SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS, Etc. No. J O 6183. Stout bronzed Metal Case, silvered metal dial, Vernier scale, moved by rack-work motion, reading lens arranged to traverse the entire circle, altitude scale to 6,000 feet, compensated for temperature. 5in. diameter ......... | ... | £7 2 6 | Ditto, ditto, altitude to 10,000 feet | ... | 8 0 0 | Ditto, ditto, altitude to 15,000 feet | ... | 8 5 0 | Ditto, ditto, altitude to 20,000 feet | ... | 8150 | Kew verified. | THEODOLITES. No. J O 6184. 4 | in. transit Theodolite, with vertical circle, divided on silver reading to 1 minute, with parallel plates or Tribrach, best achromatic object glass, 2 Verniers, microscope to each circle, clamping and tangent screws, strong mahogany tripod stand, case for instrument, fittings complete to order ... | £ s. d. | 18 18 0 | 5 | in. transit Theodolite, with vertical circle as above ... | 21 10 0 | 5 | in. transit Theodolite, as above, with triangular plate, and tripod in place of parallel plates ... | 22 5 0 | 6 | in. transit Theodolite, as above, divided on silver, reading to 20 seconds, with parallel plates ... | 25 0 0 | No. J O 6182. Military Plane Table, white wood, 15in. × 15in. with 12in. sight rule in leather case, trough compass and tripod, 42/0 Mahogany Ditto, 57/0. No. J O 6185. Travelling or Pocket Thermometers, maximum and minimum, in screwed mahogany case suitable for hot climates, 21/0 DUMPY LEVEL. No. J O 6186. No.2 | 9in. drainage level, with parallel plates or Tribrach, best quality telescope, tripod stand, without compass ... | £ s. d. | 4 12 0 | No.3 | Dumpy Level, with 2 eye-pieces, best achromatic glasses, silver or aluminium ring compass, tripod stand, etc., complete in case, 10in. ... | 11 11 | No.5 | 12in.......... ......... | 12 12 | No.6 | 14in.......... ......... | 14 0 | No. J O 6187. 3in. combined Prismatic Compass and Clinometer, with altitude circle, with scale of rise and fall in inches per yard, sling case, £3 5 0 No. J O 6188. Abney’s Levels, 5 inches long, large arc pattern, with draw telescope and improved central fixing clamp to Vernier, complete in leather case, 29/0 Ditto, with compass attached and circular revolving base, having detachable socket by which means horizontal angles can be measured, complete in case, 45/0 No. J O 6189. Pocket Reflecting Level, in bronze, metal case, 5 inches long, in leather case, complete, 11/6 [102] SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS, RAIN GAUGES, Etc. SURVEYOR’S CROSS STAFF-HEADS. Cross Staff-heads, fitting for staff, octagonal pattern or round, brass, in oak box, as figs. ... ... ... each | 2?in. | 2?in. | 3in. | 3?in. | 5/6 | 6/6 | 7/6 | 9/6 | Ditto, with compass ... ... ... ,, | 10/6 | 12/0 | 14/0 | 16/0 | Iron-pointed staff for ditto ... ... | — | — | 3/6 | — | LEVELLING STAVES. Sopwith’s paper scale, 14ft. ... ... ... each | 39/0 | Ditto, painted ditto, and spring catch ... ,, | 42/0 | Papers for levelling staves ... ... ... per set | 3/0 | No. J O 6191. Box Sextant, with Telescope, divided on silver to 1 minute, in sling case, 72/0 No. J O 6192. Zero Setting Rain Gauge. Japanned metal case with 8in. square polished brass top, porcelain dial, the outer circle representing 1in. of rainfall, subdivided to 1/100ths in., the small circle carrying the registration up to 12in. ... ... 50/0 In copper ... ... 62/6 No. J O 6193. SEXTANTS. No. J O 6193. Britannia Sextant, with extra power to Telescope, divided on silver to 10 seconds, best quality, complete in mahogany case, with all fittings and certificate ... £7 7 0 8in. Sextant, flat limb, rising piece, long centre, three Telescopes ... £8 16 0 No. J O 6194. Snowden Rain Gauge, with oak feet. Galvanized Iron ... ... 14/0 Copper ... ... ... ... ... 19/0 No. J O 6195. 5in. japanned tin ... ... ...... | 7/9 | Ditto, copper ... ... ......... | 10/0 | 8in. japanned tin, with turned brass ring ... | 16/6 | Ditto, copper ... ... ......... | 20/0 | No. J O 6197.—5-in, Howard’s Rain Gauge, with turned brass ring, glass bottle ... 7/6 No. J O 6196.—Sikes’s Hydrometer, best electro gilt, complete, 31/6; larger, 38/6. [103] PEDOMETERS, MAP MEASURES, Etc. No. J O 6200. Pedometer, for measuring the distance walked by the wearer, in Nickel-plated Case, reading to 12 miles, 9/0each. Do., reading to 100 miles, 12/6each; 1,000 miles, 13/0. Do., best quality, reading to 12 miles in Solid Silver case, 20/0each. No. J O 6198. Damp Detector. For Travellers’ use. Very useful for detecting dampness in beds. Oxidized Case, 4/9 each. Gilt Case, with Metal Dial, 6/6 each. No. J O 6199. Lady’s Pedometer, Oxidized Case, and waist belt hook, 12/6 No. J O 6201. Multum in Parvo, 100 mile Pedometer Compass and Map Measurer in one 14/6 each. No. J O 6203. Map Measurer with Recorder, 4/6. These Map Measurers are supplied with either rings or handles. No. J O 6204. Registering Pocket Counters. This little pocket instrument will be found invaluable for counting the number of Passengers on Boats, Omnibuses, Tramways, Trains, Theatres, Goods in Docks, Heads of Cattle, Sheep, Deer and articles of all kinds. 2 dials counting to 1,000 10/6 3 ,,,,10,000 12/6 No. J O 6205. The “Universal” Map Measurer, for accurately measuring any distance, whether straight, curved or dented, such as the length of roads, rivers, the sinuosities of coasts, etc., with ring or handle, 3/9 No. J O 6202. Rotameter, reading to 12in. and 25ft., 4/3 No. J O 6206. Rotameter, Nickel Case, 3/6 Do.Silver 5/3 Engraved do. 7/0 No. J O 6207. Combined Map Measurer and Reading Glass, a very useful instrument, 6/6 [104] SILVER, ELECTRO-PLATE & CUTLERY DEPT. CABINETS OF SPOONS, FORKS and CUTLERY from £5 5 0 See pages 175 to 177. Solid Mahogany Table Cabinet of finest possible workmanship and finish, containing complete outfit of SPOONS, FORKS, CUTLERY, etc., in Harrods’ CAMEO PATTERN. The Cutlery is of superior hand-forged double shear steel, and all handles are guaranteed hard soldered. Supplied in Superfine Electro-plate as below. Also in Sterling Silver. PRESENTATION CABINETS are supplied and fitted to suit Customers’ requirements. Estimates upon request. ILLUSTRATION SHOWS DETAIL OF “CAMEO” DESIGN. No. P S 3000. SUPERFINE ELECTRO-PLATE. 1 doz. Table Spoons | ... | ... | ... | 30/0 | doz. | 2,,,,Forks | ... | ... | ... | 30/0 | ,, | 1,,Dessert Spoons | ... | ... | 22/6 | ,, | 1,,,,Forks | ... | ... | ... | 22/6 | ,, | 1,,Tea Spoons | ... | ... | ... | 14/6 | ,, | 6 Egg Spoons (gilt bowl) | ... | ... | 15/0 | ,, | 4 Salt Spoons | ... | ... | ... | ... | 14/6 | ,, | 1 Mustard Spoon | ... | ... | ... | 14/6 | ,, | 1 Soup Ladle | ... | ... | ... | ... | 9/0 | each | 1 Gravy Spoon | ... | ... | ... | 6/0 | ,, | 2 Sauce Ladles | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 | ,, | 1 pair Sugar Tongs | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 | ,, | 1 Sugar Sifter (gilt) | ... | ... | ... | 3/0 | ,, | 1 Butter Knife | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 | ,, | 1 doz. pairs Fish Knives and Forks | ... | 80/0 | doz. prs. | 1 pair Fish Carvers | ... | ... | ... | 30/0 | pair | 1 doz. pairs Dessert Knives & Forks | ... | 80/0 | doz. prs. | 2,,Table Knives | ... | ... | ... | 31/6 | doz. | 1,,Dessert,, | ... | ... | ... | 27/0 | ,, | 1 pair Meat Carvers | ... | ... | ... | 10/0 | pair | 1,,Game,, | ... | ... | ... | 10/0 | ,, | 1 Steel | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 4/0 | each | Cabinet, 45 inches high when closed, top measurement 18 × 22¾ inches, complete with contents as above, £50 0 0 Other Pieces which may be had in “CAMEO” Pattern. Soup Spoons | ... | ... | ... | ... | 31/6 | doz. | Lobster Picks | ... | ... | ... | ... | 18/0 | ,, | Asparagus Tongs, individual | ... | ... | 36/0 | ,, | ,, Servers | ... | ... | ... | 21/0 | each | Orange Spoons | ... | ... | ... | ... | 18/0 | doz. | Coffee Spoons | ... | ... | ... | ... | 12/6 | ,, | Oyster Forks | ... | ... | ... | ... | 15/0 | ,, | Jam Spoons | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/0 | each | Grape Scissors | ... | ... | ... | ... | 12/6 | ,, | Nut Crackers | ... | ... | ... | ... | 6/0 | ,, | PRICES IN STERLING SILVER UPON APPLICATION. FOR PRICES OF ENGRAVING SPOONS, FORKS, CUTLERY, ETC., SEE PAGE 168. THE demand for listed patterns is extremely heavy, but every endeavour will be made to fulfil post orders from stock on day of receipt. Harrods maintain in their finished stock a large proportion of the articles represented in this section, and also hold reserve stocks at the factories, to facilitate prompt despatch. New patterns are so frequently being introduced that it is always to the Customers’ advantage, in the case of urgent requirements, to permit Harrods to substitute from their most recent productions in the event of the articles ordered being out of stock. CONTENTS. | PAGE | TABLEWARE for the Dinner and Breakfast Table | ... | ... | 124 to 156 | ,,Tea and Coffee Services, Etc. | ... | ... | ... | 105 to 125 | ,,Fireproof China, with Electro-plated Stands | ... | 135 & 138 | SPOONS, FORKS, & CUTLERY | 104, 160 to 164 & 170 to 182 | MOTOR FLOWER VASES, Etc. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 127 | LAMPS AND CANDLESTICKS | ... | ... | ... | 128, 129 & 167 | TOILET TABLE REQUISITES | ... | ... | ... | ... | 193 to 204 | MANICURE REQUISITES | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 193 & 202 | SHAVING REQUISITES | ... | ... | ... | 187 to 189 & 193 | SMOKERS’ REQUISITES, for Table and Pocket | ... | ... | 210 to 214 | CARD CASES, NOTE BOOKS, Etc. | ... | ... | ... | 214 | POCKET CUTLERY, Etc. | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 183 to 186 | CHAIN BAGS, PURSES, BUCKLES, Etc. | ... | ... | ... | 205 to 207 | PENS, PENCILS, Etc. | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 208 & 209 | CHRISTENING PRESENTS | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 221 to 223 | CUPS, BOWLS, PRESENTATION PLATE, Etc. | ... | ... | 223 to 228 | ENGRAVING | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 168 | REPAIRS | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 169 | No. P S 3001. TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. STERLING SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. Coffee Pot, 2½ Pints | ... | £7 17 6 | Tea Pot, 2¼ Pints | ... | 6 15 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 4 0 0 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 3 7 6 | | Set complete | ... | £22 0 0 | | Kettle and Stand, 2¼ Pints | ... | £14 14 0 | ELECTRO-PLATED TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. Coffee Pot, 2¾ Pints | ... | £3 3 0 | Tea Pot, 2¼ Pints | ... | 2 15 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 1 18 6 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 1 13 6 | | Set complete | ... | £9 10 0 | | Kettle and Stand, 2¼ Pints | ... | £5 15 | Electro-plated Tea Tray, 22in., £5 10 0; Sterling Silver ditto (to order), £31 10 0 [106] TEA AND COFFEE SERVICES. No. P S 3002. Sterling Silver Tea and Coffee Service, Elegantly Chased. Teapot, 2¼ pints, £9 0 0 Sugar Basin, £5 12 6 Cream Jug, £4 5 0 Coffee Pot, 2¾ pints, £10 12 6 Set of Four Pieces, £29 10 0 Kettle and Stand, 3 pints, £20 10 0 Tray, 24in., £40 0 0 (to order). TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE, BEAUTIFULLY ENGINE-TURNED. No. P S 3003. | Sterling Silver. | | Electro-plate. | | £ s. d. | | | £ s. d. | Teapot, 1½ pints | ... | 5 15 0 | | | 2 15 0 | Coffee Pot, 1½ pints | ... | 6 10 0 | | | 3 3 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 2 10 0 | | | 1 12 0 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 2 5 0 | | | 1 10 0 | | Complete Set | ... | ... | £17 0 0 | | | £9 0 0 | | Sterling Silver. | Electro-plate. | | £ s. d. | | £ s. d. | Kettle and Stand, 2½ pints | ... | 15 15 0 | | 6 6 0 | Hot Water Jug, 1½ pints | ... | 6 10 0 | | 3 3 0 | Tea Tray, 22in. (to order) | ... | 31 10 0 | | 8 10 0 | ,, 24 in.,, ,, | ... | 37 0 0 | | 10 0 0 | [107] No. P S 3004. TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. STERLING SILVER. | Coffee Pot, 2 Pints | ... | £8 0 0 | Tea Pot | ... | ... | 7100 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 4 4 0 | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 3 3 0 | | Complete | £22 17 0 | | Kettle and Stand, 2 Pints | £15 0 0 | | ELECTRO-PLATE. | Coffee Pot, 2 Pints | ... | £3 3 0 | | Tea Pot | ... | ... | 2186 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 1 17 6 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 1126 | Complete | £9 11 6 | Kettle and Stand, 2 Pints | £5 5 0 | | SILVER— AFTERNOON SIZE. | Tea Pot, 1 Pint | ... | £5 0 0 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 3 0 0 | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 2100 | | Complete | £10 10 0 | | ELECTRO-PLATE— AFTERNOON SIZE. | Tea Pot, 1 Pint | ... | £2 10 0 | Sugar Basin | | ... | 1 12 6 | Cream Jug | | ... | 1100 | Complete | £5 12 6 | Sterling | Silver | Tray, | 20in. | ... | ... | £23 0 0 | | ,, | ,, | ,, | 22in. | ... | ... | 26 0 0 | * | ,, | ,, | ,, | 24in. | ... | ... | 30 0 0 | Electro | Plated | Tray, | 20in. | ... | ... | £5 0 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 22in. | ... | ... | 6 0 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 24in. | ... | ... | 7 0 0 | * This size is usually kept in stock. No. P S 3005. | Sterling Silver. | Electro-plate. | | Tea Pot, 2 Pints | ... | £7 5 0 | | £3 10 0 | | Coffee Pot, 2½ Pints | ... | 7150 | | 3150 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 3150 | | 2 5 0 | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 3 0 0 | | 1150 | | | Complete | £21 15 0 | | £11 5 0 | | | Sterling Silver. | Electro-plate. | Kettle and Stand, 2 Pts. | ... | £14 0 0 | | £5 15 0 | Tray, 20in. (to order). | ... | 22100 | | 4150 | ,, 22in. ,, | ... | 28 0 0 | | 5 5 0 | ,, 24in. ,, | ... | 33 0 0 | | 6 6 0 | AFTERNOON TEA SET. | | Sterling Silver. | Tea Pot, 1 Pint | ... | £5 0 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 3 0 0 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 2 5 0 | Complete | £10 5 0 | [108] No. P S 3006. Sterling Silver Tea and Coffee Service. Coffee Pot | ... | ... | | £8 17 6 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | | £3 3 0 | Tea Pot (2½ pints) | ... | | £8 10 0 | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | | £2 8 6 | Kettle and Stand (3 pints)... £19 19 0 | | Electro-Plated Tea and Coffee Service. | Coffee Pot | ... | ... | | £3 15 0 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | | £1 16 0 | Tea Pot | ... | | £2 16 0 | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | | £2 0 0 | Kettle and Stand (3 pints)... £6 15 0 | “Queen Anne” Pattern Tea and Coffee Service. No. P S 3007. Sterling Silver “Queen Anne” Tea and Coffee Set. Sterling Silver. | Electro-plate on Hard Nickel Silver. | | Electro-plate on Britannia Metal. | Coffee Pot | ... | ... | £4 0 0 | | £1 18 0 | | | | £1 1 0 | | Tea Pot (1½ pint) | ... | 3186 | | 1150 | | | | 0163 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 1 10 0 | | 1 0 0 | | | | 0103 | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 1 1 6 | | 0186 | | | | 0 9 0 | | Complete | £10 10 0 | | £5 11 6 | | | | £2 16 6 | | A 2-pint Tea Pot may be had | £4 15 0 | | £1 18 0 | | | £0 18 0 | | Kettle and Stand ditto | £9 0 0 | | 3150 | | | 1196 | | [109] No. P S 3008. AFTERNOON TEA SET. | | Sterling Silver. | | Electro-plate. | Tea Pot, 1 pint | ... | £5 5 0 | | £2 12 6 | Sugar Basin | ... | 2 5 0 | | 1 5 0 | Cream Jug | ... | 1 10 0 | | 1 2 6 | | | | | | Complete Set | £9 0 0 | | £5 0 0 | TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. | | Sterling Silver. | | Electro-plate. | Tea Pot, 2 pints | ... | £8 8 0 | | £2 15 0 | Coffee Pot ,, | ... | 8 8 0 | | 3 0 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | 3 10 0 | | 1 16 0 | Cream Jug | ... | 2 2 0 | | 1 14 0 | Complete Set | £22 8 0 | | £9 5 0 | Coffee Pot, Hot Milk or Water Jug, in 1 pint size. | Sterling Silver | ...... | £5 5 0 | Electro-plate | ...... | 2 12 6 | No. P S 3009. STERLING SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. Tea Pot, 1¾ pint | ... | ... | ... | £5 5 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2 2 0 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1 8 0 | Complete Set | ... | ... | ... | ... | £8 15 0 | Hot-water or Coffee Jug, 2½ pints | ... | £6 5 0 | STERLING SILVER TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE OF FINEST WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH. No. P S 3010. STERLING SILVER. Tea Pot, 1½ pint | ... | ... | ... | £9 10 0 | Coffee Pot, 1¼ pint | ... | ... | ... | 9 10 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | ... | 4 15 0 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3 0 0 | Complete Set | ... | ... | ... | ... | £26 15 0 | Kettle and Stand, 2 quarts | ... | ... | £33 0 0 | [110] TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE IN SUPERFINE ELECTRO-PLATE. Exclusive Design. Registered 594756/7. No. P S 3011. | Plain. | Engraved. | Coffee Pot (2 pints) | ... | £2 7 6 | | £2 12 6 | Tea Pot (2 pints) | ... | ... | 2 2 0 | | 2 7 6 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | 1126 | | 1150 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | 1 8 0 | | 1100 | Complete Set of 4 pieces | £7 10 0 | | £8 5 0 | Afternoon Size. | | | Plain. | | Engraved. | Tea Pot (1 pint) | ... | £2 0 0 | | 2 5 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | 1 5 0 | | 1 7 6 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 1 0 0 | | 1 2 6 | Complete Set | ... | £4 5 0 | | £4 15 0 | | Plain. | Engraved. | Coffee Pot (¾ pint) | ... | ... | £1 15 0 | | £1 18 6 | Hot Milk or Water Jug (¾ pint) | ... | ... | 1150 | | 1186 | 1 Tray, Oval, Scolloped Border, 24in. | ... | 7 0 0 | | 7150 | 1 Tray, Plain Border, 24in. | ... | 7 0 0 | | 7150 | No. P S 3012. TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE STERLING SILVER | | 2 pint | | Afternoon Size | | Coffee Pot | ... | ... | £6 17 6 | | | | | | Tea Pot | ... | ... | ... | 5186 | | | £3 17 6 | | | Sugar Basin | ... | 2176 | | | 1176 | | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 2 5 0 | | | 1120 | | | Set Complete | ... | £17 18 6 | | | £7 7 0 | | | Kettle and Stand | ... | £11 11 0 | | | | | | ELECTRO-PLATE | | 2 pint | | Afternoon Size | Coffee Pot | ... | ... | £2 5 0 | | | | | Tea Pot | ... | ... | ... | 2 2 0 | | | £1 15 0 | | Sugar Basin | ... | 1 5 0 | | | 1 0 0 | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | 1 2 6 | | | 0176 | | Set Complete | ... | £6 14 6 | | | £3 12 6 | | Kettle and Stand | ... | £4 15 0 | | | | | [111] Sugar Basin. Sterling Silver ... £3 0 0 Electro-plate ... ...£1 7 6 Teapot. Sterling Silver ... £6 6 0 Electro-plate ... ...£2 15 0 No. P S 3013. Kettle and stand, 2 pints. Sterling Silver ... £15 15 0 Electro-plate ... ...£4 15 0 Service comprising:— Tea Pot, Coffee Pot, Sugar Basin, Cream Jug. Sterling Silver, £19 0 0 Electro-plate, £8 5 0 Cream Jug. Sterling Silver£2 4 0 Electro-plate £1 7 6 Coffee Pot. Sterling Silver ... £7 10 0 Electro-plate ... ...£2 15 0 No. P S 3014. HANDSOME ENGRAVED TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. Sterling | Silver | Tea Pot, 2 pints ... | | £8 15 0 | | ,, | ,, | Coffee Pot, 2½ pints | | £9 10 0 | ,, | ,, | Sugar Basin, gilt inside | | £4 12 6 | ,, | ,, | Cream Jug, gilt inside | | £2 12 6 | | | Set complete | | £25 10 0 | Electro-plate | Teapot, 2 pints ... | £2 18 6 | | | ,, | Coffee Pot, 2½ pints | £3 7 6 | | | ,, | Sugar Basin, gilt inside | £2 2 0 | | | ,, | Cream Jug, gilt inside | £1 15 0 | | | | Set complete | £10 3 0 | | | Sterling Silver Kettle and Stand, 2 pints | £15 15 0 | Sterling Silver Tray, 22in. (to order) | £35 0 0 | Sterling Silver Tray, 24in.,, | £42 10 0 | Electro-plated Kettle and Stand, 2 pints | £5 10 0 | Electro-plated Tray, 22in....... | £7 17 6 | Electro-plated Tray, 24in....... | £8 15 0 | [112] Sterling Silver Tea and Coffee Service. Tea Pot, to hold two pints, £9 10 0 No. P S 3015. Kettle and Stand, to hold three pints, £19 10 0 Coffee Jug, to hold two pints, £8 8 0 Complete Set, comprising Tea Pot, Coffee Pot, Sugar Basin, and Cream Jug, £25 5 0 No. P S 3015a. Sterling Silver Plain Tubular Blowpipe for extinguishing lamps under kettles, etc. Length 12in. 8/6 No. P S 3016. Shaped Oval Tea and Coffee Service. Electro-plate on Nickel Silver. Coffee Pot (holds 2 pints), 52/6 TeaPot(holds1½pints),45/0 SugarBasin,28/6 CreamJug,21/6 Kettle(holds2pints),72/6 Complete Set, comprising Tea Pot, Coffee Pot, Sugar Basin, and Cream Jug, £7 7 6 [113] Sterling Silver. | £ s. d. | Tea Pot, 2 pints | ... | ... | 6150 | Coffee Pot, 2 pints | ... | ... | 7100 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | 3 5 0 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | 2 7 6 | Complete | ... | ... | 19176 | No. P S 3017. Sterling Silver Kettle and Stand, 2 pints, £13 13 0. (To order.) Electro-plated Kettle and Stand, 2 pints, £5 5 0 Electro-plate. | £ s. d. | Tea Pot, 2 pints | ... | ... | 2150 | Coffee Pot, 2 pints | ... | ... | 2150 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | 1160 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | 1 9 0 | Complete | ... | ... | 8150 | No. P S 3017a. Sterling Silver “Coachhorn” Blowpipe for extinguishing lamps under Kettles, etc. Length 12in. 16/0 Sterling Silver. | £ s. d. | Tea Pot, 2 pints | ... | ... | 8186 | Coffee Pot, 2 pints | ... | ... | 9 9 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | 4126 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | 3 7 6 | Complete | ... | ... | 26 7 6 | No. P S 3018. Sterling Silver Kettle and Stand, £17 17 0 Electro-plated Kettle and Stand, £4 10 0 Electro-plate. | £ s. d. | Tea Pot, 2 pints | ... | ... | 3 0 0 | Coffee Pot, 2 pints | ... | ... | 3 3 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | 1100 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | 1 5 6 | Complete | ... | ... | 8186 | AFTERNOON TEA SETS. No. P S 3019. Sterling Silver Tea Pot, Sugar Basin and Cream Jug, beautifully shaped. Complete, £8 10 0 Tea Pot holds 1 pint. No. P S 3020. Afternoon Tea Set. “Queen Anne” pattern, Tea Pot, holds 1 pint. Sterling Silver | ... | £3 15 0 | Heavier make......... | ... | £5 0 0 | Electro-plate on Nickel-Silver ditto | ... | £2 14 0 | Ditto, Electro-plate on Britannia Metal (3 pieces) | ... | £1 15 0 | No. P S 3021. Afternoon Tea Set. | Sterling Silver. | | Electro-Plate | Tea Pot (1 pint) | ... | £4 4 0 | | ... | | £1 18 6 | | Sugar Basin | ... | £2 2 0 | | ... | | £1 2 6 | | Cream Jug | ... | £1 11 6 | | ... | | £0 19 0 | | Complete Set | ... | £7 17 6 | | ... | | £4 0 0 | | No. P S 3022. Sterling Silver Tea Set. Fluted. | 2-pint size. | | 1-pint size. | Tea Pot | ... | ... | £8 8 0 | | ... | | £5 5 0 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | £2 15 0 | | ... | | £1 17 6 | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | £2 10 0 | | ... | | £1 15 0 | | Set complete | ... | £13 13 0 | | ... | | £8 17 6 | | For other patterns of Afternoon Tea Sets see Tea & Coffee Services on pages 107, 109, 110, 116. No. P S 3023. Afternoon Tea Set. Sterling Silver (JamesI.pattern). Tea Pot (1 pint), Sugar Basin, Cream Ewer. Complete, £5 10 0 No. P S 3024. Sterling Silver Tea Pot, Sugar Basin and Cream Jug, plain octagon pattern. Complete, £7 7 0. Tea Pot holds 1 pint. No. P S 3025. Sterling Silver Tea Set. Tea Pot (1½ pint), £5 7 6, Sugar Basin, £2 2 0, Cream Jug, £1 15 6. Set complete, £9 5 0 No. P S 3026. Shaped Oval Afternoon Tea Set (3pieces), Sterling Silver, £6 6 0, Electro-plate. £3 10 0. Tea Pot holds 1pint. [115] TEA AND COFFEE SERVICES. ELECTRO-PLATE ON BRITANNIA METAL, RICHLY CHASED. No. P S 3027. Coffee Pot (to hold 2 pints), 37/6 Tea Pot (to hold 1½ pints), 25/6 Tea Pot (to hold 2 pints), 30/0 Sugar Basin, 23/6 Cream Jug, 20/0 Kettle (to hold 2 pints), 67/6 ELECTRO-PLATE ON BRITANNIA METAL. Teapot. 1 pint | 1½ pint | 2 pint | 17/6 | 21/0 | 25/0 | Coffee or Hot Water Jug. 1 pint | 1½ pint | 2 pint | 20/0 | 23/6 | 26/6 | Cream Jug. 1 pint | 1½ pint | 2 pint | 9/0 | 10/6 | 12/6 | No. P S 3028. Kettle with Stand and Lamp. 2 pint 55/0 Sugar Basin. 1 pint | 1½ pint | 2 pint | 10/6 | 12/6 | 14/6 | Coffee Pot. 1 pint | 1½ pint | 2 pint | 21/0 | 25/0 | 27/6 | [116] STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE TEA POTS AND TEA SETS. No. P S 3029. Electro-plate on Britannia Metal, Tea Pot. No. P S 3030. Tea Pot, Electro-plate on Britannia Metal. 1 pint | 1½ pint | 2 pint | 17/6 | 21/0 | 25/0 | (Exclusive design. Registered No. 594756.) No. P S 3031. Tea Pot, Superfine Electro-plate, 2 pints (plain) | ... | ... | £2 2 0 | Do. | (engraved) | ... | ... | 276 | Do. | 1 pint (plain) | ... | ... | 1150 | Do. | (engraved) | ... | 200 | No. P S 3032. Electro-plate on Britannia Metal. “Queen Anne” Tea Pot. To hold 1½ pints, 16/3; Sugar Basin, 10/3; Cream Jug, 9/0. Tea Pot to hold 2 pints, 18/0 No. P S 3033. Sterling Silver Tea Pot, 2 pints, Gadroon mounts... | £6 10 0 | Electro-plated do. with Gadroon mounts... | 2100 | Electro-plate do. without Gadroon mounts... | 1166 | No. P S 3034. Electro-plate on Britannia Metal. Elegantly Fluted Tea Pot. To hold 2 pints, 17/6; Sugar Basin to match, 10/0; Cream Jug, 8/9 No. P S 3035. Electro-plate on Britannia Metal. Plain Afternoon Tea Set, floral mounts (3pieces), 36/6 Tea Pot holds 1 pint. No. P S 3036. Electro-plate on Britannia Metal.Finely Engraved Tea Pot.To hold 2 pints, 17/6 No. P S 3037. Electro-plate on Britannia Metal. Beautifully engraved Tea Pot, Copy of “Antique.” To hold 2 pints, 19/6 No. P S 3038. Electro-plate on Britannia Metal. Tea and Coffee Set. Coffee Pot, 2½ pints | ... | £1 10 0 | Tea Pot, 2 pints | ... | ... | 1 0 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | 176 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | 126 | Complete | ... | ... | ... | 4 0 0 | For Complete Tea and Coffee Services, see pages 105-115. [117] KETTLES, TEA URNS, Etc. No. P S 3039. Electro-plated Kettle and Stand, 1½ pints | ... | £2 10 0 | Do. | 2 pints | ... | ... | 3 3 0 | Sterling Silver, 1½ pints, toorderonly... | 9100 | Do. | 2 pints do. | ... | 10100 | No. P S 3040. Electro-plated Kettle and Stand, Gadroon Mounts, 2 pints ... ... | £5 0 0 | Do., but without Gadroon Mounts...... | 3126 | Sterling Silver do., with Gadroon Mounts... | 14140 | No. P S 3041. Electro-plated Kettle and Stand, 2 pints... | £2 10 0 |, 3 pints ...... | 3 3 0 | Sterling Silver do., 2 pints, to order only... | 10100 |, 3 pints, do.... | 13 0 0 | No. P S 3042. Electro-plated Plain Oval Kettle, on Stand, with Lamp. To hold 2½ pints, 78/6 No. P S 3043. Electro-plated Kettle and Stand, 2 pints ... | 4100 | Sterling Silver do. ... | £17 17 0 | No. P S 3044. Electro-plated Kettle and Stand, 1½-pint size, 75/0 2-pint size, 84/0 Sterling Silver do., 1½ pints, to order only | £10 15 0 | Do., do., 2 pints, do. | 12 5 0 | No. P S 3045. Electro-plated Tea Urn, 4½ pints, height 13¼in. ... | £3 15 0 | Sterling Silver do. (order only) | 19190 | No. P S 3046. Electro-plated Kettle and Stand, to hold 2 pints, 35/0 No. P S 3047. Electro-plated Tea Urn, Antique design, to hold 10 pints. £6 17 6 [118] HOT WATER JUGS, COFFEE POTS, FLOOR KETTLES, Etc. No. P S 3048. Sterling Silver Fluted “Queen Anne” Hot Water Jug, 1 pint size | ... | £5 0 0 | 1½,, | ... | 6 5 0 | 2 ,, | ... | 7 5 0 | No. P S 3049. Sterling Silver Hot Water Jug, ¾ pint | ... | £3 3 0 | Ditto, 1 pint | ... | 4 0 0 | ,,1½ pint | ... | 6 0 0 | No. P S 3050. Sterling Silver Hot Water Jug, ½ pint | ... | £2 15 0 | Ditto, 1 pint | ... | 3 3 0 | ,, 1½ pints | ... | 4 4 0 | ,, 2 ,, | ... | 5 5 0 | Electro-plated Ditto, ½ pint | ... | 1 1 0 | ,,,,,, 1 ,, | ... | 1 6 0 | ,,,,,, 1½,, | ... | 1116 | ,,,,,, 2 ,, | ... | 1176 | No. P S 3051. Sterling Silver Hot Water Jug, pint size | ... | £3 3 0 | Electro-plated ditto | ... | 1 7 6 | No. P S 3052. Sterling Silver Hot Water Jug, 1½ pints | ... | £5 5 0 | Electro-plated ditto | ... | 2100 | No. P S 3053. Sterling Silver Coffee Pot, 1 pint | ... | £5 0 0 | Electro-plated ditto | ... | 2 7 6 | Sterling Silver Coffee Pot, 1½ pints | ... | 6 5 0 | Electro-plated ditto | ... | 2176 | Hot milk or hot water jugs to match at prices quoted. | No. P S 3054. Electro-plated Floor Kettle on Stand 36in. high. Fitted with Spirit Lamp and patent extinguisher, ...... | £5 5 0 | Ditto with 3 Electro-plated Plates, diameter, 8½in., as illustrated. ...... | £7 15 0 | When fitted with a wind screen this Kettle may be effectively used in the open air, and is of great service at Garden Parties. | No. P S 3055. Sterling Silver Hot Water Jug, 1½ pints, £4 12 6 Electro-plated Hot Water Jug, 1½ pints, £2 10 0 No. P S 3056. Electro-plate on Britannia Metal Engraved Hot Water Jug, 1½ pints......... | £1 5 0 | Ditto 2 pints ......... | 1 8 6 | Ditto Plain, 1½ pints ... | 1 1 0 | Ditto 2 pints ......... | 1 4 6 | No. P S 3057. | Sterling Silver. | | Electro-plated. | Hot Water Jug, 1 pt. | ... | £5 0 0 | | | | £2 7 6 | | Stand and Lamp | ... | 3150 | | | | 1 7 6 | | Complete | ... | £8 15 0 | | | | £3 15 0 | | Hot Water Jug, 1½ pt. | ... | £6 5 0 | | | | £2 17 6 | | Stand and Lamp | ... | 3150 | | | | 1 7 6 | | Complete | ... | £10 0 0 | | | | £4 5 0 | | No. P S 3058. (Regd. No. 594756.) Electro-plated Hot Milk or Water Jug (Engraved) ¾ pt. | ... | £1 18 6 | Ditto (Plain) | ... | 1150 | Coffee Pots to Match, same prices. | No. P S 3059. Sterling Silver Hot Water Jug 1 pint | ... | £3 18 6 | Electro-plated ditto | ... | 1100 | Sterling Silver Hot Water Jug 1½ pints | ... | 6100 | Electro-plated ditto | ... | 2 2 0 | No. P S 3060. | Sterling Silver. | | Electro-plated. | Hot Water Jug, 1 pt. | ... | £4 7 6 | | | | £2 7 6 | | Stand and Lamp | ... | 3 3 0 | | | | 1 7 6 | | Complete | ... | £7 10 6 | | | | £3 15 0 | | Hot Water Jug, 1½ pt. | ... | £5 18 6 | | | | £2 17 6 | | Stand and Lamp | ... | 3 6 6 | | | | 1 7 6 | | Complete | ... | £9 5 0 | | | | £4 5 0 | | [119] STERLING SILVER TEA SPOONS AND SUGAR TONGS IN CASES. HARRODS LONDON. S.W No. P S 3061. Six Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in Velvet-lined Case | ... | £1 6 0 | Twelve do. do. do. | ... | 2 4 0 | Six do. do. only do. | ... | 1 1 0 | Twelve do. do. ,,do. | ... | 1190 | HARRODS LONDON. S.W No. P S 3062. Six Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in Velvet-lined Case | ... | £1 5 0 | Twelve do. | ... | 2 2 0 | Six do. do. only do. | ... | 1 1 0 | Twelve do. do. ,,do. | ... | 1190 | HARRODS LONDON. S.W No. P S 3063. Six Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in Velvet-lined Case | ... | £1 7 6 | Twelve do. do. do. | ... | 2 5 0 | Six do. do. only do. | ... | 1 1 0 | Twelve do. do. ,,do. | ... | 1190 | HARRODS LONDON. S.W No. P S 3064. Six Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in Velvet-lined Case | ... | £1 6 0 | Twelve do. do. do. | ... | 2 4 0 | Six do. do. only do. | ... | 1 1 0 | Twelve do. do. ,,do. | ... | 1190 | HARRODS LONDON. S.W No. P S 3065. Twelve Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in Velvet-lined Case | ... | £3 0 0 | Six do. do. do. | ... | 1150 | Twelve do. do. only do. | ... | 2100 | Six do. do.,,do. | ... | 1 5 0 | HARRODS LONDON. S.W No. P S 3066. Six Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in Velvet-lined Case | ... | £1 6 0 | Twelve do. do. do. | ... | 2 4 0 | Six do. do. only do. | ... | 1 1 0 | Twelve do. do. ,,do. | ... | 1190 | HARRODS LONDON. S.W No. P S 3067. Six Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in Velvet-lined Case | ... | £1 5 0 | Twelve do. do. do. | ... | 2 2 0 | Six do. do. only do. | ... | 1 1 0 | Twelve do. do. ,, do. | ... | 1 9 0 | HARRODS LONDON. S.W No. P S 3068. Six Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in Velvet-lined Case | ... | £1 2 6 | Twelve do. do. do. | ... | 1 18 6 | Six do. do. only do. | ... | 0 18 0 | Twelve do. do. ,, do. | ... | 1150 | HARRODS LONDON. S.W No. P S 3069. Six Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in Velvet-lined Case | ... | £1 3 6 | Twelve do. do. do. | ... | 2 0 0 | Six do. do. only do. | ... | 0186 | Twelve do. do. ,,do. | ... | 1160 | [120] TEA SPOONS AND TEA KNIVES IN CASES. No. P S 3070.Six Sterling Silver Coffee Spoons in case, 18/6 Do. and Tongs in case, 22/6 No. P S 3071.Case of 6 Sterling Silver Coffee Spoons, with bean handles, 12/9 No. P S 3072.Six Sterling Silver Coffee Spoons in case, 12/6; Do. and Tongs in case, 16/6; 12 do. in case, 26/0; 12 do. and Tongs in case, 30/0 No. P S 3073.Case of 6 Tea Knives, imitation ivory handles (green), 9/9 No. P S 3074.Six Sterling Silver Tea Spoons and Tongs in case, 31/6: Six Spoons only in case, 22/6; Twelve Spoons and Tongs in case, 54/0 No. P S 3075.Six Sterling Silver Tea Knives with Electro-plated Blades, in velvet lined case, 18/6; Twelve do., 37/0; Six pairs Knives and Forks in velvet lined case, 40/0 No. P S 3076.Six China Handled Tea Knives with Electro-plated Blades in case, 31/6 Do. with Silver Blades in case, 50/0 No. P S 3077.Six Sterling Silver Handled Tea Knives and Cake Saw in case. A useful combination; 30/0. No. P S 3078.Six Green Imitation Ivory Handled Tea Knives in case, 15/0: Six do. selected Ivory Handles with Electro-plated Blades in case, 40/0; Do. with Silver Blades, 52/6 No. P S 3079.Six Sterling Silver Tea Knives with Steel Blades in velvet lined case, 17/0; Twelve do., 32/6; six Sterling Silver Handled Tea Knives and Forks with Electro-plated Blades, in velvet lined case, 37/6; Six do. with Electro-plated Blades in case, 19/6 No. P S 3080.Six Sterling Silver Handled Tea Knives and Forks with Electro-plated Blades, in velvet lined case, 42/0. Six do. with Steel Blades, in velvet lined case, 17/0. Twelve do., 32/6 No. P S 3081.Six Sterling Silver Handled Tea Knives with Steel Blades in case, 17/0. Six Sterling Silver Handled Tea Knives and Forks with Electro-plated Blades in case, 37/6 [121] STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED TEA TRAYS. No. P S 3082.Oval Pierced Border Tray, with Inlaid Wood Bottom, covered with Plate Glass. 24in. Electro-plated, £5 10 0 Sterling Silver (to order) £20 0 0 No. P S 3083. | Electro-plated Tray. 24in.... | £3 15 0 | | Sterling Silver,, ,, (to order) | £25 0 0 | No. P S 3084. | Electro-plated Chased Oval Tray, 25in. | £15 0 0 | | | Sterling Silver, Chased Oval Tray, 25in. | £48 10 0 | (To order) | Electro-plated Trays. No. P S 3085. | 18in. | ... | £3 0 0 | | 22in. | ... | £3 17 6 | 20in. | ... | £3 7 6 | | 24in. | ... | £4 7 6 | No. P S 3086. | 18in. | ... | £3 10 0 | | 22in. | ... | £4 10 0 | 20in. | ... | £4 0 0 | | 24in. | ... | £5 0 0 | [122] TEA TRAYS, WAITERS, Etc. No. P S 3087.Silver Mounted Inlaid Wood Tray, 22in., £11 11 0 No. P S 3088. Oak Tray, with | Electro-plated Mounts, | 18in., | ... | £2 10 0 | Do. | do. | 20 ,, | ... | 2150 | Do. | do. | 22 ,, | ... | 3 0 0 | Do. | do. | 24 ,, | ... | 3 5 0 | No. P S 3089. | Electro-plated | Tray, | 20 | in. | ... | £3 10 0 | | Do. | do. | 22 | ,, | ... | 4100 | | Do. | do. | 24 | ,, | ... | 5 5 0 | | Sterling Silver | Tray, | 20 | ,, | ... | 18180 | | Do. | do. | 22 | ,, | to order | 22100 | | Do. | do. | 24 | ,, | ,, | 29100 | No. P S 3090. Electro-plated | Waiter, | 8 | in., | engine turned | £ | 186 | Do. | do. | 10 | ,, | do. | | 1 3 6 | Do. | do. | 12 | ,, | do. | | 1116 | Do. | do. | 14 | ,, | do. | | 2 2 0 | Electro-plated | do. | 8 | ,, | plain | | 150 | Do. | do. | 10 | ,, | do. | | 1 0 0 | Do. | do. | 12 | ,, | do. | | 1 8 0 | Do. | do. | 14 | ,, | do. | | 1176 | No. P S 3091. 24in. Chippendale Tray. Electro-plated | ... | Plain | | £8 15 0 | ... | Engraved | | £10 0 0 | | Sterling Silver | ... | ,, | | 35100 | ... | ,, | | 37 0 0 | (to order) | No. P S 3093. Electro-plated | Engraved Tray, | 24in. | | ... | £11 5 0 | Sterling Silver | Do. | 2 | to order | ... | 40 0 0 | No. P S 3092. Sterling Silver | Waiter, | 6 | in. | ... | £ | 2100 | Do. | do. | 8 | ,, | ... | | 4 5 0 | Do. | do. | 10 | ,, | ... | | 6150 | Do. | do. | 12 | ,, | ... | | 9 0 0 | Do. | do. | 14 | ,, | ... | | 11 5 0 | Electro-plated | do. | 6 | ,, | ... | | 176 | Do. | do. | 8 | ,, | ... | | 1 5 0 | Do. | do. | 10 | ,, | ... | | 1100 | Do. | do. | 12 | ,, | ... | | 1176 | Do. | do. | 14 | ,, | ... | | 2 7 6 | STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED WAITERS. No. P S 3094. Waiter with heavy “Gadroon” Mount. | 8in. | | 10in. | | 12in. | Sterling Silver | £2 17 6 | | £4 10 0 | | £6 10 0 | Electro-plate | £1 2 6 | | £1 8 6 | | £1 15 0 | No. P S 3095. Sterling Silver Waiter. 8in. | | 10in. | | 12in. | | 14in. | £4 10 0 | | £6 6 0 | | £9 9 0 | | £12 0 0 | No. P S 3096. Sterling Silver “Georgian” Waiter. | 8in. | | 10in. | | 12in. | | 14in. | £3 0 0 | | £5 0 0 | | £7 10 0 | | £10 10 0 | Electro-Plated | ditto | 8in. | | 10in. | | 12in. | | 14in. | £1 5 0 | | £1 10 0 | | £1 17 6 | | £2 10 0 | No. P S 3097. Sterling | Silver | Waiter | 8 | in. | £4 15 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 10 | ,, | 6 6 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 12 | ,, | 9 15 0 | Electro-plated | ,, | 8 | ,, | 1 12 6 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 10 | ,, | 2 2 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 12 | ,, | 2 12 6 | No. P S 3098. Waiter or Card Tray, 6in. square. Sterling | Silver, | without feet | £1 2 6 | ,, | ,, | with feet | ... | 1 10 0 | Electro-plated, | with feet | ... | 0 12 6 | No. P S 3099. Waiter | 8in. | | 10in. | | 12in. | Sterling Silver | £2 15 0 | | £4 10 0 | | £6 10 0 | Electro-plate | £1 3 0 | | £1 10 0 | | £1 17 6 | No. P S 3100. Sterling Silver Waiter, “Chippendale” pattern. | 6in. | | 8in. | | 10in. | | 12in. | £1 14 0 | | £2 17 6 | | £4 10 0 | | £7 0 0 | Electro-plated ditto | 6in. | | 8in. | | 10in. | | 12in. | 16/6 | | 23/0 | | 30/0 | | 37/6 | No. P S 3101. Waiter with Hand-pierced Border. | Sterling Silver | 8in. | | 10in. | | 12in. | | 14in. | £3 0 0 | | £4 15 0 | | £7 0 0 | | £9 10 0 | Electro-plate | £1 10 0 | | £1 19 6 | | £2 10 0 | | £3 3 0 | No. P S 3102. Sterling Silver Waiter. | 8in. | | 10in. | | 12in. | | 14in. | £4 10 0 | | £7 7 0 | | £10 0 0 | | £12 12 0 | [124] CAKE OR FRUIT BASKETS, STANDS, Etc. No. P S 3103. Sterling Silver Sweet Dish, chased and pierced. Length, 6in., 8/9 No. P S 3104. Sterling Silver Bread or Cake Dish, engraved. Length 11in., £6 10 0 Electro-plated Ditto, £2 2 0 No. P S 3105. Sterling Silver pierced Fruit Dish. 5½in. long, 25/0; 7½in. long, 40/0; 9in. long, 50/0 No. P S 3106. Sterling Silver Fruit Dish. 5in. diam., 37/6; 6in. diam., 49/6 8in. diam. 75/0 No. P S 3109. Electro-plated Cake Basket. Richly chased and pierced. Length 11in., 62/6 No. P S 3107. Cake or Sandwich Stand, Electro-plate, with 3 Staffordshire china plates, rose festoon decoration. Diam., 8¾in.; Height of Stand. 19in., £1 5 0 Smaller size, with 6in. plates 15/0 No. P S 3108. Sterling Silver Cake Basket, richly pierced, length 9½in. | ... | ... | £4 19 6 | Do., with plain instead of pierced border, length 7in. | ... | ... | 2 2 0 | Do., do., length 9½in. | ... | ... | 4 4 0 | Do., do., length 10½in. | ... | ... | 5 5 0 | Do., do., length 13¼in. | toorder | 8186 | No. P S 3110. Electro-plated Round Fruit Dish, Richly Chased and Pierced. Diameter—9in., 21/0; 11in., 25/6 No. P S 3111. Electro-plated Cake Basket. Beautifully chased. Length 13½in., 32/6 No. P S 3112. “Chippendale” Cake Stand. Electro-plate. Diam. 10in., 21/0 No. P S 3113. Sterling Silver Fruit Dish, beautifully saw-pierced. Diam., 4in., 24/0; 5in., 35/6; 6in., 49/6; 8in., 82/6 No. P S 3114. Sterling Silver Cake or Fruit Stand. Diam., 4?in., 21/0; 5?in., 35/0 [125] CAKE AND FRUIT BASKETS, STANDS, Etc. No. P S 3115. Electro-plated Cake or Fruit Basket 11?in. × 9in. ... £1 10 0 No. P S 3116. Sterling Silver Cake or Fruit Basket. Width 7½in. ... ... £5 10 0 No. P S 3117. Sterling Silver Cake or Fruit Basket. Length 8in., Chippendale design ... | £3 15 0 | Do. do.10 in. do....... | 5 5 0 | No. P S 3118. | Sterling Silver Cake or Fruit Dish, 11in. × 8in., Chased ... | £10 0 0 | Electro-plated do. do. ... | 3 5 0 | No. P S 3119. Sterling Silver Fruit or Sweet Stand, height, 3½, diam. 6in. £2 5 0 Do. in Electro-plate, 12/6 No. P S 3120. Electro-plated Bread or Cake Basket Length 10in. ...... | £1 4 0 | in. ...... | 1 8 6 | No. P S 3121. Sterling Silver Cake or Fruit Stand. Diameter 6½in.... | £6 0 0 | Do. do. 9½ in. ...... | 7150 | Electro-plate do. 6½ ,, ...... | 1 9 6 | Do. do. 9½ ,, ...... | 2 6 6 | No. P S 3123. Sterling Silver Cake or Fruit Basket. Diameter 10in.... | £7 17 6 | Electro-plate do. do....... | 2100 | No. P S 3122. Sterling Silver Cake or Fruit Stand. Length 5¼in.... | £4 4 0 | Do. do. 7in. ...... | 7186 | No. P S 3124. Cake or Fruit Basket, Electro-plate, Hammered. Diameter 10in. ... ... £1 5 0 No. P S 3125. Sterling Silver Cake or Fruit Dish. Length 8in.... | £3 0 0 | ...... | 4126 | ,, ...... | 6186 | No. P S 3126. Electro-plated Oval Cake or Fruit Basket. Width 9½in. ... £1 5 6 [126] SWEET DISHES AND STANDS, NUT AND GRAPE STANDS, Etc. No. P S 3127. Sterling Silver Cake or Fruit Stand. Height 5½in., £3 10 0 Ditto. Height 8in., £7 5 0 No. P S 3128. Sterling Silver Sweet Stand, pierced. Diameter, 3½in., 10/6; 4in., 13/6 No. P S 3129. Sterling Silver Nut Dish. Length 7in., £3 3 0; ditto, with Electro-plated Nutcrackers, £3 7 0 Electro-plated ditto. Length 7in., £1 1 0; with Nutcrackers £1 5 0 No. P S 3130. Sterling Silver Sweet Stand, Diameter, | 4in. | ... | £1 5 0 | ,, | 5in. | ... | 1100 | ,, | 6in. | ... | 2 5 0 | No. P S 3131. Electro-plated Grape Stand. Height 9½in., diam. 8in., 30/0 No. P S 3132. Electro-plated Double Nut Dish and 2 Nutcrackers. Length 14½in., £2 2 0 Sterling Silver ditto, with 2 Electro-plated Nutcrackers, £8 (to order). If with 2 Silver Handled Nutcrackers, 20/0 extra. No. P S 3133. Handsome Grape Stand in Electro-plate. Height 11in., 31/6 No. P S 3134. Sterling Silver Fruit or Flower Bowl. Diameter, 10?in., £9 10 0 Sterling Silver Bon-bon Bowl, 4¼in., £2 7 6 No. P S 3135. Sterling Silver Sweet Dish (engraved). Diameter 3¾in., 10/6 No. P S 3136. Sterling Silver Sleigh Sweet Dish. Length 5in., £1 1 0 No. P S 3137. Sterling Silver Sweet Dish. Diameter 4¼in., 11/6 No. P S 3138. Sterling Silver Sweet or Almond Basket. Diameter 4¼in., 27/6 No. P S 3139. Sterling Silver Sweet Dish, finely pierced, 6¼in. over handles, £1 0 0 Smaller size, 15/0 No. P S 3140. Sterling Silver Sweet Basket, Diameter 4in. ... | £1 12 6 | Ditto, 6in....... | 2126 | Ditto, 10in....... | 6150 | [127] MOTOR VASES, SWEET AND FLOWER STANDS, FERN POTS, Etc. No. P S 3141. Electro-plated Flower Vase, for use in Motor Car, 12/6 each. No. P S 3142. Sterling Silver Motor Flower Vase. Height, | 6½in. | ... | each, | 30/0 | ,, | 7½,, | ... | ,, | 37/6 | ,, | 8½,, | ... | ,, | 45/0 | No. P S 3143. Sterling Silver Motor Vase, 6¾in., 16/0 No. P S 3144. Sterling Silver Motor Vase, 6½in., 45/0 Electro-plated ditto, 12/6 No. P S 3145. Electro-plated Flower Vase, for use in Motor Car. 10/6 each. CENTRE-PIECES, CUPS, BOWLS, SHIELDS, ETC., FOR ALL OCCASIONS. SPECIAL DESIGNS SUBMITTED. No. P S 3146. Electro-plated Fern Pot, Richly Chased. Diameter— 4?in. | 5¼in. | 6¾in. | 15/0 | 21/0 | 37/6 | No. P S 3147. Sterling Silver Flower, Fruit and Sweet Stand, 13in. high, £13 13 0 Electro-plated ditto, £4 4 0 PRESENTATION SILVERWARE OF ARTISTIC DESIGN AND FINEST WORKMANSHIP. SPECIAL ESTIMATES TO COMMITTEES. No. P S 3148. Sterling Silver Fern Pot (Diam. at top, 2?in.). 14/6 No. P S 3149. Electro-plated Flower Stand. 3tubes15/0 4tubes20/0 5tubes28/0 6tubes36/0 Tubes can be removed for cleaning. No. P S 3150. Best Electro-plated Fern Pot, Elegantly Fluted. Diameter— | 3½in. | 4½in. | 5½in. | 6½in. | | 10/0 | 13/6 | 15/6 | 20/0 | Larger sizes to order. | No. P S 3151. Electro-plated Sweet Stand with five removable Dishes. Height, 8¾in. 50/0 [128] LAMPS, FRUIT AND FLOWER CENTRES, Etc. No. P S 3152. Electro-plated Oval Jardiniere. | Length | 8in. | £2 10 0 | | 11in. | £4 4 0 | | 13in. | £5 0 0 | 19in., with zinc lining, | £6 15 0 | (To Order.) | Sterling Silver Oval Jardiniere. | Length, | 8in., | £5 5 0 | | 11in. | £9 15 0 | | 13in. | £12 10 0 | 19in., with zinc lining, | £19 10 0 | No. P S 3153. Electro-plated Embossed Pillar Lamp. Handsome Cut-glass Container fitted with Hink’s Patent Duplex Burner. Height to Burner 20in., 52/6; Silver, 102/6 Engraved Globe, 5/6 extra. Silk Shade and Support, 29/6 extra. No. P S 3157. Best Electro-plated Corinthian Pillar Lamp. Handsome Cut-glass Container fitted with Hink’s Patent Duplex Burner. Height to Burner 21½in. 47/6 Silk Shade and Support, 29/6 extra No. P S 3154. Electro-plate Candle Lamps with Spring Socket and Segmental Reflector. 15½in. high, 39/6 No. P S 3155. Electro-plated Piano or Table Lamp. 7¾in. high to Burner. Complete with Shade, 12/6 No. P S 3156. Electro-plate Table Lamp Height, 15in., 18/6 No. P S 3158. Sterling Silver Fruit and Flower Centre, height 8¼in. £4 4 0 No. P S 3159. Sterling Silver Lamp, Height to Burner, 13?in. £15 0 0 Electro-plated ditto, £5 15 0 No. P S 3160. Sterling Silver Centre Piece, height 13½in. £32 0 0 With Dish removed the Centre may be used for Flowers. [129] CANDLESTICKS AND CANDELABRA. No. P S 3161. Sterling Silver Chased “Antique” design Candlesticks. 6in. | high | ... | 50/0 | pair. | 8in. | ,, | ... | 60/0 | ,, | 10in. | ,, | ... | 85/0 | ,, | No. P S 3162. Queen Anne Candlesticks. Sterling Silver. | 7in. | £4 15 0 | pair. | 9in. | 6 6 0 | ,, | 12in. | 9 5 0 | ,, | Electro-plate. | 7in. | £2 0 0 | pair. | 9in. | 2126 | ,, | 12in. | 3100 | ,, | No. P S 3163. Chamber Candlestick, Electro-plated, Gadroon Mounts. 10/6 each. No. P S 3166. Electro-plate Candlesticks. Height, 3?in., 18/6 per pair. No. P S 3164. Sterling Silver Candlesticks. 5in. | high | ... | 28/6 | pair. | 9in. | ,, | ... | 46/6 | ,, | No. P S 3165. Sterling Silver Candlesticks. Adam’s pattern. 4½in. | high | ... | £2 10 0 | 7in. | ,, | ... | 4100 | 10in. | ,, | ... | 6 6 0 | 12in. | ,, | ... | 8186 | No. P S 3167. Corinthian Pillar Candlesticks. Sterling Silver. | 4½in. | £1 18 6 | pair. | 5½in. | 2 5 0 | ,, | Electro-plate. | 4½in. | £1 2 6 | pair. | 5½in. | 1 5 0 | ,, | No. P S 3168. Sterling Silver Candlesticks. | 9in. | high | ... | £3 15 0 | pair. | 11in. | ,, | ... | 5 0 0 | ,, | Electro-plate. | 9in. | high | ... | 35/0 | pair. | 11in. | ,, | ... | 45/0 | ,, | No. P S 3169. Sterling Silver Candlesticks. Height, 4?in. 21/0 per pair. No. P S 3170. Sterling Silver Chased Pillar Candlesticks. Height, 5½in. 35/0 per pair. No. P S 3171. Candlesticks. Sterling Silver. | 3½in. | £1 4 0 | pair. | 7in. | 2 5 0 | ,, | 11in. | 3196 | ,, | Electro-plate. | 3½in. | £0 12 6 | pair. | 7in. | 1 2 6 | ,, | 11in. | 1176 | ,, | No. P S 3172. Corinthian pillar Candlesticks. Sterling Silver. | 5½in. | £3 2 6 | pair. | 7½in. | 4 7 6 | ,, | 9½in. | 4150 | ,, | 11in. | 6126 | ,, | Electro-plate. | 5½in. | £1 8 6 | pair. | 7½in. | 1140 | ,, | 9½in. | 2 0 0 | ,, | 11in. | 2100 | ,, | No. P S 3173. Sterling Silver Candelabrum (3-light), height 9¼in., 55/0 each. No. P S 3174. Sterling Silver Candlesticks. 7in. | high | ... | £3 15 0 | pair. | 9in. | ,, | ... | 4186 | ,, | 12in. | ,, | ... | 7 5 0 | ,, | No. P S 3175. Corinthian Pillar Candlesticks. Sterling Silver. | Electro-plate. | 6½ | in. | £2 17 6 | ... | £1 10 0 | pr. | 8 | in. | 3100 | ... | 1150 | ,, | 11½ | in. | 6 5 0 | ... | 2100 | ,, | [130] FLOWER VASES. No. P S 3176. Sterling Silver Flower Vase. Height— | 5in. | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | | 9/6 | 15/0 | £1 | £1 7 6 | No. P S 3177. Sterling Silver Flower Vase. Height— | 4½in. | 5½in. | 6½in. | 7½in. | 8½in. | 10/6 | 16/6 | £1 2 6 | £1 13 6 | £2 5 0 | No. P S 3178. Best Electro-plated Flower Vase. Height— | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | 11/6 | 13/6 | 16/6 | No. P S 3179. Sterling Silver Flower Vase. Height— | 4in. | 6in. | 8in. | 10/0 | 18/6 | £1 15 0 | No. P S 3180. Sterling Silver Flower Vase. Height— | 5in. | 7in. | 9in. | 7/0 | 10/0 | 15/9 | No. P S 3181. Sterling Silver Flower Vase, heavy make. Height— | 6¾in. | 8½in. | 10¾in. | | £2 2 0 | £3 | £4 18 6 | No. P S 3182. Sterling Silver Flower Vase. “Adams” Design. Height— | 5in. | 6in. | 6½in. | 7in. | 8in. | 7/6 | 10/9 | 13/0 | 19/0 | 30/0 | No. P S 3183. Sterling Silver Centre Vase. 4 tubes, as illustrated, height 7in., £1 5 0 3 tubes, 19/6 No. P S 3184. Electro-plated Flower Vase. Handsomely Chased. Height— | 7in. | 8in. | 10in. | 9/6 | 11/6 | 15/0 | No. P S 3185. Reg. No. 542207. Sterling Silver Pierced Flower Vase. Height— | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | £3 7 6 | £4 10 0 | £5 15 0 | No. P S 3186. Sterling Silver Flower Vase. Height 8¼in., £2 17 6 No. P S 3187. Sterling Silver Vase. Height— | 8¼in. | 11?in. | | £4 6 6 | £7 10 0 | No. P S 3188. Flower Vase, delicately pierced and richly engraved with blue glass lining. This Vase when dressed with flowers is one of the most effective and practical patterns made. Sterling Silver. | Height—5in. | 7in. | 9in. | £1 15 0 | £2 15 0 | £3 18 6 | Electro-plate. | Height—5in. | 7in. | 9in. | 12/6 | 18/6 | 24/0 | No. P S 3189. Sterling Silver Flower Vase. Height— | 5in. | 7in. | 16/6 | 27/6 | No. P S 3190. Sterling Silver Flower Vase. Height— | 4in. | 6in. | 8in. | 10/0 | £1 1 0 | £1 15 0 | [131] DISH COVERS, MEAT AND FISH DISHES, BREAD PLATTERS, Etc. No. P S 3191. Electro-plated Meat Dish. Plain. | A quality | Superfine A1 quality | 10 | inch | ... | ... | 10/6 | ... | £0 14 6 | 12 | ,, | ... | ... | 15/0 | ... | 1 0 0 | 14 | ,, | ... | ... | 20/0 | ... | 1 6 0 | 16 | ,, | ... | ... | 25/0 | ... | 1130 | 18 | ,, | ... | ... | 34/0 | ... | 2 2 0 | 20 | ,, | ... | ... | 42/0 | ... | 2150 | No. P S 3192. Electro-plated Fish Dish. Plain. | A quality | Superfine A1 quality | 11 | inch | ... | ... | 12/6 | ... | £0 16 6 | 13 | ,, | ... | ... | 17/6 | ... | 1 2 6 | 15 | ,, | ... | ... | 22/6 | ... | 1 8 6 | 17 | ,, | ... | ... | 30/0 | ... | 1150 | 19 | ,, | ... | ... | 38/6 | ... | 2 5 0 | 21 | ,, | ... | ... | 45/0 | ... | 2150 | Electro-plated Fish Dish with Gadroon edge as illustrated. | | A quality | Superfine A1 quality | 11 | inch | ... | ... | 17/6 | ... | £1 2 6 | 13 | ,, | ... | ... | 22/0 | ... | 1 7 6 | 15 | ,, | ... | ... | 28/0 | ... | 1150 | 17 | ,, | ... | ... | 35/0 | ... | 2 5 0 | 19 | ,, | ... | ... | 42/0 | ... | 2150 | 21 | ,, | ... | ... | 48/0 | ... | 3 3 0 | No. P S 3193. Electro-plated Meat Dish, Gadroon Mounted Hard Soldered. | A quality | Superfine A1 quality | 10 | inch | ... | ... | 16/0 | ... | £1 1 0 | 12 | ,, | ... | ... | 20/0 | ... | 1 6 0 | 14 | ,, | ... | ... | 26/0 | ... | 1120 | 16 | ,, | ... | ... | 31/6 | ... | 2 2 0 | 18 | ,, | ... | ... | 37/6 | ... | 2100 | 20 | ,, | ... | ... | 45/0 | ... | 2176 | No. P S 3194. Electro-plated Bread Platter. | ... | £1 1 0 | Sterling Silver ditto. To order | ... | 6100 | HARRODS’ HIGH GRADE ELECTRO-PLATE IS PRODUCED IN A FACTORY WITH A REPUTATION FOR THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. No. P S 3195. Meat Dish Covers. | Electro-plate on Britannia Metal | Electro-plate on Nickel Silver | Plain | | | Gadroon Mounted | | Plain | 8 | inch | ... | £1 1 0 | | | £1 4 0 | | 12/6 | 10 | ,, | ... | 1 5 0 | | | 1 8 6 | | 15/0 | 12 | ,, | ... | 1126 | | | 1150 | | 19/6 | 14 | ,, | ... | 1186 | | | 2 2 0 | | 27/6 | 16 | ,, | ... | 2 6 0 | | | 2100 | | 34/0 | 18 | ,, | ... | 2150 | | | 3 0 0 | | 42/0 | | Fish Dish Covers. | Electro-plate on Britannia Metal | Electro-plate on Nickel Silver | Plain | | | Gadroon Mounted | | Plain | 9 | inch | ... | £1 1 0 | | | £1 4 0 | | 12/6 | 11 | ,, | ... | 1 5 0 | | | 1 8 6 | | 15/0 | 13 | ,, | ... | 1126 | | | 1150 | | 19/6 | 15 | ,, | ... | 1186 | | | 2 2 0 | | 27/6 | 17 | ,, | ... | 2 6 0 | | | 2100 | | 34/0 | 19 | ,, | ... | 2150 | | | 3 0 0 | | 42/0 | Covers should be ordered a size smaller than the dishes for which they are intended, i.e., a 10-inch cover fits a 12-inch Meat dish; and an 11-inch cover fits a 13-inch Fish dish. No. P S 3197. Electro-plated Bread Platter, 16/6 No. P S 3198. Electro-plated Cheese Dish and Cover, length 8¼in., 37/6 [132] VEGETABLE DISHES, REVOLVING BREAKFAST DISHES, SOUP TUREENS, Etc. Registered No. 571745. No. P S 3199. Electro-plated Tray with Two 7in. Vegetable Dishes complete with Servers £3 6 6 No. P S 3200. Electro-plated Breakfast Dish with Loose Drainer and fixed hot water division 10¼in., £2 17 6 Without Drainer, £2 10 0 No. P S 3201. Electro-plated Revolving Dish: 10½in.,£3 10 0; 11in.,£4 0 0; 12in.,£4 10 0 Plain Ditto., with Plate and Drainer, 10½in.,£2 15 0; 11in.,£3 3 0; 12in., £3 13 6 Electro-plated Lining, for Soup, to fit above, 18/6, £1 5 0, £1 10 0 No. P S 3202. Electro-plated Revolving Dish: 10½in.,£3 7 6; 11in.,£3 17 6; 12in.,£4 7 6 No. P S 3203. Revolving Soup Tureen. | 9in. | 10in. | 11in. | 12in. | Electro-plate | ... | ... | £4 4 0 | £4 15 0 | £5 10 0 | £6 6 0 | Sterling Silver | (to order) | 24 0 0 | 26 0 0 | 28 0 0 | 31100 | No. P S 3204. Electro-plated Revolving Dish; 10in.,£3 5 0; 11in.,£3 15 0; 12in.,£4 10 0 No. P S 3205. Electro-plated Soup Tureen, 3 pints, £4 5 0 Sterling Silver ditto (to order), £11 11 0 No. P S 3206. Electro-plated Breakfast Dish with Drainer and Loose hot water division. Length 10½in., made with reversible cover, £3 3 0 No. P S 3207. Electro-plated Soup Tureen: 1qt.,£2 5 0; 2qts.£3 0 0; 3qts.£4 4 0; 4qts,£5 5 0 [133] ENTRÉE DISHES. ALL ENTRÉE DISHES ILLUSTRATED ARE FITTED WITH DETACHABLE HANDLES, SO THAT LID MAY BE USED AS AN EXTRA DISH. No. P S 3208. Superfine Electro-plate. Plain Shaped Oval Dish. Bead Mounts. Length 12in. 45/0 Extra Heavy Quality Plating, 55/0 No. P S 3209. right pointing hand This EntrÉe Dish is of the finest workmanship and is guaranteed hard soldered throughout. Being finished with a Reeded Border (by a new process) and produced in exceptionally large quantities it can be offered at the low prices quoted. No. P S 3209. Good Quality Electro-plate EntrÉe Dish, £1 5 0 Superfine Quality Ditto Ditto £1 10 0 No. P S 3210. Superfine Electro-plate. Oval Dish. Fine Reed and Shell Mounts. Length 10in. 46/6 11in.56/6 12in.66/6 No. P S 3211. Superfine Electro-plate. Plain Shaped Oval Dish. Length 10in. 56/6 No. P S 3212. Superfine Electro-plate, £2 15 0 Sterling Silver, £12 12 0 No. P S 3213. Superfine Quality Electro-plate 9in. 35/0 10in. 40/0 11in. 45/0 No. P S 3214. Superfine Electro-plate. Plain Oblong Dish. Gadroon Mounts. Length 11in. 35/0 No. P S 3215. Superfine Electro-plate, Engraved Pattern. Length 12in. £3 0 0 Sterling Silver £13 18 6 No. P S 3216. Good Quality Electro-plate. Machine-made Plain Oval Dish. Bead Mounts. Special value. Length 11in. 21/0 Ditto with Gadroon Mount, £1 5 0 No. P S 3217. Good Quality Electro-plate. Length 10in. 24/0 11in. 32/6 [134] ENTRÉE DISHES, VEGETABLE DISHES, ETC. No. P S 3218. Electro-plated | Plain 10in. Vegetable Dish, without division | ... | 59/6 | Ditto | plain mounts, detachable handle, with single division | 72/6 | Ditto | with triple divider | ... | ... | ... | ... | 75/0 | Ditto | without division and with hot water part | ... | 82/6 | Ditto | with 1 division and hot water part | ... | ... | 95/0 | Ditto | with 3 divisions and hot water part | ... | ... | 100/0 | No. P S 3219. Electro-plated Vegetable Dish, with removable triple divider and handle, 9in.,37/6; 10in.,42/0. If with two divisions, 9in.,35/0; 10in.,37/6 No. P S 3220. Electro-plated 3-Division Vegetable Dish, Ebonized detachable handle, 59/6 No. P S 3221. Electro-plated Vegetable Dish, Plain, Beaded or Gadroon Mounts, with triple divider, 10in.,70/0 No. P S 3222. Electro-plated Poultry Dish. Length 12in.,£4 7 6 Sterling Silver, £22 10 0 (to order). No. P S 3223. Electro-plated Chafing Dish (diameter, 9½ ins.), with Stand and powerful Cooking Lamp, and separate parts. Superfine Electro-plate, £5 5 0 Good quality Electro-plate, £4 10 0 No. P S 3224. Electro-plated Breakfast Dish on Stand. Dish and Cover, 8in., 38/6; 9in., £2 4 6; 10in., £2 10 0 Plain lining, 8in., 5/0; 9in., 6/0; 10in., 7/0 Drainer, 8in., 6/0; 9in., 7/0; 10in., 8/0 Stand and Lamp, 8in., £1 5 6; 9in., £1 7 6; 10in., £1 10 0 Complete, 8in., £3 15 0; 9in., £4 5 0; 10in., £4 15 0 No. P S 3225. Electro-plate on Nickel Silver Hot Water Plate and Cover, 9¾in. diam. Plate, 31/6; Cover, 15/0; Complete, 46/6 Electro-Plate on Britannia Metal Hot Water Plate and Cover, similar to above. 9in. diameter, 38/6; 10in. diameter, 43/6 [135] SAUCE BOATS, TUREENS, RAMEQUIN PANS, &c. No. P S 3226. Best Electro-plated Sauce Boat on Stand. To hold ¼ pint ... 21/0 No. P S 3227. Sterling Silver Sauce Boat Ladle, 4¾in. long, 7/0 No. P S 3228. Electro-plated “Nautilus Shell” Spoon Warmer, 17/6 No. P S 3229. Electro-plated Pie Dish, 10in., Round or Oval, 25/0 No. P S 3230. Sterling Silver Ramequin Pan 9/0 Electro-plated,,,, 2/0 No. P S 3231. Fireproof China Soufflet Dishes in Electro-plated Frames. 4½ | in. | diameter | ... | 8/6 | 5 | ,, | ,, | ... | 9/6 | 5¾ | ,, | ,, | ... | 10/6 | 6¼ | ,, | ,, | ... | 11/6 | 7 | ,, | ,, | ... | 12/6 | No. P S 3232. Sterling Silver Sauce Boat, ¼ pint, 19/6 No. P S 3233. Sterling Silver Sauce Tureen, 1 pint, £5 10 0 Electro-plated ditto, £2 12 6 No. P S 3234. Sterling Silver Sauce Boat. | To hold | ½ | pint | ... | 63/0 | ,, | ¼ | ,, | ... | 45/0 | Electro-plated ditto. | To hold | ½ | pint | ... | 30/0 | ,, | ¼ | ,, | ... | 22/6 | No. P S 3235. Electro-plated Sauce Boat. | To hold | ¼ | pint | ... | 11/6 | ,, | ? | ,, | ... | 15/0 | ,, | ½ | ,, | ... | 18/6 | No. P S 3236. Sterling Silver Sauce Boat. | To hold | ¼ | pint | ... | 32/6 | ,, | ½ | ,, | ... | 38/0 | No. P S 3237. Soup Tureen, 3½ pints. Electro-plate, £5 15 0 Sterling Silver (to order), £18 18 0 No. P S 3238. Electro-plated Sauce Boat. | Plain Design. | To hold | ¼ | pint | ... | 13/6 | ,, | ½ | ,, | ... | 18/6 | ,, | ¾ | ,, | ... | 23/6 | No. P S 3239. Sterling Silver Sauce Boat. | To hold | ¼ | pint | ... | 37/6 | ,, | ½ | ,, | ... | 52/6 | ,, | ¾ | ,, | ... | 65/0 | No. P S 3240. Electro-plated Ramequin Frame. | To hold | 6 | Pans | ... | ... | ... | 28/6 | ,, | 12 | ,, | (as illustration) | 55/0 | Single Ramequin Pans, 2/0 each. | No. P S 3241. Sterling Silver Sauce Boat. | To hold | ½ | pint | ... | £2 12 6 | ,, | ¾ | ,, | ... | 3 3 0 | ,, | 1 | ,, | ... | 3 17 6 | Best Electro-plated ditto. | To hold | ½ | pint | ... | 20/0 | ,, | ¾ | ,, | ... | 27/6 | ,, | 1 | ,, | ... | 35/0 | [136] ASPARAGUS DISHES, SERVERS, “HORS D’ŒUVRES” FRAMES, SERVERS, Etc. No. P S 3242. Exclusive pattern, (Regd. No. 590912.) “Hors d’Œuvre” Knives and Forks, in Superfine Electro-plate. Length, 5¾in. 6 pairs, £1 1 0 Sterling Silver, 6 pairs, £3 0 0 No. P S 3243. Electro-plated Asparagus Servers “Kings.” 12/6 each. Any other Fancy patterns as page 170 at same price. No. P S 3244. Individual Asparagus Tongs, Electro-plate. Plain patterns. “Old English,” “Old English and Shell,” “Fiddle and Rat Tail,” as page 170, 2/6 each. Fancy patterns. | “Kings” | }page 170. | “Louis” | “Cameo.” | “3/6 each. | No. P S 3245. Electro-plated Asparagus Dish and Drainer. Length 12in., 35/0 No. P S 3246. Electro-plated Asparagus Dish and Rack, 10¾in. by 8¼in., £1 8 6 Ditto extra quality, £1 15 0 Sterling Silver ditto, £7 7 0 Also forms an excellent EntrÉe or Vegetable Dish. No. P S 3247. Electro-plated “Old English” pattern Asparagus Servers. Beautifully pierced blades, 10/6 and 8/6 each. In Sterling Silver, 40/0 Any other Plain pattern as page 170, at same price. No. P S 3248. Exclusive pattern, Regd. No. 590912. Hors d’Œuvres” Servers in Superfine Electro-Plate. Length, 6?in., 4/0 pair Sterling Silver ditto. 12/6 pair No. P S 3249. Electro-plated “Hors d’Œuvre” Frame. With 4 Cut Glass Dishes, £2 2 0 Length, 11 ins. Complete with Servers. ,,6,, ,,,,2 15 0 ,,17,, ,,,, Sterling Silver ditto, 4 Dishes, £6 17 6 6 Dishes, £9 10 0 (to order) No. P S 3251. Electro-plated “Hors d’Œuvre” Frame, with 4 Cut Glass Dishes, 12in. square, complete with Servers,£1 10 0 Sterling Silver ditto, £5 0 0 (to order) No. P S 3250. Electro-plated Asparagus Dish and Drainer, with Sauce Boat and Server. Length, 12in., 47/6 No. P S 3252. Electro-plated Sardine Box and Servers, with Glass Lining, £1 1 0 Sterling Silver ditto (to order) £6 6 0 No. P S 3253. Electro-plated Asparagus Dish, plain design, complete with Sauce Boat and Drainer. Length, 12½in., 42/6 No. P S 3254. Electro-plated “Hors d’Œuvres” Stand. 4 Flint Glass Dishes. Length, 10½in., 57/6 No. P S 3255. Electro-plated Asparagus Dish and Drainer, with Server. Length 14in., 32/6 [137] TABLE HEATERS, BREAKFAST DISHES, PLATE WARMERS, Etc. No. P S 3256. Electro-plated Chafing Dish on Stand, with Hot Water Division, diam. 8½in., £2 10 0 No. P S 3257. Electro-plated Breakfast Dish, Stand and Lamp, with loose inside Dish and Drainer, and handsome antique mounts, length 11in., 92/6; plain pattern, length 9½in., 55/0 No. P S 3258. Electro-plated Muffin or Chop Dish £2 0 0; Sterling Silver ditto (to order), £10 10 0 No. P S 3259. Electro-plated Round Table Heater with Aluminium Hot Plate, diam. 4in., 17/6; 5in., 20/0; 6in., 25/0; 7in., 30/0; 8in., 32/6. This Round Heater is supplied with removable disc centre, if desired, at 2/0 each extra. With the centre disc removed the flame from lamp can be allowed to burn direct on to kettle, dish or jug. No. P S 3260. Electro-plated Breakfast Dish on Stand, with Powerful Lamp. Length 9in., £4 15 0; ditto 11in.,£6 16 6 Sterling Silver ditto (to order), 9in., £16 5 0; 11½in.,£25 Harrods’ Newest Production. A Useful Table Requisite. No. P S 3261. PLATE RACK, in superfine Electro-plate and Aluminium, to hold 6 plates, £2 6 6; Do., to hold 4 plates, £1 15 0 This Plate Rack is specially constructed for use with the Aluminium Top Hot Plates PSNo.3263, PSNo.3264, PSNo.3265, to any of which it can be readily applied with very satisfactory results. No. P S 3262. Electro-plated Breakfast Dish and Cover with plain lining and Drainer, length 10in. | £3 0 0 | Stand and Powerful Spirit Lamp ......... | 1150 | Complete......... ......... ...... | £4 15 0 | No. P S 3263. Electro-plated Table Heater (Gadroon mounted), 14in. × 8½in., £4 10 0 Fitted with Powerful Spirit Lamp and Patent Extinguisher. No. P S 3264. | Electro-plated | 2Lamp | Table Heater, | 18in. × 9in., £2 15 0 | ,, | 1Lamp | ,, | 11in. × 7½in., with handles, 36/6 | | without handles, 31/0 | ,, | 3Lamp | ,, | 26in. × 9in., £3 19 6 | Fitted with Powerful Spirit Lamp and Patent Extinguisher | No. P S 3265. Electro-plated 3-Lamp Table Heater, 26in. × 9in.,97/6 Electro-plated 2-Lamp Table Heater, 18in. × 9½in., 67/6 Electro-plated 1-Lamp Table Heater, 11½in. × 8in., 45/0 [138] PATENT FIREPROOF CHINAWARE on best ELECTRO-PLATED STANDS, Hard Soldered and of Finest Finish No. P S 3266. Green China Milk or Cocoa Pot on Electro-plated Stand, and Lamp, to hold 1 pint, 20/0 No. P S 3267. Green and Gold Oval EntrÉe Dish, with Electro-plated Stand and Lamp. Length, 9in., 35/0; 10in., 42/0; 11in. 45/0 Round Diameter, 8½in., 37/6; 9in., 42/0 No. P S 3268. Green Fireproof China Soup Tureen, with Electro-plated Cover and Ladle, complete with Stand and Lamp, to hold pints, 33/9 No. P S 3269. Green China Hash Dish, in Electro-plated Stand. 9½in. diameter, 24/6; 10in.,30/0 No. P S 3270. Electro-plated Muffin Dish, with hot water division and White China lining, 31/6 No. P S 3271. Green and Gold Coffee Pot, with Electro-plated Stand and Lamp, ¾pint,21/0; 1pint,24/0; 1½pint,26/0 No. P S 3272. Green Fireproof China Breakfast Dish, with Electro-plated Stand and Lamp. Round: diameter, 8in.,21/0; 9in.,25/0 Oval: Length, 9in.,24/0; 10in.,28/6; 11in.,35/0 No. P S 3273.Green and Gold Milk Boiler, with Electro-plated Stand and Lamp, 1pint,24/0; 1½pint,27/6 No. P S 3274. Green China Breakfast Dish, on Electro-plated Stand, and Lamp. Round: 8½in.,32/6; 9in.,37/0 Oval: 9in.,32/6; 10in.,38/6; 11in.,42/0 No. P S 3275. Green China Breakfast Dish, with Electro-plated Cover, Oval: Length, 12½in.,26/6 No. P S 3276. Green Fireproof China Breakfast Dish, with Electro-plated Cover, Stand, and Lamp. 9½in. diameter, 56/6 10½in. diameter, 63/0 For Nickel and Nickel-plated Stands with Fireproof China, see pages 879 and 880 China Dept., General List. [139] MUFFIN and BREAKFAST DISHES, TOASTERS, Etc. No. P S 3277. Exclusive Design, with Carved Ivory “Pine Apple” Knob. Electro-plated | Muffin | Dish | £1 17 6 | Sterling Silver | ,, | ,, | 5186 | No. P S 3278. Electro-plated Muffin Dish, with Hot Water division. 18/6 No. P S 3279. Electro-plated Plain Round Chop Dish. Bead Mounts, handle detachable. Diameter: 7½in.,17/6; 9in.,22/6; 10in.,26/6 No. P S 3280. Electro-plated Muffin Dish, with Hot Water Division, 15/0 No. P S 3281. Electro-plated | Muffin | Dish | £2 2 0 | Sterling Silver | ,, | ,, | 7100 | No. P S 3282. Electro-plated Soufflet Dish, with Hot Water division. Diameter | 6in. | £1 5 0 | ,, | 6½in. | £1 9 0 | ,, | 7in. | £1 12 6 | ,, | 8in. | £1 17 6 | No. P S 3283. Electro-plated Toast Rack on Stand, with Spirit Lamp and Extinguisher. Height, 8in. 14/6 No. P S 3284. Electro-plated Muffin Dish, with Hot Water division. £ 1 5 0 No. P S 3285. Electro-plated Combination Muffin Dish and Plate Rack, with four China Plates. £1 18 6 No. P S 3286. The “HARROD” Toaster, Reg. No. 589614. Exclusive design. Fitted with steel Smoke Plate and Grille, powerful Lamp and patent Extinguisher...... ... 30/0 Fresh Hot Toast can be provided on the table in three or four minutes. Can be used to boil a kettle, or keep a dish or coffee pot, &c., hot. An aluminium plate is supplied to replace grille when used for the latter purposes, 2/9 extra. Regd. No. 591041. No. P S 3287. Electro-plated Muffin Toaster and Tongs, with four China Plates, each 6in. diameter. £2 5 0 Electro-plated Toast Tongs (shown suspended), per pair, 2/6 Regd. No. 591196. No. P S 3288. Electro-plated Combination Toast Maker and Rack having the same uses as No. P S 3286, shewn above. £2 2 0 No. P S 3289. Exclusive Design. Electro-plated Breakfast Dish, with Carved Ivory “Pine Apple” Knob. Length 12in. over handles £3 15 0 [140] EGG FRAMES AND EGG BOILERS. No. P S 3290. Electro-plated Egg Boiler. For 4 Eggs ... ... 21/6 Without Handle ... 18/6 No. P S 3291. Sterling Silver Egg Frame, with 4 Cups and Spoons, £6 18 6 Electro-plated ditto, £2 16 6 No. P S 3292. Electro-plated Egg Boiler and Saucepan, 37/6 No. P S 3293. Electro-plated Egg Boiler, 42/0 Sterling Silver ditto (to order), £6 15 0 No. P S 3294. Electro-plated Egg Frame with Spoons, 28/6 Sterling Silver ditto (to order), £6 15 0 No. P S 3295. Electro-plated Egg Frame, with Spoons, 25/0 No. P S 3296. Electro-plated Egg Frame, with 4 Cups and Spoons, 45/0 Sterling Silver ditto, £6 16 6 No. P S 3297. Electro-plated Egg Frame, with 6 Cups and Spoons, 21/0 Ditto, with 4 Cups and Spoons, 15/0 No. P S 3298. Electro-plated Egg Frame and Spoons. Fluted, To hold 4 Eggs ... ... ... 29/6 To hold 6 Eggs ... ... ... 42/0 No. P S 3299. Electro-plated Egg Frame, with 4 Cups and Spoons... | £1 17 6 | Ditto, with 6 ditto ... ... | 2126 | Sterling Silver ditto, with 4 ditto (to order) ... | 8 8 0 | Ditto, with 6 ditto (to order) ... | 11100 | No. P S 3300. Electro-plate Egg Boiler and Saucepan. To hold | 2 eggs | ... | ... | ... | £2 2 0 | Ditto | 4 eggs | ... | ... | ... | 2100 | Ditto | 6 eggs | ... | ... | ... | 2176 | With Egg-holder removed this saucepan may be conveniently used to boil or warm any liquid. No. P S 3301. Electro-plated Egg Frame and Spoons. To hold | 4 Eggs | ... | ... | ... | 30/0 | To hold | 6 Eggs | ... | ... | ... | 42/0 | [141] STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED CRUETS AND TOAST RACKS. No. P S 3302. Sterling Silver Toast Rack, 5 Bars. Length, 2¾in. ... 10/0 No. P S 3303. Sterling Silver Toast Rack, 7 Bars ... 26/6 5,, ... 21/0 No. P S 3304. Electro-plated Toast Rack. 5 Bars, 5/9 No. P S 3305. Exclusive Design. Registered No. 594762. Electro-plated Toast Rack with Green Carved Ivory “Pineapple” knob, 27/6 No. P S 3306. Sterling Silver Individual Toast Rack ... 9/6 Electro-plated ditto ... 3/6 No. P S 3307. Sterling Silver Toast Rack. 3 Bars ... 12/6 Electro-plated ditto 5/0 No. P S 3308. Sterling Silver Toast Rack. 5 Bars ... 28/6 Electro-plated ditto 4/9 No. P S 3309. Electro-plated Toast Rack. 7 Bars ......... 8/0 5 ,, ......... 5/9 No. P S 3310. Electro-plated Toast Rack. 7 Bars, 7/6 No. P S 3311. Electro-plated Individual Toast Rack, 3/0 4 ditto in Case, 17/6 No. P S 3312. Electro-plated Toast Rack. 7 Bars, 11/6 No. P S 3313. Electro-plated 3-bottle Cruet, with salt sprinkler, 7/6 No. P S 3314. Electro-plated and Cut Glass Cruet, with salt sprinkler, 10/6 No. P S 3315. Sterling Silver Toast Rack, 6 Bars, £3 5 0 Electro-plated ditto, 25/0 No. P S 3316. Electro-plated and Cut Glass Breakfast Cruet, 8/0 No. P S 3317. Sterling Silver Breakfast Cruet, Three Bottles, 24/0, including Spoons. No. P S 3318. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Breakfast Cruet, with Spoons ... 45/0 Electro-plated ditto ... 24/0 No. P S 3319. Sterling Silver Luncheon Cruet 63/0 Electro-plated ditto 21/0 No. P S 3320. Electro-plated Breakfast Cruet 17/0 No. P S 3321. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Breakfast Cruet, 21/0, including Spoons. No. P S 3322. Electro-plated and Cut Glass Cruet, 8/6 [142] STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED CRUETS. No. P S 3323. Electro-plated Cruet, 4 richly cut bottles, 15/0 No. P S 3324. Electro-plated and cut-glass Cruet. 4bottles, 21/0; 5bottles, 27/6; 6bottles, 30/0 No. P S 3325. Electro-plated Cruet, 6handsomely cut bottles, 40/0 4bottles, 28/6 No. P S 3326. Breakfast Cruet. | Electro-plate | | Sterling Silver | 11/6 | | 30/0 | Larger size | 14/0 | | 39/6 | Including Spoons. | No. P S 3327. Sterling Silver Breakfast Cruet. Three bottles, 34/0, including Spoons. No. P S 3328. Electro-plated Cruet, 4 cut-glass bottles, 16/6 No. P S 3329. Electro-plated Cruet, with 6 cut-glass bottles | ... | £3 0 0 | ,,,, 5 ,, | ... | 2100 | ,,,, 4 ,, | ... | 2 5 0 | Sterling Silver Cruet, with 6 cut-glass bottles | } | To order | { | £8 10 0 | Sterling Silver Cruet, with 5 ditto | 7100 | Sterling Silver Cruet, with 4 ditto | 6 6 0 | No. P S 3330. Electro-plated Cruet. | 4 | richly | cut | bottles | ... | £3 3 0 | 6 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 3186 | Sterling Silver | 4 | bottles | ... | ... | ... | £9 15 0 | 6 | ,, | (to order) | 12120 | No. P S 3331. Electro-plated Cruet, with 4 fine English-cut glass bottles, 25/6 No. P S 3332. Electro-plated Cruet, with 3 cut-glass bottles, 10/9; 4bottles, 14/0 No. P S 3333. Electro-plated Cruet, 4 bottles, 29/6 No. P S 3334. Electro-plated Cruet, engraved frame, with engraved and cut-glass bottles, £1 18 6 Sterling Silver ditto, £5 0 0 [143] SAUCE FRAMES, OIL AND VINEGAR BOTTLES, PICKLE BOTTLES IN STANDS, Etc. MUSTARD AND CAYENNE POTS, SALT CELLARS, PEPPER MILLS, Etc. No. P S 3347. Sterling Silver | Salt Cellar and Spoon. | Diameter | 2in. | ... | £0 12 6 | Do. | do. | do. | 2½ ,, | ... | 0176 | Do. | do. | do. | 2¾ ,, | ... | 1 1 0 | Sterling Silver | Pepper Castor. Height 3?in. | ... | ... | 0150 | Do. | Mustard Pot and Spoon. | Diameter | 2½in. | ... | 1 5 0 | Do. | Do. | do. | 2¾in. | ... | 1126 | No. P S 3348. Sterling Silver | Salt Cellar and Spoon. Diameter 2in. | ... | 10/6 | Do. | Pepper Castor. Height 3?in....... | ... | 10/6 | Do. | Mustard Pot and Spoon. Diameter 2?in. | ... | 18/6 | No. P S 3349. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Salt Pourer. Height 3?in. ... 3/6 Electro-plated do. 1/9 No. P S 3350. Electro-plated “Egg” Shaped Muffineer. Height, 1¾in. ... 2/6 ,,2½ ,, ... 3/6 No. P S 3351. Sterling Silver Plain “Octagon” Mustard Pot, Glass lining. Small 25/6, large 39/0, including spoon. No. P S 3352. Sterling Silver plain round Mustard Pot, with Gadroon Mount, Glass lining. Small 29/0, large 36/6 including spoon. No. P S 3353. Electro-plated “Egg” Shaped Muffineer. Height 1¾in. ... 2/6 ,,2½ ,, ... 3/6 No. P S 3354. Sterling Silver Mounted Cut Glass Salt Sprinkler, 3¾in. high, 3/0 Electro plate ditto, 1/6 No. P S 3355. Sterling Silver Richly Pierced and Engraved Salt Cellar. Length 3½in., £1 12 6 Spoon 5/0 Reproduced from the Antique. No. P S 3356. Sterling Silver | Salt Cellar and Spoon. Diameter 2?in. | ... | 10/0 | Do. | Pepper Castor. Height 3¾in....... | ... | 8/6 | Do. | Mustard Pot and Spoon. Diam. 2?in. | ... | 16/6 | Electro-plated | Salt Cellar and Spoon. Diameter 2?in. | ... | 4/6 | Do. | Pepper Castor. Height 3¾in....... | ... | 4/0 | Do. | Mustard Pot and Spoon. Diameter 2?in. | ... | 6/6 | right pointing hand No. P S 3357. Sterling Silver and Handsomely Cut Glass Pepper Mill, 22/6 No. P S 3358. Sterling Silver | Salt Cellar and Spoon. Diameter 2?in. | ... | £0 16 6 | Do. | Pepper Castor. Height 3¼in....... | ... | 0150 | Do. | Mustard Pot and Spoon. Diameter 2?in. | ... | 1 6 0 | Electro-plated | Salt Cellar and Spoon. Diameter 2?in. | ... | 0 8 6 | Do. | Pepper Castor. Height 3¼in....... | ... | 0 8 0 | Do. | Mustard Pot and Spoon. Diameter 2?in. | ... | 0126 | Hot Member. No. P S 3359. Sterling Silver and Plain Glass Cayenne Pot with Gilt Spoon. Size 3½in., 7/6 No. P S 3360. Sterling Silver | Salt Cellar and Spoon. Height 1½in. | ... | £0 17 0 | Do. | Pepper Castor. Height 3?in....... | ... | 0196 | Do. | Mustard Pot and Spoon. Height 1?in. | ... | 1 8 6 | Electro-plated | Salt Cellar and Spoon. Height 1½in. | ... | 0 9 6 | Do. | Pepper Castor. Height 3?in....... | ... | 0 9 0 | Do. | Mustard Pot and Spoon. Height 1?in. | ... | 0140 | No. P S 3361. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Cayenne Pot with Gilt Spoon. Size 3in. ... 10/0 Do. 3¾in. ... 13/6 No. P S 3362. Electro-plate and Polished Oak Pepper Mill, 5/6 Silver Mounts, 7/0 No. P S 3363. Sterling Silver “Churn” Pepper Mill. Height 3?in., 22/6 Ditto, in Electro-plate, 12/0 No. P S 3364. Glass Mustard Pot, Electro-plated Mount, 2/6 No. P S 3365. Electro-plate and Polished Oak Pepper Mill, 5/9 Ditto. with Silver Mounts, 7/0 No. P S 3366. Sterling Silver and Glass Cayenne Pot with Gilt Spoon. Size 3in. 9/6 No. P S 3367. Sterling Silver “Capstan” Pepper Mill. Height 2¾in. ... 13/3 Do. 3?in. ... 20/0 Do. 3½in. ... 24/0 Ditto in Electro-plate, height 3?in., 10/0 [145] SALT CELLARS, MUSTARD POTS, PEPPER CASTORS, Etc. EXCLUSIVE DESIGN Regd. No. 594759/60/1 No. P S 3368. Electro-plated, Richly engraved, and surmounted with Green Ivory “Pineapple” Knob. Round Mustard Pot with Spoon | ... | ... | 15/0 | Round Salt Cellar with Spoon | ... | ... | 10/0 | Pepper Castor, Height 2in. | ... | ... | 10/6 | HARRODS LONDON S.W. No. P S 3369. Four Sterling Silver Salt Cellars and Spoons in Velvet lined Case, £2 10 0 No. P S 3370. Sterling Silver Salt Cellar, large size with spoon | 150 | Ditto, small size......... ......... | 86 | Sterling Silver Pepper Castor, large size... | 150 | Ditto, small size......... ......... | 80 | Sterling Silver Mustard Pot, large size with spoon | 250 | Ditto, small size......... ......... | 150 | HARRODS LONDON S.W. No. P S 3371. Four Sterling Silver Richly pierced and engraved Salt Cellars. Lined Blue Glass, in Case complete with Spoons. Reproduced from the Antique, £7 18 6 No. P S 3372. Four Sterling Silver Salt Cellars and Spoons, 2 Mustard Pots and Spoons, and 2 Muffineers, in velvet-lined case, £5 5 0 HARRODS LONDON S.W. No. P S 3373. 1 Pair Sterling Silver Salt Cellars, 1 Pair Muffineers and 1 pair Mustard Pots, including spoons in Velvet lined case, £6 10 0 Four Salt Cellars and Spoons in Case £4 4 0 Two,,,,,,2 2 0 No. P S 3374. Four Sterling Silver Salt Cellars and Spoons in Velvet Lined Case. £2 15 0 HARRODS LONDON S.W. No. P S 3375. Sterling Silver Salt Cellars and Spoons, 4 in case, £3 3 0; 2 in case, £1 12 6 No. P S 3376. Four Sterling Silver Salt Cellars and Spoons in Velvet-lined Case, £4 10 0 [146] STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED SALT CELLARS, Etc., IN CASES. No. P S 3377. Four Sterling Silver Salt Cellars and Spoons in case chased, 87/6 No. P S 3378. Electro-plated Salt Cellars and Spoons. 2 in case......... 19/6 4 in case......... 38/6 Without case... per pair 15/0 HARRODS LONDON No. P S 3379. Four Sterling Silver Salt Cellars in case, 50/- ,, Electro-plated,,,, ,, 26/0 No. P S 3380. Sterling Silver “Chippendale” Pattern Salt Cellars and Spoons. 4 in Velvet-lined case ... 50/0 2,,,, ... 25/0 HARRODS LONDON No. P S 3381. Sterling Silver Salt Cellars and Spoons in Velvet-lined case. | | 2 in case. | 4 in case. | Small size | ... | 31/6 | | 63/0 | | Medium size | ... | 42/0 | | 84/0 | | Large size | ... | 52/6 | | 105/0 | | No. P S 3382. Pair of Sterling Silver Salt Cellars in case, each 3¾in. long, complete with Spoons, 19/6 No. P S 3383. Oak case, containing 2 Sterling Silver Pepper Castors, 4 Salt Cellars, and 1 Mustard Pot; delicately pierced, lined Blue Glass, with Spoons complete, £5 5 0 No. P S 3384. Pair of Sterling Silver pierced Salt Cellars, in Velvet-lined case, complete, 28/0 HARRODS LONDON No. P S 3385. Sterling | Silver | Pepper Castor | ... | ... | 8/6 | ,, | ,, | Salt Cellar and Spoon | 10/0 | ,, | ,, | Mustard Pot and Spoon | 16/0 | Set complete in case...... | ... | ... | 42/0 | Electro-plated | Pepper Castor | ... | ... | 3/6 | ,, | ,, | Salt Cellar and Spoon | 4/0 | ,, | ,, | Mustard Pot and Spoon | 6/0 | Set complete in case...... | ... | ... | 21/0 | No. P S 3386. Four Sterling Silver Salt Cellars and Spoons in Velvet-lined case, 70/0 size, 40/0 No. P S 3387. Four Sterling Silver Salt Cellars in Velvet-lined case, 63/0 [146a] SILVER, ELECTRO PLATE & CUTLERY DEPARTMENT The Pineapple—Emblem of Hospitality. Registered Nos. 594756-7-8 9-60, etc. No. P S 1. Electro Plated Hot Milk or Water Jug, ¾ pint ... £1 18 6 Sterling Silver ditto ... 4150 Harrods’ “Pineapple” Service of exclusive and registered design is supplied in Superfine Electro-plate or Sterling Silver, the knobs being of Green Carved Ivory. Any piece may be had either with engraved decoration as illustrated, or perfectly plain. No. P S 2. Electro Plated Coffee Pot, ¾ pint ...... £1 18 6 Sterling Silver ditto ... 4150 No. P S 3. Electro Plated Tea Pot, 1 pint ... £2 5 0 Sterling Silver ditto......... 526 No. P S 4. Electro Plated Muffin Dish with Hot Water Division £1 17 6 Sterling Silver ditto, Plain ... 5186 No. P S 5. Electro Plated Cream Jug ... £1 2 6 Sterling Silver ditto 1136 No. P S 6. Electro Plated Sugar Basin £1 7 6 Sterling Silver ditto ... 266 No. P S 7. Electro Plated Toast Rack £1 7 6 Sterling Silver ditto ... 376 No. P S 8. Electro Plated Kettle and Stand, 2½ pints, £4 4 0 Sterling Silver ditto, £11 0 0 No. P S 9. | Electro Plate. | Sterling Silver. | | £ s. d. | | £ s. d. | Coffee Pot (2 pts.) | ... | ... | ... | 2 12 6 | ... | ... | 6 15 0 | Tea Pot (2 pts.) | ... | ... | ... | 2 7 6 | ... | ... | 6 15 0 | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1 15 0 | ... | ... | 3 12 6 | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1 10 0 | ... | ... | 2 10 0 | Complete | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | £8 5 0 | ... | ... | £19 12 6 | Electro Plated Tray, with Oval Scalloped or Plain Border (24 inch) | ... | £7 15 0 | Sterling Silver ditto | ... | ... | ... | ... | To order | £38 10 0 | [146b] SILVER, ELECTRO PLATE & CUTLERY DEPARTMENT The Pineapple—Emblem of Hospitality. Registered Nos. 594756-7-8 9-60, etc. No. P S 10. Electro Plate and English Cut Glass Oil and Vinegar Frame, £3 3 0 Sterling Silver ditto, £5 5 0 Harrods’ “Pineapple” Service of exclusive and registered design is supplied in Superfine Electro-plate or Sterling Silver, the knobs being of Green Carved Ivory. Any piece may be had either with engraved decoration as illustrated, or perfectly plain. No. P S 11. Electro Plate and English Cut Glass Luncheon Cruet, £2 12 6 Sterling Silver ditto, £4 4 0. No. P S 12. Electro Plated Pineapple or Melon Carvers, with Green Ivory Handles, £1 19 6 pair Ditto, with Imitation Ivory Handles, 16/6 pair Sterling Silver ditto, with Ivory Handles, £2 15 0 pair Ditto with Imitation Ivory Handles, £1 13 6 pair No. P S 13. Electro Plated Round Mustard Pot with Spoon, 15/0 Sterling Silver ditto, 33/6 No. P S 14. Electro Plated Pepper Castor, Height 2in. 10/6 Sterling Silver ditto, 17/6 No. P S 15. Electro Plated Oval Salt Cellar with Spoon, 10/0 Sterling Silver ditto, 21/0 No. P S 16. Electro Plated Caddy Spoon with Green Ivory Handle, 7/6 Sterling Silver ditto, 10/0 No. P S 17. Electro Plated Sugar Dredger. Height 5in. 21/0 Sterling Silver ditto, £3 7 6 No. P S 18. Electro Plated Jam Spoon with Green Ivory Handle, 10/0. Ditto, with Imitation Ivory Handle, 5/6. Sterling Silver ditto with Green Ivory Handle, 15/0 No. P S 19. Electro Plated “Oval Canoe” Tea Caddy, £1 1 0 Sterling Silver ditto, £2 7 6 No. P S 20. Electro Plated Jam Pot Holder, holds 1 lb. pot, £1 4 0 Sterling Silver ditto, £3 15 0 No. P S 21. Electro Plated Round Tea Caddy, 16/0 Sterling Silver ditto, £2 2 0 No. P S 22. Electro Plated Round Biscuit Box, £1 18 6 Sterling Silver ditto, £5 5 0 No. P S 23. Electro Plated Breakfast Dish. Length 12in. over handles, £3 15 0 Sterling Silver ditto, £15 15 0 No. P S 24. Electro Plated “Oval Canoe” Biscuit Box, £2 5 0. Sterling Silver ditto, £5 12 6. [147] SUGAR DREDGERS AND PEPPER CASTORS. HARRODS LONDON S W No. P S 3388. 1 pair Sterling Silver Pepper Castors in Velvet-lined Case, 30/0 No. P S 3389. Sterling Silver Sugar Dredger, hgt. 7½in., 63/0 No. P S 3390. Sterling Silver Sugar Dredger, height 6in., 35/0, 8½in., 63/0 No. P S 3391. Sterling Silver Sugar Dredger. Height 5in., 30/0 ,,6in., 40/0 ,,7in., 57/6 No. P S 3392. Sterling Silver Sugar Dredger, height 6½in., 25/0 No. P S 3393. 1 pair Sterling Silver Pepper Castors in Velvet-lined Case. 24/0 HARRODS LONDON S W No. P S 3394. 1 pair Sterling Silver Pepper Castors in Case, 35/0 No. P S 3395. 1 pair Sterling Silver Pepper Castors in Case, 21/0 1 pair Electro-plated do. 10/0 No. P S 3396. 1 pair Sterling Silver Pepper Castors in Case, 27/6 1 pair Electro-plated do. 12 No. P S 3397. Sterling Silver Sugar Dredger, height 5½in., 35/0; 7½in., 52/6 No. P S 3398. Exclusive design, Reg. No. 594758. Electro-plated Sugar Dredger, height 5in., surmounted by carved Ivory “Pineapple” Knob 21/0 No. P S 3399. Sterling Silver Sugar Dredger Special quality Height 6½in. 21/0 27/6 ,,7¼ in. 27/6 32/6 ,,8¼ in. 38/6 45/0 No. P S 3400. 1 pair Sterling Silver Pepper Castors in Velvet-lined Case, 10/0 No. P S 3401. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Sugar Dredger, height 6in., 20/0 Electro-plated do. 11/6 No. P S 3402. Sterling Silver Sugar Dredger, height 6½in., 27/6; 8in., 37/6 Electro-plated do. 6½in., 10/6; 8in., 12/6 No. P S 3403. Sterling Silver Sugar Dredger, height 7?in., 105/0 No. P S 3404. Electro-plate on Copper, Plain Sugar Dredger. Copy of “Antique.” Height 8½in., 12/6 each. No. P S 3405. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Sugar Dredger, height 7in., 10/6 Electro-plated do. do. 4/6 [148] BISCUIT BOXES AND LUNCHEON FRAMES. No. P S 3406. Electro-plated Biscuit Box ... £1 10 0 Sterling Silver do. (to order) £6 0 6 No. P S 3407. Sterling Silver Biscuit Box ... £5 0 0 Electro plated do. £2 10 0 No. P S 3408. Electro-plated Biscuit Box ... £2 5 0 Sterling Silver do. (to order) £7 7 0 No. P S 3409. Electro-plated Biscuit Box ... ... ... ... ... £1 15 0 Sterling Silver do. (to order) £8 8 0 No. P S 3410. Electro-plated and Cut Glass Biscuit Box, 12/6 No. P S 3411. Electro-plated and Cut Glass Biscuit Box £2 5 0 Sterling Silver,,,, ,, £5 15 0 No. P S 3412. Electro-plated and Oak Biscuit Box, height 6in. ... 10/6 Do. with 2 bands only ... 8/6 No. P S 3413. Electro-plated Biscuit Box, Plain Design, Beaded Mounts. Diameter 5in. ... ... 27/6 Sterling Silver do. ... 82/6 No. P S 3414. Electro-plated Luncheon Frame, 2 Glass Linings, Butter Knife and Fork, 39/6 No. P S 3415. Electro-plated Biscuit Box with Silver Gadroon Edges, Oval or Round, 37/6 No. P S 3416. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Biscuit Box ... £2 11 6 Electro-plated do. £1 17 6 No. P S 3417. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Biscuit Box £2 0 0 Electro-plated do. £0 12 6 No. P S 3418. Electro-plated and Fine Cut Glass Biscuit Box, 18/6 Sterling Silver Mounted do. 52/6 No. P S 3419. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Biscuit Box, with Automatic Lid, height 5½in. £2 17 6 Electro-plated do. £1 11 6 [149] SERVIETTE RINGS, MENU HOLDERS, LUNCHEON FRAMES, &c. Menu No. P S 3420. Sterling Silver Menu Holder with Porcelain Slate, 7/0 No. P S 3421. Electro-plated Serviette Ring. Beautifully Engraved, 3/6 Sterling Silver ditto 10/0 No. P S 3422. Electro-plated Serviette Ring. Gadroon edge, 2/6 Sterling Silver ditto, 8/0 No. P S 3423. Sterling Silver Engraved Serviette Ring with heavy Gadroon edge, 6/6 Menu No. P S 3424. Sterling Silver Menu Holder 5/0 Porcelain Slate, 1/3 extra. No. P S 3425. Sterling Silver Serviette Ring, 1¼ wide, 5/0 Ditto, Extra Heavy, 7/6 No. P S 3426. Pair Sterling Silver Serviette Rings in Case, 15/0 One ditto in Case, 8/0 One ditto, without case, 5/0 No. P S 3427. Sterling Silver Serviette Ring, 10/0 No. P S 3428. Sterling Silver Serviette Ring, 9/6 No. P S 3429. Electro-plated Luncheon Frame with Knife and Fork, £1 5 0 No. P S 3430. Sterling Silver Serviette Ring in Case, 13/6 Two ditto in Case, 25/0 No. P S 3431. Electro-plated Luncheon Frame with two Cut Glass Linings, £2 12 6 with Servers. Sterling Silver ditto (to order), £7 7 0 No. P S 3432. Electro-plated Luncheon Frame, with Servers, £1 8 6 Sterling Silver ditto, £5 15 0 No. P S 3433. Sterling Silver Menu Holders of Benjamin Rabier’s Grotesque Designs. 1, 12/6 2 in case, 30/0 No. P S 3434. Electro-plated Luncheon Frame, 1 Glass Lining. Butter Knife, and Cheese Fork, 20/0 No. P S 3435. Sterling Silver Serviette Ring, richly engraved, in velvet-lined case, 14/6 No. P S 3436. Small Sterling Silver Disc Menu Holder, each 5/6. Large ditto, 10/0 Four Small ditto in Case, £1 6 6 Four large ditto, £2 5 0 No. P S 3437. Sterling Silver Serviette Ring in Case, 9/6 [150] GLASS SALAD BOWLS, MOUNTED WITH STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE. For Electro-plate Mounted Oak Bowls, &c., see page 165. No. P S 3438. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Salad Bowl. Diam.: 7in., 10/0; 9in., 15/0; 11in., 20/0 Servers: Sterling Silver, 25/0 pair, Electro-plate, 5/0 pair. No. P S 3439. Richly Cut Glass Salad Bowl, with Sterling Silver Mount, 55/0 Sterling Silver Servers, with Cut Glass handles, 52/6 per pair extra. No. P S 3440. Electro-plate and Cut Glass Salad Bowl, 10/0. Servers, 5/0 pair. Set 15/0 No. P S 3441. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Salad Bowl, £1. Electro-plate, 14/0 Servers: Sterling Silver, £1 2 6 pair, Electro-plate, 6/6 pair. No. P S 3442. Useful Combination Fruit Cooler and Salad Bowl, with Electro-plated Mounts, 50/0 No. P S 3443. Richly Cut Glass Salad Bowl, with Sterling Silver Mount, 28/6 Sterling Silver Servers, with Cut Glass handles, 28/6 per pair extra. Electro-plate and Fine English Cut Glass Salad Bowl and Servers, 29/6 No. P S 3444. Electro-plated Fine English Cut Glass Salad Bowl and Servers, 37/6 Sterling Silver Mounted ditto, 65/0 No. P S 3445. Best Electro-plate and Handsomely English Cut Glass Salad Bowl and Servers, 46/6 Sterling Silver Mounted ditto, 77/6 No. P S 3446. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Salad Bowl, Diam. 9in.; £1 12 0; Electro-plate, 19/6 Servers: Sterling Silver, £2 2 0 pair; Electro-plate, 11/6 pair. [151] CLARET JUGS AND DECANTERS, WITH STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED MOUNTS. No. P S 3447. Handsomely Cut Glass Claret Jug, with Sterling Silver Mounts. Height, 10½in., 58/6 No. P S 3448. Sterling Silver mounted Glass Wine or Spirit Bottle. 10in. high, 8/0 No. P S 3449. Sterling Silver-mounted “Black Forest” Spirit Bottle. Full size. Height 12in., 13/0 No. P S 3450. Crystal Glass Claret Jug, with richly Embossed Sterling Silver Mount. Height 10½in., 80/0 No. P S 3451. Sterling Silver Mounted Cut Glass Jug. 1 pint ... 9/6 Do., 1½ pints ... ... 11/6 Do.,2 pints ... ... 14/0 Do.,3 pints ... ... 18/6 No. P S 3452. Sterling Silver Mounted Cut Glass Decanter £1 17 6 Sterling Silver Stand ... ... 376 Electro-plated Stand... ... 126 No. P S 3453. Richly Cut Glass Claret Jug, with plain Sterling Silver Mounts. Height, 7½in. 46/6 No. P S 3454. Cut Glass Champagne Jug with Ice Chamber and Sterling Silver Mount. Height, 9½in.,£6 16 6; 11in.,£8 0 0, with Electro-plated Mount, height 9½in.,£3 3 0; 11in.,£3 15 0 No. P S 3455. Electro-plated and Cut Glass Claret Jug. Chased Mount, 28/6 No. P S 3456. Sterling Silver-mounted Cut Glass Claret Jug. Height 11in., 32/6 No. P S 3457. Champagne Jug (cut Star), with Electro-plated Mount, fitted with Ice Chamber. Useful Jug with Ice Chamber removed (capacity 1 bottle) £2 5 0 No. P S 3458. Cut Glass Spirit Bottle, with Sterling Silver Mount. Height, 10½in., 19/6 [152] COFFEE CUPS, BRANDY SAUCEPANS, LIQUEUR TOTS, Etc. No. P S 3459. Sterling Silver-mounted Whisky Noggin, complete with Silver Label, 3¾in. high, 6/0 No. P S 3460. Sterling Silver Brandy Warmer, height 4in.; £1 17 6 No. P S 3461. Sterling Silver Brandy Warmer, £2/12/6 Electro-plated ditto, £1 8 6 No. P S 3462. Electro-plated Brandy Warmer, Height 4in.,18/6 4½in.,22/6 5in.,26/6 No. P S 3463. Nest of Six Horn Drinking Cups, with Sterling Silver Rims and Silver Shield on outer cup, complete, 47/6 Leather Case for same 7/6 extra. No. P S 3464. 6 China Coffee Cups and Saucers, with Sterling Silver Holders in velvet lined case, £4 4 0 No. P S 3465. Six Liqueur Glasses with richly chased Sterling Silver Mounts, in velvet-lined case, 38/6 No. P S 3466. Six Sterling Silver Liqueur Cups, New Design, in velvet-lined case. 75/0 No. P S 3467. 6 China Coffee Cups and Saucers, with Sterling Silver Holders, complete in velvet-lined case, £3 10 0 No. P S 3468. Electro-plated Bottle Holder to take pint or quart bottle, 24/0 Regd. No. 573754. No. P S 3469.6 China Coffee Cups and Saucers, with Electro-plated pierced Holders, in velvet-lined case, with Spoons complete, £3 3 0 Sterling Silver ditto, £6 6 0 SYPHON HOLDERS, DECANTER LABELS, Etc. No. P S 3470.Sterling silver Syphon Holder, height 7¼in. £4 17 6 Electro-Plated do., £2 7 6 BRANDY No. P S 3471. Sterling Silver “Disc” Wine or Liqueur Labels Variously named 5/6 each. Soda No. P S 3472. Electro-plated Syphon Dripper, 3/9 WHISKEY No. P S 3473. Electro-plated Wine or Spirit Labels variously named, 0/8½ No. P S 3474.Sterling Silver Syphon Holder, height 4¾in. 36/0 GIN No. P S 3475. Electro-plated Wine or Spirit Labels variously named, 1/6 Sterling Silver, 4/6 No. P S 3476.Electro-Plated Syphon Holder, height 5¾in., £1 5 0 No. P S 3477.Electro-Plated Syphon Holder with four Racks attached holding glasses, £1 1 0 Ditto, with long handle but without racks and glasses, 14/0 No. P S 3478.Sterling Silver Syphon Holder, height 6½in., £5 15 0 Electro-Plated ditto, height 6½in., £1 5 0 No. P S 3479.Hot Water Tumbler, in Sterling Silver Holder, height 4½in. 10/6 Electro-Plated ditto, 3/9 Spoons extra, Silver, 2/6 Electro-Plated, 1/3 No. P S 3480. Electro-plated Syphon Holder, Sterling Silver ditto, 90/0 SCHWEPPES SODA WATER No. P S 3481. Electro-plated Syphon Holder, 15/6 No. P S 3482. Sterling Silver Syphon Holder, £4 4 0 Electro-Plated ditto £2 5 0 No. P S 3483. Electro-plated Syphon Holder, 14/6 Sterling Silver ditto, 70/0 No. P S 3484. Electro-plated Syphon Holder, 30/0 Sterling Silver ditto, £6 0 0 [154] SPIRIT TANTALUS FRAMES. No. P S 3485. Spirit Tantalus in Oak, with Fall Front and Wood Bar. 3 Plain Bottles | ... | 22/6 | | 2 Plain Bottles | ... | 18/6 | 3 Half | Cut Bottles, as illustrated | 28/6 | | 2 Half Cut | Bottles | ... | 21/0 | 3 Full | ,, | ... | ... | 35/0 | | 2 Full | ,, | ... | 27/6 | No. P S 3486. Spirit Tantalus in Rich Dark Oak, with Heavy Nickel-plated Mounts, Swing Bar, and Double-action Lock. 3 Half | Cut Bottles | 42/0 | | 2 Half Cut | Bottles | ... | 32/6 | 3 Full | ,, | ... | ... | 47/6 | | 2 Full | ,,,, | ... | 37/6 | No. P S 3487. Handsome Polished Oak Lock-up Liqueur Cabinet. Mirror at back, 3 Half-cut Bottles, 2 Liqueur Glasses, Glass Flaps To hold Cigars, 52/6; ditto Full Cut Bottles ... ... 63/0 No. P S 3488. Inlaid Mahogany Tantalus Frame with Electro-plated Mounts, and 3 Sterling Silver Mounted Bottles with Cut Glass Stoppers, £6 18 6 1 Pint. No. P S 3489. Polished Oak Tantalus Frame with Nickel Mounts, with 3 Cut Glass Bottles (quart), £3 10 0 No. P S 3490. Nickel-plated Spirit Tantalus Frame, with 3 Full Cut Glass Bottles (quart), £8 8 0 [155] SPIRIT TANTALUS FRAMES, ICE PAILS, ICE TONGS, Etc. No. P S 3491. Wine Bottle Corks with Electro-plated Mounts, 0/6 each. No. P S 3492. Sterling Silver Champagne Goblet ... 21/0 No. P S 3493. Wine Bottle Corks with Electro-plated Mounts, 0/6 each. No. P S 3494. Electro-plated Ice Tongs, 2/6 No. P S 3495. Cut Glass and Electro-plated Ice Pail, with Pierced Drainer, 12/6 Sterling Silver ditto, 42/0 No. P S 3496. Cut Glass Spirit Bottle, with Sterling Silver Lock (Quart), 39/6 Do. with Nickel-plated Lock, 25/0 Do. with Sterling Silver Lock (pint), 35/0 Do. with Nickel-plated Lock, 20/0 No. P S 3497. Electro-plated Ice Pail. Height 5in., 30/0 No. P S 3498. Electro-plated Ice or Sugar Tongs, 7/6 No. P S 3499. Spirit Tantalus Frame with Electro-plate on Nickel Silver Mounts, containing 3 Cut Glass Bottles (pint) £5 5 0 with 2 Cut Glass Bottles ,, 4126 Spirit Frames of choice Coromandel, Satinwood, Thuya, Carved Oak, etc., with English Cut Glass Bottles, are always in stock, from £5 upwards. No. P S 3500. Electro-plated Wine Strainer, Gilt inside, 11/6 For Oak and Electro-plated Ice Pails see page 165. No. P S 3501. Polished Oak Spirit Tantalus Frame with 3 Cut Glass quart Bottles ... ... ... £4 15 0 Ditto ditto with 2 quart Bottles ... 4 0 0 No. P S 3502. Very handsome Inlaid Marqueterie Combination Liqueur Cabinet, bevelled plate-glass at back, 3 Full Cut Bottles, 2 Liqueur Glasses, and place for Cigars, Spring Out Drawer fitted with 2 Plated Ash Trays, Cribbage Board and Pegs, 2 Packs Cards, Counters, etc. Electro-plated Fittings and Bramah Lock, £6 0 0 [156] CAFÉ AU LAIT SETS, ETC. No. P S 3503. CafÉ Set. | Sterling Silver | | Electro-plate | Coffee Pot, ½ pint, right hand | | £4 17 6 | | ... | ... | | £1 12 6 | | Hot Milk Pot, left hand | ... | ... | | 4176 | | ... | ... | | 1126 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | ... | | 2 2 0 | | ... | ... | | 1 0 0 | | Tray, 14in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | | 12120 | | ... | ... | | 3 0 0 | | Complete | ... | ... | ... | ... | | 24 9 0 | | ... | ... | | 7 5 0 | | Coffee or Milk Pots, ¾ pint | | £5 10 0 | | ... | ... | | £1 17 6 | | ,,,, | 1 | ,, | ... | | 6 6 0 | | ... | ... | | 2 2 0 | | No. P S 3504. CafÉ Set. | Sterling Silver | | Electro-plate | Coffee Pot, ½ pint | ... | | £3 15 0 | | ... | ... | | £1 18 6 | | Milk jug | ... | ... | ... | | 3100 | | ... | ... | | 1186 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | | 1 5 0 | | ... | ... | | 0176 | | Complete | ... | ... | ... | | 8100 | | ... | ... | | 4146 | | No. P S 3505. Electro-plated Coffee or Hot Milk Jug. (Right or left hand). ½pint,23/6; ¾pint,27/6; 1pint,30/0 No. P S 3506. Electro-plated Tray and Cigar Rest with coloured China Cup and Liqueur Tot. Complete with Spoon, 10/6. Ditto, white China, 9/6 Without Cigar Rest, 9/0 and 8/0 respectively. No. P S 3507. Electro-plated Coffee or Hot Milk Jug. (Right or left hand). For 2 cups, 28/6; 4 cups, 32/6 No. P S 3508. Sterling Silver Right or left hand CafÉ Pot, about ? pint, £2 2 0 No. P S 3509. Electro-plate and White China CafÉ Set, ? pint, £2 2 0 No. P S 3510. Sterling Silver Hot Milk or Water Jug. 1 pint, £4 10 0 No. P S 3511. CafÉ Set of Royal Worcester China, with Spoons and Tongs Complete, on Electro-plate and Glass Tray, £3 7 6 Capacity of Coffee Pot, ¾ pint. No. P S 3512. Sterling Silver Coffee Pot, 1 pint, £4 10 0 For Companion Jug, See PS3510. No. P S 3513. Electro-plated CafÉ au Lait Set,½ pint, £2 15 0 No. P S 3514. CafÉ Set. | Sterling Silver | | Electro-plate | Coffee Pot, ¾ pint | ... | | £ 3 13 6 | | ... | ... | | £ 1 10 6 | | Hot Water Jug | ... | ... | | 3100 | | ... | ... | | 1 7 6 | | Sugar Basin | ... | ... | ... | | 1 2 6 | | ... | ... | | 0116 | | Cream Jug | ... | ... | ... | | 1 2 6 | | ... | ... | | 0116 | | Tray 18in. | ... | ... | ... | | 13150 | | ... | ... | | 1136 | | Complete | ... | ... | ... | | 23 3 6 | | ... | ... | | 5140 | | [157] SUGAR BASINS, CREAM JUGS, BUTTER KNIVES IN CASES, Etc. No. P S 3515. Sterling Silver Elegantly Shaped Sugar Basket and Cream Jug. Basket, 33/0. Jug, 21/0 No. P S 3516. Sterling Silver Sugar Basin and Sifter. Diameter 4in., £1 9 6. Electro-plated, 8/0 No. P S 3517. Sterling Silver Richly Chased Sugar Basin and Cream Jug. Basin, 35/0 Jug, 35/0 No. P S 3518. Sterling Silver “James I.” Cream Jug. Height 3?in. 19/6 ,, 3½ in. 25/0 ,, 4¼ in. 30/0 No. P S 3519. Sterling Silver Sugar Basin. Diameter 3? ins. 16/6 ,,3¾ ins. 23/6 No. P S 3520. Sterling Silver Cream Jug. Antique “Helmet” pattern. Height 3¼in. 21/0 ,, 3¾ in. 23/6 ,, 4½ in. 27/6 No. P S 3521. Electro-plated, Handsomely Chased Sugar Basket, 20/0 No. P S 3522. Sterling Silver Cream Jug, Antique Pattern. Height 3?in. 19/6 ,, 3¾ in. 22/6 No. P S 3523. Two Sterling Silver Butter Knives, engraved blades, pearl handles, in velvet-lined case, 16/0 No. P S 3524. Sterling Silver chased Butter Knife, Sugar Tongs and Sugar Sifter, in velvet-lined case, 21/0 No. P S 3525. Pair Electro-plated Pearl Handled Butter Knives in velvet-lined case, 9/6 No. P S 3526. Sterling Silver Sugar Basin, Cream Jug and Tongs, in Velvet Lined Case, 52/6 No. P S 3527. Electro-plated Sugar and Cream Frame, with Sifter and Ladle, 46/6 No. P S 3528. Electro-plated Sugar and Cream Frame with Sifter and Ladle, 48/6 No. P S 3529. Sterling Silver Richly Chased Sugar Basin, Cream Jug and Sugar Tongs, in Velvet Lined Case, 67/6 [158] BUTTER DISHES, KNIVES, &c. No. P S 3530. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Butter Dish, 32/6 Electro-plate ditto 15/0 No. P S 3531. Electro-plate and Glass Butter Dish Cut Star, 3/6: Knife, 1/0 No. P S 3532. Electro-plated Butter Dish, Glass lining, and Knife, 10/6 No. P S 3533. Electro-plated Butter Shell with Glass Lining, 8/6 No. P S 3534. Electro-plated and English Cut Glass Butter Dish. Complete with Knife, 11/6 No. P S 3535. Butter Dish, Plain Sterling Silver Tray and Cover, thread mounts, 29/6 Diameter of Tray, 6in. No. P S 3536. Electro-plated and Glass Butter Dish, with Knife, 5/6 No. P S 3537. Diamond Cut Glass Butter Dish on Plain Sterling Silver Tray with turned-up corners, including knife, 25/6 No. P S 3538. Electro-plated and Cut Glass Butter Dish, with Knife, 14/6 No. P S 3539. Two Sterling Silver “Shell” Butter Dishes and Knives in case, each 5 inches diameter, 35/0. One “Shell” Dish and Knife in case, 17/6 No. P S 3540. Electro-plated and Cut Glass Butter Dish, 14/0 No. P S 3541. Cut and Engraved Glass Butter Dish, with Sterling Silver Tray and Cover, 70/0 Electro-plated ditto, 25/0 No. P S 3542. Electro-plated Chased Butter Dish, with Glass lining and Knife, 12/6 No. P S 3543. Handsomely Cut Glass Butter “Tub,” Plain Sterling Silver Tray and Knife. Sizes: 3½in.diam.10/6, 4?in.16/0, 5?in.28/6 No. P S 3544. Cut Glass Butter Dish, with heavy Sterling Silver Tray and Cover, 58/6 No. P S 3545. Plain Cut Glass Butter Dish on Sterling Silver Tray, complete with Knife, 21/0 No. P S 3546. Electro-plated and Cut Glass Butter Dish, 10/0 No. P S 3547. Sterling Silver and Glass Butter Dish, with Knife, in velvet lined case, 20/0; without case, 16/0 [159] PRESERVE JARS, JELLY DISHES, ETC. No. P S 3548. Electro-plated Preserve Jar, Cover and Spoon, 3/3 No. P S 3549. Sterling Silver and Glass Preserve Jar, 3¼in. high, with removable Handle, 21/0 No. P S 3550. Sterling Silver and Glass Butter Dish, 4¾in. diam., 12/6 Sterling Silver Butter Knife, 2/6 Electro-plate and Glass Butter Dish, 4¾. diam., 4/6 Electro-plate Butter Knife, 1/0 No. P S 3551. Sterling Silver and Glass Butter Dish, 4¼in. diam., 31/6 No. P S 3552. Electro-plated Three Handled Preserve Frame with Glass Jar and Spoon, 10/0 No. P S 3553. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Jelly Dish, length 7in., £3 3 0 Electro-plated do. do. £1 2 6 No. P S 3554. Sterling Silver and Glass preserve Jar and Spoon, 10/6 Electro-plated do. 2/6 No. P S 3555. Cut Glass Preserve Jar with Automatic Lid. Sterling Silver £1 10 0 Electro-plate 18 6 (with Spoon). Height, 3¾in. No. P S 3556. Electro-plate and Fine Cut Glass Preserve Frame, 12/6 No. P S 3557. Electro-plated Gadroon Mounted Preserve Frame with Cut Glass Dish, 31/6 No. P S 3558. Electro-plated Preserve Frame, two Glass Jars with Spoons, 24/0 No. P S 3559. Electro-plated Preserve Frame, two Fine Cut Glass Dishes, length 8in., 27/6 No. P S 3560. Electro-plated and Glass Double Jam Dish with Spoons, length 11in., 12/6 No. P S 3561. Electro-plated Marmalade Jar Holder, to take a 1-lb. pot, 18/6 No. P S 3562. Electro-plated and Glass Double Jam Dish with Spoons, 6¼in. diam., 12/6 [160] JAM SPOONS, TEA CADDIES AND SPOONS. No. P S 3563. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, with Pearl Handle, length 6¼in., 8/0; Electro-plated ditto, 3/6 Butter Knife to match, length 6in. Sterling Silver, 6/6; Electro-plated, 3/0 No. P S 3564. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, with Ivory Handle, length 6¼in., 7/6; Electro-plated ditto, 3/0 Butter Knives to match, length 6¼in., same prices. No. P S 3565. Sterling Silver “Apostle” Caddy Spoon. Length, 3½in. ... 4/3 ,,4½ in. ... 5/6 No. P S 3567. Sterling Silver Caddy Spoon, length 3in., 3/9 Electro-plated ditto, 1/3 No. P S 3569. Sterling Silver Caddy Spoon, length 3¼in., 4/0; Electro-plated ditto, 1/3 No. P S 3566. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, length 4¾in., 4/6; Electro-plated ditto, 1/6 No. P S 3568. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, length 4¾in., 4/6; Electro-plated ditto, 1/3 No. P S 3570. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, length 5in., 5/0; Electro-plated ditto, 1/9 No. P S 3571. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, length 5¼in., 4/6; Electro-plated ditto, 1/3 No. P S 3572. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, length 5¼in., 7/6; Electro-plated ditto, 3/0 No. P S 3573. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, length 5½in., 6/0; Electro-plated ditto, 1/6 No. P S 3574. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, length 5½in., 6/6; Electro-plated ditto, 2/6 No. P S 3576. Sterling Silver Jam Spoon, length 5in., 6/0; Electro-plated ditto, 2/0 No. P S 3575. Sterling Silver Plain Shaped Tea Caddy, with Hinged Lid. Height 4in., 65/0 No. P S 3577. Sterling Silver Caddy Spoon, length 3¼in., 3/9; Electro-plated ditto, 1/3 No. P S 3578. Electro-plated Tea Caddy, height 3¾in., Gadroon Mounts, 11/0 Sterling Silver ditto, 32/6 No. P S 3579. Sterling Silver Tea Caddy. Height, 3?in. £ 236 No. P S 3580. Electro-plated “Georgian” Tea Caddy, Gadroon Mounts, length 4½in., 25/6 No. P S 3581. Electro-plated Tea Caddy with hinged lid, height 3in. £1 2 6 No. P S 3582. Electro-plated Caddy Spoon, 1/9 Sterling Silver, 6/0 No. P S 3583. Electro-plated Plain Hexagonal Tea Caddy, height 4½in. ... 17/6 Sterling Silver ditto ... 47/6 No. P S 3584. Sterling Silver “Louis” pattern Tea Caddy, richly chased. Height, 5½in. ... 65/0 ,,6¼ ,, ... 85/0 No. P S 3585. Sterling Silver Tea Caddy. Height 2½ in. £1 4 0 Ditto, ,, 3½in. £1 14 6 No. P S 3586. Sterling Silver Tea Caddy. Height 3½in. ... £1 1 0 ,,4? in. ... £1 15 0 Ditto, Electro-plate on Copper, Height 3½in. ... 7/6 No. P S 3587. Sterling Silver plain Tea Caddy, hinged lid, “Antique” pattern. Height, 3¾in. 30/0 4¼in. 48/6 [161] BUTTER KNIVES, SUGAR SIFTERS AND TONGS, CAKE SAWS, Etc. No. P S 3588. Pair Sugar Tongs. Length 4?in. Sterling Silver, 5/0 Electro-plate 2/0 each. No. P S 3589. Pair Sugar Tongs. Length 4?in. Sterling Silver, 6/0 Electro-plate, 2/6 each. No. P S 3590. Pair Sugar Tongs. Length 4?in. Sterling Silver, 6/0 Electro-plate, 2/6 each. No. P S 3591. Sugar Sifter. Length 4½in. Sterling Silver, 4/6 Electro-plate, 1/9 each. No. P S 3592. Sugar Sifter. Length 4in. Sterling Silver, 6/0. Electro-plate, 3/0 each. No. P S 3593. Sugar Sifter. Length, 4in. Sterling Silver, 6/0 Electro-plate, 2/0 No. P S 3594. Sugar Sifter. Length, 4in. Sterling Silver, 5/0. Electro-plate, 2/0 each. No. P S 3595. Pair Sugar Tongs. Length 4?in. Sterling Silver, 6/6 Electro-plate, 2/6 each. No. P S 3596. Pair Sugar Tongs. Length, 4?in. Sterling Silver, 6/0 Electro-plate, 2/6 each. No. P S 3597. Pair Sugar Tongs. Length, 4?in. Sterling Silver, 5/6 Electro-plate, 2/6 each. No. P S 3603. Sterling Silver Sugar Nippers. Length, 4½in., 10/0 No. P S 3598. Butter Knife with Pearl Handle. Length, 6in. Sterling Silver, 6/6. Electro-plate, 3/0. Jam Spoons to Match, Sterling Silver, 8/0. Electro-plate, 3/6. No. P S 3599. Butter Knife with Ivory Handle. Length 6¼in. Sterling Silver, 7/6 Electro-plate, 3/0. Jam Spoons to Match, same prices. No. P S 3600. Butter Knife with Pearl Handle. Length, 5¾in. Sterling Silver, 5/0. Electro-plate, 2/6. No. P S 3601. Butter Knife with Pearl Handle. Length, 6?in. Sterling Silver, 8/6. Electro-plate, 5/0. No. P S 3602. Butter Knife with Pearl Handle. Length, 6in. Sterling Silver, 5/0. Electro-plate, 2/0. Ditto, with Ivory Handle and similar Engraving. Sterling Silver, 5/0. Electro-plate, 2/0 each. No. P S 3604. Butter Knife with Ivory Handle. Length, 6¼in. Sterling Silver, 5/6. Electro-plate, 2/6. No. P S 3605. Cake Knife with Ivory Handle. Length, 10in. Sterling Silver, 18/6. Electro-plate, 6/6 each. Ditto, with Imitation Ivory Handle, Sterling Silver, 15/0. Electro-plate, 4/0 each. Ditto, with Pearl Handle. Sterling Silver, 22/6. Electro-plate, 10/6 each. No. P S 3606. Cake Knife with Pearl Handle. Length, 9½in. Sterling Silver, 21/0. Electro-plate, 12/6 each. Velvet-lined case, extra, 4/0 No. P S 3607. Cake Knife with Ivory Handle. Length, 10in. Sterling Silver, 15/0. Electro-plate, 6/0 each. Ditto, with Imitation Ivory Handle, Electro-plate, 3/6 each. No. P S 3608. Butter Knife with Pearl Handle. Length, 6¼in. Sterling Silver, 6/0. Electro-plate, 3/0 each. No. P S 3609. Butter Knife with Pearl Handle. Length, 6in. Sterling Silver, 7/6. Electro-plate, 3/9 each. No. P S 3611. Butter Knife with Pearl Handle. Length 6in. Sterling Silver, 6/0. Electro-plate, 3/0 each. No. P S 3610. Two Sterling Silver Jam Spoons, richly chased bowls in velvet lined case, 19/6. No. P S 3612. Two Sterling Silver Jam Spoons in Velvet-lined case, 24/0 [162] FRUIT SPOONS, SUGAR SIFTERS, Etc. No. P S 3613. Sterling Silver Sugar Sifter, Hand Pierced and Engraved 11/6 Electro-plated ditto ... ... ... ... ... 5/0 No. P S 3614. Sterling Silver, Old English Hand Pierced Sugar Sifter 8/6 Electro-plated ditto ... ... ... ... ... 2/6 No. P S 3615. Sterling Silver Fruit Spoon, very handsomely Saw Pierced and Engraved, in Velvet-lined case ... ... 30/0 No. P S 3616. Sterling Silver Hand Pierced Sugar Sifter, 9/0 Electro-plated Ditto, 2/9 HARRODS. LONDON S.W. No. P S 3617. Sterling Silver Fruit Spoon, in Velvet lined case. 21/0 No. P S 3618. Two Sterling Silver Fruit Spoons and Sifter, in Velvet-lined case 37/6 Two Fruit Spoons only, in Velvet-lined case 27/6 No. P S 3619. Two Sterling Silver Fruit Spoons, with Saw Pierced Handles and Engraved Design, complete in case 32/6 HARRODS. LONDON S.W. No. P S 3620. Two Sterling Silver Fruit Spoons and Sifter, in Velvet-lined case 70/0 Two Fruit Spoons only, in Velvet-lined case 47/6 HARRODS. LONDON S.W. No. P S 3621. Two Sterling Silver Fruit Spoons and Sifter, in Velvet-lined case 47/6 Two Fruit Spoons only, in Velvet-lined case 30/0 No. P S 3622. Sterling Silver, richly Chased and Pierced Sweetmeat Servers, Gilt Bowls, in Velvet-lined case, 31/6 HARRODS. LONDON S.W. No. P S 3623. Two Sterling Silver Fruit Spoons and Sifter, in Velvet-lined case 45/0 Two Fruit Spoons only, in Velvet-lined case 30/0 [163] KNIFE RESTS, PICKLE FORKS, CRUMB SCOOPS, Etc. No. P S 3624. 1 Pair Knife Rests. Electro-Plate, 2/6 pair No. P S 3625. 1 Pair Knife Rests. Electro-Plate, 3/6 pair No. P S 3626. 1 Pair Knife Rests. Electro-Plate, 3/0 pair No. P S 3627. Pickle Fork. Length, 6¾in. Silver 6/6, Electro-Plate 2/0 each No. P S 3628. Old English and Shell Pickle Fork. Length, 7½in. Silver 6/0, Electro-Plate 1/6 each No. P S 3629. Lobster Pick. Length, 7½in. Silver 7/6, Electro-Plate 2/0 each No. P S 3630. Marrow Scoop. Length, 9in. Silver 7/6, Electro-Plate 2/6 each No. P S 3631. Cake Fork with Pearl Handle. Length, 4¼in. Silver 3/0, Electro-Plate, 1/9 each No. P S 3632. Cake Fork with Pearl Handle. Length, 5in. Silver 3/9, Electro-Plate 2/0 each No. P S 3633. Old English Butter or Cheese Fork. Length, 4¾in. Silver 3/6, Electro-Plate 1/3 each No. P S 3634. Old English and Shell Butter Knife. Length, 4¾in. Silver 3/6, Electro-Plate 1/3 each No. P S 3635. Old English Pickle Fork. Length, 6¾in. Silver 6/0, Electro-Plate 1/6 each No. P S 3636. Pickle Fork with Ivory Handle. Length, 6½in. Silver 7/6, Electro-Plate 4/9 each. Ditto, Imitation Ivory Handle. Electro-Plate 3/0 each No. P S 3637. Bread Fork with Pearl Handle and Silver Tips. Length, 6¾in. Silver 15/0, Electro-Plate 6/6 each No. P S 3638. Chutney Spoon. Length 9in. Silver 11/6, Electro-Plate 2/6 each. Ditto, 7½in. Silver 10/0, Electro-Plate, 2/0 each No. P S 3639. Bread Fork with Pearl Handle. Length, 7?in. Silver 10/6, Electro Plate 6/6 each No. P S 3640. Bread Fork. Length, 6¾in. Silver 15/3, Electro-Plate 8/6 each No. P S 3641. Sardine Fork with Pearl Handle. Length, 6in. Silver 11/6, Electro-Plate 6/6 each No. P S 3642. Cheese Scoop with Ivory Handle, Length 7½ in. Silver 17/0, Electro-Plate 8/0 each. Ditto, Imitation Ivory Handle. Electro-Plate 4/6 each No. P S 3643. Sardine Fork. Length, 4¼in. Silver 5/6, Electro Plate 2/0 each No. P S 3644. Electro-plated Skewer. 4in.1/2; 5in.1/4; 6in.1/9; 8in.2/0; 10in.2/4; 12in.2/9 No. P S 3645. Electro-plated Skewer. 4in.1/0; 5in.1/3; 6in.1/6; 8in.2/0; 10in.2/4; 12in.2/9 No. P S 3646. Crumb Scoop. Practical shape with well. Electro-plated, 15/0 each No. P S 3647. Electro-plated Crumb Scoop. With Silver Ferrule and Imitation Ivory Handle, 10/6 Ivory Handle, 15/9 No. P S 3648. Electro-plated Crumb Scoop. Engraved Blade. Imitation Ivory Handle, 9/6. Ivory Handle, 12/6 No. P S 3649. Electro-plated Crumb Scoop. Ivory Handle. Shaped Blade, 21/0 [164] NUT PICKS, NUT CRACKERS AND GRAPE SCISSORS. No. P S 3650. Electro-Plated Nut Pick with Ivory Centre, 4/0 No. P S 3651. Electro-Plated Nut Pick, “King’s” Pattern, 2/0 No. P S 3652. Electro-Plated Grape Scissors, length 6½in., 7/0 No. P S 3653. Electro-Plated Grape Scissors, 5/0 No. P S 3654. Electro-Plated Nutcrackers, “King’s” Pattern, 5/0 Nut Picks, to match, as P S 3651, 2/0 each. No. P S 3656. Electro-plated Grape Scissors, 7/0 No. P S 3655. Electro-Plated Nut Crackers, 5/0 Nut Picks, to match, 2/6 each. No. P S 3657. Sterling Silver Beautifully Chased “Vine” pattern Grape Scissors in velvet-lined case. 39/6 Ditto, Electro-plate, 12/6 No. P S 3660. Sterling Silver Plain Grape Scissors in velvet-lined case, 18/6 No. P S 3658. Electro-plated Nut Crackers, with Ivory Centres to Handles, 8/6 Nut Picks, to match as P S 3650, 4/0 each. No. P S 3659. Electro-plated Nut Crackers, 2/6 Nut Picks, to match, 1/3 each. No. P S 3661. Electro-Plated Nut Crackers, 1/6 Cheaper quality 1/0 No. P S 3662. Electro-Plated Nut Crackers, 3/6 Nut Picks to match, 1/9 each [165] OAK TRAYS, BISCUIT BARRELS, SALAD BOWLS, Etc., WITH ELECTRO-PLATED MOUNTS. No. P S 3663. Electro-plate and Polished Oak Pepper Mill, 5/6 Sterling Silver Mounts, 7/0 No. P S 3664. Polished Oak Tray with Electro-plated Mounts. Length, 20in., 58/6; 22in., 68/6; 24in., 78/6 No. P S 3665. Electro-plate and Polished Oak Pepper Mill, 5/9 Sterling Silver Mounts, 7/0 No. P S 3666. Oak Salad Bowl and Servers, with Electro-plated Mounts, 30/0 No. P S 3667. Electro-plated and Polished Oak Lemon Squash Stand, 32/6 No. P S 3668. Oak Biscuit Box, with Electro-plated Mounts, height 6in., 10/6. Ditto, with two Bands only, 8/6 No. P S 3669. Oak Gong, 3½in. Bell, with Electro-plated Mounts, 10/6 No. P S 3670. Oak Salad Bowl and Servers, with Electro-plated Mounts, 27/6 No. P S 3671. Oak Salad Bowl and Servers with Electro-plated Mounts, 17/6. Ditto, special quality, 21/0 No. P S 3672. Oak Butter Dish with Electro-plated Mounts and White China Lining, diam. 4¾in., 7/6 No. P S 3673. Electro-plate and Oak Biscuit Barrel, 8/9 No. P S 3674. Oak Ice Pail, Height 6in., 10/6 No. P S 3675. Electro-plate and Oak Tray, 20in. 50/0 No. P S 3676. Oak Ice Pail, Height 6in., 13/6 [166] COPIES OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE, ELECTRO SILVER PLATED ON COPPER. No. P S 3677. Electro-plate on Copper, Plain Cream Jug. Copy of “Antique.” Height 6in., 14/6 No. P S 3678. Electro-plated on Nickel, Antique Pattern, Salt Cellar, 8/6 each. Gilt Lined No. P S 3679. Electro-plated on Nickel, Antique Pattern, Mustard Pot, 14/6 each. No. P S 3680. Electro-plate on Copper, Plain Cream Jug. Copy of “Antique.” Height 4½in., 27/6 No. P S 3681. Electro-plated Salt Cellar, Gadroon Mount, copy of Antique. Gilt inside, 5/9 each. No. P S 3682. Electro-plated Mustard Pot. Gadroon Mount, copy of Antique. With Blue Glass Lining, 10/6 No. P S 3683. Electro-plate on Copper, Round Tea Caddy. Height 3¾in., 7/6 No. P S 3684. Electro-plate on Copper. Handsomely chased and pierced. Oval Tray. Copy of “Antique.” Length 20in. £4 5 0 22in. £5 0 0 24in. £6 0 0 No. P S 3685. Electro-plate on Copper, Plain Sugar Dredger. Copy of “Antique.” Height 8½in., 12/6 each. No. P S 3686. Electro-plated on Nickel, Antique Pattern, Mustard Pot, 12/6 each. No. P S 3687. Electro-plated on Nickel, Antique Pattern, Salt Cellar, 6/6 each. No. P S 3688. Hot Water Jug Plated on Nickel Silver, ¾ pint, 42/0; 1 pint, 47/6 1½ pints, 52/6 No. P S 3689. Electro-plate on Copper. Handsomely chased and pierced Fruit Basket, Silver mounts, Lion Mask Handles. Copy of “Antique.” Length 12½in. 50/0 Ditto, without Lion Mask Handles. Length 7in.22/6; 8in.25/6; 9in.32/6 No. P S 3690. Electro-plate on Copper, Plain Hot Water Jug. Silver Gadroon Mounts. Copy of “Antique.” To hold 1 pint, 35/0 1½ pints, 42/0 2 pints, 50/0 A Special Feature of Harrods’ SILVER DEPARTMENT is their magnificent collection of Old Sheffield Plate. Many of the fine specimens recently acquired will be found of more than passing interest to the Connoisseur and Collector. [167] COPIES OF OLD SHEFFIELD PLATE. STERLING SILVER-PLATED ON COPPER, AND NICKEL SILVER. No. P S 3691. Electro-plate on Copper, Two-Bottle Inkstand, with Taper Holder and Wafer Box. Copy of “Antique.” Length 10in., 30/6 No. P S 3692. Electro-plate on Copper. Gadroon Mounts. Copy of “Antique.” Height 4½in. 15/6 per pair. No. P S 3693. Electro-plate on Copper, Inkstand, with Sterling Silver Mounts, 9¼in. long, 55/0. Copy of “Antique.” No. P S 3694. Electro-plate on Copper, Chamber Candlestick. Copy of “Antique.” 10/0 each. No. P S 3695. Sterling Silver Candelabra. Height, 18in., £19 10 0 pair. Ditto, Electro-plate on Nickel Silver, 84/0 pair. No. P S 3696. Electro-plate on Copper, handsomely-pierced Pen Tray, with Sterling Silver mounts. Copy of “Antique.” Length 10in., 15/6 No. P S 3697. Electro-plated, 5 Light Candelabrum convertible to 3 Light. Antique pattern. Height, 18in., £15 10 0, 23in., £16 15 0 per pair. No. P S 3698. Electro-plate on Copper Candlestick, with Thread Mounts. Copy of “Antique.” Height 10in. 32/6 per pair, 12in. 36/0 per pair. No. P S 3699. Electro-plate on Copper. Beautifully Shaped Oval Tray Copy of “Antique.” Length 20in. £6 6 0 ,, 22 in. £7 7 0 ,, 24 in. £8 8 0 No. P S 3700. Electro-plate on Copper. Handsomely chased Candlestick. Copy of “Antique.” Height 10½in., 39/6 per pair. [168] CONSTANTIA ET HONORE No. 63 Style No. | PRICES OF ENGRAVING: | 50 | { | Three | letters | ... | ... | 3/6 | each | article | Two | ,, | ... | ... | 2/6 | ,, | ,, | One | ,, | ... | ... | 1/6 | ,, | ,, | 51 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/8 per letter | 52 | { | Three-letter | Monogram | ... | ... | 4/0 | each | Two | ,, | ,, | ... | ... | 3/0 | ,, | 53 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 per letter | 54 | { | Three | letters | ... | ... | 4/0 | each | article | Two | ,, | ... | ... | 3/0 | ,, | ,, | One | ,, | ... | ... | 2/0 | ,, | ,, | 55 | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 per doz. letters | 56 | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 per doz. letters | 57 | Crests on Dishes, Teapots, etc. | ... | 1/6 each | 58 | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 per doz. letters | 59 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 per letter | 60 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 per letter | 61 | Coat of Arms | ... | ... | ... | ... | from 15/0 | 62 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/2 per letter | 63 | Crest, Garter and Motto | ... | 5/0 | each | article | 64 | { | Three-letter | Monogram | ... | 1/6 | ,, | ,, | Two | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/0 | ,, | ,, | 65 | { | Three | letters | ... | ... | 2/6 | ,, | ,, | Two | ,, | ... | ... | 1/9 | ,, | ,, | One | ,, | ... | ... | 1/0 | ,, | ,, | 66 | { | Two letter | ... | ... | 1/6 | ,, | ,, | One | ,, | ... | ... | 0/9 | ,, | ,, | 67 | Regimental Crest | ... | ... | 5/0 | ,, | ,, | 68 | { | Three | letters | ... | ... | 2/0 | ,, | ,, | Two | ,, | ... | ... | 1/6 | ,, | ,, | One | ,, | ... | ... | 0/9 | ,, | ,, | 69 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 per letter | 70 | { | Three-letter | Monogram | ... | 4/0 | each | article | Two | ,, | ,, | ... | 3/0 | ,, | ,, | 71 | Shaded Block Letters | ... | | 0/6 per letter | 72 | Crest, Ribbon and Motto | ... | | 3/6 each article | EXAMPLES OF ENGRAVING FOR PRESENTATION SERVICES, WAITERS, DISHES, &c. All illustrations represent actual size of Engraving which can be executed at prices quoted, larger or smaller sizes being charged pro rata. FOR SPOONS, FORKS, AND CUTLERY. The following styles are specially suitable. | 3 letters. | 2 letters. | No. 53, 62, 64, 68 | ... | 3/6 | 2/6 | per doz. | articles | No. 50, 54, 60, 69, 71 | ... | 5/0 | 4/0 | ,, | ,, | Inscriptions in plain styles from 1/0 per doz. letters. | Crests similar to No. 57 | ... | ... | ... | 3/0 | per doz. | articles | Crests and Mottoes similar to No. 67, 72 | ... | 6/0 | ,, | ,, | Sketches and Estimates submitted upon request. | [169] PRICE LIST FOR RE-PLATING AND REPAIRING. Goods collected and returned with all possible speed, every care being taken. | A1 Quality. | A Quality. | Asparagus Tongs | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 5/6 | 3/9 | Biscuit Boxes | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 14/0 | 12/0 | Bottle Stands | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | per pair from | 9/0 | 8/0 | Bread and Cake Baskets | .. | .. | .. | each | ,, | 15/0 | 13/0 | Breakfast Cruets | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 5/0 | 4/3 | Britannia Metal Tea and Coffee Sets (including gilding inside Sugar and Cream) | .. | from | 27/6 | 22/6 | Butter | Boats | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 6/6 | 4/6 | ,, | Coolers | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 5/0 | 4/0 | ,, | Knives | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 1/6 | 1/3 | Cafetieres | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 25/0 | 21/0 | Centres Pieces or Epergnes, according to size | .. | ,, | 20/0 to 100/0 | Candlesticks | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | per inch high | 1/0 | 0/9 | Chamber Candlesticks | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 8/6 | 7/0 | Cheese Scoops | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 2/3 | 1/6 | Coffee Pots, | large size, 2 pints and over | .. | ,, | 15/0 | 13/6 | ,, | 1½ pint and under | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 10/0 | 7/6 | Cream Ewers, large size, gilt inside | .. | ,, | 8/0 | 7/0 | Cruet Frames, | 3 | glass | .. | .. | .. | each from | 5/0 | 4/0 | ,, | 4 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 6/0 | 5/0 | ,, | 5 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 8/3 | 7/0 | ,, | 6 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 10/0 | 9/0 | ,, | 7 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 11/0 | 9/3 | Crumb Scoops | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 4/3 | 3/3 | Dessert Knives and Forks, with ivory handles, | per doz. pairs | 30/0 | 25/6 | Dessert Knives and Forks, with metal handles, | per doz. pairs | 40/0 | 35/6 | Dish Covers, | 12 | inch | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 12/9 | 11/3 | ,, | 14 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 16/6 | 14/9 | ,, | 16 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 21/0 | 18/0 | ,, | 18 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 26/0 | 21/6 | ,, | 20 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 30/0 | 26/0 | Drinking Cups, | gilt inside, | quarts | .. | .. | ,, | 12/0 | 9/0 | ,, | ,, | pints | .. | .. | ,, | 10/0 | 8/0 | ,, | ,, | ½ pints | .. | .. | ,, | 8/0 | 7/0 | EntrÉe Dishes (Cover and Handle), | 10 | inch | oval | ,, | 23/0 | 19/0 | ,,,,,,,, | 12 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 25/0 | 21/0 | ,,,,,,,, | 10 | ,, | oblong | ,, | 24/0 | 20/0 | ,,,,,,,, | 12 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 26/0 | 22/0 | Egg Steamers | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 11/6 | 9/9 | *Egg Frames, | 3 cup, | including gilding | .. | each from | 8/0 | 7/0 | *,, | 4 | ,, | ,, | .. | ,, | 10/0 | 9/6 | *,, | 5 | ,, | ,, | .. | ,, | 13/0 | 12/0 | *,, | 6 | ,, | ,, | .. | ,, | 15/0 | 13/9 | * Spoons charged extra. | Epergnes | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 20/0 to 100/0 | Fish Slices, Fiddle and Old English, etc | .. | each | 4/9 | 3/9 | Fish Carvers | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | per pair | 7/6 | 6/6 | Flower Stands, according to size. | Grape Scissors | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 3/0 | 2/6 | Hot Water Jugs, | 1½ | pint | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 14/0 | 12/0 | ,,,, | 2 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 16/0 | 14/0 | Ice Tongs | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 2/0 | 1/6 | Inkstands | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 7/6 | 6/0 | Knife Rests | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | per pair | 2/6 | 2/0 | Liqueur Frames | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 10/6 | 8/6 | Marmalade Spreads | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 1/6 | 1/3 | Meat Dishes, or Oval Fish Dishes, | 12 | inch | .. | ,, | 12/9 | 11/0 | ,,,,,,,, | 14 | ,, | .. | ,, | 15/3 | 13/6 | ,,,,,,,, | 16 | ,, | .. | ,, | 20/0 | 16/0 | ,,,,,,,, | 18 | ,, | .. | ,, | 24/3 | 20/0 | ,,,,,,,, | 20 | ,, | .. | ,, | 30/0 | 28/0 | | A1 Quality. | A Quality. | Muffineers | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 2/9 | 2/0 | Mustard Pots | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 3/3 | 2/9 | Napkin Rings | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 1/3 | 1/0 | Nutcracks | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 2/6 | 2/0 | Pickle Forks | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 1/6 | 1/3 | Pickle | Frames, | 2 | glass | .. | .. | .. | each from | 8/0 | 6/6 | ,, | ,, | 3 | ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 10/6 | 9/6 | Prize Cups, gilt inside | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 10/8 | 8/6 | Revolving Dishes, with 2 linings | .. | per inch | 4/6 | 3/6 | Salt Cellars, gilt inside | .. | .. | per pair from | 4/6 | 4/0 | Salvers, | 8 inch | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 8/0 | 7/0 | ,, | 10 ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 10/0 | 8/6 | ,, | 12 ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 12/0 | 10/9 | ,, | 14 ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 16/0 | 14/6 | ,, | 16 ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 18/6 | 16/0 | Sauce | Ladles, | Fiddle and Old English, etc. | per pair | 4/0 | 3/0 | ,, | ,, | ornamental | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 4/3 | 3/3 | ,, | Frames, | large size | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 9/0 | 8/0 | Soup | Ladles, | Fiddle and Old English, etc. | .. | ,, | 4/9 | 4/3 | ,, | ,, | ornamental | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 5/6 | 5/0 | ,, | Tureens | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 39/6 | 30/0 | Spoon Warmers | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 9/0 | 8/0 | Spoons and Forks, | Fiddle and Old English, etc., | Table per doz. | 16/6 | 13/9 | ,,,, | ornamental Table | .. | ,, | 19/9 | 16/6 | ,,,, | Fiddle and Old English, etc., Dessert | ,, | 14/0 | 11/6 | ,,,, | ornamental Dessert | ,, | 16/6 | 13/0 | Spoons, | Tea | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 8/6 | 6/6 | ,, | Mustard, Salt, Egg, Fiddle and Old English, etc., gilt bowls | per doz. | 8/6 | 6/3 | ,, | Mustard, Salt and Egg, ornamental | ,, | 10/6 | 8/0 | ,, | Gravy, Fiddle and Old English, etc. | each | 3/6 | 3/0 | ,, | ,, | ornamental | .. | .. | ,, | 4/9 | 3/6 | ,, | Sugar and Caddy, and Sugar Crushers | ,, | 1/0 | 0/10 | ,, | Fruit, including gilding bowls | .. | ,, | 4/0 | 3/6 | Sugar Basins, including gilding inside | .. | from | 8/3 | 7/6 | ,, | Baskets | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 4/6 | 3/6 | Tart Servers | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 4/6 | 3/9 | Tankards | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 10/0 | 8/0 | Tea and Coffee Tray, 20 inch | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 30/0 | 25/0 | ,,,, 22 ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 34/0 | 30/0 | ,,,, 24 ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 40/0 | 35/0 | ,,,, 26 ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 43/0 | 38/9 | Tea and Coffee Sets (Nickel Silver), including the gilding of Sugar and Cream inside | from | 30/0 | 25/0 | Tea Caddies | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 11/6 | 9/0 | ,, Kettles and Stands | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 27/6 | 24/6 | ,, Urns | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 44/0 | 36/0 | Teapots | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 12/6 | 10/0 | Toast | Racks, | large size | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 6/6 | 5/9 | ,, | ,, | small size | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 4/6 | 4/0 | ,, | Forks | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 3/0 | 2/6 | Venison Dish, | 20 inch | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 40/0 | 35/0 | ,, | 22 ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 45/0 | 39/6 | ,, | 24 ,, | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 50/0 | 40/0 | Warmers, with top plates | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 24/3 | 20/0 | Wine and Spirit Labels | .. | .. | .. | .. | each | 1/0 | 0/10 | SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE REPAIRS. Silver Hair Brushes— | Each | | New Bristle Brushes supplied and fitted to own silver mounts, in four qualities | .. | 15/6, 12/6, 9/6, & 7/6 | | Repairing Handles of Hair Brushes, etc. | .. | .. | .. | from | 3/6 | | Refixing backs to Brushes, etc. | .. | .. | .. | .. | | 2/3 | Silver Hand Mirrors— | | | Reglazed, bevel-edge glass | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 4/6 | | Ditto plain glass | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 2/6 | Hat and Cloth Brushes— | | New Brushes fitted to own silver mounts, in three qualities | .. | .. | 9/6, 7/6, & 5/6 | Silver-mounted Combs— | | Mounts repaired | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 1/6 | | New Combs fitted to own mounts. Real tortoiseshell | .. | ,, | 12/6 | | Ditto Imitation shell | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 3/6 | | Tail Combs fitted to own mounts. Real tortoiseshell | .. | 7/6 & 6/6 | | Ditto Imitation shell | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | Tea and Coffee Service Repairs— | Each | | New Handles to Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, or Hot Water Jugs. Ebony | 4/6 | | Ditto Boxwood stained or blacked | .. | .. | .. | .. | 4/6 | | Herculite Handles, absolutely unbreakable, cannot be distinguished from ebony | 6/9 | | Rewickering Handles | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 2/6 | | Heat Non-conductors. Ivory | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | | Ditto China | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/0 | | New Spouts to Tea and Coffee Pots, hard metal | .. | from | 9/0 | | Ditto Britannia metal | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 5/0 | | Cleansing and plating inside Tea and Coffee Pots | .. | ,, | 2/6 | Fish Eaters and Dessert Knives and Forks— | | Handles refixed | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/6 & 0/9 | | Supplying new tang and fixing | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 1/3 | Silver Spoons and Forks— | | Repaired and reshaped | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 1/3 | Shaping Silver Spoons and Forks, and burnishing as new, 6/6 per doz. | REPAIRS AND NEW PARTS TO CUTLERY. | Each | Table Knives—Rebladed, double shear steel | .. | .. | .. | 1/6 | | Ditto shear steel | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/3 | Cheese Knives—Rebladed, double shear steel | .. | .. | .. | 1/3 | | Ditto shear steel | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | Table Knives—New ivory handles to own blades including grinding, etc. | from | 2/6 | | Imitation ivory handles | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/10 | | White bone | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/8 | Cheese Knives—New ivory handles to own blades | .. | .. | from | 2/0 | | Imitation ivory handles | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/9 | | White bone | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/7 | Carving Knives—Joint, rebladed | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | | Game, rebladed | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 2/6 | | Ivory handles to own blades | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 5/6 | | Imitation ivory handles to own blades | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | | Each | Carving Forks—Joint or Game, new guards fitted | .. | .. | 1/0 | | Ditto patent | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/3 | Grinding—Table and Cheese Knives reground | .. | .. | .. | 0/4 | | Carving Knives and Cooks’ Knives reground | .. | .. | .. | 0/6 | Pocket Knives—New blades fitted | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 0/8 | Razors—Ground and set | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/6 | | New scales, black | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/10 | | Ditto ivory | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 2/0 | | Pair | Scissors—Ground | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/4 | | Ground and cleaned | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/6 | | Ground and reburnished | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | from | 0/9 | Glass Linings in Blue or Crystal Glass to Silver or Plated Salt Cellars and Mustard Pots, Jam or Butter Dishes, etc. The Silver or Plated part for which a glass lining is required should be sent, to ensure proper fit. As Mementoes and Souvenirs.—Hoofs, Horns, Tusks, Deer Slots, Otters’ Pads, etc., mounted in Silver and Electro-plate. Suitable sketches and prices submitted on application. Prices quoted above for re-plating do not include repairs. The greatest possible care is taken of all articles left for Alteration, Mounting, Re-plating or Repairs, but the Directors do not hold themselves responsible for any damage to or loss of articles for a longer period than six months, nor for any damage to Glass or China sent to have Mounts repaired or re-plated. FULL INSTRUCTIONS should accompany Goods sent to be Repaired or Re-plated. Orders for Re-plating should state Quality Required. PATTERNS OF ELECTRO-PLATE OR STERLING SILVER SPOONS AND FORKS. [171] HIGH-GRADE ELECTRO-PLATED SPOONS AND FORKS. HARRODS’ SPOONS AND FORKS are heavily plated on Superior Nickel Silver, and are produced in a factory with a Hundred Years’ Reputation for the highest standard of excellence. For Patterns, see previous page. | Rat Tail, Fiddle, Old English, Georgian, Old English and Shell. | King’s., Louis XVI. and other Fancy Patterns. | | A1 | A | A1Qualityonly. | TABLEFORKSORSPOONS | .. | .. | perdoz. | 24/0 | | 18/6 | | 30/0 | | DESSERT,,,, | .. | .. | ,, | 18/6 | | 13/6 | | 22/6 | | SOUP SPOONS (Round Bowls) | .. | .. | perdoz. | 25/0 | | 19/6 | | 31/6 | | TEASPOONS(BreakfastSize) | .. | ,, | 10/6 | | 8/0 | | 14/6 | | ,,,,(Afternoon ,, ) | .. | ,, | 8/6 | | 6/6 | | 12/6 | | EGG SPOONS, GILT BOWLS | .. | ,, | 12/6 | | 10/6 | | 15/0 | | SALT,,,,,,(Medium Size) | ,, | 12/0 | | 10/0 | | 14/6 | | MUSTARD,,,,,, ,, ,, | ,, | 12/0 | | 10/0 | | 14/6 | | GRAVY SPOONS | .. | .. | .. | each | 4/6 | | 3/6 | | 6/0 | | SOUP LADLES | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 7/0 | | 5/6 | | 9/0 | | SAUCE ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 2/3 | | 1/9 | | 2/9 | | SUGAR TONGS (Medium Size) | .. | ,, | 2/0 | | 1/6 | | 2/6 | | ,,,,(Large,, ) | .. | ,, | 2/6 | | 1/9 | | 3/0 | | ,,SIFTERS (Gilt Bowls) | .. | ,, | 2/6 | | — | | 3/0 | | ,,SPOONS | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 1/3 | | — | | 1/6 | | BUTTER KNIVES (Medium Size) | .. | ,, | 1/6 | | 1/3 | | 2/3 | | PICKLE FORKS | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 1/6 | | — | | 2/6 | | OYSTER,, | .. | .. | .. | doz. | 21/0 | | — | | 25/0 | | JAM SPOONS | .. | .. | .. | each | 1/6 | | — | | 2/0 | | SALAD SERVERS | .. | .. | .. | pair | 10/6 | | — | | 12/6 | | ASPARAGUS SERVING TONGS | .. | each | 10/6 | | 8/6 | | 12/6 | | ,,EATING ,, | .. | ,, | 2/6 | | — | | 3/6 | | CHEESE SCOOPS | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 2/6 | | — | | 3/6 | | MARROW,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 2/6 | | — | | 3/6 | | CADDY ,, | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 1/3 | | — | | 2/0 | | HALL-MARKED STERLING SILVER SPOONS AND FORKS. For Patterns, see previous page. | Old English, Rat Tail, or Fiddle Pattern. | | King’s. Louis XVI. and other Fancy Patterns. | 12TABLEFORKS | .. | .. | .. | 30oz. | £5 2 6 | | 40oz. | £7 0 0 | 12 ,, SPOONS | .. | .. | .. | 30 ,, | 5 2 6 | | 40,, | 7 0 0 | 12 DESSERT FORKS | .. | .. | 20,, | 3100 | | 25 ,, | 4139 | 12 ,, SPOONS | .. | .. | 20,, | 3100 | | 25 ,, | 4139 | 12 SOUP ,, (Round Bowls) | 26,, | 4 11 6 | | 34,, | 6 3 6 | 12 TEA,, | .. | .. | 10,, | 1140 | | 14,, | 2156 | 6 EGG ,, | .. | .. | 10,, | 0172 | | 14,, | 1 5 9 | 4 SALT,, | .. | .. | ... | 0106 | | ... | 0163 | 1 MUSTARD ,, | .. | .. | ... | 0 4 0 | | ... | 0 5 9 | 1 GRAVY,, | .. | .. | 5 oz. | 0173 | | 7 oz. | 1 5 6 | 1 SOUP LADLE | .. | .. | 10,, | 1146 | | 12,, | 2 3 0 | 2 SAUCE LADLES | .. | .. | 5,, | 0189 | | 6,, | 1 4 6 | 1 SUGAR TONGS | .. | .. | ... | 0 8 6 | | ... | 0 9 9 | 1 ,, SIFTER | .. | .. | ... | 0 9 2 | | ... | 0126 | 1 CADDY SPOON | .. | .. | ... | 0 4 0 | | ... | 0 6 6 | 1 BUTTER KNIFE | .. | .. | ... | 0 8 6 | | ... | 0 9 9 | Silver Spoons and Forks are procured to special order only. These prices are approximate and subject to variation of weight and the current market price of silver. SPOONS and FORKS of good serviceable quality Electro Plate for use in NURSERY, SERVANTS’ HALL, SCHOOLS, etc. To meet a strong demand, Harrods have introduced SPOONS and FORKS for secondary use, which are composed of superior WHITE NICKEL SILVER with a pure STERLING SILVER SURFACE. These are hardened, well finished, and will wear WHITE throughout. Old English Pattern only. Table Spoons or Forks...12/0 per doz. Dessert ,,,,...9/0,, Tea Spoons......5/0,, Crests, Monograms, and Ciphers engraved on Spoons and Forks, &c. See page 168. [172] CAVENDISH AND OTHER TABLE CUTLERY OF FINEST HAND FORGED DOUBLE SHEAR STEEL. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3701. “Cavendish” Brand Cutlery. Imitation Ivory Handles: Table Knives, 22/6 per doz.; Cheese, 18/6 per doz. Joint or Game Carvers, 9/9 per pair; Steels, 3/0 each. Finest Ivory Handles: Table Knives, 50/0 per doz.; Cheese, 42/0 per doz. Joint or Game Carvers, 17/6 per pair; Steels, 6/6 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3702. “Cavendish” Brand Cutlery. Finest Ivory through Tang Handles. Table Knives, 55/0 per doz.; Cheese, 47/6 per doz. Joint or Game Carvers, 19/6 per pair; Steels, 7/6 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3703. “Cavendish” Brand Cutlery. Finest Ivory through Tang Handles. Table Knives, 60/0 per doz.; Cheese, 52/6 per doz. Joint or Game Carvers, 20/0 per pair; Steels, 7/6 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3704. “Cavendish” Brand Cutlery. Finest Ivory through Tang Handles. Table Knives, 50/0 per doz.; Cheese, 42/0 per doz. Joint or Game Carvers, 18/6 per pair; Steels, 6/6 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3705. New exclusive shape. Finest Ivory Handles. Table Knives, 45/0 per doz.; Cheese, 35/0 per doz. Joint or Game Carvers, 15/0 per pair; Steels, 5/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3706. Electro-plated “Pistol” Handles. Steel. Hard Soldered. Table Knives, 31/6 per doz.; Cheese, 27/0 per doz. Joint or Game Carvers, 10/0 per pair; Steels, 3/6 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3707. “Thread” Pattern. Electro-plated Handles. Hard Soldered. Table Knives, 28/6 per doz.; Cheese, 24/0 per doz.; Carvers, 9/6 per pair; Steels, 3/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3708. “Thread and Shell” Pattern. Electro-plated Handles. Hard Soldered. Table Knives, 28/6 per doz.; Cheese, 24/0 per doz.; Carvers, 9/6 per pair; Steels, 3/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3709. “King’s” Pattern. Electro-plated Handles. Hard Soldered. Table Knives, 28/6 per doz.; Cheese, 24/0 per doz.; Carvers, 9/6 per pair; Steels, 3/0 each. (To Order.)—Sterling Silver Handled Cutlery, Hard Soldered, any of the foregoing patterns, Table Knives, £5 per doz. Cheese Knives, £3 10 0 per doz.; Carvers, £1 6 0 per pair; Steels, 10/6 each. [173] TABLE CUTLERY. HAND FORGED DOUBLE SHEAR STEEL BLADES, BEST SHEFFIELD MANUFACTURE. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3710. Small Size, Imitation Ivory, Fast Handle. Table Knives, 12/6 per doz.; Cheese, 10/6 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 5/0 per pair, Steels, 2/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3711. Full Size, Imitation Ivory Handle. The nearest possible approach to Ivory. Table Knives, 15/0 per doz.; Cheese, 12/6 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 5/0 per pair. Steels, 2/0 each HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3712. Full Size, Imitation Ivory Handle, warranted fast. The nearest possible approach to Ivory. Table Knives, 16/6 per doz.; Cheese, 13/0 per doz. Joint or Game Carvers, 6/0 per pair. Steels, 2/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3713. Imitation Ivory Handles, Best Steel Blades. Table Knives, 20/0 per doz.; Cheese. 15/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 6/0 per pair; Steels, 2/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3714. Medium Size. Imitation Ivory Handles, warranted fast. Superior Finish. The nearest possible approach to Ivory. Thoroughly reliable quality. Table Knives, 20/0 per doz.; Cheese, 16/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 6/6 per pair. Steels, 2/6 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3715. Small Size, Ivory Handles. Table Knives, 24/0 doz.; Cheese, 18/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 9/0 per pair. Steels, 2/9 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3716. Medium Size, Selected Ivory Handles, through Tang. Table Knives, 27/6 per doz.; Cheese, 21/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 10/6 per pair Steels, 3/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3717. Full size, extra strong, Selected Ivory Handles, Edge Pinned. Table Knives. 30/0 per doz.; Cheese, 25/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 10/6 per pair Steels, 3/6 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3718. Medium Size Selected Ivory Handles, through Tang. Table Knives, 32/6 per doz.; Cheese, 26/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 12/0 per pair Steels, 3/6 each. Special attention given to Repairs, Grinding. Re-blading, &c. New Blades fitted to old Ivory Handles. New Handles fitted to old Blades, at Reasonable Charges. For prices and full details see page 169. [174] HAND FORGED, DOUBLE SHEAR STEEL BLADES, BEST SHEFFIELD MANUFACTURE. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3719. Medium size, Selected Ivory Handles, through Tang. Table Knives, 35/0 per doz.; Cheese, 27/6 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 12/6 per pair; Steels, 4/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3720. Selected Ivory Handles, with Flush Bolster, Edge Pinned. Table Knives, 36/0 per doz.; Cheese, 28/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 12/6 per pair; Steels, 4/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3721. Full size, extra strong, Selected Ivory Handles, with through Tang. Table Knives, 37/6 per doz.; Cheese, 30/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers 12/6 per pair; Steels, 4/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3722. Full size, Finest Ivory Handles, with solid Waterloo Shoulder and through Tang. Table Knives, 45/0 per doz.; Cheese, 36/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 13/6 per pair; Steels, 4/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3723. Finest Ivory Shaped Handle. Table Knives, 47/6 per doz.; Cheese, 38/0 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 15/0 per pair; Steels, 4/6 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3724. Finest African Ivory, with Hall-marked Silver Ferrules. Table Knives. £2 12s. 6d. per doz.: Cheese, £3 per doz.; Joint or Game Carvers, 15/0 per pair; Steels, 5/0 each. HARRODS LIMITED. BROMPTON ROAD SW No. P S 3725. Full size, Finest Ivory “Pistol” Handles, through Tang. Table Knives, £5 per doz.; Cheese, £3 17s. 6d. per doz.: Joint or Game Carvers £1 12s 6d. Steels, 11/6. No. P S 3726. Case of 1 Pair Staghorn Carvers and Steel, with Sterling Silver Mounts, 25/0. Case of 2 Pairs ditto ... 42/0 No. P S 3727. Case of 1 Pair Imitation Ivory-handled Carvers and Steel, with Sterling Silver Ferrules, 15/0 Case of 2 Pairs ditto ... ... 24/0 ,,,, 1 Pair Ivory ,, ... ... 27/6 ,,,, 2 Pairs,,,, ... ... 40/0 [175] JOINT AND GAME CARVERS IN CASES, CABINETS OF CUTLERY, Etc. CUTLERY OF FINEST HAND-FORGED DOUBLE SHEAR STEEL. No. P S 3728. The “University” Cabinet. With Aquality Electro-Plate and Ivory Cutlery, as PS3717, in Oak Cabinet, with lock and key, containing— 6 | Table Knives | 1 | Pair Carvers | 6 | Table Forks | 1 | Steel | 6 | Tea Spoons | 4 | Table Spoons | 6 | Cheese Knives | 6 | Dessert Spoons | 6 | Dessert Forks | Complete, £5 5 0 | HARRODS LONDON No. P S 3729. | 1 Pair Imitation Ivory Handled Carvers and Steel in Case | 12/6 | 2 Pairs,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, | 21/0 | 1 Pair Ivory Handled Carvers and Steel in Case... | 25/0 | 2 Pairs,, ,, ,, ,, ... | 38/6 | HARRODS BROMPTON RD S.W No. P S 3730. 1 Pair Staghorn Handled Carvers and Steel in Case............ 10/0 2 Pairs ditto ............ 15/6 HARROD’S LONDON.S.W. No. P S 3731. 1 Pair Staghorn Handled Carvers and Steel in Case............ £1 1 0 2 Pairs ditto ............ 1146 HARRODS LONDON No. P S 3732. 1 Pair of Staghorn Carvers and Steel in Case............ 15/0 2 Pairs ditto ............ 25/0 HARRODS BROMPTON RD S.W No. P S 3733. 1 Pair Sterling Silver, Mounted Staghorn Carvers and Steel in Case ......... £1 7 6 2 Pairs ditto ............... 2 2 0 HARRODS. LONDON SW No. P S 3734. 1 Pair Sterling Silver Handled Carvers and Steel in Velvet Lined Case ... £1 8 6 2 Pairs ditto............... 2 5 0 1 Pair Electro-Plated Handled Carvers and Steel in Velvet Lined Case ............... 0176 2 Pairs ditto............... 1100 No. P S 3735. 12 Oval, Imitation Ivory Handled Table and Cheese Knives, 1 Pair Meat Carvers, 1 Pair Game Carvers and 1 Steel as PS3712 in Case... 3 3 0 12 Ivory ditto ditto as PS3722 in Case ... 6 6 0 JOSEPH RODGERS & SONS’ TABLE CUTLERY PROCURED TO ORDER. PATTERNS AND PRICES SUBMITTED ON APPLICATION. [176] CANTEENS OF SPOONS, FORKS, AND CUTLERY. ESTIMATES FOR SPECIAL CANTEENS IN SILVER OR ELECTRO-PLATE FREE ON APPLICATION. No. P S 3736. Mahogany or Oak Case, containing A1 Quality Electro-plate and Cutlery of the Finest Shear Steel and Ivory Handles, as PS3722. 12 Table Knives 12 Cheese,, 1 Pair Joint Carvers 1 Pair Game,, 1 Steel 12 Table Forks 12 Dessert,, 12 Table Spoons 12 Dessert,, 12 Tea ,, 6 Egg,, 4 Salt ,, 2 Gravy ,, 1 Mustard ,, 1 Sugar,, 2 Sauce Ladles 1 Soup,, 1 Sugar Tongs 1 Butter Knife Complete ... £15 15 0 No. P S 3737. 6 Square imitation Ivory Handled Table and Cheese Knives, 1 pair carvers, and Steel, in case (as P S 3711, page 173)... 30/0 Ditto, with selected Ivory Handles (as P S 3721, page 174) ... 60/0 12 Imitation Ivory Table Knives, 12 Imitation Ivory Cheese Knives, 1 pair Joint Carvers, 1 pair Game Carvers, 1 Steel, and 1 pair Knife Rests, in case ...... ......... 63/0 Ditto, with selected Ivory Handles ......... 105/0 No. P S 3738. “OUR SPECIALTY.” Polished Oak Canteen fitted with Best Imitation Ivory Cutlery as P S 3711, and A1 Quality Electro-plated Spoons and Forks, of any of the following patterns as page 170:—Fiddle, Old English, Rat Tail, Georgian, Old English and Shell. LIST OF CONTENTS. | 12 Table Knives | | 6 Table Spoons | | 2 Salt Spoons | 12 Cheese do. | | 12 do. Forks | | 1 Mustard do. | 1 Pair Joint Carvers | | 12 Dessert Forks | | 1 Soup Ladle | 1 do. Game do. | | 12 do. Spoons | | 2 Sauce do. | 1 Steel | | 12 Tea do. | | 1 Sugar Tongs | 1 Pair Fish Carvers | | 6 Egg do. | | 1 Gravy Spoon | Price... ... ... ... ... ... ... £10 10 0 | [177] CABINETS OF PLATE AND CUTLERY. PLATE CREAM FOR CLEANING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE. PREPARED FOR HARRODS and used in their Plate Department. The Best and Safest Gold and Silver Plate Polish in the World. 9d. per Bottle. Warranted Free From Grit And Non-Mercurial. No. P S 3739. Cabinet with contents as below. Spoons and Forks in Rat Tail, Fiddle, Old English, Georgian, Old English and Shell Patterns. Cutlery of Hand Forged Double Shear Steel. PLATE CREAM FOR CLEANING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE. PREPARED FOR HARRODS and used in their Plate Department. The Best and Safest Gold and Silver Plate Polish in the World. 9d. per Bottle. Warranted Free From Grit And Non-Mercurial. | | | | A1 Quality. | A Quality. | | | | | | | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | | 12 Table Forks | ... | ... | ... | 1 4 0 | 0 18 6 | | 12 Dessert,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0186 | 0 13 6 | | 6 Table Spoons | ... | ... | ... | 0120 | 0 9 3 | | 12 Dessert,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0186 | 0 13 6 | | 12 Tea,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0106 | 0 8 0 | | 6 Egg,, | } | ... | ... | { | 0 6 3 | 0 5 3 | | 4 Salt,, | Gilt Bowls | 0 6 0 | 0 5 0 | | 1 Mustard,, | ... | ... | 0 1 0 | 0 0 10 | | 1 Pair Sugar Tongs | ... | ... | ... | 0 2 6 | 0 1 9 | | 1 Soup Ladle | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0 7 0 | 0 5 6 | | | | | | | | A1 Quality. | | A Quality. | | | | | | | | £ s. d. | | £ s. d. | | 2 Sauce Ladles | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0 4 6 | | 0 3 6 | | 2 Gravy Spoons | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0 9 0 | | 0 7 0 | | 1 Butter Knife | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0 1 6 | | 0 1 3 | | 12 Table Knives, Ivory, as P S 3721 and 3718 | 1176 | | 1 12 6 | | 12 Dessert,, | ,, | | ,, | | ,, | 1100 | | 1 6 0 | | 1 Pair Meat Carvers ,, | | ,, | | ,, | 0126 | | 0 12 0 | | 1 Pair Game,, | ,, | | ,, | | ,, | 0126 | | 0 12 0 | | 1 Table Steel | ,, | | ,, | | ,, | 0 4 0 | | 0 3 6 | | Mahogany or Oak Case | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3 0 0 | | 2 15 0 | | | | | | | | £13 17 9 | | £11 13 10 | Can be made up with any number of Pieces to suit Customer’s own requirements. No. P S 3740. Mahogany or Oak Case, containing:—A1 Quality Electro-plate (Old English Pattern), and No. PS3717. Ivory Cutlery as follows— 24 Table Knives. | 12 Dessert,, | 1 Pair Joint Carvers. | 1 Pair Game ,, | 1 Steel. | 24 Table Forks. | 12 Dessert,, | 8 Table Spoons. | 12 Soup Spoons. | 12 Dessert,, | 12 Tea,, | 6 Egg,, | 4 Salt Spoons. | 2 Gravy,, | 1 Mustard,, | | 2 Sauce Ladles. | 1 Soup,, | Sugar Tongs. | 1 Butter Knife. | Complete ...... ......£20 0 0 Cabinets of Spoons, Forks and Cutlery filled with any patterns on pages 170 to 174 ( to order). [178] FISH KNIVES AND FORKS. No. P S 3741. | Engraved | | | Plain | 6 | Pairs | Sterling | Silver | Fish Knives | and Forks, | Fitted in | Polished | Oak Case | (to order) | ... | £5 17 6 | | | £5 12 6 | 12 | Pairs | Sterling | Silver | Fish Knives | and Forks, | Fitted in | Polished | Oak Case | (to order) | ... | 11110 | | | 11 0 0 | 6 | Pairs | Electro-plated | Fish Knives | and Forks, | Fitted in | Polished | Oak Case | ... | ... | 1126 | | | 1 8 6 | 12 | Pairs | Electro-plated | Fish Knives | and Forks, | Fitted in | Polished | Oak Case | ... | ... | 3 3 0 | | | 2150 | DESSERT KNIVES AND FORKS. No. P S 3760. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and Selected Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £4 7 6 12 Pairs Ditto, £8 10 0 6 Pairs, with Electro-Plated Ditto ... ... £2 15 0 12 Pairs Ditto ... ... £5 5 0 No. P S 3761. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and Selected Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £4 5 6 12 Pairs Ditto, £8 8 0 6 Pairs, with Electro-Plated Ditto ... ... £2 0 0 12 Pairs Ditto ... ... £3 18 6 No. P S 3762. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and Selected Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £4 10 0 12 Pairs Ditto, £8 15 0 6 Pairs, with Electro-Plated Ditto ... ... £2 5 0 12 Pairs Ditto ... ... £4 7 6 No. P S 3763. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and selected Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £3 17 6 12 Pairs Ditto, £7 10 0 6 Pairs, with Electro-plated Ditto ... ... £2 2 0 12 Pairs Ditto ... ... £3 19 6 No. P S 3764. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £4 4 0 12 Pairs Ditto, £7 18 6 6 Pairs, with Electro-Plated Ditto ... ... £1 15 0 12 Pairs Ditto ... ... £3 8 6 No. P S 3765. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £3 7 6 12 Pairs Ditto, £6 10 0 6 Pairs, with Electro-plated Ditto ... ... £1 13 0 12 pairs Ditto ... ... £3 3 0 No. P S 3766. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and Selected Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £4 7 6 12 Pairs Ditto, £8 10 0 6 Pairs, with Electro-plated Ditto ... ... £2 5 0 12 Pairs Ditto ... ... £4 7 6 No. P S 3767. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £5 0 0 12 Pairs Ditto, £9 15 0 6 Pairs, with Electro-plated Ditto ... ... £2 12 6 12 Pairs Ditto ... ... £5 0 0 No. P S 3768. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £3 15 0 12 Pairs Ditto, £7 7 0 6 Pairs, with Electro-plated Ditto ... ... £2 3 6 12 Pairs Ditto ... ... £4 4 0 No. P S 3769. 6 Pairs, with Sterling Silver Blades and Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £4 5 0 12 Pairs Ditto, £8 8 0 6 Pairs, with Electro-plated Ditto ... ... £2 2 0 12 Pairs Ditto ... ... £3 19 6 [181] FISH AND DESSERT KNIVES AND FORKS IN CASES. No. P S 3770. 12 Pairs Dessert Knives and Forks, with Sterling Silver Blades and Mother-o’-Pearl Handles. In Polished Oak Case, £7 10 0 6Pairs ditto, £3 17 6 12Pairs ditto, with Electro-plated Blades and Mother-o’-Pearl Handles, £3 17 6 6Pairs ditto £2 2 0 No. P S 3771. 6 Pairs Fish Knives and Forks and 1 Pair Carvers, with Electro plated Blades and Selected Ivory Handles. In Polished Walnut Case, £5 0 0 Exclusive design. Registered No. 590912. New Dainty Size Fish Knives and Forks, with cleverly modelled handles. 6 pairs Knives and Forks, 1 pair Servers, in case. Silver, £4 0 0 Electro-plate, £1 15 0 Single pairs as under— Knives and Forks, Silver 10/0 pair. Ditto, Electro-plate ... 3/6 ,, Servers, Silver ...... 12/6 ,, Ditto, Electro-plate ... 4/0 ,, These Fish Knives and Forks are specially suitable for eating light Fish, such as Whitebait, Anchovies, Sardines or Hors d’Œuvres of any kind. Length of Knives and Forks, 5¾in. Length of Servers, 6?in. No. P S 3773. 6 Pairs Best Electro-plated Chased “Louis XIV.” Fish Knives and Forks. Fitted in best polished Case, 32/6 12 pairs Ditto, in case, 63/0 No. P S 3774. 12 Pairs Sterling Silver Dessert Knives and Forks, with Inlaid Green Ivory Handles. In polished Walnut Case ... ... £14 15 0 Ditto, with Inlaid Mother-o’-Pearl Handles, Richly Gilt ... ... 21 0 0 Ditto, with Inlaid Mother-o’-Pearl Handles, not Gilt ( To order) 15150 Ditto, with Inlaid Green Ivory Handles, Richly Gilt ( To order) 20 0 0 [182] FISH CARVERS IN CASES. No. P S 3775. Pair Electro-plated Fish Carvers, Beautifully Pierced and Engraved Blades. Fine African Ivory Handles, fitted in Velvet Lined Case, 22/6 Ditto in Silver, 55/0 No. P S 3776. Pair Sterling Silver Fish Carvers in Case, Engraved and Pierced Blades, 84/0. Pair Electro-plated ditto, 30/0 HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 3777. Pair Sterling Silver Fish Carvers in Case, 70/0 Ditto Electro-plated, 19/6 HARRODS LONDON.S.W No. P S 3778. Pair Fish Carvers with Sterling Silver Engraved Blades and Ivory Handles, 45/0 Ditto with Electro-plated Blades, 23/6 HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 3779. Pair Fish Carvers with Sterling Silver Blades and Ivory Handles, 56/6 Ditto with Electro-plated Blades, 24/6 HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 3780. Pair Fish Carvers with Electro-plated Blades and Imitation Ivory Handles, 10/6 HARRODS LONDON.S.W No. P S 3781. Pair Fish Carvers with Sterling Silver Blades and Ivory Handles, 52/6 Ditto with Electro-plated Blades, 25/0 HARRODS LONDON.S.W No. P S 3782. Pair Electro-plated Fish Carvers in Case, 16/6 Above may be had in Old English or Rat Tail Patterns at same prices. King’s Pattern (see page 178), 18/6 [183] POCKET FRUIT KNIVES, PICNIC COMBINATION KNIVES, Etc. ALL ILLUSTRATIONS ON THIS PAGE ARE ACTUAL SIZE OF ARTICLES. No. P S 3791. Pocket Fruit Knife with Sterling Silver Blade and Mother-of-Pearl Handle, 9/6 No. P S 3783. Pocket Fruit Knife with Sterling Silver Blade and Mother-of-Pearl Handle, 3/6 No. P S 3784. Pocket Fruit Knife with Sterling Silver Blade and Mother-of-Pearl Handle, 3/6 No. P S 3785. Pocket Fruit Knife with Sterling Silver Blade and Mother-of-Pearl Handle, 5/0 No. P S 3786. Pocket Fruit Knife with Sterling Silver Blade and Mother-of-Pearl Handle, 6/0 No. P S 3787. Pocket Fruit Knife with Sterling Silver Blade and Mother-of-Pearl Handle, 6/9 No. P S 3788. Pocket Fruit Knife with Sterling Silver Blade and Mother-of-Pearl Handle, 7/6 No. P S 3792. Pocket Fruit Knife with Sterling Silver Blade and Mother-of-Pearl Handle, 7/6 Knife (open) actual size. Knife and Fork when closed are locked together with pins, and only occupy space indicated by illustration which is actual size. Fork (open) actual size. No. P S 3789. Useful Combination Knife and Fork for Travelling, Picnics, &c., compact and portable, occupies very little space when closed (see centre illustration), Sterling Silver, 12/6 Illustration actual size. No. P S 3790. Sterling Silver Pocket Combination Knife and Spoon, 12/6. Invaluable for travelling and picnics. [184] POCKET AND HUNTING KNIVES. L.C.C. No. P S 3793. Chiropodist’s Knife. Finest Razor Steel. Wood Handle. 2/0 each. No. P S 3794. Flat Nickel Silver 2 Bladed Knife, 3 in. ... ... 1/6 ,,,,,, ,, 3¼ ,, ...... 1/9 ,, ,,,, ,, 3 ,, with Shackle, 2/0 ,,,,,, ,, 3¼ ,, ,,,, 2/3 No. P S 3795. Lady’s Knife, two Blades. Ivory, 1/9; Pearl, 2/6 No. P S 3796. Flat Nickel Silver 3 Bladed Knife, 3in., with Shackle, 2/9 No. P S 3797. Best Oval, very thin 2 Bladed Nickel Silver Knife, 3¼in., 1/3 Best Oval 2 Bladed Nickel Silver Knife. 1/0 No. P S 3798. The “Open Easy” Knife. Can be opened with gloved hand by turning ring at the side. With Nickel Silver Scales, 1/6. Sterling Silver, 5/9 No. P S 3799. Finest 1/0 Knife made. Ivory or Stag sides. No. P S 3801. Stag Three Bladed Knife, 3½in., 2/3 HARRODS BROMPTON RD SW No. P S 3800. Fine Steel Spring Back Bowie Knife, with Chequered Horn Handle, Blade 7½in. long, 12 in. long open, 9½in. long when closed, in Leather Sheath, 16/6 each. Bowie and Dagger Knives kept in stock with Guards, 5in.,5/3; 6in.,6/6; 7in.,7/6; 8in.,9/6. Prices include stout Leather Sheaths. No. P S 3802. Ivory or Stag 2 Bladed Knife, 3¼in. 2/0 Pearl 2 Bladed Knife, 3¼in. ... 3/0 Ivory or Stag 3 Bladed Knife, 3¼in. 2/6 Pearl 3 Bladed Knife, 3¼in. ... 3/6 No. P S 3803. Ivory or Stag. Strong, fine quality 3 Bladed Knife, 4in., 3/9 CORN KNIFE No. P S 3804. Ivory Corn Knife, 3¼in., 1/0 Ivory Corn Knife with Thumb Rest. 3¼in. Best quality, 1/6 No. P S 3805. Lady’s Ivory Toilet Knife, Richly Decorated, Gilt Back, 2 Blades, Glove, Button Hook and Scissors, 2in., 6/6; Do. 2¼in., 7/6; Pearl Do. 2in., 7/6; Do. 2¼in. 8/6 No. P S 3806. Ivory or Stag 2 Bladed Knife, 3¼in. 2/0 Pearl 2 Bladed Knife, 3¼in. ... 3/0 Ivory or Stag 3 Bladed Knife, 3¼in. 2/6 Pearl 3 Bladed Knife, 3¼in. ... 3/6 No. P S 3807. Ivory or Stag 2 Bladed Pocket Knife. 3¾in. 1/9 No. P S 3808. The “Stymie” Knife. Fitted with collapsible 6in. measure and 2 Best quality Steel Blades. Sterling Silver, 7/6 Nickel, 1/3 An ideal Golfer’s Knife. No. P S 3809. Ivory, finest quality, thin 3 Bladed Knife, 3in.4/6 3¼,,5/0; 3½,,5/6; Pearl Do.,3,,6/6; 3¼,,7/6; 3½,,8/0 [185] SPORTSMEN’S KNIVES. HARRODS ARE FAMOUS FOR TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY. No. P S 3810. Shooting Knife, Nickel Scales. 8/6 No. P S 3811. Angler’s Knife, Containing Blade, Scissors, and Disgorger. 5/6 “THE SCOUT” KNIFE. No. P S 3812. Useful Sports Knife, comprising 8 Implements and chain complete. Length, 3½in. 2/6 No. P S 3813. Shooting Knife, Platinoid Scales. 6/0 No. P S 3814. Sports Knife, Nickel-silver scales. 8/6 No. P S 3815. Scissors Knife, Length, 3¼in., Ivory, 4/3; Pearl, 5/0 No. P S 3816. Pocket Knife, with 9 Implements and strong Horn Handle, Length 3½in., 4/6 No. P S 3817. Sports Knife, Nickel Scales. 9/0 No. P S 3818. Sports Knife, containing 8 Implements. 9/9 The “Park.” No. P S 3819. Useful Sports Knife. 7 Instruments. 9/9 THE “WYNDHAM” No. P S 3820. Very Strong. Finest Steel. 7 Instruments. 14/6 Chain, 0/10 extra. No. P S 3821. Angler’s Knife. Nickel Scales. 18/6 [186] POCKET KNIVES. No. P S 3822. Flat 2-bladed Knife, finest quality, large blade full length, 3½in.; Pearl, 7/6; Ivory, 5/0; Stag 4/6 No. P S 3823. Exclusive Model Pocket Knife. (Registered No. 591781.) Length 2¾ 3 3¼in. Pearl or Tortoiseshell ...6/0 7/0 8/0 Ivory ...... ... 5/0 6/0 7/0 No. P S 3824. Ivory or Stag 2-bladed Knife, length 3½in., 1/0 No. P S 3825. Ivory or Stag 3-bladed Knife, with Nickel Silver caps, length 3¼in.,2/0; Ditto, length 3½in.,2/3; Pearl ditto, length 3¼in.,3/9; 3½in.,4/0 No. P S 3826. Smoker’s Knife, comprising two blades, button hook, cigar probe and fork, and manicure file, length 3¼in., Ivory 6/6; Pearl, 7/6 No. P S 3827. Smoker’s Knife, comprising two blades, glove hook, cigar fork and piercer, manicure file, and pipe stopper. Ivory, 7/6; ditto, without stopper, 6/0 No. P S 3828. Combination Smoker’s Companion, finest quality, comprising cigar cutter and pipe stopper, cigar probe and fork, button hook, three blades including manicure blades, Pearl, length 3¼in., 16/0; Ivory, 13/6 No. P S 3829. Strong Combination Knife, comprising two blades, button hook, file, screwdriver, long cigar probe, and corkscrew, length 3½in., Ivory or Stag, 9/0 No. P S 3830. Richly decorated Pearl Knife comprising three blades, button hook, and large pair of scissors, length 3?in., 16/0; Ivory ditto, 14/0 No. P S 3831. Useful combination Sportsman’s Knife, in Chequered Horn, Ivory, or Stag, comprising two blades, button hook, large pair scissors, tin opener, screwdriver, leather punch, cartridge extractor, corkscrew, picker, and tweezers, length 3½in., with chain and shackle, 13/6 No. P S 3832. Pearl Knife, richly decorated, comprising two blades, scissors, button hook, cigar piercer and fork, manicure file, length 3¼in., 15/0; Ivory ditto, 12/6 No. P S 3833. Sportsman’s Knife, with large blade and tin opener (locked when open) small blade and scissors, leather punch, gimlet, corkscrew, screwdriver, picker, and tweezers, Chequered Horn, length 6in., 30/0, with chain and shackle. No. P S 3834. Sportsman’s Knife, comprising two blades, saw, corkscrew, screwdriver, and hook, gimlet, picker, and tweezers, with chain and shackle, length 4¾in., Stag, Chequered Horn, or Plain Ivory, 21/0 [187] HARRODS’ RAZORS HAVE ESTABLISHED A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION, AND STAND UNEQUALLED FOR QUALITY. Being manufactured of highly-tempered Sheffield Steel and Hollow Ground by expert workmen, they will retain a sharp, keen edge, and are guaranteed to give the utmost satisfaction. The Celebrated HOLLOW GROUND RAZOR SET READY FOR USE HARRODS BROMPTON RD SW No. P S 3835. Fine quality Razor, medium hollow ground, with ¾ in. or ? in. blade. Black ... ... 2/0 Ivory ... ... 3/6 The Celebrated HOLLOW GROUND RAZOR SET READY FOR USE HARRODS BROMPTON RD SW No. P S 3836. Fine quality Razor, extra hollow ground, with ? in. or ¾ in. blades. Black ... ... 3/6 Ivory ... ... 5/0 In case. FOR RAZOR STROPS. See pages 188-9. The Celebrated HOLLOW GROUND RAZOR SET READY FOR USE HARRODS BROMPTON RD SW No. P S 3837. Extra quality Razor, full hollow ground, with ¾ in. or ? in. blade. Black ... ... 4/6 Ivory ... ... 6/6 Celestia No. P S 3838. The “Celestia” Razor, chased and nickel-plated back and tang, with ? in. or ¾ in. blades. Black ... ... 4/6 Ivory ... ... 6/6 In best cases. C CRYSTAL CHAMPION & Cº SHEFFIELD Rd Nº 402239 No. P S 3839. The “Crystal” Razor, with hammered back and tang. Black ... ... 4/9 Ivory ... ... 6/9 Harrods Treble Extra Steel HARRODS BROMPTON RD No. P S 3840. Harrod’s Treble Extra Steel Razor. The finest possible quality obtainable, with ? in. or ¾ in. blades, in special quality Russia leather cases. Black ... ... 7/3 Ivory ... ... 9/6 FOR CASES OF RAZORS. See page 188. “KEEN as is this razors edge invisible” No. P S 3841. The Famous “Keen” Razor. No. F 0. No. F 1. No. F 2. Black ... ... ... ... ... 2/3 3/9 4/6 Ivory ... ... ... ... ... 3/6 5/0 6/6 Sword Steel Midget No. P S 3842. Sword Steel, small size, “Midget.” Black Handled Razor ... ... 2/6 [188] SAFETY RAZORS, SETS, ETC. AutoStrop safety RazoR No. P S 3843. The “Auto-Strop” Safety Razor, complete in Case with Strop and 12 blades. Can be cleaned or Stropped without removing blade. 21/0. Extra Blades 2/0 per packet No. P S 3844. Plain Sterling Silver-mounted Razor Strop, 23/6; chased ditto, 27/6 Harrods Ltd LONDON SW HARRODS TREBLE EXTRA STEEL HARRODS BROMPTON SW Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday No. P S 3845. Set of 7-Day Black Razors, finest possible quality, with ? in. or ¾ in. Blades, fitted in pigskin or real Russian leather cases, £3; set of 7 Ivory ditto, £3 17/6; set of 4 Black ditto, £1 15/0; set of 4 Ivory ditto, £2 5/0 Harrods Ltd Celestia No. P S 3846. Case of 2 Ivory “Celestia” Razors, chased nickel plated back and tang, with ? in. or ¾ in. Blades, 18/6; case of 2 Black Handled do., 12/6 WILKINSON’S PATENT No. P S 3847. The “Gilledge” Stropping Machine for Gillette Razor Blades. Imparts a keen edge with little trouble. Price, 6/6 CHAMPION & Cº “CRYSTAL” RAZOR SHEFFIELD CRYSTAL No. P S 3848. 2 Black Handled Razors in case, 14/6 Ivory Scales, 18/6 Wilkinson PALLMALL LONDON No. P S 3849. Leather and Canvas Razor Strop, to hang up, 1/0, 1/9, 2/6, 3/6 Ever-Ready Safety Razor ONE TESTED Ever Ready SAFETY BLADE 12 Bladed Set Complete “Ever-Ready” MADE IN ENGLAND No. P S 3850. The “Ever Ready” Safety Razor in Case, with 12 Blades and Holder for Stropping, very compact, 5/0. The “Ever Ready” is the best that can be produced at a very moderate price, and is thoroughly reliable as to quality of steel and finish. No. P S 3851. The “Imperial” Stropper for double edge wafer blades. By the double action of this machine the 4 edges of the blade are stropped diagonally and simultaneously. Directions given with each machine, 10/6 [189] SAFETY RAZORS, STROPPING MACHINES, ETC. WILKINSON W PALL MALL No. P S 3852. The “New Wilkinson” Self-adjusting Safety Razor, complete in case with 12 “Wafer” Steel Blades, 21/0. The blades of this Razor are made of Wilkinson’s fine quality steel. The edges are hollow ground, and ensure a close, clean shave. Right pointing hand No. P S 3853. The “Wilkinson” Patent Stropping Machine. Directions for Use.—Hook the Machine to any convenient object. Open Stropper as wide as possible to keep the Strop free from the clip. Insert the Blade in the clip and pull the Strop to and fro a few times. Stropping is an operation difficult to perform, as most shavers well know, and many devices have from time to time been introduced to render Stropping easy, but all these instruments have the great disadvantage that, although they in some measure sharpen a blade when first used, they soon leave a very undesirable blunt edge, because they are not capable of Stropping at the correct angle. The Wilkinson Machine, as can be readily seen, overcomes this, and is recognised as the only Perfect Machine for Stropping Razors, giving precisely the same result as the highly skilled hairdresser. Price, 12/0 GILLETTE SHAVING SOAP Gillette TRADE Gillette MARK KNOWN THE WORLD OVER No. P S 3854. The Gillette Safety Razor Combination Set. Triple Silver-plated. 12 Blades. Good quality Badger Hair Lather Brush and a Stick of Shaving Soap in Silver-plated Holder. Always keen and ready for use. Price, complete, 30/0 27/- also smaller set in square case 25/- The “KEEN” strop registered REAL CALF No. P S 3855. The “Keen” Razor Strop. 2/3, 3/3, 4/6 GILLETTE BLADE TRADE Gillette MARK KNOWN THE WORLD OVER No. P S 3856. (Half Size). The Gillette Safety Razor. Perfectly simple to manipulate, and perfectly safe and comfortable to use; is self-adjusting, shaves quickly, clean and close. The blades are as thin as paper, double-edged, and as tough and flexible as whalebone, and each is good for 15 to 30 shaves, after which the blade is renewed. No stropping or honing required. Always ready and always keen. Price in case, as shown, with 12 blades, 21/0. Extra blades 2/6 per packet of 10. Ditto, Special quality, 4/0 per packet of 12. [190] CUTTING-OUT SCISSORS AND SHEARS. BEST SHEFFIELD MAKE. SCISSORS, Etc. HIGH-GRADE CUTLERY. No. P S 3864. Drapers’ Scissors, 1/0, 1/3, 1/6 No. P S 3865. Button Hole Scissors, with regulating screw, 1/3, without screw, 1/0 Open. No. P S 3866. Folding Nail Scissors, in neat case for the pocket, 1/0, 1/6 Finest Sheffield Make, 3/6 No. P S 3867. Embroidery Scissors (Hammered). Length 3¾in., 2/6 No. P S 3868. Flower Scissors, 2/3, 3/0, 3/6 No. P S 3869. Vine Scissors. 2/0, 2/6, 3/0 No. P S 3870. Lamp Scissors. 1/3. 2/0 No. P S 3871. The “Stork” Embroidery Scissors, 1/3 No. P S 3872. Embroidery Scissors. 1/0 and 1/6 No. P S 3873. Manicure Scissors (curved). Length 4¾in., 3/6 No. P S 3874. “Gem” Nail Scissors with Sheath, 1/8 No. P S 3875. Scissors in Leather and Velvet lined cases, 3 pairs Scissors in case, 5/6, 4 ditto 7/6, 3 best quality ditto 7/6, 4 ditto 10/6 Warranted Sheffield Cutlery. Other Fancy Scissors in cases from 12/6 to 21/0 No. P S 3876. Nail Scissors, 2/6 and 3/0 No. P S 3877. Nail Scissors, 2/3 No. P S 3878. Nail Scissors, 1/0, 1/3, 1/6 No. P S 3879. Gent’s Dressing Companion, containing 2 pairs Scissors, Corn Knife, Button Hook, Nail File, and Tweezers, in best Morocco Envelope case, 10/6 No. P S 3880. Gent’s 5-piece Toilet Set of Fine Cutlery in Velvet lined case. Black Scales and Hollow Ground “Keen” Razors... ... ... ...15/0 Ditto, Medium ditto... ... ... 18/6 ,,Full,,... ... ... 20/0 Ivory Scales to Razors ... 22/6 and 27/6 No. P S 3881. The New “Envelope” Scissors Case, best Sheffield Cutlery. Containing 3 pairs, 10/6 4 pairs 12/9, 5 pairs 15/6 [192] FLASKS, SANDWICH CASES, Etc. No. P S 3882. | Without Cup. | With Cup. | Electro Plate and Glass Hunting Flask in Butt Leather Holster, 8in. | ... | 15/0 | 19/6 | Ditto 9in. | ... | 16/0 | 21/0 | Ditto 10in. | ... | 18/0 | 22/6 | Silver Mounted ditto 8in. | ... | 22/6 | 37/6 | ,,,,,,9in. | ... | 25/0 | 40/0 | ,,,,,,10in. | ... | 27/6 | 45/0 | All Silver ditto,... 8in. | ... | 47/6 | 58/6 | ,,,,,,... 9in. | ... | 52/6 | 65/0 | ,,,,,,...10in. | ... | 59/6 | 80/0 | ( Made to order. Samples submitted.) No. P S 3883. Sterling Silver Round Flat Flask. Diameter 2¾in. 21/0 No. P S 3884. | Electro-plated Nickel Silver Glass Lined Concave Flask | | withCup, | ? | pint | ... | 18/6 | Ditto | ¼ | ,, | ... | 21/0 | Ditto | ½ | ,, | ... | 25/0 | Silver ditto, | ? | ,, | ... | 37/6 | Ditto | ¼ | ,, | ... | 50/0 | Ditto | ½ | ,, | ... | 63/0 | No. P S 3885. | Sterling Silver Flask for Waistcoat Pocket, Concave, | | long hinge, | ? | pint | 30/0 | Ditto | ¼ | ,, | 40/0 | Ditto | ? | ,, | 50/0 | Ditto | ½ | ,, | 60/0 | No. P S 3886. No. P S 3887. The Autotherm Vacuum Bottle. For Hot or Cold Beverages. Will keep liquid Hot 24 hours, whilst Cool drinks can be kept many days at the same temperature. No.PS3886 or PS3887. Reputed Pint size, all Electro-plated, 25/0, or Electro-plated and Leather covered, 25/0. Reputed Quart, 36/0 No. P S 3888. Electro-Plated Nickel Silver Sandwich Case in Stout Leather Holster. 5in. × 3in.... £1 5 0 4in. × 3¼in. ... £1 10 0 Flasks are quoted Imperial Measure. No. P S 3889. | Flask, covered Pigskin, with Electro-Plated Britannia Metal Cup and Screw Cap, | | Gilt inside, | ? | pint | ... | 6/6 | Ditto | ¼ | ,, | ... | 7/6 | Ditto | ½ | ,, | ... | 8/6 | No. P S 3890. | Electro-plated Nickel Silver, Glass lined, Oval Concave | | Flask,coveredLizard, | ? | pt. | 15/0 | Ditto | ... | ... | ... | ¼ | ,, | 17/6 | Ditto | ... | ... | ... | ? | ,, | 20/0 | Sterling Silver do. | ? | ,, | 28/6 | Ditto | ... | ... | ... | ¼ | ,, | 33/6 | Ditto | ... | ... | ... | ? | ,, | 40/0 | No. P S 3891. | Electro-plated Sandwich Box, with double hinged back. | 4½in. × 3¼in. | ... | ... | 10/6 | 5in. × 3½in. | ... | ... | 12/6 | 5½in. × 3?in. | ... | ... | 14/6 | No. P S 3892. | Sterling Silver | Flask, | ?pt. | ... | £1 5 0 | Ditto | ¼ ,, | ... | 1126 | Ditto | ½ ,, | ... | 2 2 0 | No. P S 3893. | Flask, covered Morocco, with Electro-plated Britannia Metal Cup and | ScrewCap, | ¼pint | ... | 7/6 | Ditto | ? ,, | ... | 10/0 | Ditto | ½ ,, | ... | 12/6 | No. P S 3894. | Sterling Silver Flask with Cup, | Concave, | ?pint | ... | £2 5 0 | Ditto | ¼ ,, | ... | 2150 | Ditto | ½ ,, | ... | 3100 | No. P S 3895. | Electro-plated Nickel Silver Glass Lined Concave Flask, covered Golden | Crocodile, | ?pint | ... | 16/0 | Ditto | ¼ ,, | ... | 18/6 | Ditto | ½ ,, | ... | 22/6 | Sterling Silver Mounted | Ditto | ? pint | ... | 31/6 | Ditto | ¼ ,, | ... | 38/6 | Ditto | ½ ,, | ... | 52/6 | No. P S 3896. | Best Electro-plated Nickel Silver Flask, covered Pigskin, with Cup and | BayonetCap, | ?pint | ... | 15/0 | Ditto | ¼ ,, | ... | 17/6 | Ditto | ½ ,, | ... | 20/0 | Ditto, with Sterling Silver Cup | and Cap, | ? pint | ... | 30/0 | Ditto | ¼ ,, | ... | 37/6 | Ditto | ½ ,, | ... | 50/0 | [193] GENTS.’ HAIR BRUSHES, SHAVING REQUISITES, Etc. No. P S 3897. Sterling Silver Plain Travelling Soap Box, 3½in. × 2½in., 25/0 No. P S 3898. Sterling Silver Hair Brush, engine turned, 28/6 No. P S 3899. Sterling Silver Soap Box, size 3?in. × 2?in., chased, 35/0; plain, 30/0 No. P S 3900. Sterling Silver Hair Brush Convex, 5in. × 3¼in., 15/0 No. P S 3901. Sterling Silver Hair Brush. Concave length 5¼in., 24/0 Convex, length 5½in., 22/6 No. P S 3902. Sterling Silver Hair Brush. Concave, 5in. × 3½in., 16/0 Do., special quality, 25/0 No. P S 3903. Sterling Silver Hair Brush, finest quality bristles, engine turned, £1 5/0 No. P S 3904. Sterling Silver Concave Hair Brush, wave hammered, full size, 24/0 Do., smaller size, 21/0 No. P S 3905. Sterling Silver Soap Bowl, diam. 3¼in., 13/6 Sterling Silver Mounted Shaving Brush, length 4in., 7/6 Set 21/0 No. P S 3906. Gent’s Sterling Silver Manicure Set, engine turned, in Pigskin case, 25/0. Plain, 21/0 No. P S 3907. Sterling Silver Plain Shaving Pot, gilt inside, 55/0 Brush, extra, 16/6 No. P S 3908. Plain Sterling Silver Collapsible Shaving Brush, 21/6, 26/6 No. P S 3909. Sterling Silver-mounted Shaving Jar, with hinged lid and clip for brush, diam. of jar 3?in., 35/6; plain Sterling Silver Brush, 16/6 extra. No. P S 3910. Closed. Sterling Silver Travelling Shaving Lamp, complete with silver-mounted bottle for extra spirit, 6¾in. high, open; 5in. high, closed, 65/0 No. P S 3911. Sterling Silver Case for Shaving Soap, 3?in. × 1?in., 13/6 [194] STERLING SILVER TOILET SERVICES. No. P S 3912. Plain “Convex” Hair Brush. Length 10in., 20/0 Ditto, 9in., 15/0 No. P S 3914. Plain Sterling Silver Mounted Horn Comb. Length 7½in., 6/6 No. P S 3915. Plain Convex Hand Mirror. Length 10?in., 30/0 Plain Round Convex ditto, 10¼in., 30/0 Plain Oval Concave ditto, 11in., 30/0 No. P S 3913. Plain “Concave” Hair Brush. Length 9¾in., 20/0 No. P S 3916. Plain Sterling Silver Mounted Tail Comb. Length 7½in., 6/6 No. P S 3917. Plain Hat or Cloth Brush (Convex). Length 6¾in., 8/6 No. P S 3918. Sterling Silver Pin Tray. 3¾ × 2½in., 9/0 No. P S 3919. Plain Hat or Cloth Brush (Concave). Length 6in., 8/6 No. P S 3920. Sterling Silver and Velvet Oval Jewel Casket Pincushion. Measurement at base: 4 × 3in., 12/6; 4½ × 3¼in., 15/0; 5 × 3½in., 17/6; 5½ × 4in., 20/0 No. P S 3921. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Hair Pin Box. Length, 4¼in., 7/6 All Silver Hair Pin Box, 22/6 No. P S 3922. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Bath Powder Jar. Diameter 3¼in., 10/6 No. P S 3923. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Powder Jar. Diameter 3in., 10/6 All Silver ditto, 35/0 No. P S 3924. Plain Button Hook (Convex). Length 11in., 5/0. Ditto (Concave), 5/0 No. P S 3925. Sterling Silver Brush Tray. 11¾ × 8¼in., £4 4 0 Heavier make, £5 15 0 No. P S 3926. Plain Shoe Lift (Concave). Length 10in., 5/0 Ditto, (Convex). Length 10in., 5/0 No. P S 3927. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Scent Bottle. Diameter, 3½in., 12/6 [195] No. P S 3928. Sterling Silver Beautifully chased Hair Brush. 18/6 each No. P S 3929. Sterling Silver Beautifully Chased Cloth Brush, 10/6 each. Velvet Brush to match, 10/6 each The “Adams” Toilet Service. No. P S 3930. Sterling Silver Beautifully Chased Hand Mirror, 36/6 No. P S 3928. Sterling Silver Beautifully chased Hair Brush. 18/6 each No. P S 3931. Sterling Silver Mounted Imitation Tortoiseshell Dressing Comb, 5/9 each With Real Tortoiseshell Comb, 16/6 No. P S 3932. Sterling Silver Mounted Manicure Pad, 6/6 No. P S 3933. Sterling Silver Mounted Chased Handled Embroidery Scissors, 4/6 No. P S 3934. Sterling Silver Mounted Pincushion Jewel Casket. Diameter 4¼in. 17/6 ,, 5 ,, 22/6 ,, 6 ,, 30/0 No. P S 3935. Sterling Silver Beautifully Chased Trinket Box, 55/0 No. P S 3936. Sterling Silver Beautifully Chased Pin Tray. Diam. 5¼in., 14/0 Oblong Brush Tray to match. Size 10in. × 7in., £5 5 0 No. P S 3937. Cut Glass Powder Jar with Beautifully Chased Sterling Silver Cover. Diam., 3 ins. ... 8/6 ,,3¼ ins. ... 11/6 ,,3½ ins. ... 14/0 No. P S 3938. Sterling Silver Brush Tray, 11¾ × 8¾. £4 15 0 No. P S 3939. Cut Glass Scent Bottle with Beautifully Chased Sterling Silver Mount. Diam., 3 ins. ... 10/6 ,,3½ ins. ... 12/6 [196] STERLING SILVER TOILET SERVICES. ENGINE-TURNED DECORATION. No. P S 3940. Sterling Silver Hand Mirror (Engine turned). Length, 10¾in. Special quality 57/6 No. P S 3941. Sterling Silver Mounted Tortoiseshell Comb. Length 7½in. ... ... ... 18/6 No. P S 3942. Sterling Silver Hat or Cloth Brush (Engine turned). Length, 7in. ... ... ... 17/6 No. P S 3943. Sterling Silver Hair Brush (Engine turned). Length, 9¾in., 38/6 No. P S 3945. Sterling Silver Hair Brush (Engine turned). Length, 10½in. Special quality, 37/6 No. P S 3944. Sterling Silver Mounted Cut Glass Scent Bottle. Diameter, 5in., 22/6 No. P S 3948. Sterling Silver Hand Mirror (Engine turned.) Length 10?in. Special quality, 52/6 No. P S 3946. Sterling Silver Hat or Cloth Brush (Engine turned). Length, 6¾in. Special quality ... 19/6 No. P S 3947. Sterling Silver Mounted Comb, Imitation Tortoiseshell. Length 7½in. ... ... ... 10/0 No. P S 3949. Sterling Silver Mounted Cut Glass Powder Jar (Engine turned). Diameter, 2¾in., 18/6 No. P S 3950. Sterling Silver Mounted Beautifully Chased Table Mirror. Size 12 × 11in., 48/6; 15 × 12in., 77/6 No. P S 3951. Sterling Silver Mounted Cut Class Scent Bottle (Engine turned). Diameter, 3½in., 18/6 [197] STERLING SILVER TOILET SERVICES No. P S 3952. Sterling Silver Cloth Brush, 6?in., 10/0 ,,,,Hat Brush, 6?in., 10/0 STERLING SILVER TOILET SERVICE, ILLUSTRATED BELOW, PEARL FINISH, BEAUTIFULLY EMBOSSED. No. P S 3953. Sterling Silver Hair Brush, Length, 9¾in., 20/0 No. P S 3954. Pin Tray, 5 × 3in., 12/6 No. P S 3955. Oval Jewel Casket, Length, 5in., £115s. No. P S 3956. Sterling Silver A hand mirror of popular shape, which may be conveniently used when held in a horizontal position. Length, 9?in., 30/0 No. P S 3957. Comb Tray, 9¼ × 3½in., £110s. No. P S 3959. Cloth Brush, Length, 6½in., 12/6 No. P S 3962. Sterling Silver-Mounted Comb, Length, 7¼in., 7/6 No. P S 3958. Hand Mirror, Length, 10½in., £112s.6d. No. P S 3960. Hair Brush, Length, 10in., £11s. No. P S 3961. Button Hook, Length, 9in., 7/6 No. P S 3963. Shoe Lift, Length, 9in. 7/6 No. P S 3964. Cut Glass Powder Jar, with Sterling Silver Mount, Diam., 2¾in., 12/6 No. P S 3966. Cut Glass Scent Bottle, with Sterling Silver Mount, Diam., 4in., 18/6 No. P S 3965. Brush Tray, 11¾ × 8¼in., £515s. [198] No. P S 3967. Hair Brush, length 9¾in., 30/0 STERLING SILVER ENGINE-LINED TOILET SERVICE, comprising:— | 2 | Sterling | Silver | Hair Brushes, length 9¾in., | each | 30/0 | 1 | ,, | ,, | Cloth Brush ,, 6¾in. | ,, | 16/6 | 1 | ,, | ,, | Hat Brush ,, 6¾in. | ,, | 16/6 | 1 | ,, | ,, | Hand Mirror ,, 10¼in. | ,, | 45/0 | 1 | ,, | ,, | Mounted Comb ,, 7¼in. | ,, | 6/0 | 1 | ,, | ,, | and Cut Glass Puff Jar, diam. 3¼in. ... ... | ,, | 17/6 | 1 | ,, | ,, | and Cut Glass Pomade Jar, diam. 3¼in. ... ... | ,, | 15/9 | 2 | ,, | ,, | and Cut Glass Manicure Boxes, diam. 1½in. ... | ,, | 5/3 | 1 | ,, | ,, | Button Hook, length 10½in. | ,, | 5/6 | 1 | ,, | ,, | Shoe Lift ,, 8½in. | ,, | 6/0 | 1 | ,, | ,, | Pair Scissors (Curved) ... | ,, | 5/0 | 1 | ,, | ,, | ,,,,(Straight) ... | ,, | 4/3 | 4 | ,, | ,, | Manicure Instruments ... | ,, | 3/6 | Complete, in Oak Case, £12 12 0 | No. P S 3968. Hand Mirror, length 10¼in., £2 5 0 No. P S 3969. Sterling Silver Mounted Comb, length 7¼in., 6/0 No. P S 3970. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Manicure Box, diam. 1½in., 5/3 No. P S 3971. Hat or Cloth Brush, length 6¾in., 16/6 No. P S 3974. Sterling Silver Hand Mirror, length 10½in., 32/6 Ditto, special quality, £2 2 0 No. P S 3972. Sterling Silver Cuticle Knife, length 5¾in., 3/6 No. P S 3975. Sterling Silver Heart-shaped Pin Tray, diameter 3¾in., 9/0 No. P S 3973. Sterling Silver Nail File, length 5¾in., 3/6 No. P S 3976. Sterling Silver Hair Brush, length 9¾in., 16/6 Ditto, special quality, 25/0 No. P S 3977. Sterling Silver Pin Tray, 4½ × 2¾in., 9/0 No. P S 3978. Sterling Silver Comb Tray, 9¼ × 4½in., 31/6 No. P S 3979. Sterling Silver Handled Button Hook, length 13in., 13/6 No. P S 3980. Sterling Silver Powder Jar, diameter 3in., 32/6 No. P S 3981. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Powder Jar, diameter 3in., 13/6 Ditto, 3½in., 18/0 No. P S 3982. Sterling Silver Handled Shoe Lift, length 10in., 13/6 No. P S 3983. Sterling Silver Mounted Comb, length 8in., 8/6 Ditto, Real Tortoiseshell, 17/6 No. P S 3985. Sterling Silver Hat or Cloth Brush, length 6½in., 8/6 Ditto, special quality, 10/6 No. P S 3984. Sterling Silver Brush Tray, 7 × 10½in., 57/6 [199] RICHLY ENGINE-TURNED “GEORGIAN” PATTERN. No. P S 3986. Sterling Silver Hand Mirror, length 11½in. £3 12 6 No. P S 3987. Sterling Silver Pin Tray, 5? × 3½in. £1 1 0 No. P S 3988. Sterling Silver Hair Brush, length 10in. £1 17 6 No. P S 3989. Sterling Silver Hat or Cloth Brush, length 6¾in. £1 0 0 No. P S 3990. Sterling Silver-mounted Tortoiseshell Comb, length 7¼in. £1 4 0 No. P S 3991. Sterling Silver Hair Tidy, diameter 2in. £1 2 6 Powder Jar at same price. No. P S 3992. Sterling Silver Brush Tray 12¾ × 9in. £5 15 0 No. P S 3993. Sterling Silver Scent Bottle, diameter 3in. 15/0 Ditto, 3½in. 17/6 REGD. No. P S 3994. Sterling Silver and Tortoiseshell Comb, “Hammered,” length 8in., 16/6 Ditto, Imitation Tortoiseshell, 7/6 REGD. No. P S 3995. Sterling Silver “Hammered” Hat or Cloth Brush, length 6¾in. 12/0 REGD. No. P S 3996. Sterling Silver “Hammered” Hair Brush. length 9½in. £1 5 0 REGD. No. P S 3997. Sterling Silver “Hammered” Puff Box. diameter 3in. £1 15 0 REGD. No. P S 3998. Sterling Silver “Hammered” Shoe Lift, length 10in., 12/6 Ditto, Buttonhook to match, 12/6 EDISON No. P S 3999. “Hammered” Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Puff Jar, diameter 3in. 14/0 Ditto, ditto, 3½in. £1 1 0 REGD. No. P S 4000. Sterling Silver “Hammered” Hand Mirror, length 10¾in. £2 2 0 [200] No. P S 4001. Sterling Silver “Roll Edge” pattern Cloth Brush. Length 7in., 10/0 each Velvet Brush to match, 10/0 No. P S 4003. Sterling Silver-mounted Comb. Length 7¾in., 7/0 No. P S 4004. Sterling Silver “Roll Edge” pattern Hand Mirror. Length 11in., 22/6 No. P S 4002. Sterling Silver “Roll Edge” pattern Hair Brush. Length 9¾in., 15/6 each No. P S 4005. Sterling Silver Cloth or Hat Brush. Length 6?in., 10/6 No. P S 4006. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Powder Jar, 3 × 2¾in., 12/0 Sterling Silver Powder Jar, 3 × 2¾in., 35/0 No. P S 4007. Sterling Silver Button Hook. Length 9½in., 5/6 No. P S 4008. Sterling Silver Shoe Lift to match. Length 8½in., 6/0 No. P S 4009. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Scent Bottle, 4½ × 3½in., 15/0 No. P S 4010. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Hairpin Box, 4¼ × 1¼in., 7/6 Sterling Silver Hairpin Box, 4¼ × 1¼in., 21/0 No. P S 4011. Sterling Silver Pin Tray 5 × 2¾in., 12/6 No. P S 4012. Sterling Silver Hair Brush. Length 9¾in., 18/6 No. P S 4013. Sterling Silver Brush Tray. 11½ × 8½in., £3 12 6 No. P S 4014. Sterling Silver Hand Mirror. Length 10½in., 35/0 [201] TOILET SERVICES, SALTS BOTTLES, WHISKS, Etc. No. P S 4015. Length, 7½in. No. P S 4015. Length, 7?in. No. P S 4015. Toilet Set of Silver Gilt and finest Enamel (Electric Blue). Hair Brush, £2 10 0 Hand Mirror, £2 10 0 Comb, 12/6 Powder Jar, £1 1 0 Supplied in other colours to order. May be had in a stout leather case, complete, £7 18 6 The case having removable fittings, will be found useful for many purposes. An ideal bijou set for the motorist and traveller. No. P S 4015. Diam. 2½in. Length, 6in. No. P S 4016. Sterling Silver-Mounted Whisk, Length, 11in. 9/6 The crown Lavender Salts The Crown perfumery Cº london No. P S 4017. Sterling Silver-Mounted Crown Perfumery Co.’s Salts Bottles. Height, 2?in.,3/6 2¾in.,5/6 3¼in.,7/6 No. P S 4018. Sterling Silver Pocket Lavender Salts Case. Richly chased. In three sizes, 11/0, 13/6, 18/6 No. P S 4019. Sterling Silver-Mounted Bonnet Whisk. Length, 7¼in., 10/6 No. P S 4020. Sterling Silver Concave Hair Brush, Wave Hammered. Length, 9¾in., 31/6 No. P S 4021. Sterling Silver Hat or Cloth Brush. Wave Hammered. Length, 7in., 18/6 No. P S 4022. Sterling Silver-mounted Tortoiseshell Comb. Length, 7½in., 17/6 No. P S 4023. Sterling Silver Concave Hand Mirror, wave hammered Length, 11½in., 63/0 The crown Lavender Salts The Crown perfumery Cº london No. P S 4024. Sterling Silver Plain Lavender Salts Case. Large size ... 21/0 STERLING SILVER-MOUNTED MANICURE SETS, BUTTON HOOKS AND SHOE LIFTS, POWDER JARS, Etc. No. P S 4029. Sterling Silver-mounted Button Hook and Shoe Lift, in Velvet-lined Case, 7/6 and 12/6 No. P S 4030. Sterling Silver-mounted Button Hook, Shoe Lift and Glove Hook, in Velvet-lined Case, complete, 5/6 No. P S 4031. Heavy Sterling Silver Shoe Lift, length 6¼in., 14/0 Electro-plated do. 2/9 No. P S 4033. Sterling Silver Folding Shoe Lift and Button Hook, length 3¾in. when closed, 15/0 HARRODS LONDON SW. No. P S 4032. Sterling Silver Manicure Set, 5Instruments,18/6; 7Instruments,£1/7/6; 9Instruments,£1/15/0 No. P S 4034. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Bath Powder Jar. Engine turned. Plain. Diam. at top, 4½in. 30/0 26/0 ,,,,5½ in. 42/0 37/6 ,,,,6½ in. 63/0 55/0 No. P S 4035. Cut Glass Salts Bottles with Sterling Silver and Tortoiseshell Top (inlaid), height 2½in., 7/6; 3¼in., 11/6; 4in., 15/0; with Plain Silver Top, height 2½in., 3/9; 3¼in., 5/0 No. P S 4036. Plain Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Powder Jar. Height, 1½in.,2/6; 2in.,3/6; 2½in.,6/0; 2¾in.,8/0; 3½in.,10/6 No. P S 4037. Sterling Silver Manicure Set, as illustrated, £2/0/0 No. P S 4038. Chased Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Powder Jar. Height, 1½in.,2/9; 2in.,4/0; 2½in.,5/6; 2¾in.,6/9 No. P S 4039. Sterling Silver-mounted Button Hook and Shoe Lift, complete in Velvet-lined Case, 11/0 No. P S 4040. Sterling Silver Mounted Glass Powder Jar, with Swing Lid, containing two Mirrors, ordinary and diminishing, in 3 sizes. 2½in. diam. 24/6 3in.,,30/0 3½in.,, 37/6 With puff. No. P S 4041. Sterling Silver-mounted Button Hook and Shoe Lift, complete in Velvet-lined Case, 8/6 [203] STERLING SILVER TOILET TABLE REQUISITES, Etc. No. P S 4042. Sterling Silver Chatelaine Papier-Poudre Case, 3in. × 2¼in., 13/9 No. P S 4043. Sterling Silver Ring Box. Length, 2in. ... ... ... 8/6 ,,4in. ... ... ... 13/6 ,,5in. ... ... ... 17/6 No. P S 4044. Sterling Silver Jewel Casket. Length, 3¾in. ... 33/6 Fitted for Rings and Brooches. No. P S 4045. Sterling Silver Pot Pourri Box, diameter 1?in.,12/6; 2½in.,18/6; 3½in.,28/6 No. P S 4046. Sterling Silver Jewel Casket, diameter 2?in., 10/6 No. P S 4047. Sterling Silver Pot Pourri Basket. Height, 10in. ... £5 5 5 ,,8¾in. ... 3 10 0 ,,7in.... 2 15 0 No. P S 4048. Sterling Silver Pincushion Jewel Casket, engraved. Diameter, 4¾in., 15/0; 5¾in., 21/0 No. P S 4049. Sterling Silver Curling Lamp Box, size 3¼in. × 2¼in., 25/6 No. P S 4050. Sterling Silver-mounted Hat-pin Stand. Height, 4¾in.,5/6; 5?in., 8/6 No. P S 4051. Sterling Silver-mounted Pincushion and Jewel Case, handsomely pierced. 3in. diam., 16/6; 3½in. diam., 20/0; 4in. diam., 26/0; 4½in. diam., 30/6 Right pointing hand No. P S 4052. Sterling Silver-mounted Curling Tongs, 12/6 No. P S 4053. Sterling Silver Box, with Velvet fitting for Rings. 3in. long ... ... ... 16/6 3½in. ,, ... ... ... 21/0 4in.,,... ... ... 24/0 No. P S 4054. Chased Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Hair Pin Box, Size 3¼in. × 1¼in., 4/0 No. P S 4055. Sterling Silver-Mounted Pin Cushion. 3¼in. diam. 5/6 No. P S 4056. Sterling Silver Brush Tray, Embossed and Chased, 9¾ × 6?in., £2 10 0 No. P S 4057. Sterling Silver Pot Pourri Box. Length 3in., £1 4 0 [204] STERLING SILVER-MOUNTED SCENT BOTTLES. No. P S 4058. Cut-glass Scent Pump, with Sterling Silver Collar. Diameter 2?in. ... 8/6 ,,3 in. ... 9/6 ,,3? in. ... 10/6 No. P S 4059. Sterling Silver-Mounted Cut-Glass Scent Bottle. Height 4¾in. ... 18/0 ,,5¾in. ... 21/0 No. P S 4060. Sterling Silver Eau de Cologne Case. Length, 6in. 7/6 ,, 7½in. 10/6 ,,9 in. 14/6 Including Scent. No. P S 4061. Sterling Silver-Mounted Cut-Glass Scent Bottle. Height 6in., 35/6 No. P S 4062. Sterling Silver-Mounted Cut Glass Scent Spray, complete with Rubber Tube and Bulb. Diam.: 3½in., 37/6 No. P S 4063. Chased Sterling Silver-Mounted Scent Bottle. Diam.: 3in., 7/6; 3½in., 9/6; 4in., 11/6 No. P S 4064. Sterling Silver Eau de Cologne Bottle Holder, Engine Turned. For 2 oz. bottle ... 17/6 ,, 4 oz. ,,... 25/0 Including Scent. No. P S 4065. Cut Glass Scent Bottle with Chased Sterling Silver Mount. Diam.: 3in., 10/6; 3½in., 12/6 No. P S 4066. Sterling Silver Eau de Cologne Case. Richly chased and pierced. Small size, 2 oz., 9/0; large size, 4 oz., 13/6 Including Scent. No. P S 4067. Chased Sterling Silver-Mounted Scent Bottle. Diam.: 3in., 7/6; 3½in., 8/9; 4in., 10/6 No. P S 4068. Chased Sterling Silver-Mounted Scent Bottle. Diam.: 3in., 10/6; 3½in., 13/6; 4in., 16/0 No. P S 4069. Chased Sterling Silver-Mounted Scent Bottle. Diam.: 3½in., 18/6; 4in., 23/0 4½in., 27/0 No. P S 4070. Plain Sterling Silver-Mounted Scent Bottle. Diam.: 3in., 14/0; 3½in., 19/0; 4in., 23/6 No. P S 4071. Chased Sterling Silver-Mounted Cut Glass Scent Bottle., 6¼in. high, 22/6 each. [205] STERLING SILVER CHAIN BAGS AND PURSES. No. P S 4072. Sterling Silver Chain Bag— | | Medium Mesh (size as illustrated) | ... | £1 12 6 | | Ditto, 4½ × 4¼in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | £2 2 0 | | Ditto, 5¼ × 4½in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | £2 10 0 | | Ditto, 5¾ × 4¾in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | £3 5 0 | No. P S 4073. Sterling Silver Chain Purse— | Medium Mesh (size as illustrated) | ... | £0 10 6 | Fine Mesh | ... | ... | ... | ... | £0 13 6 | No. P S 4074. Sterling Silver Chain Purse— | Medium Mesh (size as illustrated) | ... | £0 14 0 | Fine Mesh | ... | ... | ... | ... | £0 17 6 | No. P S 4075. Sterling Silver Chain Bag— Fine Mesh (size as illustrated) | £2 0 0 | Ditto, 4¾ × 4½in. | ... | ... | £3 0 0 | Fine Mesh, 5½ × 4¾in. | £4 0 0 | Ditto, 6 × 5in. | ... | £5 0 0 | [206] P S 4076. Sterling Silver Chain Purse (size as illustrated)— | Medium Mesh | ... | ... | ... | ... | £0 14 0 | Fine Mesh | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0 17 6 | All Bags and Purses may be had Richly Gilt at a small additional cost. A large variety of SILVER and SILVER-GILT Purses and Bags always in Stock. No. P S 4077. Sterling Silver Dorothy Bag— | Medium Mesh 4in. | £2 7 6 | Fine Mesh, 5½in. | £4 4 0 | Fine Mesh, 4in. | 3 3 0 | Medium Mesh, 7in. | 4 2 6 | Medium Mesh, 5½in. | 2150 | Fine Mesh, 7in. | 5100 | No. P S 4078. Sterling Silver Chain Purse (size as illustrated)— | Medium Mesh | ... | ... | ... | ... | £0 14 0 | Fine Mesh | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0 17 6 | No. P S 4079. Sterling Silver Chain Purse (size as illustrated)— | Medium Mesh | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | £0 12 6 | Fine Mesh | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0 17 6 | Smaller sizes from 8/6. | No. P S 4080. Sterling Silver Oval Chain Bag, with Long Chain— Fine Mesh (size as illustrated) | ... | £2 2 0 | Medium Mesh, ditto | ... | ... | 1150 | Fine Mesh, 6in. × 4in. | ... | ... | 3 3 0 | Medium Mesh 6in. × 4in. | ... | £2 15 0 | Fine Mesh, 7¾in. × 5in. | ... | 4 4 0 | Medium Mesh, 7¾in. × 5in. | ... | 3150 | [207] STERLING SILVER BUCKLES, CLASPS, BAGS, THIMBLES, ETC. No. P S 4081. Sterling Silver Thimble, 1/9 No. P S 4082. Sterling Silver Thimble, 1/6 REGD.No. P S 4083. Sterling Silver Clasp, length 4¾in., 15/0 No. P S 4084. Muff Protector. Can be attached to Muff by Chain from Wrist, allowing Muff at any time to be suspended. Sterling Silver 10/0 Silver Gilt...13/6 No. P S 4085. Sterling Silver Clasp, length 5¼in. × 2¾in., 21/0 Do., length 3½in. × 2¼in., 8/6 No. P S 4086. Sterling Silver Clasp, 3 × 2¼in., 10/0 No. P S 4087. Sterling Silver Clasp, length 4in. × 2½in., 12/0 No. P S 4088. Sterling Silver Buckle, length 2¾in. × 2in., 10/6 No. P S 4089. Sterling Silver Mounted Velvet Hand Bag, 5½in. wide, £1 11 6 Do., 4?in. wide, £1 3/6 No. P S 4090. Sterling Silver Buckle, length 2¾in. × 2in., 10/6 No. P S 4091. Sterling Silver Buckle, length 2?in. × 1?in., 9/6 REGD.No. P S 4092. Sterling Silver Belt, length 26in., £2 17/6 No. P S 4093. Sterling Silver Buckle, length 3½in. × 2¼in., 11/6 [208] STERLING SILVER PENCILS, PENHOLDERS, Etc. No. P S 4101. Sterling Silver Penholder with Patent Ejector Pencil end, 4/6; without Pencil end, 3/6 No. P S 4094. Sterling Silver Pencil, delicately engine turned, actual size, 6/0 CLOSED No. P S 4095.Sterling Silver Pen and Pencil Holder, 3/9 No. P S 4096.Sterling Silver Pencil Case to hold flat “Academy” Pencil, 1/6 and 2/0 No. P S 4097.Sterling Silver Pencil Case, 2¼in., 2/6; 2½in., 2/9; 3in., 3/0 No. P S 4098.Flat Pencil, with Slide-up Push. Turquoise Push, 2/9 Sterling Silver Pencil Case for flat Pencil, with Slide-up Push, 2/6 No. P S 4099.Sterling Silver Hexagon Pencil Case, slide mounts, to hold Hardtmuth Koh-i-Noor Pencils. Plain, 2½in., 3/0; 3in., 3/6; 3½in., 3/9. Engraved, 3/9, 4/3, 5/0., No. P S 4100.Sterling Silver Pencil, 7/6 No. P S 4102.Sterling Silver Pen and Pencil, size as shown, stout ring at end, 6/6 No. P S 4103. Sterling Silver Penholder. Length, 7in. 4/6 No. P S 4104. Sterling Silver Pencil Case and Pocket Letter Opener, 3/9 [209] S.MORDAN & Cº No. P S 4110. Quill Tooth Pick, in Sterling Silver Holder, 2/6 PAT 7985/10 Rd 576216 No. P S 4105. Larger size than No. P S 4106 below. Pat Nº 7985/10 No. P S 4106. The latest Pencil, “The Pointer”, patented. The lead in this pencil goes to the extreme end, and is easily propelled. The lead also is fixed at point in such a way which keeps it very rigid. The sharpener is a very clever contrivance, about three turns being sufficient to give a fine point. The sharpener is fixed on end of pencil by means of screw. The most perfect pencil at present made. Price in silver, size as shown, 3/9. Size larger, 5/0. First size, with Ring attached top, 4/6. Second ditto 5/9. No. P S 4107. Sterling Silver Telescopic Pencil, pulls out. When closed occupies small space in pocket. Engraved, 7/6; engine turned, 7/6; plain, 7/6 No. P S 4109. Sterling Silver Telescopic Pencil, 4/0 No. P S 4108. Sterling Silver Three-Colour Pencil, Enamelled Bands pulling up Red, Blue and Black Leads, plain, 9/6 No. P S 4111. Sterling Silver Telescopic Pencil, 7/6 No. P S 4112. Sterling Silver Telescopic Pencil, strong and serviceable, plain, 6/6; engraved, 7/6; engine turned, 7/6 No. P S 4113. Sterling Silver Pencil, 2/6 No. P S 4114. Sterling Silver Pencil, 4/0 S.MORDAN & Cº Rd 560693 No. P S 4117. Sterling Silver Pencil, size as illustrated, 6/0; length, 3½in. 6/6; 2½in., 5/3; 2in., 5/0 (Extra Solid Make). No. P S 4119. Sterling Silver Combination Pencil, Letter Opener, and Reading Glass, length, 8in., 15/0 No. P S 4116. Sterling Silver Telescopic Pencil, 3/6 No. P S 4115. Sterling Silver Toothpick, 1/6 No. P S 4118. Sterling Silver Toothpick, 1/6 [210] CIGAR AND CIGARETTE BOWLS, CIGAR LIGHTERS, ASH TRAYS, ETC. No. P S 4120. Sterling Silver Ash Bowl, with good Briar Pipe, 19/6 No. P S 4125. Sterling Silver Ash Tray. Diameter, 4¾in., 10/6 No. P S 4121. Sterling Silver “Grenade” Cigar Lighter, Engine Turned. Height, | 4¼ | in., 35/0 | ,, | 4 | in., 28/6 | ,, | 3¼ | in., 24/0 | Ditto, Plain Silver. | Height, | 4¼ | in., 28/6 | ,, | 4 | in., 24/0 | ,, | 3¼ | in., 18/6 | No. P S 4122. Sterling Silver Cigar Lighter. Length, 7in., 25/0 No. P S 4123. Sterling Silver Combined Ash Tray and Cigar Rests. Diameter, 5¼in., 16/6 No. P S 4124. Nest of 4 Sterling Silver Ash Trays and Cigar Lighter. 4 × 4in., £4 4 0 No. P S 4126. Sterling Silver Combination Ash Tray and Cigar Cutter, with three cigar rests. 3in. high, 13/6 No. P S 4127. Sterling Silver Cigarette and Cigar Boxes, lined Cedar Wood. Best quality, with Gilt inside lid, and round corners, | Tohold | 50 | Cigarettes, | 67/6 | ,, | 75 | ,, | 80/0 | ,, | 100 | ,, | £5 5 0 | ,, | 25 | Cigars, | 700 | Second quality, with Cedar lined lid, and round corners, | Tohold | 50 | Cigarettes, | 52/6 | ,, | 75 | ,, | 60/0 | ,, | 100 | ,, | 77/6 | ,, | 25 | Cigars, | £5 5 0 | Cheapest quality, with Cedar lined lid, and square corners, | Tohold | 50 | Cigarettes, | 42/0 | ,, | 75 | ,, | 50/0 | ,, | 100 | ,, | 63/0 | ,, | 25 | Cigars, | £4 4 0 | No. P S 4128. Sterling Silver “Whist” Box, fitted with Markers and Two Packs of Cards. Size, 3¾in. × 2¾in., 56/6 Lid engraved “Whist,” 1/6 extra. No. P S 4129. Sterling Silver Engine Turned Cigarette Box, | | | | | | | lined White Holly, | 4¼ × 3½ × 2in., | for | 25 | Cigarettes, | £3 15 0 | | 5½ × 3½ × 2in., | ,, | 50 | ,, | 4 4 0 | | 7 × 3½ × 2in., | ,, | 75 | ,, | 5150 | | 8 × 3½ × 2in., | ,, | 100 | ,, | 6 6 0 | | 8½ × 4 × 2in., special size | ... | 8 8 0 | Cigar ditto, | 9 × 5¼ × 2¼in. | ... | ... | ... | 9150 | | 10 × 5¾ × 3½in. | ... | ... | ... | 12120 | No. P S 4130. Sterling Silver-mounted Cigar Lighter. Length, 13½in., £2 5 0 No. P S 4131. Coromandel Wood Cigarette Box, with Sterling Silver Handle | and Corners. | 6¾ × 4½in., | £1 18 6 | | 8½ × 5½in., | 2176 | Cigar ditto, | 10¼ × 7¼in., | 3126 | | 12½ × 9½in., | 4100 | No. P S 4132. Sterling Silver “Bridge” Box fitted with Two Packs of Cards and Two Scoring Boards. Size, 4½ × 3 × 2¼in., 63/0 Larger size, 7¾ × 3? × 1?in., 105/0 No. P S 4133. Sterling Silver Engine lined Cigarette | Box. | 7 × 3½ × 2?in. | To hold | 100, | £4 15 0 | | 5½ × 3½ × 2?in. | ,, | 75, | 4 2 0 | | 4½ × 3½ × 2?in. | ,, | 50, | 3 10 6 | No. P S 4134. Sterling Silver Cigar Box, lined Cedar Wood. To hold 50 Cigars. Size, 9 × 6 × 3½in., £8 8 0 No. P S 4135. Sterling Silver Engine Turned, Cedar lined Cigarette Box. | 7 × 3½ × 2in. | To hold | 100, | £3 5 0 | 5½ × 3½ × 2in. | ,, | 75, | 2 15 0 | 5¼ × 3? × 2in. | ,, | 50, | 2 2 0 | [211] STERLING SILVER CIGAR LIGHTERS, ASH TRAYS, MATCH-BOX SHEATHS, CIGAR CUTTERS, Etc. L. & C.HAR S.MORDAN No. P S 4136. Sterling Silver Cigar Piercer, 5/0 No. P S 4137. Sterling Silver Curb Key Chain, Length, 18in., 9/6 Smaller do. 6/6 OPEN No. P S 4138. Sterling Silver Key Holder with secure spring guard (Illus. actual size), 2/6 No. P S 4139. “Togo” Ash Bowl (Registered). Automatically closing Tray and Removable Top. 3in. diam., 2in. high. In Sterling Silver, 45/0; Electro Plate, 15/0. Blue Doulton Ware Bowl with Sterling Silver Top and Tray, 30/0 No. P S 4140. Hunting Horn, Cigar Lighter, Silver mounted, 5in. high, 9/6 Sterling Silver, 7in. high, 33/6 No. P S 4141. Sterling Silver Cigar Lighter, 3¾in. high, 21/0 No. P S 4142. Sterling Silver Cigar Cutter, 5/6 LOCK LEVER KEY RING patent SECURE SIMPLE TO OPEN, RAISE THE LEVER No. P S 4143. Sterling Silver Lever Key Ring, 2/6 No. P S 4144. Sterling Silver Cigar Cutter and Smoker’s Companion. Plain, 8/6 Engraved, 9/6 No. P S 4145. Sterling Silver Cigar Lighter, height 5½in. 21/0 Electro-plated ditto, height 5½in., 6/0 No. P S 4146. Sterling Silver Match Stand, with Gadroon mounted Tray, 27/6 No. P S 4147. Sterling Silver Cigar Lighter, with Two Dippers, Height, 3¾in., 29/6 Without Dippers, 26/0 No. P S 4148. Sterling Silver Cigar Lighter. Length 4½in., 12/6; length 3½in. 7/6 No. P S 4149. Sterling Silver “Irish Mether” Cigarette Holder, or Match Stand. Height, 2?in., 18/6 Larger, for Cigars, Height, 3¼in., 58/6 No. P S 4150. Engine-turned Silver Match Box Slide, for safety matches. Length, 1¾in., 4/6; 2½in., 7/6; 3in., 10/6 No. P S 4151. Plain Sterling Silver Match Box Slide, for safety matches. Length, 1¾in. 3/6; 2½in., 7/0; 3in., 13/0 No. P S 4152. Sterling Silver Table Cigar Cutter. Two holes, size 3 × 4 × 2½in., 55/0; One hole, 42/0 No. P S 4153. Sterling Silver Match Stand and Ash Tray. 3?in. diameter ... 9/6 4¾in.,,... 14/0 5?in.,,... 17/6 No. P S 4154. Sterling Silver mounted Cut Glass Ash Tray with Cigar rests. Dia. 3¾in., 7/9 No. P S 4155. Sterling Silver Combined Ash Tray and Cigar Rest. For clipping on to card table, 21/0 [212] CIGAR AND CIGARETTE CASES, Etc. No. P S 4156. Sterling Silver Engine Lined Cigarette Case, single row, 3? × 2¾in., 24/0 Ditto, double row ... 26/0 No. P S 4157. Sterling Silver Cigarette Case, | Single row. | | | Double row. | 3? × 2?in. | ... | 15/0 | | | 3½ × 2?in. | ... | 18/6 | 3? × 2½in. | ... | 18/6 | | | 3½ × 2½in. | ... | 21/0 | 3? × 3 in. | ... | 21/0 | | | 3½ × 3 in. | ... | 23/6 | 3? × 3?in. | ... | 24/0 | | | 3½ × 3?in. | ... | 27/6 | 3? × 3¾in. | ... | 27/6 | | | 3½ × 3¾in. | ... | 32/6 | No. P S 4158. Sterling Silver Cigarette Case. | Single row. | | | Double row. | 3? × 2¼in. | ... | 15/0 | | | 3? × 2¼in. | ... | 18/6 | 3? × 2¾in. | ... | 18/6 | | | 3? × 2¾in. | ... | 21/0 | 3? × 3?in. | ... | 21/0 | | | 3? × 3?in. | ... | 23/6 | 3? × 3½in. | ... | 24/0 | | | 3? × 3½in. | ... | 27/6 | 3? × 3¾in. | ... | 27/6 | | | 3? × 3¾in. | ... | 32/6 | A Cigarette Case of Special value, similar to above (double row), 3¼ × 2?in., 10/6 | No. P S 4159. Sterling Silver Cigarette Case, 3¼ × 2¾in., single row, 18/6 No. P S 4160. Sterling Silver Engine Turned Cigarette Case, 3? × 2?in., 14/6 Ditto,Plain ditto,12/0 PAT 1147-10 Rd 554698 No. P S 4161. Sterling Silver Case, to hold tobacco cartridges and filler. Plain, 25/0 Engine lined or hammered. No. P S 4162. Sterling Silver Cigar Case. | Engine Turned. | | | Plain. | Tohold | 3 ... 6 × 2½in., | 52/6 | | | 6 × 2½in., | 37/6 | ,, | 4 ... 6¼ × 3 in., | 65/0 | | | 6¼ × 3 in., | 52/6 | ,, | 5 ... 6¼ × 3?in., | 78/6 | | | 6¼ × 3?in., | 63/0 | No. P S 4163. Sterling Silver Cigarette Case for evening or day use, holds 16 full-size Cigarettes, Plain, 47/6 Hammered, 57/6 No. P S 4164. Sterling Silver Cigarette Case. | Engine Turned. | | | Plain. | 3? × 2¾in., | 25/0 | | | 3? × 2¾in., | 21/0 | 3½ × 3 in., | 32/6 | | | 3½ × 3 in., | 26/0 | 3½ × 3?in., | 40/0 | | | 3½ × 3?in., | 32/6 | No. P S 4165. Sterling Silver Fluted Cigar Case. | 6¼ × 3¼in. | For | 4 | Cigars, | 40/0 | 5? × 2½in. | ,, | 3 | ,, | 35/0 | 5¾ × 1¾in. | ,, | 2 | ,, | 25/0 | 5¾ × 1 in. | ,, | 1 | ,, | 12/6 | [213] MATCH BOXES, TOBACCO BOXES, SOVEREIGN PURSES, CARD CASES, Etc. No. P S 4166. Sterling Silver Tobacco Box, oval shape, Length, 3in., 24/0 3¼in., 26/6 3½in., 29/0 No. P S 4167. Sterling Silver Sovereign Purse, Plain, 6/0; ditto, extra heavy, 8/6; engine turned, 7/3; ditto, extra heavy, 9/3 No. P S 4168. Sterling Silver Card Box, with Two Packs of Cards, “Patience” size, 22/0 “Pigmy” size, 11/6 No. P S 4169. Sterling Silver Tobacco Box, round shape, diam. 3in., 25/6; 3¼in., 30/0; 3½in., 33/6 No. P S 4170. Sterling Silver Patience Card Box (small size), 17/6 Ditto (full size), 28/6 Sterling Silver Club Card Box, 38/6 No. P S 4171. Sterling Silver Combined Match Box and Sovereign Purse. Plain, 15/6 Engine turned, 18/6 No. P S 4172. Sterling Silver Engine lined Match Box, 2in. × 1?in., 8/6 No. P S 4173. Sterling Silver Match Box, flat sides, 9/6 No. P S 4174. Sterling Silver Plain Match Box, actual size as illustrated, 5/0; ditto, engine turned or engraved, 6/0 No. P S 4175. Sterling Silver Double Sovereign Purse. Plain, 14/0 Engine turned, 16/0 No. P S 4176. Amberoid Cigarette Tube, with 9 ct. Gold mount, in Sterling Silver Case, length 2in., 9/6; 2¼in.,10/6; 2½in.,12/6; 2¾in.,14/0; 3in.,15/0 Finest Block Amber do., 2in.,18/6; 2¼in.,21/0; 2½in.,24/0; 2¾in.,26/6; 3in.,29/6 No. P S 4177. Sterling Silver Match Box, Inlaid 9 ct. Gold, 1½ × 1½in., 31/6; 1? × 1?in., 37/6; 2? × 2?in., 42/0 No. P S 4178. Sterling Silver Case, with numbered Pegs for drawing positions for driven shooting. Size 1¾in. x 1½in., 20/0 HONOURS TRICKS No. P S 4179. Sterling Silver “Bridge” Box for Pocket, fitted with Cards and Scoring Board. Size, 3¾in. × 2?in., 30/0 STERLING SILVER CARD CASES AND NOTE BOOKS, Etc. No. P S 4187. Gent’s Sterling Silver Card Case. Plain......... 11/9 Engraved or engine turned 21/0 No. P S 4188. Lady’s Sterling Silver Card Case, with Ivory Tablet and Pencil. 35/0 NOTE BOOK CARD CASE & STAMPS No. P S 4189. Sterling Silver-mounted Note Book and Card Case, 3½ × 2¼in., 8/9 No. P S 4190. Lady’s Cigarette and Match Box on Chain, Sterling Silver, Engine Turned, 21/0 Ditto, Plain, 18/6 No. P S 4191. Lady’s Sterling Silver Card Case, with Chain, full size, Plain, 30/0 Hammered, 35/0 To hold Town size Cards, Plain, 27/6 Hammered, 32/6 No. P S 4192. Gent’s Sterling Silver Combined Card Case, Stamp Case and Note Book with Pencil. Size 3? × 1¾in., 22/6 No. P S 4193. Lady’s Sterling Silver Top-opening Card Case. Beautifully shaped edges. Plain......... 21/6 Engraved...... 27/6 “HARRODS” GOLF SCORER Date Links Opponent Holes Self Oppon’t Holes Self Oppon’t ADD SCORE FOR FIRST 9 HOLES Total for 18 Holes No. P S 4194. Harrods’ Golf Scorer. Fitted as a Card Case and Memo. Tablet, with Pencil complete, 3¾ × 2¼in. Sterling Silver, Leather lined, 25/0 No. P S 4195. Lady’s Sterling Silver Card Case, 3? × 2¾in., 18/6 [215] STERLING SILVER MOUNTED CALENDARS, TABLE BELLS, LETTER OPENERS, Etc. No. P S 4197. Table Bell, Sterling Silver Base, diameter 4in., 12/6 No. P S 4196. Sterling Silver Handled Letter Opener, Ivory Blade, length 6? inches, 3/9 Silver Handled ditto, with Pearl Blade, 4/6 No. P S 4198. Sterling Silver Letter Opener, length 4½in., 4/0 Ditto, 7½in., 8/6; 8½ in., 13/6; 9½ in., 16/9 No. P S 4199. Sterling Silver Table Bell. Diameter 4¼in., 30/- JANUARY Monday 1 No. P S 4200. Sterling Silver Perpetual Calendar, height 2¼in., 8/6 No. P S 4201. Sterling Silver Merrythought Watch Holder, 3¼in. high, 4/9 Ditto, 3¾in. high, 8/0 Without watch. No. P S 4202. Silver-mounted Table Bell, 4?in. high, 10/6 No. P S 4203. Sterling Silver Table Bell, height 4in., 10/6 No. P S 4204. Sterling Silver Combined Paper Weight and Calendar. Size 3?in. × 2¾in., 14/6 No. P S 4205. Sterling Silver Stamp Box in novel shape, with 2 divisions, 10/6 No. P S 4206. Sterling Silver Patent Perpetual Calendar. Easily read and only requires placing in position once a year. 4½ × 3¼in., 15/0 Ditto 6? × 4¼in., 20/0; 9? × 6?in., 35/0 JANUARY 31 No. P S 4208. Sterling Silver Perpetual Calendar and Watch Case, complete with watch, height 5?in., 50/- No. P S 4209. Sterling Silver Memorandum and Calendar Frame, reversible. Height 5¾in., 21/- No. P S 4207. Sterling Silver Calendar, 4? × 4in., 15/- No. P S 4210. Sterling Silver Mounted Calendar with bow decoration, 5½ × 5?in., 14/0 Ditto 3½ × 4?in., 10/0 No. P S 4211. Sterling Silver Letter Opener, length, 6in., 4/9 No. P S 4212. Sterling Silver String-box, richly chased, height 4in., 40/0 No. P S 4213. Sterling Silver Letter Opener, with seal top, length 5½in., 5/9 No. P S 4214. Sterling Silver Calendar Frame. 6in. × 4½in., 17/6 7½in. × 5½in., 30/6 [216] INKSTANDS, INK BOTTLES, Etc. No. P S 4215. Sterling Silver Inkstand, 9½ × 3?in., 50/0 No. P S 4216. Electro-plated Inkstand, size, 6½ × 4½in., 25/0 Sterling Silver ditto, 55/0. Also in other sizes. No. P S 4217. Electro-plated Inkstand, with 2 Cut Glass Silver-mounted Bottles, length, 9 × 6in., 30/0 No. P S 4218. Sterling Silver Inkstand, Length, 10½ × 6½in., with 2 Cut Glass and Silver-mounted Bottles, £8 18 6 Ditto, Length, 9½ × 5½in., with 1 Cut Glass and Silver-mounted Bottle, £6 6 0 No. P S 4219. Sterling Silver Inkstand, with Cut Glass and Silver-mounted Bottle, length, 10 ins., 42/0. Electro-plated ditto, 29/6 No. P S 4220. Sterling Silver Inkstand, with Cut Glass and Silver-mounted Bottle, 8¾ × 5in., £5 5 0 No. P S 4221. Sterling Silver Pen Tray, with Gadroon mount, 8½ × 2?in., 21/0; 9¾ × 2?in., 26/0 No. P S 4222. Sterling Silver “Chippendale” Pattern Inkstand, with Cut Glass Bottle, mounted to match, 6 × 4in., 42/0 No. P S 4223. Silver-mounted Glass Pen Tray. 9in. long, 9/0 Silver Pen extra, 2/6 No. P S 4224. Sterling Silver and Inlaid Tortoiseshell Inkpot, Diameter at Base: 3in., 25/0; 3½in., 30/0; 4in., 35/0; 4½in., 40/0; 6in., 55/0 No. P S 4225. Sterling Silver Inkpot. Diameter, 3½in., 9/0; 4½in., 13/0; 5½in., 20/0; 8in., 50/0 No. P S 4226. Sterling Silver Inkpot. Diameter, 3¼in., 12/6; 4in., 17/6; 4¾in., 24/0; 5¾in., 30/0 No. P S 4227. Sterling Silver Plain Octagon Inkpot. Diameter, 3¾in., 31/6 No. P S 4228. Sterling Silver-mounted Cut Glass Ink-bottle. Diameter 3in., 25/0; 3¼in., 28/6; 3½in., 37/6; 4in., 50/0 No. P S 4229. Sterling Silver Inkpot, fluted. Diameter, 3?in. ... ... 33/0 ,, 4½in. ... ... 55/6 No. P S 4230. Sterling Silver and Cut Glass Ink-bottle, with 30-hour Watch. Diameter, 3in., 47/6; 3½in., 60/0; 4in., 72/6. Fitted with 8-day Watch, 24/0 extra either size. No. P S 4231. Sterling Silver-mounted Cut Glass Inkpot. Diameter, 2½in., 16/0; 3in., 20/0; 3½in., 25/0; 4in., 30/0 No. P S 4232. Sterling Silver Inkstand, with 2 richly cut Silver-mounted Bottles. Length, 16in., £16 16 0 Electro-plated ditto, £6 15 0 No. P S 4233. Sterling Silver-mounted Cut Glass Inkpot. Diameter 2½in., 15/0; 3in., 18/6; 3½in., 22/6; 4in., 26/0 [217] STERLING SILVER MOUNTED WRITING TABLE REQUISITES. No. P S 4234. Sterling Silver Mounted Blotter, length 4¼in., 19/6; 5in., 23/6 No. P S 4235. Sterling Silver Seal, 2¼in. long, 8/6 No. P S 4236. Paper Knife, with Sterling Silver Chased Handle, and Ivory Blade. Length 11in., 11/6; 14in., 17/6 No. P S 4237. Sterling Silver Paper Knife from Benjamin Rabier, grotesque design. 14/0 No. P S 4238. Paper Knife, with Sterling Silver Beautifully Chased Handle, and Ivory Blade. Length, 14in. 16/6 No. P S 4239. Sterling Silver Book Marker. Length 3½in., 4/6 No. P S 4240. Sterling Silver Pen Wiper “Merrythought.” Height, 3¼in. 10/6 No. P S 4241. Paper Knife, with Sterling Silver Handle and Tortoiseshell Blade. Length, 6in., 9/9: 7½in., 12/6; 10in., 18/6; 11in., 21/0; 13in., 23/0 No. P S 4242. Natural Tusk Paper Knife, Selected Ivory, with Sterling Silver Mounts. Length 13½in. £18 6 15½,, 1 4 0 18 ,,1 18 6 No. P S 4243. Paper Knife with Sterling Silver Handle and Ivory Blade. Length, 13½in., 12/9 No. P S 4244. Sterling Silver Taper Wax Holder. Height, 2¾in., 10/0 No. P S 4245. Sterling Silver Letter Weighing Machine. Weighs up to 8 oz. Height, 2½in., 21/0 No. P S 4246. Sterling Silver Combination Sealing Wax Stand and Holder, for 5 minute matches, 3¾ × 3¼in., 22/6 No. P S 4247. Sterling Silver “Merrythought” Letter Clip on Tortoiseshell Base. Length, 3in., 16/6 No. P S 4248. Sterling Silver Wax Holder with Wax. Total Height, 5¼in., 4/3 No. P S 4249. Sterling Silver Double Lidded Travelling Inkpot. 2 × 1?in., 25/0 No. P S 4250. Sterling Silver Travelling Inkpot, with secure Double Bayonet Fastening. 1? × 1½in., 19/6. Engine Turned, 25/6. No. P S 4251. Sterling Silver-mounted Glass Shot Pen Stand, 3/9 No. P S 4252. Sterling Silver-mounted Thermometer. “Adams’” design. Height, 7¼in., 10/6 [218] STERLING SILVER PHOTO FRAMES, WRITING TABLE REQUISITES, Etc. No. P S 4253. Sterling Silver Richly Chased and Pierced Photo Frame. Size 8¼in. × 6in., 10/6; double frame, 21/6 No. P S 4254. Sterling Silver-mounted Glass Gum Pot. Height 4¼in., 6/0 No. P S 4255. Engagement Slate, Plain Sterling Silver Frame. Size 6¾in. × 5in., 22/6 No. P S 4256. Sterling Silver-mounted richly Cut Glass Stamp Damper or Gum Pot. Height, 2?in., 5/0 No. P S 4257. Sterling Silver Photo Frame, engine turned, Cabinet size, 15/0; Imperial, 35/0 No. P S 4258. Sterling Silver Stamp Damper, Gadroon Mount, Solid Glass Roller. Size 3¾in. × 2½in., 23/6 No. P S 4259. Sterling Silver Stamp Damper. Absorbent Felt Pad. Diam. 3¼in., 7/0 No. P S 4260. Appointment Slate, Plain Sterling Silver Frame. Size 7¼in. × 3?in., 26/6 No. P S 4261. Morocco Leather Blotting Book, with beautifully chased and pierced Sterling Silver-mounted Cover. Size 11¼in. × 8½in., 51/6 No. P S 4262. Sterling Silver Case for holding a 2/0 Book of Stamps, 5/6 No. P S 4263. Morocco Leather Telegram Book, beautifully chased and pierced Sterling Silver-mounted Cover, 31/6 No. P S 4264. Hunting Appointment Slate, Plain Sterling Silver Frame. Size 6¾in. × 5in., 26/6 No. P S 4265. Morocco Covered Stationery Case, with beautifully chased and pierced Sterling Silver Mounts. Size 11½in. × 7½in., 67/6 [219] STERLING SILVER PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. No. P S 4266. Sterling Silver Octagonal Photo Frame. Cabinet,23/6 Boudoir,37/6 Imperial,45/0 No. P S 4267. Sterling Silver Photo Frame. Concave. Diameter, | 2¼in., | ... | 2/9 | ,, | 3½in., | ... | 5/0 | ,, | 4¾in., | ... | 7/0 | ,, | 6¼in., | ... | 10/6 | No. P S 4268. Sterling Silver Plain Round Photo Frame, with bow mount. | Diameter— | 1¾in. | 2?in. | 3¼in. | 4½in. | 5¼in. | 6/6 | 9/6 | 11/6 | 17/0 | 21/0 | Without bow— | 5/6 | 7/6 | 8/6 | 13/0 | 16/6 | No. P S 4269. Sterling Silver Plain Photo Frame. | CartedeVisite | 4¼ × 2?in. | 8/0 | Cabinet | ... | 6¾ × 4?in. | 16/6 | Boudoir | ... | 8 × 6in. | 21/6 | Imperial | ... | 9½ × 7¼in. | 27/6 | Panel | ... | ... | 11½×9?in. | 45/0 | Court | ... | ... | 13 × 10½ in. | 63/0 | No. P S 4270. Sterling Silver Cabinet Frame. Plain, 21/0 Engine turned, 25/0 No. P S 4271. Sterling Silver Plain Oval Photo Frame. Size 6¾ × 5in. ... 10/9 No. P S 4272. Sterling Silver Photo Frame, with handsome chased mount. Size 7½ × 5?in. ... 35/6 No. P S 4273. Sterling Silver Cabinet Frame. 7/6 No. P S 4274. Sterling Silver Photo Frame with elegant chased border. Size 7¾ × 5¾in....... 19/6 No. P S 4275. Sterling Silver Photo Frame. Hand Pierced and Engraved. Cabinet ......37/6 Boudoir ......63/0 Imperial...... 78/6 No. P S 4276. Sterling Silver Photo Frame. Size 10½in. × 7½in., 17/6; cabinet size, 6in. × 4¾in., 4/6 [220] STERLING SILVER, AND TORTOISESHELL CLOCKS, TRAVELLING CLOCKS, Etc. OPEN. CLOSED. No. P S 4277. Sterling Silver, Dainty Size Watch Case, plain, hammered or engine turned, 2¾ × 2¼in., £2 2 0 No. P S 4278. Sterling Silver Clocks. Lever Movements. Reliable Timekeepers. Height | 3in. | ... | £3 10 0 | ,, | 4½in. | ... | 4100 | ,, | 5¾in. | ... | 7150 | ,, | 7in. | ... | 10100 | No. P S 4279. Sterling Silver Clock. Height | 7in. | ... | £4 17 6 | ,, | 8in. | ... | 5150 | ,, | 10in. | ... | 7100 | No. P S 4280. Sterling Silver Watch Case, engine turned, with 30-hour watch, diameter 4in., £2 5 0 No. P S 4281. Sterling Silver Watch Case, engraved, with watch complete, height 3?in., 15/0 No. P S 4282. 8-Day Watch and Aneroid in Heavy Sterling Silver Case, gilt lined, 6¾ × 4in. ...... | ... | £7 17 6 | 8-Day Watch, in ditto Case, 4 × 4in. ...... | ... | 4 10 0 | 8-Day Watch, Quarter Repeater, 4 × 4in. ... | ... | 8 0 0 | 8-Day Watch in Case, 3½ × 3¾in. ...... | ... | 3 15 0 | 30-Hour Ditto, Quarter Repeater, 3½ × 3¾in. | ... | 5 15 0 | No. P S 4283. Sterling Silver Watch Case, with 30-hour Watch. Superior Lever Movement. 4½ × 4in., 27/6. Ditto, with 8-day Watch, £2 0 0 Smaller size, 3½ × 2¼in., with 30-hour Watch, 16/0 No. P S 4284. Sterling Silver Clock. 3¾in. ... ... ... £3 10 0 5in. ... ... ... 3 18 6 5?in. ... ... ... 5 0 0 No. P S 4285. Sterling Silver and Tortoiseshell Clock. Height 3in. ... ... ... £5 0 0 ,,4¾in. ... ... ... 6 10 0 ,,5¾in. ... ... ... 9 15 0 No. P S 4286. Sterling Silver and Tortoiseshell Inlaid Clock. Height 2¼in. ... ... ... £3 10 0 ,,4¼in. ... ... ... 5 5 0 ,,6¼in. ... ... ... 8 8 0 No. P S 4287. Sterling Silver and Tortoiseshell Clock. Height 3¼in. ... ... ... £4 10 0 ,,5½in. ... ... ... 6 15 0 ,,7in. ... ... ... 10 10 0 [221] CHRISTENING PRESENTS, &c. No. P S 4288. Infants’ Sterling Silver Mounted Hair Brush and Comb in case, Engine turned £1 5 0 No. P S 4289. Sterling Silver Night Light Holder. Height 5in., £1 0 0 HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 4290. Infants’ Sterling Silver Mounted Hair Brush and Comb in Case, Plain, £1 1 0 Hammered, £1 3 6 No. P S 4291. Sterling Silver Rattle, with Whistle, Bells, and Mother-o’-pearl handle, Length 4½ ins, 15/0 No. P S 4292. Child’s Sterling Silver Mug £2 0 0, Ring 9/6, Knife 8/0, Fork 7/6, Spoon 7/6. Complete set in velvet-lined case, £4 7 6 No. P S 4293. Sterling Silver Rattle with Ivory Ring. Length, 2¼ ins. 11/6 No. P S 4294. Sterling Silver Whistle, 3/3 No. P S 4295. Sterling Silver Whistle, 3/3 No. P S 4296. Sterling Silver Plain Two-Handled Mug, Spoon, and Ring in velvet-lined case, 63/0 No. P S 4297. Sterling Silver “Irish” Pattern Egg Cup and Spoon in velvet-lined case, 30/6 No. P S 4298. Sterling Silver Two-handled Bowl and Cover, with Spoon, in velvet-lined case. Diameter of Bowl, 4½in., 78/6 [222] STERLING SILVER CHRISTENING PRESENTS, Etc. HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 4299. Sterling Silver Spoon and Fork in Velvet-lined case ...... | £1 2 6 | Spoon, Fork and Ring, in case | ... | 1126 | Knife, Fork and Spoon,, | ... | 1140 | Knife, Fork, Spoon and Ring,, | ... | 2 6 6 | Spoon only......,, | ... | 12 6 | No. P S 4300. | Sterling Silver Richly Chased Knife, Fork, Spoon and Ring in Velvet-lined case ... | 63/0 | Spoon only case | ... | 15/0 | Spoon and Fork... ,, | ... | 27/0 | Spoon, Fork and Ring,, | ... | 42/0 | Knife, Fork and Spoon,, | ... | 42/0 | HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 4301. Sterling Silver Knife, Fork and Spoon in Velvet-lined case ... | £1 15 0 | Knife, Fork, Spoon and Ring, in case | ... | 2100 | Spoon, Fork and Ring...,, | ... | 1150 | Spoon and Fork...... ,, | ... | 1 4 0 | Spoon......... ,, | ... | 130 | HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 4302. Sterling Silver Knife, Fork and Spoon in Velvet-lined case ... | £1 15 0 | Knife, Fork, Spoon and Ring, in case | ... | 2 6 0 | Spoon, Fork and Ring...,, | ... | 1126 | Spoon and Fork...... ,, | ... | 1 2 6 | Spoon only...... ,, | ... | 126 | No. P S 4303. Electro-plated “Gadroon” pattern Knife, Fork and Spoon in Velvet-lined case ... 8/6 HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 4304. Sterling Silver Spoon and Fork in Velvet-lined case ... | £1 1 0 | Spoon, Fork and Ring, in case | ... | 1100 | Knife, Fork and Spoon,, | ... | 1116 | Knife, Fork, Spoon and Ring ,, | ... | 2 2 0 | Spoon only...... ,, | ... | 116 | No. P S 4305. Electro-plated “Bead” pattern Knife, Fork and Spoon, in Velvet-lined case. ... | 15/0 | Spoon and Fork in case......... | 9/6 | No. P S 4306. Sterling Silver Basin and Spoon in Velvet-lined case £3 7 6 No. P S 4307. Electro-plated. “Edward” pattern Spoon and Fork in Velvet-lined case ... ... 6/6 HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 4308. Sterling Silver Knife, Fork, Spoon and Ring in Velvet-lined case ... | £2 5 0 | Knife, Fork and Spoon, in case | ... | 1126 | Spoon, Fork and Ring ,, | ... | 1126 | Spoon and Fork...,, | ... | 1 1 0 | Spoon only......,, | ... | 120 | HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 4309. Sterling Silver Egg cup and Spoon in case, Hammered ... £1 10 0 HARRODS LONDON SW No. P S 4310. Sterling Silver Knife, Fork, Spoon and Ring in Velvet-lined case ... | £2 2 0 | Knife, Fork and Spoon, in case | ... | 1100 | Spoon, Fork and Ring ,, | ... | 1 8 6 | Spoon and Fork...,, | ... | 186 | Spoon ... ...,, | ... | 10 | [223] STERLING SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATED CHRISTENING PRESENTS, Etc. No. P S 4311. Sterling Silver Mug, To hold ½ pint, 35/0 Ditto, Smaller size, 25/0 No. P S 4312. Electro-plated Hand Fluted Mug, gilt-inside, 11/0 No. P S 4313. Electro-plated Richly Hand Chased Mug, gilt inside, 9/0 No. P S 4314. Sterling Silver Georgian Mug To hold ? pint, 27/6; ½ pint, 45/0 Electro-plated ditto, gilt inside, 7/6 No. P S 4315. Sterling Silver Fluted Mug. To hold ? pint, 38/6 ,,½,,48/6 No. P S 4316. Sterling Silver Rattle with whistle, bells and coral handle, 10/6 and 16/6 No. P S 4317. Sterling Silver Mug, Richly Chased. To hold ? pint, 44/0 ,,½,,56/6 No. P S 4318. Sterling Silver Rattle with whistle, bells and ivory ring, 9/0 and 12/6 No. P S 4319. Sterling Silver Mug, beautifully engraved. To hold ? pint, 18/6 1-8-6 ,,½,, 22/6 2-2-6 No. P S 4320. Sterling Silver Mug. Height, 3in., 18/6 No. P S 4322. Plain Sterling Silver Two-handled Porringer. Diameter 3½in., 30/0 No. P S 4323. Sterling Silver Two-Handled Bowl and Spoon, richly chased Acanthus Leaf ornamentation, in Velvet-lined case. Diameter of Bowl, 3½in., 97/6 No. P S 4321. Sterling Silver Mug. Height, 2½in., 25/0 ,,,,,, ,,3 ,,42/0 No. P S 4324. Sterling Silver 2-Handled Mug. Height, 2?in., 37/6 Ditto, 3?in., 47/6 [224] STERLING SILVER BOWLS. No. P S 4325. Sterling Silver Bowl. | Diameter | 4½ | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | £3 17 6 | ,, | 6 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 6 16 6 | ,, | 8 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10 10 0 | ,, | 10 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 16 16 0 | Complete with Pedestal. | No. P S 4326. Sterling Silver Rose Bowl. | Diameter | 4 | in. | £1 15 0 | ,, | 6 | in. | 3100 | ,, | 7¼ | in. | 5 0 0 | Complete with Net and Pedestal. | No. P S 4327. Sterling Silver Bowl. | Diameter | 4 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | £3 3 0 | ,, | 6 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 50 0 | ,, | 8 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 8 15 0 | ,, | 10 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 12 12 0 | Electro-plated Bowl. | ,, | 4 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2 2 0 | ,, | 6 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3 3 0 | ,, | 8 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 4 7 6 | ,, | 10 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 5 19 6 | Complete with Pedestal. | No. P S 4328. Sterling Silver Bowl, Beautifully Chased. | Diameter | 5½ | in. | ... | ... | £2 10 0 | ,, | 6¾ | in. | ... | ... | 3 10 0 | ,, | 8 | in. | ... | ... | 4 10 0 | ,, | 8½ | in. | ... | ... | 55 0 | ,, | 10 | in. | ... | ... | 7 15 0 | ,, | 11 | in. | ... | ... | 10 10 0 | Complete with Pedestal. | CASKETS, CENTREPIECES, CUPS, BOWLS, SHIELDS, AND PRESENTATION SILVER PLATE FOR ALL OCCASIONS. Designs submitted with Special Prices to Committees. No. P S 4329. Sterling Silver Jardiniere of Artistic Design and Finest Finish, £31 10 0 (To order.) No. P S 4330. Sterling Silver Bowl with Saw Pierced Border and Shell and Scroll Mount. Diameter 8in. £10 7 6; 10in. £14 0 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4331. Sterling Silver Octagonal Bowl, with beautifully pierced border. Diameter 6in. £4 10 0; 8in. £6 10 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4332. Sterling Silver Rose Bowl. | Diameter | 5 | in. | ... | ... | 26/6 | ,, | 6 | in. | ... | ... | 40/0 | Complete with Net and Pedestal. | No. P S 4333. Richly Engraved Rose Bowl, with Net and Pedestal. | | Sterling Silver | Electro-plate | Diameter | 6½ | in. | ... | £6 16 6 | ... | ... | £2 7 6 | ,, | 8½ | in. | ... | 10176 | ... | ... | 3150 | ,, | 10 | in. | ... | 12 15 0 | ... | ... | 4 14 6 | [225] CHALLENGE CUPS AND BOWLS. No. P S 4334. Sterling Silver Rose Bowl, 5in. diameter, £3 7 6 Ditto, 6in., £4 15 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4335. Sterling Silver Cup and Cover, height 10in. £18 0 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4340. Sterling Silver Rose Bowl. “Tudor” pattern. Diam. 4¼in., £1 16 6 Complete with Net and Pedestal. Right pointing hand No. P S 4341. Sterling Silver Mask Bowl, with Lion and Ring Handles. Diam. 6in., £4 15 0; 8in., £8 0 0; 10in., £16 0 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4342. Sterling Silver Bowl. Diameter over handles, 17½in., £28 10 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4343. Sterling Silver Cup. Height, 4in,£3 13 6; 4¾in.,£4 15 0 6¾in.,£9 19 6; 10½in.,£20 0 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4344. Sterling Silver Hammered Bowl. 11in.diam.,£12 12 0; 9in.,£8 8 0; 7in.,£4 4 0 Complete with Pedestal. [226] CHALLENGE CUPS. No. P S 4345. Sterling | Silver | Cup, | height | 5? | in. | ... | £5 0 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 7¾ | ,, | ... | £10 0 0 | Complete with Pedestal. | No. P S 4347. | Height. | | Sterling | Silver | Cup | ... | ... | 10? | in. | £16 16 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | ... | 8 | in. | 10 0 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | ... | 6½ | in. | 5 0 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | ... | 5½ | in. | 3 18 6 | Complete with Pedestal. | No. P S 4350. Sterling Silver “Irish” Cup, height 8½in. £10 0 0 Complete with Pedestal. SPECIALISTS IN CUPS, BOWLS, TROPHIES AND SPORTS PRIZES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. No. P S 4348. Sterling Silver Cup and Cover with 3 Handles and | Celtic Decoration. | Height | 10¼ | in. | £16 16 0 | Ditto ... | ,, | 13½ | in. | 28 10 0 | Ditto ... | ,, | 17 | in. | 47 10 0 | Ditto without Cover | ,, | 7¼ | in. | 12 10 0 | Ditto ... | ,, | 9½ | in. | 22 10 0 | Ditto ... | ,, | 12 | in. | 35 0 0 | Complete with Pedestal. | No. P S 4351. Sterling | Silver | Cup, | height | 8½ | in. | £10 10 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 6¼ | in. | 5 5 0 | Complete with Pedestal. | No. P S 4346. Sterling Silver Cup, height 7¾in. £11 5 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4349. Antique Design Sterling Silver Two-Handled Cup with Cover, 11¼in. high ... £24 10 6 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4352. Sterling | Silver | Cup, | height | 8? | in. | £10 10 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 7? | in. | 7 7 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 5½ | in. | 3150 | Complete with Pedestal. | [227] STERLING SILVER CUPS AND BOWLS. No. P S 4353. Sterling Silver Cup. Height, 7¼in., £4 0 0 With Pedestal. No. P S 4354. Sterling Silver Plain 2-Handled Cup. To | hold | 2 | pints | ... | £6 0 0 | ,, | ,, | 4 | ,, | ... | £11 7 6 | With Pedestal. No. P S 4355. Sterling Silver “Irish” Cup. Height, 7in.,£5 5 0; 8¾in.,£7 0 0; 10in.,£9 5 0; 11½in.,£12 18 6; 12¾in.,£17 17 0 With Pedestal. No. P S 4356. Sterling Silver 3-Handled Loving Cup. Height to rim 9in., £10 0 0 With Pedestal. No. P S 4357. Sterling Silver Cup. Height, 10¾in., £11 11 0 Ditto to Order. 14¾in.,£19 10 0 17¼in.,£23 10 0 Also in larger sizes. With Pedestal. No. P S 4358. Sterling Silver Cup, Height, 7in., £9 9 0 With Pedestal. No. P S 4359. Sterling Silver Antique “Grecian” Design Two-handled Cup. To | hold | 1 | pint, | 7in. | high, | £5 15 0 | ,, | ,, | 2 | pints, | 9¼ | ,, | £8 10 6 | ,, | ,, | 3 | ,, | 10¼ | ,, | £12 3 6 | With Pedestal. No. P S 4360. Sterling Silver Plain 2-Handled Cup. 5½in.high,£3 15 0 6¾in.high,£5 10 0 8in.high,£8 17 6 With Pedestal. No. P S 4361. Sterling Silver Cup. Registered Design No. 578236. Height 8in. (exclusive of handles), £5 0 0; Ditto, 10in. £6 15 0; Ditto 12in. £10 0 0 With Pedestal. [228] TANKARDS, CUPS, GOBLETS, Etc. No. P S 4362. Sterling | Silver | Tankard, | 2½ | pints, | £10 10 0 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 1½ | ,, | 6 16 6 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 1 | ,, | 5 0 0 | No. P S 4363. Sterling Silver Cup and Pedestal. | Height of Cup, | 7in., | £4 15 0 | | Ditto | 9in. | 6 15 0 | | Ditto | 11in. | 9 10 0 | No. P S 4364. Electro-plated Goblet. Finely engraved. Diam. 6½in.,15/6; 7in.,18/6 7¾in.,22/6; 9in.,32/6. Pedestal extra. No. P S 4365. Sterling Silver Mug, 1 pint, £3 10 0 No. P S 4366. Sterling Silver Goblet, complete, height | 6in., | ½ pint | ... | ... | 30/0 | | 7in., | ¾ pint | ... | ... | 40/0 | | 8in., | 1 pint | ... | ... | 60/0 | | 9in., | 1½ pint | ... | ... | 80/0 | | 10in., | 2 pints | ... | ... | 100/0 | Electro-Plated ditto 6in., ½ pint | 21/0 | | 7in., | ¾ pint | ... | ... | 25/0 | | 8in., | 1 pint | ... | ... | 30/0 | | 9in., | 1½ pint | ... | ... | 37/6 | | 10in., | 2 pints | ... | ... | 45/0 | Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4367. Sterling Silver Beaker, ½ pint, 20/0 No. P S 4368. Sterling Silver Cup and Cover. Height, 20¼in., £16 16 0; Ditto,height15¼in.,£8 15 0; ditto,height11¾in.,£5 12 6; ditto,height10¼in.,£4 4 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4369. Electro-plate and Oak Tankard, 1 pint, 18/6 No. P S 4370. Sterling Silver Goblet complete with Plinth, height, | 6in., | ½ pint | ... | ... | 25/0 | | 7in., | ¾ pint | ... | ... | 35/0 | | 8in., | 1 pint | ... | ... | 50/0 | | 9in., | 1½ pint | ... | ... | 70/0 | | 10in., | 2 pints | ... | ... | 90/0 | Electro-plated ditto, 6in., ½ pint | 12/6 | | 7in., | ¾ pint | ... | ... | 15/0 | | 8in., | 1 pint | ... | ... | 17/6 | | 9in., | 1½ pint | ... | ... | 21/0 | | 10in., | 2 pints | ... | ... | 27/6 | Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4371. Sterling Silver Cup. with 3 handles. Height of Cup, 10½in. ... £21 0 0 Complete with Pedestal. No. P S 4372. Sterling Silver Centre-piece. Height, 18in., £50 No. P S 4373. Sterling Silver Cup with 2 handles. | Height, | 8in. | ... | ... | £10 0 0 | Ditto, | Height, | 5¾in. | ... | ... | 5 0 0 | Complete with Pedestal. [229] FANCY LEATHER GOODS DEPARTMENT. DAINTY GIFTS IN SELF COLOURED SILK TAPESTRIES. No. F F 2581. Silk Tapestry Frames under glass. Carte-de-Visite, 1/6; Cabinet, 3/0; Boudoir, 4/6; Imperial, 5/6; 10 × 8in. 7/6; 12 × 10in. 10/6 Three Art Colours—Rose, Blue, Green. Beautiful Finish. No. F F 2760. Useful Book Stand. 12in. long, 6/11 No. F F 2581. Silk Tapestry Photo Frames. Cabinet size, 2/3; Boudoir size, 3/6; Imperial size, 4/6 No. F F 2770. Silk Tapestry Cheque Blotter, 2/3 No. F F 2761. Pincushion Boxes, lined moire, 3/6 and 5/0 No. F F 2757. Calendar. C.-de-Visite size, 1/9; Cabinet size, 2/11 No. F F 2756. Blotting Books, in three sizes. 11 × 8in. 3/11, 12¼ × 8¾in. 5/0, 13½ × 9½in. 6/6. Covered Stationery Case to match, 6/11 No. F F 2762. Trinket Box, lined moire. 8 × 4 × 2in. 2/11 No. F F 2772. Silk Tapestry Heart Pincushion Caskets 2/6 and 3/9 No. F F 2768. Folding Writing Pad with Ink and Pen Box, 6/9 No. F F 2769. Hat-pin Box, 2/11 No. F F 2754. Waste Paper Barrels, lined moire. Size 8×7½in.5/6, 9½×8½in.6/9, 11×9½in.8/6 No. F F 2767. Hat-pin Stand, 3/9 No. F F 2771. Silk Tapestry Note Blocks. 5½ × 3½in. 3/11, 6½ × 4½in. 5/6, 8½ × 5½in. 6/11 No. F F 2755. Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, lined moire, 3/11 each; 7/9 the pair. No. F F 2763. Nest of Drawers, lined moire No. 1, 9 × 6½ × 7in., three drawers, 12/9; No. 2, 11 × 8½ × 9in., three drawers, 18/9; No. 3, 12 × 11 × 9¼in., four drawers, 24/9 No. F F 2758. Waste Paper Holders. 8¾ × 8¾ × 9in. 10/6, 10 × 10 × 10½in. 13/6, 11 × 11 × 12in. 16/6 No. F F 2764. Useful Lace Boxes, lined moire. Sizes (inside measurement.) 11½ × 5½ × 2?in. 3/11, 12½ × 6½ × 2¾in. 5/0, 13½ × 7½ × 3½in. 6/6, 14½ × 8½ × 4¼in. 8/9 [230] WRITING CASES. POST CARD No. F F 104. Roan. Octavo size, 6/6 Quarto size, 9/9 POST CARD No. F F 101. Roan. Octavo size, 5/3; Quarto, 7/0; Large Quarto size, 8/3 A PUBLIC TELEPHONE IS PROVIDED IN THIS DEPARTMENT FOR CUSTOMERS’ USE. WHERE IS IT? MEMOS No. F F 105. Roan. Octavo size, 7/9 Quarto size, 9/9 POST CARD No. F F 99. Roan. Octavo size, 4/6 Quarto, 5/9 No. F F 72. Roan AttachÉ Cases. Lined Silk. 10in. 21/9 12in. 25/9 14in. 29/9 16in. 34/9 No. F F 125. Roan. Octavo | size | ... | ... | ... | 14/9 | Quarto | ,, | ... | ... | ... | 17/9 | POST CARD No. F F 110. | Octavo. | Quarto. | Roan | ... | ... | ... | ... | 8/6 | 11/6 | Morocco | ... | ... | ... | 14/9 | 17/9 | Russia | ... | ... | ... | ... | 18/0 | 21/0 | No. F F 126. Large Quarto Writing Case. Large expanding pockets. Roan, 26/9; Morocco, 32/9; Pigskin, 35/9 POST CARD No. F F 108. Roan, octavo size, 11/9; quarto size, 15/9 Morocco,,15/9; ,, 22/9 [231] POST CARD No. F F 88. With Removable Blotter. | Octavo. | Quarto. | Seal | ... | ... | ... | 23/9 | 33/9 | Pigskin | ... | ... | ... | 19/9 | 27/9 | No. F F 113. Three-fold Cases, with Strap. | Octavo. | Quarto. | F’cap. | Roan | ... | ... | ... | 9/9 | 14/9 | 18/9 | Pigskin | ... | ... | ... | 22/9 | 27/9 | 35/9 | No. F F 103. Roan. Octavo Size, 10/9 Quarto Size, 13/9 No. F F 128. Solid Leather. Size, 12 × 9, 20/6 Size, 14 × 10, 25/9 POST CARD No. F F 107. Three-fold Case. Long Grain. Octavo Size, 3/9 Quarto Size, 4/11 No. F F 28. Pigskin. Octavo Size, 23/9 Quarto Size, 28/9 POST CARD No. F F 118. | Octavo. | Quarto. | Roan | ... | ... | ... | 16/9 | 21/9 | Russia | ... | ... | ... | 24/9 | 31/9 | POST CARD No. F F 127. | Octavo. | Quarto. | Morocco | ... | ... | ... | 21/9 | 26/9 | Russia | ... | ... | ... | 24/9 | 29/9 | POST CARD No. F F 124. Roan, Lined Silk. Octavo Size, 13/9 Quarto Size, 17/9 [232] LEATHER WRITING PADS. No. F F 11. Silver-mounted Blotting Pads. | Stout Corners. | Thin Corners. | Quarto Size, 11½ × 9in. | 18/9 | 13/9 | Foolscap | ... | ... | ... | 19/9 | 14/9 | Folio, 17½ × 11½in. | ... | 21/9 | 16/9 | POST CARD No. F F 19. Three-fold Writing Pad, Long Grain, 11/9, 15/9 No. F F 78. Leather Writing Pad, 18 × 11½in. with ink, pen and paper-knife, 6/9 POST CARD No. F F 18. Two-fold Writing Pad, Long Grain, 13/9 No. F F 43. Writing Pad, Long Grain Leather, 25/9 No. F F 2. Useful Writing Pad. Roan, 27/9; Hide, 31/9 WHERE IS IT? MEMOS No. F F 95. Writing Pad, Long Grain Leather, 16/9 No. F F 31. Invalid’s Writing Pad, Long Grain Leather, 14/9 No. F F 94. Writing Pad, Roan, 37/9 No. F F 21. Writing Pad. Polished Roan, 32/9; Crocodile, 52/9; Morocco, 45/9 No. F F 3. Large Writing Pad. Roan, 42/9; Seal, 48/9; Crocodile, 63/0 [233] FITTED ATTACHÉ WRITING CASES. Harrods Ltd No. F F 67. Fitted AttachÉ Case, Harrods’ latest Pattern, two locks. Roan | ... | ... | ... | ... | 12in. | 24/9 | 14in. | 27/9 | Morocco | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 31/9 | ,, | 37/9 | Hide | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 36/9 | ,, | 42/9 | Pigskin | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 42/9 | ,, | 48/9 | Crushed Morocco | ... | ,, | 55/9 | ,, | 63/0 | CARDS No. F F 53. Fitted AttachÉ Case, 14in. long. | No. 1 Quality. | No. 2 Quality. | Roan | ... | ... | 27/9 | 19/9 | Morocco | ... | 37/9 | 29/9 | Hide | ... | ... | 37/9 | 28/9 | Pigskin | ... | 42/9 | 34/6 | No. F F 65. Roan Leather Fitted AttachÉ Case, 12in. 13/9; 14in. 16/9 Memoranda Addresses No. F F 66. Solid Leather Fitted AttachÉ Cases, 12in. 22/9; 14in. 27/9; 16in. 32/9 No. F F 71. AttachÉ Cases, Unfitted. Best Solid Leather. Leather Lined. 10 | 12 | 14 | 16in. | 12/9 | 15/9 | 18/9 | 21/9 | No. F F 90. Solid Leather Fitted AttachÉ Case, Hand sewn edges, two lever locks. 14in. long. Special value, 22/6 No. F F 92. Crushed Morocco AttachÉ Case, 12in. 37/9; 14in. 45/9 F F 74. Crushed Morocco, best quality, 12in. 50/0; 14in. 63/0 Real Crocodile, best quality, 12in. 67/6; 14in. 84/0 No. F F 1584. Finest quality Expanding AttachÉ Case. Most useful for travelling. Fitted with blotting pad, safety ink, silver-mounted pen and pencil, and Ivory paper knife. Best Quality Duplicate Locks. Finest Pigskin or Morocco, 63/0 Pigskin, lined Pigskin throughout, 75/0. Size closed 14 × 9 × 3½in. deep expanding to 7in. No. F F 166. Wicker Letter Tray, lined roan, 9/6 No. F F 91. AttachÉ Case, with lift out writing pad, pockets for stationery, and envelope pocket for cheque book. 12in. 31/9; 14in. 37/9 [234] No. F F 1013. Letter Balance. Lacquered Brass on walnut stand. 8 oz., 6/6; 16 oz., 9/6. No. F F 1014. Do., Nickel-plated, on polished oak stand. 8 oz., 9/6; 16 oz., 13/9 4 lb 4 lb No. F F 1012. Parcel Post Balance. Best quality, on Brown Oak Stand, with weights to weigh Letters and Parcels from ½ oz. to 12 lb. Brass, 45/0 Nickel Plated, 55/9 No. F F 1011. Do. Do. Smaller, with Brass Weights to weigh from ½ oz. to 4 lb., 25/9 No. F F 1009. Letter Balance. Polished Brass on Large Oak Stand. 8 oz., 12/6 16 oz., 16/9 MA No. F F 9. | Leather Blotters. | 9 × 7 | 10½ × 8 | 11 × 9 | Long Grain | 1/11½ | 2/6½ | 2/11½ | | 10 × 8½ | 12 × 9½ | 13½ × 10 | Limp Roan, Lined leather | 4/11 | 6/6 | 7/11 | ,,,,,,roan | 7/9 | 10/9 | 13/9 | Real Morocco, lined do. | 18/9 | 22/9 | 27/9 | Silver Monograms from 3/6 | LETTERS FOR POST ARRIVED No. F F 13. Light Oak Post Box, with roan front. 11½in. long. 9/6 CF No. F F 5. Silver-mounted Blotters. | | 10 × 8½ | 12 × 9½ | 13½ × 10 | Roan, lined leather | 9/6 | 11/9 | 13/9 | ,,,,roan | 15/9 | 18/9 | 21/9 | Real Morocco, Silk lined Book | 28/9 | 31/9 | 36/9 | Silver Monograms from 3/6 | CH No. F F 183. Silver-mounted Blotters, finest quality and finish throughout. | | 10 × 8½ | 12 × 9½ | 13½ × 10 | Crocodile, lined Calf | 40/9 | 51/9 | 61/9 | ,,,,Crocodile | 55/9 | 66/9 | 81/9 | Crushed Morocco, lined Crushed Morocco | 41/9 | 53/9 | 65/9 | Silver Monograms from 5/6 | Gold,,,, 35/0 | No. F F 4040. Envelope and Blotter Set, comprising Blotter 12 × 9½in., and Stationery Case, 9½in. long, in Crushed Morocco, each with two silver mounts. The Set, £3 3 0 No. F F 7. TRAVELLING INK. | No. 1 Round. Size diameter. | | 1¾in. | 2in. | 2¼in. | 2½in. | Russia— | 1/11½ | 2/3½ | 2/9 | 3/3 | Morocco— | 1/11½ | 2/3½ | 2/9 | 3/3 | Crocodile— | 3/3 | 3/9 | 4/6 | 4/11 | No. 2 Square. | | 1¾ × 1¾ | 2 × 2 | 2? × 2? | 2¼ × 2¼in. | Russia— | 1/11½ | 2/3½ | 2/9 | 3/3 | | 2 × 2 | 2? × 2? | 2¼ × 2¼ | 2½ × 2½in. | Morocco— | 2/3½ | 2/9½ | 3/3 | 3/9 | ET No. F F 184. Blotters, finest quality and finish throughout. | | 10½ × 8½ | 12 × 9½ | 13½ × 10 | Crocodile, lined Calf | 30/9 | 36/9 | 43/9 | ,,,,Crocodile | 45/9 | 54/9 | 63/9 | Crushed Morocco lined Crushed Morocco | 31/9 | 38/9 | 47/9 | A.B.C. POSTAL GUIDE TELEGRAPH FORMS BRADSHAW WHITAKER No. F F 58. Reference Cabinet. Polished Roan, 15/9; Ditto, 4 Books, 12/9 Ditto, 3 Books, 9/6 No. F F 1537. Silver Calendar Penwiper, 1/11½ A B C TELEGRAMS POSTAL GUIDE WHITAKER BRADSHAW No. F F 58. Reference Cabinet. Polished Roan, 15/9; Ditto, 4 Books, 12/9 Ditto, 3 Books, 9/6 No. F F 59. Reference Cabinet. Polished Roan ... ... 23/9 [235] PACKING BASKETS AND STANDS. No. F F 1539. Useful Packing Basket, complete with twine, paste, scissors, etc., and tools for packing small boxes, 21/9 IMPROVED Stickphast OFFICE PASTE No. F F 1550. Leather Packing Stand, to hang or stand, completely fitted. Roan, 6/6; crushed Morocco, 9/6 No. F F 1548. Useful Packing Basket, complete with twine, paste, scissors, etc., and tools for packing small boxes, 15/9 No. F F 280. Useful Packing Basket, contains twine, sealing wax, paste, labels, spring balance, etc., 8/6 Stickphast No. F F 1549. Useful Packing and Stationery Basket, fitted complete, 12/9 No. F F 1553. Letter Clip, with silver-mounted calendar, 2/3 No. F F 281. Useful Packing Basket, contains twine, sealing wax, paste, labels, spring balance, etc., 8/11 Stickphast BALANCE No. F F 701. Leather Packing Cabinet, 7in. diameter. Roan, 5/0; crushed Morocco, 8/9 No. F F 1540. Packing Basket, fitted with scissors, paste, balance, etc. 4/3 No. F F 1552. Gum Pot and Calendar. Roan leather, 2/11; crushed Morocco, 3/11 No. F F 286. String Box, containing three different sizes of string and a pair of scissors. Roan, 6/6; crushed Morocco, 10/6. Smaller size, containing two balls of string. Roan, 4/3; crushed Morocco, 8/9 No. F F 1538. String Cabinet and Packing Companion, fitted complete. French Morocco, 37/9; Pigskin, 51/6; Morocco, 49/9; crushed Morocco, 63/0 BALANCE “FIXOL” 6d No. F F 702. New Pattern Leather Packing Cabinet, very strong. Roan, 13/9; crushed Morocco, 19/6 “FIXOL” 6d Stickphast No. F F 1551. Leather Paste and String Stand; to hang or stand, completely fitted. Roan, 10/9, crushed Morocco, 17/9 [236] DOCUMENT CASES, DISPATCH BOXES, LETTER BASKETS, &c. No. F F 6. Stationery Rack, Long Grain Leather, 4/11. No. F F 51. Empty Dispatch Box, Long Grain, Ordinary Locks, Leather Handles. 7in.6/6, 8in.7/11, 9in.9/11, 10in.11/9 No. F F 131. Morocco Boxes, Lined Silk Velvet, Bramah Locks. 7½×6×2¾in.15/9, 8¾×6½×4in.19/9 10×7×3½in.21/9, 12×6×3½in.23/9 PAID ANSWERED UNANSWERED UNPAID No. F F 1029. The “Four-in-One” Letter Pocket for Accounts Paid and Unpaid, Letters Answered and Unanswered. Length 7in.7/6, 8¼in.8/6, 9¼in.9/6 HARRODS No. F F 1031. Document Cases, Finest English Pigskin, with Pigskin Gussets and Divisions. Bramah Pattern Locks. Size | 10½ × 6½ | 12 × 7 | 14 × 7½in. | | 27/9 | 36/0 | 42/9 | No. F F 1017. Stationery Rack. Roan. | Size | 8½ | in. | 7/9 | ,, | 9½ | ,, | 10/9 | ,, | 11½ | ,, | 13/9 | Morocco. | Size | 8½ | in. | 17/9 | ,, | 9½ | ,, | 19/9 | ,, | 11½ | ,, | 21/9 | HARRODS No. F F 1030. Document Cases, Finest English Pigskin, with Pigskin Gussets and Divisions. Bramah Pattern Locks. Size | 10 × 8 | 11½ × 9 | 14 × 10in. | | 31/6 | 37/6 | 47/6 | No. F F 1564. Twine Box, with Scissors, crushed Morocco, 4/0 ANSWERED No. F F 1032. Document Cases, with Divisions for Answered and Unanswered Letters, Pull-out Blotter in pocket at back. | 9½ × 7½ | 10¾ × 8 | 12 × 8 | Roan ... | 12/6 | 14/6 | 16/6 | Pigskin | 17/9 | 19/9 | 21/9 | POST CARD No. F F 157. Letter Basket, Wicker, Leather Lid. No. 1 quality, 22/9; No. 2 quality, 16/9. No. F F 167. Wicker Correspondence Basket, with Leather Lid and Indexed Divisions for Documents, &c., strong lock and key. Size 13½ × 11¼ × 4¼in., 50/0 No. F F 4. Dispatch Boxes. Bramah Locks. Empty Box, Long Grain Roan. Brass Handle | 10½ | 12 | 14½ | 16in. | 14/9 | 16/9 | 18/9 | 22/9 | Morocco | 24/9 | 28/9 | 32/9 | 36/9 | Best Russia | 24/9 | 30/9 | 34/9 | 38/9 | | 14in. | Real Crocodile | — | 67/9 | 75/0 | 84/0 | Best Pigskin | — | — | 79/6 | — | | 14½in. | With Tray, Long Grain Roan | 18/9 | 19/9 | 22/9 | 25/9 | Morocco, Brass Handle | 28/9 | 32/9 | 36/9 | 42/0 | Best Russia | 28/9 | 34/9 | 38/9 | 45/0 | | 14in. | Real Crocodile | — | 72/6 | 79/6 | 87/6 | Best Pigskin | — | — | 95/0 | — | ANTIQUE PERSIAN LEATHER GOODS IN BROWN OR GREEN, WITH GOLD FLEUR DE LYS OR GILT LINE TOOLING. No. F F 590. Antique Shape Stationery Cabinet, to hold 3 sizes Paper and Envelopes, Plain, 26/9 FleurdeLys, 28/9 No. F F 583. Telegram Book. Plain, 6/9 FleurdeLys, 7/6 No. F F 585. Calendar Frame. Plain, 3/9 FleurdeLys, 4/6 No. F F 593. Blotting Books, Best Quality Silk Covered Books. | 10½ × 8½ | 12½ × 9½ | 13½ × 10 | Plain ... | 13/6 | 16/6 | 19/6 | FleurdeLys | 14/9 | 17/9 | 21/9 | No. F F 591. Book Rack. 12in. long. Lined Silk. Plain, 13/9 Fleur de Lys, 15/9 No. F F 574. Jewel Case, lined Velvet. One Tray, Bramah Lock. 7½in. | plain, | 17/9 | FleurdeLys, | 19/9 | 8½in. | ,, | 22/9 | ,, | 24/9 | No. F F 575. Useful Library Tray. Fitted as shown. Size 12½ × 10. Plain, 19/9 FleurdeLys, 23/9 No. F F 576. Wicker Library Basket, with Antique Persian Lid, fitted Scissors, Ivory Paper Knife, Pen and Pencil. Plain, 31/9 FleurdeLys, 33/9 No. F F 592. Fitted AttachÉ Cases. | 10 ins. | 12 ins. | 14 ins. | Plain ... | 31/6 | 37/6 | 45/- | FleurdeLys | 33/9 | 41/9 | 48/9 | No. F F 586. Reference Cabinet, With plain gold tooling, 39/9 With Fleur de Lys gold tooling, 45/9 No. F F 584. Memorandum Block. Plain, 6/9 FleurdeLys, 7/6 No. F F 582. Stamp Box. Plain, 3/9 FleurdeLys, 4/6 No. F F 589. AttachÉ Cases, lined Silk, with pocket in lid. | 10 ins. | 12 ins. | 14 ins. | With plain gilt line | 25/9 | 31/9 | 37/9 | With FleurdeLys | 27/9 | 33/9 | 39/9 | No. F F 577. Large Folding Writing Pad, with many useful pockets and fittings. Plain gold tooling, 50/0 Fancy gold tooling. 52/9 No. F F 580. Stationery Rack and Blotter Set. Plain, 33/9 FleurdeLys, 39/9 the set. [238] LADIES’ FASHIONABLE HAND BAGS. No. F F 1844. Fashionable Flap-over Bag, with flexible gilt mounts. Gilt frame underneath, Purse inside bag. | 7in. | 7¾in. | Polished Persian | 17/9 | 19/9 | Tapir Calf... | 19/9 | 21/9 | No. F F 1842. Very special value. Real Crushed Morocco Bags, with Crushed Morocco handles. Gilt frame. 4¾in.4/6 5½in.5/6 6¼in.6/6 No. F F 1837. Very flat Vanity Bag in Velvet Calf, with gilt mounts. Puff and purse inside. 8in.35/9 8¾in.39/9 9½in.43/9 10in.47/9 No. F F 1839. The “Parisian” Bag, with new extending Handles. Double frame under flap. 7in. wide by 9in. deep. Velvet Calf...... | £1 5 9 | Best Seal...... | £2 2 0 | No. F F 1755. “Peggy” Vanity Bag, containing purse, mirror, and scent bottle. Beaver Calf. 7in. long. Only 15/9 No. F F 1765. Dainty Vanity Bag. Inner division inside. Outside pocket containing mirror and puff. 8in. long. Fine Roan, 16/9. Velvet Calf, 18/9. Fine Seal, 21/9 No. F F 1965. Triple Frame Bag, fine quality Seal, lined Best Silk, 15/9, 18/9, 21/9 No. F F 1970. New Fitted Wide Opening Bag, fitted with scent bottle, card case, puff and mirror. Inner secure division for coins. | 7 | 7½in. | Morocco ... | 35/9 | 38/9 | Seal...... | 38/9 | 42/9 | Crocodile... | 42/9 | 45/9 | No. F F 1971. New square Shopping Bag with inner purse division. Finest quality Seal. Very Soft. 7in.27/9 7¾in.30/9 8½in.33/9 No. F F 1719. Envelope-shape Bag, containing mirror and purse. Soft chamois leather. 8in.10/6 8½in.11/6 No. F F 1966. ‘Ladies’ Carriage Bags. Finest English Morocco, lined rich MoirÉ silk. 8×616/9 8½×619/9 9½×6½22/9 10½×725/9 11½×828/9 13×931/9 No. F F 1721. Fashionable Vanity Bag, with mirror and puff. Soudan antelope. 5½in.18/9 6½in.21/9 7in.24/9 8in.27/9 [239] No. F F 1846. New Flap-over Bag with inner division. SuÈde Leather, 7in.12/9, 7¾in.13/9 No. F F 1845. New Flap-over Bag, Gilt Frame. | 6½in. | 7in. | 7½in. | Best Morocco | 10/6 | 11/6 | 12/6 | No. F F 1840. New Flap-over Bag with Cord Handles, Purse inside. | 6½in. | 7in. | SuÈde | 8/9 | 9/9 | Velvet Calf | 15/6 | 17/6 | No. F F 1838. SuÈde Leather, in various colours, with 2 Silver Gilt Mounts, and containing Mirror and Puff. Size 8in. wide by 7in. deep. Only 10/9 each. No. F F 1841. Very Stylish Bag in Crushed Morocco, with Real Silver Gilt Flexible Rims, inside lined best MoirÉ Silk, and containing various Pockets, with Card Case, Mirror, and secure Divisions for coins. 7in.29/6,7½in.33/6,8in.37/6 Harrods’ Collection of High Class Bags is the Largest in the World, and Comprises the Smartest Shapes and most Choice Leathers. No. F F 1843. Very Stylish Bag, Fine Grain Seal, with Silver Gilt Flexible Rims, containing Mirror and Puff. 8in. | 8½in. | 9in. | 10in. | 39/9 | 42/9 | 45/9 | 48/9 | No. F F 1847. Very Stylish Bag, Fine Seal Grain Morocco, with Silver Gilt Flexible Rims, lined best MoirÉ Silk, and containing Double Inner Divisions, Mirror and Puff. 8in. 27/6 8½in. 31/6 9in. 35/6 No. F F 1a. Popular Shape Cordelier Bags, with Fancy Gilt Flexible Mounts, Gilt Frame under Flap, fitted with Mirror and Puff, Gorilla Russia Leather in the following shades—Mole, Beige, Olive, and Amethyst. Size of Bag, 9in. long by 6½in. deep. 19/6 each. VERY SPECIAL VALUE, WORTH left pointing hand27/6 right pointing hand No. F F 3a. Very Stylish Flap-over Bag, with Gilt Frame under Flap, and inner secure Divisions for coins. Made from beautifully soft Tapir Calf in the following dainty shades—Silver Grey, Mole, Otter, Lava, Absinthe, Fleur de Mauve. Size of Bag, 8in. long by 7½in. deep. 19/6 each. VERY SPECIAL VALUE, WORTH left pointing hand27/6 right pointing hand No. F F 2a. Most Fashionable Shape Bag, with Fancy Gilt Flexible Mounts and the Fashionable Silk Cord Handles, Gilt Spring Catch Frame under Flap, and contains a Dainty Purse. Made from a Beautifully Velvet-finished Calf in the following shades—Mole, Otter, Olive, Blue, Beige. Size of Bag, 7½in. long by 7in. deep. 19/6 each. [240] No. F F 1876. Miniature Devonshire Bag, with Watch, Crushed Morocco, 22/9, Coloured Seal, 23/9 No. F F 1753. Cordelier Bags, with Frame under Flap. Various Colours Grained Calf or Beaver Calf, 8in. long, 12/9 No. F F 1848. Smart Flap over Bag. Beaver Calf with Fancy Gilt Flexible Rim, 19/9 No. F F 1723. Fashionable Envelope Shape Bag, polished Persian with Flexible Silver Mounts, 7¼in. long, 22/9 No. F F 1762. Extra Deep Vanity Bag. Size 7½in. long by 8½in. deep, contains Mirror, Puff, and Purse in Inner Secure Division, Fine Seal, 45/9 No. F F 1831. Dainty Trapeze Bag, with the new Silk Cord and Tassel Handle, fitted with Purse, Mirror and Puff, in Soft Velvet Calf Leather. 6½ | 7¼ | 8in. | 21/9 | 23/9 | 25/9 | No. F F 1595. New Trapeze Bag, fitted Purse, Mirror and Cachou Box. | 6½in. | 7¼in. | 8in. | Russia Beaver | 11/9 | 12/9 | 13/9 | Roan... | 8/9 | 9/9 | 10/9 | No. F F 1757. Vanity Bag, very roomy and useful, fitted with Purse, Mirror, Cachou Box, Hairpin Box, and Scent Bottle. Length of Frame, 8¾in. Seal Grain Morocco, 21/3 No. F F 1969. New Square Bag fitted with Purse, Scent Bottle, Puff, and Mirror. Finest finishthroughout. | 7 | 7½ | 8¾in. | Morocco... | 28/9 | 31/9 | 34/9 | Seal ...... | 31/9 | 34/9 | 37/9 | Crocodile... | 36/9 | 39/9 | 42/9 | NEW PATTERNS ARE CONSTANTLY BEING ADDED. No. F F 2012. Devonshire Bag. | 5½in. | 6½in. | Polished Roan | 12/9 | 13/9 | Beaver Calf | 15/9 | 16/9 | CrushedMorocco | 16/9 | 18/9 | SELECTIONS SENT ON APPROVAL. No. F F 1720. Useful Cordelier Bag containing Purse. Fine Grain Imitation Seal. | 6½ | 7 | 8 | 8¾in. | | 22/6 | 24/6 | 26/6 | 28/6 | [241] FASHIONABLE HAND-MADE BEADED BAGS. Of the very finest workmanship and finish. No. F F 2133. Hand-worked Bead Bag, charming combinations of two colours, black and gold, gold and purple, white and grey. Size 5½ × 6in. 50/0 SUITABLE FOR PROMENADE OR EVENING WEAR. No. F F 2134. Long shape Bead Bag, gold and white background, coloured flowers. Size 4½in., 24/9; 6in., 31/9; 6½in., 47/9 Most Effective Wear with the Fashionable Velvet Costumes. No. F F 2135. Hand-worked Bead Bag, platinum designs on gold background. Size 5½ × 6in. 37/9 No. F F 2136. Dainty Hand-worked Miniature Bead Bag, platinum designs on gold background. Size 3½ × 4in. 12/9 No. F F 2137. Very Handsome Design, coloured flowers on white, black and gold background, pearl-mounted frame. Size 6½ × 5½in., 59/6 No. F F 2138. Very Effective Design, coloured flowers on white and heliotrope ground. Size 6½ × 6in. 63/0 No. F F 2139. Dainty Hand-worked Bead Bag, coloured flowers on gold background. Size 4 × 4½in. 25/9. Also in various other colours. No. F F 2140. Dainty Bead Bag various designs and colourings. Size 5 × 4in. 22/9 No. F F 2141. Platinum Designs, on gold ground. Size 4½ × 4in. 27/9 No. F F 2142. Gold Beads, with platinum colour “Fleur-de-Lys.” Size 5½ × 4in. 25/9 No. F F 2143. Graceful Platinum Design, on gold background, gold and platinum fringe. Size 6½ × 4in. 45/0 No. F F 2144. Very Fine Hand Bead-work, gold ground with coloured flowers, various designs. Size 6 × 6in. 57/9 In all cases the length of frame is given first, and depth of bag after. No. F F 2145. Very Handsome Hand-worked Bead Bag, gold ground with coloured flowers. Size 8 × 7in. 90/0 Carriage Paid on all Goods delivered in the British Isles. — Selections willingly sent on approval. No. F F 2146. Hand-worked Bead Bag, black and gold. Size 5 × 6in. 55/0. Also in gold and colours. [242] LADIES’ PURSES AND CARD CASES. No. F F 1426. Real Crocodile Purses, 2 silver corners. Sizes | 3½ | 4 | 4½ | 5in. | | 4/6 | 5/0 | 5/6 | 6/0 | No. F F 9623. The Double Clad Purse, silver rims and locks, Crocodile or crushed Morocco. Sizes | 3¼ | 4 | 4? | 4?in. | | 7/6 | 8/6 | 9/6 | 10/6 | No. F F 1894. Polished Crocodile Purse, two silver corners, 4¾in. long, 4/6 No. F F 1587. Crushed Morocco Purses, silver lock and specially thick silver corners. Sizes | 3½ | 4 | 4? | 4¾in. | | 6/9 | 7/3 | 7/9 | 8/6 | No. F F 1409. Real Crocodile or Crushed Morocco Purses. Sizes | 3½ | 4 | 4½ | 5in. | | 3/6 | 3/9 | 4/3 | 4/9 | No. F F 416. Silver-mounted Purses, lined calf throughout. Sizes ...... | 4½ | 5 | 5½in. | Crushed Morocco | 14/9 | 15/9 | 19/6 | Crocodile ... | 16/9 | 18/9 | 19/9 | No. F F 417. Crushed Morocco, long shape, silver lock and corners. Sizes... | 4 | 4½ | 5in. | | 11/9 | 12/9 | 13/9 | No. F F 402. Plain Russia, 3/6, 4/0, 4/6 No. F F 410. Real Seal, silver lock, best quality, 8/9, 9/6, 10/9 No. F F 1437. Ladies’ and Gents’ Card Cases, fine seal, faced seal. Gents’,4/6 Ladies’,5/6 No. F F 896. Ladies’ Card Case, tapir calf, 7/6 No. F F 855. Ladies’ and Gents’ Card Cases, silver-mounted. Gents’ Russia | 6/6 | Ladies’,, | 8/6 | Gents’ Crocodile | 8/6 | Ladies’,, | 10/6 | No. F F 411. Crocodile, faced ditto. Sizes | 4 | 4? | 4¾in. | Best quality | 9/6 | 10/9 | 11/9 | No. F F 887. New Envelope Shape Card Cases. Gents’ cases, tapir calf, 3/6; real seal, 4/0 Ladies’ cases, tapir, 4/6; seal, 5/0 No. F F 897.Sandringham Purses, with fancy silver gilt flexible rims, Crushed Morocco, 33/9 Fine seal, 39/6 and 42/9 No. F F 1424. Sandringham Purse, silver rim and chain. Russia...... | 24/9 | Crushed Morocco | 27/9 | Crocodile... | 30/0 | No. F F 1586.Sandringham Purse, with silver attachments and silver taxi-cab whistle, crushed Morocco, 21/0 With gold attachments and gold whistle, 85/0 No. F F 2111.Ladies’ Sandringham Purse, Crushed Morocco, with silver attachments and chain, 17/9 No. F F 406. Polished Crocodile | 5/11 | 6/9 | 7/6 | Crushed Morocco | 5/3 | 5/9 | 6/3 | Black Seal... | 5/3 | 5/9 | 6/3 | No. F F 1427. Silver Mounted Purses Crushed Morocco. | Sizes | 3½ | 4 | 4? | 4?in. | | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/11 | 8/11 | Crocodile. | | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/11 | 8/11 | With 9-carat Gold Mounts. | Crushed Morocco. | | 24/9 | 27/9 | 30/9 | 33/9 | Crocodile. | | 25/9 | 28/9 | 31/9 | 34/9 | No. F F 414. Silver Mounted Purses. Sizes | 4½ | 5 | 5½in. | Russia...... | 10/6 | 11/9 | 13/6 | Crushed Morocco | 12/6 | 13/9 | 15/6 | Polished Crocodile | 13/6 | 14/9 | 16/6 | No. F F 413. Crushed Morocco, Silver Lock. Sizes | 4? | 4¾ | 5?in. | Best quality... | 9/6 | 10/9 | 11/9 | [243] GENTLEMEN’S LETTER CASES, CIGAR AND CIGARETTE CASES, &c. No. F F 851. Silver Mounted Letter Cases. | 5½in. | 6in. | 6½in. | Russia, lined calf | 11/9 | 12/9 | 13/9 | Crocodile,, | 14/9 | 15/9 | 16/9 | No. F F 1438. Gents’ Portsea Purses, hand sewn, tuck or stud fastening. Pigskin 1/0, 1/3, 1/6, 2/0, 2/6 Real Seal 2/6, 3/0, 3/6, 4/0, 4/6 Real Crocodile 4/6, 5/0, 5/6 No. F F 407. Gents’ Purse. Morocco... | 3/6 | Brown Hide... | 3/9 | Polished Crocodile | 6/9 | No. F F 895. Gentlemen’s Letter Case, pearl seal with silver flexible rims. 19/6, 25/0, 31/6 With gold flexible rims. 29/6, 37/6, 55/0 No. F F 503. Silver Mounted Cigar and Cigarette Cases. Russia. Cigarette | ... | 10/9 | 11/9 | Cigar | ... | 12/9 | 13/9 | Crocodile. | Cigarette | ... | ... | | 12/9 | 13/9 | Cigar | ... | ... | 14/6 | 16/9 | 18/9 | No. F F 887. New Envelope Shape Card and Letter Cases. | Tapir Calf. | | Real Seal | Gents’ Card Cases | 3/6 | ... | 4/0 | Ladies’,,,, | 4/6 | ... | 5/0 | Letter Case | 7/6 | ... | 9/6 | Also with the new flexible silver or gold rims. Prices on Application. No. F F 839. Combination Bank Note, Sovereign and Letter Case, seal, lined seal throughout, 21/9 No. F F 852. Letter Cases, lined calf. Double gusset all round. | | 5½in. | 6in. | 6½in. | Russia | ... | 6/9 | 7/6 | 8/6 | Crocodile | ... | 10/9 | 11/9 | 12/9 | Fine Seal | ... | 10/9 | 11/9 | 12/9 | No. F F 894. Gentlemen’s Pocket Letter Case, Morocco Leather, 6½in., 7/6 No. F F 498. Cigar and Cigarette Cases, superior finish. | | Cigarette. | Cigar. | Seal... | ... | 8/6 | 11/6 | Crocodile | ... | 11/6 | 14/6 | No. F F 893. Gentlemen’s Letter Case, velvet calf, 6in., 5/6 No. F F 1439. Gent’s Vest Pocket Sovereign Cases, pigskin, 1/0, 1/6, 2/0, 2/6 No. F F 891. New Bank Note Case, pocket at back, with sterling silver flexible rim, 6½in. Pigskin24/9 Seal26/9 Crocodile28/9 No. F F 516. Combination Cigar, Cigarette and Letter Case. PolishedPigskin,27/9 NaturalCrocodile,27/9 Four silver corners, from 3/0 extra. Four gold,,,,19/0,, Bank of England No. F F 884. New Registered Wallet, which will take an English cheque book in back, bank notes, dollar notes, &c. Pockets for gold coins and stamps. Size 12 × 4in. (open). Molecalf,17/6 PolishedPigskin,18/9 RealCrocodile,24/9 No. F F 849. Bank Note Cases, very limp, lined calf. Fine seal, 6in., 10/9 6½in., 11/9 Velvet Crocodile 6in., 15/9 6½in., 17/9 Two silver corners, extra from 2/0 Two gold,,,,,,8/6 [244] No. F F 304. Jewel Case. Size 8 × 5½ × 2in. Long Grain Roan | ... | 6/11 | 9in. × 6½in. × 2in. | ... | 8/11 | No. F F 303. Extension Jewel Case. Roan, lined Velvet | 8in. | 31/9 | 10in. | 33/9 | Morocco, lined Velvet, Bramah Lock | ,, | 47/9 | ,, | 52/9 | Crocodile, lined Velvet | ,, | — | ,, | 75/0 | Morocco, very best finish, | 11in. | 95/0 | | No. F F 337. Empty Monitor Jewel Bags. | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | Roan ...... | 11/9 | 14/9 | 17/9 | Crushed Morocco | 24/9 | 31/9 | 39/9 | No. F F 307. Jewel Case. Roan, lined Velvet, Bramah Lock 8in.15/9 9in.16/9 10in.18/9 No. F F 308. Size 4in., 5in., 6in. Gent’s Stud or Jewel Boxes. Polished Long Grain, Lined Velvet, | 3/3 | 3/6 | 3/11 | Morocco | 6/6 | 7/6 | 8/9 | Best Morocco | 7in. 21/9 | Real Pigskin | 7in. 22/9 | No. F F 600. Expanding Glove, Tie and Handkerchief Cases. | Roan | Pigskin | Crushed Morocco | GloveCase | 10/6 | 15/9 | 19/9 | Hdchf.,, | 8/6 | 12/6 | 15/9 | Tie,, | 12/9 | 17/9 | 21/9 | Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Gloves No. F F 604. Glove and Handkerchief Case. Long Grain Polished Roan ... 11/9 Handkerchiefs Gloves No. F F 607. Glove and Handkerchief Case. With Mirror and Puff, Roan ... 7/11 Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs Gloves No. F F 602. Polished Roan,14/9. Morocco,16/9 No. F F 6975. Music Case. Hide, 7/9. Pigskin, 13/9 No. F F 6978. Duplex Music Case. Hide, 11/9. Pigskin, 15/9 No. F F 801. Music Carrier. Cloth, 1/6 F F 803. Grained Leather, Nickel Handle and Catch 2/0. F F 804. French Morocco, 3/3 No. F F 6973. Duplex Music Case. Takes music either flat or folded. Maroon or Green Roan, 10/9 No. F F 476. Carriage or Motor Companion in Green or Navy Blue Roan, Lined Silk Size 11 × 4½in. As Illustration...... ...... | 24/9 | With Mirror ...... ...... | 27/9 | Empty, without Clock Space or Lid | 17/9 | [245] JEWEL CASES. No. F F 306. Jewel Case. | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | 9in. | 10in. | Roan | ... | 3/9 | 4/6 | 5/3 | 5/11 | 6/11 | Persian | ... | 4/6 | 5/6 | 6/6 | 7/6 | 8/6 | No. F F 302. Best Quality Flat Jewel Cases with Tray. | 5in. | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | Roan | ... | ... | ... | ... | 6/6 | 7/6 | 9/6 | 12/9 | Crushed Morocco | ... | 12/9 | 15/9 | 19/9 | 23/9 | Polished Crocodile | ... | 18/9 | 21/9 | 24/9 | 29/9 | No. F F 336. AttachÉ Jewel Cases, special small sizes. | 5in. | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | Crushed Morocco | 18/9 | 21/9 | 25/9 | 31/9 | Pigskin ... | 15/9 | 18/9 | 21/9 | 24/9 | No. F F 338. Very Flat Travelling Jewel Cases. Best quality. | 5in. | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | Roan | ... | ... | 3/6 | 4/6 | 6/6 | 8/6 | Pigskin | ... | ... | 8/9 | 10/9 | 12/9 | 15/9 | Crushed Morocco | 10/9 | 12/9 | 14/9 | 17/9 | No. F F 1575. New Elongated Jewel Case, with extending Trays. French Morocco. Length: 7in.,10/9: 8in.,13/9; 9in.,16/9; 10in.,19/9. Crushed Morocco. Length: 7in.,19/9; 8in.,23/9; 9in.,27/9; 10in.,32/9 These cases, being narrow, are most convenient for packing in ladies’ travelling bags. No. F F 299. Very narrow Jewel Case with Tray. Roan ... 5in.,4/6; 6in.,6/; 7in.,7/9 No. F F 1579. Fine Pigskin Trinket Cases. 4½by1¾in.,4/6; 4½by2?in.,5/6; 4½by3in.,6/6 No. F F 300. The Monitor Jewel Case with Tray. | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | Roan | ... | ... | ... | 12/9 | 14/9 | 17/9 | Pigskin | ... | ... | ... | | 23/9 | 29/9 | Crushed Morocco | ... | 26/9 | 30/9 | 37/9 | Polished Crocodile | ... | | 31/9 | 38/9 | No. F F 335. AttachÉ Jewel Cases, empty lined watered Silk. | 6in. | 7in. | 8in. | 9in. | Pigskin | ... | ... | 12/9 | 14/9 | 16/9 | 18/9 | Crushed Morocco | 15/9 | 17/9 | 19/9 | 21/9 | No. F F 333. Our New Registered very Flat Jewel Case, with extending Tray. | 7in. | 8in. long. | Roan | ... | ... | ... | 12/9 | 15/9 | Crushed Morocco | ... | 26/9 | 29/9 | Crocodile | ... | ... | 27/9 | 31/9 | No. F F 326. Roan Trinket Boxes. Ladies’ | 5in., | 3/0 | 6in., | 3/9 | 7in., | 4/6 | Gents’ | ,, | 3/3 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, | 4/9 | LADIES’ FITTED WORK CASES. No. F F 691. Handy little Sewing Box, very finely finished. Size, 3¾ by 1¾ by 1½in. French Morocco, 6/6; crushed Morocco, 8/6. No. F F 680. Bachelor’s Companion, in real pigskin, completely fitted. Size, 4¼ by 3 by 1½in., 12/6 No. F F 682. Handy Work Case, size, 3¾ by 2? by 1in. French Morocco, 3/11; crushed Morocco, 6/0 No. F F 681. Sewing Boxes, French Morocco leather. Sizes, 5by4by2in.,5/9; 6by4½by2¼in.,6/9; 7by5by2½in.,7/9 No. F F 6301. Useful little Sewing Cases. French Morocco, 2/6 crushed Morocco, 4/- No. F F 645. Fitted Work Companion. French Morocco, 2/6; crushed Morocco 4/6 No. F F 677. Useful Sewing Box, completely fitted. French Morocco, 31/9; crushed Morocco, 37/9 No. F F 679. Hussif Size, 5¾ by 3¾ by 1¾in. French Morocco, 11/9; crushed Morocco, 16/9; fine grain seal, 16/9 No. F F 569. Silk and Cotton Stand, silver thimble and gilt handled scissors. Size, 6½ by 2 by 3½in. high. French Morocco, 7/3; crushed Morocco, 9/9 No. F F 561. Ladies’ Work Case, with drawer for hooks and eyes, etc., lined leather and watered silk. French Morocco, 24/6; crushed Morocco, 32/9 No. F F 570. Ladies’ Work Companion, lined satin. Size, 5½ by 5½ by 2in. French Morocco, 8/6; crushed Morocco, 14/- No. F F 689. Very Handsome and finely finished Work Case, completely fitted. Size, 8¼ by 5¼ by 2½in. French Morocco, 35/9; crushed Morocco, 48/9 No. F F 690. Compact Work Case completely fitted. Useful gift. Size, 4¼ by 3 by 1½in. French Morocco, 12/9; crushed Morocco, 16/9 No. F F 77. New Combination Writing and Work AttachÉ, best finish, pearl fittings. Roan, 10in., 23/9; 12in. 28/9; crushed Morocco, 10in., 35/9; 12in., 43/9 No. F F 572. Work Case with drawer containing 3 reels cotton, silver thimble, compartments for hooks, etc. Size, 6½ by 4½ by 2in. French Morocco, 21/9; crushed Morocco, 29/6; fine seal, 29/6 No. F F 672. Fitted AttachÉ Work Case. Roan, 21/9; crushed Morocco, 37/9 [247] LADIES’ FITTED WORK BASKETS WITH LEATHER LIDS. No. F F 553. Wicker Work Basket, Roan lid. 12/9, 15/9 and 17/9 No. F F 670. Fitted Work Basket, Buff Wicker, two leather lids, strap and lock, and handle, lined satin, finest quality fittings. Size 15 by 11 by 6½in. FrenchMorocco,45/9. CrushedMorocco,65/0 FineSeal,65/0 No. F F 563. Wicker Work Basket, French Morocco leather lid, lined satin, 17/9, 20/9, 23/9. Very useful roomy basket. No. F F 649. Square Wicker Fitted Work Basket, lined silk. Size 9 by 8½ by 3¾in., 18/9 No. F F 647. Fitted Work Basket, buff wicker, leather lid, strap and gilt lock, lined satin, finest quality fittings. Size 11½ by 10½ by 4¾in. French Morocco, 34/9 Crushed Morocco, 52/6 Fine Seal, 52/6 No. F F 692. Very Handsome Fitted Work Basket, with leather-covered tray, leather lid, lined satin. Fittings of the finest quality. Sizes 10 by 8½ by 4in. | 13¾ by 10¼ by 4¼in. | French Morocco, | 50/0 | ... | ... | 59/6 | Crushed Morocco, | 59/6 | ... | ... | 73/6 | No. F F 683. Fine Wicker Fitted Work Basket. Morocco leather lid, satin lined. Size 8 by 6 by 3in., 14/9 Also with Crushed Morocco lid, with cotton range extra, without catch, 23/9 No. F F 669. Very Useful Roomy Basket, fancy white wicker, leather lid, lined satin, cotton range at side, fittings in lid. French Morocco, 45/9 Crushed Morocco, 63/0 Fine Seal, 63/0. Finest finish throughout. No. F F 687. Very Useful Fitted Work Basket fine wicker, lined satin. Sizes 10¼ by 8¾ by 3½in. | 14 by 9¼ by 3¼in. | French Morocco, | 26/9 | ... | ... | 31/9 | Crushed Morocco, | 35/9 | ... | ... | 45/9 | [248] LEATHER GOODS DEPARTMENT. SOLID LEATHER TEA AND LUNCHEON CASES. No. F F 7125. Solid Leather Tea-Case. Size 11 × 7½ × 4½in., fitted for two persons. Complete with one 1 Pint size Autotherm, £3 10 0 No. F F 7100a. Harrods’ Special Solid Leather Tea-Case, fitted for two persons, only 59/6 For four, only 97/6 No. F F 7126. Solid Leather Tea-Case. Size 13 × 7½ × 4½in. fitted for two persons. Complete with one 1 Pint size Autotherm Bottle, £3 17 6 No. F F 7106. Solid Leather Luncheon-Case. Finest Quality. Size 11 × 6 × 6½in. for 2 persons, £3 19 6 Size 16 × 8¼ × 9in. for 4 persons, £6 17 6 Size 19 × 11¼ × 9½in. for 6 persons, £9 17 6 No. F F 7109. Solid Leather Combination Tea and Luncheon Case. Size 13 × 10¼ × 5½in. for two persons, £5 19 6 No. F F 7104. Solid Leather Luncheon-Case. Size 15½ × 9 × 5in., for 2 persons, £5 0 0 Size 18½ × 12 × 5in., for 4 persons, £7 10 0 Size 18½ × 12½ × 7in., for 6 persons, £9 15 0 No. F F 7105. Combination Tea and Luncheon-Case. Size | 14½ × 8½ × 9 | in. for | 2 | persons | ... | £7 7 0 | ,, | 17 × 9 × 9 | ,, | 4 | ,, | ... | £9 9 0 | ,, | 22 × 10½ × 11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | ... | £13 10 0 | No. F F 7127. Solid Leather Tea-Case. Size 15 × 12½ × 5in., fitted for four persons. Complete with one 1 Quart size Autotherm Bottle, £5 15 0 No. F F 7100. Solid Leather Tea-Case, Size | 10 × 6 × 6½ | in. for | 2 | persons, | ... | £3 19 6 | ,, | 12 × 7 × 7 | ,, | 4 | ,, | ... | £5 10 0 | No. F F 7128. Solid Leather Tea-Case. Size 16 × 11 × 5in., fitted for four persons. Complete with two 1 Pint size Autotherm Bottles, £6 6 0 [249] FANCY LEATHER GOODS DEPARTMENT. LADIES’ DRESSING CASES. No. F F 784. Ladies’ Dressing Case, real Morocco, ebony and nickel fittings, 33/9 No. F F 814. Ladies’ Dressing Case, brown hide, nickel and xylonite fittings, 27/9 No. F F 813. Ladies’ Brown Hide Dressing Case, lined moire silk. Nickel and xylonite fittings, 50/0 No. F F 815. Ladies’ Dressing Case, velvet calf, lined moire silk, nickel fittings, 67/6 No. F F 775. Ladies’ Dressing Case, Morocco, chased Silver tops to bottles, xylonite brushes, 48/9 No. F F 789. Ladies’ Dressing Case, real Morocco, ebony and nickel fittings, 27/9 No. F F 824. Ladies’ Solid Leather Dressing Case nickel and ebony fittings, 37/6 No. F F 770. Ladies’ Dressing Roll, Morocco lined, watered silk, 23/9 No. F F 822. Ladies’ Roan Leather Dressing Case, lined watered silk, best ebony and nickel fittings, 42/0 No. F F 760. Ladies’ Morocco Dressing Case, Silver top bottles, xylonite brushes, etc., 58/9 No. F F 823. Ladies’ Solid Leather AttachÉ Dressing Case, lined roan, best ebony and nickel fittings. 14in., 45/9; 16in., 52/9 [250] GENTLEMEN’S DRESSING CASES, TIE AND SHIRT CASES, &c. No. F F 800. Gent’s Dressing Case, Pigskin, 31/9 CASES MADE TO CUSTOMERS’ OWN FITTINGS. ESTIMATES SUBMITTED. COLLARS TIES HANDKERCHIEFS No. F F 624. Gent’s Shirt Case, to hold Six Shirts in body of case, Gloves, Ties, Handkerchiefs, etc., as shown, Roan, 35/9 Pigskin 45/9 No. F F 1580. Finest Pigskin Tie and Glove Case, Lined Best MoirÉ Silk, 24/9 Handkerchief Case to match, 14/0 No. F F 825. Gentleman’s Solid Leather Dressing Case. Lined Roan, fitted with Best Nickel and Ebony Fittings, 52/6 HARRODS No. F F 778. Gent’s Solid Leather Dressing Case, Nickel and Ebony Fittings, 24/9 No. F F 801.Gent’s Dressing Roll, Brown Hide, Lined Leather, First Quality fittings, Special price, 45/9 HARRODS No. F F 777. Gent’s Solid Leather Dressing Case, Nickel and Ebony Fittings, 32/9 No. F F 1582. Gentleman’s Dressing Roll, best English make, finest finish throughout, Solid Silver-mounted Bottles, Solid Ivory Brushes and Instruments. Best Hide or Pigskin, £12 10 0; Best Crocodile, £15 15 0; Best Pigskin with Silver and Ebony fittings, £8. No. F F 809. Travelling Toilet Holdall. Limp Roan, 17/9. Cowhide, 27/9. Superior Qualities in Pigskin and Solid Leather, 35/9 and 45/9 [251] GENTLEMEN’S DRESSING CASES, COLLAR BAGS, ETC. F F 816. Gentleman’s Hide Dressing Case, fitted with the new flat cloth and hat brushes. 36/9 F F 1583. Gent’s Dressing Roll, finest English make, fitted with solid silver-mounted bottles, and finest ivory brushes and instruments, fitted complete. Finest Pigskin, £10 10 0; Finest Crocodile, £12 10 0; Finest Pigskin, with silver and ebony fittings, £6 19 6 F F 826. Gent’s solid leather Dressing Case, fitted with Clemak safety razor, best ebony brushes, and nickel fittings, 63/0 F F 776. Gent’s Solid Leather Dressing Case nickel and ebony fittings. 27/9 F F 828. Gentleman’s Solid Leather Dressing Case, nickel and ebony fittings, 31/6 F F 827. Gentleman’s Solid Leather AttachÉ Dressing Case, lined leather, fitted with satinwood brushes and nickel fittings, 14in., 45/0; 16in., 52/6 F F 819. Very Small Dressing Case, suitable for Youths, solid leather, nickel fittings, 10/0 F F 829. Gentleman’s Solid Leather AttachÉ Dressing Case, lined roan, best ebony and nickel fittings, 16in. long, 75/0 F F 599. The New Collar Bags. Suede leather, 7 in., 3/3, 8 in., 3/9; Best Suede, 7 in., 5/6. 8 in., 6/6; Best Pigskin, 7 in., 6/9, 8 in., 7/6; Best Morocco, 7 in., 8/6. 8 in., 9/6 No. F F 623. Gent’s Dress Shirt Case, expanding Gussets, to carry Six Dress Shirts, Roan, 14/9; Real Pigskin, 24/9 F F 608. New Registered Pattern in Collar Bags. The top portion of bag being divided, enables it to be laid wide open and easily filled. | 7in. | 8in. | Kid | ... | ... | ... | 4/6 | 5/0 | Pigskin | ... | ... | 8/6 | 10/6 | Velvet Calf | ... | ... | 10/9 | 12/9 | [252] PHOTO CASES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, &c. ENORMOUS VARIETY. ALL SIZES. No. F F 2809. Travelling Photo Cases, best gilt rims, roan leather. Miniature, 4/9; C.deV.,6/0; Cabinet,9/9; Boudoir,18/9. CrushedMorocco,Midget,5/11; C.deV.,8/9; Cabinet,15/9; Boudoir,31/9 No. F F 2815. Travelling Photo Cases, for two photos. Round sights, roan leather, best gilt rims. Sight size | 1? | 2? | 2? | 3? | 4?in. | | 7/6 | 8/9 | 11/6 | 13/6 | 16/9 | No. F F 2811. Travelling Photo Cases for two Photos. Roan leather, best gilt rims. Midget, 7/9; Carte de Visite, 12/6; Cabinet, 16/9 Best Crushed Morocco, Midget, 10/6; Carte de Visite, 14/9; Cabinet, 22/9 No. F F 2813. Best Quality Travelling Photo Cases, round sight. Close up very flat. Sight size | 1? | 2? | 2? | 3? | 4?in. | Roan Leather | 5/0 | 6/0 | 7/6 | 9/6 | 11/6 | Crushed Morocco | 6/9 | 7/9 | 10/6 | 12/9 | 17/9 | No. F F 915. Limp Roan Photo Cases. For Cartes de Visite. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 2/0 | 2/6 | 2/11 | 4/0 | 6/0 | For Cabinets. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 5/0 | 5/6 | 7/0 | 8/6 | 13/0 | No. F F 2820. Very light and very flat Travelling Photo Cases, with celluloid covering in sight, strap to button when closed. Polished antique Persian leather with gilt tooling. CartedeVisite,5/0; Cabinet,8/6; Boudoir,10/6; Imperial,13/6; Panel,21/9; 10×8,21/9 No. F F 919. Leather Miniature Case. Polished Morocco Case, with doors to front, strut at back, lined velvet, with copper-gilt locket rim, for Miniature, sunk into case. For Miniatures— 1¾×17/16in.,9/6; 21/16×1?in.,10/9; 2?×1?in.,12/9; 2¾×2in.,14/9 Also in Crushed Morocco, fine velvet lining, gilt tooled Case. 1¾×17/16 in.,14/9; 21/16×1?in.,16/9; 2?×1?in.,18/6; 2¾×2in.,21/9 No. F F 2639. Gilt Bronze Oval Frame, with Fancy Silk Matt. CartedeVisite,5/6; Cabinet,7/9; Boudoir,11/9; Imperial,13/9; Panel,18/9; 10×8in.,18/9 No. F F 2618. Gilt Bronze Frame, with pretty ribbon-embroidered Silk Matt. CartedeVisite,8/9; Cabinet,11/9; Boudoir,14/9; Imperial,17/9; Salon,21/9; 10×8in.,27/9; 12×8in.,35/0; 14×9in.,42/0; Also with oval or round sights. No. F F 2532. Best Gilt Bronze Photo Frames, with flat gilt matt, oval or square openings. Cabinet,12/9; Imperial,18/9; Boudoir,15/9; 10×8in.,29/6 No. F F 2257a. Screens for 2 Photos. Long grain with gilt matts. Mignon,1/6; CartedeVisite,1/11; Cabinet,3/6; Boudoir,5/11; Imperial,6/11 No. F F 2529. Best Gilt Bronze Photo Frames, with velvet backs. Oval or square shape. Cabinet,8/9; Boudoir,10/9; Imperial,13/9; 10×8in.,17/9 [253] LEATHER PHOTO FRAMES. No. F F 2270. Antique Persian Gilt Fleur de Lys, Oval Openings. Carte de Visite | ... | 2/6 | Cabinet | ... | ... | 3/11 | Imperial | ... | ... | 7/3 | No. F F 4270. Antique Persian, Gilt Fleur de Lys. Sight Size | 2½ | 3 | 3¾ | 4? | 6in. | | 2/11 | 3/6 | 3/11 | 4/6 | 6/11 | No. F F 5270. Antique Persian, Gilt Fleur de Lys. Carte de Visite | 2/6 | Imperial | ... | 7/3 | Cabinet | ... | 3/11 | Panel | ... | 10/6 | York | ... | 4/11 | 10 × 8 | ... | 10/6 | Boudoir | ... | 5/9 | 12 × 10 | ... | 16/9 | 14 × 10 ... 19/9 | No. F F 920. Antique Persian Circle Frames, Gilt Tooled. Sight Size | 2 | 3¼ | 3¾ | 4? | 5? | 6 | 7 | 8in. | | 2/9 | 3/6 | 4/0 | 4/6 | 5/0 | 5/9 | 6/6 | 7/6 | No. F F 2269. Antique Persian Screens, Gilt Fleur de Lys Tooling. 2Midgets,3/9; 2CartesdeVisite,5/9; 2Cabinets,9/11; 2Boudoirs,15/9; 2Imperials,18/9 No. F F 921. Antique Persian Oval Frames, Gilt Tooled. CartedeVisite,2/6; Cabinet,3/6; Boudoir,5/0; Imperial,6/6; 10×8,8/6; 12×10,12/6 No. F F 2252. Polished Long Grain Photo Frames, Round Sights with Gilt Matt. Sight Size | 2 | 2¾ | 3½ | 4? | 4?in. | | 0/7½ | 0/10½ | 1/0½ | 1/6½ | 1/9½ | No. F F 922. Best Crushed Morocco Oval Frames, with Best Gilt Metal Matt. CartedeVisite,3/9; Cabinet,6/6; Boudoir,8/6; Imperial,10/6. 10×8in.,16/6; 12×10in.,21/0 No. F F 2271 R. Crushed Morocco, with Gilt Line, Round Sights. Size of opening | 2 | 2¾ | 3½ | 4? | 4?in. | | 2/9 | 3/9 | 4/6 | 5/6 | 6/9 | No. F F 2251. Polished Long Grain Photo Frames. CartedeVisite,0/10½; PostCard,1/3; Cabinet,1/6½; Boudoir,2/6½; Imperial,2/11½ No. F F 2271. Crushed Morocco, with Gilt Line. Midget,2/6; C.deV.,3/6; Cabinet,5/6; York,7/11; Boudoir,8/11; Imperial,9/11 No. F F 2262. New Pencil Moulding Frames. Crushed Morocco, Gilt Matt. C.deV.3/6; PostCard,3/9; Cabinet,4/6; York,5/6; Boudoir,6/6; Imperial7/9 No. F F 2268. Antique Persian Frames. Gilt Tooled Border. CartedeVisite,1/9; Cabinet,2/6; Imperial,5/0; 10×8in.,7/9 [254] POLISHED BRASS INKSTANDS, CANDLESTICKS, AND WRITING TABLE NECESSARIES. No. F F 3144. Brass String Box, with scissors. 4in.9/6; 4½in.10/6 No. F F 3145. Scissors in Brass Sheaths. 5½ | in. | long | 3/6 | 7 | ,, | ,, | 4/9 | 9 | ,, | ,, | 7/6 | 10½ | ,, | ,, | 9/9 | No. F F 3034. Combined Inkstand, Calendar and Letter Rack. Size 11½ × 7¼in. 33/9 No. F F 3041. Brass Stationery Rack. 8¼ × 3½ × 5½in. 19/6 With oak sides 9/6 A variety of designs. No. F F 9265. String Box with Scissors. 3¼×4in.6/6; 4×4in.7/6 No. F F 1540. Sealing Sets, 7/9 and 12/6 No. F F 3146. Brass Trinket Boxes, 2/6 and 3/6 No. F F 3039. Brass Blotting Book, leather back, silk lined. Size 11 × 9in. 7/6 A variety of designs. Friday 30 May No. F F 3143. Brass Perpetual Calendar. 6½ × 4in. 6/9 No. F F 3037. Per pair 5/6 No. F F 3026. All Brass. Size | 4 × 4 | in. | ... | 6/6 | ,, | 5¼ × 5¼ | ,, | ... | 8/11 | ,, | 6 × 6 | ,, | ... | 13/9 | No. F F 3028. Glass Bottle. Size | 5¼ × 5¼ | in. | ... | 5/11 | ,, | 6 × 6 | ,, | ... | 9/11 | No. F F 3042. Height 6½in. 7/11 pair. No. F F 3029. Glass Bottles. Size | 12 × 5¾ | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 18/9 | ,, | 8 × 5¾ | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10/9 | No. F F 3036. Height 8½in. per pair 21/9 No. F F 3032. All Brass. Size | 8 × 5¾ | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 13/9 | ,, | 12 × 5¾ | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 24/9 | No. F F 3108. Letter Racks (as design) Length | 9¼ | in. | ... | ... | 17/9 | ,, | 4¾ | ,, | ... | ... | 7/11 | ,, | 5½ | ,, | ... | ... | 9/11 | ,, | 7 | ,, | ... | ... | 12/6 | No. F F 3035. Glass Bottles. Size 13¼ × 6¼in.......29/9 No. F F 2025. Letter Balance. 4 oz. 12/6; 8 oz. 17/9; 16 oz. 23/9 [255] NOVELTIES IN POLISHED BRASS WARE No. F F 3362. Letter Balance, weighs up to two ounces, 5/0 No. F F 3360. Brush Penwiper, 3in. high, 3/0 No. F F 3355. Inkstand on Base, 4¾ × 3in., 5/0 No. F F 3359. Desk Candlestick, 3in. high, 3/9 No. F F 3357. Candlesticks, 5½in. high, 6/9 pair No. F F 3363. Stamp Box, with two divisions, 5/0 No. F F 3364. Pen Tray, 5½in. long, 3/9 No. F F 3365. Paper Knife to match, 9in. long, 2/6 No. F F 3356. Letter Rack, 4¾ × 3in., 9/6 No. F F 3358. Match Stand, 3/6 Brass Bells. No. F F 3392. 7/6 No. F F 3391. 7/6 No. F F 3390. 3/0 No. F F 3361. Cheque Blotter, 4¼in. long, 4/6 THEVS-S-MARCVS HANNES S MATHEU MATHEVS No. F F 3386. Apostle Bells. Smallsize,3/6; Medium,5/0; Large,8/6 No. F F 3381. String Box, fluted or plain, 3/6 No. F F 3375. Stamp Box, two divisions, 5/6 No. F F 3378. Calendar, 4¾ × 4¾in., 5/9 No. F F 3376. Pen Tray, 5½in. long, 4/6 No. F F 3377. Paper Knife, 6½in. long, 2/0 MATHEVS No. F F 3385. Apostle String Box, with scissors, 8/6 No. F F 3373. Brush Penwiper, 2½in. high, 2/6 No. F F 3369. Letter Rack, 4¾in. long, 9/6 No. F F 3372. Desk Candlestick, 3½in. high, 3/0 No. F F 3371. Match-stand, 3¾in. high, 3/0 No. F F 3374. Cheque Blotter, 5/0 No. F F 3370. Candlesticks, 6in. high, 5/9 pair No. F F 3368. Inkstand 4 × 4in., 5/0 No. F F 3383. Plain Brass Roller Blotter, 2/6 No. F F 3384. Large String Box, 4½in. high, with scissors, 9/6 [256] FAN DEPARTMENT. No. FF. 5944.—Spangled Fan, on carved and spangled bone mounts. 4/6 No. FF. 5924.—Silk Evening Bag, painted and spangled, with tinsel handles, complete with Fan to match, 18/9 No. FF. 5918.—8½-in. Tinsel and Spangled Fan, gilt bone mount, made in gilt, green, and silver, 15/9 No. FF. 5916.—8½-in. White Gauze Fan, spangle decoration, carved bone mount, 8/6 No. FF. 5920.—8½-in. White Gauze Fan, floral decoration and spangles, carved bone mount, 10/9 No. FF. 5919.—8½-in. White Gauze fan, floral design and spangled decoration, carved bone mount, 10/9 No. FF. 5925.—Useful Dainty Leather Cushion for elbow rest, with handle for carrying, 13/6 No. FF. 5909.—Very fine Eagle Wing Fan, on real tortoiseshell mount, 95/0 No. FF. 5922.—8½-in. White Silk Gauze Fan, spangle decoration, carved bone mount. A variety of designs in gold or silver spangles, 2/11, 3/11, 4/11 to 12/9 Owing to their delicate nature Fans cannot be sent on approval. No. FF. 5933.—8½-in. Duchesse Lace fan, point centre, goldfish pearl mount, 33/9 No. FF. 5949.—Real Lace Fan, on pearl sticks, Brussels point duchesse, 55/0 [257] No. F.F. 5915.—8in. Painted and Spangled Fan, gold or silver tinsel, fancy bone stick, 9/6 No. F.F. 5938.—7in. Feather Fan, with feather “Pheasant” decoration. Imitation shell mounts, 4/11 Owing to their delicate nature Fans cannot be sent on approval No. F.F. 5914.—7½in. Richly Spangled and Painted Fan. On decorated bone mounts, 10/6 On Oriental pearl mounts, 31/9 No. F.F. 5921.—8½in. White Gauze and Lace Fan, painted butterflies, pearl mounts, 21/0 Large variety of dainty painted and spangled Fans, all at 21/0 each. Fan open. Fan closed in tassel. No. F.F. 5912.—Dainty Tassel Fans, in a variety of colours. A distinct novelty, fan when folded being concealed in tassel. 2/6 each. No. F.F. 5923.—8½in. White Gauze And Spangled Fan. True lovers’ knots, 12/9 No. F.F. 5917.—8in. White Gauze Fan, floral decoration, figure centre. Carved bone mount, 8/6 Pearl mount, 24/6 No. F.F. 5939.—Very fine Spangled Fan. A variety of shades with coloured pearl mounts to match, 35/9 No. F.F. 5976.—Folding Feather Fan, green, blue, or gray feathers, 4/3 No. F.F. 5910.—Very fine Ostrich Feather Fans, exquisite feathers. White on pearl mounts, £4 4 0. £5 5 0. £6 6 0. £10 10 and upwards. Black on tortoiseshell, from 21/0 to 15 guineas. INLAID CABINET GOODS. No. F F 1020. Writing Set. Mahogany Inlaid, 59/9 Not Inlaid, 55/9 No. F F 260. Double Tea Caddie, Inlaid Mahogany, lined opal. 8in., 16/9; 9in., 18/9; 10in., 21/0 No. F F 250. Inlaid Mahogany Tea Caddie, lined tinfoil. 5in.6in. 10/6 11/9 WHITAKER BRADSHAW ARMY LIST POSTAL GUIDE No. F F 963. Reference Cabinet. Mahogany Inlaid, for 4 books, 49/6; 5 books, 52/9; Mahogany, not inlaid, for 4 books, 39/6; 5 books, 43/9 No. F F 251. Stationery Rack, Leather Flap, Mahogany Inlaid. 8½in., 9/11; 9½in., 12/9; 11in., 13/9 Without Flaps, 7/6, 9/9, 11/9 No. F F 1042. Extending Book Trough, Mahogany Inlaid Satin wood. 10in., 15/6; 12in., 18/6; 14in., 21/6; 16in. 24/6 WHITAKER ARMY LIST BRADSHAW POSTAL GUIDE A.B.C. TELEGRAMS No. F F 965. Reference Cabinet. Polished Mahogany, 55/9 Polished Mahogany, Inlaid, 63/0 Orders by post promptly and accurately executed. MONDAY 24 JUNE No. F F 259. Inlaid Mahogany Perpetual Calendar, 6½ inches high, 15/9 No. F F 255. Fitted Stationery Cabinet. Plain Mahogany, 33/9 Rosewood Marqueterie, 49/9 No. F F 1022. Stationery Cabinet, Rosewood inlaid. 12in. 69/6; 14in. 88/0 FRIDAY 29 DECEMBER No. F F 258. Inlaid Mahogany Writing Set, Stationery Rack with flexible wood flap, in., 18/9; 9½in., 21/9; 11in., 24/9; Ink-range to match 13in., 21/9; 15in., 25/9 Rocker Blotter, 8/9, 11/9 Perpetual Calendar, 8 inches high, 21/9 Brush Penwiper, 4/9 and 6/6 No. F F 242. Presentation Stationery Cabinet, completely fitted. | 15in. | 17in. | Plain Mahogany ... | £7 10 0 | £8 10 0 | Inlaid,,... | £9 10 0 | £10 10 0 | No. F F 1018. Stationery Cabinet, Mahogany Inlaid, 12½in.,59/6; 13½in.,66/9; 14½in.,72/6 No. F F 246. Mahogany Inlaid Stationery Rack and Inkstand, 39/6 10½in. Mahogany Inlaid Blotter to match, 18/9 [259] FANCY LEATHER GOODS DEPARTMENT. POSTAL BOXES. STATIONERY CABINETS, Etc. LETTERS No. F F 991. Postal Box. Dark Oak, 35/9. Mahogany, 39/9 LETTERBOX Post Leaves No. F F 990. Compact Letter Box, with two Reference Covers and Telegram Forms. Oak, 57/9. Mahogany, 63/0 BRADSHAW LETTERS WHITAKER No. F F 989. Hall Letter Box with Reference Book Covers and Telegram Form Pad. Dark Oak, 32/9 E R LETTER BOX POST LEAVES AT SUNDAYS No. F F 1007. Postal Box, 14in. high, Brass Slant, DarkOak,37/9, Mahogany,41/9 No. F F 256. Rosewood Marqueterie Inlaid Work Box. 10in.,16/9; 11in.,18/9; 12in.,20/9 ARMY LIST BRADSHAWS A.B.C. WHITAKER POSTAL GUIDE No. F F 968. Reference Book Cabinet. | for 4 books | 5 books | Plain Mahogany ... | 22/9 | 26/9 | Inlaid,,... | 27/9 | 33/9 | No. F F 1000. Writing Desk. 12in. | 14in. | 16in. | 8/11 | 10/9 | 11/9 | Brass straps. | 12in. | 14in. | 16in. | 9/11 | 11/9 | 13/9 | No. F F 993. Postal Box, 9½×5¾in. DarkOak,14/6 No. F F 257. Mahogany Inlaid Work Box. 10in.,19/9; 11in.,21/9; 12in.,23/9 LETTERS Post Leaves A.M. P.M. No. F F 994. Postal Box, Dark Oak. 11 | in. | high, | 22/9 | 14 | ,, | ,, | 30/0 | No. F F 254. Stationery Cabinet, 14½in. Dark Oak, 52/9.Mahogany, 57/9 No. F F 1021. “The Beatrice” Lady’s Inlaid Rosewood Work Box, 31/9 Roan Leather, 28/9 No. F F 244. Stationery Cabinet, Dark Oak, 33/9 No. F F 1002. Writing Desk, Bramah Lock, Leather lined, secret drawer. 14in., 32/9; 16in., 37/9 No. F F 1001. Writing Desk, leather lined, secret drawer. 12in., 15/9; 14in., 18/9; 15in., 21/9 LETTERS POST LEAVES AT SUNDAYS No. F F 1006. Postal Box, 12in. high. Dark Oak, 30/0 Mahogany, 31/9 No. F F 253. Stationery Cabinet, 12½in. Dark Oak, 39/9. Mahogany, 42/9 [260] Showing as a Writing Table. No. F F 274. Combination Folding Polished Mahogany £7 15 0 WRITING AND WORK TABLES. ACCEPTABLE WEDDING GIFTS. Showing as a Work Table. Writing and Sewing Table. Satinwood Inlaid £10 10 0 No. F F 278. New Registered Work Table. Completely fitted. Fumed Oak, £6 12 6; Polished Mahogany, £6 18 6; Mahogany Inlaid, £7 12 6 No. F F 266. Folding Writing Table, completely fitted. Fumed Oak, 75/6; Polished Oak, 75/6; Mahogany, 75/6 No. F F 262. Ladies’ Fitted Work Table. Dark Mahogany, £5 19 6; Mahogany Inlaid, £6 19 6; Satinwood Inlaid, £8 8 0 No. F F 263. Folding Writing Table, completely fitted to lock with key. Fumed Oak, £5 2 6; Polished Oak, £5 10 0; Mahogany, £5 18 6; Rosewood, £6 15 0; Rosewood Inlaid, £7 15 0 No. F F 269. Mahogany Work Table, completely fitted. Special value, £4 4 0 No. F F 267. Mahogany Inlaid Writing Cabinet, as illustration, £14 10 0. A large selection in stock from £21 to £55 Harrods pay Carriage throughout the United Kingdom A Charge is made for Packing Cases for these Articles, which will be credited if case is returned carriage paid. No. F F 558. Very pretty Folding Work Stand, Polished Mahogany and Rich Silk, with Leather Instrument Board, fitted. First Quality, No. 1 size, 45/9; No. 2, 57/9 Second Quality, No. 0 size, 29/6; No. 1, 35/6; No. 2, 45/6 No. F F 294. Folding Work Table, completely fitted. Brown Wicker, £5 5 0; Fumed Oak, £7 15 0; Polished Mahogany, £7 19 6; Polished Mahogany Inlaid, £8 19 6 No. F F 268. Ladies’ Fitted Work Table. Mahogany 90/0; Satinwood Inlaid, £6 6 0 [261] BOOK DEPARTMENT A PUBLIC TELEPHONE IS PROVIDED IN THIS DEPARTMENT FOR CUSTOMERS’ USE. The Book Department clients will find a large assortment of the latest Novels by the leading authors, also all the well-known Classics, Works of History, Travel, Biography, Theology, etc. Lists of New Works and New Editions, issued Monthly, sent post free upon application. Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, and other Devotional Works, in various leather bindings are a special feature. Orders received for Mounting Maps, Plans, Diagrams in all styles, and Maps of all descriptions are always on hand compiled from the best and most recent authority. Works reviewed in the various newspapers can in most cases be supplied by return. The usual discount of 25 per cent. allowed off all non-net Books. A separate list of New Works and New Editions issued monthly will be forwarded on application. Foreign publications are procured to order at a reduction of about 10 per cent. off the published prices. Monthly Magazines are supplied to order at a reduction of 25 per cent. off published prices, except when issued at net prices, as “Lady’s Realm,” 6d., and some others; also the following are exceptions: “Fortnightly Review,” “Contemporary,” and other Magazines published at 2s. 6d. are sold at 2s. each. The “Quarterly” and “Edinburgh” Reviews, published at 6s., are 5s. each. Standing orders are taken for Magazines, by subscription for six or twelve months, payable in advance, to be forwarded or kept until called for. Any order received by post or otherwise will be treated as a separate and distinct order, unless instructions are clearly given that it is in lieu of, or an alteration in, the existing standing order. ANNUAL BOOKS OF REFERENCE. | Annual Charities Register and Digest (published in April) | .. | 5/0 | Annual Register (published in May) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 15/0 | Bourne’s Insurance Directory (published in Feb.) | .. | .. | .. | 10/6 | Boyle’s Court Guide (published in Dec. and May) | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | British Almanac and Companion (pub. in Dec.), leather, 1/10½; paper | 0/9 | Burke’s Landed Gentry, Great Britain. New issue, June, 1912 | .. | 42/0 | Burke’s Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage (published in Dec.) | .. | 31/6 | Car Road Book and Guide | .. | .. | .. | .. | 12/6 | Church Directory (published in Jan.), paper, 2/0; cloth | .. | .. | 3/0 | Civil Service Year Book (published in Jan.) | .. | .. | .. | 1/6 | Clergy Directory (published in Dec.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 4/6 | Clergy List (published in Feb.) | .. | .. | .. | 12/6 | Congregational Year Book (published in Dec.), sewed, 2/6; cloth | .. | 3/6 | Constitutional Year Book (published in Dec.), sewed, 1/0; cloth | .. | 2/0 | Crockford’s Clerical Directory (published in Mar.) | .. | .. | 20/0 | Daily Mail Year Book (published in Dec) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/6 | Debrett’s Complete Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, in 1 Vol. (published in Dec.) | 31/6 | Directory of Directors (published in Feb.) | .. | .. | .. | 15/0 | Dod’s Parliamentary Companion (published in Feb.) | .. | .. | 3/6 | Dod’s Peerage (published in Dec.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 10/6 | Englishwoman’s Year Book (published in Dec.) | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | Hazell’s Annual (published in Dec.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | Investor’s Blue Book (published in Jan.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled, Gentry and Official Classes (published in Jan.) | 12/0 | Laxton’s Builders’ Price Book (published in Jan.) | .. | .. | .. | 4/0 | Lockwood’s Builders’ Price Book (published in Jan.) | .. | .. | 4/0 | Literary Year Book (published in Dec.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 6/0 | Lodge’s Peerage and Baronetage (published in Dec.) | .. | .. | 21/0 | Medical Annual (published in Mar.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 8/6 | Medical Directory (published in Jan.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 14/0 | Mining Year Book (published in Feb.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 15/0 | Municipal Year Book (published in Mar.) | .. | .. | .. | 7/6 | Official Year Book of the Church of England (published in Feb.), sewed, 3/0; cloth | 4/0 | Pitman’s Shorthand and Typewriting Year Book (published in Nov.) | 1/0 | Public School Year Book (published in Jan.) | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | Railway Year Book (published in Mar.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | Royal Blue Book (published in Jan. & May) | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | Skinner’s Mining Manual (published in Feb.) | .. | .. | .. | 15/0 | Stock Exchange Year Book (published in Dec.) | .. | .. | .. | 35/0 | Stock Exchange Official Intelligence (published in Mar.) | .. | .. | 50/0 | Walford’s County Families (published in Jan.) | .. | .. | .. | 50/0 | Webster’s Royal Red Book (published in Jan. & May) | .. | .. | 5/0 | Whitaker’s Peerage (published in Dec.), cloth | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | Whitaker’s Almanac (published in Dec.), paper, 1/0; with Supplement, half bound | 2/6 | Who’s Who (published in Dec) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 10/0 | Who’s Who Year Book (published in Dec.) | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | Writers’ and Artists’ (published in Dec.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | Year’s Art, The (published in Jan.) | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | ART AND LITERATURE. History of Painting (see illustration), in 8 Vols. By Haldane Macfall. 7s. 6d. per Vol. The Renaissance in Central Italy. The Renaissance in Venice. The Later Italians and the Genius of Spain. The Renaissance in the North and the Flemish Genius. The Dutch Genius. The French Genius. The British Genius. The Modern Genius. Little Books About Old Furniture. By J. P. Blake and A. E. Reveirs-Hopkins. Two Volumes ready: (i.) “Tudor to Stuart”; (ii.) “Queen Anne.” Each Vol. with Coloured Frontispiece and 64 pages of Black-and-White Illustrations each volume, net 2/6 Botticelli. By A. E. Oppe | .. | .. | 15/0 | Vandyck. By Lionel Cust | .. | .. | 15/0 | Master Painters. By Stewart Dick | .. | .. | .. | .. | 3/9 | The Louvre. By Maurice W. Brockwell and Paul G. Konody. 1 Volume | 21/0 | Arts and Crafts of Ancient Egypt. By Prof. W. M. Flinders Petrie | 5/0 | Nineteenth Century English Ceramic Art. By Blacker | .. | .. | .. | 10/6 | A B C of Japanese Art. By Blacker | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | The Practice of Water-Colour Painting. By A. L. Baldry | .. | .. | 12/0 | Stories of German Artists. By Prof. Dr. Hans W. Singer | .. | .. | 7/6 | Stories of the Italian Artists from Vasari. By E. L. Seeley | .. | 7/6 | William Morris to Whistler. By Walter Crane | .. | .. | 6/0 | Each volume contains a Coloured Frontispiece and many Illustrations. Cloth, 5/0 each. Chats on English China. By Arthur Hayden. Chats on Old Furniture. By Arthur Hayden. Chats on Old Prints. By Arthur Hayden. Chats on Costume. By G. Woolliscroft Rhead, R.E., A.R.C.A. Lond. Chats on Old Miniatures. By J. J. Foster, F.S.A. Chats on Oriental China. By J. F. Blacker. Chats on Old Lace and Needlework. By Mrs. Lowes. Chats on English Earthenware. By Arthur Hayden. Chats on Old Silver. By E. L. Lowes. Chats on Autographs. By A. M. Broadley. Chats on Postage Stamps. By Melville. MASTERPIECES IN COLOUR. 1/6 each. Size, 6in. by 8in. Each Volume contains 8 Pictures reproduced in Colour, together with a Monograph on the Artist by a writer of distinction. Volumes already Issued. Bellini. By George Hay. Botticelli. By Henry B. Binns. Boucher. By Haldane Macfall. Burne-Jones. By A. Lys Baldry. Carlo Dolci. By George Hay. Chardin. By Paul G. Konody. Constable. By C. Lewis Hind. Corot. By Sydney Allnutt. Delacroix. By Paul G. Konody. Durer. By H. C. A. Furst. Fra Angelico. By James Mason. Fragonard. By C. Haldane Macfall. Fra Lippo Lippi. By Paul G. Konody. Franz Hals. By Edgcumbe Staley. Gainsborough. By Max Rothschild. Greuze. By Alys Eyre Macklin. Hogarth. By C. Lewis Hind. Holbein. By S. L. Bensusan. Holman Hunt. By Mary E. Coleridge. Ingres. By A. J. Finberg. Lawrence. By S. L. Bensusan. Leighton. By A. Lys Baldry. Leonardo da Vinci. By M. W. Brockwell. Luini. By James Mason. Mantegna. By Mrs Arthur Bell. Memlinc. By W. H. James Weale. Millais. By A. Lys Baldry. Millet. By Percy M. Turner. Murillo. By S. L. Bensusan. Perugino. By Selwyn Brinton. Raeburn. By James L. Caw. Raphael. By Paul G. Konody. Rembrandt. By Josef Israels. Reynolds. By S. L. Bensusan. Romney. By C. Lewis Hind. Rossetti. By Lucien Pisarro. Rubens. By S. L. Bensusan. Sargent, John S. By T. Martin Wood. Tintoretto. By S. L. Bensusan. Titian. By S. L. Bensusan. Turner. By C. Lewis Hind. Van Dyck. By Percy M. Turner Van Eyck. Velazquez. By S. L. Bensusan. VigÉe le Brun. By C. Haldane Macfall. Watteau. By C. Lewis Hind. Watts. By W. Loftus Hare. Whistler. By T. Martin Wood. The National Gallery. 100 Coloured Plates. 2 Vols. | .. | .. | .. | .. | the set | 21/0 | The Book of Decorative Furniture; its Form, Colour, and History. By Edwin Foley. 2 Vols. | each | 25/0 | Turner’s Golden Visions. By C. Lewis Hind | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 21/0 | BIOGRAPHY AND HISTORY. | Book of Noble Women. By Mrs. C. C. Cairns | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 7/6 | Life of Spencer Compton, Eighth Duke of Devonshire. By Bernard Holland. 2 Vols. | .. | 32/0 | Life of Charles Dickens. By John Forster. 2 Vols. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 25/0 | Garabaldi and the Making of Italy. By G. Macaulay Trevelyan | .. | .. | 7/6 | Great Duke, The. By F. H. Fitchett. 2 Vols. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 7/6 | Life of Cardinal J. H. Newman. By Wilfrid Ward. 2 Vols. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 36/0 | Later Letters of Edward Lear. By Lady Strachey | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 15/0 | Life of Ruskin. By E. T. Cook. 2 Vols. | 21/0 | My Life. By Richard Wagner. 2 Vols. | .. | 31/6 | Romantic Life of Shelley, The By Francis Gribble [262] | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 15/0 | Some Pages of My Life. By the Rt. Rev. W. Boyd Carpenter | .. | .. | 15/0 | Tennyson and His Friends. Edited by Hallam Lord Tennyson | .. | .. | 10/0 | Life and Letters of R. L. Stevenson. Edited by Sidney Colvin. In 4 Vols. cloth, 3/9 per vol.: leather | 5/0 | Life of Stonewall Jackson. By Henderson. 2 Vols | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 16/0 | Charles de Bourbon, Constable of France. By Christopher Hare | ,, | 12/6 | Chatham, His Early Life and Connections. By Lord Rosebery | .. | .. | 12/0 | Henry II., His Court and Times. By H. Noel Williams | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 15/0 | Life of Benjamin Disraeli. By Reginald Lucas | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 12/0 | Peter the Cruel: the Life of the Notorious Don Pedro of Spain. By Edward Storer | .. | .. | 12/6 | The Winter Queen. By Marie Hay | .. | .. | .. | .. | ,, | 12/6 | Yvette Guilbert, Struggles and Victories. By Yvette Guilbert and Harold Simpson | .. | .. | 10/6 | Book NELSON’S SHILLING LIBRARY. Collections and Recollections. 1st and 2nd Series. Life of John Nicholson. Dean Hole’s “Memories.” Life of Gladstone. Reminiscences of Sir Henry Hawkins. Life of Lord Russell of Killowen. Life of Lewis Carroll. By Collingwood. Life of Tolstoy. By Charles Sarolea. The Early History of C. J. Fox. By Sir G. O. Trevelyan. Mexico as I Saw It. By Mrs. Alec Tweedie. Eighteenth Century Vignettes. By Austin Dobson. The Bancrofts. By Sir Squire Bancroft. The Romance of a Proconsul (Sir George Grey). By James Milne. Recollections of the Rt. Hon. Sir Algernon West. Great Englishmen of the Sixteenth Century. By Sidney Lee. Where Black Rules White. By H. Hesketh Prichard. Historical Mysteries. By Andrew Lang. The Strenuous Life. By Theodore Roosevelt. The Making of Modern Egypt. Life of Alexander Hamilton. Life of Frank Buckland. Life of Lord Dufferin. Life of Dean Stanley. Memories, Grave and Gay. By Dr. John Kerr. Life of Danton. By Hilaire Belloc. The Life of Cobden. By Lord Morley. The Life of Parnell. By R. Barry O’Brien. The Life of Canon Ainger. By Edith Sichel. Reminiscences of Lady Dorothy Nevill. Letters and Recollections of Sir Walter Scott. By Mrs. Hughes of Uffington. Edited by Horace G. Hutchinson. My Confidences. By Frederick Locker-Lampson. Sir Frank Lockwood. By Augustine Birrell, K.C., M.P. The Life of General Gordon. By Demetrius C. Boulger. book BIRTHDAY BOOKS. | Birthday Greetings, Wit and Humour, Birthday Oracle, Little Folks, Shakespeare, Burns, Longfellow, Wordsworth, Scott, Whittier, Keats, Mizpah, Proverbs, Tennyson, R. Browning, Emerson, E. B. Browning. Paste grain, round corners, red under gilt edges .. .. .. .. .. | 1/4 | Padded morocco, round corners, red under gilt edges .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | 2/9 | Whisperings from the Great An Autograph Album, Birthday and Guest Book. Ooze cowhide yapp, round corners, art shades .. .. .. .. .. | 15/0 | The Ella Wheeler Wilcox Birthday Book, bound in velvet calf yapp, round corners, gilt edges, art shades .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | 10/6 | Great Thoughts Birthday Book (see Illustration). Velvet calf, yapp edges .. .. .. .. .. .. | 5/0 | Kate Greenaway’s Birthday Book for Children. With Illustrations. Square 32mo, cloth, bevelled boards .. | 1/6 | Square 32 mo, paste grain, limp, gilt edges .. .. | 2/3 | Square 32 mo., straight grain, padded gilt edges, gold roll .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | 3/0 | Royal Birthday Book, containing the Birthdays of all the Reigning Sovereigns, also the Anniversaries of other members of Royal Families. Padded velvet, calf-gilt edges | 5/0 | Padded straight grain, gilt edges .. .. .. .. | 3/6 | Straight grain, gilt edges .. .. .. .. | 3/0 | Cloth .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. | 2/0 | BRIDGE BOOKS. | Badworth’s Auction Bridge | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | ,,Bridge | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | Dalton’s Auction Bridge | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | ,,Bridge Abridged | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | ,,Saturday Bridge | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | ,,Laws of Bridge | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | Doe, Auction Bridge | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | ,,Bridge Manual | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | Elwell’s Auction Bridge | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | Foster’s Auction Bridge | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | ,,Bridge Tactics | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | ,,Complete Bridge | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | ,,Bridge Maxims | .. | .. | .. | 1/6 | Hellespont, Laws and Principles of Bridge | 5/0 | Tennant, Bridge Up to Date | .. | .. | 0/9 | COOKERY BOOKS. | A1 Cookery Book | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | Allen, Savouries and Sweets | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/9 | ,,Breakfast Dishes | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/9 | Bleu, Cordon, Economical French Cookery for Ladies | .. | .. | 0/9 | Brown, Rose, Cookery Books, on Various Subjects—viz., Sweets, Cakes, Puddings, etc. each | 0/6 | Beeton, Household Management | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 7/6 | ,,Family Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | ,,Everyday | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | ,,All About | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | ,,Shilling Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | Beard, S. H., Comprehensive Guide Book to Natural, Hygienic and Humane Diet | 1/0 & 2/0 | Cassell’sDictionaryofCookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/7½ | ,, Universal Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 4/6 | ,,Household Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/7½ | ,, Shilling Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/9 | Clarke, Mrs., All About Sweetmaking | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | Clarke, Mrs. Charles, New High-class Cookery with Game Recipes | 5/0 | De Salis, Mrs., Cakes and Confections, Dressed Game and Poultry, Dressed Vegetables, Drinks, EntrÉes, New Laid Eggs, Puddings and Pastry, Savouries, Soups and Dressed Fish, Sweets and Supper Dishes, Tempting Dishes for Small Incomes | each 1/1½ | Dudley, Book of Cookery and Household Recipes | .. | .. | .. | 7/6 | Escoffier, Guide to Modern Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 12/6 | Fairclough, M. A., Ideal Cookery Book | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 25/0 | Francatelli, Cooks’ Guide | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 3/9 | ,, Modern Cook | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/7½ | George, F. A.. Vegetarian Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/7½ | Guarracino, B., “Please M’m, the Butcher!” | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | Herbert, Colonel Kerney, Common-sense Cookery | .. | .. | .. | 6/0 | ,,,, ,, Fifty Breakfasts | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/10½ | ,,,, ,, Luncheons | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/10½ | ,,,, ,, Dinners | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/10½ | Hooper, Mary, Little Dinners | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/10½ | ,, ,, Cookery for Invalids | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/10½ | ,, ,, Everyday Meals | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/10½ | Lake, Nancy, Menus Made Easy | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | ,, ,, Daily Dinners | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | Little May, A Year’s Dinners | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 6/0 | ,, ,, Cookery Up to Date | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | Mallock, Economics of Modern Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/7½ | Marshall, Mrs., Cookery Book | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 & 21/0 | ,, ,, Book of Ices | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | ,, ,, Larger Book of Ices | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | Peel, Mrs., Single-Handed Cook | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/7½ | ,, How to Keep House | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/7½ | ,, Ten Shillings a Head for House Books | .. | .. | 2/7½ | ,, EntrÉes Made Easy | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | ,, Puddings and Sweets | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | ,, Savouries Simplified | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | ,, Still Room Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | ,, Dishes without Meat | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | Queen’s Cookery Books: Meat and Game, EntrÉes, Soups, Ices, Pickles and Preserves, Salads, Sandwiches and Savouries, Breakfast and Lunch Dishes, Sweets (Parts I. and II.), Vegetables, Cakes and Biscuits, Fish | each 0/9 | Rouge, Gordon, Emergency Dinners | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/0 | Senn’s New Century Cookery Book | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 21/0 | ,, Paper Bag Cookery Manual | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | ,, Practical Cookery Manual | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | ,, Practical Gastronomy | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | ,, Chafing and Casserole Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/6 | Schloesser, F., The Greedy Book | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/0 | ,,,, Chafing Dish | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | Soyer’s Paper Bag Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 1/0 | St. Clair’s Dainty Dishes | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/9 | Tasty Dishes | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/9 | More Tasty Dishes | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/9 | Whiting, L., Complete Cook | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 7/6 | Warne’s Model Cookery | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/7½ | DEVOTIONAL WORKS. | A’Kempis (Thomas) of the Imitation of Christ and Christian Year, by John Keble, 32mo. Paste grain and seal limp, round corners, gold roll, red and gilt edges | 1/6 | Rutland morocco limp | ditto | ditto | | 2/3 | Turkey morocco limp | ditto | ditto | | 3/0 | 18mo., paste grain and seal limp | | ditto | | 1/10 | 18mo., Rutland morocco limp | ditto | ditto | | 3/3 | 18mo., Turkey morocco limp | ditto | ditto | | 4/0 | Being and Doing and Character and Conduct. A selection of Helpful Thoughts from various Authors arranged for Daily Reading. In cloth | 2/6 | Also in India paper, pocket edition, paste grain | 2/6 | Velvet calf, yapp edges | 3/6 | Lambskin, ornamental floral gilt cover, gilt edges | 3/6 | Bogatzky’s Golden Treasury. Paste grain and seal limp, round corners, gold roll, gilt edges | 1/10 | Persian calf limp, round corners, gilt line, red under gilt edges | 2/9 | Daily Light on the Daily Path. Two vols. in one Morning and Evening. | Straight grain, limp, round corners, red gilt edges, gilt line, India paper, large type, 16mo | 6/0 | Algerian morocco, round corners, red gilt edges, marble end papers, leather joints, tooled on back, small edition, 32mo | 4/0 | Crushed Levant morocco, gilt tooled back and side, solid red gilt edges, small edition, 32mo | 7/6 | Larger edition | 10/6 | Cloth extra, gilt edges, small edition, 32mo | 2/0 | Cloth, white leathered, large type, 16mo | 2/0 | Velvet calf, yapp, gilt edges | 7/6 | Rutland, yapped, leather lined, round corners, red gilt edges | 11/9 | Velvet calf, yapp, gilt edges | 3/0 | Crushed Persian, limp, round corners, art gilt edges, gilt roll, small edition, 32mo | 3/6 | Daily Round. Meditation, Prayer, and Praise. Adapted to the Course of the Christian Year. 32mo, paste grain and seal, limp, round corners, gilt edges | 1/10 | Rutland morocco, limp ditto ditto | 3/0 | Daily Strength for Daily Needs. By Mary W. Tileston | net2/6 | Fosbery’s (T. V.) Voices of Comfort | 3/0 | Gell’s (Hon. Mrs.) The Cloud of Witnesses. Cloth | 2/7½ | Straight grain, limp, gilt line, round corners, gilt edges | 4/6 | Cowhide, yapp, round corners, art gilt edges, in art colours | 6/0 | Gell’s, The More Excellent Way. Cloth | 2/7½ | Paste grain, limp, gilt line, round corners, art gilt edges | 5/3 | Cowhide, yapp, round corners, art gilt edges, in art colours | 6/9 | Rutland, limp, round corners, green under gilt edges, gilt roll | 7/6 | Gold Dust. A Collection of Golden Councils of the Sanctification of Daily Life. Translated and Abridged from the French. Three parts, 1/0 each, or complete in one volume | 2/0 | Great Souls at Prayer. Fourteen Centuries of Prayer, Praise, and Aspiration. Selected by W. M. Tileston | 2/6 | Helps to Worship, A Manual for Holy Communion and Daily Prayer. 32mo. | [263] | Paste grain, limp | 1/4 | Italian limp, round corners, red under gilt edges | 1/10 | Rutland limp, round corners, red under gilt edges, gilt roll | 2/9 | How (Bishop W. Walsham). Holy Communion with Collects, Epistles and Gospels. 18mo. Paste grain, limp, gilt edges | 2/3 | Rutland limp, round corners, red under gilt edges, gilt roll | 3/9 | Russia limp, round corners, red under gilt edges, gilt roll | 7/6 | In Green Pastures. Daily Readings for the Year. By J. R. Miller, D.D. Cloth, 1/1½; velvet Persian, gilt edges | 2/6 | Oxenden Family Prayers. Two Vols. | each 2/0 | Oxenden, The Earnest Communicant. 32mo. Paste grain, limp, gilt edges | 1/10 | Italian limp, round corners, red under gilt edges | 2/6 | Pilot (The). A Book of Daily Guidance from Master Minds | 2/6 | Steps to the Altar. A Manual of Devotion. 32mo. Paste grain, limp, gilt edges | 1/4 | Straight grain, limp, round corners, red under gilt edges | 1/10 | Rutland limp, round corners, red under gilt edges, gilt roll | 2/9 | GARDENING BOOKS. PRESENT-DAY GARDENING. Edited by R. Hooper Pearson, Editor of “The Gardener’s Chronicle.” 1/6 Sweet Peas. By Horace J. Wright, late Secretary and Chairman of the National Sweet Pea Society. With chapter on “Sweet Peas for Exhibition,” by Thos. Stevenson. Pansies, Violas, and Violets. By William Cuthbertson, J.P., and R. Hooper Pearson. Root and Stem Vegetables. By Alexander Dean, V.M.H., Chairman of the National Vegetable Society. Daffodils. By the Rev. J. Jacob, Secretary of the Midland Daffodil Society, with Preface by the Rev. W. Wilks, M.A., Secretary of the Royal Horticultural Society. Orchids. By James O’Brien, V.M.H., Secretary of the Orchid Committee of the Royal Horticultural Society. Carnations and Pinks. By T. H. Cook, Head Gardener to Queen Alexandra at Sandringham; James Douglas, V.M.H.; and J. F. M’Leod, Head Gardener to Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan. Rhododendrons and Azaleas. (The first popular volume published on this subject.) By William Watson, A.L.S., Curator of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, with Preface by Fred. W. Moore, M.A., A.L.S., V.M.H. Lilies. By A. Grove, F.L.S., with Preface by H. J. Elwes, F.R.S. Apples and Pears. By George Bunyard, V.M.H., Chairman of Fruit and Vegetable Committee of Royal Horticultural Society. Roses. By H. R. Darlington, Member of Council of National Rose Society, 2/6 Irises. By W. Rickatson Dykes, M.A. These will be followed by volumes on Annuals, Chrysanthemums, Dahlias, PÆonies, Primulas, Cucumbers, Melons, Hardy Herbaceous Plants, Tomatoes, Bulbous Plants, Peaches and Nectarines, Vines, Rock Plants, Stove and Greenhouse Plants, etc. Cook, E. T., Century Book of Gardening | 21/0 | ,,,,Gardening for Beginners | 12/6 | Clarke, M. U., Nature’s Own Gardens | 21/0 | Crawford, J. H., Wild Flowers | 5/0 | Curtis, A. C., Small Garden Beautiful | 3/6 | ,,,,Small Garden Useful | 3/6 | ,,C. H., F.R.H.S., Orchids for Everyone | 21/0 | Darlington, Roses | 3/6 | Earle, Mrs., Garden Colour | 21/0 | Farrer, R., In a Yorkshire Garden | 10/6 | ,,,, My Rock Garden | 7/6 | Farthing, F. H., Saturday in My Garden | 3/6 | Jekyll, G., Flower Decoration | 6/0 | ,,,,Children and Flowers | 6/0 | ,,,,Home and Garden | 10/6 | ,,,,Wood and Garden | 10/6 | ,,,,Colour in the Flower Garden | 12/6 | ,,,,Wall and Water Garden | 12/6 | Maxwell, Sir H., Scottish Gardens | 7/6 | Meredith, Lewis B., Rock Gardens : How to Make and Maintain Them | 7/6 | Robinson, W., English Flower Garden | 15/0 | ,,,,Garden Beautiful | 7/6 | Saunders, T. W., Vegetables and their Culture | 5/0 | ,,,,My Flower Garden | 7/6 | ,,,,EncyclopÆdia of Gardening | 3/6 | Step, E., Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse. 4 vols | 73/0 | Sidgwick, Mrs. A., Children’s Book of Gardening | 4/6 | Sutton’s Culture of Vegetables and Flowers | 5/0 | Thomas, H. H., Ideal Garden | 6/0 | Wright, H. P., Beautiful Flowers and How to Grow Them. 2 vols. | 21/0 | ,,W. P., Alpine and Rock Gardens | 12/6 | ,,,,Beautiful Gardens: How to Maintain Them | 6/0 | ,,,,The Perfect Garden | 6/0 | ,,,,The Garden Week by Week | 6/0 | ,,,,Roses and Rose Gardens | 12/6 | ,,,,Popular Garden Flowers | 6/0 | GUIDE BOOKS, BAEDEKER’S. | Austria | 8/0 | Belgium and Holland | 6/0 | Central Italy and Rome | 7/6 | Dominion of Canada | 6/0 | Eastern Alps, etc. | 10/0 | Egypt | 15/0 | Great Britain | 10/0 | Greece | 8/0 | Italy from the Alps to Naples | 8/0 | London and Its Environs | 6/0 | Northern France | 7/6 | ,,Germany | 8/0 | ,,Italy | 8/0 | Norway, Sweden, and Denmark | 8/0 | Palestine and Syria | 12/0 | Paris and Its Environs | 6/0 | Rhine, The | 7/0 | Southern France | 9/0 | ,,Germany | 6/0 | ,,Italy | 6/0 | Spain and Portugal | 16/0 | Switzerland, etc | 8/0 | United States | 15/0 | Also Ward Lock’s Guide Books, describing principal towns and places of interest, 1/0 each. | MEDICAL WORKS. | Black’s Medical Dictionary | 7/6 | Brereton, M. A. C., The Mother’s Companion | 2/6 | Cassells, Family Doctor | 4/6 | Chavasse’s Advice to a Wife | 2/6 | ,,,,,,Mother | 2/6 | Clark, H. E. (C.M.G.), Elementary Anatomy | 3/9 | Doctor at Home and Nurses’ Guide Book, The | 2/6 | Hewer, Mrs. Langton, Our Baby | 1/6 | Morten Honnor, Nurse’s Pronouncing Dictionary | 1/0 | ,,,,The Nursery Nurses’ Companion. In paper boards, 1/0; cloth | 1/6 | Stewart, Isla & Cuff, Herbert E. (M.D.), Practical Nursing | 5/0 | Thompson, Sir Henry (F.R.C.S.), Food and Feeding | 3/6 | ,,,,,,,,Diet In Relation to Age and Activity | 1/10½ | Watson, J. K. (M.D.), A Handbook for Nurses | 5/0 | NATURE BOOKS. | Britain’s Birds and their Nests. By A. Landsborough Thomson | 21/0 | British Birds. By W. H. Hudson | 3/6 | British Birds and their Haunts. By Rev. A. C. Johns | 7/6 | Eggs of British Birds. By W. J. Gordon | 2/6 | Our Country’s Birds. By W. J. Gordon | 3/6 | Our Country’s Butterflies and Moths. By W. J. Gordon | 3/6 | Our Country’s Animals. By W. J. 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Warwick Edition. Thin paper. In 14 vols. Cloth, limp, gilt top, each 2/0 net; imitation leather, limp, gilt top, each, 2/6 net; crushed leather, limp, gilt top, each 3/0 net. Adam Bede. Daniel Deronda. 2 vols. Felix Holt, The Radical. Middlemarch. 2 vols. Romola. Scenes of Clerical Life. Silas Marner. The Mill on the Floss. Theophrastus Such; Essays. The Spanish Gypsy, Jubal, and other Poems. George Eliot’s Life. By J. W. Cross. 2 vols. EVERYMAN’S LIBRARY, THE. 561 Volumes. Cloth, 1/0 net; leather, 2/0 net The following volumes in special binding in half-calf, with design in gold on back, with cloth sides, gilt top. Volumes in this world-famous series are admirably suitable for presentation. Each set of books is contained in a special cloth box, thus forming an admirable edition of the works of the famous author in this series. 3/6 per vol. Matthew Arnold’s Poems. Jane Austen’s Works. 5 vols. Lorna Doone. Bronte’s Works. 5 vols. Coleridge’s Poems. Dante’s Poems. Eliot’s Works. 5 vols. 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Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2/6 net; leather, gilt top, designed cover, 3/6; velvet calf, 5/0 net per vol. [264] Volumes of Essays: The Life of the Bee. The Treasure of the Humble. Wisdom and Destiny. The Buried Temple. The Double Garden. Life and Flowers. Plays: Aglavaine and Selysette. Beatrice and Ardiane. Monna Vanna. MEREDITH, GEORGE. Each, 2/6 net; cloth, lambskin, 3/6 net. Amazing Marriage. Beauchamp’s Career. Diana of the Crossways. Evan Harrington. Harry Richmond. Lord Ormont and his Aminta. One of Our Conquerors. Richard Feveral. Rhoda Fleming. Sandra Belloni. Shaving of Shagpat. Tale of Chloe. The Egoist. Tragic Comedians. Vittoria. Poems. 2 vols. MERRIMAN, (H. S.) Each, 2/0 net; cloth, limp lambskin, 3/0 net. Barlash of the Guard. Flotsam. In Kedar’s Tent. Roden’s Corner. From One Generation to Another. The Grey Lady. The Sowers. The Velvet Glove. The Vultures. Tomaso’s Fortune, and other Stories. The Isle of Unrest. Slave of the Lamp. The Last Hope. With Edged Tools. 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POETICAL WORKS, bound in tree calf, gilt edges, 9/6. Browning, E. B. Burns. Byron. Gems of National Poetry. Hemans. Hood. Longfellow. Lowell. Milton. Moore. Scott. Shakespeare. Shelley. Whittier. Wordsworth. OXFORD POETS. Three-quarter Levant, gilt extra back, gilt top, art linen sides. 12/9. Browning, E. B. Browning, R. Burns. Byron. Campbell. Chaucer. Cowper. Goldsmith. Hood. Ingoldsby Legends. Keats. Longfellow. Milton. Scott. Shakespeare. Shelley. Tennyson. Whittier. Wordsworth. POETICAL WORKS. Full Turkey morocco polished, tooled back and sides. Dentelle style, watered silk ends, leather joints, solid gilt edges, 25/6. Byron. Keats. Longfellow. Scott. Shakespeare. Shelley. BROWNING (R.), POETICAL WORKS. Complete. India Paper Edition. 2 vols. in 1, with portraits. Full polished Levant, super extra, richly gilt sides and back, solid gilt edges, 50/0; also tree calf, extra gilt edges, 28/0; paste grain and seal limp, round corners, gold roll, gilt line, gilt edges, 22/6; 2 vols., complete with portraits, paste grain and seal limp, round corners, gilt edges, 18/9. CHESTERTON, G. K. The Ballad of the White Horse. Cloth, 3/9. GORDON, LINDSAY A. Poems. Cloth, 4/6; half-calf, 12/9; half-Levant, gilt top, raised bands, special design, 17/9. HENLEY, W. E. Poems. Cloth, 6/0. Hawthorn and Lavender. 6/0. HOPE, LAURENCE. Indian Love, Stars of the Desert, Garden of Kama, 5/0 each; also full velvet, calf yapp, special gilt design on front cover, 11/9. KIPLING. Five Nations, Barrack Room Ballads, Departmental Ditties, Seven Seas. 8vo. cloth, 4/6 each; pocket, leather, 5/0 each. SWINBURNE’S WORKS. Swinburne’s Collected Poems, in 6 vols., crown 8vo, 36/0 net set; set 6 vols. bound in half-calf, fancy tooled, gilt top, 72/6. Selections from Swinburne’s Works, 4/6. Poems and Ballads, 1st Series, 6/9; 2nd Series, 6/9; 3rd Series, 5/3. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Complete Works. Full polished Levant, super extra, richly gilt back and sides, in “Le Gascoin” style, solid gilt edges, 38/6; Also Russian padded, round corners, gold roll, gilt line, solid gilt edges, 19/6; full Turkey morocco, boards, gold inside border, gilt edges, 16/9; old tree calf, rich gold borders, solid gilt edges, 16/9; full velvet calf, round corners, gilt edges, 13/6; paste grain and seal padded, round corners, gilt line, gold roll, red and gilt edges, 11/0; paste grain and seal limp, round corners, gilt edges, 8/9. WILCOX, WHEELER ELLA. Poems of Pleasure, Passion, Power, Cheer, Sentiment, Progress, Maurine and other poems, Kingdom of Love, Three Women, Experience and Yesterdays, Popular edition, limpcloth,1/0; limplambskin, gilt,2/6; velvetcalf,3/6. PRAYERS AND HYMNS AND BIBLES. CAMBRIDGE PRAYER BOOK, with Hymns Ancient and Modern. Small pica, 24mo, soft suede calf skin yapp, with gusset handkerchief pocket and offertory pocket, round corners, art gilt edges, with Cambridge carrier handle, 19/9; Ditto, Rubytype,9/9. left pointing hand THE KING’S PRINTERS’ PRAYER BOOK, with Hymns Ancient and Modern, Russia leather, silk lined throughout, elaborate gilt finish inside covers, solid art edges. Tudor,32mo,14/6; bourgeoise,32mo,18/0; longprimer,24mo,21/0. right pointing hand THE KING’S PRINTERS’ PRAYER BOOK, with Hymns Ancient and Modern. Polished crushed Levant, silk lined, round corners, art edges. Tudor,32mo,14/6; longprimer,24mo,21/0. OXFORD PRAYER BOOK, with Hymns Ancient and Modern. Real seal, semi-yapp, calf lined, silk sewn, solid gilt edges. Pearl,48mo,11/9; emerald,48mo,13/6; bourgeoise,32mo,16/6; longprimer,24mo,19/0; smallpica,24mo,21/6. OXFORD REFERENCE BIBLES. left pointing hand Seal Skin. Ruby type .. .. 18/6 Emerald type .. 24/0 Brevier type .. 25/6 Long primer .. 31/6 Semi-Yapp Persian Seal. Ruby type .. .. 6/6 Emerald type .. 7/9 Brevier type .. 10/0 Long primer .. 11/6 Straight Grain. Ruby type .. .. 6/6 Emerald type .. 7/0 Brevier type .. 9/0 Long primer .. 10/9 CAMBRIDGE PRAYER BOOK, with Hymns Ancient and Modern. Amethyst type, India paper, French morocco, with handkerchief and offertory pocket, carrier handle, 7/9. OXFORD REFERENCE BIBLES. Thin India paper, Persian morocco limp, round corners. Ruby,7/0; emerald,8/3; brevier,10/0; longprimer,11/6. [265] TEACHERS’ BIBLES. Central Column References. | Ruby. 24mo Size, 5? × 4in.— | French Morocco, limp, round corners | .. | .. | .. | 3/9 | ,, ,, yapp,,,, | .. | .. | .. | 5/3 | Rutland ,, limp,,,, | .. | .. | .. | 7/0 | ,, ,,yapp, leather lined | .. | .. | .. | 9/3 | Thin edition on Oxford India paper— | French Morocco, limp | .. | .. | .. | 7/0 | ,, ,, yapp, round corners | .. | .. | .. | 7/6 | Rutland ,, ,, leather lined | .. | .. | .. | 12/0 | Turkey,, limp, round corners | .. | .. | .. | 10/9 | Emerald. 16mo. Size, 7 × 4?in.— | French Morocco, limp, round corners | .. | .. | .. | 5/6 | ,, ,,yapp,,,, | .. | .. | .. | 7/0 | Persian,,,, leather lined | .. | .. | .. | 10/0 | Rutland,,,,,,,, | .. | .. | .. | 12/0 | Turkey,,limp, round corners | .. | .. | .. | 10/0 | Thin edition on Oxford India paper— | French Morocco, limp, round corners | .. | .. | .. | 8/6 | ,, ,,yapp,,,, | .. | .. | .. | 9/0 | Persian,,,, leather lined | .. | .. | .. | 12/6 | Rutland,,,,,,,, | .. | .. | .. | 14/9 | Levant,,,, calf lined | .. | .. | .. | 25/0 | CHURCH SERVICES. All Editions, with or without the Hymns. HYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN. In Leather Binding. Words Only. Demy, 32mo. Size, 4½ by 2?in. French morocco, round corners, 1/4; straight grain, round corners, 3/0; Rutland morocco, round corners, 2/8. Long primer, 24mo. Size, 5? by 3½in. French morocco, round corners, 2/3; straight grain, round corners, 3/6; Rutland morocco, round corners, 4/6; Turkey morocco, round corners, 6/0. “Thumb” Edition. To match the small Prayer Books. Paste grain, round corners, 1/8; straight grain, round corners, 2/4; Rutland morocco, round corners, 2/11. HYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN, In Leather Binding. With Tunes. Nonpareil, 8vo. Size, 7 by 4½in. French Morocco, round corners, 4/6; Rutland morocco, round corners, 7/6. Imperial, 16mo. Size, 7½ by 5¾in. French morocco, round corners, 8/0; paste grain, limp, round corners, 9/6; Rutland morocco, round corners, 12/6. HYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN. Cloth Bindings. Words Only. No. 7, 0/6 net; No. 10, 0/10 net; No. 13, 1/0 net; No. 14, 1/3 net; No. 15, 2/4 net; No. 16, 2/0 net. With Tunes. No. 31, 2/0 net; No. 32, 2/3 net; No. 34, 3/9 net; No. 35, 4/3 net. New Edition. Words Only. Cloth. No. 113, 1/0 net; No. 114, 1/3 net; No. 116, 2/0 net. With Tunes. Cloth. No. 131, 2/0 net; No. 134, 3/9 net. REFERENCE BOOKS. | Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 6/0 | Bacon’s New General Atlas of the World | .. | .. | .. | 5/7½ | Benham’s Book of Quotations | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 10/6 | Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable | .. | .. | .. | 7/10½ | ,,Reader’s Handbook | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/7½ | Black’s Medical Dictionary | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 7/6 | Bartholomew’s Twentieth Century Citizen’s Atlas | .. | net | 21/0 | Cassell’s Atlas.... | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 12/6 | ,,French-English and English-French Dictionary | .. | .. | 2/7½ | ,,German-English and English-German Dictionary | .. | .. | 2/7½ | ,,Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary | .. | .. | 2/7½ | Chambers’s Biographical Dictionary. Cloth, 7/10½; half-morocco | 11/3 | ,,English Dictionary. Cloth, 9/4½; half-morocco | .. | .. | 13/6 | ,,CyclopÆdia of English Literature. 3 Vols. Cloth, 31/6; half-morocco | 45/0 | ,,EncyclopÆdia. In 10 quarto vols. Cloth, 75/0; half-morocco | 112/0 | ,,Twentieth Century Dictionary | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/7½ | ,,Concise Gazetteer of the World | .. | .. | .. | .. | 6/0 | Enquire Within.... | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/6 | Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates. Cloth, 21/0; half-morocco, 25/0; tree calf | .. | 31/6 | Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible. 1 vol. Cloth, 20/0; half-morocco | .. | 25/0 | Jack’s Reference Book. Cloth, 3/6; half-morocco | .. | .. | .. | 6/6 | Johnston’s Unrivalled Atlas.. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 2/7½ | Nuttall’s English Dictionary. Cloth, 2/6; half-Persian, 3/9; with Index, gilt top | 4/6 | Philip’s Handy Atlas and Gazetteer of the British Isles | .. | .. | 7/6 | ,,,,,,,, England and Wales | .. | .. | 4/0 | ,,New Handy General Atlas. Half-leather, 27/6; cloth | .. | .. | 21/0 | ,,Students’ Atlas.. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 5/7½ | Rogets’ Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases | .. | .. | .. | 9/0 | Stokes’s CyclopÆdia of Familiar Quotations | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | Walker’s Ideal Atlas of the World. Cloth, 1/0; straight grain | 3/6 | ,, Century Atlas.. | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 3/6 | Webster’s New International Dictionary. Cloth, 40/0; half-calf, 52/6; half-morocco, 57/6; full calf | 60/0 | Woman’s Book, The. Uniform with Jack’s Reference Book. Cloth. 3/6; cloth, full gilt | 5/0 | For further list of Atlases, see p. 268. | Archery, Athletics, Big Game Shooting (Vols. I. and II.), Billiards, Coursing and Falconry, Cricket, Cycling, Dancing, Driving, Fencing, Boxing and Wrestling, Fishing (Vol. I.: Salmon, Trout, etc.; Vol. II.: Pike and Coarse Fish), Football, Golf, Hunting, Mountaineering, Poetry and Sport, Racing and Steeplechasing, Riding and Polo, Rowing, Sea Fishing, Shooting (Vol. I.: Field and Covert; Vol. II.: Moor and Marsh), Skating, Swimming, Tennis, Yachting (Vols. I. and II.). Each vol., cloth, 6/0; half-bound, gilt top | 9/0 |
Motors and Motor Driving. Cloth, 9/0; half-bound | .. | | 12/0 |
Advanced Golf. By J. Braid | .. | | 10/6 |
Complete Golfer. By H. Vardon | .. | | 10/6 |
Complete Wildfowler. By S. Duncan and G. Thorn | .. | net | 15/0 |
EncyclopÆdia of Sport. 4 vols. Cloth, 10/6 net per vol.; half-morocco, | .. | net,pervol. | 14/0 |
Golf Faults Illustrated. By G. W. Beldam and J. H. Taylor | .. | | 5/0 |
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Modern Polo. By Capt. E. D. Miller | .. | ,, | 16/0 |
Nigeria. By E. D. Morel | .. | ,, | 10/6 |
Partridges and Partridge Manors. By Capt. Aymer Maxwell | ,, | 7/6 |
Rifle, Rod, and Spear in the East. By Sir E. Durand | .. | ,, | 8/0 |
Sea Fishing. By C. O. Minchin | .. | ,, | 3/6 |
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The Sport of Shooting. By Owen Jones | .. | ,, | 10/6 |
Thoughts on Hunting. By H. Beckford | .. | ,, | 15/0 |
Alexander, Francesca, The Hidden Servants | .. | 6/0 |
Chambers, Rev. A., Problems of the Spiritual | .. | 3/6 |
Chambers, R., Man and the Spiritual World | .. | 3/6 |
,,Our Life after Death | .. | 3/6 |
,,Thoughts of the Spiritual | .. | 3/6 |
Drake, F. W., The Way of Fellowship | .. | 2/6 |
,,Ideals of Holiness | .. | 2/0 |
Drummond, Prof. H., Natural Law in the Spiritual World | .. | 2/7½ |
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,,Greatest Thing in the World | .. | 0/9 |
Farrar, F. W.— |
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Fosbery, T. V., Voices of Comfort | .. | 3/0 |
Hastings, J., New Dictionary of the Bible. |
| Cloth, 20/0; half-morocco | .. | 25/0 |
Ingram, A. F. W.— |
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Lodge, Sir O., Reason and Belief | .. | 3/6 |
Miller, J. R., Dr., Our New Edens | .. | 2/7½ |
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Robinson, A. W., Spiritual Progress | .. | 2/6 |
Sanderson,—, Life of the Waiting Soul | .. | 1/10 |
Skrine, J. Huntley, Creed and the Creeds (Bampton Lectures, 1911) | .. | 7/6½ |
Soulsby, L. H. M., Stray Thoughts for Girls | .. | 2/6 |
,,,,,, ,,Mothers | .. | 2/6 |
,,,,,, on Reading | .. | 2/6 |
,,,,,, ,,Character | .. | 2/6 |
Trine, R. W., In Tune with the Infinite | .. | 3/6 |
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Weymouth,—, New Testament in Modern Speech. Leather, 5/0; cloth | .. | 2/6 |
Whiting, L., The World Beautiful | .. | 2/7½ |
Wilberforce, B., The Power that Worketh in Us | .. | 3/0 |
British Costume.
By Ashdown
A.B.C. Code. 5th Edition | .. | 20/0 |
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Christmas Books. 65 Illustrations.
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A Tale of Two Cities. 16 Illustrations.
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Jungle Book. Illustrated.
The Day’s Work.
Second Jungle Book. Illustrated.
Stalky & Co.
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The Naulahka. By R. Kipling and Wolcott Balestier.
Kim. Illustrated.
Just So Stories for Little Children. Illustrated.
Traffics and Discoveries.
Puck of Pook’s Hill. Illustrated.
Actions and Reactions.
Rewards and Fairies.
Kipling, Rudyard, and C. R. L. Fletcher, |
History of England | .. | 7/6 |
Macaulay, Lord, History of England. |
Popular Edition. 2 vols. | .. | 3/9 |
Students’ Edition. 2 vols. | .. | 9/0 |
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Floral. |
Beatrice Potter Painting Book | .. | 1/0 |
Kate Greenaway Painting Book | .. | 1/0 |
Caldecott Painting Book. 2 Series | each | 1/0 |
Walter Crane Painting Book | .. | 1/0 |
Cecil Aldin Painting Books. Series 1 to 9 | .. | 0/9 |
Ships that Glue Built | .. | 3/6 |
Farm that Glue Built | .. | 3/6 |
The Peek-a-Boos. By ChloË Preston | .. | 3/6 |
Buster Brown’s Happy Days | .. | 3/6 |
Outcault’s Buster Brown Up to Date | .. | 3/6 |
The Baby’s Opera. By Walter Crane. Music by the earliest masters | .. | 2/7½ |
Johnny Crow’s Garden | .. | 2/6 |
Johnny Crow’s Party | .. | 2/6 |
Tailor and the Crow | .. | 2/6 |
Truth About Old King Cole | .. | 2/6 |
Book of Baby Beasts. by E. J. DETMOLD
The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes. By Beatrix Potter.
The Golden Staircase. Poems and Verses Chosen for Children. By Louey Chisholm | .. | 7/6 |
Book of Baby Beasts. Illustrated by E. J. Detmold | .. | 6/0 |
Peek-a-Boos in Winter. By ChloË Preston | .. | 6/0 |
Nursery Rhymes. Chosen by Louey Chisholm | .. | 5/0 |
Lear’s Book of Nonsense | .. | 5/0 |
Lear’s Book of More Nonsense | .. | 5/0 |
Lear’s Nonsense Songs | .. | 5/0 |
Caldecott Picture Books. 2 Series | each | 5/0 |
Nursery Songs. Arranged by Joseph Moorat and pictured by Paul Woodroffe. | |
The Animal Why Book. By W. P. Pycraft | .. | 5/0 |
Pads, Paws, and Claws. By W. P. Pycraft | .. | 5/0 |
The Peter Rabbit Books. By Beatrix Potter. Each containing 27 Coloured Illustrations by the author. Size, 7½ by 5½in. Art paper boards, flat back | each | 1/0 |
The Tale of Peter Rabbit. |
The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. |
The Tailor of Gloucester. |
The Tale of Benjamin Bunny. |
The Tale of Two Bad Mice. |
The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle. |
The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher. |
The Tale of Tom Kitten. |
The Tale of Jemima Puddle Duck. |
The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies. |
The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse. |
The Latest Volumes. |
The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes. |
The Pie and the Patty-Pan. By Beatrix Potter |
Ginger and Pickles. By Beatrix Potter |
Dean’s Rag Books. Size, 4? by 6¼in. | .. | |
Pets | .. | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/4½ |
Playthings A B C | .. | .. | .. | .. | 0/4½ |
Baby Bunting. Size, 4½ by 9¼in. | .. | 0/4½ |
Forest Friends. Size, 4½ by 9¼in. | .. | 0/4½ |
Sugar Candy A B C. Size, 6 by 8¾in. | .. | 0/9 |
What is This? Size, 6 by 8¾in. | .. | .. | 0/9 |
Neddy and Other Friends | .. | .. | .. | 0/9 |
Trains. Size, 7 by 8½in. | .. | .. | .. | 1/6 |
A Bow-Wow Book. Size, 9 by 7½in. | .. | 1/10½ |
Noah’s Zoo. Size, 11¾ by 8in. | .. | .. | 2/7½ |
Just Off. Size, 11¾ by 8in. | .. | .. | 2/7½ |
Animal’s School Treat | .. | .. | .. | 4/6 |
Bacon’s Large-Print Atlas of the World. Cloth gilt, 2/6; half-bound | .. | 3/6 |
,,General Atlas. Gilt illuminated cloth | .. | .. | 5/7½ |
,,Popular Atlas of the World. Cloth boards, 15/9; half-morocco, gilt edges | .. | 22/6 |
,,Complete Atlas of the World. A Commercial and Library Atlas, 31/6; half-morocco | .. | 41/3 |
Harmsworth Atlas of the World. Complete with set of motoring maps. Half-morocco, gilt edges | .. | 60/0 |
Philips’ Atlas for Beginners. Cloth | .. | 1/10½ |
,, Modern School Atlas of Comparative Geography | .. | 2/7½ |
,, New Half-Crown School Atlas | .. | 1/10½ |
,, New Popular Atlas | .. | 2/7½ |
,, Students’ Atlas | .. | 5/7½ |
,, Handy Volume Atlas of the World, pocket size. Cloth, 2/7½; leather | .. | 3/9 |
Walkers’ Ideal Atlas of the World. Cloth, 1/0; leather | .. | 2/0 |
,,Century Atlas of the World | .. | 3/6 |
,,Graphic Atlas | .. | 5/0 |
,,Handy Reference Atlas | .. | 7/6 |
Philips’ Educational Terrestrial Globes. Beautifully printed in colours, clear and distinct. Quite up to date. | |
6in. diameter, on wooden stand | .. | 5/0 |
9in. diameter, on polished wooden stand, with inclined pole | .. | 10/6 |
9in. diameter, on polished wooden stand, with brass half-meridian | .. | 12/6 |
12in. diameter, with brass graduated half-meridian | .. | 21/0 |
Bartholomew’s British Isles. Contoured Motoring Map, dissected and mounted on cloth. Scale, 16 miles to in. | .. | 5/0 |
Bartholomew’s London. Scale 2in. to mile. On cloth, 2/6; dissected | .. | 3/6 |
Bartholomew’s Reduced Survey Maps. Scale, ½ in. to mile. England and Wales, 37 sections; Scotland, 29 sections. In case, on cloth, 2/0 each; in case, on cloth, dissected, each | .. | 2/6 |
Complete Set, on cloth, dissected, in solid leather case, with transparent map case and map measure. England and Wales | .. | £6/17/0 |
Bacon’s Large-Print Motor Maps. By M. G. Morrison, F.R.G.S. Compiled from the best motoring and cycling authorities. Scale, 5 miles to 1in. In nine sheets, size 22 by 30in. On cloth, dissected, each | .. | 2/6 |
Montagu’s Road Maps. England and Wales. Scale, 4 miles to 1in. Eleven sections, 2/6 each; set complete, in solid hide case, upright or oblong | .. | 42/0 |
Contour Road Book. England and Wales. 1 vol. Cloth, 5/0; morocco | .. | 10/6 |
England and Wales. In 3 vols. North, South-East, and West. Cloth, 2/0; leather | .. | 3/6 |
Great Britain. Morocco binding | .. | 13/6 |
“The Car” Road Book and Guide. An EncyclopÆdia of Motoring. With complete folding linen-mounted road map of the U.K. Calf binding, | net | 12/6 |
“The Car” Motor Register. For recording cost of up-keep, etc. Cloth binding, each, 2/0; leather binding, each | .. | 3/0 |
Cars, and How to Drive Them. Bound in cloth, in two parts, I. and II., profusely illustrated, net each | .. | 3/6 |
The Best Ways Out of London. The best ways to avoid London and the worst hills in England. Illustrated with numerous maps. Pocket edition | .. | 1/6 |
Autocar Handbook | .. | 1/6 |
Montagu Motor Book. By G. C. Sherrin | .. | 5/0 |
Motor Manual | .. | 1/6 |
Motor-boat Manual | .. | 1/6 |
British, Foreign, and Colonial Postage Stamps in Stock.
Crest and Monogram Album
Crest and Monogram Albums, with original (see Illustration) artistic design in colours. Cloth, 2/3; leather, 4/6
Stamp Collector’s Pocket Books. Cloth, 0/9; with button fastener | 1/6 |
Stamp Hinges, per box containing 1,000 mounts | 0/6 and | 1/3 |
Water-mark detector, glazed black earthenware tray. Size, 4¼ by 2?in., for use with benzine | 0/6 |
New Folding Magnifying Glass, each | 0/9 |
Tweezers, for handling stamps, each | 1/6 and | 2/0 |
Postcard Album
No. 1. Cloth bound, gilt lettering, one card on page, to hold 100 cards, 0/9; also half-bound roan, gilt lettering, 2/6
The Lincoln Stamp Album
The Lincoln Stamp Album, with Catalogue and Maps. Cloth bound, 2/3; cloth bound, with full catalogue and maps, 3/9 (see Illustration); cloth bound, with full catalogue and maps, gilt edges, 4/6
The Ideal Stamp Album. No. 1, cloth bound, 10/5; No. 2, cloth bound, 14/6 (see Illustration); No. 3, half-morocco, 22/6
200 Stamps are given with each of these Albums. Portable cases for above Album, with lock and key, in solid hide case, 18/9
The Strand Postage Stamp Album
Strand Stamp Album. No. 14, cloth bound, 2/1 (see Illustration); No. 15, cloth bound, gilt edges, and maps, 4/2; No. 17, half-bound canvas, interleaved plain paper, maps, and gilt edges, 6/3
100 Stamps are given with each of these Albums.
Half-bound art canvas, to hold 1,000 cards, 8/9
Full padded roan, to hold 1,000 cards, 19/6
Cloth bound, design on front, to hold 400 cards, 1/10
Full roan, extra padded, to hold 500 cards, 13/6;
also half-bound roan, to hold 500 cards, 6/6
Half-bound morocco, to hold 500 cards, 11/0
also full bound morocco, to hold 500 cards, 18/6
Velvet Persian calf, gilt design, to hold 400 cards, 9/6; 500 cards | .. | .. | 10/3 |
Panne calf, full gold design, to hold 400 cards, 12/0; 500 cards | .. | .. | 12/9 |
Cloth, gold design, to hold 300 cards, 3/0; 400 cards, 3/9; 500 cards | .. | .. | 4/3 |
examples of bookbinding types
Poems of Matthew Arnold
Matthew Arnold
| Gilt Edges | Cloth. | Art Linen. | Half Roan. | Half Calf. | Half Calf Bands. | Half Calf extra. | Half Morocco. | Full Roan. | Full Calf. | Full Morocco. | Half Seal, Plain. | Quarter Vellum, Plain. |
Foolscap 8vo, 6¾ × 4¼ | 0/8 | 1/1 | 1/3 | 1/4 | 1/10 | 2/0 | 2/8 | 2/11 | 2/0 | 4/0 | 5/6 | 2/6 | 2/6 |
Crown 8vo, 7½ × 5 | 0/10 | 1/2 | 1/4 | 1/6 | 2/0 | 2/5 | 2/11 | 3/8 | 2/4 | 4/6 | 6/0 | 3/0 | 2/9 |
Demy 8vo, 8¼ × 5? | 1/2 | 1/7 | 1/9 | 1/11 | 2/4 | 2/9 | 3/4 | 4/2 | 2/9 | 5/0 | 6/6 | 3/3 | 3/0 |
Royal 8vo, 10 × 6¼ | 1/6 | 1/9 | 2/1 | 2/4 | 2/9 | 3/3 | 3/9 | 4/8 | 3/2 | 5/4 | 7/0 | 3/6 | 3/2 |
Crown 4to, 10 × 7½ | 1/10 | 2/0 | 2/5 | 2/7 | 3/4 | 3/8 | 4/3 | 5/0 | 3/8 | 6/6 | 8/0 | 4/0 | 3/4 |
Imperial 8vo, 11 × 8½ | 2/0 | 2/2 | 2/8 | 2/10 | 3/8 | 4/0 | 4/6 | 6/0 | 4/0 | 8/0 | 10/0 | 4/3 | 3/6 |
Demy 4to, 11 × 9 | 2/6 | 2/8 | 3/0 | 3/3 | 4/3 | 4/5 | 5/0 | 6/9 | 4/6 | 9/9 | 12/0 | 5/0 | 4/0 |
Royal 4to, 12½ × 10 | 3/0 | 3/2 | 3/6 | 3/8 | 5/4 | 5/8 | 6/9 | 10/3 | 5/6 | 11/9 | 13/9 | 5/6 | 5/6 |
Foolscap Folio 13½ × 8½ | 4/6 | 4/4 | 5/0 | 5/3 | 6/9 | 7/4 | 8/0 | 10/9 | 6/11 | 20/6 | 23/0 | 6/0 | 7/0 |
Crown Folio, 15 × 10 | 5/0 | 4/8 | 5/6 | 5/9 | 7/3 | 7/9 | 8/6 | 11/9 | 8/0 | 22/0 | 25/0 | 6/6 | 8/6 |
Half-bound Books can have Cloth Sides substituted for Marbled Paper at a small additional cost. Labels 4d. each.
low inkpot
A dip every five seconds, and faint at that.
tilted inkpot
Ink is getting low, so you tilt the pot and wonder why the pen is dry.
full inkpot
Plenty of Ink here—right up to your fingers.
Inkpot Tragedies
hand holding pen
With the Onoto you get the right amount of Ink till the pen is quite empty.
Price 10/6 and upwards of all Stationers’, Stores, &c.
BOOKLET about the ONOTO PEN free on application to—
THOS. DE LA RUE & CO. LTD., 275 Bunhill Row, London, E.C.
Some of them are shown here. But there are others. Get rid of Pen troubles once and for all. Get an Onoto Pen. It always gives you the right amount of ink, good clean ink, no dust, no “fishes.” It is always on the spot, yet never makes a blot.
Get an ONOTO, the British made Self-Filling Safety Fountain Pen.
The Onoto is the satisfactory Pen, that fills itself in a flash from any ink supply—cleans itself in filling and CANNOT LEAK. It saves about 100,000 dips into the inkpot in a year and writes 20,000 words with one fill.
Self-Filling - -
Safety Fountain
Onoto fountain pen
Private, Commercial and Legal Stationery, Printing, Lithography, Typewriters, Drawer Cabinets, Files, Copying Apparatus, Fountain and Stylographic Pens, &c., Testimonials, Addresses, Votes of Thanks, Presentations, Illuminations, &c.
SPECIAL NOTICE.—Unless instructions are given to the contrary any part of an order which may take time to execute, such as Stamping, Printing, Engraving, &c., will be sent separately to avoid delaying the rest of the order. All orders for Stamping, Printing and Engraving should be sent some time previous to any general order, that such may be despatched at the same time as general order, thereby saving carriage.
BUTTER BOXES, Pack Flat, 1 lb., 0/3½ per doz., 3/3 per gross; 2 lbs., 0/5 per doz., 4/6 per gross; 3 lb., 0/7 per doz., 6/9 per gross. |
| Size. | per Quire. | Per Ream. |
BUTTER PAPER, Grease Proof | ... | 30 × 20 | 0/4½ | 6/0 |
,,,,Waxed Paper | ... | 30 × 20 | 0/3½ | 5/3 |
BROWN PAPERS, etc. (for Wrapping), bag Cap | ... | 24 × 20 | 0/4 | 6/0 |
,,,,Imperial | ... | 29 × 22½ | 0/5 | 7/6 |
,,,,Dble. Imperial | ... | 45 × 29 | 0/10 | 15/9 |
,,,,Waterproof | ... | | 2/8 | 52/0 |
,,,,White Rope Casing, extra thick glazed | ... | 46 × 36 | 2/0 | 37/0 |
BLOTTING PAPER (White or Pink), about | ... | 22 × 17 | | |
,,,,Thick | ... | | 0/9 | 14/6 |
,,,,Extra Thick | ... | | 1/0 | 19/0 |
,,,,,,,,Cadogan | ... | | 1/1 | 21/0 |
,,,,Dble. Extra Thick, Cadogan | ... | | 1/9 | 34/0 |
,,,,Ford’s Prize Medal, Pink or White, | ... | | 1/8 | 27/6 |
Ditto, Helio or Pale Green | ... | | 1/8 | 27/6 |
,,,,“Spongia” (Craig’s) | ... | | 3/4 | 65/0 |
,,,,,,in packets, 18 sheets, 11¼ × 8¾, per pkt. | 0/8½ |
BLOTTERS, Cloth limp, 8vo | ... | 8½ × 5¼, | each, 0/4, | doz. 3/9 |
,,,,4to | ... | 10½ × 8½ | ,, 0/7½ | ,,7/2 |
BLOTTING BOOK REFILLS, White Watered Paper Covers, limp— |
| 1st Quality. | 2nd Quality. |
| Size 1 | ... | 8 × 5 | | 0/3 each, | doz. | 0/1½ each, | 1/5 doz. |
| ,, 2 | ... | 10 × 8½ | | 0/4 ,, | 3/9 ,, | 0/2½ ,, | 2/4 ,, |
| ,, 3 | ... | 11 × 9½ | | 0/6½ ,, | 6/3 ,, | 0/3½ ,, | 3/3 ,, |
| ,, 4 | ... | 13 × 8½ | | 0/7½ ,, | 7/3 ,, | 0/3½ ,, | 3/3 ,, |
CARTRIDGE PAPER. See Kitchen Papers. |
CLOAK ROOM TICKETS, 1 to 500 | per 100 | 0/4½ |
CURLING PAPERS. See Toilet Papers. |
CUTLET FRILLS. See page 282. |
CREPE PAPER, Eltonbury, Colours on application, per roll, 0/2½, per doz. 2/2 |
DRAWER PAPER, Demy. See Kitchen Papers. |
DESSERT PAPERS. See page 281. |
DISH PAPERS. See page 282. |
GAME BOXES. Cheap Cardboard, Folding— |
No. 1 Partridge 1½ brace. Grouse 1 brace. Pheasant 1 only, 1/0 per doz. |
,, 2 Partridge 2½ brace, Grouse 2 brace, Pheasant 1 brace, 1/3 per doz. |
,, 3 Partridge 3½ brace, Grouse 3 brace, Pheasant 2 brace, 1/11 per doz. |
For Snipe or Woodcock, 1/0 per doz. |
| |
GLUE. Le Page’s | ... | ... | 0/6 size 0/4, | 1/0 size | 0/7½ |
,, in Collapsible Tubes | ... | 0/4 and | 0/7½ |
GUM. Stephens’, with cap and brush | ... | each, 0/4 and | 0/8 |
,, Stephens’ Refills | ... | ... | 0/7½ |
,, Stephens’ Patent Sponge Top Bottle | ... | ... | 0/8 |
HANDY BOOKS of Forms, each containing 100, 0/4½ per book— |
RentReceipts. “PleaseSupply.” GeneralReceipts. “Please Receive.” Statement. Invoice. Memorandum. “Receivedof.” |
HAM FRILLS. See page 281. |
HOUSEKEEPERS’ ACCOUNT BOOKS. Mrs. Sykes’ Simplified, showing on one page Expenses for each week, month, quarter, half-year and year, 2/6. Servants’ Wages Books, 2/6 and 3/6. |
INKS, Writing. See page 279. |
INK POWDER. A tin makes 1 gallon excellent blue black ink, invaluable for travellers in hot climes, per tin 2/6. |
INDIA RUBBER. See page 279. |
INDIA RUBBER BANDS. (Prices fluctuate according to Market.) Imperial Flat (Red Aromatic)— |
Thin. No. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
Per doz., | 0/3 | 0/4 | 0/5 | 0/6½ | 0/8½ | 0/9½ | |
Thick,, | 0/6 | 0/8 | 0/10 | 1/1 | 1/5 | 1/7 | |
Red Aromatic, in Boxes of 6 doz., assorted sizes— |
No. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | | |
Per box | 0/4 | 0/8 | 1/0 | 1/4 | | | |
GREY RUBBER BANDS. (Prices fluctuate according to Market.) 6 doz. assorted in box— |
No. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | | |
Per box | 0/4 | 0/8 | 1/0 | 1/4 | | | |
KITCHEN PAPERS. Excellent value— | Size. | Per Quire. | Per Ream. |
Whitey Brown | 30 × 20 | — | 2/0 |
Kitcap, the special Kitchen Paper | 30 × 20 | 0/2½ | 3/0 |
Whitey Brown, Thick | 30 × 20 | 0/3½ | 5/9 |
Snowite Series— | | | |
,,Thin Demy | 22½ × 17½ | 0/3 | 4/2 |
,,Extra Thick | 22½ × 17½ | 0/4 | 5/6 |
,,Blue Demy | 22½ × 17½ | 0/4½ | 6/3 |
White Double Crown | 30 × 20 | 0/3½ | 4/6 |
,,,,,,Thick | 30 × 20 | 0/5 | 7/3 |
Cartridge, Thick | 26 × 21 | 0/7 | 11/6 |
,, Extra Thick | 26 × 21 | 0/9 | 14/6 |
,, Double Thick | 26 × 21 | 1/0 | 18/0 |
LUGGAGE LABELS, LINEN, “Dennison’s Patent.”
4½ × 2 | per 100, | 0/7, | per 1000, | 5/6. |
5¼ × 2½ | ,, | 0/9, | ,, | 7/0. |
5¾ × 2¾ | ,, | 0/10, | ,, | 7/9. |
6¼ × 3 | ,, | 1/1, | ,, | 10/0. |
Manilla, “Dennison’s Patent,” with string attached—
4¾ × 2¼ | per 100, | 0/10, | per 1000, | 7/9; |
5¾ × 3 | ,, | 1/0, | ,, | 9/3. |
Check Luggage Label, with string, initialled and numbered, perforated duplicate for retention, per doz., 0/4½, per gross, 4/3.
Adhesive Labels in books of 2 doz., per doz. books, 0/9½ and 1/3½.
Domestic Labels, containing various sizes of Cloth and Adhesive Labels, 3 doz. Key Labels, and Gummed Labels, suitable for Books, Shelves, Jams, etc., 0/8½.
Books of Labels, perforated to tear out. Stock Colours: Blue, Green, Yellow and Red, each book containing 36 tie-on, and additional Adhesive Labels, per book, 0/4, per doz., 3/9.
Permanent Luggage Labels, in Leather Case, containing 25 Labels, one at view. Size 1, 1/2; Size 2, 1/3; Size 3, 1/4½.
Refills per 25, 0/3½, 0/4 and 0/4½.
MENDINE, a Powerful Adhesive for Mending Everything, in Collapsible Tubes, per tube. 0/1½ and 0/3.
MARKING INK, Melanyl, requires no heating, 0/6 size 0/3½. 1/0 size 0/7.
,,,, Blackwood’s Jetoline, 1/0 size 0/7.
,,,, Nigrofast, requires no heating, per bottle, 0/3½ and 0/6½.
MARKING INK PENCILS, each 0/3, per doz. 2/9.
NOTEPAPERS. Harrods’ Renowned Series.
PICNIC PLATES. See page 282.
PIE DISH COLLARS. See page 281.
PAPER FASTENERS. Assorted Sizes, per box, 0/4 and 0/8.
PASTE. Renowned Make, Remarkable for its Powerful Adhesive Properties. Cleanly to Use, Non-offensive Odour, complete with Cap and Brush. 0/6 size 0/4, 1/0 size 0/7½.
RULERS. Ebony, round, | 9in. | 12in. | 15in. | 18in. |
Each | 0/3½ | 0/5 | 0/7½ | 0/10½ |
RAMEQUIN CASES. See page 281.
SEALING WAX, Red or Black, per ¼ lb. box, 0/7, per lb. 2/3.
,,,,Fancy Perfumed, in all Art Shades and Fashionable Tints, much used for the home manufacture of Hat Pins, etc., per stick. 0/4, 3 sticks in box, 0/11½.
SLATES, Ordinary ... ... | 10 × 7 | 12 × 8 | 13 × 9 | |
Each | 0/2½ | 0/3½ | 0/4 | |
,,Porcelain, Wood Frames | 5 × 3½ | 6 × 4½ | 7 × 5 | 8 × 5½ | 9 × 6½ | 10 × 7¼ |
Each | 0/9 | 0/11 | 1/2 | 1/5 | 1/8 | 1/11 |
,,,, Leather Frames | 5 × 3½ | 7 × 5 | 9 × 6½ |
Each | 1/2 | 1/8 | 2/2 |
SOUFFLET CASES. See page 281.
STRING, Fine White, 4d. ball, Fine, 0/3½ and 0/7 ball, Medium, 0/4½ ball, Thick, 0/5 ball.
TAPE, Rolls, containing 100 yards, in Mauve, Green and Pink, more Artistic and Cheaper than string, per roll, 0/3½.
TOOTHPICKS, per bundle of 18, 0/2, box containing 5 bundles, 0/8½.
,,Antiseptic Sterilised, each in envelope, boxed, per 100, 1/4.
,,for Club or Hotel use, per 1000, 2/10 and 4/6.
,,Wood, per carton of about 300, 0/2½, per doz. 2/4.
TISSUE PAPER, White, Cheap | 30 × 20 | | | Per Ream | 2/10 |
,,,,Superior | 30 × 20 | | | ,, | 4/3 |
,,,,Assorted Colours (excluding Black and Red) | 30 × 20 | | | ,, | 7/6 |
,,,,Red | 30 × 20 | Per Quire | 0/10 | ,, | 15/0 |
,,,,Black | 30 × 20 | ,, | 0/7 | ,, | 11/6 |
| | Per pkt. | Per doz. pkts. |
TOILET PAPERS, loose, in packets of about 500 sheets | | 0/3 | 2/9 |
,,,,,, ,,,,,, | | 0/3½ | 3/4 |
,,,,Japanese | | 0/2½ | 2/3 |
,,,,Best. No. 1 Thin, Manilla, about 500 sheets in carton, finest quality | 8½ × 5½ | 0/6½ | 6/3 |
VIRILLA, Finest Medicated, soft silky | | 0/9½ | 9/3 |
TOILET ROLLS. See page 278.
The Variety, Shapes and Sizes are unlimited, representing an assortment which the most critical will appreciate. The value is unquestioned, these Papers being (many exclusively) manufactured for HARRODS, at the lowest cost of production. All orders are executed with conspicuous promptitude and accuracy. Quality and excellence of Work beyond criticism.
COMMERCIAL SIZE.—Large Post 8vo. ... ... ... ... ... 8in. × 5in.
NOTE PAPER DEPARTMENT (adjoining Drug and Cabinet Departments).
500 Envelopes required for One Ream. | NOTE SIZE. |
No. | Quality. | Paper, 7 × 4½. | Envelopes, 4¾ × 3¾. |
| 5 Quires. | Ream. | 100 | 500 |
0 | Cream Laid | Glazed | 0/3 | 1/0 | 0/3 | 1/3 |
1 | ,,,, | ,, | 0/4 | 1/4 | 0/4 | 1/6 |
2 | ,,,, | ,, | 0/5½ | 1/10 | 0/5 | 2/0 |
3 | Fine Cream Laid | ,, | 0/9 | 3/0 | 0/8½ | 3/5 |
4 | Superfine Cream Laid | ,, | 0/11 | 3/8 | 0/9½ | 3/9 |
5 | Extra Superfine Thick Cream Laid | ,, | 1/2 | 4/6 | 1/2 | 5/9 |
05 | Extra Superfine Dble. Thick Cream Laid | ,, | 1/6 | 5/10 | 1/3 | 6/2 |
6 | Joynson’s Superfine Do. | ,, | 2/0 | 7/9 | 1/6 | 7/4 |
06 | Extra Thick Vellum, Cream Laid | Unglazed | 0/6 | 2/0 | 0/6 | 2/3 |
07 | Vellum Wove Double Thick | Glazed | 0/7 | 2/3 | 0/7 | 2/9 |
| Rameses Papyrus, Vellum Cream Wove | Unglazed | 0/8 | 2/6 | 0/6½ | 2/7½ |
8a | Do. do. Azure | ,, | 0/8 | 2/6 | 0/6½ | 2/7½ |
9 | Original Turkey Mill | ,, | 1/9 | 6/9 | 1/7 | 7/9 |
9a | ,,,,Azure | ,, | 1/9 | 6/9 | 1/7 | 7/9 |
10 | Cream Wove | | 1/1 | 4/3 | 1/1 | 5/0 |
11 | Silurian, Thick | | 0/6 | 1/11 | 0/6 | 2/5 |
12 | Silurian, Extra Thick | | 0/8 | 2/8 | 0/7½ | 3/0 |
012 | Dark Silurian Double Thick | | 0/8½ | 2/8 | 0/7½ | 3/0 |
14 | Papyrus Antiqua, Cream | | 0/9 | 3/0 | 0/8½ | 3/6 |
14A | ,,,,Azure | | 0/9 | 3/0 | 0/8½ | 3/6 |
15 | Original Chartham Mill | | 1/3 | 4/10 | 1/4 | 6/6 |
16 | Pirie’s Antique Parchment | | 1/10½ | 7/6 | 1/9 | 8/9 |
016 | Cadogan Vellum Wove, Cream | | 1/1 | 4/2 | 1/0 | 4/9 |
016a | ,,,,Azure | | 1/1 | 4/2 | 1/0 | 4/9 |
17 | Charterhouse Parchment, Cream | | 1/9 | 6/10 | 1/6 | 7/6 |
17a | ,,,,Azure | | 1/9 | 6/10 | 1/6 | 7/6 |
17c | Harrods’ Special Parchment | | 1/3 | 4/10 | 1/3 | 6/0 |
cp | Chesham Parchment | | 2/0 | 7/9 | 1/10 | 8/9 |
17u | Hans Vellum, Unglazed | | 1/4½ | 5/3 | 1/4½ | 6/6 |
17g | ,,,,Glazed | | 1/4½ | 5/3 | 1/4½ | 6/6 |
18 | Monckton’s Loft Dried Vellum | | 1/5 | 5/8 | 1/5 | 7/0 |
018 | Imperial Treasury, Double Thick | | 2/1 | 8/3 | 1/4 | 6/7 |
19a | Whatman’s Hand-made, Blue Laid | | 2/6 | 10/0 | 2/5 | 11/9 |
19c | ,,,,Cream,, | | 2/6 | 10/0 | 2/5 | 11/9 |
bl | Towgood’s Blue Laid | | 1/0 | 3/10 | 1/0 | 4/9 |
57 | Harrods’ Linen, Blue | | 0/10½ | 3/4 | 0/10½ | 4/3 |
| ,,,,Cream | | 0/10½ | 3/4 | 0/10½ | 4/3 |
| ,,,,Grey | | 0/10½ | 3/4 | 0/10½ | 4/3 |
| Imperial Antique, Hand-made, Cream or Azure, 8vo | | 2/2 | 8/6 | 1/11 | 9/3 |
| ,,,,,,Albert | | 1/11 | 7/6 | 1/11 | 9/3 |
57x | Harrods’ Silk Finish, Linen Faced Note | | 0/10½ | 3/4 | 0/10½ | 4/3 |
101 | Hans Script, Cream | | 1/6 | 5/9 | 1/6 | 7/3 |
102 | ,,,,Deep Azure | | 1/6 | 5/9 | 1/6 | 7/3 |
500 Envelopes required for One Ream. | ALBERT SIZE |
No. | Quality. | Paper, 6 × 4. | Envelopes, 4¼ × 3½. |
| 5 Quires. | Ream. | 100 | 500 |
3 | Fine Cream Laid | | 0/8 | 2/6 | 0/8 | 3/2 |
5 | Extra Superfine, Thick | | 1/1 | 4/0 | 1/1 | 5/3 |
05 | ,,,,Double Thick | | 1/4 | 5/3 | 1/2 | 5/9 |
6 | Joynson’s Superfine | | 1/7 | 6/3 | 1/4 | 6/7 |
06 | Extra Thick Vellum | | 0/5 | 1/8 | 0/5 | 2/0 |
07 | Vellum Wove, Double Thick | | 0/6 | 1/11 | 0/6 | 2/3 |
8 | Rameses Papyrus | | 0/7 | 2/3 | 0/6 | 2/6 |
8a | Do. do. Azure, | Unglazed | 0/7 | 2/3 | 0/6 | 2/6 |
9 | Original Turkey Mill | ,, | 1/6 | 5/9 | 1/6 | 7/3 |
9a | ,,,,Azure | ,, | 1/6 | 5/9 | 1/6 | 7/3 |
10 | Cream Wove | | 0/11 | 3/8 | 0/11½ | 4/9 |
11 | Silurian, Thick | | 0/4½ | 1/6 | 0/5½ | 2/2 |
12 | Silurian, Extra Thick | | 0/6½ | 2/2 | 0/6½ | 2/7½ |
012 | Dark Silurian, Double Thick | | 0/7 | 2/3 | 0/6½ | 2/7½ |
14 | Papyrus Antiqua, Cream | | 0/8 | 2/6 | 0/7½ | 3/0 |
14a | ,,,,Azure | | 0/8 | 2/6 | 0/7½ | 3/0 |
15 | Original Chartham Mill | | 1/1 | 4/3 | 1/2 | 5/9 |
16 | Pirie’s Antique Parchment | | 1/4 | 5/3 | 1/4½ | 6/9 |
016 | Cadogan Vellum Wove, Cream | | 0/11 | 3/6 | 0/11 | 4/6 |
016a | ,,,,,,Azure | | 0/11 | 3/6 | 0/11 | 4/6 |
17 | Charterhouse Parchment, Cream | | 1/6 | 5/10 | 1/4 | 6/8 |
17a | ,,,,Azure | | 1/6 | 5/10 | 1/4 | 6/8 |
17c | Harrods’ Special Parchment | | 1/1 | 4/2 | 1/1 | 5/8 |
CP | Chesham Parchment | | 1/10 | 7/2 | 1/9 | 8/6 |
17U | Hans Vellum, Unglazed | | 1/4½ | 5/3 | 1/4½ | 6/6 |
17g | ,,,, Glazed | | 1/4½ | 5/3 | 1/4½ | 6/6 |
18 | Monckton’s Loft Dried Vellum | | 1/4 | 5/4 | 1/4 | 6/7 |
018 | Imperial Treasury, Double Thick | | 1/9 | 7/0 | 1/1 | 5/1 |
19a | Whatman’s Hand-made, Blue Laid | | 2/2 | 8/6 | 2/1 | 10/3 |
19c | ,,,,Cream,, | | 2/2 | 8/6 | 2/1 | 10/3 |
57 | Harrods’ Linen, Blue | | 0/10 | 3/2 | 0/10 | 4/0 |
| ,,,,Cream | | 0/10 | 3/2 | 0/10 | 4/0 |
| ,,,,Grey | | 0/10 | 3/2 | 0/10 | 4/0 |
| Imperial Antique, Hand-made, Cream | | 1/11 | 7/6 | 1/11 | 9/3 |
| ,,,,,,Azure | | 1/11 | 7/6 | 1/11 | 9/3 |
101 | Hans Script, Cream | | 1/3 | 4/9 | 1/3 | 6/0 |
102 | ,,,,Deep Azure | | 1/3 | 4/9 | 1/3 | 6/0 |
A 5-quire packet contains about 120 sheets. |
(Azure and Cream.) |
Paper. | Paper. | Paper. | Paper. |
Emperor Size. | Duke Size. | Duchess. | Princeps. |
7¼ × 5½ | 6¾ × 4¾ | 6 × 4? | 5? × 4? |
Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per |
5 Quires. | Ream. | 5 Quires. | Ream. | 5 Quires. | Ream. | 5 Quires. | Ream. |
1/6 | 5/9 | 1/3 | 4/9 | 1/1 | 4/3 | 1/0 | 3/9 |
Envelopes. | Envelopes. | Envelopes. | Envelopes. |
Per 100. | Per 500. | Per 100. | Per 500. | Per 100. | Per 500. | Per 100. | Per 500. |
1/10 | 9/0 | 1/8 | 8/3 | 1/6 | 7/4 | 1/4 | 6/6 |
| Regina—6½ × 5. | ENVELOPES. |
PAPER. | | Per 5 | Per | Wallet Shape to Match Regina. |
| No. | Quires. | Ream. | Per 100. | Per 500. |
Lowndes Bank (Regent), Blue or Lilac | | 1/9 | 6/9 | 1/9 | 8/6 |
Papyrus Antiqua, Azure, Unglazed | 50r | 1/0 | 3/10 | 1/0 | 4/8 |
,,,, Cream,, | 050r | 1/0 | 3/10 | 1/0 | 4/8 |
Double Thick Silurian, Smooth | 52r | 0/7½ | 2/5 | 0/10 | 4/0 |
Empyric Linen, Cream | | 0/9 | 2/11 | 0/9 | 3/6 |
,,,,Sky Blue | | 0/9 | 2/11 | 0/9 | 3/6 |
Charterhouse Parchment, Unglazed | 53r | 2/0 | 8/0 | 1/11 | 9/6 |
,,,,,,Azure | 54r | 2/0 | 8/0 | 1/11 | 9/6 |
Double Thick Dark Silurian, Smooth | 55r | 1/0 | 3/10 | 1/2 | 5/9 |
Hans Bank, Thin Azure | | 1/4½ | 5/3 | 1/4½ | 6/8 |
Hans Script, Cream | | 1/6 | 5/9 | 1/6 | 7/3 |
,,,,Deep Azure | | 1/6 | 5/9 | 1/6 | 7/3 |
| Princeps—5? × 4¼. | ENVELOPES. |
PAPER. | | Per 5 | Per | Wallet Shape to Match Princeps. |
| No. | Quires. | Ream. | Per 100. | Per 500. |
Lowndes Bank (Regent), Blue or Lilac | | 1/6 | 5/9 | 1/6 | 7/3 |
Papyrus Antiqua, Azure, Unglazed | 50p | 0/9 | 3/0 | 0/9½ | 3/9 |
,,,, Cream,, | 050p | 0/9 | 3/0 | 0/9½ | 3/9 |
Double Thick Silurian, Smooth | 52p | 0/6 | 1/11 | 0/8 | 3/3 |
Empyric Linen, Cream | | | | | |
,,,,Sky Blue | | | | | |
Charterhouse Parchment, Unglazed | 53p | 1/6 | 6/0 | 1/5 | 7/0 |
,,,,,,Azure | 54p | 1/6 | 6/0 | 1/5 | 7/0 |
Double Thick Dark Silurian, Smooth | 55p | 0/9 | 3/0 | 1/0 | 4/9 |
Hans Bank, Thin Azure | | 1/1 | 4/0 | 1/1 | 5/3 |
Hans Script, Cream | | 1/3 | 4/9 | 1/3 | 6/0 |
,,,,Deep Azure | | 1/3 | 4/9 | 1/3 | 6/0 |
| Duke Size—7 × 5. | | ENVELOPES. Wallet Shape to Match |
PAPER. | Per | Per | | Duke. |
| No. | 5 Quires. | Ream. | | Per 100. | Per 500. |
Cadogan Vellum Wove, Cream, New Size | | 1/2 | 4/6 | | 1/4 | 6/6 |
,,,,,,Azure | | 1/2 | 4/6 | | 1/4 | 6/6 |
Imperial Antique, Hand-made, Cream or Azure | | 2/9 | 10/6 | | 2/11 | 14/3 |
,,single sheets, New Alexia Shape, abt.7¾ × 6 | 2/2 | 8/6 | Alexia 6¼ × 4¼ | 2/6 | 12/3 |
Harrods’ Linen Grain, Cream, Azure, Grey | 57b | 1/4½ | 5/3 | | 1/4½ | 6/6 |
Hans Vellum Wove, Glazed | 58g | 1/10 | 7/0 | | 1/10 | 9/0 |
,,,,,,Unglazed | 58u | 1/10 | 7/0 | | 1/10 | 9/0 |
Chesham Parchment, Unglazed | | 2/8 | 10/4 | | 2/6 | 12/0 |
Empyric Linen, Cream | | — | — | | — | — |
,,,,Sky Blue | | — | — | | — | — |
Stonehenge, Hand-made, rough edge, Cream | | 2/9 | 10/0 | | 2/9 | 13/3 |
,,,,,,Azure | | 2/9 | 10/0 | | 2/9 | 13/0 |
Rameses Papyrus, Cream | | 1/0 | 3/9 | | 1/0 | 4/9 |
,,,,Azure | | 1/0 | 3/9 | | 1/0 | 4/9 |
| Duchess Size—5? × 4½ | | ENVELOPES. Wallet Shape to Match |
PAPER. | Per | Per | | Duchess. |
| No. | 5 Quires. | Ream. | | Per 100. | Per 500. |
Cadogan Vellum Wove, Cream, New Size | | 1/0 | 4/0 | | 1/1 | 5/3 |
,,,,,,Azure | | 1/0 | 4/0 | | 1/1 | 5/3 |
Imperial Antique, Hand-made, Cream or Azure | | 2/2 | 8/6 | | 1/11 | 9/3 |
,,single sheets, New Alexia Shape, abt.7¾ × 6 | | | Alexia 6¼ × 4¼ | — | — |
Harrods’ Linen Grain, Cream, Azure, Grey | 57a | 0/10½ | 3/4 | | 0/10½ | 4/3 |
Hans Vellum Wove, Glazed | 58g | 1/4½ | 5/3 | | 1/4½ | 6/6 |
,,,,,,Unglazed | 58u | 1/4½ | 5/3 | | 1/4½ | 6/6 |
Chesham Parchment, Unglazed | | 2/0 | 7/9 | | 1/10 | 8/9 |
Empyric Linen, Cream | | 0/8 | 2/6 | | 0/8 | 3/2 |
,,,,Sky Blue | | 0/8 | 2/6 | | 0/8 | 3/2 |
Stonehenge, Hand-made, rough edge, Cream | | 2/3 | 8/9 | | 2/3 | 10/6 |
,,,,,,Azure | | 2/3 | 8/9 | | 2/3 | 10/6 |
Rameses Papyrus, Cream | | 0/8 | 2/6 | | 0/8 | 3/3 |
,,,,Azure | | 0/8 | 2/6 | | 0/8 | 3/3 |
| (These sizes may vary minutely.) |
Mourning Orders for special papers require extra time. For urgent use a stock paper as under should be selected.
Italian style mourning line.
Narrow style mourning line.
Middle style mourning line.
Broad style mourning line.
Only Widths now Stocked.
It is requisite to state on all orders for Mourning Paper the width of Black Border required.
| Note Size, 7 × 4½. | Albert Size, 6 × 4 |
No. | | Per Pkt. | Per | Per Pkt. | Per |
S T | Quality. | 5 Quires. | Ream. | 5 Quires. | Ream. |
25 | Special Unglazed Parchment | ... | 0/10 | 3/3 | — | — |
26 | Cream Laid | Glazed | ... | 0/11 | 3/6 | — | — |
27 | ,,,, | ,, | ... | 1/2 | 4/8 | 1/0 | 4/0 |
28 | Millholm | Unglazed | ... | 1/3 | 5/0 | 1/2 | 4/8 |
29 | Silurian | Glazed | ... | 0/9 | 2/9 | 0/8 | 2/8 |
30 | ,,Treble Thick | ,, | ... | 0/11 | 3/5 | 0/9 | 2/10 |
31 | Papyrus Antiqua, Cream Laid | Unglazed | ... | 0/11 | 3/8 | 0/10 | 3/2 |
31A | Do. Azure | ,, | ... | 0/11 | 3/8 | 0/10 | 3/2 |
32 | Original Turkey Mill, Cream Laid | ,, | ... | 2/0 | 8/0 | 1/9 | 7/0 |
33 | Cadogan Vellum Wove, Double Thick | ,, | ... | 1/5 | 5/6 | 1/3 | 4/9 |
34 | Extra Superfine, Cream Laid | Glazed | ... | 1/9 | 7/0 | 1/6 | 6/0 |
35 | Charterhouse Parchment | Unglazed | ... | 2/0 | 8/0 | 1/9 | 7/0 |
| Duchess Size. | |
36 | Cadogan Vellum Wove | ... | ... | 1/5 | 5/6 | — | — |
| Regina Size. | |
50A | Papyrus Antiqua, Azure | ... | ... | 1/2 | 4/6 | — | — |
| Princeps Size. | |
| 0/11 | 3/6 | — | — |
| Narrow to Broad Border. | Suitable Envelopes. |
Silurian Grey Wove | per pkt. 50 | 0/5 | Nos. 29 or 30 |
Papyrus Antiqua, Rough Cream Laid & A. | ,, | 0/7 | ,, 31 |
Charterhouse Parchment Wove | ,, | 0/10½ | per 100 1/10 |
Ivory Surfaced, Round Corners | per 100 | 1/3 | per 1000 12/0 |
Narrow to Broad. |
No. | | Per | Per | Envelopes. |
S T | | Size. | | 5 Quires. | Ream. | Per 100. | Per 1000. |
60 | Antique Linear | 8? × 5? | ... | 1/1½ | 4/6 | 1/4 | 13/3 |
61 | Cream Linear | 8? × 5? | ... | 1/1½ | 4/6 | 1/3 | 12/6 |
63 | Silver Linen, Thin Cream Laid | 7 × 4½ | ... | 0/8 | 2/8 | 0/8½ | 7/0 |
| Note in half | Albert in half, |
No. | | Size 4¾ × 3¾. | Size 4¼ × 3¼. |
S T | Quality | Per 100. | Per 500. | Per 100. | Per 500. |
25 | Special Unglazed Parchment | ... | 0/10½ | | — | — |
26 | Cream Laid | ... | 0/11 | 4/5 | — | — |
27 | ,,,, | ... | 1/3 | 6/0 | 1/2 | 5/6 |
28 | Unglazed Millholm | ... | 1/4 | 6/7 | 1/3 | 6/0 |
29 | Silurian | ... | 0/10 | 4/0 | 0/9 | 3/9 |
30 | ,,Treble Thick | ... | 1/0 | 4/9 | 0/10½ | 4/3 |
31 | Papyrus Antiqua, Rough Cream | ... | 1/2 | 5/6 | 1/0 | 5/0 |
31A | Azure,,,,,, | ... | 1/2 | 5/6 | 1/0 | 5/0 |
32 | Original Turkey Mill, Cream Laid | ... | 2/0 | 9/9 | 1/10 | 9/0 |
33 | Cadogan, Vellum Wove | ... | 1/4 | 6/7 | 1/3 | 6/3 |
34 | Extra Superfine, Cream Laid | ... | 1/7 | 7/10 | 1/6 | 7/6 |
35 | “The Charterhouse” | ... | 1/10 | 9/6 | 1/9 | 8/7 |
| Cadogan, Duchess size | ... | 1/5 | 7/0 | — | — |
| Regina Size. | |
50A | Papyrus Antiqua | ... | 1/5 | 6/11 | — | — |
| Princeps Size. | |
| 1/2 | 5/6 | — | — |
Cream Laid, Ordinary Shape. |
Size. | Per 100. | Per 1000. |
6 × 5 | 0/9 | 7/0 |
5¾ × 5? | 1/2 | 11/6 |
6¾ × 5½ | 0/11 | 9/0 |
7 × 6½ | 1/2 | 11/0 |
7? × 5? | 1/1 | 10/0 |
9½ × 6 | 1/5 | 14/0 |
| Size. | Per 100. | Per 1000. |
No. S T 3 | 5¼ × 43/16 | 0/6 | 4/6 |
No. S T 7 | 5? × 3 | 1/0 | 9/0 |
No. S T 11 | 5¾ × 3? | 1/1 | 10/6 |
Large Octavo in half, | 5¼ × 43/16 | 1/2 | 11/6 |
Medium,, | 6 × 413/16 | 1/3 | 12/3 |
No. | |
S T | Quality. | Size. | | Per Pkt. 5 Quires | Per Ream |
23 | Foreign Linear Cream | 8? × 5? | ... | Glazed | ... | 0/8 | 2/8 |
023 | Silver Linen, Thin Vellum, Cream Laid | 8 × 5 | ... | Unglazed | ... | 0/6 | 1/11 |
023A | Silver Linen, Thin Vellum, Azure Laid | 8 × 5 | ... | ,, | ... | 0/6 | 1/11 |
24 | Silurian Tinted Bank | 8 × 5 | ... | Glazed | ... | 0/5 | 1/8 |
024 | ,,,, Ruled | 8 × 5 | ... | ,, | ... | 0/6 | 2/0 |
25J | Cream Wove Bank, Ruled | 8? × 5? | ... | Unglazed | ... | 0/9 | 3/0 |
025 | Antique Linear | 8? × 5? | ... | ,, | ... | 0/9 | 3/0 |
40 | Silver Linen, Cream Laid | 7 × 4½ | ... | ,, | ... | 0/6 | 1/11 |
41 | Silurian, Thin | 7 × 4½ | ... | ,, | ... | 0/4½ | 1/6 |
3009 | Extra strong | 8¾ × 5? | ... | ... | ... | 2/0 | 7/9 |
| Hans Bank | 8 × 5 | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 | 5/9 |
| Lowndes Bank | 8 × 5 | ... | ... | ... | 1/9 | 6/9 |
| Hans Script Cream | 8 × 5 | ... | Fine surface | ... | 1/6 | 5/9 |
| Hans Script Deep Azure | 8 × 5 | ... | ,,,, | ... | 1/6 | 5/9 |
No. | | Large Note. | Size 8 × 5. |
S T | Quality. | | Surface. | Per Pkt. 5 Quires. | Per Ream. |
20 | Papyrus Antiqua, Cream Laid | ... | Unglazed | ... | 0/11 | 3/6 |
20A | ,,,,Azure Laid | ... | ,, | ... | 0/11 | 3/6 |
21 | Fine Cream Laid | ... | Glazed | ... | 1/0 | 3/10 |
021 | Silurian | ... | ,, | ... | 0/7 | 2/3 |
021X | ,,Double Thick | ... | | ... | 0/10 | 3/3 |
22 | Monckton’s Loft Dried Vellum | ... | Unglazed | ... | 1/6 | 6/0 |
22C | Charterhouse Parchment | ... | ,, | ... | 2/0 | 8/0 |
022 | Vellum Wove, Double Thick | ... | Glazed | ... | 0/9 | 2/11 |
| Hans Bank, Azure | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 | 5/9 |
| Lowndes Bank | ... | ... | ... | 1/9 | 6/9 |
| Hans Script Cream | ... | Fine surface | 1/6 | 5/9 |
| Hans Script Deep Azure | ... | ,,,, | 1/6 | 5/9 |
Or Blank Post Cards. |
No. | |
S T | | Plain | Gilt Edges. | Suitable Envelopes |
12 | Silurian Grey Wove, Glazed, | per pkt. 50 | 0/3½ | 0/4½ | No. | 12 |
012 | ,,,,,,Dark ,, | ,, | 0/4½ | 0/5½ | ,, | 012 |
12b | ,,,,,,Dark Rough | ,, | 0/5½ | — | ,, | 12b |
07 | Vellum Wove | ,, | 0/3½ | 0/4½ | ,, | 07 |
14 | Papyrus Antiqua, Cream Laid | ,, | 0/5 | 0/7 | ,, | 14 |
14a | ,, ,, Azure Laid | ,, | 0/5 | 0/7 | ,, | 14a |
| Superfine Thick Ivory | ,, | 0/7 | — | | — |
17 | Charterhouse Parchment Wove | ,, | 0/8½ | 0/9½ | ,, | 17 |
17a | ,,Azure Laid | ,, | 0/8½ | 0/9½ | ,, | 17a |
Cream Wove | per pkt. 100 | 0/5½ | — | | — |
Ivory Surfaced, Round Corners, Gilt Edges | per pkt. 100 | 1/4; | per 1,000 | 13/0 |
Ivory Surfaced, Square Corners, Plain Edges | per pkt. 100 | 0/10; | per 1,000 | 8/- |
17b | Imperial Antique, Hand Made, Rough Edge, Cream, or Azure | Per 100 | 1/11 |
No. | | Plain. | Ruled Feint Lines. | Ruled for Cash. |
S T | | 5 Qrs. | Ream. | 5 Qrs. | Ream. | 5 Qrs. | Ream. |
101 | Cream Laid, thick | ... | 1/0 | 3/10 | 1/2 | 4/4 | 1/4 | 4/10 |
102 | Towgood’s Fine | ... | 2/0 | 8/0 | 2/2 | 8/8 | 2/4 | 9/4 |
103 | ,,Blue Laid | ... | 2/0 | 8/0 | 2/2 | 8/8 | 2/4 | 9/4 |
| Cap Quarto. | Post Quarto. | Large Post Quarto. |
No. | | 8 × 6?. | 9 × 7. | 10 × 8. |
S T | | 5 Qrs. | Ream. | 5 Qrs. | Ream. | 5 Qrs. | Ream. |
150 | Fine Cream Laid | ... | 0/6 | 1/11 | 0/7 | 2/3 | 0/10 | 3/2 |
151 | ,,,, | ... | 0/7 | 2/3 | 0/10 | 3/0 | 0/11½ | 3/8 |
152 | ,,,, | ... | 0/11 | 3/6 | 1/3 | 4/9 | 1/7 | 6/3 |
160 | Fine Cream Laid | ... | 0/6½ | 2/1 | 0/8 | 2/7 | 0/10½ | 3/6 |
161 | ,,,, | ... | 0/8 | 2/8 | 0/10½ | 3/6 | 1/1 | 4/3 |
162 | ,,,, | ... | 0/11½ | 3/9 | 1/4 | 5/0 | 1/8 | 6/6 |
For Scribbling Memoranda and for School purposes.
Ruled Feint Lines.
Foolscap 16mo. | 0/1 | each | ... | 0/9½ | doz. |
Large Post 16mo. | 0/2 | ,, | ... | 1/6 | ,, |
Foolscap 8vo. about 6 × 4 | 0/3 | ,, | ... | 2/6 | ,, |
Post 8vo. about 7 × 4½ | 0/3 | ,, | ... | 2/9 | ,, |
| | Octavo in half | Large Oct. in half | Med. Oct. in half |
| | Size 4¾ × 3¾ | Size 5¼ × 4¼ | Size 5½ × 4¼ |
No. | | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per |
S T | Quality. | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 |
23 | Foreign Linear | — | — | — | — | 0/10½ | 8/6 |
023 | Silver Linen, Thin Vellum, Cream Laid | — | — | 0/7 | 5/9 | — | — |
023A | Ditto, Azure Laid | — | — | 0/7 | 5/9 | — | — |
024 | Silurian Tinted Bank | — | — | 0/6½ | 5/0 | — | — |
25A | Wove Bank | — | — | — | — | 1/2 | 11/0 |
025 | Antique Linear | — | — | — | — | 1/2½ | 11/6 |
40 | Silver Linen Cream Laid | 0/5½ | 4/6 | — | — | — | — |
41 | Silurian Thin | 0/4½ | 3/6 | — | — | — | — |
| Hans Bank | 1/3 | 12/0 | 1/6 | 14/9 | — | — |
3009 | Extra Strong Series | — | — | — | — | 2/3 | 22/0 |
| Lowndes Bank | 1/6 | 7/3 | 1/9 | 17/0 | — | — |
| Large 8vo in three | Large 8vo in half |
| Size 5? × 3? | Size 5¼ × 4¼ |
No. | Quality. | Per | Per | Per | Per |
S T | | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 |
20 | Papyrus Antiqua Rough Cream Laid | 0/9 | 7/0 | 1/0 | 9/6 |
020 | Papyrus Antiqua, Azure Laid | 0/9 | 7/0 | 1/0 | 9/6 |
21 | Fine Cream Laid | 0/9 | 7/0 | 0/11 | 8/6 |
021 | Silurian | 0/5½ | 4/6 | 0/8 | 6/6 |
021X | ,,Double Thick | 0/7½ | 6/3 | 0/10 | 8/3 |
22 | Monckton’s Loft Dried | 1/4 | 12/6 | 1/9 | 17/0 |
| Cream Laid | 0/5 | 4/2 | 0/8 | 6/3 |
22A | Charterhouse Parchment | 1/4 | 13/0 | 1/9 | 17/0 |
022 | Vellum Wove, Double Thick | 0/7 | 5/6 | 0/8½ | 7/0 |
| Basil Parchment, boxed in 100’s | — | — | 2/1 | 20/0 |
| | | | Large Note, 8½ × 5¼ | Note, 7¼ × 4½ | Albert, 6½ × 4¼ |
| | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per |
| | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 |
Cream Laid, Ordinary | 1/3 | 11/9 | 1/0 | 9/6 | 0/11 | 8/6 |
| Cap. | Extra Cap. | Post | Draft |
| 8¾ × 3¾ | 8¾ × 4 | 10½ × 4½ | 11 × 4? |
| Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per |
| 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 |
Cream Laid Bag Shape | 0/11 | 8/6 | — | — | 1/5 | 13/6 | — | — |
Cartridge Bag Shape— |
| Per 100 | Per 1,000 | | Per 100 | Per 1,000 |
Albert | ... | 6½ × 4½ | 1/3 | 12/6 | Post | ... | 9½ × 4¼ | 1/4 | 12/9 |
Note | ... | 7½ × 4½ | 1/4 | 13/0 | Ex-Post | 10½ × 4½ | 1/10 | 17/6 |
Lg. do. | 8½ × 5½ | 1/8 | 16/3 | Draft | ... | 11 × 5 | 2/0 | 19/0 |
Cap | ... | 8¾ × 3¾ | 1/2 | 11/6 | Brief | ... | 14 × 5 | 3/3 | 32/0 |
Blue Laid. |
Size. | Per doz. | Per 100 | Size. | Per doz. | Per 100 |
Note | ... | 7½ × 4½ | 0/5 | 3/3 | Draft | ... | 11 × 5 | 0/7 | 4/6 |
Lg. do. | 8½ × 5½ | 0/7½ | 4/3 | Brief | ... | 14 × 5 | 0/8 | 5/3 |
Cap | ... | 9 × 4 | 0/5 | 3/3 | Deed | ... | 12 × 10 | 1/3 | 10/0 |
Post | ... | 10½ × 4½ | 0/7 | 4/6 | | | | | |
Pale Grey, Lined Blue. | Per 100 | Per 1,000 |
Medium Octavo in three, | 5? × 33/16 | ... | ... | ... | 0/5 | 4/0 |
,,,, in half, | 5¾ × 4? | ... | ... | ... | 0/7 | 5/6 |
| 63/16 × 3½ | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 | 5/0 |
| 4¾ × 3¾ | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ | 4/6 |
By this process Envelopes are rendered perfectly opaque without increasing the weight. |
No. S T 7771. BLOTTING PADS with Button Ends for Easy Insertion.
4to., 11 × 7¾, 1/11; F’cap, 13¾ × 8¾, 2/6; Demy folio, 17¾ × 11, 3/3
Handy Writing Tablets with Blotting Cover.
Greatly adapted for Private, Professional or Commercial Correspondence.
50 in Block.
Parchment or Silurian ... 0/9
Linen Grain 1/0
Price for Embossing from your own die, address in any colour—
2 tablets ... 0/10 5 tablets ... 1/3 10 tablets ... 2/2
Or in plain relief—
2 tablets ... 0/5 5 tablets ... 0/7 10 tablets ... 0/8
Containing Letterette Tablet, which can be renewed. |
No. S T | 1. In Art Canvas, artistically ornamented | ... | 2/9 |
,, | 2. Fine Leather, Lettered Gold | ... | ... | 3/9 |
,, | 3. Best Morocco | ... | ... | ... | 8/6 |
,, | 4. Russia, Silver Lettering Piece and lined Silk | ... | 12/0 |
Magna Charta Note Block |
Vellum Paper— |
Size | 7 × 4½ | ... | Price | 0/4½ | each |
,, | 8 × 4 | ... | ,, | 0/5 | ,, |
,, | 8 × 6 | ... | ,, | 0/8½ | ,, |
,, | 9 × 7 | ... | ,, | 0/10 | ,, |
Turkey Mill, Tablet, Linen Grain, Azure and Cream—100 Sheets. |
Duchess, Size 8¾ × 6 0/9½ each; 9/3 doz. |
Duke, Size 9½ × 6¾ 0/11½ each; 11/3 doz. |
Envelopes to match, per 100 1/6 and 1/8 |
Prices for embossing from your own Die, address in any colour— |
1 tablet ... 1/0 2 tablets ... 1/6 5 tablets 2/9 |
Or in plain relief— |
1 tablet ... 0/6 2 tablets ... 0/9 5 tablets 1/4 |
Papyrus Antiqua Bank Pads, Azure, ruled feint and margin, 10 × 8 ... 0/8½ ea., 8/3 doz. |
Lowndes Bank Writing Blocks, made of the celebrated and fashionable writing paper. Sizes as below may vary slightly. |
| No. 1 | No. 2 | No. 3 | No. 4 | No. 5 | No. 6 | No. 7 |
| 8vo. | Duchess | Regent | Duke | Large 8vo. | Post 4to. | Large Post 4to. |
| 7 × 4½ | 6 × 4½ | 6½ × 5 | 7 × 5 | 8 × 5 | 9 × 7 | 10 × 8 |
| 0/10 | 0/10 | 1/0 | 1/0 | 1/0 | 1/6 | 1/10 |
Hans Bank— |
| 0/9 | 0/8 | 0/9 | — | 0/11 | 1/4 | 1/6 |
Hasty Notes with Complete Security.
Containing 50 Letters.
Combined Envelopes and Note Paper for Rapid Correspondence with absolute secrecy.
Silurian or Vellum, 0/6 each; 5/10 per doz.
Linen Grain, Blue, Azure or Cream. 0/7 each; 6/9 per doz.
Lowndes Bank Letter Tablets, 1/0 and 1/4.
Duke Size, 5?in. × 3?in., 50 in Block.
Vellum or Silurian, 0/10 each; 9/6 per doz.
Linen Grain, Blue, Azure or Cream, 0/11 ea.; 10/6 per doz.
4½ inches by 2? inches. Closed.
No. | 1. | Large | 8vo., Thick Cream Wove, Plain, 8 × 5 | ... | 0/4 |
,, | 2. | ,, | Post 4to, | Thin Cream Laid, Ruled, 10 × 8 | ... | 0/4 |
,, | 3. | ,, | ,, | ,, Imperial Wove,, | ... | 0/5 |
,, | 4. | ,, | ,, | Thick,,,,Strong | ... | 0/7 |
,, | 5. | ,, | ,, | Extra Strong Bond | ... | 0/10 |
,, | 6. | ,, | ,, | Linen Grained Bank, Blue | ... | 0/6½ |
,, | 7. | ,, | ,, | ,,,,,,White | ... | 0/6½ |
Customers are requested to forward impressions of their Dies when ordering, also to state colour and position of Die. When a new address Die is required, care should be taken in writing the address to prevent mistakes.
Specimens of Address, Crest and Monogram Dies, free on application.
From One Die. | Note Paper. | Envelopes. |
¼ Rm. | ½ Rm. | 1 Rm. | 100 | 250 | 500 | 1000 |
Plain Relief | ... | 0/3 | 0/4 | 0/6 | 0/3 | 0/4 | 0/6 | 0/8 |
Quarto or Foolscap Paper | ... | 0/6 | 0/8 | 0/10 | — | — | — | — |
Colour | ... | 0/5 | 0/10 | 1/6 | 0/5 | 0/10 | 1/6 | 3/0 |
Quarto or Foolscap Paper | ... | 1/0 | 1/7 | 3/0 | — | — | — | — |
Gold, Silver, or Bronze, any tint | ... | 2/9 | 4/9 | 9/3 | 2/0 | 4/9 | 9/3 | 18/0 |
Illuminating. | |
Two-letter Monogram or Crest and Motto Die, in one colour and Gold, Silver or Bronze | 3/6 | 6/9 | 13/6 | 3/6 | 6/9 | 13/6 | — |
Three-letter Monogram in two colours, and Gold or Silver | 6/3 | 12/6 | 24/6 | 5/9 | 12/6 | 24/6 | — |
Address Die in colours, with Gold or Silver capitals | ... | 3/6 | 7/0 | 13/0 | — | — | — | — |
Foreign Note Paper, Envelopes, and Cards are charged extra.
The above Prices are for Ordinary Dies. Deeply Sunk or Extra Large Dies will be charged at Special Rates.
If proofs are required from Dies they will be charged, Coloured Relief, 0/4 each; Illuminated, 1/0; Gold, Silver, or Bronze, 0/9.
Press for private use, fitted with ordinary Address, Crest or Monogram, 9/6 and upwards, according to work.
Company Seals or Dies supplied on the Shortest Notice. Estimates and Sketches forwarded on application.
Sketches sent if desired. Estimates and full particulars.
If Envelopes are to be stamped with Address Die, instructions should be given; otherwise they will be sent unstamped.
Orders for Postage Stamped Envelopes or Postcards should be accompanied with a remittance for their value.
| 4 reams. | 8 reams. | 12 reams. |
Note Paper (one size) | 1/5 | 1/4 | 1/3 per ream. |
| 2000. | 4000. | 6000. |
Envelopes | 2/10 | 2/9 | 2/8 per 1000. |
S.T.D. 1002.
S.T.D. 1003.
Belgrave Road, S. W.
S.T.D. 1004.
S.T.D. 1005.
S.T.D. 1011.
S.T.D. 1012.
(No Die required.)
These type specimens represent styles for Notepaper Addresses where no die is used. Customers requiring paper for temporary use—and not wishing to order new die—can use these means. The prices are, for 1 ream, 1/6 in black, or 1/9 colour. Telephone, 6d. ream extra.
S.T.L.P. 19.
34, Bridge Road,
North Side, . .
S. W. . . . .
S.T.L.P. 8.
The Gables,
S.T.L.P. 20.
S.T.L.P. 10.
The Lodge,
Down Street,
S.T.L.P. 16.
London Road,
S.T.L.P. 22.
S.T.L.P. 3.
S.T.L.P. 12.
Dane House,
Carlyle Road,
S.T.P. 1100.
Claude Boutall
S.T.P. 1101.
Miss Florence Reid.
S.T.P. 1102.
S.T.P. 1103.
George F. Cramer.
S.T.P. 1104.
Lady Maxwell.
S.T.P. 1105.
Horace Neville.
S.T.P. 1106.
Majorie Winfield.
S.T.P. 1107.
Mr Clifford.
S.T.P. 1108.
Paul Marriott.
Ivory Wove, Square Corners, Plain Edges, per 25 0/8, per 100 2/3.
No. S T 443. At Home.
,, S T 444.,,R.S.V.P.
,, S T 445.,,Dancing, o’clock, R.S.V.P.
,, S T 440. At Home. Music.
,, S T 448. Request Pleasure of Company, Evening Dancing, R.S.V.P.
,, S T 434. Request Pleasure of Company, Dinner R.S.V.P.
,, S T 436. Request Pleasure of Company, R.S.V.P.
,, S T 429. Request Pleasure of Company, Dancing, R.S.V.P.
,, S T 465. Request Pleasure of Company, Progressive Whist, R.S.V.P.
,, S T 463. Accept with much pleasure kind Invitation for.
,, S T 454. Much regret not being able to accept kind Invitation.
,, S T 450. Return thanks for kind inquiries.
,, S T 451. Returns ,,,,,,
,, S T 441. Return,,,,,,and sympathy.
,, S T 442. Returns ,,,,,,,,
Return Thanks Cards can also be had black bordered at 2/9 per 100;
Children’s Invitations.—Box of 12 Cards, with New Designs and appropriate Wording and Envelopes ... ... ... per box 0/9½
Ditto ditto 6 Cards and Envelopes 0/4½
Children’s Dance Invitations, Tea Invitations, Invite Acceptances ... ... ... ... ... ... per box 0/9½
Ditto ditto 6 Cards and Envelopes 0/4½
Specimen Books can be seen in Department, or will be forwarded. |
Post Cards (Cream or Silurian)— | Per 100. | Per 1000. |
With Printed Front, size 5½ × 3½ thick | ... | 0/4 | 3/0 |
,,,,,,extra thick | ... | 0/5 | 4/0 |
Printing Address Heading, ordinary size | ... | — | 2/9 |
Pictorial Post Cards—All 6d. packets, any publisher ... per pkt. 0/4½ |
Wedge Shape, 2 oz., 0/8½; 4 oz., 0/10; 8 oz., 1/0 per doz.
Postal, very strong, 1/3, 1/6 and 1/9 per doz.
Postal, Pull out, 1/0 and 1/3 per doz.
Wedding Cake Boxes
These Boxes are Lined with Pure White Paper. Are made of Pure Tin, and supplied wrapped in tight-fitting envelopes of White Paper with Silver Bordered Edges. Will travel with safety.
Size. | Length. Width. | | Price. |
1 ... ... | 4 | × | 1½ | inches. | ... | 2/3 | per dozen. |
2 ... ... | 4 | × | 2 | ,, | ... | 2/6 | ,, |
3 ... ... | 4? | × | 2¾ | ,, | ... | 2/9 | ,, |
Gentleman’s Card Plate (Name only) in Writing Style | ... | 1/0 |
Ladies’,,,,,, ,,... | ... | 1/3 |
Block, Fancy, or Old English Styles, per line extra, 0/4 |
These prices also apply to professional lines. |
Addresses, per line extra...... ... | ... | 0/7 |
Erasing Names or Addresses ... per line, 0/4; 2 lines, 0/6; | 3 lines | 0/8 |
At Home Plates, etc., size of Correspondence Card | from | 6/6 |
,,,,Larger ,,,, | ,, | 7/6 |
Book Plates at special prices, according to the work. |
Note Headings, etc. (printing only) from Customers’ own plate. |
| ¼ Rm. | ½ Rm. | Rm. |
8vo | size, | 8 × 5, | in black | ... | 1/6 | 1/9 | 2/2 |
4to | ,, | 10 × 8 | ,, | ... | 1/9 | 2/0 | 2/9 |
8vo | ,, | 8 × 5, | in colour | ... | 2/3 | 2/9 | 3/6 |
4to | ,, | 10 × 8 | ,, | ... | 2/6 | 3/3 | 4/0 |
If 4 reams of paper are ordered, a reduction of 0/2 per ream for printing is made. |
An extra charge is made for stopping, or spacing out. |
| 50 | 100 |
Thin Ivory Cards from Gentleman’s Own Plate, thirds size | ... | 0/7 | 1/1 |
Thick Ivory Cards,,,,,, ,, | ... | 0/8 | 1/2 |
Thin,,extra thirds size | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 | 1/3 |
Thick,,,,,, | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 | 1/4 |
Thin,,from Lady’s Plate | ... | ... | ... | 0/8 | 1/3 |
Thick,,,,,, | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 | 1/6 |
Black Bordered Cards, 0/4 per 100 extra; Ditto, extra broad border, 0/6 per 100 extra. |
An extra charge of 0/2 per 100 is made for printing cards when the address is stopped from the plates, also for cutting cards to special sizes. Plates, when necessary, will be cleaned or re-cut, without instructions and without advising Customer, and the cost will be charged extra. When the address cannot be put on to black-bordered cards without two printings an extra charge of 0/9 is made.
Stamps for Cost of Postage of Plates and Cards must be remitted in every case. For Gentlemen’s Cards and Plate, 0/2; for Ladies’ Cards and Plate, 0/3 per 100.
Plates are retained and registered for future use, unless instructions are received to the contrary.
Important.—Orders for Visiting Cards are usually executed the day following receipt of same, but where a new plate is engraved two clear days are required.
| 2 lines. | 3 lines |
Note Heading Plates | ... | from | 2/9 | 3/6 |
,,,, Facsimile | ... | ,, | 3/2 | 4/0 |
,,,, lines and Garter | ,, | 5/0 | 6/0 |
Letter Heading Plates | ... | ,, | 3/3 | 4/3 |
,,,, lines and Garter | ,, | 6/0 | 7/0 |
Memorandum Plates | ... | ... | from | 6/0 |
Small Business Card Plates | ... | ,, | 4/0 |
Large,,,,,, | ... | ,, | 6/0 |
Invoice Plates for Large Post 8vo. | ... | ,, | 7/0 |
Statements for Large Post 8vo. | ... | ,, | 4/0 |
Share Certificates | ... | ... | ,, | 50/0 |
SPECIAL NOTICE.—All Dies and Plates are kept for Registration unless requested to be returned.
Addresses in Old English or Block Letters, 1/0 per doz. letters. Gothic Capitals, 0/7 each extra. (Minimum charge, 1/6.)
Address Dies in Ornamental and Gothic Letters, from 1/8 per doz. letters.
Large Dies for Commercial Note Paper, from 1/0 per doz.; steel, 3/0
Two-letter Monogram, Die included, from 3/0 Three-letter ditto, ditto, from 4/3
Crest Die included, from 4/0
,,and Motto, Die included, from 5/0
,,and Coronet, Die included, from 6/0
,,Coronet and Motto. Die included, from 7/3
Arms, Crest and Motto, Die included, from 10/0
Sketches of Monograms prepared. A charge of 0/6 for each sketch will be made, which amount will be deducted if the Die is ultimately ordered.
N.B.—Stock Monogram Dies may be used in any one, two, or three letters without charge for Die on receipt of order for Colour Stamping.
The Fixtures may be readily fastened to the wall with small screws. Neatness and economy are secured by using Toilet Rolls, and the waste and litter unavoidable with packets of loose sheets cannot occur.
PURE MANILLA 12 oz. Full Weight
Same Quality
No. 1, thin, 12 oz., about 1,000 sheets, perforated, 0/5 each; 4/10 per dozen; per gross, 57/0. Specially recommended. Soft, thin, soluble.
Price 0/3½
Per dozen, 3/2
Drayton Mill
No. 852.
Per Roll, 0/3½ each.
Per dozen, 3/4
THE P.T.R.Co New 12 Ounce
Price 0/3½
Per dozen, 3/2
Per gross, 37/0
A WonderFul Toilet Paper
“Requisito,” 12 oz., perforated. Roll is impregnated with eucalyptus, gall, tannin, and other products. 0/7½ each; 7/3 per dozen.
Glass Panel, size 9½ × 7½in. 2/3
Mahogany Panel, size do. 0/6½
The Automatic Toilet Paper Rack
These papers are put in neat distributors for hanging on the wall; only one sheet of paper can be drawn at a time, and litter and waste are avoided.
Price, with Paper ... 2/3 each
Refills, each, 0/4; per dozen, 3/10
White, about 500, per packet 0/3
per dozen 2/9
White, about 500, per packet 0/3½
per dozen 3/4
Japanese, per packet 0/2½;
per dozen 2/3
No. 1, Thin Manilla, about 500 in cardboard box, size 8½ × 5½in., per packet 0/6½; per dozen 6/3
Price 0/9½
Price 1/11
Price 0/4
NOVIO. (Trade Mark)
ALSO SOLD IN Perferated Rolls
12 oz. Full Weight
Packet of 500 Sheets, with Hook to hang.
0/4½ each; 4/3 per doz.
(“Novio” quality).
Paper free from migarious ingredients
This box contains 500 Sheets
Readily dissolves in water
Comfort Health & Economy combined
Case to hang, containing Paper.
0/6½ each; 6/3 per doz.
(“Novio” quality).
Finest Medicated SOFT SILKY
Toilet Paper
“Virilla” Packets, medicated.
Pkt., 0/9½; doz., 9/3
The “Mikado” Toilet Paper.
A fine soft elastic Crepe paper, pure, strong, and soluble, in packets about 300, 0/4 each; per doz. 3/11; per gross, 44/0; in rolls at same prices.
Drayton Mill
Toilet Paper
Softness & Strength HARRODS Ltd.
Curl Papers.
| Per pkt. | Per doz. |
Drayton Mill Japanese Texture | 0/2½ | 2/3 |
White, Best ... | 0/3½ | 2/9 |
No. S T 5. Nickel Holder on Wood, 0/10½
Paper Holders.
Metal ... ... ... 0/7
Oak ... ... ... 1/0
right pointing hand
Invalids’ Toilet Papers for Invalids and Babies.
About 120 in packet; each sheet coated with soft wool. Soluble and hygienic. Per packet, 2/0
Toilet Roll Holder.
Nickel-plated. Price 3/6
INK. |
Writing Inks. |
The “Harrod” Blue-Black, Stone Bottles | 0/3½ | 0/6½ | 1/3 | 1/10 |
Stephens’ Blue-Black ......... | 0/3½ | 0/7 | 1/4 | 2/0 |
,,1 gallon wicker basket ...... | — | — | — | 8/9 |
Field’s Non-Corrosive......... | 0/4 | 0/7 | 0/11 | 1/7 |
Onoto Writing Ink, Black, Red, or Blue-Black | 0/6 | 1/0 | 1/6 | 2/0 |
| 1 qt. | 1 pt. | ½ pt. | ¼ pt. |
Walkden’s Blue-Black, Stone Bottles | 1/4½ | 0/10½ | 0/6½ | 0/3½ |
Walkden’s Brilliant Scarlet, Violet, Blue, Purple, Green permanent Writing Inks, in Glass or Stone Bottles ... ... | 3/0 size. | 2/0 size. | 1/0 size. | 0/6 size |
1/6 | 1/0 | 0/6 | 0/3 |
Walkden’s Fountain Pen Ink for all Stylographic and Fountain Pens. |
,,Sponge Top Gum | 1/0 size | 0/8½ |
,,Endorsing Inks, Red, Blue, Green, Purple | 0/4½ and | 0/8½ |
INK.—Copying Inks. |
Stephens’ Blue-Black | 0/7 | 1/4 | 2/0; | Red | 1/4 | 2/0 |
Antoine’s Violet-Black | 0/4 | 0/8 | 1/1 | 1/7; | Red | 0/9 |
Coloured Inks. |
Stephens’ Scarlet | 0/7 | 1/4 | 2/0; | Blue | 0/3½; | Violet | 0/3½ 0/7 |
Ink for Stylographic Pens. |
De La Rue’s “The Swift” Universal Writing | per bot. | 0/4½ |
,,(small bottle), fitted with combination cork and filler, in wood travelling case | per bot. | 0/8 |
Soluble Ink Pellets. |
Perry’s... | per box 0/8 | | | | Cochrane’s... | per tube | 0/9½ |
The Latest Adhesive. A Strong Adhesive, and odourless, with cap and brush | 10 oz. bot. | 0/7½ |
Make a note of it
With Pencil
French Morocco ... | 1/6 | 1/9 | 3/2 |
Refills...... | 0/4 | 0/6 | 0/8 |
Visitors Book
Address Book
Silver Corners ... each 2/4
Showing on one page expenses for each week, month, quarter, half-year, and year | 2/6 |
Servants’ Wages Books......... | 2/6 | | 3/6 |
Gummed. Drab Manilla, extra strong. |
| Per 100 | | Per 1000 |
Crown 8vo | 7¼ × 19½ | ... | ... | 0/8 | ... | 6/3 |
Demy 8vo | 9½ × 14¾ | ... | ... | 0/8 | ... | 6/3 |
Crown 4to | 9¾ × 19½ | ... | ... | 0/9 | ... | 7/3 |
| Per pkt. 25 | | Per 100 |
Size 16½ × 20 | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ | | 1/6 |
,,12½ × 5?, Cream Laid | ... | — | | 0/6½ |
100 | Wrappers | ... | Size | 12 × 5 | 0/4½ |
50 | ,, | ... | ,, | 14 × 6 | 0/4½ |
30 | ,, | ... | ,, | 14 × 8 | 0/4 |
Pencil right pointing hand
blades. 0/4½
Cohen’s ............ | each | 0/4 |
The Cartridge............ | ,, | 0/7 |
“Eagle” (as illustration)... ...... | ,, | 0/2 |
Automatic Pencil Sharpener, with receptacle for shavings ... | ,, | 10/6 |
The Jupiter Pencil Sharpening Machine. Sharpens any thickness of pencil. The most perfect machine extant ... | ,, | 18/6 |
Assorted Sizes, per box... | 0/4 | 0/8 |
Ebony, round | ... | 9in. 0/3½. | 12in. 0/5, | 15in. 0/7½. | 18in. 0/10½ |
Non-Slip Ruler | ... | ... | 12in. 1/0 | 15in. 1/3 | |
(Ruled only.) |
| F’cap 4to. | Post 4to. |
| 8 × 6 | 9 × 7¼ |
Exercises | 1/4 | 1/9 |
Single | 1/4 | 1/9 |
Double Small | 1/4 | 1/9 |
Wide Double, small ruling | — | 1/9 |
Ciphering | 1/4 | 1/9 |
Text Hand | — | 1/9 |
Three Hands | — | 1/9 |
Round Hand | — | 1/9 |
A system of upright penmanship. |
1. | Easy Letters and Words. |
2. | More Difficult Letters. |
4. | Capitals and Figures. |
6. | Capitals and Geography. |
8. | Familiar Objects. |
10. | Biography, Figures, etc. |
12. | Scientific Definitions. |
14. | Arithmetical Definitions. |
16. | Colonies, Imports, etc. |
Per doz. ... ......... | 1/7 |
Art Cloth Covers. |
No. | 1. | 5¾ × 3¾ | ... | ... | each | 0/5 |
,, | 2. | 5½ × 4¼ | ... | ... | ,, | 0/7½ |
,, | 3. | 7¼ × 4? | ... | ... | ,, | 0/10 |
,, | 4. | 8 × 5¼ | ... | ... | ,, | 1/1 |
Refills for ditto, | No. | 1. | ,, | 0/2 |
,, | ,, | 2. | ,, | 0/2½ |
,, | ,, | 3. | ,, | 0/3½ |
,, | ,, | 4. | ,, | 0/4 |
Each ... ... 0/2 0/3 0/4 0/6
Ruled and printed, in Limp Roan, lettered as follows— |
“At Home” Book | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Address Book | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Books Lent | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Library Catalogue | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Letter Register | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Register of Calls | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Game Register | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Book Register | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Housekeeper’s Book | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Engagements | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Ruled for Cash or Memoranda. |
Foolscap 8vo | about | 6 × 4 | ... | 0/3½ |
Post 8vo | ,, | 7 × 4½ | ... | 0/5 |
Large Post 8vo | ,, | 8 × 5 | ... | 0/8 |
Foolscap 4to | ,, | 8 × 6 | ... | 0/10 |
Post 4to | ,, | 9 × 7 | ... | 1/0 |
Large Post 4to | ,, | 10 × 8 | ... | 1/3 |
| Limp Morocco. | Gilt | Marble |
| Size. | | | | | Edges. | Edges. |
Foolscap 8vo | 6 × 4 | about 96 leaves | ... | ... | 1/9 | 1/4 |
Post 8vo | 7 × 4½ | ,, | ... | ... | 2/0 | 1/6 |
Foolscap 4to | 7¾ × 6 | ,, | ... | ... | 2/9 | 2/4 |
Post 4to | 9 × 7 | ,, | ... | ... | 3/6 | 2/9 |
| Half-bound Roan, Marble Edges. | Ruled | Ruled |
| Size. | | | | | Feint. | for Cash. |
Post 8vo | 7 × 4½ | about | 144 | leaves | ... | 1/0 | 1/0 |
,, | 7 × 4½ | ,, | 192 | ,, | ... | 1/2 | 1/2 |
Large Post 8vo | 7¾ × 5 | ,, | 144 | ,, | ... | 1/1 | 1/1 |
,, | 7¾ × 5 | ,, | 192 | ,, | ... | 1/4 | 1/4 |
Foolscap 4to | 7¾ × 6¼ | ,, | 96 | ,, | ... | 1/2 | 1/2 |
,, | 7¾ × 6¼ | ,, | 142 | ,, | ... | 1/4 | 1/4 |
Post 4to | 9 × 7 | ,, | 96 | ,, | ... | 1/6 | 1/6 |
,, | 9 × 7 | ,, | 142 | ,, | ... | 1/8 | 1/8 |
Where is it? | LETTERED, “WHERE IS IT?” | Ruled Feint, |
Alphabet cut through. |
| 3? | 4? | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 9 |
| × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × |
| 2¼ | 2? | 3? | 4 | 4½ | 5 | 6 | 7 |
1st quality, Limp French Morocco superfine paper | |
Marble Edges | 0/7½ | 0/10 | 1/1 | 1/6 | 1/9 | 2/3 | 2/4 | 2/9 |
Gilt edges | 0/10 | 1/0 | 1/3 | 1/9 | 2/1 | 2/9 | 3/0 | 3/9 |
Limp French Morocco, ruled feint blue lines or cash lines. |
| Leaves | First Quality. | Second Quality. |
| Size. | | (about). | Gilt Edges. | Marble Edges. |
Foolscap 12mo | ... | 5 × 3? | ... | 60 | ... | 0/10 | ... | 0/8 |
,, 8vo | ... | 6 × 4 | ... | 92 | ... | 1/2 | ... | 1/1 |
Post 8vo | ... | 7 × 4½ | ... | 92 | ... | 1/6 | ... | 1/3 |
Large Post 8vo | ... | 7¾ × 5 | ... | 92 | ... | 2/3 | ... | 1/6 |
Foolscap 4to | ... | 7¾ × 6 | ... | 92 | ... | 2/6 | ... | 2/0 |
Post 4to | ... | 9 × 7 | ... | 92 | ... | 3/4 | ... | 2/8 |
Foolscap broad folio, size 12 × 8
2/6 | 2/9 | 3/3 | 3/6 | ,, sheet & third, size 12 × 5¼ | 1/8 | 1/11 | 2/4 | 2/9 |
Quarter-bound Flush, Red Leather Back, turned in, Yellow Wove Paper, Ruled with Money Columns. |
Foolscap broad folio, size 12½ × 8 | 2 quires or 96 leaves. | 3 quires or 144 leaves. |
1/2 | 1/6 |
,, sheet and 3rd long 4to, 12½ × 5¼ | 96 leaves. | 144 leaves. |
0/10 | 1/2 |
| Size | | | | | Each. | Doz. |
Octavo, | 8½ × 5½ | ... | 50 | leaves | ... | 0/4½ | 4/3 |
,, | ,, | ... | 100 | ,, | ... | 0/8½ | 8/3 |
Best Polished Long Grained Roan, Gilt Edges, Nickel Lock and 2 Keys. |
Foolscap 8vo, | about | 6 × 4 | ... | ... | ... | 3/9 |
Post 8vo, | ,, | 7 × 4½ | ... | ... | ... | 4/3 |
Large Post 8vo, | ,, | 8 × 5 | ... | ... | ... | 4/9 |
Foolscap 4to, | ,, | 8 × 6 | ... | ... | ... | 6/6 |
Post 4to, | ,, | 9 × 7 | ... | ... | ... | 7/3 |
| Each. | Per Doz. |
Foolscap 8vo, 6¼ × 4, | ruled Feint or for Cash | ... | 0/2 | 1/10 |
,, 8vo, 6¼ × 4, | ,,,,,, | ... | 0/4½ | 4/3 |
Post 8vo, 7 × 4½, | ,,,,,, | ... | 0/5½ | 5/3 |
Foolscap 4to, 8 × 6, | ,,,,,, | ... | 0/4½ | 4/4 |
Post 4to, 9 × 7 | ,,,,,, | ... | 0/6½ | 6/3 |
Post 4to, 9 × 7 | ,,,,,, | ... | 0/9 | 8/9 |
Account Books, Paper Covers, 6 × 4, ruled Feint or Cash | ... | 0/6½ and 0/7½ doz. |
Ruled Ledger, Cash, Journal, with Head Lines. |
Quires— | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Foolscap broad folio, 12½ × 8 half-bound red leather, cloth sides and cloth joints, fine yellow wove paper... | 2/3 | 2/10 | 3/5 | 4/0 | 4/7 |
Half-bound rough goat, cloth sides, cloth joints, fine yellow wove paper... | 2/7 | 3/2 | 3/9 | 4/4 | 4/11 |
Superfine, Azure-laid Paper, Ruled Ledger, Day Book, Journal, or Cash Books. |
Half-bound rough goat, cloth sides, half extra | 5/6 | 5/9 | 6/9 | 7/6 | 8/3 |
Half-bound, red basil | 5/6 | 5/9 | 6/9 | 7/6 | 8/3 |
Ruled Feint Lines or for Betting. |
Best Paper, renewable refills. |
| Russia. | Crocodile. |
Size | 1 | ... | 3/2 | 4/3 |
,, | 2 | ... | 3/5 | 5/0 |
,, | 3 | ... | 3/8 | 5/9 |
,, | 4 | ... | 3/11 | 6/0 |
,, | 5 | ... | 4/6 | 6/9 |
,, | 6 | ... | 5/0 | 7/6 |
Gentlemen’s ... ... 0/3
Ladies’ ... ... ... 0/3
“Stores Special,” Cloth Cover ... ... 0/9
No. S T 2087.
With Felt-covered Roller,
7in. ... 1/7
All Glass do.,
3in. ... 0/10
Superfine Cream Laid Paper, Limp French Morocco, Gilt Edges and Lettered, Gilt Fillets. |
| Size. | | 96 leaves. | 144 leaves. |
Foolscap 8vo, | 6 × 4 | ... | ... | ... | 1/4 | 1/10 |
Post 8vo, | 7 × 4½ | ... | ... | ... | 1/8 | 2/4 |
Large Post 8vo, | 8 × 5 | ... | ... | ... | — | 2/9 |
Superfine Cream Laid Paper, Limp French Morocco, Lettered Marble Edges. |
Foolscap 8vo, | 6 × 4 | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 | 1/8 |
Post 8vo, | 7 × 4½ | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 | 2/3 |
Large Post 8vo, | 8 × 5 | ... | ... | ... | 1/10 | 2/6 |
Foolscap 4to, | 7¾ × 6½ | ... | ... | ... | — | 2/8 |
Post 4to, | 8¾ × 7½ | ... | ... | ... | — | 3/6 |
Whole Bound Stiff Roan, Marbled Edges. |
| Size. | | Leaves | Single | Cash | Cash | Feint | Cash |
| Inches. | | (about). | Ledger. | Journal. | Book. | Lines. | Columns. |
Foolscap 8vo, | 6 × 4 | ... | 144 | 1/9 | 1/7 | 1/7 | 1/4 | 1/4 |
Post 8vo, | 7 × 4½ | ... | 144 | 2/2 | 2/0 | 2/0 | 1/9 | 1/9 |
Large Post 8vo, | 8 × 5 | ... | 192 | 3/0 | 2/10 | 2/10 | 2/6 | 2/6 |
Foolscap 4to, | 8 × 6 | ... | 120 | 3/2 | 3/0 | 3/0 | 2/6 | — |
Post 4to, | 9 × 7 | ... | 120 | 3/11 | 3/9 | 3/9 | 3/3 | — |
If with Brass Lock, 1/6 each extra. |
Butler’s Cellar Book, Ruled and Printed, 26 leaves | ... | 1/1½ |
Dodsley’s Cellar Book | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Servants’ Wages Books | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 | 3/6 |
Poultry Book, small size, leather | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Housekeeper’s Account Books | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 | 5/6 |
Linen Book, half-bound | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 5/3 |
Mrs. Sykes’ Housekeeper’s Account Book | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Cooking Recipes | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/11 | 4/6 |
Visitors’ Books ... | 1/2 | 2/4 | 3/11 | 5/9 | 8/6 | 12/6 | 15/6 | 18/6 | 32/6 |
Game Registers | ... | 1/2 | 2/6 | 3/6 | 10/3 | 19/0 | 22/9 | 31/0 |
Washing Books | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ | 0/9 |
Menu Books | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3/9 |
Telephone Books | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 | 3/9 |
Year by Year Diary to commence at any time— |
French morocco | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3/0 | 3/9 |
Pigskin | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3/9 | 5/3 |
3 quire Foolscap folio, 12½ × 8, bound 1/2 red basil | ... | 4/6 |
No. S T 2.Fancy Ice Cases, with Floral Decoration, Coral, Crimson, Pale Green, Amber, per doz., 2/9
An immense variety of the latest British and Continental Artistic Novelties, too numerous to illustrate, always in stock.
EGG PAPERS. Paper Cases, pleated and moulded with a brim to fit and line the inside of Egg Cups. Besides being ornamental, they are useful in arresting the overflowing yolk, preserving the cup clean.
White, per pkt. of 3 doz. 0/4½
Rose, per pkt. of 3 doz. 0/4½
| Per | Per |
No. | Diam. | doz. | gross. |
S T 46 | Round, | 1¾ | in. | ... | 0/2 | 1/9 |
S T 47 | ,, | 2 | ,, | ... | 0/2 | 1/9 |
S T 48 | ,, | 2? | ,, | ... | 0/2 | 1/11 |
S T 49 | ,, | 2¼ | ,, | ... | 0/2½ | 2/0 |
S T 53 | Oval, | 2½ × 1¾ | in. | ... | 0/2½ | 2/5 |
S T 52 | ,, | 3 × 2 | ,, | ... | 0/3½ | 3/3 |
S T 81 | ,, | 2? × 3½ | ,, | (for Quails) | 0/5 | 4/10 |
No. S T 73. 4/6 per gross.
No. S T 17. Size 1? × ? in., 3/3 per 1,000, 0/4½ per 100
| | | | | Per 2 doz. | Per gross. |
4 | in. | diameter, | best quality | ... | 0/7 | 3/2 |
5 | in. | ,, | ,, | ... | 0/9 | 4/0 |
6 | in. | ,, | ,, | ... | 0/10 | 4/9 |
7½ | in. | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/1 | 6/3 |
8½ | in. | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/3 | 7/3 |
9½ | in. | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/11 | 11/3 |
In Packets of 3 dozen. |
| Per pkt. | Per gross. |
5½in. | diameter | ... | ... | 0/4½ | 1/6 |
6½in. | ,, | ... | ... | 0/6 | 1/11 |
7½in. | ,, | ... | ... | 0/7 | 2/3 |
8½in. | ,, | ... | ... | 0/8½ | 2/8 |
9½in. | ,, | ... | ... | 0/10½ | 3/4 |
Superfine Ivory Cards, gilt edges, square corners, embossed Menu in gold. Size 4½ × 3, 3/9 per 100, 6d. doz.; Size 5¼ × 3½, round corners, 5/0 per 100, 8d. doz.
Diam. | Per doz. | Per gross. |
5 | in. | 0/1 | 0/8 |
6½ | in. | 0/1 | 0/9 |
7½ | in. | 0/1½ | 1/0 |
8½ | in. | 0/1½ | 1/1 |
9½ | in. | 0/1½ | 1/3 |
10½ | in. | 0/1½ | 1/4 |
| Per doz. | Per gross. |
7 × 5 | in. | 0/5½ | 5/3 |
9 × 6 | in. | 0/7½ | 7/3 |
10½ × 7½ | in. | 0/10 | 9/9 |
11¾ × 8½ | in. | 1/1 | 12/6 |
No. | Per doz. | Per gross |
S T 950 18 × 4in., White or Pink | 0/3 | 2/11 |
S T 951 18 × 5in.,,,,, | 0/3½ | 3/3 |
REGD Nº 429505.
Can be stretched out to fit various size dishes.
Pink or White.
Long, per doz. 0/4; Short, per doz. 0/4; Gross, 3/9
No. S T 1. Fancy Ice Cases, with Coloured Paper Girdle. Colours: Coral, Crimson, Pale Green, Amber, per doz. 1/9
Oval. Packets of 3 doz. only. |
No. | S T 901 | 8½ × 6½ | in. | ... | 0/5 |
,, | S T 902 | 10½ × 8 | ,, | ... | 0/7 |
,, | S T 903 | 12 × 10 | ,, | ... | 0/10 |
No. | Diam. | | Per doz. | Per gross. |
S T 42 Kite Shape, | 3¼ | in. | ... | 0/6½ | 6/3 |
S T 43,, | 4 | ,, | ... | 0/7½ | 7/3 |
White or Pink,
in boxes of 3 doz. 0/7½, gross 2/5
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Harrods are the Largest Retail Distributors of Dish and Dessert Papers in the World.
Containing 30 fish papers, 18 plate papers, 36 lace dessert, 12 ham frills, 12 cutlet frills. 12 pie dish collars.
Price, 1/4 per box.
PIC-NIC PLATES. Size | For 3 doz. | Per gross. |
MeatPlates, | 9in. | diameter | 2/0 | ... | 7/6 |
Pudding,, | 7in. | ,, | 1/6 | ... | 5/9 |
Grease-proof linings moulded to shape of plates | 0/11 |
DISH PAPERS. Harrods’ Registered Design. Oval Embossed Dish Paper.
No. | Per gross. | Per 3 doz. |
S T 0 | 8½ × 6¾ | in. | 1/0 | 0/4 |
S T 1 | 10½ × 8 | in. | 1/5 | 0/4½ |
S T 2 | 12½ × 10 | in. | 2/1 | 0/7 |
S T 3 | 15 × 11 | in. | 2/6 | 0/8 |
S T 4 | 16 × 12½ | in. | 2/11 | 0/9 |
S T 5 | 18 × 14 | in. | 3/11 | 1/0 |
Second Quality. |
No. | Per packet 6 doz. |
ST0A | 7 × 5½ | in. | ... | ... | 0/2½ |
S T 1A | 8½ × 6½ | in. | ... | ... | 0/3 |
S T 2A | 10½ × 8 | in. | ... | ... | 0/4 |
S T 3A | 12½ × 10 | in. | ... | ... | 0/6 |
S T 4A | 15 × 11½ | in. | ... | ... | 0/7 |
Not sold in less quantities. |
NEW OVAL FRENCH SHAPE. Size | 7½ × 5 | ... | Per | 3 | doz. | 0/4 |
,, | 10½ × 6 | ... | ,, | 3 | ,, | 0/5½ |
,, | 11½ × 7 | ... | ,, | 3 | ,, | 0/7 |
,, | 13 × 8½ | ... | ,, | 3 | ,, | 0/8½ |
,, | 15 × 9¾ | ... | ,, | 3 | ,, | 1/0½ |
Cutlet Frills. White or Pink.
Per box of 3 doz. 0/3; per gross 0/10½
TABLE D’OYLEYS. | 3 doz. | Per gross. |
5in. | TeneriffePattern | 0/7½ | 2/2 |
6in. | ,, | 0/8½ | 2/7 |
7in. | ,, | 0/10½ | 3/0 |
8in. | ,, | 1/0½ | 3/11 |
Red or White.
Per doz., 0/8; per gross, 7/6
Containing 2 dishes, 4 meat plates, 4 pudding plates, 4 serviettes, 1 salad tray, 1 salt cellar, 4 butter plates.
Per box, 0/9½
0/4½ per box of 12.
NEW PLATE PAPERS. 5½in. | diameter | ... | per | 6 | doz. | 0/3 |
6½in. | ,, | ... | ,, | 6 | ,, | 0/4 |
7½in. | ,, | ... | ,, | 6 | ,, | 0/5 |
8½in. | ,, | ... | ,, | 6 | ,, | 0/6 |
(Soyer’s Patent)
SizeA,6?×4¾; SizeB,8¾×7¾; SizeC,9¾×6¾—2/9100
SizeE,16×14; SizeF,19×11½—8/6100
Also packet of assorted—11 for 6d.
Various Choice Designs, 1/10
Containing Table Centre Serviettes and D’Oyleys.
Various Designs, 0/9½ per box.
Boxes of 50 Serviettes, 0/7½ per box.
PRESERVE COVERS. In Packets, containing 3 doz. |
1 | lb. Jars | per pkt. | 0/2 | per doz. pkts. | 1/11 |
2 | ,, | ,, | 0/2½ | ,,,, | 2/4 |
3 | ,, | ,, | 0/3½ | ,,,, | 3/3 |
1 | lb. per pkt. | of 50 | 0/1½ | per doz. pkts. | 1/3 |
2 | ,, | ,, | 0/2 | ,,,, | 1/9 |
3 | ,, | ,, | 0/2½ | ,,,, | 2/3 |
THE Honiton Lace pattern FOR
A box containing 4 doz. of 5 assorted sizes of the best quality Dessert Papers, White, 1/10
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
To days Kitchen Requirements
Refillable Tablets, with pencil attached, for recording requirements for tradesmen 0/10 each
Refill Blocks ... ... ... ... 0/7½ each
Adjustable for 6 to 24 Guests. In Roan Leather with Gilt lines, lined with Moire Silk. Price 6/3
Kitchen Orders
SIZE OF LEAF 7? × 4?
KITCHEN ORDERS Refillable Tablets for Kitchen Orders, 0/10 each.
Refills, 0/7 each.
4in. 0/10 per 100 6in. 1/2 per 100
5in. 1/0,,7in. 1/6,,
8in. ... 1/10 per 100
5in. 1/4 per gross. 7in. 2/0 per gross
6in. 1/8,,8in. 2/3,,
CAKE FRILLS. For placing round the sides of Cakes. Silver lace pattern. |
2in. | wide, | per doz. | 0/9 | 3½in. | wide, | per doz. | 1/0 |
3 | ,, | ,, | 0/11 | 4 | ,, | ,, | 1/1 |
Cake bands, four-fold paper, duplex colours, fancy cut edges, 4 inches wide, with ribbon, ready for use (as illustrated)...... | per doz. | 2/6 |
Do., do., with silver band...... | ,, | 3/2 |
Pink or White ... ... ... per doz. 0/9½
POINT DE PARIS D’OYLEYS | 3 Doz. | Gross. |
5in. | ... | ... | ... | 0/7½ | 2/2 |
6 ,, | ... | ... | ... | 0/8½ | 2/7 |
7 ,, | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ | 3/0 |
7½ × 5½ | in. | ... | ... | 0/4½ | 1/5 |
8½ × 6 | ,, | ... | ... | 0/5 | 1/7 |
10½ × 8 | ,, | ... | ... | 0/6½ | 2/1 |
12½ × 10 | ,, | ... | ... | 0/9 | 2/11 |
Sandwich Flaps | ... | per doz. | 0/6½ |
DRAGON D’OYLEYS. | 3 Doz. | Gross |
5 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 | 2/6 |
6 | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 | 2/11 |
7 | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/11½ | 3/6 |
Per 3 doz. 5in.,0/5½; 6in.,0/7 7in.,0/8½; 8in.,0/9½; 9in.,0/11½
Per gross, 6in.,2/3; 7in.,2/8 8in.,3/0
PATENT Nº 7891.
In boxes of one dozen, 0/9½ per box.
BEST QUALITY TENERIFFE PLATE PAPERS. | 3 Doz. | Gross. | | 3 Doz. | Gross. |
5½ | in. | ... | 0/4 | 1/3 | 8½ | in. | ... | 0/6½ | 2/1 |
6½ | ,, | ... | 0/4½ | 1/5 | 9½ | ,, | ... | 0/7½ | 2/5 |
7½ | ,, | ... | 0/5½ | 1/9 | 10½ | ,, | ... | 0/9½ | 3/0 |
THE KOH-I-NOOR PENCIL, in 14 various grades, 4d. each, 3/6 per doz.
| Per doz. | Per gross. |
The “Cadogan” (Hexagonal). Yellow Polish, HB., H., HH., F., B., BB. Exclusively made for Harrods | ... | 1/2 | 13/0 |
Pencils, HB. only | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 | 3/9 |
Office Pencils, HB. only | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/7 | 6/9 |
Best Drawing, A. W. Faber’s, HH., H., F., HB., B., BB. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 | 32/0 |
Drawing Pencils, L. & C. Hardtmuth’s, H., HB., B. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 | 8/9 |
“Apollo” (Hexagonal), Johann Faber’s, HH., H., F., HB., B., BB. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 | 29/6 |
The “Koh-I-Noor” Pencils, HH., H., F., HB., B., BB., BBB. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 | 33/0 |
Red or Blue | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/4 | 15/6 |
Programme Pencils, White, Blue, or Pink, with Rings | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ | — |
Stub-shaped Pencils— |
“Stub” Programme Pencil, 2 inches long, White, Blue, Pink, or Red, with Silk Cords attached | ... | 0/6½ | — |
“Academy” Drawing Pencils, HH., H., F., HB., B., BB., BBB. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/7 | 18/6 |
Pocket Pencils with Nickel Point Protector and Rubber Tip | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/7½ | 7/3 |
A. W. Faber’s Mexican Graphite, Green Polished | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 | 13/6 |
Quill Pens, per box, 0/4, 0/8, 1/0; | ... | per bundle of 25, 1/0½ | and | 2/3 |
,, Nibs. | ... | ... | ... | per box | 0/4 |
Cook’s “J” | Gilt, per box, | 0/4; | not Gilt | 0/4½ |
Berry’s Ladies’ | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 | box | 0/4½ |
,,New Metal | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 | box | 0/4½ |
,,Glideaway | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 | box | 0/4½ |
Gillott’s No. 351, 352, and 353 | ... | ... | per box of | 3 doz. | 0/5 |
,,Magnum Bonum, Fine, Medium, or Broad | ,, | 1doz. | 1/2 |
Mitchell’s “J,” “G,” and “R” ... per box of 3 doz., 6d.; | ... | ... | ... | Gilt | 1/2½ |
,,Magnum Bonum | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 |
Brandauer’s | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 | box | 0/4½ |
Ladies’ (Cook’s) | ... | ... | ... | per | box | 0/4½ |
Esterbrook’s Relief | ... | ... | per 3 doz. box | 0/10 |
Squeezer Pens | ... | ... | ... | per box | 1/0 |
Firefly, Metallic Oblique Pointed | ... | ... | perboxof | 18 | 0/4½ |
,,,,,,,, | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 42 | 0/9 |
Ball Pointed—The Lytton, Scribe, Bank, Ledger, Eagle, Popular “J” | ... | per box of | 18 | 0/4½ |
A new pen specially designed for ladies, does not spurt or scratch, flexible, and a perfectly easy writer.
Box of 2 doz., 0/7; 3/0 per gross.
Ask for Sample.
The “Hans” Bank Pencil, in Pink, Blue, or Green. 0/1, 0/10½ doz.
THE VENUS DRAWING PENCIL, in 17 grades, 0/4 each, 3/6 per doz., 36/0 per gross.
Art Penholders, in Pink, Blue, or Green. 0/1½ each, 1/4 doz.
COPYING PRESSES, etc. Black and Veined Japan, Iron Washer and Brass Nut. |
Iron Handle. |
No. S T 0181. | Small Quarto | 11 × 9in. | ... | ... | 15/9 |
No. S T 3181. | Quarto, | 12 × 10in. | ... | ... | 16/9 |
No. S T 6181. | Foolscap, | 15 × 10in. | ... | ... | 24/9 |
Brass Balls on Handles. |
No. S T 1082. | Small Quarto, | 11 × 9in. | ... | ... | 19/9 |
No. S T 3482. | Quarto, | 12 × 10in. | ... | ... | 21/9 |
No. S T 6182. | Foolscap, | 15 × 10in. | ... | ... | 27/9 |
All the Presses will open wide enough to receive a 1000 leaf Copying Book. |
| 500 | 750 | 1000 |
| leaves. | leaves. | leaves. |
Quarto size, | ½ bound | Red Skiver, Paper Sides | ... | 1/6 | 2/2 | 2/9 |
,, | ,, | ,,Cloth Sides, best quality | | 3/6 | — | 5/3 |
,, | ,, | Calf, Cloth Sides | ... | 3/10 | 5/0 | 6/3 |
,, | ,, | Red Basil, Buff paper | ... | 4/3 | 5/6 | — |
Foolscap | ,, | Red Skiver, Paper Sides | ... | 2/9 | 4/0 | 5/0 |
| ,, | Calf, Cloth Sides | ... | 5/0 | 6/3 | 7/6 |
Drying Sheets, 4to and Foolscap | ... | ... | 0/3 per doz. |
Oil Sheets, 4to and Foolscap | ... | ... | 0/6½ & 0/8,, |
Drying Books 4to and Foolscap | ... | ... | 0/4 each |
Water Wells, Porcelain with Overlip to take 4-in. Brush | 0/9 each |
Japanned Tin, with Porcelain lining, to hang | ... | 1/1 ,, |
THE “ANCHOR” PORTABLE COPYING PRESS. Nothing to get out of order. | Gives uniform pressure. |
Easy and perfect in action. | Packs perfectly flat. |
Including good | Copying Book, 500 | pages | 4to | ... | ... | 9/3 |
,, | ,, | ,, | 8vo | ... | ... | 7/3 |
Extra Letter Books, 250 leaves, 8vo | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
,, ,, 500 leaves, 4to | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/4 |
| Deal, Stained | Mahogany |
| and Polished. | Polished. |
Quarto, one Drawer | ... | ... | 12/6 | 16/0 |
,, two Drawers | ... | ... | 13/6 | 19/0 |
,,,,with flaps | ... | 20/6 | 24/9 |
Foolscap, two Drawers | ... | 16/6 | 21/6 |
,,,,with flaps | ... | 22/0 | 27/6 |
Quarto size, White | ... | 1/6 | per rm. |
Foolscap size,, | ... | 1/9 | ,, |
Quarto size, Stout Buff | ... | 4/9 | ,, |
Q’to size, Thin Buff | ... | 2/3 | per rm |
F’cap size, Stout Buff | ... | 5/0 | ,, |
F’cap size, Thin Buff | ... | 2/6 | ,, |
Quarto, medium thickness per doz., 3/0 Foolscap, per doz., 3/4. |
Flat, Hair, | 2½ | in. | ... | 0/8½ | India-rubber | 2½ | in. | ... | 0/8 |
,, | 3 | ,, | ... | 0/10 | ,, | 3 | ,, | ... | 0/10 |
,, | 3½ | ,, | ... | 1/0 | ,, | 3½ | ,, | ... | 1/0 |
,, | 4 | ,, | ... | 1/2 | ,, | 4 | ,, | ... | 1/2 |
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Also “Daily Menu” (orders for the Kitchen) No. S T 9090A, 2/9. Insides renewable, 0/10
No. S T 1119. right pointing hand
Initial Seals, with Coloured Pearl Handle, any Initial 1/3
No. S T 783.
Back Loop Note Books. Renewable Insides.
1/3, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6
No. S T 1268.
In and Out Stand. Spanish Roan. Opal Slate at foot for Messages, 2/4
No. S T 852.
Telegrams Case, Silver Corners, 7/0
Shaving Papers
No. S T 12.
Spanish Roan Shaving Tidy,
5¼ × 5¼in., 0/9½;
6¼ × 6¼in., 1/10
No. S T 2079.
“Year by Year,” a condensed comparative record for 5 years. Can be commenced at any day in any year.
2 sizes, | 6 × 5in. | 7¾ × 5¼in. |
Roan | ... | ... | 3/4 | 4/2 |
Solid Pigskin | ... | 4/2 | 5/5 |
Crushed Morocco | ... | 4/2 | 5/5 |
Crushed Solid Boards, extra Gilt | 6/3 | 8/4 |
No. S T 901. Weekly Appointment Pad, to tear off. Leather, 2/9
Motor Orders
No. S T 2113.
Motor Orders.
Renewable Tear-off Block. Linen 0/10
Refills, 0/7
No. S T 8700. Art Canvas Photo Scrap Books, upright or oblong. Brown, green, or grey leaves. ¼-plate0/8, 1-2-plate0/10, fullplate1/3,1/8,2/1
No. S T 807.
Boudoir Combination Tray, Art Cloth, 8/9
No. S T 5219. Hanger Pencil, Glass Base, 1/6
Newspaper Cuttings
News Cutting Albums.
No. S T 1181. | 10½ × 8¾ | ... | 2/9 |
No. S T 1182. | 12 × 9½ | ... | 3/9 |
No. S T 1183. | 14½ × 10 | ... | 4/3 |
Half Roan Albums, with 30 Card Leaves, or Cartridge Paper Leaves. |
| 30 Card | 50 Paper |
| Leaves | Leaves. |
No. S T 6011. | 9 × 7 | 3/0 | 2/2 |
No. S T 6012. | 10 × 8¾ | 3/9 | 2/8 |
No. S T 6013. | 11 × 9½ | 4/3 | 3/0 |
No. S T 6014. | 14 × 10½ | 5/9 | 3/9 |
No. S T 6015. | 16 × 11¾ | 8/0 | 6/6 |
No. S T 6016. | 20¾ × 14¼ | 15/0 | 11/3 |
The “AthenÆum” Newscutting Album. The leaves are ready gummed. Cuttings requiring damping only. Special interleaves prevent the leaves sticking together.
No. S T 1190. 11 × 8¾ ... 3/6
No. S T 5726. Padded Morocco Address Book, 7 × 4½in., 4/- Also Engagements, 4/-, and Motor Trips, 4/-
News Cuttings on
No. S T 1115. Century Newscutting Books.Full Art Canvas Cloth. |
No. 1. | 8 × 5 | 60 | leaves, | 0/10 |
No. 2. | 9¾ × 6½ | 50 | ,, | 1/3 |
No. 3. | 10½ × 8¼ | 50 | ,, | 1/8 |
No. 4. | 22 × 9½ | 60 | ,, | 2/0 |
No. 5*. | 10¾ × 6¼ | 60 | ,, | 1/3 |
* Specially Wide Columns for “Pall Mall,” “Westminster,” &c. |
Albums, with Card Leaves, bound Art Canvas, 25 Card Leaves. |
No. S T 1064. | 9 × 7½ | 1/8 |
No. S T 1065. | 10 × 8¾ | 1/10 |
No. S T 1066. | 11 × 9½ | 2/1 |
No. S T 1067. | 14 × 10½ | 2/8 |
Upright or Oblong. |
The “Carlton” Removable Leaf Album, 25 Card Leaves (will hold 50).
No. S T 1255. | 10 × 8¾ | 8/0 |
No. S T 1256. | 11½ × 9½ | 9/0 |
Superior Padded Spanish Roan Leather Albums, with 36 Card Leaves. Gilt edges, gilt finish.
No. S T 338. | Royal 4to. | 11 × 9½ | ... | 12/6 |
No. S T 339. | Imp. 4to. | 13¾ × 10½ | ... | 14/9 |
No. S T 340. | Atlas 4to. | 16 × 11½ | ... | 20/6 |
As above, but with 18 Card Leaves | ... 8/6 | 10/9 | 15/6 |
MOUNTING PHOTOGRAPHS.—Photos and Scraps mounted in Books and Titles written. All sizes up to 11 × 9 1/3 per dozen, 9/0 per 100. This class of work is only undertaken at owner’s risk, and no responsibility can be taken for any discoloration that may occur while mounting.
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
No. S T 4324. |
Lock-up Letter or Account Case, with 24 pockets. |
Octavo, 9½in. × 6in. | ... | ... | ... | 17/9 |
Quarto, 11¼in. × 9in. | ... | ... | ... | 22/6 |
No. S T 39907. Lock-up Leather Account Case, 24 pockets, 9in. × 6in. | ... | 11/6 |
No. S T 39908. Ditto, 11in. × 8in. | ... | ... | 14/6 |
Monarch or Lock Clip File. With Expanding Index.
8vo size | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 | 1/5 |
Quarto size | ... | ... | ... | 1/1 | 1/10 |
Foolscap size | ... | ... | ... | 1/3 | 2/3 |
A B C Cases (24 pockets). |
Green Art Cloth, with patent adjustable Buckle. |
Octavo | ... | 9¼ × 6in. | ... | 2/6 |
Large Octavo | 11¼ × 6in. | ... | 3/3 |
Quarto | ... | 11¼ × 9in. | ... | 4/3 |
The Popular File (21 pockets).
Expanding pocket, alphabetically arranged, strap and buckle to fasten.
Octavo | ... | size | 10? × 6in. | ... | 1/8 |
Large Octavo | ,, | 11¾ × 6¼in. | ... | 1/10 |
Quarto | ... | ,, | 11¾ × 9in. | ... | 2/1 |
Foolscap | ... | ,, | 14¼ × 9¾in. | ... | 2/10 |
The “Home Office” Case.
No. S T 184. Size 9? × 4?, Spanish Roan, for private documents, letters, bills, receipts, etc.
Four expanding pockets, flap, and nickel lock, 5/9
Ditto, size 11 × 4½, with pocket for Cheque Book, 9/0
No. S T 460.
A B C Case for Private Letters, etc.
Spanish Roan. Patent Lock.
Size 8½in. × 5½in., 12 pockets ... 12/6
With Nickel Double Action Lock.
No. S T 837.
Ditto, Art Cloth, 6 pockets ... 5/9
No. S T 9217. Pigskin Paper Carrier, Solid, Flexible.
| 8vo. | 4to. | fcap. |
| 10 × 6½ | 11 × 9 | 14½ × 9½ |
One pocket | ... | 5/6 | 6/9 | 8/6 |
Two,, | ... | 6/9 | 8/9 | 11/6 |
Three,, | ... | 8/6 | 10/9 | 14/0 |
Four,, | ... | 9/6 | 12/9 | 16/9 |
or |
No. S T 9991. Quarto, 11in. × 9in., one pocket only, with button fastener and handle for carrying | 6/3 |
Foolscap | ... | ... | ... | 7/6 |
The Despatch Letter Tray. Oak. Fitted with Spring Clip.
Quarto size 12 × 8¾ × 1?in. | ... | each | 2/8 |
Foolscap, 14 × 9½ × 1?in. | ... | ,, | 3/0 |
Ditto wood, covered cloth, | ... | 0/9 and 0/11 |
The ELEPHANT FILE octavo size
No. S T 221. Letter or Bill File for home use. 11½in. × 6in. 2/2 Quarto size 3/0
Also The Canvas Indexed File, as above, covered canvas, Octavo 3/6 Quarto 4/6
Drawer Cabinets. Made of Pine and Covered Leatherette.
No. S T 273. Quarto ... ... ... ... ... ... 4/0
No. S T 275. Foolscap ... ... ... ... ... 5/3
Size 24½ × 18 × 11½ (outside).
Polished Walnut. Holes take Foolscap folded in four.
No. S T 140A ... 40/6
Made also in Oak, with doors in place of Revolving Shutter ... 35/9
With Fall-down Door and Strongly made in Wood and covered with Morocco Cloth. Size outside—22 in. wide, 19¾in. high, 11in. back to front. Contains 4 Octavo Files, 1 Quarto Drawer, 1 Octavo Drawer, 4 Octavo Pigeon Holes, Space for Memorandum Books, etc., Space for Envelopes, Post Cards, etc., Blotter and Pen Rack, 23/0
have achieved world-wide popularity because of the excellence of the value offered. They are the recognised media for Society Correspondence.
The “Era” File and Binding Cases. The “Era” File makes the manipulation of papers safe and rapid. When the File is full, the contents, with the Index, are lifted on to the wires of the Binding Case, previously opened to receive them. The fresh Index, taken from the Binding Case, is then placed on the File.
No. S T 1. Quarto size, complete with Perforator | ... | 3/0 |
Do. Binding Cases | ... | ... | ... | each | 1/2 |
No. S T 1. Foolscap Size, complete with Perforator | ... | 3/4 |
Do. Binding Cases | ... | ... | ... | each | 1/6 |
The Shannon File.
New System. Handy. Convenient. Papers easily sorted, classified, or removed. Compact and inexpensive.
Quarto size ... ... ... ... ... ... 2/9
Foolscap... ... ... ... ... ... 3/0
or with perforator fixed, 3/3 and 3/6
The Bank of England File.
Neatly and strongly made of the toughest Manilla paper. Each case has a flap and is supplied with a web strap and buckle, and a sheet of Gummed Labels, suited to all purposes for which the case may be used.
Octavo | size | 10 × 5¾in. | 24 | Pockets | ... | 0/9 |
Large Octavo | 24 | ,, | ... | 1/2 |
Quarto | ,, | 11½ × 9in. | 24 | ,, | ... | 1/6 |
Foolscap | ,, | 14 × 10in. | 24 | ,, | ... | 1/11 |
Drawer Cabinets. Dark Oak, dull polished, fitted with Lock. One turn of the key locks or unlocks all the drawers simultaneously.
No. | Size. | Drawers. |
S T 241. Large 8vo. | 12 × 10 × 6½in. | 5 | 13/6 |
S T 243. Quarto | 12 × 12 × 9¼in. | 4 | 15/0 |
S T 245. Foolscap | 15 × 12 × 10in. | 4 | 17/6 |
S T 803. Large 4to. | 17¾ × 12 × 10in. | 6 | 21/6 |
S T 809. Foolscap | 17¾ × 15 × 10in. | 6 | 25/0 |
S T 815. Music | 17¾ × 16 × 12½in. | 6 | 30/0 |
No. S T 702. Size outside—12¼in. wide, 16in. high, 10¾in. deep. Contains 4 Pigeon Holes for Large Octavo Papers, 2 Octavo Drawers, 1 Quarto Drawer, 2 Octavo “World’s” Files, and spaces for Post Cards and Two sizes of Envelopes. The Door is fitted with a Calendar, a Pocket for Envelopes and Post Cards, Tapes for Memoranda, etc. and a Pen Rack. No. S T 702 (as illus.), complete with Door and Lock, 13/9
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
No. S T 9009. “Alexandra” Writing Basket. Wicker and Moirette, in art shades, Green, Helio, Saxe Blue. Considerably improved, 10/9
No. S T 9105. Crushed Morocco Golf Scoring Books.
Plain, 4/3; Silver gilt corners, 6/0
No. S T 9983. Visitors’ Time Table, refillable printed cards to hang or stand.
Art Cloth ... ... 0/9½
French Morocco ... 1/3
No. S T 9483. Answered, Unanswered, Paid and Unpaid.
7 × 6, 5/0 9½ × 7, 7/6
No. S T 3188.
Letter Clips, Plain ... | 0/10 |
Lettered Answered or |
Unanswered, Paid or |
Unpaid ... ... | 1/3 |
No. S T 7755. Crushed Morocco Shaving Paper Case. 1/11
No. S T 7756.
Nickel Stamp Damper to fill with water. 0/10
No. S T 7575. New Art Cloth Knee Pad, with Safety Bottle and Fittings. 4/9.
No. S T 3037. Memo Tablets, with Silver corners. Roan, Silver corners, Crushed Morocco, Silver word and corners. 5/0 and 5/9
No. S T 8686. Nickel and Glass Card Rack for Invitations, Post-Cards, Letters. Neat and useful. 0/10
No. S T 8687.
Fountain Pen Stand in Nickel and Glass. 0/10
No. S T 1914.Shaving Paper Case Silver mounted. 3/4
No. S T 1710.Telephone Register Call Book for registering Trunk Calls.
Leatherette,10½d.; Canvas,1/9; Roan,2/9
No. S T 9050.Art Cloth Letter Trays. 1/3, 1/6, 1/9
No. S T 7509.Padded Leather Auto Albums. 1/6, 1/11, 2/6
No. S T 9009. Nickel Sealing Tray with Lamp and Wax Discs. 6/6
No. S T 1819.The Alexandra AttachÉ Case in Moire—improved make. Royal Purple, Green or Scarlet.
Size,10in.,5/0; 12in.,7/6; 14in.,9/6
No. S T 5223.
Crystal Glass Note Paper Rack. 5/6
No. S T 5220. Rich Glass Inks. Cut Glass. 5/9 to 25/9
No. S T 5218. Adjustable Nickel Bookrest and Page Holder. 4/9
No. S T 1066. Glass Shot Penwiper. 1/2
No. S T 8069. Automatic Date Indicator. Beautifully made movement, Nickel frame and Crocodile face. 12/9
No. S T 9608.
Nickel and Glass Parcel Tape Holder, fitted with 100 yards Parcel Tape. 3/0
No. S T 8102.
Nickel Pencil Stand, with Measure. 3/6
No. S T 9001.
Nickel and Glass Pencil Stand, with Fountain Pen
Receptacle. 1/6
No. S T 7028. Memo. Case, with Slips. Nickel and Mahogany. 7/0
No. S T 8517.
Nickel Mechanical Calendar, for any year.
No. S T 8202.
Writing Table Letter Scales, Nickel.
No. S T 5432. Nickel Antiseptic Stamp Damper. 0/9½
No. S T 9709.
Calendar Letter Clip. 1/8
No. S T 5508.
Nickel and Glass Pencil Stand with Rubber. 2/9
No. S T 4321.
Inlaid Penholder, in assorted rare woods. 0/9½
No. S T 5512. Nickel and Glass Stamp Case, with Clip. 2/6
No. S T 6543.
Gun Metal Stamp Case. 1/3
No. S T 6544.
Porcelain China Monkey Sealing Lighter. 0/10
O & G.L
No. S T 9108. Answered and Unanswered Wallet for Letters,
3 sizes, 5/9, 6/3, 7/0
No. S T 6545.
Nickel Sealing Lamp, in Green, Ruby, Pink, Blue, and Clear Glass. 1/3
No. S T 9109. Game Books, ruled and printed, 40 leaves, cloth limp, 2/9; or bound French Morocco, 7/6; 80 leaves, limp roan, gilt edges, 10/9
No. S T 1898. Packing Basket ... 5/6
No. S T 1899. Postal Letter Basket ... 12/0
No. S T 1900. Packing Basket ... 5/6
No. S T 1901.
Luggage Labels.
Leatherette ... 1/3
Art Linen ... 0/10½
No. S T 1904.
Packing Basket, fitted ... 9/6
No. S T 1903. Letter Balance. Weighs to 8 oz. Polished Brass ... 2/9
JOHNSON’S Botanical Press
No. S T 1906. Botanical Press, for pressing and preserving Ferns, Flowers, etc.
11½in. × 9½in. ... 1/3
No. S T 1913. Moirette AttachÉ Case, unfitted, lock and key ... 3/11
The Dry Garden
No. S T 1907. Albums for mounting Ferns, Foliage, Flowers, etc.
10½in. × 8½in., 1/8;
11½in. × 9in., 2/0
No. S T 1902. Telephone Directory Cover. Cloth ... 0/10
Kitchen Orders
No. S T 1908.
“Kitchen Orders” Block,
Art Linen ... 0/10½
“Kitchen Requirements” ... 0/10½
Blocks to refill ... 0/7½
“Carriage Orders” ... 0/10
Refills ... 0/7½
“Motor Orders” ... 0/10½
No. S T 1910. Sealing Wax Set. Containing 4 Sticks, Art Shades, Best Wax, Taper Holder and Tapers, in Velvet-lined Case, 2/6; or Crushed Morocco, 5/0
No. S T 1911.
Letter Clips, covered Leather.
“Paid,” “Unpaid,”
“Answered,” or “Unanswered.”
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
No. S T 136. Oak Stationery Case and Date Indicator. Foolscap size, 9/6
No. S T 8.
Oak Rack,
Quarto 1/11
No. S T 41.
Oak Rack,
No. S T 134.
Perpetual Calendar, Oak.
12in., 6/3
No. S T 40.
Oak Rack, as Illustration.
No. S T 280.
8in. high, 2/3 9in. high, 4/3
10in.,, 5/3 11in. ,, 6/11
12in. high, 9/6
No. S T 4009.
Handsome Oak Desk Slope, polished, with Lock and Key, with Inks.
The British Stamp Automatic Delivery Machine.
“The British Stamp Automatic Delivery Machine.” For penny stamps. Indispensable for Clubs and Country Houses, etc. Size, 9in. high, 6in. wide, 6in. deep. In Fumed Oak or Polished Mahogany.
Price, 63/0.
11¾ × 8?
13¾ × 8?
17¾ × 11?
22¾ × 17?
No. S T 1004. Military Blotting Pads in red leather.
Four sizes, 1/3 1/6 1/11 or Flat Demy, 3/6
No. S T 7007. The Jupiter Pencil Sharpener. The best machine for sharpening pencils of any thickness. Durable and strong. Should be in every office. 18/6
No. S T 1912. Foolscap Broad Folio. Account Books 12 × 8in., ½ bound Red Leather, Cloth Sides and Cloth Joints |
2 qrs. | 3 qrs. | 4 qrs. | 5 qrs. | 6 qrs. |
2/3 | 2/10 | 3/5 | 4/0 | 4/7 |
Superior Binding and Paper— |
2 qrs. | 3 qrs. | 4 qrs. | 5 qrs. | 6 qrs. |
5/6 | 5/9 | 6/9 | 7/6 | 8/3 |
No. S T 777. Victoria Pad.
Art Cloth. 1/8 Roan, 1/11
Daily Engagements
Desk Slope and Blotting Pad with Engagements
No. S T 629.
“Daily Engagements” Pad, 1/6. Or with Slope and Receptacle for Papers, 2/8; and including two Inks, 4/6
No. S T 6290. Similar to above in oak with leather appointment block, lock and key, 23/6
No. S T 909. Calendar Pad, 0/11½
Or in Slope Form, 1/7
The above Engagements dated 1913 ready about October 12.
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
LOOSE-LEAF BOOKS for Private, Professional or Commercial Use.
The increasing popularity of Loose-Leaf Books is well deserved. The convenience of classifying, indexing and recording the various subjects becomes exceedingly simple. Again, a leaf can be taken out, or inserted in any position, without affecting the rest.
Made in 5 sizes and 3 styles of binding. |
| Limp Morocco | Extra | |
No. | | Size of Leaf. | | Cover. | | Refills. | | Indices. |
S T 302 | ... | 3 × 2 | ... | 1/8 | ... | 3 | ... | 0/3 |
S T 402 | ... | 4 × 2½ | ... | 2/6 | ... | 4 | ... | 0/5 |
S T 503 | ... | 5 × 3 | ... | 3/4 | ... | 5 | ... | 0/5 |
S T 603 | ... | 6 × 3¼ | ... | 4/2 | ... | 6 | ... | 0/6 |
S T 604 | ... | 6 × 4 | ... | 4/8 | ... | 7 | ... | 0/7 |
May also be had oblong shape. |
½ in. thickness. Any rulings. Morocco Cases. |
No. | | Size of Leaf. | | Price. | | Indices. |
S T 42 | ... | 4½ × 2½ | ... | 2/6 | ... | 0/3 |
S T 53 | ... | 5 × 3¼ | ... | 3/4 | ... | 0/5 |
S T 63 | ... | 6 × 3¾ | ... | 4/2 | ... | 0/5 |
S T 64 | ... | 6½ × 4 | ... | 4/8 | ... | 0/5 |
S T 74 | ... | 7 × 4½ | ... | 5/5 | ... | 0/6 |
S T 85 | ... | 8 × 5 | ... | 7/1 | ... | 0/7 |
S T 86 | ... | 8 × 6½ | ... | 8/4 | ... | 0/7 |
S T 97 | ... | 9 × 7? | ... | 10/0 | ... | 0/8 |
S T 108 | ... | 10 × 8 | ... | 11/8 | ... | 0/10 |
Refills ruled Feint, Cash or Quadrille (Squares), 5d., 7d., 8d., 9d., 10d., 1/1, 1/5, 1/8, 1/11 each. Contains 100 sheets. May also be obtained with pockets and fastening. |
| LOOSE-LEAF PRESENTATION BOOKS IN FINEST QUALITY. An appreciable Gift. Exceedingly useful and thoroughly Up-to-date. These books are fully equipped with Pockets for Cards, Stamps, Papers, etc. |
| Best Russia, | |
| | Size | Best | with Back-loop | Polished | With |
No. | | of Leaf. | Russia. | Pencil. | Crocodile. | Pencil. |
S T 593 | | 5 × 3 | 9/8 | 10/10 | 15/0 | 17/6 |
S T 693 | | 6 × 3 | 11/3 | 13/4 | 16/8 | 18/9 |
S T 694 | | 6 × 4 | 14/6 | 16/8 | 18/6 | 21/8 |
Orders by post promptly and accurately executed.
An inexpensive and convenient means of keeping the desk or drawers neat and tidy.
Made in two sizes:—
2 | in. | high, | 10 in box | ... | ... | ... | per box | 0/9 |
2¾ | ,, | ,, | 8,, | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 0/9 |
Combined Drawer Partition and Rubber Stamp Holder, 1¼in. high, for shallow drawers, 10 in box | ,, | 0/9 |
| Size of Leaf. | Morocco, with | | Morocco, with | Refills. | Indices. |
No. | | Pockets and | No. | Pockets, &c., | |
| | Fastenings | | and back-loop | |
| Pencil. | |
S T 312 | 3 × 2 | 2/6 | S T 322 | 2/11 | 3 | 0/3 |
S T 412 | 4 × 2½ | 3/9 | S T 422 | 4/8 | 4 | 0/5 |
S T 513 | 5 × 3 | 4/8 | S T 523 | 5/5 | 5 | 0/5 |
S T 613 | 6 × 3¼ | 5/5 | S T 623 | 6/3 | 6 | 0/6 |
S T 614 | 6 × 4 | 6/3 | S T 624 | 7/1 | 7 | 0/7 |
May also be had oblong shape. |
These Account Books, ruled either as Cash Book, Journal, Ledger or Minute Book, are peculiarly adapted to the requirements of Professional Men. The Covers are substantial, and the paper supplied is the thick Account Book variety.
| | Half-bound | Full-bound | |
No. | Size of Leaf. | Morocco. | Morocco. | Refills. | Indices. |
S T 857. | 8 × 7 | 15/0 | 17/6 | 1/6 | 1/8 |
S T 957. | 9 × 8 | 18/4 | 20/4 | 1/8 | 1/8 |
S T 1058. | 10 × 8½ | 20/4 | 24/6 | 2/1 | 2/1 |
S T 1159. | 11 × 9 | 23/9 | 28/0 | 2/6 | 2/1 |
S T 1358. | 13 × 8½ | 25/0 | 32/6 | 2/11 | 2/1 |
Extra strong Nickel-plated Mechanism. Locks fitted 5/0 extra.
Half-bound best Morocco, gilt extra, very handsome and strong.
Size of Leaf. | | Extra Leaves. | | per gross. |
7 × 5¼ | ... | 12/6 | 1/6 | doz. | ... | 16/6 |
10 × 7¼ | ... | 17/6 | 2/0 | ,, | ... | 22/0 |
12 × 9½ | ... | 27/6 | 2/6 | ,, | ... | 27/0 |
The above includes protection sheets, and is the best make. |
The partitions are instantly fixed or adjusted, making a solid rack for Books or Stationery.
No. S T 1905. |
Length 12in. | ... | 15in. | ... | 18in. |
8 Partitions, | | 12 Partitions, | | 14 Partitions, |
2/0 | | 2/9 | | 4/0 |
No. S T 8177.
Leather Docket Files. Paid, Unpaid, Answered, Unanswered. Price, 1/0
No. S T 935. Handsome Brown Levant Morocco Post Card Album, with Canvas sides.
For 500 Cards, 11/0; 700, 12/6; 1000, 15/6
Post Cards
No. S T 1254. Full-bound Leather Post Card Album.
For 200 cards ... 3/9
Post Card Album
No. S T 710. Half-bound Roan Post Card Album. For 200 cards, 2/9; for 400 cards, 4/9
FOR 0/10½
No. S T 301.
Cloth Post Card Album.
To hold 200, 1/4; 300, 1/8; 400, 2/2
No. S T 90.
Padded Morocco.
To hold 200,6/6; 300,7/0; 500,8/0
No. S T 250.
Bound Cloth.
To hold 200,2/6; 300,2/10; 400,3/6; 500,3/11
Recherche Album, in Full Bound Crushed Persian Padded Covers, Gilt Edges, and Gilt Tooling, 30 Card Leaves.
11½×9,23/9; 14¼×10,29/6
No. S T 8178. Pigskin Official Paper Wallet, 9×4¾,3/9; 11×4¾,4/6; 13¾×4¾,5/0
An Ideal Duplicator for Handwriting typewriting and Drawing in a Variety of Colours
The Plex
Perfect Copies with Perfect Ease
No. S T 3077.
Plex Duplicator. A simple means for taking Copies of Letters, Circulars, Testimonials, &c. 4to size, 12/0
Harrods being one of the most extensive users of Typewriters in the commercial world are in a unique position to advise on the purchase of these machines. All Typewriters are sold at makers’ prices, and intending purchasers have the advantage of selecting from a variety of makes. A liberal allowance is made for old machines when new ones are purchased. Tuition free. All prices include cases.
The “Imperial” Typewriter (British) for Home use. Petite Model. Ribbon Machine with Rubber Cover. £9 10 0
Nº 5 Underwood Standard Typewriter Nº 5
The “Underwood” Visible. Latest Model. With Metal Cover. £21 17 0
Yost Typewriter Nº15 YOST
The “Yost,” No. 15. Latest Model.
£22 6 6
The “Bijou” Folding Typewriter. A new useful Machine in a compact form, folds into small case for carrying. Improved Model, in Pegamoid Case, £12 0 0
The “Blickensderfer.”
The “Home” Model Blickensderfer, weighs 5 lbs., perfect in action, | £5 17 6 |
No. 7 ......... | 10 10 0 |
New Typewheels, 10/0 |
No. 6 Aluminium Model, easy running ... | 10100 |
Remington Remington standard typewriter Nº7
The “Remington” ... £21 17 0
The “Empire” Typewriter.
With Metal Case, £12 7 0
right pointing finger
Specially designed for the use of typists, and has drawers for holding Carbon, Ribbons, Stationery, and other Writing Machine accessories. Far more compact than the usual Typewriter Tables. Dust-proof and well-finished throughout. Size: 3ft. 10in. high, 2ft. deep, 1ft. 10in. wide. Made in Figured Oak, polished dark brown, Oxidised Copper Fittings. The Drawers are locked by the Roller Shutter. £3 19 6
Nº 10 Smith Premier Typewriter Cº Nº 10
The “Smith-Premier” Typewriter.
Latest Model. Every late Improvement.
£21 17 0
For the instantaneous fac-simile reproduction of any Circular, Writing, Drawing, or Music in Black Ink. It is composed of two plates of Composition, each complete— |
8vo, Size of Printing Surface 8 × 5in. | 7/6 |
4to, Size of Printing Surface 9¾ × 8½in. | 14/0 |
Foolscap, Size of Printing Surface 12½ × 8½in. | 19/0 |
Extra Bottles of Black Ink | ... | ... | per bot. | 0/9 |
Composition, Hektograph | ... | ... | per lb. | 2/4 |
Composition, The Graph | ... | ... | ,, | 1/0 |
8vo, size Printing Surface | ... | 8? | × 6 | 17/0 |
4to ,,,,,, | ... | 10? | ,, 8½ | 24/0 |
F’cap, size,,,, | ... | 13? | ,, 8½ | 32/0 |
Stencil Paper for use with Wheel Pen: |
8vo. size | ... | ... | per quire | 1/8 |
4to,, | ... | ... | ,, | 2/4 |
Foolscap size | ... | ... | ,, | 3/0 |
Cosmostyle Pen | ... | ... | ... | 5/3 |
Special Ink | ... | ... | ... | 1/8 |
Rollers | ... | ... | 2/6, | 3/0 |
Prices, including Pen, Paper, Ink Roller, etc., complete in Case:— |
No.1. Octavo size, | 9 in. × 6 in. | 21/0 |
,,2. Quarto ,, | 10¼ ,, 8½ ,, | 26/0 |
,,3. Foolscap | 13¼ ,, 8½ ,, | 35/0 |
,,4. Brief | 16? ,, 13¾ ,, | 47/0 |
Prices of separate parts to replace used or worn-out materials:— |
Paper: Octavo size | ... | ... | per quire | 1/10 |
,,Quarto ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 2/8 |
,,Foolscap size | ... | ... | ,, | 3/5 |
,,Brief | ... | ... | ,, | 5/6 |
Ink | ... | ... | 1/11, | 2/10 |
Rollers | ... | ... | 2/8,3/5, | 5/6 |
Pen | ... | ... | | 8/0 |
An instructive and amusing gift for Boy or Girl. The larger models may be used for Menus, Programmes and short literary work.
No. 1 “Model” 4/6
With Capitals and Numerals.
Simplex Typewriter
No. S T 3.
The “Simplex” Typewriter. Writes Capitals, Small Letters and Numerals. Complete, 8/6 Larger Model, 12/6
No. | 1. 4to, | 0/10½ | ream. | No. | 18. 4to, | 1/9½ | ream. | |
,, | 1. F’cap, | 1/2 | ,, | ,, | 18. | 2/3 | ,, | |
,, | 7. 4to, | 1/4 | ,, | ,, | 19. | 2/3 | ,, | for mani- folding. |
,, | 7. F’cap, | 1/9 | ,, | ,, | 19. | 3/0 | ,, |
,, | 10. 4to, | 2/0 | ,, | ,, | 023. | 1/0 | ,, | |
,, | 10. F’cap, | 2/6 | ,, | ,, | 023. | 1/4 | ,, | |
,, | 16. 4to, | 1/4 | ,, | ,, | 023A. | 1/0 | ,, | |
,, | 16. F’cap, | 1/9 | ,, | ,, | 023A. | 1/4 | ,, | |
149A. Papyrus Antiqua (Azure laid) per ream 4to, 1/11 F’cap, 2/6 |
Carbon Papers, Special Smutless, Purple or Black. |
4to, 0/10 per doz. 6/0 per Box of 100. |
F’cap, 1/0 per doz. 6/6 per Box of 100. |
Typewriter Stencil Paper, 3/9 8vo., 4/9 4to, 5/9 F’cap. |
For any wide Ribbon Machine, 1/9 20/0 doz. |
For Woven Edge Ribbon Machines, 1/11 22/6 doz. |
New, thoroughly practical metal Binder, each covered with leatherette. Simple to use, and ensures neat effective results. Six in Box, assorted colours, 0/4½ |
THE BRICAL CALCULATOR. (As illustration.)
Accurately adds up £ s. d. and halfpence without fear of error.
No. 1. Machine adds up to £500; price £3 3 0
No. 2. Adds up to £2,000; price £5 5 0
The British Calculators ltd. THE ‘BriCal’ No 2. FOR COMPOUND ADDITION PATENT
The Compound Calculator (not illustrated) Price 25/0
The Adal Calculator (not illustrated) ... ,, 10/6
No. S T 3999. Visitors’ Time Cards, in leather frame, indicating trains from and to Town. Post leaves, 1/11
5 Quires
The fashionable taste in present day writing papers.
Harrods extensive range of writing papers sent free on application.
These papers are the recognised media for society correspondence.
Harrods Ltd
Brompton Road
Harbank. A new Notepaper suitable for home or foreign use. Very fashionable. Ordinary size, 0/10 packet. Envelopes, 0/10 per 100. In all fashionable sizes.
SATURDAY 1 January 1913
The Home Engagement Block, Calendar and space for Appointments for the year, 1/4
No. S T 3789.
Limp Pocket Books, thin for pocket, strong and flexible, ruled thin bank paper, bound in pigskin, 3½in.×2¼in.,0/10; 4½×2½in.,1/3; 5×3in.,1/8; 6¼×2½in.,2/0
Refills, 0/2½, 0/3, 0/4, 0/5
Year by Year
No. S T 3890. Year by Year Diary. Suitable for any year to commence at any time a comparative.Roan,3/0 Larger size,3/9
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
The “REDWING” Series of Fountain Pens and Stylos, manufactured in Great Britain of the finest materials only. Every pen thoroughly tested before being offered for sale. Any pen not giving complete satisfaction will be exchanged, or money refunded. The “REDWING” Series represents the HIGHEST POSSIBLE VALUE commensurate with reliable manufacture.
No. S T 9072. The Redwing Fountain Pen—popular model—made in Terra Vulcanite, fitted with 14-ct. Gold Nib to suit any hand. Equal to any half-guinea pen, 4/3.
No. S T 9072B. New Model in Black Vulcanite also at same price.
No. S T 9572. Model of Redwing Stylo, perfect flow, best material and mechanism, 3/9.
No more reliable Stylo at any price.
The Redwing Stylo is now made also in Black Vulcanite at same price, 3/9.
No. S T 9272. The Redwing Fountain Pen, No. 1 size, with plain Silver Barrel, English Hall Marked. Appreciable Gift, 10/6.
The REDWING Reliable Fountain Pens & Stylos.
No. S T 9672. The Redwing Stylo or Fluid Pencil, with plain Silver Barrel. Short Shape, 7/6; Long, 8/6.
No. S T 9172. The No. 3 Model Redwing Fountain Pen, larger barrel, holds more ink; larger nib, 8/0. Also New Model in Black Vulcanite at same price.
No. S T 9572. The Redwing Stylo, long shape. Equal in every way to the Dwarf Redwing, 3/9.
No. S T 9472. The No. 3 Model Redwing Pen, larger barrel, covered Silver. Plain 14/6; Engine Turned 15/9.
The Redwing Fountain Pen a 10/6 pen for 4/3. Every pen not highly appreciated may be returned.
No. S T 9772. Charming and perfectly reliable Harrod Stylo, plain barrel, red Vulcanite. Never falters, 3/6.
No. S T 9372. Engine Turned Silver No. 1 Redwing. All the perfect qualities of the Vulcanite pen, with Silver Covering, 11/6.
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Fills itself in five seconds and can be carried in any position without fear of leakage.
Vulcanite Barrel, 14-ct. Gold Nib, Style N | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10/6 |
As above with— | |
2 Gold Bands | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 16/6 |
All Silver Barrel, Plain | ... | ... | ... | ... | 30/0 |
,,,,,,Engine-Turned | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 35/0 |
,,,,,,Chased | ... | ... | ... | ... | 45/0 |
Gold, Plain | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 100/0 |
,,Engine-Turned | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 105/0 |
,,Chased | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 120/0 |
Vulcanite, with larger Barrel, G, and larger nib, new model | ... | 16/6 |
Do., 2 Gold Bands | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 22/6 |
Vulcanite Barrel, 14-ct. Gold Nib. thick short shape, suitable for vest pocket, Style O | 10/6 |
As above with— | |
2 Gold Bands | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 16/6 |
All Silver, Plain | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 30/0 |
,,,,Engine-Turned | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 35/0 |
,,,,Chased | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 45/0 |
Gold, Plain | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 100/0 |
,,Engine-Turned | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 105/0 |
,,Chased | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 120/0 |
Mammoth or M Style, largest | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 21/0 |
With Gold Feed extra, or with 2 Gold Bands | ... | ... | 27/0 |
The above Series of Reservoir Pens are highly recommended, and no expense has been saved in their construction to ensure reliability and general sterling value.
No. S T 7153. Hicks Rolled Gold Pencil. Wear 10 Years. As pattern, 10/6.
No. S T 3197. Hall-Marked Silver Safety Pen Carrier.
Firmly clasps Redwing or Swan Pens, 7/9; or with Redwing Pen, 12/0
The Harbur Fountain Pen, in Black Vulcanite, large 14-ct. Gold Nib. Perfect feed and flow. Price 5/0
The Redwing Fountain Pen, in Red or Black Vulcanite. Made possessing every attribute of the 10/6 pen. Price 4/3; or large size 8/0
The Redwing Stylo, in Red or Black Vulcanite. Price 3/9
The Harrod Stylo or Fluid Pencil, Red or Black Vulcanite. Price 3/6
| Self-filling pen, by simply pressing steel ring, then releasing—the pen fills itself—fitted with 14-carat gold nib. |
No. 1 Size. | No. 2 Size. | No. 3 Size. |
No. S T 3. | No. S T 5. | No. S T 6. |
Plain or chased, 10/6 | Plain or chased, 14/0 | Plain or chased, 19/0 |
No. S T 31n. | No. S T 51n. | No. S T 61n. |
Mounted holder, 12/6 | Mounted holder, 16/6 | Mounted holder, 21/0 |
No. S T 31b. | No. S T 51b. | No. S T 61b. |
Extra mounted | Extra mounted | Extra mounted |
holder, 14/0 | holder, 19/0 | holder, 22/6 |
No. S T 1298.As No. S T 1299 below, but for Ladies, 1/3
No. S T 1299.Fountain Pen Carrier, with Spring Cap for holding in pocket, 0/10
½ of actual size.
No. S T 511.
Hall-marked Silver Chatelaine Pen Case, to hold any Pen. 10/6
No. S T 514.
Vulcanite Cap to fit any Popular Pen (Pen should be sent as the sizes vary), 0/4
No. S T 115.
Fountain Pen Clips.
Nickel, 0/5
Silver, 0/10
Metal Type Automatic Numbering Machine. Numbering consecutively, in duplicate, or repeat, 16/0
Metal Type Dating Stamp, similar to the above, dates to 1920. 12/6
S T 2221. Self-Filling Fountain Pen with 14ct. Gold Nib, 3/6.
The Waverley Fountain Pen introduced for lovers of the Waverley Nib, 10/6.
Harrod’s dumpy.
Harrod’s “Dumpy” Stylo, 2/6
The “Tom Tit” Fountain Pen, Gold Nib, 3/0
“Tom Tit” Stylo, 2/3
Harrod’S Bureau.
Harrod’s “Bureau” Fountain Pen. Fitted with substantial 14-carat Gold Nib. Reliable flow.
Barrel Richly Chased. Excellent Value. 3/6
Moore’s Improved Non-Leakable Fountain Pen.
As Illustration | ... | ... | ... | 10/6 |
,, | 9-ct. Gold Bands | ... | 12/6 |
As Illustration, | Plain Silver | ... | 21/0 |
,, | Chased Silver | ... | 25/0 |
The Eagle “Flash” Fountain Pen.
Self-filling by simply pressing Top. Filled in a “Flash.”
As Illustration, 14-ct. Gold Nib. ... 5/3 As Illustration, 14-ct. Gold Nib, Mounted ... 7/3
Waterman’s Safety.
PAT’D.1884 MAY 23.1899
PEN N.Y. U.S.A. & AUG.4.1903
PAT’D FEB 12 & NOV. 4.1884 U.S.A.
PAT’D FEB 12 & NOV. 4.1884 U.S.A.
Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen, fitted with Best Gold Nib | ... | 10/6 |
,,,,,,Gold Mounted | ... | ... | 15/0 |
,,,,,,Large size | ... | ... | 17/6 |
Waterman’s Safety, for Ladies, or for travelling, can be carried in any position | ... | 12/6 |
Waterman’s Ideal Fountain Pen, Chased Vulcanite, Extra large | 25/0 |
,,,,,, ,,,,Gold Mounted | 30/0 |
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
No. S T 1379/142.
Bridge Box with Scoring Blocks, silk lined Case, 2 Packs Cards.
Crocodile, 27/6
No. S T 5577.
Crocodile Fitted Bridge Case.
Plain, 26/6
Silver Corners, 32/6
No. S T 919. Duplex Bridge Box, completely fitted for four players. French Morocco, 36/0
COLUMBIA PLAYING CARDS. Narrow French Shape, gilt edges, 1/0 pack, 11/9 dozen. A tough, highly burnished card, in popular demand.
No. S T 2348.
Silver Mounted Leather Bridge, fitted. 14/9
No. S T 6432.
Silver Mounted Bridge Box, fitted. Crocodile. 26/6
No. S T 1376.
Crocodile Bridge, substantial Silver Mounts, 37/6
No. S T 9219. The “Prince” Bridge Tray. Contains 2 packs Cards, 2 Scoring Blocks, with Gilt Pencils, Laws of Bridge in Watered Silk. White Morocco, lined Watered Silk, 22/6
Poker Patience
No. S T 1376/1437.
Fitted Bridge, Heavy Silver Rim and Word.
Morocco | ... | ... | ... | 27/6 |
Crushed Morocco | ... | ... | 30/0 |
Crocodile | ... | ... | ... | 37/6 |
No. S T 1376/1436.
Fitted Bridge, Silver Rim and Word, substantial make.
Crushed Morocco | ... | ... | 27/6 |
Crocodile | ... | ... | ... | 32/6 |
Harrods’ Art Feather Penholders in charming shades of Green, Pink, Blue, Helio, generally in stock; as new shades, however, are continually being produced, and the feathers being Paris dyed, it is impossible to ensure delivery by return post. Price 0/10½.
left pointing hand
No. 7777.
Salon Playing cards.
left pointing hand
No. 7778.
Linette Playing Cards, popularised by Harrods.
French shape 0/9 pack
Ordinary shape 1/0 pack.
| Perdoz. |
“Squeezers,” thin card, burnished surface, index pips, round corners, gilt edges | ... | 2/6 | 29/6 |
,,thin card, plain edges | ... | 2/0 | 23/6 |
“Mascotte,”,,,, | ... | 1/0 | 11/9 |
Columbia Whist, gilt edges | ... | 1/0 | 11/9 |
“Congress,” gilt edges, in a variety of Artistic Patterns | ... | 1/9 | 20/6 |
Bicycle, 1st quality, gilt edges | ... | 1/0 | 11/9 |
Size. | PerPair. |
3? × 2, Wood Tongues (one Ebony, one Olive wood) | 2/8 |
,,Ivory,,,,,, | ... | 6/0 |
5? × 2?, Wood,, ,,,, | ... | 5/0 |
,,Ivory,,,,,, | ... | 9/6 |
“Camden” and “Pall Mall.” |
Pocket, size 2½ × l?, Wood | ... | 2/3 |
“Camden”, Wood Tongues | ... | 3/9 |
,,Ivory,, | ... | 7/0 |
“Pall Mall,” same pattern as “Camden,” Wood | ... | 2/2 |
No. S T 7775. The Square Dealer, accurately and speedily deals four hands of cards. Nickel, 21/0
Or to deal any number of hands from 2 to 6, 2 guineas.
No. S T 1872. Leather Bridge Box, fitted good quality Cards and Markers. Silver Word, 7/6
No. S T 2872.
Drawbridge Racks (patented)
Per pair, in Box, 8/6
Bridge and Draw Bridge
No. S T 10583.
Bridge and Drawbridge combined, in Cloth Case, 7/6
No. S T 2871. Drawbridge, or Bridge (for two) (patented). Complete in Box. Per pair, 4/6.
No. S T 6602.
“Compact” Bridge Book (Regd.).
French Morocco, 4/6
Morocco, 10/6
Crocodile, 15/-
Refills, 0/6
Imperial Club
Imperial Club
No. S T 10584.
Bridge and Drawbridge combined, in Leather Case, 13/6
5 10 50
5000 1000 500 100
Portland Bezique Marker.
| Wood | Ivory |
Size. | Tongues. | Tongues |
2½ × 1?in. | ... | 2/3 | 4/9 |
3? × 2¼ ,, | ... | 2/8 | 6/0 |
5½ × 2? ,, | ... | 5/0 | 9/6 |
No. S T 1187.
The “Marlborough” Piquet Case. Morocco Leather, containing 2 packs of Piquet cards, 2 Piquet scoring blocks with pencil, and “Pocket Guide to Piquet,” by Cavendish 13/6
No. S T 920. Goodwood Cribbage Case.
French Morocco, 13/3; Pigskin, 15/6
Bridge Account
No. S T 4018.
Bridge Account Book.
French Morocco Padded, 48 leaves, size, 4 × 2½ in., 1/2.
Polished Roan Renewal Book, 1/11
Piquet Scoring Block.
72 tear-off printed pages, pencil loop and pencil. 7? × 3¼in., 0/8
Win or lose cards, per 100, 1/0
Pocket Golf Scoring Case.
Gilt-edged Book, Lined Satin. 1/8
No. S T 1211.
Bridge Block,
Silver corners, 3/9
Harrod’s Belgravia Bridge Scoring Blocks in Art Colors. With Pencils, 0/3½ea. 3/3doz.
Harrods’ “Popular” Bridge Blocks, 2/11 doz.
Bridge Scoring Blocks.
Size, 7¼ × 3¼in., 0/4½; doz.4/3.
Size, 7½ × 3¼in., 0/4; doz.3/9.
The Complete Bridge Scoring Block.
With tear-off pages for scoring, and with tear-off sheets at the back for recording totals of games, also table showing method of scoring,
0/4½; 4/3 doz.
French Morocco, with 2 packs, full sized of Patience Cards, 7/6
Society Playing Cards, Pattern E,
1/2 per pack.
Salon Playing Cards, gilt edges,
1/11 per pack.
Tartan Playing Cards,
1/1 per pack.
Linette Playing Cards,
1/0 per pack; 11/0perdoz.
Linette Playing Cards, French shape.
0/9 per pack; 9/0perdoz.
Linette D in gold and colours,
1/6 per pack
Linette D, Lily Design.
1/6 per pack
Linette D, Roses,
1/6 per pack
Linette D, Scroll Design,
1/6 per pack
Linette D, Violets,
1/6 per pack
Sultan Quality, S.A. Design,
1/0 per pack
Sultan Quality, S.B. Design,
1/0 per pack
Sultan Quality, S.C. Design,
1/0 per pack
Salon Quality, Lily Design, gilt edges,
1/11 per pack
Salon Quality, gilt edges,
1/11 per pack
DE LA RUE’S. | Per | Per doz. |
Pack. | Packs. |
Racers, light or dark backs, round corners, index pips | 0/8 | 7/9 |
“Dexter” Third Harry’s Thin,,,, | 0/9 | 8/9 |
Figaro, thin, round corners, index pips, figured backs | 0/9 | 8/9 |
Dexter, Second Moguls, thin, round corners, index pips, with joker | 1/1 | 12/6 |
Figured Harry’s, round corners, index pips | 1/2 | 13/6 |
Gold Harry’s, Japanese Lacquer,, | 1/5 | 16/6 |
Figured Dexter Moguls, thin, round corners, index pips, with joker | 1/6 | 17/6 |
Slider Moguls, highly finished, round corners, index pips | 1/5 | 16/6 |
Palace Dexter Moguls,,,,,, | 1/10 | 21/6 |
Palace Gold Dexter Moguls ,,,, | 1/10 | 21/6 |
Pneumatic, the backs are minutely grooved all over the surface, easy shuffling and perfect dealing, series C, with joker | 1/0 | 11/9 |
Ditto,ditto,series B, with joker | 1/5 | 16/6 |
Ditto,ditto,best quality, series A, with joker | 1/9 | 20/6 |
GOODALL & SONS. | Per | Per doz. |
Pack. | Packs. |
Columbines, duplex pips, round corners, thick | 0/8 | 7/9 |
Pashas,,,,with joker | 0/8 | 7/9 |
Viceroys,,,,thin, with joker | 0/9 | 8/9 |
Premiers,,,,gilt edge, thin, with joker | 0/11 | 10/6 |
Imperial Club,,,,thin porcelain face, with joker | 0/11 | 10/9 |
Linette, ordinary size, figured backs | 1/0 | 11/0 |
Ditto plain backs | 0/11 | 10/0 |
Ditto narrow, French shape | 0/9 | 9/0 |
Sultans, duplex pips, round corners, thin, with joker | 1/0 | 11/9 |
Clan Tartan | 1/1 | 12/9 |
Club Cards (once used), Examined and Re-packed (if in stock), per 6 packs, 3/9 |
Patience Boards.
Covered green cloth, 23 × 18in. with roan box for two packs, 3 × 2in. 6/3
Folding Clip Patience Board, size 15¾ × 23in., in K Morocco, 6/0
Ditto, ditto, French Morocco 8/6
Folding Clip Bridge Board, 30 × 30in., 10/0
Chatelaine Note Book.
A handy note book specially made for ladies. Also made for Golf at same prices. Roan | ... | ... | ... | 1/11 |
Crushed Morocco | ... | 3/6 |
Velvet Calf | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Seal | ... | ... | ... | 4/0 |
Crocodile | ... | ... | ... | 5/3 |
No. S T 2815. Poker Patience Scoring Blocks. Small Size, 3d. Medium Size, 3½d. Full Size. 4d.
No. S T 2816. Poker Patience Boards, with slots for fixing cards, to fold into case, with rules and Pigmy Cards, 1/7
For Ordinary Patience, Size, without Cards. 1/7
Also Cribbage Patience, similar in construction to above, with handbook, 1/10
5 5
No. S T 2811. Table Numbers (four sided) with Weighted Bases, per box of 9, 1/3
Poker Patience
Court series
No. S T 2812. Poker Patience
Rules, 0/4½
Bridge Rules, 0/4½
Union Bridge, 0/4½
also Cribbage Patience 0/4½
No. S T 8627. Poker Patience, with 2 Packs Cards, 2 Scorers and Guide.
French Morocco. 11/6
Poker Patience
No. S T 8814. Best quality Poker Patience with 4 Packs Cards, 4 Scorers, and Guide. Crushed Morocco, and sterling silver gilt rim, name and catch. 48/6
No. S T 2180. Patience Board to Fold, with clips to fix to keep flat. 23 × 13½in., 3/11; 23 × 15in., 4/6; 24 × 24in., for Bridge, 6/9
Orders by post receive careful and prompt attention.
Poker Patience
No. S T 2102. Poker Patience, with 2 Packs and Markers. Roan, 6/3 Puma, 11/3
Best Value and Best Variety of Playing Cards in Stock
Board and Rules ... 1/10
Secretaries of Clubs should ask for Harrods’ Quotations for Playing Cards.
No. S T 8608. Poker Patience, with 2 Packs Cards, 2 Blocks and Guide, 5/6
No. S T 8576. Auction Bridge Case, with Foster’s Auction Bridge, 2 Blocks, and 2 Packs Cards. Morocco, 20/9
No. S T 8618. Poker Patience, with 4 Packs Pigmy Cards and Guide, 4/3
No. S T 8619.Without Clasp, 2/6
No. S T 8620.With 2 Packs ordinary Patience and Guide, in Card Case 1/9
Auction Bridge
No. S T 1156. The Portland Auction Bridge Case, contains 2 Packs Cards, Scoring Blocks, and Guide. French Morocco. 13/4
No. S T 1883.
Stamp Box, Nickel and Lined Tortoiseshell, Silver Word. 3/11
No. S T 1884.
Gun Metal Stamp Box, Silver Word. 4/3
No. S T 1871.
Nickel and Glass Gum Pot. 1/6
No. S T 1872.
Nickel and Green-shaded Glass Gum Pot. 1/6
No. S T 1873.
Nickel Penwiper. 2/9
No. S T 1875.
Nickel and Glass Gum Pot. 2/4
No. S T 1876.
Heavy Glass and Nickel Gum Pot. 2/0
No. S T 1877.
Nickel Penwiper and Rest. 2/2
No. S T 1879.
Nickel Damper, Glass Roller, 2/11
Hand-Painted Metal Miniature Figures on White Alabaster Base. 1/0.
4 for 3/9.
No. S T 1881.
Porcelain “Notes” with Nickel Pencil.
No. S T 1870.
Pearl Counters in Leather Case.
Bone ditto
No. S T 1882.
Perpetual Calendar, Nickel 3/3
No. S T 1885.
Nickel Penrest and Brush. 3/9
No. S T 1886.
Menu Slate with Hand-coloured Pictures, 5¾ by 3¼. 2/11
No. S T 1878.
Nickel Penrest and Wiper, 5/3
No. S T 1887.
Porcelain Slate to Hang or Stand 2/4
No. S T 1874.
Nickel Wax-holder for Taper Wax. 0/10½
No. S T 1869.
Nickel and Glass String Holder, with String. 4/3
No. S T 1888.
Porcelain Slate, Nickel Frame, 5¾ by 3¼. 1/6
No. S T 1889.
Perpetual Calendar in Nickel with Movable Cards.
Size 1, 2/0 Size 2, 3/3
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
S T 9177. A pleasing and useful novelty. The Letter AttachÉ Case. In green moirette with cloth pockets in interior, lettered alphabetically, also pockets for letters answered and unanswered, and bills paid and unpaid. Lock and keys. Price, 10in., 16/9; 12in., 19/6
S T 9598.
Crushed Morocco Penwiper,
S T 9112.
Shopping List, 9½d.
Refills, 3d.
The “WALKER” File
The Walker File—fitted with perforator, will last for years. Simple and strong. Quarto size, 4/7; Foolscap size, 5/5. Binding or Transfer Cases, Quarto, 1/6; Foolscap, 1/11
S T 7719. Pigskin Paper Carrier, with handle. 9×8¾,4/9; 11¼×8¾,5/9; 13¾×8¾,6/9
S T 8117. Motorist’s Daily Record of Runs, cloth, Harrods’ price, 1/0
S T 8799. Truth about My Friends. amusing autograph book, cloth, 9d. and 1/8
S T 3327.
Crushed Morocco-covered Clips, Paid or Unpaid, 2/1
S T 7879. Charming Initial Note and Envelopes, richly emblazoned with Gem die gold and colour, 20 sheets. with plain envelopes, 1/0 box.
S T 9090. Engagement Tablet, refillable. 8¼ × 6, cloth, 1/11
S T 9697. Crushed Morocco Golf Scoring Book, 2/9
S T 5050.
Gilt Baskets for Sweets, tied with red, blue, green or pink ribbon, 6d.; 5/6 doz.
S T 8787. Crocodile Note Books with insets, 10/0, 12/6, 14/6
Society’s Series of Useful Books, 9½d.
S T 23. Writing Albums, bound leather, padded, 1/11, 2/4, 2/9, 3/9
Rd Nº 507304
S T 5689. Ejector Penholder. Old Nibs easily disposed of by automatic rod. Silver-plated 1/0; 6 for 5/3
Grained Polished Roan, oblong, ruled only, leaves 7×9, 9/6; 8×10, 10/9; ruled and printed, 7×9, 12/9; 8×10, 13/9
Morocco Grained, oblong, ruled only, leaves 7×9, 12/3; 8×10, 13/0; ruled and printed, 7×9, 15/3; 8×10, 16/6
Russia, diced or plain, oblong, ruled only, leaves 7×9, 15/9; 8×10, 16/11; ruled and printed, 7×9, 18/11; 8×10, 20/6
Real Pigskin, oblong, ruled only, 7×9, 21/0; 8×10, 22/9; ruled and printed, 7×9, 24/9; 8×10, 26/6
Special Rulings and Printings to order. Proofs and Estimates with utmost despatch.
Holiday Time
No. S T 8875.
Children’s Own Notepaper, with picture devices, per box, 0/4½
Best Quality
Stationery Department
Brompton Road London SW
Harrods’ Celebrated Linen Faced Notepaper.
Ordinary size,
0/10½ per packet.
Envelopes, 0/10½ per 100.
Bridge Scores
No. S T 5678.
Bridge Score Book (refillable), in Roan, 2/9; or with Silver Corners, 3/9
No. S T 9178. Glass Pen Trays 1/2, 1/6, 2/3, 2/9 4/3, 5/9
No. S T 0171. 42 | leaves | Limp Cloth......... | 2/6 |
No. S T 0181. 42 | ,, | Half Bound Roan, stiff...... | 3/6 |
No. S T 0201. 80 | ,, | Whole | Bound | Polished Roan, gilt edges | 10/3 |
No. S T 0221. 120 | ,, | ,, | ,, | Persian... ,, | 19/0 |
No. S T 0231. 120 | ,, | ,, | ,, | Morocco...,, | 22/9 |
No. S T 0241. 120 | ,, | ,, | ,, | Russia...,, | 31/0 |
No. S T 024p. 120 | ,, | ,, | ,, | Real Pigskin,, | 38/6 |
Self-Registering Note Books. Pencil is inserted in clip on last page written upon.
Fulton Stamp Pad
No. S T 9014. Rubber Type with Pad. 0/10½ 1/4 1/9 2/6
No. S T 811/1. | Paste Grain, slide fastening, 4½ × 3 | 0/10; | refills, | 0/2½ |
No. S T 811/3. | Ditto, 5¾ × 3½ | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/3; | ,, | 0/3½ |
No. S T 101M. | Morocco lined leather, card and stamp pockets, 4½ × 3 | ... | 1/8; | ,, | 0/3 |
No. S T 102M. | Ditto, 5½ × 3¼ | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/0; | ,, | 0/3½ |
No. S T 104M. | Ditto, 6¾ × 4 | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3/3; | ,, | 0/4½ |
No. S T 8877. Answered and Unanswered, or Paid and Unpaid Letter Carrier, with three pockets. Solid Morocco, 9 × 6, 5/0.
Real Pig skin, 6/9
This Cabinet has been designed to hold a complete assortment of official and legal envelopes in such a way that every size can be seen at a glance. Wood, covered cloth.
Size outside—16¼in. long, 6¼in. high, 11½in. back to front. Empty, 5/9. Fitted with envelopes, 9/9
The Canvas File—Strongest, Cheapest, Best. 21 pockets, indexed A to Z.
No. S T 35, 11 | × | 5¾, | Octavo, | 3/9 |
No. S T 36, 12¼ | × | 9½, | Quarto, | 5/0 |
No. S T 37, 14¾ | × | 9½, | Foolscap | 6/3 |
No. S T 71257. Canvas Wallets, covered canvas, and fitted with button fastener. Handy for deeds, documents, and valuable papers. Prices: 1.Foolscap folded in 4, 8½ × 4, 0/5. 2.Brief, 10½ × 4¾, 0/8. 3.Draft, 13? × 4?, 0/10½. 4.Octavo flat, 10¾ × 6, 0/10. 5.Quarto, 12? × 10, 1/0. 13.Foolscap, 14¾ × 10, 1/3. 14.Music, 15½ × 11?, 1/6.
Orders by post are promptly and accurately attended to.
No. S T 1001.
Belgravia Pad, with fittings as illustration. In durable Cloth, dull Art Shades, 8/9
Each Stamp is supplied complete with Box, Pad, and any coloured Ink.
Manufactured from the best quality of Rubber and guaranteed to last for five years if used with our Preservative Inks, or Patent Self-Inking Pads. Stamps of every size and description supplied.
INDIA RUBBER LINEN MARKER. PRICE 9d COMPLETE. A perfect India Rubber Stamp (warranted to last for 5 years), of Name, or Initials suitable for marking linen, &c. FAC=SIMILE OF SIGNATURE.
For the purpose of obtaining an India Rubber Stamp which will give a perfect and exact reproduction of an Autograph, it is necessary to write the signature the required size in black Ink. We guarantee an exact Fac-simile—perfect in every detail.
Geo. McGregor
Initials, not exceeding 1½-in. in length, 2/6.
Full Name, not exceeding 1½-in. in length, 3/-; 3-in. 3/9; 4-in. 4/3.
24, Alton Street,
Worley Road,
3002 1/3
The Castle,
H D. 4.
24 JAN 1908
Price (with any wording as illustrated) 5/3; For Dating only 3/9.
The “INKIT” Patent Self-Inking STAMP PADS. Protected by H. M. Royal Letters Patent No. 14,959,1887.
IMPROVED ENAMELLED METAL CASES (ROUNDED CORNERS) No. 1. 3¾ × 2 | ... ... ... ... ... ... ... | 1/- | each. |
No, 2. 4? × 2¾ | ... ... ... ... ... ... ... | 1/8 | ,, |
No. 3. 6¼ × 3? | ... ... ... ... ... ... ... | 2/4 | ,, |
216 IN ALL.
Is put up in Outfits containing the necessary assortment of letters for printing names, words. &c., with Holder, Ink, Pad and Tweezers, Extra letters and figures can at any time be added. The illustration shows the Family Outfit (Fount A,) in the “E.M.R.” registered Type Case, in which the letters are arranged in separate compartments. For particulars of smaller or larger Outfits and other patterns see our Type List, sent post free on application.
SPECIMENS OF M. B. RUBBER TYPE. Lever and Screw Embossing Presses. Brass Door Plates. Company and Notarial Seals. Zinc and Copper Stencil Plates. Brass Seals for Wax. Steel Punches and Cheque Perforating Presses. Branding Irons, etc., etc.
Colours in pans or tubes are moist; colours in cake are dry.
COLOURS. | Whole Pans or Tubes. | Half Pans or Half Tubes. |
Antwerp blue | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Aureolin | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Alizarin crimson | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Aurora yellow | ... | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Blue black | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Brown ochre | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Brown pink | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Burnt sienna | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Burnt umber | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Brown madder | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Burnt carmine | ... | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Charcoal grey | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Chrome lemon | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Chrome yellow | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Chrome deep | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Chrome orange | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Cologne earth | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Crimson lake | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Cerulean blue | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Cadmium, pale | ... | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
Cadmium, middle | ... | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
Cadmium, deep | ... | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
Cobalt | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
Carmine | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Cyanine blue (Leitch’s) | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Emerald green | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
French ultramarine | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
COLOURS. | Whole Pans or Tubes. | Half Pans or Half Tubes. |
Gamboge | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Green oxide of chromium | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
Hooker’s green, No. 1 | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Hooker’s green, No. 2 | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Indian red | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Indigo | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Italian pink | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Ivory black | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Indian yellow | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Intense blue | ... | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
Lamp black | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Light red | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Lemon yellow | ... | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
Mauve | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Mars yellow | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Madder carmine | ... | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Naples yellow | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Neutral tint | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
New blue | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Olive green | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Orange vermilion | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Orange vermilion (Field’s) | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Payne’s grey | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Prussian blue | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Purple lake | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Permanent mauve | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
COLOURS. | Whole Pans or Tubes. | Half Pans or Half Tubes. |
Permanent blue | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Primrose aureolin | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Pink madder | ... | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Purple madder | ... | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Raw sienna | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Raw umber | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Roman ochre | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Roman sepia | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Rubens madder | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Rose madder | ... | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Sap green | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Scarlet vermilion | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Scarlet lake | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Sepia | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Smalt | ... | ... | ... | 3/9 | 1/10½ |
Terre verte | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Ultra ash | ... | ... | ... | 3/9 | 1/10½ |
Vandyke brown | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Venetian red | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Vermilion | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Viridian | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
Violet carmine | ... | ... | 1/6 | 0/9 |
Warm sepia | ... | ... | 1/1½ | 0/7 |
Yellow lake | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Yellow ochre | ... | ... | 0/9 | 0/4½ |
Yellow carmine | ... | ... | 2/3 | 1/1½ |
Per lump of 1 oz. | ... | 0/6 |
Chinese white, tubes, single | ... | 0/4½ |
,,,, ,,double | ... | 0/9 |
,,,, ,, bottles, small | ... | 0/4½ |
,,,, ,,,, large | ... | 0/9 |
A pure unchangeable photographic white, reliable for use in drawings for reproduction | ... | per bottle 0/9 |
Prepared expressly for use in drawings intended for process reproductions | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
Small square, gilt | ... | 0/3½ |
Lion top, oval glazed | ... | 0/6 |
Super super, square glazed | ... | 1/9 |
Per bottle | ... | 0/4½ 0/9 |
Higgins’ W. P. Inks | ... | per bottle 0/10 |
W. P. Inks in all colours | ... | ,,0/9 |
No. 0 | ... | 0/9 | size, | 2 | × | 1? |
,, 1 | ... | 1/0 | ,, | 2? | × | 1? |
,, 2 | ... | 1/2 | ,, | 2? | × | 2 |
,, 3 | ... | 1/8 | ,, | 2¾ | × | 2¼ |
,, 4 | ... | 2/3 | ,, | 3 | × | 2½ |
,, 5 | ... | 2/6 | ,, | 3¼ | × | 2? |
,, 6 | ... | 3/3 | ,, | 3? | × | 2? |
Larger sizes obtained to order. |
| Per bottle. |
Gum water, extra stout and clarified | ... | 0/4½ 0/9 |
Wax water megilp | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Turck’s aquarella | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Ox gall liquid | ... | ... | in bottles 0/4½ 0/9 |
,,,,prepared | ... | ... | in gallipots 0/4½ 0/9 |
SoehnÉe Varnish, No. 2 | ... | ... | ... | 1/1 |
With Palette Flaps, for Moist colours. |
| With Patent Spring Clip. |
To contain. | Half Pans. | Whole Pans. |
6 Colours | ... | ... | 2/7 | 2/10 |
8,, | ... | ... | 3/0 | 3/3 |
10,, | ... | ... | 3/6 | — |
12,, | ... | ... | 3/9 | 3/11 |
14,, | ... | ... | 4/0 | — |
16,, | ... | ... | 4/3 | — |
18,, | ... | ... | 4/6 | 4/11 |
20,, | ... | ... | 5/0 | — |
24,, | ... | ... | 5/3 | 5/8 |
(For sketching.) In Oils. |
10 × 7 | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
12 × 8 | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 |
12 × 9 | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 |
14 × 10 | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
16 × 12 | ... | ... | ... | 0/7 |
18 × 12 | ... | ... | ... | 0/8 |
20 × 14 | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Oil Sketching Paper 0/7 per sheet, 30 × 22 |
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
16 Half-pan Box, fitted Water Bottle, Drawing Pencils, Knife, Sponge, Rubber and a good selection of Brushes. Filled, £1 3 0 Empty, 4/6
(Originated and exclusively produced by Harrods.)
Contains Empty 12 Half-pan Colour Box with Flap Palette, Water Bottle and Two Cups, Brushes, Pencils, Sponge, Indiarubber, Sketch Block, 10in. by 7in., of Whatman’s Extra Thick Paper.
Price ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 20/0
(Winsor & Newton’s.)
Japanned tin box, 9¼in. by 5¼in., containing 16 half-pans moist water colours, japanned tin water bottle and cup, brush holder, piece of sponge, a sketch block of Whatman’s paper, size 9in. by 5½in., which fits in lid, and which can be reversed when not in use, securing the sketch from injury by contact, damp, or other causes 17/0
Ditto, ditto, unfitted (without colours and block), but containing water bottle, cup, and brush holder ... 8/3
Fitted with Winsor & Newton’s Moist Water Colours in Tubes.
12-Tube Box, containing gamboge, raw sienna, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, crimson lake, light red, vermilion, cobalt, indigo, brown, pink, Vandyke brown, Payne’s grey ... | 15/9 |
15-Tube Box, containing gamboge, cadmium yellow, raw sienna, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, crimson lake, light red, Indian red, brown madder, cobalt, Prussian blue, viridian, brown pink, Vandyke brown, Payne’s grey ... | 21/0 |
20-Tube Box, containing gamboge, cadmium yellow, raw sienna, yellow ochre, burnt sienna, rose madder, crimson lake, light red, vermilion, Indian red, alizarin crimson, brown madder, cobalt, indigo, emerald green, viridian, brown pink, Vandyke brown, Payne’s grey ... | 28/6 |
24-Tube Box, containing gamboge, cadmium yellow, raw sienna, yellow ochre, deep chrome, Mars orange, burnt sienna, rose madder, crimson lake, light red, vermilion, Indian red, brown madder, alizarin crimson, cobalt, French blue, Prussian blue, indigo, emerald green, viridian, brown pink, Vandyke brown, sepia, Payne’s grey ... | 33/9 |
Folding Palettes (only) ... | ... | ... | 3/34/05/0 | each |
Contains twelve half pans of artists’ water colours, tube of white, one real sable and one real Siberian hair brushes. Price 5/0 net
Contains sixteen half pans of artists’ water colours, tube of white, two real sable and one real Siberian hair brushes. Price 7/6
Contains twenty half pans of artists’ water colours, tube of white, two real sable and one real Siberian hair brushes. Price 10/6 net
The pans of colour are fastened by the employment of a spring clip.
Containing | | Whole Pans. | Containing | | Half Pans. |
6 | Colours | ... | 7/9 | 6 | Colours | ... | 5/1 |
12 | ,, | ... | 14/0 | 10 | ,, | ... | 7/6 |
16 | ,, | ... | 20/0 | 12 | ,, | ... | 8/10 |
20 | ,, | ... | 24/9 | 18 | ,, | ... | 13/0 |
24 | ,, | ... | 31/6 | 24 | ,, | ... | 18/0 |
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
In Tubes. 0/2 each. Per doz., 1/9
Brown Madder.
Burnt Sienna.
Burnt Umber.
Chinese White.
Chrome, Pale.
Chrome, Middle.
Chrome, Deep.
Chrome, Orange.
Cobalt Blue.
Crimson Lake.
Emerald Green.
Green Bice.
Hooker’s Grn. No. 1.
Hooker’s Grn. No. 2.
Indian Red.
Ivory Black.
Lamp Black.
Light Red.
Neutral Tint.
Olive Green.
Prussian Blue.
Purple Lake.
Raw Sienna.
Raw Umber.
Rose Madder.
Sap Green.
Scarlet Lake.
Terre Verte.
No. 1 Box.
Size 4?in. × 2, 1in. deep.
10 China Pans of Students’ Moist Water Colour.
1 Brush. Price 1/9
No. 2 Box.
Size 6?in. × 3, 1in. deep.
14 China Pans of Students’ Moist Water Colour.
1 Tube of Chinese White.
2 Brushes.
Price 2/6
No. 3 Box.
Size 6?in. × 3?, 1in. deep.
21 China Pans of Students’ Moist Water Colour.
1 Tube of Chinese White.
3 Brushes.
Price 3/6
No. 4 Box.
Size 9¼in. × 3?, 1in. deep.
30 China Pans of Students’ Moist Water Colour.
1 Tube of Chinese White.
3 Brushes.
Price 5/0
No. 11 Box.
Size 4¾in. × 2?, 1in. deep.
6 Tubes of Students’ Moist Water Colour.
1 Brush.
Price 1/4
No. 12 Box. Size 7in. × 3?, 1in. deep.
Containing—9 Tubes of Students’ Moist Water Colour. 2 Brushes. Price 2/0
No. 13 Box. Size 6?in. × 3, 1in. deep.
Containing—12 Tubes of Students’ Moist Water Colour. 3 Brushes. Price 3/4
No. 14 Box. Size 8¾in. × 4, 1in. deep.
Containing—15 Tubes of Students’ Moist Water Colour. 3 Brushes. Price 4/0
No. 22 Box.
Size 9?in. × 6?, l? in. deep.
20 China Pans.
1 Tube Chinese White.
1 Centre Slant.
1 Small Water Glass.
3 Brushes.
Price 5/3
No. 23 Box.
Size 10?in. × 7?, 2in. deep.
27 China Pans.
1 Tube Chinese White.
1 Centre Slant.
1 Large Water Glass.
1 Piece India-rubber.
3 Brushes.
Price 7/6
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Alizarin green | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
,,scarlet | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
,,crimson | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4¼ |
Antwerp blue | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Asphaltum, thick | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Aureolin | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Aurora yellow | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Aureolin primrose | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Bitumen | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Blue black | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Blanc d’argent | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Bone brown | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Brown ochre | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Brown pink | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Burnt Roman ochre | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,sienna | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,umber | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,lake | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4¼ |
Brown madder | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
Brilliant ultramarine | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Burnt carmine | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Cappah brown | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Charcoal grey | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Chrome green, pale | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,,,middle | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,,,deep | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,lemon | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,yellow | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,deep | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,orange | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,red | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Crimson lake | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Caledonian brown | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Cologne earth | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Cinnebar green, light | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,,,middle | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,,,deep | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Copal megilp | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Cremnitz white | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Cerulean blue | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
Chinese vermilion | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
Carmine | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Carmine No. 2 | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Citron yellow | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Cobalt blue | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Cobalt green | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Cadmium, yellow, pale | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
,,,, | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
,,orange | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Emerald green | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Extra madder carmine | ... | ... | ... | 1/10½ |
,,purple madder | ... | ... | ... | 1/10½ |
Flake white— |
single tubes | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Double | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 |
Treble | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Half-pound tubes | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Foundation white, 1 lb. tubes | ... | 1/0 |
French ultramarine | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Gamboge | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Geranium lake | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
Indian lake | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,, red | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Indigo | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Italian pink | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Ivory black | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Indian yellow | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Jaune, brilliant | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
King’s yellow | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Lamp black | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Light red | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Lemon yellow | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,,pale | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Mauve | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Megilp | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Monochrome tints, 1, 2 and 3 (Cool and Warm) each | 0/3 |
Mummy | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Madder lake | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Malachite green | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Mars, orange | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,,violet | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,,yellow | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Mineral grey | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Madder carmine | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Naples yellow (French) | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Neutral tint | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
New blue | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Olive green | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Oxide of chromium | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,,emerald | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,,transparent | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Payne’s grey | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
Permanent blue | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Prussian blue | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Purple lake | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Pink madder | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Purple madder | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Permanent mauve | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,,yellow | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Primrose yellow | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Raw sienna | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,umber | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Roman ochre | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Rembrandt’s madder | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
Rose doree | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Rose madder | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Rueben’s madder | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Scarlet lake | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,, madder | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Sap green | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Sugar of lead | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Sepia | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
Strontian yellow | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Terre verte | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,rosa | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Transparent gold ochre | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Ultramarine ash | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/10½ |
Vandyke brown | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Venetian red | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Verdigris | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Verona brown | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Viridian | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Violet carmine | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Vermilion | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
,,(Chinese) | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
,,(Extract) | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,,(Orange) | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,,(Scarlet) | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Yellow lake | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
,,ochre | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Zinc white | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
In Flat Glass Bottles. |
Picture Mastic Varnish | each | 1/1½ | | Japan Gold Size ... | each | 0/6½ |
Mastic Varnish ... | ,, | 1/5 | | Nut Oil ... ... ... | ,, | 0/4½ |
Amber Varnish, Light | ,, | 1/5 | | Pale Drying Oil ... | ,, | 0/4½ |
Picture Copal Varnish | ,, | 0/9 | | Poppy Oil ... ... | ,, | 0/4½ |
Oil Copal ... ... | ,, | 0/9 | | Linseed Oil ... ... | ,, | 0/4½ |
White Spirit Varnish | ,, | 0/9 | | Turpentine ... ... | ,, | 0/3½ |
Crystal Varnish ... | ,, | 0/6½ | | |
Roberson’s Medium | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | in tubes | 0/9½ |
Prepared Size | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 0/4½ |
Siccatif de Harlem | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. | 0/11 |
,,Coutray | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 0/7 |
SoehnÉe FrÈres’ Varnish (No. 3) | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 1/6 |
Tuck’s Mirrorine. An excellent Medium for Painting in Oils on Glass, China, Terra Cotta, Wood, etc. | ... | per bot. | 0/9 |
Tuck’s Florentine. For Painting in Oils on Tapestry, Satin and Textile Fabrics | ... | ... | ... | per bot. | 0/9 |
Empty, with 2 Oil Bottles. | Dippers and Palette Complete. |
Size, | 12 | × | 10 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | 9/9 |
,, | 14¼ | × | 10¾ | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10/9 |
,, | 15 | × | 12 | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | 12/0 |
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
“Pupil’s Box.”
Size 7¾in. × 3¾in., 1in. deep, containing 12 Colours each in 2in. Tubes, 4 Hog Hair Brushes, Palette, and Palette Knife ... 4/9
“Tourist’s Box.”
Size 9¾in. × 6in., 1¾in. deep, containing 12 Colours, 6 Hog Hair Brushes, Palette Knife, Oil, Dipper and Mahogany Palette ... 9/6
“The Compact Box.”
Size 10¾in. × 7¼in., 1½in. deep, containing 17 Colours and Megilp.
Also Brushes, Linseed Oil, and Turpentine, Palette Knife and Mahogany Palette ... 13/0
“Studio Box,” No. 1.
Size 12¾in. × 10in., 4in. deep, containing 32 Colours and Megilp (double), Sable Brushes, Hog Hair ditto, and Badger Softener, Chalk and Portcrayon, Steel Palette Knife and Ivory ditto, Capped Dipper, Mastic Varnish, Pale Drying Oil, Linseed Oil and Turpentine, Mahogany Palette, Two Prepared Millboards (size 12 in. × 9 in.) ... 58/6
“Student’s Box.”
Size 12¼in. × 6½in., 1½in. deep, containing 15 Colours, also Sable Brushes, Hog Hair do., and Badger Softener, Chalk, Portcrayon, Palette Knife, Linseed Oil and Turpentine and Mahogany Palette ... 16/9
“Companion Box.”
Size 13in. × 9in., 1½in. deep, containing 20 Colours and Megilp, Sable Brushes, Hog Hair ditto, and Badger Softener, Chalk and Portcrayon, Palette Knife, Dipper, Linseed Oil and Turpentine and Mahogany Palette ... 25/8
“Portable Box.”
Size 13¾in. × 9in., 1¾in. deep, containing 22 Colours and Megilp (double), Sable Brushes, Hog Hair ditto, and Badger Softener, Chalk and Portcrayon, Palette Knife, Capped Dipper, Linseed Oil and Turpentine and Mahogany Palette ... 33/6
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Finest Red Sable, Round or Flat, Polished Ebony Handles, Albata Ferrules. |
Nos. | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 0/6 | 0/6 | 0/7 | 0/9 | 0/11 | 1/1 | 1/7 |
Nos. | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
| 2/0 | 2/6 | 3/0 | 3/6 | 4/3 | 5/0 |
Second Quality Sable Brushes, in Nickel Ferrules, Round only. |
Nos. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 0/3 | 0/4 | 0/5 | 0/6 | 0/7½ | 0/9 |
Camel Hair Brushes, Round Nickel Ferrules, Polished Handles. |
Nos. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| 0/1 | 0/1 | 0/1½ | 0/1½ | 0/1½ | 0/2 | 0/2½ | 0/3 |
| Nos. | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
| | 0/3½ | 0/4 | 0/4½ | 0/5 |
Sky or Wash Brushes, Siberian Hair in Albata. |
Small, 0/9; Large, 1/1. |
Finest Red Sable, Round or Flat, Polished Handles. |
Nos. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
| 0/3 | 0/4 | 0/5 | 0/7 | 0/9 | 1/0 | 1/6 | 2/0 | 2/6 |
Finest Lyons Hog Hair Brushes, Round or Flat, in Polished Yellow Handles. |
Nos. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
| 0/3 | 0/3½ | 0/4 | 0/4½ | 0/5 | 0/5½ | 0/6 | 0/7 |
| Nos. | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
| | 0/8½ | 0/10 | 0/11½ | 1/1 |
French Hog Hair Brushes, Round or Flat, in Polished Cedar Handles. |
Nos. 1 to 6 ... ... ... each 0/2½, |
Finest Lyons Hair, Polished Cedar Handles. |
| 1in. | 1½in. | 2in. |
| 0/10½ | 1/4 | 1/10 |
Good French, White Handles. |
| 1in. | 1½in. | 2in. |
| 0/4½ | 0/7 | 0/9 |
French | ... | ... | ... | per box of 1 doz. | 0/2 |
Vine | ... | ... | ... | per box | 0/4½ |
Conte Venetian | ... | ... | per box of 50 sticks | 1/1 |
Russian Compressed Charcoal | ... | 12 sticks | 1/1½ |
Box of 24 ... ... 0/4½ |
BLACK-BOARDS (To order only). |
Size | 36 | × | 24 | in. | ... | ... | 5/6 |
,, | 36 | ,, | 30 | ,, | ... | ... | 7/3 |
,, | 42 | ,, | 30 | ,, | ... | ... | 8/6 |
,, | 42 | ,, | 36 | ,, | ... | ... | 10/3 |
,, | 48 | ,, | 36 | ,, | ... | ... | 11/6 |
White ... | ... | ... | per gross, 0/8; per doz. 0/2 |
Coloured | ... | ... | per box of 1 doz. assorted 0/4½ |
Selected Inside Sheets. |
| Per | Per |
Surfaces. | | Sizes. | | quire. | sheet. |
Imperial, | 72 | lb. | ... | R, N & HP | 31 | in. by | 22 | 6/6 | 0/4 |
,, | 90 | ,, | ... | N | 31 | ,, | 22 | 10/0 | 0/6 |
,, | 140 | ,, | ... | N | 31 | ,, | 22 | 15/0 | 0/9 |
Double Elephant, 133 lb. ... N | 40 | ,, | 27 | 12/6 | 0/7 |
A Hand-made Paper, manufactured under the direction of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours. |
| Weight | | Per | Per |
| to ream. | | quire. | sheet. |
Imperial, | 90 lb. | ... No. 4 Surface, 31in. × 22in. | 10/6 | 0/6 |
Royal, White ... ... | 24in. × 19in. ... ... | 2/0 per quire. |
| Weight | | Per |
| to ream. | | Inches. | sheet |
Imperial | 90 lbs. | ... Various Tints ... | 30 × 21½ | 0/3 |
Imperial, | 30in. × 22in. ... ... ... ... ... | per quire | 2/0 |
,, | extra quality do. ... ... ... ... ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Thin | size, | 20 | in.× | 30in. | ... | ... ... ... ... | per quire | 2/0 |
,, | ,, | 30 | ,, | 40 ,, | ... | ... ... ... ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Thick | ,, | 20 | ,, | 30,, | ... | ... ... ... ... | ,, | 2/6 |
,, | ,, | 30 | ,, | 40 ,, | ... | per sheet, 0/3 | ,, | 4/9 |
Made of Whatman’s 90 lb. Drawing Paper. In “Not,” Hot-pressed, and Rough Surfaces. |
| Size. | | Each. |
Imperial 32mo. | ... | ... | 5 | in. × | 3½ | in. | ... ... | 0/6 |
,,16mo. | ... | ... | 7 | ,, | 5 | ,, | ... ... | 0/10 |
Double Elephant 16mo. | ... | 9 | ,, | 6 | ,, | ... ... | 1/2 |
Imperial 6mo. | ... | ... | 14 | ,, | 6¾ | ,, | ... ... | 2/3 |
,,8vo. | ... | ... | 10 | ,, | 7 | ,, | ... ... | 1/6 |
Double Elephant 8vo. | ... | 12½ | ,, | 9 | ,, | ... ... | 2/2 |
Imperial 4to. | ... | ... | 14 | ,, | 10 | ,, | ... ... | 3/0 |
Double Elephant 4to. | ... | 18½ | ,, | 12½ | ,, | ... ... | 4/9 |
Imperial Folio | ... | ... | 20 | ,, | 14 | ,, | ... ... | 6/3 |
Made of Whatman’s 140 lb. Paper, “Not” Surface only. |
Imperial 16mo. | ... | ... | 7 | in. × | 5 | in. | ... ... | 1/2 |
,,8vo. | ... | ... | 10 | ,, | 7 | ,, | ... ... | 2/3 |
Double Elephant 8vo. | ... | 12½ | ,, | 9 | ,, | ... ... | 3/6 |
Imperial 4to. | ... | ... | 14 | ,, | 10 | ,, | ... ... | 4/6 |
Half Imperial | ... | ... | 20 | ,, | 14 | ,, | ... ... | 9/0 |
Made of Cartridge Drawing Paper. |
Double Elephant 16mo. | Size | 9 | in. × | 6 | in. | Price | 0/5 |
Imperial 8vo. | ... | ,, | 10 | ,, | 7 | ,, | ,, | 0/6 |
Medium 4to. | ... | ,, | 10½ | ,, | 8½ | ,, | ,, | 0/7½ |
Royal 4to. | ... | ,, | 12 | ,, | 9½ | ,, | ,, | 0/8 |
Imperial 4to. | ... | ,, | 14 | ,, | 10 | ,, | ,, | 0/9½ |
Made of “O.W.” Paper. Surface No. 4. |
Imperial 16mo. | ... | Size | 7 | in. by | 5 | in. | ... | 0/10 |
,,8vo. | ... | ,, | 10 | ,, | 7 | ,, | ... | 1/6 |
,,4to. | ... | ,, | 14 | ,, | 10 | ,, | ... | 3/0 |
A Block constructed to form a Half-bound Oblong Sketch Book, when the leaves have been separated on three edges. |
Made of Whatman’s Thick Paper, in “Not,” Hot pressed and Rough Surfaces. |
Imperial 32mo. | ... | Size | 5 | in. × | 3½ | in. | 0/11 | each |
,,16mo. | ... | ,, | 7 | ,, | 5 | ,, | 1/4 | ,, |
Double Elephant 16mo. | ... | ,, | 9 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 1/9 | ,, |
Imperial 8vo. | ... | ,, | 10 | ,, | 7 | ,, | 2/3 | ,, |
Double Elephant 8vo. | ... | ,, | 12½ | ,, | 9 | ,, | 3/0 | ,, |
Imperial 4to. | ... | ,, | 14 | ,, | 10 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, |
Made of Whatman’s 72 lb. paper. “Not” surface only. |
Imperial 32mo. | ... | Size | 5 | in. × | 3½ | in. | 0/9 | each |
,,16mo. | ... | ,, | 7 | ,, | 5 | ,, | 1/1 | ,, |
Royal 8vo. | ... | ,, | 9 | ,, | 5½ | ,, | 1/3 | ,, |
Imperial 8vo. | ... | ,, | 10 | ,, | 7 | ,, | 1/10 | ,, |
Royal 8vo. | ... | ,, | 11½ | ,, | 9 | ,, | 2/4 | ,, |
Imperial 4to. | ... | ,, | 14½ | ,, | 10 | ,, | 3/6 | ,, |
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Cartridge Leaves, in Canvas Binding, 36 Leaves. |
Imperial 32mo. | ... | size, | 5 | in. × | 3½ | in. | 0/4½ | each |
,,16mo. | ... | ,, | 7 | ,, | 5 | | 0/7 | ,, |
Royal 8vo. | ... | ,, | 9 | ,, | 5½ | | 0/9½ | ,, |
Imperial 8vo. | ... | ,, | 10 | ,, | 7 | | 1/3 | ,, |
22 Leaves, Interleaved Tissue. |
Paper Cover, Imperial 8vo. | ... | size, | 10½ | in. × | 7¼ | in. | 0/4½ | each |
,,Royal 4to. | ... | ,, | 11½ | ,, | 9 | | 0/7 | ,, |
,,Imperial 4to. | ... | ,, | 14 | ,, | 10½ | | 0/9 | ,, |
Made in one thickness only of Paper specially selected and manufactured for this purpose. |
Suitable for Pen, Wash, or Colour. |
No. 1 | 7? | in. × | 5¼in. | ... | per pkt. | of 6 Boards | 0/4½ |
,,2 | 10½ | ,, | 7? | ... | ,, | ,, | 0/9 |
,,3 | 11¾ | ,, | 9½ | ... | ,, | ,, | 1/0 |
,,4 | 14½ | ,, | 10½ | ... | ,, | ,, | 1/5 |
| 2 Sheet. | | 4 Sheet. | | 6 Sheet. |
Foolscap | ... ... ... | 0/1½ | each | ... | 0/3 | each | ... | 0/4½ | each |
Demy | ... ... ... | 0/2½ | ,, | ... | 0/4½ | ,, | ... | 0/7 | ,, |
Royal | ... ... ... | 0/4½ | ,, | ... | 0/8 | ,, | ... | 1/0 | ,, |
6 Sheet Royal | size, | 24 | in. × | 19 | in., | 0/4 | each | 3/9 | per doz. |
,, Imperial | ,, | 28¾ | ,, | 21¼ | | 0/5½ | ,, | 5/3 | ,, |
Hard Card Tablets, surfaced with Whatman’s Paper. |
For Water Colours. |
10½in. × 7½in., 0/2 each; 14½in. × 10½in., 0/3½ each; |
21in. × 14½in., 0/7 each. |
Whatman Surface, packets of 1 doz., 0/6 |
In boxes of 1 dozen. Whatman Panels. White Cards, gilt, bevelled edges. |
No. 1 | 4¼ | in. × | 2¾ | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 | per box. |
,,2 | 5 | in. × | 3½ | ... | ... | ... | 0/8 | ,, |
,,3 | 5½ | in. × | 4½ | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 | ,, |
,,4 | 6¼ | in. × | 4¾ | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 | ,, |
Brass, Best Quality, Bevelled Top Needle Points. |
No. 1 | ... | ... | ... | 0/2 | per doz. | 1/6 | per gross. |
,,2 | ... | ... | ... | 0/2½ | ,, | 2/0 | ,, |
,,3 | ... | ... | ... | 0/2½ | ,, | 2/3 | ,, |
,,4 | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 | ,, | 2/9 | ,, |
No. 1 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | per gross | 0/4 |
,,2 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 0/9 |
,,3 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 1/0 |
The Lightning Eraser | ... | per piece, | 0/1½ | 0/2½ 0/4½ |
Bottle Rubber | ... | ,, | 0/4 | |
Kneaded,, | ... | ,, | 0/3 | |
Card of 12 Pens with Holder | ... | ... | ... ... | 0/4½ |
Etching Pens with Holders | ... | ... | per doz. | 0/9 |
Gillott’s 659 Pens for Etching | ... | ... | per card | 1/4 |
Portrait Sizes.
8 | in. × | 6 | ... | 0/6½ | each |
10 | ,, | 8 | ... | 0/8 | ,, |
12 | ,, | 10 | ... | 0/10½ | ,, |
14 | ,, | 12 | ... | 1/1 | ,, |
18 | in. × | 14 | ... | 1/5 | each |
20 | ,, | 16 | ... | 1/7 | ,, |
21 | ,, | 17 | ... | 1/9 | ,, |
24 | ,, | 20 | ... | 2/3 | ,, |
Landscape Sizes.
9 | in. × | 6 | ... | 0/7 | each |
10 | ,, | 7 | ... | 0/8 | ,, |
12 | ,, | 9 | ... | 0/9 | ,, |
14 | ,, | 10 | ... | 1/0 | ,, |
15 | ,, | 11 | ... | 1/1 | ,, |
18 | ,, | 12 | ... | 1/3 | ,, |
20 | in. × | 14 | ... | 1/6 | each |
22 | ,, | 16 | ... | 1/8 | ,, |
24 | ,, | 12 | ... | 1/7 | ,, |
24 | ,, | 18 | ... | 2/0 | ,, |
26 | ,, | 18 | ... | 2/5 | ,, |
30 | ,, | 20 | ... | 2/10 | ,, |
9 | in. × | 7 | ... | 0/2½ | each |
12 | ,, | 9 | ... | 0/3½ | ,, |
14 | ,, | 10 | ... | 0/4 | ,, |
15 | in. × | 11 | ... | 0/4½ | each |
18 | ,, | 12 | ... | 0/5½ | ,, |
Containing 24 Leaves. |
Half-bound, with Protective Frame for 2 wet sketches. |
Imperial | 16mo. | ... | 7 | in. × | 5; | Complete, | 3/3; | Blocks only | 1/4 |
,, | 8vo. | ... | 10 | ,, | 7 | ,, | 5/0 | ,, | 2/6 |
,, | 4to. | ... | 14 | ,, | 10 | ,, | 8/9 | ,, | 4/6 |
No. 1 | Cocoa Handle | 4in. | 0/6 | 5in. | 0/7 |
,,2 | ,,,,Balanced | ,, | 0/7½ | ,, | 0/9 |
,,4 | ,,,,Trowel Shape | ,, | 1/3 | ,, | 1/4 |
,,5 | Trowel Shape Painting Knife | 2 ,, | 1/5 | 3 ,, | 1/7 |
8in. 0/9 9in. 0/11 10in. 1/0 11in. 1/1 12in. 1/3 |
With Screw Stop, size 5¼in. × 1½ × 1in. (will fit most of the Oil Tube Boxes), 0/11 |
3 | Sloping | Divisions, | 4 | in. × | 2½in. | ... | ... | 0/3 |
4 | ,, | ,, | 8 | ,, | 3 | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
6 | ,, | ,, | 8 | ,, | 3 | ... | ... | 0/6 |
The Set | of 6 Saucers, | 2? | in. | diameter | 0/9 |
,, | ,, | 2? | ,, | ,, | 1/1 |
,, | ,, | 3¼ | ,, | ,, | 1/2 |
,, | ,, | 3¾ | ,, | ,, | 1/3 |
4in., 0/3½ | ... 6in., 0/5 | ... 8in., 0/7 | ... 10in., 0/9 |
No. 0. | No. 3. | Nos. 1 and 2. |
No. | 0 | Round | Japanned | Tinned Water | Bottle | with 2 | Cups | 1/6 |
,, | 1 | Oval. | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | | 1/10 |
,, | 2 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | | 2/3 |
,, | 3 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | extra long | 2/8 |
,, | Extra large | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | | 3/9 |
| India-rubber Water Bottle with Screw Stopper | ... | 3/2 |
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Superior Folding Easel, 4ft. high, with self-adjusting springs to fasten each leg
... | ... | ... | 5/0 | Sketching Easel, Polished Pine, with sliding adjustable Legs, and Brass Arm which holds sketch firmly at any angle, 6ft. high open, 41 inches when closed | ... | 15/0 |
Studio Easels to order. |
6ft. 3/0 | Closed | (21in. 2/10) Open. | 3/0 | |
6ft. 3/0 | Closed. | (21in. 2/10) Open. | 3/0 | |
6ft. 3/0
STOOL EASEL. (Patented).
For Holding Colour Box, Block, and Water Bottle. Arranged for use by either Lady or Gentleman.
Price 6/0
Brown Holland, brass fittings, movable joint, brass screw joint, steel spike, etc., weight 3½ lbs. | ... | 13/6 |
Pocket Sketching Stool, 3 legs, loose seat, 21in. or 24in. | ... | 1/10 |
Sketching Stool, 4 legs, square loose seat, 21in. | ... | 2/10 |
,,,,,, ,,,,24in. | ... | 3/2 |
Portable Sketching Seat (folding), in hard wood, with receptacle for Sketch Block | ... | 2/4 |
Pigskin Leather Stool | ... | 7/6 |
Roan Back and Corners, Cloth Sides, Inside Flaps. |
No. 1 Music | ... | Size | 16 | in. | × 11 | in. | 2/6 |
,,2 Half Royal | ... | ,, | 19 | ,, | × 12½ | ,, | 3/0 |
,,3 Half Imperial | ... | ,, | 22 | ,, | × 16 | ,, | 4/3 |
,,4 Royal | ... | ,, | 25 | ,, | × 20 | ,, | 5/3 |
,,5 Imperial | ... | ,, | 32 | ,, | × 22 | ,, | 10/0 |
To Order only. |
3/0 |
Half Morocco gilt, with telescopic brass supports allowing Portfolio to be opened at any angle. |
Oak, Walnut or Mahogany stands. |
Size of Portfolio. |
25 | in. | × 20 | in. | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 51/0 |
32 | ,, | × 22 | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 57/6 |
36 | ,, | × 24 | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 70/0 |
40 | ,, | × 28 | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 83/6 |
45 | ,, | × 32 | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 96/0 |
54 | ,, | × 34 | ,, | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 115/0 |
SYSTEM. In form and size resembling a keyless watch.
For solving problems in multiplication, division, proportion, square and cube root, logarithms, and trigonometry.
In nickel case 10/6
Do. metal dials 15/0
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY CASE—Mahogany, Lock and Tray Case, containing brass sector-joint compass, ink and pencil points and lengthening bar, hair-divider, ink and pencil bows, two drawing pens, knife key, ivory sector and protractor ... | 37/6 |
SANDHURST CASE—Fitted similar instruments to above ... | 24/0 |
R.I.E.C.—Full set of electrum needle-point instruments ... | 60/0 |
ADDISCOMBE CASE—13in. Mahogany Case, containing the following sector-joint instruments, viz., compass, ink and pencil points and lengthening bar, divider, ink and pencil bows, two drawing pens, ivory military protractor, ivory sector and set of boxwood marquoise scales ... | 42/6 |
GARRISON CLASS CASE—13in. Mahogany Case, similar instruments to above ... | 31/6 |
THE IMPROVED ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY WOOLWICH CASE—13in. Jap tin case, full set of instruments and scales ... | 58/0 |
SET OF THREE SPRING BOWS, in case, as illustrated above ... | 8/0 |
THE C.T.B. No. 1 POCKET SET, in snap pocket case, with name plate, velvet lined, containing: Double joint needle-point electrum compass, adjustable pen and pencil point and lengthening bar, 4in. electrum plain point dividers, 4in. fine steel drawing pen in round handle, pencil box for refill leads, compass tightening key | 8/6 |
THE C.T.B. No. 2 POCKET SET, containing instruments as above, with addition of a steel spring bow pen with nut and bolt needle point ... | 11/3 |
THE C.T.B. No. 4 POCKET SET, containing instruments as in No. 2 set, with full set of steel spring bows ... | 17/0 |
THE C.U. No.6 POCKET SET, in leather-covered pocket case, snap fastening, with name-plate on lid, velvet lined, containing: 6in. electrum sector joint double-joint nut and bolt needle point compass, with adjustable pen and pencil points and lengthening bar, 5in. electrum sector joint hair-spring dividers, 6in. electrum lift-up nib drawing pen in square ivory handle, 6in. steel fine line drawing pen in round ivory handle, steel spring bow pen with nut and bolt needle points, steel spring bow pencil with nut and bolt needle points, steel spring bow dividers with nut and bolt needle points, electrum double-joint pencil bow nut and bolt needle points, electrum double-joint pen bow nut and bolt needle points ... | 43/6 |
THE C.P. No. 6 POCKET SET, containing same instruments as above but in extra quality ... | 60/0 |
THE C.U. No. 3 POCKET SET, containing same number of instruments as in the C.U. No. 6 Set but 4½in. size ... | 42/0 |
THE C.P. No. 3 POCKET SET, containing same instruments as above, but in extra quality ... | 57/6 |
THE C.U. No. 4 POCKET SET, in leather-covered pocket case, snap fastening, with name-plate on lid, velvet lined, containing: 6in. electrum sector-joint double-joint nut and bolt needle point compass, with adjustable pen and pencil points and lengthening bar, 5in. electrum sector-joint hair-spring dividers, 6in. electrum lift-up nib drawing pen in square ivory handle, 6in. steel fine line drawing pen in round ivory handle, steel compass tightening key, box of refill leads and needles ... | 27/0 |
THE C.P. No. 1 POCKET SET, containing same instruments as above, but in extra quality ... | 32/0 |
THE C.P. No. 4 POCKET SET, containing same instruments as above, but in extra quality ... | 34/6 |
THE C.U. No. 1 POCKET SET, containing same instruments as in No. 4 Set, but in. 4½in. size ... | 26/0 |
THE C.P. No. 1 POCKET SET, containing same instruments as above, but in extra quality ... | 32/0 |
C.A.C. No. 2.
THE C.A.C. No. 2 POCKET SET, in leather pocket case, snap fastening, with name-plate on lid, lined best silk velvet, containing: 5in. electrum sector joint double-joint slip shank fitting compass with adjustable pen and pencil points and lengthening bar, 4in. electrum sector joint plain point dividers, 5in. lift-up nib drawing pen with pricker point in round ivory handle, steel combined compass key and screwdriver, screw top box of refill leads and spare needles ... | 16/0 |
THE C.A.C. No. 3 POCKET SET, containing instruments as above, with steel spring bow pen fitted with improved nut and bolt needle points ... | 19/0 |
THE C.A.C. No. 4 POCKET SET, containing instruments as above, with steel spring bow pen and pencil ... | 22/0 |
MAHOGANY CASE, containing 6in. long steel-joint compass, ink and pencil points, drawing pen and boxwood protractor ... | 5/3 |
MAHOGANY CASE, containing 6in. long steel-joint compass, ink and pencil points, 5in. divider, drawing pen and boxwood protractor ... | 6/6 |
MAHOGANY CASE, containing 6in. long steel-joint compass, ink bows, drawing pen and boxwood protractor ... | 7/9 |
MAHOGANY CASE, containing 6in. long steel-joint compass, ink and pencil points, 5in. divider, bow, pen and pencil, drawing pen, boxwood protractor ... | 9/3 |
MAHOGANY CASE, containing 6in. long steel-joint compass, ink and pencil points, 5in. divider, 5 and 6in. drawing pens, bow pen and pencil, boxwood protractor, semi-circular protractor and ebony parallel rule ... | 12/6 |
MAHOGANY CASE, containing 6in. long steel-joint compass, 5in. divider, ink and pencil points, 5 and 6in. drawing pens, bow pen and pencil, dotting point, boxwood protractor, semi-circular protractor and ebony parallel rule ... | 15/0 |
MAHOGANY, SPRING CATCH LOCK AND TRAY, CASE, containing 6in. compass with pen and pencil legs, 5in. divider, pen and pencil bows, fine steel drawing pens, pencil, boxwood protractor, ebony parallel rule and lengthening bar ... | 21/0 |
Six 12in. Flat Section Boxwood Chain Scales, 10 to 60ft., or Engineers’ and Architects’ Scales, in Mahogany Lock Case ... 14/0
To order only, as Illustrated.
The Mark IV. 15 × 15in. Plane Table | ... | 12/6 |
This Table is made of best seasoned American White Wood and is fitted with wooden battens and brass locking-plate for Tripod. | |
The Mark IV. Folding Pattern Tripod Stand | ... | 15/0 |
This Stand is made of Birch with brass fittings and leather strap and buckle. | |
The Mark IV. 12in. Sight Scale | ... | ... | ... | ... | 12/6 |
This Sight Scale is made of Boxwood and fitted with a pair of 2in. bronzed Sights and marked with the usual scales. | |
The Mark IV. Metal Trough Compass | ... | ... | ... | ... | 7/6 |
This Compass is made in box form, brass bronzed and lacquer finish. | |
The Mark IV. Plane Table Case | ... | ... | ... | ... | 12/6 |
This Case is made in Waterproof Canvas and fitted with extra pockets for Sight Scale and Trough Compass, with leather sling shoulder strap. | |
5ft. Surveyers’, made of Boxwood, with brass spring joint | ... | 3/0 |
5ft. Ditto, Stained Black | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 4/0 |
6ft. Surveyors’ Ranging Poles, painted three colours | ... | 3/0 |
8ft. Ditto ditto | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 |
14ft. Surveyors’ Telescopic Levelling Staff, painted readings, | each | 34/0 |
SECTIONAL BOOKS. Sectional Books, 50 leaves, ruled in Inches and 10ths or Inches and ?ths or 0/m and m/m | ... | 7 inch × 5 inch, | each | 0/4 |
Ditto Ditto | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 8 inch × 6 inch, | ,, | 0/5 |
Ditto Ditto | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10 inch × 7 inch, | ,, | 0/8 |
Ditto Ditto | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 12 inch × 8 inch, | ,, | 0/9 |
Boxwood 6in. School Protractors | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 & 0/6 | each |
,, 6in. Military Service Protractors | ... | ... | ... | 2/0 & 2/6 | ,, |
Ivory ditto(to order) | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 8/0 & 10/6 | ,, |
Celluloid Semi-Circular Ditto | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 & 1/0 | ,, |
Brass Ditto Ditto | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 & 0/6 | ,, |
12in. School Rulers, marked in English Inches and Metric | 0/3 & 0/9 | ,, |
12in. Ditto, fully marked with Degrees, &c. | ... | ... | ... | 0/2 & 0/3 | ,, |
6in. White Celluloid engine-divided Rulers, marked Inches and Metric | ... | 1/3 | ,, |
12in. Students’ Boxwood Slide Rule | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 4/6 | ,, |
10 inch Compton Celluloid Slide Rule with Cursor, in case | 9/0 | ,, |
Plain Ebony Bar ... 6in., 0/7; 9in., 1/2; 12in., 1/7; 15in., 2/0; 18in., 2/4
Ivory Ditto ... 6in., 3/0
Rolling Ebony, brass wheels ... 9in., 4/0; 12in., 5/6; 15in., 7/0; 18in., 8/0
,,Ivory edges, divided 9in., 7/9; 12in., 9/0; 15in., 11/6; 18in., 14/6.
In Solid Brass or Electrum made to Order.
Boxwood, | 12in. | Armstrong, | Builders’ | or Architects’ | ... | 1/3 | each |
Ivory | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 7/9 | ,, |
Boxwood, 12in. Flat Section, | fully divided | from 10 to | 60 divisions, | 1/3 | each |
Ivory 12in. Flat Section, | fully divided | from 10 to | 60 divisions, | 6/6 | |
Ivory offsets, 2in. | fully divided | from 10 to | 60 divisions, | 1/4 | |
Boxwood offsets, 2in. | fully divided | from 10 to | 60 divisions, | 0/5 | |
Mahogany case of 6 chain scales and offsets to match | ... | 13/3 | |
Special Scales made to order. |
PLANIMETERS (Amsler’s Patent).
For rapidly and accurately computing the
contents of any regular or irregular figure.
No. 2. Amsler’s Patent Planimeter in Electrum, arranged for measurement of areas in square inches (or other unit if specially desired). Range: a circle of 18in. diameter ... 38/6
No. 4. Amsler’s Patent Planimeter in Electrum, arranged for measurement of areas in either of several units, English and French, by means of a sliding tube. Range: a circle of 24in. diameter ... 55/0
No. 6. Amsler’s Patent Planimeter in Electrum, arranged for measuring areas in either of several units, French and English, and with special arrangement for rapidly finding the mean height of indicator diagrams. Range: a circle of 25in. diameter; length of diagrams, 2—8in. ... 65/0
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
| Electrum | Ex. |
| Brass | | Qulty. |
6in. long steel joint, with pen and pencil joints | ... | 4/6 | 6/0 | ... |
6in. sector joint, with pen and pencil joints,and knife-key | ... | 11/0 | 12/9 | ... |
6in. sector joint and double joints | ... | ... | 17/0 | ... |
6in. sector joint and double joints, and needle points | ... | ... | 16/6 | ... |
6in. sector joints and double joints, and improved needle points | ... | ... | 20/0 | 24/6 |
Dividers, steel joint, 4 or 5 inch | ... | 1/10 | 2/1 | ... |
Dividers, sector joint, 4 or 5 inch | ... | 2/6 | 2/9 | ... |
Dividers, sector joint, 4 or 5 inch, and improved hair spring | ... | 4/3 | 4/10 | 5/6 |
Bows, pen or pencil ... | 1/6 | 2/6 | 2/1 | 3/6 |
Bows, pen or pencil, double jointed | ... | ... | ... | 6/9 |
Bows, pen or pencil, and improved needle point | ... | ... | ... | 7/9 |
Bows, Spring, set of three in case, Electrum | ... | 5/9 | 10/3 | 12/6 |
Bows, Spring, set of three in case, and needle point | ... | 10/9 | 15/0 | 17/0 |
| Electrum | Ex. |
| Brass | | Qulty. |
Drawing Pens, 4½ or 6in., fine steel, ivory handles | ... | 1/2 | 1/6 | 2/1 |
Drawing Pens, 4½ or 6in., lift-up nib, ivory handles | ... | 2/1 | 2/9 | 3/6 |
Drawing Pens, extra strong steel nibs and joint | ... | — | — | 4/6 |
Drawing Pens, Double or road pen | ... | — | 4/9 | 5/6 |
Drawing Pens, Dotting with set of four wheels | ... | — | 5/6 | 7/9 |
Needle Holder or Pricker | ... | — | — | 2/5 |
Opisometers | ... | — | — | 3/0 |
Made of the finest dry pine, with mahogany battens, brass slots, and one edge inlaid with ebony. |
drawing board back view | drawing board front view |
Half Imperial | ... | ... | ... | Size | 22¾ | × | 15¾ | in. | 7/0 |
Half Double Elephant | ... | ... | ,, | 28 | ,, | 21 | ,, | 9/6 |
Imperial | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 32 | ,, | 23 | ,, | 10/0 |
Double Elephant | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 41 | ,, | 28 | ,, | 14/3 |
Antiquarian | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 54 | ,, | 32 | ,, | 22/6 |
16 | in. | × | 11½ | ... | 1/2 | each | | 22 | in. | × | 17 | ... | 2/2 | each |
19 | ,, | ,, | 13½ | ... | 1/6 | ,, | | 28 | ,, | ,, | 19 | ... | 3/2 | ,, |
20 | ,, | ,, | 15½ | ... | 1/11 | ,, | | 31 | ,, | ,, | 23 | ... | 4/0 | ,, |
PATENT Nº 13508
With brass rollers and clamping screws, to keep paper stretched perfectly tight and flat, and ruler divided 3in. and 8in. to 1 mile in yards, complete in waterproof canvas case with shoulder strap, 27/6
The Service pattern Cavalry Sketching Board, fitted with compass, brass clamping rollers and improved Clinometer at back, in canvas case with strap, 32/6
Size 12in. × 12in. with shoulder strap (Sandhurst pattern) | ... | 7/0 |
Woolwich Pattern, in polished Mahogany Case | ... | ... | ... | 7/3 |
6in. Brass School, Half Set, as illustrated ... | 2/9 each |
| Electrum. | Ex. Qulty. |
5½in. Steel Joint Compass, with double knee joints, nut and bolt needle points, pen, pencil, and divider points, and lengthening bar ... | 5/3 | 6/6 |
6in. ditto, improved pattern, sector joint, very superior ... | 12/6 | 15/6 |
5in. Plain points, steel joints ... | 1/2 | 1/6 |
5in. Hair Spring sector joint ... | 3/4 | 3/11 |
Steel joint, nut and bolt needle points, pen or pencil ... | 4/0 | 6/3 |
Sector joint ditto ... | 4/9 | 6/11 |
Set of three pen, pencil and dividers nut and bolt needles points in case ... | 7/0 | 9/0 |
Single Spring Bows ... | from | 2/6 |
4½in. or 6in. Pens with turn-back Nib in square ivory handle ... | 2/6 | 2/9 |
Ditto in round ivory handle ... | 2/6 |
5in. all steel Pen with pricker point Ivorine handle ... | 2/3 | |
Sector joint, slip-on sheath ... | 3/2 | 4/3 |
Ditto screw-on sheath ... | 3/0 | 4/0 |
Pearwood... | 12in. ... 0/7 | 15in. ... 0/9 | 18in. ... 0/11 |
| 21 ,, ... 1/1 | 24 ,, ... 1/3 | 30 ,, ... 1/9 |
Mahogany, Ebony edge, taper blade, |
18in. ... 2/0 | 24in. ... 3/0 | 32in. ... 3/9 | 42in. ... 4/9 |
45 | SET SQUARES. | 60 |
| 4in. | 6in. | 8in. | 10in. | 12in. |
Pearwood ... | 45° | 0/1 | 0/2 | 0/3 | 0/4 | 0/6 |
,,... | 60° | 0/1 | 0/1½ | 0/2 | 0/2½ | 0/3 |
Mahogany, Ebony edge | 45° | 1/0 | 1/7 | 2/2 | 2/8 | — |
,,,, | 60° | — | 1/3 | 1/9 | 2/2 | — |
Celluloid...... | 45° | 0/5 | 0/8 | 1/1 | 1/8 | 2/6 |
,, ...... | 60° | 0/4 | 0/5 | 0/8 | 1/1 | 1/8 |
4in. Brass School Pencil Compasses | ... | 0/4 and 0/6 each |
5in. Brass School Pencil Compasses | ... | 0/6, 1/0 and 1/6 each |
4in. Brass School Dividers | ... | ... | 0/4, 0/6 and 1/0 each |
5in. Brass School Dividers with Hair Spring attachment | 1/6 and 2/6 each |
An interesting assortment of goods from the Far East awaits the visitor to this section. In ordering, it is advisable to give a second choice, for although every possible care is taken to keep the articles quoted in stock, it sometimes happens that the stock is sold out and cannot be replaced for some months, in which case a substitute will be sent—the latter will be exchanged if not approved of.
Chinese Blue and White Cisterns, Hawthorn, Landscape, Figure or Dragon Decoration.
Assorted Designs. | Each. |
6in. × 5in. | deep | ... | 4/6 |
8in. × 7in. | ,, | ... | 6/11 |
9in. × 8in. | ,, | ... | 8/11 |
10in. × 9in. | ,, | ... | 11/6 |
12in. × 10in. | ,, | ... | 21/6 |
14in. × 12in. | ,, | ... | 27/6 |
16in. × 14in. | ,, | ... | 42/0 |
18in. × 16in. | ,, | ... | 72/6 |
Chinese Blue and White Ginger Jars. Assorted Designs.
6in. | 8in. | 10in. | 12in. high |
4/6 | 6/6 | 10/6 | 15/6 each. |
Chinese Blue and White Jars and Beakers.
6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 18in. |
0/9 | 1/3 | 2/6 | 3/11 | 6/6 | 11/6 ea. |
Chinese Flower Pots.
Famille Rose Decoration. 10 | 12 | 14 | 15 ins. dia. |
31/6 | 55/0 | 69/6 | 126/0 each. |
Chinese Blue and White Bowls.
Various Decorations.
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 ins. dia. |
1/6 | 3/3 | 4/6 | 5/9 | 8/6 | 9/6 | 10/6 |
Chinese Black Wood Carved Stand.
Top | 13in. × 15in. | high | ... | 42/0 | each. |
,, | 15in. × 15in. | ,, | ... | 43/6 | ,, |
,, | 17in. × 17in. | ,, | ... | 55/0 | ,, |
Chinese Blue and White Vase. Bottle Shape.
Various Patterns.
height | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 ins. |
| 1/3 | 1/11 | 2/11 | 5/11 ea. |
Chinese Black Wood Carved Stand.
Top | 10 × 24 | in. | high | ... | 39/6 | each |
,, | 10 × 30 | ,, | ,, | ... | 42/6 | ,, |
,, | 10 × 36 | ,, | ,, | ... | 46/6 | ,, |
,, | 13 × 24 | ,, | ,, | ... | 52/6 | ,, |
,, | 13 × 30 | ,, | ,, | ... | 57/6 | ,, |
,, | 13 × 36 | ,, | ,, | ... | 65/0 | ,, |
Plain Oblong Kiake Trays.
16½ | in. | × | 10 | in. | 1/9 | | 23 | in. | × | 12½ | in. | 3/0 |
17½ | in. | × | 11 | in. | 2/0 | | 24 | in. | × | 13½ | in. | 3/6 |
20½ | in. | × | 11½ | in. | 2/6 | | 26 | in. | × | 13½ | in. | 4/0 |
21 | in. | × | 12 | in. | 2/9 | | 27 | in. | × | 14½ | in. | 4/6 |
Japanese Black Decorated Trays.
Oblong. | | Square. | | Round. | |
ins. | | | | | |
11 | × | 6½ | 1/2 | 8½ | ins. | 1/4 | 9 | ins. | 1/2 |
11¾ | × | 7 | 1/4 | 9¼ | ,, | 1/6 | 9½ | ,, | 1/4 |
14½ | × | 8½ | 1/8 | 10¾ | ,, | 2/0 | 11 | ,, | 1/9 |
15 | × | 9 | 1/11 | 11½ | ,, | 2/3 | 11¾ | ,, | 2/0 |
16¾ | × | 9¾ | 2/3 | 14¼ | ,, | 3/3 | 14¼ | ,, | 2/9 |
17½ | × | 10½ | 2/6 | 15 | ,, | 3/9 | 15 | ,, | 3/3 |
20 | × | 12 | 3/3 | 16½ | ,, | 4/6 | 16½ | ,, | 4/0 |
21 | × | 12½ | 3/9 | 17¼ | ,, | 5/0 | 17½ | ,, | 4/6 |
22½ | × | 13 | 4/6 | | | | | | |
23½ | × | 14 | 5/0 | | | | | | |
A Large Selection of Japanese Trays always on show.
9in. | 9½in. | 11in. | 11¾in. |
1/0 | 1/2 | 1/6 | 1/9 |
14½in. | 15in. | 16½in. | 17½in. |
2/3 | 2/6 | 3/3 | 3/9 |
In. | | In. | |
8½ | × | 4¾ | 0/7 | | 16¾ | × | 9¾ | 1/9 |
9 | × | 5 | 0/8 | | 17½ | × | 10½ | 2/0 |
11 | × | 6½ | 0/10 | | 20 | × | 12 | 2/9 |
11¾ | × | 7 | 1/0 | | 21 | × | 12½ | 3/0 |
14½ | × | 8½ | 1/4 | | 22½ | × | 13 | 3/9 |
15 | × | 9 | 1/6 | | 23½ | × | 14 | 4/0 |
8½in. | 9¼in. | 10¾in. | 11½in. |
1/2 | 1/4 | 1/9 | 2/0 |
14¼in. | 15in. | 16½in. | 17¼in. |
2/6 | 2/9 | 3/6 | 4/3 |
Japanese Paper Lamp Shade, diameter 18 inches, opening at top 4? inches, in colours Red, Green, Yellow and Pink, 2/3 each.
Japanese Fire Screens. |
Painted on Gauze. | | Embroidered on Coloured Satin |
2 | folds, | from | 4/6 | each | | 30in. | high, | 2 | folds, | 12/9 | each. |
3 | ,, | ,, | 5/3 | ,, | | 30in. | ,, | 3 | ,, | 15/9 | ,, |
4 | ,, | ,, | 7/3 | ,, | | 30in. | ,, | 3 | ,, | 18/9 | ,, |
Japanese Silk Lamp Shade, in Green or Red covered bamboo.
Diameter. |
10½ | 12 | 13½ | 15 | 16½ | 17½ | 19 | 20½ |
4/6 | 5/6 | 6/6 | 7/9 | 9/0 | 10/6 | 12/6 | 14/6 |
Japanese Paper Lamp Shades with Black Lacquer Frames, Dome Shape, Floral designs on Cream. Suitable for Table or Standard Lamp, opening at top 4? inches.
11 | 13 | 15 | 17 | 19 | 21 | inches diameter |
3/0 | 4/9 | 6/0 | 7/6 | 9/6 | 12/6 | each |
A LARGE SELECTION OF JAPANESE CANDLE SHADES IN PAPER OR SILK STOCKED. No. O R 1737. Collapsible Paper Lamp Shade, opening at top 4? inches. Pale Blue, Pale Green, Cream or Red grounds, with bird and flower decoration.
13 | 13¾ | 14½in. | diameter |
1/9 | 2/0 | 2/3 | each |
for out-door decorations and illuminations, 3/0, 4/0, 5/0, 6/0, 7/6, 9/0 per doz. Special quotations for quantities.
4 fold Black and Gold Screen, 5ft. 6in. high, 11/6 each.
4 fold Plain Colour Japanese Screen, 5ft. 6in. high, colours Dark Green, Mid Green, Rose, Blue, 25/6 each.
In addition to the above we have a large assortment of Oriental Screens in stock, particulars of which we give below. We are also constantly receiving new patterns. In the event of any design being sold, others of equal value can be substituted if desired. In ordering Screens by post, please send (if possible) a cutting of the colour required, which greatly helps us to select a colour suitable for the room.
4ft. 6in. high, 4 folds, Embroidered Gold on Black ground | ... | 8/11 |
4 ft. 6 in.,,4,, ,, on Coloured ground | ... | 15/6 |
5ft. 0in.,,4,, ,, ,, Black ground | ... | 10/6 |
5ft. 0in.,,4,, ,, ,, Coloured ground | ... | 19/6 |
5ft. 6in.,,4,, ,, ,, Black ground | ... | 10/6, 12/6, 17/6 |
5ft. 6in.,,4,, ,, ,, Coloured ground | ... | 14/6, 16/9 17/9, 18/9, 21/0, 22/6, 25/6, 29/6, 32/6, 34/6, 36/6 |
Japanese Hamper Basket, with leather corners.
Complete with straps. | Without straps. |
19 | in. × | 12in. | 4/9 | ... | 2/9 |
21 | in. × | 14in. | 5/6 | ... | 3/3 |
22½ | in. × | 16in. | 6/6 | ... | 3/9 |
24 | in. × | 14in. | 6/9 | ... | 4/0 |
25½ | in. × | 16in. | 7/9 | ... | 4/6 |
27 | in. × | 17in. | 8/6 | ... | 5/3 |
Small Sandwich Baskets. Complete with Straps
Length of baskets 8in., 0/6½; 9in., 0/7½; 10in., 0/9½
Matting Suit Case, leather corners, brass fittings and lock and key.
20in. × 12in. | × | 5½ | in. | deep | 8/6 |
22in. × 14in. | × | 6 | in. | ,, | 11/6 |
24in. × 16in. | × | 6½ | in. | ,, | 14/6 |
Japanese Hamper Baskets.
Very fine cane, with leather corners. Lock and key.
21in. × 12in. × 7 | in. ... | ... | 9/6 | each. |
23in. × 13in. × 7½ | in. ... | ... | 12/0 | ,, |
Wisteria Baskets. Natural colour.
10¾ | in. × | 5 | in. × | 7in. | high | 1/11 | each. |
12 | in. × | 6 | in. × | 8in. | ,, | 2/6 | ,, |
13 | in. × | 7¼ | in. × | 9½in. | ,, | 3/3 | ,, |
14 | in. × | 9 | in. × | 10½in. | ,, | 3/9 | ,, |
15½ | in. × | 9½ | in. × | 11½in. | ,, | 4/3 | ,, |
Knotted Wisteria Hand Bag.
Three sizes, 1/0, 1/6, 2/0 each.
Loochoo Basket, with shell fastening.
8½ | 9 | 9½ | 10 | 10½ | 11½ ins. |
1/0 | 1/3 | 1/6 | 1/9 | 2/0 | 2/3 |
Japanese Twisted Bamboo Waste Paper Basket.
1/6, 1/9, 2/0 each.
Complete set of 3 for 4/9.
Chinese Waste Paper Baskets in Natural, Green, Red or Brown. Diameter across top, 7½in.,1/3; 8in.,1/6; 9in.,1/9; 9½in.,2/0; 10in.,2/3.
Japanese Hamper Baskets, with straps and eight leather corners.
Length of Basket:—
21in. | 22½in. | 24in. | 25½in. | 27in. |
2/6 | 3/6 | 4/6 | 5/6 | 6/6 |
Fine Matting Dorothy Bags.
1/0 1/2 1/4 1/6 1/8
Sugi Dinner Mats, Round.
5 | 6 | 7 | 8in. |
0/1 | 0/1 | 0/1½ | 0/2 each |
0/10½ | 0/10½ | 1/3 | 1/8 doz. |
Japanese Matting Hand Bag. Length at base, 7½in.,1/0; 8in.,1/3; 8½in.,1/6; 9in.,1/9; 10in.,2/0; 11in.,2/3; 12in.,2/6.
Set of 6 Table Mats.
1/0 1/6 2/0 2/3 set.
Matting Cushion, slightly padded, for garden use. 1/0, 1/6 each.
Crepe Cotton Bath Slippers.
9 10 11 12 ins. long. 0/7½ pair.
Matting Gauntlets, for gardening, &c.
0/3 pair.
(Scolloped Edge).
6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 16 | 18 | 21 | 24 |
1/9 | 2/6 | 3/9 | 4/9 | 9/6 | 12/11 | 15/6 | 22/6 |
7 pieces, 3/11 Oblong Tray, 16¾in., 1/9
We are constantly receiving new consignments of Antimony goods, including the newest designs; we cannot therefore undertake to supply exact designs as illustrated, in which case the nearest will be sent.
Red and Gold Decoration.
Rose design.
Teapot, ½ pint | ... | ... | 1/6 | each. |
,,1,, | ... | ... | 2/3 | ,, |
Cups and Saucers (small coffee) ... | 0/8½ | ,, |
,,,,(large coffee) ... | 0/9½ | ,, |
Tea, open shape | ... | ... | 1/0 | ,, |
Plates, 5in. 0/7; 6in. 0/9½; 8¼in. | 1/11 | ,, |
Hot Water Jugs (small) | ... | ... | 1/0 | ,, |
Milk Jugs | ... | ... | 0/10½ | ,, |
Sugar Basins | ... | ... | 0/10½ | ,, |
Diameter— |
3 | 3½ | 4in. | |
0/10½ | 1/6 | 1/11 | each |
4½ | 5 | 6in. | |
2/6 | 3/3 | 4/6 | ,, |
7 | 8 | 9in. | |
6/6 | 8/6 | 9/6 | ,, |
Per packet of 18, 0/4½
Indian ditto, packets of 24, 0/6
No. O R 1784.
ANTIMONY BOX, Chrysanthemum design, lined wood. 6¼ × 3½ × 2in. deep, 5/11
Height, 3½in., 4/3
Also in oval or square shape, 3/11
No. O R 1783.
ANTIMONY ROSE BOWL. Diameter, | 5 | in. | ... ... | 5/11 |
,, | 7 | ,, | ... ... | 12/11 |
O. R. 1725.
Japanese Cloisonne Vase on Stand. Assorted designs. Each vase packed in a padded wood box. 2½ | in. | in | height | ... | 2/9 |
3½ | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 3/11 |
4½ | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 5/6 |
6 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 7/6 |
7 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 9/6 |
8¼ | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 14/6 |
Japanese Paper Lanterns, | ... | 3/0, 4/6, 6/6, 7/6, 9/6, 12/0 | per doz. |
,,,,Sunshades, small | ... | ... | ... 0/7½ | each. |
,,,,,,large | ... | ... | 1/0, 1/3 | ,, |
,,,,Fans ... | 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, 0/4½, 0/6½, 0/7½, 0/9½, 0/10½, 1/0 | ,, |
,,,,Hand Screens | ... | ... | 0/2½, 0/4½, 0/6½ | ,, |
Indian Kus Kus Fans ... | ... | ... | small, 0/6; large, 1/0 | ,, |
Japanese Paper Serviettes, in packets of 100, | white | ... | 0/10½ |
,,,,Tent Umbrellas for Garden use, &c. |
Diameter, 8 feet | ... | ... | ... | 5/6, 7/11 | each. |
,,10,, | ... | ... | ... | 8/9, 12/11 | ,, |
,,12,, | ... | ... | ... | 12/6, 17/6 | ,, |
Japanese Umbrellas being made of paper require very careful handling, and Harrods cannot be responsible for breakage and damage after delivery.
Harrods point out that the sticks they receive from Japan for supporting the umbrellas are not strong enough for the purpose intended, therefore they make a special bamboo sufficiently long to enable it to go well into the ground, and fitted with a thumbscrew at top. Price 2/6 each.
No. O.R. 1729. ANTIMONY BOX.
O.R. 1729. | 2? | in. | by | 1½ | in. | by | 1? | in. | high, | 1/3 |
O.R. 1729/1. | 3½ | ,, | ,, | 2¼ | ,, | ,, | 1½ | ,, | ,, | 2/6 |
O.R. 1729/2. | 5¾ | ,, | ,, | 3 | ,, | ,, | 1¾ | ,, | ,, | 4/6 |
O.R. 1729/3. | 7 | ,, | ,, | 3½ | ,, | ,, | 2 | ,, | ,, |
| lined wood | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 8/11 |
perforated lids, 2/3
No. O R 1786.
lined Pink Stain.
3¼ × 2½ × 1½in., 2/6
Dragon design. 6½ each,
1/0 per pair.
Plum Decoration. |
Teapot, ¾ pint | ... | ... | 1/1 | each. |
,,1½ pint | ... | ... | 1/11 | ,, |
Cups and Saucers (coffee) | 0/6, 0/8½ | ,, |
,,,,open shape (tea) | 0/9½, 1/1 | ,, |
Plates ... | 5in. 0/4; 6in. 0/5½, 8¼in. 1/0 | ,, |
Hot Water Jugs | ... | 0/9, 1/3, 1/11 | ,, |
Milk Jugs | ... | 0/3½, 0/5½, 0/7½ | ,, |
Sugar Basins | ... | 0/3½, 0/5½, 0/7½ | ,, |
No. O R 1780.
Ordinary size, 0/7½
Large size, 1/0
3½ × 2½ × 1¾in., 2/3
No. O R 1574.
Carved and Inlaid Pot Stand.
31in. | high | ... | ... | 23/6 |
35in. | ,, | ... | ... | 27/6 |
* 39in. | ,, | ... | ... | 36/6 |
* This size is made with two shelves.
No. O R 1660.
Damascus Carved and Inlaid Stool.
13in. × 16in. | high | 17/6 |
15in. × 18in. | ,, | 20/0 |
17in. × 20in. | ,, | 25/6 |
No. O R 1588.
Damascus Carved Music Stand.
Height | 28 | 30 | 32 | 34 | 36in. |
Price | 10/9 | 12/9 | 15/6 | 19/6 | 21/6 |
No. O R 1587.
Damascus Flower Stand.
Height | 23 | 25 | 28 | 30in. |
Price | 12/6 | 14/6 | 19/6 | 24/6 |
Syrian Brass Finger Bowls.
Price 1/0, 1/3, 1/6
Indian and Syrian Metal Ware cleaned and relacquered at moderate cost.
All kinds of Repairs undertaken.
Estimates submitted.
No. O R 1578.
Carved and Inlaid Stool.
11 | in. × | 16in. | high | 10/6 |
13 | in. × | 19in. | ,, | 13/11 |
14½ | in. × | 21in. | ,, | 17/6 |
16 | in. × | 23in. | ,, | 22/6 |
No. O R 1569.
Straight Shape. Diameter at Opening—
4in. | 1/0 | | 7½in. | 4/11 | | 12in. | 12/9 |
4¾in. | 1/11 | | 8¼in. | 5/11 | | 13in. | 15/6 |
5½in. | 2/6 | | 9 in. | 7/3 | | 14½in. | 18/6 |
7in. | 3/6 | | 10in. | 8/9 | | 17in. | 28/6 |
| 11in. | 10/9 | |
Folding Stands for Trays.
In White Wood 5/6 Stained 9/6
Carved and Stained Walnut.
18in. diameter 10/9 20in. diameter 13/9
Brass Trays, 23in. diameter.
Suitable for above, 13/6, 17/3, 22/6
No. O R 1570.
Heart Shape. Diameter at Opening—
3¾in. | 1/9 | | 6¼in. | 5/3 | | 10in. | 15/6 |
4½in. | 2/6 | | 7in. | 6/11 | | 11in. | 17/6 |
5¼in. | 3/9 | | 8in. | 8/9 | | 12in. | 21/6 |
| 9in. | 10/9 | |
Moorish Brass Trays.
Diameter | 11 | 15 | 19 | 23in. |
Price | 3/6 | 8/3 | 11/6 | 13/6 |
No. O R 1571.
New Shape. 4 | in. × | 3½in. | deep | ... | 1/11 |
4¾ | in. × | 4½in. | ,, | ... | 3/9 |
5½ | in. × | 5¼in. | ,, | ... | 5/0 |
6¼ | in. × | 6½in. | ,, | ... | 6/0 |
These pots are lacquered and should only be cleaned with a leather or cloth. On no account should Polishing Paste or Powder be used.
No. O R 1577.
Syrian Inlaid Stool.
14½in. × 18in. high 16/6
Also in a cheaper make.
11in. × 16in. | high | ... | 6/11 |
14in. × 18in. | ,, | ... | 8/11 |
15in. × 19in. | ,, | ... | 10/11 |
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
No. O R 1703.
Glass Door Book Case. Movable Shelves. *Top | 35 | by | 12 | by | 36 | in. | high | ... | 29/6 |
Also without Glass Doors but with Fixed Shelves. |
No. O R 1561. |
Bamboo Book Case. Matting Top and Sides. Lined Leather Paper. |
Top | 30 | by | 11½ | by | 36 | in. | high | ... | 14/6 |
,, | 33 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 42 | ,, | ,, | ... | 17/6 |
* ,, | 36 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 48 | ,, | ,, | ... | 22/6 |
No. O R 1706.
BOOT CUPBOARD. * Top | 15 | by | 15 | in., | 14/0 | single door. |
* ,, | 18 | ,, | 15 | ,, | 15/9 | ,, |
* ,, | 23 | ,, | 15 | ,, | 17/9 | double door. |
* ,, | 34 | ,, | 15 | ,, | 25/9 | ,, |
Also in a Cheaper Make. |
Top | 15 | by | 15 | by | 36 | in. | high, | 10/6 | single door. |
,, | 22 | ,, | 15 | ,, | 36 | ,, | ,, | 13/6 | ,, |
,, | 34 | ,, | 15 | ,, | 40 | ,, | ,, | 22/6 | double door. |
No. O R 1528
Fine Matting Shelf Table.
Top, 23 × 18in. | ... ... ... | ... | 9/6 |
,,,, | with 2 flaps | ... | 11/6 |
,,,, | with 4 flaps | ... | 14/6 |
Articles marked with* are not kept in stock, but can be despatched in 3 or 4 days from receipt of order.
No. O R 1508. *
Settee in Extra Stout Bamboo.Covered Matting.
Length of Seat, 36in.Price 24/6.
No. O R 1567.Bamboo Folding Card Table. Covered Green Felt. Top 23in. × 23in., Price 7/6. Also 28½in. × 28½in. top, Canted Corners, Green Felt Top. Price 12/6
No. O R 1555. *
Revolving Table Book Stand, Lacquer Top.
12 × 12 × 12in. high, 10/6
No. O R 1585. 4-Flap Table in Fine Matting. 22 × 22in., 11/9
3 &
Bamboo Curtain Poles, complete with Rings, Ends and Brackets. 5ft.,3/3; 6ft.,3/6; 7ft.,3/9; 8ft.,4/0; 9ft.,4/6; 10ft.,5/0
No. O R 1542.Strong Shelf Stool.
Covered Matting. Top 12 × 12in.
Height 20in. Price 3/9
No. O R 1503.*
Book Case with Glass Doors and Cupboard. Book Case lined Japanese Leather Paper; Cupboard stained inside, and covered with a fine Matting.
37 × 13 × 71in. high. Price 55/0
No. O R 1659.Fine Matting Top Table.
25 × 17in. Top, 11/9
Tables of Natural Bamboo, covered White Matting.
Top | 20 | by | 12 | ... | ... | ... | 3/9 |
,, | 22 | ,, | 14 | ... | ... | ... | 4/11 |
,, | 24 | ,, | 16 | ... | ... | ... | 5/11 |
,, | 27 | ,, | 18 | ... | ... | ... | 7/6 |
,, | 30 | ,, | 20 | ... | ... | ... | 9/9 |
,, | 21 | ,, | 21 | ... | ... | ... | 5/11 |
No. O R 1554.
Matting Top Fancy Table. Top 16½in. square; Height 27½in.
Price 9/3
Gauze Squares and Centres, assorted designs, embroidered with gold thread and pale coloured silks.
No. O R 630. 20 × 20in., 5/11.
No. O R 633. 20 × 36in., 13/9.
No. O R 632. 36 × 36in., 29/6.
No. O R 635. 20 × 72in., 29/6.
Turkish Embroidery, on Natural Colour Cotton Ground, worked with Red, Green, Blue, and Gold Silks. Assorted designs.
Squares—No. OR588, 22in. × 22in., 6/3;
No. OR589, 36in. × 36in., 21/0
Centres—No. OR583, 14in. × 36in., 6/11;
No. OR584, 14in. × 54in., 9/11;
No. OR585, 20in. × 36in., 10/6;
No. OR586, 20in. × 54in., 13/11;
No. OR587, 20in. × 72in., 21/0 each.
No. O R 690.
Turkish D’Oyley.
6in. square, 6/6 doz.
No. O R 691.
Turkish D’Oyley.
6in. square, 12/6 doz.
No. O R 1732. Book Rest, covered with selected pieces of Chinese Embroidery. 10/6 each.
No. O R 688. Modern Turkish Embroidered Chairback, 20 × 40in., 5/6 each.
Apart from these illustrations, there is a very interesting collection of Old Indian, Chinese, and Turkish Embroideries in the Oriental Department.
Chinese | Coats ranging in prices from 45/0 | each. |
,, | Skirts ,,,, 16/6 | ,, |
,, | Sleeves,,3/6 to 21/0 pair. |
Japanese Kimonos. Printed Cotton CrÊpe, in many designs, 5/6 and 6/3 each.
Embroidered on Jap Silk. Colours: Violet, Old Rose, Saxe Blue, Sky, Pink, Reseda, 45/0
Embroidered on Jap Silk. Colours: Violet, Old Rose, Cerise, Reseda, Saxe Blue, and Black, 63/0 and 69/6
Embroidered designs on Silk CrÊpe. Colours: Violet, Old Rose, Cerise, Reseda, Saxe Blue, and Black, 84/0
Modern Turkish Chairbacks, 1/6, 2/11, 3/6 each.
Old Turkish Chairbacks, 3/6 to 15/6 each.
Djijim Curtains, 5 coloured bands, from 3 yds. long, 8/6, 12/9, 19/11 each.
Djijim Curtains, in plain colours, Mosque design, 14/11 each.
Green, Terra, Dark Blue, and Electric.
Indian Curtains, printed on Coarse Native Cotton.
3 yds. × 1½ yds. ... 3/6 each.
4 yds. × 2 yds. ... 5/11,,
Indian Dadoes printed on Coarse Native Cotton.
About 7 yds. long × 16in. wide, 3/3 each.
,,7 yds.,,× 32in.,,6/3,,
Persian Prints.
3 | yds. | × | 2 | yds. | 8/11 | each. |
3 | ,, | × | 3 | ,, | 13/6 | ,, |
2 | ,, | × | 2 | ,, | 6/0 | ,, |
1½ | ,, | × | 1½ | ,, | 3/6 | ,, |
1 | yd. | × | 1 | yd. | 1/6 | ,, |
Owing to the uncertainty of repetition in Oriental Goods, we cannot guarantee to send exact designs as illustrated always, but the nearest will be sent, and if not approved Harrods will be pleased to exchange.
All Embroideries sent Carriage Paid.
Heavy Gold Work on Cream CrÊpe Cotton.
No. O R 624, 20 × 20in., 11/9.
No. O R 626, 36 × 36in., 45/0.
No. O R 627, 20 × 36in., 21/0.
No. O R 629, 20 × 72in., 45/0
No. O R 689.
Modern Chinese Soft Silk Piano Back. Old Rose, Green, Blue, and Olive. 60 × 60in. Price 35/0
No. O R 1722.
Embroidered Various Designs in Fine Silk. Colours, Cream, Pale Blue, and Pink, 15/9. Cheaper quality, 7/11
Egg Cosies, as above, 1/0
No. O R 1720.
Printed Landscape Designs on Japanese Silk, 4/3
Indian Printed Curtain or Bedspread, Rose Design, Chintz Colourings.
No. O R 495. |
3 yd. × 1½ yd., 4/11 |
No. O R 496. |
3 yd. × 2 yd., 6/6 |
No. O R 498. |
3 yd. × 3 yd., 9/11 |
No. O R 497. |
4 yd. × 2 yd., 7/11 each |
Indian Hand-printed Bedspread, Red and Blue Colourings. No. O R 685, 3 yd. × 2 yd., 7/6 each. No. O R 686, 3 yd. × 2½ yd., 9/6 each. No. O R 687, 3 yd. × 3 yd., 11/6 each.
Also in Table Covers, 1 yd. square, 1/6; 1½ yd. square, 3/3.
Indian Printed Curtain, Peacock Design, Chintz Colourings.
No. O R 502. |
3 yd. × 1½ yd., 4/11 |
No. O R 499. |
3 yd. × 2 yd., 6/6 |
No. O R 501. |
3 yd. × 3 yd., 9/11 |
No. O R 500. |
4 yd. × 2 yd., 7/11 each |
Indian Printed Bedspread, Tree Design, in Chintz Colourings.
No. O R 358, 3 yd. × 2 yd., 8/6 each. No. O R 359, 3 yd. × 3 yd., 12/9 each. No. O R 580, 4 yd. × 2 yd., 10/6 each.
In addition to the designs illustrated on this page, we stock others of Indian Hand-printed Curtains and Bedspreads, and shall be pleased to send a selection for approval upon receipt of sizes required.
PART I.—Drugs, Patent Medicines, Veterinary Preparations and Sundries. PART II.—Surgical Instruments and Appliances. PART III.-Perfumery and Toilet Articles. PART IV.—Toilet Soaps (All Makers).
Abbey’s Effervescing Salt | ... | ... | ... | per bot.2/3 |
Absorbent Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/6 |
Absorbine, Human | ... | ... | ... | per bot.4/6 |
,,Vet. | ... | ... | ... | per bot.8/3 |
Acetic | ... | ... | per oz. 0/1,pint 0/8 |
,,Coutts | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 1/10 |
,,(glacial) | ... | ... | ... | per oz.0/3½ |
Boracic | ... | ... | ... | per lb.0/4½ |
Carbolic (disinfecting) | per bot. 0/6½, gall. 2/6, jar 0/10 extra |
,,pure, for Lotion, etc., | ... per oz. 0/2,per lb. 1/8 |
Citric | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/11 |
Muriatic (Spirit of Salts) | ... | ... | per oz. 0/1,lb. 0/6 |
(not sent by post) |
Oxalic | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
Tartaric | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/3 |
,,Small crystals, for Seltzogenes ... | per lb. 1/3 |
Tubes | ... | ... | ... | each 0/1½ |
Acidol | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
Aerated Water Machinery, etc., obtained to order. |
Agarase | ... | ... | ... | per tin 4/0 |
Alabastrine Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9½ |
Alaxa | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Albulactine | ... | ... | ... | per tin 2/6 5/0 |
Aletris Cordial | ... | ... | ... | ... | 4/3 |
Alexine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 4/6 |
Alkan’s Anti-Neuralgic Water | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Alkaram | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/7 |
Allan’s Antifat | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/10 |
Allcock’s Bunion Plasters | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
,,Corn Plasters | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
,,Porous Plasters, | ... | ... | each 0/7, 1/4 3/10 |
Ambrecht’s Coca Wine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/2 |
,, Pyrethreum | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
Antiseptic Powder | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Beef Fluid | ... | ... | ... | 2/5 |
Beef Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Bynin, Liquid Malt | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 2/6 |
Bynin, Amara | ... | ... | ... | ? | |
Bynin-Emulsion | ... | ... | ... | ? | |
Byno-Cascada | ... | ... | ... | ? | |
Byno-Glycero Phosphates | ... | ... | ? | 2/3 and 4/0 |
Byno-HÆmoglobin | ... | ... | ... | ? | per bot. |
Byno-Hypophosphates | ... | ... | ? | |
Byno-Pancreatin | ... | ... | ... | ? | |
Byno-Pepsin | ... | ... | ... | ? | |
Byno-Phosphates | ... | ... | ... | ? | |
Bynol (Malt and Oil) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/8 3/0 |
CafÉ Vierge | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
Castor Oil, Tasteless, | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5, 0/10 1/6 |
Coca Bynin | ... | ... | 2/3 4/0 |
Cod Liver Oil (Perfected), | per bot. 1/1, 2/0, 3/10 7/6 |
Feeding Bottle (Allenbury) | ... | each 1/2 |
Feeding Bottle Fittings— |
Bottles | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Clips | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Regulators | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/2 |
Teats | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 |
Valves | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/3 |
Glycerine Jujubes | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
Hazol | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/0 |
Infants’ and Invalid Foods— |
Milk Food, No. 1 | ... | ... | per tin | }1/6 3/0 |
,, ,, No. 2 | ... | ... | ,, |
Malted Food, No. 3, | ... | per tin 0/10, 1/8, 3/10 7/6 |
Milk and Cereal Diet | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/6 3/0 |
,, Food Chocolate | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/6 |
,, Cocoa | ... | ... | per tin 1/8 2/10 |
Malt Extract | ... | ... | 1/2 2/0 |
Peptones (Beef, Milk and Wheat) ... | 2/10 5/3 |
Rusks | ... | ... | per tin 1/6 2/9 |
Saccharin Elixir | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 2/6 4/9 |
,, TabellÆ | ... | ... | ,,0/6 0/10½ 2/0 |
TabellÆ of Compressed Drugs manufactured by Allen & Hanbury—
Ammon. Chloride, gr. ij. | ... | ? | 1/0 size 0/10 2/6 size 2/0 4/6 size 3/10 |
,,,,gr. v. | ... | ? |
Antifebrin, gr. iij. | ... | ... | ? |
Antipyrin, gr. v. | ... | ... | ? |
Cascara Ext., gr. ij. | ... | ... | ? |
,,Comp. | ... | ... | ? |
Laxative | ... | ... | ? |
Pepsin, gr. iiss. | ... | ... | ? |
Phenacetin, gr. v. | ... | ... | ? |
Potass. Bicarb, gr. v. | ... | ... | ? |
,, Chlor., gr. v. | ... | ... | ? |
Quinin, Bisulph., gr. 1-10th | ... | ? | 1/0 size 0/10 2/6 size 2/0 4/6 size 3/10 |
,,,, gr. ½ | ... | ? |
,,,, gr. i. | ... | ... | ? |
,,,, gr. ij. | ... | ... | ? |
,,,, gr. iij. | ... | ... | ? |
Soda Mint | ... | ... | ? |
Sulphonal, gr. v. | ... | ... | ? |
Sauerin | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 4/6 |
Sauerin Apparatus, with glass jar and box of 1 doz. lights ... | 8/6 |
Sauerin Spare Glass Jar | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,, Lights | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
Soluble Saccharin | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 2/0 3/10 |
Allenbury’s Thermometer | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Solurol Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 4/6 8/6 |
Other TabellÆ (Compressed Drugs)—to order—In bottles ... 0/10 2/0 3/10 |
Throat Pastilles— |
Ammonium Chloride. | Benzoated Voice. |
Borax. | Camphor Compound. |
Carbolic Acid. | Cocaine 1/10 and 1/20 gr. |
Cocaine, Chlorate of Potash and Borax. | Eucalyptus Comp. |
Eucalyptus (Gum and Oil). | Eucalyptus Oil. |
Guaiacum & Menthol. | Guaiacum Comp. |
Menthol. | Menthol and Cocaine. |
Menthol & Eucalyptus. | Menthol & Rhatany. |
Menthol, Cocaine, and Red Gum. | Potassium Chlorate. |
Potassium Chlorate and Borax. | Pumilio Pine. |
Red Gum. | Red Gum & Cocaine. |
Red Gum and Potassium Chlorate. | Rhatany. |
Rhatany and Cocaine. | Tannin. |
Tannin Cayenne and Black Currant. | Terebene. |
1 lb. tins to order, | ... | ... | each 3/6; per box 0/10 |
Tonga | ... | ... | ... | 2/5 4/0 |
Voice Jujubes | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
Allen’s Foot Ease | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/0 |
Allnut’s Fumigating Paper | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/4 |
Almond Oil | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 1/4 |
Aloes, Barbadoes—See Veterinary Section. |
Alum | ... | ... | per lb. 0/1½ |
,,Pencil | ... | ... | 0/5½ |
Amel Jelly | ... | ... | per tube 1/1½ |
AMERICAN RHEUMATIC CURE, | per bot. 1/0, 1/9 3/3 |
This preparation is confidently recommended for removing all Rheumatic pains in the joints and limbs. |
“Amiral” Soap Tablets (for reducing adipose tissue) | ... box of two tablets 6/9 |
Ammonia, Aromatic Spirits of, | 4 oz. bot. 1/0, 8 oz. bot. 1/10 |
,,,,bottles, screw top, | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 0/5 |
,,Bromide | ... | ... | per oz. 0/1½, | per lb. 1/9 |
,,Carbonate (Lump) | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/8 |
,,(Powder) | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/10 |
,,Chloride | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/7 |
,,Sal Ammoniac | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/7 |
,,Clarke’s | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5½ 0/9½ |
,,Cloudy Ammonia (Scrubb’s) | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
,,KING’S HOUSEHOLD, | per bot. 0/7½, 0/9, 1/3, 2/0, gall. 7/6 |
,,Liquid | ... | per bot. 0/2½ 0/5 per pint 0/8 |
,,Strongest, ·880 | ... | ... | per pint stop bot. 0/11 |
Ammoniated Tincture of Quinine, | per bot. 0/11 1/8 |
Ammoniated Tincture of Quinine Capsules, | per bot. 1/0 |
ANALYSES— | £ s. d. |
Beer, Wine, or Spirits, estimation of alcohol | ... | 0 10 6 |
Bread, Flour, or Baking Powder, qualitative for alum ... | 0 10 6 |
Bread, Flour, or Baking Powder, with estimation of amount | 1 1 0 |
Butter, complete analysis | ... | ... | ... | 1 11 6 |
Cocoa or Coffee, adulteration | ... | ... | 1 1 0 |
Complete Spirit Analysis | ... | ... | 3 3 0 |
Feeding Cakes, complete analysis | ... | ... | 2 2 0 |
Feeding Cakes, determination of oil and albuminoids ... | 1 1 0 |
Manures and Soils | ... | £1 1 0 to 3 3 0 |
Milk, adulteration | ... | ... | 0 10 6 |
Tinned goods, for poisonous metals | ... | ... | 0 10 6 |
Urine, complete analysis | ... | ... | 0 10 6 |
Urine, qualitative for sugar and albumen | ... | ... | 0 3 6 |
The Analysis of Water is undertaken by our Chemist at the following prices— | £ s. d. |
Ordinary Analysis and Report as to suitability for dietetic purposes | 1 1 0 |
The above with Analysis of Mineral Matter | ... | ... | 3 3 0 |
The above with Microscopical Examination | ... | ... | 1 11 6 |
Stoppered Bottles, specially cleaned, together with Instructions, will be sent on application to the Department. |
Analax | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Angier’s Emulsion | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0, 2/3 3/9 |
,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Antexema | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 2/3 |
,,Granules | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11½ |
Anti-Catarrh Smelling Salts | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9½ |
Antifat Biscuits (Cheltine), (Brown or Almond) | ... | per tin 2/0 |
Anti-Obesity Tablets | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/10 |
Antikamnia Tablets | ... | ... | 0/11, per oz. tin 4/0 |
,,Powder | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,,,,4/0 |
Antineurasthin | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/6 4/3 |
Anti-Phlogistine (Dressing), | ... | per pot 1/1½ 2/9, 4/6 |
Antipon (Fat Reducer) | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/2 3/9 |
Antipyrin | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 1/3 |
,,Effervescing | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/9 |
,,Powders (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/6 |
,,Powders (10 grains) | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/9 |
,,Powders (15 grains) | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/0 |
,,Powders (20 grains) | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/3 |
Antiseptic Dressings—see Part II. |
Antitoxine Tablets | ... | per bot. 1/3 4/0 |
Anturic Bath Salts | ... | ... | per tin 1/5 |
Anusol Suppositories | ... | ... | per box 2/10 |
Aphanizon (a paste for taking stains out of cloth) ... | per tube 0/7 |
Apiol Capsules | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
Archibald’s Oatmeal Cream | ... | ... | 0/6 1/0 |
Armour’s Glycerine Extract of Red Bone Marrow, ... 4 oz. bot. 1/6, 8 oz. bot. 2/9, 16 oz. 4/9 |
Armour’s Pepsin Tablets, ... | bot. 25, 0/10½; bot. 75 2/3 |
,,Other Preparations obtained to order. |
ARMY FOOT POWDER | ... | ... | per tin 0/4½ 0/9 |
Aromatic Vinegar | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Artificial Limbs—See Part II. |
Ashford’s Ritrovare Lozenges | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Asplinto Human | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1 2/6 |
Athenstadt’s Iron | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/7 |
Aubergier’s Pate Lactucarium, | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/4 |
,,Syrup | ... | ... | per bot. 2/1 |
Aurilaves | ... | ... | ... | each 0/5 |
Aurosine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/3½ |
Balm of Bethesda | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 2/4 |
Balsam, Friar’s | ... | per bot. 0/4½, 0/8 1/3 |
Bandages—See Part II. |
Barff’s Boro Glyceride | ... | per bot. 0/10 1/11 |
Bark, Peruvian, in powder, ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/0 |
Bark (Soap) | ... | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Drugs are liable to sudden and wide fluctuations of the Market.
Barker’s Shaving Paper, per pkt. 0/10 per book 1/3, per box, 2/4 4/6 [328] |
Barkola Compound | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Barton’s White Liniment | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/11 |
Bate’s Sulphur Salt | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 4/0 |
Bath Eucryl | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 2/6 |
BATH POWDER (Violette Ideale), the sweetest of all Bath Powders, ... per barrel 2/0, 4/0, 8/0, 16/0 32/0 |
This powder is the most pleasant and efficacious preparation on the market for instantly softening and perfuming hard water. |
A sample will be sent on request. |
Bath Powder, Violet, Verbena, or Rose, | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/0 |
Bath Powder (for use after the Bath) | ... | ... | per box 2/5 |
Bath Tablets, Violette Ideale | ... | ... | per box 1/8 |
Bath Powder, Empress Violet, | ... | per box, 1/3 2/0 |
Bath Powder (unscented), Omnium | ... | per box, 0/6½ 0/10½ |
Bath Salt, Droitwich ... | 14 lb. 1/2, 28 lb. bag 2/0 |
Bath Salts, Verbena, Turkish, Rose, Lavender, Cologne, Regalia, Violet, etc., ... per bot. 1/3, 2/3, 4/3; per tin 6/6, 12/6, 17/6 42/0 |
Baume Bengue Analgesique | ... | ... | ... | per tube 2/0 |
BATTERIES obtained to order. |
Bay Salt | ... | ... | per lb. 0/1½ |
Bayer’s Guaiacose | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 |
Beaver’s Fir Wool Oil | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
,,Fir Wool Wadding | ... | ... | per packet 0/9 |
Bed Baths | }See Part II. |
,, Pans |
Beecham’s Cough Pills | ... | per box 0/10½ |
,,Patent Pills | ... | per box 0/10½ 2/3 |
Beeswax | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 2/2 |
Beetham’s Corn Plaster | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
,,Glycerine and Cucumber, ... | per bot. 0/10½, 1/7, 2/3 4/0 |
,,Larola, ... | per bot. 0/6, 1/0, 1/9 2/6 |
,,Soft Corn Cure | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/0 |
Beetawline | ... | ... | per tin 0/10 |
Belladonna Plasters, | ... | each 0/6, per yd. 3/0 |
Bellis Turtle Cup ... | in bot. 1/0; in tin 0/11½ |
Belloc’s Charcoal | ... | ... | per bot. 1/4 |
,,Pastilles | ... | ... | per box 1/4 |
Belts, Ladies’ and Gent’s—See Part II. |
Benbow’s Dog Mixture | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 4/2 |
Bendle’s Meat Port | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 4/6 |
Food | ... | per tin 1/3, 2/0, 4/0 8/0 |
Liquor Pancreaticus | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 3/11 |
,,Pepticus | ... | ... | per bot. 2/8 4/10 |
Peptonised Jelly (Beef or Chicken) | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/10 |
Rennet Essence | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 1/6 |
Bengue’s Menthol Dragees | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/0 |
,,Analgesic Balsam | ... | ... | per tube 2/0 |
,,Stella Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Benson’s Plaster | ... | ... | ... | each 1/0 |
Bertelle’s Catramin Pills | ... | ... | per box 2/2 |
Betul-ol Liniment | ... | ... | per bot. 2/7 |
Bicarbonate of Potash | ... | per bot. 0/5 0/9 |
,,Soda | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4 |
,,,,for Seltzogenes, | ... | per 7 lb. 0/9 |
,,Soda, | ... | Howard’s per lb. 0/6 |
,,,,in Stoppered Bottle, with Spoon ... 0/9 |
Bichromate of Potash | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Bile Beans | ... | ... | per box 1/1 2/6 |
Birley’s Phosphorus, Plain, | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 4/0 |
Biscuits, Charcoal, Bragg’s, | ... | per tin 0/8½ 1/5 2/8 |
,,(Cheltine) Brown, Almond, and (White) ... | per tin 2/0 |
,,Frame Food | ... | ... | per tin 1/4 |
,,Du Barry’s Revelenta | ... | ... | per tin 2/11 |
,,Mellin’s | ... | ... | per tin 1/11 |
,,Plasmon, Diabetic | ... | ... | per tin 4/3 |
Antipyrine (Effervescing) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 |
Carlsbad Salts | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 1/6 |
Citrate Caffeine | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/1½ 1/6 |
,,Lithia (Effervescing), | ... | ... | 0/11½, 1/6 3/3 |
,,Magnesia | ... | ... | ... | 0/7½, 1/2 2/2 |
Eff. Bicarbonate of Potash | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 1/6 |
,,Citrate Potash | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 1/6 |
Hydrobromate of Caffeine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 |
Imperial Saline | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Kissingen Salts | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/10 1/6 |
Piperazine | ... | per bot. 2/0, 3/9 10/0 |
,, Citrate | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Piperazine and Phenocoll | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/10 |
Sulphate Soda | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 1/6 |
Varalettes (for Gout) | ... | ... | ... | 1/0, 2/0 5/0 |
,,Mineral Waters. Vichy, Kissingen, Contrexeville, etc., ... per bot. 1/0 |
Vichy Salts | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10, 1/6 |
Yamba | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
Bishop’s Pills— |
Indigestion | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1½ 2/9 |
Liver | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1½ 2/9 |
Bishop’s Tonules | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/9 |
,,Maxils | ... | ... | ... | ,, 1/1½ 4/6 |
,,Granulets | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Bismuth Carbonate | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/8 |
,,Subnitrate | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/8 |
Bitter Apple or Colocynth Powder, | ... | ... | per lb. 2/0 |
,,,,Whole, | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/9 |
,,better quality, whole or powder | per lb. 2/6 |
Blair’s Gout Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/6 |
Blattis for Beetles | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/11 1/10 |
Blancard’s Pills | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/9 |
Blaud’s Iron Pills ... ... | ... | ... | ... | box of 100 0/8 |
,,,,(specially prepared), | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/3 |
,,,,in Capsule, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Blue Jay Corn Cure (makes hard roads easy) | ... | 0/7½ |
Blue Pill and Black Draught, | ... | ... | each 0/3, doz. 2/6 |
Bond’s Marking Ink | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 0/8 |
Boracic Gauze, Lint or Wool—See Part II. |
,,Ointment | per pot, 0/4, 0/6, 0/10 1/4 |
Borax (Lump) ... | per lb. 0/3; powdered 0/3 |
Boissy’s Saponaceous Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/10 |
Boricine Meissonnier | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/9 |
| Best quality (Narrow Mouth), 1oz. 1/1, 2oz. 1/4, 3oz. 1/7, 4oz. 2/0, 6oz. 2/3, 8oz. 3/0 |
Best quality (Wide Mouth), 1oz. 1/2, 2oz. 1/5, 3oz. 1/7, 4oz. 2/2, 6oz. 2/6, 8oz. 3/2 |
Bottles, Stoppered (Narrow Mouth), 1oz. 0/2, 2oz. 0/2½, 3oz. 0/2½, 4oz. 0/3, 6oz. 0/3½, 8oz. 0/4, 10oz. 0/4½ |
Bottles, Stoppered (Wide Mouth), 1 oz 0/3, 2oz. 0/3, 3oz. 0/3½, 4oz. 0/3½, 6 oz, 0/4, 8oz. 0/4½, 10oz. 0/5 |
Bottles (Wide Mouth, Boxwood Tops), 2oz. 0/1½, 3oz. 0/2, 4oz. 0/2, 6oz. 0/2½, 8oz. 0/2½, 10oz. 0/3 |
Bottles, Leather Cased, | 2 oz. 3/6, 4 oz. 3/10, 6 oz. 4/3, 8 oz. 4/7 |
| Leather Cases to pull off, for holding ordinary medicine bottle when travelling, ... | 6 oz. 4/3, 8 oz. 4/7 |
Bottles, in Metal Cases, 1oz. 1/5, 2oz. 1/8, 4oz. 2/1, 6oz. 2/6, 8oz. 3/0 |
Boutty’s Thyroidine | ... | ... | per bot. 7/9 |
Bovinine, ... | per bot. 0/11, 2/6 4/0 |
Bovril (Invalid) ... | per jar, 1/3, 2/3 3/6 |
Bow’s Liniment | ... | per bot. 1/1½ 2/6 |
Bragg’s Charcoal Preparation Biscuits | ... | per tin 0/8½, 1/5 2/8 |
,,Charcoal Powder | ... | ... | per bot. 1/5 2/10 |
,,Charcoal Lozenges | ... | ... | per box ... 0/10 |
Brand’s Meat Juice | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Bravais Iron | ... | ... | per bot. 1/11 2/10 |
,,Liqueur or Elixir | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 6/0 |
,,Wine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/6 |
Brodie’s Corn Plasters | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/9½ |
Bromide of Potassium | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/2; lb. 2/0 |
Bromo Caffeine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
,,Paper | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/11 |
,,Seltzer | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0, 2/0 4/0 |
Bromo Soda | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/0 |
“Brompton” Cough Specific, | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0, 2/7 4/3 |
“Brompton” Disinfecting Fluid, | 0/7, 1/0 1/9; per gall. 4/0 (tin free) |
(The true germicide as suggested by Pasteur) |
Bromural | ... | ... | ... | per tube 1/6 |
Brou’s Injection | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Brown’s Troches | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Brushes, Camel Hair | ... | ... | ... | each 0/1 0/1½ |
,,Throat (Bent and Straight) | ... | ... | ... | 0/2 |
Brush’s Remedy for Seasickness | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Bullock’s Glycerine and Pepsin | ... | ... | bot. 3/2 10/6 |
,,Pepsin Porci | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/2 11/6 |
Bunion Plaster, ... | per box, thick 0/3, thin 0/2½ |
Bunter’s Nervine | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/1 |
Burgess’ Lion Ointment | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 2/0 |
,,,,Pills | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
Burgoyne’s Chlorobrom | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3, 4/3 6/6 |
The word “Tabloid” which designates Fine products by B. W. & Co. |
Aloin (½ grain) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/4 |
,,Compound (Anti-Constipation) | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/2 |
Ammonium Bromide (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
,,,,(10 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
,,Carbonate (3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/3 |
,,Chloride (3 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 0/10 |
,,,,(5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/0 |
,,,,Compound | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/2 |
,,,,with Borax | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/3 |
,,Chloride with Liquorice | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/2 |
Ammoniated Quinine | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 2/0 |
Antifebrin (2 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/11 |
,, (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/2 |
Antipyrin (5 grains) (Phenazone), | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/8 |
Aromatic Chalk Powder, with Opium B.P. | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/4 |
Aspirin (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 3/0 |
Benzoic Acid Compound | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/0 3/0 |
Benzo-Naphthol (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/10 |
Beta-Naphthol (3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 |
,,Compound | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 1/10 |
Bismuth Carbonate (5 grains), | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/9 2/0 |
,,and Dover Powder (each 2½ grains) ... | per bot. 1/8 |
,,Rhubarb and Soda | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/6 1/4 |
,,Salicylate (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 |
,,and Soda (each 2½ grains), | ... | ... | bot. 1/0 |
,,Subgallate (5 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 2/0 |
,,Subnitrate (5 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/8 |
Blaud—Ferruginous (5 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
,,Ferruginous (10 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,with Aloin | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
,,with Cascara | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Blue Pill (4 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
,,Colocynth and Hyoscyamus, | ... | per bot. 0/8 2/0 |
,,and Rhubarb Compound (of each 2½ grains) ... per bot. 1/8 |
Borax (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/10 |
Boric Acid (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Caffeine, Citrate (2 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/8 |
,,Effervescing, B.P., (60 grains) | ... | ... | per tube 1/0 |
,,Compound (Caffeine and Antipyrin) ... | per bot. 0/8 2/0 |
Calcium Sulphide (¼ grain) | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,, (½ grain) | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
,, (1 grain) | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Calomel (½ grain each) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
,,(1 grain) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
,,(2 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
,,(3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 |
,,(5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
Capsicum Tincture (5 minims) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Carlsbad Salt, Effervescing, Artificial | ... | ... | per tube 0/9 |
Cascara Compound | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 1/8 |
,,and Gentian Comp., | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/9 1/8 |
[329]Cascara Sagrada (Dry Extract) (1 grain)
... | per bot. 0/5 0/10 | ,,,,(2 grains) | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/2 |
,,,,(3 grains) | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/4 |
,,,,(4 grains) | ... | per bot. 0/9 1/8 |
,,,,(5 grains) | ... | per bot. 0/10 1/10 |
Cathartic Compound | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/2 |
Charcoal (5 grains) | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
Chemical Food (Phosphates Compound), each equivalent to 1 teaspoonful of syrup per bot. 0/10 1/10 |
Chinosol (5 grains) | ... | per bot. 0/10 2/6 |
Coffee Mint | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
Cubebs Compound | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/6 |
Dover Powder (5 grains) | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/4 |
Easton’s Syrup (½ teaspoonful) | ... | ... | bot. 0/7 1/4 |
,,,,(1 teaspoonful) | ... | bot. 0/10 2/0 |
Erythrol Tetranitrate (½ grain) | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Euonymin (? grain) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
,,(½ grain) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
Exalgie (2 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
“Forced March” (Kola and Cocoa) | ... | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
Gelseminum Tincture (5 minims) | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/0 |
Gentian and Soda Compound, | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
Ginger (10 minims) (Essence), | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,Essence (5 minims) | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Ginger mint | ... | ... | ... | 0/5 0/10 |
Glycerophosphates Compound (½ drachm) | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 3/0 |
Gregory Powder (5 grains), | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
Grey Powder (1 grain) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 |
,,(2 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
,,(3 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
,,(5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,and Dover (each 1 grain), | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Guaiacol Carbonate (5 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 2/9 |
Guaiacum and Quinine Com. | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 |
,,Resin (5 grains), | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/8 |
,,and Sulphur (of each 3 grains), | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/8 |
Hoemoglobin (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Hypodermic Products (“Tabloid” Brand) | ... | per tube 0/6, 0/8, 1/0 |
All varieties in stock or to order in 1 or 2 days. |
Hypophosphites Compound (1½ grain), each equivalent to ½ teaspoonful of standard syrup per bot. 0/7 1/4 |
Hypophosphites Compound, each equivalent to 1 teaspoonful of syrup, ... per bot. 0/10 2/0 |
Ichthyol (2½ grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 2/3 |
Ipecacuanha (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/10 |
,,De-emetinised (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 2/8 |
,,Wine (5 minims) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 1/2 |
,,with Squill, P.B. Pill (4 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
Iron, Reduced (2 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,and Quinine Citrate, B.P. (3 grains), | ... | per bot. 0/9 1/8 |
,,Sulphate, dried (3 grains), | ... | ... | bot. 1/2 |
Jalap (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Kissingen Salt, Effervescing Artificial, | ... | ... | per tube 0/9 |
Kola Cocoa Compound (“Forced March”) | ... | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
Krameria and Cocaine | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/2 |
Laxative Vegetable | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/3 |
Lead with Opium, B.P. Pill (4 grs.), | ... | ... | per bot. 1/8 |
Liquorice Powder, Compound (each equivalent to 30 grains) ... per bot. 0/7 1/4 |
Lithium Benzoate Compound | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
,,Carbonate (2 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 1/4 |
,,Citrate Eff. (5 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 2/6 |
,,,,,,P.B., 60 grs., | ... | per tube 1/0 |
,,,,with Sodium Sulphate Eff. | per tube 1/4 |
Magnesium Carbonate Compound, | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/4 |
Magnesium Citrate (true), Effervescent (60 grains) ... per tube 1/0 |
,,Sulphate (Epsom Salts), Eff. B. P. (60 grains) ... 1/0 |
,,Compound, Eff. | ... | ... | per tube 1/0 |
,,Sulphite (5 grains), | ... | ... | bot. ... 1/8 |
Manganese Dioxide (2 grs.), | ... | ... | bot. 0/7 1/3 |
Medulla (Bone), 5 grains | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/0 |
Menthol (¼ grain) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 |
,,Compound | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
Mineral Waters, Carlsbad, Kissingen, Seltzer and Vichy | per tube 0/9 |
Mucin Compound | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/10 5/6 |
Nasal, see Soloid Products. |
Nux Vomica, Compound, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/8 |
,,,,Tincture (5 minim), | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Ox Bile (4 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 |
Papain (2 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/4 4/0 |
Paregoric (5 minims) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/0 |
,,(15 minims) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/0 |
Pepana (trade mark), formerly known as Peptonic ... | per bot. 0/10 2/9 |
Pepsin, Bismuth and Charcoal, | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 2/6 |
,, Saccharated | ... | ... | per bot. 1/4 |
Phenacetin (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/2 |
,,Compound | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/8 |
,,and Quinine Comp., | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 |
Pig Bile (4 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 |
Piperazine (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 4/0 |
,,Effervescent | ... | ... | per tube 2/6 |
Podophyllin (¼ grain) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
,,Compound | ... | ... | per bot. 1/8 |
,,and Euonymin | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 |
Potassium Bicarbonate (5 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/9 |
,,Bromide (5 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
,,,,(10 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,Chlorate (5 grains) | ... | ... | tin 0/4½ 0/8 |
,,,,and Borax, | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ 0/8 |
,,Citrate, Eff. (15 grains) | ... | ... | ... | tube 1/2 |
,,Iodide (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 |
,,,,(1 grain) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
,,Nitrate (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
,,Permanganate (1 grain) | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/7 |
,,,,(2 grains) | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/8 |
Quinine, Ammoniated | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 10d. 2/0 |
,,Bisulphate, | per bot. of 100 (1 grain) 0/7 |
,,,,per bot. of 100 (2 grains) | ... | 0/10 |
,,,,per bot. of 100 (3 grains) | ... | 1/4 |
,,,,per bot. of 100 (5 grains) | ... | 1/11½ |
,,and Camphor | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 and 1/4 |
,,Hydrobrom (3 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 1/8½ |
,,,,(5 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 2/7 |
,,Hydrochlor (3 grains), | ... | ... | bot. 0/6½ 1/7½ |
,,,,(5 grains), | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/9 2/5 |
,,Salicylate (3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/2 3/4 |
Red Gum | ... | per box 0/6, per bot. 1/6 |
Residuum Rubrum (5 grains), venous or arterial | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Rhubarb (3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/2 |
,,and Soda | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
,,Compound Pill, B.P. | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
,,Soda and Magnesia, | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/6 1/0 |
,,and Gentian (stomachic), | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/8 |
Saccharin, ... | per bot. 100 0/7, 200 0/11, 500 2/2 |
Salicin (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 3/0 |
Salicylic Acid (3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
,, ,, (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Salol (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/2 |
Santonin (2 grains) | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
“Saxin” (trade mark) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7, 0/11 2/2 |
Seltzer Salt, Effervescing Artificial (60 grains) | ... | per tube 0/9 |
Soda Mint | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 0/10 |
Sodium Bicarbonate (5 grains), | ... | ... | ... | bot, 0/6 0/9 |
,,Bromide (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
,,,,(10 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
,,Citrate (2 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
,,Phosphate, Effervescent, B.P. (60 grains) ... | per tube 1/0 |
,,Salicylate (3 grains), | ... | ... | bot. 0/7 1/0 |
,, ,,(5 grains), | ... | ... | bot. 0/8 1/4 |
,, ,,Effervescent, | ... | ... | ... | tube 1/0 |
,,Sulphocarbolate | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/8 |
Strontium Bromide (5 grains), | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Strophanthus (5 minim), B.P. | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/0 |
Sulphonal (5 grain) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 2/0 |
Sulphur Compound | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/10 |
Supra-renal gland (5 grains), | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/6 |
Tannin (2½ grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Tar (1 grain) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 0/11 |
,,and Codeine | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 2/2 |
Tea | ... | ... | per tin 0/6 1/0 |
Thirst Quencher | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 1/2 |
Three Syrups | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 2/2 |
Thymol (1 grain) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
,,(2 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
Thymus Gland (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
Thyroid Colloid (½ grain) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
,,Gland (½ grain) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 |
,,,,(1½ grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
,,,,(2½ grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
,,,,(5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Tonic Compound | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 1/8 |
Terebene (Liquid), Pure | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
Trinitrin (Nitro-Glycerine), (1/50 and 1/100 and 1/200 grain) ... per bot. 0/7 1/2 |
,,Compound, | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 and 2/2 |
Trional (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 3/6 |
Urotropine (3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 2/6 |
Veronal (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
,,(0.5 gm.) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/9 |
Vichy Salt, Efferves., Artificial, | ... | ... | ... | ... | per tube 0/9 |
,,with Lithium | ... | ... | ... | ... | per tube 0/9 |
Voice | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/6 0/10 |
Warburg Tincture (30 minims), | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Xaxa (trade mark) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/6 |
Xaxaquin (trade mark) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 2/3 |
“Zymine,” see under Fairchild. |
,,Compound, see under Fairchild. |
Alaxa (trade mark) | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Atomiser, Naso Pharyngeal, Paroline (trademark) | ... | each 4/0 |
Beef and Iron Wine (“Bivo”) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 3/10 |
Beef and Iron Wine, with Quinine, | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 4/6 |
Borofax (trade mark) | ... | ... | ... | per tube 0/6 0/10 |
Chlorate Ammonium Inhaler, “Vaperole” (trademark) ... | each 5/0 |
“Eucalyptia” | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/4 |
“Hazeline” | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 3/0 |
,,Cream | ... | ... | ... | jars 0/11 |
,,Cream in tubes, each 0/6, | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
,,Snow (trade mark) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 |
Vulcanite Nozzles for Tubes | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/5 |
Menthol Snuff (B. W. & Co.) | ... | ... | ... | ... | tin 0/6 |
O.P.A. (Trade Mark) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/3 |
“Paroleine” | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 2/0 |
“Pinol” | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 2/9 |
Vana Tonic Wine | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
“Tabloid” Brand Medicine Cases.— |
Pocket Case Metallic, fitted with 5 bottles of “Tabloid” Brand Drugs, 4 × 2¾ × 1in. ... | each approx. 6/0 |
“Tabloid” Medicine Case specially fitted for the tropics, measurements 10¾ × 7½ × 3in., containing fifteen 1 oz. bottles, and one 4 oz. bottle; minor surgical instruments and dressings, complete with “Tabloid” Brand Drugs, etc. ... | each 77/6 |
Other Specifications to order. | |
“Enule” Brand Rectal Suppositories— | |
“Enule” (trade mark) designates fine products issued by B. W. & Co. |
Bismuth Subgallate | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/0 |
Glycerine, 95 per cent., adults’ or children’s sizes | ... | 0/9 |
“Hazeline” Compound, adult | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/8 |
Lead and Opium, adult | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/8 |
Predigested Meat, adult | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/8 |
,,Children’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/3 |
,,Milk, Adult’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/8 |
,,Children’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/3 |
Quinine Bisulphate (5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/8 |
Santonin (3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/8 |
The word “Soloid” indicates that these are prepared by B. W. and Co. |
Alum (10 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
[330]Boracic Acid (6 grains) perfumed with Otto | ... | ... | 0/8 |
Boracic Acid (15 grains) | ... | ... | 0/8 |
Carbolic Acid (5 grains) | ... | ... | per tube 0/6 |
,, ,, (20 grains) | ... | ... | per tube 0/8 |
Chinosol (8·75 grains) | ... | per bot. 1/0 3/10 |
Nasal Alkaline Compound | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1 |
,,Phenol,, | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 |
,,Sodium Bicarbonate Compound | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1 |
Naso-Pharyngeal Compound, | ... | per bot. 0/11 2/9 |
Other Soloid Brand products will be obtained special to order only. |
Brill’s Sea Salt | ... | ... | per box 1/4 |
(Sufficient for one dozen baths.) |
Byard’s Oil of Eucalyptus | ... | ... | per bot. 1/3 |
CACHOUS, Harrods’ Floral Series in Rose, White Rose, Musk, Lavender, Violet, Heliotrope, Jockey Club, Ess. Bouquet, Millefleurs, etc., oz. 0/2½, in boxes 0/6, per lb. | 3/0 |
,, Hooper’s | ... | ... | per box 0/3 |
,, Sen-Sen | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/2 |
Cactina Pellets | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 |
Cadum Ointment | ... | ... | per tin 1/0 |
Cafe Veirge, Concentrated Essence of Coffee | ... | 1/2 |
Cafe Zylak (Savory and Moore’s Peptonised Coffee and Milk) | per tin 1/4 2/2 |
Calcined Magnesia | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4 |
California Syrup of Figs | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 1/7 |
Callard’s “Kalari” Biscuits | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
Carbolic Acid, No. 1, Internal use, ... 1 oz. 1/0; 2 oz. 1/4; 4 oz. 2/4; 8 oz. 4/0 |
Carbolic Acid No. 2, External Use, ... 1 oz. 0/8; 2 oz. 1/0; 4 oz. 1/8; 8 oz. 2/8 |
Carbolic Acid Disinfecting, ... per 8 oz. bot. 0/8; per 16 oz. bot. 1/0; per ½ gal. 2/8; per gal. 4/6 |
Carbolic Camphor Rolls | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/2½ 0/4 |
,,Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per pot 0/10½ |
,,Powder, | per 28 lb. keg 4/0; per tin 0/8 |
,,Powder for Vaporiser | ... | ... | per tin 0/4½ |
,,Tow | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/0 |
,,Vaporiser | ... | ... | ... | each 1/0 |
Night Lights for Vaporiser | ... | per box 0/5 |
Camomile Flowers | ... | ... | per 2 oz. 0/3 |
Best quality per lb. 1/6 |
Camphor | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 2/9 |
,,1 oz. tablets | ... | ... | each 0/2½, per lb. 2/9 |
,,3’s to 1 oz. | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 2/11 |
,,Compound Liniment | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,Pills in bot. | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 1/0 |
,,Rolls | ... | ... | ... | each 0/2½ 0/4 0/6 |
,,Spirits of | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,Essence of (Rubini) | ... | ... | per bot. ... 0/6 |
Camphorated Chalk | per box 0/2½ 0/4 per lb. 0/9 |
,,Chloroform | ... | ... | per stoppered bot. 0/6 |
,,Oil | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
Camphylene | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/10 |
,,Cream disinfectant | ... | ... | 0/10 |
,,,,Ammoniated for Bath ... | 0/10 |
CAPSULES—(Harrods’) in bottles. |
Ammoniated Quinine | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Amyl. Nitrate, 4 min. | ... | ... | box 1/4 |
Blaud’s Pills | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Cascara Capsules | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,,,2nd Quality, | ... | box of 24 0/7 |
Castor Oil | ... | ... | ... | per box of 15 0/6 |
Cinnamon and Quinine (for colds) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Cod Liver Oil (½ teaspoonful) | ... | per box of 24 0/6 |
,,,,,, | ... | ... | ,,6 doz. 1/5 |
Copaiba (10 minims) | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
Creosote (1 minim) | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/9 |
,, 2,, | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/10 |
Easton Syrup (concentrated) 1 teaspoonful, ... | per box of 24 1/0 |
CAPSULES HÆMOGLOBIN As suggested by Dr BECHERRE Highly successful in AnÆmia and General Weakness indicated for Weak and Falling Hair |
HÆmoglobin | ... | ... | per bot. 1/7 |
Sandal Wood Oil | ... | per bot. of 24 1/1 |
Terebene | ... | ... | per box 0/7 |
Capsules Savaresse Balsam Copaiba, | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 |
,,Sandal Wood Oil | ... | ... | ,,3/6 |
Capsuloids | ... | ... | per box 2/3 |
Carbolic Acid (detached crystals for medicinal purposes) ... per lb. bot. 1/3 |
Carbolic Acid for disinfecting purposes, 6½ per bot. gallon 2/6 (jar0/10extra) |
,,,,Liquid, | ... | ... | per 4 oz. bot. 0/8 |
,,,, | ... | ... | per 16 oz. bot. 1/3 |
,,Lotion, 1-40 | ... | ... | ... | per qt. 0/9 |
,,,,1-20 | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/0 |
,,Oil 1-20 | ... | ... | per pint. 1/4 |
,,Powder (Harrods’) | ... | ... | per tin 0/4½ 0/10½ |
,,Tooth Powder (Harrods’) | per tin 0/3½, 1/0; per lb. 2/6 |
,,Gauze Wools, etc., see Part II. |
,,Smoke Ball | ... | ... | ... | each 8/6 |
,,,,refilling | ... | ... | ... | ,,4/6 |
Carbonate of Ammonia | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
,,Iron | ... | ... | ... | oz. 0/1, lb. 1/0 |
,,Magnesia, Heavy | ... | ... | per lb. 1/0 |
Carlsbad Salts, the genuine in crystals | ... | ... | 2/3 |
,,,, | ... | ... | ... | in powder 2/3 |
,,,,Effervescing | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Carlsbad Salts, Kutnow’s Improved effervescing | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Carmine (finest), | ... | per drachm 0/6 per oz. 3/9 |
Carnine Lefrancq | ... | ... | ... | 4/6 8/6 |
Carnrick’s Beef Peptonoids | ... | ... | ... | per tin 3/4 |
,,Cod Liver Oil and Milk, | ... | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
,,Liquid Peptonoids | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3 3/10 |
,,Soluble Food | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 3/6 |
Carter’s Iron Pills | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
,,Little Liver Pills | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,Nerve Pills | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11½ |
Cascara Capsules | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,Sagrada Fluid Extract, | ... | per bot. 0/4 0/7 1/1 |
,,,,Pills | ... | ... | 100 in bottle 1/0 |
Cascarine Le Prince | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Castile Soap | ... | per lb. 0/6, per bar 0/6 4/3 |
Castor Oil (Tasteless) | ... | ... | per 4 oz. bot. 0/3½ |
,,,, | 8 oz. 0/6, 16 oz. 0/10, 32 oz. 1/6 |
,,,,Capsules | ... | ... | per box 0/6 |
Caustic Points, see Part II. |
Cedar Dust | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/4½ |
Celandine | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
Celerina | ... | ... | ... | 4/6 |
Celmo | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 4/6 |
Cements, Coaguline | ... | ... | per bot. 0/3½ 0/7 |
,,Diamond | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
,,Foulkes’ | ... | ... | per bot. 0/3½ 0/7 |
,,Marshall’s | ... | ... | ... | ,, 0/3½ 0/6½ |
,, Tenasitine | ... | ... | ... | per tube 0/4½ |
Chalk, French Powdered | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
,,Best quality, Precipitated | ... | ... | per box 0/5 |
,,,,Prepared | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/3½ |
,,Precipitated | ... | ... | 1 oz. 0/1,,0/3 |
,,Prepared | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/2 |
To Order Only. A Special List of Apparatus supplied on application.
Urine Test Cabinet | ... | ... | ... | ... | 28/6 |
Chemical Balance, Student’s, from ... | 50/0 |
,,Food, Parrish’s guaranteed | 4 oz. bot. 0/4, 12 oz. 0/9, 32 oz. 1/10 |
,,Food (Squire’s) | ... | bot. 1/6, 2/6 4/0 |
Single Chest Protector London |
Fig. A. Single. |
Size | About | Scarlet | Natural | Chamois |
No. | | Felt | Wool | Lined |
| Perforated |
1. 8in. × 8in. | each | 0/9 | 0/9 | 0/11 |
2. 9½in. × 9½in. | each | 0/11 | 0/11 | 1/2 |
3. 11in. × 11in. | each | 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/4 |
4. 12in. × 12in. | each | 1/4 | 1/4 | 1/7 |
5. 13in. × 14in. | each | 1/10 | 1/10 | 2/0 |
Double Chest Protector London |
Fig. B. Double. |
Size | About | Scarlet | Natural | Chamois |
No. | | Felt | Wool | Lined |
| Perforated |
1. 9in. × 8in. | each | 1/7 | 1/7 | 1/11 |
2. 11in. × 9½in. | each | 2/0 | 2/0 | 2/6 |
3. 12in. × 11in. | each | 2/6 | 2/6 | 3/1 |
4. 13½in. × 12in. | each | 3/0 | 3/0 | 3/9 |
5. 14in. × 14in. | each | 3/9 | 3/9 | 4/8 |
Chilblain Liniment | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
,,Cure (Nunn’s) | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/0 |
Pure Powder, for internal and external application ...per bot. 0/10½ 1/7 |
Compressed Tablets, in tubes 25·8 grains and 14-15 grains ... 0/10½ |
Chiron’s Bath Salts | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1 |
Chlorate of Potash | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Chloric Ether ... | ... | ... | ... | per 2 oz. bot. 0/7 |
Chloride of Ammonium Inhalers (Godfrey’s) | ... | 6/0 |
,,,,,,,,“Vaperole” | ... | 5/0 |
Acid for use with “Vaperole” | ... | ... | ... | 1/3 |
Alkali,,,,,, | ... | ... | ... | 1/3 |
Chlorinated Lime, ... 0/4 per lb. tin, 7 lb. jar 1/9, 1 cwt. cask to order 10/6 |
[331]Chlorobrom for sea sickness, &c. | ... | ... | 2/3 4/3 |
Chlorodyne (Harrod’s) | ... | bot. 0/7½, 1/0, 1/9 4/6 |
,,Collis Browne’s | ... | ... | 1/0, 2/6, 4/0 10/0 |
,,(Freeman’s) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0, 2/6, 4/0 |
Chloroform ... | per oz. stoppered bot. 0/6 |
,,Camphorated | ... | ... | ... | per oz. bot. 0/6 |
Christy’s Preparations— |
Kerpod | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/11 2/2 |
Kola Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/11 2/2 |
Menthol Lozenges | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ 2/3 |
Mistole | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/1½ 2/9 |
Nea-Kola | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/4 2/3 |
Churchill’s Pectoral Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/10 |
Churchill’s Syrups— |
Hypophosphites Compound | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
,,of Iron | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
,,of Lime | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
,,of Soda | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
Cicfa | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ 2/9 |
Espic | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/2 |
Grimault | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/2 |
Joy’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/10½ |
Kutnow’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
Marshall’s Cubeb | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
S. & M.’s Datura Tatula | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
Zematone | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/4½ |
Cimolite (Taylor’s), | ... | box 0/8½, bot. 2/6, 5/0, 9/9 |
,,,,Cream | ... | ... | ... | tube 0/9½ |
Cinnaform Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 |
Citrate of Caffeine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9, 1/4 |
,,Iron Quinine (Howard’s), | bot. ½ oz. 0/5, 1 oz. 0/9 |
,,Lithia | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 1/0 |
,,Magnesia, granules, effervescing | per bot. 0/5, 1/3 |
,,Potash | ... | ... | ... | per oz. bot. 0/9 |
Citric Acid (crystal) | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/11 |
Clarke’s Ammonia | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5½ 0/9½ |
,,Blood Mixture | ... | ... | ... | per box. 2/1 8/6 |
,,Glycola | ... | ... | ... | per box. 0/5 0/10 |
,,Pills—B41 | ... | ... | ... | box 3/3 |
Clarkson’s Embrocation | ... | ... | ... | per. bot. 1/1½ |
Cleaning Pads | ... | ... | ... | each 0/3½ |
Clertan’s Perles d’Ether | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/10 |
Clinical Thermometers. (See Part II.) |
| dry cleaning CLOTH BRICK |
Cloth Brick Dry Cleaner | ... | 0/7½ |
,,Cleaner | ... | per ball 0/4½ |
,,,,Harle’s | ... | per bot. 0/4½ 0/9 |
Coaguline, Kays’ | ... | per bot. 0/3½ 0/7 |
Coal Tar Saponine | ... | per bot. 1/10 |
COCA WINE, HARRODS’ specially recommended, | per doz. 30/0; per bot. 2/9 |
Coca Wine, Mariana | ... | per bot. 3/8 |
| COCA WINE for Sleeplessness and fatigue of mind and body HARRODS’S LIMITED BROMPTON ROAD |
Coca Wine (Hall’s) ... | per bot. New size 2/0 3/6 |
Coca Wine, Ambrecht’s Nelson’s | ... | bot. 3/2 |
Cochineal (best) | per oz. 0/3 per bot. 3/6 |
Cocoa Butter | ... | per lb. 2/4 |
,,Nut Oil | ... | jars 0/6 1/0 |
Cockles’ Pills | ... | per box 0/9 1/11½ |
Cod Liver Oil (Allen & Hanbury’s Brand) ... | per bot. 1/1 2/0 3/10 7/6 |
Cod Liver Oil Capsules | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/6 |
Cod Liver Oil “Cream Brand,” extra pure from selected fish only. This oil is specially imported by Harrods. 8 oz. 0/10, 16 oz. 1/8, 32 oz. 2/10, per gal. | 8/6 |
Jar 0/10 extra, not returnable. | |
Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, with Hypophosphite, specially prepared, and most palatable ... bot. 1/1, 1/10½ | 3/4½ |
Cod Liver Oil, Finest Norwegian, 8 oz. 0/6, 16 oz. 0/10, 32 oz. 1/6, per gal. | 5/6 |
Jar 0/10 extra, not returnable. | |
Cognet’s HÉmoneurol | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/8 |
,,Iron Dragees | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Colchi Sal Capsules, 50 in bot. | ... | ... | ... | 2/7 |
Coleby’s Balsam | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Collis Browne’s Chlorodyne | per bot. 1/0, 2/6, 4/0 and 10/0 |
Collodion | ... | ... | ... | 1 oz. stop. bot. 0/7 |
Colman’s Mustard Oil | ... | ... | ... | 0/9½ |
,,Wincarnis | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3 3/6 |
,,Nervelettes | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0, 2/6 4/0 |
Colocynth, or Bitter Apple, per lb., Powder | ... | 2/0 |
Whole 1/9, Best quality, | per lb. 2/6 |
Condy’s Fluid, Green | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
,,,,Red, | 0/10½, 1/9, 3/6 per gal. 8/6 |
Jar 0/9 extra. |
,,,,Crystals | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
,,,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
,,Ozonised Disinfectant Powder | ... | per tin. 0/11 |
,,,,Sea Salt | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 |
,,,,Water | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/10 3/2 |
,,Remedial Fluid | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Confection of Senna | ... | ... | per jar, 0/5, 0/9 1/3 |
,,Sulphur | ... | ... | oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/2 |
Jar Extra. |
Congreve’s Elixir | ... | ... | per bot. 1/11, 3/1½ 8/3 |
Cooper’s Effervescent Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11½ |
,,Glycocuter Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | per box. 0/11½ |
,,Sinapine Tissue | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/9½ |
Coriander Seeds | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
,,,,powdered | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
CORN CURE (HARRODS’) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7½ 1/1½ |
(This preparation is almost infallible.) |
Corn Plasters— |
Blue Jay | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/7½ |
Felt | ... | ... | ... | thin, per box 0/2 |
Felt | ... | ... | thick, per box 0/2½ |
Red Cross (Harrods’) | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/4½ 0/8 |
Corn Rubber | ... | ... | ... | each 0/5 |
,,Silk | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/6½ |
Cotton Bandages, See Part II. |
,,Wool. See Part II. |
Cough (Bronchial) Elixir, | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/6½, 1/0, 1/9 |
Cough Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/6 |
,,,,(Bronchial), Dr. Forbes’ | ... | per box, 0/8½, 1/3 |
Court Plaster | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/4½, 0/9 |
,,in leather case | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/6½ |
,,(New Skin) Liquid, | ... | per tin, 0/7½, 1/1½ 2/3 |
,,perforated | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/3½ |
Coutts’ Acetic Acid | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2, 1/10 |
,,Sponges | ... | ... | ... | each 0/6 |
Cream of Malt, Plain | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/10 3/6 |
Do. with Cascara Sag. | ... | ... | ? | per bot. 2/9 5/0 |
Do. with Chocolate | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Coca | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Creosote | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Dialysed Iron | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Easton Syrup | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Eucalyptol | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Hypophosphites | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Iodides | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Parrish’s Food | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Terebene | ... | ... | ? |
Do. with Cod Liver Oil, | ... | per bot. 1/10 3/6 |
Do. with Cod Liver Oil and Chocolate | ... | ? | per bot. 2/9 5/0 |
Do. with Cod Liver Oil and Guaiacol Carb. | ? |
Do. with Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites | ? |
Cream of Tartar | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/0 |
Creosote | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 |
CrÈpe Velpeau Bandage. See Part II. |
Cresoline | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0, 1/10 5/4 |
,,Lamps, complete | ... | ... | ... | each 5/4 |
Cubebs Powder | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/4 |
Curello, for the Skin | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 2/6 |
,,Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per jar 1/0 2/6 |
Currie Powder | ... | ... | per oz. 0/2 per lb. 2/0 |
Cuticura Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per tin, 1/11 3/10 |
Cuticura Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
,,Plaster | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
,,Resolvent | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/3 |
,,Soap | ... | ... | per tab. 0/10, per box 2/5½ |
Cuttle Fish Powder | ... | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 0/10½ |
Cutoline | ... | ... | ... | per stick 0/3½ |
Cyllin (Jeyes’) | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
Cyona Ointment Tubes | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 |
,,Tincture | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 |
Dahl Dyspepsia Cakes | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/0 |
Dalby Carminative | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/3 |
Daloff Tea | ... | ... | ... | 4/0 7/9 |
Danysz Virus for Rats and Mice | ... | per tube 2/0, 3 tubes 5/0 |
Davis’ Pain Killer | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/4 |
Delat’s Glyco-Phenique | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/11 |
Decoction Sarsaparilla, | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0, 1/11 3/3 |
De Jongh’s Cod Liver Oil | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 4/2 |
Dellar’s Corn Plaster | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
Dental Plasters | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
,,Preparations. See Part III. |
Dextrine | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Deschiens Syrup | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/0 |
,,Wine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/9 |
Diachylon Plaster | ... | ... | ... | per yard 0/6 |
Dialysed iron | ... | ... | per oz. 0/3, per lb. 2/0 |
Diamalt | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/5 |
,,with Oil | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/5 |
Diamond Cement | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Diarrhoea Mixture | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Digestenzyme Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Digestive Mixture | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Dill Seed Water | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/3½ |
Dinneford’s Fluid Magnesia | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9½, 1/10 3/2½ |
Dioxogen | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11, 1/10 2/9 |
Brompton Disinfectant (An Ideal Disinfectant) ... per bot. 0/7, 1/0, 1/9, (tin free) per gal. 4/0 |
Burnett’s Disinfecting Fluid | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Calvert’s preparations (see under Calvert) |
Camphylene Cream | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Carbolic Acid, for disinfectant purposes | ... | 0/6½, 0/10½, per gal. 2/6 |
Jar 0/10 extra |
,,in detached Crystals, for medicinal purposes in 1 lb. bots. ...1/8 |
Carbolic Disinfecting Powder | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/10½ |
Fluid Carbolate, “McDougall” | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½, 2/5 |
Izal | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11, 2/4, 4/3 |
,,Powder | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/11 |
Jeyes’ (See Jeyes’ Preparations.) |
Little’s Phenyle | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Lysoform | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 and 2/4 |
Lysol | ... | per bot. 0/7½, 1/0, 1/9 3/0 |
Napthaline Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/9 |
“Oleusaban,” Eucalyptus Fluid, A. | ... | ... | per bot. 1/4 |
,,Eucalyptus Fluid, B. | ... | ... | ,,0/10½ |
Perfect-Pine Fluid | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
Perfumed Carbolic Acid, “Mason,” | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7½, 1/7 |
Permanganate of Potash, | ... | per bot. 0/4, 0/6; per lb. 0/10 |
Doan’s Pills— |
Kidney | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/1½ |
Dinner | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Doughty’s Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Dragon’s Blood | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/4 |
Dredge’s Heal All | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Droitwich (Brine Salt), | ... | 28 lb. bag, 2/0; 14 lb. bag 1/2 |
Drop Measures | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/3 |
,,Tube | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/1½ |
,,Bottles | ... | ... | ... | 1 oz. 0/7; 2 oz. 0/8 |
Drying Bottles | ... | ... | 2½ pints 2/6; 5 pints 3/6 |
Du Barry’s Biscuits | ... | ... | ... | per tin 2/11, 5/0 |
,,Food, ... ½ lb. 1/7½, 1 lb. 2/10, 2 lb. 5/0, 5 lb. 11/6, 12 lb. 26/6 |
Dubonnet’s Quinquina | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/10 |
Dubourg’s Dragees Cascaraloine | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/1 |
Dunbar’s Alkaram | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/7 |
Duncan and Flochart’s Preparations— |
Blaud’s Pill Capsules | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/3½ |
Cascara Capsules | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/1 |
Heartburn Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
[332]Dusart’s— |
Lactophosphate of Iron Syrup, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
,,,,Wine, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/0 |
,,Lime Syrup, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
,,,,Wine, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/0 |
Dutch Drops | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Eade’s Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/6 |
Ear Trumpets, Syringes, etc. (see Part II). |
Easton’s Syrup | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Ebberzine (Human) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
Edgar’s Lotion | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1½ 2/7 |
Effervescing Preparations (Harrods’)— |
Carlsbad Salts | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Citrate of Caffeine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/4 |
Piperazine | ... | ... | per bot. 1/10 3/6 |
Saline | ... | ... | per bot. 1/3 2/1½ |
Sulphate of Soda | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
Elastic Stockings, etc. (see Part II). |
Elder Flower Ointment, | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4½, lb. 1/4 |
Jar 0/4 extra. |
,,Water | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5, 0/9 1/6 |
Elixir, Bravais ... ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 6/0 |
,,Mariani ... ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/2 |
,,Paregoric ... ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/10 |
Elliman’s Embrocation, Royal | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 3/0 |
,,,,Universal, | ... | per bot. 1/0, 2/4 3/9 |
Ellon’s Crystal Balm | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Ems Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/6 |
Ems Salt | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites ... per bot. 1/1, 1/10½ 3/4½ |
Enemas (see Part II.). |
England’s Never Fail Liniment, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Highly recommended as a certain preventive and safeguard against rheumatism, stiffness of joints, etc. | |
English’s American Fluid, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8½ 1/2 |
Eno’s Digestive Granules | ... | ... | ... | 3/3 8/0 |
,,Fruit Salt | ... | ... | ... | 1/9½ 3/1 |
,,Medicated Sugar | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
,,Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
,,Vegetable Moto | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Epps’ Glycerine Jujubes | ... | ... | ... | box 0/7 1/0 |
Epsom Salts | ... | ... | 4 oz. 0/1; per lb. 0/1½ |
,,,,Extra refined | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4 |
Eptianbad Anti-Obesity Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/3 |
A reliable and safe remedy. |
Escolent Compound for Eczema, etc., | ... | ... | per jar 1/0 2/6 |
Espic Cigarettes | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/2 |
Essences— |
Bergamot | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Camphor | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Cloves (oil) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4½ |
Ginger | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/3 |
Lemon | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Pennyroyal | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
Peppermint | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 0/9½ |
Senna | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 0/9½ |
(Subject to market fluctuation.) |
Ether, Pure | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/3 |
,,Chloric | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 |
,,Spirits of | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/11 |
Eucalyptus Oil ... | per bot. 3 oz. 0/7, 6 oz. 1/0, 12 oz. 1/10 |
,, Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
,, Sawdust (Disinfectant) | ... | ... | ... | tin 0/6 |
,, Smelling Salts | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8½ |
Eucryl, Bath | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 2/6 |
,,Tooth Powder | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 1/0 |
,,,,Soap | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 tab.; 3 tabs. 1/0 |
Eugol Antiseptic Solution | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 2/1 |
Euthymol (see Parke Davis) |
Evans’ Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Evenden’s Digestive Candy | ... | ... | ... | 0/9½ 1/11½ |
Eye Baths, Eye Protectors, Eye Shades, etc. (see Part II.) |
Spare Glass Screw Stoppers with India-rubber Washers ...
each 0/2 | Teats, “Aseptus,” | ... | ... | each complete 0/3½ |
Maw’s old-fashioned Feeders (screw glass stopper and teat attached) | each 0/7½, 0/8½ 0/9½ |
Spare bottles for do. | ... | ... | ... | 0/3½, 0/4 0/5 |
,,Stoppers | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/2½ |
(Plain) |
The “Allenbury’s” Feeder, complete in cardboard box | ... | each 1/2 |
Bottles (spare) | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/9 |
Teats | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/4 |
Valves | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/3 |
Regulators | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/2 |
India-rubber ring and teat with bone shield | ... | 0/3 0/3½ 0/4½ |
(a) Bone ring and shield, non-collapsible teat, | each, 0/4½; all rubber 0/3½ |
(b) All rubber, 1 hard teat and soft teat | 0/6½ |
(c) India-rubber ring and pad and non-collapsible teat, | 0/6½; all rubber 0/4½ |
India-rubber ring and pad | each, 0/3½ 0/4½ |
The “Feedeezi,” fitted with black tubing and teat, each in a box with tube and bottle brushes | each 0/7½ |
Spare Bottles | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/3½ |
,,Fittings | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 0/4½ |
Feeding Bottle Fittings— |
Patent Teats | ... | ... | each 0/1½, 0/2, 0/2½ 0/3 |
Black Tubing | ... | ... | ... | per yard 0/7 |
Unions | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/9 |
Bone Shield | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/6 |
Regulators | ... | ... | ... | each 0/2 |
Brushes | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/6 |
Tube Brushes | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/4 |
Feeding Cups (see Part II.) |
Fellows’ Bronchial Leaflets | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
,,Syrup of Hypophosphites | ... | per bot. 2/7 4/3 |
Fenning’s Cooling Powders, | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/0 2/3 |
,,Fever Cure | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,Lung Healer | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/0 |
,,Worm Powders | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/0 |
Fermenlactyl | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
Ferratin | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/1 |
Ferris’ Cascara Bonbons | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/8 |
Ferroleum | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 3/11 |
Finger Stalls (see Part II.) |
Fir Wool Oil | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
,,Wadding | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/9 |
Fleming’s Alabastrine Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9½ |
,,Ammoniated Camphylene Cream | ... | per box 0/10 |
,,Cream Disinfectant | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
,,Crystallised Camphylene | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
,,Mikado Moth Paper | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9½ |
,,Pills | ... | ... | per box 0/9 1/11½ |
Fletcher’s Vibrona | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/9 |
Flon’s Syrup Lenitif | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 |
Flowers of Oxoin | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Flowers of Sulphur | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
Fluid Magnesia | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/2 |
Fluinol | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/6 |
Fly Cemeteries | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/9 |
,,Papers | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/9 |
,,Reel | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/9 |
Foods— |
Allenbury’s Food Cocoa | ... | ... | ... | 1/8 2/10 |
Benger’s | ... | ... | per tin 1/3, 2/0, 4/0 8/0 |
Carnick’s Soluble | ... | ... | ... | per tin 2/0 3/6 |
Du Barry’s | ... | ... | 1/7½, 2/10, 5/0, 11/6 26/6 |
Frame Food | ... | ... | ... | per 1 lb. 0/11 |
,, | ... | ... | ... | per 4 lb. 3/5 |
,,Jelly | ... | ... | ... | per pot 0/8½ |
Glaxo | ... | ... | ... | 1/0, 2/0, 5/0 10/0 |
John Bull No. 1 Milk and Malt Food | ... | per tin 1/6 2/9 |
,, ,, No. 2 Malted | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/11 |
,, ,, Maltcon | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/11 |
Mellin’s | ... | ... | ... | per bot.1/9½ |
Milk and Cereal Diet (A. & H.) | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 3/0 |
Neave’s | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/7½ |
Nestle’s Milk (Milo) | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/4 |
Nichol’s | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/7½ |
Ovaltine | ... | ... | ... | 1/9 3/0 |
Plasmon | ... | ... | ... | 0/9, 1/4 2/6 |
Racia | ... | ... | ... | 1/5 |
Ridge’s | ... | ... | per tin 0/11½, 1/11 3/9 |
Savory & Moore’s Infants’ | ... | ... | per tin 0/9, 1/6, 3/9 7/6 |
,,,,Whole Meal | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/6 |
“Savore” | ... | ... | per tin 1/6 |
Sanatogen | ... | per tin 1/9, 2/8, 4/9 9/0 |
The “Allenbury’s” Milk Food, No. 1 or No. 2, | per tin 1/6 3/0 |
The “Allenbury’s” Malted Food, No. 3, | per tin, 0/10, 1/8, 3/10 7/6 |
Virogen, per tin, | ... | 1/3, 1/10, 3/6, 6/6 11/6 |
Virogen Lecithin | ... | ... | ... | 2/8 |
Forceps, see Part II. |
Formarose Tablets | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 |
Formalin, Preparations— |
,,Disinfectant, Deodorant and Antiseptic per bot. 0/10 1/8 |
,,Disinfectant, Scented | ... | ... | ... | 1/1 2/2 |
,,Dusting Powder | ... | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/10 |
,,Lamps, The Alformant A. Copper | ... | ea. 8/9 |
,,Tablets, for use with lamp, ... in ½ lb, tins 2/3; per box 0/7½ 2/9 |
,,Lamps, The Alformant B | ... | ... | ... | each 9/9 |
Formalactol | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1 |
Formalin Lozenges, a gargle in Tablet form | ... | per box 0/9 |
The Jeanian Infants’ | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 |
The Electric Hygienic | ... | ... | ... | ... | 17/6 |
Formalyptol | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/0 |
Formamint | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/11 |
Forbes’ Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/8½ 1/3 |
Foulke’s Cement | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/3½ |
Franc’s Grain de Saute | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/4 |
Frame Food | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 3/5 |
,,Jelly | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/8½ |
,,Biscuits | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/4 |
Frampton’s Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ 2/3 |
Fraser’s Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Freeman’s Chlorodyne, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0, 2/6 4/0 |
French Chalk | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
Friar’s Balsam | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4½ 0/8 |
Frog in the Throat | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/7½ |
Fruneau’s Asthma Papers | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/0 |
Fuller’s Earth Powder | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/2 |
,,,,(Harrods’) | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/3½ 0/7 |
,,,,(Matthews’) | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/4 0/7½ |
Fuller’s Earth Cream | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/3½ |
Fuller’s Earth (Pears’) | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/3½ 0/7 |
Fumigating Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/6½ |
Fumiline Lamp, complete | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/4 |
,,,,Fluid | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Funnels (glass)— |
Plain Glass, ... | 2 oz. 0/3½ 4 oz. 0/4½ 8 oz. 0/6 |
Papier Mache | ... | ... | ... | 0/6, 0/9 1/6 |
Gamgee Tissue | ... | ... | ... | per lb., 1/6 2/2 |
Garfield Tea | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/0 2/0 4/0 |
Gauzes, see Part II. |
Gayetty’s Medicated Paper | ... | ... | ... | 1/3 |
Gentian Root | ... | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 1/0 |
Geraudel’s Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Gibson’s Eczema Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per jar 1/8 |
,,Gout Mixture | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/0 9/1 |
,,Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/11 2/4 |
Gicquel’s Cigarettes | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/3 |
Glacialine | ... | per pkt. 1/5, per barrel 1/7 |
Glattolin | ... | ... | ... | per cake 0/4 |
Glidettes (a specific for Seasickness) | ... | per box 1/6 |
Glauber’s Salts | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4 |
Glausch’s HÆmaticum | ... | ... | ... | bot. 2/9 |
Glaxo | ... | per tin, 1/0, 2/0 5/0 10/0 |
Glidine | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 4/6 |
Gliasyer and Kemp’s Throat Pastilles | ... | per box 0/11½ |
Gluten Preparations, Brussen Jeunes. |
,,Bread in Rolls | ... | ... | ... | per box 3/6 |
,,Macaroni | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/6 |
,,Vermicelli | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/6 |
,,Semolina | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
,,Tapioca | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
,,Flour | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
,,Petite Pate | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
Granules | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
Glycerine (pure) | ... | ... | ... | 0/6, 0/11, 1/8 3/9 |
Glycerine Borax (2 oz.) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Glycerine Cucumber | ... | ... | ... | 0/8, 1/2 2/3 |
Glycerine Rose Water | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/5½ 0/9 |
Glycerine Tannin | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
,,Jujubes | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
,,Medicinal | ... | per bot. 0/7½, 1/2, 1/11, 4/6 |
Glycerine Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
,,(Price’s) | ... | ... | ... | 0/6, 0/11 1/10 |
,,Suppositories— |
Adults’ size | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/8½ |
Children’s size | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/7½ |
Infants | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/6½ |
,,in bottle with Stearine base | ... | bot. 0/10½ |
Glycerine Syringes, see Part II. |
Glycola (Clarke’s) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 0/10 |
Glycothymoline | ... | ... | ... | 2/2 4/0 |
Glykaline | ... | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Godfrey’s Chloride of Ammonium Inhaler | ... | each 6/0 |
Goldbeater’s Skin | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/2½ 0/4½ |
Gordon’s Asthma Cure Powder | ... | ... | per tin 2/0 |
Gordon’s Medicated Paper, | GORDON’S MANILLA MEDICATED PAPER The True Specific for Piles 1/6 each. sole proprieters HARRODS LIMITED brompton road. london. s.w. |
per pkt 0/10½ |
per roll 0/9½ |
Goudron de Guyot | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Goudron de Guyot Capsules, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 |
Gough’s Russian Food | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/3 |
Goulard Extract | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/3 |
Goulard Water | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/1, pint 0/6 |
Granular Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia | per bot. 0/5 1/3 |
Grape Jelly | ... | ... | ... | per jar 1/3 |
Gregory Powder | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/10 |
Grimault’s Cigarettes | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/2 |
Grimault’s Guarana Powder, | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/9 |
Grimault’s Syrup of Hypophosphites of Lime ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Guaiacose | ... | ... | ... | per tin 2/9 |
Gude’s Pepto-Mangan | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/3 |
Guipsine | ... | ... | ... | per box 3/9 |
Gum Arabic | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/4 |
,,,,selected | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/4 |
,, Benzoin | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/4 |
,, Dragon or Tragacanth, | ... | ... | per oz. 0/5, per lb. 5/0 |
Gutta Percha Tissue | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/6 |
Guy’s Pills | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/0½ |
,,Tonic | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0½ 2/3 |
HÆmaboloids | ... | ... | ... | ,,2/1 4/0 |
HÆmoglobin Pfeuffer | ... | ... | ... | per pot 1/6 |
,,Capsules | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/7 |
Haines’ Golden Specific | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10/6 |
Hair’s Asthma Cure | ... | ... | ... | 3/9 9/3 |
,,Pills | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/2 |
Halls’ Wine | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 (new size) 3/6 |
Hamilton’s Linseed Leaves | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/4 |
Hardeman’s Beetle Powder | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 0/8 |
Harles’ Cloth Cleaner | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4½ 0/9 |
Harrods’ Antiseptic and Astringent Gargle ... | per bot. 1/1 |
,,Beetle Powder | ... | ... | ... | 0/6½, 1/6 2/6 |
,,Blood Purifier | ... | ... | ... | 1/9 2/6 |
,,Carbolic Tooth Powder | ... | ... | 0/3½ 1/0 |
,,Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, | per bot. 1/0 1/9 |
,,Cough Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/9½ |
,,Digestive Mixture | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
,,Disinfectant, Carbolic ... 0/6½, 0/10½ 1/6, per gall. 2/6 (Jar, 0/10 extra) |
,,Disinfectant Powder | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ 0/10½ |
,,Improved Corn Cure | ... | ... | ... | 0/7½ 1/1½ |
Cures effectually, and without pain, Corns, etc., however long standing. It gives almost immediate relief. The cure is quick and certain. It can be applied to the most painful Corn or Bunion. |
Harrods’ Quinine & Iron Tonic | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9½ 1/6 |
,,St. Patrick Elixir for Neuralgia ... | per bot. 1/5 |
,,Tonic Health Saline | ... | ... | ... | 1/3 2/1½ |
Hartmann’s Preparations, see also Part II. |
Complete One Guinea Outfit for Accouchement (containing all the necessary hygienic appliances) ... | 19/6 |
Vaccination Pads, Children’s, | ... | ... | per doz. 1/8 |
,,,,Adults’ | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 2/2 |
Wood Wool | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/9 |
,,Accouchement Sheets, 32 × 32 ... | each 2/2 |
,,Tissue | ... | ... | ... | per 1 lb. pkt. 1/3 |
,,Towellettes, | ... | ... | ... | pkt. 0/10½ |
,,Towellettes, | ... | ... | ... | pkt. 1/2 |
,,Towellettes, | ... | ... | ... | pkt. 1/9 |
,,Towellettes,special make, for use after Accouchement ... 1/9 |
,,Wadding | ... | ... | ... | per 1 lb. pkt. 0/11 |
Hartshorn and Oil | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 |
,,Spirits of | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4 |
Hassall’s Brush Powder | ... | ... | ... | 0/5 |
,,Sponge Powder | ... | ... | ... | 0/5 |
Hayman’s Balsam of Horehound | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Hazeline (B. W. and Co.) | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 3/0 |
,,Cream (B. W. and Co.) ... per pot 0/11 per lb. 5/6, per tube 0/6 0/10 |
,,Snow (B. W. and Co.) | ... | per pot 0/11 |
A Salt which thoroughly washes out the Kidney and stimulates the Liver. |
Hermannsbad Salts | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/5½ |
Henry’s Calcined Magnesia, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 3/5 |
Hiera Picra. | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/3 |
Himrod’s Cure for Asthma | ... | ... | ... | 2/7 |
Hippacea, Vet Homocea | ... | ... | ... | per tin 2/6 |
Hoff’s Malt Extract Homax 1/3, | ... | ... | per doz. 14/6 |
Hoge’s Horehound Honey | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 |
Holloway’s Pills | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
,,Ointment | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Homburg Salts | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/8 |
Homocea | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/0 2/6 |
Homoeopathic Medicines, all kinds in stock | 1/0 sizes for 0/4 |
Hood’s Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
,,Sarsaparilla | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1, 2/8 4/3 |
Hooper’s Female Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Hop Pillows | ... | ... | ... | each 4/6 |
,, Tonic | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 2/6 |
Horlick’s Malted Milk | ... | ... | ... | 1/5½, 2/4½ 10/6 |
Horlick’s Feeding Bottles | ... | ... | ... | each 1/2 |
Homovet | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/0 |
Hommel’s HÆmatogen | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 |
Hooper’s Cachous | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/3 |
Horsford’s Acid Phosphates | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Hops | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/9, best 2/6 |
[334]Huxley’s Wintergreen Cream | ... | ... | ... | per tube 1/0 |
,, Sal Antisepticus | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
Hydrogen Peroxide in jars, ... | 10 vols. 0/9 20 vols. 1/6 |
Hygeso | ... | ... | ... | per pot 0/7½ |
Hygiana | ... | ... | ... | per tin 2/2 2/11 |
Hypodermic Syringes, see Part II. |
Hypophosphites Compound Syrup (Harrod), one of the most effective tonics, ... | per bot. 1/0 1/9 |
Iceland Moss | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Icilma Preparations (Toilet), see Part III. |
Incense, best, | ... | per box 0/10½, 1/8; per lb. 6/0 |
Infantina | ... | ... | ... | 1/5½ 1/11½ |
Ingluvin | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/3 |
Ink Removers | ... | ... | ... | each 0/3½ |
Insect Pencils, for use after bites and stings of Insects each 0/3½ |
,,Powder, per tin 0/3½ 0/6½, 1/6 2/6; per lb. 2/0 |
Invalid’s Sanitary Spittoons, see Part II. |
Iodex | ... | ... | ... | per jar 1/0 |
Iodoform | ... | ... | ... | per oz. bot. 1/6 |
,,Gauze | ... | ... | ... | per 6 yds. 2/0 |
Iodoglidine | ... | ... | ... | per tube 2/9 |
Ipecacuanha Wine | ... | ... | ... | per box.0/8 1/2 |
Irish Moss | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Ironox | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Iron and Ammonium Citrate, | ... | ... | ... | oz. 0/2, lb. 2/0 |
,,Quinine Citrate | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4½ 0/7½ |
,,,,,, (Effervescing), | ... | per bot. 1/4 |
,,,,Tonic (improved), | ... | bot. 0/9½ 1/6 |
,,Carbonate | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/1, per lb. 1/0 |
,,Dialysed | ... | ... | ... | ,, 0/2, ,, 2/0 |
,,,, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
,,Sulphate | ... | ... | ... | per lb. bot. 0/6 |
Ironal | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/2 |
Irrigateurs (Dr. Eguisier’s), see Part II. |
Cream | ... | ... | ... | per tube 1/1½ |
Disinfectant ... | 0/11, 2/4, 4/3 per gal. 9/3 |
Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/1½ |
Medical | ... | ... | per bot.1/6 2/6 |
Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per jar 1/1½ |
Powder | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/11 |
Tooth Powder | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Jaillet’s Pepto Fer | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/0 |
Jalap, Powdered | ... | per oz. 0/3, per lb. 2/0 |
James’ Depilatory | ... | ... | ... | per jar 0/8 |
,,Horse Blister | ... | ... | ... | ,,2/0 |
Lactaion Health Milk Apparatus | ... | ... | ... | ... | 14/6 |
Cultures for same | ... | ... | ... | each 0/10 |
Jenson’s Cod Liver Oil | ... | per bot. 1/0 2/0 3/6 |
Automatic Toilet Box | ... | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 |
Antiseptic Toilet Paper | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/3 |
Branalcane | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3 |
(Cyllin) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 2/3 |
Fluid, per bot. 0/10, qt. tin 2/0, ½ gal. 2/9, 1 gal. 4/6 |
Tins not returnable. |
Lano Cyllin | ... | ... | ... | per tube 0/11 |
Sanitary Powder, tin 0/10, (to order only) | per cwt. 10/6 |
Universal Purifier ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1½ |
Johnson’s Digestive Tablets | ... | ... | ... | ,,2/3 |
,, Soothing Syrup | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Joy’s Cigarettes | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/10½ |
Judson’s Dyes, packets only | ... | ... | ... | each 0/5 |
Juniper Berries | ... | per oz. 0/1, per lb. 1/0 |
Kananga Water | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
Karswood Creosote | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 2/6 |
Kax Cold Cure | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Kay’s Coaguline | ... | ... | per bot. 0/3½ 0/7 |
,,Essence of Linseed | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/0 2/6 |
,,Tenasitine | ... | ... | ... | per tube 0/4½ |
Kaye’s Worsdell’s Pills | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Keating’s Cough Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
,,Powder | ... | 0/4½, 0/8½, 1/9 3/4 |
,,Bellows | ... | ... | ... | each 0/8 |
,,Worm Tablets | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Keene’s “One-Night Corn Cure,” | ... | ... | ... | box 0/7½ |
Kelpion Ointment | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Kerol Fluid | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 1/0 |
,,Sanitary Powder | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,,, ,,Cascara
... | ... | 2/4 | ,,,, ,,Chemical Food | ... | ... | 2/9 |
,,,, ,,HÆmaglobin | ... | ... | 2/2 |
,,,, ,,Hypophosphites, | ... | ... | 2/2 4/0 |
,,,, ,,Iron | ... | ... | 2/0 |
,,,, ,,Iron and Quinine Cit. | ... | ... | 2/9 |
,,,, ,,Iron Iodide | ... | ... | 2/4 |
,,,, ,,Iron, Quinine and Strychnine ... | 2/9 |
,,,, ,,Pepsin | ... | ... | 2/4 |
,,,, ,,Pepsin & Pancreatin | ... | ... | 2/4 |
,,,, ,,Phosphorus | ... | ... | 2/4 |
Solution, Malt Extract with Cod Liver Oil | ... | 1/10 3/3 |
,,with Chemical Food | ... | ... | 2/9 |
,,with Hypophosphites | ... | ... | 2/2 4/0 |
,,with Iron Iodide | ... | ... | 2/4 |
,,with Phosphorus | ... | ... | 2/4 |
Kilmers’ Swamp Root | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1½ 2/3 |
Kings’s Cloudy Household Ammonia | per bot. 0/7½, 0/9, 1/3 2/0 |
,,Dandelion Pills | ... | ... | ... | 1/0, 2/6 4/0 |
Kiope | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/0 2/6 |
Kirby’s Compound Phosphorus Pills | ... | per bot. 2/6 4/6 |
,,Sal Mineralis | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 1/6 |
,,Simple Phosphorus Pills (all numbers) | ... per bot. 2/9, 4/6 11/0 |
,,Glycecols | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
,,Thymol Powder | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 1/9 |
,,,,(Saponaceous) | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 1/9 |
,,Purgen | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
In 3 Strengths—Infant, Adult and Strong. |
Klenitas Pine Bath Fluid | ... | ... | ... | bot. 2/6 |
Kneecaps, see Part II. |
Koko Hair Wash | ... | per bot. 0/11, 2/1 3/9 |
Kola Astier | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/3 |
,,Chocolate | ... | ... | per tin 0/10, 1/6 2/9 |
,,Neo | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/4 2/3 |
,,Nut Powder | ... | ... | ... | oz. 0/3, lb. 4/0 |
,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 2/2 |
,,Wine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
,,,,(Ambrecht’s) | ... | ... | ... | ,,3/2 |
Kolatina | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ 1/9 |
Kolayo Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/2 |
Kond’s Digestive Cocoa | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Euonymised Cocoa | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/4 2/4 |
Kreat Halviva | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/1 |
Kreusnach Bath Salt | ... | ... | ... | ,, 1/1 |
Kruschen Salts | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/6 |
Kutnow’s Anti-Asthmatic Cigarettes, | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
,,Anti-Asthmatic Powder, | ... | ... | ... | box 2/9 |
,,Improved Effervescing Carlsbad Powder | per bot. 2/6 |
Kylets | ... | ... | ... | each 2/3 |
Lactacine Tablets for making Health Milk, the secret of extreme longevity, in box of 8 tubes | 2/10 |
Lactacine Health Machine | ... | ... | 3/0 |
,,Health Milk in Screw Cap bottle | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
Lactated Iron Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
Lacteol | ... | ... | ... | per box 3/0 |
Lactol | ... | ... | per tin 1/0, 2/6 5/0 |
Lactic Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/4 |
Lactobacilline | ... | ... | ... | 3/0 |
,,Powder | ... | ... | ... | 6/0 |
,,Incubator Apparatus for preparing Health Milk 14/6 |
Lactopeptine Powder | ... | ... | ... | 3/3½ |
,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 3/3½ |
Lalor’s Phosphodyne | ... | ... | ... | per bot.3/2 7/6 |
Lamplough’s Pyretic Saline | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/10½ 3/5 |
Langdale’s Essence of Cinnamon | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ 2/5 |
,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 0/11½ 2/5 |
Langlebert’s Psyllium | ... | ... | ... | per tin 2/3 |
Lanocyllin | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 |
Lanoline | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/3 |
,,(Dartring Brand) | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 0/10 |
,,Toilet Cream (Delicately perfumed) | ... | per bot. 1/0 1/9 |
,,Toilet (Harrods’) | ... | ... | ... | tube 0/4½ 0/8½ |
Laritz Pine Wood Oil | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 2/6 |
,,Wadding ... | per pkt. 0/5, 0/10½ 1/10 |
Laudanum | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
Lavender Fancy Bags | ... | ... | each 0/4, doz. 3/6 |
,,Flowers (English) | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 3/0 |
,,Flowers | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/2 |
,,Salts ... | per bot. 1/0, 1/6, 2/6 4/6 |
,,Water, ... | bot. 0/8½, 1/1½, 2/0, 3/9 8/6 |
,,Water, Old English, | per bot. 1/7½, 3/0, 5/9 11/6 |
Laville’s Gout Mixture | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 7/0 |
,,Pills | ... | ... | ... | ,,7/0 |
Lavona de Composee | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Lead, Sugar of | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 1/0 |
Leath & Ross’s Aurosine | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/3 |
Leather-cased Bottles, see Part II. |
Lecithin Virogen, the improved nerve food | ... | per tin 2/8 |
Lenitive Electuary or Confection of Senna | per pot 0/9 1/3 |
Leslie’s Tape Plaster | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
Lime Water | ... | ... | per quart bot. 0/6 |
0/1 allowed for returned bottle, if clean. |
Lime Water | ... | ... | ... | per gal. jar 1/6 |
including jar, which if returned will be credited 0/10. |
Lineel Liniment | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 2/4 |
Belladonna | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
Camphor Compound | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Camphor (Camphorated Oil) | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 1/0 |
Iodine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Soap (Opodeldoc) | ... | ... | ... | 0/8 1/2 |
Linseed, Crushed | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3½ |
,,finest English | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3½ |
,,Leaves (Hamilton’s) | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/4 |
,,Oil | ... | ... | ... | per pint 0/9 |
Lints, see Part II. |
Liquorice (Finest) | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/4 |
,, | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/2 |
,,Compound Powder, | ... | per bot. 0/4½, 0/8 1/3 |
,,Root | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 1/6 |
Listerine | ... | per bot. 0/10½, 1/9 3/6 |
Lithia Carbonate | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/4 |
,,Citrate | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/4 |
,,Tablets (Effervescing) | ... | ... | ... | bot. 1/3 2/3 |
Little’s Soluble Phenyle | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Liverettes | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Liver Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/5 |
,,(Carter’s) | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Locock’s Wafers | ... | ... | per box, 0/9½ 2/1 |
Logwood | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
Loofahs for the Bath | ... | ... | ... | each 0/4½ 0/6½ |
Loofah Gloves | ... | ... | each 0/5½, pair 0/10 |
,,Sponges | ... | 0/5½, 0/7½, 0/10 1/0 |
Antacid | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/6 |
Benzoic Acid | ... | per oz. 0/2½, per lb. 2/11 |
Bismuth | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/2 |
Bismuth and Soda | ... | per oz. 0/2½, per lb. 2/9 |
Black Currant | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/2 |
Brompton Hospital | ... | ... | oz. 0/1½, lb. 1/7 |
Bronchial | ... | ... | per tin 0/9 |
Cachous (various kinds) | ... | per oz. 0/2½, per lb. 3/0 |
Camphor | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/6 |
Carbolic Acid | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/4 |
Cayenne | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/7 |
Charcoal | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
Chlorate Potash | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/8 |
Chlorodyne | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/6 |
Cocaine Pastilles | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
Compound Sulphur (Dr. Garrod) | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/3 |
Cough Lozenges | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
Delectable | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/2 |
Digestive Tablets | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/0 |
(Dr. Forbes’) | ... | ... | per box 0/8½ 1/3 |
Eucalyptus Lozs. | ... | per oz. 0/2½, per lb. 2/8 |
Gelatine | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/4 |
Ginger | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/7 |
Glycerine | ... | per oz. 0/2½, per lb. 2/2 |
Guimauve | ... | per oz. 0/2½, per lb. 2/2 |
Ipecacuanha | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/8 |
Lavender | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/6 |
Liquorice | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/8 |
Magnum Bonum | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/2 |
Marshmallow | ... | per oz. 0/2½, per lb. 2/2 |
Menthol and Eucalyptus | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
Musk | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/8 |
Paregoric ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/11 |
Peppermint | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/4 |
,,(ext. strong) | ... | ... | ... | oz. 0/2, lb. 2/0 |
,,(curiously strong) | ... | ... | ... | oz. 0/3, lb. 3/6 |
Pontefract Cakes | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/6 |
[335]Red Gum | ... | per oz. 0/2½, per lb. 2/8 |
Rose | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/6 |
Soda and Ginger | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/7 |
Sulphur (Garrod) | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/3 |
,,Tablets | ... | 24 for 0/6 |
Tannin | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 1/11 |
,,Cayenne and Black Currant | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/6 |
IMPORTANT! The Prices quoted for Drugs are subject to the Fluctuations of the Market.
THROAT PASTILLES (HARRODS’) sold in boxes as illustrated at 0/9 each.
The basis of Harrods’ Pastilles is composed of a special Pate de Jujube, which is soothing and palatable, while the local action of the incorporated drug is made more certain, by the slow rate of solution of the Jujube in the saliva, than is the case with ordinary Lozenges and Pastilles.
Throat Pastilles
Menthol and Eucalyptus Oil
prepared with special pÁtÉ de jujube basis
soft & palatable
Dispensing Dept Brompton Rd LONDON.
A full list giving the amount of active ingredients in each Pastille—
Antiseptic. 1-40th grain Menthol 1-40th grain Thymol, 1-40th minim Eucalyptus Oil, 1-6th grain Benzoate of Soda, ?th grain Borax.
Benzoated Voice. ½ grain Benzoic Acid, ?th grain Camphor, Aniseed Oil, etc.
Chlorate of Potash. 1 grain. Chlorate of Potash, Borax, and Cocaine. 2 grains Chlorate Potash, 1 grain Borax, 1-20th grain Cocaine.
Cocaine. 1-20th grain in each.
Eucalyptus. 1 grain Red Gum and ½ minim of Oil in each.
Eucalyptus Oil. 2 minims in each.
Fragrant Pine.
Glycerine and Black Currant.
Magnum Bonum.
Menthol. 1-10th grain in each.
Menthol and Cocaine. 1-20th grain of each in a Pastille.
Menthol, Cocaine, and Red Gum. 1-20th grain Menthol and Cocaine, 2 grains Red Gum.
Menthol and Eucalyptus. 1-20th grain Menthol, 1 minim Eucalyptus Oil.
Menthol, Eucalyptus, and Cocaine. 1-20th grain Menthol, 1 minim Eucalyptus Oil, 1-20th grain Cocaine.
Menthol, Eucalyptus, and Red Gum. 1-20th grain Menthol, ½ minim Eucalyptus Oil, 2 grains Red Gum.
Pine and Menthol.
Rhatany and Cocaine. 2 grains Ext. Rhatany, 1-10th grain Cocaine.
Tannin, Cayenne and Black Currant. ½ grain Tannin in each.
Tolu | ... | ... | per oz. 0/1½, per lb. 1/7 |
Voice | ... | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/2 |
Lysoform | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11, 2/4 4/3 |
Lysol ... | per pint bot. 0/7½, 1/0, 1/9 3/0 |
Mackenzie’s Arsenical Toilet Soap, | per tab. 1/0, box of three 2/6 |
,,Catarrh Cure | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 |
,,Complexion Wafers | ... | ... | box 3/3 |
,,One Day Cold Cure | ... | ... | 0/7½ |
,,Phosphoroids | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/10 |
Magnesia, Calcined | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4 |
,,Effervescing Citrate of, | ... | per bot. 0/5, 0/11 1/3 |
,,Heavy Carbonate | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 1/0 |
Malt Extract (Harrod’s) | ... | ... | ... | per jar 1/3 2/3 |
,,with Cod Liver Oil, | ... | ... | ... | per jar 1/3 2/3 |
Maltine, Plain | ... | ... | ... | 2/1 3/6 |
,,and Cod Liver Oil | ... | ... | ... | 2/1 3/6 |
,,and Hypophosphites | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 4/10 |
,,with Cascara | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 4/10 |
,,with Chemical Food | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 4/10 |
,,with Creosote | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 4/10 |
Maltine, with Easton’s Syrup | ... | ... | 2/9 4/10 |
,,with Iron | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 4/10 |
,,with Pepsin & Pancreatin | ... | ... | 2/9 4/10 |
,,with Peptones | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 4/10 |
Maltopepsyn | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/6 |
Maltova | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Marmola | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
Manna | ... | ... | per oz. 0/5, per lb. 6/0 |
Mariani Elixir | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/2 |
,,Wine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/8 |
Marienbad Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 3/10 |
,,Salts | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/4½ |
,,Tablets (Harrod’s) | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/10 |
,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 3/11 |
Marking Ink (Bond’s) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4 0/8 |
,,,,(Harrod’s) use without heat | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6½ |
,,,,Melanyl | ... | ... | per bot. 0/3½ 0/6½ |
,,,,Pencils | ... | ... | ... | each 0/3 |
Marquisettes (Blood Tablets) | ... | ... | 2/7½ 3/9 |
Marris’s Almond Tablet | ... | ... | ... | ... ... 0/4½ 0/8½ |
Marshall’s Cement | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/3½ 0/6 |
,,Cubeb Cigarettes | ... | ... | per box 0/9½ |
Marza Wine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/0 |
Martindales— |
Nitro Glycerine Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 |
Ozonic Inhaler | ... | ... | ... | 1/7 |
Trilactine Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Mason’s Perfumed Carbolic Acid | ... | ... | 0/7½ 1/7 |
,,Tooth Wash (Odorine) | ... | ... | 0/9 1/8 |
Massolottes | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/1½ 2/8 |
Massogran | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/5 |
Matthew’s Fuller’s Earth | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 0/7½ |
,,,,,,Cream | ... | ... | ... | 0/3½ |
Maw’s Wafer Papers | ... | ... | ... | 0/3½ |
Mayzone Hand Cleaner | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
McDougall’s Fluid Carbolates | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11½ |
McDougall’s Vapaform Lamps | ... | ... | each 1/0 |
Mead’s Tape Plaster in 10 yd. Spools, ¼ in. 1/3, ½ in. 1/5½, ¾ in. 1/8, 1in. 1/10½, 1½in. 2/6, 2in. 2/11 |
Meat Malt Wine (Vinbovine) | ... | ... | 2/2 3/0 |
Medicated Seat Covers—see Seat Covers. |
“Protex.” Medicated Toilet Papers— |
GORDON’S MANILLA Medicated Paper sole proprieters HARROD’S LIMITED brompton road. london. s.w. sold in rolls containing about 1,000 sheets | Bromo pkt. | 0/11 |
Gayetty pkt. | 1/3 |
Gordon pkt. | 0/10½ |
,,roll | 0/9½ |
Sanitas, per pkt. or roll | 0/9½ |
Terebene pkt. | 0/10½ |
,,roll | 0/9½ |
Vade Mecum roll | 0/4½ |
Melanyl per bot. | 0/3½ 0/6½ |
Mellin’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites | per bot. 1/8 |
Mellin’s Food | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/9½ |
Mellin’s Food Biscuits | ... | ... | ... | 1/11 |
Mennen’s Talcum Powder | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,Corn Cure | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Menthol | ... | ... | ... | each 0/3½ 0/6½ |
,,and Wintergreen Cream, | ... | ... | tube 1/0 |
,,and Eucalyptus Pastilles, | ... | ... | per tin 0/9 |
,,Cones | ... | ... | 0/4½, 0/5½, 0/6½ 0/9 |
,,in Celluloid Case | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ 0/6½ |
,,Inhaler | ... | ... | ... | 0/6½ 0/10½ |
,,Plasters | ... | ... | 0/8½; 1 yd. tin 3/3 |
,,Snuff | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/6 |
Mersyren, for Sea Sickness | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 2/6 |
Methylated Spirit ... | ½ pt. 0/4½, pt. 0/7, qt. 0/11, gall. 2/9 |
Jars 0/10 extra. |
Miol | ... | ... | ... | 1/0, 2/8, 4/6 |
Milk Steriliser—Soxhlet Pattern. |
| Apparatus B consists of— |
| 1 | Metal Saucepan, with frame for bottles. |
| 1 | Bottle stand, with metal support, but without drawer. |
| 1 | Warmer. |
| 10 | Bottles, each holding 150 grammes. |
| 12 | India rubber discs. |
| 3 | Nipples. |
| 1 | Measure for filling bottles. |
| 1 | Bottle brush. |
| 10 | Metal caps or sockets. |
| Price of complete Apparatus 12/6. |
| Apparatus A consists of— |
| 1 | Metal Saucepan, with frame for bottles. |
| 1 | Bottle stand, with metal support, and drawer for keeping extra parts of apparatus. |
| 1 | Warmer. |
| 20 | Bottles, each holding 150 grammes. |
| 12 | India rubber discs. |
| 3 | Rubber nipples. |
| 1 | Measure for filling bottles. |
| 1 | Bottle brush. |
| 10 | Metal caps or sockets. |
| Price of complete Apparatus 16/6. |
| Spare bottles—Small size | ... | per doz. 1/6 |
| Medium,, | ... | ,,1/9 |
| Large,, | ... | ,,2/0 |
| Patent tops (rubber) | ... | each 0/8 per doz. 7/3 |
| Spare Brushes | ... | each 0/7½ |
| ,,glass jugs, graduated. | ... | each 1/3 |
| ,,metal caps | ... | each 0/3 |
| ,,,,trays | ... | ,, 0/6 |
| ,,,,saucepan with frame for bottles | ... | each 5/0 |
| ,,,,ditto without frame | ... | 3/6 |
| ,,,,frames | ... | 2/0 |
| Spare rubber corks for ditto, | ... | per doz. 1/9 |
| Spare rubber teats for ditto | ... | each 0/3; per doz. 2/3 |
Aymard’s— |
1 | Pint | Tin | 3/6 |
2 | ,, | ,, | 5/6 |
3 | ,, | ,, | 6/6 |
4 | ,, | ,, | 8/6 |
1 | ,, | Enamel Lined | 5/6 |
2 | do. | do. | 7/6 |
3 | do. | do. | 9/6 |
4 | do. | do. | 11/6 |
The Gnome Sterilizer. |
No. 1 complete, containing 4 ½-pt. bots. 12/6 |
No. 2 complete, containing 6 ½-pt. bots. 15/0 |
No. 3 complete, containing 10 ½-pt. bots. 20/0 |
Obtained only to order. |
Castor, tasteless, finest quality, per 4 oz. bot. 0/3½, 8 oz. bot. 0/6, 16 oz. bot. 0/10½, 32 oz. 1/8
Cloves | ... | ... | per 1 oz. bot. 0/5 |
Cocoa Nut | ... | ... | per tin 0/3, per pot 0/6 1/0 |
Cod Liver—see Cod Liver Oil. |
Eucalyptus | per 3 oz. bot. 0/7, 6 oz. bot. 1/0, 12 oz. bot. 1/10 |
Lavender | ... | ... | per 1 oz. bot. 1/4 |
Linseed | ... | ... | per pint 0/9 |
Peppermint, English | ... | ... | per 1 oz, bot. 2/6 |
,,Foreign | ... | ... | ,, ,, 1/4 |
Rosemary | ... | ... | bot. 0/5 |
Turpentine | ... | ... | pint 0/9, qt. 1/6 |
Oils for the Hair. (See Hair Preparations.) |
Basilicon | ... | ... | per pot 0/5 |
Boracic | ... | ... | per pot 0/4, 0/6, 0/10 1/4 |
Carbolic Acid | ... | ... | per pot 0/5 |
Elder Flower | ... | ... | per pot 0/4½ |
Gall and Opium | ... | ... | per pot 0/5 |
Hamamelis (Witch Hazel) | ... | ... | per pot 0/5 |
Marshmallow | ... | ... | per pot 0/5 |
Red Precipitate | ... | ... | per pot 0/5 |
Resin | ... | ... | per pot 0/5 |
Spermaceti | ... | ... | per pot 0/6 |
Sulphur | ... | ... | per pot 0/5 |
White Precipitate | ... | ... | per pot 0/5 |
Zinc | ... | ... | per pot 0/4½, 0/7, 1/0, 1/6 |
Oleum DeelinÆ | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½, 1/9 3/10 |
“Oleusaban,” Eucalyptus Disinfecting |
Fluid A. | per bot. 1/4½ |
Do. B. | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Olive Oil (Cream Brand), extra fine ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Olivets | ... | ... | 4/6 |
Olympic Corn Dots | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/4½ |
Omega Oil | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1 |
Opodeldoc | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/2 |
Antacid or Soda Mint, | per bot. of 1 grs. 2/6 |
Cascara Extract, powdered. gr. 1 and gr. 2 ... per bot. of 1 gross 2/6 2/9 |
Cascara Sagrada Co. | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/6 |
Chlorodyne, m. 5 and 10 | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/0 3/6 |
Creosote, m. 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2 and 3 | per bot. of 1 gross 3/0, 3/6, 4/0 4/6 |
Digestive | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/6 |
Easton Syrup, equivalent to 1/2 and 1 dr. | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Ferrum Redactum, gr. 2 and 5 | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/3 3/0 |
Gastrodynic | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Glycerophosphates Compound | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 6/0 |
Gregory Powder (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/6 |
Grey Powder (1 and 2 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/0 |
Guaiacol, m. 2 | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 4/0 |
Hepatic Co. | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/0 |
Ichthyol (3 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 5/0 |
Lapactic | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 1/9 |
Laxoin | ... | ... | ,,1 gross 3/0 |
Marrow, Red (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Migraine | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Parrish’s Food, equivalent to 1 teaspoonful of the syrup, ... per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Pepsin (1 grain) | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/6 |
Peptonic (Pepsine and Pancreatin Co.) | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Phenacetin and Caffeine | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/3 |
,,(5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 1/8 |
Phosphorus, Quinine and Nux Vomica | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Quinine and Gelsemin | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 grs. 5/6 |
,,Sulphate (1 and 2 grains) | per bot. of 1 gross 1/3 2/0 |
Stomachic, Rhubarb and Soda Co. | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/0 |
Sulphonal (5 grains), | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/6 |
Suprarenal Gland (5 grains) | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 6/0 |
Thyrocol | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 7/0 |
Thyroid Gland, equivalent to 5 grains of fresh gland per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Tonic Co., Quinine and Iron, | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/6 |
Triple Syrup | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
,,Valerianate, | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 4/6 |
Glycerine | ... | ... | per box 0/8½ |
Quinine | ... | ... | per box 1/4 |
Renaglandin | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
| Carbolic Acid, Peppermint and Soda ... | per bot. of 1 gross 4/6 |
Creosote and Soda Mint | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Ferrous Carbonate (equivalent to 1 Blaud Pill) ... | per bot. of 1 gross 2/6 |
Ferrous Carbonate (equivalent to 2 Blaud Pills), ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Do. and Aloes | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Do. Aloes and Quinine, | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Do. with Cascara Sagrada, | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Do. with Red Marrow, | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 4/6 |
Hypophosphites Co. (equivalent to one teaspoonful of the Syrup), | per bot. of 1 gross 3/6 |
Do. with Creosote, | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 4/6 |
Do. with Guaiacol, | ... | ... | per bot. of 1 gross 5/6 |
No. 1 | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Do. No. 2 to 18 | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Do. No. 19 and 20 | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Do. No. 21 | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/6 |
Universal Vaporiser | ... | ... | ... | each 12/6 |
Mask, extra | ... | ... | ... | 4/0 |
Aeriser | ... | ... | ... | each 6/0 |
Euonymin Cocoa | ... | ... | ... | 1/7½ 3/0 |
Maglactis | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
Pulticine | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/0 |
Roboleine | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 5/0 |
Hordine, plain | ... | ... | ... | 1/4 |
,,with Easton’s Syrup | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 |
Any other Oppenheimer’s Preparation obtained to order. |
Oquit | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Orange and Quinine Wine (an excellent appetising bitter, recommended as the best vehicle for taking cod liver oil) per bot. 1/0; per doz. 11/9 |
Orange Flower Water | ... | ... | per box. 0/4½ 0/8 |
Orris Root, best Florentine, | ... | per lb., 0/9; powdered 1/0 |
Otto de Rose, in tube | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Ovoferrin | ... | ... | ... | 3/4 |
Ovaltine | ... | ... | ... | 1/9 3/0 |
Owbridge’s Lung Tonic | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ 2/2 |
Oxalic Acid | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
Oxley’s Essence Ginger, | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0, 3/4 8/3 |
Oxymel of Squills | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 |
Oxygen Talcum Powder | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/10 |
Leathers Improved Ozoneator leathers’ patents | OZONATOR. |
The Greatest Air Purifier in the world. |
the Improved Ozonator is continuous in its automatic action, and therefore the most complete Germ Destroyer and Atmosphere Purifier known to Chemical Science. |
Kept in Stock— |
Gilt, in Frame | ... | 9/0 |
Silver-plated, Bright | ... | 7/6 |
Nickel-plated, Dull | ... | 6/6 |
Silverised Metal | ... | 4/0 |
To order only— |
Sterling Silver, in Frame, Cut-glass Fittings | ... | 168/0 |
Electro-plated on Nickel Silver, in Frame, Cut-glass Fittings ... 70/0 |
Heavy Gilt on best Gilding Metal, in Frame, Cut-glass Fittings ... 42/0 |
Pure Block Tin, with Metal Reservoir | ... | ... | 25/0 |
,,,,,,Glass,, | ... | ... | 21/0 |
Gilt, in Frame, with Cut-glass Fittings | ... | ... | 20/0 |
Fluid Ozone, in strong tins, holding about 2 quarts, and filling funnel ... 7/6 |
Tins holding about 1 quart | ... | ... | 4/0 |
Extra Parts, suitable for either Ozonator or Ozonatuer. |
Cork Valves | ... | ... | ... | each 0/6 |
Glass Bottoms | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/0 |
,,Reservoir | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/0 |
Wick | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/6 |
Plain Nickel | ... | ... | ... | each 5/6 |
Gilt, with Columns | ... | ... | ... | each 7/6 |
Nickel,,,, | ... | ... | ... | each 8/6 |
Oxidised Copper | ... | ... | ... | each 8/6 |
Packer’s Charm | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Paget’s Malted Farina | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 1/9 |
Pancreatine (S. & M.) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 |
Papain (Finkler) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/2 4/2 |
Paper (Gayetty’s) | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/3 |
,,(Gordon’s) | ... | per pkt. 0/10½, roll 0/9½ |
,,Handkerchiefs, Japanese, aseptic, per box of 3 doz. 0/11 |
,,Jeyes’ Antiseptic | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/7½ |
,,,,Refills, | ... | per pkt. 0/3 each, doz. 2/7 |
,,Medicated Bromo | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/11 |
,,Sanitas | ... | ... | per roll or pkt. 0/9½ |
,,Terebene | ... | ... | ... | per roll 0/9½ |
Papier, D’Armenie | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/5 2/3 |
,,Fayard | ... | ... | ... | 0/7½ |
,,Fruneau | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/4 |
,,Wlinski | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/3 |
Paregoric Elixir | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/10 |
Adrenalin Chloride Solution | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/0 |
,, Inhalant | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/0 |
,, Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per tube 2/6 |
,, Suppositories | ... | ... | ... | 2/0 |
Analgesic Balm | ... | ... | ... | per tube 1/0 |
Cascara Sagrada Ext. Tablets (1 grain) | ... | 0/11 |
,,,,,,(2 grains) | ... | 0/6 |
,,,,,,(2 grains) | ... | 1/2 |
,,,,,,(3 grains) | ... | 1/7 |
,,Evacuant | ... | ... | 1/0 2/5 4/4 8/0 |
Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, with Hypophosphites | 1/4 2/6 |
“Capsolin” | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Chloretone Capsules | ... | ... | ... | 1/7 |
,,Inhalant | ... | ... | ... | 0/8 |
Effervescents— |
Kissingen (Gran.) | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 1/10 |
,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/0 |
Lactone Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Laxative Lithia (Gran.) | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 2/6 |
Lithium Citrate Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 1/3 2/6 |
Sodium Phos. (Gran.) | ... | ... | ... | 1/4 |
Vichy (Granular) | ... | ... | ... | 1/2 1/10 |
Vichy Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/0 |
“Emollientine” | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Ethol | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 1/9 |
“Euthazel” Toilet Jelly | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Euthymol Cream | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,Cream | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 |
,,Liquid Dentifrice | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 2/6 |
,,Powder | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,Shaving Cream | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,,,,, | ... | ... | ... | 1/6 |
,,,,Stick | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Tablets, small | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 |
,,Tooth Paste | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,Palol | ... | ... | ... | 3/0 |
Globules, Santal Oil | ... | ... | ... | 2/4 |
Glycerine Suppositories, Adults or Children | ... | each 0/10½ |
Parke, Davis Oral Antiseptic Tablets | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Parr’s Pills | ... | ... | per box 0/9½ 2/0 |
Parrish’s Food | ... | per bot. 0/4, 0/9 1/10 |
Pasma Powder | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ 2/3 |
Pasta Mack | ... | ... | ... | 1/10 |
Pautauberge’s Solution | ... | ... | ... | 2/10 |
Pazo | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 |
Pearson’s Antiseptic | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/10½ |
Pedestrine | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Penne’s Bath Salt | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Penny’s Magic Paste | ... | ... | ... | per pot 0/10 |
Peppermint Essence | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 0/9 |
,,Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/6 |
,,,,... extra strong, | ... | ... | lb. 2/0 |
,,Oil | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 1/4 |
,,Water | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 |
Pepper’s Quinine and Iron Tonic | ... | ... | ... | 1/8 2/9 |
,,Sulpholine Lotion | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 2/2 |
,,Taraxacum and Podophyllin | ... | ... | 2/3 3/7 |
Pepsalia | ... | per bot. 0/10½ 1/9 |
Peps | ... | ... | ... | 1/1 2/6 |
Pepsin | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 1/3 |
,,(Bullock’s) | ... | ... | per bot. 3/2 11/6 |
,,Essence, Leibrich, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 |
,,Glycerine of (Bullock’s) | ... | ... | ... | 3/2 10/6 |
,,(Boudalt) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/2 |
,,Pills | ... | ... | per box 0/5 1/4 |
Peptenzyme, Powder or Tablets | ... | ... | 3/2 |
Peptonising Powders, Fairchild’s | ... | ... | per box 1/3 |
Perfumes (see Part III.) |
Perhydrol | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
Perlas Olivets | ... | ... | ... | 4/3 |
,,Maigrettes for Reducing Weight, | ... | 2/3 4/2 |
Peroxide Hydrogen | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 0/9 |
,,,,extra strong, | ... | ... | per bot., 0/9 1/6 |
| PERN ...Toilet Water... Registered A Complete Cure for excessive perspiration of the Feet, Hands, Armpits, &c Neutralises all disagreeable odours, completely cures sore, blistered and tender feet. Prepared Solely by JOHN ADARE & CO., LONDON. S.W. | Pern | ... | 1/0, 1/9 |
A delicate deodorant that completely takes the odour out of perspiration. |
PERN FOAM an antiseptic and deodorent toilet necessity John Adare & Co london. APPLY UNDER THE ARMS DESTROYS THE ODOUR OF PERSPIRATION AND IS HARMLESS. | PERN FOAM. |
A concentrated form of the above Toilet Water, possessing all its medicinal properties in a most convenient manner, viz., in small pots. |
Per pot | ... | ... | 1/0, 1/9 |
Pertussin | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Petal Dust Sachets | ... | ... | ... | each 0/2 0/4 |
Petroleum Emulsion, Angier’s, | ... | ... | bt. 1/0, 2/3 3/9 |
,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Phenol Boboeuf | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
Phillips Milk of Magnesia | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
Phosferine | ... | per bot. 1/0, 2/6 4/0 |
,,Tablets | ... | per bot. 1/0, 2/6 4/0 |
Phosphor Paste | ... | ... | ... | per jar 0/5 0/9 |
Phosphova | ... | ... | ... | per tin 2/6 |
Phosphoroids | ... | ... | ... | 1/10 |
Phytin. Capsules | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 |
,, Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 1/9 |
Antibilious | ... | per box 0/5, per 100 1/4 |
Beecham’s Patent | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ 2/3 |
,,Cough | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Bertelli’s Catramin | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/2 |
Blanchard’s | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9 |
Blaud (Ferruginous), gelatine coated, | per bot. of 100 0/8 |
,,,, | ... | ... | very sup., 144 1/3 |
Blue, 5 grain | ... | ... | per box of 24 0/5 |
,, | ... | ... | per doz, 0/2½ 0/5 |
,,and Black Draught | ... | ... | ... | each 0/3 |
,,and Colocynth 100 1/8; | ... | ... | ... | box of 24 0/5 |
Brandreth’s | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
Carter’s Iron Pills | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/0 |
,,Little Liver Pills | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,Nerve Pills | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 |
Cascara Sagrada, gelatine coated, | per bot. of 100 ... 1/0 |
Clarke’s B 41 | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 3/3 |
Cockle’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 1/11½ |
Cough | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/8 |
Doan’s | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/1½ |
Eno’s | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9 |
Ford’s Bile Beans | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1 2/6 |
Gibson’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/11 2/4 |
Holloway’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/6 |
Hood’s | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Hunt’s | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
King’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/6 |
Laville’s Gout | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 7/0 |
Liver | ... | per box of 24, 0/5; per 100 1/4 |
Neuralgic | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/8 |
Norton’s Camomile | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 2/2 |
Parr’s | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9½ 2/0 |
Pennyroyal and Steel | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/6 |
Pepsine | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/6 |
Phosphorus | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
,,Compound | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 4/6 |
Phosphorus, Compound, gelatine coated, strong ... per bot. of 100 2/6 |
Phosphorus, Compound, gelatine coated, mild ... per bot. of 100 2/6 |
Podophyllin | bot. of 100 1/6, box of 24 0/5 per bot. of 100 |
Quinine, 1 grain, gelatine coated | ... | box 24 0/3 ... | 0/9 |
,,2,, | ... | ,, 0/4 ... | 1/1 |
,,3,, | ... | ,, 0/4½ ... | 1/4 |
,,5,, | ... | ,, 0/5½ ... | 1/11 |
Rhubarb, Compound, | per box of 24 0/5 per bot. of 100 1/4 |
Steel | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 |
Whelpton’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/9½ 2/0 |
Widow Welch’s (Kearsley’s) | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/6 |
Williams’s, Pink | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/11½ |
Wright’s | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/1 |
Powder, a highly concentrated milk proteid food; a soluble, digestible, natural albumen, fully replacing meat diet ... per pkt. 0/9, 1/4 2/6
Beef | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/9 |
Chocolate | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 3/0 |
Diabetic Biscuits | ... | ... | ... | per box 4/3 |
Adhesive, superior quality, | ... | ... | ... | per yard 0/6 |
Allcock’s Corn | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Bunion | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Porous | ... | ... | ... | 0/7, 1/4 3/10 |
Arnicated | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/6 |
Belladonna | ... | each 0/6, per yard tin 3/0 |
Benson’s | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Breast | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 |
Brodie’s Corn | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/9½ |
Bunion, red cross (self adhesive) | ... | ... | box 0/4½ |
,,thick felt (Maw’s) | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/3 |
,,thin felt ,, | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/2½ |
Calendula | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/6 |
Corn, red cross (self adhesive) | ... | ... | per box 0/4½ |
,,thick felt | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/2½ |
,,thin felt | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/2 |
Court (black or tri-colour) | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/4½ |
In leather case for pocket | ... | ... | each 0/6 |
,,,,,,larger size | ... | 1/8 |
In metal case, cut and ready for use | ... | 0/2½ |
Dellar’s Corn | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
Dental | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/3, box 2/0 |
Epsom | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/3½ 0/7 |
Fowler’s Corn | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Sawyer’s Corn | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Pollantin, Liquid | ... | ... | ... | 6/0 |
,,in powder | ... | ... | ... | 6/0 |
Pomade Divine | ... | ... | ... | 1/8 |
Poncelets Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Pond’s Antiseptic Cream | ... | ... | ... | per pot. 2/1 |
Pond’s Extract | ... | ... | ... | 0/11½, 1/11 3/9 |
,,,,Cream | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 |
,,Ointment | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 1/8 |
,,Soap | ... | ... | ... | per cake 1/0 |
,,Vanishing Cream | ... | ... | ... | per tube 0/11 |
,,Talcum Powder | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
Poppy Heads | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/8 |
Poslam | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 9/0 |
Post’s C.B.Q. | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 4/3 |
,,Liniment | ... | ... | ... | 4/3 |
,,Liver Pills | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Potash, Bicarbonate of | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 0/9 |
,,Bichromate of | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
,,Bromide of | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 2/3 |
,,Chlorate of | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
,,Citrate of | ... | ... | per oz. 0/2, per lb. 2/0 |
,,Iodide | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 1/0 |
,,Permanganate of | ... | ... | ... | bot. 0/4, 0/6 1/0 |
,,Subcarbonate of | ... | ... | ... | 1 lb. bot. 0/10 |
,,Sulphurated | ... | ... | ... | 1 lb. bot. 1/0 |
Potashes, Black or American | ... | per lb. 0/8, 7 lb. jar 4/0 |
jar 0/10 extra |
Pot Pourri | ... | ... | per oz. 0/4, per lb. 3/6 |
[338]Potter’s Asthma Cure | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
Potts’ Corn Plasters | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
Poultice Bags (see Part II.). |
Powell’s Balsam | ... | ... | ... | 1/0½ 2/3 |
,,Embrocation | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 2/0 |
Precipitated Chalk | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
,,Sulphur | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
Prepared Chalk | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/2 |
Proctor Pinelyptus Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10 |
Pritchard’s Pills | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Price’s Glycerine | ... | ... | ... | 0/6, 0/11 1/10 |
Psyllium Seeds | ... | ... | ... | per tin 2/4 |
Pumice Stone, Powdered | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4 |
,,Prepared pieces | ... | ... | 0/3½ 0/6½ |
Pumiline Essence | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/11 |
,,Extract | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
,,Jujubes | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/11½ |
,,Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per pot 0/11, 2/3 |
Putty Powder | ... | ... | per oz. 0/2; per lb. 1/9 |
Purgen | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Puritas, a Soluble Carbolic Acid Fluid per 1 gallon tin 2/3 |
Pyramidon Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 2/1 |
Quassia Chips | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
Quilla Bark | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Quina Laroche | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/6 |
Quinquina Wine | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Quinine 1 oz. 1/3, ½ oz. 0/8, ¼ oz. 0/5, ? oz. 0/3 |
,,and Iron | ... | per oz. 0/10, ½ oz. 0/5 |
,,Powders (1 grain) | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/3 |
,,,,(2 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/4 |
,,,,(3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/5 |
,,,,(4 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/6 |
,,,,(5 grains) | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 0/7 |
Racahout des Arabes | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 |
Racia Food | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/5 |
Rami Syrup | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/4 |
Ramos Syrup | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Ratin Virus, for Mice | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Ratin Solid, for Rats | ... | ... | ... | per tin 3/0 |
Ratswar | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
RAT VIRUS, ... | per tube, 2/0; per 3 tubes, 5/0 |
The new Exterminator of Rats. |
Pamphlet free on application. |
Raydia (for the bath) | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/0 |
Red Cough Elixir | ... | ... | ... | 1/0, 1/9 3/3 |
Regalia Cream | ... | ... | ... | per pot 1/4 |
Regulin | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/0, 2/6, 4/3 |
,,Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per tube 1/0 |
Rendell’s Pessaries | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/9 |
Rennet Essence (Benger) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11, 1/6 |
Resin Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per pot 0/4½ |
Resinol Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per pot 2/6 4/6 |
Respirators (see Part II.) |
Rheumatic Anti-Rings | ... | ... | ... | each 4/6, 8/6 |
Rhinodyne | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/4 |
Rhubarb Root | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/5 |
,,Powdered | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 |
Rill, for Chilblains | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Risiccol | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/1½ 2/9 |
Rigollot’s Mustard Leaves, | ... | ... | ... | pkts. 0/8, tins 1/0 |
Roberts’ Ointment | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,Syrup Glycerophosphates, | ... | bot. 3/10 |
Robins’ Granulated Glycerophosphates, | ... | per bot. 3/4 |
,,Peptofer | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/3 |
Roche’s Embrocation | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Rochelle Salts | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 1/0 |
Rocla Tonic | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
Rooke’s Elixir | ... | ... | ... | 4/0 |
,,Pills | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Rose Water | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4½,0/8 |
,,(original) | ... | ... | ... | per gallon 6/6 |
,,(triple) | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½, 0/8, 1/6 |
,,(Varaldi’s) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
Rouge (Jeweller’s) | ... | ... | per oz. 0/2; per lb. 2/0 |
Rubini’s Essence of Camphor, | ... | ... | bot. 0/6, 1/0 |
Sacco (for Consumption) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/3 7/11 |
Saccharin (Soluble) | ... | ... | per bot.0/10, 2/0, 3/10 |
,,Tabella | ... | ... | ... | 0/6, 0/10½, 2/0 |
Saffron | ... | per drachm 0/8; per oz. 4/6 |
Subject to market fluctuations. |
Sajodin | ... | ... | ... | per tube 1/5 |
Sal Alembroth Gauze and Wool (see Part II.). |
Sal Hepatica | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 4/6 |
Salicine | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 1/4 |
Salicylic Acid | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/4 |
,,Lint and Wool (see Part II.). |
Saline (Harrod’s) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/3, 2/1½ |
Saltpetre (Lump) | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4½ |
Saltpetre Powder | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4½ |
Salts of Lemon | ... | ... | per box 0/2; per lb. 0/11 |
Salts of Tartar, | ... | per oz. 0/1; per lb. bot. 0/10 |
Salubrene | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 |
Samol | ... | ... | ... | per tube 1/1 |
Sanatogen | ... | ... | per bot. 2/8, 4/9, 9/0 |
Sanacine | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/6 |
Sandal Wood Capsules | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/1 |
,,,,Oil | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 1/3 |
Sandow’s Effervescing Bath | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/4 |
Santal Midy | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/7 |
Sanitary Fluid, “Brompton,” formerly known as “Pasteur,” per bot. 0/7, 1/0; 1/9; per gallon 4/0 |
This is a wholesome purified fluid (non-poisonous), and the most largely used of all sanitary disinfectants. Tins Free not returnable. |
Sanitary Towels, see Part II. |
“Sanitas” Preparations— |
Air Purifier | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/11½ |
Crude | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11½ |
Disinfectors | ... | ... | ... | each 2/4½ |
Dog Soap | ... | ... | ... | per cake 0/5½ |
Embrocation | ... | per bot. 0/7½, 0/11½, 2/4½ |
Eucalyptus Disinfectors | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/11½ |
Fluid | ... | per bot. 0/11½; per gal. 4/6 |
Formigator | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/3 |
Inhalers | ... | ... | ... | 0/11½, 2/4½ |
Moth Paper | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/11½ |
Oil | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11½ |
Powder | ... | ... | ... | per tin 0/11½ |
Spray producers | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 2/4 |
Toilet Fluid | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11½, 2/4½ |
Toilet Paper | ... | ... | ... | roll or pkt. 0/9½ |
Toilet Soap | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/2½ |
Toilet Tooth Powder | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/11½ |
Sanmetto | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 4/3 |
Sargol | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/6 |
Sarsaparilla Compound Decoction. A reliable blood purifier, per bot. 0/11, 1/9 3/3 |
Savaresse’s Copaiba Capsules | ... | ... | ... | 1/9 |
,,Santal Oil Capsules | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Absorbent Lozenges | ... | ... | per box 1/0, 2/6 |
Adults’ Food (Savore) | ... | ... | per tin 1/5 |
Cafe Zylak | ... | ... | per tin 1/4 2/2 |
Datura Tatula Cigarettes | ... | ... | 2/6 |
,,,,(Herb) | ... | ... | per box 2/0 |
Food | ... | ... | 0/9, 1/6, 3/9 7/6 |
Fructole | ... | ... | 2/6, 4/0 |
Pancreatic Emulsion | ... | ... | 2/0, 3/9 6/9 |
Peptonised Cocoa and Milk | ... | ... | 1/4 2/2 |
,,Milk | ... | ... | 1/4 2/2 |
,,Milk Chocolate | ... | ... | per box 2/2 |
Wholemeal Food | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Sawyer’s Corn Plasters | ... | ... | 0/10 |
Saxin | ... | per bot. 0/7, 0/11 2/2 |
No. D R 6. |
Brass Pillar and Beam, Brass Weights and Chains, and Folding Crank. 1 Glass and 1 Brass Pans, to weigh 2 drs. to ½ scruple, and 6 to ½ grain, in mahogany box. |
Price, complete, | 25/0 |
Brass or Glass Scale Pans, and Silk Cords and Weights, 2 drs. to ½ scruple, ½ grain to 6 grains. |
Brass Pans, | 13/6 |
Glass Pans, | 14/0 |
As D R 7, but with Brass Pans and Chains, to weigh 4 oz. avoirdupois ... 5/3 |
Schiffman’s Asthma Cure | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/0 3/9 |
Shepherd’s Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
Scissors (Surgical) (see Part II.), |
Scott’s Emulsion | ... | ... | ... | 1/0, 1/11 3/8 |
,,(Dr.) Pills | ... | ... | ... | per box 1/0 2/6 |
Scrubb’s Ammonia | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Sea Salt (Dr. Russell’s) | ... | ... | ... | box 0/10½ |
Seabald’s Hair Growing Tincture | ... | ... | bot. 3/0 6/0 |
Seekamps Lozenges | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
Seidlitz Powders | ... | ... | ... | box 0/6 0/9 |
,,,,(extra strong) | ... | ... | 0/10½ 1/0 |
,,Chanteaud | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Seigel’s Ointment | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
,, Pills | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
,, Plaster | ... | ... | ... | 0/10 |
,, Syrup | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 1/11½ |
,, Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per box 2/4 |
Selama (see Icilma Preparations). |
Sel de Pennes | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
parts making up a Seltzogene | D F D E A C B | POWDER WATER |
Screw Pattern—Ordinary. |
Wire Covered. | | Cane Covered. |
3 pint | 9/0 | ... | ... | 3 pint | 10/0 |
5 pint | 12/9 | ... | ... | 5 pint | 13/9 |
8 pint | 17/6 | ... | ... | 8 pint | 19/6 |
A Seltzogene |
Screw Pattern—Porcelain lined. |
| Wire | | Cane |
| Covered. | | Covered. |
3 pt. | 10/0 | | 11/0 |
5 pt. | 14/0 | | 15/6 |
8 pt. | 21/0 | | 24/0 |
Accessories for use with same— |
Funnel and Stopper, per set | 0/10 |
Measures, |
3 pint | ... | ... | 0/7½ |
5 pint | ... | ... | 0/10 |
8 pint | ... | ... | 1/2 |
Clincher Pattern— | CLINCHER F |
Wire Covered. | Cane Covered. |
3 pt. | 10/6 | | 11/9 |
5 pt. | 14/6 | | 17/3 |
8 pt. | 21/0 | | 24/0 |
Clincher Pattern—Porcelain Lined. |
Wire Covered | Cane Covered. |
3 pint | 12/6 | 3 pint | 13/6 |
5 pint | 16/6 | 5 pint | 18/0 |
8 pint | 23/6 | 8 pint | 26/6 |
[339]Seltzogene Charges. |
Kindly state clearly when ordering Seltzogene Powders if for aerating water or medicating same, also size required (3, 5 or 8 pints), so as to avoid mistakes. |
Seltzogene Powders, for charging Seltzogenes, per box, 3 pints, 1/2; 5 pints, 1/6; 8 pints | 2/6 |
Seltzogene Powders in tins for export, per box, extra | 0/3 |
Seltzogene Powders for making Mineral Waters in Seltzogenes (these are used in addition to the charges); for Soda, Potash, Seltzer, and Vichy Water, 3 pints, box of 12, 0/5; 5 pints, box of 12, 0/6; 8 pints, box of 12 | 0/8 |
For Lithia Water, 3 pints, box of 12, 1/0; 5 pints, box of 12, 1/3; 8 pints, box of 12 | 1/10 |
Seltzogene Repairs. |
Repairs of any description will be undertaken, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any machine that may show any defect whilst under test; also when sending it is necessary to send the whole machine, carriage paid. |
Sen-Sen Cachous | ... | ... | pkt. 0/2 |
Seravallos Tonic Wine | ... | bot. 2/6 |
Shirley’s Crystals | ... | ... | bot. 1/7 |
Senna | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
,,Leaves | 1 lb. 1/0; selected lb. 1/9 |
,,Pods | ... | per lb. 1/2 |
Silicate of Soda (Water Glass) for preserving eggs 1 lb. tin, 0/5; 7 lb. tin | 1/11 |
Silver Nitrate | ... | per oz. 2/0 |
Singleton’s Eye Ointment | ... | ... | 1/8 |
Skuse’s Tablets | ... | per tin 0/2½ |
Sirolin | ... | each 2/6 4/0 |
Sirop d’Aubergier | ... | per bot. 2/4 |
Sloans’ Liniment | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Smedley’s Chillee Paste | ... | 1/0 1/6 2/6 |
Smelling Salts Bottles (Cut Fancy). See Part III. |
Anticatarrh, | per bot. 0/9½ |
Eucalyptus, | per bot. 0/8 |
Inexhaustible Lock | bot. 0/10½ 1/3 |
Inexhaustible (watch shape) bot. |
0/5½ 0/8½ 1/2 |
Lavender, per bot. | 1/0, 1/3, 1/6 2/6 |
in Cut Glass Bottles | from 1/0 to 21/10 |
Smith’s Livelong Candy | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Snow’s Rat War | ... | ... | 0/10 |
Soap Bark | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
,, Castile, Finest (Tivoli Brand), lb. 0/6, in large original bars, 4/3 each, in small bars, each | 0/6 |
,, Liniment (Opodeldoc) | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/2 |
,, Powdered | ... | per lb. 1/0 |
,, Soft B.P. | ... | ... | ,,0/8 |
Soda Bicarbonate, in stoppered bottles with spoon ... each, 0/9 1/3 |
,,Bicarbonate | ... | per lb. 0/2 0/4 |
,,Bicarbonate (Howard’s) | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
,,Caustic | ... | ... | ,,0/6 |
,,Subcarbonate | ... | ... | ,,0/6 |
,,Sulphate (pure) | ... | ... | ,,0/4 |
Soden Pastilles | ... | per box 1/0 |
Solspa | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Somatose | 1 oz. 1/8 2 oz. 3/2 4 oz. 6/0 |
Soxhlet Apparatus. See Milk Sterilizing or Pasteurising Apparatus. |
Sparklets Syphons— |
Complete Electro-plated Syphons, fitted valve pin ... | each 2/6 |
Also double size syphon for using “C” size bulbs | ... | each 4/0 |
Do. Felt-covered Syphons for tropics | ... | 4/0 |
Special Sparklets Syphon-de-Luxe, with heavily silver-plated head and cover for presents, etc. | each 7/6 |
| “Sparklogenes” (Large 3-pint Sparklet Syphons)— |
Complete Electro-plated “Sparklogenes” for use with 3 Sparklet B Bulbs ... | each 7/9 |
Original Sparklet Caned Bottles, Pint ... | each 2/0 |
Do, Felt-covered for Tropical countries, ... | each 4/0 |
Wearing Parts (Spares) for Sparklet Syphons, “Sparklogenes” and Bottles | |
Easily renewable by the User, thus ensuring Apparatus being kept in constant use, containing 1 Bulb-neck Washer, 1 Pin, and 1 Neck or Tube Washer | per box 0/6 |
Crystals for making favourite beverages— |
Ginger Beer, Lemon, Lime, Raspberry, Pear, Orange, Red Currant, Strawberry | per tin 0/9 |
Sparklet Bulbs (packed in round of 1 doz. ) |
“B” size Bulbs for Syphons and “Sparklogenes” | per box 1/4 |
“A” size Bulbs for flasks and bottles | per box 1/0 |
“C” Bulbs packed in square boxes | each box 2/0 |
Sparkloids (Mineral Water) Tablets— |
Containing in their correct proportion the essential ingredients of the following waters:—Soda, Potash, Seltzer, Vichy, and Carlsbad | per bot. 0/6 |
Lithia | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Spermaceti | ... | ... | ... | 1/8 |
,, Powdered | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 2/4 |
,, Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per pot 0/6 |
Spiritine | ... | ... | per tin 0/3 0/5 |
Spirit Lamps | ... | ... | 2 oz. 1/2, 4 oz. 1/4 |
Spirits, Hartshorn | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4 |
,,of Ammonia or Sal Volatile, Aromatic | per bot. 1/0, 1/10 |
,,of Camphor | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,of Lavender Compound, | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
,,of Mindererus | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4 |
,,of Rosemary | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,of Sweet Nitre | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
,,of Turpentine (Rectified), | per pint 0/9, per gal. 4/6 |
Jar extra, 0/10 |
,,of Wine (Medicated), | per bot. 5/9, per quart bot. 7/9 |
,,of Wine, Methylated, | ½ pt. 0/4, pt. 0/7, qt. 0/11, gal. 2/9 |
,,of Salts | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 1/0 |
SPITTOONS, &c., for Invalids. See Part II. |
SPONGES—First quality, A beautiful selection of Turkey and Honeycombed and Toilet Sponges on show in Department. A selection sent on appro. if desired. |
Spongio Piline, | ... | per sq. in. ¼d., sq. yd., 15/0 |
Sprays for Nose and Throat. See Part II. |
,, for Perfume. See Part III. |
Sprinkler Corks, silver, | ... | ... | each, 0/2½, gilt 0/3½ |
Cinnamal | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Corisol | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Fermanglobin | ... | ... | ... | 2/9 5/0 |
Glyphocal | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 4/0 |
Kasak, or Elixir of Cascara Sagrada, | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Kasena | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 4/0 |
Maltoglobin | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 |
Parrish’s Chemical Food (Ferocal), | ... | bot. 1/6, 2/6, 4/0 |
Syrup of Senna (Sennine) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 2/9 |
Terperoin Elixir | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 4/0 |
,, Pastilles | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 |
Neuralgia! That most unbearable and depressing pain can be at once removed by using Stanley’s Instantaneous Neuralgic Cure.
Thousands of testimonials from sufferers who have been relieved. |
Stanley’s Toothache Cure | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Toothache! All those who suffer from the above distressing complaint can obtain immediate relief and freedom from pain by using Stanley’s Instantaneous Toothache Cure. |
Starch Powder, Wheat | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
Stern’s Headache Powders | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
,,HÆmoferrum (blood iron pilloids) | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
,,Kasagra | ... | ... | 2/2 |
,,Wine | ... | ... | ... | 4/6 |
Steedman’s Soothing Powders, | ... | ... | pkt. 0/9½, 2/0 |
Steel Drops | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
,,Wine | ... | per bot. 0/6, 0/10, 1/6 |
Stern’s Pumiline Preparations— |
Essence | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/11 |
Extract | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
Jujubes | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/11½ |
Liniment | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/7 |
Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per pot. 0/10½ |
Stolberg’s Voice Lozenges | ... | ... | 0/10 |
Stone Salve | ... | ... | pot 2/7½ |
Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets, | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3 4/6 |
St. Jacob’s Oil | ... | ... | 1/0½ 2/3 |
St. Poelton Lotion | ... | ... | 2/3 |
St. Patrick’s Elixir | ... | ... | per bot. 1/5 |
St. Raphael Quinquina Wine | ... | ... | per bot. 2/10 |
,,Wine | ... | ... | ,,2/9 |
Sterilizers, The “Gnom” Patent Milk Sterilizer. |
No. 1 complete containing | 4 ½ pint bots. | 12/6 |
,, 2,,,, | 6,,,, | 15/0 |
,, 3,,,, | 10,,,, | 20/0 |
,, 5,,,, | 6pint,, | 17/6 |
Procured to Order. |
Sugar of Milk, guaranteed pure, in 1 lb. barrels, 1/2, 4 lb. box 4/0 [340] |
,,(Dr. Thompson’s), | ... | ... | per barrel, 1/11 3/6 |
Sulphaqua Sulphur Bath | ... | ... | ... | per box 3/6 |
,, Toilet | ... | ... | ... | ,,2/8 |
Sulphate of Soda, Pure Re-crystalled, | ... | per lb. 0/4 |
,,,,Zinc | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/4 |
Sulphonal Powders, 10grs.,doz.0/8; 15grs.,doz.0/10; 20grs.,doz.1/0; | oz. bot. 0/9 |
Sulphur Candles | ... | ... | ... | each 0/3½ 0/9½ |
,,Flowers of | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
,,Precipitated | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/6 |
Suppositories Glycerine, | ... | ... | ... | Adult, per box 0/8½ |
,,,, | ... | ... | ... | ,,per bot. 0/10 |
,,,, | ... | ... | ... | Children, box 0/7½ |
,,,, | ... | ... | ... | Infants,,0/6½ |
,,,, | ... | ... | Enule Brand (Adult) per box 0/9 |
,,,, | ... | Enule Brand (Children’s) per box 0/9 |
,,,, | ... | ... | (Maw’s) per box 0/9 |
,,,, | ... | ... | (Maw’s) (Children’s) per box 0/8 |
,,,, | ... | ... | Parke Davis per bot. 0/10½ |
Surgical Appliances, Suspensory Bandages, Syringes, Surgeons’ Sundries. See Part II. |
Acidulated | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Buckthorn | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/6½ |
Easton’s | ... | ... | ... | ,,1/0 |
Ginger | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/4 |
Hypophosphites | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 1/9 |
Lemon | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 |
Parrish’s (best quality) | ... | bot. 0/4, 0/9 1/10 |
Poppies | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Rhubarb | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Squills | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/4 |
Tolu | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/5 |
Violets | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Aceto-Salicylic Acid | ... | ... | ... | 0/7½ 1/4½ |
Aloin Co. | ... | ... | ... | 0/6½ 1/0½ |
Ammonium Chloride | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ 0/9 |
Antipyrin | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 1/6 |
Aspirin | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 2/9 |
Backache and Kidney | ... | ... | ... | 0/8½ |
Blaud’s | ... | ... | ... | 0/8½ |
Cascara Sagrada (Chocolate-coated) | ... | 0/3½ 0/8½ |
Chlorate of Potash | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 0/7 |
Cinnaform | ... | ... | ... | 0/11 |
Cinnamon Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 0/9½ |
Easton’s Syrup, | ... | ½ dr. 0/6½, 1/2½; 1 dr. 0/9½ 1/10 |
Formalin Tablets | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Gregory’s Powder | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ 0/11 |
Laxative | ... | ... | ... | 0/6½ 1/1½ |
Little Liver | ... | ... | ... | 0/8½ |
Pepsin | ... | ... | ... | 0/9½ 2/5 |
Phenacetin | ... | ... | ... | 0/5 1/1 |
,,Comp. | ... | ... | ... | 0/6½ 1/6½ |
Potassium Bicarbonate | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ 0/8½ |
,,Chlorate | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 0/7½ |
Quinine (1 grain) | ... | ... | ... | 0/3½, 0/6½; |
(2 grains) | ... | ... | ... | 0/3½, 0/9; |
(3 grains) | ... | ... | ... | 0/4 1/2 |
Rhubarb | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ 1/1 |
,,and Soda | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ 0/11 |
Saccharin | ... | ... | ... | 0/6½, 0/10 2/0 |
Salicine | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ 2/9 |
Salicylate of Soda | ... | ... | ... | 0/7½ 1/2½ |
Salicylic Acid | ... | ... | ... | 0/7 1/0 |
Salol | ... | ... | ... | 0/6½ 1/0½ |
Soda Bicarbonate | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ 0/8½ |
,,Mint | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ 0/9 |
Sulphonal | ... | ... | ... | 0/7½ 1/10 |
Sulphur | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ 0/9½ |
Thyroid, gr. v. | ... | ... | ... | 1/10 |
Trional | ... | ... | ... | 1/1 3/3 |
Voice | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ 0/9½ |
Taka-diastase Tablets | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/8 5/9 |
,,liquid | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/8 |
Tamar Indien | ... | ... | ... | 1/9 |
Tannin | ... | ... | ... | per oz. 0/3 |
Drugs and Chemicals not enumerated above, if not in stock, can be obtained to order. |
Tannin and Glycerine | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
Tapp’s Aqua Emollient | ... | ... | per tin 0/5 |
Taraxacum Juice | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 |
Tarin, Grain de Lin | ... | ... | per tin 1/3 |
Tartaric Acid Crystals | ... | ... | per lb. 1/3 |
,,Powder | ... | ... | per lb. 1/3 |
Tartar Removers | ... | ... | each 0/7½ |
TAYLOR’S CIMOLITE Or PREPARED WHITE FULLER’S EARTH | Taylor’s Cimolite | ... | per box 0/8½ |
,,,, | ... | per bot. 2/6, 5/0 9/9 |
,,,, | ... | per tin 2/4, 4/6 8/9 |
,,,,Cream | ... | per tube 0/9½ |
,,Compressed Cinnamon Tablets ... | per box 0/9½ 1/5 |
J. TAYLOR’S Oxygen Tooth Powder | per tin 0/6, 0/10½, 1/8, 3/1 |
Tea Tabloids, | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/0 |
Teats, see Soothers and Feeding Bottle Fittings. |
Teething Collars | ... | ... | each 0/6½ |
,,Necklace (red or blue) | ... | ... | 1/6 |
,,Pads | ... | ... | 0/4½ 0/6 |
,,Rings | ... | ... | 0/4½ 0/6 |
Temperature Charts | ... | ... | per doz. 0/4 |
Tenasitine | ... | ... | per tube 0/4½ |
Terebene Capsules | ... | ... | per box 0/7 |
,,Disinfectant | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
,,Medicated Paper, ... | per roll of about 750 sheets, each 0/9½; |
per doz. 9/0 |
,,Pure B. W. & Co. | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Test Papers, red or blue Litmus, | per book 0/1; per tin 0/3 |
Test Tubes, | nest, 0/6; per half gross from 2/0 |
Texaline Compound | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Thermogene, a medicated wool for bronchitis, rheumatism, etc. ... | per box 1/0 2/6 |
Thialian, a laxative salt of lithia | ... | b |
Throat Sprays, see Part II. |
Tidman’s Sea Salt, | ... | 12 small pkts. in box 0/9½ |
,,,, | ... | ... | per 7 lb. box ... 0/11½ |
28 lb. sacks, each 3/0; 56 lb. sacks, each 5/6; 112 lb. sacks, each 10/0 |
Delivered Free to any Railway Station in the United Kingdom. |
D R 1. Bath
(Dr. Forbes).
0/5½, 0/7½, 0/9½
D R 4. Room,
0/8½, 0/10½, 1/10½
D R 5. Room,
2/6 and 5/0
(Special Quality)
Thermometers, Clinical, see Part II. |
Ammoniated Quinine, | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11 1/8 |
Arnica | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Bark Comp. | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
,,Simple | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10½ |
Benzoin | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Cantharides | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Cardamoms Comp. | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Gentian | ... | ... | per bot. 0/9 |
Iodine | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 1/4 |
,,(colourless) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/7 |
Iron (Steel Drops) | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Myrrh | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 1/2 |
Quinine | ... | ... | per bot. 1/2 |
Rhubarb | ... | ... | per bot. 0/10 |
Toilet Preparations and Bottles, see Part III. |
Tonga | ... | ... | per bot. 2/5 4/0 |
Tongue Scrapers | ... | ... | each 0/7½ |
Tonic, Quinine and Iron, Improved, | ... | 0/9½ 1/6 |
Tonquin Beans, selected best | ... | ... | per oz. 1/0 |
,,,,for perfuming wardrobes and prevention of moths, price on application |
Toothache Tincture | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
See Stanley’s. |
Tooth Brushes and Dental Preparations, see Part III. |
Tooth Stopping, gutta percha, | ... | per stick 0/3 |
,,Tincture, see Part III. |
Tow | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Towle’s Pennyroyal Pills | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Tragacanth Gum | ... | ... | per lb. 5/0 |
,,Powder (Gum Dragon), | per oz. 0/5, per lb. 5/0 |
Trilactine | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Trilene Tablets, for reducing Obesity, | per box 2/4 7/6 |
N.B. All Drugs are liable to sudden and wide fluctuations of the Market.
Trommer’s Extract of Malt, plain,[341] | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
,,Extract of Malt, with Cascara | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
,,Extract of Malt, with Cod Liver Oil | per bot. 2/0 |
,,Extract of Malt, with Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites ... 2/0 |
,,Extract of Malt, Ferrated, | ... | ... | per bot. 2/0 |
,,Extract of Malt with Hypophosphites ... | 2/0 |
Trusses, see Part II. |
Tube Brushes | ... | ... | per doz. 0/3 |
Tubing for Feeding Bottles, see page 1026. |
Turmeric Powder | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
Turpentine, Rectified ... bot. pt. 0/9; qt. 1/6 per gal. 4/6, jar 0/10. (Not sent by post or rail.) |
Turtle Cup, 4 squares in tin | ... | ... | each 0/11½ |
,,Cup in Bottle | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Unical Headache Cologne | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Union Beetle Paste | ... | ... | 0/11, 1/10 |
Uricedin | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/10, 3/6 |
Urinals, see Part II. |
Vaccination Shields, see Part II. |
Vaccine Lymph, fresh to order. |
Valda Pastilles | ... | ... | 1/1½ |
Valentine’s Meat Juice | ... | ... | 2/9 |
Validol, for Sea Sickness | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Valls Beetlecute | ... | ... | 0/5 0/10 |
Varaldi’s Orange Flower Water | ... | ... | 0/9 |
,,Rose Water | ... | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Vaseline Cold Cream | ... | ... | ... | 0/3½ 0/9 |
,,Camphor Ice | ... | ... | ... | 0/3½ |
,,Pomade | ... | ... | ... | 0/4½ 0/8 |
,,Pure | ... | ... | 1 lb. tin 0/11, 5 lb. tin 2/9 |
,,Pure | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/2½ 0/4 |
,,Soap (new style) | ... | ... | ... | per tab. 0/3 |
,,White, | ... | bot. 0/4, 0/7, 1/1, 1 lb. tin 1/9 |
,,Arnicated | ... | ... | ... | per tube 0/8 |
,,Borated | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/8 |
,,Camphorated | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/8 |
,,Capsicum | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/9½ |
,,Carbolated | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/8 |
,,Pure | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/3½ |
,,White | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/4 |
Veno’s Cough Cure | ... | ... | bot. 1/1 2/7 |
,,Seaweed Tonic | ... | ... | 1/1 2/7 |
Veedee Vibrator, complete with Cup and Ball ... | 32/6 |
Vermite Insect Powder | ... | ... | 0/5 0/9½ |
,,,,,,with Bellows | ... | ... | 0/10 |
Vibrona | ... | ... | per bot. 3/9 per doz. 44/0 |
Vichy Pastiles | ... | ... | 0/9½ 1/6 |
,,ComprimÉs | ... | ... | per box 1/5 |
Vin Bravais | ... | ... | ,,3/6 |
,,de Baudon | ... | ... | ,,3/6 |
,,Dusart | ... | ... | per bot. 3/0 |
Vin de Vial | ... | ... | per bot. 3/6 |
,,Mariana | ... | ... | ,,3/8 |
VINBOVINE A Tonic Wine Vinbovine | VINBOVINE. An Ideal Nerve Tonic. A combination of finest old crusted port, coca, malt, and meat juice. A fine restorative after Influenza, |
per bot. 2/2, 3/0; per doz. 33/0 |
Vin Nourry | ... | per bot. 3/3 |
,,St. Raphael (Quinquina) | ... | per bot. 2/10 |
,,St. Raphael (Tannin) | ... | per bot. 2/9 |
,,Urane Pesqui | ... | per bot. 6/6 |
,,Vinvet | ... | per bot. 2/2 3/0 |
Vinegar, Aromatic | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
Vinolia Cream | ... | per pot 1/7, 3/2 5/5 |
Vinolia Powder, in White, Pink and Cream Tints | ... | 1/6 3/0 |
Virol | ... | ... | per jar 1/0, 1/8 2/11 |
,, | ... | ... | ... | family jar 11/6 |
,,Toffee | ... | ... | ... | 0/6 |
Cut along this line VIROGEN the regenerator of life British Capital manufactured by VIROGEN FOODS Ld British Labour British manufacture | VIROGEN. The great food cure for Neurasthenia tins 1/3, 1/10, 3/6, 6/6 11/6 |
Virogen Lecithin | ... | 2/8 |
Voxine | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 4/0 |
Vitalia Meat Juice | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Wafer Papers | ... | per box 0/3½ |
Walmsley’s Cleaning Pads | ... | 0/4½ |
Wampole’s Cod Liver Oil | ... | 2/0 3/11 |
Wansborough’s Nipple Shields, per pair ... 0/5 |
Warburg’s Tincture | ... | 2/2 |
Ward’s Insect Death | ... | 0/10 2/1 |
Voebts Biscuits | ... | per box 2/6 |
Warner’s Bromo-Soda | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3/0 |
,,Parvules | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,Pills | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Rheumatic Cure | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3/11½ |
,,Safe Cure | ... | ... | 2/6½ 3/11½ 9/6 |
Warrick’s Iron Jelloids ... No.1, 1/8, 2/5; No.2, 1/11 2/8; No.3, 2/2 3/5 |
Wasmuth Corn Rings | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
WATER ANALYSIS. See Analysis Pamphlet on Application. |
Waterglass (for preserving eggs) ... | per tin 0/5; per 7 lb. tin 1/11 |
Water Softener (for Toilet purposes) see Part III. |
Wawkphar Foot Powders | ... | ... | ... | 0/5 0/10 |
Wax, Bees’, pure | ... | ... | ... | ... | per lb. 2/2 |
,,White, pure | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,,2/0 |
Weights, Apothecaries’, per set, grains 1/1, drachms, 1/2; stamped grains, 2/6, drachms 2/8 |
Welch’s Pills (Butler’s) | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/11 |
,, (Kearsley’s) | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Whelpton’s Pills | ... | ... | ... | 0/5½ 0/9½ 2/1 |
Whitehead’s Essence of Mustard | ... | ... | ... | 2/3 |
Wiesbaden Salts | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/11 |
Wilcox’s Desiccated Extract of Malt, | ... | ... | bot. 2/1 |
Williams’, Dr., Pink Pills | ... | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/11½ |
Wincarnis | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3 3/6 |
Bendle’s, Meat and Port, | ... | ... | per bot. 2/9 4/6 |
Bugeaud’s Quinine and Cocoa | ... | ... | 2/9 |
Coca, Ambrecht and Nelson’s | ... | ... | ... | 3/2 |
Coca (Harrods’), specially recommended | each 2/9, per doz. 30/0 |
Hall’s | ... | ... | per bot. 3/6 |
Quinine (standardised) | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Seravallo | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Wincarnis | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3 3/6 |
Winslow’s Soothing Syrup | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Witch Hazel | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 1/9 |
Woodcock’s Cough Pills | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
,,Wind Pills | ... | ... | 1/0 2/6 |
Woodward’s Gripe Water | ... | ... | 0/9½ |
Wood Wool, see Hartmann. |
Woolley’s Phenate of Soda, | ... | ... | bot. 1/0 1/9 3/0 |
Woolridge’s Tincture | ... | ... | 0/9½ |
Wright’s Coal Tar Pills | ... | ... | per box 1/1 2/6 |
,,Liquor Carbonis Detergens, | bot. 1/1 2/6 4/3 10/6 |
Wyeth’s Beef Juice | ... | ... | 2/9 |
,,Dialysed Iron | ... | ... | 2/2 |
Yanatas, for sea-sickness | ... | ... | per bot. 2/6 |
Yardley’s Tooth Wash | ... | ... | 1/11 |
Zam-Buk | ... | ... | per box 1/1 2/6 |
Zematone Anti-Asthmatic Cigarettes, | ... | ... | per box 2/4½ |
,,,,,,Powder, | ... | ... | box 2/4½ |
Zinc Ointment | ... | per pot 0/4½, 0/7, 1/0 1/6 |
,, Oxide | ... | ... | per lb. 1/6 |
,, Sulphate | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4 |
,, Sulpho-carbolate | ... | ... | per lb. 2/0 |
,, and Rose Water | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Zotal Disinfectant | ... | ... | 0/6, 1/0 drum 3/6 |
Zotos, Sea-sickness Remedy | ... | ... | 2/7 |
Zox | ... | ... | per box 1/0 |
Zymocide | ... | ... | 4/0 |
Xterminatem. The only effectual non-poisonous exterminator of Black Beetles, Cockroaches, Ants, and other kindred insect vermin in 1 lb. tins, 4/0; bellows, 6d. extra; 5 lb. tins with bellows ... ... 17/0 |
Aloes, powdered Barbadoes | ... | per lb. 1/2 |
Alum, burnt | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Aniseed Powder | ... | ... | per lb. 0/5 |
Areca Nut | ... | ... | per oz. 0/1½ |
Black Antimony | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4 |
Bole Armenia | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
Carraway Seed Powder | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Castor Oil | ... | ... | per pint bot. 0/9 |
,, | ... | ... | per gal. jar 4/6 |
| ... | ... | Jar 10d. extra. |
Cod Liver Oil | ... | ... | gal. jar 5/0 |
Jar, 0/10 extra, not returnable. |
(Special quotations for larger quantities.) |
Copper Sulphate (Blue Vitriol), ... | per lb. 0/4 |
Price per cwt. on application. |
Cummin Seed, powdered | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Diapente | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
Epsom Salts | ... | ... | per 14 lb. 1/0; cwt. 6/6 |
Fenugreek Powder | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
Gentian Powder | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
Ginger Powder | ... | ... | per lb. 0/9 |
Glauber Salts, | ... | per lb. 0/1½; per 14 lb. 0/9 |
Hellebore Powder | ... | ... | per lb. 0/6 |
Juniper Berries | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4 |
Linseed Oil, | ... | per pint bot. 0/9; per gal. 4/6 |
jar 0/10 extra |
Liquorice Powder | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
Liver of Antimony | ... | ... | per lb. 0/9 |
Nitre, powdered, ... | per lb. 0/4½; per 14 lb. 4/6 |
Resin, powdered | ... | ... | per lb. 0/4 |
Sugar of Lead | ... | ... | per lb. 0/8 |
Sulpho Vaseline for dogs | ... | per tin 1/1 |
Sulphur | ... | per lb. 0/3; per 7 lb. 1/6 |
,, Black | ... | per lb. 0/3; per 14 lb. 2/0 |
Sulphur Roll | ... | ... | per lb. 0/3 |
Sweet Spirit of Nitre | ... | ... | per pint bot. 4/9 |
Syrup of Buckthorn | ... | ... | per bot. 0/6 |
“Tabloid” Brand Veterinary Hypodermic Products (Burroughs, Wellcome, & Co.). All varieties in stock or to order. |
Tar, Stockholm | ... | (bot. extra) per lb. 0/3 |
The “Kennel” Liquid Dog Soap, ... | bot. 0/11½ |
For washing dogs it is strongly recommended, being non-corrosive, harmless, and a sure destroyer of all parasites. For eczema and all skin affections, it is invaluable. |
Vaseline (Vet.), | ... | per lb. tin 0/7, 5 lb. tin 2/1 |
Venice Turpentine, | ... | ... | per 4 oz. pot 0/7 |
(Jars extra.) lb. pot 1/8 |
Absorbine | ... | ... | ... | ... | 8/3 |
Asplinto | ... | ... | ... | 2/9, 4/6, 7/6 |
Aleotic Physic Balls ... | (4 drachms), | each 0/3½; doz. 3/0 |
,,,,,, | (5 drachms), | each 0/4; doz. 3/6 |
,,,,,, | (6 drachms), | each 0/4½; doz. 4/0 |
Alterative Balls, | ... | ... | each 0/4; doz. 3/6 |
,,and Condition Powders | per 1 lb. pkt. 0/9; 7 lb. 5/0 |
Cough Balls | ... | ... | each 0/4; doz. 2/3 |
,,Powders ... | per doz. pkt. 0/9; gross 8/6 |
Diuretic Balls, in capsules, | ... | each 0/4; doz. 3/6 |
Fever Balls | ... | ... | each 0/4; doz. 3/6 |
,,Drinks | ... | ... | per doz. bots. 10/0 |
Gripe Drinks | ... | ... | per doz. bots. 10/0 |
Heel Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per 1 lb. jar 1/9 |
Tonic Balls | ... | ... | each 0/4; doz. 3/6 |
Veterinary Liniment | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Worm Balls | ... | ... | each 0/4; doz. 3/6 |
Alterative Drinks,[342] | ... | 0/6 each ... doz. 5/6 |
Cleansing Drinks, | ... | 0/6 each ... doz. 5/6 |
Red Drinks | ... | 0/6 each ... doz. 5/6 |
Benbow’s Dog Mixture | ... | ... | per bot. 1/9, 4/2 |
Chamberlain’s Horse Powders | ... | per doz. 3/6 |
Chambers’ Castrique for Dogs | ... | 0/11, 2/4 |
,,,,,,(Tablets) ... | 0/11 |
Chameleon Oil (Locator) | ... | ... | 1/9, 3/9 |
Cole’s Ossidine | ... | ... | ... | 4/6 |
Cooper Smith’s Pascora | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,,,Ebberzine | ... | ... | 5/6, 9/9 |
Corniere, La | ... | ... | ... | per tin 5/0 |
Cupiss’s Constitution Horse Balls, ... | pkt. 1/6, 3/0 |
Cyona Veterinary Oil | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/8 |
,,Veterinary Ointment | ... | ... | per jar 1/8 |
,,Veterinary Tincture | ... | per bot. 1/8 |
Alcoholic Ether (a chill and fever drink) | ... | per bot. 2/4 |
Balls for Horses:—Black Physic, Cough, Diuretic Red Paste, or Condition Balls, Worm ... per doz. 6/9 |
Blister Liquid | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/2 |
Blister Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per tin 3/6 |
Broncholine, for Husk and Cough, | ... | ... | per bot. 2/4 |
Carminative Chalk Mixture, scour and diarrhoea | per bot. 1/6 |
Chemical Extract (brown) Liniment for sprains, bruises, rheumatism, etc ... per bot. 2/4 |
Chemical Extract, white, adapted for recent injuries ... per bot. 2/4 |
Drenches for Cows— |
Cleansing | ... | each 1/0; per doz. 11/6 |
Drying | ... | each 1/0; per doz. 11/6 |
Red | ... | each 1/0; per doz. 11/6 |
Red, for ewes | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 3/2 |
Drinks for Horses— |
Cough, no mixing required, | ... | each 1/4 per doz. 15/6 |
Fever, no mixing required, | ... | each 1/4 per doz. 15/6 |
Foot Rot Oil | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 2/4 |
Gaseodyne, used as laudanum, | ... | ... | bot. 3/2 |
Gaseous Fluid, colic or gripes, | ... | ... | bot. 1/6 |
Hornicura (Hoof Ointment) | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Kossolian Blood Salt, blood purifying | ... | per tin 4/0, 10/6 |
“Porcino” Pig Powders | ... | ... | ... | per doz. 2/8 |
Larger sizes of above obtained to order. |
Medicine Chests— |
“Stockbreeder’s” Medicine Chest | ... | 52/6 |
Larger sizes obtained to order | ... | 114/0 |
Horsekeeper’s Medicine Chest | ... | 53/6 |
Larger sizes obtained to order | ... | 96/0 |
Lambing and Calving Medicine Chest | ... | 27/0 |
Larger size obtained to order | ... | 58/0 |
Other Veterinary Preparations to order, and special Medicine Chests fitted up for home and abroad. |
Darby’s Dog Pills— |
Alterative | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Anti-Rheumatic | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Aperient | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Astringent | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Cough | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Distemper | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Tonic | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Worm | ... | ... | ... | ... | per box 0/10½ |
Disinfectants— |
Pale Carbolic Acid | ... | ... | ... | ... | per gal. 2/0 |
Sanitary Fluid | ... | ... | ... | ... | per gal. 2/6 |
Jars, 0/10 extra. Special prices in quantity. |
Elliman’s (Royal) Embrocation | ... | per bot. 0/11, 1/9, 3/0 |
Harrods’ Poultry and Game Spice, a great egg producer, ... | 1/9 pk., per tin 5/0 |
Harvey’s Remedies for the Horse— |
Aconite Cough Powders, | ... | ... | per pkt. 2/5, 9/6 |
Edos Purging Powders, Nos. 5, 6, 7, | ... | pkt. 0/9 |
Hair Restoring Ointment | ... | ... | ... | per tube 1/6 |
Watts’ Embrocation | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 3/6 |
,,Red Lotion | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/8 |
Worm and Condition Powders, | ... | ... | pkt. 2/10 |
,,and Condition Powders, with Ball ... | per pkt. 3/6 |
Izal Veterinary Fluid | ... | ... | ... | per gal. 6/0 |
,,,,Embrocation | ... | ... | 2/0 |
(For Cattle and Dogs.) |
James’ Horse Blister | ... | ... | ... | per pot 2/0 |
Jeyes’ Veterinary Tincture, | ... | 1 lb. 1/4, 3 lb. tin 3/0 |
Jeyes’ Dog Soap | ... | ... | ... | per tab. 0/4 |
John’s Horse Powders | ... | ... | ... | per tin 1/4 |
Keane’s Horse Powder | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Kennel Liquid Soap for Dogs | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 0/11½ |
Macadam’s Horse Malt, a condensed Malt Extract | per tin 0/10½ |
Naldire’s Dog Soap | ... | ... | ... | per tab. 0/7 |
,,,,Powders | ... | ... | ... | per pkt. 1/6 |
Pacita (Medicine for Dogs) | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Pond’s Veterinary Tincture | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 1/7 |
Radiol | ... | ... | ... | per bot. 5/0 |
Reducine | ... | ... | ... | per tin 10/6 |
Richmond’s Horse Powder, | ... | ... | pkt. 1/3, 2/1 3/0 |
Sherley’s Dog Preparations— |
Mouth Wash | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Powdered Malt | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/11½, 1/11 |
sherley’s ‘SHAMPOO’ A. F. SHERLEY & Co. | Skin Cure | ... | ... | 0/11½, 1/11 |
Sulphur Baths | ... | 0/11½ |
Tablets for Fits | ... | 0/11½ |
Tonic Quinine Pills | ... | 0/11½, 1/11, 4/9 |
Worm Capsules | ... | 0/11½, 1/11, 4/9 |
Ditto for Puppies and Toy Dogs ... | 0/11½, 1/11, 4/9 |
Sherley’s Shampoo. 0/11½, 1/11 | |
| LACTOL (registered) for ANING AND REARING PUP also for FEEDING INVALID DOGS and DOGS OUT OF CONDITION PRICE 2/6 also in tins price 1/- & 6/- | Sherley’s Lactol, 1/0, 2/6, 5/0, 20/0, 40/0 |
Sherley’s— |
Alterative Powder | ... | ... | 0/11½, 1/4½ |
Anodyne Mixture | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Aperient Powders | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Boracic Ointment | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Canker Lotion | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Chemical Food Tablets, | ... | ... | 0/11½, 1/11, 4/9 |
Condition and Nerve Cure Tablets, | 0/11½, 1/11, 4/9 |
Cough Tablets | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Cure for Jaundice | ... | ... | 0/11½, 1/11 |
Distemper Cure | ... | ... | 0/11½, 1/11, 4/9 |
Emergency Chest | ... | ... | 20/0 |
Fluid Magnesia | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Hair Restorer | ... | ... | 1/5 |
Half-minute Thermometer | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Insect Powder | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Lactine | ... | ... | 0/11½ |
Other Preparations to Order. |
SPRATT’S Cure for “Foot Rot” in Sheep, and the “Foul” in Cattle ... | tin 1/4 |
Alterative Cooling Powders | ... | ... | per pkt 0/8 |
Anti-Diarrhoea Mixture | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Aperient Biscuits, tasteless | ... | ... | per tin 1/6 |
Cough Pills | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/8 |
Cure for Chronic Skin Diseases, | ... | ... | box 0/8, 1/8 |
,, for Ear Canker | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
,, for Jaundice | ... | ... | per box 0/8 |
,, for Rheumatism | ... | ... | per box 0/8 |
Disinfectant for kennels, poultry houses, etc. | per pkt. 0/5 |
Distemper Powders | ... | ... | per doz. 1/8 |
Eczema Lotion | ... | ... | per bot. 1/0 |
Hair Stimulant | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Kennel Medicine Chests | ... | ... | each 19/6 |
Liniment for Sprains, etc. | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Locurium, for animal use | ... | ... | per bot. 1/6 |
Mange Lotion | ... | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Purging Pills | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/8 |
Tonic Condition Pills | ... | ... | per pkt. 0/8 |
Worm Pills | ... | ... | per box 0/8 |
Worm Powders | ... | ... | per box 0/8 |
Gape Cure, for poultry or pheasants | ... | per bot. 0/8 |
Insect Powder | ... | ... | per pkt 0/4 |
Roup Paste | ... | ... | per box 0/8 |
Scurfy Leg Ointment | ... | ... | per box 0/8 |
Tonic Condition Paste | ... | ... | per box 0/8 |
Steven’s Ointment | ... | ... | per tin 2/0 |
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Surgical Instruments and appliances are not (under any circumstances) sent out on approval for Sanitary and aseptic reasons.
No. D R 1 S.
Suitable for carrying in motor car, also for private houses, warehouses, &c.
Contents:—Bottles for Carron Oil, Sal Volatile, Vaseline and Smelling Salts, Medicine Glass, five Bandages, one Esmarch’s Bandage, Scissors, Splinter Forceps, Adhesive Plaster, Court Plaster, Lint, Wool, Safety Pins, Camel Hair Brush and Sponge. In Japanned Tin Case with simple fastening and with handle at back. Dimensions 8½ × 5¾ × 2½in. Red Cross on lid. 8/6
No. D R 2 S. Medicine Chest. Spanish Mahogany, lined with Silk Velvet, 2 Trays, contains 21 Cut Stoppered Bottles, 2 Plated Top Pots, Pestle and Mortar, Scales, Measure, and Knife.
12 × 8 × 6½in.
£3 16 6
No. D R 4 S.
Medicine Chest.
Oak Lid, Velvet-lined, contains 17 Stoppered Green Bottles, 2 Plated Top Pots, Pestle and Mortar, Scales, Measure and Knife.
Dimensions 13 × 9½ × 6½in. £2 2 0
Also in Mahogany, White Bottles, with Cut Rims and Stoppers, £2 9 6
No. D R 3 S.
Medicine Chest.
Oak Lid, Velvet-lined, contains 17 Stoppered Green Bottles, Pestle and Mortar, Scales, Measure and Knife.
Dimensions 13¼ × 7¾ × 5¾in. £1 14 6
In Deal, painted, £1 7 6
In Mahogany, with White Bottles, Cut Rims and Stoppers, £1 19 9
No. D R 7 S.
Pine, Stained and Varnished, Lid Lined with Baize, contains 14 Bottles, Graduated Measure and Powder Knife, Elastic in Lid for Prescriptions.
Dimensions 9½ × 7 × 6in. 18/9
No. D R 6 S.
Tablet Medicine Case.
In French Morocco, with 7 half-oz. and 6 one-oz. Tubes and Clinical Thermometer, 13/9 In Solid Leather, 19/3
No. D R 5 S.
Solid Leather, contains 8 Cut Stoppered Bottles, 4 Vegetable Ivory-topped Pill Bottles and Measure.
Dimensions 8¾ × 5¾ × 2½in. | ... | £1 5 0 |
In Japanned Tin | ... | ... | 0 11 6 |
No. D R 11 S.
Black Leather Folding Pocket Case, Nickel Clasp, 5 Tabloid Phials with Nickel Tops, 5 Nickel Screw-top Bottles, Absorbent Cotton Wool Bandage, Safety Pin, 8/6
Wire Gauze, Alpaca Covered | ... | £0 6 9 |
Patent Leather, as Fig. D R 8 S | ... | 0 7 0 |
,,,,with Elbow Piece, as Fig. D R 9 S | ... | 0 11 0 |
Artificial Limbs to Order.
Aseptic Dressings for all occasions. No. D R 10 S.
Red Imitation Leather Folding Pocket Case, with Nickel Clasps, containing 4 Nickel Screw-top Bottles, Scissors, Court Plaster, Styptic Cotton Wool, Adhesive Plaster, Cotton Wool, 4/10
No. D R 12 S.
Midwife’s Bag, as suggested by Dr. Becherre.
In imitation Black Morocco, with Spring Lock and Key, 2 Nickel Clasp and Leather Handle, containing a 2-pint Bronze Douche Can, Absorbent Tampoon of Iodoform Cotton Wool, Jars for Abscess Plugs Cotton Wool, Nickel Soap Case, Nitrate of Silver Bottle, 1 Drop Bottle, 1 Alcohol Bottle, 85 per cent., 1 Lysol Bottle, Graduated Medicine Glass in Zinc Tray. On Cardboard Partition—Food Thermometer, Pulse Glass, Surgical Scissors, Lancet, Glass Vagina Tube, Glass Rectum Tubes, Bath Thermometer. Under Partition—Nail Brush in Bag, 2 lengths of Rubber Tubing in Bag, 1 Rubber Catheter, 1 Rubber Glove, 3-meter Navel Cord, Tube Antiseptic Pastilles in Wood Box.
Complete, each, 36/0
Antiseptic Dressings, Bandages, Lints, Wool, &c. |
Absorbent, Gauze | per 6 yds. | 0/9 |
Accouchement Sets, Hartmann’s, | each 9/9, | 19/6 |
,,Sheets, Southall’s, | 0/11, 1/10, | 2/2½ |
,,,,Hartmann’s | each 0/10½, 1/4 | 2/2 |
Alembroth Gauze | per 6 yards | 0/9 |
Artificial Limbs to order. |
Aurilaves | each | 0/5 |
Bandages. |
| Per doz. |
Cotton, Bleached, 1in. × 6 yds., | each | 0/1 | 0/8 |
,,,,2in. × 6 yds., | ,, | 0/2 | 1/10 |
,,,,2½in. × 6 yds., | ,, | 0/2½ | 2/3 |
,,,,3in. × 6 yds., | ,, | 0/3 | 2/8 |
,,,,4in. × 6 yds., | ,, | 0/4 | 3/6 |
,,,,6in. × 6 yds., | ,, | 0/5½ | 5/0 |
,,Grey, 2½in. × 6 yds. | ,, | 0/2 | 1/11 |
,,,,3in. × 6 yds. | ,, | 0/2½ | 2/2 |
,,Net, 2½in. wide | per yd. | 0/2 | 1/9 |
,,,, 3½in.,, | ,, | 0/3 | 2/9 |
CrÊpe Velpeau, Superb Quality, 2in., | each | 1/0 |
,,,,2½in. | ,, | 1/3 |
,,,,3½in. | ,, | 1/6 |
Domette, 3in. × 6 yds. | ,, | 0/6 |
,,6in. × 6 yds. | ,, | 1/0 |
Elastic Web, 2½in. Blue line | per yd. | 0/6 |
,,,,3in.,,,, | ,, | 0/8 |
,,,,2½in. Best White | ,, | 0/8 |
,,,,3in.,,,, | ,, | 0/10½ |
Flannel, 3in. × 6 yds. | 1/0 |
,,6in. × 6 yds. | 1/6 |
“Ideal,” 1½in., 0/6½; 2½in., 0/9½; 3in. 0/11½ |
No. D R 13 S. |
Para Rubber, Best Quality, English make, Plain, or Perforated. |
Width, 2½ ins. | Width, 3 ins. |
Length. | Plain. | Perfor. | Length. | Plain. | Perfor. |
5ft. | 2/2 | 2/2 | 5 ft. | 2/2 | 2/2 |
7½ ft. | 3/0 | 3/6 | 7½ ft. | 3/6 | 4/0 |
10½ ft. | 4/0 | 4/6 | 10½ ft. | 4/9 | 5/6 |
15ft. | 5/0 | 6/0 | 15ft. | 6/0 | 6/8 |
21ft. | 8/0 | 8/6 | 21ft. | 9/0 | 10/0 |
See foot-note* |
* Owing to the fluctuations of the rubber market these prices are subject to alteration.
No. D R 14 S. |
Suspensory, | Cotton | ... | ... | ... | each 1/0 | 1/9 |
,, | Silk | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 2/6 |
The “Syracuse” Suspensory. |
| each |
No. 10. | Cotton Sack, Non-elastic Band | 1/3 |
,,16. | Deimel Linen Mesh, Non-elastic Band | 1/9 |
,,21. | Deimel Linen Mesh, Elastic Band | 2/6 |
,,22. | Stockinette Sack, Non-elastic Band | 2/9 |
,,26. | Bolting Silk Sack, Elastic Band | 3/0 |
,,27. | Silk Sack, Open Weave, Elastic Band | 3/3 |
,,28. | Fine Silk Sack, Cotton Elastic Band | 3/3 |
,,31. | Fine Silk Sack, Special Weave, Elastic Band | 4/3 |
,,32. | Fine Silk Sack, Special Weave,Silk Band | 5/0 |
,,34. | Fancy Silk Sack, Ventilated,Satin Finish, Silk Elastic Band | 7/6 |
Please mention Pattern Number. |
Two sizes, Medium and Large. |
If you wish to keep posted on the subject of Drugs, Perfumes, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Medical Instruments and Inventions, the best way is to ask for our Quarterly Drug List to be sent to your address regularly.
No. D R 16 S. English make.
The Perfection Suspensory Bandage.
Cotton, 2/0 Thread Net, 2/3 Silk 3/0
In two sizes, Medium and Large.
No. D R 17 S. English Make.
The “Automat” Suspensory Bandage.
Cotton, 1/0 Superfine Thread, 2/6
Fine Silk, 4/6 each.
Two Sizes, Medium and Large.
The Master
No. D R 17a S. English Make.
The Master Riding or Athletic Bandage
for comfort. 2/6 each.
Surgical Supports of all Kinds.
| Per doz. |
Water | Dressing, | 2in. × 6 yds., | each | 0/1½ | 1/4 |
,, | ,, | 2½in. × 6 yds., | ,, | 0/2 | 1/8 |
,, | ,, | 3in. × 6 yds., | ,, | 0/2½ | 1/11 |
,, | ,, | 4in. × 6 yds., | ,, | 0/3 | 2/5 |
,, | ,, | 6in. × 6 yds., | ,, | 0/4 | 3/6 |
Boracic Gauze | per 6 yds. | 0/10½ |
Carbolic,, | ,, | 0/10½ |
Cellulose Wadding | per lb. | 0/8 |
Cotton Wool. |
| 1 lb. | ½ lb. | ¼ lb. |
Superior Quality | 1/8 | 0/11 | 0/6 |
Bauer & Black | 2/0 | 1/1 | 0/7 |
Absorbent | 1/2 | — | — |
Boracic | 1/4 | 0/8 | 0/4½ |
Carbolic | 1/4 | 0/8½ | 0/4½ |
Common Wool | 1/0 | — | — |
(not recommended) |
Cyanide | 1/9 | 1/0 | 0/6½ |
Salicylic | 1/6 | 0/10 | 0/5½ |
Sal Alembroth | 1/4 | 0/8½ | 0/4½ |
Sublimate | 1/4 | 0/8½ | 0/4½ |
Double Cyanide Gauze, | ... | per 6 yds. | 1/0 |
Gamgee Tissue, Best Quality, | ... | per lb. | 2/2 |
,,,,Second Quality | ... | per lb. | 1/6 |
Travelling Conveniences of all Kinds.
No. D R 28 S. |
Lumbago—Lined and interlined Flannel | ... | ... | each 6/6 |
No. D R 29 S. |
“The Traveller’s.” 4 Pockets. Coutille | ... | ... | each 3/0 |
“The Traveller’s.” 6 Pockets, Chamois and Waterproof, in Coutille | ... | each 5/0 |
No. D R 30 S. |
“The Zepyrine.” Cellular Cloth | ... | ... | each 4/9 |
Belts.—Abdominal (Ladies’). |
The following are stock patterns: |
No. D R 31 S. |
For supporting and preserving the shape. Cotton Belts, to Lace at Back, with Side Straps ... | each 10/6 |
Best Silk | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 17/6 |
No. D R 32 S. |
Drab Sateen, Elastic Gussets, Lace Side and Back. Contract and Expand ... | each 7/0 |
Best Silk | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 13/6 |
No. D R 33 S. |
White Flannel, swaddling Shape | ... | ... | ... | each 4/6 |
No. D R 34 S. |
Drab or White Thread, Laced or Buckled at Back or Side... | each 12/6 |
Best Silk Drab or White Thread, Laced or Buckled at Back or Side... | each 22/6 |
No. D R 35 S. |
White Thread Elastic, Lace Back | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 12/6 |
Best Silk, Lace Back | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 19/6 |
For support and preserving the shape. |
No. D R 36 S. |
Buff Sateen, Elastic Gussets | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 10/6 |
No. D R 37 S. |
White Sateen, Elastic Gussets, Lace Back | ... | ... | each 6/6 |
The following belts can be supplied direct from manufacturers at a few hours’ notice. |
No. D R 38 S. |
The Abdomen Supporting. (New Pattern). |
Cotton Fittings | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 13/9 |
Silk Fittings | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 18/6 |
No. D R 39 S. |
The “Accomodato” Corset, fastens in front like a corset. |
In Sateen Jean | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 12/0 |
In Moleskin | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 20/6 |
No. D R 40 S. |
“The Albion.” A Rubberless Elastic Material | ... | each 9/6 |
No. D R 41 S. |
“The Victoria.” With Broad Piece Elastic Woven Front, Expanding Back, in Thread ... | each 15/6 |
In Silk | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 21/0 |
Belts.—Appendicitis. |
These belts can be supplied direct from manufacturers at a few hours’ notice. |
No. D R 42 S. |
The Improved “Appendicitis” for Ladies or Gentlemen. Pad placed according to position of incision. A most successful belt for wear after operation. |
Gent’s | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 22/6 |
Ladies’ | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 24/6 |
Belts.—Obstetrical. |
| No. D R 43 S. |
Obstetric Binder “The Meerwald” 5/6 each. |
Superior Quality 8/6 each. |
Surgical Corsets to Order.
This belt can be supplied at a few hours’ notice direct from manufacturers. |
No. D R 44 S. |
“The Eureka.” With Improved Supporting Understrap, each 9/6 |
Belts (Umbilical Hernia). |
No. D R 45 S. |
“The Edinburgh” (Easily Adjusted), with Air Pad, each 21/6 |
Children’s— |
No. D R 46 S. |
India-rubber, | depth 2½in. | ... | each | 1/9 | 2/0 |
,, | depth 3in. | ... | ,, | 2/0 | 2/6 |
Full measurements must be given when ordering. |
No. D R 47 S. |
Bed Baths, India-rubber. Four Sizes. each 13/6, 15/6, 17/6 and 21/0 |
Subject to Market Rubber Fluctuations. |
No. D R 48 S. |
Bed Baths, | Padded, | Best Quality | ... | each | 12/6 |
,, | ,, | 2nd Quality | ... | ,, | 10/6 |
Rubber Cushions to fit Bed Bath, D R 48 S ... | about | 9/6 |
Bed Cradles, Metal | ... | ... | ... | 8/0 |
No. D R 49 S. |
Bed Pan, Slipper Shape, Earthenware, small size | each | 3/3 |
Medium size | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 3/9 |
Large size | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 4/2 |
Lids, 0/10 extra. |
Bed Pan, Slipper Shape, Enamelled Iron (White), small size as D R 49 S ... | each | 6/0 |
Medium size | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 7/0 |
Large size | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 8/0 |
No. D R 50 S. |
Bed Pans, Airtight | ... | ... | each | 7/6 |
No. D R 51 S. |
Bed Pans, Round | ... | each | 3/6 | 4/3 |
,,,,Extra Large size | ... | ... | 7/0 |
Lids, 0/10 extra. |
Bed Pans, “Perfection” | ... | each | 6/6 | 7/6 |
Basins (Surgical). |
Vulcanite, 9½in., each 2/6; Enamelled Iron, each 1/0, 1/9, 2/6; Papier Mache, each 0/9, 1/0 1/4; Glass, 1/6, 2/6 each |
Brushes (Camel Hair). |
No. D R 54 S. |
0/1 | |
0/1 | |
0/1 | |
0/1½ | |
0/2 | |
0/2½ | |
0/3 | |
0/3½ | |
No. D R 55 S. |
Throat Brushes. |
Straight, 0/2; Bent, 0/2 |
Bougies. |
Olive, each 1/4; Nasal, 0/9; Elastic Gum, Rectum, 1/6 |
Breast Glasses. |
No. D R 56 S. |
Breast Glasses for self use, each 0/10½ |
No. D R 57 S. |
Breast Relievers, each 2/3, 3/0, 3/6 |
Bronchitis Kettles. |
No. D R 59 S. |
Round, each 2/6 3/6 4/6 |
No. D R 58 S. |
Oval. |
Each 5/3 and 6/3 |
Chloroform Inhalers (Junkers) | ... | ... | each | 21/0 |
Do. Drop Bottles, Skinners, in case, | ... | each | 3/4 |
Do. do., Thomas’, in case | ... | ... | each | 6/6 |
Do. do., Symonds, in case | ... | ... | each | 6/0 |
Do. Masks, in case | ... | ... | each | 3/6 |
Conversation Tubes. |
No. D R 60 S. |
Mohair, small | ... | each | 2/6 | 2/9 |
,,large | ... | ,, | 3/8 | 4/2 |
,,,,superior | ... | ... | each | 6/0 |
Silk, length 5ft. 6in. | ... | ... | ,, | 14/0 |
Druggist Sundries and Appliances.
Catheter Steriliser.
No. D R 66 S.
A new system of Sterilising Catheters by means of steam Price, each, 2/10
No. D R 67 S.
Catheter Cases, each 1/10
For carrying Catheters in the pocket. Centre box for Carbolised Lubricant.
Catheter Cleaners, for fixing to Tap each 3/6
To order only.
Chest Expanding Braces.
No. D R 80 S.
“The Paternoster” (as illustration), each 5/3
No. D R 63 S.
No. D R 68 S.
No. D R 61 S. Silk Double Web Aseptic, Woven Eyes. Superior Quality.
Cylindrical | each | 1/8 |
Conical | ,, | 1/6 |
Olivary | ,, | 1/10 |
A CoudÉe | ,, | 2/2 |
Cylindrical Bougie | each | 1/3 |
Olivary Bougie | ,, | 1/4 |
63 S. Elastic Gum Catheter | ,, | 0/8 |
68 S.,,,,Bougie | ,, | 0/9 |
India Rubber (Jaques) | each | 1/8 |
Metal Cylindrical | ,, | 1/6 |
Glass (Female) | ,, | 0/6 |
No. D R 68 S. Clinical Thermometers—For taking the Human Temperature. | |
Owing to their fragile nature we cannot send them by Post or Carrier except at Purchaser’s own risk. |
(All guaranteed English make.) |
The “Probationer,” plain, 2 Minute (not guaranteed) | ... | each 1/4 |
The “Nurse,” 3 Minute Ordinary | ... | each 1/10 |
The “Matron,” 3 Minute, Lens Front | ... | each 2/3 |
The “Hospital,” 1 Minute Ordinary | ... | each 2/6 |
The “Doctor,” 1 Minute, Lens Front | ... | each 3/0 |
The “Specialist,” 60 Seconds, with Kew Certificate | ... | each 3/2 |
The “Brompton,” ½ Minute, Ordinary | ... | each 3/6 |
The “Physician,” ½ Minute, Lens Front | ... | each 4/0 |
The “Broadbent,” 3 Minute, Lens Front, with Kew Certificate, (Superior Quality) | each 4/6 |
The “Mater,” ½ minute, Lens Front | ... | each 5/0 |
The “Pharmacist,” 1 Minute, Ordinary, with Kew Certificate | ... | each 5/0 |
The “Laking,” 30 Seconds, Ordinary, with Kew Certificate | ... | each 5/6 |
The “Lister,” 1 Minute, Lens Front, with Kew Certificate (Superior Quality) | each 5/6 |
The “Treves,” ½ Minute, Lens Front, with Kew Certificate (Superior Quality) | each 6/6 |
(When ordering it is only necessary to mention name of Thermometer required.) |
No. D R 69 S. |
Caustic Pencils ... | each 0/3½ and 0/6½ |
Crepe Velpeau. See Bandages. |
Charts, Temperature ... | per doz. 0/4 |
Cup Sponges. See Sponges, Part I. |
| | |
No. D R 74 S. | | No. D R 75 S. |
Chatelaines for Nurses— |
Fitted with Instruments, each 17/6 21/0 22/6 |
Unfitted, in Morocco Leather, each 3/6 and 4/0 |
Chest Expanding Braces. |
| No. D R 76 S. |
Chest Expanders, Gent’s, each, 5/0 6/6 12/6 |
| No. D R 77 S. |
Chest Expanders, Ladies’, each, 3/6 5/0 8/6 |
“The Acme” Cuirasse, fitted with specially tempered Steel Strips, in Jean, each 7/0. In Fine Leather, each 10/6.
Waist and Bust measurements required. Also length.
No. D R 79 S.
“The Erectue.” For Adults and Children (Male or Female), best quality. each 5/3
No. D R 79 B S.
The “Keep-Up” Combination Shoulder Brace and Stocking Supporter, comfortable and durable. Specially recommended for growing girls, 3/9 per pair
Crutches and other Appliances for Cripples.
No. D R 84 S.
Double Spring
per pair 36/0
No. D R 83 S.
French Pattern,
Two Qualities,
per pair 21/0
No. D R 82 S.
Stuffed Heads,
per pair 10/6
No. D R 81 S.
Hospital Patterns,
Wooden Head,
per pair 2/9
When ordering crutches by post, length from under the arms to the ground should be given in inches.
No. D R 86 S. |
Small size | ... | ... | each | 0/9 |
Medium | ... | ... | ,, | 1/3 |
Large | ... | ... | ,, | 2/0 |
MAW LONDON | No. D R 85 S. |
Dental Forceps, Right or Left, Upper or Lower | each 5/6 |
Maw’s Best English | each 7/9 |
Dental Hypodermic Syringes to order. |
Dental Mirrors, Ebony Handle | each 1/9 |
Dental Mirrors, Ball and Socket, Bone Handle, | each 2/3 |
Dressing Case (Surgeon’s). |
No. D R 87 S. |
Case (about 6in. × 2in.), containing 3 Scalpels, Tenaculum, straight Scissors, detachable blades, 2 Artery Forceps, Director and Aneurism Needle, 2 Probes and PÉan’s Haemostatic Forceps, as fig. ... each £2 2 0 |
Douches. |
All these Douches are fitted with 6ft. Black India Rubber Tubing and Vulcanite Mounts, including Vagina Tube, Rectum Tube and Tap. |
| | 2 Pints 1½ 1 ½ |
No. D R 70 S. | No. D R 71 S. |
Bronze— |
2pt. | ... | each | 3/3 |
3,, | ... | ,, | 4/0 |
4,, | ... | ,, | 5/0 |
6,, | ... | ,, | 7/6 |
Bronze, with Water Gauge— |
2pt. | ... | each | 3/9 |
4,, | ... | ,, | 5/6 |
6,, | ... | ,, | 8/6 |
Nickel— |
2pt. | ... | each | 3/3 |
3,, | ... | ,, | 4/0 |
4,, | ... | ,, | 5/0 |
2 Pints 1½ 1 ½ | No. D R 72 S. |
Bronze, with Water Gauge and Thermometer— |
2 pt. | ... | ... | each | 6/6 |
4 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 7/6 |
6 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 8/6 |
Enamel (same shape as D R 70 S)— |
2 pt. | ... | ... | each | 4/6 |
3 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 5/6 |
4 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 6/6 |
Enamel, Round Shape, Seamless— |
2 pt. | ... | ... | each | 5/0 |
3 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 6/0 |
4 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 7/0 |
| 1½ 1¼ 1 ¾ ½ | No. D R 73 S. |
Glass, with Bronze Holder— |
2 pt. | ... | ... | each | 5/0 |
4 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 7/0 |
6 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 8/6 |
Glass, with Nickel Holder— |
2 pt. | ... | ... | each | 5/6 |
4 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 7/6 |
6 ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 9/0 |
No. D R 88 S. | |
Douche (travelling) to hold 1, 2, and 3 pints, with Vulcanite Tap, Vaginal and Rectum Pipes, and 5ft. of Best Black Tubing, in Bronze Tin Case, complete. Very portable and compact, being only 4in.×2½in. |
1 pt. | each | 5/6 |
2 ,, | ,, | 6/6 |
3 ,, | ,, | 7/6 |
No. D R 89 S. |
Douche Fittings, per set of 3, Vagina Tube, Rectum Tube, and Tap | 0/9 |
Glass Vaginal Tubes, Curved or Straight | ... | each | 0/5 |
Gum Elastic Vaginal Tubes, Curved or Straight | ... | each | 0/6 |
India Rubber Tubes, Straight | ... | each 0/10 and 1/4 |
| No. D R 90 S. |
Rubber Douche and Hot Water Bottle Combined. |
4 pint size in Box, each 7/6 |
6 pint size in Box, each 8/0 |
8 pint size in Box, Special Quality, each 8/6 |
Rubber Douche, Pattern A— |
4 | pint | size, | each | 6/6 |
6 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 7/2 |
8 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 8/0 |
English Rubber Douches, Superior Quality. |
1 | quart | size, | each | 9/6 |
2 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 10/6 |
3 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 11/9 |
4 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 13/9 |
Drainage Tubing, Assorted Sizes, per yd. 0/8 and 1/0 |
Ear Channels, ea. 0/10 |
Chest Expanding Braces and Spinal Supports.
| No. D R 91 S. |
Ear Caps.—“The Eureka.” Measurements from round the forehead to back of head and under chin to crown of head must be sent ... each 3/0 |
Ear Specula | ... | ... | ... | set of 3 | 2/6 |
,,Sponges | ... | ... | ... | each | 0/5 |
,, Syringes (Red Rubber), Long Pointed Bulb ... each 0/10, 1/1 and 1/3 |
Ear Mops | ... | ... | ... | per box | 1/0 |
Ear Syringes, Brass, Fitted with Abernethy or Toynbee’s Pipe—1 oz. 4/9, 2 oz. 5/4, 3 oz. 5/6, 4 oz. 6/8 each. |
Ear Plugs, India Rubber | ... | ... | per pair | 0/9 |
(Sound Deadeners.) |
| |
No. D R 92 S. Ear Syringe, with Curved Glass Mount, Each 0/11 1/3 1/6 | No. D R 93 S. Ear Syringe, with Straight Glass Mount. Each 1/0 1/4 1/8 |
No. D R S 93a. |
The Stolz Electrophone—Transmitter and Battery detached. Procured to order. |
| £ | s. | d. |
Pocket Electrophone, complete with Headband, Batteries, etc. | 6 | 6 | 0 |
No. 1. Operaphone for Church and Opera | 10 | 10 | 0 |
No. 2 Operaphone for Nerve Deafness | 13 | 13 | 0 |
,, 3,,Special Turret | 18 | 18 | 0 |
Sterling Silver Telescopic Handle | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Plain Telescopic Handle | 0 | 6 | 0 |
Headband | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Sound Magnifier, small | 0 | 4 | 0 |
,,,,large | 0 | 6 | 0 |
Leather Battery Case, which can be fastened to Lady’s belt | 0 | 6 | 0 |
Pocket Electrophone Batteries | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Opera Electrophone | 0 | 2 | 0 |
No. 1 Accumulator for Electrophone | 0 | 10 | 6 |
,, 2,, ,,Operaphone | 0 | 15 | 0 |
,, 3,, ,,Turret do. | 0 | 15 | 0 |
No. D R 94 S. |
Ear Syringe, Curved Glass, Solid, Bulb, ½ oz. Each 0/6½ |
Do. do. 1 oz. Each 0/9½ |
| No. D R 95 S. |
Ear and Nose Syringe, Vulcanite Nozzle. |
Each |
1/0 1/4 1/8 |
No. D R 96 S. |
Ear Syringe, Glass Barrel | ... | ... | each 1/6 |
No. D R 97 S. |
Ear Syringe | ... | ... | each 0/10½ |
,,,,Black Rubber Ball, | each 0/10 1/3 |
,,,,Glass | ... | each 0/6 |
| Ear Trumpets. |
Nickel, small | ... | each 3/0 |
,, medium | ... | ,,3/6 |
,, large | ... | ,,4/6 |
Black, small | ... | ,,2/3 |
,, medium | ... | ,,2/10 |
,, large | ... | ,,3/4 |
No. D R 98 S. | |
No. D R 99 S. |
Metal, Bell shape, each 3/9 and 4/6 |
Leather Covered, Bell shape, each 4/6 and 5/9 |
No. D R 100 S. |
Telescopic, Bell Shape | each 2/6 |
Double Tier | each 3/6 |
Three,, | each 5/0 |
Superior | each 5/9 |
Telescopic, Vulcanite, Double Tier each 8/6 |
Scoop, Horn Shape, | each 3/3 and 6/9 |
| |
No. D R 101 S. | No. D R 102 S. |
No. D R 101 S. |
Black Metal Telescopic Funnel, Trumpet Shape | ... | ... | each 6/9 |
No. D R 102 S. |
Banjo Shape, Telescopic (suitable for carrying in pocket), | each 2/0, 3/0, 4/0, 5/9 |
Ditto, with Mohair Tube | ... | ... | each 7/0 |
Ear Trumpet mounted as Handle to Walking Stick | ... | ... | each 21/0 |
Ear Trumpet as a Fan, in Black Silk | ... | ... | each 10/6 |
| Ear Audiphones, Vulcanite | ... | each 10/6 and 12/6 |
No. D R 103 S. |
Eye Baths, Glass, Assorted Colours, | ... | each 0/5 |
No. D R 104 S. |
No. D R 103 S. | Eye Shades for Reading, | ... | ... | each 0/6 |
| No. D R 105 S. |
Eye Shades (Green Lined) |
Single...0/3½ |
Double ... 0/6 |
No. D R 106 S. |
Eye Shades (Celluloid)— |
Pink, with Green Lining | ... | ... | each 0/3 |
Transparent Green | ... | ... | ,,0/4½ |
Improved Ventilating | ... | ... | ,,0/5½ |
For right, left, or either eye. |
No. D R 107 S. |
Eye Shades, Fine Dark Straw Plaits, Deep Concave Moulding and Bound Silk; in three sizes, 2in. × 1½in., 0/7½; 2½in. × 2in., 0/10½; 3in. × 2½in. | each 1/0 |
If fitted with Gamgee Pads 2d. each extra. |
Douches for every variety of use.
Shade Symetrique
No. D R 108 S.
Eye Shades, “Shade Symetrique,” Specially Moulded Shapes, in Featherweight Pith Material, covered Black Silk, and lined Green Silk, Single,
each 0/7½
Ditto ditto Double
each 1/0
“Shade Symetrique” made for right, left, or either eye.
Elastic Stockings, etc.
No. D R 109 S.
Notice.—In ordering it is requested that in all cases Customers state whether Silk or Cotton is required. When no mention is made, Silk will invariably be sent.
Directions for Measurement,
Which should be taken on first rising in the morning, not too tightly nor over a stocking; special attention must be given to point E and length of leg. Exact measurement required in inches, without any allowance being made for.
For a Kneecap.—Take the circumference at A B C. Length from A to C.
Stocking.—Length from C to Z. Length from T to S. Circumference at C D E S N T.
Anklet.—Length E to S. Length T to S. Circumference at E S N T.
Legging.—Length C to E. Circumference at C D E.
Thigh Piece.—Circumference at O A Length A to O.
Thigh Stocking.—Circumference O A B C D E S N T. Length, O to Z, O to B, A to C, C to Z, T to S.
Knee Stocking.—Circumference A B C D E S N T. Length A to Z, A to C, C to Z, T to Z.
Anklets per pair | ... | Cotton, 3/6; Silk 4/9 |
,,,, | ... | Best Silk 6/6 |
Knee Caps,, | ... | Cotton, 3/6; Silk 5/6 |
,,,, | ... | Best Silk 7/0 |
,,Stocking, Cotton | ... | ... | 11/6 |
,,,, Silk | ... | ... | 17/0 |
,,,, Best Silk | ... | ... | 19/6 |
,,,, Extra Quality | ... | ... | 21/0 |
Leggings per pair | ... | Cotton, 3/9; Silk 5/9 |
,,,, | ... | Best Silk 8/0 |
Stockings,, | ... | Cotton, 5/3; Silk 7/6 |
,,,, | ... | Best Silk 10/0 |
,,Thigh, Cotton | ... | ... | 23/6 |
,,Silk | ... | ... | 25/0 |
,,Best Silk | ... | ... | 26/6 |
,,Extra Quality | ... | ... | 28/0 |
Thigh Pieces (to order only) per pair, | Cotton, 4/4; Silk 6/9. |
Wristlets, per pair, Cotton, 1/0; Silk 2/0. |
(For Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8). |
All sizes up to 8. Larger sizes extra. |
Exact Measurements of limb required. |
Making specially to measure, 1/3 extra. |
The “Aseptus” Seamless Enema Syringe, Best Quality, fitted with Vulcanite Fittings and Black Gum Elastic Vagina Pipe, each 4/6
Guaranteed English Make
The Syphon
Warranted Not To Split
No. D R 111 S.
Best Quality Seamless Enema, in three colours; Red, Green or Black—warranted not to split, in oval hinged box, as D R 111 S | each 5/6 |
Seamless Black Enema, in oval cloth box | each 4/6 |
Enemas (Higginson’s Principle), disconnecting, with two pipes and shield, in cedar box | each 3/6 |
No. D R 114 S.
Enemas, Pear-shaped, or Injection Bottles. 1oz., 1/1; 2oz., 1/6; 3oz., 1/9; 4oz., 2/3; 6oz., 2/8; 8oz., 3/4; 10oz., 4/3; 12oz., 4/9; 14oz., | 5/3 |
Ditto, with long Gum Elastic Pipes, 4oz., 2/11; 8 oz., | 4/0 |
Bailey’s Enema, in Box | ... | each | 6/6 |
Ingram’s Enema, in Box | ... | ,, | 5/6 |
Reuter’s Patent Enema, in Ebonised Box | ... | ,, | 10/6 |
Vonda Enema Syringe | ... | ,, | 18/0 |
Davol Whirlpool Syringe | ... | ,, | 12/6 |
Marvel Whirling Spray | ... | ,, | 15/0 |
Also a variety on show in Department. |
No. D R 115 S.
Enema Cupboards.
Japanned tin. For suspending Enemas to allow them to drain and prevent rubber perishing, each
Feeding Cups. |
| No. D R 116 S. |
Plain White, Two Handles each 0/10½ |
Glass, 2 sizes. each 1/10½ and 2/4½ |
Plain White China, each 1/6 and 1/10½ |
| Do., with Strainer, each 1/8 and 2/0 |
White, with Gilt Edge, each 1/6 and 2/4 |
Do., with Strainer, each 1/8 and 2/0 |
No. D R 117 S. | Decorated China, English make, each 2/0, 2/3, 2/6 and 2/9 |
Hand Painted, English China, each 3/9 and 4/6 |
White China (English) Feeding Cup, Gilt Edge with Red Cross, each ... 2/3 and 2/9 |
Forceps. |
No. D R 118 S. |
Dressing Forceps, each | ... | 2/2 |
Dressing Forceps, small, each | ... | 1/6 |
No. D R 119 S. |
For Doctors’ and Nurses’ use, each | ... | 1/8 |
Inhalers and Insufflators. (See next page.)
No. D R 120 S. |
For General Surgical use, each | ... | 1/3 |
No. D R 121 S. |
For Removing Hairs, etc., each | ... | 1/0 |
No. D R 122 S. |
For Removing Splinters, excellent quality, each | ... | 1/1 |
Ditto, small size, each | ... | 0/9 |
Forceps, Artery, curved or straight, each | ... | 1/3 |
,,Spencer Wells, each | ... | 1/1 |
,,Ear, plain, each | ... | 1/6 |
,,Fenestrated, each | ... | 3/6 |
,,Midwifery (any pattern to order). |
,,(Artery), Nickel Plated, Aseptic Joints, 5in. in length, each | ... | 2/2 |
,,(Dressing), Nickel Plated, Blunt Points, 5in. in length, each | ... | 3/6 |
,,do., 4¾in. in length, each | ... | 1/8 |
,,do., 3in. in length, each | ... | 1/3 |
,,do., Sharp Points, Broad Finger Pieces, Curved, 4½in. in length, each | ... | 2/3 |
,,do., Blunt Points, 3in. in length, each | ... | 1/1 |
,,do., 3¼in. in length, for removing Splinters, each | ... | 0/11½ |
Gloves. |
Gloves (Surgeon’s Thick Rubber) two sizes, per pair | ... | 4/3 |
Gloves, Seamless Operating (Rubber), guaranteed to stand repeated sterilization by boiling. Sizes, 6, 6½, 7, 8, 8½, per pair | ... | 3/0 |
With Gauntlet. Sizes, 6, 7, 8, 8½, per pair | ... | 4/9 |
Also suitable as a Sleeping Glove. |
8 | inch, each ... 1/9 |
9 | inch, each ... 2/3 |
10 | inch, each ... 2/9 |
Inhalers. |
Sir Hiram Maxim Inhaler 15/6 |
No. D R 123 S. |
Maw’s Portable each 1/6 |
| Maw’s |
Plain, each 1/0, 1/6, 2/9 |
Inhalers, Maw’s, Double Valved, each 5/6 |
Inhalers, Pocket (Maw’s), each 0/10½ |
Inhaler (Ozo) 3/6 each. |
Refills for Ozo 1/0 ea. |
MAW’S IMPROVED INHALER for hot water, infusions &c The water should be boiling and the Inhaler not more than half filled, a pint is sufficient. manufactured by s.maw,son & thompson, london. |
No. D R 124 S. | |
Irrigateurs (The French form of Douche). |
No. D R 127 S. |
1 pint size, each | ... | 15/6 |
1½ pint size, each | ... | 17/6 |
Last for years. |
Insufflators. |
No. D R 125 S. |
Vulcanite Stem (Rauchfuss), each | ... | 2/6 |
No. D R 126 S. |
Vulcanite Stem (Lucas), each 1/6 |
Jaconet Waterproof for Dressings and Surgical Cases. |
Pink, 42in. wide, per yard | ... | 2/0 |
White, 42in. wide, per yard | ... | 2/0 |
Lister’s Sterilisable Accouchement Sheet, each | ... | 5/9 |
Baptise, per yard | ... | 2/4 |
| Knee Cap |
(for Footballers). |
This is a perfect protector for the Patella. |
Elastic Web, each 6/0 |
Leather lined Chamois, each 9/6 |
To order. |
No. D R 128 S. |
Lactometers— | |
each 1/3 |
(In Red Case, Imitation Leather.) |
No. D R 129 S. |
No. D R 130 S.
Minim each 0/3.
Minim Measure. in case, each 0/7
1 2 3 4 TEA SPOONS
No. D R 131 S.
Graduated Wine Glass Shape.
4 Tablespoons, each 0/10
Probes, Pins, Basins, etc.
No. D R 132 S.
TABLE SPOONS 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 TEA SPOONS | Graduated Medicine Tumbler, 4 Tablespoons, each | 0/4½ |
Super quality, each | ... | ... | 0/6 |
Do., in case, each | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
Do. do. and Minim Measure, each | ... | ... | 1/1 |
Graduated Medicine Glass (as No. D R 133 S.) 0/9 each | TABLE SPOONS 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 TEA SPOONS |
Measure Glass (Hick’s Patent)2 Tablespoons, each ... 1/0 |
Do., 4 Tablespoons, each ... 1/9 |
No. D R 133 S. |
Measure Glass, ½ pint size (Government stamped), each | ... | 1/9 |
Measure Glass, 1 pint size (Government stamped), each | ... | 2/6 |
Measure, Allenbury Food | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Measure Glass, ½ pint size | ... | ... | 0/8 |
,,,,1,,,, | ... | ... | 0/10 |
No. D R 134 S.
Measure | Spoons, | graduated | each0/6½ |
,, | ,, | in Glass, each, 0/6½, 0/7½, | 0/10½ |
,, | ,, | in Earthenware, each 0/6½, 0/7½ | 0/10½ |
,, | ,, | in Horn, each, 0/6½, 0/10½, | 1/3 |
,, | ,, | Small Tea, without handle | each 0/3½ |
,, | ,, | Metal, unaffected by acids, graduated Tea, Dessert and Table | each 0/10½ |
Nail Trimmer, Aseptic (Surgeon’s), combination of File, Cigar Cutter, Quick Presser, Measure and Nail Cleaner, | each | 0/5½ |
Nipple Shields | ... | ,, | 0/3½ |
,,,,with Long Tube | ... | ,, | 0/5½ |
Oiled Silk, see Dressings, p. 345. |
Pastilles, Fumigating, in Boxes | ... | ,, | 0/6½ |
(With Stand for Burning in Sick Room.) |
Politzer Air Bags, 6 oz. size, each, Single, 3/9; Double | ... | ... | 5/10 |
Probe and Directors, Silver | ... | each | 1/3 and 2/0 |
,,,, Metal | ... | ,, | 0/10½ |
No. D R 136 S. |
Pus Basins. Kidney Shape. |
3 Sizes in Papier Mache, | each, 0/9, 1/0 | 1/4 |
Triangular do., 1 size only | each | 1/9 |
Glass do., 2 sizes | each, 1/6 | 2/6 |
Enamelled Iron | each, 1/0, 1/9 | 2/6 |
Triangular Shape, 1 size only | each | 2/3 |
Pulse Glass, 1 size only | ,, | 0/9 |
Probes, Pins, Basins, etc.
Respirators. |
No. D R 137 S. |
Ladies’ | each, 2/7, 3/2 | 4/0 |
Gentlemen’s | each, 1/2, 2/0, 2/10, 3/5 | 4/10 |
Vulcanite for Cotton Wool | each | 2/9 |
Woollen | | ,, | 0/10 |
Safety Pins (Surgical).
No. D R 138 S.
Assorted Sizes ... Boxes, each 0/9
No. D R 139 S.
Bent Dressing Scissors, very convenient | ... | per pair | 2/3 |
Blunt Points, Bent Arm, Aseptic Joints, 5¼in. | ... | ,, | 2/3 |
No. D R 140 S.
Curved Surgical Scissors, popular pattern, | ... | per pair | 2/3 |
Sharp or Blunt Points, Aseptic Joints | ... | ,, | 2/3 |
No. D R 141 S.
5¼in. Blunt Aseptic Scissors, Detachable Joints | ... | per pair | 2/3 |
1 Pointed Blade, with Raised Piece, for Surgical use | ... | per pair | 2/3 |
No. D R 142 S. Sharp pointed.
Nurses’ Scissors | ... | per pair | 1/9 |
With Antiseptic Joints 5½in. | ... | ,, | 1/9 |
1 Sharp Point, 1 Blunt Point, Aseptic Joints 5¼in. | ,, | 2/6 |
Sanitary Towels for Ladies. |
Mene Towels— | No. 1 | No. 2 | No. 3 | |
Packet | 0/6 | 1/0 | 1/6 | |
Hartmann’s— | White | Blue | Gold | Yellow* | |
Packet | 0/10½ | 1/2 | 1/9 | 1/9 | |
* Special for use after accouchement. |
Lister’s— | 0/9½ | 1/4½ | 1/10½ | 2/3 | |
Compressed Towelettes, per doz., 1/8½, 2/3 |
Lister’s Sterilizable Sheet for Accouchement |
Southalls’— | | 5/9 each |
Sizes | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | x or xx |
Pkt. | 0/5½ | 0/11 | 1/4½ | 1/10 | 1/10 | 2/9 |
Sheets | Size | 22 × 18 | 28 × 25 | 33 × 33 | |
| 0/11 | 1/10 | 2/2½ each | |
Accouchement Sets, each 9/9, 19/6 |
Spatulas. |
Metal, all one piece, 3½in. Blade, | each | 0/6 |
Strong Curved End (Pill Knives) with |
Wooden Handles | each | 0/7½ |
3½in. Blade | ,, | 0/7½ |
4½,, | ,, | 0/8 |
5½,, | ,, | 0/9 |
6½,, | ,, | 0/10 |
7½,, | ,, | 0/11 |
Vulcanite— |
4in. Blade | ,, | 0/3 |
5,, | ,, | 0/4 |
6,, | ,, | 0/5 |
7,, | ,, | 0/6 |
Dr. Dettweiler’s | Spitting Flasks. |
No. D R 143 S. |
Dr. Dettweiler’s |
No. 1 | each | 2/9 |
No. 2 | ,, | 2/3 |
Aluminium | ,, | 4/6 |
Dr. Dettweiler’s |
Pattern, No. 2 | each | 2/3 |
Blue Glass, No. 1 | each | 2/9 |
| No. D R 144 S. |
Spitting Cup, Nickel Screw Top, | 1/8 |
| No. D R 145 S. |
Enamelled Iron, |
small size, each, | 0/10½ |
large,,,, | 1/3 |
Splints, Arm, Wood, 16 pieces, to order, per set 2/4 |
,,Leg and Thigh, Lister’s, to order per set 7/6 |
Sponges.—For Surgical Use. |
Ear, White Bone Handle | ... | each | 0/3½ |
,, Scoop end of Handle | ... | ,, | 0/5 |
,, Double Point and Round Pieces | ... | ,, | 0/6½ |
Eye, White Bone Handle, with Cork Ring | ... | each | 0/5½ |
Mouth Sponges, White Bone Handle | ... | ,, | 0/5½ |
Zimocca Sponges (Antiseptic, for Operations) | per bot. 1/7 | 2/5 |
Surgical Knives. |
Bistouries, Aseptic, Curve or Straight. Small, 2/9, large, 3/3 |
| No. D R 146 S. |
Scalpels, or Surgical Knives, Folding, each, 5/6. |
| |
No. D R 148 S. | No. D R 147 S. |
Lancets, Abscess, each, 1/2. | Lancets, Bleeding, each, 1/1. |
No. D R 149 S. |
Lancets, Gum, each, 3/4 |
Stethoscopes.—No. D R 150 S |
Vulcanite | ... | ... | 1/10 |
Cedarwood, in one piece | ... | ... | 1/4 |
Metal Stem with Vulcanite Ear Plate | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Maple | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Metal and Vulcanite | ... | ... | 3/0 |
No. D R 151 S. |
Binaural, with Rubber Tubes | ... | each | 4/0 |
Superior quality, Ivory fitted | ... | ,, | 8/0 |
Do., do., with Silk covered Tubes | ... | ,, | 10/0 |
Suspensory Bandages. See Bandages. |
Stirring Rods, Vulcanite, Flat End, | each | 0/3½ and 0/4½ |
| No. D R 152 S. |
Eye Syringe, India Rubber, with Vulcanite Mount | each | 1/3 |
Syringes, Nasal, Rubber Rubber Nozzle | each | 0/6½, 0/8½ 0/10½ |
Syringes, Nasal, Vulcanite Fittings | each | 1/3 |
No. D R 153 S. | |
Syringe, Nasal, | each | 0/10 1/3 |
Nasal Irrigateur— |
Glass | each | 0/9½ |
Kress and Owen’s do. | ,, | 0/11½ |
Nasal Syringe (all glass) | ,, | 0/6 |
| No. D R 154 S. |
Nasal Douche, in box complete | each | 2/6 |
If you wish to keep posted on the subject of Drugs, Perfumes, Patent Medicines, Soaps, Medical Instruments and Inventions, the best way is to ask for our Quarterly Drug List to be sent to your address regularly. |
Sputum Flasks for Consumptives
| Vulcanite and Glass. |
No. D R 155 S. |
1 dram | ... | each | 0/9 | ½ ounce | ... | each | 1/3 |
2 dram | ... | ,, | 0/10½ | 1 ounce | ... | ,, | 1/9 |
With Elastic Gum Pipe, one size only | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 1/6 |
| Vulcanite and Glass, with Metal Piston. |
No. D R 156 S. |
Graduated— | 2 dram | ... | each | 1/0 |
2 dram | ... | each | 1/3 | | ½ ounce | ... | ,, | 1/0 |
½ ounce | ... | ,, | 1/9 | |
Syringes, Urethral, Male (Glass) | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 0/4½ |
No. D R 157 S.
Syringes, Urethral... each 1/6 1/9 and 2/6
(In boxwood case.)
No. D R 158 S. |
Urethral Syringes, all Rubber, also suitable for Ear. |
4 Sizes— |
Small, | each | 0/10 |
Med., | ,, | 1/1 |
Large, | ,, | 1/3 |
Extra Large, | ,, | 1/9 |
No. D R 159 S.
Urethral Syringe, Reverse Current, each 1/10
No. D R 160 S.
Urethral Syringe, with Vulcanite Mount to screw into bottle for carrying Injection ... each 1/9
No. D R 161 S.
Urethral Syringe, Vulcanite and Glass, with Bulbous or Fine Point ... each 2 drm. 0/10; ½ oz. 1/3
No. D R 162 S.
Hypodermic Syringe—
Vulcanite Mounts, Glass Barrel, with Graduated Piston ... each 2/0
No. D R 163 S.
As above, but with Metal Fittings, in Nickel case ... each 4/6
No. D R 164 S.
Nickel-plated Mounts, Glass Barrel, Graduated ... each 2/11
Vulcanite Mounts, but with Graduations on Glass Barrel ... each 2/9
As above, and fitted with Metal Finger Pieces, as 163 S ... each 3/6
No. D R 165 S.
Nickel-plated Mounts, Glass Barrel, with Graduated Piston, but in Oval Nickel-plated Case ... each 3/9
Ditto, all Metal ... ,,4/6
No. D R 166 S.
Throat Spray, Vulcanite Mount, with thick polished Plunger, fitted with Double Black Bellows, complete with Ground Neck Bottle, 2sizes each 1/6 and 2/6
No. D R 167 S.
Throat Spray, Vulcanite Mount, with Tongue Depressor, fitted with Double Black Bellows complete with Ground Neck Bottle, 2 Sizes.
With Movable Tongue Depressor, each 2/11
With Fixed Tongue Depressor, each 3/6
No. D R 168 S.
Nasal Spray, Vulcanite Mount, with Thick Polished Plunger, fitted with Double Black Bellows, complete with Ground Neck Bottle.
Each, 2/6
No. D R 169 S.
Throat Spray, with Extra Tip for Post Nasal Treatment, Vulcanite Mount, Fitted with Black Double Bellows complete.
Each 2/6
Sprays of Approved Patterns.
No. D R 170 S.
The “Peerless” Spray, with Nickel-plated Mount, and fitted with Single Spray-ball, Oval Shape, complete. Each 3/0
Throat Sprays.
No. D R 171 S.
Vulcanite Mounts, with Tongue Depressor.
Each 2/9
No. D R 172 S.
Throat Spray, as Illustration, without Tongue Depressor.
Small Size, each 1/6
Large Size, each 2/6
No. D R 173 S.
The “All-Glass” Aseptic Nasal Spray. Each 2/6
No. D R 174 S.
The “All-Glass” Aseptic Throat Spray,
each 3/0
No. D R 175 S.
The “All-Glass” Aseptic Nasal Atomiser Spray.
(Waistcoat Pocket Size.)
Suitable for Oils or Thin Liquids.
Without Bellows, each 1/0
With Bellows,,2/0
No. D R 176 S.
Cocaine Spray, Glass and Vulcanite, with two Mounts and Extra Bottle, complete with Bellows ... ... each 2/6
Glaseptic Spray ... ... ... ... ,,4/6
,,,,(Nebulizer) ...,,4/0
Trusses of any kind made to order.
When ordering it must be stated whether for the right or left side, and if Single or Double Truss is required.
Measurements required are circumference, one inch below top of hips.
No. D R 178 S.
Single Ordinary Truss ... each 3/6
Superior Quality ... ... ,,6/0
No. D R 179 S.
Washable Truss, made of Vulcanite Rubber,
Single ... ... ... ... each 10/6
Double ... ... ... ... ,,16/0
No. D R 179 S.
Double Ordinary Truss ... ... each 4/6
Superior Quality ... ... ... ... ,,8/6
No. D R 180 S.
Single, with Movable Pads, as Salmon and Ody’s pattern ... ... ... each 4/6
Superior ... ... ... ,, 8/9
No. D R 181 S.
Double Truss, with Movable Pads, Salmon and Ody’s pattern | each7/6 |
Superior Quality ... ... ... | ,,10/6 |
| The Offord Hygienic Truss, Single ... £1 1 0 |
The Offord Hygienic Truss, Double ... £2 2 0 |
No. D R 188 S. |
Urinal, Female, for Night and Day Use. |
Straps to be Self-Adjusted. |
All Rubber ... each 10/6 |
Rubber and Canvas each 12/6 |
The Canvas is recommended for comfort and extra wear. |
Trusses and other Hernia Supports.
| No. D R 187 S. |
Urinal, Male, for Travelling, etc. |
For Night and Day Use. |
All Rubber ... each 8/6 |
Rubber and Canvas ,, 10/6 |
The Canvas is recommended. |
No. D R 182 S.
Boat Shape, as illustration, in Rubber, each 6/6 and 9/0
Round ditto ... each 4/6
Boat Shape, China ...,,1/8
No. D R 183 S.
Male Enamelled Urinal. Each 2/0
Female, each 2/6
No. D R 184 S.
Male Glass Urinal. Each 1/6
No. D R 185 S.
Female Earthenware Urinal. Each 1/6
No. D R 186 S.
Male Pattern, as illustrated ... each 1/6
Female ditto ... ,,1/6
No. D R 189 S. | | OZS 1½ 1 ½ ¼ B |
Urinometers. |
For testing Urine, each 1/6 |
Urinometer Spare Glasses ... each 0/8 |
Urinary Test Cases and Stands. |
See Chemical Apparatus. |
Part I. |
Urinary Test Tubes, per nest 0/6 |
Veedee Vibrator, complete with cup & ball, 32/6 |
Vaccination Shields. |
| No. D R 190 S. |
Children’s Size Each 0/5 |
Adult Size, each 0/9 |
Vaccination Pads, Hartmann’s. |
Per box 1/8, Children’s |
,, 2/2, Adult |
Water Analysis. |
See Analysis. Part I. |
Telephone: Western One.
80 lines.
This department is under the supervision of a highly-qualified Chemist, holding the Diplomas of the Pharmaceutical Society and the Fellowship of the Chemical Society, assisted by a Staff of Qualified Dispensers. All prescriptions are dispensed with the utmost care and accuracy, and all medicines are twice checked before being sent to the customer.
The charges for dispensing are 25 per cent. lower than the usual retail prices, thus combining economy with efficiency.
The Prices Charged are as follows for Ordinary Medicines. Where expensive Drugs are ordered by the Doctor more will be charged
Harrods’ Price. | s.d. |
1 and 2 oz. Mixtures | ... | 0 6 |
3 oz. ,, | ... | 0 8 |
4,,,, | ... | 0 8 |
6,,,, | ... | 0 9 |
8,,,, | ... | 0 10 |
10,,,, | ... | 1 0 |
12,,,, | ... | 1 3 |
16,,,, | ... | 1 6 |
LOTIONS AND GARGLES. Harrods’ Price. | s.d. |
4 oz. | ... | 0 4 |
6,, | ... | 0 6 |
8,, | ... | 0 10 |
10,, | ... | 1 0 |
12,, | ... | 1 3 |
16,, | ... | 1 6 |
Harrods’ Price. | s.d. |
6 oz. 6th part | ... | ... | 0 9 |
6,,12th,, | ... | ... | 0 10 |
8,, 8th,, | ... | ... | 0 10 |
8,,16th,, | ... | ... | 0 11 |
12,,12th,, | ... | ... | 1 3 |
12,,24th,, | ... | ... | 1 5 |
16,,16th,, | ... | ... | 1 6 |
16,,32nd ,, | ... | ... | 1 9 |
PILLS, LINIMENTS, Etc. Harrods’ Price. | s.d. |
* Pills | ... | per doz. | 0 4 |
Powders | ... | ,, | 0 8 |
Cachets | ... | ,, | 0 8 |
Liniments | ... | per oz. 2d. to | 0 6 |
Syrups | ... | ,,2d. ,, | 0 6 |
Suppositories | ... | per doz. | 1 0 |
Pessaries | ... | ,, | 1 6 |
* Silvered or Varnished 2d. per doz. extra. |
It is advisable that orders for this department should be sent so as to arrive as early in the day as possible, as the time required for dispensing varies considerably according to the nature of the compound and to the number on hand.
Upon every description dispensed, as also on each label, and on the envelope returned with the medicine, will be found a number and letters, which refer to an exact copy in the Prescription Books, therefore when a repetition is required it is only necessary to quote this number.
When Medicines are ordered in other than the sender’s name, the original name on the prescription should be quoted.
Medicines are sent to the Country Carriage Paid to Destination.
D R 28 P.
These Sponges are highly recommended for ladies and children with delicate skins. Especially useful for baby’s bath. At all prices varying from 1/3 to 35/0. Please quote D R 28 P when ordering.
Harrods are constantly importing huge consignments of Turkey and Honeycomb Sponges, and are therefore in a position to supply at lowest possible prices consistent with high-class quality. They have a large assortment of all sizes; the top sponge on illustration is a fine Turkey Sponge, and the lower a perfect Honeycomb Sponge.
D R 28a P.
Sponges mounted on Handles, 0/6 and 0/10½ each.
D R 29 P.
FLAT SPONGES, commonly known as Elephant’s Ear Sponges. These Sponges are specially imported to take the place of washing gloves. All prices from 1/3 to 2/0. Please quote D R 29 when ordering these.
D R 30 P.
These sponges are the kind used in almost every household. We hold a very large stock of this particular species. Can be used according to size both for toilet and bath. All prices from 1/0 to 35/0. Please quote D R 30 P when ordering.
| | | D R 31 P. | | Superior quality. |
Size | No. | 1 | ... ... | each | 0/4 | 0/5 |
,, | ,, | 2 | ... ... | ,, | 0/5 | 0/6½ |
,, | ,, | 3 | ... ... | ,, | 0/6 | 0/9 |
,, | ,, | 4 | ... ... | ,, | 0/8 | 0/11½ |
,, | ,, | 5 | ... ... | ,, | 0/9 | 1/1 |
,, | ,, | 6 | ... ... | ,, | 0/11 | 1/3 |
,, | ,, | 7 | ... ... | ,, | 1/1 | 1/6 |
,, | ,, | 8 | ... ... | ,, | 1/3 | 1/9 |
TURCO Washing Gloves
for use Instead of Sponge
for the BATH or TOILET
D R 32 P.
Turco Gloves.
Made from Turkish towelling of the finest texture. Price according to size each pair.
0/3½ 0/4½ 0/6½ 0/8½ 0/10½
D R 33 P.
Turco and Loofah.
A fine piece of Loofah bound in towelling.
Loofah 1 side, 0/6½ 0/8½
,,2 sides, 0/8½ 0/10½
D R 34 P.
Brown towelling, known as Calefacio. An excellent glove for Gents’ use. One size, one quality, 1/7 pair.
D R 35 P.
White Horsehair Friction Gloves for producing a healthy warmth after a bath.
Per pair, 2/9.
D R 36 P.
Coloured Horsehair Friction Gloves. Specially recommended for athletes.
Per pair, 2/11, 3/3, 3/9
D R 41 P. Loofah and Turco Bath Strap, and
material as D R 33 P. Each 1/1 and 1/9.
D R 42 P. All-Wool Bath Strap. Specially for ladies’ use. Each 4/1.
D R 25 P. Handle Puffs. Bone handle, silk tops.
Each 0/4½, 0/7½, 0/9½, 1/1
D R 26 P. Handle (ring) Puffs, silk covered. Each 0/5½, 0/7½, 0/9½, 1/2. Snowball puffs. Each 0/5½, 0/7½, 0/9½, 1/0½, 1/6 and 1/9
D R 27 P.
Bag Puffs, Pongee Silk Bags.
Each 0/4½, 0/7½, 0/10½, 1/3
Chamois Leather Bags, yellow.
Each 0/6½, 0/9½, 1/0½
D R 37 P. Bone Back, Fine Bristles. In 8 sizes, 0/7½, 0/11½, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 2/4, 2/9, 3/11.
D R 38 P. The Hygienic, specially made so as to keep the bristles perfectly clean, with holes in back.
Each 1/6, 1/9, 2/9.
D R 39 P. Satinwood back, English made.
Each 1/8, 2/1, 2/4, 3/9, 4/6.
D R 40 P.
Satinwood back and handle.
With handle, 2/9, 4/1
Without handle, 2/4
Regd No. 479439
D R 43 P.
The “Orlwara.”
A special brush with the bristle tightly meshed together in centre of brush, thus assuring long usage.
Price each 0/4½, 0/6½, 0/9½, 0/10½, 1/1
Special quality. 2/3, 2/11
Handkerchief Puffs.
Puff sewn in the centre of a plain white hemstitched handkerchief.
Each 1/6. Rouge Puff. Opening for fingers at side. No handle. Each 0/4½, 0/6½, 0/8½. With handle as D R 25 P. Each 0/4½, 0/5½, 0/7½. In bag of Pongee Silk as D R 27 P. Each 0/8½, and 0/11½. With long wooden handle. Each 1/6 Bath Puffs, see
Bath Puff Bowls.
No. D R P S 1.
Hobnail Cut Glass.
Fine Specimen. Specially hardened thread to mount. Will last years.
Complete, 3/11
Extra large size, 7/9
No. D R P S 2.
Very pretty pattern.
Part Hobnail Cut. Special hard metal mounts. 4/3
No. D R P S 3.
Cut Glass. An exquisite pattern. A very suitable present. 5/3
No. D R P S 4.
Finest Crystal Cut Glass Facets. This is a most desirable pattern and extremely popular.
No. D R P S 5.
Best Crystal Glass, Deep Hobnail Cut. This Spray needs no recommendation.
Round corners, 5/9
8 Angular corners, Larger Size, 7/6
No. D R P S 9.
New Pattern Hobnail Cutting.
Nickel Top ... 3/9
Best Gilt ... 5/6
No. D R P S 16.
The “Bijou.” The latest Perfume Spray. Can be carried in the muff or handbag. Specially adapted for the modern expensive Perfumes.
In nickel, 4/9
No. D R P S 6.
Frosted Glass, Coloured Flowers, Plated Mount.
Nickel ... 7/6
Gilt ... ... 10/6
No. D R P S 17.
The Superbus Perfume Spray, suitable for spraying perfume in any large rooms. Beautiful Baccarat glass, artistically cut, fitted with finest silk covered bellows and heavy gilt mount. The only specimen of this elegant spray in London.
No. D R P S 15.
Special Value.
Each 1/6½.
No. D R P S 14.
We have purchased the Manufacturer’s stock of this Spray, and offer same at 2/10½.
No. D R P S 8.
Engraved Gilt Pump Spray, Fleur de Lys pattern, 8/9
Cut Glass, with floral decoration, one size only.
No. D R P S 10.
Handsome Diamond Cut White Glass, 6/6 with Bellows.
No. D R P S 13.
Engraved Gilt Top Pump Spray, Glass Mounted in Gilt Bronze, Empire style, in two sizes,
13/9, 19/3
No. D R P S 6a.
Pump Perfume Spray, Nickel-plated, Engraved Glass,
Small size, 2/4½,
Large size, 5/6
No. D R P S 12a.
Smoke Consumer and Drawing Room Perfumer, with Platinum Cylinder, 12/6 each
Perfumed Spirit for Burning in this Lamp, 5/9 pint.
No. D R P S 12.
Engraved Gilt Mounted Pump Spray Decoration in Inlaid Gilt, superb design.
Small ... 14/6
Medium ... 17/6
Large ... 21/0
No. D R P S 7.
Cut Glass.
Small size, 1/9½,
Large size, 3/0
No. D R P S 11.
Parisian Pump Spray, handsomely cut, Gilt Mounts,
13/6 and 16/6 each.
And in Nickel-plated Mount, 2/9 and 3/9
Should the actual pattern be sold out we will substitute the nearest pattern.
Harrods’ Artistic Floral Series.
Per bot. 1/4, 2/5, 3/9, 7/0, 13/9.
In the following varieties:—
Carnation. Chypre. Corona. Ess. Bouquet Frangipanni. Heliotrope. Jasmin. Jockey Club. Lilac Flowers. Lily of the Valley. Millefleurs. Narcissus. New Mown Hay. Opoponax. Patchouli. Peau d’Espagne. Persian Violet. Regalia. Rondeletia. Russian Violet. Spring Flowers. Stephanotis. Sweet Pea. TrÉfle. Verbena. Violette de Parme. White Heliotrope. White Lilac. White Rose. Wood Violet. Ylang-Ylang.
Tryme, in Cut Glass Bottles, at 3/0 and 4/9 each.
A superior perfume.
New & Delightful Perfumes.
Cyclamen Romney
Harrod’s London
Cyclamen Romney | ... | per bot. 4/9, 8/6, 10/6, 15/0 |
Gainsborough Violets | ... | per bot. 5/6, 7/6 |
Muguet le Brun | ... | per bot. 8/6 |
Nantgaru Roses | ... | per bot. 8/6 |
Orchardson’s Japonica | ... | per bot. 8/6 |
Civet Skins.
Impregnated with the odour “Peau d’Espagne” (very lasting) ... each 1/5
Eau de Cologne.
Eau de Cologne |
Superior, per Bot., 1/5½ (6 for 8/3) 2/11 |
Pint | ... | ... | 6/9 |
Quart | ... | ... | 13/0 |
Long green bottles | each | 1/9 |
Orders by Post receive prompt and careful attention. |
Eau de Cologne Nº 1 Harrods Stores Ltd W. |
The famous No. 1. Unrivalled for its lasting fragrance— |
4-oz. Bottle | 1/10½ |
8-oz. Bottle | 3/8 |
1 Pint (reputed) | 8/6 |
1 Quart,, | 15/9 |
Eau de Cologne Russe (Becheroff.)
2/6 4/9 12/6 each Bottle.
Lavender Bags.
Each 0/3½, per doz. 3/3
Olde Englishe Lavender Sachet
In envelopes, 5d. each.
Lavender and Verbena Bags.
Universal favourite, large size,
0/6½ each, 6/3 per doz.
Lavender and Verbena
Lavender Water.
Best Old English—
Per bot. ... 1/7½, 3/0, 5/9
Pints ... 11/6
Fine quality per bot. 0/8½,
1/1½, 2/0, 3/9, 8/6
Pot Pourri.
Reminiscent of an old flower garden,
per oz. 0/4, per lb. 3/6
Royal Series of Perfumes. |
Highly recommended. Renowned for their exquisite and lasting fragrance. |
| “GiroflÉe” | |
(Wallflower). |
Per bot. 3/3, 7/6, 12/6 |
Violette de Printemps. |
A perfume of increasing popularity. |
Per bot. 2/9, 6/3, 11/9 |
Sachet Powders. |
Best concentrated, specially recommended for filling bags, &c. ... per oz. 1/0, per lb. 12/0 |
Superior | ... | per oz. 0/6, per lb. 7/0 |
In bottles | ... | ... | 1/7½ |
The following are the favourite odours:— |
Carnation. | TrÉfle. |
Heliotrope. | Verbena. |
Jasmin. | Violette de Parme. |
Lilac. | Wallflower. |
Lily of the Valley. | White Rose. |
Pieau d’Espagne. | Wood Violet. |
Poudre a Sachet
Poudre a Sachet
Poudre a Sachet
Poudre a Sachet
Poudre a Sachet
Sachet Victoria in Rose, Heliotrope, TrÉfle, Violette | ... | 7d. each |
Sachet Corsage | ... | ... | each 0/6½, doz. 6/3 |
Lily of the Valley Peau d’Espagne Violette de Parme. |
New Lavender Sachet
Linen Cupboard or Dressbasket
Linsasha (Lavender Sachet for Linen Cupboard, &c.)
1/6, 2/6, 5/0.
Ditto, in casket, suitable for handkerchiefs ... 7/6
The most concentrated perfume extant.
Parfum Le RÊve
Le RÊve, bottles in casket...4/9 and 7/9
A veritable otto.
Toilet Waters. |
Eau de Toilette (Harrod) | ... | per bot. 2/11, 5/6 |
*Turkish | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3, 4/0, 7/9 |
*Venus | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3, 4/0, 7/9 |
*Verbena | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3, 4/0, 7/9 |
*Violette de Parme | ... | ... | per bot. 2/3, 4/0, 7/9 |
*Quart bots. 14/3 |
Atkinson’s Perfumes.
Per bot. 1/9, 3/1, 5/3, 9/4, 18/6.
Chypre. Ess. Bouquet. Frangipanni. Freesia. Gardenia. Heliotrope. Jasmin. Jockey Club. Lily of the Valley. Magnolia. MarÉchale. Millefleur. Moss Rose. Musk. New Mown Hay. Opoponax. Peau d’Espagne. Sandal Wood. Stephanotis. Tea Rose. Verbena. Violette de Parme. White Lilac. White Rose. Wood Violets. Ylang-Ylang.
Poinsetta Perfume.
Per bottle ... 4/6, 8/6, 20/0
Eau de Cologne No. 1,
1/10½, 3/8, 8/6, 15/9.
(Above Standard Strength.)
Atkinson’s Special Perfumes. [360] |
Egesia, per bot. | ... | 5/0 |
Joss Flower | ... | 2/6 |
Mousse Diane, a natural perfume, per bot. | 3/6 |
Parfum ConcentrÉ Eau de Cologne, in case | 8/6 |
Royal Briar | ... | 10/6 |
Virelle Bouquet, per bot. | ... | 15/0 |
Atkinson’s Eonia Perfumes. |
Californian Poppy | per bot. | 3/3 |
Jasmin Eonia | ,, | 4/0 |
Phlox Eonia | ,, | 2/9 |
Violette Eonia | ,, | 4/0 |
Wild Honeysuckle (New) | ,, | 1/6 |
Atkinson’s Toilet Waters. |
Eau de Cologne— |
Per bot. ... | 2/0, 3/3, 6/7, 13/3 |
Square bots., 9 oz., 4/10, 18 oz. 8/9, 36 oz. 16/6 |
Portugal, per bot. ... | 2/5 |
Toilette de Londres, per bot. ... | 2/3, 4/5 |
Florida Water, per bot. ... | 3/1, 4/10 |
Lavender Water— |
Per bot. ... | 1/4, 2/3, 3/6 |
Per square bot. ... | 9 oz. 5/6, 18 oz. 9/8 |
Atkinson’s Sachet Powders. |
Per packet | ... | 0/9 |
Californian Poppy | per pkt. | 0/11 |
Jasmin Eonia | ,, | 1/2 |
Poinsetta | ,, | 1/0 |
Violette Eonia | ,, | 1/2 |
Bayley’s. |
Ess. Bouquet, per bot. ... | 2/3, 4/3, 8/6 |
Wood Violet, per bot. ... | 1/6, 2/7, 4/6 |
NoviTa A Bourjois & Paris | Bourjois. |
Cyclamen de France | 21/6 |
Du Barry | 14/6 |
Fleurs d’Eau, per bot. | 3/6 |
Formosa, per bot. | 3/6 |
Ideal Carnation, per bot. | 3/6 |
Manon Lescant, per bot. | 3/11, 11/6 |
Novita, per bot. | 3/6 |
Prima Violeta, per bot. | 3/9 |
Rose le Pom Pom | 15/6 |
Violette RÊve | 3/6 |
Breidenbach’s. |
Batushka, per bot. | 2/2, 3/9, 7/3 |
Geisha, per bot. | 2/2, 3/9, 7/3 |
Wood Violet, per bot. | 2/2, 3/10, 9/0 |
Wallflower, per bot. | 2/2, 3/9, 7/3 |
Xylopia | 2/2, 3/9, 7/3 |
Cartier. |
Œillet Noir, per bot. | 6/0, 12/6, 18/6 |
Gardens Club | 16/6 |
Les Verveines | 21/6 |
Les Violettes Bleues | 6/0, 12/6, 18/6 |
L’Ideal Vertige (in case) bot. | 31/6 |
Mai | 6/0, 12/6, 18/6 |
Cleaver’s. |
Alluria Perfume, Stopper Bottle | 2/9 |
Fraiflor, per bot. | 2/2½, 3/10, 5/0 |
Malmaison, per bot. | 1/11, 3/3 |
Violette Veritable, per bot. | 2/2½, 3/3, 5/0 |
Colgate’s. |
Cashmere Bouquet, per bot. | 2/0, 4/0 |
Dactylis, per bot. | 2/0, 4/0 |
Monad Violet, per bot. | 2/0, 4/0 |
La France Rose | 2/0 |
E. Coudray’s. |
Bouquet Coudray, in case | each | 3/10 |
Cyclamen, in case | ,, | 5/6 |
Houx Royal, in case | ,, | 5/6 |
Iris AmbrÉ, in case | ,, | 8/3 |
Prima Vera Violette | 2/2, 3/10, 5/6 |
Rosanella, in fancy case | ,, | 8/3 |
Sovrana, in fancy case | ,, | 8/11 |
Zorella, in fancy case | ,, | 4/11 |
Coty’s (Paris). |
This Season’s Fashion. |
Ambreine, per bot. | 13/3 |
Chypre, per bot. | 7/6 |
Heliotrope, per bot. | 7/6 |
Idylle, per bot. | 19/3 |
Iris, per bot. | 19/3 |
L’Rose Jacqueminot, per bot. | 6/0, 16/0 28/6 |
La Violette Pourpre, per bot. | 16/6, 30/0 |
L’Effleurt, per bot. | 25/0 |
Le Vertige, per bot. | 11/3 |
Peau d’Espagne, per bot. | 7/6 |
Lilac, per bot. | 7/6 |
Œillet, per bot. | 16/6 |
Origan (latest), per bot. | 12/6 |
Toilet Water— |
Rose Jacqueminot, per bot. | 13/6 |
Coty Sachet—Rose Jacqueminot, | each 1/8 |
Courvoisier’s. |
C.C. Concentrated Perfumes, in case Viotta, Havanita, Muguet, Rose. | 3/9 |
“Viotto” (Otto of Violets)— | Per bot. 1/8, 3/2, 6/0, 11/9 |
Courvoisier’s “Viotto” Sachet | 1/0 |
Rose Royal, per bot. | 3/0 |
Trefleurs, per bot. | 2/8 |
Courvoisier’s Omar Khayyam H.BRONNLEY & Cº Ltd london | Parfum Havanita courvoisier london |
(The latest Creation) |
Havanita, per bot. | 2/3, 4/3, 7/6, 14/6 |
Omar Khayyam, per bot. | 2/9, 5/0, 11/6 |
Crown Perfumery Co’s. |
Caprice des FÉes, in casket | 2/9 |
Coronita, per bot. | 2/5, 3/6, 4/6 |
Couronne d’Or, in casket | 14/0 |
Crab Apple Blossoms, per bot., | 2/0, 3/10, 5/0, 6/0, 10/0, 19/0 |
Crown Violet, in casket, per bot. | 2/9 |
Daphnys, per bot. | 3/6, 5/3, 7/9 |
Delectys, per bot. | 3/6, 5/3, 7/9 |
Eldorado, per bot. | 2/2, 3/0 |
Favorys, per bot. | 3/6, 5/3, 7/9 |
Fleur d’Azur, in casket | 12/0 |
Goutte d’Or, in casket | 9/9 |
,,,,without casket | 7/6 |
Houx | 9/9 |
Iroma, per bot. | 2/6 |
Jasmin del Pais, per bot. | 18/9 |
Jeunesse DorÉe, per bot. | 12/4 |
Nadia, in casket | 3/10 |
Natural Violets, per bot. | 2/9, 4/6 |
RÊve EtoilÉ, per bot. | 5/0 |
Rose PrintaniÈre, per bot. | 9/9 |
Sweet Pea, per bot. | 2/2 |
TrÉfle de France, per bot. | 6/0 |
Victoire, per bot. | 34/3 |
Violette de Parme, per bot. | 2/0, 3/10, 5/0, 6/0, 10/0, 19/0 |
Wallflower, per bot. | 1/1, 1/7, 3/10 |
Crown Perfumery Co.’s Smelling Salts. |
Cologne, per bot. | } | 1/6, 2/10 |
Lavender, per bot. |
Lavender Salts Essence, per bot. |
Curtis’. |
Lavender Bouquet, per bot. | ... | 2/8 |
Dralle. |
Dralle | Illusion, | Lilac | 3/6, | 10/0 | each |
,, | ,, | Heliotrope | 3/6, | 10/0 | ,, |
,, | ,, | Lily of Valley | 3/6 | | ,, |
,, | ,, | Narcissus | 3/6, | 10/0 | ,, |
,, | ,, | Rose | 3/6 | | ,, |
,, | ,, | Violet | 4/6, | 12/6 | ,, |
Eau de Cologne. |
Harrod’s— |
No. 1 (famous for its lasting sweetness) | ¼-pt.1/10½, ½-pt.3/8, pt.8/6 qt.15/9 |
Eau de Cologne Russe (Becheroff), per bot. | 2/6, 4/9, 12/6 |
Scroll Black and White Label, Superior, per bot. | 1/5½, 2/11 |
(Highly recommended) per pt. bot. | 6/9 |
Atkinson’s— |
Per bot. | 2/0, 3/3, 6/6, 13/0 |
Square bots. | 5/0, 8/9, 17/3 |
Elsa Platz, per bot. | 1/9 |
Wicker Bottles, 2/10, 5/0, 10/0 |
Gosnell’s | left pointing hand | Unical Headache Cologne H.BRONNLEY & Cº LTD |
Gosnell’s Society, per bot. |
1/10, 3/8, 6/10, 13/9 |
Bronnley’s Unical Headache Cologne. | 1/6 |
Johann Maria Farina’s— |
GegenÜber dem Elogins Platz, per bot. | 1/10½ |
Per case of 6 bots. | 10/6 |
½-pt., reputed | 2/9 |
1-pt.,, | 5/6 |
1-qt.,, | 10/0 |
dem Julichs Platz, per bot. | 2/2 |
per case of 6 bots. | 12/6 |
wickered bots. | 3/3, 6/6, 13/0 |
No. 4 Julichs Platz, 4-oz. | 2/0 |
case of 6 bots. | 11/6 |
small wickered bot. | 3/0 |
larger | 6/0, 12/0 |
Zur Madonna, per bot. | 1/9 |
case of 6 bots. | 9/9 |
wickered | 2/10, 5/4, 9/9 |
Luce’s, The True Jersey Eau de Cologne,
per bot., in Glass ... 0/11½, 1/11, 3/9
do. in Wicker ... 3/0, 5/9 11/3
do. Flat Shape 0/11½
Parfum Royal GiroflÉe (Wallflower) 3/3 7/6 12/6.
the real odour of the flowers.
Muhlen’s— No. 4711, per bot. | ... | 2/0 |
Case of 6 bots. | ... | 11/9 |
Larger bots. | ... | 3/3 |
Small wickered, per bot. | ... | 3/3 |
Medium wickered, per bot. | ... | 6/3 |
Large wickered, per bot. | ... | 12/6 |
Roger and Gallet’s— |
Jean Marie Farina, 2-oz. bot. | ... | 1/1 |
4-oz. bot. | ... | 2/0 |
8-oz.,, | ... | 4/3 |
Eau de Cologne Receptacles. |
Nickelled, each | ... | 1/4 |
Erasmic Co. |
Eau de Cologne, per bot. | 0/11, 1/9 |
Extasia, per bot. | 3/3 |
Fantasma, per bot. | 3/6 |
Frisson d’Amour | 3/6, 5/6 |
La Reine d’Egypte, per bot. | 2/6 |
Red Rose of Lancaster | 2/6, 4/6, 7/6, 10/6 |
Royal Carnation, per bot. | 2/6 |
Herb Perfume, per bot. | 1/8, 3/9 |
Naisma, per bot. | 3/4 |
Gelle FrÈres. |
Chypre, per bot. | ... | 2/0 |
Violette Russe, per bot. | ... | 4/7 |
Giraud Fils’ Selected Perfumes. |
Cattleya, per bot. | ... | 4/8 |
Fleur de Violette, per bot. | ... | 7/3 |
GiroflÉe Blanche, per bot. | ... | 2/6 |
Heliotrope Blanc, per bot. | ... | 2/6 |
Iris Blanc, per bot. | ... | 2/6 |
Peau d’Espagne, per bot. | ... | 2/6, 4/0 |
Violette de Grasse, per bot. | ... | 3/4 |
Violette de Parme, per bot. | ... | 2/3 |
Gosnell’s. |
Cherry Blossom, per bot. | 1/10, 3/3, 4/3 |
Famora, per bot. | 1/10, 3/3 |
D’Orsay. |
Bain D’Orsay | per tin 2/4½ |
Chevalier Perfume D’Orsay | 10/6 |
,,,,,, | Soap 8/6 |
,,,,,, | Powder 8/6 |
ConcentrÉe Essence D’Orsay, Lily or Cyclamen each 7/0 |
Cyclamen Blanc | per bot. 8/6 |
Pate Dentifrice | 0/10½ |
Eau Dentifrice | 1/3, 2/3, 7/6 |
Jasmin D’Orsay | per bot. 12/6 |
Lait D’Orsay | 5/6 |
La RÊve D’Orsay Perfume | 8/6, 12/9 |
Les Fleurs D’Orsay Perfume | 21/0 |
,,,,,,Powder | 14/6 |
Œillet Blanc | per bot. 8/6 |
Perfume, Violette Seduisantes— |
Lilac ... Œillet ... | } | per bot. 17/6, 29/6 |
Muguet ... Rose ... |
Face Powder as above ... | } | per box 10/0 |
Soap,,,, ... |
Sous Bras D’Orsay, in Rose or Violet Perfume per pair 3/9 |
Sachets | ... | each 0/4½, 0/8½ |
Shampoo Quinine Poudre | ... | 1/3 |
Grossmith’s. |
Betrothal, per bot. | ... | 2/3, 4/0 |
Floradora, per bot. | ... | 2/3, 4/0 |
Hasu-no-Hana, per bot. | ... | 2/3, 4/0 |
Phul Nana, per bot. | ... | 2/3, 4/0 |
Shem-el-Nessim, per bot. | ... | 2/6, 4/6 |
Guerlain’s. |
Ai-loÉ, per bot. | ... | 12/6 |
AprÈs L’OndÉe, per bot. | ... | 12/6 |
Cologne Russe, per bot. | ... | 6/0, 12/0 |
Chypre, per bot. | ... | 5/4 |
Heliotrope, per bot. | ... | 5/4 |
Jicky, per bot. | ... | 5/4, 7/6 |
Le Jardin de Mon CurÉ, per bot. | ... | 7/6 |
Rex, per bot. | ... | 5/4 |
Rue de la Paix, per bot. | ... | 21/0 |
Sillage, per bot. | ... | 12/6 |
Take-it, per bot. | ... | 5/4 |
Une Rose, per bot. | ... | 21/0 |
Verveine, per bot. | ... | 5/4 |
White Rose, per bot. | ... | 5/4 |
Hall’s. |
Wood Violet, per bot. | 2/2, 4/0, 7/9, 19/0 |
Concentrated Perfumes in cases, Lily, Rose and Violet
... | each 2/9 | Eau de Cologne, No. 4711— |
Per bot. | 2/0 |
6 bots. | 11/9 |
Wickered, per bot. | 3/3, 6/3, 12/6 |
Malmaison, per bot. | 2/6, 3/1, 4/9, 7/9, 16/6 |
MarÉchal Niel, per bot. | 2/6, 3/1, 4/9, 7/9, 16/6 |
Rhine Gold, per bot. | 2/6, 3/1, 4/9, 7/9, 16/6 |
Rhine Violets, per bot. | 2/6, 3/1, 4/9, 7/9, 16/6 |
Violet Graziella, per bot. | 6/9 |
Sachets, Rhine Violet | 2/0 |
Murray and Lanman’s. |
Florida Water, per bot. | 0/10, 1/8, 2/7 |
Penhaligon’s. |
Hammam Bouquet, per bot. | 3/9, 7/2, 11/6, 23/0 |
Piesse & Lubin’s. |
Boronia, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 3/0 |
Cape Jasmin, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 3/0 |
Eau de Cologne, per bot. | 2/2, 3/5, 6/4 |
Frangipanni, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 3/0 |
Kiss-Me-Quick, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Kus Kus, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Lotus, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Lychees Blossom, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Musk, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
New Mown Hay, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Night Blooming Cereus, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Opoponax, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Patchouli, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Peau d’Espagne, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Stephanotis, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Sachets—Peau d’Espagne Sachets | ... | 1/11 |
Repandrines in Ambre, Boronia, Frangipanni, Opoponax, etc., | per piece, 1/11 |
Ribbon de Bruges, per box | ... | 0/10½ |
White Rose, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Wood Violet, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Ylang-Ylang, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 4/3 |
Piver’s Perfumery. |
Azurea, per bot. | 3/6, 6/0, 11/6 |
Corylopsis, per bot. | 2/10, 4/10 |
Essence Ambre Ducal | 4/6, 9/6 |
Floramye, per bot. | 3/6, 6/0, 11/6 |
Gui Nouveau | 3/6, 6/0, 11/6 |
Lariette, per bot. | 5/6, 10/6 |
Pompeia | 3/6, 6/0, 11/6 |
Rosiris, per bot. | 3/6, 6/0, 11/6 |
Safranor, per bot. | 3/6, 6/0, 11/6 |
TrÉfle Incarnat, per bot. | 3/6, 6/0, 11/6 |
Vivitz, per bot. | 3/6, 6/0, 11/6 |
SpÉcialitÉ Extrait ConcentrÉ Le RÊve
(odour lasts weeks), 4/9, 7/9
Pinaud’s. |
Brise EmbaumÉe Violette per bot. | 6/0, 12/3 17/6, 25/0, 35/0 |
Bouquet de Violette des Bois, per bot. | 3/0 |
Casino, per bot. | 1/11 |
Flirt | 15/0 |
Genet d’Or, per bot. | 8/9 |
Iris, per bot. | 12/3 |
La Corrida ... per bot., | 12/3, 17/6, 25/0, 35/0 |
Marie Louise, per bot. | 5/0, 8/0 |
Smelling Salts, per bot. | 1/9 |
Pot Pourri. |
Per oz. 4d.; per lb. 3/6 |
Rhine Violets. |
(See Muhlen’s.) |
Renaud’s. |
Moon Flower Perfume (very concentrated), per bot. | 3/0, 5/0, 9/0 |
Moon Flower Sachets each | 1/3 |
Rigaud’s. |
Camia, per bot. | ... | 7/3 |
,,in case | ... | 10/6 |
Eau de Toilette, per bot. | ... | 4/3 |
Rimmel’s. |
Cologne, per bot. | ... | 1/8, 2/11 |
,,Sydenham, per bot. | ... | 3/4 |
Exquisite | ... | 3/0 |
Floralys, per bot. | ... | 3/0 |
Golden Fern, per bot. | ... | 2/9, 4/9 |
Lavender Water, per bot. | ... | 1/8, 3/4 |
Lilac, per bot. | ... | 1/8, 2/9 |
Lily of the Valley, per bot. | ... | 1/8, 2/9 |
Royal Shamrock, per bot. | ... | 2/8, 3/11½ |
Wallflower, per bot. | ... | 2/9 |
Wood Violet, per bot. | ... | 1/8, 2/9 |
Rivers, Hills & Co.’s. |
Lavender Water— |
In green panelled bottles, with sprinklers, per bot. | 1/6 |
Popular Series, wickered, small | ... | 1/0, 2/0 |
Fancy wicker, corked | ... | 2/4 |
Ditto, glass stopper | ... | 3/6, 4/6 |
Flask, pint | ... | 9/9 |
Roger & Gallet. |
Eau de Cologne (Jean Marie Farina) Octagon bottle, sprinkler top, |
2-oz. bot. 1/1, 4-oz. bot. 2/0, 8-oz. bot. 4/3 |
Long green bottle, sprinkler top, per bot. | 1/6 |
Round bottle, glass stopper, per bot. | 3/0, 4/6, 8/6, 17/ |
Extraits SupÉrieurs— |
Extrait | Fleurs d’Amour | ? | |
,, | RÊve Fleurie | ? | per bot. 11/3 |
,, | Violet Merveille | ? | in case 11/9 |
,, | Ambrerose | ? | |
,, | Iberis | ? | per bot. 8/3 |
,, | Vernalis | ? | in case 8/9 |
,, | White Rose | ? | |
,, | Andromeda | ? | per bot. 6/9 |
,, | Santalia | ? | in case 7/8 |
,, | Splendor | ? | |
,, | Vencedor | ? | per bot. 4/9 |
,, | Elegantior | ? | in case 5/0 |
,, | Violette AmbrÉe, | per bot. 4/3, 5/3 |
,, | Vera Violetta | ? | 3/3, 4/6, |
,, | Vigne Fleurie | ? | 6/9 |
,, | Violette de Parme, |
| per bot. 1/11, 2/6, 3/11, 5/6 10/9, 13/3, 25/9 |
,, | Heliotrope Blanc | ? | |
,, | Peau d’Espagne | ? | |
,, | Iris Blanc | ? | |
,, | Bouquet des Amours | ? | |
,, | Œillet Blanc | ? | |
,, | Vera Rosa | ? | per bot. |
,, | GiroflÉe | ? | 3/0, 4/6, |
,, | Jasmin Pompadour | ? | 6/9, *14/3, |
,, | Indian Hay | ? | *27/6, *53/6 |
,, | Honeysuckle | ? | |
,, | Carnation | ? | |
,, | Lilas Blanc | ? | *Procured |
,, | Alsatian Clover | ? | to |
,, | Chypre | ? | order |
,, | Efflora | ? | only |
,, | Rose ThÉ | ? | |
,, | Sweet Pea | ? | |
,, | Lily of the Valley | ? | |
Lavender Water, long green bottle, per bot. | 1/6 |
aux fleurs Extrait Quadruple Spurway & Cne. Cannes-Grasse | Spurway’s. |
Spurway’s Concentrated Perfumes in tiny case, 3/6 Rose, Violet, Lily, etc. |
In original bottles, per bot., 3/9, 7/0, 13/9 |
Lily of the Valley. |
Violette de Parme. |
Opoponax. |
Wallflower. |
Peau d’Espagne. |
White Rose. |
Russian Violet. |
White Lilac. |
Wood Violet. |
Smelling Salts. |
Lavender—White and Coloured, 1/0, 1/6, 1/11½, 2/4½, 2/6½, 3/6 |
Ditto, in cut glass bottles, all prices. |
Sachets (Perfumed). |
Atkinson’s Poinsetta, each | ... | 1/0 |
Breidenbach’s— |
Violet, each | ... | 0/5½, 0/10½ |
Cartier— |
Parfum de l’Œillet Noir | ... | 5/6 |
Les Violettes Bleues | ... | 5/6 |
Cotys— |
Rose Jacqueminot, each | ... | 1/8 |
Harrods’ Superior Corsage Sachets— |
Wallflower, Peau d’Espagne, Lily of the Valley, each 0/6½ |
per doz. 6/3 |
TrÉfle, Œillet, Parma Violet, each | 0/4½ |
per doz. 4/3 |
Civet Skins (very lasting) | ... | 1/5 |
Lavender and Verbena Bag Sachets, | ... | each 0/6½ |
per doz, 6/3 |
Lavender Bag Sachets, each | ... | 0/3½ |
per doz. 3/3 |
Muhlen’s— |
Rhine Violets, each | ... | 2/0 |
Violet Graziella, each | ... | 0/4½ |
Piver’s— |
TrÉfle (Paper), each | ... | 1/6 |
,,(Silk), each | ... | 0/10½, 1/4½ |
Azurea (Paper), each | ... | 1/6 |
,,(Silk), each | ... | 0/10½, 1/4½ |
Vivitz (Paper), each | ... | 1/0 |
Petal Dust, each | ... | 0/2, 0/4 |
Roger and Gallet’s— |
Corsage Violette de Parme, Peau d’Espagne, Heliotrope, White Rose, Foin Noveau, each | 0/10½ |
Sachet Powder in bots.— |
Vera Violetta, Peau d’Espagne, Heliotrope, etc., each | 1/9½ |
Violette de Parme, each | ... | 0/11½ |
Zenobia Sachets— |
Sweet Pea Blossom, each | ... | 0/10½ |
Sainsbury’s. |
Lavender Water, per bot. 1/2, 2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 7/6, 14/6 |
Sprays and Perfume Diffusers. |
In plain, cut, and mounted glass, from | ... | 1/3 |
Sturrock’s. |
Chloroform Cologne, per bot. | ... | 2/9 |
Tonquin Beans. |
Selected (Best Quality)— |
Per oz. | ... | 1/0 |
For perfuming Wardrobes and preventing Moths, prices on application. |
Tetlow’s. |
Blue Moon Perfume, per bot. | ... | 1/6 |
Vinolia. |
Mylissia, per bot. | ... | 2/6 |
Other Perfumes to order. |
Violets. |
Ambre Royal, per bot. | ... | 3/0, 7/0 |
Bouquet de la MariÉe, per bot. | ... | 7/0 |
Bouquet Farnese, per bot. | ... | 6/9, 15/6 |
Extra Violette, per bot. | ... | 3/0, 7/0 |
Princia, per bot. | ... | 7/0 |
Reseda, per bot. | ... | 3/0 |
Veldor, per bot. | ... | 3/0 |
Yadma, per bot. | ... | 7/0 |
Wolff’s. |
Wolff’s Floral Essences—Divina, per bot. | ... | 2/9, 6/9, 11/6 |
“Florasma,” Rose, Lily, Violet, Sweet Pea, etc., per bot. | ... | 3/6 |
Zenobia. |
Per bot. 2/6, 3/6, 5/0, 10/6, 21/0 |
Bean Blossom. | Primrosa. |
Carneta. | Red Rose. |
Cowslip. | Sweet Pea. |
Honeysuckle. | Treek-À-Trique. |
Night Scented Stock. | Violet. |
Wallflower. |
Rose Supreme ... | 3/6, 6/0, 10/6 |
Specialities— |
Lily of the Valley (natural) | per bot. 3/6, 6/0, 10/6 |
Concentrated Perfumes— |
Sweet Pea, Lily of the Valley, Violet, Night-Scented Stock, | per bot. 3/3 |
Highest class preparations only stocked, Satisfaction guaranteed.
Acheson’s Tooth Powder, per box | 1/6 |
Allen and Hanbury’s Aromatic Tooth Paste, per tube | 1/5 |
American Dentifrice (Vinolia), per box | 1/3 |
Areca Nut Tooth Paste, per pot, 0/4, | 0/8 |
Perfume Sprays of all kinds from 1/3 upwards.
Arozal Dentifrice, per tin | 0/8 |
Aromatic Tooth Tablets, in celluloid case | 0/5½, 0/10½ |
(The Travellers’ vade mecum.) |
Atkinson’s Circassian Rose Opiate, | per box 1/6 |
,,Oriental Tooth Paste, | per pot 1/2 |
,,Oriental Tooth Powder, | per box 1/2 |
,,PÂte Vegetal, | per pot 1/9 |
,,Quinine Tooth Powder, | per box 1/11 |
,,Tooth Powder, | per box 0/9 |
Including Charcoal, Chalk and Orris, Camphorated Chalk, White Rose, Rose, Smoker’s, etc. |
per bot. ... 1/3, 2/0 |
family bot. 7/9 |
(Highly recommended.) |
Beaumont’s Tooth Powder | 0/10, 2/4 |
Beecham’s Tooth Paste, per tube | 0/9 |
Beiersdorf’s Tooth Paste, per tube | 0/7½, 1/0 |
Bell’s Fomos | | 0/10½ |
,,Tooth Powder, | in tins 0/10, 1/6, 2/8, 5/0 |
in bots. 1/10, 3/2, 4/2 |
,,Ozonic Mouth Wash, per bot. | 2/2 |
Benedictine Elixir, per bot. | 2/0, 3/9, 7/6 |
,,Tooth Paste, per pot | 0/10, 1/6 |
,,Tooth Powder, per tin | 0/10, 1/6 |
Bowditch’s Tooth Powder, per pot | 0/7½ |
¼-lb. tin 1/9 |
Brompton Dentifrice, per box | 0/8 |
Bully’s Dentifrice, per box. | 1/7 |
Burden’s Quinine Dentifrice | 1/0, 2/6 |
Calox Dentifrice, each | 1/0, 1/9 |
Calvert’s Dentophenoline, per bot. | 1/0, 1/8 |
,,Carbolic Tooth Powder, | 0/4, 0/8, 1/0 1 lb. 3/9 |
,,Carbolic Tooth Paste, | 0/4, 0/8 |
,,Carbolic Tooth Soap | 0/4, 0/8 |
Camphorated Chalk, per box | 0/2½, 0/4½ |
per bot. 0/9, 1/6, 3/0 |
Carbolic Dentifrice, per box | 0/3½, 1/0, 2/6 |
per bot. 1/6 |
Chalk and Orris Root, per box | 0/4½ |
per bot. 0/9, 1/6, 3/0 |
Charcoal Dentifrice, | per box 0/5½ |
per bot. 0/9, 1/6, 3/0 |
Cherry Tooth Paste, per pot | 0/4, 0/8 |
Coffin’s Tooth Powder, per pot | 1/3 |
family jar 7/0 |
Colgate’s Tooth Powder, per bot. | 0/10 |
,,,,Paste, per tube | 0/6, 0/10½ |
Cologne Dentifrice, per bot. | 1/6, 2/6, 5/0 |
Comman’s Tooth Paste, per pot | 1/4 |
Coronal Tooth Paste, per tube | 0/6, 0/10½ |
Cracroft’s Areca Nut Tooth Paste, | per pot 0/9 |
Cultone, per box | 0/11 |
Curtis’s Eau de Cologne Tooth Powder, | per bot. 1/11 |
Den’s Tooth Powder, per box | 0/11 |
Denta Cura, per tube | 1/0 |
Dental Silk, per reel | 0/5 |
Waxed 0/6 |
Dioxogen, per bot. | 1/10, 2/9 |
Eau de Botot, per bot. | 1/5½, 2/2, 3/9, 7/3 |
,,Paste, per pot | 0/10½, 2/0 |
,,Powder, per box | 1/1, 2/2 |
EAU DENTIFRICE DU DR. BECHERRE DENTAL TINCTURE | Eau Dentifrice du Dr. Becherre, in sprinkler bottles ... 2/2, 4/1, 11/6 |
A delightful preparation which has attained great popularity. |
Eau Dentifrice du Dr. Pierre, |
per bot. 1/5, 2/6, 4/3, 8/3, 12/6, 25/0 |
Ditto, Sprinkler Bottles, |
per bot 1/6, 2/7, 4/4, 8/4, 12/7, 25/1 |
Eau de Suez, Red, per bot. | 2/2 |
,,,,Yellow, per bot. | 2/3 |
,,,,Green, per bot. | 3/0, 5/9 |
,,,,Tooth Paste, per pot | 3/3 |
,,,,Tooth Powder, per box | 1/5 |
Eucryl Tooth Powder, per tin | 0/6, 1/0 |
Eugol Antiseptic Fluid, per bot. | 1/0, 2/1 |
,,Liquid Dentifrice, per bot. | 1/3, 2/0 |
,,Powder Dentifrice, per tin, | 0/10 |
,,,,in bottles, per bot. | 2/0, 3/6, 6/9 |
,,Tooth Paste, per tube | 0/10½ |
Euthymol Dentifrice, per bot. | 1/6, 2/6 |
,,Tooth Paste, per tube | 1/0 |
Evans (Dr. T.) Eau Dentifrice, per bot. | 3/6 |
,,,,Tooth Powder, per pot | 3/4 |
Floriline, per case | 1/9½ |
,,Tooth Powder, per bot. | 0/7½ |
Fomos, per tube | 0/10½ |
FUO BARNÄNGENS Vademecum BarnÄngen’s Technical Factory STOCKHOLM | Fuo Liquid Dentifrice, per bot. 2/7 |
GellÈ FrÈres’ Tooth Paste, per pot | 1/0, 2/0 |
Glyco-Thymoline, per bot. | 2/2, 4/0 |
Gosnell’s Cherry Tooth Paste, per pot | 1/3 |
,,,,,,,, per tube | 0/10 |
Halogen, per tube | 0/10½ |
Hygeso Tooth Soap, Cook’s, per pot | 0/7½ |
Hygienol Tooth Powder, per tin | 1/0 |
“Irex” Tooth Powder, per flask | 0/10 |
“Ivradent” Tooth Powder, per bot. | 1/5 |
Izal Tooth Powder, per tin | 0/11½ |
Jewsbury and Brown’s Oriental Tooth Paste, per tube 1/0 |
per pot 1/4, 2/0 |
Jeyes’ Tooth Powder, per bot. | 0/10 |
Kamfolia Dentifrice, per tube | 0/11 |
Kempster’s Dentifrice, per box | 0/10½ |
Kolynos, per tube | 1/0 |
,,Liquid, per bot. | 2/4 |
Lister’s Tooth Soap, per box | 0/5½, 0/10½ |
Listerine, per bot. | 1/9, 3/6 |
Lyon’s Tooth Tablets, each | 1/8 |
,,,,Powder, per tin | 0/10 |
Lysoform Tooth Powder, per bot. | 0/9 |
Macmahan’s Handicap Tooth Powder per bot. | 0/10½ |
per tin, 1/9, 6/9 |
Macmahan’s Eau Favourite Mouth Wash, per bot. | 2/11 |
Mason’s Odorine, per bot. | 0/9, 1/8 |
Maw’s White Rose Tooth Paste, per pot | 1/3 |
Mouth Wash, Carbolic, per bot. | 1/8, 3/3 |
,,,,Violet, per bot. | 1/8, 3/3 |
Myrrh and Borax, per bot. | 0/10, 1/8, 3/1, 5/6 |
,,Tincture, per bot. | | 0/8½ |
O.S. Tooth Block (Oscar Sutton) each | 0/8 |
Opa (Trade Mark) | 1/3 |
Odol (Strong or Mild), per flask | 1/6, 2/6 |
Double Flasks | 4/6 |
Nickel Receptacles for Odol flasks | each 1/6 |
Oatine Tooth Paste, per tube | 0/11 |
Oraline Tooth Paste, per tube | 0/10½ |
ORIGANOL A General Antiseptic HARRODS LTD | Origanol (Glycer. Thymol Alkaline Co.). An alkaline, antiseptic and non-irritating solution for medical and dental purposes. (Highly recommended) 0/11, 1/7, 3/9 |
Pearlfoam Tooth Powder, per box | 0/10 |
per bot. 2/0 |
Pebeco Tooth Paste, per tube | 0/7½ 1/0 |
Perla’s Tooth Powder, per jar | 2/6 |
Pierre’s Preparations— |
Eau Dentifrice, per bot. | 1/5, 2/6, 4/3, 8/3, 12/6, 25/0 |
Tooth Powder, Coral or Quinine, |
Cardboard boxes | 0/10 |
Porcelain,, | | 1/2, 2/0 |
Tooth Paste, per tube | 0/10 |
Crystal boxes | 0/10, 1/8 |
Eau Dentifrice, in special bottle for travelling, per bot. 3/3 |
Piesse and Lubin’s Rose Mouth Wash, per bot. | 1/9, 3/0, 5/6 |
Pond’s Areca Nut Tooth Paste, per pot | 0/10 |
Quinine Dentifrice, per box | 0/5 |
per bot. 1/3, 2/6, 5/0 |
per box 1/4 |
per bot. 1/4 |
Regalia Tooth Paste, per tube | 1/4 |
These are preparations of the Regalia Toilet Co., which have become so universally used. |
Rimmel’s White Rose Tooth Soap, per tin, | 0/4½ |
Roberts’ Imperial Coraline Tooth Paste, per pot | 2/5 |
Roger and Gallet’s Paste Dentifrice, per tube | 0/7 |
per pot 0/10½ |
Rose Dentifrice, per box | 0/5½ |
per bot. 1/3, 2/6, 5/0 |
Rowland’s Odonto, per box | 2/0½ |
Salvine Dentifrice, per tube | 0/9, 1/2, 1/11 |
Sanitas Tooth Powder, per tin | 0/11½ |
,,Liquid Dentifrice, per bot. | 0/11½ |
Sanitol Tooth Powder per bot. | 0/9 |
Sarg’s Kalodent, per tube | 0/10½ |
Saunders’ Dentifrice, per box | 1/2 |
per bot. 2/3 |
Sheffield’s Dentifrice, per tube | 0/10 |
per pot 1/8 |
Origanol (Glycer. Thymol Alkaline Co.). An alkaline, antiseptic and non-irritating solution for medical and dental purposes. (Highly recommended.) Per Bottle, 11d., 1/7, 3/9.
Sozodont, Liquid and Powder, per bot. | 2/6 |
,, Liquid (Small), per bot. | 1/0 |
,, Tooth Paste, per tube | 1/0 |
,,,,Powder, per tin | 1/0 |
Strong’s Arnica Tooth Soap, per tin | 0/8 |
Tartar Removers | each 0/7½ |
John Taylor’s Oxygen Tooth Powder. J.Taylor & Son Ltd Newark-on-Trent England JOHN TAYLOR’S OXYGEN TOOTH POWDER Supplied in boxes at 6d., 1/- and 2/- each |
The Dentifrice which gives off free Oxygen when using. |
Taylor’s Oxygen Tooth Powder, in tin 0/6, 0/10½, 1/8, 3/1 |
Taylor’s Halogen Tooth Paste, pr. tube | 0/10½ |
A Scientific Preparation. |
Terebene Tooth Powder, per pot | 0/8 |
per tin 1/9 |
Thompson and Capper’s Dentifrice, per bot. | 2/0, 4/6 |
Tooth Brushes— |
| A B C D |
The above patterns can be had in our two best quality brushes, Brompton or Imperial. When ordering quote name of brush and pattern letter, state if Hard, Medium, or Soft Bristles. |
The “Brompton” special wired brush, as patterns (assorted if desired), each, 0/10½ ... per doz.,
10/3 | The “Imperial” First Quality bristles, superior finish, as patterns, or assorted if desired, each, 0/8; per doz., | 7/9 |
Tooth Brushes, “Palate”— |
The “Carbine” | 0/8 |
The “Rifle” | 0/10 |
The “Maxim” | 1/3 |
The “Royal,” assorted patterns, a good family brush |
each, 0/6; per doz., 5/9 |
The “Popular,” assorted patterns, an English brush at popular prices |
each, 0/4; per doz., 3/10 |
Made according to the suggestion of Mr KEMPSTER, Surgeon Dentist. 5 Drayton Terrace The Borrows. S.W. THE “DENTASEPTIC” TOOTHBRUSH HARROD’S LTD |
The “Dentaseptic,” in card case containing a set of two brushes. Specially made to ensure both back and front of teeth being scientifically cleansed. Each brush contains 5 rows of bristles, and these are ? in. longer than ordinary. Specially recommended. |
Price complete | 2/6 |
Tooth Powder, per tin | 0/10½ |
As recommended and suggested by Mr. J. Kempster, Surgeon Dentist, 38 Montpelier Street, and 5 Drayton Terrace, S.W. |
Tusco, per flask | 1/6, 2/6 |
Vinolia Dentifrice— | | |
American, per bot. | 1/3, 3/9, 6/3 |
Carbolic, per tin | 0/4, 0/8 |
English, per bot. | 2/2, 6/3,11/3 |
Liquid Dentifrice, per bot. | 1/3 |
Premier, in tins, per tin | 0/4, 0/8 |
Tooth Paste, per tube | 0/5 |
,,Soap, per tin | 0/5 |
Violet Dentifrice, per box | 0/5 |
per bot, 1/3, 2/6, 5/0 |
Wood’s Areca Nut Tooth Paste, per pot, | 0/4½, 0/9 |
White’s Oraline Paste, per pot | 1/8 |
,,Rose Tooth Powder, per pot | 1/8 |
XL American Powder Dentifrice, Rose, Wintergreen, |
or Peppermint ... | per tin, 1/4; per bot. 2/8 |
XL American Liquid Dentifrice, per bot. | 2/6 |
Yardley’s Tooth Wash, per bot. | 1/11 |
Zanol Dentifrice, per bot. | 0/11½ |
Zepto Tooth Pencils (for removing tartar) | 0/7½ |
Almond Shaving Cream, | per pot 0/7½, 1/3 |
Archibald’s Oatmeal Cream, | per tube. 1/0 |
Atkinson’s Almond Meal, | per box 0/9, 1/2 |
,, Almond Shaving Cream, | per pot 1/2, 1/11 |
,, Aoline Toilet Cream, | per bot. 1/6 |
,, Cold Cream, | per pot 0/9, 1/2, 1/11 |
,, Eau de Toilette, | per bot. 2/3, 4/5, 8/9 |
,, Glycerine Cream, | per pot 0/9, 1/2, 1/11 |
,, Milk of Cucumber, | per bot. 2/8 |
,, Rose Toilet Powder, | per box 0/9, 1/2 |
,, Toilet Vinegar, | | per bot. ... 2/3 |
,, Violet Powder, | per pkt. 0/3½, 0/7 |
Barton’s Glycerine Cream, | per bot. 0/10½, 1/2, 1/10 |
(Renowned for its efficacy) |
Beautymac Skin Food, | per jar 2/3, 4/0 |
Bectham’s Glycerine and Cucumber, | 0/10½, 1/7, 2/3, 4/0 |
,,Lait Larola, | 0/6, 1/0, 1/9, 2/6 |
Benzoin and Cucumber, | per bot. 1/0, 1/9 |
Bridal Bouquet Bloom, | per bot. ... 2/0 |
Breidenbach’s Violet Powder, | per pkt. 0/2½ |
per box 0/8, 1/4 |
Buck’s Swedish Almond Cream, | per tube 0/11½, 1/5, 2/3 |
Bully’s Toilet Vinegar, | per bot. 1/4, 2/8, 5/2 |
Burger’s Suc de Camelia, | per bot. 3/10 |
Bourjois’ Java Powder, three shades, | per box 0/8½ |
,,Java Cream, | per pot 0/7½ |
,,Manon Lescant Powder, | per box 1/11 |
Butler’s Pomade Divine, | per bot.1/9 |
Calvert’s Carbolic Camphor Roll, | each 0/2½, 0/4 |
Camelline (Wakelee’s), Flesh or White, | per bot. 2/1 |
Cavendish Radium Face Cream, | per jar 2/3 |
,,Liquid Beautifier, | per bot.2/3 |
Cherry Blossom Powder, | per tin 0/5, 0/10 |
Clarkson’s Lillie Powder, | per box 1/1 |
Cleaver’s Juvenia Cream, | per tin 0/8 |
,,,,Powder, three shades | per box 0/8 |
“Ideal” Otto de Rose Cold Cream HARRODS Ltd LONDON S.W. | Cold Cream (Harrods) | per pot ... 0/4½, 0/8½ |
,,Atkinson’s, | per pot 0/9, 1/2, 1/11 |
,,Lanoline | per pot ... 1/3 |
,,“Ideal” Otto of Rose, 0/6, 1/0 |
,,Vaseline, | per pot 0/3½ 0/9 |
Colgate’s Violet Talc. Powder, per tin | 0/10 |
,,Cashmere Bouquet Talc. Powder, per tin | 0/10 |
CrÊme Altheine, pot | 2/2, 3/6 |
CrÊme Cricine | 2/0, 4/0 |
,, Cyclamen Romney, per bot. | 3/6 |
The perfect Toilet Cream. |
Cyclamen Romney Harrods London | CrÊme | Cyclax, | per pot 4/0 |
,, | Dalcy, | per jar 1/4, 2/3 |
,, | De Japon | per pot 2/0 |
,, | De Miracle, | per pot 1/11 |
,, | Floriene, | per pot 1/7 |
,, | Khala, per pot 1/0, 1/10, 3/0 |
,, | Magda, | per pot 2/3 |
CrÊme | Valaze, | ... | ... | per pot 4/6 |
,, | Yumluc, | ... | ... | per pot 3/6, 4/8 |
,, | Elcaya, | ... | ... | per pot 2/0 |
,, | Oskito, for Insect Bites, | per tube 0/6 |
,, | de la Reine, | ... | ... | per pot 1/6 |
,, | Simon, | ... | per pot 0/9½, 1/7, 2/5 |
| per tube 0/9½ |
Cricine Eye Cream, | per pot 2/0, 3/3 |
,,Powder, in three shades, Cream, White, and Pink | 2/0 |
Curello Ointment, | ... | ... | per pot 1/0, 2/3 |
,, for the Skin, | ... | ... | per pot 1/0, 2/6 |
Cyclamen Romney Face Powder, one shade only, per box 2/6 |
Doctor Dys’s Aesthetic Products— |
Sachets de Toilette Simples, (50) per box | 6/0 |
,,a l’Aubepine Rose, (50) per box | 12/0 |
,,de Jeunesse, (50) per box | 12/0 |
,,Concentres, (50) per box | 12/0 |
,,de Fraicheur, (50) per box | 16/0 |
,,de BeautÉ, (50) per box | 20/0 |
,,La Perle, (50) per box | 24/0 |
,,Pour le Tub (40) per box | 20/0 |
,,Pour le Bain | 4/0, 8/6 |
PÂte Supra, per jar | ... | 8/0 |
CrÊme Dysaline, per jar | ... | 2/0 |
,,de l’Infante, per jar | ... | 5/0 |
,,de BeautÉ, per jar | ... | 12/0 |
SÈve Dermale, sample bots. | ... | 8/0 |
pint bot. 25/0, quart bot. 40/0 |
RosÉe de BeautÉ, | per box. 20/0; pint 36/0 |
Lotion Supra, per bot. | ... | 12/0, 20/0 |
La PrintaniÈre | ... | 3/6, 5/0, 8/0 |
Poudre de BeautÉ, per box | ... | 16/0 |
Lotion RosÉe, sample | ... | 8/0, 16/0 |
Resorcin Skin Food, per pot, 2/6
Doctor Dys’s Aesthetic Products—contd. |
Soap | per cake 2/0, three 6/0 |
| pkgs. of four 6/6, twelve 17/0 |
,, superior quality | ... | ... | 5/0 |
Red Pencil | ... | ... | ... | 8/0 |
Bandelettes— |
6 double Bandelettes | ... | ... | ? | 40/0 |
1 SÈve Dermale | ... | ... | ? |
1 Dish | ... | ... | ? |
Sachets de Toilette | ... | ... | ? |
Other preparations to order specially procured from Paris. |
Dora Molles’ Shampoo Balm | 1/6 |
Dorin’s Preparations— |
Blanc de Perle (Liquid) | 0/9 |
Carmine, Violet Scented | 1/6 |
Crayon Pencils | 0/4½, 0/6½, 1/4½ |
Fard Indien Black | 1/3 |
,,,,Brown | 1/3 |
Grenadine for the Lips | 0/9 |
La Dorine | 0/8, 1/5 |
Mastic Indien | 0/10½ |
Raisin Rouge for Lips | 0/10½ |
Roseine Liquid | 1/5 |
Rouge de l’Indes | 1/5 |
Rouge de ThÉÂtre | 0/8½, 1/6 |
Vinegaire de Rouge | 1/0 |
Welda Pencils | 1/3 |
Emol Keleet Powder, per tin | 0/9 |
Emollientine (or Winter Fluid), per bot. | 0/4½, 0/8½, 1/3 |
Eno’s Solution of Roses, per bot. | 0/9½ |
Eucryl (Bath), per bot. | 1/6, 2/6 |
Euthymol Powder | 1/0 |
Evans’ Talcum Powder, per tin | 1/0 |
Eyebrow Pencils (Black and Brown), each | 0/4½ |
Fay’s CrÊme Imperatrice, three shades, per pot | 1/5 |
,,Poudre Veloutine, three shades per box | 1/11 |
Fuller’s Earth, per box | 0/3½, 0/7 |
,,,,Seymour’s, per bot. | 1/0, 1/9 |
GermandrÉe Powder, three shades, per box | 3/2 |
Giraud’s Cream Floriene, per jar | 1/9 |
GiroflÉe Toilet Powder, per box | 2/4 |
Gloves, India rubber (See Surgical Section) |
Glycerine and Honey Jelly (Glymiel), per tube | 0/4, 0/7½ |
per pot 0/4, 0/7½ |
Glycerine and Honey Jelly (Harrod), per tube | 0/3½, 0/6½ |
Godfrey’s Extract, per pot | 2/1 |
Gowland’s Lotion, per bot. | 1/11 |
Guerlain’s, Ladies in all Climates, Face Powder, per box | 5/0 |
Hagan’s Magnolia Balm, per bot. | 2/2 |
“Hazeline,” in bottles | 1/0, 3/0 |
,,Cream, in tubes | 0/6, 0/10 |
,,Cream, in pots | 0/11 |
,,Snow, in pots | 0/11 |
Hind’s Honey and Almond Cream, per bot. | 2/3 |
Houbigants’ Eau de Toilette, per bot. | 6/0, 11/0, 21/6 |
,, Poudre Dulcia, per box | 2/0 |
,,,,Ideal, per box | 8/0 |
,,,,Ophelia, per box | 2/6 |
,,,,Peau d’Espagne, per box | 4/0 |
,,,,Violet, per box | 2/0 |
Icilma Preparations— |
Amel Jelly, per tube | 1/1½ |
Antiseptic Water, per bot. | 0/6 |
Cold Cream, per pot | 1/0 |
Dry Skin Cream | 1/6 |
Face Powder, White Rose, Naturel and Rachel, per box | 4/0 |
Fluor Cream, in tubes | 1/0 |
,,,,in pots | 1/0, 1/9, 3/10, 8/7 |
,,,,flesh tinted | 1/6 |
Hair Powder ... per box | 1/6 |
Icilmine, in tubes | 1/3 |
,,in glass jars | 4/6 |
Icilrose, per bot. | | 2/6 |
Kohol, per bot. | 3/0 |
Natural Water, per bot. | 0/11, 1/9 |
Rosee Icilma, per bot. | 5/0, 9/0, 17/0 |
Selama Water, per bot. | 1/3 |
Shampoo Sachet | 1/0 |
Shaving Cream, per pot | 1/3 |
Vulcanite Sprays, each | 2/0, 2/6 |
Java Powder (Harrod), per box | 0/7½ |
Jeyes’ Lano Cyllin, per tube | 0/10 |
Khala Cream Skin Food ... per bot. | 1/10, 3/3 |
La Blache Face Powder, White, Pink, Flesh, Cream per box | 1/9 |
La Diaphane, per box | 1/7 |
La Dorine, per box | 0/8, 1/5 |
Lait Antiphelique, per bot. | 3/10 |
,,d’Iris (Piver, L. T.) per bot. | 1/9 |
Lakshmi, per bot. | 2/5 |
,,Cream, per pot | 2/5 |
“Lanoline” (“Dartring”) per tube, | 0/6, 0/10 |
,,Cold Cream, per pot | 1/3 |
Lanoline Specially prepared for The Toilet |
Lanoline (Harrod), per tube | 0/4½, 0/8½ |
CUCUMBER Lanoline Cream | Lanoline and Cucumber, as illustrated per bot. | 1/0, 1/9 |
Lehlia Cream, per pot | 0/11, 2/3 |
Leichner Fett Powder, three shades | 0/9½ |
Lentheric’s Cyclamen de la Vie Powder | 2/9 |
,,La Feria Powder | 2/9, 4/7 |
,,OrkidÉe Powder | 2/9, 4/7 |
,,Pourpre Tintoret | 1/10 |
,,Pourpre Tintoret, for the lips (liquid) | 2/9 |
,,RosÉe Orkilia (for the complexion) | 4/7 |
Lentheric’s Rubis Tintoret | 1/10 |
,,Tintoret Powder | 4/7 |
Lloyd’s Euxesis, per tube | 0/10½ |
(The Genuine, made by the Widow.) |
Lubin’s Eau de Toilette, per bot. | 2/9, 7/6, 13/9, 19/0 |
Lypsyl, per tube | 0/4½, 0/9 |
Mackenzie’s Face Lotion, per bot. | 2/11, 3/11 |
,,Zenaline, per bot. | 3/0 |
,,Wafers, per box | 3/3 |
Madam Helene’s Complexion Wash per bot. | 2/6, 4/6 |
Magda Toilet Cream, per pot | 2/3 |
Malloween Cream | 0/10½, 1/9 |
Marris’s Almond Tablets, per tin | 0/4½, 0/8½ |
Mason’s Cold Cream of Wool Fat and Cucumber per jar | 3/3 |
Mason’s Emulsion of Cucumbers (Thick or Thin) | 3/3 |
Massagers, each | | 2/0 |
Matthew’s Fuller’s Earth | 0/4, 0/7½ |
,,,,,,Cream, per tin | 0/3½ |
Mayzone Cream per pot. | 1/6 |
Mennen’s Talcum Powder, per box | 1/0 |
Milk of Cucumber, per bot. | 0/8½, 1/2, 2/3 |
Moskola Cream, per pot | 0/11½, 1/5, 2/3, 5/6 |
Murray and Lanman’s Florida Water | 0/10, 1/8, 2/8 |
Mum per pot... | ... | 1/0 |
Oatine Preparations— |
John Taylors Oxygen Talcum Powder Borated & Perfumed John Taylor the midland chemical industry Newark-on-Trent England |
Cream ... | ... | 1/1½, 2/3 |
,,1-lb. tin | ... | 5/0 |
Bust Developer | ... | 4/6 |
Depilatory Powder | ... | 4/6 |
Talcum Powder | ... | 1/1½ |
Balm, in tubes | ... | 1/1½ |
,,bots. | ... | 1/1½, 2/3 |
Oxygen Talcum Powder, scented, for baby and general toilet use, harmless to use | per tin 0/10 |
Papier Poudre, per book | ... | 0/6, 1/0 |
,,,,Poppoea Rouge Pads | ... | 0/6, 1/0 |
,,,,,,,,Pad and Mirror | ... | 1/6 |
Pasma Powder, per pkt | ... | 0/10½ |
per bot. 2/3 |
Pasta Mack, for the Bath, per box | ... | 1/10 |
PÂte Amygdaline, per pot | ... | 1/3, 2/3 |
,, Agnel, per pot | ... | 1/6 |
Pears’ Blanc de Perle, per pot | ... | 1/0 |
,,Fuller’s Earth | ... | 0/4, 0/7½ |
,,Violet Powder | ... | 0/4, 0/7½ |
,,Milk of Roses, per bot. | ... | 0/8 |
Petal Dust, per packet | ... | 0/2, 0/4 |
Piesse and Lubin’s Prepared Oatmeal | ... | 0/9 |
,,Hungary Water, per bot. | ... | 2/2, 3/5 |
,,Pistachio Nut Powder, per box | ... | 1/11 |
Pierre, Dr., Eau de Toilette, per bot. | ... | 1/10, 3/6 |
Perla’s Preparations— |
Cleansing Lotion | ... | 2/9, 5/0 |
CrÊme d’Ispahan per pot | ... | 3/3 |
Perla’s CrÊme Marie Antoinette The Perla Toilet Cº LONDON PARIS and NEW YORK | CrÊme Marie Antoinette | 2/3, 4/2 |
Crystal Lotion | 2/3, 4/2 |
Depilatory | 1/4 |
Eau de Neige (3 shades) | 2/3, 4/3 |
Florentine Lip Salve | 1/4 |
Iceland Powder per box | 2/3 |
Perla’s Lait de BeautÉ an unequalled skin tonic HARRODS ltd london | Lait de BeautÉ | 2/9, 5/0 |
(Made from an old French Recipe.) |
Magirettes | 4/6 |
Midgite | 1/6 |
Milk Baths | 0/11 |
Olivettes | 4/6 |
Olivine, per bot. | 2/3 |
Orange Blossom Powder | 2/3 |
PÂte d’Ivoire | 2/6 |
Perline | | 2/6 |
Pomade Panne | 2/6 |
Poudre de BeautÉ, per box | 2/6 |
Poudre Suzanne | 2/3 |
Roman Powder | 2/6, 4/6 |
Rouge Liquid (face) | 2/3, 4/2 |
,,,,(for the lips) | 2/3 |
Spikenhard | per bot. 2/6 |
Pomeroy’s Preparations— |
Astringent Tonic Lotion | ... | 4/6 |
Eau Pomeroy | ... | 2/0, 3/6 |
Eyelash Cream, per pot | ... | 1/6 |
Eye Lotion | ... | 2/6 |
Face Powder, per box | ... | 1/6, 2/6 |
Liline, per bot. | ... | 1/6 |
Lip Salve | ... | 1/0 |
Liquid Powder, per bot. | ... | 2/0, 3/6 |
Liquid Rouge | ... | 2/6 |
Prepared Oatmeal, per box | ... | 1/0, 2/0 |
Safada, per bot. | ... | 1/6 |
Shampoo, Dry | ... | 1/6 |
Bellows for same | ... | 1/0 |
Shampoo Powders, per box | ... | 1/0 |
Skin Food, per pot | ... | 1/6, 3/6, 5/0 |
Soap, per tablet | ... | 1/0 |
Sprays | ... | 3/6 |
Tonic Lotion, per bot. | ... | 4/6 |
Tooth Paste | ... | 1/6 |
(Other preparations obtained.) |
Pompeian Massage Cream, per jar | ... | 1/9 |
Pond’s Antiseptic Cream, per pot | ... | 2/1 |
,,Talcum Powder | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Toilet Cream, per pot | ... | 2/1½ |
,,Vanishing Cream, pot or tube | ... | 0/11 |
Powders for the Complexion. |
Bourjois’ Java, per box | ... | 0/8½ |
,,Manon Lescant, per box | ... | 1/11 |
Cimolite (three colours), per pkt. | ... | 0/9 |
per bot. 2/6 |
Courvoisier’s Viotto Face Powder, | per box 1/6 |
Coty’s Rose Jacqueminot, per box | ... | 12/6 |
Diaphne, per bot. | ... | 1/7 |
PÂte Amygdaline for the Complexion,
per pot, 1/3, 2/3.
Dorine, La, per box | 1/5 |
,,de Poche, per box | 0/8 |
Fay’s Veloutine, per box | 1/11 |
GiroflÉe (Harrod), per box 2/4 | Poudre de Riz Royale GiroflÉe Harrods Ltd london |
(Powder of the finest quality, highly recommended, in White, Cream, Pink Shades.) |
Germandree, per box | 3/2 |
Houbigant’s Dulcia, per box | 2/0 |
,,Fougere Royal, per box | 3/0 |
,,Ideal, per box | 8/0 |
,,Ophelia, per box | 2/6 |
,,Peau d’Espagne, per box | 4/0 |
Lablachi Face Powder, in White, Pink, Flesh, Cream, per box 1/9 |
Ladies’ in all Climates, per box | 5/0 |
Lait AntÉphÉlique, per bot. | 3/10 |
Leichner’s Fett Powder, per box | 0/9½ |
Lillie Powder, per box | 1/1 |
Oatine Powder, per box | 1/4 |
Picard’s Poudre d’Amour, per box | 0/9 |
Piesse and Lutin’s— |
Florimel of Palm, per jar | 2/8 |
Boronia Powder, per box | 1/1 |
Pistachio Nut Powder, per box | 1/11 |
Bath Herb Crystals, per box | 1/4 |
Piver’s Azurea | 2/6 |
,,Rosiris | 2/6 |
,,Safranor | 2/6 |
,,TrÉfle Incarnat | 2/6 |
Regalia Face Powder, per box 1/4 | Regalia Powder for the TOILET and COMPLEXION REGALIA TOILET Cº LONDON PARIS |
This powder is composed on scientific principles, being absorbent and antiseptic, and perfectly harmless to the most delicate skins. |
Rimmel’s BeautÉ, per box | 1/6 |
,,Rose Leaf Powder, per box | 0/8 |
,,Velvetine, per box | 1/0 |
Royal Vinolia Toilet Series. |
Royal | Vinolia | Soap, 0/4½ Tablet, in Box 3 for | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | Shaving Soap Stick | 0/9 |
,, | ,, | Shaving Powder (Soap) | 0/10 |
,, | ,, | Talcum Powder | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | Complexion Powder | 1/9 |
,, | ,, | Cream per tin | 0/11, 1/7 |
,, | ,, | Vegetable Hair Wash | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | Tooth Paste | 0/6, 0/10½ |
,, | ,, | Tooth Powder | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | Fluid Dentifrice | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | Vanishing Cream | 0/10½ |
,, | ,, | Solidified Brilliantine | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | Perfume | 2/0, 3/6 |
,, | ,, | Sachet | 1/0 |
(The above Goods obtained to Order.) |
Roger and Gallet’s— |
Anthea, per box | 1/8 |
Lilas Blanc, per box | 2/9 |
Peau d’Espagne, per box | 2/9 |
Vera Violetta, per box | 2/9 |
Violette de Parme, per box | 1/3 |
Simon, per box | 1/5 |
Taylor’s Cimolite Face Powder | 0/9, 2/6 |
Tetlow’s Swansdown, per box | 0/4½ |
Vinolia, per box | 0/10, 1/6, 3/0 |
(In three shades.) |
Violet’s Ambre Royal, per box | 3/6 |
,,Extra Violette, per box | 2/10 |
Poudre De Riz Violet De Parme | Violette de Parme, three colours, White, Pink and Cream, per box 1/3, 2/0 (Harrod) |
Violette de Printemps Face Powder (Harrod) White, Pink, Cream per box, 1/9 | Poudre De Riz Violettes Paintemps Harrods Ltd london |
This is a powder of superior quality, and can be used for delicate skins with impunity. |
Psycheia Cream, per tin 2/10 |
Regalia Cream (for whitening the skin) per bot. 1/4 |
| Regalia Shaving Cream, per pot 1/4 |
Regalia Face Powder per box, 1/4 |
In three colours, White, Pink and Cream. Suitable for the most delicate and sensitive skins. |
Resorcin Skin Food, per pot | 2/6 |
Rimmel’s Oatmeal, Violet scented, | 0/4, 0/8, 1/4, 2/6 |
,,Ozonizer, each | 0/9 |
,,Toilet Vinegar, per bot. | 0/9, 1/8, 3/0 |
Roger and Gallet’s— |
Eau de Toilette À la Violette de Parme, per bot. 2/11, 4/11 |
Eyebrow Pencils, each | 0/4½, 0/6½ |
Lip Salve | 0/4½, 0/6½, 0/7½ |
Rouge, per box | 0/3½, 0/6 |
Rose Water (Varaldi), per bot. | 0/9 |
Rowland’s Kalydor, per bot. | 1/10½, 3/5 |
Royal Toilet Co.’s— |
PÂte Amygdaline, per pot | 1/3, 2/3 |
(A perfect Face Cream.) |
Ruppert’s Egyptian Balm, per pot | 4/6 |
,, Face Bleach, per bot. | 3/6 |
St. Poelten’s Lotion, per bot. | 2/3 |
Sanitas Toilet Fluid, per bot. | 0/11½, 2/4½ |
Sapo (Liquid Soap), per bot. | 1/0, 1/9 |
Saunders’s Bloom of Roses, per bot. | 0/9 |
Saunders’s Face Powder, per pkt. | 0/8, 2/0 |
Orders by post are promptly and accurately executed. |
Seymour’s Fuller’s Earth, |
per bot. 1/0, 1/9 |
Telephone: WESTERN ONE (80 Lines). Day and Night. |
Toilet Vinegar, per bot.,
0/7, 1/0, 1/10
White rose
Vaseline Camphor Ice, per tin | 0/3½ |
,,Cold Cream, per pot | 0/3½, 0/9 |
Vinolia Cream, in tins, | 0/11, 1/7, 3/2, 5/5 |
,,Fuller’s Earth, per box | 0/4 |
,,“Lait Vinolia,” per bot. | 0/7½ |
,,Lypsyl (for the lips) | 0/4½, 0/9 |
,,Powder, three shades, White, Pink, and Cream, | 0/10, 1/6, 3/0, |
,,Violet Powder, per tin | 0/4, 0/7½ |
Violet Powder, Atkinson’s, per pkt. | 0/3½, 0/7 |
,,,,Breidenbach’s | 0/2½ |
,,,,per box | 0/2½, 0/5½ |
,,,,(perfumed delicately), per box | 0/6 |
Violette de Parme Face Powder, per box | 1/3, 2/0 |
An absolutely harmless powder in three colours, White, Cream, and Pink. |
Violet’s Tsarini Cream, per pot | 1/7 |
Wheeler’s Glycerine Jelly, per pot | 0/3½, 0/7½ |
Winter Fluid, per bot. | 0/4½, 0/8½, 1/3 |
“Winter’s (John Strange)” Preparations— |
CrÊme Marquise, in tubes | 0/11 |
in pots 2/5 |
Lakshmi, per bot. | 2/5, 6/0 |
,,Cream, per pot | 2/5 |
Norwegian Cream, per pot | 2/5 |
Poudre Marquise, per box | 2/5 |
This preparation may be obtained in five tints. |
Temple Cream, per pot | 2/5 |
Woolley’s Sanitary Rose Powder. In five colours, viz.: Cream, Rose, White, Naturelle, Rose-Rachel, |
in pkts. 1/0, 1/9, 3/0 |
bottles 5/0 |
Harrods stock only the purest and best articles in this section, so that customers may make selections with every confidence, and in the certain knowledge that they are buying reliable goods.
Violette Ideal, 2/0 4/0 8/0 16/0 32/0.
Bath Powder, in pkts., Violet, Rose, Verbena, per pkt. | 1/0 |
Bath Puff Bowls, latest designs, pulp ware, light and unbreakable, three sizes ... | 2/6, 3/9, 4/6 |
Puffs, extra ... | 1/6, 3/0, 3/9, 4/6 |
per tin 6/6, 12/6, 17/6, 42/0 |
Bath Salt, per bot. | 1/3, 2/3 4/3 |
per tin 6/6, 12/6, 17/6 42/0 |
These Bath Salts are made of the finest materials only, and have attained great popularity. May be obtained in the following odours: Cologne, Lavender, Regalia, Violet, Rose, Verbena. |
Bath Powder, “Ideal Violet,” | per box 2/0, 4/0, 8/0, 16/0, 32/0 |
A bath powder that can be used for the most sensitive skins, and in addition promotes a clean and healthy complexion. |
Bath Powder, Violet Scented Empress 1/3 and 2/0 | VIOLET Empress BATH POWDER A WATER SOFTENER AND EXILLARANT J. TAYLOR & SON Ltd |
THE “Omnium” | Bath Powder, Omnium unscented, 0/6½ and 0/10½ |
Most suitable for hard water. |
Bathodora (Crown Perfumery Co), per box 2/6 |
May be had in the following odours: |
Crab Apple Blossom, Lavender, and Violet. |
Eau de Cologne— |
Genuine, glass bottles, | per bot. 2/2, 4/4 |
,,wicker bottles, | per bot. 3/3, 6/6, 13/0 |
Elogins Platz, per bot. | 1/10½, 3/6 |
per case of 6 bots. 10/6 |
½ pint, reputed 2/9 |
1 pint, reputed 5/6 |
1 quart, reputed 10/0 |
Luce’s, per bot. | 0/11½, 1/11, 3/9 |
Madonna, per bot. | 1/9, 2/10, 5/4, 9/9 |
No. 1, per bot. | 1/10½, 3/8, 8/6, 15/9 |
No. 4, per bot. | 2/0, 4/0, 6/0, 12/0 |
No. 4711 | 2/0, 3/3, 6/3, 12/6 |
Superior, per bot. | 1/5½, 2/11, 6/9, 13/0 |
Eau de Toilette— |
Eau Houbigant | 6/0, 11/0, 21/6 |
Venus, per bot. | 2/3, 4/0, 7/9 |
Verbena, per bot. | 2/3, 4/0, 7/9 |
Violet, per bot. | 2/3, 4/0, 7/9 |
Pinaud’s Violette, per bot. | 3/0 |
Roger and Gallet Anthea, per bot. | 2/11 |
,,,,Violette de Parme, | per bot. 2/11, 4/11 |
Eau Lubin, per bot. | 2/9, 7/6, 13/9, 19/0 |
Kananga Water, per bot. | 2/8 |
King’s Ammonia, per bot. | 0/7½, 0/9, 1/3, 2/0 |
per gal. 7/6 |
A little added to the bath makes it refreshing and cleansing. |
King’s Ammonia, Lavender Scented, | per bot. 0/9½, 0/11, 1/5 |
Kio Bath Tablets, per box | 1/6 |
Lavender Water (Old English) per bot. | 1/7½, 3/0, 5/9, 11/6 |
Lavender Water, fine quality, per bot. | 0/8½, 1/1½, 2/0, 3/9, 8/6 |
Pasta Mack, per box | 1/10 |
Powder for use after the bath, with Puff, per box 2/5 |
Sachets— |
Pour le Bain (Dr. Dys), each | 4/0, 8/0 |
,,Tub (40),,each | 20/0 |
Savopad | each 0/7, doz. 6/6 |
,,small size | ,,0/4½,,,4/3 |
Sea Salt (Dr. Russell’s), per box | 0/10½ |
Tidman’s Sea Salt, per box | 0/9½ |
Toilet Vinegar, per bot. | 0/7, 1/0, 1/10 |
,,Bully’s, | 1/4, 2/8, 5/2 |
,,Rimmel’s | 0/9, 1/8, 3/0 |
Turkish Bath Essence, per bot. | 2/3, 4/0, 7/9 |
Violene Water Softener, per tin | 0/5, 0/10, 1/10 |
Violet Oatmeal, per box | 0/4, 0/8, 1/4 |
Violette IdÉal Bath Tablets, per box | 1/8 |
We hold a large and varied stock of Bath Soaps, price lists of which see Soap Section. |
Large selection of Sponges of the highest quality. These have been specially selected, and an inspection is solicited. |
Allen’s Hair Restorer, per bot. | 4/0 |
,,Zylo Balsamum, per bot. | 2/6 |
Atkinson’s (J. and E.) Preparations— |
Bear’s Grease, per pot. | 1/9, 2/8, 3/6 |
Brilliantine (White Rose), per bot. | 2/3, 3/6 |
Cosmetics, all colours, per stick | 0/9 |
Extract of Rosemary, per bot. | 2/3 |
Eonia Hair Lotions— |
Violette, per bot. | 4/5 |
Jasmin | 4/5 |
Californian Poppy, per bot. | 4/0 |
Quinine Hair Lotion, per bot. | 2/8 |
Violet Oil | 1/6, 2/8 |
Barry’s Tricopherus, per bot. | 2/1 |
Bates’s Frizzeta, per bot. | 1/3 |
Bay Rhum, per bot. | 1/2, 2/2, 4/0 |
,,White, per bot. | 1/6, 2/9, 4/9 |
Bear’s Grease, per pot | 0/8, 1/3 |
Boloroso’s Birch Balsam, per bot. 1/10 | Dr Boloroso’s BEAUTIFUL Birch Balsam Antiseptic & Detergent Hair Wash Produces Hair Prevents Scurf & the Hair falling off. The Dr Boloroso Cº |
Makes Hair Grow |
An Antiseptic Detergent Hair Wash. |
Prevents Hair falling off. |
Brilliantine, per bot. | 0/8½, 1/2, 3/0 |
,,(Superior) per bot. | 0/10½, 1/9 |
Brilliantines, in 3 perfumes, Jasmin, Violette, White Rose 1/9, 2/10, 5/0 |
Cantharidine Hair Wash, per bot. | 1/9, 3/3, 6/0 | Cantharidine Hair Tonic Harrods Limited london |
Recommended by the medical profession. |
Cantharidine Pomade, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Crystalline Pomade, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Capsuloids, per box | 2/3 |
Captol Hair Wash, per bot. | 2/3, 3/10 |
Castor Oil Pomade | 0/4½,0/8 |
Chapman’s Colorina, per bot. | 1/9 |
This dye can be obtained in eleven shades for instantaneously dyeing of the Hair. |
Cleaver’s Rosemary and Cantharidine Hair Wash, | per bot. 0/8½ |
,,Terebene Hair Wash, per bot. | 0/8½ |
Coke’s Dandruff Cure, per bot. | 2/3, 4/0 |
Courdray’s Brilliantine (Kosmo) per pot | 1/0 |
,,Bandoline, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Cricine Hair Grower | 3/3 |
,, Hair Curling Fluid | 3/3 |
Curello for the Hair, per bot. | 0/10½, 2/3 |
Danderine, per bot. | 1/0, 2/0 |
Douglas’s Emollient Hair Wash | 1/9 |
,,Extract Flowers and Honey per bot. | 3/0, 4/5, 8/0 |
,,Hair Lotion, per bot. | 2/8, 8/0 |
,,Lime Cream, per pot | 1/8½ |
,,Rosemary Tonic, per bot. | 3/5 |
,,Skin Lotion, per bot. | 2/8 |
,,Tincture, per bot. | 3/5 |
Dr. Locock’s Hair Lotion, per bot. | 1/0, 1/9 |
,,Toilet Paraffin, per bot. | 0/10½, 1/6 |
,,Scurf Pomade, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Eau de Quinine, per bot. | 1/7, 3/0 |
SallÊs Hair Restorer in case of 2 bottles complete | 5/0 |
Edwards’ Cremex Shampoo, per box | 0/10 |
Egg Julep (liquid or concentrated), | 1/3, 2/3 |
Erasmus Wilson Hair Wash— |
Non-oily | 2/0, 3/6 |
Oily | 1/9, 3/0 |
This is a hair wash which has been attended with exceptional success. |
Essence of Flowers and Honey, per bot. | 2/9, 4/9 |
Fowler’s Bay Rhum | 1/2, 1/8 |
Fox’s Life for the Hair | 3/8 |
Golden Hair Wash, per bot. | 1/6, 2/9 |
Hahn’s Petrol, per bot. | 3/1 |
Hair Restorer, per bot. | 2/6 |
Harlene, Edwards’, per bot. | 0/10, 2/1, 3/9 |
Sapo, the Ideal Liquid Soap, per bot. 1/0 and 1/9.
Lotion VÉgetale HARRODS Ltd london | Harriett Meta’s Hair Tonic | 2/11 |
,,,,Lavona de Composee | 1/6 |
Harrods’ Lotion VÉgetale Tonic Dressing for the Hair | 2/9, 5/0 |
(In Jasmin, Portugal, Violette, with Patent Sprinkler below Stopper.) |
Hopgood’s Cream, per bot. | 1/2, 1/9, 2/9, 3/9 |
,,Astringent Lotion, per bot. | 2/6 |
Horn’s Acesma, per bot. | 2/0, 4/0 |
,,Germania Hair Wash, per bot. | 2/0, 4/0 |
,,Scurf Cream, per pot | 1/10 |
,,Skin Food, per pot | 2/0 |
Icilma Hair Lotion, per bot. | 1/0, 2/3 |
,,Dry Shampoo, per box | 1/6 |
,,Shampoo Powders, per box | 1/0 |
James’s Depilatory, per box | 0/8 |
,,Herbal Pomade, per box | 0/8 |
Javol for the Hair, per bot. | 3/0 |
Kapukka Hair Wash, per bot. | 2/6, 4/3 |
Karmi Hair Remover, per case | 4/6 |
Koko Hair Wash, per bot. | 0/11, 2/1, 3/9 |
Lanoline Pomade, per bot. | 1/3 |
Lasson’s Hair Elixir, per bot. | 4/2 |
Lentheric’s— |
Brilliantine La Feria | 2/0 |
,,OrkidÉe | 3/0 |
,,Violette OrkidÉe | 2/0 |
Eau du Waver | 3/8, 5/6 |
Lotion La Feria | 2/9, 4/7 |
,,OrkidÉe | 2/9, 4/7 |
Lime Juice and Glycerine | 0/4½, 0/8, 1/3 |
Lockyer’s Hair Restorer, per bot. | 1/2 |
Ludine, per bot. | 2/10, 4/11 |
Marrow Pomade, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Mason Jaborandi Hair Wash, per bot. | 3/3 |
,,Petroleum Pomade, per bot. | 1/5 |
Mayzone The Perfect Hair Restorer “Mayzone” Rock Ferry | Fine Selection of Sprays and Cut Glass Bottles at moderate prices. |
Mayzone Hair Restorer, per bot. 2/6, 4/3 |
Oily or Non-oily. |
Melrose Hair Restorer, per bot. | 2/0, 3/0 |
Mexican Hair Restorer, per bot. | 2/2 |
Miracle, de, Hair Remover, per bot. | 4/3, 8/3 |
,, Cream, per bot. | 0/11 |
Nuda Veritas, per bot. | 6/0 |
Oatine Hair Food, per bot. | 4/1 |
,,Depilatory | 4/6 |
Oils, Jasmin (Perfumed), per bot. | 1/6, 2/6, 4/6 |
,,Rose (Perfumed), per bot. | 1/6, 2/6, 4/6 |
,,Violet (Perfumed), per bot. | 1/6, 2/6, 4/6 |
Oldridge’s Balm of Columbia, per bot. | 2/3, 4/0 |
Oleum DeelinÆ, per bot. | 0/10½ |
Orloff’s Hair Tonic, per bot. | 1/3, 2/3, 4/3 |
Paraffin for the Hair, Dr. Locock’s, | 0/10½, 1/6 |
Paraphin Hair Wash (Evan Williams), per bot. | 1/4½, 2/8, 3/8 |
Parker’s Astringent Lotion, per pot | 3/11 |
,,Bark Lotion, No. 1 & 2, per bot. | 3/11 |
,,Cinchona Pomade, per pot | 2/10 |
,,Verveine, per pot | 2/10 |
,,Queen Louise Emollient Lotion, per bot. | 3/11 |
,,Quin. Julep, No. 1 & 2, per bot. | 3/11 |
,,Special Lotion, No. 1 & 2, per bot. | 3/11 |
Perla’s Cleansing Lotion | 2/9, 5/0 |
,,Depilatory | 1/4 |
,,Kanthos, per bot. | 2/9, 5/0 |
,,Olivine, per bot. | 2/3 |
,,Surme, per bot. | 2/3 |
Madame Orloff’s Petroleum Hair Tonic |
Petroleum Hair Tonic (Madame Orloff’s), for promoting a luxurious and lasting growth of the Hair, per bot. |
1/3, 2/3, 4/3 |
Pinaud’s Preparations— |
Bandoline, per bot. | 0/3½, 0/6 |
Brilliantines, Mousselline, per bot. | 1/1, 1/5 |
,,Portugal, per bot. | 1/1, 1/5 |
,,Rose, per bot. | 1/1, 1/5 |
,,Violette, per bot. | 1/1, 1/5 |
Cosmetiques, Blanc, per stick | 0/4½, 0/6½ |
,,Blond, per stick | 0/4½, 0/6½ |
,,Brun, per stick | 0/4½, 0/6½ |
,,Chatain, per stick | 0/4½, 0/6½ |
Eau de Portugal, per bot. | 1/10, 3/6 |
Eau de Quinine, per bot. | 1/10, 3/6 |
Eau de VÉgetal Lilas de France, per bot. | 3/0 |
Eau de VÉgetal Violette de Bois, per bot. | 3/0 |
Pommade Hongroise— |
,, Blanc, per pot | 0/6, 1/0 |
,, Blond, per pot | 0/6, 1/0 |
,, Brun, per pot | 0/6, 1/0 |
,, Chatain, per pot | 0/6, 1/0 |
,, above colours in tubes, | 0/4½, 0/8½ |
Radium Hair Food 1/10½, 3/6, 7/6, 21/0 |
Do. Brilliantine, per bot. | 1/10½ |
Robare’s Aureoline, per bot. | 3/2, 6/3 |
Roger’s Nursery Hair Wash, per bot. | 0/10 |
Roger and Gallet’s— |
Brilliantines, Superfine (assorted odours), per bot. 0/10 |
Do. Vera Rose, etc., per bot. | 2/6 |
Do. Violette de Parme, per bot. | 1/6 |
Cosmetiques— |
Assorted odours, each | 1/0 |
Violette de Parme, each | 1/3 |
Eau Philothrix, per bot. | 5/3 |
Rosemary and Cantharidine, per bot. | 0/8, 1/2 |
Ross’s Depilatory, per bot. | 2/6 |
Rossetter Hair Restorer, per bot. | 2/2 |
Rowland’s Macassar Oil, |
Golden | 2/1½, 4/1½, 7/0 |
Red | 2/1½, 4/1½, 7/0 |
Rus Dandruff Cure, per bot. | 2/3, 4/3 |
Sapo (a refined liquid soap for washing the hair), per bot. 1/0, 1/9 |
Saunders’ Hair Dye (Guards) per bot. | 2/9 |
Seabald’s Hair Growing Tincture, per bot. | 3/0, 6/0 |
Seegers’ Hair Dye (five colours), |
Brown, Black, Light Brown, Dark Brown and Blond, per bot. 1/4 |
Shampoo Powders, per box of eight | 0/10½ |
,,,,Le Junes, Rosemary and Camphor, per box 0/10½ |
Sulphur Hair Restorer | 1/0, 2/6 |
Toilet Paraffin, per bot. | 0/10½, 1/6 |
Truefitt, Astringent Tonic Lotion per bot. | 4/0 |
,,Brilliantine, per bot. | 2/0, 2/11, 4/0, 8/6 |
,,Caroma | 2/11 |
,,Egg Julep, per bot. | 1/6, 3/0 |
,,,,(concentrated) per pot | 1/10, 3/9 |
,,Euchrisma, per bot. | 2/11, 4/0, 8/6, 16/11 |
,,Floral Extract, per bot. | 4/0, 8/6 |
,,Huileme | 2/0, 2/11, 4/0 |
,,Melleflora, per bot. | 2/3, 4/6, 9/3 |
,,Quinine and Arnica Hair Wash, per bot. | 2/11, 4/0, 8/6 |
,,Stimulating Lotion, per bot. | 4/0 |
,,Violet Oil, per bot. | 2/8, 4/6 |
Pomades for the Hair.— | Pomade Cantharidine |
These are a series of Pomades of the best manufacture. |
Cantharidine, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Castor Oil, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Crystalline, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Marrow, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Nutritive, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Dr. Locock’s, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Quinine, per pot | 0/5, 0/9 |
Valentine Walnut Stain, per bot. | 0/11 |
Vaseline Hair Tonic, per bot. | 0/10½, 1/8 |
,,Oil, Perfumed, per bot. | 0/8 |
,,Pomade, per bot. | 0/2½, 0/4 |
,,White Perfumed, per bot. | 0/8, 1/2 |
Vinolia, Brilliantine, per bot. | 1/3 |
,,Hair Wash, Dry, per bot. | 0/10 |
,,,,,,Moist, per bot. | 0/10 |
,,Pomade, in Opal jar, | 0/10, 1/8 |
Warnol, per bot. | 1/0, 2/6 |
Wilson’s, Erasmus, Hair Wash— |
Non-oily, per bot | 2/0, 3/6 |
Oily, per bot. | 1/9, 3/0 |
Winter’s Botanical Extract, per bot. | 2/8 |
,,Quinine Balsam, per pot. | 1/11 |
,,(John Strange) Preps.— |
Amberine, per bot. | 3/3 |
Hair Food, per bot. | 2/5 |
Karmalak, per bot. | 2/5 |
Temple Cream, per bot. | 2/5 |
Zoeila (for keeping the hair in curl), per bot. | 0/10, 1/8 |
Wright’s Shampoo Powders, per box | 0/11 |
Harrods’ Quarterly Drug List posted free to applicants.
Harrods’ Sulphur Hair Restorer, 2s. 6d. per bottle.
Allen Brown’s. |
Violet Soap, per box of 3 tablets | 2/6 |
Allen & Hanbury’s Soaps. |
Baby, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4 |
Basic,,,3,, | 1/5 |
Boracic,,,3,, | 1/5 |
Borax and Camphor Soap (Dodd) per box of 3 tablets | 1/0 |
Glycerine and Cucumber per box of 3 tablets | 0/9 |
Kamfolia per box of 3 tablets | 1/0 |
Medical (assorted) per box of 3 tablets | 1/5 |
Super-fatted Cream Skin, per box of 3 tablets | 0/9 |
Antexema Co. |
Antexema, per box of 3 tablets | 1/6 |
Amiral Soap Co. |
“Amiral,” for reducing excessive fat and preventing obesity, per box of tablets | 6/9 |
Atkinson’s. |
Bath Soaps in Lavender, Violet, Oatmeal, Verbena and Eau de Cologne |
per box of 3 tablets 1/10½ |
Brown Windsor, per packet of 6 tablets | 1/7 |
,,,,box of 3 tablets | 1/2 |
,,,,,,large tablets | 2/3 |
,,,,,,6 tablets | 1/6 |
Californian Poppy, per box of 3 tablets | 3/3 |
Eau de Cologne, per box of 3 tablets | 1/6 |
,,,,,,6,, | 3/0 |
,,,,Visitors, 6 tablets | 1/9 |
Heliotrope Blanc,, 3,, | 3/0 |
Honey, per box of 3 tablets | 1/2 |
,,large tablets | 2/3 |
,,Visitors, 6 tablets | 1/6 |
Jasmin,,, 3,, | 5/8 |
Jockey Club, per box of 3 tablets | 5/8 |
Peau d’Espagne, per box of 3 tablets | 3/0 |
,,,,3,,best | 5/8 |
Phlox Eonia, per box | 3/6 |
Poinsetta, per tablet | 1/0 |
Rose, per box of 3 tablets | 1/0 |
,,,,6,, | 1/9 |
Verbena, per box of 3 tablets | 2/6 |
,,Visitors, per box of 6 tablets | 2/5 |
Violet, per 3 tablets | 1/0 |
,,Visitors, per 6 tablets | 1/9 |
Violette de Parme, per box of 3 tablets | 3/0 |
White Rose, per box of 3 tablets | 3/0 |
Bayley’s. |
Spermaceti, per box of 3 tablets | 4/0 |
,,Cold Cream | 3/3 |
Ess. Bouquet, per box of 3 tablets | 4/0 |
Bellis. |
Turtle Oil, per box of 3 tablets | 7/6 |
,,Shaving Stick, each | 2/6 |
Bell, John, & Co. |
Cimolia, per box of 3 tablets | 1/9 |
Lotil Soap, per box | 1/4½ |
,,Shaving Soap Stick | 0/10½ |
Beta Naphthol. |
Per box of 3 tablets | 2/10 |
Beetham’s |
Larola, per box of 3 tablets | 1/6 |
Boehm’s |
Assorted Scents, per box of 3 tablets | 1/2 |
Au Violette de Nice, per box of 3 tablets | 1/2 |
Buttermilk | 1/9 |
Chinese Floating, per packet of 3 tablets | 0/2 |
Heliotrope, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4 |
Lavender, per box of 3 tablets | 1/1 |
Lilas, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4 |
Moss Rose, per box of 12 tablets | 1/9 |
New Mown Hay, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4 |
Peau d’Espagne, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4 |
Pumice Stone,,,,,, | 0/4½ |
Transparent, Glycerine, first quality, |
per box of 3 tablets, 0/11, 1/10; per bar 0/10 |
Violet, per box of 3 tablets | 1/1 |
,,extra scented, per box of 3 tablets | 2/3 |
Violette de Parme, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4 |
Visitors,,,, 6,, | 0/5 |
Burjois. |
Manon Lescant | per box 5/3 |
Violette RevÉe | ,,5/3 |
Breidenbach (F.) |
Wood Violet, per box of 3 tablets | 2/3 |
Iodoris,,,, | 3/3 |
Bronnley & Co.’s |
Malloween Soap, per box of 3 tablets | 0/11½ |
Mitcham Lavender ,,,, | 1/6 |
Burroughs Wellcome & Co. |
Ichthyol, per large tablet | 0/6½ |
Lanoline (Dartring Brand), per box of 3 tablets | 1/3 |
Carmichael’s. |
Amberlave Fluid, per bottle | 1/6 |
,,,,,, | 1/0 |
Milk Soap, tablet | 0/6 |
Mimosa San, per box of 3 tablets | 5/9 |
Calvert’s. |
Carbolic, No. 5, per tablet | 0/8 |
Carbolic Toilet, per box of 3 tablets | 1/0 |
,,Medical, per tablet | 0/8 |
Pumice, per box | 1/2 |
Tooth Soap, per stick | 0/4 0/8 |
,,,,tablet | 0/4 0/8 |
Chesebrough Manufacturing Co. |
(American make.) |
Vaseline, scented or unscented, per 1 doz. tablets | 2/6 |
Vaseline, toilet, per box of 3 tablets | 1/3 |
,,Tar, per 1 doz. tablets | 2/6 |
Clark’s. |
Glycola, per box of 3 tablets | 1/2 |
Colgate & Co. |
(American make). |
Cashmere Bouquet, per box of 3 tablets | 2/6 |
,,,,,,,,small | 1/5 |
Dactylis,,,, | 2/3 |
La France Rose, per box of 3 tablets | 2/3 |
Monad Violet ,,,, | 2/3 |
Peau d’Espagne,, ,, | 2/3 |
Pine Tar ,, ,, | 1/3 |
Shaving Stick | each 0/10 |
,, Cake | ,, 0/10 |
Vioris, per box of 3 tablets | 1/10½ |
White Clematis, per box of 3 tablets | 0/10½ |
Coty’s. |
Rose Jacqueminot | per tablet 7/6 |
,, | per box of 3 tablets 21/0 |
Lilac,, | ,,,,5/6 |
Courvoisier’s. |
Havaneta Soap | per box 2/9 |
Otto of Violets, per box | 2/6 |
Crown Perfumery Co. |
Coronita | per box 2/3 |
English Rose, per box of 3 tablets | 1/0 |
Fleur d’Azur,, 3,, | 7/6 |
Hard Water,, 3,, | 1/2 |
Lemzoin ,, 3,, | 2/2 |
Otto of Rose,,3,, | 1/9 |
Transparent Lavender (Visitors), per doz. tablets | 2/3 |
Unwasting, per box of 4 tablets | 0/11 |
Violet,,3,, | 1/2 |
,,Oatmeal,,3,, | 0/11½ |
,,(Visitors),, 12,, | 1/6 |
Violette de Parme (extra special), per box of 3 tablets | 2/6 |
Violette de Parme, per box of 3 tablets | 0/11½ |
,,,,(Visitors) per box of 12 tablets | 1/6 |
White Rose, per box of 3 tablets | 1/2 |
Cuticura Co. |
Cuticura Soap, per box | | 2/5½ |
Savon Le Sourire, 2/8 per box of 3 tablets.
Bath Soap, in Rose, Verbena, Buttermilk, Brown Windsor, Oatmeal, Glycerine and Cucumber, and Violet, per tablet 0/5, per doz. | 4/6 |
Brown Windsor, per box of 12 tablets | 1/10 |
Buttermilk,,,, | 1/10 |
Cold Cream and Glycerine, per box of 12 tablets | 1/10 |
Cucumber and Glycerine, per box of 12 tablets | 1/10 |
Heliotrope, per box of 12 tablets | 1/10 |
Honey,,,, | 1/10 |
Ivy (it floats), per packet | 0/3 |
Moss Rose, per box of 12 tablets | 1/10 |
Oatmeal,,,, | 1/10 |
Oatmeal and Glycerine, per box of 12 tablets | 1/10 |
Parma Violet, per box of 12 tablets | 1/10 |
Sweet Pea,,,, | 1/10 |
Verbena ,,,, | 1/10 |
White Rose and Glycerine, per box of 12 tablets | 1/10 |
Single tablets not sold. |
Extra large tablets weighing 7½ oz., especially adapted for use in the bath room. |
Glycerine & Cucumber | per tablet, | 0/5; | per doz. | 4/6 |
Brown Windsor | ,, | 0/5; | ,, | 4/6 |
Buttermilk | ,, | 0/5; | ,, | 4/6 |
Honey | ,, | 0/5; | ,, | 4/6 |
Oatmeal | ,, | 0/5; | ,, | 4/6 |
Rose | ,, | 0/5; | ,, | 4/6 |
Verbena | ,, | 0/5; | ,, | 4/6 |
Bath Tablets. |
Coal Tar, per doz., 4/0; per tablet | 0/4½ |
Oatmeal,,4/0,, | 0/4½ |
Coal Tar and Oatmeal, per doz., 4/0; tablet | 0/4½ |
Bars of Cologne Soap, each | 0/6 |
,,Lavender and Oatmeal Soap, each | 0/6 |
,,Verbena, each | 0/6 |
Lucky Bath Tablets, Verbena and Tilleul Perfumes, shaped to hold in the hand ... 0/5½ or per doz. | 5/0 |
Cyclamen Romney Palm Toilet Soap
12 Savonettes in box. per box 3/6
In 6 odours,
Lavender, Eau de Cologne, Wallflower, Violet, Brown Windsor, Lily.
Toilet Soap
made specially for
Harrods limited
drug department
london. s.w.
Petite Disque Tablets, six odours,
Verbena, Eau de Cologne, Lavender, Carnation, Lily, and White Rose.
2/3 per doz.
made specially for
Harrods limited drug department london. s.w.
Monster Disc, in boxes of 6 tablets, in White Rose, Lily, Verbena, Carnation, Wall Flower and Violet, Perfect Base, a useful shape, 6d. per tab. or 5/6 per doz.
Benzoin Soap, 3 tablets ... 1/3
An exceptionally fine product. The stringent and stimulating properties of the Benzoin, being retained in a high state of efficiency, render this soap equal in value to the liquid preparation of that drug.
Milk & Oatmeal
Toilet Soap (Violet Scented)
ADARE & Cº Perfumers London
Milk & Oatmeal Soap.
For the Toilet, Violet Scented, per box. 2/3, 4/1
In containers of 6 and 12 Tablets.
Contains real Milk and Oatmeal.
Perfectly blended, so soothing to the skin.
Lanoline (Marcus Brand) 3 tablets ... 0/11½
It is necessary to beware of cheap Lanoline soaps, as they are apt to injure the skin. We guarantee the Marcus brand.
Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley Soap.
Fine milled Toilet Soap with this fashionable perfume. 3 tablets in box 1/3
Lily of the Valley & Oatmeal Soap.
High-class, Visitors’, per box of 6 tablets 1/10½
Cyclamen Romney Soap.
3 tablets in box 2/6
“OTTO” Hard Water Soap
Otto Hard Water Soap,
per box of 3 tablets 1/9
A very useful soap for London water, which it softens instantly.
Pumice Stone Soap.
For the effectual cleansing of grease from the hands. Per box of 3 tablets ... 0/4
Violette de Parme, per box of 3 tablets 1/4
Visitors’, per box of 12 tablets ... 1/9
Highly Recommended
“Regalia” Toilet Soap
Regalia Toilet Co London & Paris
“Regalia” Soap, 3 tablets ... 1/4
“Regalia” Soap (Visitors’) 6 tablets 1/4
These beautiful products of the Regalia Toilet Co. have already an established reputation, and merit a careful trial at the hands of all who value the important part which soap plays in the preservation of the complexion.
Resorcin Soap, 3 tablets ... 1/5
Savon Royal Giroflee Wallflower Harrods Ltd london
Savon Giroflee (Wallflower), box of 3 tablets ... 4/9
Savon Victoria, 3 tablets ... 2/1
One of the purest of toilet soaps, with peculiarly lasting fragrance, which it imparts to the skin.
Regalia Soap for the Complexion, 1/4 per box.
Extra Quality Violette de Parme SOLE AGENTS HARRODS Ltd Violette de Parme |
Savon Violette de Parme, Extra quality. 3 tablets | 2/9 |
(Visitors’), 6 tablets | 2/1 |
This soap, in addition to absolute purity of composition, contains the odour of fresh Parma Violets, which it gives out until the tablet is quite finished. |
Savon Peau d’Espagne, 3 tablets | 3/9 |
This delicious perfume has at last been successfully incorporated in a tablet of soap in such a manner that it gains an added sweetness in the process. |
Savon Royal Le RÊve, box of 3 tablets | 4/9 |
Odour very lasting. |
Savon Royal, 3 tablets | 1/4 |
Savon Royal, (Visitors) 12 tablets | 1/9 |
The “Royal” series are particularly carefully and scientifically made. As in all our soaps, the greatest care is taken to ensure that there shall be no excess of alkali, and that the perfume used cannot possibly have an injurious action on the skin. |
ENA TOILET SOAP | The Ena Toilet Soap, in Boxes only of 12 tablets either one kind or assorted 1/10½ |
In Buttermilk, Glycerine and Cucumber, Carnation, Sweet Pea and Verbena. |
Savon Violette Veritable. Per box of 3 tablets 0/10½ |
Savon Violettes Printemps Spring Violets Harrods Ltd london |
Savon Violettes de Printemps. Box of 3 tablets 4/9 |
Soap Bowls (Shaving.) Regalia, each | 1/4 |
Soap Bowls. |
Turned Wood Bowls filled with the best Toilet Soap; indispensable in the bath room. Including fibre brush or whisk. In the following varieties—Honey, Brown Windsor, Oatmeal, Glycerine and Cucumber, Rose, Verbena, Parma Violet (Mauve). |
Price 5/6 and 7/6 |
Regalia. |
Parma Violet, Extra Quality, 6/6 and 8/6 |
Bowls can be refilled at a notice of 10 days. |
Sweet Pea Blossom Soap. |
Per box of 3 tablets | 1/6 |
A new English-made Soap with this fascinating perfume. |
Toilet Bars. |
Au Lait d’Amandes, per bar | 0/10½ and 1/7 |
Castile Soap (Tivoli Brand) small bar | 0/6 |
,,,,extra large bar | 4/3 |
Toilet Curd (Dor-rah Brand) per bar | 0/6 |
Toilet Tablets. |
Chypre | per tablet | 0/3½ |
Glycerine and Cucumber | ? | each | 0/4 |
Oatmeal | ... | ? | per doz. | 3/6 |
Brown Windsor | ... | ? | |
Lavender, per tablet, 0/4½; | per doz. | 4/0 |
Verbena,, 0/4½; | ,, | 4/0 |
Smaller Tablets, Best Quality. |
Honey | ... | ? | each | 0/3 |
Curd | ... | ? |
Oatmeal | ... | ? |
Castile (Mottled) | ... | ? |
,, (White) | ... | ? |
Carbolic | ... | ? | per doz. | 2/6 |
Coal Tar | ... | ? |
Elder Flower | ... | ? |
Sulphur | ... | ? |
Brown Windsor | ... | ? |
Almond and Glycerine | ... | ? |
A New Series of Finest Toilet Soaps. |
The Four Seasons Soap. |
In Four Odours. |
Savon du Printemps.—Tulip Rouge. |
Savon d’EtÉ.—Geranium Bourbon. |
Savon d’Automne.—Jasmin Blanc. |
Savon d’Hiver.—Camelia d’Or. |
Very high-class Soap, 3 tablets in box | 2/6 |
Trefle, 3 tablets | ... | 2/9 |
,,Visitors, 6 tablets | ... | 2/9 |
Violet Oatmeal, 3 tablets | ... | 0/11½ |
An excellent and popular line, being one of the best soaps at a low price. |
Hendrie’s. |
Petroline Cosmetic, per box of 3 tablets | 0/8½ |
Houbigant’s. |
DÉlices, per tablet | ... | 8/6 |
IdÉal ,, | ... | 7/6 |
Jeannette,, | ... | 6/3 |
Imperial,, | ... | 4/3 |
Royal Houbigant, per tablet | ... | 4/3 |
FougÈre Royale, per box of 3 tablets | 4/6 |
Violette IdÈale, per tablet | ... | 4/3 |
Peau d’Espagne,, | ... | 2/6 |
Thridace, 3 tablets | ... | 4/3 |
Icilma. |
Ambre, per box of 3 tablets | 6/0 |
Bouquet d’Afrique, | per box of | 3 tablets | 1/6 |
Iris | ,, | ,, | 2/6 |
Natural Water | ,, | ,, | 2/6 |
Unscented | ,, | ,, | 1/3 |
Violet | ,, | ,, | 8/6 |
Jeyes’. |
Perfect Purifier, | per box of | 6 | tablets | 1/2 |
Senalia | ,, | 4 | ,, | 1/9 |
,, | ,, | 3 | ,, | 0/10½ |
,, | ,, | 12 | ,, | 2/9 |
Knight, J., & Son’s. |
Shavallo, sticks | 1/0 |
,,cakes | 0/4½ |
Keltie Products, Ltd. |
Emol-Keleet “Perfecta,” per box of 3 tablets 1/5 |
Emol-Keleet “Natura,” per box of 3 tablets 0/11 |
Lloyd’s. |
Euxesis, for Shaving, per tube | 0/10½ |
Lubin. |
Eau de Toilette, per box of 3 tablets | 5/6 |
Lysoform Co.’s. |
Lysoform Soap, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4 |
Mackenzie’s, Dr. |
Arsenical Toilet Soap, per box of 3 tablets 2/6 |
Unscented, per tablet | 0/6 |
McClinton’s. |
Bath and Nursery (Plain), 2 tablets in Carton 0/6 |
Colleen, per box of 3 tablets | 1/0 |
,,,, 6 visitors’ | 1/0 |
Floss,, 3 tablets | 0/7 |
Shaving Stick | each 1/0 |
,,Cake | ,,1/0 |
,,Cream | ,,1/0 |
Sheila Hibernia, per box of 3 tablets | 2/6 |
,,,,3 visitors’ | 1/3 |
Tir-Owen ,,3 tablets | 1/0 |
Midgley’s. |
Eucalyptol, | per box of | 3 tablets | 1/4½ |
Icthyol, | ,, | ,, | 2/3 |
Thymol, | ,, | ,, | 1/4½ |
White Rose, | ,, | ,, | 1/4½ |
Mount Carmel Soap Co. |
(American make.) |
Olive Oil, per box of 2 tablets | 0/10½ |
Mulhen’s, F., Cologne. |
A la Violette Favorita, per box of 3 tablets | 2/6 |
Crystal, per box of 3 tablets | 1/1 |
Eau de Cologne, per box of 3 tablets, 4711 | 2/0 |
Glycerine, Transparent, per bar | 1/1 |
Glycerine, Transparent, per box of 3 tablets | 1/3 |
Lavender Glycerine, Transparent, large box of 3 tablets | 0/11 |
Peau d’ Espagne Favorita | 2/6 |
Rose Favorita, per box of 3 tablets | 2/6 |
Rhine Violet,,,,, | 6/6 |
Thymol Baby Soap, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4½ |
Violet Marquise,,,,, | 4/6 |
White Rose, ,,,, | 1/9 |
Oatine Soap. |
Per box of 3 tablets | 2/3 |
Oowana. |
Bath, per doz. tablets | 7/0 |
Family box of 3 doz. | 9/0 |
Visitors,,6 tablets | 1/0 |
Per box of 3 tablets, Green box | 0/10½ |
,,3 ,,Red box | 1/5 |
,,3 ,,White | 2/6 |
Shaving Cakes | 0/5 |
,, Sticks | 0/10 |
Osborne, Bauer & Cheeseman’s. |
Baby, per tablet, 0/4; | per doz. 3/9 |
Castile, White or Mottled, per tablet | 0/2½ |
Fuller’s Earth, per tablet, 0/4; | per doz. 3/9 |
Head ... per tablet 0/4;[372] | per doz. 3/9 |
Juniper Tar ,,0/4; | ,,3/9 |
Nafatha (for tender feet), per tablet, 0/4; | per doz 3/9 |
Oatmeal, per box of 3 tablets | 0/7½ |
Old Brown Windsor (as made in the last century), per packet of 4 squares | 1/6 |
Petroleum,,0/4; | ,,3/9 |
Petroline, Cosmetic, scented, per box of 3 squares 0/7 |
Pumice Stone, per tablet, 0/4; | per doz. 3/9 |
Sulphur,,0/4; | ,,3/9 |
Large assortment of Soap Bowls,
filled with best Soap, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6, 8/6.
Packer’s (American make.) |
Tar, per box of 3 tablets | 2/0 |
Parke, Davis & Co. |
Ethol (a Motorists’ Toilet Soap) per flagon, | 1/0 and 1/9 |
A new Liquid Soap for Motorists, Cyclists and Machinists; the most energetic of all grease solvents, and perfectly harmless. |
Pears’. |
Oatmeal and Glycerine, per box of 3 tablets | 1/0 |
Shaving Sticks or Shaving Cakes, each, 0/7, 0/11 1/6 |
Transparent Glycerine, per box of 3 tablets | 1/3 |
Transparent Tablets, | each 0/7 0/11 |
,,,,scented with Otto of Roses, per tablet 1/6 |
Transparent, Unscented, per tablet, 0/3½; |
1 doz. box, 3/6; 3 doz. box 10/6 |
Transparent Washing Balls, each, 0/7, 0/11 1/6 |
Peat Products. |
Sphagnol, medical, | per box of | 3 | tablets | 2/6 |
,,Toilet | ,, | 3 | ,, | 1/3 |
Perla Toilet Co. |
Circassian Violet, | per box of | 3 | tablets | 2/6 |
Sicilian, | ,, | 3 | ,, | 2/6 |
,,Visitors, | ,, | 4 | ,, | 1/9 |
Pinaud, Ed. (Paris). |
Brise Embaumee Violette, | per box of | 3 | tablets | 13/0 |
La Corrida, | ,, | 3 | ,, | 13/0 |
Pivers’. |
Au Lait d’Iris, | per box of | 3 | tablets | 4/6 |
Azurea | ,, | 3 | ,, | 5/6 |
Floramye | ,, | 3 | ,, | 5/6 |
Le TrÈfle Incarnat | ,, | 3 | ,, | 5/6 |
Rosiris | ,, | 3 | ,, | 5/6 |
Suc de Laitue | ,, | 3 | ,, | 4/6 |
Pond’s Extract Soap. |
1/0 per Cake. |
Potter’s (Boston, U.S.A.) (American make.) |
Cuticura, per box of 3 tablets | 2/5½ |
Pynozone Co. |
Pynozone Soap | per box 1/6 |
Resinol Chemical Co. (American make.) |
Resinol, per box of 3 tablets | 3/0 |
Rimmel’s. |
Eau de Cologne, | per box of | 3 | tablets | 1/2 |
Royal Shamrock | ,, | 3 | ,, | 3/6 |
Violette de Parme | ,, | 3 | ,, | 3/6 |
White Rose Tooth Soap, per tablet | 0/4½ |
Roger & Callet. |
A la Lavande, | per box of | 3 | tablets | 2/3 |
A la Violette | ,, | 3 | ,, | 2/3 |
Ambrerose | ,, | 3 | ,, | 12/6 |
Bois de Santal, | ,, | 3 | ,, | 2/3 |
Visitors, | ,, | 6 | ,, | 2/3 |
Delicia, | ,, | 3 | ,, | 7/0 |
Dragon Fly, | ,, | 3 | ,, | 2/3 |
Eau de Cologne, | ,, | 3 | ,, | 3/6 |
Fiorenta | ,, | 3 | ,, | 8/6 |
Fleurs d’Amour, RÊve Fleurs, Violette Merveille and ViolÉlia, per box of 3 tablets | 12/6 |
Florenciris, GiroflÉe, Heliotrope Blanc, Indian Hay, Iris Blanc, Jasmin, Lilas Blanc, Oeillet Marguerite, Peau d’Espagne, Pervenche de Chine, and Vera Violetta, per box of 3 tablets | 7/0 |
Violette de Parme per box of 3 tablets | 3/6 |
Foin Nouveau, Heliotrope, Mignardise, Peau d’Espagne, Rose ThÉ, Savon au Lilas, Savon du Muguet, Savon GiroflÉe, Sue de Laitue, per box of 3 tablets | 2/3 |
Shaving Cream (Amande Ameres), per pot | 1/6 |
,,,,(Heliotrope), per pot | 1/9 |
,,,,(Lilas), per pot | 1/9 |
,,,,(Violette de Parme), in tubes, each | 0/10½ |
,,,,(Violette), per pot | 1/9 |
Shaving Sticks, each | 1/0 |
Sanitas Company’s. |
Toilet, per box of 3 tablets | ... | 1/2½ |
Sarg’s Vienna. |
Genuine Liquid Glycerine Soap, per bottle | 1/2 |
Honey and Glycerine, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4 |
Transparent Glycerine, per box of 3 tablets | 2/3 |
Shaving Soaps. |
Colgate’s, Cakes, each | ... | 0/10 |
,, Sticks,, | ... | 0/10 |
Erasmic, Sticks ,, | ... | 0/10 |
Gibbs, Sticks,, | ... | 0/9½ |
,,Cakes,, | ... | 0/10½ |
Harrods’ “Regalia”— |
Cakes, each | ... | 1/4 |
Sticks,, | ... | 1/4 |
Bowls,, | ... | 1/4 |
,,Celluloid, each | ... | 1/9 |
Superfatted Sticks, each | ... | 1/6 |
McClinton’s, Stick, each | ... | 1/0 |
,, Cake,, | ... | 1/0 |
,, Cream,, | ... | 1/0 |
Oowana, Sticks, each | ... | 0/10 |
,,Cakes,, | ... | 0/5 |
Pears’, Cakes, each | ... | 0/7, 0/11, 1/6 |
,, Sticks,, | ... | 0/7, 0/11, 1/6 |
Shavallo, Stick, each | ... | 1/0 |
Solace, Stick, each | ... | 0/9 |
Vinolia— |
Sticks ,, (in metal cases) | 0/10, 1/3, 2/6 |
,,Vestal, each | ... | 1/6 |
,,Premier,, | ... | 0/4½ |
Cakes, Vestal, each | ... | 2/2 |
,,Toilet ,, | ... | 1/8 |
,,Premier,, | ... | 0/9 |
,,,,in vase, each | ... | 0/9 |
,,Toilet, in hand-painted vase, ea. | 2/11 |
,,,,Refills, each | ... | 1/3 |
Williams— |
Sticks, each | ... | 0/9 |
,,,,metal case | ... | 0/10 |
Cakes,, | ... | 0/10 |
Yardley’s— |
Stick in glass case | ... | 0/10½ |
Scrubb’s |
Antiseptic Skin, per box of 3 tablets | ... | 2/3 |
Sharp Brothers’ Specialities. |
Bentley’s Musk Brown Windsor, per box of 6 small tablets 1/3 |
,,per box of 12 medium | ... | 3/6 |
,,,,3 large | ... | 1/3 |
White Rose and Cucumber, per box of 3 tablets | 0/10½ |
White Rose and Cucumber, per box of 3 large tablets | 1/3 |
Simon, J. |
Savon À la CrÊme Simon, per box of 3 tablets | 3/6 |
Societe Hygienique. |
Savon DulcifÉ, per box of 3 tablets | ... | 3/0 |
,,,,Sans Odeur, per tablet | 1/2 |
Solyptol Co. |
Solyptol, per box | ... | 2/3 |
Taylor’s. |
Cimolite, Unscented, per box of 3 tablets | 1/4 |
,,Scented | ... | 1/5 |
Savon Violette de Parme,
in nicely finished boxes, 2/9 per box.
Page 373 a full page graphic advert
“Ah! at last!”
“No mistaking good soap when you see it—and smell it. Goodwin’s!—umph! Looks good—perfume delightful—and I’ll be bound the lather’s right, too. And 33 varieties of the one soap! Why haven’t we hit on Goodwin’s before, chopping and changing as we’ve been doing for years? Twelve tablets for 1/10—twelve? You don’t say so? Marvel how they do it at the price! But we won’t worry about that- let’s get a box or two in from Harrods, and try the perfumes one by one!”
Goodwin’s Toilet Soap [Si18]
made in 33 differently and delightfully perfumed varieties. 1/10
per Box
1 doz. Tablets
Enshrined in an atmosphere of refinement and artistic comfort, Harrods’ Hairdressing Salons are a favourite resort with ladies.
This Section of Harrods has no equal in Europe, everything is of the finest quality, and the workmanship and service is of a most expert order.
Everything in these handsome hairdressing courts, where there are fifty cubicles and over one hundred assistants, is thoroughly modern in every detail.
head and shoulders of Lady with back to us, but seeing face in hand mirror
Harrods make a special feature of tortoiseshell, and have a collection well worthy of a visit. Besides exquisite combs, clasps, and slides (including the new Paris barred slide), they have the prettiest Toilet Boxes in various sizes; also Louis-Seize Manicure Boxes, mounted in silver or gold. Of beautiful Slides and Ornaments of the finest paste, set in silver, there is a tempting array.
These illustrations, although indicating the trend of fashion, are only taken at random from a host of charming models. IN THE ABOVE COIFFURE the front shows a dainty toupee, characterised by the soft French straight fringe which so many modish women are affecting. The latest swathed coils circle the head, and the back dressing is a chignon of loosely plaited hair on a very light compressible frame. There is an immense demand for this chignon, as it is ideally comfortable to wear under a hat. Price, in ordinary shades, from one guinea.
left facing head and shoulders of Lady
front facing head and shoulders of Lady
The natural hair sold by Harrods is capable of the same manipulation as growing hair, and looks equally attractive.
Orders and enquiries by post promptly and carefully attended to.
Best quality natural wavy hair Price for complete transformation from £5·5 Toupet for front of the head from £2·2
“CORONA” Coiffure, from £9 9 0
Consists of “Corona” Curl Cluster, 42/0;
Long Coil, 42/0, and Light Transformation, £5 5 0
No. H D 778.
Transformation, from £5 5 0
No. H D 823.
Transformation and Cluster of Curls, from £6 6 0
No. H D 822.
Transformation complete, from £5 5 0
Harrods’ System for Measuring the Head for Wigs, etc., to ensure a perfect fit.
No. 1.—Circumference of the Head.
,, 2.—Forehead to Poll.
,, 3.—Ear to Ear across the Forehead.
,, 4.—Ear to Ear over the Top.
,, 5.—Temple to Temple round the Back.
No. H D 773.
Transformation and Long Plait, complete, from £8 8 0
Transformation complete | ... | ... | ... | from | £5 5 0 |
Semi-Transformation from Ear to Ear | ... | ... | ,, | 2 2 0 |
Fringe only from Temple to Temple | ... | ... | ,, | 1 1 0 |
No. H D 900.
Four-Plait, mounted on Comb,
from 42/0
No. H D 901.
Round Frame, covered with Plait, from 42/0
No. H D 902.
Round Frame, covered Waved Hair, from 30/0
No. H D 903.
Three-Plait, mounted on Comb,
from 30/0
No. H D 904.
Round Frame, covered three separate Waved pieces,
from 30/0
No. H D 905.
Cluster of Curls for back head-dress,
from 21/0
No. H D 906.
Round Frame, covered Four-Plait,
from 42/0
No. H D 907.
Four-Cross Frame, from 42/0
No. H D 908.
Round Frame, covered 28-in. Plait
from 84/0
No. H D 829.7 Curls mounted on a cord, with loops, 10/6. May be combed out into a fringe similar to HD830.
No. H D 831.Helmet Curls mounted on frame. Frame only, 6/6.
No. H D 774.All round, covered Crepon, from 42/0
No. H D 830.Fringe, 10/6. May be rolled into curls similar to HD829.
No. H D 832.“Dora” Curl Cluster, from 35/0
No. H D 718.
Tails of Hair, from 10/6
No. H D 738.
Tails of Hair.
18in. from 10/6
Prices of Grey Tails on application, with pattern.
No. H D 479.
Puff Coil, from 21/0
No. H D 716.
Fringe from Ear to Ear, 42/0
No. H D 7160.
Cluster of Curls, from 21/0
No. H D 715.
Pin Curls, from 5/6
No. H D 717.
Pin Wave, from 3/6
No. H D 816.Clusters of 3 Curls mounted on loop or pin, 3/6; 5, 5/6; 7, 7/6; 10, 10/6
No. H D 720.Large Puff Cluster on Comb, 50/0
No. H D 819.Cluster of 9 Curls,
mounted on loop or pin, 10/6
No. H D 425.Puff Cluster, from 30/0
No. H D 719.Duchess Coil and Curls, from 42/0
No. H D 721.Pin Wave, from 7/6
These Frames are made from the finest Steel Wire, and covered with Real Hair.
No. H D 723.Large All-Round Frame.
Opens at Neck. Price 8/6
No. H D 724.Centre and Side Parting
Frames. Price 6/6
No. H D 725.All-Round Frame.
Full at Sides. Price 7/6
No. H D 726.Casque Frame.
Open at Neck. Price 7/8
No. H D 411a.Centre Parting. Covered.
Price 30/0
No. H D 409a.Side Parting. Covered.
Price 30/0
No. H D 408a.Full Pompadour Frame.
Covered.Price 30/0
No. H D 410a.Side Parting. Covered.
Price 30/0
No. H D 727.¾ circle. Price 6/6
No. H D 729.
Large Round Back Frame.Price 3/11
No. H D 730.
Small Oval Frame.Price 3/6
No. H D 53.All-Round Crepon (as illustrated), from 42/0
No. H D 732.
Large Oval Back Frame. Price 3/11
No. H D 733.
Small Round Back Frame. Price 3/6
No. H D 731.Side Frames.
Price 5/6 per pair.
No. H D 825.For mounting Curls
or Coiling Plaits. Price 7/6
No. H D 736.Small Turban Frame.
Price 6/6
No. H D 480.Waved Dip.
From 10/6 each.
No. H D 818.Cluster of 7 Curls, mounted on
Loop or Pin. Price 7/6
No. H D 67.
5 | in., | Real | Hair | ... | 0/6½ |
8 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/3 |
12 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/10½ |
16 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 2/6 |
20 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 3/6 |
22 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 4/11 |
5 | ,, | Imitation | Hair, | ... | 0/4½ |
8 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 0/8½ |
12 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/3 |
16 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/6½ |
20 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 2/3 |
22 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 2/6½ |
No. H D 737.Large Turban
Frame. Price 3/6
A collection of beautiful shapes and shades. The workmanship is exceptionally fine, and every detail bears the stamp of quality. Most suitable Gifts for Ladies.
No. H D 284.
Large Top Comb. 3/6 each.
No. H D 281.
Children’s Band and Comb. 1/6 each.
No. H D 682.
Children’s Combs, 1/3, 1/6 and 2/0 each.
No. H D 682a.
Fancy Horn Slide. 2/5 each.
Real Tortoiseshell. 8/6 each.
No. H D 678a.
Horn Slide. Size, 4 × 1½in. 1/1 each.
No. H D 676a.
Horn Pin.
Size, 5 × 1¾in.
0/9½ each.
No. H D 677a.
Fancy Horn Pin.
Size, 4½ × 2½in.
1/2 each.
No. H D 672.
Horn Pin.
Size, 4½ × 1¾in.
1/3 each.
No. H D 683a.
Fancy Horn Slide. 2/0 each.
Shell Veneered. 4/6½ each.
No. H D 683b.
Fancy Horn Slide. Size, 4¾ × 1½in.
1/11½ each.
No. H D 654.
Horn Slide. 1/1½ each.
No. H D 680a.
Horn Back Comb. Size, 4½ × 1¼in.
1/7½ each.
No. H D 681a.
Fancy Horn Comb. Size, 4 × 3¼in.
2/2 each.
No. H D 673.
Fancy Horn Comb.
Size, 5½ × 3½in.
2/9 each.
No. H D 685a.
Real Tortoiseshell Hair Slides.
Size, 2 | 2¼ | 2¾ | 3in. |
0/7½ | 0/8½ | 0/9½ | 0/10½ each. |
No. H D 686a.
Real Tortoiseshell Hair Slides.
Size, 2 | 2¼ | 2¾ | 3in. |
0/7½ | 0/8½ | 0/9½ | 0/10½ each. |
No. H D 656.
Horn Pin.
4½ × 1?in.
0/6½ each.
No. H D 657.
Horn Side Combs.
Size, 3½ | 4 | 4½in. |
1/0 | 1/1½ | 1/3 each. |
2/0 | 2/3 | 2/6 pair. |
No. H D 670.
Horn Neck Combs.
Size, 4¼ | 5 | 5¾in. |
1/6½ | 1/11½ | 2/3 each. |
No. H D 659.
Horn Side Combs.
Size, 3½ | 4 | 4¾in. |
1/0 | 1/1½ | 1/3 each. |
2/0 | 2/3 | 2/6 pair. |
No. H D 660.
Horn Pin.
4½in. 5½in.
0/10½ 1/1½
No. H D 661.
Horn Pin.
Size 4½ × 2¾in.
0/7½ each.
No. H D 671.
Horn Side Combs.
Size, 3¾ | 4¼ | 4¾in. |
1/0 | 1/1½ | 1/3½ each. |
2/0 | 2/3 | 2/7 pair. |
No. H D 664.
Horn Neck Combs.
Size, 4 | 4½ | 5in. |
1/3 | 1/4½ | 1/8 each. |
No. H D 669.
Horn Side Combs.
Size, 3¾ | 4¼ | 4¾ in. |
0/10½ | 1/1½ | 1/4½ each. |
1/9 | 2/3 | 2/9 pair. |
No. H D 687a.
Horn Pin.
Size, 4/14in.
1/0 each.
No. H D 893.
Real Shell Pins.
Length 4½in.
3/6 each.
No. H D 663.
Horn Side Combs, with Bulged Teeth.
Size, 3½ | 4 | 5in. |
1/0 | 1/1½ | 1/3 each. |
2/0 | 2/3 | 2/6 pair. |
No. H D 684.
Horn Slides. Size, 4¼ × 1in. | ... | ... | 0/9½ | each. |
,,,,,, | Shell | Veneered | 1/8½ | ,, |
No. H D 666.
Horn Side Combs.
Size, 3½ | 3¾ | 4¼in. |
2/0 | 2/3 | 2/6 pair. |
No. H D 894.
Real Shell Pins.
Length, 4½in.
3/6 each.
No. H D 546. Stained | Horn | ... | 7in., | 0/9; | 8in., | 1/0 | each. |
No. H D 547. Buffalo | ,, | ... | ,, | 0/9; | ,, | 1/0 | ,, |
Superior Finish. |
No. H D 550. Stained | Horn | ... | 7in., | 1/9; | 8in., | 2/0 | each. |
No. H D 551. Buffalo | ,, | ... | ,, | 1/4½ | ,, | 1/9 | ,, |
No. H D 552. | Rake, | Stained | ... | 7in., | 1/9; | 8in., | 2/0 | each. |
No. H D 553. | ,, | Buffalo | ... | ,, | 1/4½; | ,, | 1/9 | ,, |
No. H D 548. | ,, | Stained | ... | ,, | 0/10½; | ,, | 1/3 | ,, |
No. H D 549. | ,, | Buffalo | ... | ,, | 0/10½; | ,, | 1/0 | ,, |
No. H D 386.
Superior Imitation Pins (Horn), in Boxes of 4 for 1/9
Do., do., in Boxes of 6 for 1/9
H D 638.Set of Real Tortoiseshell Combs, gold incrusted. 30/0
H D 640.Set of Real Tortoiseshell Combs, gold incrusted. 30/0
H D 600.Fancy Horn Pin. 7/6 each.
H D 602.Real Tortoiseshell jewelled Pin.
£6 6 per pair.
H D 634.Set of Real Tortoiseshell Combs, gold incrusted. 30/0
H D 636.Set of Real Tortoiseshell Combs, gold incrusted. 42/0.
H D 616.Real Tortoiseshell Barred Slide. 21/0
H D 628.Real Tortoiseshell Carved Slide. 21/0
H D 624.Real Tortoiseshell jewelled Pin. 84/0 per pair.
H D 610.Real Tortoiseshell Pin, amber top, jewelled. 55/0 per pair.
H D 10.Real Tortoiseshell Slide. 21/0
H D 11.Real Tortoiseshell Slide. 14/6
H D 642.Real Tortoiseshell Pin. 10/6 per pair.
H D 622.Real Tortoiseshell Pin, amber top. 10/6 per pair.
H D 626.Real Tortoiseshell jewelled Slide. 84/0
H D 618.Real Tortoiseshell jewelled Slide. 42/0
H D 630.Real Tortoiseshell Manicure Set, silver mounted Louis Seize. £10 10
H D 612.Real Tortoiseshell jewelled Pin. 50/0 per pair.
H D 614.Real Tortoiseshell Carved Pin. 10/6 per pair.
H D 608.Real Tortoiseshell jewelled Dagger. 15/6 each.
H D 632.Real Tortoiseshell Manicure Set, silver gilt. £12 12
H D 895.An elaborate and useful Closing Manicure Table, fitted with silver-gilt mounts to bottles, and gilt instruments.
Inlaid mahogany, £32 15 6.
Satinwood, £35 15 6
H D 620.Real Tortoiseshell Manicure Set. £14 14
No. H D 0566.Fitted Manicure Set. 9 × 6in., 15/6
No. H D 106.Ebony,21/9; Bone.23/6; Ivory,28/0; Pearl, 45/0
No. H D 2042.Ebony,14/6; Bone,15/6; Ivory,22/6
No. H D 3432.Grained Leather, lined, Nail Scissors, Ivory Nail File, Tweezers, Shaving Papers, and 2 “Best” Hollow Ground Razors, 17/6
No. H D 4502.Ebony,11/6; Bone,12/6; Ivory,20/0
No. H D 5412.Morocco Leather.
Ebony,23/0; Bone,23/0; Ivory,27/9; Pearl,45/0; Shell,63/0
No. H D 8331.Fitted 2 “Best” Hollow Ground Razors. Black Handles, 19/6
No. H D 0273.Grained Leather in and out, Strop, Nickel Soap Tube, Shaving Brush and Soap, Comb, Tooth Brush, and 1 “Best” Hollow Ground Razor, 14/6
No. H D 0522/11.Ebony, 18/9; Bone, 21/0; Ivory, 30/0
No. H D 0622/12.Ebony, 25/6; Bone, 27/6; Ivory, 37/6; Pearl, 67/6; Shell, 78/0
No. H D 3273.Shaving Set, Solid Leather, lined, Strop, Shaving Brush, Nickel Shaving Brush, Soap Tube and Soap, and a “Best” Hollow Ground Razor, 10/6
No. H D 2283.Leather Case, fitted with Mirror, Strop, Nickel Shaving Brush, Soap Tube and Soap, Nail File, Shaving Papers, and “Best” Hollow Ground Razor, 22/6
No. H D 0632.Ebony,4/3 Bone,4/6 Ivory,6/6
No. H D 4522.Manicure Set.
Ebony,6/6 Bone,7/9 Ivory,10/6
No. H D 9422/8.Ebony,10/6 Bone,11/6 Ivory,13/6
No. H D 0042.Ebony,7/6 Bone,8/0 Ivory,12/0
No. H D 1632.Ebony,5/6 Bone,5/9 Ivory,7/9
No. H D 7732.Ebony,10/6 Bone,11/6 Ivory,19/6
No. H D 9422/10.Manicure Set.
Ebony,12/9 Bone,13/9 Ivory,17/6
No. H D 1932.Folding Manicure Set.
Ebony,12/6 Bone,13/6 Ivory,18/9 Pearl,30/0 Tortoiseshell, 39/0
No. H D 9422/6.Ebony,7/0 Bone,7/6 Ivory,10/6
No. H D 2412.Manicure Set.
Ebony,8/9 Bone,8/9 Ivory,11/6
No. H D 1522/9.Manicure Set.
Ebony,12/6 Bone,13/6 Ivory,21/0
Cuti Creme
No. H D 687
No. H D 316
No. H D 314
No. H D 684. 1/6
Made in Germany
No. H D 319
HARRODS Ltd london
No. H D 689
HARRODS Ltd london
No. H D 676.
No. H D 695
Dr. Parry’s
Savony a Liquid Soap.
london & new york.
No. H D 699
Dr. Parry’s
three tablets
No. H D 320
White Cuticle Cream
No. H D 696
Original Nail Powder
No. H D 697
des Ongles
No. H D 318
Emery Board
for Beautifying Finger Nails
No. H D 605
Dr. PRAY’S OngolinE
No. H D 680
No. H D 678
Pocket Emery Board
For Beautifying Finger Nails
No. H D 677
Diamond Nail Enamel
No. H D 682
No. H D 692
No. H D 693
No. H D 694
for beveling the nails
after file or scissors
No. H D 691
No. H D 685
No. H D 197. 1/3 box.
Very Best
Nail Polish
No. H D 686
No. H D 198. Dr. Wilson’s
Shampoo Powders. 0/10½ box.
Powder Boxes,
5/6 and 7/6
Diamine Massage
Cream, 2/6
No. |
H D | 687.Carmichael’s Cuti Cream | 1/0 |
,, | 701.Culto | 1/0 |
,, | 316.Crystal Nail Stone | 0/10½ |
,, | 314.,,,,Polish | 0/10½ |
,, | 683.Darupan | 0/9 |
,, | 684.Juvenal Herb Shampoo | 1/6 |
,, | 319.Harnisch Polish | 1/0 |
,, | 689.Imperial Paste | 2/0 |
,, | 676.,,Powder | 1/9 |
,, | 698.,,Varnish | 1/9 |
,, | 681.Llewellyn’s Spryncla Powder | 1/6 |
,, | 695.Majestic Polish | 1/6 |
,, | 604.Orange Sticks | 0/6½, 0/10½ |
,, | 703.Parry’s Nail Bleach | 1/3 |
,, | 699.,,Savony, bot. | 1/6 & 2/6 |
,, | 320.,,Manicure Soap 0/6 per tab.; | 3 tablets 1/3 |
,, | 696.,,Cuticle Cream | 1/3 |
,, | 697.,,Nail Powder | 1/3 |
,, | 789.The “Queen” Hair Waver and Dryer | 5/0 |
,, | 318.Onglia Nail Polish | 1/3 |
,, | 704.Sanapede | 2/6 |
,, | 700.Emery Boards (narrow) | 0/9 |
,, | 605.,,,,(ordinary) | 0/6½ |
,, | 680.Pray’s Ongoline | 1/6 |
,, | 678.,,Varnish | 1/6 |
,, | 677.,,Emery Boards | 0/7 |
,, | 679.,,Rosaline | 0/10½ |
,, | 682.,,Diamond Enamel | 0/10½ |
,, | 692.Paul’s Cleansing Fluid | 1/3 & 1/10 |
,, | 693.,,Ceraline | 1/3 |
,, | 694.,,CrÊme Camelia | 1/3 & 1/10 |
,, | 691.,,Emery Boards | 0/10½ |
,, | 690.Razor Pencils | 0/9 |
,, | 705.Nail Oleate | 1/3 |
,, | 685.Pierree des Fakirs, metal cases | 1/6½ |
,, | 688.Metal Powder Box | 2/0 & 2/6 |
,, | 197.Nursery Shampoo Powder, per box, | 1/3 |
No. H D 2731.Pigskin, fitted 2 best Hollow Ground Razors, 12/6
No. H D 742.Hammer Toe Springs, for straightening crooked toes, from 8/6. Spring in position for night use.
No. H D 217.Razor Wiper, 0/6½, 1/0 and 1/6
No. H D 712.
Comb Cleaner,1/0
No. H D 788.
Shampooing Comb for applying Lotion, etc., to the Roots of the Hair, 2/6
No. H D 764.
Moustache Trainers, 0/6½ and 1/0½
No. H D 743.
Bunion Lever, from 6/6 each.
For Night Wear.
No. H D 744.Bunion Spring,
made to order only, from 7/6
For Day Wear
No. H D 746.Valgus Sock to support the arch of the foot, from 3/6 each.
No. H D 747.Valgus Sock, from 3/6 each.
No. H D 748.Hammer Toe Spring for night use, from 8/6
No. H D 764. Moustache Trainers, 0/5½
No. H D 222.Real Russia Leather and Canvas Razor Strop, 3/6 and 4/6
No. H D 617.Badger Hair Shaving Brush. 2/3, 2/9, & 3/6
No. H D 618.Metal Handle and Badger Hair, 2/9
No. H D 620.Imperial Stropping Machine, 10/6
No. H D 619.Folding Shaving Brush, 1/9
No. H D 4252. Morocco.
7-day Razor Roller, fitted 7 Black Razors, 35/0
Do.7 Ivory Razors, 45/0
No. H D 2741 |
Fitted | 2 | Best | Black | Razors | ... | 9/6 |
,, | 2 | ,, | Ivory | ,, | ... | 12/6 |
No. H D 221.
7 day Razor Case fitted with best hollow ground razors.
Black Handles 27/6
Ivory Handles 38/6
No. H D 223.Three-Prong “Express” Irons 3/6
No. H D 224.“Express” Waving Irons 2/6
No. H D 225.Waving Irons, 2/6 Double, 3/6
No. H D 226.Curling Irons, 0/10½, 1/3, 1/6 and 1/10½
Superior Screw on Handles, 2/6 Very Thick ditto, 3/6
No. H D 227.Folding Irons. Ebony Handles,
2/9 Imitation Ebony, 1/10½ Ivory, 9/6
No. H D 228.Crimping Irons. Ebony ... 2/6 Bone ... 3/0
No. H D 229.Crimping Irons. Ebony ... 1/10½ Bone ... 2/3
No. H D 815.The “Charming” Waving Irons, 7/6
No. H D 404.Open for use. The latest invention in curling iron heaters (no leaking spirit), 3/6
No. H D 240.Single, 3/6; Double, 4/6
No. H D 771.Nickel Curling Iron Stove, fitted with flame regulator. No wick, and spirit impossible to leak, 6/6
Leather covered, 7/6
No. H D 772. | Tin. | Nickel. |
Curling | Iron Stove | ...... | 2/3 | 4/0 |
,, | ,, | double wicks | 4/6 | 7/6 |
,, | ,, | four wicks | 6/6 | 9/6 |
No. H D 194.
Arbenz Patent Corn Knife, 2/0
No. H D 439.Nickel Curling Stove with Irons, 12/6
No. H D 774.Marcel Stove.
Single, 2/6 Double, 2/9
No. H D 775.Curling Iron Stove.
Single ... 1/9 Double ... 2/0
No. H D 792.Hair Lotion Sponge, 0/6½
No. H D 233.Nickel Stove, 0/10½
No. H D 773.
Large Nickel Curling Iron Stove, fitted with net and asbestos and flame regulator, 7/11
Rd. No. 547675
No. H D 766.
Flat Rubber Sponges.
No. 1—1/1½ No. 2—1/9
No. 3—3/0 No. 4—4/6
No. H D 767.
Rubber Sponges.
No. 1—1/10½ No. 2—1/6½
No. 3—1/9 No. 4—2/3
No. 5—2/9 No. 6—4/6
No. H D 769.
Flesh Rubbers.
No. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1/9 | 2/0 | 2/3 | 2/8 | 3/0 |
No. H D 765.
Round Rubber. Sponge
No. H D 827.Portable Electric Hair Dryer, fitted to any installation. £7 15 0
No. H D 751.Portable Massage Vibrator, fitted with dry cells, for use anywhere, complete with applicators, 120/0
No. H D 195.Complete with Electric Brush, Comb, Electric Spine Brush, Sponges, etc., 30/0, 42/0; Massage Roller from 5/0
No. H D 828.Portable Electric Vibrator for Massage, fitted to any installation, £7 5 0
No. H D 196.Electric Foot Battery, 63/0. Strongly recommended for Rheumatism, etc.
No. H D 741.Massage Vibrator. This instrument is attached to the ordinary electric current. Complete with applicators, £8 15 0
Please state voltage when ordering.
“The Venture”
SIZE 000.
7/6 EACH.
6/6 EACH.
7/6 EACH.
SIZE 00.
6/6 EACH.
6/6 EACH.
8/6 EACH.
No. A 212. Nail Polishers, with detachable rims, 4¾ ins., Ebony, 1/6 each; Ivorine, 2/6 each; 5½ ins., Ebony, 2/3; Ivorine, 3/0.
No. A 222/12. Ebony Nail Polishers in boxes with 3 extra leather, 4¾ ins., 2/6 each; 5½ ins., 3/0; Ivorine ditto, 3/6; 5½ ins., 4/0.
No. A 232. Nail Polishers in Tray, Ebony, 4¾ ins., 3/0 each; Ivorine, 3/6 each; 5½ ins., Ebony, 3/6; Ivorine, 4/0.
No. H D 785. Corn Knife.
Ebony Handle, 1/6; Ivory Handle, 2/6
No. H D 786. Corn Knife.
Ebony Handle, 1/6; Ivory Handle, 2/6
No. H D 306. Corn Knife.
Ebony Handle, 1/6; Ivory Handle. 2/6
No. H D 323. Cuticle Trimmer, 1/0
No. H D 559. Steel Nail Trimmer.
File and Knife combined, 0/10½
No. H D 324. Cuticle Trimmer.
Ivory, 2/3
No. H D 558. All Steel Flexible Nail File,
No. H D 560. Nail File and Cleaner.
No. H D 329. Nail File. Ebony, Bone, and Ivory, 1/6 each.
No. H D 571. For removing Blackheads, Pearl centre, 1/2
No. H D 569. Nail Nippers, 0/10½ and 1/6
No. H D 568. Pocket File, 1/0
No. H D 372. 1/0, 1/6, 2/0, 2/6
No. H D 201.
Nail Nipper, 2/6
No. H D 624. Case of Chiropody Instruments.
Ebony Handles, 18/6; Ivory Handles, 21/6
No. H D 330.
Best Sheffield made Nail Nippers.
3½ | 4½ | 5½ | 6 inches. |
2/6 | 3/0 | 3/6 | 4/0 each. |
No. H D 331. Ideal Nail Nipper, 6/6 each. (Very powerful.)
No. H D 199.
Cuticle Scissors.
Nickel-plated, 1/6
Best Sheffield Steel,
3/6 4/6 5/0 6/6
No. H D 565.
Nail Scissors,
1/6 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6
No. H D 7251.
Best Sheffield Steel, 5/6
No. H D 311. Nail Polishers.
4 | 5 | 6 | 6½ | 7½ inches. |
0/9 | 0/10½ | 1/0 | 1/3 | 1/9 |
No. H D 709. Nail File, 1/0
No. H D 713. Cuticle Knife. BoneHandle,1/0 EbonyHandle,1/0; IvoryHandle,1/9
No. H D 714. Nail File. BoneHandle,1/0; EbonyHandle,1/0; IvoryHandle,1/9
No. H D 561. Ivory Nail Trimmer,
No. H D 563. Tweezers, 0/10½
No. H D 200. Ivory Trimmer with Nail File, 0/10½
No. H D 707. Safety Corn Razor, 5/6
No. H D 9114. Steel Nail File, 0/10½
No. H D 401. Tweezers, 0/6
No. H D 5282. Nail File in Leather Case 1/0
1 Pale Flesh 1½ Moderately Pale; 2 Fair Complexion; 2½ Medium Flesh; 3 Pale Complexion; 3½ Slightly Sunburnt; 4 Dark Flesh; 5 Sallow or Chinese; 5½ Sallow or Dark Yellow Flesh; 7 Brown; 8 Armenian Bole; 9 Sunburnt or Indian; 10 Light Brown; 11 Othello or Burnt Umber; 12 Black; 13 Red, Brown or Mulatto; 14 Chocolate; 15 Buck Red; 16 Dark Brown, 0/4½ each. Also White, Grey, Rose, Carmine, Blue, etc. Lip Salve, 0/6½ and 1/0 tubes. Gold and Silver Powder for the Hair, 0/4½. Rouge, 0/6½ and 0/10½ per box.
No. H D 113. “Imperial” Soap, Assorted Perfumes, Tablet, 1/6. Box of three, 3/6
“Imperial” Tooth Paste, 1/6
No. H D 107. “Imperial” Face Powder, Blanche Rose, Rachel, 2/0
Madame Berner’s
Eau de Lys
Complexion Wash
Hair Restorer
Dr Wilson’s
Tar Lotion
Eau de Quinine
& Jaborandi Tonic
for the Hair
Imperial Hair Lotion, Eau de Portugal | ... | ... | 2/6 and 4/6 |
,,,,,,,,Violette | ... | ... | 2/6 ,, 4/6 |
,,,,,,,,Cologne | ... | ... | 2/6 ,, 4/6 |
,,,,,,,,Vegetale | ... | ... | 2/6 ,, 4/6 |
,,,,,,,,Quinine | ... | ... | 2/6 ,, 4/6 |
,,,,,,Bay Rum | ... | ... | 2/6 ,, 4/6 |
,,Blanc de Perle (Blanc, Rose, Rachel) | ... | 2/0 |
,,CrÊme de BeautÉ | ... | ... | 2/0 |
,,Crystallised Brilliantine | ... | ... | 2/0 |
,,Violette Brilliantine | ... | ... | 2/6 |
,,Cosmetique (Blanc, Blond, Chatain, Brun, Noir) | 0/10½ and 1/6 |
,,Lipsalve (Blanc, Rose, Rouge) | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Rouge (Nos. 8, 12, 18, 24) | ... | ... | 0/6½ and 0/10½ |
,,Pomade Hongroise (Tubes) | ... | ... | 0/6½ |
,,Shaving CrÈme (Laitue and Violette) | ... | 2/0 |
,,,,Powder | ... | ... | 1/3 |
,,Eyebrow Pencils (Blond, Chatain, Brun, Noir) | 0/6½ and 0/10½ |
,,PÂte Dentifrice | ... | ... | 1/6 |
,,Poudre de Riz (Blanc, Rose, Rachel) | ... | 2/0 |
,,Nail Paste | ... | ... | 2/0 |
,,,,Powder | ... | ... | 1/9 |
,,,,Enamel | ... | ... | 1/9 |
,,Perfume (assorted odours) | ... | ... | 1/6, 2/6, 4/6 |
,,Liquid Rouge | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Mimosa | ... | ... | 1/6 and 2/6 |
,,Violette Brilliantine | ... | ... | 0/6, 1/0, 2/0 |
,,Hair Pomade | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Bourjois Lipsalve | Novita, 1/6; Elektra, 0/9 |
,,Eyebrow Pencils (Brun, Chatain, Noir, Blond) | |
Swansdown Puffs | 0/6½, 0/9, 1/0, 1/4½, 3/6 |
,,,,with Satin Bow | ... | ... | 6/6 |
Rouge Wool Puffs | ... | ... | 0/6½, 0/7½, 0/9 |
Pongee Silk Bag Puffs | ... | ... | 0/6½, 1/0 |
Chamois Leather Bag Puffs | ... | ... | 0/6½, 1/0 |
Oval Face Leathers | ... | ... | 0/6½, 0/10½ |
Square Face Leathers (silk bound) | ... | ... | 0/6½ and 0/9 |
Selvyt Complexion Cloths | ... | ... | 0/6½, 0/9 |
Williams’ Shaving Tablets | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
,,,,Sticks | ... | ... | 0/10 |
,,,,,,(nickel) | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,Swiss Violet Shaving Cream | ... | ... | 1/8 |
,,Luxury Shaving Tablet | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Jersey Cream Toilet Soap | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
Lotion Sprays, with Glass Cup | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Hair Powder Sprays | ... | ... | 2/0 |
Thiellay’s Mousquetaire | ... | ... | 2/3 and 2/9 |
Hovenden’s Liquid Moustache Mixture | ... | 2/3 |
Antiseptic Pencils | ... | ... | 0/6 |
Bloc Hyalin | ... | ... | 0/10½ and 1/3 |
Shaving Pencils | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Pinaud’s Hongroise | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
Torrey’s Oil Edge | ... | ... | 0/6 |
Razor Paste | ... | ... | 0/3½ |
Harrods’ Eau de Quinine and Jaborandi Hair Tonic | 1/6, 2/9, 5/0 |
Harrods’ Curletta | ... | ... | 1/6, 2/6 |
,,Huile Antique | ... | ... | 1/0, 1/6, 2/6, 4/6 |
,,,,Violette | ... | ... | 1/6, 2/6, 4/6 |
,,Golden Hair Fluid | ... | ... | 1/6, 2/6 |
,,Special Astringent Lotion | ... | ... | 2/6, 4/6 |
,,Pure Brilliantine | ... | ... | 0/6, 1/0, 1/6, 2/6 |
,,Brompton Hair Stain (Black, Brown, Mid-Brown, L. Brown, Auburn, Blond) | 2/6 |
,,Hair Restorative | ... | ... | 2/6 |
,,Oatmeal Cream | ... | ... | 1/0, 2/0 |
,,Premier Massage Oatmeal | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Foot Lotion | ... | ... | 2/6 |
,,,,Ointment | ... | ... | 3/6 |
,,Hair Powder for Fancy Dress | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Jonathan’s Bay Rum | ... | ... | 1/0, 1/10 |
Dr. Wilson’s Shampoo Powders | ... | ... | 0/10½ |
,,,,Egg Julep | ... | ... | 1/6, 2/6 |
,,,,Honey and Flowers | ... | ... | 2/6, 4/6 |
,,,,Hair Restorer | ... | ... | 1/0 |
,,,,Coal Tar Lotion | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Dr. Parry’s Nail Bleach | ... | ... | 1/3 |
,,,,Savonry | ... | ... | 1/6 and 2/6 |
Dr. Lowe’s Cantharidine and Jaborandi Tonic Lotion | 2/3 and 4/0 |
,,,,Cantharidine Pomade | ... | ... | 1/6 and 2/6 |
Madame Berner’s Eau de Lys | ... | ... | 1/6 and 2/6 |
,,,,Massage Cream | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Nursery Shampoo Powders | ... | ... | 1/3 |
De Miracle | ... | ... | 4/6 |
Leichner’s Hair Powder (assorted colours) | ... | 0/10½ |
,,Shampooing Hair Powder | ... | 1/0 |
,,Water Cosmetique (assorted colours) | 0/10½ |
,,Carmine, in china pots | ... | 1/0 |
Sticks Grease Paints (assorted colours) | 0/4½ and 0/8 |
Cocoabutter | ... | ... | 0/4½, 0/10 |
Nosepaste | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
Velvet and Silk Patches, boxes and packets | ... | 0/9 |
Burnt Cork | ... | ... | 0/5½ |
Lining Pencils (assorted colours) | ... | ... | 0/4 |
Blue, for Veins | ... | ... | 1/6 |
Silver and Gold Dust for Powdering Hair | ... | 1/0 |
Boxes containing 6 Pencils for Make-up | ... | 1/11½ |
Refills for Water Cosmetique | ... | ... | 0/4½ |
Spirit Gum | ... | ... | 0/5½ and 0/10½ |
Kohol d’Orient | ... | ... | 1/0 and 1/10½ |
Hovenden’s Water Cosmetique (black, brown, light brown, dark brown, blond) | 0/10½ |
Powder Leaves | ... | ... | 0/6½ |
Hemple’s Brilliania (assorted shades) | ... | ... | 10/6 |
Broux Dye (assorted shades) | ... | ... | 8/6 |
Oatine Cream | ... | ... | 1/1½ and 2/3 |
SPECIAL NOTICE.—A complete Photographic Catalogue containing hundreds of Illustrations, including the latest novelties for 1912, post free on request.
HARRODS have a full range of Cameras suitable for all climates
FREE TUITION FOR BEGINNERS.—HARRODS will be pleased to render expert tuition free of charge to every purchaser of a Camera. The advantages of expert instruction to beginners are obvious. It enables them to secure good results immediately, and puts them on the road to distinction in one of the most fascinating hobbies it is possible to find.
THE “BROMPTON” Roll Film Camera.
Two sizes, ¼-plate and Postcard. Double Extension.
No. 1.
CAMERA, strongly constructed of well-seasoned mahogany, best black leather bellows, and black enamelled aluminium baseboard, the whole being covered in fine grain morocco leather.
FRONT is of the popular U construction, all in one piece, and is exceedingly rigid, nickel fittings, rising and cross front.
FOCUSSING by rack and pinion to scale with locking movement and infinity catch and sliding base for extension.
SHUTTER is the well-known “Ibso” Sector, giving all speeds from 1 sec. to 1/100th sec. as well as time and bulb exposures, and complete with Antinous release.
LENS, a first grade “Aplanat” working at ƒ/8.
VIEW FINDER, best brilliant pattern, reversing, with spirit level.
| ¼-plate | Postcard |
Price complete | £8 17 6 | £4 15 0 |
Ditto, fitted with Goerz Syntor Lens and compound shutter | £8 50 | £8 12 6 |
Ditto, fitted with Goerz Dagor Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 and compound shutter | £9 50 | £10 76 |
3 Slides and Hooded Focussing Screen in wallet, ¼-plate, 6/6 Extra; Postcard size, 8/6 |
THE “BROMPTON” Folding Pocket Camera.
Size 4¼ × 3¼. Double Extension.
No. 2.
CAMERA, high-class camera, the body is constructed of well seasoned mahogany, with black enamelled aluminium baseboard, the whole being covered in fine grain morocco leather.
FRONT is of the popular U construction, all in one piece, and is exceedingly rigid, it is also provided with rising and cross front, actuated by rack and pinion.
FOCUSSING by radial rack and pinion to scale with locking movement and infinity catch and sliding base for extension.
SHUTTER is the well-known “Ibso” Sector, giving all speeds from 1 sec. to 1/100 sec. as well as time and bulb exposures, and complete with Antinous release.
LENS, a first grade “Aplanat” working at ƒ/8.
VIEW FINDER, best brilliant pattern, reversing, and with spirit level.
Price complete with 3 single slides and hooded screen in wallet | £3 15 0 |
Ditto, with Goerz Syntor Lens and compound shutter | £7 15 0 |
Ditto, with Goerz Dagor Anastigmat ƒ/6·8 and compound shutter | £8 12 6 |
Film Pack, 4/6; Extra Slides, 1/6 |
Ditto, leather covered, 6/6 |
THE “MINIMUM BROMPTON” Folding Pocket Camera.
Size 3½ × 2 Double Extension.
No. 3.
Send your films to Harrods to be Developed & Printed. Best work at Reasonable Prices.
CAMERA is thoroughly well made in seasoned mahogany and with aluminium baseboard, covered in best seal grain leather.
FRONT is very rigid with rising and cross movements.
FOCUSSING, by rack and pinion with travelling base.
FOCUSSING SCREEN, this is provided with leather covered collapsible hood.
LENS, extra rapid “Aplanat.”
SHUTTER, simple automatic with bulb, time and instantaneous exposures; speeds approximately 1/25th, 1/50th and 1/100th second, with finger and bulb release.
VIEW FINDER, best brilliant pattern, reversing.
DARK SLIDE, 3 single nickel slides in wallet.
Price including 3 dark slides and focussing screen in wallet | £2 7 6 |
Ditto, fitted with Goerz Syntor lens and compound shutter | £5 17 6 |
Ditto, fitted with Goerz Dagor lens and compound shutter | £7 12 6 |
THE “BROMPTON” Folding Postcard Camera.
Size 5½ × 3¼. Double Extension.
No. 4.
CAMERA, high-class camera, the body is constructed of well-seasoned mahogany with black enamelled aluminium baseboard, the whole being covered in fine grain morocco leather.
FRONT is of the popular U construction, all in one piece, and is exceedingly rigid, it is also provided with rising and cross front, actuated by rack and pinion.
FOCUSSING, by radial rack and pinion to scale, with locking movement and infinity catch and sliding base for extension.
SHUTTER is the well-known “Ibso” Sector, giving all speeds from 1 sec. to 1/100th sec, &c., as well as time and bulb exposures, and complete with Antinous release.
LENS, a first grade “Aplanat” working at ƒ/8.
VIEW FINDER, best brilliant pattern, reversing and with spirit level.
Price complete with 3 single slides and hooded screen in wallet | £4 7 6 |
Ditto, fitted with Goerz Syntor lens and compound shutter | £8 5 0 |
Ditto, with Goerz Dagor Anastigmat ƒ/6·8 and compound shutter | £9 5 0 |
Film Pack. 5/9: Extra Dark Slide 2/0 |
The best series of Cameras to take Roll Films that has ever been introduced is the “Ensign.” It will appeal to every photographer. In workmanship, design and efficiency they are as perfect as it is possible to make them at anywhere near the price.
Entirely new designs and best value ever offered. Stirrup Shaped cast Aluminium Lens Front and extra long Baseboard. Anastigmat Lenses and “Ensign Sector” Shutters.
“ENSIGN” No. 000.
With Simplex Auto Shutter.
No. | | ¼-plate | Post Card |
000. | Rectimat Lens, ƒ/8 ... | £2 10 0 | £3 5 0 |
000k. | Ensign Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7 | 3 2 6 | 4 2 6 |
000d. | Aldis-Plano Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 3 12 6 | 4 12 6 |
“ENSIGN” FILMS fit all Roll Film Cameras. |
3¼in. for ¼-plate, 6 ex. | 1/6 |
3¼a for post card, 6 ex. | 1/9 |
“ENSIGN” No. 00.
With “Ensign” Sector Shutter.
Having varying speeds ranging from 1 second to 1/100th second.
No. | | ¼-plate | Post Card |
00. | Rectimat Lens, ƒ/8 ... | £3 0 0 | £3 15 0 |
00k. | Ensign Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7 | 3 7 6 | 4 7 6 |
00d. | Aldis-Plano Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 3 17 6 | 4 17 6 |
00l. | Cooke-Luxor Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 4 15 0 | 5 17 6 |
“ENSIGN” FILMS fit all Roll Film Cameras. |
3¼in. for ¼-plate, 6 ex. | 1/6 |
3¼a for post card, 6 ex. | 1/9 |
“ENSIGN” No. 1.
With Focussing Adjustment and “Ensign” Sector Shutter.
No. | | ¼-plate | Post Card |
1k. | Ensign Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7 | £3 12 6 | £4 12 6 |
1d. | Aldis-Plano Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 4 2 6 | 5 5 0 |
1l. | Cooke Luxor Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 5 0 0 | 6 2 6 |
1g. | Goerz Syntor Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 6 7 6 | 7 15 0 |
“ENSIGN” FILMS fit all Roll Film Cameras. |
3¼in. for ¼-plate, 6 ex. | 1/6 |
3¼a for post card, 6 ex. | 1/9 |
The best Roll Film Camera that is made. Every necessary movement is included.
No. | | ¼-plate | Post Card |
3k. | Ensign Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7 | £5 5 0 | £6 5 0 |
3d. | Aldis-Plano Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 5 15 0 | 6 17 6 |
3l. | Cooke Luxor Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 6 12 6 | 7 15 0 |
3g. | Goerz Syntor Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 8 0 0 | 9 7 6 |
3h. | Goerz Dagor Anastigmat, ƒ/6·8 | 10 0 0 | 11 17 6 |
| Ross Homocentric, ƒ/6·8 | 8 15 0 | 10 2 6 |
3z. | Zeiss Tessar Anastigmat, ƒ/6·3 | 9 10 0 | 10 12 6 |
An exceedingly compact little folding Camera, taking Roll Films, to fit easily into the pocket, or can be carried in a wrist bag. It is British made throughout and fitted with a remarkably good lens and shutter. Made in two sizes.
2¼ b “Pocket Ensign” to take Roll Films 2¼ × 2¼in. | £1 1 0 |
2½ b “Pocket Ensign”,,,,,,2½ × 4¼in. | £1 10 0 |
The No. 0 CARBINE.
Wood body, leatherette covered. Single Achromatic Lens. Everset shutter.
2¼ × 3¼ | ... | ... | £1 10 0 |
¼-plate | ... | ... | 1 12 6 |
The No. 1 CARBINE.
Beck Rapid Rectilinear. Everset Lukos shutter. Large brilliant finder.
2¼ × 3¼ | ... | ... | £1 15 0 |
¼-plate | ... | ... | 1 17 6 |
The No. 2 CARBINE.
Beck R. R. lens. Everset shutter, solid cast front. Self-locking baseboard.
3½ × 2½ | ... | ... | £2 7 6 |
¼-plate | ... | ... | 2 10 0 |
Postcard | ... | ... | 3 5 0 |
The No. 3a CARBINE.
Beck Symmetrical lens. Lukos II. shutter. 1/25, 1/50 and 1/100 secs. Antinous release.
2¼ × 3¼ | ... | ... | £2 12 6 |
¼-plate | ... | ... | 2 15 0 |
Postcard | ... | ... | 3 10 0 |
With Aldis Uno Anastigmat. |
2¼ × 3¼ | ... | ... | £2 17 6 |
¼-plate | ... | ... | 3 2 6 |
Postcard | ... | ... | 4 2 6 |
The No. 3b CARBINE.
Aldis Uno Anastigmat ƒ/7·7. Lukos Sector shutter. Speeds 1 to 1/100 sec.
With Aldis Uno Anastigmat ƒ/7·7. |
2¼ × 3¼ | ... | ... | £3 3 0 |
¼-plate | ... | ... | 3 7 6 |
Postcard | ... | ... | 4 7 6 |
With Beck Mutar ƒ/6. |
2¼ × 3¼ | ... | ... | £3 12 6 |
¼-plate | ... | ... | 3 17 6 |
Postcard | ... | ... | 5 0 0 |
The No. 4 CARBINE.
Leather covered, rack rising front. Aldis Uno Anastigmat. Rack and pinion focussing, Lukos II. shutter.
With Aldis Uno Anastigmat ƒ/7·7. |
¼-plate | ... | ... | £3 12 6 |
Postcard | ... | ... | 4 12 6 |
With Beck Mutar ƒ/6. |
¼-plate | ... | ... | £4 2 6 |
Postcard | ... | ... | 5 5 0 |
The No. 4a CARBINE.
Leather covered. Aldis Uno Anastigmat ƒ/7·7. Lukos Sector shutter, rack focussing.
| ¼-plate | | Postcard |
Aldis “Uno” Anastigmat ƒ/7·7 | ... | £4 0 0 | ... | £5 0 0 |
Beck “Mutar” Anastigmat I., ƒ/6 | ... | 4 10 0 | ... | 5 12 6 |
Aldis, Series II., ƒ/6, No. 2 | ... | 5 0 0 | ... | 6 7 6 |
Ross Homo, Series C, ƒ/6·3 | ... | 7 10 0 | ... | 8 17 6 |
Cooke Series III., ƒ/6·5 | ... | 7 10 0 | ... | 8 17 6 |
Goerz Series III., ƒ/6·8 | ... | 8 15 0 | ... | 10 12 6 |
Dallmeyer Stigmatic ƒ/6 | ... | 9 5 0 | ... | 11 2 6 |
Zeiss Tessar, II., b. ƒ/6·3 | ... | 8 5 0 | ... | 9 7 6 |
The No. 5 CARBINE.
Double Extension Aldis Uno Anastigmat ƒ/7·7, rack focussing. Lukos III. Sector shutter.
| ¼-plate | | Postcard |
Aldis “Uno” Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7 | ... | £4 12 6 | ... | £5 15 0 |
Beck “Mutar” Anastigmat II., ƒ/6 | ... | 5 15 0 | ... | 7 5 0 |
Aldis Series II., ƒ/6 | ... | 5 12 6 | ... | 7 2 6 |
Cooke Series III., ƒ/6·5 | ... | 8 2 6 | ... | 9 12 6 |
Ross Homo, Series III., ƒ/6·3 | ... | 8 2 6 | ... | 9 12 6 |
Zeiss Amatar IX., ƒ/6·8 | ... | 9 7 6 | ... | 11 7 6 |
Goerz Series III., ƒ/6·8 | ... | 9 7 6 | ... | 11 7 6 |
Dallmeyer Stigmatic, ƒ/6 | ... | 9 17 6 | ... | 11 17 6 |
The Folding Pocket Kodaks take Kodak non-curling film, and may be loaded and unloaded in daylight. They are very light and portable and yet have all the movements necessary to high class photography. They are exceedingly simple to use, and the lens and shutter equipment is of such excellent quality that good work can be done with these Kodaks by the beginner. They can be fitted with an Anastigmat lens if desired; prices on application.
| No. 1 | No. 1a | No. 3 | No. 3a | No. 4 |
| takes pictures | takes pictures | takes pictures | takes pictures | takes pictures |
| 3¼ × 2¼in. | 4¼ × 2½in. | 3¼ × 4¼in. | 5½ × 3¼in. | 5 × 4in. |
Folding Pocket Kodak, complete | £2 2 0 | £2 10 0 | £3 12 6 | £4 10 0 | £4 10 0 |
Kodak N. C. Film—6 exposures | 11 | 1 1 | 1 6 | 1 9 | 1 11 |
Kodak N. C. Film—12 exposures | 1 9 | 2 2 | 3 0 | (10exp.)30 | 3 9 |
Leather Carrying Case ... | 5 6 | 6 0 | 6 6 | 7 0 | 7 0 |
These Kodaks are of Folding Pocket Kodak type, but are specially suitable for high speed work. They are fitted with a focal plane shutter giving various exposures up to 1/1000 second. The No. 1A Speed Kodak takes a picture 4¼ × 2½in. and the No. 4A Speed Kodak takes a picture 6½ × 4¼in. These Kodaks can be fitted with lenses to suit the taste of the user.
The No. 1a Speed Kodak, without lens | £ 8 0 0 |
The No. 4a Speed Kodak... | £10 10 0 |
These Cameras are as simple to use as the ordinary Brownies but have better lenses and shutters, and are made to fold up so that they are more convenient to travellers. They take Kodak non-curling film, and are therefore loaded and unloaded in daylight.
No. | 2, | takes pictures | 3¼ × 2¼in. | £1 1 0 |
| 2a | ,, | 4¼ × 2½in. | 1 10 0 |
| 3 | ,, | 4¼ × 3¼in. | 1 17 6 |
| 3 | ,, | do. with R.R. lens | 2 6 0 |
| 3a | ,, | 5½ × 3¼in. | 2 2 0 |
| 3a | ,, | do. with R.R. lens | 2 10 0 |
These Kodaks have been introduced to meet the growing demand for a Folding Pocket Kodak fitted with an Anastigmat lens and a shutter of the highest quality. Excellent as are the rapid rectilinear lenses furnished in the regular Folding Pocket Kodak equipment, Anastigmat lenses have a larger aperture and considerably widen the possibilities of photography. The 3 and 3A Special are supplied fitted with Zeiss Tessar, Cooke Series III. or Goerz Dagor lenses. To give the full advantage of these lenses, they are also fitted with a “Compound” shutter giving a range of instantaneous exposures up to 1/200 of a second, as well as time exposures. The No. 3 Special and No. 3A Special Kodaks have a rack and pinion for focussing, and a double focussing scale, one for films and one for plates. These models are covered with black Persian morocco, and have black leather bellows. The No. 3 Special Kodak takes a picture 4¼ × 3¼in., the No. 3A Special takes postcard pictures, 5½ × 3¼in., and both fold up in the same compact form as the Folding Pocket Kodaks.
Prices. |
No. 3A Special Kodak, Zeiss Tessar Lens ƒ/7 | £12 18 6 |
With Cooke Series III. ƒ/6·5 | 11 0 0 |
With Goerz Dagor ƒ/6·8 | 12 14 6 |
No. 3 Special Kodak, Zeiss Tessar Lens ƒ/6·3 | 10 11 0 |
With Cooke Series III. ƒ/6·5 | 9 5 0 |
With Goerz Dagor, ƒ/6·8 | 10 10 0 |
For photographing wide expanses of landscapes and similar subjects. No. 1 takes pictures 7 × 2¼in., No. 2, 12 × 3½in.
No. 1 Panoram Kodak | ... | £2 10 0 |
N. C. Film—6 exposures | ... | 1 9 |
No. 4 Panoram Kodak | ... | £3 10 0 |
N. C. Film—4 exposures | ... | 3 2 |
Very simple and convenient box form cameras, always ready for use. Will take time exposures or snap-shots. Loaded and unloaded in daylight.
| No. 1 Brownie | No. 2 Brownie | No. 2a Brownie | No. 3 Brownie |
| takes pictures | takes pictures | takes pictures | takes pictures |
| 2¼ × 2¼in. | 2¼ × 3¼in. | 2½ × 4½in. | 3¼ × 4¼in. |
| 5/0 | 10/0 | 12/6 | 17/6 |
Kodak N.C. Film— |
6 exposures | 0/7 | 0/10 | 1/1 | 1/6 |
Kodak N.C. Film— |
12 exposures | — | — | 2/2 | 3/0 |
Box form Kodaks, superior construction, loaded and unloaded in daylight, always ready for use.
No. 2. Takes pictures 3½ × 3½in. | £1 13 0 |
Kodak N. C. Film— |
6 exposures | 1 3 |
12,, | 2 6 |
No. 3. Takes pictures 4¼ × 3¼in. | 1 16 0 |
Kodak N. C. Film— |
6 exposures | 1 6 |
12,, | 3 0 |
PATENT 28464 1907
PATENT 28464 1907
When off for your holidays don’t forget To slip in your pocket an “Ensignette.”
With this little Camera anyone can take good pictures right away. No previous knowledge of Photography is needed. The “Ensignette” takes up no more room in your waistcoat pocket than a box of wax vestas. Always ready for use and never in the way. Indoor Portraits and Views can be taken, as well as Instantaneous Pictures. A brilliant view finder, built into the Camera, shows the Picture in miniature. The “Ensignette” is made of metal, oxydised black. It has leather bellows, a fine lens, an instantaneous shutter for snapshots.
Takes pictures 2¼ × 1½ inches, on Roll Films, and loads in daylight. Complete in limp leather case. | Price 30/- |
No. 1 “Ensignette” Films (6 exposures) | 10d.each |
Direct View Finder | 1/9 |
SuÈde Case with Carrying Handle, Brown or Grey | 4/11 |
Tripod Attachment (with bushes for upright and oblong pictures) | 2/- |
with anastigmat lenses.
| £ s. d. |
No. 1n With “Ensign” Anastigmat Lens ƒ/6, in case | 3 15 0 |
No. 1d With “Aldis” Anastigmat Lens ƒ/6·8, in case | 3 15 0 |
No. 1b With “Cooke” Anastigmat Lens ƒ/5·8, in case | 5 5 0 |
No. 1g With “Goerz Syntor” Anastigmat Lens ƒ/6·8, in case | 6 5 0 |
No. 1z With “Zeiss Tessar” Anastigmat Lens ƒ/6·8, in case | 7 10 0 |
With the Anastigmat “Ensignette” successful snapshots can be taken even on a dull day, and will give microscopic definition from centre to margin of the picture.
Takes pictures about 3 × 2 inches. Complete in limp leather case.
No. 2 “Ensignette” Films, 6 exposures, 1/- each.
A similar Camera to the No. 1 “Ensignette” and constructed on similar lines throughout. Its value is far greater because the size of the picture is much larger and measures about 3 × 2 inches. The detail of the picture is much easier defined, and although the Camera is somewhat larger it will still fit into the waistcoat pocket.
The No. 2 |
with anastigmat lenses. |
£ s. d. |
No. 2n With “Ensign” Anastigmat Lens ƒ/6, in case | 5 0 0 |
No. 2d With “Aldis” Anastigmat Lens, ƒ/6·8, in case | 5 0 0 |
No. 2b With “Cooke” Anastigmat Lens, ƒ/5·8, in case | 6 15 0 |
No. 2g With “Goerz Syntor” Lens ƒ/6·8, in case | 7 10 0 |
No. 2z With “Zeiss Tessar” Lens ƒ/6·8, in case | 8 15 0 |
from Ensignette Negatives.
One feature that appeals to everyone is that FULL SIZE POSTCARD PICTURES can be made from Ensignette Negatives by using the Ensignette printing box, a fixed focus Enlarger specially made for the Ensignette. The apparatus is exceedingly simple and can be used with success by anyone who can develop a print.
Ensignette Developing Tank.
For developing Ensignettes in daylight. Complete with full instructions.
No. 1 Tank 7/6 each. Tank powders 6d. per packet of six. No. 2 Tank, 10/6
Ladies’ Hand Bag for Ensignette Camera.
Grey Suede Leather, lined with Chamois, and supplied with long silk shoulder sling.
No. 1 7/6 No. 2 8/6
The most reliable Hand Camera in the market. British made throughout.
Send for HARRODS’ Booklet. Post Free. |
| Prices. |
| ¼ plate | 5 × 4 | Post Card |
Camera, without Lens, including 3 double block-form Backs | £12 0 0 | £18 0 0 | £12 10 0 |
If fitted with Cooke Lens, ƒ/6·5, Series III. | 16 5 0 | 22 0 0 | 17 0 0 |
If fitted with Zeiss “Tessar” Lens, ƒ/6·3 | 18 10 0 | 26 0 0 | 20 10 0 |
If fitted with Ross “Homocentric,” ƒ/4·5 | 17 15 0 | 25 5 0 | 19 15 0 |
If fitted with Goerz “Dagor,” ƒ/6·8 Series III. | 18 5 0 | 24 5 0 | 18 15 0 |
Built of Best Polished Teak and Brass Bound. |
| Prices. |
| ¼ plate | 5 × 4 | Post Card |
Camera, without Lens, including 3 double block-form Backs | £17 17 0 | £26 10 0 | £18 10 0 |
If fitted with Cooke Lens, ƒ/6·5 Series III. | 22 2 6 | 31 0 0 | 23 0 0 |
If fitted with Zeiss “Tessar” Lens, ƒ/6·3 | 24 7 0 | 34 10 0 | 26 10 0 |
If fitted with Ross “Homocentric,” ƒ/4·5 | 23 12 0 | 34 0 0 | 25 15 0 |
If fitted with Goerz “Dagor,” ƒ/6·8 Series III. | 24 2 0 | 32 15 0 | 24 15 0 |
| 3½ × 2½ | ¼ Plate | 5 × 4 & P. C. | ½ Plate |
Best Mahogany (Ebonised) Nickel fittings | 12/6 | 15/0 | 18/0 | 25/0 |
| 3½ × 2½ | ¼ Plate | 5 × 4 & P. C. | ½ Plate |
In Best Polished Teak, Brass Bound | 17/6 | 21/0 | 25/0 | 40/0 |
HARRODS’ STEREOSCOPIC Focussing Magnifier facilitates the focussing in dull light. In neat Leather Case, 10/0
HARRODS’ DAINTY REFLEX for Plates and Film Packs, 3½ × 2½ inches.
This beautiful little instrument removes the only objection that can be urged against the “Reflex” type of Camera—that of size. It is light, small and compact, beautifully finished, of the highest efficiency, with all movements and fittings for turning out the highest class of work—a veritable Camera-de-luxe. Ladies, travellers, cyclists, motorists, all those to whom a small size is a desideratum, will find this camera all that can be desired, retaining as it does all the advantages of the “Reflex” system. The pictures obtained are capable of enlargement to any desired size if required—the whole outfit being of a quality that ensures sharp, crisp, perfect negatives. The adjustments are simple, and the Camera can be used with dark slides, changing box or film pack adapter.
The No. 2 latest New Model has reversing back, square focussing screen, rising front and ducking motion of the mirror.
| Prices. |
| No. 1. | No. 2 with Reversing Back |
The Dainty “Reflex,” with 3 double block-form backs complete, without Lens | £1000 | £1200 |
Fitted with ROSS “HOMOCENTRIC” Lens, ƒ/4·5, focus 4½in. | 15 0 0 | 17 10 0 |
,,,,ZEISS “TESSAR” Lens, ƒ/4·5, focus 4½in. | 15 0 0 | 17 10 0 |
Block-form, Double Backs each | 0 7 0 | 0 7 0 |
Book-form, Double Backs each | 0 12 6 | 0 12 6 |
The Soho Changing Box, carrying 12 plates or 24 cut films | 0 15 0 | 0 15 0 |
The Soho Film Pack Adapter | 0 12 6 | 0 12 6 |
Antinous Release fitted | 0 7 6 | 0 7 6 |
Extra for Swing Front | 1 10 0 | 1 10 0 |
Solid Leather Case for Camera and 3 Backs | 0 15 0 | 1 0 0 |
,,,,,,,,,,6 Backs | 0 17 6 | 1 6 0 |
Other makes of Lenses can be fitted. Prices on application. |
ROSS’ Patent NEW FOLDING REFLEX Camera with Self-Capping Focal-Plane Shutter.
ROSS’ Patent NEW FOLDING REFLEX Camera - open
This Camera possesses all the universally appreciated advantages of the Box-form of “Reflex” in an extremely portable form.
ROSS’ Patent NEW FOLDING REFLEX Camera - closed
The body is of well-seasoned wood. Covered in morocco leather: adjustments of metal. To avoid projections the Lens is sunk into front of Camera; focussed by lever. A Rotating Back permits of the slide being inserted either way. The Folding Hood easily detaches for cleaning purposes.
Size over all. 7in. wide, 3½in. back to front, 6in. deep.
Weight. Including the Lens, 4 lb. 5 oz.; of 3 Double Slides, 11 oz.
Price of Ross’ Patent Folding Reflex Camera, with improved Focal-Plane Shutter, Rising Front, 3 Double Dark Slides, and 5½in. “Homocentric” Lens ƒ/5·6in. Focussing Jacket, £23 0 0
This Camera is at present made in quarter-plate size only, and no other Lens than that specified is fitted.
ROSS’ “PANROS” Patent Self-Capping Focal-Plane Camera. |
Most perfect type, with advantages exclusively its own—Speed Regulation before or after setting the Shutter—All adjustments by one milled head, the only projection. With 3 Block-form Double Dark Slides, Black Leather carrying case, and in focussing Mount ROSS’ |
| ¼ plate | 5 × 4 | Post Card |
“Homocentric” Lens, ƒ/6·3 | £12 17 6 | £14 0 0 | £14 10 0 |
“Homocentric” Lens, ƒ/6·8 | 12 17 6 | 14 0 0 | 14 10 0 |
“Homocentric” Lens, ƒ/5·6 | 13 17 6 | 15 15 0 | 17 5 0 |
“Homocentric” Lens, ƒ/4·5 | 14 17 6 | 16 5 0 | 17 10 0 |
Other makes of Lens can be fitted at proportionate prices. |
Additional Double Dark Slides each | 0 12 6 | 0 13 0 | 0 14 0 |
TELEPHOTOGRAPHY without Softness on Diffusion.
Large Image at Short Camera Extension. Two Series, ƒ/5·4 and ƒ/6·8. Critical Definition at Full Aperture. Telephotography with Focal-Plane Shutter Exposures. An Ideal Lens for Sporting Events. Very suitable for Portraiture.
Back Focus. | ƒ/5·4 | ƒ/6·8 |
4½in. 9in. | ... | £6 15 0 | £5 0 0 |
6½ ,, 13 ,, | ... | 9 15 0 | 7 0 0 |
5½ ,, 11 ,, | ... | 8 5 0 | 6 0 0 |
8½ ,, 17 ,, | ... | 12 15 0 | 9 0 0 |
6 ,, 12 ,, | ... | 9 0 0 | 6 10 0 |
For Particulars of ROSS’ Lenses and Cameras see New List, forwarded free on application.
Taking plates or films 4½ × 6 cm. (1¾ × 25/16), the Vest-Pocket Tenax is a thoroughly practical little instrument. It is fitted with a shutter, giving speeds from 1 to 1/250th sec. and the Goerz Lens and focussing adjustment. Owing to its size and construction the beginner in photography is able to obtain excellent results right away. The results are of surprising sharpness, and although contact prints can of course be made, most of the users of the camera will adopt the Vest-Pocket Tenax enlarger, by which prints up to 7 × 5 can be produced with the same ease and facility as direct prints, and with practically equal sharpness.
The Goerz Vest-Pocket Tenax can also be used either as a focussing or as a fixed focus camera.
The C.D.V. Tenax Camera is exactly similar, but takes plates or films 3½ × 2½ ins.
| V.P.T | C.D.V. |
| Price | Price |
| £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
Camera, with Goerz “Dagor” and slides for 6 plates, with case | 10 15 0 | 13 0 0 |
Do., do., with Goerz “Celor” ƒ/4·8 | 11 0 0 | 13 5 0 |
Do., do., with Goerz “Syntor” ƒ/6·8 | 8 5 0 | 11 0 0 |
Do., do., with “Dagor” and film pack adapter for daylight loading films without slides | 10 12 0 | 12 4 0 |
Do., do., with “Celor” do. | 10 17 0 | 12 9 0 |
Do., do., with “Syntor” | 8 2 0 | 10 4 0 |
Extra Slides, each | 0 3 0 | 0 8 0 |
Film Pack adapter for Daylight Loading Films | 0 15 0 | 0 8 0 |
Goerz Automatic Vest-Pocket Tenax Enlarger with one slide | 4 10 0 | — |
The latest model of the Goerz-Anschutz Folding Camera is fitted with an improved form of focal plane shutter, giving speeds from 1/1200th second to 5 seconds, all regulated from the outside.
The shutter is self-capping, so that the plate or film is not exposed during setting. Exposures can be altered before or after shutter is set.
The camera can be fitted with Telephoto Lens and extension for use of Single Combination of Lens. The best camera for all rapid, instantaneous and sporting pictures. | Price List |
For Plates. | 4¼ × 3¼ | 5 × 4 | Postcard | 6½ × 4¾ |
Goerz-Anschutz Folding Camera, complete with Goerz “Celor” Lens ƒ/4·8, | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
Three Double Dark Slides and Case | 14 14 0 | 15 14 0 | 16 17 0 | 18 11 0 |
Do., do., with Goerz “Dagor” ƒ/6·8, do. | 14 9 0 | 15 14 0 | 16 17 0 | 18 11 0 |
Do., do., with Goerz “Syntor” ƒ/6·8, do | 12 9 0 | 12 19 0 | 14 2 0 | 15 11 0 |
Extra Double Dark Slides, each | 0 12 0 | 0 12 0 | 0 14 0 | 0 16 0 |
Plate Changing Box for 12 Plates | 2 0 0 | 2 0 0 | 2 5 0 | 2 8 0 |
Roll Holder | 1 10 0 | 1 10 0 | 1 15 0 | 2 0 0 |
Film Pack Adapter | 1 0 0 | 1 0 0 | 1 5 0 | 1 5 0 |
The Small, Practical Camera. No Larger than the Hand.
These are folding hand cameras built to the irreducible minimum of size. Elegant in appearance and beautifully made, portability has been obtained without a sacrifice of efficiency. The Cameras are fitted with a Goerz Lens, and a special compound shutter giving exposures from 1 second to 1/250th of a second, as well as time and bulb exposures. The double extension is sufficient to enable objects within a few feet of the camera to be focussed. A diagonal rack and pinion is provided for focussing, and the finder closes up in the camera. Fitting for tripod both ways. The “Pocket Tenax,” although so small and simple in use, is as complete as a stand camera, and capable of overcoming every photographic problem.
“Autofoc” Model is Automatically Focussed for Infinity.
One Press of a Push Button and the “Autofoc” is Ready for Use.
“Manufoc” focusses in the ordinary way.
Both Models same price.
| 4¼ × 3¼ | 5 × 4 | Postcard. 5½ × 3½ and 10 × 15 cm. |
| £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
Camera with Compound Shutter fitted with Goerz “Syntor” | 8 0 0 | 9 0 0 | 9 10 0 |
Camera with Compound Shutter fitted with Goerz “Dagor” | 10 0 0 | 11 0 0 | 12 0 0 |
Camera with Compound Shutter fitted with Goerz “Celor” | 10 10 0 | — | — |
Film Pack Adapter | 0 8 0 | 0 10 0 | 0 12 0 |
Single Slides | 0 2 3 | 0 3 6 | 0 4 6 |
Leather Case, holding Camera and film pack adapter, or camera and three or six slides | 0 7 6 | 0 7 6 | 0 10 0 |
5 × 4 in “Manufoc” only. |
A new type of instrument embodying the advantages of the reflex with the portability of the folding camera.
The Goerz Folding Reflex is made for one size of plate only—the popular 5 × 4. When folded the depth from back to front is 3? ins. only. Simply lifting up the lens panel opens and extends the camera with the lens focussed and the mirror and hood in position, ready for use. One movement only is required. Closing the camera is effected with similar facility.
The camera is not fragile, but when set up is as rigid as the box-pattern Reflex. It has all the advantages of the latter and differs from it only in being compact and light enough to carry without inconvenience.
A Focal Plane Shutter—the latest self-capping Goerz-Anschutz pattern, giving time and bulb exposures, as well as automatic and instantaneous exposures, from 5 seconds to 1/1200th second—is fitted.
The picture can be seen right up to the moment of exposing. PRICES (5 × 4 only). | £ s. d. |
Goerz Folding Reflex, fitted with Goerz “Celor,” ƒ/4·8 without slides or accessories | 23 0 0 |
Goerz Folding Reflex, fitted with Goerz “Dagor,” ƒ/6·8 without slides or accessories | 23 0 0 |
Double Dark Slides, each | 0 12 0 |
Plate Changing Box for twelve plates | 2 0 0 |
Daylight Cartridge Roll Holder | 1 10 0 |
Goerz Film Pack Adapter (for “Premo” Film Pack) | 1 0 0 |
Leather Case | 1 2 6 |
“Special” Sibyl, Model 2b. |
No. 2a | ,, | ¼-Pl., | fitted | Goerz | Celor, | F 4/8 | £16 16 0 |
,,2b | ,, | ,, | ,, | Zeiss | Tessar, | F 4/5 | £17 17 0 |
,,7, | 3½ × 2½ | ,, | ,, | ,, | F 4/5 | £18 13 0 |
These prices include Camera complete and 6 Metal Slides.
The Cameras are also constructed to take Changing Boxes or Film Pack Adapters.
These Cameras are at present in use at South Pole.
Extended for ordinary use.
This can be fitted to most Cameras of Folding Type. It folds into a very small space by depressing ground glass. Scales are engraved showing exact amount of rise of front required. Price in Best Leather Pocket Case, 20/0. Fitting extra.
Burns Solid Paraffin Wax, liquid while burning, solid when cold. Most convenient to all Travellers. Top folds into metal base. Can be fitted with any Safe Light, and with Virida Paper Screens is an ideal Autochrome Worker’s Light. Price, complete with Wax for 50 hours.
No. | 1, | 3½ × 2½ | Complete | with | 3 | Double | Dark | Slides | £30* |
,, | 2. | 4¼ × 3¼ | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | £35* |
,, | 3. | 5 × 4 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | £40* |
,, | 4. | 6½ × 4¾ | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | £50* |
* These Prices include Zeiss Double Protar Lens. |
Extra for “N & G” Changing Boxes for | No. | 1. | £2 5 0 |
12 Plates or 24 Films. | ,, | 2. | £2 5 0 |
| ,, | 3. | £2 15 0 |
| ,, | 4. | £3 15 0 |
Extra for “N & G” Film Pack Adapters— | No. | 2. | £0 15 0 |
| ,, | 3. | £1 5 0 |
| ,, | 4. | £2 5 0 |
S.R. Camera Opened, showing the new Folding Hood drawn up and the front extended for copying full size.
¼-Plate size, without Lens or Shutter, | £12 10 0 |
5 × 4in. | £15 0 0 |
½-Plate | £17 10 0 |
Any or the Customer’s own Lens and Shutter can be fitted to this Camera.
The new “N & G” Self-capping Focal Plane Shutter can also be fitted.
The Camera is suitable for Autochrome, Wide-Angle, Portrait, Figure Study, Landscape, Telephotographic, or Copying Work.
The Trellis Supports ensure Parallelism and absolute rigidity at any extension.
(Registered Design.)
Investigations prove conclusively that the quality of Negatives is increased a hundred-fold by use of the Lens Hood. Prevents flare and the annoying effects of scattered rays of light collected by lens and conveyed to plate.
Lenses, 1½in. diameter......7/6
,,from 1½in. to 2½in. dia. 10/6
“Imperial” Sibyl. Models Nos. 8 & 9. (¼-Plate). |
No. ¼-Plate size only. |
8. | Fitted | Zeiss Tessar, ƒ 6·3 | £16 16 0 |
8a. | ,, | Ross Zeiss ,, ƒ 6·3 | £16 16 0 |
9. | ,, | Cooke Lens ƒ 6·5 | £16 0 0 |
The Camera is supplied complete with 6 Single Slides.
This Model gives Horizontal and Vertical Rise of Front.
“Postcard” Sibyl.
No. |
10. | 5½ × 3½ | Fitted | Zeiss Tessar, | ƒ 6·3 | £21 0 0 |
10a. | ,, | ,, | Ross Zeiss ,, | ƒ 6·3 | £21 0 0 |
11. | ,, | ,, | Zeiss ,, | ƒ 4·5 | £22 10 0 |
11a. | ,, | ,, | Ross Zeiss ,, | ƒ 4·5 | £22 10 0 |
The Postcard Sibyl is a very compact instrument, giving a nice-sized picture of maximum definition and quality. Fitted with an efficient Shutter of “N & G” Manufacture. Constructed, like all Sibyl Models, entirely of Metal it is warranted to withstand any climatic conditions.
This Lamp is designed to take any form of “Safe Light,” and gives the maximum amount of light. It is adjustable to any angle.
By removing Safe Light, an excellent Reading Lamp is made, the ground glass giving soft, diffused light. It is further fitted with outside White Light.
Price, complete with one Safe Light £1 7 6
The Cameo Folding Pocket Cameras.
Models I. and II., Single, Double Extending.
In these Cameras all the advantages of modern design and construction are offered at a price well within the reach of most pockets. The Camera Bodies are made of well-seasoned wood, Morocco Leatherette covered, and have Aluminium Baseboards. The Front is cast in one piece, and is of exceptional strength and rigidity; Rising and Falling Movements are operated by a quick thread screw. The Shutter is a Lukos II., gives speeds 1/25, 1/50, and 1/100 sec., and is supplied with Antinous Release. The Focussing Screen is provided with a deep Hood; two Slides are supplied with the Camera.
Model I. Single Extension. | 3½ × 2½ | ¼-plate. | Post-card. |
Beck Rapid Rectilinear, ƒ/11 ... | £1 12 6 | £2 0 0 | £2 15 0 |
Aldis “Uno” Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7 ... | 2 0 0 | 2 10 0 | 3 10 0 |
Beck Mutar Anastig., Series I., ƒ/6 | 2 10 0 | 3 0 0 | 4 2 6 |
Camera without lens and shutter ... | 1 1 0 | 1 5 0 | 1 15 0 |
Model II. Double Extension. | 3½ × 2½ | ¼-plate. | Post-card. |
Beck Symmetrical, ƒ/8 ... ... | £2 7 6 | £2 15 0 | £8 10 0 |
Aldis “Uno” Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7 ... | 2 12 6 | 3 2 6 | 4 0 0 |
Beck Mutar, Series II., 3 foci, ƒ/6 | 3 10 0 | 4 5 0 | 5 7 6 |
Camera without lens and shutter ... | 1 10 0 | 1 15 0 | 2 5 0 |
Models I. and II. Single and Double Extending.
Here is a series of Folding Cameras of the highest quality. They are made of Mahogany, are covered in leather, and have Aluminium Baseboards, enamelled to protect them from climatic influences. Every fitting is substantially made, and will withstand hard wear. In addition to the range of movements usual to Cameras of this type, a Swing Back is provided, which can be securely locked in any position. The great advantages of the Klimax Cameras, in addition to their high quality, is their strength and rigidity, combined with light weight.
Model I. | ¼-plate. | 5 × 4 | Post-card. |
Aldis “Uno” Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7 | £3 15 0 | £4 15 0 | £4 15 0 |
Beck Mutar Anastigmat, I., ƒ/6 ... | 4 5 0 | 5 7 6 | 5 7 6 |
Aldis Anastigmat, II., ƒ/6 ... ... | 4 15 0 | 6 2 6 | 6 2 6 |
Goerz Syntor, ƒ/6·8 ... ... ... | 6 10 0 | 7 17 6 | 7 17 6 |
Cooke, Series III., ƒ/6·5 ... ... | 7 5 0 | 8 12 6 | 8 12 6 |
Ross Homocentric, III., ƒ/6·5 ... | 7 5 0 | 8 12 6 | 8 12 6 |
Dallmeyer Stigmatic, II., ƒ/6 ... | 9 0 0 | 10 17 6 | 10 7 6 |
Zeiss Tessar, IIb., ƒ/6·3 ... ... | 8 5 0 | 9 7 6 | 9 7 6 |
VoigtlÄnder Collinear, ƒ/6·8 ... | 8 5 0 | 10 2 6 | 10 2 6 |
Model II. | ¼-plate. | 5 × 4 | Post-card. |
Aldis “Uno” Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7 ... | £4 7 6 | £5 7 6 | £5 7 6 |
Beck Mutar, II., 3 foci, ƒ/6 ... | 5 10 0 | 6 17 6 | 6 17 6 |
Aldis Anastigmat, II., ƒ/6 ... ... | 5 7 6 | 6 15 0 | 6 15 0 |
Cooke, Series III., ƒ/6·5 ... ... | 7 17 6 | 9 5 0 | 9 5 0 |
Ross Homocentric, III., ƒ/6·3 ... | 7 17 6 | 9 5 0 | 9 5 0 |
Dallmeyer Stigmatic, II., ƒ/6 ... | 9 12 6 | 11 10 0 | 11 10 0 |
Goerz Dagor, III., ƒ/6·8 ... ... | 9 2 6 | 11 0 0 | 11 0 0 |
Zeiss Amatar, Ix, ƒ/6·8 ... ... | 9 7 6 | 11 5 0 | 11 5 0 |
VoigtlÄnder ... ... ... ... ... | 8 17 6 | 10 15 0 | 10 15 0 |
This outfit comprises a Camera made entirely of metal, with Aldis “Uno” Anastigmat lens, ƒ/7·7, Lukos II. Shutter, giving speeds 1/25, 1/50, 1/100 sec. Two Slides, Hooded Focussing Screen, and solid leather Carrying Case.
Price £3 3 0
A Pocket Camera that does not require focussing, opens out ready with lens fixed at infinity. Aldis “Uno” Anastigmat. All metal camera body.
Price £3 15 0
2¼b 10/0 2½ 12/6 3¼ 17/6
Thoroughly well built of wood and metal throughout. British made.
A fine quality Achromatic Meniscus Lens is fitted. The Shutter is Everset, and gives Time and Instantaneous Exposures. Ground Glass View Finders, for upright and oblong pictures.
“2¼a | Ensign,” 2¼ × 2¼ ... ... | 5/0 |
“2¼b | Ensign,” 3¼ × 2¼ ... ... | 10/0 |
“2½ | Ensign,” 4¼ × 2½ ... ... | 12/6 |
“3¼ | Ensign,” 3¼ × 4¼ ... ... | 17/6 |
“3½ | Ensign,” 3½ × 3½ ... ... | 21/0 |
All Roll Film Cameras use Ensign Films.
British Made.
Holds 12 plates, with perfect changing systems.
A Series of Strong and Reliable Box-Form Magazine Cameras.
No. 000 Holds 6 plates 3½ × 2½ | 7/6 |
No. 00a Holds 6 ¼-plates ... ... | 10/6 |
No. 00b Holds 12 ¼-plates ... ... | 12/6 |
No. 1 ¼-plate, with Single Lens, | £1 1 0 |
No. 0 ¼-plate, with Rectilinear Lens | 1 1 0 |
No. 2b ¼-plate, with Focussing Rectilinear Lens | 1 5 0 |
No. 3a ¼-plate, Rectimat Symmetrical, ƒ 8 ... ... | £2 2 0 |
No. 6k ¼-plate, Ensign Anastigmat, ƒ 7·7 | 8 3 0 |
No. 1pc Postcard, with Achromatic Lens | 2 2 0 |
No. 5kpc Postcard, with Ensign Anastigmat Lens, ƒ 7·7 | 5 12 6 |
A very compact and substantially made series of British Made ¼-Plate Folding Cameras.
Fitted with Cast Aluminium Stirrup-shaped Lens Fronts and Hinged. Draw-out Front Carriages.
Complete with 1 Dark Slide. |
No. 000 With Achromatic Lens | £1 1 0 |
No. 000A ,, Rectimat Lens, ƒ 8 | 1 5 0 |
Complete with 2 Dark Slides. |
No. 3 | With | Rectimat Lens, ƒ 8 | £2 2 0 |
No. 3k | ,, | Ensign Anastigmat Lens, ƒ 7·7 | 2 15 0 |
No. 4d | ,, | Aldis Plano Lens, ƒ 6·8 | 3 12 6 |
No. 4l | ,, | Cooke Luxor Lens, ƒ 6·8 | 4 10 0 |
9k Ensign Anastigmat | Lens, ƒ 7·7 | £4 7 6 |
9d Aldis Plano,, | ,,ƒ 6·8 | 4 17 6 |
9l Cooke Luxor,, | ,,ƒ 6·8 | 5 15 0 |
9g Goerz Syntor,, | ,,ƒ 6·8 | 7 2 6 |
9z Zeiss Tessar,, | ,,ƒ 6·3 | 8 12 6 |
10 Ross Homocentric | ,,ƒ 6·3 | 7 17 6 |
For Plates
25/16 × 1¾in.,
or Film Packs.
A new and perfectly designed little instrument for the pocket.
Invaluable to Pressmen, Tourists, etc. The Ideal Camera for Ladies.
This beautiful little Camera has all the advantages of larger instruments, yet is so small that it can be carried in the pocket without the slightest inconvenience. Perfect pictures may be obtained, even in poor light, and may be subsequently enlarged to any reasonable size.
Fitted with ZEISS TESSAR LENS, ƒ/4·5. |
Price, complete with 6 single nickel slides and cases ... | £10 10 0 |
Automatic changing box | ... | ... | ... | 2 15 0 |
Film pack adapter | ... | ... | ... | 0 15 0 |
6 Extra slides in pouch | ... | ... | ... | 0 12 0 |
Antinous release | ... | ... | ... | 0 3 6 |
This is a perfect Camera for the amateur photographer. It produces charming stereoscopic photographs with the utmost simplicity, which gives additional interest to the picture. The Verascope is always ready, no focussing is necessary. It is made throughout of metal, which not only ensures its rigidity and total freedom from warping, but also renders it an ideal Camera for use in damp and tropical countries.
The Verascope is fitted with a magazine changing box, which carries 12 plates, and the changing of the plate is extremely simple. The Verascope is an ideal Camera for colour photography with Autochrome plates.
Price of the various models, complete in morocco leather case. |
No. 1 | Ordinary model. Rectilinear lenses | £7 10 0 |
No. 1a | Ordinary model. Zeiss lenses | 16 5 0 |
No. 2 | Model, fitted with rectilinear lenses, same as No. 1, but fitted with speed regulator to shutter, and automatic plate indicator | 8 10 0 |
No. 5a | With Zeiss lenses, working at ƒ/6·3 | 23 0 0 |
No. 6a | ,,,,,,,, and new pattern Chronomos shutter | 25 10 0 |
No. 6b | With Zeiss lenses, working at ƒ/4·5, and new Chronomos shutter | 26 12 0 |
Additional cost for adapting for colour photography | 1 9 0 |
The Verascope can be fitted with the film pack adapter, if required,at an extra cost of | 1 16 0 |
No. 0. MIDG.
Wood body, leatherette covered, Auxiliary back door, patent sheaths, R. R. lens, shutter, speeds 1 to 1/100 sec., magnifiers 4, 8, and 12ft.
¼-pl., for 12 plates | £1 1 0 |
Postcard, for 12 plates | 1 15 0 |
No. 2. MIDG.
Aldis Uno Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7, Lukos II. shutter, antinous release, focussing up to 6 feet.
¼-pl., for 12 plates | £2 5 0 |
Postcard, for 12 plates | 2 17 6 |
No. 3. MIDG.
Aldis Uno Anastigmat, ƒ/7·7, Lukos Sector shutter, speeds 1 to 1/100 sec., antinous release, dust cover to lens.
¼-pl., for 12 plates | £2 17 6 |
Postcard, for 12 plates | 3 10 0 |
Harrods’ Experts will carefully Develop and Print your films or plates, also select suitable negatives for Enlarging, and carry out any work desired.
This work is done on the premises by experienced operators, and every care is taken to produce the best possible results.
NOTICE.—Although every possible care is taken of customers’ negatives, Harrods will not hold themselves responsible for any breakage, damage or loss, whether in transit or otherwise, and can only accept orders under these conditions.
ROLL FILM. | Per Roll. |
| 6-Ex. | | 12-Ex. | P. O. P. | Velox. | Platinotype. |
Ticka or Ensignette ... | 0/6 | | — | 1/0 | doz. | 2/0 | doz. | 4/0 | doz. |
No. 1 Brownie ... | 0/6 | | — | 1/0 | ,, | 2/0 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, |
No. 2,,... ... | 0/9 | | — | 1/0 | ,, | 2/0 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, |
No. 1 F.P.K. ... | 0/9 | | 1/6 | 1/6 | ,, | 2/0 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, |
No. 1a,,... ... | 0/9 | | 1/6 | 1/6 | ,, | 2/6 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, |
No. 2 Bullseye ... | 1/0 | | 2/0 | 1/6 | ,, | 2/6 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, |
No. 3 F.P.K. ... | 1/0 | | 2/0 | 1/6 | ,, | 2/6 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, |
No. 4 Cartridge ... | 1/0 | | 2/0 | 2/0 | ,, | 3/0 | ,, | 5/0 | ,, |
No. 3a F.P.K. ... | 1/3 | (10×) | 2/0 | 2/0 | ,, | 3/0 | ,, | 5/0 | ,, |
No. 5 Cartridge ... | 1/9 | | — | 2/6 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, | 6/0 | ,, |
Sizes. |
3½ × 2½ ... ... | 1/6 | per doz. | 1/0 | ,, | 2/0 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, |
¼-Plate ... ... | 2/0 | ,, | 1/6 | ,, | 2/6 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, |
5 × 4 ... ... | 2/0 | ,, | 2/0 | ,, | 3/0 | ,, | 5/0 | ,, |
½-Plate ... ... | 3/6 | ,, | 2/6 | ,, | 4/0 | ,, | 6/0 | ,, |
Bromide Enlargements on paper from customers’ own negatives. |
(Unmounted.) | ( Mounted, extra.) | (Finishing.) |
Size | Bromide. | Sepia-Toned | Plain | Plate-mark | First | Second | Third |
| Bromide. | card. | mount. | class. | class. | class. |
6½ × 4¾ ... | 1/0 | 1/6 | 0/3 | 0/9 | 10/0 | 5/0 | 2/6 |
8½ × 6½ ... | 1/6 | 2/3 | 0/6 | 1/0 | 15/0 | 10/0 | 5/0 |
10 × 8 ... | 2/0 | 3/0 | 0/6 | 1/3 | 15/0 | 10/0 | 5/0 |
12½ × 7½ ... | 2/0 | 3/0 | 0/6 | 1/3 | 15/0 | 10/0 | 5/0 |
12 × 10 ... | 2/6 | 3/9 | — | — | — | — | — |
15 × 12 ... | 3/0 | 4/0 | 0/9 | 1/9 | 18/0 | 12/0 | 6/0 |
To hold from ¼ plate to 15 × 12 paper.
Price complete, 8/6
No. 2. Cheaper quality, to take paper up to 15 × 12,
The new “Klito” Enlarger is made entirely of wood, and can be taken to pieces and packed so that it takes up only half the space. Fitted with special wide angle lenses. Prices, complete with Wooden Dark Slides.
No. 2. ¼-plate to whole-plate, and 3½ × 2½ to ½-plate | 15/0 |
No. 3. 5 × 4 to 10 × 8, and ¼-plate to whole-plate | 21/0 |
No. 4. ¼-plate to 12 × 10, and 3½ × 2½ to 10 × 8 | 25/0 |
No. 5. 5 × 4 to 12 × 10, and ¼-plate to 10 × 8 | 30/0 |
No. 5a. Post Card size to 12 × 10 | 32/6 |
No. 6. ½-plate to 15 × 12, and 5 × 4 to 12 × 10, and ¼-plate to 10 × 8... | 37/6 |
| Developing |
| Prices. | Powders. |
For No. 1 and 2 Brownies | ... | 10/0 | 0/6 |
For spools up to 3½ inch | ... | 21/0 | 1/0 |
For spools up to 5 inches | ... | 26/0 | 1/6 |
For spools up to 7 inches | ... | 32/6 | 1/9 |
The Kodak Developing Tank for Kodak Roll Film gives practical expression to “time” development, universally recognised as the most successful method of developing both correct and incorrect exposures.
No Dark Room Required.
Visual examination of the film with its risk of fog and error of judgment unnecessary.
You simply put the Film in the Tank.
(For Developing Pack Films).
No. 1 for (3¼ × 2¼ Films) | 6/0 |
No. 2 for (¼ plate to Post Card Films). | 16/0 |
No. 3 for 7 × 5 Films. | 18/6 |
(Developing Powders.) |
No. 1 | No. 2 | No. 3 |
1/0 | 1/6 | 1/9 |
Fitted with a good quality Portrait Lens. An instrument at a moderate price, but of best workmanship, and having every movement of utility.
Fitted with gas or oil.
Prices. |
Condenser | 5½in. | 7in. | 8in. | 11½in. |
| ¼-plate | 5 by 4-pl. | ½-pl. | 1/1-pl. |
| £4 5 0 | £5 12 6 | £6 7 0 | £15 7 0 |
The body is made of substantial Russian iron, therefore very durable and unlikely to rust. It is of small size and light weight, and is therefore very profitable. The Stage Plates and Sliding Tube are of well-finished brass. The lens is a first-class Petzval portrait combination, giving really excellent definition. Fitted with Stock’s pattern 128 C.P. lamp, in carrying box, complete, £3 15 0
A complete range of full size Magic Lanterns always in stock.
Prices from 21/0 to £25.
Coloured Slides 2/0 per set of 8.
Send for Complete List. Free on request.
Prices. |
Ordinary Pattern (as Illustration). | De Luxe Pattern Absolutely Reversible and Water Tight. |
3½×2½ | 8/6 | 10/6 |
¼ plate | 8/6 | 10/6 |
5×4 | 10/6 | 14/0 |
5½×3½ | 10/6 | 14/0 |
½ plate | 13/6 | 17/6 |
Developing Powders. |
¼ plate (per box of 6) | 1/0 |
(5×4 or 5½×3½) ,, | 1/3 |
½ plate | 1/6 |
(Best Quality and Finish.)
| Leather, with No. Lock and Key | Canvas |
1 | F.P. K. | ... | 5/3 | 2/0 |
2 | ,, | ... | 5/9 | 2/3 |
3 | ,, | ... | 6/3 | 2/6 |
3a | ,, | ... | 6/9 | 2/9 |
Pure & Best Quality. Lowest prices.
Black Brass ... ... from 6/3
Aluminium ... ... from 19/6
BACKGROUNDS, Plain Washable Cloth, from 1/10.
Stanley’s Clock, 9/6
Watkin’s Clock. 10/6
in Glass and Celluloid.
Funnels, Glass.
3 ... 0/3
4 ... 0/4
5 ... 0/6½
6 ... 0/10
Powerful Achromatic Focusser,
Cheaper Pattern,
3/9, 3/4, 2/0, 1/0, 6d.
Covers for Fingers, 6d. set of three.
Harrods’ Jaynay Lever Blade,
5in., 3/9; 7in., 4/9; 9in., 6/9.
Cheaper Pattern. 2/9, 3/9 and 5/9.
Trimming Knives, from 5d. each.
Circle Trimmers, 4in., 3/9; 6in., 6/3.
Jaynay Circle Trimmer, 2/6.
VIEW FINDER, “Brilliant,”
No. 1, 3/6 No. 2, 5/6
4in., 10d.; 5in., 11d.
6in., 1/1; 8in., 1/7.
(to hold 100 films),
Bull’s Eye, 1/2; ¼-Pl., 1/2; 5 × 4, 1/10½.
¼-Pl., 4d., 5×4, 5½d., ½-Pl., 7d.
Steel Enamelled—
¼-Pl., 6d., 5×4, 8d., ½-Pl., 10d.
“Granitine” Deep—
¼-Pl., 6d., 5×4, 7d., ½-Pl., 9d.
Pulp Slabs,
8 by 5, 8d.;
10 by 8, 1/2;
12 by 10, 1/7.
Self Toning Paper, P.O.P., Gaslight, Bromide, etc., in all makes and sizes, from 0/6 and 1/0 per packet.
3½d., 5½d., 8½d., 10½d. each.
PLATES. Ilford, Imperial, Paget, Edwards, Barnet, Warwick, etc., ¼-Pl.,1/0; 5×4,1/7; ½-Pl.,2/3; 1/1-Pl.,4/3.
Best Quality, 9/6, 12/6
Cheaper Patterns, from 1/9.
Packets, Assorted
Sizes, 5½d. and 10½d.
“Jaynay” Non-Slipping Frame,
¼-Pl., 6½d.; 5×4, 9½d.;
½-Pl., 11d.; 1/1-Pl., 1/10
FLASH LAMPS, “Todd Forret,” 12/6. “Junr. Todd Forret,” 7/6. “Flashaxe” Cartridges, 2 sec., 6d. each. Kodak Flash Lamp, 4/6.
HARRODS’ PHOTOTINTS. For Colouring Photographs. 0/10½ and 2/3 box.
The “X” Dark Room is one of the most portable on the market. It folds into a space of 6ft. 4in. by 6in., and measures when opened out for use 6ft. by 3ft. 2in. by 3ft. 2in. Weight 16 lb. The framework is constructed on the “X” principle, selected wood being used. The cloth used is black outside and lined red, a ruby fabric window and a shelf are provided, and the whole dark room can be erected or taken down in two minutes.
Complete in Cloth Case... | 25/6 |
Extra wide folding shelf ... | ... extra | 2/6 |
Larger size, 6ft. 6in. high, weight 25 lbs. | 28/6 |
SPIRIT LEVELS, Circular. from 9d.
T. Levels, two ways, 2/9, 1/0.
Kodak Portrait Attachment, No. 2, Brownie, No. 1 and 1A F.P.K. 1/6. No. 2, F.P.K., No. 3, F.P.K. and No. 3A, F.P.K. 2/0.
BRUSHES. Dish Brushes, Dusting Brushes, Paste Brushes and Bottle Brushes.
7in., 9in., 11in., 5/6 each.
Better Quality, from 7/2.
Watkin’s Bee Meter, 2/6,
Queen Bee Meter, 10/6.
Wynne’s Infallible Meter, 6/6
from 12/6
“Ensign” Screens, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6.
“Barnet” Screen, 3/0, 3/6
Kodak Screen from 1/0.
Harrods’ P.O.P. Washer,
¼-Pl., 3/6; ½-Pl. 5/6
Improved Sectional, 7/6, 12/6
V.H. Washer from 6/0
“Granitine,” ¼-Pl., 3/9; 5×4, 4/6; ½-Pl., 4/9
Japanned Tin, to hold ¼-Pl.,5×4, ½-Pl., 11d. each.
“Volvo,” ¼-Pl., 1/9; 5×4, 2/3; ½-Pl., 2/9
Bromide Chalks, 11d. per box.
Large Assortment from 6d.
All Sizes and Qualities.
A large selection.
See Departmental List.
Self Lighting, 9/6 & 12/6
Marion’s Bromide Lamp, from 7/2
“Cardinal”Lamp, 3/3 and 4/9
Copper “Cardinal”Lamp, 11/9
“Reliance,”3/9 and 5/6
Folding Fabric, 7d., 1/9 and 2/1
Glass, 1 oz.,4½d.; 2 oz., 5d.; 4 oz., 6½d.
Celluloid, 2 oz., 9½d.; 4 oz., 1/0
NEGATIVE BOXES (to hold 50 plates),
¼-Pl. | 5×4 | ½-Pl. |
1/0 | 1/3 | 1/9 |
“Negasys” Files, 1/6, 2/0 2/6 |
Harrods’ Developing Sinks (New Models). These Sinks are of polished pine, lead-lined, and fitted with brass combined plug and overflow, and sliding grid; the side tables are grooved to allow any water spilled on them to return to the sink; they are well finished throughout, the cupboard under sink being a useful feature.
Size of Sink
No. 1.—18 by 16, 3ft. 6in. wide, 52/6
No. 2.—24 by 18, 4ft. wide, 59/6
No. 3.—0 by 20, 5 ft wide, 67/6
Sportsmen, Travellers & Explorers.—Expert Advice given as to Outfits most suitable for the Colonies & Tropical Climates.
Handsomely appointed Day and Electric Light Studios for the production of Artistic Photography, ¶ Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Dressing Rooms are provided. ¶ Special Lift direct to Studio (Hans Crescent Entrance). ¶ Appointments can be made by letter or ’phone (Western One) or by telegram (“Studio, Everything, London”).
ON THE OCCASIONS OF HIS MAJESTY’S COURT the Studio is reserved for the convenience of Ladies and Gentlemen attending. Appointments should be made in advance.
Visitors are cordially invited to inspect our productions.
Portraits in
Black and White
Process Cartes de Visite
12 for 12s. 6d.
6,,7s. 6d.
12 for £1 1 0
6,,12 6
Portraits by the
Process Cartes de Visite
12 for 18s. 6d.
6,,12s. 6d.
12 for £1 10 0
6,,18 6
Portraits by the
Permanent Sepia
Process Cartes de Visite
12 for £1 5 0
6,,15 0
12 for £2 2 0
6,,1 5 0
Larger Sizes pro rata
Ivory Miniatures finished in Water Colours—from £2 2s. according to size; Enlargements of every description in Carbon, Platinotype, and Bromide; These can also be produced successfully from old or faded pictures.
Estimates given for all Branches of Outdoor Work, including WEDDING PARTIES, FAMILY GROUPS, HORSES, DOGS, ETC., AT CUSTOMERS’ OWN RESIDENCES.
bottom of ornate border
The “SIRDAR” and “RANELAGH” Wood Clubs, Ladies’ or Gents’.
Every Head is made of the Finest Persimmon or Dogwood and every Shaft is selected from the choicest growths from the best seasoned Hickory. Grips are made of specially prepared Cloth and Leather. The “SIRDAR” Clubs are fitted with the new Miralite Face, the “RANELAGH” with fibre Faces, and are the most Perfect Clubs ever made.
The “SPECIAL” Wood Clubs.
These are our second grade Clubs, and are produced with equally great care in selection and choice of material as our “SIRDARS” and “RANELAGHS,” except that the finish is not carried to so high a stage of perfection. For durability and quality they are second to none.
HARRODS’ “SIRDAR” Wood Clubs are fitted with the new “Miralite” facing, which gives longer Carry and quicker Rise to the Golf Ball.
SIRDAR Brassies.
7/6 each.
SIRDAR Drivers.
7/6 each.
The great advantages of the Samson may be shortly summarised as follows:—
(1) Increase in length of drive.
(2) Prevents slicing and pulling.
(3) Impervious to wet.
(4) The ball leaves club with delightful feeling to the player.
1st in the American Amateur Championship, Apawamis.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd at the Open Championship, Sandwich.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd at the Open Championship of France.
HARRODS’ undertake to make all their grades of Wood and Iron Clubs to Customer’s own specification. Special attention given to lie, loft, weight, shaft, length and balance. Copying a Speciality.
We are Agents for the following makers:—Tom Morris, W. Winton, R. Forgan, D. Anderson, J. H. Taylor, James Braid, C. R. Smith, H. Cawsey, C. H. Mayo, Geo. Duncan, &c, &c.
Special Drivers, 4/6 each.
Brassies and Spoons.
Plain Faces, 4/9 each.
J. H. TAYLOR’S Drivers.
5/6 each
6/0 each
Drivers & Brassies.
8/6 each.
WILLIE WINTON’S Drivers and Brassies.
FORGAN’S Gold Medal Drivers and Brassies.
7/6 each.
“First Prize” in the First Open Golf Club Making Competition at St. Andrews.
RANELAGH Brassies.
With Fibre Faces, 5/6 each.
Spoons, Baffys and Wood Cleeks,
5/6 each.
SCOTT’S Drivers and Brassies
Do you want to drive 20 yards further? Then use Scott’s “Unbreakable Neck” Drivers and Brassies. Balance and finish guaranteed. As used by the leading Golfers. Scott’s Clubs are specially adapted for foreign climates.
Patent Drivers ... 6/0 each.
Patent Brassies ... 7/0 each.
D. ANDERSON’S (St. Andrews) Socket Drivers and Brassies.
These Clubs are finished in very best style and fitted with Gold Cape or Rubber Cloth Grips.
Drivers ... ... 5/0 each.
Brassies ... ... 5/6 each.
Driver or Bulger heads, including fitting to own shaft 2/6 | ea. |
Brassey Heads, including fitting to own shaft ... | 3/0 | ,, |
Iron Heads, including fitting to own shaft ... | 2/9 | ,, |
Shafts, hickory, including fitting to own head | 1/11, 2/6 | ,, |
Refixing heads to Clubs 0/7 ea. New Horns to Clubs 0/7 | ,, |
The Famous TOM MORRIS Drivers and Brassies.
The process of manufacture of “TOM MORRIS” Clubs is unique. Every Club, from start to finish, is the individual product of the craftsman.
This method, while more expensive, secures for all our clubs that subtle feel or “life” which is the essential of a good Club.
Wood Putters.
Beautiful Models. Plain Face, 5/
Fibre Face, 6/6 Ivorine Face, 7/6
Miralite Face, 7/6
HARRODS draw the attention of their Customers to these Clubs. HARRODS’ Ranelagh Irons are hand forged and have broad soles and the shafts are absolutely the finest possible to obtain. The success of these Clubs has been instantaneous.
Ranelagh Mashie.
each 5/6
Mashie Iron ... 5/6
Driving Mashie 5/6
Ranelagh Cleek.
each 5/6
Ranelagh Mid-Iron.
each 5/6
Driving Iron ... 5/6
Ranelagh Niblick.
each 5/6
Ranelagh Mashie Niblick,
each 5/6
Winton’s A-1 Putter.
each 5/6
Winton’s A-1 Putter.
Ranelagh Putter.
each 5/6
The “SPECIAL” IRONS.—These are our second-grade Clubs, and are produced with equally great care and selection and choice of material as our Ranelagh Clubs, except that the finish is not carried to so high a stage of perfection.
Special Cleek.
each 4/6
Special Jigger ... 4/6
Maj. H. E. Harrison’s
“Shoebury” Patent Drivers
and Brassies.
each 7/6
Special Mid-Iron.
each 4/6
Special Lofter ... 4/6
PATENT 22170
Logan’s Irons.
Almost the only new kind of Iron Club that has established itself lately is that of the “Genii” pattern, which has less heel than the ordinary Iron Clubs. It is undoubtedly a good thing, and has made much difference to the iron play of hundreds of golfers.
Logan’s “Genii” Mashie, 5/0.
Logan’s Mashie Niblick, 5/0,
Logan’s Cleeks and Mid-Irons, 5/0 each.
Ordinary Straight
Faced Iron-Putters.
each 4/6
Gun Metal ... ... 5/0
Wry Necked Iron Putters ... ... 4/6
Special Mashie.
each 4/6
Mashie Iron ... 4/6
Driving Mashie each 4/6
Smith’s Irons.
These Clubs have sprung into great favour within the last year or two, especially so in the Midlands of England. Mr. E. J. Lasson, of Bradford, won the Amateur Championship, 1908, using Smith’s Irons.
The “Smith” Model Mashie, 5/6.
The “Smith” Model Putter, 5/6.
The “Smith” Model Irons, 5/6.
Special Niblick.
each 4/6
Special Mashie Niblick 4/6
Dominie Putter
(Steel Head).
each, 6/0
After the model of a Wooden Putter, but much smaller and neater.
Maxwell Irons.
Already in general use by Worlds Champions and Internationalists.
Maxwell Driving Cleek, 6/0
Jack White (Open Champion, 1904) broke record of Sunningdale Course; Ben Sayers, jr., broke record of Wimbledon Course, both using iron clubs of “Maxwell” model.
Maxwell Mashie 6/0
Maxwell Irons, 6/0
Geo. Duncan’s Clubs.
Geo. Duncan’s Mashie Iron, price 5/6
Geo. Duncan’s Mashies, Cleeks and Irons, 5/6
Geo. Duncan
C.H. Mayo’s Clubs.
Cleeks, Mashies and Irons, price 5/6 each
James Braid’s Famous Clubs.
james Braid
Braid’s Approaching Cleek, 5/3
Braid’s Mashie Iron, 5/3
james Braid
Braid’s Medium Iron, 5/3
Braid’s Mashie, 5/3
R. H. de Montmorency
The “R. H. de Montmorency’s”
Push Cleeks and Irons, 6/6 each.
Mills’ Aluminium Clubs.
Are impervious to wet and practically indestructible. Will not rust nor alter balance. Will play all the strokes that can be played with Irons, and are much easier to play with. Aluminium Spoons have a greater resiliency than iron. Wonderful Clubs for Long or Short Distances.
Combine all the advantages of Wood Spoons without their disadvantages.
There are no parts to come loose, such as horn, etc.
Perfectly balanced and true. The ball will not skid from face. Inspires confidence. Robert Forgan’s Irons.
Robert Forgan’s.
Ladies’ or Gents’.
Cleek, 5/6; Mashie, 5/6;
Lofter, 5/6; Niblick 5/6;
Putter, 5/6; Iron 5/6
The “F. Murray” Irons.
Shortly described, the heads are forged in the ordinary manner, but with perfect blades, part of the socket is then ground away to permit of an insertion of a piece of wood—which when rendered flush enables the shaft to be added by splicing—as will at once be seen—a unique and ingenious method of uniting an iron head to shaft; finally (after gluing), firmly bound with whipping—result, the perfect combination, partaking as it does of both iron and wooden club. The feel of the club is what all golfers have been looking for. Made in Cleeks, Irons, Mashies, and Putters. 6/6.
The F. Murray
H. Cawsey’s Patent Pneumatic Grip.
Special Claims for Cawsey’s Patent Grip:
(1) Correct position of Hands when gripping Club.
(2) Prevention of Club turning in Hand.
(3) Being Pneumatic—Perfect Resilience.
(4) Guarantee of keeping Club Face at right angles to direction of play.
Fitting above Grip to Clubs 1/0 each.
Braid Mills’ Aluminium Putter.
7/6 each.
JAS. BRAID, Open Champion, 1901, 1905, 1906, and 1908, says:—“I used the Putter manufactured by you throughout the Championships. I certainly putt more consistently with it than any other.”
Also used by HARRY VARDON and ALEX. HERD.
Price 7/6 each. Made to suit all Players.
The “Sunningdale” Juvenile Golf Set.
Comprising Driver or Brassey, Cleek, Mid Iron, Mashie, and Putter.
The heads of these Clubs are hand forged, and are exact in finish and detail as full-sized Clubs. They are not toys.
Price per Set, Complete in Bag, 19/6.
N.B.—Owing to the frequent introduction of New Golf Balls it is impossible to keep our Catalogue up to date, but every new Ball of merit is stocked immediately on introduction, and our customers can always rely on us for their supply. Those quoted below are the most popular Balls at the time of printing this List.
The “Ranelagh” is Equal to the Best 2/6 ball on the market.Price 20/0 doz.
We wish to draw the attention of our customers to the “RANELAGH” GOLF BALL.
MR. HORACE HUTCHINSON, who has tested the ball, writes as follows:— “Most golfers will agree on two cardinal virtues which a ball must possess to be first-class—it must fly well and retain its shape. In the ‘RANELAGH’ these qualities are very pronounced.”
The “Flight” is the best value obtainable.
Absolutely guaranteed.
Price 1/2 each, 13/6 doz.
The “Captain,” 15/0 doz.
Always Reliable.
The “St. Mungo Water Core,”
Floating or Non-floating, 24/0 doz.
Patent “Colonel.” 24/0 doz.
White “Colonel.” 30/0 doz. Covered with white gutta-percha.
P. G
The “P.G.” Small and standard sizes.
invented by Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey.
Price per doz. 27/0
For regular play the Domino will prove itself equal to any ball yet produced 27/6 doz. Spalding Midget Dimple, 27/6 doz.
All 24/0 doz.
New Dunlop, Bramble Pattern | } | Standard size Floating. | } Red Spot. |
New Dunlop, Stud Regd. Pattern |
New Dunlop Junior — Bramble Pattern | } Green Spot. |
New Dunlop Junior — Stud Regd. Pattern |
New Dunlop Heavy Junior, Bramble Pattern | } Black Spot. |
New Dunlop Heavy Junior, Stud Regd. Pattern |
Are in a Class by themselves. They are more durable than any other ball made. “Special,” Standard Size: Floating “Green Dot Special,” Standard Size Non-floating. 24/0 doz.
Patent “Challenger,” 24/0 doz.
Ordinary “Challenger,” 24/0 doz.
The “Star Challenger,” 24/0 doz.
The “Challenger Minor,” 24/0 doz.
Zome Zodiac large. Zome Zodiac small,
Zome Zodiac floating weight.
Zodiac bramble marking 1912.
Zodiac bramble marking small size.
Zodiac bramble marking yellow spot
All 30/0 doz.
The Silvertown Co.’s Ball.
The 1912 “Silver King.” 30/0 doz.
The following is a list of the principal successes achieved with the 1911 ball—
British Amateur, British Open, American Amateur, Midland, Baden-Baden, and Scottish Professional Championships, “News of the World” Tournament, etc.
The 1912 ball is made with a more pronounced bramble marking.
THE SPALDING BOB, 15/0 doz. THE ARROW, 15/0 doz. THE REX, 12/0 doz. THE CLIMAX, 15/0 doz. THE MANOR Standard Size, floating, 15/0 doz. THE MANOR JUNIOR, 15/0 doz.
W E & S B.
The very best cord and workmanship are used in our hemp nets, which are made in a special manner so that when the ball strikes the net it easily recedes, lessening the force of the impact and thereby relatively increasing the strength and durability of the net.
These nets are now made in ¾-inch mesh instead of 1 inch, and are guaranteed to stand fair wear and hard driving.
Very best Italian hemp and complete with all poles.
10ft. × 10-ft., with 2 5-ft. side wings, 49/0
10ft. × 9-ft., with 2 5-ft. side wings, 45/0
10ft. × 8-ft., with 2 5-ft. side wings, 39/0
Estimates submitted for any kind of Golf Practice Enclosure.
with 6 pockets down centre. Complete.
10ft. × 7ft. ... ... 21/0
10ft. × 8ft. ... ... 23/0
10ft. × 9ft. ... ... 26/0
10ft. × 10ft. ... ... 30/0
Very Best Italian Hemp Cord, ¾ in. mesh, 10ft. × 10ft., 24/6
Very Best Italian Hemp Cord, ¾ in. mesh, 10ft. × 9ft., 22/6
Very Best Italian Hemp Cord, ¾ in. mesh, 10ft. × 8ft., 19/6
Complete with Poles, Pegs, and Runners.
GOLF TEE MATS (to order).
When fixed at the Tees, either by being sunk on a well-levelled rubble foundation or on a wood platform, these Mats soon save their cost on a Links. Damage to turf is avoided, and a dry, level Tee always ensured. Sand should be well rubbed into the surface of the Mats.
Natural Brown or Dyed Green.
Size 60in. × 60in., 42/0; 72in. × 48in., 39/0
Made from Best Green Matting, which enables a player to stand correctly in order to practise the different shots in the game of Golf, and to play them in accordance with instructions given by the great player, James Braid, in his new book on the game.
Size 5ft. × 5ft., 10/6
Gent’s, black, all sizes, 10/6 pair
In ordering please state size of boot or shoe worn.
The above “Spur” Golf Overshoes supply the want that has been felt for many years by golfers generally, viz.:
A thoroughly comfortable watertight and non-slipping overshoe, that can easily be put on over the ordinary walking boot or shoe, and again taken off quickly, thus obviating the trouble and time in changing one’s boots. They can be carried conveniently in caddie bag.
One has only to examine the Overshoes to feel convinced that they are what is claimed for them—a boon to golfers.
Grey Rubber, with Red Tassel | 0/3 | each |
Rubber Tees, with Thong and Tassel | 0/4 | ,, |
Rubber Tees, with Anchor | ... | 0/3 | ,, |
Paper Tees, per box of 100 | ... | 0/11 | ,, |
Star Tee: | ... | ... | 1/0 | ,, |
A little sand is placed on the ground, and is pressed into shape with the stamp. Price 0/10½
India-rubber, tobacco pouch pattern | 0/10 |
Ditto, round, with sponge | 0/10 |
Ditto, ditto, with sponge and brush | 1/3 |
Round, Aluminium | ... | 0/9, 1/0 |
One pair of boots serves the purpose of two.
In 2 qualities. 4/6 pair.
Best quality Metal in Morocco Leather Case. 5/6 pair. Fixed or detached instantly to any Boot or Shoe. No clumsy Straps. Adaptable to Ladies’ or Gentlemen’s lightest or heaviest Footwear. The “Goffix” saves trouble of carrying boots about when visiting other golf courses.
Indispensable for practising and perfecting various shots, and testing new clubs. 3/6
Thousands in use. 1/10 and 2/9 each.
Golf Score Cards | 1/0 per 100 |
India-rubber Handles | 0/8 | each |
Rubber Cloth Grip Strips | 0/8 | ,, |
The best method for painting Golf Balls. No more soiled hands. Always ready. No trouble. Comprising Patent Golf Clip, Golf Ball Support Plate, 1 Tin Special White Elastic Paint, 1 Glass Bottle with Wood Cork, and 1 Bottle of Thinning Solution. 3/6 per set.
S.G. 102.
In Fancy Leathers,
complete with Pencil.
Purple ... 3/9
Green... 6/3
Violet... 4/9
Pigskin ... 4/3
GOLF REGISTER. Superior quality.
Padded Morocco, Back Loop, with Pocket, Rules, renewable Book and Nickel Pencil, size, 4in.×2½in. Price 2/9 each.
Refill Books for above, 0/9 each.
Can easily be Rubbed out.
Pigskin ... ... ... ... 2/1
Calfskin ... ... ... 2/3
Russia ... ... ... ... 2/6
The Breeches Pocket Watch and Sovereign Purse Combination will appeal by reason of its simple utility to all golfers. The watch is fitted with a leather case and chain, the whole being nicely boxed.
Price oxidized case, 21/0
The Outfit contains Painter, 2 Drying Racks, Ball Clip, and Tin of Special Paint. Price 5/6
Golf Grip Wax, 0/6 per cake.
Latest Golf Rules, 0/3 per copy. Emery rubber or polita for cleaning golf irons, 0/3½ per cake.
Golf Ball Paint, 0/6 per tin.
This marker supplies the only effective means of marking Golf Balls for easy identification. Without damaging the ball it sinks the name or initials into the cover. They may be stamped either with or without colour, and cannot be removed without destroying the ball. The marker pays for itself in a very short time in the return of “lost” balls. Named they are useless to any but the rightful owner, and when found are invariably returned to him.
Complete Outfit, including ink, inking pad, press, and one name or initial stamp 7/6
Additional Names or Initials to fit same press each 3/6
Names in circle 1/0 extra, or 2 or 3 letter monograms 1/0 extra. Time usually occupied in procuring these, 7 days.
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Extra large Golf Bag with Hood.
(As illustration),
These hoods are sewn on and tuck inside when not in use. Bridle Leather fittings, 7in. mouth.
White Sail Cloth | ... | each | 12/6 |
Tan Canvas | ... | ,, | 13/0 |
Drab Moleskin | ... | ,, | 14/0 |
Green Willesden | ... | ,, | 14/0 |
Olive Green | ... | ,, | 14/0 |
Real Cowhide | ... | ,, | 21/0 |
Real Pigskin | ... | ,, | 26/6 |
Real Calf Skin | ... | ,, | 32/0 |
Gentlemen’s ordinary size Golf Bags, with Pull-out Hood for Travelling, etc., in White Sail Cloth or Tan Canvas price | 11/6 |
Ditto in Olive | ... | price | 13/0 |
Ditto in Cowhide | ... | ,, | 18/6 |
SG 908. Special Chrome Calf Skin, with leather fittings. 21/0
SG 909. Superfine Drab Waterproof Sateen, with 3½in. leather top, heavy cowhide fittings, leather shoulder strap, swivel handle, and brass studs in bottom, 12/6
Made of Green Waterproof Twill, with heavy cowhide fittings, shoulder strap, swivel handle, brass studs in bottom. Price 8/6
The legs which support the Automatic Caddie open out automatically when the lower end is placed on the ground, and fold up close when it is lifted for carrying. The Caddie is very light; it is provided with a bag to hold balls, etc., and is confidently recommended as being a perfect Golf Caddie.
No. 1. For Ladies, 11/6 each. No. 2. For Gentlemen 12/6 each.
Gents’ Bag, lined Waterproof, made in Tan Canvas, Willesden Canvas, Olive Green or Fustian, price 8/6
Brown Canvas, cheaper quality, without umbrella loop, 5/6
Ladies’ Bag, lined Waterproof, made in Tan Canvas and Olive Green Canvas, with all fittings, price 6/6 Cheaper quality, Brown Canvas, 5/0
Ditto, in Willesden Canvas, 8/6
Ditto, in Fustian, 7/6
Gents’ Real Pigskin Golf Bag, price 19/6 Best Cowhide, Gents’, 12/6
Ditto, Ladies’, 11/6
The “Sunday” Bag, White, Brown or Green, 3/3 each.
See the Band
right pointing finger
Section showing
bottom of Bag.
The toughened Leather Band round the bottom of this Carrier, giving thorough protection against injury from trailing over stones or rough ground.
This protective Band is not stuck on, but is firmly sewn to the body by a new method which renders the stitching invisible.
Made in Olive Canvas or Moleskin, 14/6
No. S G 907. Lady’s or Gent’s. This Bag is made of sateen and is best quality rubber-proofed. It has cane supports, which are leather covered, complete with hood, pocket, and umbrella loop, and the fittings are all of best cowhide. 21/0 each.
Invaluable where Sheep or Cattle are grazed.
Labour saved and Greens preserved by their use.
4ft., price, 4/0 each.
Any length to order at extra cost.
Flags for above 12in. × 10in. 5/0 doz.
No more torn grips; no more twisted clubs; every club in a separate pocket.
As will be seen from the illustration, the idea of this bag is in the pockets, each club having a pocket.
To hold | 6 | clubs | ... | each | 27/0 |
,, | 8 | ,, | ... | ,, | 28/6 |
,, | 10 | ,, | ... | ,, | 30/0 |
,, | 12 | ,, | ... | ,, | 32/0 |
Hoods can be fitted to these tags at a cost of 6/0 each extra. |
Size, 50in. long × 7¾ × 7¾in., inside measurements.
Leather, 60/0 each; Brown Canvas, 33/6; and in Willesden Canvas, 37/6
Every Golf Course Requisite (designed by golfers) supplied.
The “Bogey,” Best Steel, 17/6
Cheaper Hole Cutter, 7/6
Cheaper, 1/0
Single Iron Flag.
Japanned and Numbered 2/6 each.
Smaller size, 1/9 each.
Four Winged, Japanned and Numbered,
4ft., 3/6 each.
Cane Rib, Crook Handle ... ... ... | 4/6, 5/6 |
,,,,superior ... | 6/6, 7/0 |
The “Dormy.” It cannot be blown inside out | 7/6 |
The “Storm Shield.” Double steel frame, Union Cover | 9/6, 12/6 |
As used on the Championship and most other Courses, Keep Flag-Staff upright and away from lip, price, each, 2/6
Superior, with Cross Bar, 0/9 each.
Plain, 0/7 each.
Price 0/6 each.
BALL SCOOP. For Water Hazards.
Galvanised, 2/6 Bamboo Shafts, 6ft. 2/0; 10ft. 2/6
Galvanized Steel Plate, Enamelled Red
For 20 Balls ... 10/0 For 30 Balls ... 12/6
Extremely comfortable, leaves the palms free. 2/0 pair.
450. Yds.
B.G.C. 12
Enamelled Red or white,
13in. base, 6½in. top, 4/9
Letters and Numbers, 0/3 each.
The “Deal” Glove. Tan Cape palms, Lisle Thread backs, and Elastic wrists. 2/11 pair.
The “Walton” Glove. Chamois. White Kid palms, knuckles covered White Kid. Button at back.
2/9 pair.
The “Brancaster” Glove. Superior Chamois. White Kid patched palms. Net ventilators between fingers
2/8 pair.
Plain Chamois Gloves. Open knuckles.
1/9 pair.
Chamois Gloves, yellow, Net backs.
2/3 pair.
The “Sheringham” Glove. White Mock, left hand Tan Cape palm.
Price 4/3 pair.
Harrods are West End Agents for F. H. Ayres’, Slazenger’s, Prosser’s, Nusser’s, Gardiner’s, Sheffield’s, Mass & Cie., F. A. Davis’, Jaques’s, Williams. Jeffries, and Sykes’ Lawn Tennis Racquets.
HARRODS draw particular attention to their special “RANELAGH” RACQUET. This Racquet is perfectly constructed on scientific principles, and only the highest quality materials and workmanship are employed in its manufacture. It is strung with the very best English Gut obtainable, the frames are of thoroughly seasoned English Ash, and with improved extra stout shoulders, bound with gut.
With Octagon or Fantail Handles.
The frame is made of English Ash and strung with finest English gut. Bound at shoulders with gut and vellum and has four double mains. A Racquet of the highest possible grade. Perfect in design, workmanship and finish. Price 21/0
Double Strung Bound Shoulders.
Price, 19/6
A well strung Bat.
Price. 10/9
Price 7/6
Price 27/6
With Demon Handle.
Price, 12/6
Ritchie Pattern.
Price 12/6
With Fantail Handle, Double Strung, and Shoulders Bound with Gut and Vellum. A bat we thoroughly recommend.
Price 15/0
Double Stringing.
Price 30/0
Price 27/6
Prosser’s CORONA,
Price 25/0
Price 22/6
Price 13/6
Price 17/6
Prosser’s DOROTHY.
Price 22/6
Price 25/0
With Patent Shoulders.
Price 30/0
The E.D.B.
1911 MODEL. 30/0
Price, 27/6
Price 25/0
Price 27/6
Price 27/6
Price 16/0
Price 25/0
Price 18/0
Price 15/0
Sheffield’s “EATON”
Doherty, Stringing
and Bound Shoulders.
Price 21/0
Nusser’s SPECIAL
With Improved Shoulders,
Nusser’s SPECIAL
With Double Stringing,
These are not quite full-sized bats, and vary from 11 to 12 oz. in weight. English ash frames and strung with English gut. Price 8/6 each
Cheap quality Juvenile Bats, 2/6, 3/9, 4/6 each.
Racquets Strung with Black Gut for Tropical Climates at No Extra Cost.
Handle giving firm grip, can be cleaned after use without diminishing in size. Selected rent ash, cane inserted, bound vellum and gut, strung with best possible gut in latest pattern. Frame made hexagon. Price 27/6
Selected English rent ash, finest English gut, cork inserted handle, joints strengthened with Malacca cane, shoulders gut bound before stringing, hollow middle piece, giving larger surface for play. Price 22/6
IMPERIAL Hollow-wedge, with cane reinforcements, extra strong shoulders, and strung best English gut. Price 27/6
Made to the specification of
A. D. Prebble, Esq.,
The A.M.M.
As used by Miss Morton.
Price 27/6
Jaques’s EXTRA
Restringing Racquets.
1st Quality, 10/6
Ayres’ Central Strung 11/6
Racquets can be restrung cheaper if required.
An entirely new invention.
(Patent 12146).
Price 33/6
Absolutely guaranteed.
The only racket produced with a four-ply continuous frame.
Official trials show that whilst an ordinary first-class racket breaks under a strain of approximately 170 lbs., the “Tunmer” satisfactorily withstood a strain of 450 lbs. before the effect was noticeable.
Warping impossible, can be perpetually re-strung.
Frame consists of one continuous ring of Ash.
Made of the very best selected materials, of perfect appearance, finish and design, and constructed under the new patent process, which entirely obviates the necessity for a press.
THE QUEEN’S POSTS. These Posts, which are of stout solid Ash or Birch polished, and have nickel-plated fittings, are firmly fixed to the ground by a spiral pin, giving a greater degree of rigidity, and more tautness is consequently communicated to the net. They are not destructive to the grass. For loose, sandy soil a long screw is requisite; if the poles are required for hard soil, we recommend the T-shape pins. Each set is furnished with a patent Steam-tarred Waterproof Net, Iron Screws, Spanner, Clutches, or T-shape pins and mallet, and Centre Guide complete, 70/0, Price, Poles only, 50/0
THE HURLINGHAM POSTS. Posts 3½in. square head and round base, polished: heavy iron bases detachable. Posts fitted with nickel-plated worm-winding ratchet, whereby a minimum amount of power is required, and the breaking of net cords is entirely obviated. With spiral screws for soft ground, or T-shape pins and mallet for hard ground as desired, 58/0 Complete with best Steam-tarred Net and Net Adjuster, 79/6
THE “RANELAGH” POSTS. The “Ranelagh” Posts are 2½in. in dia., with Brass wheel at top, and Brass ratchet. They are fitted with strong iron feet secured to the ground with T-shaped pins. The Posts are portable, and are easily removed from the iron feet. Complete with Steam-tarred Net, Copper Wire bound, and Net Adjuster, 42/6 Posts only, 27/0
THE ROEHAMPTON POSTS. Posts are of Polished English Ash, 3-in. dia., fitted with strong Nickel-plated Winding Ratchet. Portable iron bases, the poles being easily removed from the sockets, secured to ground and held by spiral pin. Complete with spanner and drill. Best Steam-tarred Net, Copper bound, and Net Adjuster. Price complete, 55/6 Poles only, 38/0
These Posts can be supplied with T-shape pins for hard ground if desired.
These posts are 3½in. square, specially made for Ashphalted or similar Courts. The base is of heavy iron, which is let into the ground (with an iron plug to cover hole when not in use), the top of which comes flush with the ground. Fitted with improved nickel-plated worm-winding rachet. Price, poles only, 52/6, complete with best Steam-tarred Net and Net Adjuster, 74/6
This is a strong serviceable Post and very smart in appearance. The Post is 3½in. in diameter, tapered off at the top as shown in illustration. Made from the best selected old English Ash. The Ironwork is Machine Made and interchangeable.
The most perfect and powerful Winder for winding nets of tennis posts ever made.
Very little effort is required with this winder to wind a net to its proper height.
A girl 10 years of age can wind with ease, after a man has put all his strength into winding with the old style of winder.
No slipping back of Winder, this ensures that the net can be fixed at the exact height required.
No catch to trap or take off finger ends.
No catch to release to slacken net; simply turn back.
It is quite as easy to wind net as to release.
It is quite as easy to release net as to wind.
Impervious to weather as all working parts are covered.
Has a solid Drum to take Net Cord, enabling the hole in shaft of drum to be always opposite to hole in drum, thus enabling cord to be withdrawn without cutting. Price, Poles only, 49/0 Complete with Best Steam Tarred Net and Adjuster, 68/0
Procured to order only.
Extra strong Posts, with rachet adjustment as shown above, nickel-brass fittings, and with movable feet.,
No. 1 × (D).
Posts only, with feather pins and mallet, per set, 53/0
Posts complete, with 42ft. Steam-tarred Copper Corded, Bound Net, and Adjuster, per set 72/9
These Diagonal “University” Posts have the square wooden uprights so placed as to secure the greatest amount of rigidity and to offer resistance equal to that of much stouter posts fixed in the ordinary way. The winding rachet with improved smooth taper drum is the most simple and effective yet devised, and adjustment of the height of the net may be made with the greatest exactitude and ease. Posts, 2¾in. square with screw spanner and clutch, or T-shaped pins, as desired, 42/0. Complete with steam-tarred waterproof, bound net, screws, clutches, spanner and centre guide complete, 60/6 Posts, ditto, ditto, 3½in. square, and with portable feet, 56/0
The speciality of these Posts consists in the winding apparatus being fixed near the base, giving greater rigidity to the posts, and in their having a winding drum so constructed as to obviate kinking and breaking of the copper cord whilst tightening the net. With screws, spanner, or T-shaped pins. The Posts are extra strong, 3½in. square, the metal parts in nickel and brass, and are fitted with the portable feet. Price, poles only, 56/0 Complete with steam-tarred net, centre guide, 76/0
As used at the All-England Championship Meeting, Wimbledon, and at the Queen’s Club and leading Tournaments.
The system of winding is such that the minimum amount of power is required, a gradual strain upon the net being easily obtained, while the jerky action, which has been found so often to break the net-cords, is entirely obviated (see illustration). The Base is constructed in two parts, allowing the Pole to be easily detached, and rendering the same most convenient for packing or removing at nightfall, while the feet are enamelled so as to better withstand bad weather and rough usage. Price, poles only, 62/6
Pole of polished English Ash, 2½in. diameter, slightly tapered, with strong brass ratchet fittings, complete with spade socket, driving bar and crook for pulling socket out of ground, as illustration, 25/0
Posts 2½in. diameter, steel, with 42ft. steam-tarred wire-bound net, and net adjuster, per set, 49/0
Posts 1?in. diameter, iron, with 42ft. steam-tarred wire-bound net, and net adjuster, per set, 37/6
1. Polished Pine, posts only, 5/0 pair.
2. Ditto, stouter and stronger, 7/3 pair.
3. Polished Ash, very stout and strong, 11/9 pair.
Complete with Pegs, Ropes, and Runners.
Jaques’, Prosser’s, and Osmond’s Tennis Poles procured to order.
With heavy spade ground sockets and improved rachet winding gear, complete with mallet, 40/0 pair.
Our new “Economic” Netting is specially recommended, it being light in weight, but made from very strong Italian hemp. A complete set to surround a Tennis Court, 96ft. by 54ft. will require:—4 Poles, 6 Standards, 100 yards of Wire Line, 4 Sets of Blocks, and 3 dozen Iron Ground Hooks.
Carriage direct from works paid to customer’s special address, to any Railway Station in England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales. Fitted with 102 yards of “Economic” Netting, 6ft. high, 91/0; 7ft., 99/0; 8ft., 107/0. The above Outfit is supplied complete only. Cannot be separated.
Harrods’ Tournament Lawn Tennis Balls. Best White Melton. Guaranteed Regulation size and weight. Price per doz. 11/0 Harrods’ “Ranelagh” All England Ball, 8/11 per doz. Harrods’ Practice Ball, 7/11 per doz.
(To order only.)
Per doz. 12/6
F. H. Ayres
F. H. Ayres’ “Championship,” as used at the leading Tournaments throughout the world for over 20 consecutive years, 13/0 doz.
Ayres’ “Standard”... ... 11/0 doz.
,,“Wimbledon” ... ... 10/0,,
F. H. AYRES “Veld”
F. H. Ayres’ “Veld” Special Hard Court Ball, 11/6 doz.
12/6 per doz. Red ditto, 12/6 per doz.
TENNIS BAT COVERS, in Waterproof Twill. Bound Leather, with Handle, 2/6 each.
Ditto, ditto Brown Waterproof Canvas, 3/11 each.
F. H. Ayres’. 4/0 and 2/9. Dividing Posts for converting Double Courts into Single, 5/9 pair.
(To order only.)
Made in England throughout. Per doz. 12/0
Plain for 2 Bats | ... | 4/6 |
Polished,, | ... | 5/6 |
Plain for 4 Bats | ... | 7/6 |
Polished,, | ... | 8/9 |
Used at the All England Championships. Wimbledon Price 12/9 doz. Slazenger’s “Colonial,” for Tropical Countries. 13/6 doz.
For putting on gut before and after play.
Per box 0/10.
The brushes first completely remove all green stains, dirt, &c., from the surface of the ball, and afterwards thoroughly work into the cloth covering a small quantity of white powder, which restores the ball in every respect to new condition. As the whole process is a perfectly dry one, the ball is in no way injured, nor is its resiliency affected in the slightest degree.
Price, complete with 1 Tin powder, 10/6;
Extra Tins powder, 0/6
8 Corner and 2 T pieces.
2/5 per set.
Lawn Tennis Rules and Dimensions of Courts, 0/5 each
Guy Ropes, Pegs and Runners, 1/0 set
Tennis Court Tape Lines, 4/9, 5/9 set
Score Books, 1/0 each
The neatest, most effective and most portable Racket Press. Takes up no more room than the Racket it holds, and is easily carried in the ordinary Tennis Bag.
1. Birch, Plain with Springs. 2/0
2. Ash or Oak, polished, with Springs. 3/0
LAWN TENNIS BAGS, fitted to take Racket Balls, Shoes, Flannels, etc. In Nut Brown Cowhide. Price 26/0
LIMP TENNIS BAGS, for carrying Racket and Clothing. With Pocket. Brown Waterproof Canvas, 5/6; Drab Moleskin, 6/6; Dark Green Selvyt Cloth, 9/6
½ in. White Tape, Brass Case, 2/3.
½ in. Linen Tape. Best Brass Case, 4/6.
? in. Metallic and Wired Tape in Solid Leather Case, 6/6.
(Patent and Registered)
Price 8/6 each.
F. H. Ayres Ltd London The Grip
Whitewood (as illustration) | ... | 1/6 |
Ditto. Polished | ... | ... | 2/3 |
Whitewood, to take two Bats | ... | 2/6 |
Prosser’s Patent Fold-up Press | ... | 1/8 |
A new composition for marking Lawn Tennis Courts. Perfectly made by a new process. Produces white, smooth, perfect markings.
7 lb. tins ... ... 1/3
14 lb.,, ... ... 2/0
Harrods’ Ranelagh Tournament Set.
Containing 4 Superior Boxwood Mallets, with Whipcord bound cane spliced Octagon Handles, 9 × 3 heads. Six Hoops with sockets, or Davidson Hoops 4 × ½ as required. The latest Turning and Winning Posts, 4 Spring Clips, 4 Corner Flags, 8 Boundary Pegs, Hoop Gauge, Drill, Hammer, 4 best quality Boxwood Balls, Book of Association Laws, and all requisites for setting out Match Croquet Grounds.
Complete in Stout Box | Price 57/6 |
Ditto ditto ditto, fitted with Excelite Balls | ,,69/6 |
Harrods’ Regulation Set.
Comprising 4 Superior French Polished Boxwood Mallets, 9in. × 3in. heads with English Ash Octagonal Handles Whipcord bound; 4 best Boxwood Balls, 3?in. diameter; 6 enamelled Hoops, ½ in. iron, 4in. wide; Boxwood Hammer; iron Drill; Hoop Gauge; special Markers; Starting and Turning Pins, and a copy of Laws of Croquet, in strong iron-clamped Box. All Implements painted regulation colours. Price 42/0
Special Club Croquet.
No. 1. Four superior Mallets, Boxwood heads, 6in. × 2¾in., Octagon Handles, 3ft. 2in. long; 3?in. Boxwood Balls; ½ in. iron arches, 20in. long; Turning and Winning Posts with Cross Bars to fix clips on; four Spring Clips, Hammer, Drills, Hoop, Gauge, Rules, etc. In Box complete. Price 27/6. No. 2. Ditto, Mallets 7½in. × 2¾in. Price 34/6. No. 3. Ditto, Mallets 8in. by 3in. Price 38/6
Croquet de Luxe JAQUES LONDON
Jaques’ Croquet de Luxe.
The materials contained in this set are all of the finest make, newest designs and of the most approved patterns. It includes Composition Balls, Malacca Mallets, Roehampton Hoops and Sockets, etc., etc., and is without doubt the finest set of Croquet ever produced. Price £4 15s.
Jaques’ New Model Tournament Croquet Set.
No Lawn too small. With a few modifications the Laws and Tactics observed in the Tournament Game are observed. The size of a court used with this set is 17½ yards × 14 yards, just half the full size, and these dimensions may be still further reduced if want of space demands it. Each set contains 4 Model Association Croquet Mallets, 6 × 2½, 4 Model Boxwood Balls, set of 6 Model Hoops, pair of Model Turning and Winning Pegs, all made in correct proportions, set of Clips, 126 yards Boundary Cord with holding down pins, Rules, etc., in wood box. Price 30/0
Small stand to carry Mallets, Balls, etc., for above ...
Price 9/0
Jaques’ Croquet.
No. 13 X. The Association. Containing 4 superior Association Mallets (heads 9in. × 3in.), bound Octagon Handles, each stamped to weight, four 3?in. selected Glisglos Boxwood Balls, Association Hoops, Pegs, Hoop Gauge, Marking Flags, and every article requisite for the setting out of Match Croquet Lawns. Complete in Stout Case. Price 60/0
Jaques’ 13-Tournament Set.
Containing 4 9in. × 3in. All-England Mallets, 4 Boxwood Balls, 3?in., Tournament Hoops, Association Clips, Association Pegs, Marking Pegs, Rules, etc. Complete in Box. Price 46/0
Juvenile Croquet.
Painted Regulation Colours.
No. 0x. Containing 4 2ft. 3in. Ash Mallets, Heads 4½in. × 1¾in.; 4 Balls, 3in. diameter; Hoop Clips; starting Post; Rules. In Box complete, ... ... Price 6/11
No 2x. Ditto, but with 2ft. 8in. Mallets; Heads 4½in. × 2½in., and 3¼in. Balls ... Price 10/ 6
No. 5x. Ditto, but with 3ft. 2in. Mallets; Head, 5¼ × 2½in. Balls 3?in. diameter ... Price 16/ 6
Ayres’ Wimbledon Croquet.
No. 1. Four superior Boxwood Mallets with 3ft. whipcord bound cane spliced Octagon Handles 9in. × 3in. scored both ends and black sighting line; four best quality improved paint protected Boxwood Balls, 3?in. diameter, warranted not loaded or plugged; ½ in. × 4in. Davidson’s Patent Hoops; one pair of “Kenrick” Turning and Winning Posts; 4 Improved Spring Clips; 4 Corner Flags; 8 Boundary Pegs; 4 Improved Indicating Discs for indicating position of balls in interrupted games; steel Hoop Gauge; strong Hammer; Driving Block, iron Drill; Book of Association Laws; Implements painted regulation colours. Complete in Strong Box. Price 60/0
Ayres’ Wimbledon Croquet.
No. 7. Four superior Boxwood Mallets with 3ft. polished Octagon Handles, heads 9in. × 3in. scored ends; four best quality Boxwood Balls. 3?in. diameter; six enamelled Hoops, 4in. wide, 20in. long; one pair regulation Turning and Winning Posts; improved Drill; strong Hammer; Book. Price 45/0
Gardiner’s “Conqueror” Croquet Ball ... | 18/0 set |
Slazenger’s “Stadium” Composition Croquet Balls ... | Price 16/6 set |
Ayres’ Championship Croquet Balls.
“The Championship Croquet Balls have met with the approval of all who have used them as approximating most closely to the play of the Boxwood balls, and as proving themselves thoroughly durable under trying conditions. The greatest possible care is taken in the special processes of their manufacture to ensure correct resiliency, gauge and weight as well as freedom from bias and the danger of the cracking of the cover. They will be found impervious to wet or sun, and most lasting and satisfactory in use.” They were used at the most important Croquet Meetings last season, including the Open Championships, the Irish Gold Medal, Champion Cup, Hurlingham, Windlesham, Hooton Park and elsewhere. Price 21/0
Marking Pins.
Painted in 4 colours, to indicate the position of balls in interrupted games, set 1/0
“Excelite” Composition Croquet Balls.
“Excelite” REGd
Every ball perfectly spherical and true to 3? in. gauge. Sun, wet and climate have no effect on them. All one weight. Colours never knock or chip off. Last long, play true and greater satisfaction to players. Price per set of 4 ... 21/0
The New “Tournament” “Excelite” Ball.
Absolutely a perfect ball. These have been specially tested to meet the requirements of the Croquet Association. Price 25/0
“Excelite” Practice Ball, 16/0 set.
The Glis-Glos Ball.
As durable as composition, with all the fine playing qualities of boxwood. The colours will not set off from one ball to the other or mark the mallets. Set of 4, match quality, in box, 16/8
The “Whichelo” Wired Ball Tester.
Set containing wire arch, screen, peg and cord, in box complete, with instructions for use. Set 2/6
The “Klark” Bisque Recording Croquet Post.
Provisional Patent No. 44/1908.
Advantages: (1) It is not only a record but a reminder of bisques. (2) It is visible alike to players and spectators. (3) It prevents the slightest doubt as to how many bisques have been taken. (4) It does not interfere with the play. (5) It is especially necessary and convenient at Tournaments.
The “Klark” Bisque Post, in box ... | each 7/6 |
Do., with Ordinary Pattern Kenrick Turning Post, in box complete ... | per set 9/6 |
Croquet Painting Compendium.
Price, with paints, brushes, painting stand. &c., 5/3
Boundary Pegs, per set of 8, 1/3
The “Wimbledon” Boxwood Balls.
“F. H. Ayres” best quality balanced sets, improved paint protected, painted in four colours and guaranteed to conform in all particulars with the Laws of the Association. Used at the Championship Meetings and the leading Tournaments.
Per set, in card boxes ... | 11/6 |
,,wood boxes, with lock and key ... | 13/6 |
Jaques’ Boxwood Croquet Balls, per set 10/ |
Croquet Hoops.
The “Davidson” Croquet Hoops.
Adopted exclusively as the official hoop to be used in all the tournaments held by the Croquet Association.
3¾in. wide by ½ in. thick, 20/6 set.
3¾in. wide by ¾ in. thick, 27/6
3¾in. wide by ? in. thick, 24/6
4in. wide by ½ in. thick.
Same prices as above.
Regulation Hoops.
½ in. round iron, 20in. high, painted. In wooden box, per set, 5/9
Jaques’ Eclipse Croquet Hoops.
An easy and quick method of setting out a croquet lawn. When once the sockets are fixed the hoops may be instantly removed after play to enable the lawn to be mown or rolled, while the sockets are left undisturbed. No. 1 Set. Containing 6 Hoops, 6 pairs No. 1 Sockets, Drill, Gauge Plate, etc., in wood box, 11/8 set. No. 2 Set. Ditto, but with 6 pairs of No. 2 Sockets, etc. Price 12/11 set. Sockets only, as No. 1, 7/0 per set.
The Association Hoops.
The firmest and best fixture yet produced.
This is the most up-to-date pattern of hoop in existence. The design conforms to the regulations laid down by the Croquet Association; there is no projection at the crown, which is square, and each hoop is of uniform width from the base upwards.
The flanges on each base being cruciform, a firm support in all directions is obtained. They cannot work loose, and leave no large holes in the lawn when removed.
Set of 6 regulation ? in. (4in. gauge) iron hoops, and manacle hoop grip, complete in box, 19/0
Mallet Case.
Mail Canvas, and fastened with Leather Straps. 3/9 each.
Composition Spring-Clips.
Very light, coloured right throughout, miniature size. Price per Set of 4, 2/2
Association Clips, small size, painted Tournament Colours, 1/3 per Set.
The “Kenrick” Starting Posts.
8/9 pair. Ditto, with steel shoes, 4/6 pair.
The Manacle Hoop Grip and Gauge.
Patent applied for. Ensures accuracy. Saves time. 1/8 each.
Rules of Croquet for 1912, 0/5
Croquet Ball Stand.
In Mahogany or Walnut, with Brass Fittings to hold 4 Balls and 4 Clips. Price 3/3 each.
Croquet Corner Flags.
In Association Colours ... ... 2/5 set.
The “Peel” Mallets.
Flat Bottom.
No. 1 P. | Head 9 × 3 ... ... ... | 7/11 |
,, | Ditto, with Brass Sole ... | 9/9 |
,, | Ditto, with Brass Sole and Horn Tips at ends | 11/9 |
No. 5 P. | Ditto, with Brass Sole and Brass Rings at ends | 12/6 |
Jaques’ “Association.” From finest boxwood, shaft of special shape and taper handle spliced and bound with whipcord.
No. | S G | 1A. | 8 | × | 3 | in. | ... ... | each | 6/6 |
,, | ,, | 3A. | 9 | ,, | 3 | ,, | ... ... | ,, | 7/6 |
F. H. Ayres’ Make.—Boxwood Head, Polished Octagonal Handle.
8 × 3 | Head | ... | ... | each | 5/6 |
9 × 3 | ,, | ... | ... | ,, | 6/0 |
Harrods’ Make. Boxwood Head with Sight-line.
Size | of Head, | 7½ × 2¾ | in. | octagon handles | each | 4/0 |
,, | ,, | 8 × 3 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 5/0 |
,, | ,, | 9 × 3 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 5/6 |
Sabicu Wood Mallet.
Heavy and durable. With 9 × 3 Sabicu head bound with brass ring, white inlaid sighting line, whalebone spliced and whipcord bound handle ... ... each 12/6
The “Malacca” Mallet.
This new style of mallet will find favour with those players who like a mallet with a handle possessing plenty of spring, 9 × 3in. each 12/6
The “Barry” Mallet.
Boxwood head, 9 × 3, with sighting line, round handle, length of shaft, including head, 2ft. 8in. ... | each 9/6 |
Ditto, ditto, Lignum VitÆ head, plain handle only, no sighting line ... | each 10/6 |
The “Roehampton” Mallet. 9 × 3 head, fitted with metal rings | each 10/6 |
The “Kenrick” Mallet. As used by the well-known player of that name. The shaft of this mallet is stiff ... ... ... ... | each 10/6 |
Juvenile Mallets, 3/0 and 4/6 each.
Croquet Court Marker.
The Queen’s Marker is one of great utility. No India-rubber bands or parts to perish. The tank is large, and holds sufficient whitening for a large-size Tennis Court. The machine is provided with a scraper for removing all adherence to the wheels, 13/6
The “Corbally” Mallet. |
As used by Mr. Corbally and leading players. |
With Boxwood or Lignum VitÆ head ... | 10/0 |
Ditto, ditto, with Brass or Aluminium Ends... | 12/6 |
The “Ascot” Mallet. |
9 × 3in. ... ... ... ... | each 14/6 |
Croquet Stands.
The “Wimbledon.”
To hold 4 mallets, 4 balls, 4 clips, and turning and winning posts. In polished whitewood.
Each, 10/9
The “International”
Carrier Stand.
To hold 4 mallets, 4 balls, and 4 clips. Superior, polished oak.
Each, 18/0
The “Carlton” Stand.
This stand is made so that it occupies a very small amount of floor space, while the implements can be carried in it by one person. Polished Birch Brass Fittings.
Price 9/9
Orders by post promptly and accurately executed.
Austin’s Self-registering Croquet Target.
A never-ending source of amusement on a Croquet lawn, by the use of which players may considerably improve the accuracy of their shooting.
Price, with ground brackets, complete, 18/4
Wire Boundary Netting.
The wire netting is supplied with the wire supports fitted, and need not be removed. These are easily pressed into the ground with the hand, consequently the netting can be quickly set up and packed away after play without leaving any holes in the lawn. Improved Pattern. Consisting of 2 each 30-yd. and 37-yd. lengths, 6-in. deep, with stout wire supports fixed every 6ft., and extra stout end supports. Set complete, 47/0
The Eclipse Boundary Netting
Two lengths each of 7in. Tarred Cord Netting, fitted with top and bottom straining lines, thumb-screws at ends, patent holding-down pins and slides. Four corner ground sockets and removable uprights, eight removable bracket arms to carry the wire straining lines. Price, complete for one full-sized Croquet Court, 47/0
Match and Presentation Bowls.
Accuracy in size and bias guaranteed. Made from the finest selected Lignum VitÆ. Tested and officially stamped by an appointed officer of the leading Association.
Extra Special Quality.
Made from the heaviest wood of the finest growth and fitted with extra large Ivory Mounts, richly ornamental ... ... per pair | 17/9 |
Extra Quality.
Fitted with large Ivory Mounts, richly ornamented ... per pair | 16/0 |
Special Club Quality.
An excellent Bowl, Ivory mounted, with plenty of weight, recommended for the use of experts ... ... ... ... ... per pair | 14/0 |
Lawn Bowl Sundries.
Bowl Bags. |
Waterproof Duck ... ... ... | 4/9 | each. |
Waterproof Solid Leather ... ... ... | 8/0 | ,, |
Waterproof Green Leather, lined plush | 14/0 | ,, |
Bowl Boxes, polished mahogany, baize lined.
Brass handle, lock and key, 10/0 each. Laws of the game, 0/3. China Jacks, 0/10 per pair.
India-rubber Footers, 2/9, 4/6 each. Callipers, 2/3 pair.
Lawn Bowl Measure. 3/6 each.
An excellent Garden Game for Large or Small Lawns. Complete Sets, containing Bowls made from selected Lignum VitÆ, Jacks and Rules in Wood Box.
3 4 4
1 1
3 2 2
The “Tournament” Set.
The “Tournament” Set, containing Four Pairs of 53/16 in. Match Bowls, Black, with Ivory number plates, each bowl of standard size, weight and bias, and bearing the official stamp of the English Bowling Association, complete with 2 china jacks, and book of laws, measuring-gauge, in iron-bound case with lock and key. Price 63/0
The “Association” Set.
Containing 8 53/16 in. Bowls with Ivory Plates, Association Pattern, No. 3 Bias, Black, with 2 China Jacks. Price, 47/6
The “Club” Set.
Consisting of 8 Bowls, French polished, 2 Jacks, complete with rules, in box. Price, 37/6
Bowls in sets of 8 and 2 Jacks complete in Box.
No. | 2 | (small, for Ladies) bowls, 4in. ... ... | 14/3 | per set |
,, | 3 | Bowls, 4½in. ... ... ... ... | 16/6 | ,, |
,, | 4 | ,, 5in. ... ... ... ... | 19/9 | ,, |
,, | 5 | ,, 53/16 in. ... ... ... ... | 24/0 | ,, |
,, | 7 | Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s set (2 each bowls, 4¾in., 5in., 5?in., 53/16 in.) | 24/0 | ,, |
Bowling Green Shoes. Slip on with Rubber Soles, | 4/6 pair. |
Rink Markers with Chalk Holders | 2/6, 3/9 each. |
Scoring Cards | 0/2 doz. |
Canvas Sheets for covering the ends of Greens, 9ft. × 6ft. ... ... ... | 4/0 each. |
Standard Bowl
These Bowls (except Nos. 1 and 2) are guaranteed to conform in every respect to the laws of the Imperial Bowling Association, and to have passed the examination of one of its Official Testers.
Association Bias, but not guaranteed to weight ... | 8/8 |
Ditto, ditto, selected wood and superior finish ... | 11/0 |
Standard size, weight and bias, and bearing the Official Stamp of the Imperial Bowling Association ... ... ... | 13/0 |
Ditto, ditto, Medium quality ... | 16/0 |
Excelite Lawn Bowls.
Guaranteed not to crack or Warp. Absolutely Waterproof. Unaffected by Climatic Influence. Never require Oiling. Easily cleaned with damp cloth. These Bowls conform to all the requirements of the English Bowling Association, and possess enormous advantages over the Wood Bowl—the running power being perfect.
Stocked in No. 3 Bias, but any bias can be procured to order in a few days. The following sizes we can generally supply from stock:—51/16, 5?, 53/16. Per pair, 30/0
Excelite Jacks, 1/6 each.
Taylor’s Celebrated Scotch Bowls.
Made to any bias. Sizes 5in., 51/16 in., 5?in., 53/16 in. |
Third Quality Bowls ... ... ... | per pair | 10/0 |
Second,,,,... ... ... | ,, | 12/0 |
First,,,,... ... ... | ,, | 15/0 |
Extra,,,,... ... ... | ,, | 19/0 |
The Bowler’s Kit Bag.
Reg. No. 594,939.
In Nut Brown Leather, nickel fittings and clips. Double action lock. Lined waterproof twill. Fitted inside to take pair of Bowls, Shoes, and has a protecting flap for cap, &c.
Price, 14/6
Do. do. do. to take 2 pairs Bowls, &c. 31/0 each.
Fives Gloves.
Gents or Boys’ Tan, with or without Padded Finger Tips, 4/0 per pair.
Racquet Bats.
Nusser’s make, as used at Princes Club, 13/6, 16/6 Prosser’s make, 13/9, 15/9
Squash Racquets. 7/0, 8/9, 12/6 each.
Fives Balls.
Rugby, best quality ... | per gross | 37/6 |
Eton ... ... ... ... ... | ,, | 52/6 |
Racquet Balls.
Best Quality (Prosser’s) ... ... per gross 31/0
Squash Balls.
Red Rubber, | Enamelled, | per doz. | 8/0 |
Black,, | ,, | ,, | 8/0 |
Grey,, | ,, | ,, | 7/6 |
Black Enamelled, extra superior quality, very fast, 10/9 per doz.
Above are with or without Holes.
Black Rubber, extra stout, very best quality. 1?in., 12/6 doz.
Presses for Squash and Racquet Bats, 1/6 each.
Harrods’ Men’s “Ranelagh” Driver.
Three Strips of Rubber have been inserted on a new principle in this Handle, and by this means greater resiliency is obtained with a total absence of jarring. It will add greatly to the driving power of the bat. Price 20/0
Harrods’ All-England Double Rubber Handle | 11/9 |
Harrods’ Spring Handle, Single Rubber | 8/9 |
The “M.C.C.” Patent Cricket Bat | 21/0 |
F. H. Ayres’ International | 14/6 |
,,,,Improved | 21/0 |
Cobbett’s Jubilee Driver | 20/0 |
Cobbett’s Spring Handle | 12/9 |
Lillywhite’s Superior Special Driver | 17/6 |
Lillywhite’s All-Cane Handle | 13/6 |
Abel’s Guvnor | 20/0 |
Bryan’s President | 20/0 |
,, Blenheim | 8/6 |
The “Force” Patent Cricket Bat.
Tension Rubber Ring Handle.
The most resilient Handle. Great Driving Power. A Powerful “Cutter.” Absence of Jarring. Perfect Balance.
Prices ... | 18/0 22/0 26/0 | each |
Public school size ... | 21/0 | ,, |
Clapshaw and Cleave’s Patent Spring Handle. Price 18/6 |
Gardiner’s Best.
Is made from the finest growth of Hertfordshire Willow. Constructed on scientific principles, giving exceptional drive and perfect balance.
Price......... 20/0
Gardiner’s Superior All-Cane 11/9
The “Victor Trumper” Bat.
The blade has broader edges than is customary, and the back has been shaped in such a manner as to add considerably to the resistance and driving power. The Bat has been produced to the exact specifications of Mr. Victor Trumper, the well-known Australian cricketer, and nothing but the very finest obtainable materials have been employed. The “Victor Trumper” Bat was used by several members of the two Teams in the Australia v. South Africa Test Matches, and also in the Australasian Inter-state Matches, 1910-11, with splendid success. Price 24/0
Fitted with the “Crawford Exceller” Handle. As used by the Australian Team of 1890, 3, 6, 9, 1902 and 5.
Men’s ... ... ... | 16/6 20/0 |
Wisden’s Youths’ Crawford Exceller Bats:— |
No. 4 ... ... ... ... | 9/0 |
No. 5 ... ... ... ... | 10/0 |
No. 6 ... ... ... ... | 12/0 |
Gradidge’s “Imperial Driver.”
Pronounced by all who use it as the finest driving bat ever produced. Amongst others being:—C. B. Fry, Esq., J. B. Hobb, Esq., V. Trumper, E. S. Ranjitsinhji, Esq., P. F. Warner, Esq., A. C. Maclaren, Esq., &c., &c., &c., Price 21/0
William Gunn
Gunn & Moore’s Men’s “Autograph” Bats.
These are specially selected by William Gunn. Price 20/0
Gunn & Moore’s “Cannon” Bats.
Treble Spring Handles, 14/6 each
Public School Bats.
As supplied to Eton & Harrow season after season.
G. & M.’s Eton and Harrow size “Autograph” Bat; perfect balance and finish; stamped Extra Special facsimile of W. Gunn’s autograph.
Warranted. Price 18/6 each.
Gunn & Moore’s Youths’ Bats: |
No. | 4. | “The | Autograph” | 8/6 |
,, | 5. | ,, | ,, | 10/6 |
,, | 6. | ,, | ,, | 12/6 |
Harrods’ Youths’ Bats, Single Rubber Handle:—
No. 4 Cane-spliced 5/0, No. 5. 5/6, No. 6, 6/6
Ayres’ Youths’ Bat, All-Cane. No. 4, 5/3, No. 5. 5/9, No. 6, 6/3, No. 6, International. 12/0
Cobbett’s— |
No. | 4. | Selected | ... | 6/0 |
,, | 5 | ,, | ... | 7/0 |
,, | 6 | ,, | ... | 8/5 |
Instructions for seasoning and using Cricket Bats:—Oil the blade of the bat, and when rubbed in stand it upright to prevent the oil getting to the handle.
,,,,College Ball, 4¾ ozs., as used in most public schools
3/3 | Lillywhite’s Best Match Ball | 5/9 |
Wisden’s Special Crown Ball | 6/0 |
,,Colonial Match Ball | 5/3 |
Duke’s Selected,,,, | 5/3 |
,,Match Ball | 4/6 |
F. H. Ayres’ Double Crown Cricket Ball. |
This special Ball is introduced as a result of years of care and thought in Cricket Ball manufacturing ... | 4/9 |
F. H. Ayres’ Special Double Crown Ball | 5/9 |
Bryan’s Grasshopper Ball | 5/0 |
Wisden’s Special School Ball | 3/9 |
The “Force” Waterproof Ball | 6/0 |
Youths’ Cricket Balls, Leather | 1/8, 2/6, 2/11 |
Youths’ Composition Balls | 0/5½, 0/10 |
Men’s,,,, | 0/10, 1/8 |
Cricket Stumps. With Bails.
30in., | Ash, | Polished | perset | 2/6 |
,, | ,, | Brass Bound ... | ,, | 3/6 |
,, | ,, | ,,,, with Iron Shoes | ,, | 5/0 |
,, | ,, | Solid Brass Tops, Ebony Bails, Steel Shoes | ,, | 7/9 |
,, | ,, | Solid Brass Tops, Ebony Bails, Brass Shoes | ,, | 8/3 |
Boys’ Superior Polished Stumps, Brass Bound |
24in., 2/0; 26in., 2/3; 28in., 2/6 per set. |
Bails. |
Ash Bails | ... | ... | per set | 0/5 |
Ebony | ... | ... | ,, | 0/10½ |
Boxwood | ... | ... | ,, | 0/10½ |
Cricket Bat Covers. |
Green Baize | ... | ... | 1/0, 1/3, 1/6 |
Bat Handle Covers. |
Indiarubber | ... | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Umpires’ Coats ... ... 7/6, 10/6
Crease-marker ... ... ... 10/6
Abdominal Pads ... ... 3/3, 4/0
Men’s Leg Guards measure 16in., and Youths’ and Boys’ from 10 to 14in. from knee to top of foot.
Harrods’ “Zingari” Leg Guard, made of White Mock Buck and with extra protections as shown in illustration. Price 8/11 per pair.
| Per pair |
Skeleton, best White Kid | 10/0 |
Skeleton, White Buck | 9/6 |
Ordinary, best White Mock Buck, 3 continuous straps | 8/6 |
,,Mock Buck, 3 straps and buckles | 6/11 |
,,White Canvas, ventilated | 5/6 |
Youths’ Skeleton | 9/0 |
,,best White Mock Buck, 3 continuous straps and buckles | 7/6 |
,,White Mock Buck | 4/11 |
Boys’ size | 7/6 4/11 |
As used by the following:—B. J. T. Bosanquet, A. O. Jones, P. F. Warner, T. S. Fishwick, J. Devey, J. Mason, Capt. E. G. Wynyard, P. R. Johnson, H. Martyn, G. L. Jessop, G. W. Beldam, M. W. Payne, E. M. Sprot, R. E. Foster, A. C. MacLaren, A. G. Vogler. Price 12/6
The “Stedman” Gauntlet
Made to the instructions of Mr. F. Stedman, the noted Surrey Wicket-keeper.
Per pair, including undergloves, 13/6
Frank Bryan’s “Atropo.”
Best Gold Cape, padded finger tips, black rubber palms. Per pair, 8/6
The New Wisden, padded at end of fingers, 11/0
Men’s— | Per pair. |
White Leather, Mock Buck | 4/6 |
Superior, Ventilated... | 5/6 |
Tan Gauntlets, Net Back ... | 5/6 |
Youths’ Gauntlets—
The “Stedman” 13/0
Mock Buck...4/3
Gold Cape...5/3
The Australian Gauntlet.” The rubber is sewn on by improved process, and cannot become detached. Specially suitable for warm climates. Real Gold Cape, very superior, rubber faced, 7/9 per pr.
No Rubber, no elastic to decay. Made of Gold Cape and White Kid, the fingers being padded with Horse Hair, as illustrated, per pair 3/9
As above, superior quality, 5/0 per pr
The “Claw” Batting Gloves.
The Rubber is shaped to the bend of the hand when batting, relieving the fingers of all strain. Price 7/3 per pair.
White Kid, best red-spiked Rubber, Men’s, per pair, 5/9
The Surrey Shield, per pair, 4/3
Men’s Grey Rubber, per pair, 5/0
The Surrey Shield | 4/0 | per pair. |
White Buck, Red Rubber | 4/9 | ,, |
Youths’ M.C.C. | 3/6 | ,, |
These Boards are furnished with a set of figures from 1 to 48, plainly painted on 24 Iron Plates, easily discernible at a distance, and when out of use are contained in a box at the foot of the stand.
No. 1 | ... | ... | ... | 37/0 |
,, 2 | Largest size | 57/0 |
Cricket Plates, numbered both sides. |
Size | 6 × 4 | ... | set | 7/0 |
,, | 8 × 6 | ... | ,, | 9/6 |
,, | 10 × 8 | ... | ,, | 14/0 |
In Cocoanut Matting, Dyed Green, Eyeletted and bound ready for fixing, complete with pegs. Durability and quality unsurpassed.
6 yds. × 6ft., 31/0 12 yds. × 6ft., 57/6
9 yds. × 6ft., 44/0 22 yds. × 6ft., 103/0
Complete with Poles, Lines, Pegs, and Runners. | Strong Hemp | Steam Tarred (To order) |
6 | ft. high, | 6 | yds. long | ... ... | each | 8/3 | 8/9 |
7 | ,, | 6 | ,, | ... ... | ,, | 9/6 | 10/0 |
8 | ,, | 6 | ,, | ... ... | ,, | 10/6 | 11/0 |
6 | ,, | 14 | ,, | with Leg | |
| and Off Wing,as illustration ... | ,, | 18/3 | 19/6 |
7 | ft. high, | 14 | yds. long | ... ... | ,, | 21/0 | 21/6 |
8 | ,, | 14 | ,, | ... ... | ,, | 24/0 | 23/6 |
Double Wicket Nets, 30 feet back, |
three 18ft. wings, 6 | ft. high | 33/6 | 34/6 |
7 | ,, | 38/6 | 39/6 |
8 | ,, | 44/6 | 45/6 |
THREE WICKET CRICKET NETS, to Order. White Hemp, complete with eight Poles, Guy Ropes, Pegs, and Runners. | |
45 | ft. Backs, | 18 | ft. Wings, | 6ft. high | each | 45/0 | 47/6 |
45 | ,, | 18 | ,, | 7,, | ,, | 52/6 | 55/0 |
45 | ,, | 18 | ,, | 8,, | ,, | 59/6 | 62/0 |
To Order. Recommended for Men’s use. |
Cricket Net (in accordance with L.C.C. Regulations) with Hemp Side Wings and Net, Poles and Guy Ropes complete. |
15ft. Back, two 15ft. Side Wings, and |
15ft. × 15ft. Roof, | 8 | ft. high | ... ... 36/0 37/6 |
| 9 | ,, | ... ... 39/9 42/0 |
| 10 | ,, | ... ... 44/0 47/6 |
Any size Cricket Net made to order. |
18 × 6ft. | complete | with | Poles and | Pegs, | per pair | 30/0 |
18 × 7 ft | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 34/0 |
18 × 6ft. | ,, | ,, | superfine quality | ,, | 41/0 |
18 × 7 ft | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 46/0 |
Square Mouth Nut Brown Cowhide Cricket Bag (as illustration), Lined Twill, Double-action Lock, size 36 × 10 × 10. 37/0
The Private Cricket Bag, square mouth, made in best quality Brown Leather, size 36 × 10 × 12in., Side-action Lever Lock with flap to protect same, and Patent Clips, each 63/0
Nut Brown Cowhide, lined check, shodded all round sides of Bag, Lock Flap, Sliding Lock, Turnover Clips, Handles continued all round, and one handle each side of Bag to enable two to carry the bag if required.
Size when open, 36 × 17½ × 12. 53/6
Do. do. do. do superior quality £5 5 0
“Marylebone” | Cricket Bag, | Nut Brown Cowhide, Single |
| Handle, size | 36 × 12 × 5in. | 21/0 |
,,,, | ,, | ,, | 36 × 12 × 7in. | 26/0 |
,,,, | ,, | ,, | 36 × 12 × 8in. | 28/0 |
In Brown Canvas ... | ... | 36 × 12 × 5in. | 17/6 |
,,,, | ,, | ,, | 36 × 12 × 7in. | 19/6 |
In Green Canvas ... | ... | 36 × 12 × 5in. | 18/6 |
,,,, | ,, | ,, | 36 × 12 × 7in. | 20/0 |
Self-Colour Carpet, with Lock, Key and Straps. |
| 36 × 12 × 7in. | 9/0 |
,, | ,, | Superior | 36 × 12 × 8in. | 10/6 |
,, | ,, | Leather Ends | 36 × 12 × 8in. | 13/0 |
All England Carpet Cricket Bag, Handles |
| continued all round | 36 × 12 × 7in. | 15/9 |
,, | ,,,, | Hide Ends | 36 × 12 × 7in. | 17/6 |
Harrods’ Make.
The “Ranelagh.” Strung with best Red and White Gut, Double centre strings and Bound in Shoulders, 9/0 each.
The “Perfect.” A reliable Bat, well strung and finished, 6/6 each.
The “Association.” English made, 4/9 each.
Indian Bats, 2/6, 3/6 each.
16/0 each.
13/6 each.
“Extra Special”
9/6 each.
7/6 each.
The “A.D.P.”
As used
by all
12/6 each.
The “F.H.A.” Badminton Bat. Oval face strung with best English Gut, and has great strength combined with extreme lightness. 12/6 each.
F. H. Ayres’ “Hydera” A high-class Badminton Racquet, made from the finest obtainable materials and workmanship, improved shape and stringing, 11/0 each. The “Gem.” A reliable Bat of good medium quality, well strung and finished. The six centre main strings run close together and increase the drive of the Bat, 7/0 each. F. H. Ayres’ “Desmos.” 11/6 each.
“The Lambert Chambers.”
This racket is strengthened in the frame and handle with materials which give the best results of tension whippiness, tightness and durability.
Complete with press,15/0
Slazenger’s “G. A. T.”
14/0 each.
10/6 each.
6/3 each.
Davis’ “Spartan,”
14/6 each.
F. H. Ayres’ Association
Straight Pattern Shuttlecocks
Guaranteed to conform in every detail with the Laws of the All-England Badminton Association. Per doz., 5/9
Harrods’ Association Shuttlecocks, straight-feather, leather bottoms, 5/3 doz. Slazenger’s Association, 5/6 doz.
Shuttlecocks ordered in quantities of not less than 6 dozen at a time 0/3 a doz. less.
Badminton Sundries.
Badminton Balls, for outdoor use, 5/9 doz.
Indiarubber Bottom Shuttlecocks, for outdoor use, 6/3 doz.
Official Laws of the Badminton Association,
6d. each.
Badminton Bat Cases in Brown Waterproof. 3/6 each.
Badminton Nets.
Made to conform to the Laws of the Badminton Association.
The “Association” ... ... | 4/6 | each |
The “Torquay” ... ... ... | 3/6 | ,, |
The above are fitted with white bindings.
Special Quotations to Clubs
The Regulation Set.
Adjustable Turned and Polished Poles and Stands, with Pegs and Runners, Net, four Racquets, six Regulation Shuttlecocks, Rules, in box complete, 30/0
Badminton Poles.
With weighted feet, for indoor and outdoor use, 15/6. Prosser’s Patent Tournament Post. Made of the best well-seasoned ash, polished and brass fittings. No screw to get out of order. No guy ropes required, very simple. Keeps net perfectly taut, to order. 28/6 each.
Portable Regulation Posts.
Outdoor Use.
Including Ropes, Pegs, and Runners, 5/0 and 7/0 pair.
The “Ranelagh” Association Set.
Containing four English-made Superior Association Racquets, one pair of Jointed Posts with weighted feet, Best Tanned Net with Linen Top Band, six Regulation Shuttlecocks, Rules, etc., in box complete, 47/6
Registered Badminton Bat. This is specially strung with Feltham’s “SpecialitÉ” Gut with extra double centre mains, price, 12/6
Webber’s Patent Press.
The principle of the Hinged Screw allows the Press to be made of small dimensions and such regular shape as to ensure uniform pressure upon all parts of the Racquet.
Plain Birch 2/0 each
Prosser’s Patent ... ... 1/8 each
“Grip,” 4 screws ... ... 1/6,,
Birch Presses—To hold 2 Bats, plain, 4/3 each; do., polished, 5/3 each; to hold 4 Bats, plain, 7/6 each; do., polished, 8/9 each.
To String and Unstring Archery Bows.
Warning.—The flat part of the bow is the outside and should be kept nearest the body in the act of stringing, or bow will in all probability be broken.
To String.—Hold the bow in the centre by either hand (whichever is more suitable to the archer), place the end on which the string is made a fixture in the hollow of the foot (not resting the bow on the ground), then pull strongly with the hand holding the centre of bow and press the string forward with the other until it reaches the nock made for it in the horn tip.
To Unstring.—The same attitude to be observed as when stringing, only pulling with the one hand and pressing with the other, so as to slacken the string, which should then be slipped out of the nock by the forefinger.
When the shooting is over, the bow should be unstrung. The bow must not be left or kept in a damp situation, and when not in use should always be kept in a bag.
4ft. 0in. Best Lancewood | ... | 2/11 |
4ft. 6in.,, | ... | 4/11 |
5ft. 0in.,, | ... | 5/11 |
5ft. 3in. Ladies’ | ... | ... | 6/6 |
6ft. 0in. Gent.’s | ... | ... | 7/9 |
5ft. 3in. Ladies’ Lemonwood | ... | 8/3 |
6ft. 0in. Gent.’s,, | ... | 9/6 |
5ft. 3in. Ladies’ Lance and Hickory | 10/6 |
6ft. 0in. Gent.’s Lance and Hickory | 13/3 |
5ft. 3in. Ladies’ Fancy Wood backed | 13/3 |
6ft. 0in. Gent.’s,,,, | 15/6 |
5ft. 3in. Ladies’ three-piece | ... | 14/6 |
6ft. 0in. Gent.’s,, | ... | 17/6 |
5ft. 3in. Ladies’ Self Yew | ... | 21/9 |
6ft. 0in. Gent.’s,, | ... | 28/6 |
5ft. 3in. Ladies’ Spanish and Italian Yew | 31/6 |
6ft. 0in. Gent.’s,,,, | 43/6 |
21in. Painted and polished | ... | per doz. | 2/2 |
24in.,,,, | ... | ,, | 2/9 |
25in. ½-Knocks, polished | ... | ,, | 3/9 |
21in.,,,, | ... | ,, | 3/3 |
28in.,,,, | ... | ,, | 4/6 |
25in.¾-Knocks, polished | ... | ,, | 4/6 |
28in.,,,, | ... | ,, | 5/6 |
22in. Youths’ best Pine painted | ,, | 5/6 |
25in. Ladies’ best painted and gilt | ,, | 7/0 |
28in. Gent.’s | ... | ... | ,, | 7/9 |
25in. Ladies’ | ... | ... | ,, | 11/0 |
28in. Gent.’s | ... | ... | ,, | 12/0 |
28in. Gent.’s painted between feathers | ,, | 15/6 |
25in. Ladies’ Pine footed | ... | ,, | 15/6 |
25in. Ladies’ best | ... | ,, | 21/6 |
28in. Gent.’s ditto | ... | ,, | 23/0 |
Ladies’ 4/3; Gent.’s 3/0, 5/3
Japanned Quivers, with Lock and Key—The quivers are to carry the arrows to the field to supply the belt, but are not worn while shooting.
Ladies’, to hold 12 arrows | each | 4/3 |
Gentlemen’s, to hold 12 arrows | ,, | 4/3 |
Ladies’ Green Tassels | ,, | 1/0 |
Gentlemen’s | ,, | 1/0 |
The tassel is to wipe the dirt from the arrows when drawn from the ground.
Ladies’ Bow Strings, best whipped Flemish | each | 1/3 |
Gentlemen’s,,,,,,,, | ,, | 1/6 |
Baize Bow Bags, Gentlemen’s | ,, | 1/1 |
,,,,Ladies’ | ,, | 0/11 |
Scoring Cards | ... | doz. | 0/10 |
Instruction Books | ... | ,, | 0/6 |
To hold 12 Ladies’ or Gent.’s full size Arrows, each, 3/3
WOOD GREASE CUPS. 0/10 each.
IVORY TABLETS. 1/9 each.
Bow and Arrows on Cardboard with Target Face.
Price 0/10½, 1/6, 1/11.
Superior painted canvas faces, mounted on stout straw bosses, and produced by experienced workmen.
24 | inch | per pair, | 8/3 |
30 | ,, | ,, | 12/6 |
36 | ,, | ,, | 18/0 |
42 | ,, | ,, | 24/3 |
48 | ,, | ,, | 33/9 |
Gent.’s, 1/9, 2/6
Ladies’, plain
Green, lined, 2/3
New and Improved Pattern.
Iron, 5ft., 9/0; 5ft. 6in., 10/0; 6ft., 11/0 per pair.
The strength of the pull of the ladies’ bows is between 20 and 30 lbs.
The strength of the pull of the gentlemen’s bows is between 35 and 55 lbs.
Ladies’ and Gent.’s Finger Tips
Ordinary, 0/9 set. Ditto, ditto, with Brass Screws, 1/3 set. Ditto, ditto, special pattern, as illustrated, 1/10 set. Ladies’ and Gent.’s Gloves, 1/1, 1/4, 1/9 each
24-in. Target, with 6 Darts, 6/6; Portable Stands, 3/3; Assegai Darts, small, 1/6 per doz. Ditto, ditto, large, 3/6 per doz.
Unrivalled for Strength, Speed, Elegance, Lightness, and Simplicity.
S.G. 134. Ladies’ or Gents’.
Style | A, Clamp Model ... ... ... | per pair | 21/0 |
,, | B, Screw-on Model ... ... | ,, | 21/0 |
The size of the boot should be given when ordering.
A Roller Skate should have an adjustable rubber cushion, so that the trucks can be loosened or tightened at the skater’s will. Our Skate has it!
Light weight is a great advantage.—The footboard and wheels, when made of aluminium-alloy, must make the skate much lighter than an all-steel skate. Ours are aluminium!
All-steel skates rely on rivets for securing the clamps and trucks to the footboards, and when these rust they are, to say the least, very unreliable. Ours haven’t a single rivet in them!
Strength is an asset so essential in a skate. Note the arch in ours! THE DEXTER FIGURE ROLLER SKATE.
To screw on Boot, fitted with Ball-bearing Aluminium Wheels, per pair 35/0
With Ball-bearing Aluminium Wheels, Ladies’ or Gents’, per pair 35/0. London made.
British made. Girder pattern, adjustable.
Bright finish, with Steel Wheels ... | per pair | 13/6 |
,,,,,,Aluminium Wheels | ,, | 16/9 |
Ladies’ or Gents’ Models. |
Juvenile Models, with Steel Wheels | ,, | 11/6 |
,,,,,,Aluminium Wheels | ,, | 16/0 |
English made. Fitted with Grippite Aluminium Wheels, Ball Bearings, Ladies’ or Gents’ per pair 29/6.
To screw on boots, with adjustable Cushions and Ball-bearing Aluminium Wheels, per pair 33/6
Brown Canvas, bound Leather, Ladies’ or Gents’ size | 3/6 |
Waterproof Tan Canvas Case, lined Baize. |
Ladies’ | ... | ... | 5/6 |
Gents’ | ... | ... | 5/9 |
Dark Green Leatheroid. Ladies’ | 6/9 |
Gents’ | ... | ... | 8/0 |
Cowhide ditto, with Lock. Ladies’ | 10/6 |
Gents’ | ... | ... | 12/6 |
To take Skates and Boots. Ladies’ | 12/6 |
Gents’ | ... | ... | 14/6 |
Flaxite Featherweight Cases, with Lever Locks, for Ladies’ or Gents’ Skates | 3/6 |
Ditto, Skates and Boots | ... | 5/6 |
London County Council Pattern.
For use indoors and outdoors. This pattern has met with the approval of Miss M. A. Hughes and several of the leading Calisthenic teachers. | |
Per set (including ball) | £2 6 6 |
Net with iron ring and hook to attach to walls or uprights | per pair | 0 12 0 |
Net Ball Rules ... ... ... | each | 0 0 4 |
As used by Royal Horse Guards at Royal Military Tournament, Agricultural Hall, May 1904. Dimensions of ball, 15 feet circumference. Made from best cowhide, and fitted with first quality rubber bladder. |
Ordinary | each | £22 0 0 |
Extra Stout, for use by Mounted Teams | each | 25 0 8 |
Inflators for same | | 1 0 0 |
The “Self Righting” Set consists of wooden uprights and stands with baskets and ball. The basket automatically discharges the ball and returns to its normal position when a goal is scored, thus obviating any cessation of play, and the game continues with that activity which characterises it. | per set £2 10 0 |
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 4.
Made from the finest Malacca and Rattan Canes, with well-shaped Handles, fitted with strong wrist thongs.
Heads of prime selected Sycamore, Willow or Ash.
No. 1. With corded handle and barrel-shaped head (Fig. 1) | each | 4/3 |
No. 2. With leather handle, cylindrical head (Fig. 2) | ,, | 5/0 |
No. 3. With cork handle, square head, specially selected cane (Fig. 3) | ,, | 5/6 |
No. 4. LE GALLAIS CLUB, with leather handle and specially selected Malacca cane (Fig. 4) | ,, | 6/0 |
THE “EXCELITE” (Regd.) COVERED HEADS have been still further improved. The driving power is considerably greater, and they last much longer than ordinary wood Heads.
THE “EXCELITE” STICK (Special). Specially selected and prepared Rattan or Malacca Cane, covered Root. Cigar or Le Gallais Head, each 8/6
“EXCELITE” STICK. Specially selected Rattan Cane, fitted with Excelite covered wood Head. Cigar or cylinder shape ... ... ... each 8/6
Real Buckskin, White, with full fingers, net backs.
Price per pair, 5/0
Maintain their shape and outlast about 12 wooden balls.
No stoppages for broken balls.
Do not hurt players or ponies like wooden balls.
Regulation size and weight,
30/0 doz.
Best Match, Willow painted, 5/9 doz.
Best Bamboo Root, 9/6 doz.
Polo Rules, 0/3 each.
Sticks should be kept in a dry place, and hung up when not in use. We recommend our special stands for this purpose.
To hold 2 dozen Sticks, £1 1 0 To hold 4 dozen Sticks, £1 5 0
As supplied to all the Principal Clubs.
Price per set, 80/0; Inside Fittings, extra, per set, 27/6; Crates, each 16/0
Colours extra 5 per cent.
Crates are credited in full if returned to the works carriage paid and in good condition.
Note.—The above Goal Posts are sent out complete with inside Fittings unless otherwise ordered. No time should be lost in ordering Goal Posts when required, to avoid delay in the rush of the season.
Weight 1¾ lbs.
- 1. Most invaluable for keeping Polo Sticks straight when being carried about.
- 2. Strong, Light, and Effective.
- 3. Polo Players are strongly advised to have one to enable them to keep their Canes in good condition.
- 4. To hold 6 Sticks, which can be easily and quickly put in and taken out.
- 5. Nothing to get out of order.
- 6. Send for one now.
Price 10/6 each.
Youths’ size, 3/9 each; Men’s, 6/0, 7/6 each; Match, 11/0 each; The Clarence, English make, 14/6 each; Lally’s Men’s Olympic, 15/0 each.
Lacrosse Goal Nets.
6ft. by 6ft. at goal, sloping and narrowing to a point 6ft. behind the goal posts.
Regulation does not make a 12in. roof essential.
Best quality, 15/6
LACROSSE GOAL POSTS. 6ft. by 6ft. above ground.
Specification.—Four 7ft. Uprights, 2 by 2in.; Two 6ft. Cross Bars, 2 by 2in.; Regulation Size. Painted Two Coats White, 8/6 per pair. If fitted with Four Adjustable 12in. Iron Brackets, to form a Flat Roof, 12/0 per pair.
Lacrosse Gloves | ... | per pair | 5/9 |
Lacrosse Balls | ... | each | 2/9 |
Lacrosse Rules | ... | ,, | 0/3 |
“Gofstacle.” The New Putting Game.
Can be played all the year round. Golf balls and putters are used; the balls are four to the set, and are coloured like croquet balls. The obstacles to be played through include hoops, rings, a tunnel, a bridge, and a tray which has to be entered up an incline. The full game is very suitable for an ordinary tennis court, but can also be played on small lawns, while on very small lawns some of the hoops, &c., can be omitted. When a number of people play, as at garden parties, &c., the sets can follow each other round the same court, as on golf links; extra balls can be obtained for this purpose. Set complete in box and Book of Rules, with “Excelite” balls, 30/0. Putters 4/6 each extra.
S G 88. Boletto.
The game of Boletto, whilst partaking of the nature of the old pastime of Bowls, contains additional features which render it specially suitable as a social lawn game in which both ladies and gentlemen can take part, and it is therefore a most useful game for parties.
No. 2 (b) Lawn. Containing 8 beech balls, 3?in. diameter, varnished and painted, 1 beech jack, 4 polished sticks 2ft. 10in. long, with rules, packed in strong wood box, 9/6 per set.
No. 3 (b) Lawn. Containing 8 boxwood balls, 3?in. dia., polished and painted, 1 painted jack, 4 polished sticks 2ft. 10in. long, with rules, packed in strong wood box. 19/0 set.
The Game of “Castello.”
“Castello” is a lawn game on an entirely new principle, and must not in any sense be confused with croquet. Set, consisting of 4 castles in brilliant colours, 4 superior boxwood mallets with specially shaped ends and band of colour to match, 8 coloured balls, 4 ringed and 4 plain, and 12 effective flags in 4 colours to be inserted in the tops of the castles, and rules in strong box. 28/6
Aunt Sally Game.
No. 4 ... 9/0
No. 5 ... 10/6
No. 6 ... 14/6
No. 7 ... 17/6
Complete with Back Net and Rods.
Hornbeam Skittles.
These Skittles are always sent out in sound condition, but in view of the peculiar nature of Hornbeam Harrods cannot hold themselves responsible for breakages afterwards.
Set 44/9.
Lignum VitÆ Cheeses for do., ½ lb.
Lawn Skittles.
Skittles for the Lawn, in Box complete, with Back Net, 23/0.
Spiropole or Bumble Puppy.
A polished Ash Pole, Brass jointed,
and Cord and Ball, 12/3
Rackets for above, from 4/3 each.
Extra Cord and Ball, ... 1/3
Portable Quoits.
With five Pegs. For Lawn, Ship, or Indoor use. Arranged for Play. 7/6 and 10/0 set.
F. H. AYRES 7 lbs
Hard Bright— Quoits.
3 | 3½ | 4 | 4½ | 5 | 5½ lb. per pair. |
4/0 | 4/0 | 4/3 | 4/9 | 5/2 | 5/7 per pair. |
6 | 6½ | 7 | 7½ | 8 lb. per pair. |
6/0 | 6/5 | 6/10 | 7/3 | 7/8 per pair. |
Cheaper Quality, Bright Steel, 3/6 to 6/8 pair.
Heavier Weights made to order. A set of Quoits is two pairs or four single ones. Quoit Pins, 1/6 pair. Ditto, ditto, split to hold paper, 2/3 pair. Rules 3d. copy.
Clock Golf.
For Clock Golf all that is required is sufficient space on a smooth lawn to describe a circle to form the Clock Face. Only a Golf Ball and “Putter” are required to play the game. For practice in “putting” Clock Golf is unrivalled, and the interest it excites at Garden Parties shows it to be socially a most popular game. Set of Metal Clock Figures, painted white, Cup, Pins, Flag and Chain for marking circle, with Rules, in wooden box.
Harrods’ make, as above, 9/0 set.
“Tonette” Regd.
Price 24/-
The newest game for small lawns. The only game for small lawns that gives as great an amount of sport as tennis. It is the outcome of long study, and the object is to give a smart, quick, dexterous game requiring but a small space. This is a want that has long been felt, and it is an ideal game for those who have neither time to keep in touch with a club, nor sufficient space for tennis at home. Ordinary tennis bats are used. A splendid game can be played on a lawn 40ft. by 12ft. or even smaller. Complete Set:—2 brass jointed poles with iron spike, brass bound, 2 cross arm pieces, 1 12-ft. net complete, 1 mallet, 2 guy ropes, 4 iron pegs, 2 balls, 1 book of directions with description. Complete in Box, 24/0
S G 110. Bottle Catching.
The most amusing and scientific game for indoors and outdoors. The idea of the game is to hook the bottles on to the line, and the one who catches the most bottles and scores the largest number of points wins the game. 25/0
S G 87. Stepping Stones.
A number of “stepping stones” are provided, which are placed on the ground at a distance apart, and the players are required to pass from one end of the series to the other, carrying in one hand a small flat board upon which has to be balanced a wooden ball. A splendid game for parties. 5/0
Battledores and Shuttlecocks.
Vellum Battledores, best make.
No. 1. 2/0 per pair
No. 2. 2/6,,
No. 3. 2/9,,
No. 4. 3/9,,
Shuttlecocks, 1/6, 2/0, and 2/9 per doz.
B 10 B
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
The Game of Bull.
For the Lawn, House, or on Board Ship. Board with 6 discs, 33in.×25in. 10/0
This game meets the demand for an outdoor game which, whilst not requiring a large area for play, possesses in a marked degree the qualities which make Golf, Croquet and Billiards so popular. Two or more can play, and the more players the greater the chance to exercise the skill and tactics the game calls for to win it outright. It preserves the attractions of Golf so far as putting, short drives, stymies and bunkers, &c., are concerned; the nine hole game with four playing occupying about two hours with expert players.
No. 2 Set.—5 Association Gofky jacks, made from selected Lignum VitÆ, highly polished, with inset bone numbers, 2 Association cast-iron aluminium-painted holes, 2 numbered golf balls, packed in strong square iron-bound and battened case with handle on top 25/0.
Putters, Mashies, 4/6 extra. Score Cards 0/6 Doz.
Instructions for Flying “BrooKite” Kites:—if the Operator is standing in a place sheltered from the wind, it may be necessary to send the Assistant down wind with instructions to hold the Kite over his head. The Operator then pulls the line, when the Kite will soar at once. No tails are required to balance the “BrooKite,” which is scientifically constructed, and such fixings are therefore not necessary. Should the Operator be standing in an open space, the Kite will leave the hand immediately it receives the full force of the wind. Always let out as much line as possible, and allow the Kite to float away from the hand. Then at once pull the line smartly, and the Kite will immediately soar overhead and well into the upper and steadier wind currents.
Instructions for adapting Kites to Light and Heavy Winds.—Light Winds: Kites are sent out already adjusted to fly in light breezes. Heavy Winds: Shorten bottom bridle cords by tying a loop knot in same.
| Long. | | Wide. |
No. | 1 ... | 1/6 | ... | 2ft. 6in. | × | 2ft. 2in. |
,, | 2 ... | 2/6 | ... | 2ft. 10in. | × | 2ft. 4in. |
,, | 3 ... | 5/0 | ... | 3ft. 10in. | × | 3ft. 4in. |
,, | 4 ... | 7/6 | ... | 4ft. 6in. | × | 4ft. 0in. |
,, | 5 ... | 10/0 | ... | 4ft. 10in. | × | 4ft. 5in. |
,, | 6 ... | 15/0 | ... | 5ft. 4in. | × | 4ft. 9in. |
,, | 7 ... | 20/0 | ... | 5ft. 10in. | × | 5ft. 3in. |
,, | 8 ... | 30/0 | ... | 6ft. 8in. | × | 6ft. 0in. |
Nos. 6, 7, 8 fitted with pulley block bridle. |
Is the result of experiments by a well-known Kite expert to combine—
with that greatest essential feature in Kites,
The lifting power is obtained at an extraordinary angle of flight, while in fact the Kite is soaring almost straight over the head of the operator.
Comprising two Kites, winders, and suitable lines, (banner 20ft. by 8ft.), and all necessary accessories, Price £5 5 0
Also Midget Outfit. Price £2 12 6
Prices 5/0 10/0 15/0 20/0 each.
2/6 each.
With Brake and Stop.
Patent applied for—
No. 16763—1910.
Only for small Kites.
2/0 and 4/0 each
Prize Winner in recent Open Competition on Wimbledon Common.
Prices 2/0 3/0 5/0 7/6 each.
3/0 6/0 10/0 12/0 each.
1/0 2/6 5/0 each.
2/6 4/6 6/8 8/6 each.
Suitable for 1/0 Size Kites | 0/6 |
Suitable for between |
Sizes | and | 2/6 | Kites | ... | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | 5/0 | ,, | ... | 1/9 |
,, | ,, | 7/6 | ,, | ... | 2/9 |
,, | ,, | 10/0 | ,, | ... | 4/6 |
,, | ,, | 15/0 | ,, | ... | 6/6 |
,, | ,, | 20/0 | ,, | ... | 10/0 |
,, | ,, | 30/0 | ,, | ... | 12/6 |
,, | ,, | 42/0 | ,, | ... | 16/6 |
2/6 5/0 7/6 10/0 each. |
3/6 5/0 each.
S G 709.
A splendid Flyer.
2/0 and 4/0
Double Box Aeroplane (as supplied to Marconi’s Wireless Telegraphy Co., Ld.) is a scientifically constructed Kite, is collapsible, and will fly in the lightest breezes, and weather a storm.
No. | 7. | Area | 28 | sq. ft. | ... | each | 15/0 |
,, | 8. | ,, | 60 | ,, | ... | ,, | 25/0 |
,, | 9. | ,, | 70 | ,, | ... | ,, | 30/0 |
,, | 10. | ,, | 85 | ,, | ... | ,, | 42/0 |
Double Stretcher, Eight-Boxed Aeroplane.
Price No. 1, £5 5 No. 2, £8 8
Winders | and | Cord | for | No. 1 | ... | 35/0 |
,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | No. 2 | ... | 63/0 |
No. | 1. | Area | 9 | sq. ft. | ... | each | 3/6 |
,, | 2. | ,, | 12 | ,, | ... | ,, | 5/0 |
,, | 3. | ,, | 16 | ,, | ... | ,, | 6/6 |
,, | 4. | ,, | 20 | ,, | ... | ,, | 8/6 |
,, | 5. | ,, | 30 | ,, | ... | ,, | 12/6 |
Greater stability and steadiness are, of course, characteristic of the larger sizes. |
Toy Kite | ... | ... | each | 1/6 |
Toy Kite B (larger) | ... | ... | ,, | 2/6 |
Bladders of the best quality only are used in these Balls. Every Ball inflated, inspected, and tested before being despatched. Each section carefully stretched to prevent the Ball losing its shape after play.
Nos. | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 3/0 | 3/6 | 4/3 | 5/0 | 5/9 |
FRANK BRYAN’S | GRASSHOPPER. Match size, | each | 10/6 |
,, | No. 4 size ... ... ... ... | ,, | 10/0 |
The “EAGLE.” 8 Section, a very serviceable Ball, 7/6
FRANK | BRYAN’S | F.B. | ... | ... | 11/6 |
,, | ,, | Grasshopper Buttonless | ... | 10/6 |
,, | ,, | Grasshopper Button Ends | ... | 10/6 |
,, | ,, | New GRASSHOPPER BALL, 10 Sections ... | 10/6 |
,, | ,, | CHROME GRASSHOPPER | ... | 10/6 |
F. H. AYRES Ltd.
A capless Ball of the finest materials, which was specially selected by the British Olympic Association for use in the Association Football Contests of the Fourth International Olympiad.
Price 11/6 each.
F. BRYAN’ S “CHAMPION” Registered
BRYAN’S CHAMPION | each | 9/3 |
The SCOTT Pneumatic Ball | ,, | 12/3 |
WISDEN’S Corinthian Match size Ball | ,, | 11/6 |
THE fjw
| Match size ... | each | 10/6 |
,, | Chrome Waterproof | ,, | 11/0 |
,, | F.J.W | ,, | 11/0 |
,, | EARLE | ,, | 7/6 |
,, | EARLE, No. 4 size | ,, | 6/0 |
,, | NO. 18. No. 4,, | ,, | 11/6 |
,, | ,,No. 5,, | ,, | 12/6 |
WEBBER’S | “New Zealander.” | Match size, | each | 10/6 |
,, | ,, | “Non-Slip” | ,, | 10/6 |
THE “HOTSPUR” FOOTBALL. Used exclusively by the famous Tottenham Hotspur F.C., of English League fame, for the past six seasons. Also in the Whites v. Stripes International Trial Match at Tottenham, January, 1911, and by many of the leading clubs. Hand-made by skilled workmen and from best quality hide. Price 12/6 each.
Nº 18
WEBBER’S “NO. 18.”
A splendid Ball, and always keeps its shape.
No. 4 ... ... each 11/6
No. 5 ... ... ,,12/6
Shin Guards.
Brown Basil Leather Strap and Buckles, 1/0 per pair; White Chamois, 2/0 per pair. Ditto, Leather lined, 2/6 per pair.
Shin and Ankle Guards.
2/3 and 3/6 per pair. Shin Guards for wearing under stockings, 1/3 per pair.
8 FT 7 FT 24 FT 3 FT 7 FT
The International Goal Posts and Nets, as used by most of the Leading Clubs. Complete Outfit, including 2 Goal Posts, 2 Nets, Iron Tubes and Fittings, as illustration, £5 14 0
Brodies’ Patent Steam Tarred, consisting of 2 Nets, complete with 4 supporting Poles, Guy Lines, 8 Iron Pegs, 12 Iron Pin-Hooks, Runners, Steel Head Lines, and Lashing Cords, but not the actual Goal Posts.
Stout Laid Hemp Cord 45/0 Nets only, no supporting Poles 33/0 |
Strong Laid Hemp ...35/0 | Do. 23/0 |
Finer Laid Hemp, suitable for junior clubs only | 30/0 |
Nets only, no supporting Poles | 20/0 |
No. 1. Regulation size, 24×8ft. above ground.
Specification:—Four Uprights, 10ft. long (allowing 2ft. for below ground); timber, 4 × 3in.; two 24ft. Top Bars, jointed in four 12ft. lengths, 4 × 2in. timber. The Joints are very secure, being formed by two Iron Plates to each Bar, 18in. × 2in. × ¼ in. Four Bolts to each Joint, all painted two coats white ... ... ... 30/0 per pair.
Four Wood Sockets, to form permanent holes in ground, 5/6 Iron Sockets, 22/6 extra. Ground Sockets will not be sent unless specially ordered.
No. 2. With 2in. Web, for Top Bars.
Specification:—4in. × 2in. Uprights, 10ft. long (allowing 2ft. for below ground), painted two coats white. Two 24ft. 2in. White Webs, for Top Bars, 12/6 per pair.
Four Iron Ground Sockets, 18/0 extra. Four Wood Sockets, 5/0 extra.
RUGBY GOAL POSTS, 24/6 set. All the above procured to order.
Inflating Footballs, 0/4 each
Lacing Awls...0/5,,
Football Laces ... 1/- doz.
Protectors...1/6 each
Referees’ Whistles 0/11,,
Football Inflators.
Brass, each 1/8, 2/3, 2/9
Scrum Caps.
All Crochet Work, 3/3 each; all Netting, 2/0 each.
Boundary Flags.
Steel Shod. 4ft., one colour, 12/0 per doz.; 5ft., one colour, 14/6 per doz.; two colour, 2/6 extra. Laws of Football, 0/3.
Football Bladders.
Association, Best Quality.
No. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
0/10 | 1/0 | 1/3 | 1/6 | 1/10 |
Goalkeeper’s Gloves.
Wash Leather, Rubber, 4/6 per pair.
Tan Mock Buck ...... 2/6,,
Three Strips of Rubber have been inserted in this Handle on a new principle, and by this means greater resiliency is obtained with a total absence of jarring. It adds greatly to the driving power of the stick.
Bulger Head, Cane Handle,
String Bound. 5/6
Special Quotations to Messes and Clubs.
THE “PRIDMORE” HOCKEY STICK.—Designed under the direct and personal supervision of Mr. R. G. Pridmore, the well-known international player. Steely-flexible handle, specially shaped and well “set-back,” giving a firm grip, and ensuring complete control | 8/6 |
WISDEN’S “THE CRAWFORD EXCELLER.”—All cane and rubber handle | 8/6 |
GARDINER’S “CONQUEROR” HOCKEY STICK.—Blade of first selected English ash butt; bulge drive, handle of superior cane, built up with special insertion, preventing jar and giving increased drive, twine bound, with cricket bat form of handle | each 8/0 |
THE “VICTOR TRUMPER” HOCKEY STICK (Registered Trade Mark)—The “Victor Trumper” Stick has been fitted with a handle constructed upon the same principle as that so successfully introduced in the “Victor Trumper” Cricket Bat. Specially built up, | each 9/0 |
THE “ALL ENGLAND,” with rubber and cane handle | 6/3 |
THE “INTERNATIONAL,” with cork-covered handle | 8/9 |
The “Centre Balance” Hockey Stick marks an entirely new departure in Bulger Head design, by which is secured a maximum amount of drive and strength with a minimum proportion of weight. The special feature of this improvement is the longitudinal fluting of the crook at each side of the bulge. This centre balance is of the utmost value in driving, and it is poised so delicately that it answers in an ideal manner for fast play and dexterous passing. It will be noted that the edges of the “Centre Balance” model are much wider than is possible in an ordinary Bulger stick, and this additional edge strength obviously ensures greater freedom from splitting and chipping. 8/6
The trials which have been made with the “CRENELL” patent handle demonstrate that the principle upon which it is designed affords the greatest obtainable resiliency. The stick drives with remarkable ease, and is free from jarring and stinging which is found in many composite handles. The “Crenell” handle is made up of two sections faced with rubber working in grooves one within the other, and the yielding of the sections is controlled to a nicety. A seasoned and selected ash blade is fitted, and the stick will give some remarkable results in driving power, | each 10/0 |
SLAZENGERS’— “Fletcher,” 4/6 ... “Tennant,” 8/9 ... “Boodie,” | 10/6 |
THE “PREPARATORY.”—Specially made to weight and size to suit Juvenile Players, cane-spliced | 5/6 |
Boys’ Hockey Sticks. |
Plain Ash Regulation Stick, cane handle | 3/3 |
,,,,,,,,all cane handle | 4/3 |
Ice Hockey Sticks | 3/3, 3/6, 4/0 |
Ash Hockey Sticks, 3/0 doz. Oak Hockey Sticks, 4/6 doz. |
Hockey Goal Nets.
With all necessary fittings to attach to Goal Post, including 4 Poles, Guys and Runners to each set. Strong Hemp, steam tarred, per set of 2 Nets, complete, 32/0. Best Stout Hemp, steam tarred, per set of 2 Nets, complete, 38/0.
Hockey Goal Posts.
Regulation size, 12 × 7 above ground, 4 Uprights and 2 Crossbars, all painted white, 15/0 pair.
Wood Ground Sockets, 4/6 extra.
Iron Ground Sockets, 10/0 extra.
Shin and Ankle Guards Combined.
Brown Leather, 2/6 pair; Black, 3/6 pair; Skeleton, 4/3 pair; Ordinary Shin Guards, 1/0, 1/6 pair.
Hockey Gloves.
For Right Hand only. Brown, felt protections, 2/9 each; “The Fear-not,” Tan Cape, stuffed, 3/0 each; Gold Cape, padded thumb, 2/6 each.
Boundary Flags 12/0 doz.
I.R. Handles ... 1/0 each
Rubber Rings ... 1/0 each
Hockey Rules ... 0/3 each
White leather 4/0, 4/10
Cheaper, 2/6
Composition, 1/0, 0/6.
Norwegian pattern Ski, best quality bent ash or hickory, varnished or painted and lined, fitted with any of the Bindings as illustrated below, and all necessary fittings, &c., to keep same in shape when not in use.
Youth’s, 6ft. Per pair 27/0 Ladies, 6ft. 6in. per pair 28/0 Men’s, 7ft. per pair 29/0 Men’s, 7ft. 3in. per pair 30/0
Fleming-Williams Bindings to any of above, 3/9 extra.
Huitfeldt’s pattern, per pair 7/6
Hoyer-Ellefsen’s pattern, per pair 7/6
Fleming-Williams Bindings, fitted to Ski, 12/6
Torgersen’s pattern, per pair 7/6
Ash Sticks, plain, steel shod (double).........1/10
Cane or Hazelwood Sticks, with cane rings (as illustrated) 2/3
Clamp Fasteners.
Fitted to Bindings, 3/0 per pair extra.
Supplied separately, 3/6 per pair.
Wooden Screw Clasps.
To preserve the shape of the Ski when not in use, 2/6 per set.
Ski Oil, 0/6 tin.
Ski Wax, hard or soft, 1/0 per tablet.
5ft. 10/0 6ft. 12/6 7ft. 15/0 each.
SLEDGES. Open Side, Boys’ 7/0 Mens’ 8/6 each.
SKI GLOVES. Ladies’ or Gents’.
The most perfect Glove made. Has been approved
Waterproof Lined
with Flannel, 5/6 per pair.
Length | | Price |
27½ | ... | 7/6 | ea. |
31½ | ... | 8/9 | ,, |
35½ | ... | 9/11 | ,, |
39¾ | ... | 11/6 | ,, |
The following table will be a guide to ordering Mount Charles, Monier Williams and Wood Clog Skates:—
Boots, Nos. | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Skates, inches | 8? | 8½ | 9 | 9½ | 10 | 10 | 10½ | 11 | 11 | 11½ | 12 |
One of the principal features of the “Dirigible” Flyer is the perfect control of the steering, a slight pressure of the foot or hand on the steering bar being sufficient to guide it either side. This great advantage over every other type of sledge is obtained by its having runners of T shaped spring steel which, although flexible sideways, are otherwise perfectly rigid. It is of light construction, but will be found very strong and also most neat in appearance.
No. | 1 (k) | length | 36 | in. | 9/6 | each. |
,, | 2 (k) | ,, | 40 | ,, | 11/3 | ,, |
,, | 3 (k) | ,, | 45 | ,, | 14/0 | ,, |
,, | 4 (k) | ,, | 50 | ,, | 17/0 | ,, |
,, | 5 (k) | ,, | 62 | ,, | 22/6 | ,, |
Sledging and Tobogganing Gloves (Waterproof) 5/6 per pair.
John Wilson
The Special Princes.
Has swelled Blades, with acute angle edges. Aluminium Mounts, nickel-plated and polished Blades. Per pair 27/6.
The Mount Charles.
Fitted with Dowler Blades, plated.
Sizes 8½ to 12½in. Per pair 20/6
Fitted with Plain Blades ... 16/0
The Syers.
Figure Skate, with serrated Toe. Steel Mounts, nickle-plated, 28/6.
The construction of this Skate has in every detail been approved by Mr. Edgar Syers.
The Oberland.
Solid Steel fittings, nickel-plated.
Sizes 8½ to 12½in. Per pair 12/9.
John Wilson
The Portland.
Adjustable, Black Frames. Per pair 13/9.
Manufactured By john wilson portland works jws
The Monier Williams.
Nickel-plated Blades. Sizes 8½ to 12½in.
Per pair 17/6
The Grosvenor.
This Skate has acute angle edges. Aluminium Mounts, nickel-plated and polished Blades, and is specially built for all round Skating. Per pair 21/0.
Manufactured By John Wilson portland works sheffield J.W.S
New Pattern, Monier Williams.
Aluminium Mounts. Nickel-plated Swelled Blades. 18/6.
Acme Pattern Skates. 5/6, 8/6, 9/6 per pair.
Wood Clog Skates.
Beech, hollowed Sole, Acme pattern Blades, hardened Blades ... | per pair 8/9 |
Cheaper varieties, per pair, 3/6, 5/6, 7/3. |
Skate Straps, 1¾in. broad with Heel Straps, | per set 1/9 |
Gimlets | ... | ... | ... | each 0/6 |
Heel Straps | ... | ... | ... | per pair 0/9 |
Harrods supply Billiard Tables by any of the Best Makers in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany and other fancy Woods. We also undertake the entire fitting up of Billiard Rooms. Repairs of all kinds estimated for and experienced men can be had at all times to take down and fit up Tables. All requisites for the Game kept.
Space required for Billiard Tables of various sizes:—
Size of Table. | | Space Required. |
12 | ft. by | 6ft. ... | ... | 22 | ft. by | 16ft. |
10 | ,, | 5ft. ... | ... | 20 | ,, | 15ft. |
9 | ,, | 4ft. 6in. | ... | 19 | ,, | 14ft. 6in. |
Size of Table. | | Space Required. |
8 | ft. by | 4ft. ... | ... | 17 | ft. by | 13ft. |
7 | ,, | 3ft. 6in. | ... | 15 | ,, | 11ft. 6in. |
6 | ,, | 3ft. ... | ... | 14 | ,, | 11ft. |
Full-size Billiard Table in figured Mahogany, supported on eight square moulded artistic legs, with flush knee panels and sliding frieze to cushion rails whereby the rosettes covering bolt-holes are avoided, fitted with extra stout Welsh slate bed, the low, fast, frost-proof “Rapide” cushions, superfine West of England cloth, and invisible pocket plates, and including twelve best seasoned ash cues, three solid ivory billiard balls, marking board, long butt, half butt, long and short rests, brush, iron and shoe, dust cover, chalk cups and chalk. Complete ... ... Price £58 5 0
Standing upon four solid mahogany turned legs, best Welsh slate bed, low, fast “Rapide” cushions, and covered with superfine West of England cloth. Furnished with six cues, solid ivory billiard balls, marking board, rest, rules, chalk cups and chalks:—6ft. by 3ft. Table, £15 8 0; 7ft. by 3ft. 6in. Table £19 0 0; 8ft by 4ft. £24 10 0. The above Billiard Tables are fitted with the new “Rapide” cushions, constructed on the most scientific principles of an improved indiarubber, the top of the cushions being made perfectly flat. They will always retain their elasticity in any climate. These patent cushions can be fixed to old, inferior, or undersized Billiard Tables. 9ft. and 10ft. Billiard Tables, upon six finely turned legs, stout bolted best Welsh slate bed, low, fast “Rapide” cushions, superfine West of England cloth. Furnished with nine cues, solid ivory billiard balls, marking board, rest, half-butt and rest, chalk cups and chalks:— 9ft. by 4ft. 6in. Table, £31 0 0; 10ft. by 5ft. Table, £36 10 0
Supplied complete, with two cues, ivory billiard balls, marking board, rules and chalk.
5ft.×2ft. 6in. ... ... | £4 10 0 |
6ft.×3ft. ... ... ... | 5 5 0 |
6ft.×3ft. (Superior) ... | £6 10 0 |
7ft.×3ft. 6in. ... ... | 7 10 0 |
The above tables are superior make and correct in every particular, are fitted with best slate beds, our latest “Rapide” cushions and screw-adjusting toes for levelling, which can be fitted to suit almost any size dining table.
Sets of Pyramid and Pool balls suitable for the 6ft. miniature billiard tables can be procured.
Crystalate or Bonzoline | ... | per ball | 3/6 |
Ivory | ... | ... | ,, | 4/0 |
Rests for Miniature Billiard Tables | ... | each | 2/3 |
Extra cues for above tables | ... | ,, | 2/6 |
Ordinary quality.—Mahogany frame on four stout legs, slate bed, covered with superior cloth, indiarubber cushions, 9 ivory balls, 2 cues, marking board, chalks, &c.
8ft.×2ft. 6in. ... £ 9 13 3 9ft.×3ft. ... ... £11 6 9
10ft.×3ft. 4in. ... £12 11 0
Constructed of an improved indiarubber on the most scientific principles, which enables the top of the cushion to be made perfectly flat, and lower than all others, so that the player can strike the ball without the slightest difficulty when left under the cushion. It will retain its elasticity in any climate, and be found to give perfectly correct angles entirely preventing the balls from jumping. It is absolutely silent and of great durability.
To re-stuff and cover full size cushions, best quality ... | £11 17 0 |
Second quality ... | 9 16 0 |
Full-size Billiard Table and Cushions with best Cloth (inclusive) ... | £6 12 0 |
Within 3 miles’ radius of Charing Cross. Estimates for country orders can be had on application. |
Containing cue tip fastener, file, cue tips, cement, and chalk ... each 4/9
Full size, best quality ... ... 123/0 Ditto, second quality ... ... 112/0
12 Players, 31/0; 9, 24/0; 6, 17/6
12 Players, 51/0; 9, 43/0; 6, 33/0
S G 249. The Crystalate Ball is generally considered to be the best composition ball on the market, and is guaranteed. The World’s Record made with the Crystalate Billiard Ball. George Gray, playing with Crystalates in a contest at Melbourne, on August 25th, 1909, compiled a break of 836, which constitutes the World’s Record in English Billiards upon certified standard table.
Per set, 21/16 in. 31/6; 2?in. 31/6; 1¾ in, 10/6
S G 252. The Crystalate Instructional “Target” Billiard Balls. Reasons why every billiard player should use the “Target” Balls:—Because the correct division of the object-ball and the precise point where the cue-ball should be struck form the golden secret of successful play. The markings on the “Target” Instructional Balls enable the player to accomplish both these things at will. A booklet, with diagrams, sent on application. Price, per set, 63/0
Ivory | ... | per set 45/0 60/0 |
Best quality, | 2?, to weight, Ivory | per set of 3 | 92/0 |
,, | 2?, not to weight | ,, | 87/0 |
,, | to weight, match, 21/16, Ivory | ,, | 87/0 |
,, | not to weight, 21/16, Ivory ... | ,, | 82/0 |
Bonzoline billiard balls, 21/16 | ,, | 31/6 |
BILLIARD MARKER | Price | 28/6 and 33/0 |
Do., with Brass Rails and Runners | ,, | 43/0 |
Mounted on Mahogany each 18/6
For fixing to Table per pair 10/6
4/3, 5/9, 8/3 each.
Short, 8/0 Long, 16/0
Each ... ... 3/0
Each ... ... £6 3 6
This handsome Combination Billiard, Pool (8 players), & Pyramid Marker, Brass Rails and Runners, Ball Box and Money Till.
Complete, £7 4 0; For 10 Pool, £8 16 0; For 12 Pool, £10 10 0
Per Box | ... | 0/6 |
Per Box | ... | 0/6 |
Waterproof Table Covers, full size |
32/0, 50/0, 60/0, 72/0, 80/0 |
Brown Holland | ... | 17/3 |
BAULK MARKERS | ... | 5/9 |
SPIRIT LEVEL | ... | 1/6 |
The “Champion,” ebony butted, full size | each 17/0 |
The “Match,” ebony butted, full size | each 12/0 |
The “Peall” cue | ... | 12/6 |
Fancy butted, full size | 5/0, 6/6, 8/6 |
Best Plain Ash | ... | 4/6 |
Cheaper quality | ... | 2/6 |
Ordinary Ash | ... | 1/3 |
Do. do. 4ft. 6in. | ... | 1/0 |
Do. do. 4ft. | ... | 0/10 |
CHALK SUSPENDERS | ... | 1/6 |
Triangle only, 4/6 Triangle & Tray,7/6 |
Mahogany | ... | 6/6 |
CUE TIPS | per Box 0/9, 1/6 |
Kay’s | ... | 0/6 |
Japanned Tin | ... | each 2/8 |
Improved Brass Screw Top | ... | 2/0 |
Plain Brass ... 1/3 | Boxwood ... 2/0 |
| each |
Best quality ivory, 2-16in. | ... | 21/0 |
Second,,,,,, | ... | 17/6 |
Bonzoline, 21/16 in. | ... | 10/6 |
Crystalate | ... | 10/6 |
Lined Green Cloth. |
Full Size. With Lock and Key. |
To take set Billiard balls | each | 5/6 |
,,,,Pool balls | ,, | 11/6 |
,,,,Pyramid balls | ,, | 13/6 |
Billiards each 0/9 | Pool each 0/9 |
Pyramids | ,, | 0/9 |
Snooker Pool | ,, | 1/6 |
6/9 |
“I.X.L.” | per box of doz. 1/6 |
Blue St. Martin | ,,,,1/6 |
White | ... | doz. 0/2 |
Spinks | ... | doz. 1/6 |
Green | ... | doz. 0/9 |
Per Set | ... | 4/9 |
Best white cord | per set 5/9 |
For affixing to the wall | ... | each 0/3 |
Per set of 10 boxwood and 2 ebony | 3/6 |
Numbered balls for above | per set 2/3 |
Rules, with diagram | ... | each 0/9 |
Mahogany, | superior, | to hold | 6 | cues | 8/3 | each |
,, | ,, | ,, | 9 | ,, | 11/6 | ,, |
,, | ,, | ,, | 12 | ,, | 14/0 | ,, |
| each |
Best quality ivory, 21/16 in. | 21/0 |
Second,,,,,, | 17/6 |
Bonzoline, 21/16 in. | 10/6 |
Crystalate | 10/6 |
Crystalate or Bonzoline, set of 9 |
1in. | 1?in. | 1¼in. | 1?in. | 1½in. | 1?in. | 1¾in. |
6/6 | 7/6 | 12/6 | 14/6 | 18/6 | 22/6 | 27/6 |
4/0, 5/0, 6/0, 7/6 each.
Half-Butt and Rest,
11/6 pair.
Long Butt and Rest,
16/3 pair.
Short Butt and Rest,
8/3 pair.
For | 24 | Cues | ... | 66/0 |
,, | 18 | ,, | ... | 57/9 |
,, | 12 | ,, | ... | 42/9 |
,, | 9 | ,, | ... | 35/6 |
Despatched direct from Works. Carriage not paid.
No. S G 117. Horizontal Bar (not adjustable) of the best Ash, fitted with ¾ in. Iron Core, Iron Tubular Standards (Japanned), Iron Stays and Couplings, and Improved Floor Plates, ... 47/0.
No. S G 118. Ditto, with adjustable bar for vaulting purposes. Suitable for Youths, ... ... 62/6.
Nos. 1 and 2 Bars fitted with Steel Core (instead of iron), extra, ... ... 8/6.
No. S G 119. Horizontal Bar of the best Ash, with 1-in. Cast Steel Core, with arrangement for raising bar up or down for vaulting purposes, Standards of strong Tubular Iron, Iron Stays, Screw Couplings, and Improved Floor Fastenings, the whole Japanned any colour to order ... ... 86/6
No. S G 120. Ditto, with Tubular Standards of superior Steel, the whole highly finished ... ... 104/0
*Rope Ladders, per ft. | | 1/7, 2/1, 2/7 |
*Sparred Rope, per ft. | 1/7, 2/7 |
*Climbing Ropes, per ft. | 1/0, 1/3, 2/1 |
*Knotted Ropes, per ft. | 0/10½, 1/7, 2/1, 2/7 |
*Chair Swings and 9ft. Ropes, each, | 16/6, 18/0 |
†Inclined Ladder, best pitch pine, varnished, per ft. | 2/7 |
Sparred Planks, best pitch pine, varnished, | per ft. ... 3/5 |
Plain ,,,,,, | ,, ... 3/0 |
*Fitted with Rings and Thimbles. | †Fitted with Hooks at Top. |
Complete portable Gymnasium, consisting of two sparred planks (one easy and one difficult), one plain plank, one inclined ladder, one horizontal or trapeze bar, one pair hand rings, one climbing pole, one plain climbing rope, one pair adjustable ropes, and necessary stay, ropes, etc.
No. | 301. | 10 | ft. | high | ... | £8 8 0 |
,, | 301a. | 12 | ,, | ,, | ... | £10 0 0 |
,, | 301b. | 15 | ,, | ,, | ... | £12 10 0 |
,, | 301c. | 18 | ,, | ,, | ... | £15 0 0 |
The whole of the above can easily be fixed in or out doors. |
Giant Strides, complete with strong post mounted with ropes, hooks, cover, etc. with four pendants, 14ft. | £7 0 0 |
Do., with six pendants, 16ft. ... ... ... | 8 15 0 |
Do., with eight pendants, 18ft. ... ... | 10 10 0 |
The above are 4ft. in the ground. |
No. S G 183. Throwing Hammer, with Flexible Steel Wire Shaft, as used at the University Sports, 16 lbs. 8/11 each.
No. S G 184. Throwing Hammer, ordinary, with Ash Shaft, Cast Iron Head, 16 lbs., 5/6 each.
No. S G 185. Shot for throwing, 16 lbs., 4/0 each.
Of Best | Italian Hemp | Rope, | 3in. | circumference | per ft. | 0/8 |
,, | ,, | ,, | 3½ | ,, | ,, | 0/9½ |
,, | ,, | ,, | 4½ | ,, | ,, | 0/11½ |
Manilla Ropes one-third less than above prices. |
Ropes made any length to order. |
No. SG | 128. | Small for Children | 48/9 |
,, | 129. | ,,Private Use | 54/9 |
,, | 130. | Suitable for School Use | 65/0 |
,, | 131. | Full size | 73/6 |
,, | 132. | ,,with platform | 85/0 |
,, | 134. | Parts detachable, to pass narrow passages | 102/0 |
,, | 135. | Very strong, War Office pattern | 114/9 |
No. | |
1. | Solid painted body, fixed legs | 66/9 |
2. | Ditto, ditto, adjustable legs | 90/0 |
3. | Body leather covered, 4ft. long, fixed legs | 107/6 |
4. | Ditto, ditto, 5ft. long, adjustable legs, and covered pommels | 168/0 |
5. | The Military, 6ft. long, body leather covered, legs adjustable, complete with leather covered pommels | 190/0 |
6. | Ditto, ditto, with plated mounts | 204/0 |
As No. 3, but body covered with Navy Canvas | 85/9 |
As No. 4, ditto, ditto | 144/6 |
No.SG163. | Fitted with Hooks to fix to Horizontal Bar | 17/0 |
No. SG 164. | Spring Board | 25/6 |
No. SG 165. | Ditto of Ash or Hickory, with Ash Cross Beam and Blocks | 35/9 |
Mattresses of best canvas, stuffed with best cocoa fibre, quilted and fitted with canvas handles, 6ft.×4ft.—best Navy, 33/0; best Government ... ... ... ... 38/0
Or per super ft.—best Navy, 1/4; best Government, 1/7 Stock sizes are 6×4ft. or 8×6ft. preferably two 6×4ft. for portability.
Superior quality Fibre Mats, expressly made for gymnasium use, 6ft.×4ft.—2½in. thick, 34/6; 3in. thick ... ... ... 37/0
Or per super ft.—2½in., 1/5; 3in. ... ... ... ... 1/6½
Cheaper quality to order.
JUMPING STANDS. No. S G 174. Jumping Stand, Varnished Deal, 6ft. high ... | 12/0 |
No. S G 175. Ditto, Pitch Pine, with Improved Cord Holders, 6ft. high ... ... | 17/0 |
No. S G 176. Ditto, ditto, ditto, 7ft. high ... ... | 22/9 |
No. S G 177. Ditto, ditto, ditto, 8ft. high ... ... | 28/0 |
No. S G 178. Ditto, ditto, ditto, 10ft. high ... | 35/0 |
Frame 8ft. above ground, complete with swing | 48/6 |
Frame 10ft. above ground, complete with swing | 62/6 |
Frame 12ft. above ground, complete with swing, extra strong | 77/6 |
No. 253. Hand Rings only, plain iron (round) | per pair 2/2 |
No. 254. Ditto, ditto, leather covered | per pair 5/1 |
No. 255. Ditto, ditto, stouter | per pair 6/6 |
Ropes of best quality Russian Hemp, 2in. circumference, as supplied to War Office, 9ft. over all, fitted with Scissor Hooks, Rings and Thimbles, | per pair 8/2 |
Ditto, ditto, Ropes adjustable | 10/9 |
A1 Line of Travelling Rings, Leather covered, with 9ft. Ropes spliced on Ring, each 5/9; A2 ditto, Ropes adjustable, each 6/10, A Line of Rings usually consists of five or more, and length of rope depends on the height of beam from floor.
Bridge Ladder, best Pitch Pine Sides, Ash Rungs, and Wrought Iron Angle Plates, per foot run ... | from 3/5 |
Wrought Iron Stays, Wall Plates, &c., for fixing ladder to wall, from 38/6 per set, according to requirements. |
Horizontal Ladder, best Pitch Pine, Ash Rungs, two Trestles, with Guys, Floor Plates, &c., complete... ... ... | from 3/5 |
Horizontal Ladders, for fixing under low ceilings or galleries. Prices quoted on receipt of particulars. |
Single Curvature Ladder, 12ft. high × 16ft. span... | £7 13 0 |
Double Curvature Ladder, forming two Ladders and one Plain Plank, 12ft. high × 16ft. span | 10 12 6 |
Escalading Walls, quotations given. |
Trapeze Bar only, iron core and iron ends | each | 8/11 |
Ditto, steel core | ,, | 10/7 |
Ditto, ditto, and brass ends | ,, | 15/8 |
No. | 21. | Short Horse or Buck, wood painted, | £2 11 0 |
,, | 22. | Ditto, ditto, covered with Cow Hide, and legs to shift | 5 2 0 |
,, | 23. | Ditto, ditto, with leather-covered Pommels | 6 7 6 |
With Nursery Attachment.
No. 111. This apparatus is strongly recommended by the Medical Profession for Nursery use, and comprises a Horizontal Bar with Steel Core for adult use, a pair of Hand Rings (leather covered), Trapeze Bar with Steel Core, Sitting Swing and Stays to form a Horizontal Bar for children’s use.
In and out door ... 52/0
Is easily erected or taken down in a few minutes.
Comprising combined trapeze and horizontal bars, hand-rings and adjustable ropes, complete with floor fastenings, beam hooks, and code book of exercises in box, complete ... | 35/8 |
No. 72. Swedish Ribstall of selected pitch pine, varnished, each stall, 9ft. high × 3ft. wide, complete with wall rail and necessary iron brackets for fixing. |
One stall | 34/0 |
One line of two stalls | 57/6 |
,,,,three stalls | 79/6 |
,,,,four stalls | 106/8 |
Swedish Boom, both Standards portable, complete with flexible steel wire stays, tightening couplings and floor fixings. One pair of beams, 12ft. 6in. long, complete with pulleys, cords and cleats for raising... | 157/3 |
No. 74. Swedish box pattern, top padded and covered cowhide, height adjustable by three lifts | 144/6 |
No. 76. Spring Board | 17/0 |
No. | 1. | 30 | in., | Polished, | per doz | ... | 3/0 |
,, | 2. | 36 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 4/0 |
,, | 3. | 42 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 5/0 |
,, | 4. | 48 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 6/0 |
,, | 5. | 54 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 6/6 |
,, | 6. | 60 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 7/6 |
(To Load with Shot). To order.
Diameter of Balls. | Weight Empty. | Weight Full. | Price Each. |
6 | inches | 22 | lb. | 45 | lb. | 15/0 |
7 | ,, | 37 | ,, | 80 | ,, | 20/0 |
8 | ,, | 56 | ,, | 130 | ,, | 25/0 |
9½ | ,, | 68 | ,, | 180 | ,, | 30/0 |
10½ | ,, | 94 | ,, | 250 | ,, | 35/0 |
12 | ,, | 122 | ,, | 400 | ,, | 42/6 |
Diameter of Balls. | Weight Empty. | Weight Full. | Price Each. |
7 | inches | 56 | lb. | 110 | lb. | 30/0 |
8 | ,, | 65 | ,, | 160 | ,, | 40/0 |
9 | ,, | 80 | ,, | 220 | ,, | 50/0 |
10½ | ,, | 105 | ,, | 300 | ,, | 60/0 |
12 | ,, | 156 | ,, | 415 | ,, | 85/0 |
15 | ,, | 215 | ,, | 600 | ,, | 100/0 |
When ordering Dumb-bells, please state if the weight given is for the pair or the Dumb-bell singly. Plain, per lb., 2d.
Plain iron, centre covered with leather, weighing per pair—4 lb., 1/4; 6 lb., 2/0; 8 lb., 2/8; 10 lb., 3/4; 12 lb., 4/0; 14 lb., 4/8; 16 lb., 5/4
Covered all over with stout leather, weighing per pair—4 lb., 2/3; 6 lb., 3/0; 8 lb., 4/0; 10 lb., 5/0; 12 lb., 6/0; 14 lb., 7/0; 16 lb., 8/6
Champagne Shape.
| Plain. | Polished. |
1 | lb. | per pair | ... | 1/0 | 1/1 |
2 | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/3 | 1/6 |
3 | ,, | ,, | ... | 1/10 | 2/2 |
4 | ,, | ,, | ... | 2/0 | 2/9 |
5 | ,, | ,, | ... | 2/3 | 3/0 |
6 | ,, | ,, | ... | 2/6 | 3/3 |
7 | ,, | ,, | ... | 3/0 | 4/0 |
8 | ,, | ,, | ... | 3/3 | 4/6 |
9 | ,, | ,, | ... | 3/9 | 5/0 |
10 | ,, | ,, | ... | 4/3 | 5/6 |
12 | ,, | ,, | ... | 5/0 | 6/0 |
No. | 0 | ... | per pair | 1/0 |
,, | 1 | ... | ,, | 1/3 |
,, | 2 | ... | ,, | 1/6 |
,, | 3 | ... | ,, | 1/9 |
Are of highly polished steel 1in. diameter Discs specially cast with rounded edges which are more easily picked up than the old-fashioned square edged ones, do not injure floors, carpets or mats, also give a better finish to the complete bell. Can be weighted as follows.
No. | 1 | from | 5 lbs. to 95 lbs. | Price | 24/6 |
,, | 2 | ,, | 10 lbs. to 150 lbs. | ,, | 33/6 |
,, | 3 | ,, | 5 lbs. to 215 lbs. | ,, | 42/0 |
4 | in. outside | diameter | ... | 3/0 | per doz. |
5½ | ,, | ,, | ... | 5/0 | ,, |
6 | ,, | ,, | ... | 6/0 | ,, |
8 | ,, | ,, | ... | 8/0 | ,, |
No. | 1. | 36 | in., | Polished, | per doz | ... | 10/0 |
,, | 2. | 42 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 10/6 |
,, | 3. | 48 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 12/0 |
,, | 4. | 54 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 18/0 |
,, | 5. | 60 | ,, | ,, | ,, | ... | 24/0 |
Made of the finest spring steel, tempered by a special process, the slightest pressure works the handles, so that the pectorals and other muscles of the chest are put in tension in a manner extremely beneficial to the user. There is no need for any tearing, jerking, or straining. The Magic Ring provides precisely the degree of resistance the exerciser desires.
Price 12/6
Size A.
Ladies’ or Gent’s.
The Athlete’s Loop.
Harrods’ price, 6/3 each. Supply limited.
No. S G 142.
The Illustration gives a good idea of the neatness and compactness of the “Pelmon” Spring Grips. Get a pair in your hands, and you will at once recognise their many points of superiority over other forms of hand “Exercisers.”
4/0 per pair.
No. 1, 36in., 4/6; No. 2, 42in., 5/6;
No. 3, 48in., 6/0; No. 4, 54in., 7/6 per doz.
0/5 per pair.
Polished, 0/5½, 0/7, 0/10 per pair.
Book on Indian Clubs, 0/5 each.
Fencing Foils, curved handles, strong mounts | ... | ... | per pair | 5/0 |
Ditto, Military, white and black handles | ... | ... | ,, | 8/0 |
Ditto, French pattern, heavy steel mounts | ... | ... | ,, | 6/6 |
Ditto, black handle, French pattern, steel mounts and Interchangeable Blades | ,, | 9/0 |
Blades for above | ... | ... | ... | ,, | 3/0 |
Best French Blades, with button, and concave and convex handles, nickel mounts, as above illustration, 21/6 per pair. Blades for above, 3/6 each.
Italian pattern Foils, best quality blades, nickel mounts; the blades screw into the pummels, and are therefore easily interchanged. 18/6 per pair.
Blades for above, 4/9 per pair.
Men’s French Pattern, Leather front | ... each | 12/6 |
Men’s French Pattern, Canvas | ... each | 8/6 |
Men’s French Pattern, Tan Leather | ... each | 25/0 |
Military Pattern, White Drill, padded with Canvas | ... each | 17/0 |
French Pattern, Canvas and Leather | ... each | 13/6 |
Ladies’ Jackets kept in stock. |
Waterproof Brown Canvas, to take single foils, 2/6; to take a pair, 3/6; to take 2 foils and mask, 9/6.
(American Pattern).
Adjustable, easily raised or lowered. Perfectly rigid. Very quick. Solid Metal Brace Rods. Drum of polished hardwood. Well made and very superior in every respect. Will fold up for packing.
Complete with strong and effective Swivel with Rope Attachment.
Price, complete with Punch Ball, 36/6
No. S G 104. The stroke given by this machine faithfully resembles that of actual sculling on the river, where the stronger the pull the greater the resistance, an effect which in the Exerciser is quite naturally imitated by a corresponding resistance of the water in the cylinders. Price 110/0
A Revolution in Dumb-bells. The springs can be removed or added instantly to suit the strength of the student. Complete with Chart and Polishing Cloth in Box. Nickel-plated and Polished. Children’s, 5/0; Girls’ and Boys’, 7/6; Ladies’ and Youths’, 10/6; Gents’, 12/6 pair, Gents’ Black Enameled, 7/6 pair.
Sandow’s Developer
No. S G 706.
Invented by Eugen Sandow (the greatest living authority on Physical Culture), and as used in all the Sandow Schools of Physical Culture. The New Model Sandow Developer is a vast improvement on the old pattern, for in addition to the old methods of using it, by a special device this can now be attached to the feet, and so used in the most confined space ... This is a feature which Mr. Sandow has long sought to make practicable.
The six strands are now of equal length, and the Developer handles have three loops, so that it will make a perfect Chest Expander of from one to six strands. Price 12/6.
Tarr’s Patent, No. 24318
Can be used either indoors or outdoors. Adjustable for all heights. Can be taken to pieces and stowed away when not in use. Price, complete with Ball, 60/0
The support has no spring, but is set firmly into the iron base, which, having a rounded bottom, permits of the necessary oscillation. It possesses an advantage over the usual type of bag owing to the fact that it is impossible to gauge the direction in which the ball will return, and every blow struck causes a change in the direction. Price 38/6
With Rubber Cords for fixing to Floor and Ceiling 7/3 9/6 11/6 13/0 17/0 21/0 each.
To hang from ceiling only ... 14/6 each.
2/9 pair.
Wall Exercisers, Developers, Dumb-bells, Indian Clubs, &c.,
Obsolete by Comparison.
Includes a 3 Months’ Course of Selected Movements to Cure, Remove, or Improve: Obesity, Weak chest, Stunted Growth, Constipation, Indigestion, Lung and Stomach Trouibles, etc.
Makes Graceful Women & Symmetrical Men
Attaches direct to the body, obviating the use of screws and damage to doors, etc. Can be used in the most limited space, is therefore ideal for travelling use. The “S.-G.” is adjustable to the height and strength of the user, and is made in two grades, “Lady’s” and “Gent’s,” which please specify, as a separate and distinct Course of Instruction is supplied with each apparatus. Price 12/6.
These expanders are highly finished and made from best quality spring steel, and tested. They will not perish and their elasticity is always retained. They have an even pull, and the shape and improvements of the handles exercise the muscles of the hands and wrists independent of the exerciser itself.
No. 1. Ladies’, Girls’ & Boys’ | single | 2/6 | ... | double | 6/0 |
No. 2. Men’s | ,, | 2/9 | ... | ,, | 6/6 |
No. 3. Men’s Strong | ,, | 3/0 | ... | ,, | 7/3 |
No. 4. Athletes’ | ,, | 4/3 | ... | ,, | 9/3 |
Sandow’s Symmetrion.
Specially designed by Eugen Sandow for producing symmetry of form. In Case complete, with Chart of Exercises, 12/6 net.
Ladies’ 3/6 Gents’ 4/6 Athletes 5/6
Ryan Combination, Exerciser.
Ordinary strength 8/3;
Extra strong, 10/0
Single Strand Expanders 1/0, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9
Silk Covered Elastic Expanders, 2/11, 3/11, 5/6
For attaching the “Whitely” Exercisers to any door.
No screws required for fixing. Cannot injure the door. Self-adjusting. Nickel-plated. Per pair, 1/3
For attaching to any Exerciser—or for use separately, 1/2 per pair.
We claim for this Grip Developer that it is positively unique and absolutely the very best on the market on account of its simplicity and adaptability to either sex and all ages. I. It has a perfect parallel grip. II. The screws cannot fall out. III. There are only two springs to deal with. IV. It is shaped to the hand and compact in form. V. Being only 1-lb. in weight it is suitable for either sex and most ages (carrying out the dictum that weight is no object). Price, Ladies’ or Gents’, 7/6. Boys’ or Girls’, 5/0. Complete with Chart of Exercises.
Containing Staunton Chess, Draughts, and Dominoes, Backgammon, Leather Combination Race and Chessboard, Set of Boxwood Table Croquet, Bridge, Halma, Whist, Reversi, Cribbage, Bezique, Euchre, Ecarte, and other games, complete with illustrated book of instructions.
In mahogany, £7 10 0; rosewood, £8 5 0
No. S G 65.
No. 1. Middle combination, containing 10 games. Race, Go-Bang, Ton-Ton, Snail, Expert Angler, Fox and Geese, Skittles, Pope Joan, German Tactics, Solitaire 14/0
No. 2. Large combination, containing 14 games; Croquet, Race Game, Ton-Ton, Go-Bang, Expert Angler, Snail, Trails, Puff and Dart, German Tactics, Solitaire, Fox and Geese, Aunt Sally, Star Ringolette, Skittles 22/9
No. 3. Polished combination, same as preceding, but with superior fittings 42/0
containing Backgammon, Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, Race Game, Cribbage, Whist, Bezique, Bridge, and Bell and Hammer, with illustrated book of instructions. The fittings are of boxwood and ebony. Pine, 43/0; stained rosewood, 46/0; mahogany, 55/0; walnut, 64/0; mahogany 70/0
The original and only genuine models. Ebony and boxwood, loaded with lead, superior finished, in mahogany case. Base of king 1¾in. diameter: height, 3½in., 21/0 set. Ebony and boxwood, loaded with lead, small size club, in mahogany case. Base of king 1?in. diameter; height, 3?in., 32/0 set.
Ebony and boxwood, loaded with lead, club size, in mahogany case. Base of king, 2in. diameter; height, 4¼in., 42/0 set.
St. George’s pattern, 1/10, 2/6, 3/3, 5/0 per set; Staunton pattern, boxwood, and ebonized 6/0, 7/9, 9/3, 11/0, 13/6 per set; ditto loaded bases, 9/0, 10/0, 13/0, 16/0 per set.
No. S G 13. The “In Statu Quo” Chess Board. The “In Statu Quo” chess board is so contrived that the game may at any time be discontinued, and the board folded and placed in its case without the chessmen being disturbed. Polished mahogany board, with bone men, complete in leather case, 25/0
Leather, 2/11, 4/11, 7/6; Crocodile, 10/6
No. 1. The School Prize, containing Halma, Reversi, Trails, Dominoes, Race, Draughts, Solitaire, Snail, German Tactics, Fox and Geese 7/6
No, 2. Mahogany, containing 10 games, viz.: Go-Bang, Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, Race Game, Cribbage, Bezique, Whist, Spoil-Five and Pope Joan, with book of instructions 10/6
No. 3. Mahogany, containing 10 games, viz.: Backgammon, Chess, Draughts, Cribbage, Bezique, Whist, Spoil-Five, Dominoes, Race Game and Pope Joan, with book of instructions 15/0
No. 4, Mahogany, containing 14 games, viz.: Backgammon, Chess, Draughts, Dominoes, Race Game, Bezique, Whist, Cribbage, Spoil-Five, Go-Bang, German Tactics, Solitaire, Fox and Geese, Snail Game, with book of instructions 23/6
No. 5. Mahogany, containing 11 games, viz.: Chess, Draughts, Backgammon, Dominoes, Race Game, Bezique, Whist, Cribbage, Spoil-Five, Spellicans, Pope Joan, with book of instructions 31/0
Polished | mahogany, | 8in. | square | ... | 9/9 |
,, | ,, | 10in. | ,, | ... | 14/0 |
,, | ,, | 12in. | ,, | ... | 17/6 |
No. S G 70. DOMINOES, in slide lid boxes. Double sixes, 0/10, 1/6, 2/6, 4/6, 5/6 per set. Double nines, 2/3, 2/6, 4/6, 6/6 per set.
Fall Front Sets, as illustration. Double sixes, 4/3, 5/6 per set. Double nines, 6/9, 7/9 per set.
No. S G 4. DRIMP. If you can play Draughts you can play Drimp, it’s easier than Chess. It has character pieces of distinct value, viz.: King, Prince, Duke, Earl, Lord, Bart, Knight, Esq., Nobody, 2/6, 4/11
No. S G 71.
| 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | 20 | 22in. |
Black and buff square ... | 1/6, | 1/10, | 2/6, | 3/6, | 4/11, | 6/11 |
Red and buff square ... | 2/6, | 2/11, | 4/0, | 5/3, | 6/3, | 8/0 |
BEST CLUB BOARDS. French Polished. |
No. | 1. | 14in. | each | 11/0 | No. | 4. | 20in. | each | 18/0 |
,, | 2. | 16in. | ,, | 13/0 | ,, | 5. | 22in. | ,, | 21/0 |
,, | 3. | 18in. | ,, | 16/0 | ,, | 6. | 24in. | ,, | 24/0 |
| Size 15in. | 18in. |
First quality, | 11/6 | 15/6 |
Second quality, | 6/6 | 9/0 |
Third quality, | 5/0 | 7/6 |
With two dice cups only. |
Lettered in script “Dominoes.” With watered silk head. With a set of double-sixes bone dominoes, best finish, one scoring block with pencil, and a “Pocket Guide to Dominoes,” by Jar. French Morocco, 16/6 each; morocco, 18/6 each; best crushed morocco, 22/6 each.
British Manufacture. Made in one solid piece of ebonite. Spots cannot wear off. No rivets to scratch the table or tear the cloth. The colour does not change or get yellow. Will last a lifetime, Complete in box, 2/9 per set.
S G 39. SANDOWN. By Finch, Mason and C. Welman (Registered). Small size, 3½-in. disc, 9/9; small size in mahogany case with glass top, 26/0; medium size, 8½-in. disc, 23/6; medium size in mahogany case with glass top, 42/6; large size, 15½-in. disc, 40/0
Cloth for large or medium sizes, 12/0 each.
S G 40. MINORU. Has all the fascination of roulette without the monotony. Chances are scientifically and correctly worked out, and players have plenty of scope for working out systems. The horses, which start at varying odds, actually race over the board, and until the winning post is reached no one can say which will win. No. 0, complete with horses, cloth, etc., 4/2. No. 1, complete with horses, rules, etc., 6/3. No. 2, superior ditto, and pack of cards, 8/9. No. 3, full size set, complete with horses, rules, etc., 12/6. No. 4, superior full size set, with rules, horses, etc., in polished mahogany box, 16/8
S G 41. PETITS CHEVAUX. Best quality, with 9 horses and cloth, 78/6, Cheaper quality, no cloth, 7/6, 12/6, 17/6
S G 42. ROULETTES. 10½in., 12/6; 12in., 16/6; 13½in., 23/0; 17½in., 38/6. Superior makes, with heavy centre discs, 32/6, 37/6, 47/6, 63/0. Very superior French make, 122/0, 155/0, 190/0, 240/0
ROULETTE CLOTHS. American cloth, single 3/3 Double ditto, 6/3. Superior cloths, green, single, 8/6 Double ditto, 27/0, 16/6 Croupiers’ rakes, 2/6, 4/6. Rules, 6d.
S G 43. GRAND PRIX STEEPLECHASE GAME. The game consists of metal horses running on a divided cloth representing a real racecourse with hurdles, hedges, water jumps, and is decidedly fascinating.
With | 8 | composition | horses, | 5 | obstacles, | complete in box, | 21/0 |
,, | 10 | ,, | ,, | 8 | ,, | larger... ... | 32/0 |
,, | 10 | Bronze | ,, | 8 | ,, | best quality ... | 55/0 |
,, | 10 | ,, | ,, | 8 | ,, | superior quality | 75/0 |
S G 44.
The new game played with a model aeroplane.
The aeroplane circuits the board about thirty times and then alights. The player who will have laid his stakes on the capital on which the machine rests wins all the stakes of the other players. Price 25/0
Polished Morocco, faced watered silk. (Size 9in. by 4¾in. by 3¾in.), with two movable partitioned trays, fitted with 280 counters, consisting of 140 plain, 60 stamped “5,” 50 stamped “10,” and 30 stamped “20.” £5150 each.
In fancy leather case, in four colours, about 100 in all. 6/6, 10/6
Ordinary Bone Counters,
Per gross, 1/0, 2/0, 2/9, 3/9
S G 47.
Boxwood ... 0/7½
Cedar ... ... 0/7½
Scarlet and mottled
leather ... 0/4½
Bone ... 0/8 doz.
Ivory ... 5/0 doz.
Boxwood, in cedar boxes, 1in., 1/6; 1¼in., 1/9; 1½in., 2/0 Superior, in polished boxes, 1in., 1/9; 1¼in., 2/0 1½in., 2/6
S G 914.
With horses, etc. ... ... each 1/9, 8/6, 3/6
Superior ... ... ... ... each 4/6, 6/6 to 29/6
S G 33. THE ROYAL RACE GAME. British made. An entirely novel and clever race game, possessing just those elements of skill and chance which make for excitement. Each player controls his own horses. The best race game ever invented. For 3, 4 and 5 players, with 3, 4 and 5 horses, 3/0, 5/0, 8/6 each.
invented by Sir Frederick Frankland, Bart. copyright.
S G 1000.
Comprising a board designed by Sir Frederick Frankland, Bart., giving a very realistic representation of a golf course—with all the usual hazards. Miniature players with a totum are provided and the players play over the course as in an ordinary game of golf, the game being won by the one scoring the greater number of holes. 1/9, 3/6 each
Orders by post promptly and accurately executed
S G 32. MAGNETIC CLIMB. This game must be on an incline, the hinge on bottom of box is for this purpose. Each player takes a pencil, and with the point, which is a magnet, draws the steel ball up the paths to the top of the mountain. There are two ways up either side to the hollow in the centre, which is the goal. 14/6 each.
No. S G 903. POT LUCK. Full of fun and g Creates roars of laughter and provides all the features of an exciting contest. The very thing for social gatherings. For any number of players up to eight. 4/2
No. S G 152. CATELLE. A most ingenious game played on a specially designed board, and introducing an entirely new contest fought out by means of links. 2/11
No. S G 89. ALPHA is considered by students of psychic phenomena to be the readiest means of obtaining communications from the unseen. Alpha will aid in the development of mediumship in the home circle, and is a most fascinating pastime and study. In box complete, 4/3.
No. S G 904. HIDDEN TREASURE. A game for young people. This game is founded on an imaginary race for treasure hidden away in the depths of a ruined castle. All the exciting incidents which would occur on such an expedition are introduced into this thrilling game. It can be played by two, three, or four players. 0/10
No. S G 10. SPRINGO. The figures are placed on the spring board, the object being to jump them into the cups which are numbered. 2/3.
No. S G 29. By the use of these novel mechanical apparatus the art can be mastered in a few lessons.
Every Boy Scout should have one. 1/0 each.
British Manufacture
No. S G 38. Called after the late King’s dog. The box, when opened, forms the upper part of a house, upon the roof, &c., of which are placed Cats. The Dog is propelled by means of a spring, the endeavour of the players being to scatter the feline tribe.
0/9, 1/9
Table Cricket
Latest Indoor Game
No. S G 151. TABLE CRICKET. A really first rate adaptation of the game for table use. May be played either in or out of doors. Endless fun and excitement, plenty of scope for really skilful play.
1/6 and 2/6
Trapping the Tiger
a game of eastern origin
No. S G 136. TRAPPING THE TIGER. Played on a board representing map of India. The object is for the 24 hunters to capture the tiger by trapping in one of the passes, or to surround him on any other squares. 0/10
SKI-ING The New Game
No. S G 95. SKI-ING. A great novelty in race games. The board is designed by a well-known artist of the Royal Academy of Milan, and the scenes are true to nature. Prices 0/9, 2/3, 3/6, 4/11
The Piggeries
No. S G 100. PIGGERIES. Original in every detail. The effect produced by the wooden pigs racing each other up the planks is side-splitting both for onlookers and players. Skilful and amusing. No dice.
Two Players, 1/10 Four Players, 3/8
No. S G 127. REVOLVING RING BOARD. This is a novel Ring Board. The centre revolves by the weight of the Rings thrown on the hooks, and the score alters every Ring successfully hooked.
A great improvement on the old game. 2/3
No. S G 100. STAR QUOITS. Complete with Rings. 1/9, 2/3, and 2/9
Snap, 0/10; Golliwog, 0/10; Alice in Wonderland, 0/10; Noah’s Ark, 0/10; Animal Grab, 0/10; Cheery Families, 0/10; Counties of England, 1, 2 and 3 series, 1/3 each; Kingdoms of Europe, 2 series, 0/10 each; Pit, 1/3 each; Quit, 1/3 each; Mis-fitz, 0/10 each; Sherlock Holmes, 1/3; Strange People, 0/8; Domestic Animals, 0/8; In Dixie Land, 0/8; In Castle Land, 0/8; Scripture Cards, 0/8; Card Dominoes, 0/5 per pkt.; Free Trader, 0/10; Transport, 0/10; Happy Elements of Music, 1/9
No. S G 138. The new artistic and amusing game, PETER PAN. Published by authority of Mr. J. M. Barrie. Per pack, 2/0
No. S G 141. PRECEDENCE. The New Card Game. Dedicated (by permission) to the Speaker of the House of Commons (The Rt. Hon. James W. Lowther, M.P.), 1/6
No. S G 139. MARRIAGE AUCTION. Clever, fascinating, interesting and amusing; also how to tell marriage fortunes for unmarried ladies, including widows. 0/10.
No. S G 11. DERBY RACE. The forty-eight cards show horses with jockeys in racing colours. It is just the game for parties, large or small, as it can be played by any number of players from three to twelve. The method of the play is original and exciting. 1/9.
Pottem! “It can be done”
Produced in 4 different Series
Series 1 Soldiers Series 2 Gollywogs
Series 3 Boy Scouts Series 4 Clowns
The most tantalising Game of the Season. Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd.
No. S G 153.—The most Tantalising Game of the Season. Can be done.
“POTTEM” consists of a board on which there are four figures which move backwards and forwards. There is also supplied a glass ball, the object of which is to knock over each of the figures until none is left standing up. “POTTEM” can be played by any number of players, each of whom may take an equal number of turns to knock the figures over. Each time any of the figures jump up again after being knocked down should count as one turn. Quite a variety of contests can be arranged in this way. “Pottem” is made in four different series, each containing four figures as follows:— “SOLDIERS.” “GOLLIWOGS.” “CLOWNS.” “BOY SCOUTS.” Supplied in two qualities, 1/6 and 2/6 each.
No. S G 53. BOMBARDO. The game of the day. Exciting from start to finish. No limit to the number of players and the result is impossible to foretell, and appeals to young and old. Prices: No. 1, round design, 12 balls, 5/6; No. 2, octagonal, 16 balls, solid oak frame, coppered fittings, 10/6; No. 3, as above, nickel-plated fittings, 15/0
No. S G 113. CARD HOUSES. Very instructive pastime, for it teaches the children the alphabet, also the names of animals, etc., which appear on the cards. 0/10½, 1/9 and 2/6
L’ Attaque!
No. S G 35. ATTACK. The new war game. A most interesting game. Represents different Continental and other armies. For two players, composed of 72 pieces, 5/6. Better quality, 7/6. With aluminium covered figures, 11/6 each.
No. S G 905. AFTERNOON TEA GAMES. These are not games of playing cards or chance, but require the exercise of a little intelligent thought and skill. They will provide pleasant amusement for your friends, and are not too difficult for the children. Twelve cards of each game in a box (with key), complete with pencil ready for use, per box, 1/3
The Hive of Busy Bees, Troublesome Imps, A Perplexing Politician, The Menu for All Sorts and Conditions of People, A Geographical Shipwreck, The Rat’s Party, The Game of the Perplexing Ass, A “Novel” Letter, A Great Society Bazaar, Think it Out, Tangled Titles, A Newspaper Romance, Tangled Towns, An Insect Romance, an Up-to-date Romance, The Car Puzzle, Nuts to Crack, The Game of Ices, Descriptive Ants, A Bird Romance, Orange Blossom Petals, The Kingly Game, Musical.
Each box containing a good assortment, 1/0, 1/6, 2/3, 2/10, 3/9, 4/3, 6/3, 7/3, 8/6, 11/0, 13/3, 14/0 to 22/6 box. Separate conjuring tricks. American Ball Box and Cup, 2/6. The Dice Box, 2/6; Vanishing Case, 1/0, 2/9; The Wonderful Egg Cup, 1/0, 1/9; Hammer and Ball, 1/6, 2/6; Vanishing Coin Trick, 1/3; Vanishing Watch Trick, 3/6; Card Box Trick, 5/9; Number Box Trick, 2/6
Mahogany Boxes of Conjuring Tricks, containing nine good tricks, 18/6 box.
Ditto, but containing six better tricks, 18/6 box
THE BUNNIES. This puzzle will test the skill of the most expert, 0/5½
THE CHINESE. A revival of the original puzzle, but we now include a sheet of 125 designs and a key to the same, 0/5½
Geometrical, Circular Cross, Pigs in Clover, Mayblox, Chequers, Thimble Fingers, Phit-em-in, Multum-in-Parvo, The 26, In the Pen, Catch the Rabbit, Bulky Basket Ball, Zig-Zag, Tower of Benares, Magic Squares. All at 0/5½ each.
A large assortment of good puzzles always in stock.
An interesting TIMO & amusing game
Raphael Tuck & Sons. Ltd.
No. S G 36. TIMO. A new game of skill, played with three china policemen and three vagabonds, the object being to either capture the one or the other. Moves are made forwards or backwards; one of the best games of the season, 2/3
A fascinating and highly amusing New game for Children
No. S G 90. THE MAZE. An idea taken from the Maze at Hampton Court, and very amusing to old and young alike. 0/9, 2/3, 3/6
0/9, 1/9, 2/3, 3/11
0/9, 1/9, 3/6
0/9, 1/9, 4/11
0/9, 1/9, 2/6
Blind Man’s Buff.
No. S G 92. BLIND MAN’S BUFF. As many as 7 players can take part in this highly amusing and diverting parlour game. Six players and the Buff. The game is one of the simplest imagined, 3/6
The Game of CARGOES
No. S G 150. CARGOES. A new and instructive game for old and young. Accurate in detail, it teaches geography in an interesting way, and shows whence the chief products of the world are derived. 2/6
No. S G 82. ALL CHANGE. Everybody is as busy as can be getting a complete train together, for everyone is anxious to secure the pool of counters to which all have previously contributed. There is the noise, the bustle, the roar, the excitement and shrieking that are heard on a journey, 2/3
No. S G 83. THREE TICKS. A game played upon an entirely novel system, which, whilst giving the players an equal chance, provides keen excitement and great amusement to onlookers, 3/3
No. S G 81. TOSSING THE PANCAKE. There is a pleasant reminder of the old Shrove Tuesday custom in this game. The pancakes, however, are indigestible, being made of leather, while the pans are of wood, 2/3
No. S G 76. CRAZY MAZE. This game has been rightly named, for the weaving of the cords is a “maze” and a very crazy one. It affords endless fun, and demands agility, sharpness of eye and a good nerve, 4/6
1. A. J. PARIS
No. S G 16. BILLIARD NICHOLAS. This popular game is arranged for 4 players, and consists of a large round board with nickel fittings and best rubber inflators, and handsomely finished.
Price 35/0. Extra blowers, 4/6. Extra balls, 0/10 dozen
C.E.T. & Cº
LASCA. The great Military Game, invented by that deep thinker and Champion Chess-player of the World, Dr. Emanuel Lasker. Played with Privates, Companies, Officers and Bombs. Very simple to learn, and has great possibilities and surprises, being a game to teach cautiousness and tactics, and a great builder up of ideas. Rules and Descriptive Moves supplied with each Game. 3/0, 5/0 and 10/6 each.
Duck Shooting
an Interesting Amusing Game
No. S G 23. DUCK SHOOTING. Played on an artistically designed board, with revolving lily and gun, for two or more players. The pieces consist of 5 ducks and 15 cartridges, the object being to shoot the ducks of the one player or to exhaust the supply of cartridges of the other. 10d.
No S G 63. CRIBBAGE BOARDS. Flat ivory, inlaid, 1/3, 1/9, 2/3, 3/6
Cribbage Boxes, single pack, inlaid ivory, 1/11, 2/3 3/6, 4/6. Double pack, inlaid ivory, 2/11, 4/11, 7/6
No. S G 122. Table Tennis. Sets complete.
1. With poles and clamps (to screw on side of table), adjustable 4ft. net, two wood bats, three balls, and rules, in box, complete, 3/3.
2. With poles and clamps (to fix on side of table), 4ft. adjustable net, two wood bats, four superior balls, and rules, in box, complete, 5/0.
3. With plated adjustable extension poles and 6ft. net (to extend beyond table), two superior cork handled wood bats, six heavy balls, in box, complete, 10/0.
Table Tennis Balls, 1/0 doz. Tennis Bats, 6d., 9d., 1/0, 1/6 each. Posts, 1/0, 2/0, 6/0 pair. Nets, 1/3, 1/9 each.
Flag Messages
No. S G 118. Semsig. A Game to teach Boy Scouts, and others, the Semaphore Signals. A large number of words, each representing a Scout signaling a letter of the alphabet, are supplied in each game, 9d. and 1/9.
No. S G 121. Curling. Played on a smooth cloth to represent ice. The stones are propelled by a spring arrangement, and the scoring and rules are as like the real game as is possible in a table game, 2/3.
the new game of King’s Scout
No. S G 120. King’s Scout. The object of the Game is to acquaint Boy Scouts with all the Badges they have to obtain before they are entitled to that of the King’s Scout. Besides being a very interesting Game, the Board contains much interesting matter that every Scout should know. This is true in every detail, having been verified by an eminent Scout Master. 9d. and 1/9.
No. S G 79. Scrambled Eggs. One of those exasperating games that look so easy and prove so difficult. Three eggs on the floor, a spoon to pick them up with, and a basket to carry them in, constitute the outfit. To pick up the eggs gracefully, and exploit them successfully into the basket sounds remarkably simple, 2/3.
The game of Fox Hunting
No. S G 107. Fox Hunting. This game, which was designed by a well-known artist, deals with all the incidents, &c., during a fox hunt, and the way of playing it is made interesting and amusing. 5/6
The International Mail
An Instructive Game
No. S G 106.
The Game of International Mail
is one of the cleverest ideas ever worked out. It is played with imitation cancelled postal stamps, which all children are fond of using and playing with, and shows how the mail is delivered in the countries all over the world, 1/6, 2/6
“THE SPECIAL GUINEA FLY ROD,” Made in Three Pieces, varying in length from 8 feet to 12 feet. Two best Whipped Tops, Snake Rings, Cork Stoppers, Butt Spear, Cane Landing Handle to hold Tops, in Partitioned Bag.
RODS, &c., in the following List are generally in Stock, but Supply of Particular Patterns cannot at all times be guaranteed.
Best Quality and Finish. |
F T 898. Split Cane, 3 joints, 2 tops in landing handle, double cork handle, best lock joints, rubber button— |
| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18ft. | |
| 63/0 | 73/6 | 85/0 | 95/0 | 110/0 | 120/0 | each |
F T 899. Do. steel centres | 95/0 | 100/0 | 115/0 | 132/6 | 142/6 | 155/0 | ,, |
F T 10. Greenheart Salmon Rod, 3 joints, best quality, double brazed Rubber Button— |
| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 feet | |
| 25/6 | 31/6 | 32/6 | 34/6 | 39/6 | 42/0 | each |
Any of above Rods, with double Cork Grip, 4/6 extra. To order. |
F T 353. Ditto, ditto, very best quality, solid winch fittings, rubber button, cork handle, lock joints, revolving butt and end rings— |
| 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 feet | |
| 35/0 | 38/6 | 43/6 | 45/0 | 49/6 | 55/0 | each |
F T 8655. “The Challenger” Three Joint Greenheart, double cork handle, rubber button, 2 tops, lock joints, revolving butt, and end rings, 10ft. 23/6, 12ft. 25/0, 13ft. 27/6, 14ft. ... | 32/6 |
F T 5569. “The Buncrana” Three Joint Greenheart, double cork handle, rubber button, agate bridge rings throughout, lock joints, 2 tops making 11ft. and 12ft. ... | 59/6 |
F T 556. Two joint best Split Cane Salmon Spinning Rod, best lock joints, protected agate rings throughout, cork handle, one top, 10 feet. Steel centre. Best quality and finish ... | 55/0 |
F T 893. Three-joint Whole Cane Dapping Rod, 2 lancewood tops, single brazed ... | 16ft. 18/6 | 17ft. 22/6 |
F T 894. Three-joint Whole Cane Dapping Rod, 2 Greenheart tops, double brazed ... | 16ft. 25/6 | 17ft. 27/6 |
3½in. Ebonite Nottingham Reel | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 12/6 |
60 yards Undressed Plaited Silk Line | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 3/5 |
Soft Floss Silk, 25 yards | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 1/0 |
Fine Twisted Silk Line, 25 yards | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,,0/6 |
Special Pattern Hooks on finest long gut | ... | ... | per doz. 1/0 |
Floating May Flies on Eyed Hooks | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,, 2/6 & 3/6 |
Tapered May Fly Casts, 3 yards | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | each 1/0 |
May Fly Baskets | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,,4/6 |
All Tackle suitable for May Fly Fishing kept in stock. |
Split Cane, 2 piece, 6ft., 1 top, agate rings | ... | ... | ... | 45/0 |
Ditto, ditto, 2 tops | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 60/0 |
The “Slick” Split Cane Rod, 3 piece, 2 tops | ... | ... | ... | ... | 75/0 |
The “Gorst,” Cane Butt, 1 greenheart top, 6 ft | ... | ... | ... | 15/0 |
F A Foster’s Dovedale Steel Ribbed Trout Fly Rod, 3 joints, 2 Tops, Cork Grip, 9, 9½, 10 and 10½ feet | ... | 21/0 each |
F B Ditto ditto, Roach ditto, 10 and 10½ feet | ... | ... | 21/0 ,, |
F C ,, ,,Punt ditto, 10 and 10½ feet | ... | ... | ... | 21/0 ,, |
F D ,, ,,Pike ditto, 10 and 10½ feet | ... | ... | ... | 21/0 ,, |
Any of above rods can be had in longer lengths up to 12 feet at 2/6 extra each additional foot. |
F T 1345. 3 Joint, “Imperial Standard” Best Split Cane, with cork handle, standard bridge rings, agate butt and end rings, rubber button, 2 tops, lock joints, 10, 10½, 11, 12 feet ... | 85/0 |
F T 895. The “Ogwen” celebrated Standard English Hexagonal built Split Cane Rods, 3 joints, Lock Joints, 2 Tops in Landing Handle, Cork Grip, revolving butt and end rings, rubber button, 10ft., 10½ ft. ... | each 75/0 |
F T 322. Do. do., with Steel Centre | ... | ... | ... | ... | ,,85/0 |
F T 12. The “Test” Split Cane Fly Rod, best finish, lock joints, Cork Grip, 3 joints, 2 Tops, standard bridge rings, revolving butt and end rings, 9ft., 10ft. and 10½ ft. (guaranteed) ... | 65/0 |
F T 951. The “Viator” Split Cane Fly Rod, the lightest and strongest split canes made, 3 joints, revolving butt and end rings, 9 and 10ft., weight (9ft.) 4½ oz. (10ft.) 5 oz. ... | each 58/6 |
F T 6981. The “Avon” Split Cane Trout Rod, Lock Joint, 2 Tops in Landing Handle, Cork Handle, Partition Bag, 9ft., 10ft., 10½ ft., 11ft. and 12ft., 3 joint, revolving butt and end rings ... | 45/0 |
F T 77. Superior Hand-made Split Cane Fly Rod, 2 Tops, 3 joints, 9, 10, and 10½ feet, revolving butt and end rings ... | each 32/6 |
F T 012. Split Cane Fly Rod, 3 joints, 2 Tops, Cork Grip, superior, 10 and 10½ feet ... | each 22/6 |
F T 013. Ditto, ditto, 10 and 10½ feet | ... | ... | ... | ,,16/6 |
F T 014. Ditto, ditto,,,,, | ... | ... | ... | ,,11/9 |
F T 015. Ditto, ditto,,,,, | ... | ... | ... | ,,7/6 |
Any of above Rods can be had in longer lengths up to 12 feet to order (except F T 951). |
F T 7636. 2 Joint, The “Derwent” Best Split Cane Fly Rod, 1 top, agate butt ring and end ring, Standard bridge rings, lock joints, 9 and 10 feet ... | 55/0 |
F T 7636A. 2 Joint, ditto, ditto, two tops and landing handle, best quality, 9 and 10 feet ... | 82/6 |
F T 99. Extra Best Quality and Finish, 3 joint with Cork Grip, 2 Fly Tops and one Short Top for Spinning, Lock Joints, 10, 10½, 11, and 12 feet ... | 35/0 |
F T 9. Special Guinea Fly Rod, Selected Greenheart, Cork Grip, 2 Tops in Landing Handle, 3 joint, Snake Rings, 8, 9, 10, 10½, 11, and 12 feet, 21/0. Lock Joints, 2/6 extra. | |
F T 5. 3 joint, Greenheart, Cork Handle, Extra Short Top, superior finish, 10 and 11 feet ... | each 16/9 |
F T 4. 3 joint, Greenheart, Balanced Handle, Extra Short Top, Cork Grip, 10 and 11 feet ... | each 12/6 |
F T 2. 3 joint, Greenheart, Brazed and Winch Fitted, 1 Top, | 9, 10 and 11 feet each 6/11 |
F T 30. Ditto, ditto ... | 9, 10,,11,,,,8/6 |
F T 3. Ditto, ditto, 2 Tops ... | 9, 10,, 11,, ,,10/6 |
Any of above Rods, 12 feet, 2/6 extra. |
F T 1803. “Princess” Brook Rod, 2 joints, 2 tops, and hollow landing handle, 8ft., 9ft., 10ft. ... | each 15/0 |
F T 900. Harrods’ Special Guinea Fly Rod, selected Greenheart, Corkie grip, 2 tops in landing handle, 3 joints, snake rings, 8ft., 9ft., 10ft. and 10½ ft. (If fitted with lock joints, 2/6 extra) | 21/0 |
F T 6190. Split Cane Ladies’ Fly Rod, cork grip, 2 tops, revolving butt and end rings, 3 joint, 9ft. and 10ft. | 45/0 |
F T 8. “The Victoria” 2 joint, Greenheart, Lady’s Fly Rod, 2 Tops, Cork Handle, best finish, 8, 9 & 10ft. | each 25/0 |
When ordering rods, Customers are particularly requested to state the Length desired in addition to the Number and Description. Rods built to order. Time required for Greenhearts about 10 days: Split Cane, one month.
No. F T 881. |
RODS, &c., In the following List are generally in Stock, but Supply of Particular Patterns cannot at all times be guaranteed. |
F T 881. Greenheart Tarpon Rod, double cork handle, short detachable butt, double trumpet guide rings, double guide agate and ring cased in gun metal, double winch fittings, metal-lined stopper, 7½ ft. ... | each27/0 |
F T 882. Hickory Tarpon or Tuna Rod, 2 joints, lock joints, short butt, 4 agate rings, double cork grip, 7ft. ... | 42/6 |
F T 883. Split Cane ditto ditto | ... | ... | ... | ... | 57/6 |
F T 892. The “Premier” Mahseer Rod, in best quality Greenheart, 3 joints and 2 tops, double cork handle, lock joints, revolving end rings, double brazed, rubber button, serrated ferrules, solid winch fittings, extra whipped, in best quality bag ... | 15ft.45/0;16ft.47/6 |
F T 884. Ebonite Tarpon Reel, nickel-plated rims and bars, leather apron, multiplying action, with steel pivots, optional check, large balanced handle, holds 350 yards of Tarpon line ... | each 48/6 |
The “Zenith” Plaited Flax Sea or Tarpon Line, green, on wood bobbins, of 100 and 200 yards each only.—For Particulars, see Fishing Lines. | |
F T 5062. 4 joint, Split Cane Trout Rod, snake rings 8ft., | 6/9 each |
F T 5030. 5,,Greenheart Fly Rod, single brazed, balance handle ... | 10½ ft., 11/9,, |
F T 4077. 5,,Split Cane Fly Rod, 2 tops, bronze fittings | 10ft., 19/6,, |
F T 2975. 6,,All Greenheart General Rod (fly, bottom and spinning), 4 tops ... | 12ft., 19/3,, |
F T B 94a. 3 joints, Snake Rings, Stained, Brazed, |
in Bag— | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 feet |
| 3/9 | 4/6 | 5/3 | 6/0 each |
F T B 109. 4 joints Ringed, Stained, Brazed, 2 Tops, in bag, 12 feet ... | 6/6,, |
MOTTLED CANE BOTTOM RODS. With Balance Handles in Bags. |
F T B 319a. 3 joints, Snake Rings Brazed, |
| 10 | 11 | 12 feet |
2 Tops | ... | ... | ... | ... | 6/6 | 7/6 | 8/0each |
A few sizes usually in stock. |
Made of plain pine, bound with iron clamps, hinged, two strong straps outside, also two strong straps inside to keep rods together, two locks and two keys. |
No. | 1. | For | 4 | -joint | 16ft. | Rod, | 4ft. | 6 | in. long, | 3½ | in. by | 4 | in. plain. | ... | 18/6 |
No. | 2. | For | 4 | -joint | 17ft. | Rod, | 4ft. | 10½ | in. long, | 3½ | in. by | 4 | in. plain. | ... | 19/6 |
No. | 3. | For | 4 | -joint | 18ft. | Rod, | 5ft. | 2 | in. long, | 4 | in. by | 4½ | in. plain. | ... | 20/0 |
No. | 4. | For | 3 | -joint | 16ft. | Rod, | 6ft. | 0 | in. long, | 3½ | in. by | 4 | in. plain. | ... | 21/0 |
No. | 5. | For | 3 | -joint | 17ft. | Rod, | 6ft. | 3 | in. long, | 3½ | in. by | 4 | in. plain. | ... | 22/0 |
No. | 6. | For | 3 | -joint | 18ft. | Rod, | 6ft. | 7 | in. long, | 4 | in. by | 4½ | in. plain. | ... | 23/0 |
If painted or varnished 3/0 ea. ex. Initial or name painting 0/3 per letter. |
The 3½in. by 4in. holds two each Salmon and Trout Rods. |
The 4in. by 4½in. holds four Salmon and two Trout Rods. |
Larger Boxes, to take more Rods, to order at special prices. |
Boxes in Ash, Oak, Walnut, or Mahogany, finished and polished in best style to order. |
New Tops or Joints.—When required, it is absolutely necessary that at least the joint into which the new part is to be fitted should accompany the order, as in its absence a new part cannot, under any circumstances, be supplied. If possible, it is more satisfactory to send the whole rod.
In Ordering Rods.—In addition to giving the Number and description, Customers are particularly requested to state the Length desired where various lengths are stocked.
Note.—Rods should never be allowed to remain in damp cases, nor the tops in damp Landing Handles. Carefully dry the rod with a soft cloth after use. A little dry soap rubbed on the ferrules before putting the rod together will ensure the joints coming apart easily. Vaseline and other lubricants should not be used.
F T 1511. | 3 joint, East India Cane, Snake Rings, Brazed, | 10 feet 6/6; | 12 | feet | 7/0 | each |
F T 5017. | Ditto, Swelled Handle, | | 10 | ,, | 9/6 | ,, |
F T 5488. | 3 joint, East India Cane, 2 Greenheart Tops, Revolving butt and end rings, Double brazed | 10 feet 14/6; | 12 | feet | 16/6 | ,, |
F T 9765. | Greenheart Pike Rod, 3 joint, 2 tops, double cork handle, lock joints, revolving butt and end rings, rubber button snake rings, | 10ft. 23/6; | 12 | ft. | 25/0 | ,, |
F T 5016. | The Ideal Sirdar, 2 Greenheart Tops, Double Cork Handle, Rubber Button, Very Best Finish, | | 11 | ft. | 27/6 | ,, |
F T 0255. | Superior Mottled Cane, 5 joints, Brazed, Snake Rings, 1 Top, | | 15 | feet | 10/0 | each |
F T 0259. | Ditto, 4 joints, very superior, 2 Tops, | 14 | feet | 33/3 | ,, |
| 16 | ,, | 16/6 | ,, |
F T 901. | 5-joint “Lea” Roach Pole, very best quality and finish, with 2 tops, tipped with 18-in. built Split Cane (one 4 inches shorter than the other). Packs into two sections. Weight 2 lbs., length 18ft. | each | 42/6 |
F T 902. | As above, with the following exceptions, viz.—butt and middle joint only, with double-lined ferrules, and bag, not leather lined, 18ft. | each | 37/6 |
FT690cc. | 4 joint Hickory, Brazed and Winch Fitted, 2 Tops, | 11 | feet | 6/9 | each |
F T 690b. | Ditto, very superior | 12 | ,, | 12/9 | ,, |
F T 327d. | 3 joint Mottled Cane, Extra Short Top for Minnow | 10 | ft. | 7/9 | ,, |
F T 890. | Whole Cane, 2 Tops, superior finish Double Cork Handle | 10ft. | 18/6 |
F T 2491. | Greenheart, best finish, 2 Tops | 10ft. | 31/6 |
F T 581. | Split Cane, Cork Handle, superior finish | 10½ft. | 29/6 |
F T 900. | Harrods’ Special Rod, selected Greenheart, Corkie Grip, one Fly Top and one Short Top for Spinning, 3 joints, snake rings, 10ft., with lock joints | 23/6 |
F T 1972. | Four-piece, whole cane, three tops, balanced handle, snake rings, bronzed fittings, forming an 11ft. Roach Rod, 10ft. Perch or Barbel Rod, and 9ft. light spinning or Pike Rod, in partitioned bag | each | 10/6 |
F T 1973. | Ditto ditto greenheart tops, bridge rings, double brazed, with extra sea top | each | 14/6 |
F T 1974. | Ditto ditto double cork handle, rubber button, superior finish, revolving end rings, without extra sea top | each | 17/6 |
F T 753. | The “Perfect” combination Fly and Spinning Rod. This combination makes up 4 rods, and the angler has always two at his command, viz., a 12-ft. Fly Rod and an 8-ft. Spinning Rod, or a 10-ft. Fly Rod and a 10-ft. Spinning Rod. We believe this is the only combination in which an angler has always two complete rods at the same time | each | 32/6 |
F T 690. | 4 joint, Greenheart, Snake Rings, Brazed, 3 Tops, | 12 | feet | 12/9 | each |
F T 1121. | 4 joint, Best Hickory, Snake Rings, Hollow Butt, 3 Tops, | 12 | feet | 17/6 | ,, |
F T 1244. | 4 joint, Superior Hickory, Snake Rings, Hollow Butt, 4 Tops, | 12 | feet | 21/6 | ,, |
No. 6172. Floating Zinc Bait Kettle, with Air Chamber.
10-in. 8/3, 11-in. 9/3, 12-in. 10/6 each.
When ordering rods, Customers are particularly requested to state the Length desired in addition to the Number and Description.
Rods built to order. Time required for Greenhearts about 10 days; Split Cane, one month.
First Quality.
No. F T 837. These are acknowledged to be the finest Reels made, and can be used for any style of fishing, either Fly Trolling or bottom fishing. |
With Optional Check action. |
In wood Centre Pin action. |
| 3in. | 3½in. | 4in. | 4½in. | 5in. | |
| 12/6 | 13/0 | 13/6 | 14/0 | 14/6 | |
Superior quality in Ebonite and Aluminium. |
| 3in. | 3½in. | 4in. | 4½in. | 5in. | |
| 15/6 | 17/0 | 18/0 | 20/0 | 22/0 | |
Reels suitable for Split Cane Rods. |
No. F T 120. Ebonite Reels with German Silver Band round edge. 2in., 5/0; 2½in., 6/0; 3in., 6/9; 3½in., 8/0; 4in., 10/0 each. |
Nickel-plated rims and bars, leather apron, multiplying action, optional check. |
Holds 350 yds. of Tarpon Line. Price, 48/6 |
No. F T 123. 2in., 3/0; 2¼in., 3/3; 2½in., 3/6; 2¾in., 3/9; 3in., 4/9; 3½in., 6/6; 4in., 8/6 |
No. F T 112. | 2in. | 2¼in. | 2½in. | 3in. | 3½in. | 4in. |
| 2/6 | 2/9 | 3/0 | 4/6 | 6/0 | 8/0 |
No. F T 2. Ditto. Ditto. Superior. |
With large Drum, and contracted for quick winding. |
| 2in. | 2¼in. | 2½in. | 3in. | 3½in. | 4in. |
| 6/0 | 6/6 | 7/0 | 8/3 | 10/0 | 12/0 |
No. F T 117. Brass Reels with Check, 2in., 1/3; 2½in., 1/6 each. |
No. FT 118. Superior Brass Reels, Lacquered Plates, Check Action, 2in., 1/6; 2½in., 2/0; 3in., 3/0 each. |
All kinds of Fishing Rods, Reels, Landing Handles, etc., carefully repaired by skilled workmen with the utmost despatch. |
F T 1071. Optional Check, Brass lined, Solid Brass Flange to prevent warping. |
| 4in. | 4½in. | 5in. | 5½in. | 6in. | 7in. |
| 7/9 | 8/3 | 9/6 | 10/6 | 12/6 | 13/6 |
If fitted with Line Guard 0/9 extra. |
F T 1072. Do. do., as above, fitted with new Lockfast Tension and Line Guard. |
4½in., 12/6; 5in., 13/6; 5½in., 15/6; 6in. 16/6 each |
Light, portable, compact, price 1/9 each.
No. F T 38. Best Aluminium Fly Reel, Optional Check, with adjustable Drag. Front Brake, Patent Line Guard, Large Drum as above Reel.
Size | 2¾ | 3in. | 3½in. | 4in. |
Each | 15/0 | 16/0 | 19/6 | 22/6 |
Any particular pattern Reel not listed by us can be obtained at the usual prices.
No. F T 72.
With large Drum for quick Winding.
2¾in. ... each 8/6 3¼in. ... each 9/6
No. F T 1001.
With Optional Check and Reversible Drum.
Size | 3¼in. | 4in. | 4½in. | 4¾in. |
| 27/6 | 35/0 | 38/6 | 42/0 |
Made in Aluminium. |
2½in., ... 27/6 | | 3¼in. ... 30/6 |
4in.,...37/9 | | 4½in. ... 41/0 |
No. F T 115. |
2 in....1/9 | | 4in....4/3 |
2½in. ... 2/3 | | 4½in. ... 5/0 |
3 in....2/9 | | 5in....6/0 |
3½in. ... 3/6 | | |
Fitted with Optional Check, 1/6 extra. |
Ditto, with Line Guard, 0/9 extra. |
No. F T 210.
Large Drum, and contracted for quick winding. Solid pillars; no screws to get lost, and very light.
Sizes—2¾in., 12/6; 3in., 13/6; 3½in., 15/0
No. F T 8187. Very Superior Aluminium, very light, perfection of make and finish.
2½in., 14/6 3in., 16/6 3½in., 18/6 4in., 23/6 4½in., 25/0 5in., 29/6 each
No. F T 121.
Bronzed Gunmetal, with Hammered Plates.
2½in., 12/6; 2¾in., 13/0; 3in., 14/0; 3½in., 17/6; 4in., 21/0; 4½in., 24/6; 5in., 31/6
No. F T 74.
(Patent). Improved Pattern.
With Centre Drag. | Weight |
2? | in. | ... | 14/3 | 5 | ozs. |
3 | ,, | ... | 16/3 | 7 | ,, |
3½ | ,, | ... | 19/6 | 10 | ,, |
4 | ,, | ... | 23/6 | 15 | ,, |
4½ | ,, | ... | 28/6 | 22 | ,, |
5¼ | ,, | ... | 36/9 | 32 | ,, |
As above, made in Aluminium in following sizes only:—
2? | in. | ... | each | 19/6 | 3½ | in. | ... | each | 27/0 |
3 | ,, | ... | ,, | 23/0 | 4 | ,, | ... | ,, | 32/0 |
No. 522.
7 | lb. | ... | 2/0 |
12 | ,, | ... | 2/3 |
16 | ,, | ... | 2/6 |
20 | ,, | ... | 2/9 |
30 | ,, | ... | 3/3 |
40 | ,, | ... | 3/9 |
50 | ,, | ... | 5/0 |
60 | ,, | ... | 6/3 |
To weigh 4 lb. By 1 oz., 3/3 each.
To weigh 8 lb. By 2 oz., 5/0 each.
Warranted not to sink. 1/0 each, with disgorger and instructions.
Very Useful.
1. | 6?in. | × | 4½in., | 1/3 | each. |
2. | 7¼in. | × | 5½in., | 1/6 | ,, |
3. | 8 in. | × | 6½in., | 2/0 | ,, |
4. | 9 in. | × | 8 in., | 2/6 | ,, |
3in. takes 85 yds. “Spider Web” Line, size Y, 21/0 each.
4in. takes 100 yds. “Spider Web” Line, size ZZ, 25/0 each.
“Marston-Crossle” and other American Spin-Reels Stocked.
Prices on application
075 |
Salmon and Pike. Two Joints ... ... 8/6 | Three Joints ... ... 13/0 |
SALMON. Hickory or East India Cane Handle. |
F T 1002. With Gaff to screw in handle 5ft. long (with sling) ... | 9/6 |
F T 1005. East India Cane Landing Handle and Wading Staff, with Leather Sling and long Steel Spike, complete with Screw-in Gaff, 5ft. | each 12/6 |
PLATED OCTAGONAL GAFFS. To Screw on Handles, with Point Protector. Salmon, 2/6 Trout, 2/0 |
Handles for above Gaffs, 1/0 and 1/6 each. |
Plated Octagonal Gaffs. To Lash on Handle. Salmon size, 2/6 Trout, 2/0 |
In Green on Wood Bobbin, 200 yards on each.
Sizes | 2/o | 1/o | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 12/3 | 11/9 | 10/9 | 10/3 | 9/9 | 9/3 | 8/3 | 7/6 |
Sizes as Tanned Flax Line, No. 1673, undermentioned.
(Waterproof and exceptionally strong).
Put up on reels of 100 yards each.
No. 1 size (very strong) ... ... | per 100 yds. | 3/0 |
No. 2 size (extra strong)... ... | ,, | 3/6 |
A new undressed Spinning Line. The silk is treated in special manner, and is plaited so extraordinarily firm to render it less absorbent. Made in 3 sizes.
X ... 7/0 Y ... 8/0 Z ... 9/0 per 100 yds.
Put up in 2—50 yds. connected. The above Line is recommended for use with the “Crossle” and other Spinning Reels.
| Fine. | Medium. | Stout. |
Twisted in 100 yds. ... | each | 2/6 | 3/6 | 4/6 |
Plaited do. ... ... | ,, | 4/6 | 5/6 | 6/6 |
As above sizes, etc., but Waterproofed, per line extra 2/6.
(To order only.)
SPECKLED TWIST LINES. 30 yds., 0/3; 40 yds., 0/4 each.
*Minnows, in corked bottles, 0/10, 1/1, 1/4
*Gudgeon, in lever bottles, 2/0, 2/3
*Dace, 2/8
Sprats, 1/1
Prawns, in Glycerine, 6/0 per bottle, containing about 4 doz.
Do. do. containing about 1½ doz, 3/0 per bottle.
* A supply of these baits cannot always be guaranteed, and cannot under any circumstances be supplied during the close time, viz.: from March 15 to June 15, inclusive.
The Kingfisher
Level, Single, & Double Tapered
Salmon & Trout Lines
Double Tapered Salmon, 42 yds. Tapered 7 yds. from each end. No. 4, 16/0; 5, 17/6; 6, 19/6; 7, 21/6
Double Tapered Trout. Tapered 5 yds. from each end.
No. | 1. | 30 | yards | ... | 5/8 | ... | 40 | yards | ... | 7/9 |
,, | 2. | 30 | ,, | ... | 6/4 | ... | 40 | ,, | ... | 8/6 |
,, | 3. | 30 | ,, | ... | 7/0 | ... | 40 | ,, | ... | 9/6 |
Please Note.—The above lines are not being made Single Tapered now.
“KINGFISHER” LEVEL LINES. Per score yards.
No. 1, 3/6 2, 4/0 3, 4/6 4, 5/0 5, 5/6 6, 6/6 7, 7/9 8, 9/0
The No. 7. Double Tapered Salmon Line is most suitable for an 18-ft. Rod and Nos. 5 and 6 for a 16-ft. Rod. The No. 2 Double Tapered Trout Line is most suitable for a 10, 11 or 12ft. Trout Rod, and No. 3 for 12 to 14ft.
No. F T 109b. |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |
3/8 | 3/2 | 2/8 | 2/4 | 2/2 | 1/10 | 1/7 | 1/4 | 1/2 | 1/2 | per 20 yds. |
Double Tapered Switching Salmon Lines, in 40 yard lengths,
Sizes A to D, 10/9; B to E, 9/6 each.
No. F T 109 (2nd quality). |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J |
2/9 | 2/6 | 2/3 | 2/0 | 1/9 | 1/6 | 1/4 | 1/2 | 1/0 | 1/0 | per 20 yds. |
| 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 yards. |
Fine ... ... | 1/11 | 2/11 | 3/11 | 4/10 | per line. |
Medium ... | 2/3 | 3/5 | 4/7 | 5/8 | ,, |
Coarse ... | 2/10 | 4/3 | 5/7 | 7/0 | ,, |
Nº 5 Nº 4 Nº 3 Nº 2 Nº 1 Nº 1/o Nº 2/o
No. F T 1673.
Very suitable for Salmon, Pike, Bass, Pollock, etc., or for Backing to Waterproof Silk Lines.
Sizes | 2/o | 1/o | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 5/8 | 5/0 | 4/9 | 4/6 | 4/0 | 3/9 | 3/3 | per 100 yds. |
Lines after use should be unwound from the reel or winch and run through a cloth to remove the superfluous water, dirt, etc., and wound on the Line Drier. A good thing is to rub the Line with Red Deer’s Fat, which makes the Line soft and pliant.
Special Reel Oil, in bottles, with brushes complete, 0/9
No. F T 5298.
Waterproofed Green Silk, made from the very best silk obtainable and plaited absolutely square and solid. A perfect floating Dry-Fly Line.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |
5/0 | 4/6 | 4/0 | 3/6 | 3/0 | 2/9 | 2/6 | 2/3 | 2/0 | per 20 yds. |
Sizes as No. FT 109B Waterproof Line.
40 yds. |
Sizes | E B E | ... ... ... | 16/6 |
,, | D A D | ... ... ... | 19/9 |
,, | C A A C | ... ... ... | 22/6 |
No. F T 1009. “SALINE.”
Enamelled Silk Line. Patented process. Made of the highest quality silk, solid plait, in dark colours. The finish is tough and elastic and transparent in appearance. In 4—25 yards connected. In 100 yds. only.
Sizes— | D | E | F | G | H |
17/6 | 16/0 | 14/0 | 12/6 | 11/0 | per 100 yds. |
Sizes about same as No. F T 109B, Waterproof Line undermentioned.
F to H, | 30 yards | ... | 5/0; | 40 yards | ... | 6/0 |
E to H, | ,, | ... | 5/0; | ,, | ... | 6/6 |
In Hank of 30 yds. 0/3 0/4 0/5 0/6 per hank
for turning down Landing Handles, 4/3 and 5/3 each.
No. F T 2980. 3/6 each.
(equally suitable for Fresh or Salt Water).
No. 7951.—The “Schooling Popular” (Modele de Luxe) is the last word in Sea Spinning Reels. Best selected Walnut, long Ivory handle, recessed tension nut, brass lined, brass flange, star back, optional check.
Sizes, | 3in. | 3½in. | 4in. | 4½in. |
| 13/0 | 13/6 | 14/0 | 14/6 each |
Note.—The ordinary “Schooling Popular” (No. 7924) we list at the following prices, viz:—
Sizes: | 3in. | 3½in. |
| 9/3 | 9/9 each. |
No. | FT 820. One yard Gut Casts | 0/3 |
,, | FT 717. Trout Casts, 3 yards long, fine, medium or stout | 0/6 |
,, | FT 718. Superior ditto, 3 yards long, extra fine, fine, medium, stout or extra stout | 0/9 |
,, | FT 817. Ditto, ditto, drawn gut, tapered | 0/9 |
,, | FT 818. Superior selected, extra fine, natural gut, 3 yards long, tapered | 1/0 |
,, | FT 719. Extra stout, lake, 3 yards long | 1/3 |
,, | FT 720. Grilse | 1/6 and 2/6. |
,, | FT 1019. Single gut, with 2 swivels, fine, medium | 0/9 |
,, | FT 1020. Superior ditto, extra strong | 1/0 |
,, | FT 1021. Single gut, extra strong, with lead | 1/3 |
,, | FT 1022. Trout, twisted gut, with 3 swivels | 1/0 |
,, | FT 4266.,,,,,,leaded | 1/3 |
No. | FT 721. Light, 3 yards long | 2/6 |
,, | FT 722. Medium | 3/6 |
,, | FT 723. Stout | | 6/0 |
,, | FT 734. Superior extra stout | 10/6 |
,, | FT 527. Twisted | 2/0 & 3/0 |
,, | FT 725. Half twisted and half single | 3/0 & 4/6 |
,, | FT 1023. Single gut, with swivels, light | 1/6 |
,, | FT 1024.,,,,heavy | 2/6 |
,, | FT 1025. Superior selected, with swivels, extra heavy | 4/6 |
,, | FT 1029. Twisted gut | 1/9 |
,, | FT 345.,,,,with lead | 1/6 |
,, | FT 1030. Plain, with 2 swivels | 0/6 |
,, | FT 1031.,,with lead | 0/7 |
X, 1/3 Y, 1/6 Z, 1/9 ZZ, 1/9 each | |
Fine and medium | per yard 0/1 |
Stout | ,,0/2 |
Breaking strain— | 8 | 12 | 21 | 25 | 30 | 40 | 60 lb. | |
Gimp Nos. | 5/0 | 4/0 | 3/0 | 2/0 | 1/0 | 1 | 2 |
Per yard | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 0/2 |
Best Silk Gimp | ... | ... | ... | per yard | 0/2 | and | 0/3 |
NOTE.—Not less than a complete hank of any |
particular quality supplied. | Inches long 12 | 14 |
Trout, Fine | 1/10 | 2/6 |
Medium | 1/3 | 1/6 |
Stout | 1/3 | 1/9 |
Grilse | 4/3 | 5/3 |
Salmon | 4/6 | 5/6 |
Stout | 14/6 | 17/9 |
The above prices are per hank of 100 strands. |
No. 2 Small
Claret Jock Scott.
Blue Jock Scott.Thunder & Lightning.
Yellow Eagle.Silver Ranger.
Wilkinson. Grey Eagle.
Black Doctor.
Blue Doctor.
Jock Scott.
Dusty Miller.
Mar Lodge.
Silver Doctor.
Silver Grey.
All above patterns are generally kept in stock in the following sizes; if not, any pattern can be had in a few days:—
5/0, 4/0, 3/0, 2/0, 1/0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8.
Also above patterns can be had tied on double hooks, sizes
3/0, 2/0, 1/0, 1, 3, 5, 8.
All Salmon Flies stocked are dressed with gut loops, which will be sent in all cases where Salmon Flies are ordered unless otherwise stated.
Salmon Flies on metal-eyed Limerick single or double hooks (to order only) 0/2 each extra.
In ordering Salmon Flies customers are particularly requested to specify the size hook desired, whether single or double.
Salmon Flies.—Dressed to Pattern.—This work is undertaken by experienced tyers, and the greatest attention is paid to ensure accuracy as to details. A small number of flies can generally be tied at a few days’ notice, but in the busy season customers will oblige by giving as much notice as possible.
All Flies dressed to patterns will be charged extra.
Most of the above Flies are usually in stock, but we cannot guarantee any particular size.
Made in One Length No Knots. No Splices. During the past season “Telarana Nova,” Sizes Nos. 1, 2, and 3, have been tried, without a single complaint, for big fish all over the world—Europe, Asia, Africa, and America testifying to the suitability and excellence of these casts and traces for heavy fish, and in Sizes Nos. 4, 5, and 6, it has been used for May Fly fishing with most successful results.
| Extra Heavy,
| Heavy, | Medium, | Light, |
| No.1 | No.2 | No.3 | No.4 | No.5 | No.6 |
3 Yards Casts in One Length. | 2/3 | 1/9 | 1/3 | 0/10 |
2 Yard Gut Traces 4 Swivels in two lengths. | 2/3 | 1/9 | 1/3 | 0/10 |
Breaking Strain. | 30lb. | 15lb. | 10lb. | 7lb. | 4lb. | 2½lb. |
Protects the face and hands from the bites of insects, midgets, gnats,
per bottle, 0/10½, 2/8, 4/6.
Inches long | 14 | 16 | 18 |
Per 100 | 2/6 | 3/6 | 5/0 |
FINE DRAWN GUT, for Eyed Flies, or for making Casting Lines (best quality).
(1x, 2x, 3x, 4x.) |
10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | Inches |
3/0 | 4/0 | 5/0 | 6/6 | 7/6 |
The above prices are per hank of 100 strands.
All Gut guaranteed. Limited Stock. Prices subject to fluctuation of the Market.
Single ... 2/0, 3/0 and 4/0 per doz.
| Small. | Medium. | Large. |
Jock Scott | 1/3 | ... | 1/6 | ... | 1/9 |
Silver Doctor | 1/0 | ... | 1/3 | ... | 1/9 |
Blue Doctor | 1/3 | ... | 1/3 | ... | 1/6 |
Butcher | 1/0 | ... | 1/0 | ... | 1/6 |
Childers | 1/0 | ... | 1/3 | ... | 1/9 |
Durham Ranger | 1/3 | ... | 1/6 | ... | 1/9 |
Gauge of Hooks—Small, Nos. 2, 3, 4;
Medium. Nos. 1, 1/0, 2/0; Large, 3/0, 4/0, 5/0.
Not less than 3 Salmon Flies made to Special Order.
No. F T 1036. THE “HERCULES” GUT CASTS. We claim that by steeping the Gut in a special preparation the pliability and softness are so greatly increased that the subsequent process of knotting it into Casts does not injure the Gut in the least. It not only gives to the Gut flexibility and greater strength, but also durability, as the preparation protects the Gut from the action of air and light. Every Cast tested.
Each Cast is labelled “Hercules,” and bears our Trade Mark. |
| 2yds. each | 3yds. each. |
“Hercules” | Gut Casts, | stout, medium, fine and refina | ... | 0/5 | 0/8 |
,, | ,, | stout lake | ... | 0/6 | 0/9 |
,, | ,, | extra fine, 1x, 2x, 3x | ... | 0/6 | 0/9 |
,, | ,, | extra fine drawn, 4x, 5x | ... | 0/7 | 0/10 |
,, | ,, | light salmon | ... | 1/0 | 1/6 |
,, | ,, | strong | ... | 1/8 | 2/6 |
,, | ,, | extra strong salmon, 4/5 Gut | ... | 3/0 | 4/6 |
,, | ,, | double thick, extra strong, 3/5 Gut | ... | 5/0 | 7/6 |
,, | ,, | extra, extra strong, 2/5 Gut | ... | 6/4 | 9/6 |
,, | ,, | May Fly Cast, specially tapered Padron 2nd, to extra fine undrawn 3 yards | 1/0 |
Tapered refina to 3x undrawn Casts, Trout | ... | ... | 1/0 |
Extra long undrawn Gut, tapered fina to 1x | ... | ... | 0/9 |
Tapered, 1x to 4x | ... | ... | 1/0 |
No. F T 1033. Twisted, fine, medium and stout ... | 0/10 |
,, F T 1034. Single, fine, medium and stout ... | 1/0 |
,, F T 1035. Twisted,,,,,,... | 1/6 |
We list these “Hercules” Gut Traces under the six following quality numbers, each trace being put up in a separate envelope, with our “Hercules” Registered Trade Mark tab attached. |
Qual. No. Length 1½ yds. |
| ea. |
No. F T 6622. Single Gut Traces, with 2 swivels, for Trout, in three strengths, Fine, Medium, and Strong ... | 0/8 |
,,F T 6623. Ditto, for Grilse, made only in one Strength ... | 0/10 |
,,F T 6624. Ditto, Light Salmon Gut ditto ... | 1/0 |
,,F T 6625. Ditto, Strong ditto ... | 1/6 |
,,F T 6626. Ditto, Stronger ditto ... | 2/6 |
,,F T 6627. Ditto, Very Heavy ditto ... | 4/6 |
HALFORD’S PATTERNS. (On eyed Hooks only.) |
Egyptian Goose Hackle ... | per doz. | 3/6 |
Summer Duck Hackle ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Dyed Rouen Drake Hackle ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Summer Duck ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Brown Champion ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Green Champion ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Dyed Gallina ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Dyed Rouen Drake ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Undyed Rouen Drake ... | ,, | 3/6 |
Spent Gnat ... | ,, | 3/6 |
A variety of other kinds kept in Stock. |
No. F T 734. Floating May Flies on Eyed Hooks ... | 2/6 |
No. F T 735. Sea Trout Flies on Gut or Eyed Hooks ... | per doz. | 2/6 |
No. F T 736. Loch Lake and Sea Trout Flies on Eyed Hooks or Gut ... | per doz | 1/9 |
No. F T 737. Chub ,,,,,,,, ... | ,, | 1/9 |
No. F T 739. Mackerel and Bass Flies ... | ,, | 1/0 |
No. F T 748. Best quality Trout Flies to Gut ... | ,, | 1/2 |
No. F T 749. Floating Trout Flies on Eyed Hooks ... | ,, | 1/8 |
Small Salmon Flies on Eyed Hooks for Sea Trout, | 10/0 doz. |
If dressed to Customer’s own pattern, 0/3 per doz. extra. |
Not less than ¼ doz. of any one stock pattern supplied, or ½ doz. Flies tied to pattern supplied. |
Baskets for holding Live May Flies kept in Stock. |
Which has proved itself of great value when fishing wooded streams. Price 1/6 each. |
Special attention given to patterns sent to be copied and accuracy guaranteed, but during the height of the season special orders take from a week to ten days to execute.
No. F T 1017. Made of the best quality unbleached chamois leather in two sizes.
For Salmon casts, 5½in. × 5½in., 1/3 each.
For Trout casts, 4½in. × 4½in., 0/9 each.
1/0 each.
Small, 1/0 each. Large, 1/6 each.
With transparent Lids.
No. F T 4104. Special Note.—This box has each lid fitted with a spring and catch, so that when the catch is released the lid springs open, and by pressing down is immediately closed. Prices are altered as follows:—
6in. with 16 compartments, 10/6 each.
4¾in., with 12 compartments, 7/6,,
S G 1011. Eyed Fly Box. For holding eyed flies, 15 divisions with transparent lids. Black London finish. Size 6¼in. × 3¾in., 8/9
Same make as above without compartments for lines, 12 divisions, 7/6 9 divisions, 6/9
No. F T 5678. ALUMINIUM GUT CAST BOX. With 2 Felt Pads. 1/0 each
Do. do. Bronzed Safety Cast Tin, 2/6 each
Japanned Tin do., size 4?in. × 1in., 1/0 each.
All above Boxes are fitted with 2 felt pads.
5in. wide, 1?in. deep. WITHOUT Felt Pads, 1/6 each.
No. F T 1018. BEST QUALITY PIGSKIN GUT CAST CASE. Six wash-leather pockets, backed with parchment, each pocket marked with name and strength of gut, 5/9 each.
5½in., 5/3; 6in., 5/6; 6½in., 6/0; 7in., 6/6 Real Russia, 17 leaves, pockets in cover and strap. 5in., 4/9; 5½in., 5/0; 6in., 5/3; 6½in., 5/9; 7in., 6/6
Plain Leather Fly Books.
5in., 2/6; 6in., 3/0; 6½in., 3/6; 7in., 4/0
Containing the names of Flies suitable for each month.
Brown Canvas 2/6 each. Roan 5/6 each.
Cowhide...3/6,,Russia 9/0,,
No. S G 57. FLY VICES. Improved Sliding Pillar Vice, as above, 25/0 The Halford Fly Vice with Athenian clip 30/6 The Hawksley, as recommended in Halford’s Dry Fly Entomology, 30/0 Ditto, with Athenian clip, 35/6 Small Fly Vices, with clamp for table, 5/0
6 × 3½in. Four Divisions for Baits, and parchment pockets in lid to take Casts or Traces. Each 6/0
No. 3/0. | To hold | 40 | eyed Trout | Flies | each | 5/6 |
No. 2/0. | ,, | 60 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 6/0 |
No. 1b. For Lake and Grilse to hold 84 Flies | 7/9 |
No. | 1/0 | for Single | Hook Flies, | to hold | 24 | Flies | 5/6 |
,, | 1 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 40 | ,, | 5/8 |
,, | 2 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 64 | ,, | 8/6 |
,, | 3 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 30 | ,, | 7/3 |
,, | 4 | for Double Hook Flies | ,, | 40 | ,, | 5/8 |
,, | 5 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 64 | ,, | 8/6 |
,, | 6 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 100 | ,, | 11/6 |
Japanned Tin, with clips on ivory xylonite.
To hold 119 Sea Trout Flies (as illustration) | 4/0 |
,,40 Salmon Flies ... | each 4/0 |
With clips on ivory xylonite.
each |
To hold | 40 Single or Double Salmon Flies ... | 6/6 |
,, | 85 Trout or Loch Flies ... | 5/9 |
,, | 49 Trout or Grilse Flies and 20 Salmon Flies ... | 6/6 |
With Cork both sides ... | 5/9 |
With Clips to hold 7 dozen eyed Flies and 4 parchment leaves, with 12 pockets to hold Flies on gut, 6/6 each.
Japanned Flight Case, with two compartments in lid. 6in., 3/6; 8in., 4/11 each. Japanned Tin Folding Tackle Box, unfurnished, 13/9; with padlock and key. Size 9¾in. long, 5in. wide, 6in. deep, 14/9 each.
No. F 368.
4¼in. × 4¼in., with safety rim to each; two best guaranteed pure felts in one. Makes a most handsome cast and cast damper box combined.
Price 6/6 each.
Cast Box has safety rim, holds 90 Flies. Size 4¼ × 4¼in. Price 7/6 each.
No. F 368S. ALUMINIUM COMBINED CAST AND SALMON FLY BOX. Cast Box has safety rim, holds 25 Flies.
Size 4¼ × 4¼in. Price 7/6 each.
With Aluminium Divisions, making a Light Strong Box.
1. | Size | 6 × 4in. | ... | 3/0 |
2. | ,, | 7 × 4½in. | ... | 3/9 |
3. | ,, | 8 × 5¼in. | ... | 4/6 |
With Compartment for Lines and bottle of Odourless Paraffin. Cork one side.
Price 5/11 Aluminium do. 6/0
No. F T 2841. THE “OTTER” TROUT WADING LANDING NET. Wood bow, 12½in. × 10in.; handle 3ft. 10in., price 9/0 Ditto, ditto, fitted with short 18-in. cane handle, light, for ladies’ use, 9/0 each.
Ditto, ditto, larger size bow 14½in. × 12in., handle 3ft. 10in., price 10/6
Wood handle and bow with net complete, handle 2ft., bow 13in. × 10½in., price 5/6
Ditto, ditto, handle 26in. bow 16in. x 12in., price 6/6
Handle 2ft. 7in., net 18in. × 20in.
Price 15/6 each.
Handle 2ft. 7in., net 18in. × 17in.
Price 11/0
No. F T 1034.
Most perfect Landing Net in use. Lightest and Handiest Landing-Net made.
Handle 2ft. 7in., Net 18in. × 21in.
Complete, £1 1 0 each.
Size 24in. × 21in.
Complete with handle, 15/6 each
This net is triangular in shape. 20in. Arms, for Sea Trout and Grilse, Cable Laid Net, 23/6. 26½in. Arms, for Salmon and Grilse, Cable Laid Net, 25/0. The above prices include handle.
LOOSE NETS. For fitting on landing Rings.
PLAITED SILK NETS (Waterproofed) |
18in. | 20in. | 22in. | 24in. deep, |
3/0 | 3/6 | 4/0 | 4/6 each |
18in. 1/3, 20in. 1/6, 22in. deep, 1/9 each.
18in. 1/6, 20in. 2/0, 22in. deep, 2/6 each.
Black or Tanned. 30in. 3/9, 37in. 4/9 each.
with Handles. D-Shape, 3/6 ea. For Children’s Use Large ditto, with Galvanised D-shaped rings, with Handle, 5/6 to 14/0 each.
No. S G 43. SHAW’S FLY FISHING KNIFE. This Knife is only ¼ in. in thickness and 4in. in length, 2 ozs. in weight. Contains the eight necessary tools of the fly fisherman. 1, disgorger; 2, lancet; 3, scissors; 4, file; 5, nippers; 6, screwdriver; 7, stiletto; 8, blade. Prices: nickel-plated, 10/6; ivory, 15/0; silver, 21/0.
Size 14in. × 14in., handle 2ft. 7in., price 7/6
No. F T 1039.
20in., 7/0; 22in., 7/6; 24in., 8/6
Handle for this net, 1/0 and 1/6 extra.
Folding Iron Ring. Bronzed.
12in. 1/8 14in. 2/0 16in. 2/3 each.
Tanned Nets, suitable for above Rings, 1/2 and 1/6 each.
Handles,,,,,,1/0 and 1/6 each.
3/9 each, with Net and Handle complete.
Bow 14in. × 14in., handle 4ft.
3-Joint Telescopic Metal Handle, with knuckle joint and wood bow, each 15/6. Length when closed, 18in.; length when open, 3ft. 6in.; wood bow, 15in. × 12in.
Wood bow, knuckle joint and coat clip, each 9/6.
Handle 3ft., wood bow, 12in. × 15in.
THE “ANGLER’S” KNIFE containing one large blade, one smaller disgorging blade, and a pair of scissors. Price 5/6
For carrying landing handle, 1/9 each.
No. F T 1463.
0/3, 0/4 and 0/6 each.
Cork Egg-shaped Floats, | 0/2, 0/3 & 0/4 | each. |
,,and Porcupine,, | 0/3, 0/5 & 0/7 | ,, |
Porcupine Quill, all sizes | ... 0/2 | ,, |
Patent Self-cocking Floats, | 0/3, 0/4 & 0/5 | ,, |
Pilot Floats | ... 0/1 & 0/2 | ,, |
Goose Quills, all sizes | ...0/1 | ,, |
Float Caps | ...0/1 | per box. |
No. F T 1061. 6in. 1/9, 8in. 2/6, 10in. 3/6 each.
(With lift out centre)
8in. 3/9, 10in. 5/0, 12in. 7/0 ea.
Enlarged View of Joint
THE “BLAGDON,” LANDING NET HANDLE, TELESCOPIC HEXAGONAL FITTING. These handles are a great improvement on the old pattern, it being impossible for the joint to turn round when in use. The screw cap being a fixture cannot become lost, and, by screwing up the cap, and thus securing the top piece, it can be used as a short handle for shallow wading, etc. It is made of strong cane and Greenheart, best metal fittings, and has a leather shoulder sling, as illustrated, Length closed, 2½ ft.; extended, about 4½ ft., 8/6 each.
Patent Eyed-Fly Extractor, Gut Cutter and Tweezers Combination. 2/0 each
Plain Landing Handles, 1/0 and 1/6 each. Hollow Landing Handles to hold Spare Tops, 3½ ft., 3/0; 4ft., 3/3; 4½ ft., 3/9
No. F T 601. High Brogues, best quality only, leather and canvas, the hobs well clenched, strong and durable ... ... ...
21/6 25/0 | No. F T 602. Low Brogues, ditto ... | 20/0 |
No. FT 603. Strong Woollen Socks ... | 2/0 and 3/0 |
Long Thigh Fishing Hose for wearing underneath Waterproof Stockings or Thigh Boots, to give increased warmth. Natural colour. 7/9 per pair.
(Special Measurements) 3/6 extra. |
No. F T 606. Sateen Fishing Trousers any stock size ... | 26/6 |
No. F T 607. Best Angola Tan, ditto ... | 31/0 |
No. F T 608. Sateen Fishing Stocking, any stock size ... | 17/6 |
No. F T 609. Best Angola Tan, ditto ... | 21/0 |
Braces for above Waders, 3/0 per pair. |
Instructions for Measurements.—Give outline or length of foot in thick woollen sock from heel to toe. For trousers from heel to crutch, heel to waist, and the width round the body. We can fit woollen socks and brogues from the first measure of foot.
No. F T 1046. Waterproof with loose Rubber Lining which can be taken out and washed, Expanding Net in Front.
Also answers as a Game Bag.
16½ × 12in., 10/0; 17 × 12in., 10/6.
No. F T 1043.
Knee Boots, for fishing, shooting, etc., made of pure black rubber, leather lined, feet and uppers of solid built leather, and soles specially constructed to keep their shape in wading, fitted with hob nails, 59/6.
No. F T 801.
15 × 11in. 6/6; 16½ × 12in. 7/6;
18½ × 12½in. 8/6
With loose rubber lining, which can be taken out and washed, 1/6 extra.
Canvas Shoe, Felt Sole Fishing Brogue. Made in sizes 7’s to 12’s.
19/6 per pair.
Per pair |
No. F T 79. Black Rubber Fishing Boots ... | 17/0 |
No. F T 80. Black Rubber Fishing Shoes ... | 15/0 |
Any Speciality of Wading Gear can be obtained. Old Waders, Waterproof Bags, Coats, etc., repaired at moderate cost.
No. FT 55. FISHING BASKETS. Best Finish.
12in.,2/9; 13in.,3/6; 14½in.,4/3; 16in.,5/0; 17in.,5/9; 18in.,6/9
Stained Wicker Basket, same pattern as No. F T 55, leather bound and brass mounts, light and very durable.
Sizes— | 13 × 9 | 14½ × 9 | 15½ × 10 | 17 × 11 |
| 10/3 | 10/9 | 11/6 | 11/9 |
Padlocks for this Basket, 1/0 each.
Webbing Straps for same, 1/0 and 1/6 each.
Brown Wicker, with Metal Hinge & Fastenings.
15 | in. | ... | ... | 7/6 |
16 | ,, | ... | ... | 8/6 |
17 | ,, | ... | ... | 9/6 |
Length of bottom, 16in. 7/6 each.
May Fly Baskets for carrying live May Flies 1/9 each.
No. F T 1044.
fitted with two gusseted Pockets in front for Tackle, Lunch, or Fly Books. The large gusseted Compartment for Fish has a detachable Lining of Rubber Faced Cloth, which can be washed clean and keeps free from smell. This bag also contains a Foot Rule in separate pocket at back which keeps the bag rigid.
15 × 11in. 17 × 12in.
8/3 9/6
No. F T 1047.
Fishing Stockings with Leather Boots attached.
Tan Angola. 48/6 per pair.
Special Measurements, 3/6 extra.
All sizes.
No. F T 5041.
Best Quality Waders as above, double at fork, braces, and back strap to buckle. All sizes.
Per pair, 34/6.
If to special measurements, 3/6 extra.
No. F T 1049.
Waterproof Cambric,
15 × 10in., 2/9 each.
Drab White Coloured Canvas,
14 × 12in., 1/6.
No. F T 1045.
Drab Waterproof, 15 × 11in., 4/9
No. F T 1048.
Salmon or Pike Bag.
Size 17 × 12in., with gusseted ends open, it measures 24 × 12in., 10/6
Ditto, ditto, better quality ... 11/9
This Bag is similar in all respects to the “Helmsdale” Trout Bag, but with gusseted ends arranged to open out to take a large fish, as illustrated by dotted lines in sketch; when not in use can be fastened in by a unique method.
Ladies’ Waders a Speciality. Ladies’ Waders and Brogues made to order at short notice.
No. F T 1052. Wriggler or Wagtail. |
1½ to 2¼ | 2¾ | 3¼ | 3¾ | 4¾in. | |
1/1 | 1/3 | 1/3 | 1/6 | 1/9 | each |
No. F T 1051. Extra Heavy Gunmetal, without Slits or Side Hooks. Gilt or Nickel. |
1¼ | 1½ | 1¾ | 2 | 2¼in. | |
1/6 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 1/9 | 1/9 | each |
No. F T 1050. Devon Minnows. Gilt, Silver or painted various colours, with Slits and Side Hooks. |
1 | 1½ | 2 | 2¼ | 2½ | 3½in. | |
0/11 | 0/11 | 1/1 | 1/3 | 1/3 | 1/10 | each |
No. F T 783. |
Geen’s New Bait. “The Chase Me.” Very Deadly for Trout, Salmon and Pike. |
1½in. | 1¾in. | 2in. | 2½in. | 3in. | 3½in. | 4in. | |
1/3 | 1/3 | 1/4 | 1/4 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 1/8 | each. |
No. F T 1055. “Brown’s” Phantom Minnow Fitted with Geen’s Patent Swivel in nose. |
2 | 2½ | 3 | 3½ | 4 | 4½ | 5in. | |
2/3 | 2/3 | 2/3 | 2/10 | 3/2 | 3/6 | 4/0 | each |
No. F T 1056. Silk Phantom. Swivel Head. Leaded,
2, 2¼, 2¾, 3, 3¼in., 1/3 3¾in., 1/6 4½in., 1/9 each
Improved Pike Spinning Flight (‘Pennell’s.’)
1 Treble Hook 0/6 each. 2 Treble Hooks, 0/7 each.
The New Halcyon Spinner.
Very deadly for Trout, Perch, Sea-Trout, etc., 0/6 each.
“Favourite” Kill Devil. Very deadly for Trout, Salmon, and Pike.
1½ | 2 | 2½ | 3 | 3½in. |
1/9 | 2/0 | 2/3 | 2/6 | 3/0 each |
No. F T 1053. The Perfect Gutta Percha Spinning Bait. Tail will not draw or break.
No cutting of Gut or Gimp.
1½, 2, 2½in., 1/6 3, 3½in., 1/8 4in., 2/0 each
No. F T 13247. The “Water Witch” Baits.
Trout. | Trout. | Salmon. | Pike. |
1½in. | 2in. | 2½in. | 3in. |
Price 1/2 | 1/2 | 1/4 | 1/6 each. |
In gilt or silver. |
F T No. 1059.
Spoons, Copper and Silver. |
1¼ | 1½ | 2 | 2¼ | 2½ | 3 | 3½ | 4in. |
0/5 | 0/5 | 0/6 | 0/6 | 0/6 | 0/9 | 0/10 | 1/0 each |
No. F T 752. Canadian Spoon. Glass Eye.
2¾in. 1/0 2¼in. 1/0 2in. 0/10 1¼in. 0/9 each.
Aluminium Fly Spoons. For light spinning with fly rod. 1 1¼, 1 1½in., 0/8 ¼, ½, ¾ in., 0/6
Colorado Spinning Spoon. All sizes, 1/0 each
No. F T 1058. “Geen’s” Combination Spoon Phantom. (Very deadly.) |
1½ | 1? | 2 | 2¾ | 3? | 4¼in. |
1/1 | 1/1 | 1/4 | 1/5 | 1/7 | 1/10 each |
Superior “Heavy Metal” Spoon. Lacquered back, silvered inside. |
1¼ | 1½ | 2 | 2¼ | 2½ | 3 | 3½in. |
0/9 | 0/9 | 1/0 | 1/0 | 1/3 | 1/4 | 1/7 each |
“Patent Collapsing” Spoon. All Silver. |
1½ | 1¾ | 2 | 2¼ | 2½ | 2¾in. |
0/9 | 0/9 | 0/10 | 1/0 | 1/0 | 1/0 each |
Norwich Spoon. Gold and Silver back, inside Silver and Red.
1¼, 1½in., 1/0 2, 2¼in., 1/2 2½, 2¾in., 1/3 each
New Pattern Prawn Tackles.
No. F T 5386. Four Double Gilt Hooks with double barbed spears, loose needle
1/0 each.
No. F T 5387. Four Double Gilt Hooks, leaded needle; looped below hooks,
1/3 each.
No. F T 5078½. Two Bright Treble Hooks, on single Salmon Gut,
0/9 each.
Any of above mounted on Twisted Gut at same prices.
Soft Copper Wire for binding on Prawns, 0/6 per reel.
Red Thread, do., 0/3 per spool.
Prawns in glycerine, 6/0 per bottle, containing about 4 dozen.
Do., containing about 1½ dozen, 3/0 per bottle.
All kinds of Preserved Baits kept in stock.
The “Ghost” Spinner (merely a frame).
Size 3.
Note that the propellers are placed at a point nearest to the gravity of the bait. The spinning qualities of the “Ghost” are thereby enhanced. In this respect the “Ghost” is superior to all other spinners for dead baits.
Made in 4 sizes. Large Pike and Pike size, 2/6;
Salmon, 2/3; Trout, 2/3 each.
“Dee” Spinning Tackle.
For Trout or Salmon 0/9 each.
Narrow Silver Salmon Spoon.
1½, 2, 2½, 3in., 0/9 each
Minnow Tackle. For Trout or Perch.
Price 6d. each.
Illustration shows the way in which the Natural Minnow should be mounted on Tackle.
Pike Tackle, etc. |
“Jardine’s” live bait snap tackle ... | each | 0/4 |
,, patent live bait tackle ... | ,, | 0/4 |
Ordinary snap tackle ... | ,, | 0/3 |
Gut or gimp paternosters ... | ,, | 0/7 |
Jardine’s patent paternoster tackle ... | ,, | 0/4 |
Ledger lines ... | ,, | 0/8 |
Gorge hooks ... | doz. | 2/0 |
Plain gimp (fine, medium, or stout) ... | per yd. | 0/2 |
Hooks to Gut.
Hand-pointed Bright Crystal Roach Hooks to Fine Drawn Gut,
Nos. 1 to 14, 0/8 dozen.
Bronzed Sneck Bend Hooks to Fine Drawn Gut,
Nos. 1 to 14, 1/0 dozen.
Round Bend Roach Hooks to Best Drawn Gut, 0/10 dozen.
Special Pattern Hook on Selected Long Gut for May Fly Fishing, 1/0 dozen.
Best Round Bend Hooks to strong Single Gut for Worm Fishing
(Nos. 1 to 8), 0/8 dozen.
Not less than half-dozen each of one size supplied.
Nº 11.Nº 10.
Pennell 2-hook Worm Tackle ... per doz. 1/3
Stewart 3-hook,,,,... ,,1/6
No. F T 3820. The Archer Spinner. Pike, Salmon, or Trout size. 0/11 each.
No. F T 1062. “Abbey Mills” Spinner (Patent) Pike, Salmon, or Trout size. 0/11 each.
No. F T 1063. “Chapman” Spinner. Improved Pattern. Length, 1?in., 1/1; 2in., 1/3; 3in., 1/6; 4¼in., 1/9 each.
“Coxon Spinner,” with Copper Blade to curve in body of Bait. Trout, Salmon, or Pike size, 1/0ea.
No. F T 1065.
The gut, if wiped down two or three times with above Gut Straightener, will give a perfect straight cast, ready immediately for use ... ... each 0/9
EEL SPEARS. (To order only.) |
Prongs | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 |
Each ... | 2/4 | 3/4 | 4/2 | 4/10 |
For dry fly fishing ... ... | each | 3/9 |
Waterproof folding seats ... | ,, | 1/3 |
Nos. 1 to 10 | (brass and steel) | doz. | 0/8 |
No. 3/0 | ,,,, | ,, | 1/6 |
,, 2/0 | ,,,, | ,, | 1/3 |
,, 1/0 | ,,,, | ,, | 1/0 |
Steel Buckle (bronzed) ... | ,, | 1/0 |
,,Watchspring ,, ... | ,, | 1/0 |
,,Link,, ... | ,, | 1/2 |
,,Double,, ... | ,, | 1/6 |
Odourless Paraffin. 8d. per Bottle.
No. F T 1066.
“FLOATANE,” for Dry Flies. |
In bottles...... | ... | ... | each | 0/6 |
Plummets, Sugar Loaf, 1 oz. | ... | each | 0/1 |
,,,,2,, | ... | ,, | 0/1½ |
,,Flat | ... | ... | ,, | 0/1 |
,,Sheet Lead | ... | ... | ,, | 0/1 |
Barrel Leads, assorted sizes | ... | ,, | 0/1 |
Flat “Ledger” Leads, 1 to 2in. | ... | ,, | 0/1 |
Paternoster Leads | ... | ... | ,, | 0/1 |
Geen’s Patent Lead and Swivel | ... | ,, | 0/4½ |
Pennell’s Trace Leads | ... | ... | ,, | 0/2 |
“Archer” Jardine Detachable Lead, ¾ to 2½in. | ,, | 0/2 |
Ditto ditto, 3 to 4in. | ... | ... | ,, | 0/3 |
Drilled Shot | ... | ... | doz. | 0/2 |
Pierced Bullets | ... | ... | each | 0/1 |
Minnow Mouth Leads | ... | ... | ,, | 0/2 |
Each | ... | ... | ... | 1/3 |
Per doz. | ... | ... | ... | 0/2 |
Agate End Rings | ... | ... | each | 2/3 |
Best Hooks on Gut, Limerick | doz. | 0/8 |
Best Single Hooks on Gimp | ,, | 1/0 |
,, Double,, | ,, | 1/6 |
Salmon Hooks, on best Single Salmon Gut | ... | 2/3 |
Salmon Hooks on treble-twisted Gut | doz. | 1/9 |
Single Eel Hooks on Wire | ,, | 0/6 |
Double,,,, | ,, | 1/0 |
Pennell Worm Tackle (2 hooks) | ,, | 1/3 |
Stewart,,,,(3 hooks) | ,, | 1/6 |
Double Pike Hooks to Wire | ,, | 1/0 |
Hooks to Twisted Gut, suitable for sea-fishing | 1/0 and 1/6 |
Dapping Hooks to selected long Gut | per doz. | 1/0 |
No. F T 4765.
To order only. Sent direct from maker.
Full instructions with each Trap.
Double | Entrance, | 3ft. long | each | 10/6 |
,, | ,, | 3ft. 6in. long | ,, | 12/6 |
,, | ,, | 4ft. long | ,, | 16/0 |
,, | ,, | 5,, | ,, | 29/6 |
,, | ,, | 6,, | ,, | 34/6 |
Wood Crates for packing up to 3ft. 6in. | extra | 0/9 |
Ditto ditto, 4ft. | ,, | 1/0 |
Ditto ditto, up to 5 and 6ft. | ,, | 1/6 |
Pennell’s Eyed Fly Gut Cutter and Tweezers | pair | 2/6 |
“Fishing Gazette” Pliers, containing Turnscrew, Wire Cutter, Rimer, Shot Cutter, Gimp Cutter | each | 2/4 |
Shot Cutting Pliers ... ... ... | ,, | 1/3 |
No. 992. 2 lines ... 2/6, 4 lines ... 3/6
Without Box Centre, |
No. 991. | 1 | line | ... ... | 0/10 |
| 2 | ,, | ... ... | 1/4 |
| 3 | ,, | ... ... | 2/0 |
| 4 | ,, | ... ... | 2/6 |
Pike Gags (Scissors) | pair | 2/6 |
,,(Steel) | ,, | 0/6 |
,,(Wire Spring) | ,, | 0/6 |
Worm Boxes, Japanned Tin, | each | 0/6 |
Baiting Needles | each | 0/1½ |
Disgorgers, Metal or Bone | ,, | 0/1½ |
Bank Runners, furnished | each | 0/6 0/9 |
Cork Trimmers, with Peg, furnished complete, 3½in.1/1, 4in.1/3, 4½in.1/5, 5in.1/7, 5½in.1/10, 6in. | 2/2 |
Rod Spears | each | 0/4½ |
Wax (Brown or White) in Tin Boxes | box | 0/1 |
Gimp, Plain (Fine, Medium or Stout) | yard | 0/2 |
Glass Minnow Traps in Japanned Tin Boxes | each | 5/6 |
Split Shot | box | 0/2 |
Rod Varnish | bot. | 0/6 |
Fly Tweezers | pair | 0/8 |
Deer Fat | tin | 0/6 |
Pneumatic Rod Buttons | each 1/6 and 2/0 |
King’s Fish Paste | pakt. 0/3 ,, 0/6 |
Twisted Wire Gimp | yard 0/2 ,, 0/3 |
Silvered Wire on Reels | each | 0/6 |
Fine Copper Wire on Reels | ,, | 0/6 |
End or Top Rings | doz. | 1/0 |
Steel Split Rings | ,, | 0/2 |
Pulley End or Top Ring for Sea Rods | each | 1/3 |
Snake Rings | doz. | 0/6 |
Brass Upright Rings | ,, | 0/6 |
Rod Rests | each | 1/0 |
“Mars” Oil | tin 1/0, 2/0 & 4/0 |
Fish Register | each | 3/11 |
Keep Nets | each 2/0, 2/6 and 3/0 |
Pocket Scissors, rounded blunt points, | each | 1/6 |
Pike Flies | ,, | 1/6 |
Stilettos for opening loops in Salmon Flies | ,, | 0/9 |
Gut Twisting Machine with Screw | ,, | 5/6 |
Ditto with Clamp for Table | ,, | 7/3 |
Folding Scissors, very neat for pocket | pair | 0/10½ |
Whipping Cord, specially prepared for all kinds repairs to rods | reel | 1/0 |
Silk for Rod Tying | ,, | 0/6 |
Files for Sharpening Hooks | each | 0/6 |
Rod Bags, plain | ,, | 0/10 |
,,,,with partitions | each 2/0 and 2/6 |
Stewart’s Artificial Worms | each | 0/6 |
Artificial Prawns | ,, | 0/10 |
Splicing Tape | box | 0/6 |
Made and finished in the best possible manner. They make excellent cases for reserve stock of flies, either at home or on fishing trips.
No. 1527. This magnificent Fly Case is made of finest English leather, fastened with lock and key, handle on top, and at each end are rings to attach sling for carrying, if required, lined with special leather, tab in lid for writing contents upon, contains two sections in book form, as per illustration, and holds 160 salmon flies.
Size, 8 × 4¾ × 2½ inch. Price 22/6 each.
Larger sizes can be made to special order.
No. 1528. A similar Case, as described above, but to hold Trout flies instead of Salmon flies.
Size, 8 × 4¾ × 2½ inch. Price 22/6 each.
In Coils of 2, 2½, 3in. long ... | each | 0/1 |
,,4in. long ... | ,, | 0/2 |
On Reels ... | ,, | 0/1½ |
“Archer” ... | pair | 0/9 |
HOOKS (Loose, Unmounted). |
Sizes 1 to 12 | 1/0 2/0 3/ 0 4/0 5/0 |
*Dublin, Limerick shape | 100, 1/4 1/ 9 2/0 2/3 |
(Japanned only.) |
*Kendal Sneck shape | 100, 0/10 1/ 0 1/3 1/6 |
Ditto, Round | ,,0/10 1/ 0 1/8 1/6 |
(Bright or bronzed.) |
Treble Brazed Hooks | doz. 0/ 8 0/10 1/0 1/2 |
(Tapered or eyed, bright or bronzed.) |
Pennell’s Limerick Double Brazed Hooks, eyed | doz. 1/10 2/ 8 3/4 4/0 |
Pennell’s Double Japanned tapered | doz. 1/ 0 1/ 3 1/3 1/6 |
Eel Hooks,...packet of 100 (all sizes) | 0/ 6 |
Mackerel and Whiting Hooks, | doz. 0/3; ... 100, 1/ 6 |
Best Cod Hooks ... | ,,0/6; ...,, 3/ 3 |
Interchangeable Eyed Treble Hooks, | doz. 1/ 6 |
Fly Dressing Materials of all kinds obtained to order.
F T 017. 2 joint Sea Rod, Ringed and Winch fitted, 8ft. ... | 3/9 each |
F T 018,,,,,, ,,,, ,, ... | 4/9,, |
F T 019,,,,,, ,,,, ,, ... | 6/6,, |
F T 020,,,,,, ,,,, ,, ... | 10/6,, |
F T 6072. Phillip Geen’s Pollack Rod, in Cane, ditto with Cork Handle, 6½ ft. ... | 14/3 |
F T 6073 B. Phillip Geen’s Pollack Rod, in Greenheart (special stain), 2 joints, Porcelain Bridge and End Rings, Rubber Button, 6½ ft., with Cork Handle ... | 16/9 |
F T 022. 2 joint Sea Rod—The “Hastings” Steel Wood, Rubber Button, Porcelain Rings, 7 feet ... | 15/6each |
F T 4071. The “Perfection” Greenheart Sea Rod, 2-joint, close whipped, Pulley Sheave Rings throughout, very superior finish, 8ft. ... | 22/6 |
F T 024. Split Cane Bass or Spinning Rod, 2 joint, superior, double cork handle, porcelain rings, partition bag, 7½ feet ... | 25/0each |
F T 7635. The “Cromer” Split Cane Sea Rod, double cork handle, double built, steel centre top, reinforced ferrules, phosphor bronze, snake rings, agate end ring, sheave ring on butt, Graduated Solid Winch Fittings, Rubber Button, 2 joint, 8ft. ... ... | 42/6 each |
F T 1067.
Improved Diamond Straight Pull Sea Paternoster. Furnished complete on twisted Gut. 2/0 each.
F T 1068.
Do., do., mounted on Wire throughout for Foreign Waters, complete, 2/6 each.
F T 1073.
Automatic Straight Pull Sea Paternoster, on Twisted Gut, furnished with Lead and three Straight Pull Suspenders. 1/9 each.
Mackerel Lines, complete with Flies, Spinners, &c. 2/6, 3/6 and 4/6 each.
Sea Line, mounted with 3 Whalebone Booms, Lead and Hooks. 3/6 each.
No. 123. Gut Ledger Trot for Flat Fish, consisting of a Gut Line or Trace with a Sinker at each end, with 25 yds. Line on Winder. 2/6 each.
Sea Line, complete with Hooks, Lead, &c, with 2 Spreaders. 1/6 each.
No. 126A. 30 fathoms ground Leger Throw Line, on ventilating reel, for fishing for Bass, Conger, &c., from the shore with 1-lb. plummet lead and revolving booms. 6/0
Ground Spillers, mounted with 50 Hooks, on Winders, fitted Cork. 8/6
Ditto, ditto, extra large, mounted with 100 Hooks, 13/6
Mounted Deep Sea Line, for Cod, Whiting, &c., 40 yards. Tanned Line, complete with Swivels, Hooks, Lead, &c. 2/9
(For Salmon, Trout, Pike and Sea Spinning—Overhead or Side-swing Casting.)
No. 7669. The “Schooling Popular,” 8½ feet, 2 joints, mottled cane butt and top, long cork handle, belled ring, adjustable winch fitting. Porcelain rings throughout. To cast 1 oz. to 4 oz. ... | 13/6each |
No. 7698. The “Schooling No. 1,” in Split Cane, 8ft., 2 joints Porcelain rings throughout. Specially designed to cast heavy weights, 6 oz. to 8 oz. ... | 50/0,, |
(Mr. E. W. Marston used this magnificent Rod when he beat Mr. Merrin at Hendon in an 8-oz. competition.) | |
No. 7637. The “Schooling No. 1,” with whole cane butt and lancewood top, ditto, ditto ... | 23/0,, |
No. 7638. The “Schooling No. 2,” 9ft., selected greenheart, 3 joints. Porcelain rings throughout. To cast 1 oz. to 4 oz. ... | 28/0,, |
No. 7639. The “Schooling No. 3,” 7ft., selected greenheart, 2 joints. Porcelain rings throughout. To cast 1 oz. to 3 oz. ... | 21/0,, |
No. 7640. The “Schooling No. 4,” 10½ ft. Split Cane, 3 joints. Agate rings throughout. To cast 1 oz. to 4 ozs. ... | 58/0,, |
(This Rod already possesses an International reputation! It makes an ideal Salmon Spinning Rod, and is certainly one of the gems of the equipment.) | |
No. 7641. The “Schooling No. 5,” 8ft., Split Cane, 3 joints, Agate rings throughout. To cast ½ oz. to 2½ oz. ... | 49/0,, |
No. 7674. As above, but with the addition of a short cork-handled butt, which enables the angler to cast in the single-hand style if so desired ... | 58/6,, |
(A striking example of refinement and power in perfect combination! A gentleman in the North of England recently killed a 15-lb. salmon in less than 10 minutes on one of these beautiful little No. 5 “Schooling” Rods!) | |
No. 7668. The “Schooling No. 7,” Split Cane, 2 joints. Porcelain rings throughout 7½ ft. To cast 1 oz. to 4 oz. ... | 46/0,, |
NOTE.—We stock a complete range of all Mr. Schooling’s Bait Casting Specialities in the Tackle Department, which cannot be specified here at length for want of space, but a fully illustrated and racily written Brochure will be sent free on application to intending purchasers. This publication should be in the hands of every angler who spins either in fresh or salt water, and contains illustrations and full descriptions of all the rods, reels, lines, &c., making up the equipment.
We illustrate two of Mr. Schooling’s most popular casting reels in this list.
| Fine | Medium | Stout |
Twisted, in 100 yds. | each | 2/6 | 8/6 | 4/6 |
Plaited do. ... | ,, | 4/6 | 5/6 | 6/6 |
Similar sizes as above, but waterproofed, per line, extra, 2/6.
(To order only.)
Size | 2/0 | 1/0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
| 5/8 | 5/0 | 4/9 | 4/6 | 4/0 | 3/9 | 3/3 | per 100 yds. |
waterproofed and exceptionally strong. Put up on Reels of 100 yards each.
No. 1 Size (very strong) per 100 yards 3/0
No. 2 Size (extra strong),,,,,,3/6
Green, in 200 yard lengths.
Size | 2/0 | 1/0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
| 12/3 | 11/9 | 10/9 | 10/6 | 9/9 | 9/3 | 8/3 | per 200 yds. |
Sizes as Flax lines No. 1673 above shown.
Jim Crow, Soleskin Tail and Baby Spinner 4/0 doz.
No. S T 20. Baby Spinner, with Sand Eel Tail. | 4/0 | doz. |
No. S T 21. India Rubber Sand Eel | 3/0 | ,, |
No. S T 22. Silver Launce | 3/0 | ,, |
No. S T 23. The Sarcelle Bait | 5/0 | ,, |
No. S T 24. The Challenger Bait | 5/0 | ,, |
No. S T 25. Pollack Bait, medium, 4/0; and large | 6/0 | ,, |
No. S T 26. Spinners for Mackerel, Pollack, &c. | 3/0 | ,, |
No. S T 27. Spinner and Fly | 2/0 | ,, |
No. S T 28. Duplex Spinner | 3/6 | ,, |
No. S T 29. Piano Convex Bait for Bass, Coal Fish, Billet, Codlings, Mackerel, &c. ... | 1/6 | each. |
Best Silver Sand Eels | 8/0 | doz. |
Mackerel Flies to Gut. 1/0 doz.
Brass Swivels. 0/8, 1/0 & 1/6 doz.
Treble Hooks. 0/8, 1/0 & 1/6 ,,
Gimp. 0/2 & 0/3 per yard.
Hercules Wire Gimp. 0/2 & 0/3 per yard.
Twisted Gut Casts. 0/9 each.
Twisted Gut Casts with Swivels. 0/9 each.
Twisted Wire Traces with Swivels. 0/10 each.
Gimp Traces with Swivels. 0/6 each.
Gut in Hanks of 100 Strands. 1/0 & 1/6 hank.
All kinds of Leads can be procured to order. Small supply kept in stock.
4 oz. | 6 oz. | 8 oz. | 12 oz. |
0/3 | 0/4 | 0/6 | 0/8 each |
4 oz. | 6 oz. | 8 oz. |
0/3 | 0/4 | 0/6 each |
A Perfect Grip Lead.
6 oz., 0/4; 8 oz., 0/6
6 oz., 0/4; 8 oz., 0/6
Barrel Leads, with Wire Loops.
2/0 to 6/0 doz.
Mackerel Leads. 1/6 doz.
Pear Shape Plummet Leads.
8 oz., 5/0; 12 oz., 5/0; 16 oz., 6/0 doz.
The Deal Sea Lead, which may be altered to 6 different weights up to 7 oz., 0/6 each.
Natural History Specimens Preserve and Mounted in Cases, Medallions, or on Shields, Etc.
British and Exotic Lepidoptera. Entomological Requisites.
Having a Staff of Competent and Experienced Taxidermists, we are prepared to undertake the Modelling of Big Game Heads, and the Artistic Mounting of Animals, Birds, Fish and Reptiles as Sportsman’s Trophies, Museum Specimens, or useful and ornamental articles.
As many which have been partly dressed by natives do not always turn out so satisfactory as might be desired after dressing and softening, Customers are informed that Harrods CANNOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY IN THIS RESPECT. ALL SKINS DRESSED BY US GO THROUGH EXACTLY THE SAME PROCESS.
TUSKS, HORNS, ETC. Mounted as Gongs, Mirrors, Photo Frames, &c, in electro-plate and silver. From £4 10s., according to size of Tusks.
The Prices given below for Mounting DRESSED Skins are approximate only, the exact cost varying according to the size Lining Tiger skins with canvas and bordering felt ... | 32/0 |
Lining Tiger skins with canvas and bordered cloth ... | 35/0 |
Half raising heads of the above skins and inserting eyes, extra ... | from 16/0 |
Three-quarter raising heads of the above skins and inserting eyes, extra ... | from 26/0 |
Lining Leopard skin with canvas and bordering felt ... | 22/6 |
Lining Leopard skin with canvas and bordered cloth ... | 25/0 |
Filling-in Leopard skin with black goat skin as hearth-rugs, lined black canvas ... | 84/0 |
Half raising heads of Leopard skins and inserting eyes, extra ... | from 9/6 |
Three-quarter raising heads of Leopard skins and inserting eyes, extra ... | from 16/0 |
Lining Bear skins with canvas and bordering felt... | 28/0 |
Lining Bear skins with canvas and bordered cloth... | 30/0 |
Half raising heads of the above skins and inserting eyes, extra ... | from 16/0 |
Three-quarter raising heads of the above skins and inserting eyes, extra ... | from 26/0 |
Mounting various Karosses and lining all cloth as rugs for sofas, &c., according to size ... | from, each 35/0 |
A small extra charge made for dressing all Skins received in the flesh.
SPECIAL NOTICE.—Competent men sent to customers’ residences (town or country) to examine or report upon Trophies, the arrangement of Collections, or the periodical overhauling and attention which is absolutely necessary, especially as regards Stuffed Heads, Birds, Rugs, etc. Estimates given.
HEADS and HORNS, also FOX, HARE, BADGER or OTTER MASKS mounted on Oak Shields.
HORSES’ HOOFS, DEER SLOTS, FOX, HARE or OTTER PADS cured and mounted in various styles; also FOX BRUSHES and OTTER RUDDERS.
BIRDS AND ANIMALS preserved and mounted.
SKINS cured and mounted as Rugs, or for Wall Decoration.
CUSTOMERS ARE PARTICULARLY REQUESTED to ask for WRITTEN estimates, as VERBAL ones are necessarily only approximate, and cannot be recognized as final under any circumstances.
In sending specimen birds or animals in the flesh, also fish intended for presentation or mounting, Customers will oblige by addressing them as follows: Naturalist Department, Harrods, Brompton Road, S.W.
If Customers will observe the following simple directions in sending Specimens for preparation it will ensure them reaching us in good condition.
ANIMALS’ SKINS, if freshly taken off, should be laid out in the air (not in the sun) skin side up until they can be despatched to us, which should be done as quickly as possible. Fold the skin up hair outwards, with some straw or shavings between to prevent the skin coming together. If the weather is very hot sprinkle some salt on the skin as soon as it is taken off the animal. ALWAYS KEEP skins, heads, etc., as dry as possible.
FOX BRUSHES should have a tapered piece of stick inserted into them after the tail is drawn out.
DRESSING AND CURING.—Nearly all work in Natural History must be allowed a considerable time for drying, so that it is in most cases impossible to return Specimens in a few days.
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Natural History Specimens Preserved and Mounted in Cases, Medallions, or on Shields, Etc.
N H 54.
From 85/0
In electro-plate, from 42/6
In brass, from 35/0
Fox, Otter, Dog and Badger Masks cured and Mounted on Oak Shields.
From ... ... each 12/0
With mouth open and tongue modelled, 2/0 extra.
Hares’ Masks, similarly mounted.
From ... ... each 9/6
Fox or Hare Pads, mounted as Paper Knives, ebony or satin wood blades, electro-plated ferrules ... | from,each12/6 |
Mounting Hare or Fox Pads as Paper Knives, with ivory blades and silver ferrules... | each from 15/6 |
Mounting Hare or Fox Pads as Letter Weight on ebonized base, electro-plated mounts ... | from 15/0 |
Mounting Hare or Fox Pads as Letter Weight, on silver mounts ... | each 18/6 |
Mounting Hare or Fox Pads as Letter Clips, silver mounts ... | from, each 20/0 |
Otter Pads Mounted as Brooches, in silver, | from each 14/6 |
Mounting Deer Slots as Paper Knives, with ivory blades and silver ferrules ... | each 22/0 |
Mounting Deer Slots as Letter Clips, on ebonized base, silver mounts ... | each 22/0 |
Curing above Slots or Pads, 1/6 each extra. |
Grouse Claws mounted as Hat Pins, in silver, | each from 5/6 |
right pointing hand
All the above can be mounted in a plainer manner with electro-plate or polished brass mounts, prices on application.
With cap and ring in silver, | from | 10/6 |
With cap and ring in electro-plate | ,, | 7/6 |
With wooden handle | ,, | 5/0 |
,,,,,,and silver ferrule | ,, | 7/6 |
Curing only, extra | each | 1/6 |
All Engraving Extra. |
Birds Dressed and Plumed for Ladies’ Hats. |
Pheasant Skins Dressed Flat. |
Head Naturalised | from | 6/6 |
Wings only | each | ,, | 1/3 |
Other Birds, prices on application. |
N H 144.
From 75/0 each.
In electro-plate, from 37/6 each.
In brass, from 32/6 each.
mounted as Brooches,
in silver,
from 6/6 each.
as Door Stop, in plain polished brass, from 32/6 each.
Mounted on Oak base as Paper Weight, electro-plated cap, from 12/6 each
Other Pads mounted as Brooch in silver, from 14/6 each.
as above, from 16/6
Hare or Fox Pads Mounted, with Electro-plated Cap and Ring, to hang, from 6/6
Ditto ditto with Silver Cap and Ring, to hang, from 9/6
Ditto ditto on Oak Shield, without Cap or Ring, from 6/6
All Engraving or Lettering extra.
Skins made up into Rugs.
Glass Panel Door, lock and key (to order).
Drawers Lined Velvet.N H 28
| Height | Width | Depth | Polished | Polished |
| in. | in. | in. | Deal. | Mahogany. |
6 | Drawers ... ... ... | 5 | 7½ | 9 | 13/6 | 17/0 |
8 | ,,... ... ... | 7 | 7½ | 9 | 15/0 | 20/0 |
10 | ,,to run on grooves | 6½ | 7½ | 9 | 20/0 | 24/6 |
12 | ,,... ... ... | 7½ | 8½ | 9 | 26/6 | 32/6 |
15 | ,,... ... ... | 9 | 10 | 9 | 37/6 | 47/6 |
Any size and description of Cabinet made to order. |
British and Exotic Lepidoptera.
Cabinets for all purposes made to order.
In electro-plate ... | from | 37/6 |
In brass ... ... ... | ,, | 32/6 |
Cabinets for Minerals, Shells, Fossils, Dried Plants.
| | | TO ORDER. | Polished Deal |
| | | | | Polished | Mahogany |
| | Sizes | Stained | Glass Pane |
| | Outside | Measurements. | Deal | Door or |
| | Height. | Width. | Depth | Plain. | Rolled Pillars |
| | in. | in. | in. | | |
4 | drawers | 13 | 12 | 9 | 10/0 | 16/0 |
6 | ,, | 18 | 15 | 9½ | 14/3 | 21/0 |
| ,, | 25 | 19 | 11 | 23/6 | 30/6 |
Any size obtained to order. |
Entomological Requisites.
Natural History Specimens preserved and mounted in Cases, Medallions, or on Shields, etc., etc. HEADS and HORNS suitable for Hall Decoration, etc., supplied to order. Prices on application. Bird and Animal Stuffing a speciality.
FISH Mounted in Glass Cases, or carved and painted models on wood panels (deal, stained mahogany), to hang on a wall.
The following are approximate prices for preserving and mounting specimens in cases of various shapes. Written estimates can always be obtained on application—
Fish, 1 lb. weight ... from 8/0 up to 16/0 | } | According to style of case, &c. | { | Fish, 12 lb. weight ... from £2 to £3 |
,, 8 lb. weight... from 30/0 up to 47/6 | ,, above these weights at proportionate prices. |
As fish for mounting require a considerable time for drying and “setting” properly, the execution of an order for even a single specimen usually takes at least 3 months, and sometimes much longer.
Carved and Painted Wood Models of Specimen Fish on Wood Panels (as illustrated) for hanging on a wall.
Customers desiring to have mementoes of Specimen Fish, can obtain the same in Wood accurately carved and correctly coloured. All that is required is the outline of the Specimen on a sheet of paper, the weight and girth should also be stated for the carver’s guidance, and any special detail as to colouring. Prices according to size of fish; for instance a 20 to 30 lb. Salmon costs about £3 0 0. Carved Specimen on view in Department.
MOUNTING AND CASING BIRDS. Approximate Prices for Mounting and Casing Birds.
| Prices for casing same (in addition to price for mountings). |
Specimen mounted on suitable wooden stand. | STYLES. |
| | | | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Finches and small birds, up to size of a Canary | from, | each | 2/0 | | 7/0 | 5/6 | 6/6 | 7/0 | 5/6 |
From size of a Canary to a Thrush | ,, | ,, | 2/6 | } | 8/0 | 6/6 | 7/6 | 8/0 | 6/6 |
Waders and Water birds of same size | ,, | ,, | 3/3 |
From size of a Thrush to a Jay | ,, | ,, | 3/6 | } | 9/6 | 8/0 | 9/0 | 9/6 | 8/0 |
Waders and Water birds of same size | ,, | ,, | 4/6 |
From size of a Jay to a Rook | ,, | ,, | 5/0 | } | 12/0 | 10/6 | 11/6 | 12/0 | 10/6 |
Waders and Water birds of same size | ,, | ,, | 6/6 |
From size of Rook to large Hawks, Owls, Pheasants, &c. | ,, | ,, | 7/6 | } | 16/0 | 14/6 | 15/6 | 16/0 | 14/6 |
Wild Fowl of same size, such as Widgeon, Pochard, Kittiwake Gull | ,, | ,, | 9/0 | Pheasants, 4/0 extra on above prices. |
Large Domestic Fowls, Capercailzie, Cockatoo, Guinea Fowl, &c. | ,, | ,, | 10/6 | } | 22/0 | 20/6 | 21/6 | 22/0 | 20/6 |
Wild Fowl of same size, such as Mallard, Pintail, Merganser, Herring Gull, &c. | ,, | ,, | 13/0 |
| Approximate Prices for Casing Mounted Animals (in addition to prices given for Mounting Specimen) including all necessary fittings. |
Style No. 1.—Square or oblong, to stand on table or pedestal, glass all round and top, moulded wood base.
Style No. 2.—Square or oblong, to hang, wood back, glass all four sides and front.
Style No. 3.—Hexagon, octagon, &c., to hang, wood back, glass all sides and front.
Style No. 4.—Picture frame. In this form the glass of case stands out from the picture moulding, making a very light and pleasing case.
Style No. 5.—Wood bottom and back with glass ends and top. This form is very suitable for small animals, such as fox, badger, &c., and for groups of birds on rocks, &c.
| Mounting Animals on Suitable Wooden Stands. | Mounting Specimens in Case Styles (Extra) |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Mice, Shrews, Voles, etc. | from each | 3/6 | } | 7/0 | 5/6 | 6/6 | 7/0 | 5/6 |
Moles, 4/0; Bats, 4/0; with wings extended | ,, | 6/6 |
Rats, Weasels, Water Voles, etc. | ,, | 6/0 | | 8/0 | 6/6 | 7/6 | 8/0 | 6/6 |
Stoats, Squirrels, Guinea Pigs, etc. | ,, | 7/6 | | 9/6 | 8/0 | 9/0 | 9/6 | 8/0 |
Ferret, Hedgehog, etc. | ,, | 9/0 | | 12/0 | 10/6 | 11/6 | 12/0 | 10/6 |
Wild Rabbit, Grey Squirrel, Marmosette | ,, | 10/0 | | 16/0 | 14/6 | 15/6 | 16/0 | 14/6 |
Domestic Rabbit, Opossum, Mongoose, etc. | ,, | 15/0 | | 22/0 | 20/6 | 21/6 | 22/0 | 20/6 |
Hare, Wild and Domestic Cat, Small Monkeys, Racoon, Coati | ,, | 20/0 | } | 30/0 | 28/6 | 27/6 | 30/0 | 28/6 |
Small Dogs up to size of Fox Terrier | ,, | 25/0 |
Badger, Fox, Otter | ,, | 30/0 | | 40/0 | 38/6 | 37/6 | 40/0 | 38/6 |
Measuring when folded up 10in. by 3½in. by 2in. Containing 3 skinning knives, 1 oil can, 1 oil stone, pair scissors, 1 pair cutting pliers, in case. Complete, 11/6
Any of the tools in the above rolls or cases can be supplied separately (to order).
Scalpels, with Ebony handles, 2 sizes ... | 1/3 each |
Large Skinning Knives ... | 1/0,, |
Scissors (fine pointed), 2 sizes ... | 2/0 per pair |
,,,,curved ... | 2/6,, |
Tow-pliers ... | 1/0,, |
,,nickel-plated ... | 1/6,, |
Large Stuffing Pliers ... | 2/0,, |
Brain Scoop and Hook (combined) ... | 0/6 each |
Double Brain Scoop ... | 1/6,, |
Pricker, with hard-wood handle ... | 0/6,, |
File ... | 0/6,, |
Fat Scraper ... | 0/9,, |
Dissecting Chain Hooks, per set ... | 1/0,, |
N H 29.
Containing 2 Scalpels, 2 pairs Scissors, 1 pair Forceps, 1 Pricker, File and Combined
Skinning Hook and Brain Scoop ... each 9/6
Do. better quality......,,12/6
Set of 3, 1/7; separate, each 0/6, 0/7, 0/8.
A non-poisonous preparation for the preservation of skins of birds and animals.
No. | 1. Paste for birds and small animals | per tin | 5/0 |
,, | 2. Powder, for big game ... | ,, | 2/0 |
,, | 3. Special drying powder for birds | ,, | 2/0 |
New Preservative Soap (non-poisonous), which is found to be much superior to Arsenical Soap, 1/0 per tin, or 3/6 per lb.
Artificial Eyes, 1 gross assorted sizes, 5/0
N H 20. Made in polished stained deal. |
Drawers. | Height. | | Width. | Price. |
4 | ... | 13 | in. | ... | 12 | in. | 11/6 |
6 | ... | 18 | ,, | ... | 15 | ,, | 15/6 |
7 | ... | 22 | ,, | ... | 17½ | ,, | 22/6 |
8 | ... | 25 | ,, | ... | 19 | ,, | 28/6 |
10 | ... | 33 | ,, | ... | 22 | ,, | 52/6 |
| | Polished Deal to imitate Mahogany Glass Panel Door or | Polished Mahogany Glass Panel Door or |
Drawers. | Divisions. | Rolled Pillars. | Rolled Pillars. |
4 | 75 | £0 17 6 | £1 3 6 |
6 | 122 | 1 2 0 | 1 11 6 |
8 | 238 | 1 15 0 | 2 7 6 |
10 | 348 | 3 0 0 | 4 7 6 |
11 | 419 | 3 14 0 | 5 10 0 |
(To order only.) |
N H 24. Glazed Cases with Wooden Partitions for Birds’ Eggs. To Hang. |
Polished Imitation | Polished Imitation |
Mahogany. | Mahogany. |
10 × 8 | 2/6 | 16 × 12 | 5/6 |
13 × 9 | 3/6 | 18 × 14 | 6/6 |
14 × 10 | 4/0 | 18 × 18 | 8/6 |
16 × 10 | 4/6 |
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
EGG DRILLS.—All sizes ... each 0/3
Rose top egg drills with ebony handles, each 0/7
EGG BLOW PIPES. Brass or Glass, each 0/4
Containing 2 glass blow pipes, 1 suction pipe, 1 plated blow pipe, 1 large conical-headed drill, 2 small drills, 1 pair oologists’ forceps, 1 embryo hook and 1 label list with full instructions in box ... | 3/0 |
Egg collecting boxes ... | 2/0 |
For use in Egg Cabinets. |
Per sheet, measuring about 2ft. × 2ft. ... | 0/5 |
Per lb.......... | 4/0 |
CLIMBING IRONS. For Bird-nesting. |
With straps, complete...... | per pair 4/6 |
Butterflies, each 0/2 Eggs, each 0/2 |
Whitewood Tongs for killing Wasps, 2/10 each
| Telescope Net, 2 pieces ... | 8/6 |
Telescope Net, 3 pieces ... | 9/6 |
Kite or Balloon Net (recommended for collecting abroad, also for larva beating) ... | each 5/3 |
Plain Wire Ring Net and Stick ... | each 2/3 |
Plain Cane Ring Net and Stick, Brass Y ... | each 2/0 |
Folding Pocket Net, 3-joint Cane ... | each 3/3 |
Folding Pocket Net, 4-joint Cane ... | each 3/9 |
Folding Pocket Net, 4-joint Cane, improved pattern ... | each4/3 |
Strong Sweeping Net ... | each 4/5 |
Folding Butterfly Nets, with adjustable clamp socket, thus enabling them to be fitted to any sized stick or umbrella ... | each 4/3 |
Umbrella, with case and spring, causing it to be fitted at a moment from an apparent umbrella to a complete net ... | 6/9 |
Ladies’ Umbrella Net, very light ... | 6/0 |
Sugaring Net ... | 3/0 |
Net Forceps for Hymenopterists ... | 2/6 |
Water Net ... | 2/6 |
,,strong folding ... | 4/6 |
Self-acting Sweeping Net ... | 7/6 |
Bignell Beating Tray (invaluable for Sallow and Ivy Hunting), 8/6 ... | incase9/6 |
Dixon Lamp Net, for taking moths from street lamps without climbing the lamp posts ... | 3/6 |
Net Bags for small nets ... each 0/11, 1/1, 1/4 |
Kite nets ... | each 1/10 |
Green Leno for Butterfly Nets ... | per yd. 0/6 |
Brass Y with round nozzles ... | 0/8 |
Brass Y with square nozzles ... | 0/9 |
Oak or Ash Walking Sticks for above Nets ... | each 0/6 |
Corked, Glazed and Papered. |
Suitable for Beginners. |
N H 22. |
Drawers. | Height. | | Width | Price |
4 | ... | 12 | in. | × | 13 | in. | 12/6 |
6 | ... | 16½ | ,, | × | 15 | ,, | 17/0 |
8 | ... | 22 | ,, | × | 18 | ,, | 31/6 |
10 | ... | 27½ | ,, | × | 19½ | ,, | 40/0 |
| Polished Deal to imitate Mahogany Glass Panel Door or Rolled Pillars. | Polished Mahogany Glass Panel Door or Rolled Pillars |
Drawers. | To order only. |
4 | £0 18 0 | £1 7 0 |
6 | 12 6 | 1 11 0 |
8 | 1 18 0 | 2 15 0 |
10 | 2 10 0 | 3 7 6 |
With Camphor Cells and frames to glass, 0/11 per drawer extra. (To order only.) |
Mixed White | per box 0/6, 0/9 |
Mixed Pins, four sizes (white) | per oz. 1/0 |
,,,,four smaller sizes (white) | ,,1/6 |
,,,,(gilt or black) | 2/6 |
Fine Cabinet Points for labelling, | per pkt. 1/6 |
Very Fine Minute Pins of Solid Silver wire,for pinning minute Diptera (strongly recommended), Nepticula | size | 100, 1/0; 1,000 7/6 |
Ditto ditto Lithocolletis | size | 100, 1/0; 1,000 7/6 |
Ditto ditto Tinea | ,, | 100, 1/0; 1,000 7/6 |
Ditto ditto Tortrix | ,, | 100, 1/0; 1,000 7/6 |
Ditto ditto Large Tortrix | ,, | 100, 1/0; 1,000 8/6 |
Polished Mahogany Box, with 6 divisions for pins which cannot be mixed when shut 2/6 |
Corked, 1ft. 2in. long. |
½ | in. | ... | 0/4 | 2¼ | in. | ... | 0/8 |
¾ | ,, | ... | 0/4 | 2½ | ,, | ... | 0/9 |
1 | ,, | ... | 0/5 | 3 | ,, | ... | 0/10 |
1¼ | ,, | ... | 0/6 | 3½ | ,, | ... | 1/0 |
1½ | ,, | ... | 0/7 | 4 | ,, | ... | 1/1 |
1¾ | ,, | ... | 0/7 | 4½ | ,, | ... | 1/2 |
2 | ,, | ... | 0/8 | 5 | ,, | ... | 1/6 |
CABINETS FOR INSECTS (to order only). |
The Drawers are Corked and Papered, and provided with Camphor Cells on one side, and Glazed Frames, size 17 by 15 (running on rails). | Polished and Stained Deal, with Mahogany and Glass Panel Door. | Polished Mahogany with Glass Panel Door. |
10 | Drawers | 2ft. 6½in. | high | by 20½in. | wide and | 18½in. deep | £5 0 0 | £7 10 0 |
12 | ,, | 2ft. 11in. | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 6 0 0 | 9 0 0 |
14 | ,, | 3ft. 4in. | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 7 0 0 | 10 10 0 |
16 | ,, | 3ft. 9in. | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 8 0 0 | 12 0 0 |
18 | ,, | 4ft. 2in. | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 9 0 0 | 13 10 0 |
20 | ,, | 4ft. 6½in. | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 10 0 0 | 15 0 0 |
N.B.—Any number of Drawers can be made at ... | 10/- each Drawer. | 15/- each Drawer. |
Any Size or Pattern of Insect Cabinets made to order to suit the requirements of customers. Large Mahogany Cabinets of best make and quality. Interchangeable Drawers with Camphor Cells all round, and running on hidden grooves, are strongly recommended. |
Cabinets of all sizes made to order, prices on application.
Botanical Cases. Japanned Double Tin. |
6½ × 3¾in., suitable for the pocket | ... | 1/5 |
11 × 5½ × 2½in. | with straps | ... | 3/6 |
13 × 6½ × 2¾in. | ,,,, | ... | 4/3 |
15 × 7½ × 3 in. | ,,,, | ... | 5/8 |
Any size made to order. |
Larva | Breeding Cages ... ... ... ... ... ... ... | each | 2/3 |
,, | ,,two compartments ... ... ... ... | ,, | 4/6 |
,, | ,,on new principle, one door ... | ,, | 3/9 |
,, | ,,larger (to order only) ... ... | ,, | 7/0 |
10½in. by 8½in., 1/8. 11½in. by 9in. ...
2/0 | British Butterflies and Moths, by W. Furneaux. With full instructions on collecting, preserving, and setting insects, coloured plates ... | 6/0 |
The Book of British Butterflies, by W. J. Lucas. With many illustrations ... | 3/6 |
Butterfly and Moth Collecting. Paper covers, fully illustrated ... | 1/0 |
Kirkby’s Butterflies and Moths of Europe. Hundreds of coloured illustrations of butterflies and moths, pupÆ, larva and food plant, with complete hints on collecting, &c. ... | 21/0 |
The above are obtainable in the Natural History section of the Sports Department. |
Portable Botanical Press for Travellers. To use with Straps. |
12 × 9in., | including | double straps | with handles | each | 3/6 |
16 × 10in. | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 4/3 |
18 × 14in. | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 5/3 |
20 × 12in. | ,, | ,, | ,, | ,, | 5/6 |
Thick White Botanical (Mounting) Paper. (When folded.) |
15 | by | 10 | in. | per | ream, | 20/0 | per | quire, | 1/3 |
17½ | ,, | 11 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 24/0 | ,, | ,, | 1/6 |
20 | ,, | 12½ | ,, | ,, | ,, | 32/0 | ,, | ,, | 2/0 |
20 | ,, | 15 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 40/0 | ,, | ,, | 2/6 |
Botanical Drying Paper. (When folded.) |
16 | by | 10 | in. | per | ream, | 15/0 | per | quire, | 1/1 |
18 | ,, | 11 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 19/0 | ,, | ,, | 1/4 |
20 | ,, | 12 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 23/0 | ,, | ,, | 1/9 |
20 | ,, | 16 | ,, | ,, | ,, | 30/0 | ,, | ,, | 2/2 |
N H 35. Hardwood Botanical Press.
Size 18 by 8 inches ... ... ... ... 4/3
Geological Hammers ... each 1/3, 1/6, 1/9 |
Geological Sets, comprising Hammer and Cold Chisel, in Leather Case, Case measuring, when folded up, 5×3×1in. ... | each 6/6 |
INSECT CASES (to hang). |
N H 32. Corked and papered, glass frame top. The following sizes usually in stock:— |
Outside | Polished Deal to |
Measurements. | Imitate Mahogany |
10 × 8 | in. | ......2/4 |
13 × 9 | ,, | ......3/5 |
14 × 10 | ,, | ......3/9 |
16 × 10 | ,, | ......4/3 |
16 × 12 | ,, | ......5/3 |
18 × 14 | ,, | ......6/3 |
18 × 18 | ,, | ......8/0 |
N H 31. STORE BOXES (Deal). |
With Camphor Cells. |
Best Make, papered and Corked. |
8 × 6 | 10 × 8 | 13 × 9 | 14 × 10 | 16 × 11 | 17¼ × 12 |
2/0 | 2/5 | 3/5 | 3/9 | 4/9 | 5/9 |
STORE BOXES or CARTONS (Cardboard). |
Lined Peat, size 15½ × 10¼ × 2¼in. deep | each, | 1/7 |
First Quality, 11 by 3½ by ¼ in. thick, | per doz. | 2/4 |
,,11,,4½,, 3/16 ,, ,, | ,, | 2/6 |
Second Quality, 7 by 3½ by 3/16 in. thick, | per doz. | 1/0 |
,,11 by 4½ by 3/16 in. thick, | per doz. | 2/0 |
Not less than one dozen of any of the above supplied. |
Prepared Cork-Lining Sheets, 11 × 4 | per doz. | 2/0 |
,,,,12 × 6 | ,, | 3/0 |
Sheets can be cut to any size required, | per foot | 0/6 |
German Turf or Peat Plates, 10 × 4¼ and ?-in. thick | per doz. | 0/6 |
Large Sheets of Cork made to order | per foot | 1/6 |
Papered and corked ... each 0/6, 0/9, 0/11, 1/5 |
Brass Chloroform Bottles (best quality) | 2/6 |
Zinc Killing and Relaxing Box | 1/6 |
Pocket Exhibition Box, in Mahogany, with glass lid | 4/0 |
Triangular Envelopes for “papering” insects abroad, four assorted sizes, per 1,000 | 4/0 |
Improved American Moth Trap, with lamp and reflector | 33/0 |
Plain Deal Drying House, with ten corked setting boards (various sizes), drawers for pins, perforated zinc door, brass handles at top (12 × 9 × 5in.) ... | 9/0 |
Ditto, large size (14 × 10 × 5in.) | 11/0 |
Ditto, corked at back, and answering as store box (to order) | 12/6 |
(Folding up like a store box.) To order only. |
Containing twelve boards, 14in. long | 10/6 |
Glass, each 0/9, 0/11. Zinc, each 0/9, 1/0
Hand-made Flint Glass Bottles for making Killing Bottles.
8 oz., 0/9; 14 oz., 0/11; 20 oz., 1/9.
Suitable for containing bruised laurel leaves or chloroform.
N.B.—In consequence of the Poisons Act we do not undertake under any circumstances to send out Killing Bottles filled ready for use. The formula most generally adopted is an equal admixture of cyanide of potassium and plaster of paris; the former being placed at the bottom in lumps and then covered with a paste of plaster.
And Every Requisite for Natural History, Geological or Botanical Collectors, kept in Stock.
N H 27.
Complete, with Brush,
1/4 and 1/10 each.
Per Tin, 1/8.
Oval, with thick cork, answers also for Relaxing Box,
each 0/9, 1/0, 1/6, 1/9
Each...... | 1/6 |
Oval Zinc Side Box, 9 × 7in., with strap | 5/3 |
Best Japanned Collecting Box, 9 × 7in., for the shoulder, 4/6; with strap | 5/3 |
Zinc Killing Boxes | 0/9 & 1/0 |
Oval Zinc Larva Boxes, single | 0/9 |
,, ,, double | 1/0 |
Round Zinc Larva Boxes, 3 sizes, nested | 1/6 |
Tracing Cloth for setting insects | peryard1/6 |
Mite Destroyer (pure Naphthalene), 1 oz.,0/1½; 1 lb. 1/6 |
Coleoptera Collecting Bottles (very strong) | 1/6 & 1/8 |
| |
Stained deal to imitate mahogany. Made in 2 sizes
6-Drawer Cabinet, with top 3 drawers corked, glazed, and papered, suitable for butterflies, the 3 bottom drawers with divisions for birds’ eggs | 18/6 |
8-Drawer Cabinet, top 4 drawers for butterflies, 4 bottom drawers for eggs ... | 32/6 |
With Ivory Handles ... | each 0/3 |
With Glass Heads ... | per box 0/6 |
Polished Mahogany Box, with six divisions for pins. These cannot be mixed when box is closed ... | 2/6 |
Price ... | 1/6 |
ARTIFICIAL EYES. (To order.) |
For animals ... | from pair 0/5, 1/0 |
,,birds ... | ,,doz. 0/1, 0/9 |
Coloured ... | ,,,,0/4, 0/9 |
Lark and Woodcock | 1/0 |
Wild Duck | 0/9 |
Wild Fowl and Water Hen | 1/4 |
Cuckoo and Pigeon | 1/0 |
Grouse, Partridge, and Magpie | 1/0 |
Pheasant | 1/6 |
Hawk | 1/0 |
Owl | 1/8 |
Snipe | 0/6 |
| |
Rabbit | 1/3 |
Mice | 0/9 |
N H 37. PUPA DIGGER. In Leather Sheath, 1/6
N H 303. Botanical Drying and Mounting Album. For mounting ferns, foliage, flowers, &c. As illustration. Size, 11½ by 10 by 1½in.
Well bound and very durable. Price 5/11
The type shown here, with cap to lift off, has been well tested in the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary, as well as by many correspondents, and has proved most successful. Some slight improvements in construction have been introduced as the result of experience, and steps have been taken to ensure that the cap can be lifted off without shaking the box.
No. 70c. With this opening, 3d. extra
The following varieties may be obtained. Price with hinged fixing plates, 3/0, carriage forward.
Please quote number when writing.
No. 70a with small hole for Tits, Wrens, and Tree Sparrows.
No. 70b with large hole for Robins, Nuthatches, and Starlings.
No. 70c with a wide opening for birds that like to be under cover, but do not mind light, 3d. extra
This is a new form, see illustration.
NOTE: These varieties can be had with a socket in the base for the insertion of a post, price 3d. extra.
No. 70d with a special cup-shaped hollow in the floor for Wrynecks and Woodpeckers, so that the eggs may be kept together, 6d. extra.
No. 70e very large boxes for Owls (and birds in aviaries) can be made. Prices on application.
RUSTIC BOX for birds that like to build under cover, but not in the dark.
No. 65.
Made of hazel boughs in the Bird Sanctuary
Price 3/0, with hinged fixing plates.
Trays for Blackbirds and Thrushes are also supplied.
No. 66. Simple Tray to nail on branches, 9d.
No. 67. Bracket Tray, & No. 68. Bracket Basket, 1/0.
No. 69. Bracket Tray with roof, 1/6; to fix on trees.
Made from Boards.
(Registered designs)
In planed deal, stained.
Price, with hinged fixing plates, 2/0, carriage forward.
The following varieties may be obtained.
Please quote number when ordering.
No. 71a with small hole | } | opening at the top, |
No. 71b with large hole | size 9 × 5½ × 5 ins. |
No. 72a with small hole | } | opening at the side, |
No. 72b with large hole | size 9 × 6 × 5 ins. |
No. 72c with large hole size 9 × 7 × 6 ins. |
1/0 extra |
No. 73a with small hole | } | opening in front, |
No. 73b with large hole | size 9 × 6 × 5 ins. |
No. 73c with large hole size 9 × 7 × 6 ins. |
1/0 extra |
No. 74a like 73 with no front, size 7½ × 4½ × 5 ins. |
1/6 each |
No. 74b, size 9 × 5½ × 5 ins., 1/9 each |
4 sizes, 1 to 2in., nested, per doz. | 1/6 |
per gross ... 16/0 |
With black varnished edges, suitable for exhibiting shells, etc., any size from 1 to 1½in. diameter (to order), per doz. | 1/10 |
Do. 2in. diameter, per doz. | 2/3 |
Do. oblong, nested, suitable for shells, etc., per doz. | 2/3 |
Not less than 1 doz. of any of the above supplied. |
6 sizes, 3 to 1¼in. nested, per doz. | 2/0 |
Not less than 1 nest of 6 supplied. |
1in. diameter, 1/10; 1¼in., 1/11; 1½in., 2/0; 2in., 2/4 |
Nested Willow Chip Boxes, 4 sizes nested, 4 doz., 0/7; 1 gross | 1/6 |
Purple Shouldered Boxes, 4 sizes nested, 4 doz., 1/0; 1 gross | 2/6 |
Purple Shouldered Boxes (larger sizes), 4 doz., 1/3; 1 gross | 3/0 |
Curved Forceps, best Steel, for removing insects | perpair1/6 |
Straight pointed Forceps | ,,1/6 |
Straight Forceps | 0/9 & 1/0 |
Bottle of Cement for replacing antennae, legs, etc. | 0/4 |
Coleoptera Killing Tin, for collectors abroad | 1/6 |
Strong Glass Coleoptera Collecting Bottle, for the pocket (much recommended) | 1/6 & 1/8 |
Naphthalene (pure), useful for keeping skins, etc., from moth, etc., 0/1½ per oz., or 1/6 per lb. | |
Data Labels for filling in particulars of clutches, per 100 | 0/6 |
Labels, with string for attaching to legs of birds, 1/0 per 100; 8/0 per 1,000 | |
Glass Tubes for collecting minute insects, spiders, etc., corked, per dozen, 0/6, 0/10 and 1/2, according to size | |
Egg Collectors’ Extending Stick, with Mirror for looking into birds’ nests in trees, etc | 14/6 |
Printed data labels for filling in Names, Localities, etc., of Plants, 100, 0/9; 500 | 2/0 |
Guns, Rifles, Revolvers and Ammunition.
In Quality, Durability and Accuracy the Guns and Rifles displayed by us are in every way equal to those of the best Gunmakers.
Special Terms allowed to Clubs or buyers of large quantities.
Nothing is more essential to good shooting than that a gun should fit properly.
Too much stress cannot be laid on the great importance of the fitting of a gun, and customers are recommended to utilise the TRY GUN and apparatus supplied for this purpose.
Special arrangements have been made for the convenience of customers with the Uxendon Shooting School and Club, Uxendon, near Harrow, whereby continuous practice at Inanimate Birds from High Towers, also Grouse Butts, Imitation Partridge Driving, etc., etc., can be obtained. The Grounds are laid out as a Sporting Park, with Paths, etc., and fully equipped with all modern appliances, providing customers with Field Shooting practice of every description.
The services of Competent Instructors are always available.
Gun-fitting a Speciality.
This Try Gun is indispensable. The correct bend, length and cast-off can be readily ascertained, so that Customers can have Guns supplied to them with which they will be able to shoot.
Practice for One Hour with attendance, 10/6
Fitting and Supplying Try Gun Measurements, 10/6
Single Lesson, 10/6
Course of 6 Lessons, 42/0
Cartridges, per 100, 8/4
Inanimate Birds, 100, 8/4
Full particulars of the above can be had in Gun Department.
Customers ordering new guns by post, and wishing them to be of special dimensions, may measure a pattern gun in the following manner:—
For the convenience of customers, Harrods warehouse guns and rifles on their own premises at the following charges:—
Stripping, Cleaning, Warehousing and Insuring, 7/6 per gun or rifle for a year or part of a year. If a gun or rifle remains in warehouse for more than one year consecutively, the charge for every year or part of a year, after the first, will be reduced to 5/0.
Harrods will not store any weapon without first having it thoroughly cleaned, nor can we hold ourselves in any way responsible for the safe keeping or condition of weapons left unless warehoused as above.
Special arrangements have been made to execute any repairs or alterations to guns and rifles by an efficient staff, and at such prices as will ensure economy with excellence of workmanship. No effort will be spared to expedite the execution of repairs. Estimates will be forwarded if desired before putting the work in hand. |
The following are approximate prices for general repairs:— |
Fitting new barrels, according to quality | from | £4 10 0 |
Re-browning barrels | ,, | 0 6 6 |
Fine boring barrels to remove rust marks, etc. | ,, | 0 5 0 |
Re-jointing | ,, | 0 8 6 |
Stripping and cleaning | ,, | 0 4 6 |
Converting to ejector | ,, | 7 0 0 |
Converting to one trigger, best quality | about | 7 17 0 |
Re-stocking, according to style and quality of gun, from about £1 10 0 to 6 0 0 |
Shortening stocks | from | 0 6 0 |
Lengthening stocks | ,, | 0 8 6 |
Altering bend or cast of stock | ,, | 0 6 0 |
Although every precaution is taken in setting stocks, Harrods cannot accept any responsibility as to breakages. |
Guns may be hired at the rate of £1 per month. |
Hammerless and Ejector Guns.
Single or Double Trigger.
G N 1. Fitted with the latest and most approved pattern of Ejectors, which are extremely simple and thoroughly effective. Top lever. Finest selected steel barrels. Anson snap fore-end. Intercepting sears. Side lock action. Best London made. Combines strength and simplicity. Price£40.
G N 2.
Extended rib. Treble grip. Intercepting safety sears. Automatic safety. Steel barrels. Left choke. Right cylinder. Shooting regulated. Anson rod fore-end. Deeley ejector. Price £35.
G N 3. Second quality, ditto. Price, £30.
G N 4.
Steel Barrels, Treble Bite. For balance and quality unequalled. This Special Gun is built for hard wear and fitted with the latest type of ejector. Price,£2200
12, 16 and 20 Bore.
No. G N 5. Extended rib, treble bite, steel barrels, nitro proof, fine scroll engraving, left barrel full choke, right cylinder. Price £18 18 0
12 Bore only.
No. G N 5a. Steel Barrels. Nitro proof, left barrel choke, right barrel cylinder, leaf fence, scroll engraving, non-ejector. Price £12 12 0
Do. if fitted with Southgate ejector, £18 18 0
No. G N 6. Top lever, steel barrels. Fitted with good, yet simple ejectors.
This gun is thoroughly recommended for Colonial work. Price £15 15 0
No. G N 7. Plain, but good quality non-ejector, suitable for rough work, made in 12, 16 or 20 bore, right barrel cylinder, left choke, steel barrels, nitro proof. Price £10 10 0
Extra finish and engraved. Price £12 10 0
No. G N 9. Top lever ANSON-DEELEY GUN, treble-bolted wedge fast cross-bolt action, automatic safety bolt, fine steel barrels, left barrel choke bored, improved Anson rod bolt fore-end fastener, good walnut stock, horn heel plate, well finished and border neatly engraved. Price£8 8 0
Complete in best Canvas Case with cleaning accessories.
Price £10 10 0
No. G N 16. Top lever treble-bolted wedge fast cross-bolt Hammerless Gun, of superior quality, fine steel barrels, automatic safety bolt, fine steel locks, good walnut pistol-grip stock, horn heel plate, improved fore-end fastener, left barrel choke bored, beautifully engraved and finely finished.
Price £10 10 0
No. G N 18. Top lever treble-bolted wedge fast cross-bolt Hammerless Gun, fine steel barrels, automatic safety bolt, good steel locks, good walnut pistol-grip stock, horn heel plate, improved fore-end fastener, left barrel choke bored, nicely engraved and well finished. £8 12 0
No. G N 15. Top lever treble-bolted wedge fast cross-bolt Hammerless Gun, good Damascus barrels, automatic safety bolt, fine steel locks, good walnut pistol-grip stock, horn heel plate, improved fore-end fastener, left barrel choke bored, well finished and neatly engraved. Price £9 0 0
No. G N 11. Anson-Deeley Hammerless, fitted with treble cross-bolt action. ENGLISH STEEL BARRELS, B.S.A. if preferred, specially jointed action, Anson push-down rod, selected walnut stock, all parts thoroughly hardened and tested, handsomely engraved & highly finished. Price £11 5 0
No. G N 12. Anson-Deeley Hammerless, fitted with treble cross-bolt action, ENGLISH STEEL BARRELS, B.S.A. if preferred, specially jointed action, Anson push-down rod, carefully finished, and all parts thoroughly hardened and tested. Finest walnut stock, handsomely engraved and highly finished. Price £14 10 0
Neatly engraved and well finished. Made in 12, 16, and 20 Bore. Top lever, snap action, superior quality, from £10 0 0
Plain quality, £8 8 0
No. G N 577A. ·410 Bore, Hammerless, B.S.A., steel barrels, non-ejector, top lever action. Anson and Deeley pattern. Fitted with automatic safety catch. Price £8100
·410 Bore, Hammer, Collectors’ Gun. Top lever, steel barrels, rebounding locks, plain finish, £500
16, 20, 28 AND ·410 BORE.
Ejector Guns, 16, 20, and 28 bore. Extended rib, treble bite, top lever, nicely engraved and finished, £15 15 0
Non-Ejector Guns, 16, 20, and 28 bore. Extended rib, treble bite, carefully finished and all parts tested. Very strong and well made, £10100
12, 16, 20 and 28 BORE.
Top lever, snap action, with snap forepart, strongly made, plainly finished, £4180
Top lever steel barrels, rebounding locks, back action. Strong and plain finished gun, built specially for gamekeepers or rough usage abroad. Price £440
No. G N 19. Better quality, £5 5 0
With strong top lever action, good rebounding back-action locks, low hammers, patent snap forepart, specially prepared steel barrels, and complete in strong canvas case, with all cleaning accessories, £700
Fires five shots. 12 Bore, with 28in. steel barrel, full choke, modified choke, or cylinder bore. Weight about 7¾ lbs. Made in two lengths of stock about 14in., 14½in. Care must be taken to use cartridges which are suitable for the gun; those recommended are the ordinary gas-tight metal-lined cartridges, with ordinary loads. Light charges or brass-covered cases should not be used, or the gun may fail to work properly. Price £900
12 Bore. For Five Cartridges. Price £9 9 0. Also made with Rifled Barrel for Ball only.
12 Bore, and sighted 50, 100 and 150 yards. Price £18 10 0
Known as the Avatar Charge Stopper.
Model 1911. Full choke, 26in. Nickel steel, chambered for 2¾in. 12 gauge shells. Modified choke or cylinder bore barrels, £770
Model 1897. 30in. steel barrel, weight about 7 lb. 15 oz., 6 shot £4176
Do., “Take Down,” with detachable barrel, £550
New light weight pattern, “Take Down” Brush Gun, weighing 7 lb. 10 oz., with 26in. barrel, £4176
Single 4 Bore Hammer Gun, double grip action | from | £11 0 0 |
Single 8 Bore Hammer Gun, double grip action | ,, | £8 10 0 |
Double 8 Bore Hammer Gun, double grip action | ,, | £11 0 0 |
Double 10 Bore Hammer Gun | ,, | £8 8 0 |
Anti-recoil Heel Plates fitted to above guns, 21/0 extra. |
Specially constructed for use in India on account of the prohibited ·450 Bore firing the same charge of powder, viz., 80 grs. Cordite, with a slightly heavier bullet.
Hammerless, £29 0 0 Hammer, £22 0 0
No.0. | Special plain quality fitted with anti-recoil heel plate, ·400, ·450 and ·500 Bores suitable for deer, lion, tiger, &c. | £29 0 0 |
| with ejector | 35 0 0 |
| Ditto, ·577 Bores, suitable for elephant, rhino, hippo., &c., £34 0 0; with ejector | 4000 |
,,1. | Better made and well-finished, fitted with treble grip action and anti-recoil heel plate, non-ejector ... | 4000 |
| with ejector | 4600 |
,,2. | Ditto, best quality throughout. (To Order) non-ejector, £51 0 0; with ejector | 5700 |
Sighted up to 300 yards.
Falling Block Action. One of the Simplest and Strongest Actions Made.
Easily loaded and cleaned, they will be found useful to sportsmen objecting to the weight of a double rifle. The larger bores are recommended for dangerous game. ·360 and ·400 bores, £12 ·450, ·470, and ·500 bores, £12 10 0 ·577 bore, £14 10 0
Anti-Recoil Heel Plates, 17/6 extra.
SPORTING RIFLES WITH REPEATING ACTIONS. Suitable for Deer, Antelope, and other soft-skinned animals.
Standard and Two-leaf Back-sight, Platina, Lined and Marked 200, 300 yards. Carefully Shot and Regulated.
NEW 1910 MODEL MANNLICHER-SCHONAUER. ·375 Cal. £14 0 0 ·256 bore, plain quality, £9 0 0 ·256 and ·355 bore, better quality with chequered pistol hand stock, £11 10 0 Ditto with Bailie-Grohman peep sight, £12 10 0
Muzzle velocity ·256 bore, 2182ft. sec. Striking energy, ·256 bore, 1590ft. lbs.
Muzzle velocity, ·355 bore, 1837ft. sec. Striking energy, 1750ft. lbs.
Muzzle velocity, ·375 bore, 2100ft. sec. Striking energy 2899ft. lbs.
No. G N 22. LEE-ENFIELD MAGAZINE SPORTING RIFLE.: Government Action. ·303 Bore.
Magazine to take either 5 or 10 cartridges, sighted to 1,000 yards, plain quality | £5 5 0 and £7 7 0 |
Ditto, superior quality, with better sighting and fitted with new patent sliding safety bolt | 880 |
Ditto, best quality and sighting throughout, fitted with flat engine-turned top rib new patent locking bolt as illustrated 1000 |
Extra magazines, 5/6 each. |
Note.—Importation of ·303 Rifles into India.—Military men on service in India are permitted to import these weapons under certain conditions.
New ·315 Rifle, made specially for India. Sighted 300 yards. £10 10 0 £8 8 0 £7 7 0
Also made to take the New ·375 Rim Express Cartridge, price £10 10 0
No. 1. Fitted with Sporting Sight, plain Quality | £6 10 0 |
No. 2. Better Quality | 8 0 0 |
No. 3. Superior Quality | 10 0 0 |
Plain Quality | £7 10 0 |
2nd Quality | 10 10 0 |
1st Quality | 12 0 0 |
This rifle has a box magazine and is loaded by means of a clip, the same as modern military arms, but it can also be loaded without a clip. It is also very rapid when used as a single loader. Price £9 0 0
This new rifle has been specially designed to meet the increasing demand for a single barrel mid-range weapon at a moderate price. It is more powerful than the ·300 or ·310, and for mid-range target or medium sized game can be recommended with every confidence. The weapon is strongly made of the very best material obtainable. It is evenly balanced, light and handy, and carries the usual B.S.A. guarantee of accuracy. The barrel and action may easily be dismounted from the stock. Price 55/0
MODEL 1907 and 1910.
Model 1910, ·401 Cal. the most powerful recoil operated repeating rifle made. £5 15 0
Model 1905. G N 43. ·32 and ·35 Cal., £5 0 0
Takes ·22 Short, Long, or Long Rifle Cartridges. Sighted Adjustable to 200 Yards. Very accurate Rifle. Price 27/6
Best quality, top Lever, ·297, ·250 and ·300 Cal. Price £10 0 0
2nd Quality, plainer style and finish, £8 0 0
Made in three patterns, taking the ·22 short cartridge (magazine holds 15 cartridges), the ·22 long cartridge (magazine holds 12 cartridges), or the ·22 special long cartridge (magazine holds 10 cartridges) respectively. Only one kind of cartridge can be used in each rifle. Price £2 13 0
Detachable Barrel.
·22 Calibre (Model 1903). Standard Rifle, 20in. barrel. Weight about 5¾ lb. 10-shot, automatic, hammerless take-down. Powder, smokeless. Bullet, 45 grains. Price £426 Cartridges, 2/1 per 100.
G N 36. B.S.A. MINIATURE RIFLE. No. 2 Model.
Weight, 6 lbs. Length of Barrel, 24in. Total length, 3ft. 5in. The back-sight has a screw adjustment for elevation up to 200 yds. ·22 Cal. for the “long rifle” cartridge. Can be obtained bored for “short” cartridge only, or for the ·297/·230 Morris cartridge. Price 30/0.
·22 Calibre. Single Shot.
This Rifle is chambered for the ·22 Cal. Rim Fire Long Rifle Cartridge. It weighs 5½ lb.; total length 41½in. Fitted with Wind Gauge. Back sight up to 200 yards, £2 5 0
“WAR OFFICE” MINIATURE RIFLE, fitted with magazine, 55/0
WINCHESTER MODEL 1904 SINGLE SHOT RIFLE. ·22 Cal. An improvement on the 1902 Model. Round barrel 21in. long. Bead foresight. Adjustable rear sight. Weight about 4 lb. Price 25/0
A useful Rifle for small Deer and Antelope at short distances; also for Seal, Kangaroo, and outdoor rifle ranges.
No. 1. With detachable barrel, patent pivot wind gauge back-sight with automatic return, sighted to 500 yards with Westley Richards’ new ·300 cordite cartridge. £440
·405 Calibre, weight about 8¼ lbs., £5 15 0
·303, takes the service cartridge. The magazine holds 5 cartridges. £5 15 0
Made in Calibres ·44, ·38, ·32, ·25/20
Price £3 0 0
G N 500. HARRODS’ NEW MODEL ROOK and RABBIT RIFLE. Entirely machine made, and fitted with bead front, adjustable back sight and bolt action, interchangeable extractor and improved pattern drop bolt. Sighted up to 100 yards. Will take short or long cartridges. Excellently finished and thoroughly reliable, it is good alike for accurate target practice and sporting purposes. 12/6.
G N 82. ·410 SINGLE GUN, 37/6. Very accurate and suitable for Gardeners and Collectors.
G N 83. ·410 FOLDING GUN. 42/0. Superior Finish. Suitable for Cyclists.
G N 42. 1906 MODEL WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLE. ·22 Cal. 20in. round barrel, total length 35¾in., weight 5 lb. Price £220
Better Quality. Specially Selected. £4 0 0
The “Marlin” ·22 Cal. “Take Down” Rifle, with detachable barrel £3 0 0
The “Marlin” Repeating Rook and Rabbit Rifle, taking the English ·329 C.F. long and short cartridges. £3 3 0
Shooting ·22 short, long, and long rifle cartridges; weight, 5 lb. 6 oz. £3 10 0
Magazine holds 7 cartridges.
Bolt action, round barrel, 18in. long, total length, 33¼in., weight about 2¾ lb., ·22 cal., shoots bulleted breech caps, ·22 short and ·22 long rim fire cartridges, barrel easily detachable. Price 19/0
W. W. GREENER’S ·310 BORE RIFLE. For Out-Door Ranges.
The Mark II. Club Rifle, made with detachable barrel and for smokeless powder, sighted to 500 yards, weight about 6 lb. 9 oz. £3 3 0
Do. do., with orthoptic sights. £4 4 0
Made by the Birmingham Small Arms Company. Specially suitable for Air Gun Clubs.
Total length, with 14¼in. stock, 43¾in.; length of barrel, 19¼in.; weight, 6 lb. 14 oz. to 7¼ lb.; shoots accurately up to 50 yards, with good penetration.
Fitted with Pistol-Hand Stock each £2 10 Fitted with Straight Hand Stock each £2 5
G N 69. The Junior Model B.S.A. Air Rifle, No. 1 Bore. Weight, 5½ lbs. Total length over all, 34in. Length of stock, 11¼in. Price, with Pistol Hand Stock ... | 45/-each |
G N 70. Price with Straight Hand Stock ... | 40/- ,, |
Light and with Short Stock, suitable for a Boy. |
Also made in No. 2 Bore, very powerful rifle, kills rooks and rabbits up to 50 yds., 50/0 each. |
The “SCOUT” Slug. Same shape as Witton slug. No. 1 Bore, 1/0 per 1,000. |
Lane’s Shot Cartridges, No. 1, 0/4 Box; No. 3, 0/6 Box. |
The “Arrite” Slug.—No. 1 Bore, 8d. per 1,000. No. 2 Bore, 1/3 per 1,000. No. 3 Bore, 1/6 per 1,000.
Kynoch’s “Witton” Slugs.—As used in Air Rifle Clubs, 1/2 per 1,000.
Kynoch’s Match Slugs.—No. 1 Bore, 1/6 per 1,000. Lane’s Perfect Slugs.—No. 1, 10d. per 1,000. No. 2, 1/4 per 1,000; No. 3, 1/6 per 1,000.
Lane’s Bango Bullets.—The latest novelty in Air Gun Slugs. The principal feature is that when the target is hit they explode with a loud report. No. 1 Bore, 6d. per 100.
Paper Targets for Air Guns and Rifles, 9d. and 1/- per 100. “DAISY” AIR GUN. |
G N 71. Single Shot | 2/9 | each |
G N 72. Repeating | 4/6 | ,, |
G N 73. 500-Shot Repeater ... | 7/6 | ,, |
G N 74. Single Shot | 3/6 | each |
G N 75. Repeater | 4/6 | ,, |
No. 1 Bore only.
Shoots Darts or Slugs.
This Gun is so constructed that the Barrel cannot get loose, no matter how great the Strain.
G N 63. Heavy Weight, specially Sighted with Rifled Barrel for Rifle Clubs, Pistol Hand Stock | £2 5 0 |
G N 65. Light Weight Pistol Hand Stock, Rifled Barrel ... | 1 5 0 |
G N 66. Boys’ Size, very suitable for learning Shooting, weight about 4½ lbs. ... | 0 14 6 |
No. 1 size, length of barrel about 19in., total length 35in., 10/6 |
G N 79. With Ejector Breech, Octagon Steel Barrel, Polished Carved Stock. 1 and 2 Bore, 12/6. Ditto, No. 3 Bore, 14/6. G N 80. Ejector, Octagon Steel Barrels, Long Block Action, Engine-turned Rib, Pistol Hand, well finished, 23/6.
·30 Calibre. Magazine carries 10 shots. Complete in wooden holster, which forms a stock, weight about 2 lb. 5 oz.
Sighted to 1,000 yards, £4 4 0 each.
Leather Holsters, 5/9 each.
Leather Strap Attachment for fastening wooden holster on to a belt, 1/9 each.
Calibre ·32 Rimless.
Weight of Pistol, 10 ozs.
Blued finish.
Capacity of magazine, 10 shots.
Length of Pistol all over, 6½in. Price £3.
·22 ... ... ... | { | Hammer. |
·32 ... ... ... | English |
·38 ... ... ... | Proved. |
Blued, 22/6 each. |
Specially regulated to shoot the ·22 cal. long rim fire Cartridge, ·22 cal. short, or ·22 cal. bulleted caps can also be used in this weapon.
Fitted with standard sight for 20 yards. Weight, 2 lbs.
Total length about 13¾in.
The barrel being 9¾in. long, this pistol is exempt from the provisions of the Pistols Act. £1 12 6 each.
Weight, 1 lb. 4 oz.; length over all, 9½in. Well made. |
Shoots accurately. With barrel, 6in. | 67/6 |
With 8in. barrel ... | 67/6 |
,,10 ,, ,, ... | 75/0 |
American Make. English Proved. |
3in. Barrels. |
·22 | Cal., | Nickel, | 24/6, | Hammer | Revolver. |
·32 | ,, | ,, | 26/6 | ,, | ,, |
·38 | ,, | ,, | 26/6 | ,, | ,, |
·22 | ,, | ,, | 26/6, | Hammerless | ,, |
·32 | ,, | ,, | 28/6 | ,, | ,, |
·38 | ,, | ,, | 29/6 | ,, | ,, |
Blued, 2/0 extra on above prices. |
Fitted with 6in. Barrels and Target Grip Butt, 12/6 extra. |
2in. Barrels. |
·32 ... | 26/6 | { | Hammer. |
·38 ... | 26/6 | Nickel Plated. |
Blued, 2/0 extra. |
Full Metal Patched Bullet Calibre ·32. Rimless, Smokeless. Capacity of Magazine 8 shots. Length of barrel, 3¾in., length of pistol over all, 6¾in., weight of pistol, 23 oz. 65/0.
Cartridges, 6/0 per 100
This model is made only in the ·32 calibre, with 3¾in. barrel, blued finish.
PATENTED APR.20 1897. DEC.22 1903
Pocket model. Calibre ·380.
This weapon takes a Special ·380 Cal. Cartridge loaded with Smokeless Powder, and a 95 gr. Metal Cased Bullet. The ordinary ·38 Cal. Auto Cartridge is not suitable for this weapon. The action, size and weight of this pistol are the same as those of the calibre ·32.
Capacity of magazine, 7 shots; length of barrel, 3¾in.; weight 23 ozs.; length over all, 6¾in.
Price 78/0 ·380 Cal. Cartridges for same, 8/8 per 100.
Accidental discharge is absolutely impossible with the Colt Automatic Pistol.
PATENED APR.20 1897. SEPT.9 1902. DEC.19 1905
Calibre ·45. This arm can be discharged at the rate of five shots per second. In this model the side remains open after firing the last cartridge. Capacity of magazine 7 shots, weight 32½ oz., blued, length of barrel 5in., length over all 8in., weight of cartridge, which is rimless, 305 grains, weight of charge 5 grains, smokeless powder, velocity at 45ft. 827·2 f.s. Penetration into ½-in. deal board, 1in. apart, the bullets passed through 10 boards. Weighs 3 oz. lighter than the English Service Revolver. Price £5 0 0 Cartridges 10/0 per 100.
·455 bore. Six shot. Length of barrel, 4½, 5½, and 7½in. Weight with 5½in. barrel 35 oz. Price 80/0
Cal. ·25, length of barrel 2in., total length 4½in., weight 13 oz., magazine capacity, 6 shots. 50/0
Jointless Solid Frame, 55/0. Simultaneous Ejector and Rebounding Lock, 2½ or 3½in. barrels
22 Cal. 6in. barrel. Target Sights. 67/6
6in. barrel, blued 67/6
Self Ejecting. As adopted by the War Office and Admiralty ·445 Calibre. 4in. Barrel. Weight 2 lb. 3 oz.
Blued, £4 5. Nickel Plated. £4 10. 6in. Barrel, £4 10 Blued.
WEBLEY’S ADAPTOR. To enable you to use ·22 calibre long-rim fire cartridges for indoor practice. Price, complete, 16/6. First-rate practice may be had with the use of the above at 20 yards. When ordering, mention length of barrel. Made for Webley’s ·450 ·455
G N 59. THE WEBLEY & SCOTT ·25 or 6·35 m/m MINIATURE MODEL AUTOMATIC PISTOL. Weight of Pistol without magazine 11 oz., weight of magazine 12 drams, length over all 4¾in., depth 3½in., capacity of magazine 6 shots, weight of powder 2 grs., weight of bullet 48 grs., penetration at 20 yds., four 1in. pine boards, placed 1in. apart.
Price 42/6
7·65 m/m & 32 AUTOMATIC PISTOL
M.P SAFE 63564
·32 Calibre. Breech remains open after last shot is fired. Price 47/6
Price, £2 2 6. Weight of Pistol without magazine 18 oz., weight of magazine 2 oz., length over all 6¼in., depth 4½in., capacity of magazine 8 shots, weight of powder 3½ grs., weight of bullet 75 grs., initial velocity 1050 f.s., penetration at 20 yds., seven 1in. pine boards placed 1in. apart.
LIEGE 11108
Takes 7 6·35 mm. Cartridges. Price, in Plush lined Case with Extra Magazine, 39/6, Pistol only 35/0
Mark III. ·38 Calibre. 3 and 4in. Barrel. Blued or Plated. Price £3
G N 61. VELO DOG REVOLVER, 5 chambers. Folding Trigger Mother-of-pearl butt. Handsomely finished.
Price 18/6
·25 and ·32 Calibre.
39/6 and 45/0 each.
5 chambers. Fitted with safety catch Mother-of-pearl butt. Very useful for Pocket. Price 24/6
For the new ·22 Rim-Fire Cartridge.
Barrels—3in., 4in., 6in., or 10in. Price 35/0
·380 and ·450 Bore, Double Action, with Self-extracting Spindle. 2½in. Barrel.
Blued £166 Plated £206
IMPORTANT NOTICE.—PISTOLS ACT, 1903. This Act provides that no Pistol may be sold unless a Gun or Game Licence is produced. Clients are, therefore, requested when giving their orders for Pistols to bring or send their Gun or Game Licence. The following are permitted, however, to purchase Pistols without a Gun or Game Licence, but evidence must be furnished which will satisfy us that our Client is entitled to exemption under the Act. Any person in His Majesty’s Naval, Military or Volunteer Service, or in the Constabulary or other Police Force requiring a weapon to use on service, or in the course of his duty, or any householder purposing to use the weapon in his own house or the curtilage thereof, or persons about to proceed abroad for a period of not less than 6 months, who produce a statement to that effect, signed by themselves and a police officer of the district in which they reside, of rank not lower than an Inspector, or by themselves and a Justice of the Peace.
A good assortment of 12, 16 and 20 bore Cartridges, with Standard Charges, are usually in stock in the department. Cartridges of other bores or with Special Charges can invariably be despatched within one to three days’ notice.
NOTE.—Nitro or Smokeless Powders occasionally vary with regard to strength and other conditions, according to weather, storage, etc. We cannot accept any responsibility of the different makes of powder, but recommend to our customers cartridges loaded with the powders that are most used and have been well tested and tried by all conditions.
Not less than 100 Cartridges supplied: Cartridge orders should be given three days in advance. To be delivered in the country for special date longer notice must be given. Cartridges cannot be sent by post, and cannot be included in other parcels.
FREE CARRIAGE.—Quantities of 500 of any Cartridges, 12 to 28 bore, per goods train Carriage Paid to any Station in the United Kingdom.
12 and 16 Bore, 9/3 per 100. 20 Bore, 0/3 per 100 less.
“KILLSURE” CARTRIDGES are specially loaded for Harrods to their own specifications by the leading Cartridge Manufacturers, with the most up-to-date machinery, and on the best and most approved methods, with any bulk nitro powders.
All Powders, Caps, Cases, Waddings, and Shot are carefully selected and scientifically tested, in order to obtain the best possible combination in loading, the result being a Cartridge unexcelled by any other make.
To shoot well use good Cartridges. The best Cartridge, combined with a well-fitting gun, inspires the Sportsman with that confidence which is essential for the making of a good bag.
A thoroughly good all-round Smokeless Cartridge, suitable for every-day shooting Game, Rabbits, and Inanimate Birds. Specially loaded for Harrods. Price 7/9 per 100.
For Collectors’ Gun.
Smokeless Powder, 5/3 100.
“PEGAMOID” BRAND PAPER Made in Great Britain
Ejector, 12 and 16 Bore | ... | per 100 | 12/0 |
Pegamoid | ... | ... | ,, | 10/6 |
Gas-tight, ?-in. Brass Head | ... | ,, | 10/0 |
Eley’s E.B. 12 Bore only, with Eley’s Smokeless | ,, | 8/3 |
E.B. Nitro, 12 Bore only | ... | ,, | 9/0 |
Loaded with Schultze, Amberite, E.C., Smokeless Diamond or Empire Powders. |
Opex, 12, 16, and 20 bore | Per 100 | 12/0 |
Kynoid or Waterproof | ,, | 10/0 |
Primax | ... | ,, | 9/0 |
Bonax | ... | ,, | 8/0 |
Tellax, 12 bore only | ,, | 7/0 |
Notice.—12-Bore Shot-Gun Cartridges, loaded with ordinary load of Schultze, E.C., Smokeless?Diamond, Ballistite, or Kynoch Smokeless Powders, and No. 5, 5½ or 6 Shot, always in stock during Shooting Season. Notice MUST be given for CARTRIDGES with Special Loading, or other than 12-Bore.
12 and 16 Bore. |
Special Primrose Case | per 100 | 10/0 |
Pegamoid Case | ,, | 10/6 |
Ejector Case | ,, | 12/0 |
Special Case | per 100 | 9/0 |
Gas-tight Case | ,, | 10/0 |
Pegamoid Case | ,, | 10/6 |
Ejector Case | ,, | 11/9 |
The “Noneka,” 12 and 16 Bore | ,, | 8/6 |
The “Clyde” | ,, | 7/6 |
The “Ajax,” 12 Bore only | ,, | 6/10 |
Nº 12
Nitro Case | per 100 | 9/0 |
Best Gas-tight Case | ,, | 10/0 |
Waterproof | ,, | 10/6 |
Ejector Case | ,, | 12/0 |
33 grains and 1 oz.
Ejector | per 100 | 11/6 |
Waterproof (Pegamoid) | ,, | 10/3 |
Gas tight ?-in. metal lined | ,, | 9/9 |
Gas-tight ?-in. unlined | ,, | 9/3 |
Nitro, metal lined | ,, | 8/9 |
Smokeless | ,, | 8/0 |
ELEY “Thor” Cartridge ELEY LOADED Made in Great Britain
Aquoid ... | 10/6 100 | Acme ... | 9/0 100 | Thor ... | 7/6 100 |
Eloid ... | 10/0 100 | Ecar ... | 8/6 100 | Vulcan ... | 7/0 100 |
Zenith ... | 10/0 100 | Eley Smokeless | ... | 8/0 100 |
For Export.—Ordinary Sporting Cartridges, 12, 16 or 20-bore, can be packed in tins or wooden boxes (tin lined). Tins to hold 50 each, 0/6; 100, 1/0.
N “Henrite”
“Henrite” Cartridges.
Ejector, 12 and 16 Bore | ... | 12/0 | per 100. |
Gas-tight, with ? in. Brass | ... | 10/3 | ,, |
Nitro | ... | 9/0 | ,, |
Normal Improved Cartridges. |
Brass Ejectors | ... | 11/3 | per 100. |
Pegamoid | ... | 10/9 | ,, |
Hendon | ... | 9/9 | ,, |
Superior Nimrod | ... | 8/9 | per 100. |
Nimrod | ... | 8/3 | ,, |
Keeper’s Normal | ... | 7/3 | ,, |
Black Powder Express Rifle Cartridges.
Can be obtained quickly to order only.
W.R.W.Cº 401 S.L.
Self-Loading or Automatic Rifle Cartridges. |
·401 Cal ... | 17/0 | per 100. | ·32 Cal. ... | 11/6 | per 100. |
·351,, ... | 13/6 | ,, | ·22 ,, ... | 2/1 | ,, |
HOLLOW-POINT BULLET, ·22 Auto. | 2/4 | ,, |
Rifle Cartridges. |
Cartridges for High-Velocity Rifles. |
Bore. | Powder Grs. | Bullet Grs. | With Solid Bullet. Per 100 | With Soft-nosed Bullet. Per 100. | With Express Split Bullet. Per 100. To order. | With Capped Bullet. Per 100 |
·600 | ... | 100 | ... | 900 | ... | 43/6 | 44/0 | — | — |
·577 | ... | 100 | ... | 750 | ... | 36/0 | 36/6 | 39/0 | 37/9 |
·577 | ... | 90 | ... | 650 | ... | 36/0 | 36/6 | 39/0 | 37/9 |
·500 | ... | 80 | ... | 570 | ... | 29/0 | 29/6 | 32/6 | 30/9* |
·470 | ... | 75 | ... | 500 | ... | 29/0 | 29/6 | 32/6 | 30/9 |
·450 | ... | 70 | ... | 480 | ... | 28/0 | 28/6 | 31/6 | 29/9* |
·450/·400 | 60 | ... | 400 | ... | 25/0 | 25/6 | 28/6 | 26/9 |
NOTE.—When ordering the ·450/·400 it is necessary to state the length of case required, whether 3 or 3¼in. |
·375. Rimless Axite, in clips 270 23/3 23/9 25/0 | 24/0 |
·375. Solid bullet, 17/6; hollow bullet | 18/6* |
·303. Solid-drawn, with solid bullet | 15/3 |
·303.,,,,“soft nose” or hollow-pointed bullet | 15/9 |
·303.,,,,split bullet | 16/0 |
·280. Ross-Eley, with sharp hollow-point bullet | per 100 | 26/6 |
·280. Do., blunt pointed, for big game | ,, | 21/6 |
·280. Do., do., for deer stalking | ,, | 21/6 |
·315 or 8 m/m Cartridges | per 100 | 17/6 |
·256. Mannlicher Schonauer | ,, | 16/6 |
* With patent “Velopex” bullet, 2/6 per 100 extra. |
NOTE.—These cartridges must only be used in High-Velocity Rifles built specially for them. They are dangerous to use in Rifles which are built for Black Powder ONLY. |
W.R.W.Cº 380 C.A.P.H.
Automatic Cartridges. |
Cal. | Per 100. |
·450 | ... | ... | 10/0 |
·380 | ... | ... | 8/6 |
·320 | ... | ... | 6/0 |
·25 | ... | ... | 5/6 |
·38 Colt Browning Cartridge | 8/9 |
Mauser Pistol Cartridges.
8/6 per 100.
Revolver and Pistol Cartridges.
Cal. | Smokeless. |
·455 Manstopper | 8/0 | per 100. |
·455 Target ... | 7/6 | ,, |
·455 Ordinary ... | 6/6 | ,, |
| Black Powder. | Smokeless. |
·450 | 5/0 | 5/6 | per 100. |
·380 | 4/6 | 4/6 | ,, |
·320 | 3/6 | 3/9 | ,, |
·38 | 4/3 | — | ,, |
·32 | 3/6 | — | ,, |
Saloon or Garden Gun Cartridges.
B.B. Caps. |
No. 1. | ... | 0/7 & 0/10 | per 100. |
No. 2. | ... | ... | 1/3 | ,, |
No. 3. | ... | ... | 1/10 | ,, |
Shot Cartridges, Double Charge. |
No. 1. | ... | 1/6 | 1/8 | per 100. |
No. 2. | ... | 2/0 | 2/3 | ,, |
No. 3. | ... | 2/6 | 3/8 | ,, |
Saluting Gun or Cannon.
Suitable for Yachts, etc.
For firing salutes and marine signalling. Fires 10 Bore Blank Cartridges loaded with 9 Dram Black Powder. Barrel, 12in. long. Breech-loading. Cast iron carriage. Length over all, 17in. Height, 7¼in. Width, 7in. Weight, about 14 lbs.
28/0 each. Cartridges, 9/0 per 100.
Target & Rook Rifle Cartridges. |
Cal. Black Powder. | Smokeless. |
·44 Winchester and Colt | 6/6 | 7/0 | per 100. |
·38 Winchester | 6/6 | 7/0 | ,, |
·38/·55,, | 10/9 | 11/6 | ,, |
·360 No. 5 | 5/6 | 5/9 | ,, |
·320 Long | 3/9 | 4/0 | ,, |
·32/·40 | 7/6 | 9/3 | ,, |
·32/·20 Winchester & Colt | 5/6 | 6/0 | ,, |
·380 Rook | 4/6 | 4/9 | ,, |
·310 Cadet | 5/3 | 5/9 | ,, |
·300 Sherwood | 6/0 | 6/6 | ,, |
·300 Target | 6/0 | 6/6 | ,, |
·300 R.R. | 4/9 | 5/0 | ,, |
·25/·20 Marlin | 5/0 | 5/9 | ,, |
K ·255 | 5/0 | 5/6 | ,, |
·297/·250 | 4/3 | 4/6 | ,, |
·297/·230 Long | 2/9 | 3/3 | ,, |
Do., Short | 2/6 | 3/0 | ,, |
Hollow Bullet in R.R. Cartridges same price as Solid. |
·22 Calibre Rifle Ammunition for Rook and Rabbit Rifles, also Miniature Rifle Clubs.
No. 85. To take Six Guns, with One Drawer. Height 5ft. 1in.; width 2ft.; depth 10in. Price, in Oak, £4 7 6. In Mahogany or Walnut, 7/6 extra.
No. 125. To take Six Guns, with Two Drawers and Small Cupboard. Height 6ft.; width 2ft.; depth 1ft. Price, in Oak, £7. In Mahogany or Walnut, 10/0 extra.
No. 20. To take Four Guns Horizontally. Length 50in.; height 28in.; depth 4in. Price, in Oak, 50/0. In Mahogany or Walnut, 7/6 extra.
To take Six Guns Horizontally. Length 50in.; height 36in.; depth 4in.; Doors to open in centre. Price, in Oak, £3 5 0. In Mahogany or Walnut, 7/6 extra.
No. 83. To take Twelve Guns, with four Large Drawers and Large Cupboard space. Height 7ft. 6in.; width 4ft. 4in.; depth 13in. Price, in Oak, £13 15 0. In Mahogany or Walnut, 12/6 extra.
No. 181. To take Six Guns, with Four Drawers and Large Cupboard. Height 7ft. 6in.; width 2ft. 2in.; depth 13in. Price, in Oak, £10. In Mahogany or Walnut, 10/0 extra.
Best London Make. |
| 200 | 300 | 500 |
GN 85. Best Mail Canvas, with Brass Corners ... | 24/0 | 28/0 | 35/0 |
GN 86. Solid Leather ... | 23/6 | 26/9 | 33/9 |
GN 87. Solid Leather, Side Spring Lock and Brass Corners ... | 28/6 | 32/6 | 45/0 |
GN 88. Better Quality, Solid Leather, Spring Lock, Oak Partitions, Brass Corners ... | 36/0 | 38/9 | 52/6 |
GN 89. Superior Quality, extra strong Oak Frame, Brass Corners and Corner Plates ... | 44/0 | 52/0 | 62/0 |
GN 121. Mail Canvas for two Guns ... | 40/0 |
GN 122. Plain Leather for two Guns, Brass Corners, Spring Lock ... | 63/0 |
GN 123.Do.Do.Do.Better Quality ... | 77/6 |
GN 124. Best Oak & Leather, Superior Quality ... | 90/0 |
GN 125. Mail Canvas Case for one Gun ... | 15/0 |
GN 126. Do. Do. Do. with Spring Lock ... | 17/6 |
GN 127. Plain Leather ... | 32/6 |
GN 128. Do. Extra Finish, Brass Corners, etc. ... | 42/0 |
GN 129. Oak and Leather, Superior Quality ... | 63/0 |
GN 130. Light Weight Case for one Gun ... | 36/0 |
GN 131. Superior Quality ... | 52/6 |
GN 133. Plain Stiff Solid Leather ... | 25/0 |
GN 134. Leather with Spring Lock ... | 35/0 |
GN 135. Best Quality with Sling and Pouch ... | 45/0 |
| 50 | 75 | 100 |
GN 90. Plain Hide Leather ... | 10/9 | 13/0 | 15/0 |
GN 91. Best Hide Leather ... | 12/9 | 15/6 | 17/6 |
GN 92. Pigskin ... | 13/9 | 15/6 | 17/6 |
GN 93. Mail Canvas ... | 5/6 | 6/6 | 7/6 |
GN 94.,, extra quality ... | 8/6 | 9/6 | 10/6 |
GN 95. Pigskin, lined Texture ... | 14/6 | 17/6 | 20/0 |
GN 96. Pigskin, lined Pigskin ... | 18/6 | 21/6 | 25/0 |
GN 142. Mail Canvas Leather, Capped at Action and Muzzle, with Sling complete ... | 15/6 |
GN 139. No. 1. Capped at Action and Muzzle. Mail Canvas ... | 12/0 |
GN 140. No. 2. Capped at Muzzle. Best London make ... | 8/6 |
GN 141. Best Moleskin ... | from10/0 |
GN 143. Double Texture Twill Cambric ... | 4/6 |
Mail Canvas. Leather over Action, Cap, Shoe and Sling ... | 9/9 |
Mail Canvas. Cap at Nose ... | 5/0 |
Mail Canvas. Plain ... | 4/0 |
RIFLE SLINGS for Regulation Rifles 1/9 & 2/6 each. |
GN 116. DOG SLIPS. |
The Easy Catch. No. 1 quality... | each 9/0 |
,, ,, No. 2,,... | ,,3/6 |
Sliding Stop Slip Cord Lead, with Waistbelt complete ... | 4/3 |
Made in Brown Flax Canvas, Leather Lined; best Leather Fittings and Net, and Strong Girth Shoulder Straps. Superior make, with Flap and Net in front to expand out to larger size, ventilated.
GN 97. | Size | 18in. | × | 16in. | ... | 18/6 |
GN 98. | ,, | 18in. | × | 12in. | ... | 14/6 |
GN 99. | ,, | 20in. | × | 13½in. | ... | 15/6 |
GN 100. | ,, | 22in. | × | 15in. | ... | 16/6 |
GN 101. | ,, | 24in. | × | 16¼in. | ... | 17/6 |
Special Sizes made to order. |
Brown Waterproof Twill, extra light weight. |
GN 117. | Size | 15in. × 10in. | ... | 9/6 |
| ,, | 16in. × 11in. | ... | 10/6 |
| ,, | 18in. × 12in. | ... | 11/6 |
Superior Quality, hand-sewn and covered-in ends ... | 12/6 |
Leather Cartridge Belt, to carry 25 ... | 5/6 | carry 30 ... | 6/6 |
Leather Cartridge Belt, with covered-in ends, extra ... | 2/6 |
Leather Cartridge Belt, with steel spring clips to carry 25, 4/9; 30 ... | 5/6 |
Hogskin Sporting Belt, hand sewn, with 2 nickel-plated rings ... | 6/9 |
Do.Pouches for do., small ... | 3/0 | large ... | 3/6 |
Do.Watch Pocket ... | 2/8 |
Nickel-plated Double Swivel, for attaching Purse to Belt ... each | 1/0 |
Solid Cowhide Holsters for Revolvers and Automatic Pistols, from 4/9 each, with Belt attachment.
GN 145. Holster, Belt and Pouch, Good Quality, Small, 9/6; Medium, 10/6; Large, 11/0
The “Cunliffe” Shooting Seats.
Extremely light in weight. Made of Lancewood with Aluminium Fittings. Very neat and light. Specially suitable for Ladies. |
No. G N 186. Ladies’ “Cunliffe” Seat, with Umbrella, 22in. Twill Silk ... | 33/6 |
Ditto, without Umbrella ... | 21/0 |
No. G N 187. Gents’ “Cunliffe” Seat, with Umbrella, 23in. Twill Silk ... | 36/6 |
No. G N 188. Ditto, without Umbrella | 24/0 |
Any of the above Leather Covered, Handles, 3/6 extra. |
G N A.
Suitable for Shooting or Fishing.
When closed, as illustration, forms a walking Stick.
Fitted Canvas Seat 8/6
No. G N 185.
Cane-seated, extra finish, 11/6
No. G N 184.
Real Bamboo, nickel mounted, as illustration, 10/0
The “MILLS” (patent) Aluminium Telescopic Sportsman’s Stool
Telescopic Seats.
Light, portable and can be used at varying heights. When packed up for travelling can be carried in a 24-in. Gladstone bag, or strapped outside an ordinary gun case. Several improvements have been made by the manufacturers since these seats were first placed on the market. Those illustrated embrace the latest improvements.
Bright ... 21/0
Black ... 25/0
The “Hurlingham” Shooting Seat.
Bright Polished Aluminium Handle Nickel-plated Fittings, Detachable Disc. No. 1, Green Congo. No. 2, Brown Congo. No. 3, English Oak. Either Wood. Price 15/0 each.
Fitted with Stick instead of Telescopic Tube Upright. 15/0 each.
“Best of All.”
Lancewood Stick.
Aluminium fittings. Handle closes so as to form a crook to hang on arm, price, 24/0 Handles, leather covered, 29/0
“Observation Practice”
Target Holders.
For spiking into sand or earth. With “fixed” clip for target, each 1/0 With “fall-over” clip for target, each 2/0
No. G N 197.
The Stevens Picture Signalling Instructor No. 1.
This apparatus, designed for giving instruction in sending and reading distant lamp signals by Morse Code, will be found invaluable as a means of attaining and maintaining proficiency in signalling to those whose duties prevent them from obtaining better facilities for practice
Price, 19/6 double set; 15/6 single set.
Portable Silent Bullet Catchers
For 22 Cal. Long Rifle Cartridges.
By using these Catchers practically all the bullets fired on the range are caught and retained. A reserve fund from the sale of lead may thus be created which will go towards the purchase of ammunition or card targets. Pattern “A” for single targets, wood sides, steel back and 3-ply front, waste filled. Price, each, 10/0 Pattern “B,” continuous steel framed catcher, 3ft. long, £2 5 6; 6ft. long, £3 14 6. Advantages: silent, economical, cost little to buy, cost nothing to keep up.
Morse Dummy Practice Key.
Made to same standard as the Wireless Operators’ small key. Lacquered brass fittings mounted on solid mahogany base. Dummy key, 5/0 As telegraph key with battery terminals, 7/6
Range Estimator.
A new and simple one man Pocket Range Estimator. The only Pocket Range Estimator in existence which does not entail movement on the part of the observer.
Price, in neat case, 5/6
(Patent applied for.)
“V Disappearing Target Apparatus No. 1.
BUTT FIXING This apparatus is especially designed to comply with the musketry regulations governing the manner of use of disappearing targets, and is supplied complete with 25 yds. operating cord. 3ft. wide to hold 3 cards 17/6 6ft. wide to hold 6 cards 25/6
NOTE.—When ordering please quote fixing “A” or “B” according to whether it is intended to fix apparatus to stop-butt or floor respectively.
Morse Silent Spring Key. No. 157
German silver and brass fittings, mounted on solid teak base with battery terminals and adjustable beat. Absolutely silent in use with all instructional visual signalling apparatus. Price, 2/6
Game Registers.
Pocket Size, 8¾in. × 7?in., 1/6 & 2/3
Limp French Morocco, 4/6 & 6/9
Better Quality, 11/3 and 15/0
Otter Hunting Poles.
Length Over all about 6ft., metal shod.
Hazel ... each 2/6 Ash ... each 3/3
Game Carriers. |
No. 1. Single, for Grouse, Partridge, Snipe, etc. | 2/9 |
No. 2. Double, do. do. | 5/4 |
No. 3. Single, for Wild Fowl and Pheasant | 5/6 |
The Net Carrier: Single Rack | 8/0 |
Do. Double ,, | 10/0 |
No. G N 111. Decoy Calls.
Partridge,1/0; Pheasant,1/6; Hare,0/8; Duck,0/9; Plover,0/9; Curlew,1/4; Teal,1/6; Woodcock,1/0; Quail,1/6; Snipe, 0/9; Pigeon,1/0; Grouse,1/3
Note.—Inanimate Pigeons—Harrods cannot accept any responsibility for breakages, these articles being sent out as packed by the makers.
To Order. Sent direct from Factory, Carriage Forward.
Each 24/0, or with Mounts, 26/6
In boxes of 100 each up to 1,000, 3/6 per 100; if 1,000 (not less) are ordered in boxes the price will be 3/3 per 100; or 32/6 per 1,000; or in barrels containing 500, 15/0; 1,000, 25/0
Carriage Forward beyond Harrods’ Delivery Radius.
Consists of a wire holder attached to a stick about 15in. long. It is claimed by the inventor that by its use birds can be thrown a distance of about 60 yds.
Plain Handle, 7/6 each.
Felt Handle, 10/0 each.
G N 162.
Direct from Makers, Carriage Forward, 41/0
G N 156.
No. 2 Solid Brass ... 1/6
No. 3 Nickel ... ... 1/9
G N 157.
Very light, under 2 ozs.
Quite as effective as the heavy brass, 1/3
To order. Time required, 3 to 4 days.
With red collars and cuffs | each, | 7/6; | doz. | 84/0 |
Without ditto, ditto | ,, | 7/0; | ,, | 81/0 |
The above are of average size; if required “extra large” there will be an additional charge of 1/0 per smock.
For use when grouse or partridge driving.
To order. Samples on view in the department. All white, or half white and half red, 24 × 18in., mounted on stick about 3ft. long, each 1/4; or doz. 14/6.
In ordering please state colour desired.
Each ... ... ... ... ... ... 0/4
To order. Consisting of a leather strap and buckle with a number or letter painted on circular white metal, each 1/6
For ordinary shot guns and rifles.
Each, 10/6 Fitting extra, 7/0
For Game Keepers, Beaters, &c.
Single Note. Kohler’s | 5/0 |
Double,,in Brass | 8/0 |
,, ,,German Silver | 12/0 |
,, ,,German Silver, Hudson Patent | 6/9 |
,, ,,Nickel-plated | 5/0 |
Single,,,,Hudson’s | 1/9 |
,, ,,smaller size | 1/3 |
G N 147. WHISTLES. |
The “Thunderer” | 1/0 |
Metropolitan Police | 1/0 |
The “Acme” | 0/9 |
“Syren” Boat Whistle | 1/10 |
Whistle Chains | 0/5 |
No. 1.........2/9
No. 2 Wrought Steel ... 3/11
No. 3 Do., hardened...5/6
G N 155.
3/9 each.
G N 154.
Braided Cord on Cane. Limp, 2/6
Ditto, Longer, 2/11
Plain, 2/6; Illuminated, 5/9
Tins, 1/0, 1/6, 2/6, 4/6. Bottles, 0/6, 0/9
Tins, 1/6, 2/6. Bottles, 0/6, 0/9
Tins, 1/0, 1/6, 2/6. Bottles, 0/6, 0/9
Stephen Young’s small bot., 0/6; large bot., 0/10
ANTI-RUST. Per pot ... ... ... ... 0/8
V.M.C. ALKALINE CLEANSER, for Cleaning Rifle Barrels. Tin, 0/9
NEWARK’S PREPARATION for Cleaning Rifles. Bottle, 0/5
Specially recommended for cleaning polished surfaces, wood or metal, very useful in a gun-room, 0/6, 0/9, 1/0
“CLENVEET” RIBBON, for cleaning cordite from rifle barrels; can be cut to fit on cleaning rod jags for any calibre rifle.
1/3 per box
GUN TOW. Bundle, 0/6
THE NEW WATCH GAME SCORER, as illustration, nicely finished, price 7/6.
Do. flat shape for 4 kinds of game, 9/6
Do. 2 do. 5/0
| Partridges. | | Grouse. | | Pheasants. | Cardboard. |
No. 1. | 1½ | brace | ... | 1 | brace | ... | 1 | only | ... | doz. | 1/0 |
,,2. | 2½ | ,, | ... | 2 | ,, | ... | 1 | brace | ... | ,, | 1/3 |
,,3. | 3½ | ,, | ... | 3 | ,, | ... | 2 | ,, | ... | ,, | 1/11 |
For Snipe or Woodcock, 7½in. × 5in. × 3in., doz. 1/0 |
For killing instantaneously, cattle, horses, pigs, &c. Supplied to order.
In box, complete ... ... ... ... 36/0
Cartridges ... box of 20, 1/0; 100, 5/0
Thoroughly efficient.
To set with a copper wire. Takes the ordinary 12-bore brass or paper case. Can be loaded or unloaded in less than one minute, and with ease and certainty in the dark. When no alarm is required, they may be blocked at pleasure without removing or unloading. Price 9/6. Carriage extra.
Blank Cartridges for same, 6/0 per 100
For preventing bruising or cutting of fingers when firing the gun.
Ind. Rubber, with 1 pad, 0/4½, 2 do. 0/6, 3 do. 0/7
Leather, with 1 pad, 0/6, 2 do. 0/8, 3 do. 0/10
And new aid to align the gun combined. Each, 7/6
For guns or rifles. Best quality, 5/6
To order.
No. 1. Plain Set of Fittings, containing turnover machine, re-capper, extractor, turnscrew, powder and shot measure combined, cleaning rod with jag, brush and mop, barrel cleaner in pouch and rammer. Each 11/6
No. 2. Better quality set, containing turnover machine, re-capper, powder and shot measures, pocket cleaner in pouch, oil bottle, 2 turnscrews, cleaning rod and fittings, extractor and rammer. Each, 17/6
G N 136. Glenveet Patent Gun Cleaning Cloth.
Three Sizes: No. 1, 16in. by 16in. 0/6; No. 2, 22in. by 18in. 0/9;
No. 3, 24in. by 24in. 1/0. Useful in the Gun Room.
For 12 bore guns.
Set of 3 cleaners complete ... 6/3
Bristle, wire (brass or steel), and felt or indiarubber as required.
The above if sold separately—
Wire (Brass or Steel), each 2/6; Bristle, 2/3; Felt, 2/0
(To screw on cleaning rod.)
As recommended by Sir R. Payne-Gallwey, Bart. For removing rust or leading from the inside of gun barrels, 12, 16 and 20 bore, each 2/3
In Waterproof Canvas, 9½ by 7½in., with loops for ·303 Cartridges and Front Pocket. Price 6/9
A neat polished wood case, size 5 by 4in., ingeniously arranged, containing a small bottle of ·303 cleaner, 1 gross of flannelette discs, a pull-through, a brush for rod, and a cleaning plug.
Each ... ... ... ... 3/0.
Metal ... ... ... ... 2/0 2/6
Glass ... ... ... ... ... 1/9
For Powder ... ... ... each 0/10
For Shot ... ... ... ... ,,0/10
12 bore ... ... ... ... ... from each 4/0
20 and 16 bore ... ... ,,,,2/6
For correcting the exterior dimensions of loaded cartridges (paper cases), thereby preventing their sticking in gun chambers.
Each 1/4.
From ... ... ... ... ... each 4/0
Each ... ... ... ... ... ... 1/3
CLEANING RODS. G N 176. 12, 16 and 20 Bore. |
3-jointed Rod, as illustration; 3 fittings | 4/6 |
4 ,,,,best quality,4 ,, | 4/6 |
2nd quality, 3 fittings | 3/6 |
3rd,,3,, | 2/6 |
Bristle Brushes for above | 0/10 |
Jointed, best quality for Express rifles | 4/6 |
Brass, for small bore rifles, with either bristle or brass wire brush | 2/3 |
Brass, for large bore rifles, with brush | 3/6 |
Steel Rods for saloon guns | 0/10 |
,,,,air guns, with brush | 1/0 |
Spiral Bristle Brushes for above | 0/6 |
Brass or Steel Wire Brushes for above | 0/8 |
Bristle Breech Cleaners | from each 2/6 |
In pouch, to carry in the pocket, for ·256, ·276 and ·303 bores 1/4 |
For ·22 cal. rifles | 0/6, 1/4 |
12, 16 and 20 Bore | each 1/8 |
No. G N 175 | per pair 2/0 |
Steel Core Wood-covered Rods, with Revolving Ends for ·303 Rifles 3/0 |
,,,,,,for ·22 Cal. Rifles 2/6 and 2/9 |
Spiral Bristle Brush, 6d. Wire Brush, 8d. Wool Mop, 8d. |
The Pocket Case, 3 Cakes of Colour, and 3 Brushes, in box, complete, 8d. each. Dead Black, 6d. bottle. Chinese White, 6d. bottle.
No. G N 171. Clip, suits any cartridge, as illustration | /7 |
No. G N 172. Nickel-plated | 1/0 |
No. G N 173. Extractor, with hook, 12, 16 & 20 Bore, each | 0/9 |
No. G N 174. Nickel-plated | 1/0 |
No. G N 193
B.S.A. No. 8 Aperture Sight for Martini-action Rifles. Price 9/6
No. G N 194.
B.S.A. No. 19 Combination Foresight Bead and Ring. Price 4/0
4 2 3 5 8 1 7 6
For drawing positions for driven shooting. Match Box Shape (Silver), 22/6
Powder Flask Shape (Nickel), 12/6
Leather Purse Shape (as illustration), 5/6 each.
Match Box Shape Silver-plated, 7/6 ea.
Wooden Carved and painted ducks and Drakes, 6/6 each.
Wood Pigeons, Carved and Painted, 5/6 each. Plain and painted, 3/6, 4/6
Made of Calico, printed in natural colours.
Folds up like an umbrella. When open measures 5ft. from wing to wing. Used largely by sportsman to keep birds down. Price 3/6
For making birds lie when wild.
No. G N 112.
“Darts,” Best silk, in box complete ... 15/6
No. G N 113.
Darts, Cotton ... ... 10/0
No. G N 114. “Rogers,” Beat Silk, in Stick case 19/0
No. G N 115.,,Cotton in bag case... 9/0
for ·22 and ·303 Calibre Rifles.
Designed for use of Officers inspecting Rifles. Also for the use of Armourers, etc. By its use the slightest leading, dirt or rust marks may be detected.
2/3 each.
12, 16, 20 bore. 1/9, 2/6, 3/6. In Pouch.
For preserving the inside of barrels. 2/0 per pair.
Made of Finest Spring Steel covered with fine quality leather. Protects hand from heated barrels.
3/6 each.
No. G N 168. SNAP CAPS.
12, 16 and 20 Bore. 1/9 per pair.
No. G N 169. Glass Oil Bottle for Gun Cases. 2/0
No. G N 170. Metal ditto.........2/6
·303 and ·22 ... ... ... ... 4d.
No. G N 195. B.S.A.
No. 20a. Foresight Ring and Barleycorn or Knife Blade. Price 2/6
No. G N 196. B.S.A.
No. 20. Foresight for W.O. Rifle. Price 2/6
To order. Direct from works.
NOTE.—Run and Rabbit Traps are only sent carriage paid when the order for such goods alone and not including other articles amounts to £2 and upwards.
| Size of Jaw. | With Chains. Each. | With Chains. Per Doz. | Without Chains. Each. | Without Chains. Per Doz. |
No. | 21. | 4 | in. | 2/2 | 24/6 | 1/10 | 21/0 |
,, | 21. | 3 | ,, | 2/1 | 23/6 | 1/9 | 20/0 |
,, | 9. | 3 | ,, | 1/9 | 19/6 | 1/5 | 16/0 |
,, | 20. | 4 | ,, | 1/8 | 18/6 | 1/4 | 15/0 |
,, | 19. | 4 | ,, | 1/7 | 18/0 | 1/3 | 14/6 |
1st | quality | 3 | in. | 1/1 | 12/3 | 0/11 | 10/6 |
,, | ,, | 2½ | ,, | 1/0 | 11/3 | 0/10 | 9/6 |
2nd | ,, | 3 | ,, | 1/0 | 11/3 | 0/10 | 9/6 |
,, | ,, | 2½ | ,, | 0/10 | 9/3 | 0/8 | 7/6 |
“PLAIN RABBIT.” 4in. Jaw. |
No. 13. | 1/6 | 16/6 | 1/2 | 13/0 |
,, 12. 2nd quality | 1/4 | 15/0 | 1/0 | 11/6 |
,, 11. 3rd,, | 1/2 | 13/0 | 0/10 | 9/6 |
NOTE.—If no mention of chains is made on the order, traps with chains will always be sent. |
To Order. For catching otters, badgers, cats or any poaching animals.
These traps are made with a wood base and steel jaw. They are set automatically by simply drawing the jaw back over the trigger. The slightest touch on the trigger sets it off. 10/6 each.
For Big Game Shooters, Duck Shooting, Fishing on Scotch Lochs, Yachts, Dinghies, etc., these boats are admirably suited, the materials employed are the best, the canvas used is of a special make. Made specially for the manufacturers, this canvas is treated with a Flexible Preserving Paint, rendering it waterproof in any climate, and insect-proof. The ribs, etc., are of selected Canadian Elm. The boats are so constructed that they fold in their length, concertina fashion, which gives them a distinct advantage over those types of Folding Boats which always maintain their length, only reducing their width or depth. When packed these Boats stow in a Canvas Valise, the whole occupying but little more space than a Gladstone Bag, which permits it being carried as personal baggage. To make ready or collapse the boat is the work of a few moments, and when in use they are equally as rigid as a wood boat, being practically flat bottomed they draw but little water, and have great carrying power, and it is possible to stand and cast a line or shoot with perfect safety.
Complete with 1 pair Jointed Oars, 1 pair Rowlocks, and Waterproof Canvas Valise.
Carrying Capacity. | | £ s. d. | Measurements Packed | Approximate Weight. |
8ft. ... 2 | persons | ... | 7 5 0 | ... 40 × 20 × 9in. ... | 45 lb. |
9ft. ... 2 | ,, | ... | 9 0 0 | ... 40 × 20 × 10in. ... | 56 lb. |
10ft. ... 3 | ,, | ... | 10 0 0 | ... 40 × 22 × 12in. ... | 56 lb. |
12ft. ... 3 | ,, | ... | 12 0 0 | ... 42 × 22 × 15in. ... | 75 lb. |
(comfortably) | |
15ft. ... 4 | persons | ... | 13 10 0 | ... 42 × 22 × 18in. ... | 100 lb. |
Simplest and quickest to open and close. Lightness and strength. No loose parts. Struts are hinged in place and open with boat.
Crutches always on oars.
Approximate dimensions, etc. |
Length. | | Beam. | | Weight. | | £ s. d. |
7ft. | ... | 3ft. 6in. | ... | 110 lbs. | ... | 9 10 0 |
8ft. | ... | 3ft. 10in. | ... | 117 lbs. | ... | 10 10 0 |
9ft. | ... | 4ft. 3in. | ... | 125 lbs. | ... | 12 12 0 |
10ft. | ... | 4ft. 3in. | ... | 156 lbs. | ... | 14 14 0 |
12ft. | ... | 4ft. 10in. | ... | 192 lbs. | ... | 18 18 0 |
These Craft, which are specially adapted for Fishing or Shooting purposes, are supplied to order. Well made of Flax Canvas, hardwood timbers, Spruce Flooring and Seats, painted Green and Varnished. 5ft. × 3ft. × 1ft. Weight, about 25 lbs. Complete with paddle, 48/6
ACCORDIAN FLEXIBLE PAINT for Folding Boats. Can be supplied in Green, Brown, Black or Yellow. Guaranteed to waterproof all Canvas Gear, and equally serviceable in hot or cold climates. Per quart, 4/0; ½-gallon, 7/6; gallon, 14/0
Canvas Repair Outfit, consisting of Canvas, Twine, Needles, Awls, etc., in Bag, 1/6
Suitable for Sea, River, or Lake use. When folded only 4 inches wide. Double Skin on Specially Prepared Canvas. Air-tight Compartments. Very Fast and Light. For Adults or Children. Length, 10ft.; Beam, 2ft. 8in.; Weight only 56 lbs. Price, £10. Complete with Lazyback, Stretcher and Double Bladed Paddle. Extras—Mast and Sail, 30/0 Centre Board, 30/0 Apron, 7/6 Rudder, 10/0
This little craft is made of special Flax Canvas, preserved with Flexible Paint, the Iron Work is Galvanised, Copper fastened to woodwork. It is so light and portable that it can be taken as personal luggage. It can be packed or extended in one minute, there being only four parts. Length, 7ft.; Beam, 3ft. 3in.; Depth, 1ft.; Weight, 30 lbs. Dimensions when packed, 39in. × 12in. × 12in. Complete with pair of Sculls, Rowlocks, and Waterproof Valise, £4 10 0
Make perfect Fishing or Shooting Boats. Constructed with Double Skins of Special Canvas, covered with Flexible Waterproof Paint. Very Light and takes up little space when folded.
No. 1 Length, 7ft.; Breadth, Open, 3ft.; Weight, 56 lb., £8 Will carry comfortably Two persons.
No. 2 Length, 9ft.; Breadth, Open, 4ft.; Weight, 112 lb., £12 Will carry comfortably Three persons.
No. 1 Boat is complete with pair of Sculls, Galvanised Iron Crutches, and a Cork Cushion or Folding Stool.
No. 2 Boat is fitted with Three Seats, Sculls, Galvanised Iron Crutches. Extras—Cork Cushions or Stools, 7/6 each. Mast and Sail, 25/0 and 30/0
Folds up in one-fifth of their width.
| Length. | | Beam. | | Weight. (about) | |
No. | ft. | | ft. | in. | | cwt. | qrs. | lbs. | | £ s. d. |
1 For | 3 | persons | ... | 8 | ... | 3 | 6 | ... | 0 | 3 | 11 | ... | 10 10 0 |
2,, | 4 | ,, | ... | 9 | ... | 3 | 9 | ... | 1 | 1 | 0 | ... | 12 12 0 |
3,, | 5 | ,, | ... | 10 | ... | 4 | 2 | ... | 1 | 2 | 0 | ... | 14 14 0 |
4,, | 7 | ,, | ... | 12 | ... | 4 | 6 | ... | 2 | 0 | 0 | ... | 18 18 0 |
A pair of Sculls is included in the above prices. |
Extras—Mast and Sail, 30/0 and 35/0; Rudder, 10/0; Centre Board, 42/0 |
These boats will be found specially suitable for Expeditionary Parties, as they can be carried in two sections, and can thus be easily loaded on a pony or mule.
| Length. | | Beam. | | Weight (about). | |
No. | 1 | 9 | ft. | ... | 4 | ft. | 0 | in. | ... | l | cwt. | 1 | qr. | ... £14 |
,, | 2 | 12 | ,, | ... | 4 | ,, | 3 | ,, | ... | 1 | ,, | 3 | ,, | ... £21 |
No. 1 or No. 2 fitted with Tent, complete, £16 16s. and £24, respectively. |
Built in Canada and specially imported for Harrods Ltd.
Quality guaranteed. Complete with two paddles.
| 14ft. | 14½ ft. | 15ft. | 15½ ft. |
Basswood Canoes | £9 0 0 | £9 10 0 | £10 0 0 | £10 10 0 |
| 16ft. | 16½ ft. | 17ft. | 17½ ft. |
| £11 0 0 | £11 10 0 | £12 0 0 | £12 10 0 |
Large Painted Basswood Canoes. Length, 18ft., Beam, about 35in. Complete with 2 paddles, £10.
Canvas Covered Canoes, built with wide Cedar Ribs, spaced about 3in. apart. The Canvas covering keeps the Canoe watertight under all conditions of weather.
16ft. ... £14 17ft. ... £15 18ft. ... £16
For Wild Fowling.
10ft. by 3ft. 2in. beam, depth 14in., built to row either way, portable thwart and removable floor boards, 1 pair sculls, 1 pair rowlocks, deck each end, and built of whitewood and pine. £8 8 0
SKIFF-HEAD PUNT. Built by Salter Bros.
With one pair sculls, rowlocks, rudder and cushion.
Recommended for private waters. Having flat bottom is absolutely safe.
13ft. × 3ft. 6in. | Pitchpine, | £11 10 0 | Mahogany, | £13 0 0 |
15ft. × 3ft. 6in. | ,, | 12 10 0 | ,, | 14 0 0 |
18ft. × 3ft. 6in. | ,, | 13 10 0 | ,, | 15 0 0 |
20ft. × 3ft. 6in. | ,, | 14 10 0 | ,, | 16 0 0 |
ROWING DINGHY.—Built as lightly as possible consistent with strength, closely timbered and fastened. Complete, with one pair rowlocks, sculls, and painter.
Length. | | Beam. | | Depth. | | Weight about | Built of Spruce. |
7ft. | ... | 3ft. 8in. | ... | 1ft. 5in. | ... | 70 lbs. | ... £8 5 0 |
8ft. | ... | 3ft. 9in. | ... | 1ft. 5in. | ... | 90 lbs. | ... 8 15 0 |
8ft. 6in. | ... | 3ft. 9in. | ... | 1ft. 5in. | ... | 100 lbs. | ... 9 5 0 |
9ft. | ... | 3ft. 10in. | ... | 1ft. 6in. | ... | 1 cwt. | ... 9 15 0 |
10ft. | ... | 4ft. | ... | 1ft. 7in. | ... | 120 lbs. | ... 11 5 0 |
11ft. | ... | 4ft. | ... | 1ft. 7in. | ... | 1¼ cwt. | ... 12 5 0 |
12ft. | ... | 4ft. | ... | 1ft. 7in. | ... | 1½ cwt. | ... 14 0 0 |
PRAM DINGHIES built of pine, copper fastened, varnished. Complete with pair of oars, pair of galvanised rowlocks.
Length 9ft., Beam 4ft. £7 7 0
18ft. by 3ft. 6in., built of mahogany, oak timbers and keel, copper fastened, iron keel band, one pair of sculls, boathook, rowing mat, iron lounge back rail and cushion and rudder, £19 10 0
16ft. by 3ft. 6in., built of mahogany, oak timbers, stem, stern post, and keel, copper fastened, iron keel band, with two pairs of sculls, one boathook, two rowing mats, cushion, iron back-rail, and rudder, £19 0 0
Specially designed for children’s use. Very safe and strong; copper fastened. Length, 8ft., beam, 3ft. 4in. Complete with pair of sculls, rowlocks, cushion, varnished, gold lined inside and out.
Built in mahogany, £10 10 0 Built in pine, £9 9 0
Thames Pleasure Punts from £24.
Thames Skiffs from £19.
Full Particulars on application.
supplied to order. Particulars and prices on application.
of all descriptions
usually to be
had. Particulars
on application.
Built on the same lines as the Rowing Dinghies, but fitted with centre plates, mast, and balance lug sailing gear complete. |
Length. | Breadth. | Depth. | Weight about. | Sail area about. | Weight of centre plate about. | Built of Spruce |
9 ft. | 4ft. | 1ft. 6in. | 1½ cwt. | 40ft. | 15 lbs. | £13 15 0 |
10ft. | 4ft. 4in. | 1ft. 7in. | 1½ cwt. | 40ft. | 15 lbs. | 15 15 0 |
11ft. | 4ft. 4in. | 1ft. 7in. | 1¾ cwt. | 70ft. | 20 lbs. | 17 15 0 |
12ft. | 4ft. 5in. | 1ft. 8in. | 1¾ cwt. | 80ft. | 20 lbs. | 21 0 0 |
13ft. | 4ft. 5in. | 1ft. 8in. | 2 cwt. | 90ft. | 25 lbs. | 22 15 0 |
14ft. | 4ft. 6in. | 1ft. 8in. | 2 cwt. | 100ft. | 30 lbs. | 28 15 0 |
Complete Mast, Yard and Boom, best Spruce or Bamboo Yards, Spars varnished, Halyards and Sheets best yacht manilla. |
Area. Feet. | Sail, Calico. | Union Silk. |
40 | ... ... | 33/0 | ... ... | 36/6 |
50 | ... ... | 36/0 | ... ... | 38/6 |
60 | ... ... | 37/6 | ... ... | 41/6 |
70 | ... ... | 43/6 | ... ... | 47/6 |
80 | ... ... | 45/0 | ... ... | 50/0 |
Any class of Sails quoted for and sample of material submitted |
Free Carriage Terms do not apply to Boats.
Specially approved by the Board of Trade. Adopted by the Admiralty and Royal National Lifeboat Instn. Weight only 2 lbs. Very comfortable. Can be kept in pillow case, forming an excellent bolster. 5/0.
18in. ... 5/9 27in. ... 8/6
21in. ... 6/6*30in. ... 9/6
24in. ... 7/6* Board of Trade.
Ditto Stuffed Kapok and covered Pegamoid.
18in. 16/0; 20in. 18/0; 24in. 20/6;
28in. 25/0; 30in. 27/6.
The “Waterloo” Mop and Squeegee combined, complete with handle, 3/6 each.
Plain Mops, assorted colours, 1/9 and 2/0 each.
Covered with White or Green Canvas.
Oblong, | 12 × 8in. 3/3 | 12 × 10in. 3/9 |
| 14 × 10in. 4/6 | 16 × 12in. 5/6 |
Round, | 12in., | 13in., | 14in., | 16in. diameter |
| 3/6 | 4/0 | 4/9 | 5/6 |
Kapok, stuffed ditto, covered with Green Willesden Canvas and buttoned. |
15 × 12 × 3in. 5/9 |
LIFE BELTS. Board of Trade Regulation. Covered with white stout linen duck, 3/3
KAPOK Life Belts, 4/6
will prevent wearer from drowning. An indispensable garment for Yachtsmen and Aviators (for cross water flights). Covered with closely woven satin and inlaid with a floating substance, and can be worn under ordinary clothing. 25/0
White, with blue, brown, or maroon border, 1/9 each. Best quality, plain white, 2/11 each. 2nd ditto. 1/9 each.
(Patented and Patents Applied for. Reg. No. 396,893.)
With Patent Mouthpiece, made of Aluminium.
No. 00. | 7 ins. long, fitted with straps, will carry about 200ft. | 8/0 |
| 10 ins. ditto handle in place of straps | 11/0 |
No. 0. | 15 ins. ditto ditto will carry about 500ft. | 15/0 |
No. 1. | 18 ins. ditto ditto will carry about 750ft. | 18/0 |
No. 2. | 24 ins. ditto ditto will carry about 1000ft. | 22/0 |
No. 3. | 30 ins. ditto ditto will carry about 1600ft. | 26/0 |
12in., 8/0; 15in., 9/0; 18in., 10/0; 24in., 11/0
With Brass Nickel-plated Mouthpiece, Rim and Handle 15in. long, 6/0; 22in. long, 8/0; 30in. 9/6
Fitted with Cone Chimney, Galvanised Small Beacon,
7in. plain......10/0
Ditto 7in. dioptic ... 21/0
Size of Globe. | Japnd. | Galvanised. | Copper. |
5in. | ... | 3/3 | 4/0 | 6/3 |
6in. | ... | 3/6 | 4/2 | 6/9 |
7in. | ... | 4/3 | 4/10 | 7/6 |
8in. | ... | 4/4 | 5/3 | 9/0 |
9in. | ... | 6/0 | 7/0 | 10/6 |
| each. |
6½in. long, with handle, 1/0
Best Quality Yacht Varnish
16/0 per gallon.
Canvas Longitudinal | ... | 0/8 |
Oblong 6 × 4 | ... | 1/0 |
,,8 × 6 | ... | 1/3 |
Leather Circular | ... | 1/3 |
,,Longitudinal | ... | 1/3 |
Suitable for canoes, skiffs, small sailing boats, etc.
7in. 0/9; 9in. 1/6; 11in. 2/6
MOUTH FOG HORNS. Suitable for small Yachts.
18½in. long. Strong Japanned, 2/9. Ditto Brass, 4/6
With Wood Handle, 8in. diameter, 0/8
WOOD BOX COMPASSES. Brass Bowls, in strong dovetailed hardwood box.
Size of box | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Size of card | 3¾ | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 8/0 | 9/2 | 10/3 | 12/0 |
Plain Lenses.
Size of Lens. ins. | Size of Back. ins. | Japnd. | Galv. | Copper. |
4 × 3 | 5 × 4 | 14/0 | 17/0 | 28/0 |
5 × 3½ | 6¼ × 5 | 19/0 | 22/0 | 34/0 |
6 × 4¼ | 7¼ × 5¾ | 22/0 | 25/0 | 38/0 |
7 × 4½ | 7¾ × 6½ | 24/0 | 27/0 | 44/0 |
8 × 5 | 9 × 7½ | 27/0 | 30/0 | 51/0 |
| per pair. |
Size of Lens. ins. | Size of Back. ins. | Japnd. | Galv. | Copper. |
4 × 3½ | 5¼ × 4½ | 8/6 | 10/6 | 16/6 |
5½ × 4 | 6¼ × 5½ | 14/0 | 17/0 | 23/0 |
6 × 4¼ | 7¼ × 6¼ | 16/0 | 19/0 | 25/0 |
6½ × 4¾ | 7¾ × 6½ | 18/0 | 21/0 | 27/0 |
7 × 5¼ | 9 × 7½ | 21/0 | 23/0 | 30/0 |
| each. |
DINGHY COVERS. Made of Green Rot-proof Canvas. 7 ft, Dinghy, 14/0; 8ft. 16/0; 9ft. 18/0; 10ft. 20/0. Dinghy covers, Water-proofed with Accordian flexible paint, either in Brown or Green, same price.
RUDDER HANGINGS AND LINES. Galvanised, from 2/3 per set; Gunmetal, from 5/6 per set; White, Blue or Maroon Lines, 9d. per yard; Lines, complete with knobs, 6/0 per pair.
SIDE LAMP BRACKETS. Brass 4/0 per pair.
ROPES. Manilla yacht ropes, white, in coils. ¾ in. to 3in. circumference, 95/0 per cwt.;
Cut lengths, 1/0 per lb.
WHITE COTTON ROPE. Fully bleached, best quality— |
¾ in. | circum., | 2d. | yd. | 1 in. | circum., | 2½d. | yd. |
1¼in. | ,, | 3d. | ,, | 1½in. | ,, | 4d. | ,, |
1¾in. | ,, | 5d. | ,, | 2in. | ,, | 6½d. | ,, |
Solid polished gunmetal body and steel lugs, with gunmetal thimble (as illustrated).
No. B O 1380.
¼ in. | screw; | body | 3¾in. | long | ... ... ... | 6/9 | each. |
5/16 | ,, | ,, | 4 | ,, | ... ... ... | 8/0 | ,, |
? | ,, | ,, | 4? | ,, | ... ... ... | 9/0 | ,, |
½ | ,, | ,, | 5¼ | ,, | ... ... ... | 10/6 | ,, |
? | ,, | ,, | 6½ | ,, | ... ... ... | 11/6 | ,, |
Tightening Screws for Small Boats. |
No. 0, | 1/3; | 1, | 1/9; | 2, | 2/3; | 3, | 3/0; | 4. | 3/3 | Wrought Iron. |
| 2/6; | | 3/0; | | 3/6; | | 4/6; | | 6/0 | Gunmetal. |
V or Round Shape.
Galvanised, 1/6, 1/11 each.
Gunmetal, 3/6 each.
No. B O 1042. | 2 | 2¼ | 2½ | 3in. |
Galvanised ... | 1/3 | 1/6 | 1/9 | 2/0 |
Gunmetal ... | 5/6 | 6/0 | 7/6 | 12/0 |
Cheaper do ... | 3/6 | 4/0 | 5/0 | — |
per pair. |
Square Rowlocks, Gunmetal.
2¼in., 5/6; 2½in., 6/0; 2¾in., 7/0 per pair.
No. B O 1053. Locking Rowlocks,
Pengelley’s Patent.
2in., 9/6; 2¼in., 10/0; 2½in., 11/0 per pair.
Prices of all metal goods are subject to the fluctuations of the market.
Blocks. |
Solid Galvanised Malleable Iron Pulley Blocks, measured by length, exclusive of all Fittings. |
Size of Block, | | 1½ | 1¾ | 2 | 2¼ | 2½ | 3in. |
Dia. of Sheave, | | 7/8 | 7/8 | 1 | 1? | 1¼ | 1¾ |
No. 1. Single with Eye | } | 0/7½ | 0/9 | 0/10 | 1/0 | 1/3 | 1/9 |
No. 2. Do. do. and Becket |
No. 3. Double with Eye only | | 0/9 | 0/10 | 1/2 | 1/4 | 1/9 | 2/3 |
No. 4. Single with Eye and Tackle Hook | } | 0/11 | 1/0 | 1/2 | 1/6 | 1/9 | 2/3 |
No. 5. Do. do. with Becket |
No. 6. Double with Eye and Tackle Hook | | 1/3 | 1/4 | 1/6 | 1/9 | 2/3 | 2/9 |
Ash Yacht Blocks, with Galvanised Sheaves. |
Best Quality, Varnished. | Inch | 2 | 2½ | 3 | 3½ | 4 | 4½ |
No. 7. Single with Fast Hook | ... | 3/0 | 3/4 | 3/8 | 4/0 | 4/6 | 5/0 |
Do. with Swivel Hook | ... | 3/10 | 4/2 | 4/5 | 5/0 | 5/6 | 6/3 |
No. 8. Double with Fast Hook | ... | 4/9 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 6/6 | 7/6 | 8/0 |
No. 9. Single with Clip Hook | ... | 3/10 | 4/2 | 4/6 | 5/0 | 5/6 | 6/3 |
Double-Acting Bailer or Bilge Pumps.
For Launches, Motor and other Boats. An improved Brass Hand Pump for quickly and cleanly pumping bilge water out of any boat.
| 18 by 1in. | or | 20 by 1?in. |
With Rose at Bottom | 7/6 | | 12/6 |
With Nozzle to connect Suction Hose | 8/3 | | 13/6 |
With both Rose and Nozzle | 8/9 | | 16/0 |
Suction Hose per foot | 0/7 | | 1/2 |
Delivery do. do. | 0/5 | | 1/0 |
Half-Hooded Pulley Lead.
1¾ × ¾, 3/0
Martin’s Patent Stockless Anchors
6 lbs. | 10 lbs. | 14 lbs. | 21 lbs. | 28 lbs. |
8/6 | 14/6 | 18/6 | 26/6 | 31/0 |
Strong Sea Anchors.
Canvas with Hoop. 9/9 each.
Galvanised Ordinary Anchors.
6 lbs., 3/3, 10 lbs., 5/0, 14 lbs., 6/0, 21 lbs., 7/6, 28 lbs. 9/6. Larger sizes to order.
Steering Gear.
To Order.
Gunmetal Wheel, with Mahogany or Teak Handles and Drum, and Gunmetal Plate for fixing to Bulkhead.
Diam. of Wheel outside Spokes | 12in. | 12in. | 16in. |
No. of Spokes ... | 5 | 6 | 6 |
| 17/0 | 19/9 | 26/0 |
Best Drop-Forged Swivels.
Diam. of Bow | ¼ in. | ? in. | 7/16 in. | ½ in. |
| 1/2 | 1/6 | 1/8 | 1/10 |
Galvanised Mooring Buoys,
with riveted sides.
With Eye each end. |
12 × 9in. | 9/9 |
15 × 12in. | 12/6 |
Centre Rod and Swivel Rings. |
15 × 12in. | 25/0 | each. |
18 × 13in. | 29/6 | ,, |
21 × 14in. | 35/0 | ,, |
Improved Launch Telegraph.
To Order.
Polished Brass, consisting of 4-inch Single Opal Dial non-reply Transmitter without Pillar, and 6-inch Engraved Gong non-reply Engine Room Indicator with Pulleys, Rollers, Chain, Wire Connections, &c., for a lead of four angles. Complete as above, 81/6.
Halliard or Deck Lead Pulleys.
For Yachts or Launches. Double Upright. Sizes of Sheaves (Galvanised).
1¼ × 7/16 | 1½ × ½ | 1¾ × 9/16 |
1/9 | 2/6 | 3/0 |
Single Ditto. |
1/3 | 1/8 | 2/0 |
Galvanised in 15 fathom lengths only, with shackle and long link at either end.
3/16 in. | ... | 70/0 | per cwt. |
¼ in. | ... | 60/0 | ,, |
5/16 in. | ... | 50/0 | ,, |
? in. | ... | 45/0 | ,, |
Swivel Lead or Lazy Pulley (Gunmetal).
1½ × ¼ | 1¾ × 5/16 | 2 × ? |
4/0 | 4/9 | 5/0 |
Water Breakers. |
Gallons. | | Oak, Galvanised Iron Hoops. | | Oak, Brass Hoops. | | Teak, Galvanised Hoops. | | Teak, Brass Hoops. |
2 | ... | 7/6 | ... | 11/3 | ... | 10/6 | ... | 14/6 |
4 | ... | 8/0 | ... | 12/6 | ... | 12/0 | ... | 16/6 |
6 | ... | 8/6 | ... | 13/6 | ... | 12/6 | ... | 18/0 |
8 | ... | 9/0 | ... | 15/0 | ... | 14/0 | ... | 20/0 |
10 | ... | 9/6 | ... | 16/6 | ... | 15/0 | ... | 21/6 |
Double Action Semi-Rotary Wing Pumps.
To Order. | Iron Pump with Brass Valve. | All Brass Pump. |
No. 00. | ? in. | fitting | ... | 11/0 | ... | 21/9 |
No. 0. | ½ in. | ,, | ... | 11/9 | ... | 24/6 |
No. 1. | ¾ in. | ,, | ... | 13/3 | ... | 28/0 |
No. 2. | 1in. | ,, | ... | 15/8 | ... | 36/0 |
Unions and Hose can be supplied. Prices on application. |
The Simplex Weed Cutter (To order). With 5ft. Blades complete, £5, packed on rail; 6ft. and 7ft. blades, 8/0 per pair extra 3ft. 6in. Blades for Cutting Reeds and Rushes, 17/6 per pr. The Counterbalance (extra), £1.
The Dreadnought Aquatic Weed Cutter. The Blades are arranged in a multiple of planes, so that in whatever position the apparatus is at the bottom of the water there will always be a series of the blades in operation, 20/0.
Models of ALL leading Makes usually on Show. All these Machines are completed with a suitable Lamp and Bell, thoroughly overhauled and adjusted by experienced mechanics, and despatched. Carriage paid throughout the United Kingdom.
Grand ModÊle de Luxe, Dunlop or Palmer Tyres, Finished Chocolate Enamel, Lined Gold Leaf, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | £15 15 0 |
With 3-Speed Gear, £16 16 0 |
Tourist Model with Oil Bath Gear Case, 3-Speed Gear, Dunlop or Palmer Tyres, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | 10100 |
ModÈle de Luxe, Dunlop Tyres, Black Enamel, Lined Gold Leaf, Oil Bath, Gear Case, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | £11 15 0 |
With 3-Speed Gear, £12 15 0 |
Imperial Model, Dunlop or Palmer Tyres, Metal Gear Case, Enamel Green and Lined, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | 8150 |
The Royal, fitted with Oil Bath Gear Case, Finished in Black Enamel, usual plated parts, with Headlock, Tools, Inflator, Repair Outfit in Handle Bars.
Ladies’ or Gents’, £12 12 0
Golden Sunbeam, Ladies’ or Gents’, fitted Oil Bath Gear Case, Aluminium Rims, Enamelled Green, Lined Gold. £14 14 0
Two-Speed, 21/0 extra. Three-Speed, 42/0 extra.
Beeston Humber Models, fitted with Dunlop Tyres and 3-Speed Gear, Oil Bath Gear Case, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | £15 15 0 |
Standard Special Humber, Dunlop Tyres, fitted with 3-Speed Gear, Enamelled Green ... | 11 11 0 |
Standard Humber, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, complete. Gents’ ... | 7 10 0 |
Ladies’ ... | 7 15 0 |
Popular Humber, fitted with Warwick Tyres, Enamelled Black. Gents’ ... | 6 10 0 |
Ladies’ ... | 6 15 0 |
Royal Club Swift, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, Ladies or Gents, £8 17 6
Swift All Black Model, Dunlop Tyres, Aluminium Rims, Coaster Hub and Front Rim Brake, £8 17 6
Imperial Swift, fitted with Warwick Tyres. Ladies’ or Gents’, £6 17 6
Full Descriptive Catalogue of any make of Cycles sent Gratis on Application.
All Machines are complete with a suitable Lamp and Bell, thoroughly overhauled and adjusted by experienced mechanics, and despatched Carriage Paid throughout the United Kingdom.
Rudge-Whitworth |
The “Crescent,” Ladies’ or Gents’, complete | £6 1 6 |
The Standard do. do. | 6 15 0 |
The Special | 8 10 0 |
The Aero Special, as supplied to H.R.H. Prince of Wales | 10 8 0 |
Imperial Rover, complete with Dunlop Tyres, Ladies’ or Gents’ Model, with Oil Bath Gear Case ... | £14 0 0 |
Royal Rover, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, Ladies’ or Gents’ Model ... | 10 10 0 |
The Rover Model, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, Ladies’ or Gents’ Model ... | 8 10 0 |
Imperial, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, 3-Speed Gear, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | £10 10 0 |
Standard, fitted with Dunlop or Palmer Tyres ... Gents’ | 7 10 0 |
Ladies’ | 7 15 0 |
Royal, with 3-Speed Gear, Dunlop or Palmer Tyres (Ladies’ 5/- extra) ... | 8 10 0 |
“Riche” Duplex Girder, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, 3-Speed Gear, Oil Bath Gear Case, complete with Reflex Light and Aluminium Back Carrier, Ladies’ or Gents’ Model ... | £16 16 0 |
Duplex Girder, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, Ladies’ or Gents’ | 8 15 0 |
Special Green Royal Enfield, with Dunlop Tyres, Brooks’ Saddle ... | 7 12 8 |
Ladies’, with Metal Gear Case, 5/- extra |
Welded Tourist Premier, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, 3-Speed Gear, Oil Bath Gear Case, Enamelled Black, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | £10 10 0 |
Standard Premier, Dunlop Tyres, 3-Speed Gear, fitted with Metal Gear Case, Ladies’ or Gents’ Model ... | 8 15 0 |
Special Premier, fitted with Edinburgh Tyres, Enamelled Black Gents’ | 5 10 0 |
Ladies’ | 5 15 0 |
“ModÈle Superbe,” as illustration, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, 3-Speed Gear, Oil Bath Gear Case, Enamelled Dark Green Lined Gold, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | £15 15 0 |
Special Raleigh, with 3-Speed Gear and Dunlop Tyres, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | 1 11 0 |
Popular Raleigh, fitted with Warwick Tyres, Enamelled Black and Lined in Colours, Ladies’ or Gents’ ... | 6 17 6 |
Full Descriptive Catalogue of any make of Cycle sent Gratis on Application.
These Cycles are specially constructed to Harrods’ own specifications by one of the leading Makers, and are highly recommended for durability, ease of running, good appearance and excellent value.
Frame—22, 24 or 26in.
Rims—Westwood Nickel-Plated
Wheels—28 × 1½
Gear—Gents’, 74; Ladies’, 66
Free Wheel—Perry’s
Brakes—Roller Levers, front and rear rims
Saddle—Brooks’ B 18
Gear Case—Metal, with plated Disc to Ladies’ machine only
Finish—Enamel Black, with usual parts well plated
Each Machine is completed with suitable Nickel-plated Lamp, Bell, Pump Clips, Tools and Tool Bag.
Ladies’ or Gents’, £6 12 6
or can be supplied fitted with Sturmey-Archer 3-speed Gear, 20/0 extra.
Frame—22, 24 or 26in.
Rims—Westwood with Enamelled Centres.
Wheels—28 × 1½
Chain—Coventry, best quality.
Gear—Sturmey-Archer 3-speed
Brakes—Front and rear Rims, with concealed Levers
Saddle—Brooks’ B 302, with Plated Springs
Pedals—Divided Rubber
Gear Case—Detachable Oil Bath
Inflator—Celluloid with Spring Clips
Finish—Highly finished Black Enamel, Lined Gold. Usual bright parts heavily Plated
Ladies’ or Gents’ Models, £10 5 0
Made in four sizes—16in., 18in., 20in., and 22in. frames. The 16in. is usually suitable for Juveniles under six, 18in. from six to nine, the 20in. from nine to twelve years, and 22in. from twelve to fourteen years. They are fitted with Dunlop Tyres, Free Wheel, and Back and Front Roller Rim Brakes. Middlemore’s Saddle, and complete with a suitable Lamp and Bell, Pump and Pump Clips, Tool Bag, Tools, etc., etc. Guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction.
16, 18, or 20in. Frame (Boys’ or Girls’) | ... | ... | £4 15 0 |
22in. Frame (Boys’ or Girls’) | ... | ... | £5 0 0 |
,,,,,,with Sturmey Archer 3-Speed Gear | £6 0 0 |
The above Machines are complete with a suitable Lamp and Bell, thoroughly overhauled and adjusted by experienced mechanics, and despatched carriage paid throughout the United Kingdom.
Built with best selected butted steel tubing, B.S.A. Fittings throughout, Palmer or Dunlop Tyres, Brooks’ Saddle, B.S.A. special Oil Bath, Detachable Gear Case, enamelled with four coats of a rich shade of Green and lined out with 22ct. Leaf Gold, Ladies’ or Gents’ fitted with B.S.A. 3-Speed Hub and 2 Brakes. £13 13 0
Built with selected butted steel tubing, B.S.A. Fittings throughout, Dunlop or Palmer Tyres, Brooks’ Saddle, enamelled Black and lined Green.
| Gents’ | Ladies’ |
With Free Wheel and 2 B.S.A. Roller Lever Brakes | £8 15 0 | £9 0 0 |
,,,,B.S.A. 3-Speed Gear | £10 2 6 | £10 7 6 |
Elswick Universal, fitted with Warwick Tyres, Enamelled Green, Gents £7 12 6
Lady’s ditto with Metal Gear Case, £8 2 6
Elswick Popular, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, Enamelled Green, Gent’s £9 9 0
Lady’s ditto with Metal Gear Case, £10 10 0
Cantilever Standard, fitted with Dunlop Tyres, Pedersen 3-speed Gear, Weight from 26 lbs., according to size and fitments, Gent’s £11 17 6 Lady’s ditto., weight from 28 lbs., £12 3 6
Wired or Beaded Edge.
Outer Covers, 11/6 each.
Inner Tubes, 5/6 each.
Special Palmer Tyre. Wired or Beaded.
Outer Cover, 18/0
Inner Tube, 8/6
Outer Covers, Wired Edge, 8/0
,,,,Beaded ,, 8/6
Red Rubber Tubes, ... ... 6/0
Specially designed to take latest pattern Cycles. Made in Birch, 2/8 The Une Minute Cycle Pulley with Automatic Stop, 3/3. When ordering please state for Ladies’ or Gents’.
The simplest stand made, 2/4
For Lady’s or Gent’s Cycle. Lifts both wheels off ground, 5/0
Gent’s 4/0 Lady’s 4/3
Japanned. As used in Cloak Room, etc., 2/0 each.
Wired Edge.
Outer Covers, 11/6
Inner Tubes, 5/6
Special Roadster Tyres.
Outer Covers, 13/0
Inner Tubes, 7/6
Juvenile Covers, 7/9
Up to 26 × 1½ Inner Tubes, 4/0
Beaded Edge Covers, 0/3 extra.
Wired Edge.
Outer Covers, 9/0
Inner Tubes, 4/0
Warwick Juvenile Covers, 7/0
Warwick Juvenile Inner Tubes, 3/6
Beaded Edge Covers, 0/3 extra.
30in. Covers, 1/0 extra.
The following sizes of Tyres are usually in stock—
26 × 1½ 28 × 1? 28 × 1½ 28 × 1¾
Other sizes procured on short notice.
C Y 200. “King of Road” (as illustration) with Handle and Hood | 14/6 |
C Y 201. Smaller ditto, without Handle and Hood | ... | 13/6 |
C Y 1001. “Colonia King,” with Handle and Hood | ... | 14/6 |
C Y 1052. Ditto without ditto | ... | ... | 13/6 |
C Y 350. “Acetyphote” (with Hood) | ... | ... | 12/6 |
C Y 490. “Colonia” | ... | ... | 11/6 |
C Y 348. “Calcia King” | ... | ... | 10/6 |
C Y 491. “Lustra” | ... | ... | 7/6 |
C Y 252. “Radia” Ebony Black or Plated | ... | ... | 8/9 |
C Y 451. “Aceta Major” | ... | ... | 7/6 |
C Y 452. “Lucia” | ... | ... | 6/6 |
C Y 351. “Aceta” | ... | ... | 5/0 |
Postage 3d. |
LUCAS Ltd Silver King
C Y 204. “Holophote” | ... | 12/6 |
C Y 347. “The Silver King” (as illustration) | 10/0 |
Ditto, Ebony Black | 10/0 |
C Y 462. Ditto Black | ... | 8/6 |
C Y 205. “Toura” | ... | 6/0 |
C Y 464. “Club” | ... | 5/6 |
C Y 346. “Captain” | ... | 5/0 |
C Y 206. “Kinglet,” Plated | ... | 5/0 |
Ditto, Japanned | 4/0 |
C Y 465. “Leader,” Plated | ... | 3/9 |
C Y 208. “Courier,” Plated | ... | 3/9 |
Ditto, Japanned | 3/3 |
C Y 1003. “Pathfinder,” Plated | 3/0 |
Ditto, Japanned | 2/9 |
C Y 1004. “Lucent,” Plated | 2/3 |
Ditto, Japanned | 2/0 |
Postage 3d. |
Best Nickel Plated throughout, gives Powerful Light. These Lamps have many advantages over the Oil or Gas Lamps; they do not smoke or blow out, can be switched on from the saddle, easily kept clean and ready for use without trouble ... | 6/6 |
Black-plated ... | 7/6 |
Extra Batteries ... | 0/9 |
Larger Size with White Reflector | 8/6 |
Black plated | 9/6 |
Extra Batteries | 0/9 |
Holland Saddle Cover for Ladies’ use, saves saddle from marking skirt
0/9 | Rainproof Cycle Saddle Cover, lined Selvyt, for use when machine is standing | 2/6 |
Stanley Feast & Cº Ltd London.
The “Popular” with Repair Band, 0/9
The New Handy Repair Outfit, 0/4½
The Giant Repair Outfit, with Scissors, 0/8
Dunlop Midget Repair Outfit, 0/4½ each.
Contains: Best Tube of Rubber Solution, large piece of Patching Rubber, Prepared Canvas, Cut Patches, Roll of Sandpaper, Box of French Chalk, Valve Tubing, Pair of Scissors, and Instructions How to Repair Punctures. 1/8
County Chemico Repair Outfit, 0/9
Fitted to existing Cycles, 21/0
Eadie Coaster Hub ... 12/0 Fittings Extra
Do. Two-Speed Hub 15/0,,
B.S.A. Three-Speed Hub 23/6,,
Per Set of 3, Blue, 0/4½ Nickel, 0/9
The “Dale” Tyre Lever, Plated, 0/5½
Combined Tyre Lever and Cone Adjuster and Screw Driver, 0/6
the ONE MINUTE Tyre remover
weight 3 oz. length 4½in.
the set of 3 1/- blued 1/6 nickled
any tyre off or on in one minute without assistance
this hook catches the spoke
For Repairing Bursts, Cuts, etc.
0/3 size, 0/2½ 0/6 size, 0/5
“S.F.” Repairing Band.
0/3 size, 0/2½ 0/6 size, 0/5
“S.F.” New Repair Band for Beaded Edge Tyres.
0/3 size, 0/2½ 0/6 size, 0/5
“S.F.” Repair Bands, with Flaps.
0/4 and 0/6
B.S.A. Free Wheel ... 2/3
Hyde,, ,, ... 2/9
B.S.A. Rubber Pedals, pair 8/9
Do. Rat trap, 8/9 pair
The Bowden Popular Rear Rim Brake, 6/6
Crabbe Front Rim Brake, 3/6
B.S.A.,, ,, ,,7/6
Leather Covered Toe Clips. For Rat-trap Pedals, 0/10½ per pair. Brompton Leather-covered Toe Clips, for Rat-trap or Rubber Pedals, 0/9 per pair.
For converting Rat-trap Pedals into Rubber, 1/9 set of four.
Pedal Rubbers, Ladies’ or Gents’ 0/9, 1/3 set.
3/16-in. or ¼-in. wide. ½-in. or ?-in. pitch.
Popular, 2/9. Superb, 4/6 Eadie Best Chain, 3/4 B.S.A. ½-in. pitch Roller Chain, 4/6
“GRAPHOLINE,” 0/3½ Pace Maker, do., 0/6 per tube.
New Departure. Coaster Hub Lubricant, 0/4½ per tube.
Per Tube, 2½d. and 5d. ¼-lb. Tin, 7½d.
Cyclonier Puncture Remedy, 2/6
“S.F.” Winged plasters, for putting inside Covers, 4½d. and 6d.
Patching Rubber | 1/6 | per sq. ft. |
Valve Rubber | 0/3 | per foot. |
Prepared Canvas, 5in. wide | 0/5 | per yard. |
French Chalk | 0/4 | per lb. |
Valves | 0/5 | each. |
S.F. Valve Caps, impossible to loosen | 0/5 | per pair |
Valve Caps, with Chains | 0/2 | ,, |
“S.F.” Cut Patches. 0/3½ per box |
Dunlop Rubber Patches, 1 doz. in pkt., 0/3 |
PATCHO. For Filling in Cuts in Outer Covers, 0/4½ per tube. |
The “Sceptre” Cycle Cleaning Outfit
No. C Y 406. CYCLISTS’ CLEANING SETS, containing 5 useful articles packed in Wood Box, 1/0
No. C Y 407. Do., do., larger, containing 7 serviceable articles, packed in Wood Box, 2/3
No. C Y 408. Do., do., containing 14 useful articles, in divided Polished Wood Box, 5/9, as illustration.
Keep the hands clean, free from oil, and polish the machine,
1/3 pair.
SPOKE BRUSH, 11¾in., 0/9
TYRE SQUEEGEE AND BRUSH, with Bristle Brush, 1/7½
“Selvyt” inside, Canvas outside. Covers lamp, brake and bell, prevents tarnish and scratches. Price, 3/9 Very useful for travelling
For removing rust and polishing. Odourless and clean. 6d. and 9d. per tin.
The only effectual means of cleaning and polishing the Hubs and Spokes.
Size 21 × 3 inches, 0/5
A. 0/2 each, 1/6 doz.
B. 0/3 each, 2/6 doz.
22 × 12in. 0/10 per doz.;
22 × 15in. 1/0 per doz.
3d., 4½d., 6d., 8d.
Bri-ta THOR Metal Polish
Polishes without scratching or in any way damaging Silver, Electro-plate, Nickel, Brass, Copper,
4d., 6d., 1/0 per tin.
PATENT silico-enamel
1/0 size, 0/9
An invaluable preparation to prevent Rust on Cycles, etc., 6d. per tin.
HARRODS’ Cycle Oil,
Burning or Lubricating,
6d. size, 4½d. 1/0 size, 9d.
LUCAS’S Britenwite Oil, 4½d.
LUCAS’S King’s Own Oil. 4½d.
PRICE’S Oil. 4½d. and 9d.
Electrine Oil, 3½d. and 7d.
(Rainproof). Covers right over Cycle.
Strongly recommended, 10/6
21 × 5in. The Patent “Selvyt” Waterproof Cycle Wraps are light, strong, durable, easily attached and detached. Completely cover Frame, Forks and Mudguards. Do not prevent machine being ridden. 8 to 12 Wraps cover a Cycle. Price 0/10 each.
Bluemel’s Sideguards, Black Celluloid, made to attach to ordinary guards at side of Wheel. 4/0 per pair.
BLUEMEL’S WINTER MUDGUARDS. Black Celluloid, Extra Wide, Detachable, 7/3 per set.
For Cyclists, etc. Saves the wear of the Knickers. Far more comfortable and cleanly than Chamois Leather. Absorbs perspiration, never gets clammy. Simply tacked inside the fork of the Knickers, is easily removed. Washes good as new, 0/9
The Challenge, Black,4/9; Transparent, 6/3 Bluemel’s Rational Gear Case, Celluloid throughout, Black, 20/6; Transparent, 23/6 Leather Gear Case with Celluloid Panels, 5/6 and 6/6 When ordering Gear Cases please state length between Centre of Chain Wheel to Centre of Hub, Number of Teeth on Chain Wheel, and Shape and Size of Back Stays.
6d. size, 4½d.
1/0 size, with brush, 9d.
“Chez Lui” Enamel.
Green or Black, 5d. and 1/3 per tin.
Aluminium Paint, 6d.
S.F. Black Enamel, 6d. size, 4d. 1/0 do. 8d.
Weight 3½ oz. Transparent Celluloid with Black Leather Edging, 3/4. Made for 26 or 28in. wheels.
24 yard lengths, 0/6;
Superior ditto, 1/3
Cleans, lubricates and prevents rust.
1 oz. | Bottle | ... | 5½d. |
3 oz. | ,, | ... | 11½d. |
8 oz. | ,, | ... | 1/11 |
Bluemel’s Black Celluloid, 1/0
Ditto, extra wide, 1/4
Cooper’s Leatherette 0/6;
Bluemel’s Celluloid, 0/11
No. S W 1.
Absolutely rain and wind proof. Made with Strap-over Neck, as illustration. Very easily pulled over head and much stronger than the solid rubber neck. Double Texture Drab Cashmere, 45/0
All our mackintoshes are guaranteed absolutely waterproof.
The designs of the Motor Coats illustrated are recognised as being the most practical for the chauffeur.
When ordering, please give chest measurement over livery coat, also height of man.
No. S W 2.
Superior Quality Fawn, or Black Cashmere. Made with full skirt, high collar, inside wind cuffs to sleeves, and cross pockets, 39/6
No. S W 3. |
Superior Quality Black Cashmere with Velvet Collar, all sizes ... | 37/6 |
Ditto No. 2 Quality ... | 30/6 |
No. S W 5. |
Superior Quality glazed White proof Wigan Sheeting, all sizes ... | 36/6 |
No. S W 6. |
Ditto No. 2 Quality ... | 30/0 |
Stock Sizes to Fit Man
5ft. 4in.—48in. long, 42in. chest.
5ft. 6in.—50in. long, 44in. chest.
5ft. 8in.—52in. long, 46in. chest.
5ft. 10in.—54in. long, 48in. chest.
6ft.—56in. long, 50in. chest.
Size given for chest measure is reckoned to fit over livery coat.
No. S W 7. |
Made with extra wide Skirt. Superior Quality Black Cashmere with Velvet Collar, all sizes ... | 37/6 |
No. S W 8. |
No. 2 Ditto ... | 30/6 |
No. S W 9. |
Superior Quality glazed White proof Wigan Sheeting, all sizes ... | 36/6 |
No. S W 10. |
No. 2 Ditto, Twill Sheeting ditto ... | 30/0 |
Stock Sizes to fit Man
5ft. 4in.—40in. long, 42in. chest.
5ft. 6in.—40in. long, 44in. chest.
5ft. 8in.—44in. long, 46in. chest.
5ft. 10in.—46in. long, 48in. chest.
6ft.—48in. long, 50in. chest.
Size given for chest measure is reckoned to fit over livery coat.
No. S W 7A. The “Freer” Apron. The Ideal Apron for Motor Drivers in Black Waterproof Cloth, lined President, shaped to give freedom in steering and free access to pedals.
Prices, 35/6 and 42/0
Superior Black glazed proof, lined Fancy Woollen or Plain Cloth, bound Enamel Leather, fitted with disc and strap, 72 × 50 ... | 37/6 |
Ditto, ditto, faced up inside with Rubber, 12in. deep ... | 42/0 |
Superior Black glazed proof lined Fancy Woollen or Plain Cloth, bound Enamel Leather, 60 × 50 ... | 32/0 |
Ditto, ditto, faced up inside with Rubber, 12in. deep ... | 36/6 |
Black or White glazed proof Rubber, lined Blue or Green Cloth, bound Leather, 72 × 50, fitted with leather disc and strap ... | 24/0 |
Ditto, ditto, faced up inside with Rubber, 12in. deep ... | 28/0 |
Black or White glazed proof, Rubber, lined Blue or Green Cloth, bound Leather, 60 × 50 ... | 21/0 |
Ditto, ditto, faced up inside with Rubber, 12in. deep ... | 24/0 |
Black or White Proof, lined Check, bound Leather, 33 × 24 ... | 6/6 |
Best Quality Blue Cloth, interlined Rubber, lined Check, 33 × 24 | 10/6 |
Second Quality, ditto ... | 7/9 |
A Variety of Plain, Refine and Box Cloth Perambulator Aprons in Stock ... | from 7/6 to 17/6 |
Best quality Melton Cloth, waterproofed, in drab, blue or green, lined superior quality mohair, as illustration, size 72 × 50in.
51/6 | Do. do. size 60 × 50in. ... | 42/6 |
Do. do. lined grey “Chinchilla” pattern mohair, size 72 × 50in. ... | 45/6 |
Do. do. size 60 × 50in. ... | 37/6 |
Melton Cloth, waterproofed, in blue or green, lined plain mohair, size 72 × 50in. | 32/6 |
Do. do. size 60 × 50in. ... | 26/6 |
for protecting luggage on motor cars, best quality Black rubber proof, fitted with brass eyelets to take straps or cord.
6ft. × 5ft. | ... ... | ... ... | Price | 18/6 |
7ft. × 6ft. | ... ... | ... ... | ,, | 23/6 |
9ft. × 6ft. | ... ... | ... ... | ,, | 27/0 |
10ft. × 8ft. | ... ... | ... ... | ,, | 29/6 |
Also supplied in Double Texture Brown Waterproof Wigan. |
6ft. × 5 ft | ... ... | ... ... | Price | 16/0 |
7ft. × 6 ft | ... ... | ... ... | ,, | 21/0 |
9ft. × 6 ft | ... ... | ... ... | ,, | 22/6 |
10ft. × 8 ft | ... ... | ... ... | ,, | 24/6 |
Set of 8 Leather Straps, suitable for fastening cover to car, 4/0 |
Solid Ivory ... ... ... ... ... | each | 4/6 |
Do. Brass or Nickel ... ... ... | each | 1/0 |
Do. do. do. Covered Leather | ,, | 1/6 |
Apron Straps... ... ... ... ... | ,, | 0/9 |
Best quality Melton Cloth, blue, green or drab, waterproofed, lined woollen, fitted disc and strap, size 72 × 50in. ... | 39/6 |
Do. do. size 60 × 50in. ... | 32/6 |
Melton Cloth, blue or green, waterproofed, lined woollen, size 72 × 50in. with disc and strap ... | 28/0 |
Do. do. size 60 × 50in. ... | 22/6 |
When ordering: please state height and chest measurement.
The “Beresford” Waterproof Coat. Best Fawn Cashmere, with storm fly, preventing any rain from penetrating, very full skirt, inside wind cuffs in sleeves, as illustration, 45/0
The Pedestrian Coat.
Single Texture Drab Cashmere, light in weight, full skirt, double stitched seams, most suitable for walking. 52/6
The Boys’ “Chesterfield” Waterproof Coat, in Fawn Paramatta or Grey Tweed, with side pockets, as illustration. Suitable for boys from 6 to 12 years. Price, 13/6
Boys’ or Girls’ Capes, with Hood. Light weight, single texture Drab Cashmere. Suitable for children 5 to 10 years. Price, 10/6
The “Sportsman” Waterproof Coat. Fawn or Drab Cashmere, Talma sleeves, cross pockets to open through, inside wind cuffs, 35/0 Ditto as above in superfine quality, heavy weight cashmere, 55/0
The Boys’ “Sportsman” Waterproof Coat, in Fawn Paramatta, Talma sleeves, full skirt and cross pockets, as illustration. Suitable for boys from 6 to 12 years. Price 15/6
The “Oxford” Waterproof Coat. Special value. Drab Paramatta, lined check Talma sleeves, cross pockets, improved button-over wrist-band, 21/0
Lady’s Waterproof Riding Coat. Made in Double Texture Twills, storm cuffs, high collar, &c., as Illustration.
Price 45/0
When Ordering please give Chest Measure and Height.
The M.F.H. Coat. Guaranteed absolutely Waterproof, with Storm Cuffs, Saddle Flap, Extension Strap and Riding Straps, in double texture Twills and Muslin. Length 46in., 48in., 35/0. Length 50in., 52in., 38/6
The Huntsman’s Coat. Made in strong Fawn Twill, Strap Cuffs, Leg Loops, &c. Specially recommended for hunt servants. Price, 32/6
The “Original Quorn” Coat. Superior quality Drab Cashmere, velvet or self collar, inside wind cuffs faced up velvet, long back centre vent with V piece, Saddle Flap and Leg Straps, 80/0
Waterproof Shooting Capes supplied in Fawn Canton Cloth. 36in. long, 25/6
Ditto in Double Texture Mul, 22/6
Gentleman’s Fishing Jacket
Fawn Canton Cloth. Stock sizes.
Length | 34in. × 44in. | Chest. |
,, | 36in. × 46in. | ,, |
,, | 38in. × 48in. | ,, |
Price 45/0 |
Waterproof Overalls for boat fishing, per pair,
12/0 Waterproof Hat, as illustration,
6/6 For Fishing Waders, etc., see
Sports Department.
Waterproof Golfing Capes
supplied in Fawn and Grey Tweeds,
36in. long, 25/0; 48in. long, 30/6
Waterproof Hunting Apron
(As illustrated)
Fawn Canton Cloth. Price, 12/0
The “Transvaal” Cape. Fawn Canton Cloth with crossed Shoulder Straps. Belt and Leg Straps sizes 45in. and 48in. long. Price 35/0
When ordering, please state height and chest measurement.
Comprising Jacket, Overalls, and Sou’Wester, suitable for yacht’s crew. Per suit complete (as illustration), 12/3
With Storm Fly, 39/6. PILOT ’WESTER, each 3/0
Black or Yellow, 48 to 56in. long (as illustration), 19/0
LONG TROUSERS to match, 7/6
SHORT JACKET, 33in. long, 14/9
OVERALLS per pair, 3/9 PILOT ’WESTER, each 3/0
Sizes 50, 52, 54, 56, 58in. Cavalry shape, any length, as above, 38/0; Infantry, 36/0
The New-Regulation Cloak, with sleeves and detachable Cape (procured to order), 63/0
Stock sizes from 50in. to 56 in. long, 37/6.
Capes only, 33in., 36in., 59in., 25/0
Double Texture Fawn Canton Cloth, thoroughly Waterproof, full skirt, divided at back for riding with saddle flap and leg straps. 46/0
Illustration showing
The “Beresford” Motor Cycle Suit.
comprising superior quality Fawn Cashmere Jacket with fly front, as illustration, and Overalls with Gusset and Clasps.
Price per suit, 42/6
Jacket only, 28/6
Overalls only, 14/0
Ditto, in Green Canton, Light Weight.
Per suit, 38/6
Jacket only, 25/0
Overalls only, 13/6
Ditto, in Fawn Paramatta.
Per suit, 30/0
Jacket only, 20/6
Overalls only, 9/6
Illustration showing the new pattern Seatless Trousers.
comprising superior quality Fawn Cashmere Double-breasted Jacket, fitted with Storm Cuffs, as illustration, and the new pattern Seatless Trousers (strongly recommended).
Price per suit, 42/6
Jacket only, 24/6
New pattern Seatless Trousers, 18/0
Ditto, in Green Canton, Light Weight.
Per suit,
38/6 Jacket only,
21/0 Seatless Trousers only,
17/6 Ditto, in Fawn Paramatta.
Per suit,
30/0 Jacket only,
16/6 Seatless Trousers only,
13/6 Ditto, in Silver Grey Oilskin.
Per suit, 21/0
Jacket only, 13/6
Seatless Trousers only, 7/6
Illustration showing the “Double Breasted” Motor Cycle Suit.
Black Oil Cape, for Servants and Gardeners. |
Half-lined Serge, 30in. | 8/0 | each |
Ditto, in Stout Black Glazed Proof, 36in. | 13/6 | ,, |
Thinner quality, for walking | 8/3 | ,, |
Overalls, Stout Black Rubber | 7/9 | pair |
Fawn or Black Cashmere | 9/6 | ,, |
Thin Black Proof, length 33in., 4/3; 36in., 4/9; 39in. 5/9
Ditto in Grey or Fawn Tweed, length 33in., 5/9; 36in., 6/3; 39in., 6/11
Cycle Leggings. Thin Black Proof, 3/3; Fawn or Grey Tweed, 4/6
Cycle Caps. Thin Black Proof, 1/2; Fawn or Grey Tweed, 1/9
BEST ENGLISH MAKE. Every bottle guaranteed, and will be replaced if faulty.
Safety filling.
Size 10 × 6in. 3/9
,,12 × 6in. 4/3
Safety filling.
Size 10 × 8in. 4/3
,,12 × 8in. 4/10
,, 14 × 8in. 5/6
Safety filling.
Size 12 × 10in. 5/6
,,14 × 10in. 6/9
,,16 × 10in. 7/9
,,16 × 12in. 8/9
Ordinary pattern.
Size 12 × 10in. 5/6
,,14 × 10in. 6/9
,,16 × 10in. 7/9
,,16 × 12in. 8/9
Ordinary pattern.
Size 10 × 8in. 4/3
,,12 × 8in. 4/10
,,14 × 8in. 5/6
Ordinary pattern.
Size 10 × 6in. 3/9
,,12 × 6in. 4/3
We usually send Safety Filling Pattern up to size 12 × 8in., and Ordinary Pattern over this size, unless otherwise ordered.
Water Squab for hot or cold water, size 36in. × 32in. 58/9
Water Bed for hot or cold water, size 72in. × 36in. £6 17 6
Hot Water Bottle Covers.
Soft Pyrenees wool, supplied in red, grey & white, also in selvyt. All sizes up to 14 × 8in. 0/11 each, over 14 × 8in.1/ 1 each.
The New Rubber Hot Water Bottle Foot Cosy.
Specially recommended to sufferers of cold feet. The feet being placed between the two bottles they are warm and cosy all over. Price 18/6
Circular Water Pillow.
Size, extreme width across centre.
15in., 9/6; 16in., 11/0;
17in., 12/0; 18in., 13/0;
19in., 14/0; 20in., 15/9
Water Neck Pillow.
Stock sizes.
16 × 23in. ... ... 13/0
16 × 25in. ... ... 14/0
18 × 25in. ... ... 14/9
Waterproof Check, 2/3 each.
Ditto, Solid Rubber, 2/0 3/0 and 3/6 each
India-Rubber Muff Warmer, 3/ 0
Do., covered blue or red plush, 3/11
Water Pillow.
Stock sizes.
18 × 15 18 × 18 18 × 20
10/0 13/0 14/9
18 × 24 18 × 26 18 × 28
16/6 18/6 20/6
For Neuralgia, Toothache, etc.
Price 4/0 each.
For Diphtheria, Laryngitis, etc.
Price 6/0
For Earache, Deafness, etc.
Price 2/6 each.
For Bronchitis and all Pulmonary affections.
Price 7/0 each.
For Appendicitis, Dyspepsia, etc.
Specially recommended for Ladies.
Price 7/6 each.
For the Kidneys and all Affections of the Lumbar Regions.
Price 10/3 each.
Covered drab cotton. Size, extreme width across centre
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20in. |
5/9 | 6/0 | 6/6 | 7/0 | 7/6 | 8/0 |
Covered drab cotton. |
18 × 13in., 4/6; | 18 × 15in., 5/3 |
18 × 18in., 6/0; | 18 × 22in., 7/6 |
18 × 24in., 8/0; | 18 × 26in., 8/9 |
18 × 28in., 9/6 |
Do., covered blue or green silk, |
14 × 10in., 5/9; | 15 × 12in., 6/6 |
18 × 13in., 7/6; | 18 × 15in., 8/6 |
Covered drab cotton.
Size, 16 × 23in. ... 8/9
,, 16 × 25 ,, ... 9/0
Size, extreme width across centre.
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20in. |
10/3 | 11/0 | 11/6 | 12/0 | 15/9 | 17/0 |
Size 72 × 36in., 74/9; 84 × 30in., 78/9; 88 × 36in., 82/6
Size 36 × 30in., 29/6; 48 × 36in., 45/6; 72 × 36in., 61/6
Bellows to inflate beds and mattress, each 8/6
Covered drab cotton.
16 × 12in. ... ... 5/6
16 × 14 ,, ... ... 6/0
16 × 16 ,, ... ... 6/9
18 × 15 ,, ... ... 6/9
18 × 18 ,, ... ... 7/3
19 × 19 ,, ... ... 8/0
20 × 20 ,, ... ... 8/9
seat and back pillow combined, as illustration. Sizes,
seat 16 × 14in., back 16 × 16in., each 18/0
seat 16 × 16in., back 18 × 22in., each 22/6
Size, extreme width across centre.
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20in. |
6/0 | 6/8 | 6/9 | 7/0 | 7/6 | 8/6 |
Reeded, covered drab cotton.
16 × 12in., 5/6; 16 × 16in., 6/6;
18 × 15in., 7/0; 18 × 22in., 8/0;
18 × 24in., 8/9
Covered blue or green cloth.
16in. × 16in. 18/9; 18 × 18in., 21/6
Suitable for Fishing Picnics, etc.
Size 12 × 9, 1/3; 14 × 10, 1/6; 16 × 12, 1/9
RUC SAC. Superior quality, lined waterproof. Two large inside pockets with flap, two pockets outside, wide shoulder straps. Size, 24in. wide, 9in. deep, 6/6; Ditto, size, 20 × 20in., not lined waterproof 5/9.
RUC SAC. Specially suitable for tourists and mountaineering, being very light in weight. Made in dark tweed colour, with one pocket outside.
Size 18 × 19in., 3/6
,,19 × 20in., 3/10
Ditto, with two pockets, as illustration,
size, 21 × 18½in., 4/6.
Sling attached with spring hooks, as illustration, 3/0.
The “Simplex” Coat Sling, 1/4
with web sling. 4/6, 5/6, 6/6
India-Rubber Bucket.
Price 8/0
India-Rubber Basin.
Collapsible, with iron ring at top.
Price 8/0
For Carriages, Halls, Doorways, etc.
26 × 18in., | ? | in. thick | ... | 6/9 |
24 × 24 ,, | ? | ,, | ... | 8/3 |
27 × 21 ,, | ? | ,, | ... | 8/3 |
30 × 20 ,, | ? | ,, | ... | 9/0 |
30 × 24 ,, | ? | ,, | ... | 10/6 |
36 × 24 ,, | ½ | ,, | ... | 16/3 |
36 × 26 ,, | ½ | ,, | ... | 18/0 |
Special Mats, per lb. 1/6
Lettering extra.
with strap to fasten below knee. Fawn canton, per pair, 9/6
in green tweeds to reach to knees, 10/0.
Ditto to reach to boots, 12/0
Improved shape, self-fitting, large size, 2/0
Ditto, double texture, drab twill, 4/3
Small. Medium. Large.
1/3 1/6 1/9
Ditto, Shepherd’s Check Twill
Ditto, double texture Drab Twill
Small. Medium. Large.
3/0 3/6 3/9
Large size white proof
Laundry Apron, 3/6 each.
case included
with bath.
(including case).
| Ditto, superior quality, |
No. 1, 27in. across top | 13/9 | No. 1, 27in. across top | 16/0 |
No. 2, 30in. ... | 14/9 | No. 2, 30in. ... | 18/0 |
No. 3, 33in. ... | 15/9 | No. 3, 34in. ... | 21/0 |
No. 4, 36in. ... | 17/6 | No. 4, 38in. ... | 25/0 |
Size | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 8/6 | 6/6 | 5/6 | 4/6 | 3/6 |
Oblong, best quality. |
Size | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| 3/6 | 2/6 | 1/9 | 1/5 | 1/0 |
For tooth and nail brush, each 0/3
Waterproof Check, 2/3 each.
For cabin use.
Size 18 × 12in. 24 × 12in.
2/0 3/6
Ditto, in best Red Cashmere.
Size 18 × 12in. 24 × 12in.
2/9 4/6
Superior quality Waterproof Sheeting, as used in Hospitals, guaranteed absolutely reliable and to stand the undermentioned test:—
In Boiling Water | 5 | mins. |
,,Turpentine | 30 | ,, |
,,Strong Ammonia | 30 | ,, |
,,Boiling Soap and Water | 10 | ,, |
36in. wide | peryard | 4/0 |
Good quality sheeting, glazed both sides, 36in. wide | ,, | 2/6 |
Ditto, single texture, glazed one side, 36in. wide | ,, | 1/9 |
Double texture drab twill sheeting, 36in. wide | ,, | 3/0 |
Ditto do., 60in. wide ... | ,, | 4/9 |
Black to black and white check sheeting, double texture, suitable for bag covers, 60in. wide, | ,, | 5/9 |
Jaconet, white, 42in. wide, | ,, | 1/10 |
,,Pink, 42in. wide | ,, | 1/10 |
Waterproof Oiled Cloth, for packing parcels, 44in. wide, | ,, | 6d. |
Waterproof Brown Paper, with cotton back, 45in. wide, | ,, | 2½d. |
Drab Proof Sheeting.
27 × 15in. | 30 × 20in. | 36 × 30in. | 36 × 48in. | 60 × 48in. |
0/9½ | 1/0 | 1/7 | 2/6 | 4/3 |
White Heavy Wigan. |
27 × 15in. | 30 × 20in. | 36 × 30in. | 36 × 48in. | 60 × 48in. |
1/6 | 2/0 | 3/0 | 3/8 | 7/3 |
Double Texture Cambric. |
27 × 15in. | 30 × 20in. | 36 × 30in. | 36 × 48in. | 60 × 48in. |
1/8 | 2/2 | 3/0 | 3/9 | 7/9 |
“The Pinnacle” Patent.
Oblong. 1/0 each.
“The Pinnacle” Patent.
Round or oval, 1/0 each.
Best quality white waterproof sheeting supported on wooden frame which is quite rigid when open, and folds flat when closed.
Fitted with vulcanite top at one end to allow water to be run off Price, 21/0
Bound leather, to take bath when travelling, Price, 17/6
Waterproof Shepherd’s Check Twill Sponge Bag, best quality, top edged satin ribbon, various colours,
No. | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Size | 9 × 8in. | 10 × 9in. | 11 × 10in. |
| 0/6½ | 0/8 | 0/9 |
No. | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Size | 12 × 11in. | 12 × 13in. | 13 × 14in. |
| 0/10½ | 1/0 | 1/2 |
“The Climax,” rubber both sides. |
No. | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Size | 9 × 8in. | 10 × 9in. | 11 × 10in. |
| 0/9½ | 1/1 | 1/4 |
No. | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Size | 12 × 11in. | 12 × 13in. | 13 × 14in. |
| 1/6 | 1/9 | 2/0 |
Waterproof Shepherd’s Check Twill Sponge Wrap, best quality, with pocket in corner, as illustration.
Size— |
18 × 18in. | 20 × 20in. | 22 × 22in. | 24 × 24in. |
1/3 | 1/6 | 1/9 | 2/0 |
Ditto, as above, plain, without pocket. |
Size— |
18 × 18in. | 20 × 20in. | 22 × 22in. | 24 × 24in. |
1/1 | 1/3 | 1/6 | 1/9 |
“The Climax,” rubber both sides, with pocket in corner, as illustration. |
Size— |
18 × 18in. | 20 × 20in. | 22 × 22in. | 24 × 24in. |
2/0 | 2/3 | 2/9 | 3/3 |
Ditto, as above, plain, without pocket. |
Size— |
18 × 18in. | 20 × 20in. | 22 × 22in. | 24 × 24in. |
1/6 | 2/0 | 2/3 | 2/9 |
(Red Rubber.)
Diameter | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8in. |
Price each | 0/11 | 1/1 | 1/3 | 1/6 | 1/9 |
Diameter | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12in. |
Price each 2/3 | 2/6 | 2/9 | 3/6 |
Solid White Rubber, for placing under Toilet Basins, etc.
Inside diam. | 2½ | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5½ | 6 | 6½in. |
Outside diam. | 5½ | 6 | 7 | 8 | 8½ | 9 | 9½in. |
Price each | 0/4 | 0/7½ | 0/9 | 1/0 | 1/1 | 1/3 | 1/6 |
Solid Red Rubber.
Size for 3/8 or ½ in. tap 4½d.
,,5/8 or ? in.,,6d.
When ordering please state outside diameter of tap.
Price 1d. each.
Solid Red Rubber. Each, 1/6
Solid Red Rubber. Each, 1/4
Size 15ft. by 9ft. Black Proof, lined check, 20/0.
Double texture drab, drab twill cambric, same both sides, 40/0
Drab twill cambric, lined check, 43/6 Green twill, lined check, 46/6
Best Quality Black Oil Covers, any size made to order | 2/0 | sq. yard. |
Second do. do. | 1/10 | ,, |
No. 1, Chemically proofed Flax, natural or green colour | 2/3 | ,, |
No. 2 do. do. | 2/0 | ,, |
No. 3 do. do. | 1/10 | ,, |
| No. 1 Flax. | No. 2 Flax |
For | 10 | Loads | ... | 8 × 6 | yards | ... | 96/0 | 84/0 |
,, | 15 | ,, | ... | 8 × 8 | ,, | ... | 130/0 | 112/0 |
,, | 20 | ,, | ... | 10 × 8 | ,, | ... | 160/0 | 140/0 |
,, | 30 | ,, | ... | 10 × 10 | ,, | ... | 200/0 | 175/0 |
,, | 40 | ,, | ... | 12 × 10 | ,, | ... | 240/0 | 210/0 |
,, | 50 | ,, | ... | 12 × 12 | ,, | ... | 288/0 | 254/0 |
DOG BALLS. Solid Rubber.
Diameter | 1? | 1? | 1?in. |
Price | 0/10 | 1/0 | 1/3 |
Diameter | 1? | 2? | 2?in. |
Price | 1/9 | 2/6 | 3/6 |
Solid Rubber.
Outside diameter, 2¼in,1/0; 2½,1/3; 2¾,1/6; 3,1/9; 3¼,2/0; 3½,2/3; 3¾,2/6 each.
Size No. | Age of Child. | Price. |
2 ... | 2 | years | ... | 1/3 |
3 ... | 3 | ,, | ... | 1/4 |
4 ... | 5 | ,, | ... | 1/6 |
5 ... | 7 | ,, | ... | 1/8 |
6 ... | 9 | ,, | ... | 2/0 |
Per pair ... ... ... ... 0/9½
Superior Quality Black Rubber. |
Size. | | Price. |
3in. × 2 in. | ... ... | 3/9 |
3in. × 2½in. | ... ... | 4/6 |
4in. × 2 in. | ... ... | 5/0 |
4in. × 3 in. | ... ... | 7/6 |
CRUTCH ENDS. India-Rubber |
Inside | diameter | 1? | in., | price | 0/6 |
,, | ,, | 1 | ,, | ,, | 0/6 |
,, | ,, | ¾ | ,, | ,, | 0/5 |
,, | ,, | 11/16 | ,, | ,, | 0/4 |
,, | ,, | ? | ,, | ,, | 0/4 |
,, | ,, | ½ | ,, | ,, | 0/3 |
STICK ENDS. India Rubber. |
Inside | diameter | ¾ in., | price | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | 11/16 | ,, | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | ? | ,, | 1/0 |
,, | ,, | 9/16 | ,, | 0/9 |
,, | ,, | ½ | ,, | 0/9 |
,, | ,, | 7/16 | ,, | 0/9 |
,, | ,, | ? | ,, | 0/9 |
Size 14in. × 10in. 10/0
Size 14in. × 10in. 10/0
Solid Rubber, black or white. Per pair, 3/0
Black Rubber, lined Stockingette, extra strong, per pair, 7/0 Superior quality, Solid Grey Rubber, acid proof, pair 9/6
With bib, as illustration.
Size No. | | Age of Child. | Price. |
2 | ... | 2 | years | ... | 1/6 |
3 | ... | 3 | ,, | ... | 1/7 |
4 | ... | 5 | ,, | ... | 1/9 |
5 | ... | 7 | ,, | ... | 2/0 |
6 | ... | 9 | ,, | ... | 2/6 |
Solid Rubber ... 2/3 each.
Check Twill ... ... each 1/0
Red Twill ... ... ,,1/3
White Sateen ... ,,1/0
Solid white metal, open net pattern.
9in. | long, | ¼ in. | wide, | 2/9 |
11in. | ,, | ? in. | ,, | 3/3 |
12in. | ,, | ½ in. | ,, | 3/9 |
15in. | ,, | ? in. | ,, | 4/9 |
16in. | ,, | ¾ in. | ,, | 5/9 |
Solid white metal, close net pattern.
9in. | long. | ¼ in. | wide, | 2/3 |
11in. | ,, | ? in. | ,, | 2/9 |
12in. | ,, | ½ in. | ,, | 3/3 |
15in. | ,, | ? in. | ,, | 4/9 |
16in. | ,, | ¾ in. | ,, | 5/3 |
Round Morocco leather Dog Collar, solid white metal studs and 4 white metal bells, made in brown, red, blue and green.
Sizes 8in., 10in., 12in., 14in., 3/6 each.
Do. do., without bells, 2/3 each.
Very light Morocco Dog Collar, for toy dogs, made in brown, red, blue, and green, 1/6 each.
Sizes 7in., 8in., 10in., 12in., 14in.
Rounded fancy leather Dog Collar, nickel furniture, 2 bells, and medallion for inscription. Supplied in brown, red, blue, and green.
Sizes 8in., 10in., 12in., 14in., 2/6 each.
Round fancy Dog Collar, 4 bells, and medallion for inscription. Supplied in brown, red, blue, and green. Sizes 8in., 10in., 12in., 14in., 2/9 each.
Superior quality bridle leather, extra long, with scissor hook, and long billet loop.
? in. wide, 1/6; ½ in. wide, 1/9; ? in. wide, 2/0
Plain leather dog lead.
? in. wide, 8d.; ½ in. wide, 9d.; ? in. wide, 10d.
Superior quality plaited calf lead, heavy and medium weight, with nickel plated scissor hook, 1/9. Plaited hide leads (round only), with ordinary pattern hook, 1/6, 1/3, 1/0
Superior quality plaited calf and morocco leads, very light weight for toy dogs, supplied in brown, red, blue, and green. 2/3 each. Light weight plaited leads, supplied in brown, red, blue, and green, 9d. each.
Silk dog leads, supplied in a variety of colours, 9d. each.
Superior quality plaited hide, with scissor hook, and hand loop for use as a lead;
heavy, 3/0; medium, 2/9; light, 2/6
The New Patent Dog Whip, with pepper sprinkler for separating fighting dogs, super quality, 4/0; No. 2 quality, 2/9
Good quality plaited hide, medium weight, 2/0 each.
Good quality plaited hide, light weight, for lady’s use. 1/6 each.
Plaited hide dog whip, light weight, 10d.
Dog whip, with short cane handle, buckhorn hook, with whistle, white keeper, and thong. 3/6 each.
Extra quality solid white metal cut Link Chain, very small and light, for toy dogs, 3/3 each.
Best quality nickel plated Chain, light, medium, or heavy, 1/9 each. Extra quality, do., best finish, 3/6, 3/9, 4/0 each.
Nickel plated Dog Chain, light weight, 1/0
Best nickel plated, 2 spring hooks, 3 swivels and 2 rings, supplied in extra light, light, medium, and heavy weights, price 1/5 each. Galvanised Kennel Chains, medium weight, 1/3; heavy weight, 1/6; extra heavy, 1/9
Dog Couples, best nickel-plated with brass centre, light weight, 1/6; heavy weight, 1/9. Ditto, with nickel ring centre, 1/0
Superior quality. Shown one-third size.
Horn Whistle, 8d.
Horn Whistle, 8d.
Horn Whistle, 8d.
Solid White Metal Whistle, 7d.
Solid White Metal Whistle, 1/0
Solid White Metal Whistle, 7d.
Solid white Metal Whistle, 9½d.
Vest Pocket Whistle, solid white metal, 7½d.
Ditto, silver plated, 1/1
Dog Harness, superior quality real Morocco leather, in red, brown, blue or green, with bells, 4/6 each.
Ditto ditto roan leather, 3/3 ea.
Ditto, plain brown hide, without bells, small, 1/6; large, 1/9 each.
When ordering, please state breed of dog and girth measurement.
Leather. | Wire. |
Size | 1. | 10d. | each | Size | 1. | 9d. | each. |
,, | 2. | 1/0 | ,, | ,, | 2. | 10d. | ,, |
,, | 3. | 1/2 | ,, | ,, | 3. | 1/0 | ,, |
,, | 4. | 1/4 | ,, | ,, | 4. | 1/0 | ,, |
,, | 5. | 1/6 | ,, | ,, | 5. | 1/1 | ,, |
,, | 6. | 1/9 | ,, | ,, | 6. | 1/2 | ,, |
,, | 7. | 2/3 | ,, | ,, | 7. | 1/3 | ,, |
,, | 8. | 2/6 | ,, | ,, | 8. | 1/4 | ,, |
,, | 9. | 2/9 | ,, | ,, | 9. | 1/6 | ,, |
,, | 10. | 3/3 | ,, | ,, | 10. | 1/9 | ,, |
Sizes 1 to 3, suitable for Toy dogs.
,,4 to 6,,Terrier dogs.
,,7 and 8 ,, Large Terriers
,,9 and 10,,Collie dogs.
Poodle Clippers, new improved design, running on ball bearings, warranted not to drag the hair when clipping. Price 7/6 per pair.
The “Glossene” Pad patent
The “Glossene” Pad, specially recommended for greyhounds and smooth coated dogs.
Medium size, 2/6, small size, 1/0
Small Dog Brush, for toy dogs, grey bristles, medium stiffness, 2/0
Ditto, larger size, 2/6
Dog Brush, for fine coats; long white bristles, polished backs, large, 3/9; small, 2/9
Ditto, superior quality, large only, 5/9 each.
Dog Brush, 2/3, medium stiffness, with hand loop.
New Pattern Dog Brush, whalebone and bristle mixture, with leather hand loop, suitable for Terriers, 1/9
Dog Brush, with slanting bristles, penetrating when brushed one way, soft when brushed the reverse way, 2/0
Black Split Whalebone Dog Brush, for large dogs, 2/6
Whisk Dog Dandy Brush, 1/0
Dog Comb, superior white metal, 1/0
Ditto, smaller size, 9d
Horn Comb, shape as above, 4d.
Metal Dog Comb, as illustration, large 1/4
Ditto, small, 10d.
Steel Stripping Comb, for removing dead hair (Spratt’s), 1 each.
Metal Dog Comb. “The Durable,” 6d.
When ordering please state measurement of waist.
Web Riding Belt, superior quality, white or grey web, 4in. wide, 3 Hogskin straps, 2 back supports covered Hogskin, 3/0
Web Riding Belt, superior quality, white or grey web, 5in. wide, 3 Hogskin straps, 2 back supports covered Hogskin, 3/3
Groom’s Web Belt, superior quality web various coloured stripes, 2¾in. wide, 2 leather pockets, 2 leather straps and nickel buckles, as illustration, 1/9
Gent’s Belt, superior quality, real Pigskin, lined all through, hand sewn, solid silver buckle, slide on and new pattern concave squares, 27/6 Ditto, with electro-plated mounts, 15/6
“Jaeger” Riding Belt, with whalebone supports and 4 straps, 9/6
Web Riding Belt, natural grey colour, 5in. wide at back, graduated to 2¾in. at front, web strap, 3/9
Gent’s Belt, real crocodile, with solid silver mounts, as illustration, 65/6 Ditto, in real Pigskin, 62/0
Gent’s Belt, superior quality, real Pigskin, lined all through, hand sewn, solid nickel rings, covered buckle, 6/6 Ditto, No. 2 quality, 3/9
Pigskin Pocket, with gusset, to slide on to belt, as illustration, 2/3 each.
Ditto in soft Calfskin leather, tan or grey, 1? wide, 3/6; 1½in., 3/9
Web Riding Belt, superior quality, white or grey web, 4in. wide, 2 back supports covered white Tokio leather, 2 web straps, as illustration, 3/0
Web Riding Belt, superior quality, white or grey web, 5in. wide, 2 back supports covered with Tokio leather, 2 web straps, as illustration, 3/3
Groom’s Web Belt, superior quality, blue web 2in. wide, leather strap and nickel buckle, 1/3
Gent’s Belt, superior quality, real Pigskin, lined all through, hand sewn, solid silver buckle, and slide loop, 21/6
Gent’s Belt, real Pigskin, lined all through, covered buckle, 1½in. wide, 2/9. Ditto, real Calfskin, not lined, 2/9. Ditto, in soft Calfskin leather, tan or grey, 1?in. wide, 2/9; 1½in. wide, 3/0
Real Crocodile Watch Guard, 9 ct. gold mounts, 17/6 each. Real Pigskin ditto, 15/6 each. Ditto with silver mounts, 2/9
Superior quality Pigskin Watch Guard, with extra large swivel hook and silver buckle, 3/6
Real Pigskin or Calf Watch Guard, silver-mounted, 2/3 each. Ditto, ditto, plated mounts, 1/0 each.
Double Swivel,
for attaching knife, etc.,
on belt, 10d. each.
Gent’s Money Belt, superior quality Pigskin, hand sewn, solid silver buckle, 18/9
Ditto, with covered or nickel buckle, 9/6 Ditto, Brown leather, cheaper quality, 5/6
Chamois Leather Money Belt, 4 pockets with flaps, as illustration, 4/3
Superior Quality Real Pigskin, turned over edges and sewn, lined Calfskin, 1 gussetted pocket and pull out sovereign flap, 3/9 each.
Superior Quality Red Willow Calf, 2 pockets with extra wide gussets, pull out sovereign flap and pocket for stamps. Small size, 2/6; medium, 3/0; large, 3/9. Ditto in real Pigskin, tan colour. Small size, 2/0; medium, 2/3; large, 2/9
Superior Quality Red Willow Calf, turned over edge and sewn, lined red leather, 3 pockets with extra wide gussets. Medium size, 3/9 large size, 4/0
Useful Sovereign Purse, partitions for sovereigns, half sovereigns, stamps, cards and banknotes folding to fit vest pocket, with ring for attaching to chain. Tan Pigskin, 2/0 Red Willow Calf, 2/6
Folding Sovereign Purse, to take sovereigns or half sovereigns, and partition for banknotes. In Tan Pigskin, 1/6
Small Size Roll Up Sovereign Purse, in soft Calfskin, various colours, 1/0 each. Ditto, in real Hogskin, 1/3 Ditto, in real Sealskin, various colours, 2/9
The Tray Purse, velvet finish, brown Calfskin. Small size, 2/0; Medium, 2/3; large, 2/9 Ditto, in real Hogskin, tan colour. Small size, 1/4; medium, 1/6; large, 1/9
Superior Quality Real Pigskin, Tan Colour, turned over edge and sewn, lined Calfskin, with gusset and 3 pockets. Small size, 2/3; medium, 2/6 Also in cheaper quality, real Hogskin, 9d., 10½d., 1/0, 1/2, 1/4, 1/6
Specialists in superior quality Handsewn Harness. Manufactured on the premises.
Practical men sent to measure for Harness, Saddlery, Horse Clothing, etc., free of charge within a radius of 10 miles of Harrods.
Repairs of every description undertaken. Estimates given in detail free of charge.
Finest quality throughout, handsewn all through, silver-plated mounts, supplied with any shape winker, chain fronts, plain or chased rosettes, all-over silver-plated hames, with hard-plated kidney links and draft eyes, straight or swelled-shape pads, with patent leather near sides, martingales with links and crest pieces, loin straps with crest pieces on hips and trace bearers, complete with super hand-forged steel Liverpool bits and full bridoons, super brown flat reins, etc., full size ... | £33 00 | brass-mounted and all-over brass hames | 27 10 0 |
Cob-size Harness up to 14-2, silver-plated mounts | 31 5 0 | brass-mounted | 26 5 0 |
If supplied with covered hames, silver, allow | £2 0 0 off above prices. | brass,, | 1 7 6,, ,, |
Each. |
Silver-plated Chased Crests | 2/0 |
,, ,,Coronets | 2/0 |
,, ,,Mottoes | 2/0 |
Brass Chased Crests | 2/0 |
,,Coronets | 1/10 |
,,Mottoes | 1/10 |
Lozenges and full Coats-of-Arms according to design. |
Silver-plated Chased Monograms, | 2 letters 2/0 | | 3 ,, 2/6 |
Each additional Letter | 0/6 |
Brass Chased Monograms, | 2 Letters 2/0 |
Do. | 3 ,,2/6 |
Each additional Letter | 0/6 |
Superior quality, handsewn throughout silver-plated mounts, supplied with any shape winker, chain front, plain or chased rosettes, all-over silver-plated hames, full bridoon bearing rein, martingale with crest piece, straight or swelled-shape saddle, French Tilbury tugs, breeching with split hip strap, complete with hand-forged steel Liverpool bits and bridoon, super brown flat reins, etc. Full size ... | £17 5 0 |
Do. do. full size, brass-mounted, with all-over brass hames | 15 5 0 |
If supplied with covered hames, silver-mounted, allow off above prices | 1 2 6 |,,,, | 0 15 0 |
Harrods’ Special Value, made to stand hard wear. Made similar to above, No. 2 quality, silver-plated mounts, with all-over plated hames, full size | 13 13 0 |
Do. do. full size, brass-mounted, with all-over brass hames | 12 12 0 |
If supplied with covered hames, silver-mounted, allow | 0 17 6 |,, | 0 10 0 |
Complete Set of superior quality, No. 1, Four-in-Hand Harness, silver-plated mounts, with all-over plated hames | £64 10 0 |
Do. Brass-mounted, with all-over brass hames | 54 10 0 |
Complete Set of Superior quality, No. 1, Tandem Harness, silver-plated mounts, with all-over plated hames | 34 10 0 |
Do. Brass-mounted, with all-over brass hames | 31 0 0 |
*Four-in-hand Leader Traces | ... | ...... | per set | 63/0 |
Pair-Horse Carriage ,, | ... | No. 1 quality | ,, | 75/0 |
,,,,,, | ... | No. 2 quality | ,, | 60/0 |
Single ,,,,,, | ... | No. 1 quality | ,, | 30/0 |
,, ,, ,,,, | ... | No. 2 quality | ,, | 25/0 |
*Kicking Straps and Tugs, Lined and Stitched, for use with Single Harness | 20/0 to 24/0 |
*To order only. |
Our Speciality, superior quality Light Dog Cart Harness, brass mounts supplied with round or any shape winkers to order, patent leather or chain front, bearing rein with snap billets, super hand-forged steel bits, double lined collar, lined white box cloth, all-over brass hames, with reverse drafts, splinter tugs, long martingale, light, swelled flap saddle, leather lined, complete with kicking strap, super brown flat reins, etc., as illustrated, £14 10 0
Do., do., silver-plated mounts and all-over plated hames, £16 0 0
Harrods’ Special quality to stand hard wear, made in black or brown leather, hand sewn all through, any shape winker, swelled or straight flap saddle, round tugs, complete with Liverpool bit and full bridoon, breeching, brown flat reins, martingale, etc.
For cob not exceeding 14-2 high, brass mounted with all-over brass hames ... | £10 15 0 |
Do., silver-plated mounts and all-over plated hames ... | 12 5 0 |
Also supplied in a cheaper quality and without bearing rein, bridoon or martingale; brass mounted with all-over brass hames ... | 8 8 0 |
Do., silver-plated mounts and all-over silver hames ... | 9 10 6 |
Smart well-made Pony Harness, lined all through, chain front, chased rosettes, Liverpool bit, swelled or straight flap saddle, round tugs, breeching, brown flat reins, etc.
For pony not exceeding 13 hands. Silver-plated mounts with all-over plated hames ... | £8 8 0 |
Do., brass mounted and all-over brass names ... | 7 10 0 |
Also supplied in cheaper quality; silver-plated mounts with all-over silver hames ... | 6 7 6 |
Brass mounted with all-over brass hames ... | 5100 |
Brown leather, brass mounted, supplied with either collar and all-over brass hames or with breast collar as illustrated. Per set complete ... | £3 76 |
Black leather, with patent leather winkers and pad top, breast collar and breeching lined patent leather, brown reins, etc., with silver-plated mounts. | Perset£1 17 6 |
Ditto, in brown leather with brass mounts. | Per set 1 15 6 |
Set Four-in-hand Leaders | No. 1 quality | 45/6 |
Pair-horse Reins, brown, flat, 1in. wide | Super,, | 32/6 |
,,,,,,,,,, | No. 2,, | 24/6 |
Single ,,,,,,,, | No. 1,, | 14/3 |
,, ,,,,,,,, | No. 2,, | 11/9 |
“Melton,” or laid on, pair-horse Carriage Reins, best quality, hand sewn | 65/0 |
,,,,single,, | No. 1 quality | 28/6 |
Pony Single Reins | 9/9 |
Leader Tandem Reins | 24/6 |
In ordering Reins please state if Brass or Plated Buckles are required. |
Superior quality, double lined, hand sewn, silver buckles, | per pair | 32/0 |
,,,,brass or covered buckles | ,, | 30/0 |
,,,,silver buckles | No. 2 quality | ,, | 26/0 |
,,,,brass or covered buckles | ,,,, | ,, | 25/0 |
Steel, superior make and finish | 12/6 |
Brass ,,,,,, | 19/6 |
Best quality Carriage Collars, superior West End make, not exceeding 22½in. | 21/6 |
No. 2 quality ,,,,,,,,,,,, | 17/6 |
Best quality double lined Carriage Collars (Kaye’s Pattern) | 30/0 |
Ditto, lined white boxcloth | 37/6 |
Satin or Leather Front.
3/0 each.
Satin Ribbon Rosettes with Streamers, full size | per pair | 12/6 |
,,,,,,cob size | ,, | 11/6 |
,,,,,,pony size | ,, | 10/9 |
Satin Ribbon Rosettes, without Streamers | ,, | 11/3 |
Fronts to match | each | 3/0 |
Painted Rosettes, with Streamers | per pair | 9/9 |
,,,,without Streamers | ,, | 8/6 |
Fronts to match | each | 3/0 |
Mourning Rosettes, with Streamers | per pair | 4/3 |
,,Pad Cloths, pair-horse | ,, | 15/6 |
Fronts to match | each | 1/7 |
One Set Pad Leathers, pair-horse, bound any colour | per pair | 21/0 |
Cloth ditto, trimmed any colour Lace | ,, | 21/0 |
One Pad Leather for single harness, bound any colour | each | 21/0 |
Violets and assorted Flowers.
0/7 per pair.
Rose Buds and assorted Flowers
0/7 per pair.
Blue or green, refine Cloth, lined mole colour silk plush. An ideal Apron for inside the motor. Large size, 72 × 50 | 47/6 |
Do., lined grey “chinchilla” mohair | 39/9 |
Fancy Check, very light weight, bound leather, 11/9, 15/9, 19/6, 22/6 |
Superior quality, plain Dust Colour Linen Wrap, bound blue, green, red or self colour, large size | 16/6 |
Rainproof Dust Wrap, plain hemmed, in blue, green and drab colours, large size | 15/0 |
Do. do. as above, lined Check | 23/9 |
Plain Holland Dust Wrap hemstitched, large size | 5/6 |
Do. do. smaller | 4/3 |
Checked Linen and Cotton Dust Wraps, various patterns and colours, 1/11, 2/6, 3/6, 4/9, 5/6, 8/6, 9/6 each. |
Boxcloth, superior quality, waterproofed by special process, lined with superior quality, heavy, all wool check lining. Stocked in Blue, Green and Drab; any other colour made to order in a few days.
Large Size | 72 × 50, | 70/0 |
Do. do. as above, size, | 60 × 50, | 59/6 |
Do. do. with No. 2 quality lining | 72 × 50, | 63/0 |
Do. do. | 60 × 50, | 50/0 |
Do. do. No. 3 | 72 × 50, | 52/6 |
Do. do. | 60 × 50, | 45/0 |
Do. do. Unlined | 72 × 50, | 42/0 |
Do. do. Unlined | 60 × 50, | 37/6 |
Cloth, Chain-stitched Silk.
2 Letters ... each 4/6
3,, ... ,,5/6
Worked to any design or colour.
Prices from 5/6 each.
Embroidered in any Colour.
Silk, 2 Letters, 6/6 ea.
,,3 ,, 8/6,,
Superior quality, refine Cloth Apron, summer weight, stocked in blue and green
each27/6 | Do. do. in superior quality drab cloth | each 30/0 |
No. 2 quality do. stocked in blue, green, and drab, | each 21/0 |
Superior quality, Boxcloth Perambulator Apron, unlined, size 33 × 24 | each13/6 |
Do. in superior refine Cloth, unlined | ,,9/6 |
Do. do. lined Check | ,,12/6 |
Do. No. 2 quality, unlined | ,,6/6 |
All above stocked in blue and green, other colours to order. |
Solid Brass or Nickel | each | 1/0 |
Do. Covered Leather | ,, | 1/6 |
Apron Straps, Black or Brown | ,, | 0/9 |
Solid Ivory | ,, | 4/6 |
Apron Straps, Black or Brown | ,, | 0/9 |
Superior Quality Boxcloth. |
Full Size. | Cob. | Pony |
Pair-horse, per pair | 70/0 | 70/0 | 62/9 |
Single-horse, each | 29/0 | 29/0 | 26/3 |
Embroidered Crests and Monograms | from 3/6 to 7/6 | Letters | from 4/6 to 7/6 |
*Enamelled Leather. |
Full Size. | Cob. | Pony |
Pair-horse, per pair | 79/6 | 75/0 | 75/0 |
Single-horse, each | 36/6 | 34/0 | 32/6 |
Black Waterproof, lined serge. |
Full Size. | Cob. | Pony |
Pair-horse, per pair | 31/6 | 29/0 | 29/0 |
Single-horse, each | 14/6 | 13/6 | 12/9 |
* Made to Order only. |
All Whips shown on this page are Messrs. J. SCHOMBERG & SONS’ Superior London Manufacture.
Whip No. 11
Whip No. 22
Whip No. 33
Whip No. 44
Whip No. 55
Whip No. 66
Whip No. 77
Whip No. 88
1 | Four-in-Hand and Tandem Whips. |
| Best quality natural holly stick, silver mounts | 28/6 |
| Do., Best natural stick, rabbit-bitten handle, silver mounts | 35/6 |
| Cheaper quality, silver mounts, 22/6 and 19/6. Electro-plated mounts,17/6 and 15/6 each. |
2 | Driving Whip. |
| Best natural holly stick, long silver mounts, specially recommended, | 22/6 |
| ,,,,,,electro-plated mounts, ... ... ... ... | 15/6 |
3 | Lungeing Whip.Whalebone, covered gut, long drop thong, electro-plated mounts, best quality, | 19/6 |
4 | Lady’s Driving Whip. Best quality lancewood, carved various designs, and supplied in natural varnish colour, also green, brown, mahogany, etc., long silver mount to match stick, each ... ... 38/6. Do., pony size, 27/6 | |
7 | Driving Whip. Best natural stick, with rabbit-bitten handle, long silver mount, 26/6 Do., pony size, 21/6 | |
6 | Driving Whip. Best natural stick, solid ivory handle, long silver mounts, 43/6 Cheaper quality, 35/6 | |
5 | Gig Whips.Holly sticks, leather handles, plain silver mounts. 19/6, 15/6, 11/3, 10/6 ,,,,With electro-plated mounts, 9/6, 8/9, 6/6, 4/3, 3/0 | |
8 | Pony Whips. | |
| Holly sticks, silver mounts, crocodile or lizard handle | 21/6 |
| ,,,,,,,,russia handle | 14/6, 10/6 |
| ,,,,electro-plated mounts, russia handle | 7/6, 5/9 |
| Extra small pony whips for tub carts, holly stick, crocodile or lizard handle, silver mounted, | 16/6 |
| Do., with russia handles, silver mounted, | 10/6 |
| Do., with russia handles, electro-plated, | 7/6, 5/9 |
American Buggy or Trotting Whip. Best quality, whalebone, leather handle, 2 silver mounts, ... 26/6
Do., cheaper qualities, electro-plated mounts, 19/6, 16/9, 14/6, 11/9, 7/6, 5/9
Gentlemen’s Crops. Superior quality, all whalebone, covered best gut, russia leather handle, buckhorn hook, 2 silver mounts, 46/9
Cheaper qualities. ... ... ... 22/6, 27/6, 35/6, 42/0
Ladies’ Crops. Same style, superior quality, all whalebone, 36/6
Cheaper qualities, ... ... ... 21/0, 25/6, 30/0, 32/6
Gentleman’s Hunting Crop .Superior quality, all whalebone, covered best gut, buckhorn hook, solid silver mount, ... 45/0
Cheaper qualities, silver mounts, 37/6, 35/0, 30/0, 24/6, 19/6, 14/6 11/3
Do. electro-plated mounts, 11/0, 8/3
Gentleman’s Hunting Crop. Superior quality, best London make, buckhorn hook, heavy silver collar, long stitched keeper, as illustration, supplied in rattan, whangee, java, and malacca canes, price 22/6
Cheaper qualities, 9/6, 13/6, 16/6, 19/6
Gentlemen’s Cane Crops. Rattan, malacca, and whangee canes, electro-plated mounts, ... 4/9, 6/6, 8/6 each
Lady’s Hunting Crop. Superior quality, whangee canes, extra heavy silver collar or wire-beaded collar, 21/6 Cheaper qualities, silver mounts,... ... 19/6, 16/6, 13/6, 10/6, 7/9
Do. electro-plated mounts. ... ... ... 4/9
Lady’s Hunting Crop.Superior quality rattan cane, light or dark colour, extra heavy silver collar or wire-beaded collar,... ... 21/6
Cheaper qualities, silver mounts, 19/6, 16/6, 13/6, 10/6, 7/9
Do. electro-plated mounts, ... ... ... 4/9
Lady’s Hunting Crop.Superior quality partridge cane, extra heavy silver collars or wire-beaded collars, ... ... 21/6
Cheaper qualities, silver mounts, 19/6, 16/6, 13/6
Children’s Hunting Crops. Made in malacca, whangee, and rattan canes, complete, with brown keeper and brown thong, silver mounts, ... 5/6.
Cheaper quality, with white keeper and thong, electro-plated mounts 2/6
Hunting Horn.
Best London make, plain copper, 8/6
Do., with German silver mounts, 10/0
Hunting Thongs.
Superior quality. Various lengths and patterns.
Gent.’s size, 3/6, 3/3, 3/0, 2/9, 2/6.
Lady’s size, 3/0, 2/9, 2/6, 2/3, 2/0.
Silk Lashes for Hunting Thongs.
Soft silk, various colours, 4/6 per dozen.
Hard silk, various colours, 2/6 per dozen.
Silk Lashes for Driving Whips. 0/8 per dozen.
Polo Whips. Superior quality, all whalebone, covered best gut, and plaited over high button, 21/6
Cheaper qualities, ... ... 19/6, 16/6, 14/6, 12/6, 10/6
Gentlemen’s Cutting Whips. Superior, all whalebone, covered best gut, and plaited over high button, ... ... 21/6
Cheaper qualities. 19/6, 16/6, 14/6, 12/6, 10/6, 8/6
Gentleman’s Riding Whip. Superior quality, all whalebone russia leather handle, 2 silver mounts, 26/6
Cheaper qualities, silver mounts, ... 21/0, 18/6, 15/6, 12/6, 10/6
Do.electro-plated mounts. ... ... 8/6, 6/6, 4/6, 3/0
Gentleman’s Riding Whip with High Button. Superior quality, all whalebone, covered best gut, twisted leather handle, small silver collar, leather point, ... ... ... 19/6
Gentleman’s Riding Whip with Buckhorn Hook. Superior Quality, All Whalebone, Covered Best Gut, Silver Mounts, ... 30/0
Cheaper Qualities, Silver Mounts, ... 25/6, 22/6, 18/6, 14/6
Ditto, With Electro-plated Mounts, ... 11/6, 8/6, 6/6, 4/6
Ladies’ Riding Whips. Superior quality, all whalebone, covered best gut, solid ivory handle, 2 silver collars, 28/6
Cheaper qualities, 26/6, 23/6, 21/8
Ladies’ Riding Whips. Superior quality, all whalebone, covered best gut, crocodile handle, plain silver mounts, ... 19/6
Do., with heavy chased mounts, ... ... ... 19/6, 22/6
Do., with russia leather handle, plain silver mounts, superior quality, ... 18/6, 16/6
Do., with chased mounts, ... ... ... ... 19/6, 22/6
Cheaper quality, plain mounts, 14/6, 12/6, 10/6, 7/9
Do., electro-plated mounts, ... ... 4/9, 3/0, 2/6
Riding Canes. Real nilgheri, plain cane, with hook or knob, ... 2/6
do. with hand-sewn hogskin grip, ... 3/6
do. covered all over hogskin, hand-sewn, 8/9
Superior quality, London made (weight, less fittings, about 7 lb.), complete with superior quality stirrup leathers, all wool girths, and hand forged steel stirrup irons, 105/0
Ditto, as above, with leather panel, 115/0
No. 2 quality, with serge panel, 75/0
Ditto, with leather panel, 84/0
Complete with superior quality fittings, as illustration, weight complete, about 7 lb. Price 97/6
Super kersey weight cloth for above, hogskin pockets, 18/6. Lead weights cut to fit, per lb. 0/6
Best London make, complete with girths, stirrup irons, and leathers, 63/0 Ditto, ditto, No. 2 quality, 55/0
YOUNG LADY’S “ASTRIDE” SADDLE. Best London make, complete with best fittings, 80/0
Superior quality, London made, with plain flaps, as illustration, complete with superior quality stirrup leathers, all wool girths and hand forged steel stirrup irons, 105/0 Ditto, as above, with leather panel, 115/0 No. 2 quality ditto, with serge panel, 75/0 Ditto, with leather panel, 84/0 Any of above saddles can be supplied with knee rolls if desired.
London made, complete with good quality girths, irons and leathers, 63/0 No. 2 quality ditto, 55/0
Superior New Regulation Infantry Saddle, removable leather panels, complete with girths, irons and leathers, £6 17 6
| £ s. d. |
Regulation Bridle, complete with bits and gilt bosses and rope rein | 2 13 6 |
New Regulation Universal Pattern Bridle, with elbow check bit, no bosses | 2 5 0 |
Regulation Breastplate, with gilt boss | 0 15 0 |
Pair of Wallets, lined waterproof, with wallet straps | 1 11 6 |
Cloak Straps, per set of three | 0 3 0 |
Leather Saddle Bags, lined waterproof, ... per pair | 1 12 6 |
Numnah, brown felt | 0 8 6 |
White Head Rope | 0 2 6 |
New pattern Shoe Case, for one shoe | 0 8 6 |
Field Glass Frog | 0 4 6 |
Canvas Nosebag, improved pattern | 0 4 9 |
For Lady’s Saddle, 10/6; Gent’s Saddle, 7/0 |
COLONIAL SADDLE. Superior quality, London made, with removable leather panels, short back fans, strong dees, etc., complete, with superior quality stirrup leathers, all wool girths, and hand forged steel or nickel stirrup irons, 115/0
SPECIAL NOTICE.—The Children’s Quilted Pad Saddles and Pilches illustrated on this page are made of superior quality materials, and manufactured on the premises by our own workmen.
If desired, we can supply a cheaper quality, but do not recommend them.
Superior quality. Our own manufacture. Real Hogskin. Complete, with Girths, Stirrup Irons, Leathers and Crupper, 39/6 Do., do., Imitation Hogskin, 32/6
With Removable Back Rail.
Superior quality. Our own manufacture Real Hogskin. Complete, with Girths, Stirrup Irons, Leathers and Crupper. 52/0
Superior quality. Our own manufacture. All-over Quilted Hogskin, with Leaping Head, as Lady’s Saddle, to ride on either side, for Boy or Girl. Complete 63/0 Extra large size ditto, 68/6
Without Leaping Head. All-over Quilted Hogskin, to ride on either side, for Boy or Girl, complete 57/6
Do., Quilted Imitation Hogskin, to ride either side, 47/6
1 pair Girths,
1 pair Stirrup Leathers,
1 Crupper,
1 pair Stirrup Irons,
1 Shoe for Girl.
All the above are included with Boy’s Pad Saddle except Shoe.
Single-rein snaffle with bit sewn on, best quality ... 8/0
Ditto, No. 2 quality ... 6/0 Ditto, No. 3 quality ... 4/6
LADIES’ SADDLES (All-over Hogskin).
Superior quality, London made, with Safety Bar and Triangular Heads. Complete with best fittings | £11 11 0 |
Do., with Brown Doeskin Seat and Heads; plain, safe | £12 12 0 |
(as illustration). |
Do., No. 2 quality, with Hogskin Seat and Heads complete | £9 17 6 |
Superior quality, London made, with Plain Heads and Safety Bar. Complete with best fittings, | £10 17 6 |
Ditto No. 2 quality, complete | £8 8 0 |
London made. Plain Hogskin Seat and Heads, complete with Girths, Stirrup Iron and Leather, | £4 9 0 |
Do., with French cut Back Tree, | £4 17 6 |
Young Ladies’ Reversible Saddles. |
To ride either side. Complete with best fittings, | £8 8 0 |
Superior Quality
Flat Standing Martingale, 4/9
Ditto, rounded, 6/6
Superior Quality Plain Flat Martingale, with chain ends and spring hooks to attach to bit, 7/3
Superior quality Breastplate, lined and stuffed, silver on German silver furniture, ... | 19/0 |
Short Ring Martingale, part for buckling on to above, lined and stitched | 6/6 |
Superior quality Plain Breastplate, silver on German silver furniture... | 13/9 |
Short Ring Martingale, part for buckling on to above, plain ... | 4/9 |
Silver on German silver rings, 1/6
Stout Rubber Ring for Martingale, each 0/6
Superior Quality Flat Running Martingale, silver on German silver rings ... | 6/9 |
Ditto, as above, rounded ... | 8/3 |
Suitable for small children of about equal weight, fitted with red leather Cushions and Waist Belts.
The Panniers are supported on a well-stuffed pad, lined White Serge. Complete with Crupper and Girths, 47/6
We make a special feature
of Children’s Chair Saddles.
Manufactured of superior quality
materials in our own workshop.
Suitable for use on a Cob about 14 hands, fitted with red leather Cushions and Waist Belts.
Complete with Crupper and Girths, 52/0
New Design
Fitted with red leather Cushions and Waist Belts. Complete with Crupper and Girths, 57/6
To face front as illustration fitted with red leather cushion and waist belt. Complete with crupper and girths, 28/6
To face side as illustration. Fitted with red leather Cushion and Waist Belt.
Complete with Crupper and Girths, 28/6
Knitted Wool.
Made in White, Fawn, Blue, and Grey, superior quality. 2/6 each.
Regulation pattern. Superior quality Brown Cowhide, lined waterproof check, complete with straps. 31/6 per pair.
GAME PANNIERS (our own manufacture).
Size, 22½ × 15 × 17in. (outside measurement). To hold about 22 brace Grouse each. Superior quality baskets, varnished all over, covered with best quality brown waterproof canvas, fitted with well-made leather pad, lined serge. Complete with best quality stout leather breeching and breast girth, as illustration. Price £4 4 0
Other sizes made to order in about 7 to 10 days.
With stop on one rein to lead. Superior quality, 12/6
No. 2 quality, 10/6 No. 3 quality, 8/0
and Knife combined.
Superior quality, nickel-plated, 4½in. long.
Price 11/6
Superior quality, 4½in. long.
Price 5/0
Graduated as in illustration, in superior quality Fawn Felt, for Ladies’ Saddles, 16/6 each. |
Ditto, for Gents, 13/6 each. |
Plain felt Numnahs, superior quality, Lady’s | 11/0 |
,,,,Gent’s | 9/6 |
Leather Numnahs, Gent’s | 15/0 |
,,,,Lady’s | 18/0 |
*Sheepskin Numnah | 21/0 |
*Sponge lined felt Numnah | 52/6 |
*Sponge lined leather Numnah | 43/6 |
* To order only. |
Superior quality nickel-plated with removable steel cutters.
Price per pair, 6/6.
Spare cutters per pair, 1/4
Superior quality Leather Case, with strap and flap to fit on saddle.
Price 7/6
Superior quality brown Cowhide, lined waterproof check.
32/6 per pair.
Betts’ Patent.
For attaching to ordinary bars, per pair, 17/6
White Linen, plain, bound Venetian | 2/6 | each. |
,,twilled, bound silk | 2/9 | ,, |
in. Cloth Figures | 0/8 | ,, |
For side saddle, with inner lining of zinc.
To open with lid, shaped as illustration.
Complete with Padlock and Key, 20/6
Painting name extra, 1/0
Superior quality double rein bridle, sewn on to super quality hand-forged steel long cheek Hackney bit, or short cheek Polo Bit and bridoon, complete with plain wide caveson noseband. 31/6
Ditto as above, if supplied with fixed mouth Hackney bit. 30/0
SPECIAL NOTICE. ALL BRIDLE WORK shown on this page is made from the finest quality leather procurable, and exactly the same as supplied by the leading West End saddlers.
All work made on the premises by our own workmen. The Reins on Full Size Bridles are all made-Full length, i.e., 4ft. 9in. long.
Specially recommended for pullers, the bit being made with a sliding, revolving mouth. Superior quality double rein bridle, sewn on to super quality hand-forged steel, Banbury Bit, and flat ring bridoon, complete with plain wide caveson noseband. 35/0
Bit made with sliding, revolving mouth. Superior quality double rein bridle, sewn on to super quality, hand-forged steel “Banbury-Pelham” Bit, as illustration, complete with plain wide caveson noseband, 30/0
DOUBLE REIN SNAFFLE BRIDLE, with Flat Ring Bridoon Bit
DOUBLE REIN SNAFFLE BRIDLE, with Flat Ring Bridoon Bit.
Superior quality double rein bridle, sewn to super hand-forged steel, plain jointed flat ring bridoon, complete with plain wide caveson noseband. 21/6
Superior quality single rein snaffle bridle, sewn on to super quality hand-forged steel plain jointed flat ring bridoon, complete with plain wide caveson noseband. 17/6
With new pattern inside stud billets, or with billets to buckle on to bit.
Weymouth Heads and Reins | 18/9 |
Pelham Head and Reins | 16/0 |
Double-rein Snaffle, Head and Reins | 16/0 |
Single-rein Snaffle, Head and Rein, ¾ in. rein | 11/9 |
,,,,,,? in. rein | 12/9 |
Superior quality double rein bridle, sewn on to super quality hand-forged steel “Rugby Polo Pelham” Bit, as illustration, complete with plain wide caveson noseband. 29/0
Superior quality double rein bridle, sewn on to super quality hand-forged steel snaffle jointed Pelham Bit, complete with plain wide caveson noseband, 26/0 Ditto as above, sewn on to super hand-forged steel Pelham Bit, with plain half-moon mouth, complete with plain wide caveson noseband. 27/0
DOUBLE REIN SNAFFLE BRIDLE, with “Egg Butt” Cheek Bit.
Superior quality double rein bridle sewn on to super quality hand-forged steel “Egg Butt” Bit, as illustration, complete with plain wide caveson noseband. 25/0
as illustrated.
Plain ... 4/9 each,
Lined ... 6/3,,
Narrow Noseband.
Lined to buckle both sides, 2/9 each.
Bucephalus Noseband.
For pullers.
Riding ... ... 5/6
Driving ... ... 9/6
Superior quality leather headstall, with lined cheeks, lined throat, long white head-rope with spring hook and leather billet, new pattern solid nickel Pelham bit, easily detachable so as to use head part as a picketing headstall. Price complete 28/6
Super quality hand-forged steel bit, complete with head, rounded cheeks and rein, as illustrated, for use with Hackney bit, 14/0
Superior quality double-rein bridle, sewn on to super-quality hand-forged steel “Salisbury” gag bit, with cheek of bridle rounded to form gag, as illustrated, 23/6
We can supply plaited or laced handparts, as illustration, on any of our bridles at an extra charge of 3/0 each pair of reins.
Superior quality, with best polished large ring bridoon, 12/9
Ditto, with stop, as illustrated, to lead, 12/6
Ditto, No. 2 quality, with galvanised bridoon, 10/0
Ditto, with stop to lead, 10/6
Ditto, No. 3 quality, tinned snaffle bit with cheeks, 7/6
Ditto, with stop to lead, 8/0
Superior quality, complete with galvanized Liverpool bit, 24/6
Ditto, ditto, less bit, 21/0
All steel bits quoted on this page are warranted super hand-forged. We do not stock solid nickel bits, as being cast they cannot be guaranteed, but can procure any pattern illustrated in a few days.
Short Cheek, Slide Mouth, Hunting or Polo Bit.
Super Forged Steel, 8/0
Plain Riding Bridoon,
Round Rings, 2/3
Ditto, with Flat Rings, 2/9
Long Cheek, Slide Mouth, Hackney Bit
Super Forged Steel, 8/0
Plain Riding Bridoon,
Round Rings, 2/3
Ditto, with Flat Rings, 2/9
Hackney Bit with Fixed Mouth.
Super Forged Steel, 7/6
Plain Riding Bridoon,
Round Rings, 2/3
Ditto, with Flat Rings, 2/9
The “Banbury” Bit.
Sliding Revolving Mouth,
Super Forged Steel, 11/0
Plain Riding Bridoon, with
Flat Rings, 2/9
9th Lancer Polo Bit
with Loose Rings, 9/6
Ditto, do., without Rings 8/6
New Universal Pattern Mounted Officer’s Elbow Bit
Super Forged Steel, 8/0
Link and Tee Bridoon, 3/3
Pelham Bit,
with Snaffle Joint.
Super Forged Steel, 7/6
Pelham Bit, with
Half Moon Mouth.
Super Forged Steel, 8/6
The “Banbury” Pelham Bit.
Super Hand Forged Steel, 11/6
Rugby Polo Pelham Bit.
Super Hand Forged Steel, 10/6
The Septuple Bit,
Swale’s Patent.
Super Forged Steel, 17/0
Mohawk Pelham Bit
“Never Rust” Metal, 17/6
Hunting or Racing Bridoon with Egg Butt Cheek. Super Forged Steel, 7/0
Exercising Bridoon, with 3¼in. Flat Rings. Super Forged Steel, 3/6 Ditto, with Twisted Mouth, 3/9
Plain Bridoon with Flat Rings for Hackney Bits. Super Forged Steel, 2/9 Ditto, with Twisted Mouth, 3/0
Plain Bridoon. Round Rings. Super Forged Steel, Carriage Size, 2/9 For Hackney Bits, 2/3 Ditto, with Twisted Mouth, 2/6
Swivel Bridoon Bit. Super Forged Super Steel, 5/0
Wilson Snaffle Bit, Flat Rings, Super Forged Steel, 5/0 Ditto, with Twisted Mouth, 5/3
Chain Mouth Bridoon, with Flat Rings. Super Forged Steel, 4/0
Cheek Leather, Lined and Stitched, 2/3
A1 “Cur” Cheek Guard. Handcock’s Patent, 6/0 pair.
Liverpool Bit and Curb,
Square | Beam, | Full | Size | 8/9 |
,, | ,, | Cob | ,, | 8/3 |
,, | ,, | Pony | ,, | 8/0 |
Round | ,, | Full | ,, | 8/3 |
,, | ,, | Cob | ,, | 8/0 |
,, | ,, | Pony | ,, | 7/6 |
Galvanised Breaking Bit, with Keys, best quality, 3/3
Curb Guard. Rubber, as illustrated, 1/0. White or Brown Leather, with Loops, 1/0
Rubber Bit Mouth Cover, Bar Mouth, 2/0; Do., Shaped, 2/6
Cope’s Patent, Super Steel, 11/6 each
The York ... ... 10/6 each.
Latchford’s Pattern. Super Steel,
Nickel Plated ... ... 8/0 each.
For use on Safety Bar. Super Steel,
Nickel Plated ... ... 4/0 each.
For saddle with safety bar, complete with hook and slip, or ring, as illustration, superior quality, 4/6.
Scott’s Patent. Super hand-forged
Steel ... ... ... 11/9 each.
Real Buckskin, lined calf, ? in. wide | per pair | 2/9 |
White tubular web | ,, | 1/6 |
Black patent leather | ,, | 1/0 |
Brown leather | ,, | 0/9 |
Black leather | ,, | 0/9 |
FOLDED BAGHIDE LEATHER GIRTH, superior quality ... 11/0
White or Grey ... ... ... ... ... per set 7/0
Blue or Fawn ... ... ... ... ... ,,7/6
White or Grey ... ... ... ... ... per set 6/0
Blue or Fawn ... ... ... ... ... ,,6/6
Superior Quality ALL LEATHER Fitzwilliam Girth, 5in. wide 14/6
3¼in. wide. White or Grey ... ... ... per pair 4/6
Do. do. Blue or Fawn ... ... ... ,,4/9
Superior quality, 6 strand, 5 plait ... ... ... per set 5/0
Cheaper quality, 3 plait ... ... ... ... ,,4/6
Superior Quality, all Wool Web, 2in. wide ... ... ... each 2/0
,,,,,,2¼,,... ... ... ,,2/3
Finest Quality Yorkshire Leather.
1?in. wide, per pair, 10/6
No. 2 Quality, do. Per pair, 8/6
Exercising Stirrup Leathers. Per pair, 6/6.
Lady’s Stirrup Leathers, sewn on. Each, 2/6.
Lady’s Stirrup Leathers, with Loop. Each 2/0.
Finest Quality Yorkshire Leather.
1?in. wide ... 9/6 per pair
1¼ ,, ,, ... 10/0 ,,
No. 2 Quality, do. Per pair, 8/6.
Boy’s Stirrup Leathers, best quality.
Per pair, 5/6.
Pilch Stirrup Leathers. Per pair, 3/0.
Open bottom. Prussian side.
Warranted super quality, hand-forged Steel, per pair, 6/6.
Best forged do., 5/6.
Warranted super hand-forged Steel. Per pair, 6/6.
Super quality, hand-forged Steel. Per pair, 5/9
Super quality, hand-forged Steel, nickel plated. Per pair, 17/3.
Ditto. Boy’s size, per pair,
16/3 Do. No. 2 quality, per pair,
12/6 Ditto. Boy’s size, per pair,
11/6 Also supplied without hooks or rubber rings.
Gentleman’s, per pair,
10/6 Ditto. Boy’s size,
Best forged Steel. Per pair, 13/6
Ditto. Boy’s size, per pair, 12/6
Best quality “Never Rust” Metal.
Per pair, 18/6.
Real Hogskin, lined straps. Per pair, 3/6.
Best London-made Solid Silver Sandwich Box, fall down back, gilt inside, including finest quality leather case, lined tan mock doeskin, handsewn all through.
Small size ... 72/6 Medium size ... 77/6
Large size ... ... ... 85/0
Best Electro-plated on Nickel Silver Sandwich Case, with fall down back, gilt inside, including superior quality leather case, lined chamois leather, handsewn.
Small size ... 28/6 Medium size ... 30/0
Large size ... ... ... 31/6
Electro-plated Metal Box, fall down back, gilt inside, including leather case, part lined chamois leather.
Small size ... 21/6 Medium size ... 23/0
Large size ... ... ... 25/0
Electro-plated Metal Box with fixed back plated inside, including leather case.
Small size ... 15/6 Medium size ... 16/6
Large size ... ... ... 18/6
Plain Metal Sandwich Box with fixed back, including leather case.
Small size ... 12/6 Medium size ... 13/6
Large size ... ... ... 14/9
Solid Silver Flask, with milled edge bayonet top, complete with finest quality leather case.
Medium size ... 75/0
Small size ... 67/6
Electro-plated on Nickel Silver Flask, with bayonet top, complete in best leather case.
Medium size ... 28/6
Small size ... 25/6
Superior quality Glass Flask with solid silver milled edge bayonet top, complete in best quality leather case.
Large size ... 23/0
Medium size ... 21/6
Small size ... 20/0
Glass Flask, with best electro-plated bayonet top, complete in leather case.
Large size ... 18/0
Medium size ... 16/6
Small size ... 15/0
Suitable for hunting, shooting, and fishing, consisting of an Electro-plated on Nickel Silver Sandwich Box, with fall down back, and glass flask with bayonet top and plated cup, complete with superior quality leather case, fitted with belt and sling, as illustration, 77/6 Ditto, as above, but with Plain Nickel Silver Box and cheaper quality case, 55/0
Comprising Electro-plated on Nickel Silver Concave Sandwich Box, with fall down back, and concave glass flask with bayonet top, complete in superior quality leather case, made to fit waist, fitted with belt and sling, as illustration, 69/6
Holder and spring solid silver, glass tube for drinking liquids from hunting flasks or any other bottle, all sizes, 3/6 each. Spare tubes, 4d. each.
Please give inside measurement of bottle without top or cork.
Best London-made Solid Silver Sandwich Box, fall down back, gilt inside, glass flask with solid silver bayonet top, including finest quality leather case, lined tan mock doeskin, handsewn all through.
Small size ... 86/0 Medium size ... 95/0
Large size ... ... ... 103/6
Best Electro-plated on Nickel Silver Sandwich Box, with fall down back, gilt inside and glass flask, with electro-plated bayonet top, including superior quality leather case, lined chamois leather, handsewn.
Small size ... 36/9 Medium size 38/0
Large size ... ... ... ... 40/0
Electro-plated on Metal Sandwich Case, with fall down back, gilt inside, and glass flask with bayonet top, including leather case, part lined chamois leather.
Small size ... 30/6 Medium size ... 31/6
Large size ... ... ... ... 32/9
Plain Metal Sandwich Box, with fixed back, and glass flask with bayonet top, including leather case.
Small size ... 21/6 Medium size ... 22/6
Large size ... ... ... 23/6
Soft Ankle Boot. Specially recommended for hunting. Waterproof pad, very soft. Supplied in grey, fawn or blue, with 5 straps, as illustration, for hind leg; also shorter and with 4 straps for fore leg. Price 5/6 per pair.
High, or Inner Shin Boot, 10in. high. Made in fawn or blue felt, solid leather pad in front, four straps, per pair 4/3
Speedy Cut Boot, blue or fawn felt, leather pad in front, fitted with 3 straps, per pair 3/9
Brushing Boot, made in brown Hogskin, solid leather pad outside, elastic web springs to straps, per pair 5/3
Fetlock Boot, all
Black Rubber, per pair, 8/0
Fetlock Boot, Solid Leather, straps twice round leg, with inside felt pad, per pair 2/6
Fetlock Boot, blue or fawn felt, leather pad outside, fitted with thick felt pad inside, per pair 2/6
Fetlock Boot, Black or Brown Leather, lined felt, upper part with thick felt pad inside, strap lined felt, per pair 2/6
India Rubber Fetlock Ring, with strap through centre to buckle, each 4/3. Ditto, Solid Rubber, 2/9
Yorkshire Boots,
superior quality, Kersey, fawn, blue,
or check, per pair 1/6
Roll Striking Boot,
all Black Rubber, each 3/3
Horse Hobbles.
Brown Leather, lined felt,
japanned furniture,
per pair, 5/0
Speedy Cut Boot,
all Black Rubber, made to lace,
per pair, 9/6
HORSE LAWN BOOTS. Our own manufacture. Made from specially dressed leather, rendered thoroughly waterproof by special process. Extra strong sole leather bottoms, rendered waterproof by the same process as uppers, hand-sewn and riveted.
Per set of four. |
Donkey size, | 4½in. × 4 in. | 15/6 |
Pony,, | 5½in. × 5 in. | 18/0 |
Large Pony size, | 6 in. × 5½in. | 20/0 |
Cob size | 6½in. × 6 in. | 23/0 |
Horse size | 7½in. × 7 in. | 28/6 |
,,,,No. 2, | 8 in. × 7½in. | 32/6 |
Cart Horse size, | 8½in. × 8 in. | 36/0 |
All outside Measurements. |
Race Leggings, all Black Rubber,
perforated, per pair, 8/0
Swab Boot. Thick white felt,
per pair, 4/6
Over Reach Boots Superior Quality Black Rubber, strongly recommended. Full size, 7/0 Cob size, 6/9 each.
Over Reach Boots,
Solid Grey Rubber, each 4/9
Polo Boots. “The Ranelagh,” made in best quality felt and stout elastic web, with 4 straps, fawn or blue, per pair 7/6 White, 8/6
Poultice Boot. Superior Quality, made of stout sail canvas, strengthened at bottom with specially dressed leather, rendered waterproof by special process. Extra strong sole leather bottom, rendered waterproof by the same process as uppers, handsewn and riveted, each 13/6.
Bottom sewn in with copper wire | 11/6 |
Crib-biting Strap, padded ... | 4/0 |
Yorkshire Head Collar, Brass mounts to prevent Cribbing ... | 12/6 |
Anti-Cloth-biter, to prevent horses tearing their Clothing ... | 10/6 |
Oval Bell Lamp. Size | Blk. | Brss. | Slvr. |
Pony | 15/9 | 19/6 | 20/6 |
Gig | 18/6 | 22/6 | 23/9 |
Phaeton | 22/0 | 26/0 | 27/0 |
Brougham | 29/6 | 34/0 | 34/0 |
Registered Fiddle Bell Lamp. Size. | Blck. | Brss. | Slvr. |
Pony | 18/6 | 22/6 | 23/0 |
Gig | 21/9 | 23/9 | 26/6 |
Phaeton | 26/0 | 29/3 | 30/6 |
Brougham | 28/6 | 33/0 | 33/9 |
French Dial Lamp,
bent side glass, concave front glass, fully lined.
Size. | Blck. | Brss. | Slvr, |
4½ | inches | 29/6 | 32/6 | 33/6 |
5 | ,, | 32/6 | 36/0 | 37/0 |
5½ | ,, | 36/6 | 40/9 | 42/0 |
6 | ,, | 42/9 | 46/9 | 47/6 |
Brougham or Landau Square
French Lamp. Size. | Blck. | Brss. | Slvr. |
5¾ × 5 | in. | 42/0 | 46/6 | 50/9 |
6 × 5¼ | ,, | 49/0 | 53/0 | 58/0 |
6¼ × 5½ | ,, | 54/0 | 57/0 | 63/0 |
For Horse Clothing.
Plain Cloth, each 0/9.
Ditto Chain Stitched, as illustration, 1/0 each.
For Horse Clothing.
Chain Stitched Cloth Monograms 1/0 per letter.
For Horse Clothing, worked to any design,
from 3/6 each.
For Horse Clothing.
Two letters, 4/3; Three letters, 5/6
Superior quality Kersey Clothing, various patterns, bound any colour Livery Cloth, sewn 3 rows Silk. Rug cut to buckle at chest, as illustration. |
Height. | Long Body Cloth. | Hood. | Pad. Cloth. | Roller. | Fillet String. | Suit Complete. |
12 to 13 | hands | 26/9 | 16/0 | 3/0 | 8/6 | 0/9 | £2 15 0 |
13 ,, 14 | ,, | 28/0 | 16/9 | 3/0 | 8/6 | 0/9 | 2 17 0 |
14 ,, 15 | ,, | 29/6 | 16/9 | 3/9 | 9/0 | 0/9 | 2 19 9 |
15.2 | ,, | 32/0 | 17/3 | 3/9 | 9/0 | 0/9 | 3 2 9 |
16 | ,, | 33/6 | 17/3 | 3/9 | 9/0 | 0/9 | 3 4 6 |
Super quality Prince’s Check or Check Serge, patterns same as Kersey, bound Livery Cloth. |
12 to 13 | hands | 15/6 | 10/0 | 2/0 | 7/6 | 0/9 | £1 15 9 |
13 ,, 14 | ,, | 16/0 | 10/9 | 2/0 | 7/6 | 0/9 | 1 17 0 |
14 ,, 15 | ,, | 16/6 | 11/3 | 2/3 | 7/6 | 0/9 | 1 18 3 |
15.2 | ,, | 17/6 | 11/3 | 2/3 | 7/6 | 0/9 | 1 19 3 |
16 | ,, | 18/0 | 11/3 | 2/3 | 7/6 | 0/9 | 1 19 9 |
Bound any colour. |
12 to 13 | hands | 7/6 | 6/9 | 1/0 | 4/0 | 0/9 | £1 0 0 |
13 ,, 14 | ,, | 7/6 | 6/9 | 1/0 | 4/0 | 0/9 | 1 0 0 |
14 ,, 15 | ,, | 8/0 | 6/9 | 1/0 | 4/0 | 0/9 | 1 0 6 |
15.2 | ,, | 8/0 | 7/0 | 1/0 | 4/0 | 0/9 | 1 0 9 |
16 | ,, | 8/6 | 7/0 | 1/0 | 4/0 | 0/9 | 1 1 3 |
Superior quality Indian Serge Race Clothing, comprising Quarter Cloth,30/9; Hood,17/3; Full Breast,8/9; Pad Cloth,3/9; Roller, 8/6
Super Indian Serge Short Exercise Sheet,16/0; Night Hood,10/9 Black Livery Cloth Caps, with Winkers,11/6
Superior quality Fawn or Blue Rugging, bound any colour Livery Cloth, sewn 3 rows Silk, rug cut to buckle at chest as illustration. |
Height. | Long Body Cloth. | Hood. | Pad. Cloth. | Roller. | Fillet String. | Suit Complete. |
12 to 13 | hands | 17/0 | 11/3 | 2/0 | 8/6 | 0/9 | £1 19 6 |
13 ,, 14 | ,, | 18/6 | 11/3 | 2/0 | 8/6 | 0/9 | 2 1 0 |
14 ,, 15 | ,, | 20/0 | 12/9 | 2/0 | 8/6 | 0/9 | 2 4 0 |
15.2 | ,, | 21/0 | 12/9 | 2/3 | 9/0 | 0/9 | 2 5 9 |
16 | ,, | 23/0 | 12/9 | 2/3 | 9/0 | 0/9 | 2 7 9 |
All-wool Fawn Rugging Horse Clothing, bound any colour braid, rug cut to buckle at chest as illustration. |
12 to 13 | hands | 14/6 | 9/6 | 1/6 | 6/6 | 0/9 | £1 12 9 |
13 ,, 14 | ,, | 15/0 | 9/6 | 1/6 | 6/6 | 0/9 | 1 13 3 |
14 ,, 15 | ,, | 15/6 | 10/0 | 1/9 | 7/6 | 0/9 | 1 15 6 |
15.2 | ,, | 16/3 | 10/6 | 1/9 | 7/6 | 0/9 | 1 16 9 |
16 | ,, | 17/0 | 10/6 | 1/9 | 7/6 | 0/9 | 1 17 6 |
Lined All-wool Fawn Rugging, Leathered at Withers, specially recommended for warmth and hard wear.
12 hands | 13 hands | 14 hands | 15 hands | 15.2 hands | 16 hands | 16.2 hands |
16/3 | 17/0 | 18/0 | 18/6 | 19/0 | 19/6 | 20/0 |
Lined Collar, Check.
12 hands | 13 hands | 14 hands | 15 hands | 15.2 hands | 16 hands | 16.2 hands |
11/0 | 11/6 | 12/0 | 12/6 | 13/0 | 13/6 | 14/0 |
Check, with Surcingle sewn on.
12 hands | 13 hands | 14 hands | 15 hands | 15.2 hands | 16 hands | 16.2 hands |
8/6 | 8/9 | 9/0 | 9/3 | 9/6 | 9/9 | 10/0 |
Best Quality Striped Blankets, cut out to buckle at chest, bound all round livery cloth.
12 hands | 13 hands | 14 hands | 15 hands |
17/0 | 18/6 | 20/0 | 21/6 |
15.2 hands | 16 hands | 16.2 hands |
23/0 | 23/6 | 24/6 |
Best Quality Striped Horse Blankets, unbound.
Full size, weight 9 lb., size 6ft. × 6ft. 9in. each 18/6
Cob size, weight 7 lb., size 5ft. 3in. × 6ft. each 14/6
Pony size, weight 5 lb., size 4ft. 6in. × 5ft. 3in. each 10/6
The above are delivered Carriage Free, subject to the Conditions set forth on pages 3 and 4.
Superior Quality Solid Leather Rollers, with 2 straps and leather pads, faced hogskin, complete with dees and chapes for breast girth. |
Full size, 5in. wide | ... | 19/6 |
Cob size, 4in. wide | ... | 17/6 |
Ditto, No. 2 Quality, with Serge Pads. |
Full size, 5in. wide | ... | 14/6 |
Cob size, 4in. wide | ... | 13/0 |
Solid Leather Breast Girth for above, complete with straps | ... | 5/0 |
Superior Quality all wool Web Roller, faced hogskin. |
Full size, 5in. wide | ... | 9/0 |
Cob size, 4in. wide | ... | 8/6 |
No. 2 Quality, Union Web Roller, faced hide. |
Full size, 5in. wide | ... | 7/6 |
Cob size, 4in. wide | ... | 6/6 |
Dees and Chapes to Web Rollers for Breast Girths | ... | 1/3 |
Breast Girth for Web Roller, complete with straps | ... | 3/9 |
Best Hemp Roller for Night Rugs, faced hide, 4in. wide | ... | each 4/0 |
Jute Surcingle for Night Rugs, 4in. wide | ... | ,,1/3 |
Super Kersey, with improved springs | ... | per pair | 7/0 |
Super Kersey, without springs | ... | ,, | 6/6 |
Super Rugging | ... | ,, | 5/6 |
Hide | ... | ,, | 7/6 |
Buff Leather ditto | ... | ,, | 11/6 |
Superior Quality Hide, with extra cap sewn on, lined fawn rugging, top strap with elastic spring, | per pair 12/6 |
Supplied in pieces 5in. wide, and about 50 yards long. Blue, Fawn, or Grey ... | per piece 13/3 |
Ditto White ... | ,,12/0 |
Extra Quality Double Milled |
Bandage Material. Blue, Fawn, or Grey, | per piece 18/3 |
Ditto White ... | ...16/9 |
Superior Quality Hide Leather, lined Rugging | each | 6/6 |
Ditto, Basil | ,, | 4/9 |
Superior Quality Kersey | ,, | 3/6 |
,,,,Rugging | ,, | 2/9 |
Woollen Bandages.
Supplied in Blue, Fawn, and Grey, per set of 4, 3/3
White... ... per set 3/0
Extra Quality, Double Milled Woollen Bandages.
Blue, Fawn and Grey, per set 4/3
White ... ... per set 4/0
The “Sandown” Fleecy Bandages.
Blue, Fawn, Grey or White. No. 1, per set, 4/9
“Newmarket” or Stockingette Bandages.
Blue, Fawn or Grey, per set 2/6
White... ... per set 2/0
Linen Bandages.
Per set ... ... ... 2/0
With Keys, best quality, 3/3
Nag Stallion Bridle, plain cheeks and front, complete with rein and noseband | ... | 19/6 |
Nag Stallion Bridle, cheeks and front inlaid two colours and including rosettes, as illustration | ... | 31/6 |
Polished Leading Bar with Chain | ... | 3/6 |
Polished Plain Barmouth Stallion Bridoon | ... | 2/6 |
Nag Stallion Quarter Sheet, with narrow breast and fillet string, super fawn rugging, bound cloth | ... | 21/0 |
Nag Stallion Quarter Sheet, best check kersey, as illustration | ... | 27/6 |
Nag Stallion Roller, superior quality, all wool web, buckle both sides, 5in. wide, 3 straps, made to match sheet | ... | 16/0 |
Nag Stallion Crupper, dock buckle both sides | ... | 4/6 |
Cart Stallion Bridle, plain cheeks and front complete with rein and noseband | ... | 23/0 |
Cart Stallion Bridle, cheeks and front inlaid two colours, including rosettes | ... | 42/0 |
Polished Leading Bar, with Chain | ... | 3/6 |
Polished Plain Barmouth Cart Stallion Bridoon | ... | 2/6 |
Cart Stallion Quarter Sheet, with narrow breast and fillet string, super fawn rugging | ... | 22/0 |
Ditto, best Check Kersey | ... | 29/6 |
Cart Stallion Roller, superior quality all wool web, buckle both sides, 6in. wide, 3 straps, made to match sheet | ... | 21/0 |
Cart Stallion Crupper, dock buckle both sides | ... | 5/6 |
Superior quality, with rings at both sides and centre of nose, 16/0
Best Tubular Web, 21ft. long, with Leather Billet ... 6/0
Complete with Crupper and Side Reins.
Blackwell’s Patent, Indiarubber, as illustration 95/0
Wood, with leather side reins working on springs 47/6
Iron Dumb Jockey ... ... ... ... ... 50/0
Leather Head Collar Rein,
with Chain End and Spring Hook, each 3/1
Brown Leather Pillar Reins,
with Long Spring Hooks, per pair 4/0
Polished Brass Rack Chains, each 4/9
Galvanized Rack Chain, Best Polished, each 1/5
Polished Brass Pillar Chains, Per pair 9/0
Galvanized Pillar Chains. Best Polished, per pair, 2/9
Polished Brass Halter Chains, each 5/6
Galvanized Halter Chains, Best Polished, ea. 1/8
Braided Cord Pillar Reins, per pair 8/6
Coachman’s Washing Clogs.
Best Kip leather, per pair, 4/9
Lignum VitÆ Logs, each 0/7
Our own make. Made from the finest quality Yorkshire Leather, hand-sewn, brass buckles, white buff front.
Full size ... ... ... 13/9
Cob size ... ... ... 13/0
Pony size ... ... ... 12/3
Round Throat Stitched Head Collar, with Brass Buckle at each side of head, and white buff leather front,
full size ... ... ... 9/6
Cob ... ... ... ... 9/3
Pony ... ... ... ... 9/0
Head Collar, with tinned buckles, full size ... 5/6
Cob ... 5/3
Pony ... 5/0
Head Collars for Yearlings, 4/6
Our own make. Made from the finest quality Yorkshire Leather, hand-sewn, brass buckles, white buff front, with lay on head and throat, to buckle both sides, as illustration., full size 16/6
Ditto, Cob full size 15/6
Pony ,,14/6
Best Web, full size ... 0/10
Do. Cob or Pony size ... 0/9
Stable Forks.
Bright steel ferrules, 2/0; polished brass ferrules, 2/9
½ gal ... ... 1/1
1 gal ... ... 2/3
15in. ... ... ... ... 1/5
17in. ... ... ... ... 1/8
20in. ... ... ... ... 2/3
Cane Stable Baskets.
Large ... 2/6
Small ... 2/0
Stable Pails.
Best quality, with extra bar across bottom.
Plain wood, black hoops, large size, 12in. high, 14in. across top, 4/0 each.
Do., small size, 11in. high, 13in. across top, 3/3 each.
Do., painted blue or green, large size, 12in. high, 14in. across top, 5/0 each.
Do., small size, 11in. high, 13in. across top, 4/3 each.
Polished Teak Stable Pails.
With solid brass hoops and handles, large size, 15/6
Initials on Stable Pails.
Any colour, 0/3 per letter.
Pails painted special colours to order charged extra.
Coachman’s Washing Clogs.
Per pair |
New leather, 25in. high, | 10/0 |
Do., 30in. high | 13/6 |
Best Kip leather, 25in. high | 15/6 |
Do., 30in. high | 19/6 |
Fomenting Pail.
Best quality, handle each side, 24in. high, 15in. across top 11/6
Stable Brooms.
Bass, as Illustration, 2/3 2/9
Extra quality, large size, 3/3
Carriage Setters.
Plain wood ... ... ... 11/6
Do., painted blue or green 13/6
Carriage Ladders.
Painted blue or green, padded for carriage, 12/9 each.
Motor Ladders, extra long and padded to top, painted blue or green, 14/6
Dandy Brush.
Best English make. Brass wire drawn ...1/6, 1/9, 2/0
Ditto, cheaper quality 1/0, 1/3
Water Brush.
2/3, 3/3, 3/9, 4/3
Superior quality, grey bristles 5/6
Horse Body Brush.
3/0, 4/2, 5/2, 6/0.
Leather backed, grey bristles, 5/6, 6/6
Spoke Brush.
2/3, 2/10, 3/9, 4/9, 5/9
Superior quality, grey bristles ... 7/0
Harness Compo Brush.
Hard or soft ... ... 1/6, 2/6
Do. best quality bristles ... 3/0
Horse Body Brush.
With extra long bristles, as illustration, 6/6
Do., superior quality, 8/9
Scotch or Motor Spoke Brush.
Best grey bristles ... ... ... 5/3
Narrow motor spoke brush with handle 3/9
Breeches Brush.
Hard bristles ... ... 3/0
Soft,, ... ... 2/0
Boot Top Brush.
Hard or medium bristles, 1/9, 2/6, 3/0
Soft bristles 1/6, 1/9, 2/0
Crest Brush.
Bent or straight, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 2/0
Inside Carriage Brush
3/6, 4/0, 4/9, 5/6, 6/3, 6/9
Boot Top Tins.
Per pair, 0/10½
Button Stick, Brass, 0/6
Spur Strap Tree.
Mann’s Patent, 2/3 each
Hoof Pick. Tinned ... ... 0/3
Hoof Pick and Hammer,
folding as illustration, 1/6 each.
Mane Comb, 0/6
Trimming Comb, 0/6
Steel Burnisher.
4½in. × 4½in.
Superior quality, close link, 1/6
Double link, 1/1
Burnishing Glove.
Watts’ Patent, each 6/0
Curry Comb.
“Jockey’s Choice” 0/6
Do., extra quality, brass riveted, best finish ... 0/10½
Horse Scraper.
With rubber on edge, 1/9 each
Plain brass, 0/10½
Long scraper with wood handles, 1/3.
Do., with leather handles, 2/0
Mane Drag, with Stag-horn Handle.
Five-prong, 2/3 Six-prong, 2/6
Horse’s Tooth Rasp.
Tooth Rasps (Plain) ... ... 5/8
,,with Guard ... ... 6/9
Balling Gun (“Arnold’s”),
with spring drive, 12/6
Boxwood Balling Gun, 8/9
Godden’s Mane Layer. |
16in. Brass Ends | 14/3 |
8in.,, | 8/3 |
16in. Japanned Ends | 10/0 |
8in.,, | 5/6 |
Trimming Scissors,
Superior quality, bent | 7in. | 7½in. | 8in. |
shanks, covered bows | 3/6 | 3/9 | 4/0 |
Do., with plain bows | 3/0 | 3/3 | 3/6 |
Do., No. 2 quality ... | 2/3 | 2/6 | 2/9 |
Straight Trimming Scissors, 9in. long,
2/0 per pair.
The “Burman” Power Clipper, No. 17. Sent direct from the makers, carriage paid, 32/6
The “Burman” Power Clipper, No. 5. Sent direct from makers, carriage paid, 52/6
The “Stewart” Power Clipper, made by the Chicago Flexible Shaft Co. 32/8, carriage paid
The “Empire” Power Clipper, No. A 1, manufactured by the Brown Clipper Co., Birmingham. Fitted with Patent spiral shaft and attachment, and metallic flexible cover (for particulars see below), flat band, ball bearing knife, etc., £5 14 6
Ditto with chain shaft and canvas cover, £5 5 6
Model No. 2, as above, but smaller size, fitted with patent spiral shaft and adjustment, and metallic flexible cover £3 10 6
Ditto fitted with chain shaft and canvas cover, £3 1 6
The “Empire” Power Clipper, No. 9. This machine has a direct drive, is fitted with flat band, and ball bearing knife. Fitted with patent spiral shaft and adjustment, and metallic flexible cover, £2 9 0
The “Klip Quick” Power Clipper, made by the Brown Clipper Co., Birmingham. Fitted with patent spiral shaft and metallic flexible cover, complete with ball bearing knife, 45/0
Ditto with chain shaft and canvas cover, 32/6
Illustration of the new Flexible Metallic Cover, as fitted to Brown’s “Empire” Power Clippers, which is another distinct advance on the old method of Canvas Covering. As flexible as the spiral shaft, always clean to handle and of great durability.
Illustration of the Frictionless spiral shaft and patent attachment with “Empire” ball bearing knife attached, as fitted to Brown’s “Empire” Power Clippers. Can be driven with perfect ease even when shaft is knotted (as illustrated), or turned at a most acute angle. The invention of this spiral shaft disposes of the old and crude method of driving with a chain shaft, the links of which are liable to break or kink, and which compels the use of the clumsy device known as a “wrist joint.”
Diagram of the patent attachment, as fitted to Brown’s “Empire” Power Clippers. Showing the improved method of attaching knife to spiral shaft. The flatted end of the spindle A is threaded on the edges and fits into the clutch B also threaded. The collar C is then screwed over and so makes a perfect joint.
Clarke’s Patent Clippers. No. 1 pattern,
8/6 per pair.
No. 4 pattern, with Grasshopper springs,
10/0 per pair.
Martin’s Improved Clippers,
4/0 per pair.
The “Harrod” Improved Ball Bearing Clippers.
Exceptionally easy running, centre nut adjustment.
Supplied in wood box, with oil can complete, 8/6 per pair.
The “Harrod” Leg Clipper,
With extra thick bottom plate, 8/6
The “Harrod” Horse Clippers.
With Grasshopper springs; cuts over three teeth. Supplied in wood box with oil-can complete, 7/6 per pair.
Whip Reels.
Single ... ... 0/9
Double ... ... 1/0
Treble ... ... 1/4
Single ... ... 0/10
Double ... ... 1/1
Treble ... ... 1/5
Rein Clip.
Black, Patent or plain Brown Leather, superior quality,
3 in. wide ... 2/6 each
3½in. ,, ... 2/9,,
Coupling Rings.
Ivory, 3/6, 4/0
Pulling Net
With double bottom, complete with straps,
2/4 each.
Drenching Bit, for Horses and Cattle. Specially recommended for administering medicine in a liquid form, gradually and regularly, without waste. All parts heavily nickel-plated. Price, 10/0 each.
Drenching Horn.
As illustration,
Rumble Bells.
Brass or Nickel,
0/10 each.
Cradles for Horses.
Plain wood with cords 3/4
,,,,,,straps 4/0
Bamboo with cords ... 6/0
India-Rubber Brake Blocks for Carriages. The Dovetail. | Per |
No. | Long. | Wide. | Deep. | Top. | Pair. |
1 | 5¼ | 1? | 1½ | 1? × 1 | 2/6 |
2 | 6¼ | 1½ | 1¾ | 1½ × 1¼ | 3/6 |
3 | 6½ | 1¾ | 2 | 17/16 × 1¼ | 4/0 |
4 | 6½ | 2 | 2 | 1¾ × 1½ | 5/6 |
5 | 8 | 2½ | 3? | 111/16 × 1½ | 9/6 |
Head Clippers.
“Harrods” best quality with Grasshopper springs 8/6 per pair.
Clark’s. 10/0 per pair.
Balling Iron.
As illustration, 4/6
Whip Sockets.
Superior quality, Black, Patent or plain Brown Leather, 2/0 each.
Spring Punch
For punching holes in straps, etc., very useful for bridles and all harness strapping.
Price 3/0 each.
Showing Complete Set of Single Harness Brackets.
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 2/7 | 2/9 | 2/11 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 0/5 | 0/6 | 0/6 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 1/9 | 1/11 | 2/0 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 2/0 | 2/2 | 2/4 |
Best Harness Fittings, to hang up one set of Single Harness (as illustrated), consisting of 1 Bridle Holder, 1 Collar Holder, 1 Rein Holder, 1 Single Horse Harness Saddle Holder.
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Per set, complete ... | 6/9 | 7/4 | 7/9 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 3/4 | 3/7 | 3/8 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 3/0 | 3/3 | 3/4 |
Showing Half Set of Pair Horse Harness Brackets.
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 2/7 | 2/9 | 2/11 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 0/5 | 0/6 | 0/6 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 1/9 | 1/11 | 2/0 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 1/1 | 1/2 | 1/4 |
Best Harness Fittings, to hang up one set of Double Harness (as illustrated), consisting of 2 Bridle Holders, 2 Pad Holders, 2 Collar Holders, and 2 Rein Holders.
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Per set, complete ... | 11/8 | 12/8 | 13/6 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
9in. | 2/3 | 2/6 | 2/7 |
12in. | 2/10 | 3/3 | 3/6 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
8in. | each | 1/4 | 1/6 | 1/7 |
10 | ,, | 1/6 | 1/7 | 1/8 |
12 | ,, | 1/10 | 2/0 | 2/1 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each ... ... ... ... | 6/9 | 8/0 | 9/0 |
Ditto, with hooks, covered leather | 12/0 | 13/3 | 14/0 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each ... ... ... ... | 4/9 | 5/0 | 5/3 |
Ditto, with hooks, covered leather | 10/0 | 10/3 | 10/6 |
To keep Saddles in good order.
Lady’s, | in Oak | ... | 14/6 |
Gent’s | ,, | ... | 12/6 |
,, | in Pine | ... | 11/6 |
Lady’s | ,, | ... | 13/6 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 0/6 | 0/7 | 0/8 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Each | 1/3 | 1/4 | 1/5 |
Per dozen. |
| Brass. | Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
2½ | in. | 9/9 | 2/6 | 2/9 | 3/0 |
3 | ,, | 10/9 | 2/9 | 3/3 | 3/9 |
3½ | ,, | 12/0 | 3/9 | 4/0 | 4/6 |
4 | ,, | 14/6 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 5/6 |
Per dozen. |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
3½in. | ... | 5/6 | 6/9 | 7/6 |
5,, | ... | 6/6 | 7/6 | 8/6 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Per doz. | 3/0 | 3/4 | 3/8 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Per doz. | 3/8 | 4/3 | 4/9 |
| Black. | Red. | Galvd. |
Per doz. | 4/3 | 4/9 | 5/4 |
Black ... 4/6
Red... 4/9
Galvd. ... 5/3
Solid Brass. Plate. | Do. Black. Plate. | Do. Galvd. Plate. |
1¾in. 2/0 | 1¾in. 5d. | 1¾in. 7d. |
2 in. 2/6 | 2 in. 7d. | 2 in. 8d. |
No. S A 1. | Black. | Red. |
Including Name ... ... | 3/3 | 3/6 |
No. S A 2. | Black. | Red. |
Including Name ... ... | 1/6 | 1/9 |
No. S A 3. | Black. | Red. |
Including Name ... ... | 2/9 | 3/0 |
With 4 Hooks, as illustrated.
Black, 2/8. Red, 3/0. Galvd., 3/4
Deal, polished, convertible into Cleaning Table with drawers for Brushes and Clothing, 59/6
in 1lb & 5lb tins price 1/=
Superior Quality Veterinary Vaseline.
Per 1 lb. tin ... 0/8½
Harrods’ “Special” Harness Composition.
Small size.
Per tin... ... 0/7
,,doz. ... 6/6
Large size.
Per tin... ... 1/0
,,doz. ... 11/0
Harrods’ “Special” Leather Polish.
Cleans, polishes and preserves. Specially prepared from the finest quality ingredients.
Made in Black and Brown.
Per tin ... ... 0/5½
,,doz. ... ... 5/0
Harrods’ Saddle Paste.
Per tin ... 0/5½
,,doz. ... 5/0
Harrods’ Cloth and Leather Cleaning Ball.
Made in white and various colours, suitable for cloth facings, breeches and spats. Per box, 0/6½
For cleaning white belts, shoes, etc.
Per tin (including sponge) ... 0/6
Per cake (refill for tin) ... ...0/1
Gall Cure
Bickmore’s Gall Cure.
Per 2 oz. tin ... 0/10½
,,6 oz. ,,... 1/10
,,1 lb. ,, ... 3/3
Olive Oil Soft Soap
Prepared from Finest Olive Oil
Harrods’ Veterinary Soft Soap.
Specially recommended.
Made from pure Olive Oil.
Per 3 lb. tin ... 1/3
,,7 lb. tin ... 2/3
Harrods’ Saddle Soap.
Per tin ... 0/6
Per doz. ... 5/6
Harrods’ Saddle Soap.
In bars.
Per bar ... ... ... 0/6
Per doz. bars ... 5/6
Metallic Powder
Brilliant Metallic Powder.
For cleaning brass, copper, etc.
Per box ... 0/6
Per doz. ... 5/6 Per lb. tin 1/0
Per doz. ... 10/6 GREEN REVIVER
Morocco Leather
Reviver (Harding’s).
In various colours.
Per bottle ... 1/0
Brompton Road. London s.w.
Harrods’ Axle Oil.
Per | pint | ... | 0/9 |
,, | quart | ... | 1/4 |
,, | ½ gallon | ... | 2/0 |
,, | gallon | ... | 3/6 |
Harrods’ Veterinary
Hoof Dressing.
Per | pint tin | ... | 1/6 |
,, | quart tin | ... | 2/9 |
,, | ½ gallon tin | ... | 5/0 |
,, | gallon tin | ... | 9/0 |
Harrods’ Black Oil.
Per | pint | ... | 0/10½ |
,, | quart | ... | 1/6 |
,, | ½ gallon | ... | 2/9 |
,, | gallon | ... | 4/6 |
THE Nortthcote Preparation
Scarlet Coats
Mann’s Scarlet Coat Preparation.
Per bottle ... 2/6
Nortthcote Breeches and Glove Paste
Mann’s Breeches Paste.
Per tin ... ... 1/4½
Mann’s Breeches Polish.
Per tin ... ... 1/4½
Axle Oil | pint, 0/9; qt., 1/4; ½ gal., 2/0 |
Bickmore’s Gall Cure | 2 oz. tin 0/10½; 6 oz. tin 1/10; 1 lb. 3/3 |
Blanco, for whitening buff leather | per tin 0/6 |
,,Cakes only, for refills | each 0/1 |
Boot Top Powder, various colours, Goddard’s | per box 0/6 |
,,,,,,,,E. Brown & Sons | ,,1/3 |
,,,,,,,,Propert’s | ,,1/6 |
,,Polish, Propert’s | per bottle 1/1½ |
Breeches Balls, various colours, Propert’s | 0/9 |
,,or Glove Paste, Propert’s | per jar 1/10½ |
,,,,,,Pullman’s | ,,1/6 |
Brilliant Metallic Powder | per box, 0/6 and 1/0; doz., 5/6 and 10/6 |
Cloth Balls, Propert’s (White) | 0/9 |
,,Harrods’ (white and various colours) | 0/6½ |
“Cornucrescine,” for sand cracks, and making horn of hoof grow | per tin 2/11 |
Electric Brass Paste, Lane’s | per tin, 0/4½; per doz. 4/3 |
Embrocation, Elliman’s | per bottle, 1/9 3/0 |
Harness Blacking, Clark’s | per bottle 0/8 |
,,Composition, E. Brown & Sons | per tin, 0/5½ and 0/10½ |
,,,,P. Jamieson’s | ,, 0/10 and 1/3 |
,,,,Harrods’, | tin, 0/6 and 0/9; per doz. 5/6 and 8/6 |
,,,,Harrods’ “Special” | per tin, 0/7 and 1/0 |
,,,,,,,, | per doz., 6/6 and 11/0 |
,,,,Lane’s Improved Blue-black, | per tin, 0/7 and 1/0 |
,,,,Propert’s | ,, 0/7½ and 0/11½ |
,,,,Nugget | ,,0/8 |
,,Dye, Clark’s | | | | | per bottle 0/6 |
,,,,Harrods’ | per bottle, 0/5½; gallon 2/0 |
,,Dressing, “Frank Miller” | pint tin, 0/10;,,5/0 |
Harness Black Oil, Harrods’, | pint tin, 0/10½; qt., 1/6; ½ gal., 2/9; per gal. 4/6 |
,,,,Propert’s | per bottle 0/9½ |
,,Dubbin Dye, Newman’s | per tin 0/9½ |
,,Sponge Composition, Evans’s | ,, 1/2 |
Hoof Dressing, Harrods’, | pint tin, 1/6; qt., 2/9; ½ gal., 5/0; gal. 9/0 |
Hoplemuroma, Clark’s | per pot 4/0 |
Leather Preservative, Griffin’s, | tin, 0/5 and 0/8½; 3 lb., 5/3; 6 lb. 9/9 |
Mann’s Breeches Paste | per tin 1/4½ |
,,,,Polish | ,,1/4½ |
,,,,Polisher | per ball 1/6 |
,,Scarlet Cloth Cleaner for Hunting Coats | per bottle 2/6 |
Morocco Leather Reviver, Harding’s, various colours, | per bottle 1/0 |
Plate Powder, Harrods’ | per box, 0/6; per doz. 5/6 |
Quinn’s Hoof Liniment | per pint tin, 1/3; quart, 2/3; ½ gal. 4/3 |
Saddle Soap, Harrods’ | per tin, 0/6; per doz. 5/6 |
,, Chiswick Improved | ,,0/6;,,5/6 |
,, Propert’s | per box 0/7½ |
,, Brecknell & Turner’s | per box, 0/6; per doz. 5/9 |
,, Harrods’, in bars | per bar 0/6 |
Saddle Paste, Harrods’ | per tin 0/5½; per doz. 5/0 |
,, Chiswick Improved | per box, 0/6;,,5/6 |
,, Wren’s | per tin, 0/5½;,,5/0 |
,, E. Brown & Sons | per tin, 0/5½ and 0/10½ |
,, Propert’s | per tin 0/9 |
,, Evans’s | ,,0/7½ |
Soft Soap, specially recommended, made from pure olive oil, | 3 lb., 1/3; 7 lb. 2/3 |
Veterinary Vaseline | per 1 lb. tin 0/8½ |
Waterproof Jet, for carriage heads | per bottle 1/0 |
No. S A 1500. Folding Portmanteau, made of best quality butt leather, turn-over edges, hand-sewn and riveted, 8 solid capped corners, extra strong frames, 2 long straps all round, lever lock and 2 keys. Size 36in. made to order only.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27in. | 15in. | 13in. | 77/6 | | 33in. | 16in. | 16in. | 102/6 |
30 | 15½ | 14½ | 92/6 | | 36 | 17 | 17 | 113/0 |
No. S A 1501. Folding Portmanteau, as above, No. 2 quality. |
Size 36in. made to order only. |
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27in. | 14½in. | 13in. | 59/6 | | 33in. | 15in. | 15in. | 74/0 |
30 | 15 | 14 | 65/6 | | 36 | 15½ | 16 | 81/0 |
No. S A 1502. Shallow Imperial or Cabin Trunk, made of finest quality solid butt leather, hand-sewn and riveted, 8 solid capped corners, 2 extra quality long straps all round, best lever lock and 2 keys, lined superior quality roan leather, as illustration.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
30in. | 21in. | 12½in. | 231/0 | | 36in. | 23in. | 12½in. | 273/0 |
33 | 22 | 12½ | 252/0 | |
No. S A 1503. Expanding Top Portmanteau, or Coat Case, made of finest quality butt leather, turn-over edges and hand-sewn throughout, best lever lock.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
24in. | 15in. | 7½in. | 73/6 | | 30in. | 16in. | 8½in. | 107/6 |
| | | | | | | | |
27 | 16 | 8 | 95/0 | | 33 | 17 | 9½ | 122/6 |
The 33in. has 2 end handles. |
No. S A 1504. Shallow Imperial or best butt leather Steamer Trunk, turn-over edge, extra large solid leather-capped corners, steel banded and hand-sewn, fitted with tray, strong lever lock and 2 keys, extra stout luggage straps all round, leather ledges, etc.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
30in. | 21in. | 12½in. | 126/0 | | 36in. | 23in. | 12½in. | 145/0 |
33 | 22 | 12½ | 135/0 | |
No. S A 1505. Shallow Imperial or Cabin Trunk, as above, No. 2 quality. |
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27in. | 20in. | 12½in. | 79/0 | | 33in. | 22in. | 12½in. | 95/0 |
30 | 21 | 12½ | 86/0 | | 36 | 23 | 12½ | 104/0 |
No. S A 1506. The Imperial Trunk, made of best butt leather, turn-over edge, extra large solid leather-capped corners, steel banded, and hand-sewn throughout, fitted with tray, strong lever lock and 2 keys extra stout luggage straps all round.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
30in. | 19in. | 16in. | 130/0 | | 36in. | 20½in. | 18in. | 152/6 |
33 | 19½ | 17 | 139/6 | |
No. S A 1507. The Imperial Trunk, as above, No. 2 quality. |
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
30in. | 19in. | 16in. | 86/0 | | 36in. | 20½in. | 18in. | 104/0 |
33 | 19½ | 17 | 95/0 | |
No. S A 1508. P. & O. Cabin Trunk, made of extra stout portmanteau hide welted edge, 4 bottom capped corners, lever lock, 2 keys, straps all round, with tray.
36in. long and 21in. wide × 14in. deep, 97/6
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Trunks see page 530. [520]
No. S A 1510. Special quality, Drop-back Lid, best Lever Lock and 2 Keys, Hand-sewn, best make and finish.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27 | in. | 18 | in. | 12 | in. | 42/0 |
30 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 46/9 |
33 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 51/9 |
36 | ,, | 20 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 56/9 |
No. S A 1511. Black Japanned Canvas, Brown Leather Corners, and fitted with Tray.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27 | in. | 18 | in. | 12 | in. | 30/0 |
30 | ,, | 18 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 33/6 |
33 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 37/0 |
36 | ,, | 20 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 40/0 |
No. S A 1512. Extra large size, best Twill Canvas, Hand-sewn Leather Corners, Lever Lock and 2 Keys, Straps over Top. All Black Leather Fittings. 36in. long × 24in. wide × 14in. deep, 60/0
Troopship Cabin Trunk, Regulation Size, 30 × 24 × 12in., Twill Canvas, Leather Corners, Straps over Top, 47/6
No. S A 1513. Best Twill Canvas, Leather Corners, Best Lever Lock and 2 Keys, Straps over Top.
36 × 21 × 14in. ... ... 56/9
No. S A 1514.
Best Twill Canvas, Lever Lock, Straps over Top. Black Leather Fittings. 36in. long × 21in. wide × 14in. deep 47/6. As illustration.
No. S A 1515. Covered best Flax Canvas on “Flaxite” Fibre. Drop-back Lid, Leather Corners, Lever Lock with 2 Keys, Hand-sewn throughout.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27 | in. | 19 | in. | 15 | in. | 44/0 |
30 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 15 | ,, | 49/6 |
33 | ,, | 20 | ,, | 16 | ,, | 54/0 |
36 | ,, | 20 | ,, | 17 | ,, | 59/6 |
No. S A 1516. “Flaxite” Fibre, covered Green Willesden Waterproof Canvas, fitted with Steel Frame, Tray, and Brass Front Clips, 2 Straps, and Lever Locks.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27 | in. | 18 | in. | 15 | in. | 37/6 |
30 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 16 | ,, | 40/0 |
33 | ,, | 20 | ,, | 17 | ,, | 45/0 |
36 | ,, | 21 | ,, | 18 | ,, | 49/6 |
THE ORIGINAL MAKE OF “FLAXITE” FIBRE TRUNKS. These Trunks are all London made, and were first known as “Compressed Fibre,” but owing to numerous cheap imitations now being sold, customers are advised when purchasing to ask for the “ORIGINAL FLAXITE FIBRE.”
No. S A 1517. Cabin or Flat Imperial Trunk. Good quality Portmanteau Hide, stiffened on “Flaxite” Fibre, fitted with Tray, Leather Straps, Brass Clips, and Solid Leather Moulded Corners, and fitted with the new Improved Steel Frame.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27in. | 18in. | 12in. | 57/6 | 33in. | 20in. | 12in. | 68/6 |
30in. | 19in. | 12in. | 63/0 | 36in. | 21in. | 12in. | 75/0 |
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Trunks see page 530.
Made in Green Willesden or Brown Japanned Canvas, stiffened on “Flaxite” Fibre, 8 Solid Leather Moulded Corners, Lined Holland, fitted with 2 Slide Nozzle Locks, as Illustration.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
20in. | 14½in. | 6in. | 18/9 | 24in. | 15½in. | 7in. | 22/9 |
22in. | 15in. | 6½in. | 20/9 | 26in. | 16in. | 7½in. | 25/6 |
No. S A 1524. Ditto, covered Superior Case Hide, made as above. |
20in. | 14½in. | 6in. | 32/6 | 24in. | 15½in. | 7in. | 38/6 |
22in. | 15in. | 6½in. | 35/6 | 26in. | 16in. | 7½in. | 42/0 |
Extra Strong, covered Superior Quality Green Willesden Canvas, stiffened on “Flaxite” Fibre, large Solid Leather Moulded Corners, Superior Quality long Straps all round, large Lock Flaps, good Lever Locks and Centre Clip, fitted with Tray and new improved Steel Frame.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27in. | 18in. | 14in. | 68/6 | 36in. | 21in. | 14in. | 84/0 |
30in. | 19in. | 14in. | 72/6 | 39in. | 22in. | 14in. | 92/6 |
33in. | 20in. | 14in. | 77/6 |
Good Quality Portmanteau Hide, stiffened on “Flaxite” Fibre, fitted with Tray, Leather Straps, Brass Clips, Solid Leather Moulded Corners, and new improved Steel Frame.
Size ... ... 36in. long, 24in. wide, 13in. deep.
Price 92/6
No. S A 1525. SUIT OR SHORT VISIT CASE. Extra Deep. Made in Green Willesden or Brown Japanned Canvas, stiffened on “Flaxite” Fibre, 8 Solid Leather Moulded Corners, Lined Holland, fitted with 2 Slide Nozzle Locks, as Illustration.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
20in. | 14½in. | 7½in. | 20/6 | 24in. | 15½in. | 8½in. | 24/6 |
22in. | 15in. | 8in. | 22/6 | 26in. | 16in. | 9in. | 26/9 |
Made in Green Willesden or Brown Japanned Canvas, stiffened on “Flaxite” Fibre, 8 Solid Leather Moulded Corners, Lined Holland, 2 Slide Nozzle Locks and Centre Clip.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27in. | 16½in. | 8½in. | 31/6 |
30in. | 17½in. | 9½in. | 35/6 |
No. S A 1528. Ditto, as above, covered Superior Quality Case Hide. |
27in. | 16½in. | 8½in. | 53/6 |
30in. | 17½in. | 9½in. | 58/6 |
Good Quality Portmanteau Hide, stiffened on “Flaxite” Fibre, fitted with Tray, Leather Straps, Brass Clips, Solid Leather Moulded Corners and new improved Steel Frame.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. | Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
27in. | 18in. | 12in. | 57/6 | 33in. | 20in. | 12in. | 68/6 |
30in. | 19in. | 12in. | 63/0 | 36in. | 21in. | 12in. | 75/0 |
Also made extra deep. Size: 36in. long, 21in. wide, 13in. deep. 84/0 |
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Trunks, see page 530.
No. S A 1531. LADIES’ HAT BOX.
Very strong make; made in Brown or Black Japanned Flax Canvas, stiffened on Flaxite fibre, lined Embossed Sateen, fitted with Patent removable Wire Fittings to affix Hats or Bonnets
Size. | Price. |
20in. Long × 16in. Wide × 16in. Deep ... to take 6 Hats. | 35/6 |
22in. Long × 18in. Wide × 18in. Deep ... | 42/0 |
No. S A 1535. Black Japanned Canvas, Welted Leather, fitted with 6 Wire Cones, 20in. × 16in. × 16in. ... | 34/0 |
,, S A 1536. Black Japanned Canvas, Welted Leather, fitted with 6 Wire Cones, 22in. × 18in. × 18in. ... | 36/0 |
,,S A 1537. Green Willesden Canvas, Welted Leather, best quality, 6 Wire Cones, 20in. × 16in. × 16in. ... | 40/0 |
,, S A 1538. Green Willesden Canvas, Welted Leather, best quality, 6 Wire Cones, 22in. × 18in. × 18in. | 45/0 |
,, S A 1539. Black Japanned Canvas, extra strong make, 6 Wire Cones, 20in. × 16in. × 16in. ... ... | 38/9 |
,, S A 1540. Black Japanned Canvas, extra strong make, 6 Wire Cones, 22in. × 18in. × 18in. ... ... | 43/6 |
No. S A 1532. LADIES’ HAT BOX.
Superior quality, covered extra strong Green or Brown Canvas, large Leather Corners, Lever Lock and two end clips.
Size. | Price. |
24in. Long × 20in. Wide × 20in. Deep, | 60/0 |
Ditto as Illustration, with Long Strap all round and End Handles. |
Size. | Price. |
26in. Long × 22in. Wide × 22in. Deep, | 70/0 |
28in. Long × 24in. Wide × 24in. Deep, | 77/6 |
No. S A 1541. LADIES’ HAT BOX, Patent Compressed
Cane, fitted with 6 Patent movable Gauze Wire Fittings.
Size 20in. × 18in. × 18in., 50/9
,,22in. × 18in. × 18in., 53/6
,,22in. × 20in. × 20in., 58/9
,,24in. × 22in. × 22in., 70/6
,,26in. × 24in. × 24in., 81/6
No. S A 1533. LADIES’ HAT BOX.
Made in Green Willesden, Brown or Black Canvas, stiffened on “Flaxite” fibre, fitted with Patent Removable Wire Fittings to affix Hats or Bonnets.
Size. | Price. |
20in. Long × 16in. Wide × 16in. Deep to take 6 Hats. | 27/6 |
22in. Long × 18in. Wide × 18in. Deep | 34/6 |
24in. Long × 20in. Wide × 20in. Deep | 42/0 |
26in. Long × 22in. Wide × 22in. Deep | 47/6 |
No. S A 1534. As above, but stronger make, and large Leather Corners.
Size. | Price. |
24in. Long × 20in. Wide × 20in. Deep | 47/6 |
26in. Long × 22in. Wide × 22in. Deep | 55/0 |
No. 1542. LADIES’ HAT BOX.
With removable Taped Frame, as illustration, in Green Willesden, Black or Brown Japanned Canvas.
Size. | Price. |
20in. Long × 16in. Wide × 16in. Deep | 32/6 |
22in. Long × 18in. Wide × 18in. Deep | 40/0 |
24in. Long × 20in. Wide × 20in. Deep | 47/6 |
Patent Compressed Cane, 1 Tray, Lever Lock. |
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
18 | in. | 12¾ | in. | 11¾ | in. | 22/9 |
20 | ,, | 13½ | ,, | 12 | ,, | 24/6 |
22 | ,, | 14 | ,, | 13 | ,, | 26/0 |
24 | ,, | 14½ | ,, | 13½ | ,, | 27/9 |
26 | ,, | 14½ | ,, | 13½ | ,, | 30/6 |
Made in black or brown japanned canvas or green Willesden canvas, stiffened on “Flaxite” fibre, fitted with tray, sliding nozzle lock and eight leather-capped corners.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
in. | in. | in. | |
18 | 14 | 11½ | 18/0 |
20 | 14 | 12 | 20/0 |
22 | 15 | 12 | 22/0 |
24 | 15½ | 12 | 24/0 |
26 | 16 | 12 | 26/6 |
Made in plain brown grained “Flaxite” fibre (not covered canvas), fitted with leather corners and tray.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | |
in. | in. | in. | Price. |
18 | 14 | 11½ | 13/6 |
20 | 14½ | 12 | 14/6 |
22 | 15 | 12 | 16/0 |
24 | 15½ | 12 | 17/6 |
Harrods’ own special make, outside canvas all in one piece, superior make throughout. Best black japanned flax canvas, long straps all round (as illustration).
Length | 27 | in. | Width | 19 | in. | Depth | 24 | in. | Price | 55/6 |
,, | 30 | ,, | ,, | 20 | ,, | ,, | 25 | ,, | ,, | 62/9 |
,, | 33 | ,, | ,, | 21 | ,, | ,, | 26 | ,, | ,, | 67/9 |
,, | 36 | ,, | ,, | 22 | ,, | ,, | 27 | ,, | ,, | 74/0 |
,, | 39 | ,, | ,, | 23 | ,, | ,, | 28 | ,, | ,, | 80/0 |
All close wicker, covered black japanned canvas, 8 leather corners, bar bound leather, tray with movable division, rollers on bottom.
Length | 24 | in. | Width | 19 | in. | Depth | 22½ | in. | Price | 34/0 |
,, | 27 | ,, | ,, | 20 | ,, | ,, | 24 | ,, | ,, | 38/0 |
,, | 30 | ,, | ,, | 21 | ,, | ,, | 25 | ,, | ,, | 41/6 |
,, | 33 | ,, | ,, | 22 | ,, | ,, | 26½ | ,, | ,, | 46/0 |
,, | 36 | ,, | ,, | 23 | ,, | ,, | 28 | ,, | ,, | 50/6 |
All close wicker, covered black japanned canvas, 8 leather corners, tray, with movable divisions, rollers on bottom, lined holland.
Length | 24 | in. | Width | 19 | in. | Depth | 22½ | in. | Price | 28/6 |
,, | 27 | ,, | ,, | 20 | ,, | ,, | 24 | ,, | ,, | 31/6 |
,, | 30 | ,, | ,, | 21 | ,, | ,, | 25 | ,, | ,, | 34/6 |
,, | 33 | ,, | ,, | 22 | ,, | ,, | 26½ | ,, | ,, | 37/6 |
,, | 36 | ,, | ,, | 23 | ,, | ,, | 28 | ,, | ,, | 40/6 |
No. S A 1546. LADY’S BONNET or VISITE CASE. Made in black japanned canvas, welted with brown leather, fitted with tray.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
18in. | 14 in. | 10in. | 16/0 |
20 ,, | 14 ,, | 10½ ,, | 17/9 |
22 ,, | 15 ,, | 11 ,, | 19/6 |
24 ,, | 15½ ,, | 11½ ,, | 21/0 |
27 ,, | 16 ,, | 12 ,, | 23/6 |
Ball Dress Trunk made of strong close wicker, covered stout twill canvas, lever lock and two keys, lined holland, rollers on bottom.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
33 | in. | 21 | in. | 16 | in. | 48/0 |
36 | ,, | 22 | ,, | 17 | ,, | 52/0 |
39 | ,, | 23 | ,, | 18 | ,, | 56/6 |
42 | ,, | 24 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 60/0 |
45 | ,, | 25 | ,, | 20 | ,, | 65/0 |
No. SA 1551.
Close wicker, 8 leather corners.
No tray.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
39 | in. | 22 | in. | 15 | ,, | 44/6 |
42 | ,, | 23 | ,, | 16 | ,, | 48/0 |
45 | ,, | 25 | ,, | 18 | ,, | 51/3 |
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Trunks see page 530.
The reliability of “Pukka” luggage is guaranteed to all purchasers by the issue, with every article purchased, of a “Pukka” Guarantee Bond. Every article of “Pukka” luggage is kept in repair free of charge for a period of five years from date of purchase. All “Pukka” luggage not lasting five years, or damaged beyond repairs, replaced free of charge.
All claims for repair or free renewal under cover of bond must be made direct to THE “PUKKA” LUGGAGE CO., 33 Bowling Green Lane, E.C.
No. S A 1552.
Fitted with dustproof and waterproof adjustment. Covered with brown flax canvas, fitted with leather straps inside.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
in. | in. | in. | |
20 | 14½ | 7 | 45/9 |
22 | 15 | 7½ | 49/0 |
24 | 15½ | 8 | 54/0 |
26 | 16 | 8½ | 58/6 |
27 | 16½ | 9 | 65/6 |
30 | 17 | 9½ | 73/0 |
porter carrying suitcases, one on head
Rd Design Nº 534032
No. S A 1553.
Registered Design. Fitted with dustproof and waterproof adjustment. Covered with brown flax canvas, fitted with removable wire fittings.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
in. | in. | in. | |
20 | 16 | 16 | 72/0 |
22 | 18 | 18 | 76/0 |
24 | 20 | 20 | 80/0 |
26 | 22 | 22 | 84/0 |
RD Design RD Design
Nº 534032 Nº 534032
No. S A 1554.
Registered Design. Fitted with waterproof and dustproof adjustment. Covered with brown flax canvas, fitted with tray 4½in. deep, with web straps in tray and body of trunk.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
in. | in. | in. | |
30 | 19 | 17 | 114/0 |
33 | 20 | 18 | 120/0 |
36 | 21 | 19 | 126/0 |
39 | 22 | 20 | 132/0 |
RD Design RD Design
Nº 534032 Nº 534032
No. S A 1555.
Registered Design. Fitted with waterproof and dustproof adjustment. Covered with brown flax canvas, fitted with tray 4in. deep, two web straps in tray and body of trunk.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
in. | in. | in. | |
30 | 19 | 14 | 102/0 |
33 | 20 | 14 | 107/0 |
36 | 21 | 14 | 112/0 |
39 | 22 | 14 | 117/0 |
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Trunks see page 530.
No. S A 1556.
Cabin Trunk. Patent Compressed Cane. 1 Tray, Lever Lock, and 2 Battens. 34in. has 3 battens, 36in., 38in., and 40in., 4 battens.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Weight. | Price. |
28 | in. | 20 | in. | 12 | in. | 18 | lbs. | 48/0 |
30 | ,, | 20 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 52/0 |
32 | ,, | 20 | ,, | 12 | ,, | 20 | ,, | 56/0 |
34 | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 12 | ,, | 22 | ,, | 60/0 |
36 | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 12 | ,, | 24 | ,, | 68/0 |
38 | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 12 | ,, | 27 | ,, | 72/0 |
40 | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 12 | ,, | 30 | ,, | 76/0 |
38in. and 40in. Cabin Trunks are procured to order only.
No. S A 1558.
Shallow Imperial. No. 3. Patent Compressed Cane. 1 Tray Lever Lock, and Collapsible Division; same construction as No. 1. Size 34in. has 3 Battens. Size 36in. has 4 Battens. Sizes 38 to 42in. have 4 Battens and 2 Locks. Size 44 has 5 Battens.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Weight. | Price. |
28 | in. | 18 | in. | 14½ | in. | 21 | lbs. | 56/0 |
30 | ,, | 18¾ | ,, | 15½ | ,, | 22 | ,, | 60/0 |
32 | ,, | 19½ | ,, | 16 | ,, | 24 | ,, | 64/0 |
34 | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 16 | ,, | 26 | ,, | 68/0 |
36 | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 18 | ,, | 28 | ,, | 76/0 |
38 | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 18 | ,, | 31 | ,, | 84/0 |
40 | ,, | 22 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 34 | ,, | 88/0 |
42 | ,, | 22 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 37 | ,, | 92/0 |
44 | ,, | 22 | ,, | 19 | ,, | 40 | ,, | 96/0 |
No. S A 1560.
Lady’s Dress Trunk. Patent Compressed Cane. Lever Lock 2 Straps all round and Brass Clips. The sizes 28in. to 34in. have 1 tray with movable divisions. Sizes 36in. and 38in. have 2 trays; the 38in. has 2 locks.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Weight. | Price. |
28 | in. | 17½ | in. | 20 | in. | 24 | lbs. | 52/0 |
30 | ,, | 18½ | ,, | 21 | ,, | 26 | ,, | 56/6 |
32 | ,, | 19½ | ,, | 22 | ,, | 29 | ,, | 60/9 |
34 | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 23½ | ,, | 32 | ,, | 65/0 |
36 | ,, | 21½ | ,, | 24½ | ,, | 35 | ,, | 73/9 |
38 | ,, | 22½ | ,, | 26 | ,, | 43 | ,, | 78/0 |
No. S A 1557.
Deep Imperial. No. 1. Patent Compressed Cane. Fitted inside with 1 tray and folding divisions for bonnets, and webbing straps for strapping down the dresses. The 36in., 38in., 40in., 42in., and 44in. have 2 trays. The 28, 30, 32, and 34in. have two battens round trunk, and the 36in., 38in., 40in., and 42in., four battens (as illustration); 44in., five battens.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Weight. | Price. |
28 | in. | 17½ | in. | 18 | in. | 23 | lbs. | 65/0 |
30 | ,, | 18½ | ,, | 18½ | ,, | 25 | ,, | 68/6 |
32 | ,, | 19½ | ,, | 19½ | ,, | 27 | ,, | 72/0 |
34 | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 20½ | ,, | 29 | ,, | 77/0 |
36 | ,, | 21½ | ,, | 21½ | ,, | 36 | ,, | 88/0 |
38 | ,, | 23 | ,, | 23 | ,, | 41 | ,, | 96/0 |
40 | ,, | 23 | ,, | 24 | ,, | 43 | ,, | 104/0 |
42 | ,, | 23 | ,, | 24 | ,, | 45 | ,, | 112/0 |
44 | ,, | 24 | ,, | 24 | ,, | 48 | ,, | 120/0 |
No. S A 1559.
P. & O. Cabin Trunk. Patent Compressed Cane. Two Strong Straps (as illustration), fitted with Tray and Patent Steel Frame. This Trunk is made extra strong, with Double Cane Top.
Length, 36in. Width, 21in. Depth, 14in. £3 12 0
No. S A 1561.
Ball Dress Trunks. Patent Compressed Cane.
Fitted with rings inside for tapes.
Length | 39 | in. | Width | 24 | in. | Depth | 19 | in. | Price | 74/9 |
,, | 42 | ,, | ,, | 24 | ,, | ,, | 19 | ,, | ,, | 80/0 |
,, | 45 | ,, | ,, | 24 | ,, | ,, | 19 | ,, | ,, | 85/6 |
No. S A 1562.
Fitted with two long Drawers, as illustration, strengthened with Wood Battens, good Lever Lock and Side Clips. Size 36in. long, 21in. wide, 15in. deep. Price 95/0
No. S A 1563.
Lady’s Wardrobe Trunk to take dresses full length. The interior is made to slide, so that any part of the trunk is easily accessible. This trunk is similar in make to the well-known Compressed Cane Trunks. Fitted with Patent Locks and Dress Hangers complete.
Size, 54in. long, 23in. wide, 21in. deep. Price £8 10 0
No. S A 1564. Patent Compressed Cane. Two Straps and Lever Lock.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
24 | in. | 15 | in. | 8 | in. | 34/9 |
26 | ,, | 16 | ,, | 8 | ,, | 36/6 |
28 | ,, | 16 | ,, | 8 | ,, | 39/0 |
Fitted with 5 long Drawers, as illustration, strengthened with Wood Battens, good Lever Lock and Side Clip.
Length. | Width. | Depth. | Price. |
33 | in. | 21 | in. | 25 | in. | £6 18 6 |
36 | ,, | 22 | ,, | 25 | ,, | £7 7 0 |
39 | ,, | 22 | ,, | 26 | ,, | £7 15 0 |
Illustrating method of packing Gentleman’s Suits.
Illustrating method of packing Lady’s Costumes.
No. S A 1566. Cabin or Week End Trunk. |
Best Quality. |
Size | 45 | in. | × 21 | in. | × 13 | in. | ... | £10 10 0 |
No. 2 Quality. |
,, | 45 | ,, | × 21 | ,, | × 13 | ,, | ... | £6 6 0 |
,, | 39 | ,, | × 21 | ,, | × 13 | ,, | ... | £5 18 0 |
No. S A 1567. Medium Size Trunk. |
Best Quality. |
Size | 45 | in. | × 16 | in. | × 21 | in. | ... | £13 13 0 |
No. 2 Quality. |
,, | 45 | in. | × 16 | in. | × 21 | in. | ... | £9 9 0 |
No. 3 Quality. |
,, | 45 | in. | × 16 | in. | × 21 | in. | ... | £7 7 0 |
No. S A 1568. Large Size Trunk. |
Best Quality. |
Size | 45 | in. | × 21 | in. × | 21in. | ... | £15 15 0 |
No. 2 Quality. |
,, | 45 | in. | × 21 | in. × | 21in. | ... | £10 10 0 |
No. 3 Quality. |
,, | 45 | in. | × 21 | in. × | 21in. | ... | £8 8 0 |
Best quality Trunks are covered with Corrugated Vulcanised Fibre. No. 2 and 3 qualities are covered Black Duck.
Showing Cabin Trunk closed.
Illustrating Interior of Trunk.
Showing Fittings, Drawers, and Compartment for Hat.
No. S A 1569. The Innovation Boot and Shoe Trunk.
Size 32in. × 13½in. × 16½in.
With removable Divisions, which can be adjusted to take any size boot, shoe or riding boot, or entire interior can be removed, forming a plain trunk.
Price £6 6 0
No. S A 1570.
to fit inside spare tyre.
Size 23in. across, 6½in. deep.
No. S A 1572.
to fit inside spare tyre.
Size 21in. across, 10½in. deep,
No. S A 1571.
Made in pairs, or two small and one large case, as illustration. Stock sizes: small cases, 30 × 25 × 12in.; large case, 50 × 20 × 12in. Price per complete set, £13 10s. 6d. These trunks can be made to special measures and supplied in any colour to match car in a few days.
All Motor Trunks and Cases shown on this page are absolutely Dustproof and Waterproof. Any design or size required, different from those mentioned, can be made to order in a few days. Practical men sent to take measurements, etc.
No. S A 1573.
Size 22in. long, 12in. wide, 14in. deep. Dustproof, fitted with good lever lock, leather handles and straps, as illustration, 45/0
No. S A 1574.
Stock sizes, Bottom Trunk, 33 × 17 × 12in. Top Trunk, 33 × 12 × 12in. Dustproof, fitted with good lever locks, leather handles, straps, etc. As illustration, per pair, £8 13s. 6d.
No. S A 1575.
Size 33in. long, 15in. wide, 12in. deep. Dustproof, fitted with good lever locks, end clips, leather handles, straps, etc., as illustration, 87/6
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Trunks see page 530.
No. S A 1576.
Made in Blue, Green or Brown Cotton Canvas, Waterproof Lined Selvyt, as illustration. For 16in. Bag, 22/6; 18in. Bag, 25/0 Ditto, in Black Mackintosh Twill. For 16in. Bag, 17/6; 18in. Bag, 18/6
No. S A 1578.
Superior Quality Brown Waterproof Mail Canvas, Bound Hide Leather, 4 Solid Leather Corners and Large Leather Shoes at back, bound with Stout Brown Hide and Handsewn, 30/0 Ditto, without Corners or Shoes, 23/0
Ditto, in Best No. 1 Quality Green Willesden Canvas with Corners and Shoes, 27/0
Ditto, without Corners or Shoes, 20/0
Ditto, in Brown Unproofed Canvas with Corners and Shoes, 23/6
Ditto, without Corners and Shoes, 16/6
No. S A 1580.
“Our Speciality,” practically Dust-proof, made as illustrated. A “drop on” cover fastened with Stud Buttons underneath Trunk, made in Best No. 1 Quality Green Willesden Canvas, bound Best Hide Leather, 23/6 Ditto, in Best Quality Brown Waterproof Flax Canvas, 26/0
No. S A 1577.
Made in Blue, Green or Brown Cotton Canvas, Waterproofed and Lined Selvyt, as illustration. For 18in. Case, 21/0; 20in. Case, 22/6; 22in. Case, 25/0
Ditto, with shoulder strap, 13in., 4/3 No. S A 1617. School Satchels, Superior quality Brown Waterproof Canvas, with real pigskin gusset, made with shoulder strap (as illustration) or bar handle 12in., 3/6 13in., 3/9 14in., 4/0
No. S A 1618.
Brown Waterproof Canvas
School Satchel, with basil leather gusset, 13in., 2/9 14in., 3/0
No. S A 1619.
Check Canvas Satchel, with shoulder strap or loop handles, 12in., 1/6
No. S A 1620. Post Bag. Post Office regulation weight, superior quality Brown Cowhide, not stiffened, with spring lock and three keys. 16in. ... price 15/9
No. S A 1620.
Ditto, as above, fitted with Hobb’s patent unpickable lock, 23/0
No. S A 1621. Sketching or Music Case,
size 16in. by 11in.
In Green Pigskin Grained Leather, with Bar Handle, 7/9
No. S A 1623. Post Bag.
Solid Leather, as illustration, brass lever lock and two keys,
12in., 14/6 14in., 16/6 16in., 18/6
No. S A 1624. Ditto, as above, fitted with Hobb’s patent unpickable lock, 12in. 22/0 14in.24/0 16in.26/0
No. S A 1625.
Collar Box, Round, as illustration. Our own make, made from superior quality bridle leather, lined leather, handsewn throughout, 8in. across, 13/6
No. S A 1626. Ditto, real Pigskin, 8in. across, 7/3
No. S A 1627. Ditto, Solid Brown Hide, 7in. by 3½in., 4/9; 7½in. by 3½in., 5/3; 8in. by 3½in., 5/6; 8½in. by 3½in., 5/9
No. S A 1622.
Sketching or Music Case,
size 16in. by 11in.
in Brown Porpoise-grain Leather, 6/0
No S A 1628. Horn Drinking Cups. Nest of six Silver-mounted Horn Cups, with silver rims, and silver shield to largest cup, as illustration, in Leather case complete, 55/0
No. S A 1633. Collar Box, Horseshoe shape, real Pigskin, 8in. across, 7/9.
No. S A 1634. Ditto, Solid Brown Hide, 7in. by 3½in., 5/0; 7½in. by 3½in., 5/6. 8in. by 3½in., 5/9; 8½in. by 3½in., 6/0
No. S A 1629.
Crush Collar Box.
Best quality, Real Pigskin,
lined White Silk. 8in. diameter ... 7/6
No. S A 1630.
Ditto, in Soft Tan Leather,
8in. diameter ... 3/9
No. S A 1631. Post Bag. Post Office regulation weight, superior quality Brown Cowhide, not stiffened, made with leather flap which tucks in lid, making it impossible to abstract letters when bag is closed. Fitted with spring lock and three keys.
Size, 16in. Price, 15/0
No. S A 1632. Ditto, as above, fitted with Hobb’s Patent Unpickable Lock, 22/6
No. S A 1635. Tie Cases, with loops for pins and slots for studs, as illustration, real Pigskin, lined Green Velvet. 10 by 4 by 2, 6/6; 12 by 5 by 2, 7/6
No. S A 1636. Courier Bag. Brown Morocco Leather, complete with shoulder straps, as illustration.
6in. | 7in. | 8in. | 9in. |
10/9 | 11/9 | 13/6 | 16/6 |
No. S A 1637. Gentleman’s Collapsible Shirt Case.
Best quality Green Morocco Leather, lined Silk | 39/6 |
,,,,Roan ,,,, | 35/0 |
,,Brown Pigskin,, | 48/6 |
Imitation Pigskin Shirt Case, good quality | 28/6 |
,,,,,,cheaper qualities 21/0 and 14/9 |
| Sizes. |
No. S A 1639. | 12in. | 14in. | 16in. | 18in. |
Real Cowhide, lined jean | 7/6 | 8/9 | 10/6 | 12/6 |
No. S A 1640. | |
Ditto, lined leather | 10/0 | 11/9 | 13/6 | 15/0 |
No. S A 1641. | |
Ditto, superior quality, nut brown, lined drill | 13/0 | 15/0 | 17/0 | 19/0 |
No. S A 1642. | |
Ditto, lined leather | 16/0 | 18/9 | 21/6 | 24/0 |
No. S A 1643. Cowhide, best quality nut brown, Superior frame with patent joints, slide nozzle side lock, lined best drill.
Sizes | 14in. | 16in. | 18in. | 20in. | 22in. |
| 26/6 | 30/0 | 33/6 | 37/6 | 41/0 |
No. S A 1644. Ditto as above, leather lined. |
| 30/0 | 35/0 | 39/6 | 43/6 | 47/6 |
No. S A 1645. Brown Cowhide. Hand-sewn throughout, good quality London made frame lined drill, top lock, hide piping.
Sizes | 14in. | 16in. | 18in. | 20in. | 22in. |
| 24/6 | 28/0 | 31/6 | 35/0 | 38/6 |
No. S A 1646. Brown Cowhide. Made from the finest quality leather procurable, superior London made frame, lever lock and lined best drill. Specially recommended.
Sizes | 16in. | 18in. | 20in. | 22in. | 24in. | 26in. | 28in. |
| 40/0 | 44/0 | 48/6 | 54/0 | 58/0 | 63/0 | 67/6 |
No. S A 1647. Best Cowhide, good quality, London made frame, with slide nozzle, side lever lock, solid brass end clips and short straps on frame, lined strong drill, hand-sewn throughout.
Sizes | 20in. | 22in. | 24in. | 26in. | 28in. |
| 42/0 | 46/0 | 50/0 | 55/0 | 60/0 |
No. S A 1648. Ditto, as above, but lined with maroon roan leather |
| 50/0 | 55/0 | 60/0 | 67/6 | 75/0 |
No. S A 1649. Brown Cowhide, entirely hand-made, best workmanship and materials throughout, limp ends, 4 solid leather corners, lined drill, specially recommended for hard wear, all sizes have 14in. openings.
Sizes | 20in. | 22in. | 24in. | 26in. | 28in. |
| 65/0 | 71/6 | 78/0 | 84/0 | 90/0 |
No. S A 1650. Ditto, as above, but lined maroon roan leather. |
| 75/0 | 82/6 | 90/0 | 97/6 | 105/0 |
No. S A 1651. Brown Cowhide, extra large dimensions, with stiffened ends, lined strong drill, drop handles hand-sewn and riveted solid brass turnover end clips.
Four heavy leather-capped corners, as illustration.
Sizes | 24in. | 26in. | 28in. |
| 82/0 | 89/0 | 96/0 |
No. S A 1652. With hide flap over frame as illustration. Made from the finest quality Brown Cowhide, superior London made frame, 4 heavy leather-capped corners, long straps all round, lined strong drill, hand-sewn throughout.
Sizes | 24in. | 26in. | 28in. | 30in. |
| 96/0 | 102/6 | 112/0 | 126/0 |
No. S A 1653. THE “ARGYLE” BAG.
Cowhide, nut brown, superior quality, with leather covered frame, gilt lock and fittings, extra wide and deep, lined drill.
| Sizes |
| 12in. | 14in. | 16in. | 18in. |
| 17/9 | 20/9 | 23/9 | 27/0 |
No. S A 1654 | |
Ditto, lined leather | 21/0 | 24/0 | 28/0 | 31/6 |
No. S A 1655. | |
Ditto, real morocco, dull hard-grained, superior |
quality lined leather | 17/6 | 18/3 | 19/9 | 23/0 |
No. S A 1656. | |
Ditto, lined watered silk | 21/6 | 23/0 | 25/0 | 27/6 |
No. S A 1657. Cowhide, nut brown, lined jean. |
| 9/6 | 11/0 | 12/6 | 14/6 |
No. S A 1658. | |
Ditto, lined leather | 12/0 | 13/6 | 15/6 | 18/6 |
No. S A 1659. Superior quality, with Leather-covered |
frame, lined holland | 12/6 | 14/6 | 16/6 | 18/6 |
No. S A 1660. | |
Ditto, lined leather | 14/9 | 17/6 | 19/6 | 22/0 |
No. S A 1661.
Brown Cowhide, nickel fittings, one pocket on door, l¼ in. straps all round, hide piping, lined jean.
Sizes | 20in. | 22in. | 24in. | 26in. |
| 22/0 | 24/0 | 26/0 | 28/0 |
No. S A 1662.
Brown Cowhide, frame fitted with 2 gilt locks, leather tuck pocket on door, 1¼in. straps all round, lined drill.
Sizes | 20in. | 22in. | 24in. | 26in. |
| 32/6 | 36/0 | 39/6 | 44/6 |
No. S A 1663.
Superior quality Brown Cowhide. Best London made frame. 2 lever locks, lined strong drill, hand-sewn throughout.
Sizes | 20in. | 22in. | 24in. | 26in. |
| 52/6 | 57/6 | 62/6 | 67/6 |
No. S A 1664. |
Ditto, as above, but lined maroon roan leather. |
| 67/6 | 74/0 | 80/0 | 87/6 |
For Illustrations and Prices of Cover for Kit Bags see page 530.
No. S A 1665.
Best Butt Leather Suit Case, lined best pigskin grained roan leather, 2 nickel lever locks, specially recommended.
Sizes | 24 × 16½ × 8 | 26 × 16½ × 8 | 28 × 17 × 8 | 30 × 18 × 8 |
| 92/6 | 100/0 | 107/6 | 115/0 |
No. S A 1666.
Best Butt “All Leather” Suit Case, guaranteed solid leather throughout, lined best pigskin grained roan leather, all hand-sewn, 2 nickel lever locks.
Sizes | 24 × 15 × 7 | 26 × 16 × 7 | 28 × 16½ × 7 | 30 × 17 × 7 |
| 90/0 | 97/6 | 105/0 | 112/6 |
No. S A 1667. Ditto, as above, but lined best drill. |
Sizes | 24 × 15 × 7 | 26 × 16 × 7 | 28 × 16½ × 7 | 30 × 17 × 7 |
| 82/6 | 90/0 | 97/6 | 105/0 |
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Suit Cases see page 530.
Size, 20 × 10½ × 10in., to hold 12 shirts. Superior quality brown hide leather, welted edges and hand-sewn, best lever lock and 2 straps, as illustration ... | 49/6 |
No. SA 1683. Do., CHEAPER QUALITY, with closed edges. Size, 20 × 10½ × 10½in., to hold 12 shirts | 36/9 |
No. SA 1684. Do. size, 20 × 11 × 14in., to hold 15 shirts | 42/0 |
No. SA 1685.
To hold 1 silk hat, Basil leather, lined linen | 6/6 |
No. SA 1686. Do., lined velvet, as illustration | 10/6 |
No. SA 1687. Do., best quality, lined velvet | 13/6 |
No. S A 1688. Hide leather, lined satin | 21/0 |
No. SA 1689. Do., better quality | 25/0 |
No. SA 1690. Do., best quality with spring lever lock, strap and lock flap | 32/0 |
The New Pattern Square Hat Case to take 4 hats, as illustration, lined satin and leather | 50/0 |
No. S A 1692. Ditto, ditto, to take 3 hats | 45/0 |
No. S A 1693. Compressed Cane Hat Cases, as above | 32/6 |
No. S A 1694. Ditto. Fibre | 23/6 |
Size. 20 × 19½ × 10½in., to hold 24 shirts.
Superior quality brown hide leather, welted edges, hand-sewn, best lever locks and 2 straps, as illustration | 70/0 |
No. SA 1696. Ditto, cheaper quality, with closed edges. Size, 22½ × 19 × 11½in., to hold 24 shirts | 59/6 |
No. S A 1697.
To hold 2 hats. Hide leather, lined satin, to hold silk and opera hats | 26/6 |
No. S A 1698. Ditto, better quality with lever lock | 34/6 |
No. S A 1699. Ditto, superior quality Butt leather, as illustration, with best lever lock | 44/0 |
Superior quality brown hide, lined quilted satin, to take 4 hats, as illustration | 30/0 |
No. S A 1701. Ditto, superior quality, Butt leather | 95/0 |
Size, 30 × 19 × 10½in., to hold 36 shirts.
Superior quality brown hide leather, welted edges, hand-sewn, best lever lock and 2 straps, as illustration | 93/6 |
No. S A 1703.
To hold 3 hats, hide leather, lined satin, to hold silk, felt and opera hats | 33/0 |
No. S A 1704. Ditto, better quality, with spring lever lock | 45/0 |
No. S A 1705. Ditto, hide leather, to hold silk, opera and straw hats | 37/6 |
No. S A 1706. Ditto, better quality, with spring lever lock | 47/9 |
No. S A 1707. Ditto, SUPERIOR QUALITY BUTT LEATHER, lined superior quality quilted satin, to hold silk, felt and opera hats, best lever lock, as illustration | 67/9 |
Superior quality brown cowhide, as illustration, lined linen with pocket inside for colours, etc.
Size, 22in. long ... ... ... ... ... 75/0
24in. long ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 78/6
No. S A 1709. BRUSH CASE.
Size 16in. long, 12in. wide, 6in. deep. Good Quality Hide Leather. Lined Green Baize. Bottom divided for Brushes, as Illustration. Lever Lock, Two Straps, &c.
Price 39/6
Superior Quality Butt Leather, with Four Capped Corners on Bottom, Two End-Handles, Brass Lever Lock and Two Straps, completely fitted as above.
Price £14 10 0
All the above Fittings are of the Best Quality.
1 Pair Boot Hooks | 3/6 |
1 Boot Strap Pusher | 2/3 |
1 Nickel Button Hook and Shoe Lift | 1/9 |
1 Green Baize Apron | 2/9 |
2 Selvyt Cloths, at 10½d. | 1/9 |
3 Large Pewter Blacking-Tins with Screw Tops, at 5/6 | 16/6 |
2 Small ditto, at 4/0 | 8/0 |
1 Set Shoe Brushes | 10/6 |
l Pair Breeches Brushes | 5/0 |
1 Set Boot-Top Brushes | 8/0 |
1 Extra Hard Ditto | 3/0 |
1 Button or Crest Brush | 1/6 |
1 Best Cloth Brush (flat back) | 6/6 |
1 Soft Hat Brush | 1/3 |
1 Rim Brush | 1/3 |
1 Hat Iron | 1/2 |
1 Rim Iron | 1/6 |
1 “Manns” Spur Strap Tree | 2/3 |
1 Brass Button Stick | 0/6 |
1 Best Polished Deer Bone | 1/6 |
1 Blacking Dauber | 0/5½ |
1 Propert’s Boot-Top Powder | 1/6 |
2 Sponges, at 1/6 | 3/0 |
2 Camel-Hair Mops, at 1/0½ | 1/11 |
2 Chamois Leathers, at 1/9 | 3/6 |
1 Boot Jack | 2/6 |
1 Pair Boot Boot-Top Tins | 0/10 |
Superior Quality Brown Flax Waterproof Mail Canvas, Stiffened Leather Bottom, strengthened with 6in. leather round bottom.
Opening very wide at top, and fastening with 3-Lever Padlock, as Illustration.
Size 25in. long, 16in. wide, 11in. deep.
Superior Quality Butt Leather, Hand-sewn throughout. Lined Green Baize. Bottom of Case divided for Boots. Plain Tray, as Illustration. Good Lever Lock.
Price 105/0
No. S A 1713.
Size, 25in. long, 15½in. wide, 16in. deep. Superior Quality Butt Leather, hand-sewn throughout, 4 solid leather capped corners at bottom, lined Green Baize, good quality lever lock, division at bottom for riding boots, plain centre tray, top tray and lid.
Completely fitted as illustration and list, price £12 2 6
1 Shoe Horn and Button Hook | 1/9 |
1 pair Ebony-handled Boot Hooks | 3/6 |
1 Green Baize Apron | 2/9 |
2 Large Pewter Blacking Tins at 5/6 | 11/0 |
2 Small ditto at 4/0 | 8/0 |
1 Sponge | 1/6 |
1 set Shoe Brushes | 9/6 |
1 Chamois Leather | 1/9 |
1 Selvyt | 0/10½ |
1 Best Cloth Brush, Flat Back | 6/6 |
1 pair Boot-Top Brushes | 4/3 |
1 pair Breeches Brushes | 5/0 |
1 Brass Button Stick | 0/6 |
1 Hat Iron | 1/2 |
1 Rim Iron | 1/6 |
1 Hat Brush | 1/3 |
1 Polished Boot Jack | 2/6 |
1 Best Polished Boot Bone | 1/6 |
1 Blacking Dauber | 0/5½ |
1 Mann’s Spur Strap Tree | 2/3 |
No. S A 1714.
Size, 26in. long, 15in. wide, 14½in. deep. Superior Quality Butt Leather, hand-sewn throughout, 4 solid leather capped corners at bottom, lined Best Quality Drill, good quality lever lock, division at bottom for riding boots, plain centre tray, top tray and lid.
Completely fitted as illustration and list price £10 15 6
1 Nickel Shoe Horn and Button Hook | 1/9 |
1 Long Boot Strap Pusher | 2/9 |
1 Green Baize Apron | 2/9 |
4 Large Pewter Blacking Tins at 5/6 | 22/0 |
1 set Best Quality Shoe Brushes | 10/6 |
1 Mann’s Spur Strap Tree | 2/3 |
1 Best Polished Boot Bone | 1/6 |
1 Brass Button Stick | 0/6 |
1 Blacking Dauber | 0/5½ |
1 Hat Brush | 1/3 |
1 Hat Iron | 1/2 |
1 Rim Iron | 1/6 |
1 Best Cloth Brush, Flat Back | 6/6 |
1 Chamois Leather | 1/9 |
1 Sponge | 1/6 |
1 set (of 3) Boot-Top Brushes | 6/9 |
1 pair Breeches Brushes | 5/0 |
1 Selvyt Cloth | 0/10½ |
No. S A 1715.
Size 25in. long, 16in. wide, 11in. deep.
Superior Quality Butt Leather, hand-sewn throughout, lined Green Baize, good quality lever lock, division at bottom for boots, tray and lid completely fitted as illustration and list.
Price ... £9 12 6
1 Nickel Shoe Horn and Button Hook | 1/9 |
1 pair Boot Hooks | 3/6 |
1 Green Baize Apron | 2/9 |
2 Selvyt Cloths at 0/10½ | 1/9 |
2 Large Pewter Blacking Tins at 5/6 | 11/0 |
2 Small Pewter Blacking Tins at 4/0 | 8/0 |
1 set best quality Shoe Brushes | 10/6 |
1 set (of 3) Boot-Top Brushes | 8/0 |
1 pair Breeches Brushes | 5/0 |
1 Blacking Dauber | 0/5½ |
1 Hat Iron | 1/2 |
1 Rim Iron | 1/6 |
1 Hat Brush | 1/3 |
1 Mann’s Spur Strap Tree | 2/3 |
1 Best Polished Boot Bone | 1/6 |
1 Brass Button Stick | 0/6 |
1 best quality Cloth Brush | 6/6 |
1 Chamois Leather | 1/9 |
1 Sponge | 1/6 |
Propert’s Breeches Paste
No. S A 1716.
Size 24in. long, 15½in. wide, 15in. deep.
Good Quality Butt Leather, leather capped corners at bottom, lined Green Baize, bottom and centre tray divided for boots, top tray and lid fitted as illustration.
Price complete £7 17 6
1 Nickel Shoe Horn and Button Hook | 1/9 |
1 pair Boot Hooks | 3/6 |
1 Green Baize Apron | 2/9 |
2 Large Pewter Blacking Tins at 5/6 | 11/0 |
1 set Shoe Brushes | 6/6 |
1 pair Breeches Brushes | 5/0 |
1 pair Boot-Top Brushes | 5/0 |
1 Cloth Brush | 3/9 |
1 Best Polished Boot Bone | 1/6 |
1 pair Boot-Top Tins | 0/10½ |
1 Chamois Leather | 1/0 |
1 Sponge | 1/0 |
1 Jar Propert’s Breeches Paste | 1/10½ |
1 Box Propert’s Boot-Top Powder | 1/6 |
1 Tin Brown Boot Paste | 0/5½ |
1 Tin Black Boot Paste | 0/5½ |
1 Brass Button Stick | 0/6 |
No. S A 1717.
Superior quality Brown Waterproof Mail Canvas, with stout brown leather along top, long bridle leather straps and strong handle, as illustration, lined waterproof Wigan, large pocket at bottom, divided pockets for umbrellas, two large waterproof flaps inside, waterproof pocket with gusset outside, all sizes 60in. long.
Width ... ... ... ... | 27in. | 30in. | 33in. | 36in. | 39in. |
No. S A 1718. | 32/6 | 36/0 | 39/0 | 42/0 | 45/0 |
Ditto as above in stout Green Willesden Canvas, with Willesden Canvas pockets, etc. ... | 29/6 | 32/6 | 35/0 | 38/0 | 40/6 |
No. S A 1719.
Superior quality Brown Waterproof Mail Canvas, long bridle leather straps, with long handle plate strengthened with a tempered steel bar, covered with stout brown cowhide the whole width of holdall, as illustration, lined waterproof Wigan, large bottom pocket and 2 large flaps inside. All sizes 60in. long.
Width 27in.
30/6 30in. 32/6 33in. 36/0 36in. 39/0 39in. 43/0 No. S A 1720—
Ditto as above in stout Green Willesden Canvas, with Willesden Canvas pockets, etc. All sizes 60in. long.
Width 27in.
26/0 30in. 28/6 33in. 30/6 36in. 32/6 39in. 34/6 WATERPROOF HOLDALLS. |
All with Inside Pocket and Flaps. |
Sizes ... ... ... ... ... | 27×42 | 30×48 | 33×54 | 36×60in. |
No. S A 1721—Waterproof Scotch Checks, Silesia linings, fastened with tapes, good outside straps, copper-riveted bar handle ... | 7/3 | 8/0 | 8/9 | 9/3 |
No. S A 1722—Waterproof Brown Canvas, Silesia linings, fastened with tapes, good outside straps, copper-riveted bar handle ... | 7/3 | 8/0 | 8/9 | 9/3 |
No. S A 1723—Waterproof Brown Canvas, lined waterproof twill, good outside straps, copper-riveted bar handle ... | 10/3 | 11/3 | 12/3 | 13/9 |
No. s A 1724—The “Victoria” Holdall, with outside pocket lined waterproof ... | 14/6 | 15/9 | 17/9 | 19/9 |
No. S A 1725—Brown Waterproof Mail Canvas, long bridle leather straps, with long handle plate, as illustration, lined waterproof twill, large bottom pocket and 2 large flaps inside. All sizes 60in. long.
Width 27in. 24/6 30in. 25/6 33in. 26/6 36in. 27/6
No. S A 1726—Ditto as above, in Green Willesden Canvas, with Green Canvas pockets, etc. All sizes 60in. long.
Width 27in. 23/6 30in. 24/6 33in. 25/6 36in. 26/6
No. S A 1728.
Brown Waterproof or Green Willesden Canvas, with stout Cowhide Leather Bottom and faced up 6 inches with Cowhide, as illustration, complete with Brass Handle and Padlock.
Size 33in. long × 58in. round, 24/6
Size 42in. long × 58in. round, 26/6
Top when
right pointing finger
No. S A 1729.
We consider this a great improvement on the old pattern case. It has a light rod running the whole length of case, which is protected and strengthened with a lay on of brown cowhide. We would call special attention to the cap, which is attached to the case and cannot be mislaid.
Made in our own workshops of superior quality brown waterproof canvas with leather bottom.
Size 42in. long, 15½in. round, price 13/6
Size 46in. long, 19½in. round, price 15/0
finger pointing to right cornerNo. S A 1730.
Round Top and Bottom. Bound Leather, complete with Strap, Buckle and Handle
In Waterproof Brown Canvas 3/4 4/0 4/6
,,42in. long 4/0 4/9 5/3
No. S A 1727.
Black or Brown Leather.
6ft. | long by | 1½in. | wide, | per pair | 3/9 |
7ft. | ,, | 1½in. | ,, | ,, | 4/0 |
7ft. 6in. | ,, | 1½in. | ,, | ,, | 4/6 |
8ft. | ,, | 1½in. | ,, | ,, | 5/0 |
9ft. | ,, | 1½in. | ,, | ,, | 5/6 |
No. S A 1731.
24in. | long by | ½ in. | wide, | per pair | 0/10 |
36in. | ,, | ? in. | ,, | ,, | 1/2 |
42in. | ,, | ¾ in. | ,, | ,, | 1/6 |
48in. | ,, | ? in. | ,, | ,, | 2/0 |
54in. | ,, | 1 in. | ,, | ,, | 2/3 |
60in. | ,, | 1?in. | ,, | ,, | 2/9 |
No. S A 1732.
36in. | long by | ¾ in. | wide, | per pair | 2/3 |
42in. | ,, | ¾ in. | ,, | ,, | 2/6 |
48in. | ,, | ? in. | ,, | ,, | 2/9 |
54in. | ,, | 1 in. | ,, | ,, | 3/6 |
60in. | ,, | 1?in. | ,, | ,, | 4/0 |
No. S A 1733.
Ditto as above superior quality Bridle Leather, made in our own workshops
Size | 54in. × 1in. | per | pair | 5/3 |
,, | 60in. × 1?in. | ,, | ,, | 5/9 |
,, | 66in. × 1?in. | ,, | ,, | 6/6 |
Complete with Brass Bar Handle and Lever Padlock.
No. S A 1734.
Made in Brown Waterproof Canvas.
33in. long × 58in. round 9/9
42in.,,× 58in.,,11/0
No. S A 1735.
Ditto in Brown Flax Canvas, not Waterproof.
34in. long × 46in. round 6/9
34in.,,× 52in.,,7/3
34in.,,× 58in.,,7/9
No. S A 1736.
Ditto in Best Quality Green Willesden Canvas with inside flap.
33in. long × 58in. round 11/0
42in.,,× 58in.,,13/6
No. S A 1737.
Blue or Green Morocco Case with outside pocket, fitted with real down cushion, covered silk to match, fastened with stud buttons, as illustration.
Size 17in. × 13in., price 25/0
,,18 ,, × 14,,,,28/6
,,20 ,, × 16,,,,33/0
No. S A 1738
Superior quality, polished Morocco, Blue, Green or Mauve, lined watered silk to match, fitted with real down cushion, covered watered silk, as illustration.
Size 23in. × 16in., price 60/0.
No. S A 1739.
Blue or Green Morocco (case only), fastened at bottom with stud buttons to take own down or air pillow.
Size 16in. × 14in., price
17/0 ,,18 ,, × 13
,,,,18/0 ,,18 ,, × 18
,,,,25/9 ,,26 ,, × 18
,,,,28/6 For prices of Air Cushions, see page
No. S A 1740.
Fawn or Drab ribbed motor cloth, with outside pocket, as illustration.
Size 18in. × 13in., price 16/6
,,19 ,, × 14,,,,19/6
No. S A 1741.
Real down cushion, covered silk, size 18in. × 18in., down quilt, covered silk to match, size 54in. × 48in., both fitted in superior quality Green Morocco Leather case, lined silk to match, as illustration, price £6 6 0. Do. in polished roan leather, £4 7 6
No. S A 1742.
Blue or Green Morocco Leather, lined silk, with outside pocket at back, fitted with real down cushion, covered silk to match.
Size 17in. × 15in., price 42/0
,,19 ,, × 16,,,,48/6
,,21 ,, × 17,,,,56/6
No. S A 1743.
Velvet suÈde finish, with fringe, as illustration, made in Blue, Green or Mauve.
Size 20in. × 20in., price 25/0.
No. S A 1744. Small size Pocket Cushion, comprising Blue or Green Silk air cushion, size 14in. × 10in., folding in polished green leather case, size 5in. × 3in., complete 7/9
Specially recommended for railway travelling and motoring, superior quality.
15in. × 12in. ... 13/9 18in. × 14in. ... 18/0
17 ,, × 13,,... 16/6 20 ,, × 16,,... 21/0
No. S A 1746. Ditto, as above, but with outside pocket, as illustrated.
15in. × 12in. ... 15/9 18in. × 14in. ... 20/0
17 ,, × 13,,... 18/6 20 ,, × 15 ,, ... 23/0
No. S A 1747.
Blue or Green Jap Silk, well filled with down, complete in soft leather case, fastening with three buttons, as illustrated.
16in. × 14in. ... 15/9
18,,× 16,,... 19/6
18,,× 18,,... 26/6
Leather Cushion Cases, as above without cushion. Small,11/9. Medium,14/3. Large,18/9
Superior Quality London Made, Silver Mounted, Glass Bottles complete in Best Brown Hide Leather Cases.
No. S A 1748.
Single Cut-Glass, Oblong Bottle, large size, 7½in. high, bayonet top ... | 40/0 |
No. S A 1749. |
Do. with screw top ... | 29/6 |
No. S A 1750.
Two Glass Bottles, small size, 5in. high, bayonet tops ... | 28/6 |
No. S A 1751. |
Do. with screw tops ... | 15/6 |
No. S A 1752.
Three Glass Bottles, small size, 5in. high, bayonet tops ... | 42/0 |
No. S A 1753. |
Do. with screw tops ... | 18/0 |
No. S A 1754.
Four Glass Bottles, small size, 5in. high, bayonet tops ... | 52/6 |
No. S A 1755. |
Do. with screw tops ... | 21/0 |
No. S A 1756.
Three Plain-Glass Bottles, as illustration, large size, screw tops ... | 46/6 |
No. S A 1757. |
Do. medium, with screw tops ... | 36/6 |
No. S A 1758. |
Do. small, with screw tops ... | 26/0 |
No. S A 1759.
Two Cut-Glass, Oblong Bottles, large size, 7½in. high, bayonet. tops ... | 60/0 |
No. S A 1760. Do. with screw tops ... | 46/6 |
No. S A 1761. Do. medium, 6¼in. bayonet, high tops ... | 56/0 |
No. S A 1762. Do. with screw tops ... | 41/0 |
No. S A 1763.
Two Glass Bottles, medium size, 5¾in. high, bayonet tops ... | 36/6 |
No. S A 1764. |
Do. with screw tops ... | 23/6 |
No. SA 1765.
Three Glass Bottles, medium size, 5¾in. high, bayonet tops ... | 47/6 |
No. S A 1766. |
Do. with screw tops, ... | 26/0 |
No. S A 1767.
Four Glass Bottles, medium size, 5¼in. high, bayonet tops ... | 59/6 |
No. S A 1768. |
Do. with screw tops ... | 28/6 |
No. S A 1769.
Four Plain-Glass Bottles, as illustration, medium size, screw tops ... | 46/8 |
No. S A 1770. |
Do. small size, screw tops ... | 36/6 |
No. S A 1771.
Three Cut-Glass, Oblong Bottles, large size, 7½in. high, bayonet tops ... | 77/6 |
No. S A 1772. Do. with screw tops ... | 56/0 |
No. S A 1773. Do. medium, 6¼in. high, bayonet tops ... | 66/6 |
No. S A 1774. Do. with screw tops ... | 46/6 |
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for Dressing Bags and Cases, see page 530.
No. S A 1801.
LADY’S FITTED MOTOR BAG, in Green or Violet Polished Leather, lined Silk, containing set of Gilt Fittings, comprising Hair Brush, Cloth Brush, two Screw-stoppered Bottles, Flask, Instrument Board, etc., as illustration. £6 2 6.
In Morocco Leather with Set of Miniature Fittings in Sterling Silver and Ivory. Size, 10in. £5 5 0
No. S A 1803.
Size 7½in. × 5½in. × 3in., Green or Violet Polished Leather, lined Silk, fitted with Screw-stoppered Bottles, Salts Bottle, Flask, Brushes, etc., as illustrated, 59/6.
Superior quality Brown Hide, lined Leather, slide nozzle locks, as illustration (except the 10in., which is fitted with one lock only).
Size | 10in. | long, | 7in. | wide, | 2¾in. | deep, | 17/6 |
,, | 11in. | ,, | 7½in. | ,, | 2¾in. | ,, | 19/0 |
,, | 12in. | ,, | 8 in. | ,, | 3 in. | ,, | 20/6 |
,, | 13in. | ,, | 8½in. | ,, | 3¼in. | ,, | 22/0 |
,, | 14in. | ,, | 9 in. | ,, | 3¼in. | ,, | 23/6 |
,, | 15in. | ,, | 9½in. | ,, | 3½in. | ,, | 25/0 |
No. S A 1805. Ditto in good-quality case hide lined Leather as above.
Size | 10in. | long, | 7in. | wide, | 2¾in. | deep, | 10/3 |
,, | 11in. | ,, | 7½in. | ,, | 2¾in. | ,, | 12/3 |
,, | 12in. | ,, | 8 in. | ,, | 3 in. | ,, | 13/6 |
,, | 13in. | ,, | 8½in. | ,, | 3¼in. | ,, | 14/9 |
,, | 14in. | ,, | 9 in. | ,, | 3¼in. | ,, | 16/0 |
,, | 15in. | ,, | 9½in. | ,, | 3½in. | ,, | 18/0 |
No. S A 1806.
Size 15in. long, 9½in. wide, 4½in. deep. Real Pigskin, lined Pigskin Grained Roan Leather, fitted with two solid Ivory backed Hair Brushes and Cloth Brush, set of six Glass Bottles with Solid Silver Tops, comprising one Soap Jar, two Pomade Jars, two square Scent Bottles with Screw Tops, and long Tooth Brush Jar. Hanging Strap, Folding Mirror, Instrument Board and Comb. Complete, £10 10 0.
No. S A 1807.
In best Green Hide, lined Green Leather.
10in. | long, | 7 in. | wide, | 3 in. | deep, | price | 11/6 |
11in. | ,, | 7½in. | ,, | 3 in. | ,, | ,, | 12/9 |
12in. | ,, | 8 in. | ,, | 3½in. | ,, | ,, | 14/0 |
13in. | ,, | 8½in. | ,, | 3½in. | ,, | ,, | 15/3 |
14in. | ,, | 9 in. | ,, | 3½in. | ,, | ,, | 16/6 |
15in. | ,, | 9½in. | ,, | 3½in. | ,, | ,, | 17/9 |
16in. | ,, | 10in. | ,, | 3½in. | ,, | ,, | 19/0 |
Superior Quality, Green or Mauve, Morocco, lined superior quality Silk, with Drawn Pockets round Sides and in Lid as illustration, 2 good Locks.
Size | 10in. | long, | 7½in. | wide, | 4in. | deep, | price | 32/0 |
,, | 12in. | ,, | 8½in. | ,, | 4in. | ,, | ,, | 38/0 |
,, | 14in. | ,, | 9½in. | ,, | 4in. | ,, | ,, | 45/0 |
,, | 15in. | ,, | 10in. | ,, | 4in. | ,, | ,, | 48/0 |
,, | 16in. | ,, | 10½in. | ,, | 4in. | ,, | ,, | 52/0 |
No. S A 1809. Attache Case, straight grain Green Morocco, lined Silk.
Size | 10in. | long, | 7in. | wide, | 2¾in. | deep, | price | 16/3 |
,, | 11in. | ,, | 7½in. | ,, | 2¾in. | ,, | ,, | 17/9 |
,, | 12in. | ,, | 8 in. | ,, | 3 in. | ,, | ,, | 20/6 |
,, | 13in. | ,, | 8½in. | ,, | 3¼in. | ,, | ,, | 22/6 |
,, | 14in. | ,, | 9in. | ,, | 3¼in. | ,, | ,, | 25/9 |
,, | 15in. | ,, | 9½in. | ,, | 3½in. | ,, | ,, | 28/6 |
No. S A 1810 LADY’S FITTED MONITOR BAG. 12in. Moss Green Morocco Shallow Monitor Bag, lined Silk, Gilt Registered Lock, containing Sterling Silver-mounted Soap and Tooth Brush Jar and Scent Bottles, Ivory Hair and Cloth Brushes, Mirror, Instrument Board and Cutlery, Comb in Case, Tooth and Nail Brushes. £5 2 6.
No. S A 1811. LADY’S GREEN MOROCCO MONITOR BAG. Lined Silk, Gilt Lock, containing Set of Sterling Silver-mounted Bottles, Real Ivory Hair Brush, Hat and Cloth Brushes, Trinket Box, Blotter, Paper Knife, Ink and Light Boxes, Mirror, Instrument Board, Comb. Complete as illustrated. £5 10 0.
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for Dressing Bags see page 530.
No. S A 1812.
Size, 14 inches.
Best Green Polished Morocco, lined Watered Silk, fitted with Real Ivory and Sterling Silver Fittings, Five Dome Silver Topped Bottles, Watch in Case, Writing Book, Glove Sticks, Shoe Lift, Mirror, fitted Instrument Board, etc., as Illustration. £10 10 0
No. S A 1813.
Size, 14 inches long.
Finest quality Crocodile Skin, lined Watered Silk, Set of Five Glass Bottles with Solid Silver Tops richly chased, Flask with Cup, Solid Ivory Hair Brush and Hat and Cloth Brush, all inside leather fittings real Crocodile, including large Blotter, Ivory Glove Sticks, Paper Knife, etc., as Illustration. £16 10 0
No. S A 1814.
Size, 15 × 12 × 4¾in.
Brown Hide Leather, lined Leather, 2 double-action Nickel Locks, fitted with real Ebony Mirror, Hair Brush, Hat and Cloth Brush, Glove Sticks, etc., Six Glass Bottles with plain Silver Tops, Curling Irons and Lamp, Instrument Board, etc. Price, £5 5 0
No. S A 1815.
Size, 14 × 11 × 6½in.
In Finest Morocco Leather, all colours, lined Watered or Corded Silk, fitted with Set of Sterling Silver or Real Ivory Brushes and Sterling Silver-mounted Bottles, etc., as illustration. Price complete, £5 5 0
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for Dressing Cases, see page 530.
No. S A 1816.
Size, 16 × 12 × 7in.
Best quality Green or Mauve polished Morocco Leather, lined Watered Silk, containing set of Plain Sterling Silver-backed Brushes and 5 Silver-mounted Brushes, large Button-hook, Shoe-lift, Instrument Board, Blotter, Folding Mirror, etc. Complete with Selvyt-lined Waterproof Cover. Price, £9 17 6
No. S A 1817.
Size, 18 × 14 × 7in.
Brown Hide Leather, lined Watered Silk, 2 Nickel Lever Locks, Solid Silver Fittings, “Cupid” Pattern, as illustration, including 2 Hair Brushes, Mirror, Hat and Cloth Brush, Flask with Cup, Leather Blotter, etc. Price, £11 11 0
No. S A 1818.
Size, 17 × 13 × 7in.
Best quality Moss Green polished Morocco Leather, lined superior quality Silk, containing a set of Plain Sterling Silver Toilet Brushes, and 7 Silver-mounted Bottles, large Silver Button-hook and Shoe-lift, Blotter, Mirror, Instrument Board, etc., as per illustration. Price, £11 17 6
No. S A 1819.
Size, 18in. × 13in. × 6in.
Best quality Green Morocco Leather, lined Watered Silk, containing Set of Sterling Silver Fittings, including Hair Brush, Cloth Brush, 5 Glass Bottles with Silver Tops, Leather Blotter, Instrument Board, etc., as illustration. Complete with Black Waterproof Cover, £12 17 6
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for Dressing Cases, see page 530.
No. SA 1820.
Size, 18in. × 13in. × 7in.
Best quality Blue Morocco Leather, lined Blue Watered Silk, Engine-turned and engraved Silver Fittings with Silver bead round edge, drawn Silk Pocket at back of Case, including Waterproof, Selvyt-lined Cover, £13 10 0
No. SA 1821.
Size, 20in. × 15in. × 8in.
Best Brown Hide, lined Watered Silk, sterling Silver Fittings, including 2 Hair Brushes, large Silver Mirror, 5 Silver-mounted Bottles, etc., as illustration, £16 13 6
No. S A 1822.
Finest quality Green Morocco Leather, lined best Watered Silk, containing complete set of sterling Silver Toilet Fittings, 7 Silver-mounted Bottles, 2 Hair Brushes, large Mirror, Hat and Cloth Brush, Writing Book, fully fitted Instrument Board with Ivory-handled Fittings, Shell Comb, and Ivory Glove Sticks. Price complete, with Green Selvyt-lined Cover, £17 17 0
No. S A 1823.
Size, 18in. × 13in. × 7in.
Finest Green Morocco Leather, Lined Best Watered Silk, Solid Silver Fittings, with Roman Border, as illustrated, including Hair Brushes, Hat and Cloth Brush, 5 Silver-mounted Bottles, large Leather Blotter, etc. Complete, with Waterproof Selvyt-lined Cover, £17 17 0
Size, 22in. × 15½in. × 8in.
Finest Quality Morocco Leather, Lined Watered Silk, plain Solid Silver Fittings with Beaded Border, including 6 Silver-mounted Bottles, 2 large Hair Brushes, Hat and Cloth Brush, large Silver Mirror, Instrument Board, Trinket Case, Curling Tongs, Clamp, etc. Complete, with Waterproof Selvyt Lined Cover, £18 5 0
Size, 18in. × 14in. × 7½in.
Finest Morocco Leather, Lined Watered Silk, Solid Silver, Engine-turned Fittings, including 2 Hair Brushes, Hat and Cloth Brushes, 7 Glass Bottles with Sterling Silver Tops, large Silver Mirror, etc., as illustration. Complete, with Selvyt Lined Cover, £21 0 0
Size, 18in. × 13½in. × 7in.
Finest quality Green Morocco Leather, Lined Watered Silk, Solid Silver Toilet Fittings, comprising 1 large Hair Brush, Cloth Brush, Soap Jar, Tooth Roller, 2 Oval Scent Bottles with screw Tops, 2 Powder Jars, Watch in Case with Silver Front, Blotter, Instrument Board, Mirror, etc., as illustration. Complete with Selvyt Lined Waterproof Cover, £23 15 0
Size, 18in. × 13in. × 7in.
Finest Quality Green Morocco, Lined Best Silk, Sterling Silver Fittings, including 2 Hair Brushes, Hat and Cloth Brushes, 7 finest quality Rolled Glass Bottles with Fancy Etching, Silver Tops with Engine-turned pattern, large Silver Mirror, etc., as illustration. Complete with Waterproof Selvyt Cover, £26 15 0
No. S A 1828.
Size, 18 × 17 × 7in.
Finest quality Blue Morocco Leather, lined Watered Silk, Engine-turned Silver Fittings, real Shell Comb, Jewel Case and Work Companion, new improved flat locks, including Waterproof Selvyt Cover. Price £29 10 0
No. S A 1829.
Size, 20 × 15 × 8in.
Finest quality Green Morocco Leather, lined Watered Silk, extra large Glass Bottles, Solid Silver Tops, Powder Jar with Screw Top, Bayonet Top to Flask, etc., including Waterproof Selvyt-lined Cover. Price £36 0 0
No. S A 1830.
Size, 20 × 14 × 8in.
Finest quality golden Crocodile Leather, lined Green Silk Velvet, all Leather Fittings, real Crocodile, movable back Standard, finest quality London made Silver Mirror, Brushes, Bottle Tops, etc., 8-day Clock, real Shell Comb, large Instrument Board, etc., including Selvyt-lined Cover with Crocodile Corners. Price £60 0 0
No. S A 1831.
Size, 22 × 15 × 8in.
Finest quality Green Crocodile Leather, lined ribbed Silk, Set of finest quality London made Silver Gilt Fittings, large Mirror, Brushes, etc., secret inside Jewel Case with Bramah Lock, 2 Bramah Locks on outside with master key, complete with Waterproof Selvyt Cover. Price £65 0 0
No. S A 1832. Gentleman’s Monitor Bag. 16in., Cowhide leather, lined Pigskin grained leather, fitted with set of Silver and Ebony Fittings. £7 0 0
CONTENTS.—Pair Ebony Military Hair Brushes, Hat Brush, Cloth Brush, Combined Shoe Lift and Button Hook, Turnback Shaving Brush, Writing Book, Ink and Light Boxes, Soap Jar, Tooth Brush, Pomade Jar, Scent Bottle, Powder Jar (all Sterling Silver Tops), Mirror, Paper Knife; Instrument Board, fitted with Scissors, Razors, etc.
No. S A 1833. Gentleman’s Fitted Suit Case. Size 24in. × 15in. × 8in. In Best Brown Hide, lined Leather, with 2 Sliding Nozzle Locks, fitted with Sterling Silver-mounted Bottles, etc. £4 18 6 complete.
CONTENTS.—Pair Ebony Hair Brushes, Hat Brush, Cloth Brush, Soap Jar, Tooth Brush Glass, Shaving Brush Glass, Pomade Jar, Scent Bottle, Comb in Case; Cutlery Board, containing 2 Razors, Scissors, File and Tweezers, Folding Mirror, Razor Strop.
No. S A 1834 Gentleman’s Fitted Suit Case. Size 16in. × 13in. × 6in. Best Brown Hide, very useful small size Case. 2 Nickel Lever Locks, good quality Ebony Brushes, 4 Bottles with Silver Tops, Blotter, Instrument Board, etc. £6 6 0
No. S A 1835. Gentleman’s Fitted Suit Case. Size 24in. × 15in. × 7½in. Lined Imitation Pigskin, 2 Nickel Lever Locks, and 8 Solid Leather Riveted Corners, containing set of real Ebony and Sterling Silver Fittings and Toilet Requisites, exactly as illustration. £7 12 6 complete.
Orders by Post receive prompt and accurate execution from experienced assistants.
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Cases, see page 530.
No. S A 1836.
Size, 24in. × 16in. × 8in.
Brown Hide Leather, lined Pigskin Grained Leather, movable End Standards, fitted with Solid Ivory Brushes, Glass Bottles with Solid Silver Tops, Folding Mirror, etc., as illustration ... £11 10 0
Ditto as above, but with Ebony Brushes, etc. ... ... £ 8 17 6
No. S A 1837.
Size, 24in. × 16in. × 8in.
Brown Hide Leather, lined Pigskin Grained Leather, Large Shirt Pocket in lid, movable Standard at back, containing Real Ebony Brushes, 5 Glass Bottles with Solid Silver Tops, etc., as illustration. £9 7 6
No. S A 1838.
Size, 24in. × 16½in. × 8in.
Best Brown Hide, lined Pigskin Grained Leather, 2 Nickel Lever Locks, Solid Ivory Brushes, and 5 Solid Silver Top Bottles, arranged on removable Back Standard, as illustration ... ... £13 17 6
Ditto as above, but size 26in. × 17in. × 8in. ... £14 17 6
No. S A 1839.
Size 18in. × 14in. × 6in.
In Best Brown Hide, small size, easily carried in the hand. 2 Nickel Lever Locks, 5 Bottles with Heavy Silver Tops, Solid Ivory Brushes, Blotter, Instrument Board, etc., as illustration ... ... £10 10 0
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Cases, see page 530.
No. S A 1840.
Size, 24 × 16 × 8in.
Superior Quality Solid Butt Leather, lined Green Leather. Finest quality Ivory Brushes, 7 Glass Bottles with heavy Silver Tops, engine turned, large Leather Blotter, Instrument Board, Button Hook, Paper Knife, Jewel Box, etc. Fittings arranged on end standards, removable, as illustration. Price £18 10 0
No. S A 1841.
Size, 26 × 17 × 8in.
Best Quality Solid Butt Leather, lined best Pigskin Grained Leather, four stout capped corners on bottom, 2 solid Brass Lever Locks, finest quality Ivory Brushes, 5 Bottles with heavy Silver Tops, Flask with Bayonet Top and Cup, arranged on movable Standard at back, Instrument Board completely fitted, large Blotter, Ivory-handled Boot Hooks, etc., as illustration. Price £22 0 0
No. S A 1842.
Size, 26 × 16 × 8in.
Superior Quality Solid Butt Leather, with 8 Solid Leather Corners, lined Pigskin Grained Leather. Movable standards at ends. Very completely fitted with finest quality Ivory Brushes, and heavy Silver Tops to Bottles. Instrument Board fitted with Kropp Razors. Price £24 10 0
No. S A 1843.
Size, 28 × 17 × 8in.
Finest Quality Solid Butt Leather, with 8 Solid Leather Corners, lined real Pigskin. Movable standard at back. Completely fitted with finest quality Solid Ivory Hair Brushes, Hat and Cloth Brush, Set of Glass Bottles with heavy Silver Tops, etc., as illustration. Price, £29 10 0
For Illustrations and Prices of Covers for above Cases, see page 530.
Example of one of Harrods’ Highest Grade Dressing Cases.
Glass Fittings, with Silver Gilt Tops.
Large Oval Soap Jar.
Powder Jar with screw top.
2 Oval Scent Bottles with screw tops.
Tooth Brush Bottle.
Nail Brush Bottle.
Pomade Jar with screw top.
Hair Pin Jar.
Flask with cup and bayonet top.
8-day Clock in Silver Gilt case.
Curling Lamp in Silver Gilt case.
Button Hook.
Shoe Horn.
Glove Stretchers.
Tortoiseshell Fittings.
Brush Tray, size 11in. × 8½in.
Hand Mirror.
2 Hair Brushes.
Hat Brush.
Cloth Brush.
Dressing Comb.
Tail Comb.
Large Powder Box.
Leather Fittings.
Large Blotter, with Silver Gilt
Paper Knife,
Manicure case, completely fitted, small Jewel Box.
Box for Needles, Cotton, etc.
Long Pin Box.
Note Book.
Card Case.
Curling Iron in Case.
Ink and Light Boxes.
No. S A 1850. Size 21in. × 15½in. × 8in. Finest quality Polished Golden Crocodile Leather, lined finest quality Real Sealskin. Hand Mirror, Tray and Brushes are made from the Finest Quality Tortoiseshell beautifully matched. The Bottles are mounted with London-made Solid Silver Gilt Tops, Water Gilt. All the Leather Fittings are made in finest quality Real Sealskin to match the lining of case. A Special Feature.—The Hand Mirror rests in the tray in the head of the case, thus taking up no extra space. Both the Mirror and Tray are fixed in the case by a metal contrivance, which, by pushing a button, releases either Tray or Mirror. Including Superior Quality Waterproof Cover, lined “Selvyt.” Price, £12000
No. S A 1851. Combination Travelling Cushion. Size when open, 48in. × 21in. Size when closed, 21in. × 18in. × 6in. Made in Green Morocco Leather, Lined Green Silk, containing Cushion filled best down and covered silk, and a Ventilated Quilt, filled best down and covered silk, fitted with 2 flat pockets inside and one outside. Centre fitted with straps for rugs, etc., as illustration. Price, £6 6 0
The rapid growth of Harrods’ Motor Department affords conclusive evidence of the unique advantages offered by the firm to purchasers in this direction. The general policy governing the Department consists in exhibiting a large and comprehensive stock of all kinds of cars, motor cycles, accessories and clothing; and while keeping absolutely free from bias in any direction, affording to customers expert advice relating to the selection of goods which will best suit their individual requirements. The advantages of such a policy are very great. Being entirely free from all contracts which would have the effect of limiting their interest to any particular lines of goods, Harrods have no interest save in the complete satisfaction of their clients, who are enabled to inspect and compare the most up-to-date specimens of a score of the leading makes of cars or cycles, the latest devices in accessories, and the newest ideas in motor clothing. The Motor Showrooms in Basil Street (immediately opposite one of the entrances to the Main Building) have been equipped with every regard to the comfort and convenience of visitors, who, whether deciding to purchase or not, cannot fail to be interested in the large and varied display of goods. Information on any question relating to motoring is readily given and every effort made to convince clients that a great saving in time, trouble and expense is effected by dealing with Harrods. Comparison of prices is especially invited, since Harrods, being such large buyers of stocks, are thereby enabled to quote extremely favourable prices to customers.
CARS OF 1912
It is impossible in the space at our disposal to give full particulars of all the cars at present on the market, but for the assistance of possible clients we will send on application particulars of any make or model, or a complete list of all the principal 1912 models, and also quote for special bodies and general equipment such as lamps, speedometers, electric horns, etc.
The number of Motor Cycles now on the market has increased to such an extent that we have found it necessary to issue a separate Motor Cycle Catalogue, in which will be found conveniently arranged illustrations, particulars and prices of the newest patterns of Motor Cycles, Side-cars, Motor Runabouts, Accessories, Clothing, &c. This Catalogue, which we have striven to render as complete and useful as possible, can be had post free on application. The Motor Cycle Showrooms contain specimens of all the leading makes, the special features of which will be explained by experts; and in the Accessory and Motor Clothing Departments every possible want of the Motor Cyclist is catered for.
Special attention is drawn to Harrods’ system of purchase by deferred payments, by means of which a customer is enabled to acquire immediately a much better quality car or cycle than he could purchase by a cash-down purchase. It is an axiom of motoring that the upkeep of a car is in inverse ratio to its first cost, and it therefore follows that the extra price paid for a superior car or cycle in the first instance will be balanced by a corresponding saving in upkeep charges. Following are details of the system:
The deferred payments are spread over a period of six or twelve months to suit the convenience of our clients, and include not only the machine but all the accessories sold with it.
For 12 months 2½ p.c. premium is charged. For 6 months 1¼ p.c. premium is charged.
Method of Reckoning.
To the price of the car is added the price or the Accessories, and to this the amount of premium for six or twelve months, as the case may be. One quarter of the total thus arrived at, plus or minus the odd shillings (so as to leave an even sum in pounds), is payable at once and the balance in six or twelve equal monthly instalments.
Cost of Machine and Accessories, £440 10 0
For 6 Months.
£440 10 0
5 10 2 1¼ per cent. interest.
£446 0 2
111 0 2 1st payment.
£335 0 0
which is divided into six equal monthly instalments of £55 16 8
For 12 Months.
£440 10 0
11 0 3 2½ per cent. interest
£451 10 3
113 10 3 1st payment
£338 0 0
which is divided into twelve equal monthly instalments of £28 3 4
The Car must be adequately insured by the purchaser, and in this connection Harrods offer a most advantageous policy.
When placing an order it is necessary to forward a Banker’s or other suitable reference, and in the case of a Minor, or where the client is not a householder, the name of a relative or friend who is a householder and who will join in the transaction.
Tyres and Tubes.
HARRODS STOCK ALL THE LEADING MAKES of Motor Tyres and Tubes, Detachable Bands, etc., and any goods not listed will be obtained to order. While taking every care to ensure customers’ satisfaction the Company do not hold themselves liable for claims under manufacturer’s guarantee.
The prices quoted are those in force at the time of going to press, but they are subject to market fluctuations. All tyres are sent by passenger train, carriage free.
For convenience of reference particulars are arranged under the following principal headings—
ALL RUBBER—Round or Square Tread; Ribbed or Grooved; Rubber Studded.
STEEL STUDDED—On Rubber; on Leather.
Harrods have much pleasure in recommending the well-known Shell Patent Grooved Tyre as one which possesses all the characteristics of an ideal Tyre, and yet is sold at a strictly moderate price. It is made specially for Harrods, and care is taken to use only the strongest Egyptian cotton and the best quality Para rubber in its construction; these materials being toughened by a special process which gives the Tyre a remarkable power of resistance to flints, nails, etc., and renders it exceptionally durable. The design of the “Shell” patent groove secures a much better “grip” than the plain groove type, while its open-ended grooves prevent the tyre getting unduly heated. Our two years’ selling experience with this Tyre enables us to speak with confidence as to the satisfaction to be expected from its use. The prices given below are subject to market fluctuations, and customers will get immediate benefit in the case of any reductions that may occur.
Size | £ s. d. | Size | £ s. d. | Size | £ s. d. |
700 × 85 ... | 2 17 6 | 910 × 90 ... | 4 15 0 | 875 × 105 ... | 5 12 6 |
750 × 85 ... | 3 0 0 | 760 × 100 ... | 4 7 6 | 820 × 120 ... | 6 10 0 |
800 × 85 ... | 3 5 0 | 810 × 100 ... | 4 12 6 | 880 × 120 ... | 7 0 0 |
760 × 90 ... | 3 12 6 | 870 × 100 ... | 5 5 0 | 920 × 120 ... | 7 10 0 |
810 × 90 ... | 4 0 0 | 815 × 105 ... | 5 10 0 | 895 × 135 ... | 8 7 6 |
870 × 90 ... | 4 7 6 | 935 × 135 ... | 8 15 0 |
Nominal Sizes. | Michelin. | Continental. | Wood Milne (square or cross grooved) | Pirelli. | Goodrich. | Dunlop. |
MM. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
650 × 65 | 1 11 6 | 1 11 6 | — | — | — | 1 11 4 |
700 × 65 | 1 14 3 | 1 14 3 | 2 4 8 | — | — | 1 14 2 |
750 × 65 | 1 16 0 | 1 16 0 | — | — | — | 1 16 1 |
800 × 65 | 1 18 9 | 1 18 9 | — | — | — | 1 18 7 |
700 × 75 | 1 17 0 | 1 17 0 | — | — | — | — |
750 × 75 | 1 19 9 | 1 19 9 | — | — | — | — |
800 × 75 | 2 2 3 | 2 2 3 | — | — | — | — |
700 × 85 | 2 2 3 | 2 2 3 | 2 17 3 | — | 2 16 0 | 2 2 3 |
750 × 85 | 2 6 0 | 2 6 0 | 3 0 10 | — | 2 19 0 | 2 5 10 |
800 × 85 | 2 9 6 | 2 9 6 | — | — | 3 3 9 | 2 9 5 |
710 × 90 | 3 2 0 | 3 2 0 | 3 17 0 | 3 9 0 | 3 5 1 | — |
760 × 90 | 3 7 6 | 3 7 6 | 4 2 6 | 3 15 0 | 3 10 10 | 3 7 6 |
810 × 90 | 3 10 3 | 3 10 3 | 4 5 3 | 3 18 0 | 3 13 9 | 3 10 3 |
840 × 90 | 3 13 0 | 3 13 0 | — | 4 1 0 | — | 3 12 9 |
870 × 90 | 3 15 9 | 3 15 9 | 4 13 9 | 4 4 0 | 3 19 6 | 3 15 6 |
910 × 90 | 4 0 0 | 4 0 0 | 4 18 0 | 4 9 0 | 4 4 0 | 4 0 0 |
1010 × 90 | 4 9 0 | — | — | — | — | 4 9 2 |
1070 × 90 | 4 18 0 | — | — | — | — | — |
765 × 105 | 4 11 9 | 4 11 9 | — | 5 2 0 | 4 16 4 | 4 11 8 |
815 × 105 | 4 19 0 | 4 19 0 | 5 18 2 | 5 10 0 | 5 4 0 | 4 18 11 |
875 × 105 | 5 6 3 | 5 6 3 | 6 6 10 | 5 18 0 | 5 11 7 | 5 6 1 |
915 × 105 | 5 12 6 | 5 12 6 | 6 14 3 | 6 5 0 | 5 18 1 | 5 12 6 |
820 × 120 | 5 18 0 | 5 18 0 | 7 0 9 | 6 11 0 | 6 3 10 | 5 17 9 |
850 × 120 | 6 3 3 | 6 3 3 | — | 6 17 0 | — | 6 3 4 |
880 × 120 | 6 7 9 | 6 7 9 | 7 12 9 | 7 2 0 | 6 14 1 | 6 7 9 |
920 × 120 | 6 14 0 | 6 14 0 | 8 0 2 | 7 9 0 | 6 17 6 | 6 14 2 |
1020 × 120 | 7 11 3 | 7 11 3 | — | 8 8 0 | — | 7 11 1 |
895 × 135 | 7 5 0 | 7 5 0 | 8 13 2 | 8 1 0 | 7 12 3 | 7 5 0 |
935 × 135 | 7 13 0 | 7 13 0 | 9 2 10 | 8 10 0 | 8 0 7 | 7 13 1 |
Nominal Sizes. | Dunlop. | Continental (three ribbed tread). | Palmer. | Kempshall (non-skid). | Kempshall (anti-skid). | Wood Milne (three ribbed). |
MM. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
700 × 85 | 2 17 3 | — | — | 5 12 6 | 4 4 0 | 2 17 3 |
750 × 85 | 3 0 10 | — | — | 5 15 0 | 4 10 6 | 3 0 10 |
800 × 85 | 3 4 5 | — | — | — | — | — |
700 × 90 | 3 17 0 | — | — | 5 16 6 | 5 5 0 | — |
760 × 90 | 4 2 6 | 4 11 0 | — | 5 18 6 | 5 10 0 | 4 2 6 |
810 × 90 | 4 5 3 | 4 17 3 | — | 6 0 0 | 5 15 0 | 4 5 3 |
840 × 90 | 4 9 9 | 5 0 9 | — | — | — | — |
870 × 90 | 4 13 9 | 5 5 3 | — | 6 11 0 | 6 5 0 | 4 13 9 |
910 × 90 | 4 18 0 | 5 10 9 | — | 8 7 6 | 6 10 0 | 4 18 0 |
1010 × 90 | 5 8 2 | — | — | — | — | — |
760 × 100 | 5 8 8 | 6 1 6 | — | — | 6 2 6 | 5 8 8 |
810 × 100 | 5 17 2 | 6 10 6 | — | 7 15 6 | 6 10 0 | 5 17 2 |
870 × 100 | 6 5 10 | 7 0 3 | — | 8 15 0 | 7 2 6 | 6 5 10 |
910 × 100 | 6 13 3 | 7 7 6 | — | — | — | 6 13 3 |
765 × 105 | 5 9 8 | 6 2 6 | 7 3 6 | 7 2 6 | 6 17 6 | — |
815 × 105 | 5 18 2 | 6 11 6 | 8 0 6 | 7 18 6 | 7 2 6 | 5 18 6 |
875 × 105 | 6 6 10 | 7 1 3 | 8 11 0 | 9 10 0 | 7 10 0 | 6 6 10 |
915 × 105 | 6 14 3 | 7 8 6 | 9 1 0 | 10 10 0 | 7 18 6 | 6 14 3 |
760 × 120 | 6 15 9 | — | — | — | — | — |
820 × 120 | 7 0 9 | 7 5 9 | 11 0 0 | 10 18 6 | 8 5 0 | 7 0 9 |
850 × 120 | 7 7 4 | 7 12 0 | — | 11 11 0 | 8 10 0 | — |
880 × 120 | 7 12 9 | 7 19 3 | 11 14 6 | 11 12 6 | 8 15 0 | 7 12 9 |
920 × 120 | 8 0 2 | 8 6 6 | 12 4 0 | 12 0 0 | 9 0 0 | 8 10 2 |
1020 × 120 | 9 2 1 | 9 7 3 | — | — | — | — |
895 × 135 | 8 13 2 | 9 4 6 | 14 3 6 | 14 2 6 | — | 8 13 2 |
935 × 135 | 9 2 10 | 9 15 3 | 14 19 6 | 14 18 6 | — | 9 2 10 |
920 × 150 | 13 10 2 | — | — | — | — | — |
1000 × 150 | 15 5 2 | — | — | — | — | — |
1050 × 150 | 16 0 2 | — | — | — | — | — |
| £ s. d. |
700 × 85 .. | 3 7 3 |
750 × 85 .. | 3 11 6 |
800 × 85 .. | 3 16 6 |
710 × 90 .. | 3 17 0 |
760 × 90 .. | 4 2 6 |
810 × 90 .. | 4 5 3 |
870 × 90 .. | 4 13 9 |
910 × 90 .. | 4 18 0 |
760 × 100 .. | 5 7 6 |
810 × 100 .. | 5 16 0 |
870 × 100 .. | 6 2 6 |
765 × 105 .. | 5 9 8 |
815 × 105 .. | 5 18 2 |
875 × 105 .. | 6 6 10 |
915 × 105 .. | 6 14 3 |
820 × 120 .. | 7 0 9 |
880 × 120 .. | 7 12 9 |
920 × 120 .. | 8 0 2 |
895 × 135 .. | 8 13 2 |
935 × 135 .. | 9 2 10 |
Nominal Sizes. | Dunlop. | Continental. | Palmer. | Wood Milne. | Goodrich. |
MM. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
700 × 85 | — | — | — | — | — |
750 × 85 | — | — | — | — | — |
800 × 85 | — | — | — | — | — |
700 × 90 | — | — | — | — | — |
760 × 90 | — | 4 11 0 | 6 6 0 | 5 1 0 | — |
810 × 90 | — | 4 17 3 | 6 17 0 | 5 8 0 | — |
840 × 90 | — | 5 0 9 | — | — | — |
870 × 90 | — | 5 5 3 | 7 8 0 | 5 17 0 | — |
910 × 90 | — | 5 10 9 | — | 6 0 3 | — |
1010 × 90 | — | — | — | — | — |
760 × 100 | — | 6 1 6 | — | 6 10 0 | — |
810 × 100 | — | 6 10 6 | — | 7 0 0 | — |
870 × 100 | — | 7 0 3 | — | 7 10 0 | — |
910 × 100 | — | 7 7 6 | — | 8 0 0 | — |
765 × 105 | — | 6 2 6 | 8 6 6 | — | — |
815 × 105 | — | 6 11 6 | 9 3 6 | 7 0 0 | — |
875 × 105 | — | 7 1 3 | 9 18 0 | 7 12 0 | — |
915 × 105 | — | 7 8 6 | 10 8 6 | 8 5 0 | — |
760 × 120 | — | — | — | — | — |
820 × 120 | — | 7 5 9 | 12 9 6 | 8 0 0 | — |
850 × 120 | — | — | — | — | — |
880 × 120 | — | 7 19 3 | 13 10 0 | 8 10 0 | — |
920 × 120 | — | 8 6 6 | 14 1 6 | 9 0 0 | — |
1020 × 120 | — | 9 7 3 | — | — | — |
895 × 135 | — | 9 4 6 | 16 1 0 | 10 5 0 | — |
935 × 135 | — | 9 15 3 | 16 17 6 | 10 17 0 | — |
Nominal Sizes. | Dunlop. | Michelin. | Continental. | Pirelli. | Goodrich. |
MM. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
650 × 65 | 2 19 5 | 2 19 6 | 2 19 6 | — | — |
700 × 65 | — | 3 4 0 | 3 4 0 | — | — |
750 × 65 | — | 3 8 6 | 3 8 6 | — | — |
800 × 65 | — | 3 14 9 | — | — | — |
700 × 75 | — | 3 5 9 | 3 5 9 | — | — |
750 × 75 | — | 3 11 0 | 3 11 0 | — | — |
800 × 75 | — | 3 17 6 | 3 17 6 | — | — |
700 × 85 | — | — | — | — | — |
750 × 85 | — | — | — | — | — |
800 × 85 | — | — | — | — | — |
710 × 90 | — | 4 4 9 | 4 4 9 | 4 14 0 | 4 14 0 |
760 × 90 | 4 10 0 | 4 11 0 | 4 11 0 | 5 1 0 | 5 1 0 |
810 × 90 | 4 17 3 | 4 17 3 | 4 17 3 | 5 8 6 | 5 8 6 |
840 × 90 | 5 0 10 | 5 0 9 | 5 0 9 | 5 12 0 | — |
870 × 90 | 5 5 3 | 5 5 3 | 5 5 3 | 5 17 0 | 5 17 0 |
910 × 90 | 5 10 10 | 5 10 9 | 5 10 9 | 6 3 0 | 6 3 0 |
1010 × 90 | 6 5 3 | 6 5 0 | — | — | — |
1070 × 90 | — | 6 12 3 | — | — | — |
765 × 105 | 6 2 6 | 6 2 6 | 6 2 6 | 6 16 0 | 6 16 0 |
815 × 105 | 6 11 5 | 6 11 6 | 6 11 6 | 7 6 0 | 7 6 0 |
875 × 105 | 7 1 1 | 7 1 3 | 7 1 3 | 7 17 0 | 7 17 0 |
915 × 105 | 7 8 7 | 7 8 6 | 7 8 6 | 8 5 0 | 8 5 0 |
820 × 120 | 7 5 10 | 7 5 9 | 7 5 9 | 8 2 0 | 8 2 0 |
850 × 120 | 7 12 3 | 7 12 0 | 7 12 0 | 8 9 0 | — |
880 × 120 | 7 19 2 | 7 19 3 | 7 19 3 | 8 17 0 | 8 17 0 |
920 × 120 | 8 6 4 | 8 6 6 | 8 6 6 | 9 5 0 | 9 5 0 |
1020 × 120 | 9 7 3 | 9 7 3 | 9 7 3 | 10 8 0 | — |
895 × 135 | 9 4 5 | 9 4 6 | 9 4 6 | 10 5 0 | 10 5 0 |
935 × 135 | 9 15 3 | 9 15 3 | 9 15 3 | 10 17 0 | 10 17 0 |
760 × 100 | 6 1 6 | — | 6 1 6 | 6 12 0 | 6 1 6 |
810 × 100 | 6 10 5 | — | 6 10 6 | 7 0 0 | 6 10 5 |
870 × 100 | 7 0 1 | — | 7 0 3 | — | 7 0 1 |
910 × 100 | 7 7 7 | — | 7 7 6 | — | — |
Inner Tubes.
THE THICKNESS OR WEIGHT OF AN INNER TUBE does not afford an accurate criterion of its quality. The rubber used in the construction of tyres and tubes is “prepared” or “treated” with substances, most of which are considerably heavier than pure rubber, which is extremely light; it may therefore be presumed that, given a fair amount of thickness or substance, the lighter a tube is, the larger the proportion of pure rubber used in its manufacture.
Harrods take especial care to ensure the uniformly high quality of all tubes sold by them, and are able in many cases to supply these at lower prices than those charged by the best-known makers. Each tube is carefully tested before leaving Harrods, and is sent carefully and securely packed in strong cardboard box, carriage paid within the United Kingdom.
10% cheaper than other leading makes. |
| £ s. d. |
700 × 85 | ... | ... | 0 15 0 |
750 × 85 | ... | ... | 0 15 9 |
760 × 90 | ... | ... | 0 19 9 |
810 × 90 | ... | ... | 1 1 3 |
870 × 90 | ... | ... | 1 3 0 |
910 × 90 | ... | ... | 1 4 0 |
760 × 100 | ... | ... | 1 3 6 |
810 × 100 | ... | ... | 1 5 0 |
870 × 100 | ... | ... | 1 6 6 |
815 × 105 | ... | ... | 1 5 6 |
875 × 105 | ... | ... | 1 7 3 |
820 × 120 | ... | ... | 1 9 9 |
880 × 120 | ... | ... | 1 12 3 |
920 × 120 | ... | ... | 1 13 9 |
895 × 135 | ... | ... | 1 16 3 |
935 × 135 | ... | ... | 1 18 9 |
| Michelin. | Dunlop. | Continental. |
| £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
700 × 85 ... ... | 0 16 6 | 0 16 8 | 0 16 6 |
750 × 85 ... ... | 0 17 6 | 0 17 6 | 0 17 6 |
800 × 85 ... ... | 0 18 9 | 0 18 11 | 0 18 9 |
760 × 90 ... ... | 1 2 0 | 1 1 11 | 1 2 0 |
810 × 90 ... ... | 1 3 9 | 1 3 7 | 1 3 9 |
870 × 90 ... ... | 1 5 6 | 1 5 7 | 1 5 6 |
910 × 90 ... ... | 1 6 6 | 1 6 8 | 1 6 6 |
760 × 100 ... ... | — | 1 5 8 | 1 5 6 |
810 × 100 ... ... | — | 1 7 4 | 1 7 3 |
870 × 100 ... ... | — | 1 9 0 | 1 9 3 |
815 × 105 ... ... | 1 8 3 | 1 8 4 | 1 8 3 |
875 × 105 ... ... | 1 10 3 | 1 10 0 | 1 10 3 |
820 × 120 ... ... | 1 13 0 | 1 13 1 | 1 13 0 |
880 × 120 ... ... | 1 15 9 | 1 15 10 | 1 15 9 |
920 × 120 ... ... | 1 17 6 | 1 17 6 | 1 17 6 |
895 × 135 ... ... | 2 0 3 | 2 0 3 | 2 0 3 |
935 × 135 ... ... | 2 3 0 | 2 3 1 | 2 3 0 |
Lomax Detachable Bands.
No. 1 Popular Pattern (Open Type). |
Size. | Ordinary Studs. | Special Hard Studs. |
| £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
650 | ? | by 65 | 1 17 6 | 2 7 0 |
700 | ? | 1 18 0 | 2 7 6 |
750 | ? | 1 19 0 | 2 8 6 |
800 | ? | 2 0 0 | 2 10 0 |
850 | ? | 2 1 0 | 2 11 0 |
700 | ? | by 80 | 2 1 0 | 2 11 0 |
750 | ? | 2 2 6 | 2 13 0 |
800 | ? | 2 4 0 | 2 15 0 |
700 | ? | by 85 | 2 3 0 | 2 13 6 |
750 | ? | 2 4 0 | 2 15 0 |
800 | ? | 2 5 0 | 2 16 0 |
700 | ? | by 90 | 2 4 0 | 2 15 0 |
760 | ? | 2 5 0 | 2 16 0 |
810 | ? | 2 6 0 | 2 17 6 |
840 | ? | 2 7 0 | 2 18 6 |
870 | ? | 2 10 0 | 3 2 6 |
910 | ? | 2 11 0 | 3 3 6 |
1010 | ? | 2 13 6 | 3 7 0 |
760 | ? | by 100 | 2 6 0 | 2 17 6 |
810 | ? | 2 10 0 | 3 2 6 |
870 | ? | 2 11 0 | 3 4 0 |
910 | ? | 2 12 6 | 3 5 6 |
815 | ? | by 105 | 2 11 0 | 3 4 0 |
875 | ? | 2 13 6 | 3 7 0 |
915 | ? | 2 16 0 | 3 10 0 |
820 | ? | by 120 | 2 16 0 | 3 10 0 |
850 | ? | 2 19 0 | 3 14 0 |
880 | ? | 3 1 0 | 3 16 0 |
920 | ? | 3 4 0 | 4 0 0 |
1020 | ? | 3 7 0 | 4 4 0 |
895 | ? | by 135 | 3 14 6 | 4 13 0 |
935 | ? | 4 2 0 | 5 2 6 |
No. 2 Pattern (Closed Type). |
Size. | Ordinary Studs. | Special Hard Studs. |
| £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
650 | ? | by 65 | 2 1 0 | 2 10 6 |
700 | ? | 2 3 0 | 2 12 6 |
750 | ? | 2 5 0 | 2 14 6 |
800 | ? | 2 8 0 | 2 18 0 |
850 | ? | 2 10 0 | 3 0 0 |
700 | ? | by 80 | 2 8 0 | 2 18 0 |
750 | ? | 2 10 0 | 3 0 6 |
800 | ? | 2 14 0 | 3 5 0 |
700 | ? | by 85 | 2 10 0 | 3 0 6 |
750 | ? | 2 14 0 | 3 5 0 |
800 | ? | 2 17 0 | 3 8 0 |
700 | ? | by 90 | 2 13 0 | 3 4 0 |
760 | ? | 2 15 0 | 3 6 0 |
810 | ? | 2 18 0 | 3 9 6 |
840 | ? | 3 0 0 | 3 11 6 |
870 | ? | 3 3 0 | 3 15 6 |
910 | ? | 3 6 0 | 3 18 6 |
1010 | ? | 3 10 0 | 4 3 6 |
760 | ? | by 100 | 2 17 0 | 3 8 6 |
810 | ? | 3 0 0 | 3 11 6 |
870 | ? | 3 4 0 | 3 17 0 |
910 | ? | 3 8 0 | 4 1 0 |
815 | ? | by 105 | 3 2 0 | 3 15 0 |
875 | ? | 3 6 0 | 3 19 6 |
915 | ? | 3 10 0 | 4 4 0 |
820 | ? | by 120 | 3 6 0 | 3 19 6 |
850 | ? | 3 9 0 | 4 4 0 |
880 | ? | 3 12 0 | 4 7 0 |
920 | ? | 3 17 0 | 4 13 0 |
1020 | ? | 4 4 0 | 5 1 0 |
895 | ? | by 135 | 5 8 0 | 6 6 0 |
935 | ? | 5 17 0 | 6 17 0 |
THOUGH the life of a cover may be greatly prolonged by retreading, it must be borne in mind that this operation must be resorted to before the tyre is so much worn that the canvas case has become loosened or disintegrated. Generally speaking we do not advise that non-skid tyres should be retreaded, as in most cases it will be found that wet has worked through the stud holes and damaged the canvas. All rubber tyres, however, unless badly cut can by retreading be made thoroughly effective for running on front wheels (or back wheels of light cars). Harrods will gladly examine and report on tyres submitted to them with a view to retreading
Combination Non-Skid Tread.
We first retread the Tyre with a Plain Rubber Tread, and then fix a Chrome Leather Band fitted with Hard Steel Studs. This Tread we strongly recommend.
Sizes. | Round Tread. | Grooved Tread. | Square or Rubber Tread. | Steel Studded Rubber Tread. | Combination or Leather Tread. | Goodrich RubberTread. |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
700 | ? | by 85 | 1311 | 1 14 7 | 1 18 11 | 2 14 1 | 2 15 1 | 2 10 0 |
750 | ? | 163 | 1 17 2 | 2 2 7 | 2 18 5 | 2 19 7 | 2 17 6 |
800 | ? | 1 7 6 | 2 2 9 | 2 5 8 | 3 1 9 | 3 3 6 | 3 0 0 |
710 | ? | by 90 | 1 13 4 | 1 16 9 | 2 0 9 | 2 15 3 | 2 16 9 | 2 10 0 |
760 | ? | 1 14 3 | 2 0 6 | 2 3 10 | 2 18 2 | 3 0 1 | 2 17 6 |
810 | ? | 1 17 1 | 2 5 7 | 2 6 9 | 3 1 4 | 3 3 6 | 3 2 6 |
870 | ? | 2 0 9 | 2 9 3 | 2 10 4 | 3 8 10 | 3 10 5 | 3 5 0 |
910 | ? | 2 3 7 | 2 12 4 | 2 13 7 | 3 13 6 | 3 15 7 | 3 7 6 |
760 | ? | by 100 | 1 19 4 | 2 2 3 | 2 6 7 | 3 0 3 | 3 1 10 | 3 7 6 |
810 | ? | 2 2 7 | 2 8 10 | 2 10 5 | 3 4 10 | 3 6 5 | 3 12 6 |
870 | ? | 2 5 1 | 2 13 9 | 2 14 11 | 3 12 9 | 3 14 2 | 3 17 6 |
910 | ? | 2 8 2 | 2 16 4 | 2 17 7 | 3 15 8 | 3 19 10 | 4 2 6 |
765 | ? | by 105 | 2 0 7 | 2 5 7 | 2 9 3 | 3 3 9 | 3 4 6 | 3 10 6 |
815 | ? | 2 4 5 | 2 12 2 | 2 13 7 | 3 7 8 | 3 9 11 | 3 15 0 |
875 | ? | 2 7 3 | 2 16 8 | 2 17 10 | 3 13 10 | 3 16 10 | 4 0 0 |
915 | ? | 2 10 9 | 3 0 9 | 3 2 3 | 4 1 6 | 4 4 9 | 4 15 0 |
820 | ? | by 120 | 2 9 7 | 3 1 7 | 3 2 9 | 4 10 7 | 4 11 10 | 4 10 0 |
880 | ? | 2 13 4 | 3 6 9 | 3 8 3 | 4 15 9 | 4 16 8 | 4 15 0 |
920 | ? | 2 17 1 | 3 11 6 | 3 12 10 | 4 18 4 | 5 0 9 | 4 17 6 |
895 | ? | by 135 | 3 16 3 | 4 5 8 | 4 8 9 | 5 1 9 | 5 2 6 | 5 0 0 |
935 | ? | 4 0 7 | 4 9 3 | 4 12 6 | 5 8 3 | 5 10 6 | 5 7 6 |
Repairs to bursts only charged according to extent.
The foregoing prices do not include extraneous repairs that may be necessary, such as bursts or puncture holes, and in consequence charges vary according to the extent of the damage.
Unless definite instructions are given, we assume all repairs may be left to our discretion, and proceed accordingly.
TIME TAKEN: Three to seven days. Urgent Repairs: 48 hours.
The above prices are subject to alteration without notice.
Harrods endless inner shield
But few motorists appear to realise the fact that by the intelligent use of “liners” within the covers of their tyres they can reduce their tyre expenses by 50%. Their failure to avail themselves of so advantageous a boon probably arises from a fear that the fitting would be so troublesome and the cost so considerable that no ultimate gain would accrue. So far as the latter point is concerned, we append a table showing the cost of Harrods’ Endless Liner as compared with a new Michelin Non-Skid Tyre. With respect to the fitting, this is quite a simple matter, and if the following directions be observed, no trouble will be experienced.
Lay the liner in the cover, then place the tube in position, slightly inflated, and put the cover, liner and tube altogether on to the rim. Should the liner be in any way displaced in doing this, it can easily be pushed back so as to rest evenly all round. No solution is required. Plenty of French chalk should be used between the liner and tube, but none between liner and cover.
| Prices of Liners. | Prices of Michelin Non-Skids. |
| £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
650 × 65 ... | 0 17 6 | 2 19 6 |
700 × 85 ... | 1 0 0 | — |
750 × 85 ... | 1 1 9 | — |
760 × 90 ... | 1 2 9 | 4 11 0 |
810 × 90 ... | 1 4 0 | 4 17 3 |
870 × 90 ... | 1 5 3 | 5 5 3 |
910 × 90 ... | 1 6 6 | 5 10 9 |
810 × 100 ... | 1 6 6 | — |
870 × 100 ... | 1 8 3 | — |
| Prices of Liners. | Prices of Michelin Non-Skids. |
| £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
815 × 105 ... | 1 6 6 | 6 11 6 |
875 × 105 ... | 1 8 3 | 7 1 3 |
915 × 105 ... | 1 9 6 | 7 8 6 |
820 × 120 ... | 1 11 0 | 7 5 9 |
850 × 120 ... | 1 12 6 | 7 12 0 |
880 × 120 ... | 1 13 9 | 7 19 3 |
920 × 120 ... | 1 15 0 | 8 6 6 |
895 × 135 ... | 1 17 9 | 9 4 6 |
935 × 135 ... | 1 19 6 | 9 15 3 |
For those who prefer a different type, Harrods supply a strongly made two-ended Liner at a slightly lower price than the Endless Liner. This should be fitted with strong rubber solution.
Size of Cover. | Price of Liner, with Flaps, Each. |
| £. s. d. |
26 × 2¼ ... | 0 13 6 |
26 × 2½ ... | 0 13 9 |
650 × 65 ... | 0 13 9 |
700 × 65 ... | 0 14 9 |
750 × 65 ... | 0 15 8 |
700 × 85 ... | 0 15 9 |
750 × 85 ... | 0 16 8 |
Size of Cover. | Price of Liner, with Flaps, Each. |
| £. s. d. |
800 × 85 ... | 0 16 9 |
710 × 90 ... | 0 17 3 |
760 × 90 ... | 0 17 9 |
810 × 90 ... | 0 19 3 |
840 × 90 ... | 1 0 0 |
870 × 90 ... | 1 0 3 |
910 × 90 ... | 1 1 3 |
Size of Cover. | Price of Liner, with Flaps, Each. |
| £. s. d. |
760 × 100 ... | 0 19 9 |
810 × 100 ... | 1 0 3 |
870 × 100 ... | 1 1 3 |
910 × 100 ... | 1 1 9 |
765 × 105 ... | 0 18 3 |
815 × 105 ... | 1 0 9 |
875 × 105 ... | 1 2 3 |
Size of Cover. | Price of Liner, with Flaps, Each. |
| £. s. d. |
915 × 105 ... | 1 3 3 |
820 × 120 ... | 1 2 9 |
850 × 120 ... | 1 3 3 |
880 × 120 ... | 1 3 9 |
920 × 120 ... | 1 5 3 |
895 × 135 ... | 1 5 9 |
935 × 135 ... | 1 7 3 |
WINGED PLASTERS for Tyres & Tyre Gaiters.
The “Bull-Dog” Plaster.
MOTORISTS will find it well worth while to include one or two Tyre Plasters in their equipment for use in the case of gashed covers. An outside plaster can be fitted very quickly on the road, and suffices until the immediate journey is finished. As it presents a somewhat unsightly appearance, however, it should be replaced as soon as convenient by an inside plaster, which should be solutioned in position; at the same time the gash should be filled in and vulcanised to prevent damp penetrating to the canvas. For those unskilled in tyre fitting a better plan will be to fit a tyre gaiter to the damaged cover.
“Bull-Dog” Inside Plaster. |
85/90 mm. | ... | 2/0 |
100/110 mm. | ... | 3/0 |
115/125 mm. | ... | 4/0 |
S.F. Repair Bands for Motor Tyres. |
6in. × 3in. | ... | 1/0 |
8in. × 3½in. | ... | 1/6 |
10in. × 4in. | ... | 2/6 |
12in. × 4½in. | ... | 3/0 |
Continental Non-Skid Outside Gaiters. |
85 mm. | ... | 10/3 |
90 mm. | ... | 11/6 |
105 mm. | ... | 12/10 |
120 mm. | ... | 13/6 |
Michelin Outside Gaiters. |
85/90 mm. | ... | 4/6 |
105 mm. | ... | 5/6 |
120 mm. | ... | 6/0 |
Dunlop Outside Gaiters. |
85/100 mm. | ... | 8/0 |
105 mm. | ... | 9/6 |
120/135 mm. | ... | 10/6 |
applying Tyre Puttee
65 mm. ... | 3/6 |
85 mm. ... | 4/6 |
120 mm. ... | 6/3 |
Tyre Puttee applied
Made in best black Japanned Roanoid to exact shape and size of tyre.
Sizes: | 760 × 90 | } | 8/0 |
| 810 × 90 |
| 810 × 100 |
815 × 105 | } | 9/0 |
870 × 90 |
870 × 100 |
875 × 105 | } | 10/6 |
820 × 120 |
880 × 120 |
920 × 120 | } | 12/0 |
895 × 135 |
935 × 135 |
For Stepney Wheels, 1/0 extra. |
“GRIFF” TYRE COVERS for Wire Wheels. |
(Model W W). Fastened by leather straps and buckles. |
For tyres 90/100 mm., 11/0 | 105 mm., 12/0 | 120 mm., 13/6 | 135 mm., 15/0 |
To cover up the entire wheel (Model W P). With solid leather base for extra protection when fitted to tyres mounted in sunken footboard. |
For all wheels up to 815, 22/0 | 880, 23/6 | 935, 25/0 | |
“GRIFF” TYRE COVERS for Artillery Wheels. |
(Model A W). Fastened by adjustable buckle clips. |
For tyres 90/100 mm., 10/0 | 105 mm., 11/0 | 120 mm., 12/6 | 135 mm., 14/0 |
The “GRIFF” BLACK LAMP COVERS For Motor Lamps. |
These are made from specially prepared waterproof material, supple and shiny, with a soft baize backing. | |
For Head Lamps, 3/6 |
For Side Lamps, 2/3 |
For Rear Lamps, 1/6 |
Made to order in four to seven days. |
When ordering, please state make and type of lamp. |
made in Black Patent Leatherette, £1 1 0
No lacing required, fits on tyre with a Steel Band.
Neurap, cheaper quality, 12/6
Large Head Lamps | 5/6 | each |
Small,,,, | 4/6 | ,, |
Side Lamps | 3/9 | ,, |
Tail ,, | 2/6 | ,, |
Head Lamps | 2/9 | each |
Side,, | 1/9 | ,, |
Tail ,, | 1/3 | ,, |
Lamp Covers in Leatherette, in any colour, 18/6 set of five.
When ordering, please state name and numbers of Lamps.
Harrods Extra Strong
Motor Rubber Solution
In Air-Tight Tins.
¼ lb. tins 0/8 per tin.
½ lb.,,1/2,,
1 lb.,,2/0,,
Shows at a glance your petrol, oil and tyre consumption.
A boon to the Motorist.
Large pages, Cloth bound, 1/0.
are backed with
and are acknowledged to be equal to vulcanizing.
Harrod’s Ltd. London sw
Harrod’s Ltd. London sw
Harrod’s Ltd. London sw
No. | 1 | size | 1¼ | × | 19/16 | per | doz. | 1/1 |
,, | 2 | ,, | 19/16 | × | 2 | ,, | ,, | 1/6 |
,, | 3 | ,, | 1? | × | 2½ | ,, | ,, | 3/3 |
,, | 4 | ,, | 21/16 | × | 2? | ,, | ,, | 4/9 |
,, | 5 | ,, | 25/16 | × | 3¼ | ,, | ,, | 8/0 |
,, | 6 | ,, | 2? | × | 39/16 | ,, | ,, | 12/6 |
Also supplied in boxes containing one of each size.
12 Assorted Patches in box. Price 4/6
No. | 1 | size, | 1 | × | 1 | per doz. | 1/6 |
,, | 2 | ,, | 1? | × | 1¼ | ,, | 3/3 |
,, | 3 | ,, | 2¼ | × | 1? | ,, | 4/9 |
,, | 4 | ,, | 2¾ | × | 1¾ | ,, | 6/0 |
,, | 5 | ,, | 3¾ | × | 2½ | ,, | 8/0 |
,, | 6 | ,, | 4½ | × | 3 | ,, | 9/6 |
S.F. Motor Repair outfit.
OVAL. Per doz. any one size.
No. 1 size ... ... 1/6 No. 4 Size ... ... 6/0
,, 2,,... ... 2/0,, 5,,... ... 10/0
,, 3,,... ... 4/0,, 6,,... ... 16/0
S.F. TYRE REPAIR BAND. 6in.×3in.,1/0 8in.×3½in.,1/6 10in.×4in.,2/6 12in.×4½in.,3/0
for repairing tyres like new at home.
no waiting! enormous saving!
“PNEU-CURE.” Small Tube, 1/7½; Large Tube, 4/0 each. Unique Remedy for all kinds of Cuts and Bursts.
contains everything necessary for the instant
repair or accumulation celluloid goods etc.
manufactured by
G B Accumulator Repair Outfit.
Price 1/0
H.F. VULCANIZER. Baby size £3 0 0
Ditto, Portable Car Model £5 12 6
Ditto, Garage size, with Stand, £12 0 0
containing gripwell patches, prepaired canvas
& other materials of guaranteed quality
sole manufacturers
the roberts motor tyre cº Gripwell Works birmingham.
Vulco Motor Cycle Repair Outfit.
Price, 3/- per tin.
Motor Cycle size 3/0 Car size 5/9 Extra Large 10/6
“Patchquick” Solution ... ... ... ... ... 0/9, 1/6 per tin
Michelin Solution ... ... ... ... ... 0/5, 0/10, 1/8,,
Michelin Mastic Tyre Stopping ... 0/5 & 0/9,,
Vulco Tyre Stopping ... ... ... ... 1/3 per tube
Security Bolts ... ... 90 mm., 0/6; 120 mm., 0/6
Inside Cover Patches ... ... 65 to 70 mm., 1/3 each
,,... ... 85 to 90 mm., 1/9,,
,,... 120 to 135 mm., 2/9,,
S.F. Motor Repair Outfit ... ... ... ... ... 4/9 per box
Dunlop Motor Repair Outfit ... ... 4/0, 8/0 ,,
White and Grey Tyre Pain ... ... 1/0, 1/9 per tin
Bull Dog Tyre Plaster. To repair torn tyres. No Vulcanising required, Motor Cycle, 1/0; Cars, 85 to 90 mm., 2/0; 100 to 110 mm., 3/0; 115 to 125 mm., 4/0
Motor Canvas
Canvas. 2/6 Roll.
Combined Oil and Grease Gun, 7/6.
Harrod’s Car Repair Outfit.
Price 5/- per tin.
Patchquick Fix
In tins. By using this preparation in conjunction with the Patchquick Patches, a repair can be made that equals vulcanizing.
Price per tin, 1/6.
A smaller size, 3½ × 1?in., is also made that can be carried in the tool kit.
Price 9d. Post free.
Price of Four Brackets to Carry Ring. |
90 m/m | Section | Wheels | ... ... 5/0 |
105 m/m | ,, | ,, | ... ... 5/6 |
120 m/m | ,, | ,, | ... ... 6/0 |
135 m/m | ,, | ,, | ... ... 6/0 |
150 m/m | ,, | ,, | ... ... 6/0 |
“STEPNEY” WHEELS. Type 1. For Cars having the Front and Back Wheels of equal sizes. |
Sizes for English and Continental Cars | Stepney Wheel. Type 1 |
Millimetres | £ s. d. |
650 × 65 | ... | ... | 2 0 0 |
700 × 65 | ... | ... | 2 3 0 |
750 × 65 | ... | ... | 2 7 0 |
800 × 65 | ... | ... | 2 12 0 |
700 × 80 | ... | ... | 2 0 0 |
750 × 80 | ... | ... | 2 3 0 |
800 × 80 | ... | ... | 2 7 0 |
700 × 85 | ... | ... | 2 7 0 |
750 × 85 | ... | ... | 2 10 0 |
800 × 85 | ... | ... | 2 12 0 |
700 × 90 | ... | ... | 2 7 0 |
760 × 90 | ... | ... | 2 10 0 |
810 × 90 | ... | ... | 2 12 0 |
840 × 90 | ... | ... | 2 17 0 |
870 × 90 | ... | ... | 3 2 0 |
910 × 90 | ... | ... | 3 2 0 |
1010 × 90 | ... | ... | 3 7 0 |
760 × 100 | ... | ... | 2 10 0 |
810 × 100 | ... | ... | 2 12 0 |
870 × 100 | ... | ... | 3 2 0 |
910 × 100 | ... | ... | 3 2 0 |
765 × 105 | ... | ... | 2 17 0 |
815 × 105 | ... | ... | 3 2 0 |
875 × 105 | ... | ... | 3 7 0 |
915 × 105 | ... | ... | 3 12 0 |
760 × 120 | ... | ... | 3 2 0 |
820 × 120 | ... | ... | 3 7 0 |
850 × 120 | ... | ... | 3 12 0 |
880 × 120 | ... | ... | 3 16 0 |
920 × 120 | ... | ... | 4 1 0 |
1020 × 120 | ... | ... | 4 1 0 |
895 × 135 | ... | ... | 4 1 0 |
935 × 135 | ... | ... | 4 5 0 |
Price of Ring only for Carrier. |
Millimetres | Brass or Nickel | Steel |
| Each | Each |
650 | ? | 7/6 | 2/3 |
700 | ? |
750 | ? |
760 | ? |
765 | ? | 8/0 | 2/3 |
800 | ? |
810 | ? |
815 | ? |
820 | ? | 8/6 | 3/0 |
840 | ? |
850 | ? |
870 | ? |
875 | ? |
880 | ? | 9/6 | 3/6 |
895 | ? |
910 | ? |
915 | ? |
920 | ? |
935 | ? |
1000 | ? | 10/0 | 4/0 |
1010 | ? |
1020 | ? |
For Cars having the Front and Back Wheels of different sizes.
The Rims, Tyres, and Sections of the following Combinations are of different sizes, therefore it will be necessary to have a special Wheel with Four Expanding or Contracting Clips to enable the Stepney Wheel to be fitted on either Front or Back Wheels.
| £ s. d. |
650 × 65 Fronts | } | 3 6 0 |
750 × 75 Backs |
700 × 65 Fronts | } | 3 16 0 |
760 × 90 Backs |
650 × 65 Fronts | } | 3 6 0 |
700 × 85 Backs |
700 × 65 Fronts | } | 3 12 0 |
710 × 90 Backs |
700 × 85 Fronts | } | 3 16 0 |
750 × 85 Backs |
750 × 75 Fronts | } | 3 16 0 |
760 × 90 Backs |
700 × 85 Fronts | } | 3 16 0 |
760 × 90 Backs |
810 × 90 Fronts | } | 4 15 0 |
820 × 120 Backs |
815 × 105 Fronts | } | 4 15 0 |
820 × 120 Backs |
| £ s. d. |
810 × 90 Fronts | } | 5 0 0 |
850 × 120 Backs |
815 × 105 Fronts | } | 5 0 0 |
850 × 120 Backs |
840 × 90 Fronts | } | 5 0 0 |
850 × 120 Backs |
870 × 90 Fronts | } | 5 0 0 |
850 × 120 Backs |
810 × 90 Fronts | } | 5 5 0 |
880 × 120 Backs |
870 × 90 Fronts | } | 5 5 0 |
880 × 120 Backs |
875 × 105 Fronts | } | 5 5 0 |
880 × 120 Backs |
880 × 120 Fronts | } | 5 10 0 |
920 × 120 Backs |
910 × 90 Fronts | } | 5 10 0 |
920 × 120 Backs |
| £ s. d. |
915 × 105 Fronts | } | 5 10 0 |
920 × 120 Backs |
880 × 120 Fronts | } | 5 14 0 |
895 × 135 Backs |
875 × 105 Fronts | } | 6 0 0 |
935 × 135 Backs |
880 × 120 Fronts | } | 6 0 0 |
935 × 135 Backs |
910 × 90 Fronts | } | 6 0 0 |
935 × 135 Backs |
915 × 105 Fronts | } | 6 0 0 |
935 × 135 Backs |
920 × 120 Fronts | } | 6 0 0 |
935 × 135 Backs |
920 × 120 Fronts | } | 6 5 0 |
920 × 150 Backs |
935 × 135 Fronts | } | 6 5 0 |
920 × 150 Backs |
(The Larger Type denotes the size of Tyre to be fitted on Stepney.)
For Cars having different size Tyres on Fronts to Back Wheels. This wheel, as in the ordinary pattern Combination Wheel, Type 2, carries the tyre of the highest diameter fitted to the car, and besides being easier to fix, it has the same advantages. |
Prices. |
Sizes in Millimetres for English and Continental Cars. | Price of Combination Flange Stepney Wheels complete with 4 flanges and 48 bolts and nuts. | Price of altering ordinary Combination Stepney Wheel to Flange Pattern and supplying 4 flanges with 48 bolts and nuts. |
750 × 75 Fronts | } | 5 5 0 | 3 15 0 |
760 × 90 Backs |
810 × 90 Fronts | } | 7 0 0 | 5 0 0 |
820 × 120 Backs |
815 × 105 Fronts | } | 7 0 0 | 5 0 0 |
820 × 110 Backs |
870 × 90 Fronts | } | 7 15 0 | 5 10 0 |
880 × 120 Backs |
875 × 105 Fronts | } | 7 15 0 | 5 10 0 |
880 × 120 Backs |
880 × 120 Fronts | } | 8 0 0 | 5 10 0 |
920 × 120 Backs |
910 × 90 Fronts | } | 8 0 0 | 5 10 0 |
920 × 120 Backs |
915 × 105 Fronts | } | 8 0 0 | 5 10 0 |
920 × 120 Backs |
880 × 120 Fronts | } | 8 0 0 | 5 10 0 |
895 × 135 Backs |
875 × 105 Fronts | } | 8 10 0 | 5 15 0 |
935 × 135 Backs |
910 × 90 Fronts | } | 8 10 0 | 5 15 0 |
935 × 135 Backs |
920 × 120 Fronts | } | 8 10 0 | 5 15 0 |
935 × 135 Backs |
Sizes in inches for 20 H.P. Ford and other American Cars. | |
30in. by 3 in. Fronts | } | 5 10 0 | 4 0 0 |
30in. × 3½in. Backs |
The larger type denotes the size of tyre to be fitted on the wheel. Other sizes quoted for on application. |
When ordering please state number of spokes fitted to front and back wheels of car, so that the flanges can be drilled accordingly. |
Lowest Price. Highest Grade. Free Drums. Free Carriage on 5 Gallons and upwards.
A claim founded on their experiences of lubrication whilst running upwards of 200 touring (hire) cars and motor delivery vans.
They believe they have succeeded in obtaining a lubricant without equal, despite the remarkable price.
Harrods’ Motor Oil is of uniform consistency, and entirely free from foreign matter. It ensures perfect lubrication of every part of the engine, does not gum up, and contains nothing to cause carbonisation.
It will be noticed that the prices are about one-half the usual; drums, cans, and barrels are free, and carriage is paid on quantities of 10 gallons and upwards.
(Grades A, B, and C.) |
In Barrels ... | 40 | gallons | 1/9 | per gall. |
In Drums ... | 10 | ,, | 1/11 | ,, |
In Drums ... | 5 | ,, | 2/0 | ,, |
In Cans ... | 1 | ,, | 2/9 | ,, |
Generally “B” (medium grade) suits most water-cooled engines; where a lighter grade is desired there is “A,” and where a heavier is preferred choose “C.” |
In Barrels | ... | 40 | gallons | 1/6 | per gall. |
In Drums | ... | 10 | ,, | 1/8 | ,, |
In Drums | ... | 5 | ,, | 1/9 | ,, |
In Cans | ... | 1 | ,, | 2/6 | ,, |
In Barrels | ... | 29/0 | per cwt. |
In Kegs | ... | 30/0 | ,, |
In Kegs | ... | 18/0 | ,, ½ ,, |
In Kegs | ... | 9/6 | ,, ¼ ,, |
In Cans | ... | 2/3 | ,, 7 lb. |
A. For large air-cooled engines.
B. For small air and partly water-cooled engines.
C. For most water-cooled engines. 4/6 per gallon, or in bulk, 3/3 per gallon.
Price’s Gear Oil A, for gear boxes at normal temperature.
Price’s B for gear boxes exposed to heat, 3/0 gallon, or in bulk, 2/0
Price’s Belmoline Grease............7 lb. tin 3/6
Vasoleum, an ideal gear and differential lubricant ... 7 lb. tin 3/3
Ridgoleum Grease, in 7, 14 and 28 lb. tins...... per lb. 0/9
Garage Funnel made with square top to take Petrol Can, which can be kept in top of Funnel until emptied, 5/6
Harrods supply any make of Motor Car on their unique Deferred Payment System.
Petrol Funnel with inturned lip (prevents splashing) and with air-vent spout. 6in. across top, 0/7. 10in., Large size, 1/6
Vacuum Mobilubricant FOR purposes where grease or solidified oil is required
Vacuum Grease | 28 lb. | 12/0 |
,,,, | 14 lb. | 6/6 |
,,,, | 7 lb. | 3/6 |
Dixon’s Flake Graphite | 1 lb. | 1/6 |
,,,,,, | 5 lb. | 5/6 |
No. 635. Special Ground Graphite for mixing with Cylinder Oil | 1 lb. | 2/0 |
,,,,,,,, | 5 lb. | 7/6 |
Dixon’s Block Graphite for gears and chains, in about 3 lb. blocks | 6/0 |
Dixon’s Tube Graphite | 1/3 |
No. 687. Dixon’s Graphite Lubricant | 1 lb. tin | 1/6 |
,,,,,, | 5 lb. tin | 5/6 |
the oil that lubricates most
Vacuum A Mobiloil
Vacuum A...... gal. 4/6
,,,, 5 or 10 gal. drums 3/3
,,B...... gal. 4/6
,,,, 5 or 10 gal. drums 3/3
,,C...... gal. 4/6
,,,, 5 or 10 gal. drums 3/3
,,Heavy R 3/9
,,,, 5 or 10 gal. drums 2/6
,,B Gear Oil 3/9
,,,, 5 or 10 gal. drums 2/6
,,Clutch Oil 3/0
No 1. Pure Flake Graphite. |
Size | A. | 1 | lb. | tin | ... | 2/0 |
,, | B. | 5 | ,, | ,, | ... | 7/6 |
,, | C. | 10 | ,, | ,, | ... | 13/0 |
No. 3. Graphite Gear Grease, (thick or thin). |
Size | G. | 1 | lb. | tin | ... | 1/6 | in | cases |
,, | H. | 7 | ,, | ,, | ... | 7/6 | ,, | ,, |
,, | J. | 14 | ,, | ,, | ... | 12/6 | ,, | ,, |
No. 4A. Graphite Motor Chain Compound. |
Size | N. | 1 | lb. | tin | ... | 1/6 | in | cases |
,, | O. | 7 | ,, | ,, | ... | 7/6 | ,, | ,, |
,, | P. | 14 | ,, | ,, | ... | 12/6 | ,, | ,, |
No. 5. Cycle Chain Lubricant. |
6d. tubes. 5/0 per dozen. |
Motor Spirit in any Brand supplied in any quantity over 2 gals, and upwards. Delivered free in our own delivery radius. Quotations on application.
No. 410. Lucas Pump, with stand for Garage, 36/0
Open for use. Three-stage Nesthill Air Compressor, 35/0
Nº 402 LUCAS
No. 50G. With Pressure Gauge, 20/0
No. 50. Lucas Pump, with detachable handle and folding footpiece, 12/0
The Outfit consists of 2 cylinders (each of which when charged is capable of inflating an 870 by 90 m/m. tyre TEN TIMES), a pump connection, a Lucas gauge and valve opener; all fitting neatly into a strong wooden case. Two adaptors are provided so as to take almost any tyre.
Price of complete outfit ... ... £2 15 0
Cylinders exchanged for full ones, 3/0 each.
No. 408. Lucas Pump, with Folding Foot and Pressure Gauge, 36/0
No 86G. With strong Metal Stirrup, Detachable Handle and Pressure Gauge, 20/0
Triple Barrel Double-Action Compound Pump, 42/0
Double Ditto, 27/6
Folding Foot Pump,
13/6 and 16/6
IMPROVED MILLENNIUM UNIVERSAL JACK. Range from 8½ to 20in., 21/0. The body is finished with aluminium paint, and all fittings are plated.
Raises from 13in. to 22½in., 11/6
The handles are pivoted and can be worked at any angle found most convenient. The tops are lined with leather to prevent damage to the paint. Nos. 0 and 1 are designed for carrying in the tool box. They lie flat and occupy little room.
Nos. 0A, 1A and 2A are provided with large circular base for workshop use.
Price, 9/6 each.
The “King Of The Road”
Lifting Jack. Nº 4.
Height; 11½in.; extended, 18in.;
lifts 30 cwt., 21/0
Price, £4 2 0, including 12ft. of Air Hose, High Grade Recording Gauge, Hose Connection. Supplied with Adaptors which will screw in any Standard Sparking Plug Hole. This pump can be attached to any car of 2 cylinders and upwards in 5 minutes, and will positively inflate any tyre in 4 minutes.
Made in 4 sizes. Quick action. Easy working. Price 15/0 each.
£2 2 0
Type “M.”
No. 0 ... 12/0
No. 1 ... 12/0
No. 2 ... 16/0
Rd. Nº 407155
Size. | Approximate lift | Weight of handle. | Price |
No. 0A | ... | 8 to 14in. | ... | 6 lb. | ... | 14/0 |
No. 1A | ... | 10 to 18in. | ... | 7 lb. | ... | 14/0 |
No. 2A | ... | 12 to 22in. | ... | 9 lb. | ... | 16/0 |
When fully extended, 20in.
Nº 10.
Price £3 10 0
8¼in., extends to 14in., 17/6
“DUCO” Nº3 RD Nº 97722
No. 3. 7/6
Raises and lowers the car with great ease, and is much quicker than the ordinary type of jack.
Price 30/0
“New Cavendish” Tyre Pressure Registering Indicator. Price, 10/6 each.
per ?
Tyre Tester.
For testing air pressures in tyre. The life of tyres is considerably prolonged if air pressures are maintained according to manufacturer’s list.
Price, 9/6 each.
A Tyre Lever and Fork Lever combined, very powerful. Price 2/6
Open as Fork Lever.
Closed as Tyre Lever.
Strong Plated Steel Tyre Levers.
12in. long, 1/0 ea. 18in. long, 1/4 ea.
Nickel-plated Steel Fork Lever, very powerful, 2/3 each.
Michelin Pattern Fork Tyre Lever, with long handle, 2/3 each.
(Patented in U.K. and Foreign Countries.)
4/6 each.
lbs per
30 60 90
No. M.O. 26. Tyre Pressure Gauge. Test your Tyre Pressure. If car owners would occasionally ensure that their tyres were pumped to the correct pressure they would effect a very considerable saving on the costliest item of a car’s upkeep. 10/0
Set of three TYRE CARRIERS in solid Brass,
adjustable, with ratchet fixing, £1 5 6 per set.
Ever-ready Tyre Jack, very adaptable, quickly removing or replacing the most stubborn outer cover, 30/0 each.
The “Chauffeur’s” Third hand. Adjusted and fixed in a second. Price, 1/3 each.
New Pattern, with Curved Glasses, fits very close to face. Price ... ... ... 3/6
Price ... ... ... ... ... 1/0
With Soft Leather Mask ... ... 1/9
Superior Quality ... ... ... ... 3/6
No. 304D. Silk sides with Chenille Edging. Colours—Fawn, Dark Grey, Silver Grey, etc.
Rubbered or Silk-braided Arms | 2/6 |
Ditto, with Folding Bridge | 3/6 |
Ditto, in fine White Kid Leather, with Worked Glasses | 4/6 |
All-rubber Goggle, in Grey and White, with two extra Glasses ... 1/8
Also in Unbreakable Mica, in Grey and Red.
Extra Glasses ... ... 1/8
With fine Silk sides and Rubber-covered Spring Wires, protecting from Sun, Flies, Dust and Wind.
No. 301. In strong case | 1/3 |
No. 301½. With Larger Glasses | 1/6 |
No. 401D. With Superior Quality Silk and Glasses | 2/0 |
No. 501. Ditto. With Folding Bridge | 2/6 |
Leather Mask, Brown or Grey.
Detachable Glasses ... ... 4/9
Price ... ... ... ... ... ... 12/6
Also at ... 8/6, 8/11 and 12/6
Four Glass Goggles.
1st Quality ... ... 2/9 2nd Quality ... ... 1/6
Crystal chimney fitted over burner to protect the reflectors. First-class finish and absolutely the best quality in every way. Double doors. Double reflectors. Hinges and lugs made of solid brass. Detachable lens. First-class finish, and adopted by many of the leading car manufacturers.
| Prices. | Measurement |
No. | Diameter. | Weight. | All Brass. | Nickel-plated. | between lugs. |
101, with plano-convex lens | 11½in. | 18 lbs. | £12 0 0 | £13 0 0 | 7½in. |
101B, compound,, | 11½ ,, | 17 ,, | 16 10 0 | 17 10 0 | 7½ ,, |
101C, catadioptric,, | 11½ ,, | 19 ,, | 24 0 0 | 25 0 0 | 7½ ,, |
| Prices. | Measurement |
No. | Diameter. | Weight. | All Brass. | Nickel-plated. | between brackets. |
103 | 9in. | 10 lbs. | £6 6 0 | £6 16 6 | 8in. |
No. 265.
Measurements: Height 9¾in.; back to front, 10in.; diameter of front, 9in.; width between centres of bracket sockets, 7¼in.; Bail adds 1½in.
No. 265. Polished Brass, with plain front.
Price £4 4 0
No. 265 A. Nickel-plated, with plain front.
Price £4 10 0
No. 267.
Measurements: Height 7½in.; back to front, 8in.; diameter of front, 7¼in.; width between centres of brackets, 5¾in.; Bail adds 1in.
No. 267. Polished Brass, with plain front.
Price £2 19 6
No. 267A. Nickel-plated, with plain front.
Price £3 3 0
These lamps are remarkable by the following feature: Generation can be stopped at once and they can be filled with carbide and water a month before using them. Prices:
No. 1027. |
All Polished Brass | each | £6 0 0 |
All Nickel-plated | ,, | 6 15 0 |
All Black Nickel finish | ,, | 7 2 6 |
Diameter of front glass, 9in. Total depth, 11½in. Will fit fork brackets 8in. from centre to centre.
No. 1026. |
All Polished Brass | each | £5 10 0 |
,,Nickel-plated | ,, | 6 2 6 |
,,Black, Nickel finish | ,, | 7 1 6 |
Diameter of front glass, 7½in. Total depth, 10½in. Will fit fork brackets 5¾in. from centre to centre.
This head-lamp projects its light over 200 yards ahead.
Fitted with Mangin lens, producing an exceptionally long and penetrating beam of light. Front 8in., glass, 6¾in., height 9in. Burns 4 hours.
Brass ... ... ... ... ... ... £4 10 0
Plated ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 15 0
No. 135.
Duration, 3 hours. Weight, 18 lbs. Double B.R.C. Burner (Patented), 40 litres. 5,000 candle power.
Brass, £11 5 N.P. £12 10
Fitted with Mangin Lens Mirror and Dual Carbide Chamber. Two sizes. Four styles of finish.
Large size: Burns up to 8 hours. Fits standard brackets, 7¼in. centres. Height, 10½in. (Bail adds 1in.) Weight 12½ lb.
No. 784. Front, 9½in. Glass, 8in. All Brass. £8 0 0 No. 786. Front, 9½in. Glass, 8in. All Plated. £8 10 0
Medium size: Burns up to 7 hours. Fits standard brackets, 7¼in. centres, ½ in. peg. Height, 10in. (Bail adds 1¼in.) Weight, 12 lb.
No. 794. Front, 7¾in. Glass, 6¾in. All Brass, £6 10 0 No. 796. Front, 7¾in. Glass, 6¾in. All Plated. £6 17 6
No. 10. Duration, 5 hours. Weight, 7¼ lbs. 800 candle power.
Brass ... £3 10 N.P. ... £3 15
No. 110. 1,500 candle power.
Brass ... £4 15 N.P. ... £5 5
“ALPHA.” No. 30. Duration, 5 hours.
Weight, 15½ lbs. Brass, £8 N.P. £8 8
Illustration of a badly damaged lamp sent to Harrods for repairs, and made equal to new.
Send your Smashed Lamps and Radiators to Harrods, no matter in what condition. Estimates given free.
No. 575. Diameter of front, 6½in.
Brass, 40/0.Nickel Plated, 43/6
No. 127.
For small cars or motor cycles, 20/0
No. 570.
Diameter of front, 9in.
Brass 56/0
Nickel Plated 60/0
No. 600. POWELL & HANMER HEAD LAMP, made on the latest principle, with a powerful Margin Mirror Reflector, which produces an exceptionally powerful light. 10in. Front, 8in. Reflector.
Brass, 75/-.Nickel Plated, 82/-
Smaller size, 8in. front, 6¼in. Reflector.
Brass, 48/-.Nickel, 52/6
Two separate Generators contained in Walnut Case, 48/-.
Alpha Generator and Condenser.
Prices with Condensers |
| Contents | Dimensions in Ins. | Brass | N.P. |
| £ s. d. | £ s. d. |
No. | 2000 | 4¾ | lbs. | 12½ × 6½ × 12¼ | H.T. | 7 7 0 | 7 17 6 |
,, | 1500 | 3½ | ,, | 17½ × 5 × 10 | H.T. | 4 17 0 | 5 7 6 |
,, | 1000 | 2½ | ,, | 12¾ × 5 × 10 | H.T. | 3 10 0 | 3 19 6 |
,, | 500 | 1¼ | ,, | 8 × 5 × 10 | H.T. | 2 12 6 | 3 0 0 |
,, | 250 | ½ | ,, | 7 × 4 × 8 | H.T. | 2 2 0 | 2 5 0 |
,, | 150 | 6½ | oz. | 3? × 5½ × 5½ | H.T. | 1 1 8 | 1 4 6 |
No. 1049. Supplies two small Projectors for 6 hours, 42/0 Nickel,47/0
No. 1045. Supplies two large Projectors for 6 hours, 47/6 Nickel,52/6
MULTIPLEX Lens Door Headlights (Plain front). |
| Brass. | Nickel Plated. |
6 | in. | each | £3 2 6 | £3 12 6 |
7 | ,, | ,, | 4 5 0 | 4 17 0 |
8 | ,, | ,, | 5 7 6 | 6 0 6 |
9 | ,, | ,, | 6 15 0 | 7 10 0 |
10 | ,, | ,, | 8 15 0 | 9 10 0 |
MULTIPLEX Lens Door Headlights (Flare front). |
| Brass. | Nickel Plated. |
6 | in. | each | £3 7 6 | £3 17 6 |
7 | ,, | ,, | 4 10 0 | 5 2 6 |
8 | ,, | ,, | 5 15 0 | 6 7 6 |
9 | ,, | ,, | 7 5 0 | 8 0 0 |
10 | ,, | ,, | 9 5 5 | 10 0 0 |
No. 902c. Fits brackets 6½in. centres, 6½in. front.
Two Projectors and Generator tubing, &c., Brass, £6 9 6; Nickel, £7 2 6; Ebony Black, £6 9 6
No. 970. Fits brackets 6½in. centres, 6¾in. front.
Two Projectors and Generator tubing, &c., Brass, £7 9 6; Nickel, £8 2 6; Ebony Black, £7 9 6
5in. Acetylene Side lamp.
Square Generator.
| Brass. | Nickel. |
Round Type | £2 15 0 | £3 5 0 |
Square Type No. 1 | 3 5 0 | 3 15 0 |
,, ,,No. 2 | 5 0 0 | 5 15 0 |
No. 740. Plated parts, 10½in. high. £2 15 0 per pair.
No. 742. Brass parts, 10½in. high. £2 15 0 per pair.
No. 744. Brass, 12in. high. £3 6 0 per pair.
No. 746. Plated, 12in. high. £3 15 0 per pair.
No. 525.
13in. high, 7in. wide, with 5in. lens.
Brass, 40/0 per pair;
Nickel, 45/0 per pair.
No 36a. Brass. Per pair 40/0
No. 36b. Nickel Plated. Per pair 45/0
No. 520.
12in. high, 6in. wide, 4¾in. lens.
Brass, 32/0 per pair;
Plated, 36/0 per pair.
No. 654. Brass, 10½in. high. £3 5 0 per pair.
No. 656. Plated, 10½in. high. £3 10 0 per pair.
No. 664. Brass, 12in. high. £4 10 0 per pair.
No. 666. Plated, 12in. high. £5 0 0 per pair.
No. 125. POWELL & HANMER LAMP. 7in. high 5¾in. across. Powerful Motor-Cycle Lamp, complete with Generator to fix on handlebar stem. Nickel, 27/0 complete.
No. 26G. Miller’s Motor Cycle Lamp with genuine Mangin Mirror, complete with generator, 35/0
No. 25H. 35/0
Get Harrods’ “Simplex” Motor Log Book, The Motorist’s Friend. It tells everything he wants to know in connection with the running of his own car; a diary that gives an added interest to car-upkeep. Cloth bound, 1/0.
Brass, 35/0 per pair; Nickel, 40/0 per pair.
Perfect construction. Strongly made.
All Brass, 12/0 each.
All Plated, 14/0 each.
Black and Brass. 9/6 each.
Black and Plated. 10/6 each.
Use good paraffin, do not fill oil wells too full, remove lamps when washing car, and be sure that lamps are fitted clear of dashboard or wind screen.
Side Lamps, per pair
Brass, £3 3 0
Plated, 3 10 0
Tail Lamps, each
Brass, £1 5 0
Plated, 1 10 0
Tail Lamps in Brass, 17/0;
Nickel, 19/0 each.
All Brass, 21/0.
All Plated, 24/0.
Black and Brass, 19/0
Black and Plated, 19/0
No. 506. Enamelled with Brass mounting, 12/6.
No. 507. Enamelled with Plated mounting, 15/0.
No. 508. All Brass, 19/9.
No. 509. All Nickeled, 23/9. Electric fitting for above, 4/6.
No. 540. Taxi size, Black and Brass. 9/6.
C.A.V. Electric Lighting Sets.
These sets include Dynamo, Controlling Switch, Battery, Side and Tail Lamps, Head Lamps, and all necessary connections. Prices do not include fitting, which costs from £3 to £6 per set extra, according to type and size of car and customer’s requirements.
No. | 8 | set for small cars (1 head light only) | £17 2 6 |
,, | 9 | ,,,,,,,,,,,, | 18 13 0 |
,, | 10 | ,,,,,,(2 head lights) | 22 19 6 |
,, | 11 | ,,,,,,,,,, | 25 0 6 |
,, | 12 | ,,,,,,,,,,,, | 26 8 0 |
No. | 14 | set for small cars (2 head lights) | £27 3 0 |
,, | 15 | ,,,,,,,,,, | 29 15 6 |
,, | 16 | ,,,,,,,,,, | 34 10 6 |
,, | 17 | set for Landaulettes (includes roof lamp) | 30 17 0 |
,, | 18 | ,,Limousine (includes 2 roof lamps) | 41 2 6 |
Model T S.
Dissolved Acetylene for Motor Vehicle Lighting.
Dissolved Acetylene is clean, dry, pure Acetylene stored in light steel cylinders under a moderate pressure. Before being charged with Acetylene, the cylinders are filled with a porous material in the form of cement, which is then hardened by baking into a brick from the pores of which all air is exhausted and replaced by a known quantity of Acetone. Acetone is a liquid hydrocarbon which has the property of absorbing or dissolving many times its own volume of Acetylene, with the result that at a nominal pressure of 150 lbs. to the square inch it is possible to store a hundred times the cylinder’s own volume of available Acetylene. In use, immediately the cylinder valve is opened, the Acetone commences to give off dry, pure, clean and cool Acetylene and will continue doing so until the contents of the cylinder are exhausted.
20 cubic feet of pure gas ready to turn on and light. STANDARD D.A. OUTFIT,
Consisting of 20 cubic feet cylinder fully charged with gas, one cylinder key, one stirrup and block, one combined regulator and pressure gauge, £9
Above fitted in plain white wood box, £10
Polished mahogany box, £10 10 0
Refill cylinders, 5/6 each.
Each outfit carries the guarantee of the manufacturers.
With Mangin Lens Mirror and Riddling Grid Generator.
Three sizes.
Four styles of finish.
LARGE SIZE.—Set “A” consists of Two Projectors, One “King of the Road” Generator (TYPE 160), One Condenser, and 12ft. of Flexible Metallic Tubing.
No. 674 All Brass, £18 14 0 per set. No. 676 All Plated, £19 10 0 per set.
MEDIUM SIZE.—Set “J” consists of Two Projectors, One “King of the Road” Generator (TYPE 140), One Condenser and 12ft. of Flexible Metallic Tubing.
No. 684 All Brass, £14 19 0 per set. No. 686 All Plated, £16 0 0 per set.
SMALL SIZE.—Set “G” consists of Two Projectors, One “King of the Road” Generator (TYPE 130), One Condenser, and 12ft. of Flexible Metallic Tubing.
No. 694 All Brass, £10 5 0 per set. No. 696 All Plated, £11 0 0 per set.
Diameter of faces. | Weight of each lamp. | Weight of Generator. | M’surement between lugs |
9 inches. | 5 lb. | 4 lb. | 6¼ inches. |
Prices, the Complete Set, including 2 lamps and No. 313 Generator.
In Brass ... ... £9 10 0
Nickel-plated ... £10 0 0
Each Lamp separately, |
brass | ... | £3 12 6 |
Nickel-plated | ... | £4 0 0 |
Generator only, brass | £2 13 6 |
Nickel-plated | ... | £2 16 0 |
These same lamps fitted with compound lens (instead of plano-convex lens) giving a greatly increased power:
Brass, £6 12 6 each.
Nickel-plated, £7 0 0 each
Or complete set.
Brass, £15 10 0
Nickel-plated, £16 0 0
No. 1A. For Medium-power Cars, 11½in. dia.
Brass, £7 7 0 Nickel-plated, £7 17 0
No. 2A. Smaller Model, 10½ diam.
Brass, £6 5 0 Nickel-plated, £6 13 0
These Lamps are also fitted with finest Crystal Compound or Catadioptric Lenses, giving a great increase of projected light. Specially recommended for Cars of 20 h.p. and upwards.
No. 1A. Compound, 11½in. diam.
Brass, £11 10 0 Nickel-plated, £12 0 0
No. 1A. Catadioptric, 10½in. diam.
Brass, £19 10 0 Nickel-plated, £20 0 0
No. 331a. Diam. 10¾in.; weight 8 lbs.
A powerful Lamp at popular price.
Brass ... ... ... ... £4 10 0
Nickel-plated ... £5 0 0
Set Complete consists 2 Side Lamps, 1 Rear Lamp, Brass or Plated.
£2 19 6 Set.
Brass £3 10 0 each.
Plated £3 15 0 ,,
4-volt, 17/6 each
HOWES & BURLEY MOTOR CYCLE LAMP SET, consisting of strong lamp, with true Mangin Mirror Lens, a shake-out generator, brackets and forks, 37/6
Without brackets, 32/6
comprising 2 Side Lamps and 1 Rear Lamp, and 40 Amp. Accumulator. Complete with Bulbs and Wires.
Brass £3 0 0 Set
Plated £3 5 0 ,,
SET OF ELECTRIC LAMPS. Consisting of two side lamps, 6½in. fronts, and one tail lamp, 5¼in. front. The lenses are specially designed to give the best possible illumination, and the shape of the reflector ensures the rays being well projected. Supplied complete with detachable centre contact plugs. Osram bulbs for 4 volts, and the necessary wire. Set of three lamps, polished brass, £44s.0d. Set; nickel-plated, £410s.0d. Set.
Types G270 and G260 and 610. Two Sizes. Four Styles of Finish
Side Lamps, Large, Type G270.—Height 6½in., weight 2½ lbs. Fit Standard Flat Brackets.
No. G274. all Brass, £3 3 0 per pair. No. G276, all Plated, £3 10 0 per pair. Small, Type G260.—Height 5¼in., weight 1¾ lbs. Fit Standard Flat Brackets
No. G264, all Brass. £2 15 0 per pair. No. G266, all Plated, £3 0 0 per pair.
Tail Lamps, fit Standard Flat Brackets. With 2¼in. Red Rear Light and 3¼in. White Number Light.
No. 614. all Brass, 18/6 each. No. 616, all Plated. 20/0 each.
Price, complete, £50,
Including Dynamo, Switchboard, Side and Tail Lamps, Head Lamps and Battery.
Two Sizes, Four Styles of Finish
Large Size, Type G60.—Front 9½in. Glass 8in. Fits Standard Brackets (7¼in. centres, ½in. pegs). Height 9½in. Weight 5¼lb.
No. G64, all Brass, £4 10 0 each.
No. G66, all Plated, £4 17 6 each.
Small Size, Type G50.—Front 7¾in. Glass 6¾in. Fits Standard Brackets (6½in. centres, ½in. pegs). Height 7¾in. Weight 4lbs.
No. G54, all Brass, £3 10 0 each.
No. G56, all Plated, £3 15 0 each.
This Dynamo is a modification of the well-known Leitner Train Lighting Machine, and has been applied to motor car lighting for several years, during which period it has earned a high reputation for efficiency and reliability. Special notice should be taken of the fact that with the Leitner Machine a constant voltage is obtained despite the great variation of speed the machine is subject to when applied to car lighting.
Price of Equipment, consisting of Dynamo, Switchboard with Auto Switch and Patent Discharge Indicator, fitted to one cell of battery, in polished Teak Case, with Brass Fittings, 1 pair Electric Head Lamps, 1 pair Side Lamps, and 1 Tail Lamp.
No. 1, with 60-watt Dynamo. |
Polished Brass Lamps | £37 6 0 | £35 2 0 |
Nickel-plated Lamps | 38 3 0 | 35 19 0 |
Black-plated Lamps | 38 16 0 | 36 12 0 |
No. 2, with 100-watt Dynamo. |
Polished Brass Lamps | £42 11 0 | £41 14 0 |
Nickel-plated Lamps | 43 8 0 | 42 11 0 |
Black-plated Lamps | 44 1 0 | 43 4 0 |
Highest Finish. Round Corner Glasses. Specially suitable for closed cars. 9in. high × 4in. x 4¾in. Complete with C.C. Plug, Wire, and Metallic Filament Bulb, 4 v. 4 c.p.
Price per pair.
Brass ... ... ... £3 16 0
Nickel-plated 4 2 0
Black-plated ... 4 8 0
Double Contact. |
Price. |
2 | volts | 1 | c.p. | 2/0 |
4 | ,, | 2 or 4 | ,, | 2/2 |
6 | ,, | 4 | ,, | 2/6 |
8 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 2/8 |
12 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 2/8 |
Centre Contact. |
Price. |
2 | volts | 1 | c.p. | 2/0 |
4 | ,, | 2 or 4 | ,, | 2/2 |
6 | ,, | 4 | ,, | 2/6 |
8 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 2/8 |
12 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 2/8 |
Price. |
4 | volts | ... | 2 | c.p. | 2/0 |
6 | ,, | ... | 4 | ,, | 2/6 |
8 | ,, | ... | 6 | ,, | 2/8 |
Suitable for the Rotax Electric Dynamo Sets.
Containing: 2 12 v. 25 c.p. Bulbs for Head Lamps.
3 12 v. 6 c.p. Bulbs for Side and Tail Lamps.
1 12 v. 6 c.p. Festoon Lamp.
£1 13 0
In Brass, Plated, or Black, for fixing head, side, and tail lamps.
To fit, drill a small hole in the bracket.
For Head Lamps ... ... ... 1/6 each
,,Side and Tail Lamps 2/0,,
A special round lock is made for headlamps.
Will fit any car.
Takes any make of lamp.
Plain finish ... ... 8/0 each
Nickel-plated ... 10/0,,
Polished Brass 10/0,,
BRAY’S “ELTA,” 0/9
Burners for Standard pattern Headlights, 1/0
Lucas’ Burners, 1/9
Rushmore Burners, 0/9
Phos Adjustable Burner, self-cleaning, 1/6 each.
Lamp Sundries.
GAS BAGS, from 0/9 each.
GAS TUBING, Red or Black, 1/3 per yard.
G.B. COATED CARBIDE, 7 lb. tin, 3/6.
ORDINARY CARBIDE, 7 lb. tin, 3/6.
LUCABIDE, 0/7½ per lb.
consisting of one 20 cubic ft. cylinder, fully charged with gas, one cylinder key, one stirrup and block, one combined regulator and pressure gauge, £9. The above, fitted in plain white wood box, £10
Ditto, polished mahogany box, £10 10 0
Refill Cylinders, 5/6 each.
Special Garage Inspection Lamp, with 2 yards of Wire, Brass 5/9
Test Lamp and 2 yards Wire, 2/0;
Ditto in Boxwood Case, 1/0
Consisting of one pair searchlights, generator with condenser, polished wood box for generator, 12 yards flexible metallic gas tubing, and the necessary connections.
Polished Brass ... ... ... ... £5 2 6
Nickel-plated ... ... ... ... £5 12 0
Single Burner, gives a double light, 0/8
Fitted with “Hellesen” Dry Batteries |
Economy, efficiency, no charging, no acid, always ready, etc. |
| Renewal Batteries. | Spare Lamps. |
No. | 11144bc. “Victorlite” | capacity, 50 to 100 hours | each | 48/9 | each | 12/9 | each | 3/0 |
,, | 11144bd. “Flarelamp” | ,,,, | ,, | 37/6 | ,, | 6/9 | ,, | 3/0 |
,, | 11144be. “Flashlite” | ,,,, | ,, | 45/0 | ,, | 9/9 | ,, | 3/0 |
,, | 11144bf. “Flashlamp” | ,,,, | ,, | 42/9 | ,, | 9/9 | ,, | 3/0 |
,, | 11144bg. “Flarelight” | ,,,, | ,, | 27/0 | ,, | 6/9 | ,, | 3/0 |
The more expensive the lamp the better the light it gives. |
To get the best results, use “H.H.”, Metallic Filament Lamps. |
Lamps No. bc, bd, and be are fitted with a 2-pin plug which permits of a supplemental light, lamp being fitted flush. |
With 2-pin Plug and Lamp fitted flush in case.
Suitable for ignition work in cases of emergency.
No. 1010, price 30/0
Renewal Battery, 6/6
With Lamp projecting.
No. 1015, price 18/0
Renewal Battery, 4/6
“H.H.” Hand Lamp.
In special cheap form, where appearance is not a consideration. Consists of “Flash” battery in metal frame, with switch and lamp, with metallic filament bulb. Capacity:—
50 to 100 hours.
No. 1035, 13/6
Renewal Battery, 6/6
Electric Hand Lamp, 8 Hours’ Light of 5-Candle Power. Fitted with 4 V. 8 Amp. Lithanode Unspillable Accumulators, 35/6.
Collapsible Luggage Carrier, very strong and neat. Folds flat against body of car. 27/6
including 4-volt metallic Filament Lamp, adjustable to any angle and detachable.
Brass 10/6 Nickel 11/6 complete
Very powerful. Light will illuminate the whole of dash-board. Complete with Switch and Bulb, 17/6.
Adjustable to any angle.
Fitted with Holophane globe which, owing to its scientifically-cut prisms, greatly concentrates the light in the most useful direction.
Nickel-plated polished brass, with 4in. wood base, 10/6 each, without bulb; Nickel-plated polished brass, with 4in. marboline base, 16/6 each. Nickel-plated polished brass, with 5¼in. wood base, 14/0 each.
Complete with Dry Battery ... ... 15/0
Spare Bulbs 2/6; Battery 1/0
No. 863. ROOF LAMP on Marboline Base. Can be obtained in following colours—White, Dark Blue, Black, Red, Green, Imitation Horn with Bulb, 15/0; Imitation Tortoiseshell, with Bulb, 17/6 each
No. 719. Price without Bulb, 17/6. Complete with self-contained switch. 4-volt Osram Bulb, 2/9 each. Diameter 1?in. Length 5in. Polished Brass or Nickel-plated.
No. 1033.
“Ever Ready” Roof Lamp.
13/0 with Bulb.
Made of Wood in Various Colours. Suitable for interior of car. 2/0 each.
Diameter 2in.
Polished Brass or Black, 1/6 each.
Diameter 1¼in.
Made of Wood in Various Colours. Suitable for interior of Car. 2/0 each.
Get Harrods’ “Simplex” Motor Log Book,
The Motorist’s Friend.
It tells everything he wants to know in connection with the running of his own car; a diary that gives an added interest to car-upkeep.
Cloth bound, 1/0.
Suitable for two Side and
one Tail Lamp. 4/6 each.
No. 294. Nickel Switch.
One way ... ... 2/6
Two ways ... ... 3/6
Flat pattern plated metal front, 10/6 complete.
Sloping corner pattern plated metal front, 12/0 complete.
Splendid flat pattern Gilt or dull Silver, 20/0 complete.
Splendid flat pattern Reading Lamp, Gilt or dull Silver 10/6 complete.
No. 338. Key Switch,
Nickel. 1/0 each.
Two pin plug
Switches, 2/0
No. 834. Nickel, Brass, or Oxidised Switch, 2/6
1 OFF 2
No. 656. Brass or Nickel-plated Switch.
One way, 4/3, two ways, 4/6.
Also Magneto and Accumulator Switch, fitted with “Insulite” cover, 5/6 each.
left pointing finger
BOA CONSTRICTOR MOTOR HORN gives a very powerful deep and prolonged tone, the best thing in Motor Horns.
Brass 50/0
Plated 52/6
BABY BOA. 30/0
COBRA MOTOR HORN gives a very powerful, deep and prolonged tone, the best thing in Motor Horns, Brass, 57/6; Plated, 60/0
Very loud and deep tone MOTOR HORN, good shape, 24/0 each.
New pattern Two Note HORN, very loud and shrill tone, 20/0 each.
right pointing finger
Latest pattern MUSICALHORN, fitted with a perforated metal barrel, all moving parts enclosed, will play a complete military call, price 57/6 each, very attractive, good tone. Extra barrels can be obtained, different selections,
6/6 each.
LUCAS HORN, Brass or Nickel, 32/6
LUCAS MOTOR HORN, very loud, 39/0 each, Brass or Plated.
The “Combination” Two-Note Horn.
Very effective Road Clearer, £2 2 0
Harrods’ “Simplex” Motor Log Book,
Shows at a glance your petrol, oil and tyre consumption.
A boon to the Motorist.
Large pages, Cloth bound, 1/0
Best quality
3/6 and 4/6 each.
The Acme Siren patent
Mouth Syren without strap, 2/2;
Mouth Syren with wrist strap, 3/0; as illustrated.
Etienne’s Perfect MOTOR CYCLE EXHAUST WHISTLE, operated by Foot Pedal, 15/6
New pattern MUSICAL MOTOR HORN 30/0 each.
Very attractive, good tone.
The “PYTHON” HORN. Special Construction, making Horn Wind and Waterproof, allowing sound to be intensified. Brass or Nickel. Price 35/0
Double acting FOOT or HAND GONG, very powerful, 13/6
Megaphone Trumpet Syren, 12in. long, 8/0 Splendid Road Clearer.
CIRCULAR HORN, latest pattern, 25/6
The “GODIN” ELECTRIC HORN £3. Worked from Accumulator. Very loud. Requires no adjusting.
LUCAS ELECTRIC MOTOR HORN, for Dashboard or Mudguard fitting; a most powerful alarm. Brass or nickel, £4 10 0 each.
The “ECHO” Electric Motor Horn, latest Pattern supplied in 4, 6, 8 and 12 Volts. Very loud, will not get out of order. Price, 60/0
No. 1. 2in. × 25in. Tube, £2 7 6 each; No. 2. 2½in. × 30in. Tube £3 12 6 each; No. 3. 3in. × 32in. Tube, £4 17 6 each; No. 4. 3½in. × 34in. Tube, £6 15 0 each.
The above prices include Valve, Foot Pedal, Cable and Spring. Valves are furnished suitable for exhaust pipes, ranging in size from ¾ in. to 2½in. outside diameter. When ordering, state outside diameter of exhaust pipe, also full particulars of car.
Gives Mellow Tone, and at same time is an effective Road Clearer.
No. 1092. 4 to 6 Volts and Special Push, Brass, | £2 15 0 |
,,,,,,,,Nickel-plated, | 2 17 6 |
No. 1093. 8 Volts, Brass | 3 3 0 |
,,,,Nickel-plated | 3 5 6 |
Brass or nickel-plated “PARIS EXPRESS,” Exhaust Whistle. Gives a very shrill tone
Price 15/0 each.
This new model of the “GABRIEL” is truly the Motor Horn “de luxe.” It is a decided innovation, which constitutes a perfectly practical road-signal. Wires connected to a keyboard placed adjacent to the driver’s seat allow the notes to be operated separately or simultaneously, to reproduce bugle calls or a variety of musical combinations. Thus a distinctly novel alarm is provided which admirably fulfils its purpose as a road-clearer.
Price ... ... ... £8 0 0
Sireno Junior, £6 5 0
Sireno Midget, £4 15 0
Short trumpet pattern of the famous “KLAXON” ELECTRIC HORN (the noise machine.) In heavy brass, can be fitted to left or right of dash.
£6 17 6
Model L, complete. Price £7 7 0
“JERICHO” Motor Exhaust Horn. A Perfect Motor Signal. Made of Aluminium. Weight, 3 lbs. Attached on end of exhaust pipe, either clamped on to exhaust pipe, or screwed on to pipe. Gives a beautiful Rich Mellow Tone, and will blow at all speeds. Price of Horn, complete with Wire, Clamp, Pulley, and Foot Pedal. Ready for fitting. No. 0. Suitable 16 h.p. Car, 30/0 each. No. 1. Suitable 22 h.p. Car, 30/0 each. No. 2. Suitable 28 h.p. Car, 35/0 each. No. 3. Suitable 35 h.p. Car, 40/0 each. No. 4. Suitable 40 h.p. Car, 45/0. Please state diameter of exhaust pipe when ordering.
“LE TORRICELLI” Horn, fitted to Exhaust. Gives a Loud, Powerful, Prolonged Sound.
Price £3 3 0
Several patterns according to size.
10/6, 12/6, 15/0, 17/6 each.
“Seabrook’s Autochime” (Reg)
Notice specially shaped sound bell extending up over the horn.
Fits on the Exhaust. Valve, Pedal, and 6ft. Armoured Cable complete, £2 2 0
No. 697. Combination Tool and Spare Box, also Footrest. The case exactly fits over a 2-gallon Petrol Tin. Size, 14 × 11 × 11. Price, 19/0
TOOL BOX, fitted with three detachable drawers. Size 18in. × 10in. × 9½ in., in polished mahogany, walnut, and oak, Price 32/6
No. 9503. BROOKS’ COLLAPSIBLE TOOL BOX. 14in. × 10½in. × 10½in. 36/0. 10½in. × 10½in. × 8½in., 32/0
Every kind of Motor Tools Stocked at lowest prices.
No. 1 Set. ? in., ½ in., ? in., ¾ in., ? in., 1in. With taper and plug tap to each size and tap wrenches £5 13 6
No. 2 Set. ¼ in., ? in., ½ in., ? in., ¾ in., ? in., 1in. With taper and plug taps to each size and tap wrenches 5176
Set No. 4829. Containing ? in., 3/16 in., ¼ in., 5/16 in., ? in. Without tapered taps ... ... ... ... 140
Set No. 4834. Containing 7/16 in., ½ in., ? in., ¾ in. Without tapered taps ... ... ... ... 200
No. 1386 plated, £2 19 0, Leather Wallet.
No. 1387 ,, £2 14 0, W’proof Canvas do.
No. 1388 black £2 13 0, Leather Wallet.
No. 1389 ,, £2 8 9, Canvas ,,
Cheaper line, including 23 Tools and Wallet, made of American cloth, £1 7 3
HARRODS’ KIT, in Strong Leather Case, 35/6. Canvas Kit 15/6 Leather Kit 17/6
MAHOGANY or TEAK TOOL BOX. Corrugated rubber top, brass bound, special tool rack in lid, removable tray, and drawer at bottom. With lock and key, 32/6
The “Ferret” Set of Box Spanners. Price 10/6
“millennium” motor key spanners set. A.
THE “MILLENNIUM” MOTOR KEY SPANNERS. Set A: This set consists of 26 key spanners, an extension piece, a ratchet spanner or universal joint, and a handle which fits both the spanner and the universal joint. The key spanners will fit all nuts either of English or French sizes, with a measurement across the flats of from 7/16 in. or 11 m/m to 1?in. or 40 m/m ... ... 25/0 per set
“millennium” motor key spanners set. B.
THE “MILLENNIUM” MOTOR KEY SPANNERS. Set B: This set consists of 12 key spanners of the most useful sizes, an extension piece and a spanner. The key spanners take practically all nuts from 19/32in. or 15 m/m to 1?in. or 35 m/m across the flats, and the set comprises all the sizes commonly used in motor construction for which box spanners are required ... 10/0 per set
2/9 and 4/6 per box, English and French sizes
“Auto-Cle” Workshop Set, containing every size, 35/0
“Perfect” Hammer, 2/6 Solid Metal through handle.
“Perfect” Screwdriver.
Solid Metal through Handle
6in. Blade, 1/3; 7in. Blade, 1/6;
8in. Blade, 2/9; 12in. Blade, 3/3
Screwdriver, 6d., 9d., 1/0
Quick Grip Spanner, ½ in. to 1in., 2/9;
? in. to ¾ in. 2/3; ¼ in. to ½ in., 1/9; ? in. to ¼ in., 1/6
The “Clyburn” Wrench. Best make, 6in. 4/0, 8in. 4/6 10in. 5/6, 12in. 6/6, 15in. 8/0. Second quality, 6in. 3/3, 8in. 3/9, 10in. 4/6, 12in. 5/11, 15in. 6/6
King Dick Motor Spanner. Blue finish, 4in. 2/6, 6in. 4/6, 9in. 7/6 each.
Billing’s Motor Wrench.
2in. 2/11, 10in. 3/3, 14in. 7/9. Model B, 5in. 8/2, model C, 5in. 2/2, model D, 6in. 2/11. Model E, 7in. 3/9
Lucas Girder Wrench.
Gun Black, 2/0. Plated, 2/6. Gun Black, 5/6
Adam and Eve Spanner. Instantaneous adjustment. 6in. 1/6, 10in. 4/6
Automatic Grip Spanner. 3/0
No. 98. No. 20 Footprint Wrench. Plain Black, 7in. 1/1, 9in. 1/4, 12in. 2/0
right pointing finger
Copper Nosed, 2/6
“Nesthill” Valve Spring Lifter, 2/2
“Duco” Valve Lifter, 4/3
The “Get-at-it” Toolholder. It gets at anything anywhere. It may be used to regrind valves, or to reach nuts and screws in out of the way corners. The outfit consists of two valve grinding tools, one screw driver, one box spanner for ¼ in. nuts. Price 21/0
Combined Soldering Iron and Blow Lamp for all classes of work; this apparatus can solder or be used as a blow lamp, in places which would be inaccessible to the majority of lamps and the bit is kept constantly at the proper heat.
Price 17/6 each.
With Wind Shield 20/0 each.
Set Spanners, 8/6 the Set of 8.
Set Spanners, 10/0 the Set of 8.
No. 19. Burner Pliers, 2-hole.
Size 6, 1/6, 7in. 1/9.
No. 53. Cutting Nippers. 10in. 1/6 each.
No. 55. Improved Gas Pliers, 6in. 1/9 each.
The “Out-o-way” Cone Pliers with handles outward bent. Will not damage knuckles. Polished Steel, 1/3 Blue & Plated, 1/9
Billing’s and Spencer Combination Pliers, 6in. 2/11 10in. 4/11
New Combined Motor Spanner and Pliers 1/4
P. & R. Filing Tool for Trembler Contacts. It enables the most inexperienced persons to produce perfectly even surfaces upon the roughest platinum contacts or trembler blades or screws. Price 3/0
King Dick Spanner Set, in leather case, 12/0
The Combination Pliers. Complete with six different Jaws, 21/0 each.
Millennium Box Spanners, 6/0 and 7/6 set Box Spanner Set, English or French Sites, 3/9.
The Cramford Spanner. This Spanner will be found particularly useful by motorists and others who have to deal with nuts in awkward places.
It has been specially designed with this purpose in view and is instantly adjusted to fit any sized nut within its range by one hand. 6/6
No. 10 Set, containing six sizes and tommy-bar, either English or French. 4/9 set
MILLER’S FALLS DRILLING MACHINES. No. 1, 8 Drills in Handle, 5/3. No. 2. Do., 10/6. No. 5, Do., 6/3. No. 3, without Drills, 4/6. No. 4, Do., 2/6
2½in. jaw, 7/6 each; 3in. jaw, 9/6 each;
3½in. jaw, 13/6 each; 4in. jaw, 18/0 each;
4½in. jaw, 27/6 each; 5in. jaw, 36/6 each.
BOX SPANNERS. Set of Six Sizes. Any 6 sizes from 3/16 in. to ¾ in. Whitworth Nuts or French sizes, and tommy-bar in box complete. 3/6 set.
Size of Stone. Price.
18in. × 2½in. £1 12 6
18in. × 3½in. £1 16 0
Size of Stone. Price.
8in. × 2in. 11/6
10in. × 2in. 12/6
12in. × 2in. 15/0
This Aluminium Matting in appearance represents rubber, but is almost indestructible, keeps naturally clean and smart, impervious to oils and grease, is non-slipping. Sold in sheets as follows:—
Supplied only in the following sizes. Pyramid Pattern: 7 ft × 1ft., 7ft. × 3ft., 5ft. 6in. × 1ft. 9in., 7ft. × 1ft. 6in., 14ft. × 1ft., 14ft. × 1ft. 3in. Trellis Pattern: 7ft. x 1ft., 14ft. × 11in. Fluted Pattern: 7ft. × 1ft., 14ft. × 1ft., 7ft. × 1ft. 2in., 14ft. × 1ft. 2in. Price 1/6 per square foot any pattern, Angle Plate for attaching above 0/6 per foot.
Brass Dash Mirror, adjustable to any angle, 8/6
Nickel ditto, 8/11
Brass Dash Board Mirror, 10/6:
Nickel, ditto, 11/6 Adjustable to any angle.
NUTS AND BOLTS supplied to any size.
Reflecting Mirror, mounted in Heavy Brass. Adjustable all ways. Stocked with Clip fittings only (as illustrated), 5/6. Supplied in brass only.
Brass 6in. Round Mirror, 7/0
Plated 6in. Round Mirror, 8/6
Dash Board Reflecting Mirrors.
Brass Dash Board Mirror, 6/6
Nickel ,, ,, 7/0
Adjustable to any angle.
This Mirror is fitted with a Ball Joint and Telescopic Arm which enables it to be fitted in position. Size of Mirror 6¼in. × 5in., price 15/6
Two of the latest pattern Dash Board Reflecting Mirrors, very highly finished. Mirrors, are made of the best patent plate glass, made to fit any Car, either plate fitting or clip fitting; very light and strong. This Mirror we have tested and recommend. Best Patent Plate & Finish. 4½in. Round, Brass, 10/6; 4½in. Round, Nickel, 11/6; 6in. Round, Brass, 12/6; 6in. Round, Nickel, 14/0
7in. × 5in. Oblong, Brass, 10/0
Do., do., Nickel, 12/0
8in. × 6in. Oblong, Brass, 12/0
Do., do., Nickel, 14/6
Dash Board Reflecting Mirrors.
Dash Board Mirror, with rain and sun Cover. Adjustable to any angle, 21/0
7in. × 5in. Oblong, Brass, 14/0
7in. × 5in. Oblong, Nickel, 15/6
8in. × 6in. Oblong, Brass, 17/6
8in. × 6in. Oblong, Nickel, 19/0
Any Size Made.
For catching waste from cars standing in Garage. Made of Stout Galvanized Iron.
No. 2687, | size | 18 × 12, | price | 4/0 | No. 2690, | size | 27 × 21, | Price | 7/6 |
No. 2688, | ,, | 24 × 18, | ,, | 7/6 | No. 2685, | ,, | 36 × 24, | ,, | 15/6 |
No. 2689, | ,, | 21 × 15, | ,, | 5/6 | No. 2686, | ,, | 48 × 24, | ,, | 21/0 |
60 INs 22½ IN 34 INs
SPIRIT SAFE, made in compliance with the Local Government Board Regulations.
20-gallon | size | ... | £3 0 0 |
40,, | ,, | ... | £3 10 0 |
60,, | ,, | ... | £5 10 0 |
100,, | ,, | ... | £7 10 0 |
The “New Era” Touring Car Petrol Fire Extinguisher. Particularly adapted for placing on step. M 1. Polished Copper in Mahogany Box, £5 5 0. Refills, 2/3
This Gun can be used for Petrol, heavy and thin Oils, and thick hard Grease.
By means of unscrewing the lock nut on the top of Gun makes same a Petrol Squirt.
Screwing nut in position makes same a Grease Squirt.
Complete with detachable nozzles.
3 oz. size ... 4in. × 1½in. ... price 10/0
8 oz.,, ... 8in. × 1¾in. ... price 14/0
14 oz. ,, ... 8in. × 2¼in. ... price 18/0
Get Harrods’ “Simplex” Motor Log Book.
The Motorist’s Friend.
Shows at a glance your petrol, oil and tyre consumption.
A boon to the motorist. Large pages. Cloth bound, 1/0
Summer Mark
Limit ,,
Easily Read.
Thoroughly Reliable.
In Morocco Case ... 2/0
In Tin Case ... ... 1/3
The Cabinet is made of Tinned Steel with galvanised iron bottom, and is of the very best finish and workmanship throughout.
It shuts up and is Dust-Proof, and owing to its double lid is entirely free from smell.
The Pump is made of polished brass, simple in its construction, and cannot get out of order.
It will fill a one-gallon measure in twelve seconds.
If the measure or vessel be pumped too full the overflow runs back into the Cabinet.
CAPACITY. Stock Sizes. | HEIGHT (Top included) | DIAMETER. | PRICE. Including Crate, which is not returnable. |
50 | gals. | 3 | ft. | 8 | in. | 2 | ft. | 2½ | in. | 49/0 | each. |
30 | ,, | 3 | ,, | 3 | ,, | 1 | ,, | 10 | ,, | 43/0 | ,, |
20 | ,, | 3 | ,, | 1½ | ,, | 1 | ,, | 6½ | ,, | 40/0 | ,, |
12 | ,, | 2 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 1 | ,, | 4½ | ,, | 33/0 | ,, |
6 | ,, | 1 | ,, | 9 | ,, | 1 | ,, | 2½ | ,, | 28/0 | ,, |
Crates and Delivery Free to any Railway Station in England and Wales.
EXTRAS (if required).
Union, for Screwing on Nose of Pump, 1/0 each.
Patent flexible Steel Hose, 1/3 per foot.
Brass Padlock, 1/6 each.
Tapered Union, 1/6 each.
NOTE.—For pumping Oil direct from barrels into the Cabinet, a union and two feet of hose for screwing on to nose of pump is usually supplied, if required, at 2/6 extra.
“NEW ERA” Nº 02
“New Era” (’Bus Type). It is of the uniform capacity of two gallons, and can be supplied either with hose or pet cock. This Extinguisher is made in steel, lead-coated and japanned red, or, if ordered in quantities, any other colour to suit the requirements of purchasers, 55/0. Recharges, 2/6. Malleable Iron Bracket and Strap (as illustrated), if required, 5/0 extra. Lettering, 2d. per letter extra, net.
Lithanode Unspillable
In Metal Box with handle
40 amp., 4 volt, 21/0
60 amp., 4 volt, 25/0
No. 743. Special Accumulator for Lighting Sets, made of Celluloid Cells in Strong Hard wood Cases; 4 volt, 15 amp., 35/0; 4 volt, 26 amps., 45/0; 4 volt, 40 amp., 55/0
The Lithanode Patent unspillable arrangement, which allows the use of free electrotype (diluted acid), entirely obviates leakage and damage that arise from acid spray. This is of great advantage to users, as if a machine fitted with a Lithanode unspillable battery is inverted no electrolite can escape. We recommend The “Lithanode” when an accumulator is required to be sent charged by train, as the railway companies often refuse to take the ordinary pattern accumulator if charged.
Prices and Sizes of 4-Volt Accumulators. |
No. | Nominal Ignition | Continuous Run. | Weight with acid. | Dimensions of Cells side by side. | Price. |
| Capacity. | Approx. Miles | lbs. | ozs. | Inches. | |
| | | | | | | £ s. d. |
84 | 11 | 700 | 3 | 1 | 213/16 | × | 2 | × | 6¼ | 1 1 6 |
85 | 14 | 900 | 3 | 13 | 311/16 | × | 2 | × | 6¼ | 1 2 6 |
85A | 21 | 1,400 | 5 | 0 | 4½ | × | 2 | × | 6¼ | 1 8 6 |
88 | 40 | 2,500 | 9 | 13 | 415/16 | × | 311/16 | × | 6¼ | 1 19 0 |
89 | 60 | 3,500 | 12 | 2 | 4? | × | 311/16 | × | 8? | 2 4 0 |
90 | 90 | 4,000 | 16 | 2 | 4? | × | 4½ | × | 8½ | 2 16 0 |
Lithanode Ordinary Type. |
Regd. | Nominal Ignition | Continuous Run. | Weight with acid. | Dimensions of Cells side by side. | Price. |
No. | Capacity. | Approx. Miles | lbs. | ozs. | Inches. |
| | | | | | high * | £ s. d. |
74 | 11 | 700 | 2 | 15 | 27/16 | × | 2 | × | 6¼ | 0 17 6 |
75 | 14 | 900 | 3 | 14 | 35/16 | × | 2 | × | 6¼ | 0 18 6 |
75A | 21 | 1,400 | 5 | 7 | 4? | × | 2 | × | 6¼ | 1 4 9 |
75B | 20 | 1,300 | 5 | 13 | 4 | × | 1? | × | 6¼ | 1 0 0 |
76 | 30 | 1,600 | 6 | 3 | 4? | × | 213/16 | × | 51/16 | 1 8 9 |
77 | 30 | 1,800 | 6 | 8 | 33/16 | × | 3? | × | 6¼ | 1 8 9 |
78 | 40 | 2,500 | 9 | 4 | 49/16 | × | 3¾ | × | 6¼ | 1 14 0 |
79 | 60 | 3,500 | 11 | 14 | 4¼ | × | 3¾ | × | 8? | 1 18 0 |
80 | 90 | 4,000 | 16 | 4 | 4¼ | × | 4½ | × | 8? | 2 8 0 |
* Height taken to top of vent |
Lithanode Ordinary
TYPE 5/2A Celluloid.
40 amp., 4 volt, £1 10 0
TYPE 9/2A.
60 amp., 6 volt, £2 0 0
40 amp., £2 0 0; 27 amp., £1 8 10;
20 amp., £1 4 0
0/4 per yard.
0/6 per yard.
1/0 per yard.
1/6 per yard.
0/9 per roll.
HARRODS Ltd London S.W.
0 1 3 3 4 5
Genuine Beez Voltmeter. Complete in Leather Case, 8/6 each.
Special High Grade Voltmeter in Leather Case for testing lighting sets, 19/0
Volt and Amp. Meter combined, 12/6.
Shows at a glance your petrol, oil and tyre consumption.
A boon to the Motorist.
Large pages, Cloth bound, 1/0.
60 amp. ... £2 8 0
TYPE 1.—40 AMP., 8-V. BATTERY OF 4 CELLS, £3 14 0
TYPE 2.—6 Cells, 12-V., 40 amp. hours, £5 8 0
Chater Lea Wire Terminals, 5 and 6 mm, 1/6 per dozen. 9 and 10 mm, 2/0 per dozen. New Round Terminal, 0/3 per dozen. Ross Courtney Terminal, 0/9 and 1/0 per box. Osmond Terminal, 1/6 and 2/6 per box.
Harrods’ Terminal, 0/6 per box of twelve. Martyn’s Fibre Terminal, 1/8 each.
BrevelÉ S.G.D.G
EYQUEM “MAX” TYPE, 3/0. No screws or nuts to shake loose. No loose connections. Splendidly made and finished. Same plug for coil or magneto. STANLEY TYPE, 2/0
BrevelÉ S.G.D.G
THE FAMOUS “EYQUEM” combines a high-grade five-spark point plug, petrol inject (gets right to point of explosion for easy starting in cold weather), short circuiting device, spring terminal and compression tap. Most useful. For Accumulator or Magneto, 5/6. Either Porcelain or Mica.
British-made Sparking Plug.
Price 4/0 each.
BrevelÉ S.G.D.G
Magneto Sparking Plug.
4/6 each.
Bt.É S.G.D.G
Sparking Plug.
Price 2/3 each.
DUCO Plug, 2/0
Very strong Electric or Magneto Sparking Plug.
A. D. PLUG | 1/6 |
CARPENTIER Porcelain Plug | 6/0 |
DAROP, well-made Mica Plug | 4/0 |
HALL Magneto Plug | 3/0 |
NIEUPORT Porcelain Plug | 2/6 |
Genuine DE DION Yellow Porcelain | 3/3 |
A. V. Porcelain Plug | 4/6 |
The GODIVA Patent
Sparking Plug.
Price 5/1 each
Contents of Small Case of Spare Parts for Bosch Magnetos. Types D4, DR4, D6 and DR6. 1 Complete Carbon Holder, No. 11a; 1 Long Platinum Screw with Nut, No. 5; 1 Short Platinum Screw, No. 29; 1 Spanner, 1 Setting Plate for Contact Breaker, 1 Contact Breaker Screw, No. 2; 1 Nut, No. 24; 1 Carbon and Spring, No 99a. Price 27/0
Contents of Large Case of Spare Parts for Bosch Magnetos. Types D4, DR4, D6 and DR6.
1 Washer, No. 71; 1 Nut, No. 72; 1 Flat Spring, No. 6; 2 Copper Washers, No. 91; 1 Screw, No. 111; 1 Screw, No. 112; 1 Complete Contact Breaker, No. 4; 2 Fibre Rollers, No. 19; 1 Brass and Cap, No. 26; 1 Complete Carbon Holder, No. 11a; 1 Carbon and Spring, No. 13a; 1 Bell Crank Lever, No. 7; 1 Fibre Bush for Contact Breaker, No. 5; 1 Carbon and Spring for Contact Breaker, No. 99a; 1 Contact Breaker Screw, No. 2; 1 Spanner, 1 Fixing Belt, No. 28; 1 Nut, No. 24; 2 Screws, No. 105; 1 Rotating Distributor Piece, No. 14a; 1 Setting Plate, for Contact Breaker, 1 Screw for do.; 1 Long Platinum Screw, 1 Short do. ... Price 77/0 dual Second size ... ... ... Price 67/6
Bte. S.G.D.G. 313,419
PATENT 27,897
ITALIE 66,229
BELGIQUE 165,283
Genuine Pognon Magneto or Electric Ignition, 3/9 each. Platinum Pointed Plug, 4/6 each.
Harrods’ Motor Log Book is a simplified form of how to keep records of all runs, costs, etc. Price 1/0
PATENT TYPE for Magneto or Accumulator. Price 3/6 each.
The “L.A.S.” SHOCK ABSORBER. Effects an economy of 30 per cent. on the tyre bill. It is easily and quickly fitted, and requires no alteration.
Nos. of Models A and B | 1 | 2 | 2bis. | 3 | 3bis. | 4 |
Outside Diameter of Apparatus | 66 mm. | 76 mm. | 76 mm. | 86 mm. | 86 mm. | 86 mm. |
Suitable for cars with the following width of springs | 35/40 mm. | 45 mm. | 50 mm. | 55 mm. | 60 mm. | 65 mm. |
And the following approximate loaded weight | 14 cwt. | 18 cwt. | 26 cwt. | 32 cwt. | 44 cwt. | 55 cwt. |
Price complete | 80/0 | 100/0 | 112/0 | 120/0 | 128/0 | 140/0 |
Prices do not include cost of fitting. |
OGDEN’S GAY SPARKING PLUG. A reliable Sparking Plug of good merit. Splendidly made and finished.
Price 4/0 each
Price 4/0 each.
Other make, with Lodge’s Patent Double Pole.
Price 8/0 each.
Model 24
Three inch Dial, 50-mile Speedometer, 10,000-mile season Odometer £3 10 0
Model 25
Three-inch Dial, 60-mile Speedometer, 10,000-mile season Odometer, automatic resetting trip register. £4 10 0
Model 11
Four-inch, 60-mile Dial, enclosed season Odometer and automatic resetting trip register, new construction. Jewelled bearings. £5 5 0
Smiths’ Speedometer.
The “Midget.”
Speed up to 50 miles per hour, with total mileage only. 3-in. Dial. Price £3 10 0 Plated, 5/0 extra.
Model 10. Do. do., but 3¾in. Dial. Price £4 10 0 Plated 10/0 extra.
No. 9. British Type, up to 50 miles, with Daily Trip. £5 15 0 Plated 10/0 extra.
The “Royal.” Type No. 2. £14 14 0. Nickel, £1 1 0 extra. Type No. 3, up to 85 miles. £16 16 0
When Ordering Speedometers, please state whether Brass or Nickel Instrument is required, Make and Horse power of Car, size of Wheels, and whether Friction, Gear, or Cardan Shaft Drive is desired.
Smiths’ Speedometer. No. 1a.
The Tourist Speed to 60 miles and Daily Mileage and Maximum Hand. £12 12 0 Nickel-plated, £1 1 0 extra.
Elliott Speedometer.
Type 6.
Shows Speed from 5 to 50 miles per hour. £7 10 0
Elliott Speedometer.
Type 7.
Complete with Speedometer and Mileage Indicator. £11 10 0
Elliott Speedometer.
Type 8.
Complete with Speed Indicator, Mileage Indicator and 8-Day Clock, £15 15 0
Elliott Speedometer. Type 9. Complete with Speed Indicator, Mileage Indicator, 8-Day Clock and Aneroid Barometer for showing heights. £18 18 0
the cowey engineering co. ltd. kew gardens, london
Nº D 337
Model D.G.
Registering from 5-50 miles an hour.
Price £8 8 0
Can be supplied either in Brass or Nickel-plate; also with fittings to enable it to be driven from the Cardan Shaft, without extra cost.
Other Models in this series are: Model “A,” registering 5-60 miles, £10 10 0; Model “A.F.” £12 12 0; Model “D,” registering 5-50 miles, £6 6 0
trade SPEEDOMETER mark
Jones Speedometer, Model 27. Speed to 50 miles per hour, and Season’s Odometer. £4 4 0
No. 28. Odometer and Daily Trip and Speed up to 50 miles per hour. £5 5 0
trade SPEEDOMETER mark
Jones Speedometer, No. 234. Complete with 8-Day Clock, Speed Indicator, Total Mileage, Daily Mileage and Electric Light for night driving. £11 11 0
trade SPEEDOMETER mark
Jones Speedometer, No. 329. Complete with 8-Day Clock, Speed Indicator, Total Mileage, Daily Mileage and Electric Light for night driving. £12 12 0
Imperial Bijou Watch, flat, Brass or Nickel, with Patent Lock, and can be wound without taking from case.
2½in. Face.
30-hour ... ... £1 15 0
8-day ... ... 3 3 0
Imperial Motor Watch, Angular or Flat Case, Nickel or Brass, with Patent Lock. The watch can be wound without being removed from the case; superior quality movement.
30-hour ... ... £2 2 0
8-day ... ... 3 10 0
Flat Imperial 30-Hour Watch ... 42/0
Flat Imperial 8-Day Watch ... 70/0
Brass or Nickel.
Imperial Angular Inverted Watch, Brass or Nickel.
30-hour ... ... £1 15 0
8-day ... ... 3 3 0
All Harrods’ Motor Watches undergo drastic tests on their vast fleet of Delivery Vans.
8-Day Motor Watch,
Angular case, £1 10 0
8-Day Angular Brass or Plated Motor Clock, excellent value, £1 1 0
M.O.42. 8-day Motor Clock for Landaulette, very handsome dome case, oxidised or silver, highest quality, £1 10 0
No. 790. Communicator, 8 line Self-contained Bell, White Keyboard.
£5 5 0
30-Hour Motor Watch,
in Flat Case, £1 5 0
Very handy Watch, suitable for Motor Cycles or Steering Wheels. Prices, 10/0, 15/0, and 30/0, with lock.
applied for
Part I.
For Dashboard.
applied for
Part II.
For Inside of Car.
Positive Control. Bell rings at each movement.
Elliott Gradometer and Brake Tester.
Attached to Dashboard of Car, shows the Height of any Hill, either up or down, £4 4 0
Price 7/6 each.
MOROCCO COVERED ASH TRAY, with adjustable slide, will take any length cigar, and ash can be shut in. Price 9/0 each.
Suitable for open and closed cars.
SMOKER’S COMPANION for the Car: contains Note Book, Ash Tray and Divisions for Cigars and Cigarettes. Made of Cedar, covered with real leather to suit any colour of upholstery, fitted with good Lock and Key. Compact and durable. Price £2 2 0
4' 5 4
FOLDING IRON LADDER for Car, £1 12 6
Fitted in half-a-minute with one hand, and as rapidly removed. No lacing. To attach, snap Schloss Button, roll up and buckle strap.
No. 9614. Finest Leatheroid. |
All sizes up to and including 810 m/m | 13/6 | each. |
810 m/m to 880 m/m | 15/0 | ,, |
Above 880 m/m | 16/9 | ,, |
Standard colours stocked are Black, Dark Green, and Dark Blue; any other standard colours to order at 2/0 per wrapper extra.
No. 5080. Finest polished Black Leatheroid only. |
All sizes up to and including 810 m/m | 13/6 | each. |
810 m/m to 880 m/m | 15/0 | ,, |
Above 880 m/m | 16/9 | ,, |
No. 615. As 5080, but with strong leather tread inside to take wear of steel studded tyres, etc. |
All sizes up to and including 810 m/m | 14/6 | each. |
810 m/m to 880 m/m | 16/0 | ,, |
Above 880 m/m | 18/0 | ,, |
No. 702
For detachable wire and artillery wheels.
Finest Polished Black Leatheroid.
All sizes up to 810 m/m | 16/6 |
From 810 m/m to 880 m/m | 18/0 |
Above 880 m/m | 20/0 |
Fitted in half-a-minute with one hand and as rapidly removed.
Made of finest waterproof leatheroid, in which are inserted at regular intervals a number of spring clips. All sizes 810 m/m.
No. 9620. Finest leatheroid, 14/0 Up to 880 × 120 15/6 Sizes above 880 × 120 17/3 Standard colours stocked are Black, Dark Green, and Dark Blue; any other standard colours to order at 2/0 per wrapper extra.
No. 5079. Finest polished black leatheroid up to 810 × 90, 14/0 Up to 880 × 120, 15/6 Sizes above 880 × 120 .. ... 17/3
Is leather bound, slips over the petrol tin with the greatest possible ease, and is attached to the footboard or other suitable position by two stout leather straps as illustrated. 14in. × 10½in. × 6½in., 11/6
641 possesses all the advantages of 9567, and additionally provides accommodation for tools, spares, etc., the extra depth being utilised for a box compartment specially designed for this purpose. 14in. × 11in. × 10in., 28/0
No. 9607.
This is made of best leatheroid on our specially prepared wood, is light and very strong. It is absolutely weather proof, fitted with stout rail straps, has removable division for tyres, and can be supplied with or without central Sundries Box, as illustrated.
For One Cover. Box only. |
For all sizes up to and including |
105 m/m tyres | £2 15 6 |
For 120 m/m tyres | 2 17 0 |
For 135 m/m tyres | 3 0 0 |
For Two Covers. Box only with division to separate the covers |
For all sizes up to and including 105 m/m tyres | £3 11 6 |
For 120 m/m tyres | 3 14 0 |
For 135 m/m tyres | 3 18 6 |
Finest Black Solid Leather. 14in. × 8in. × 6in., 21/0
Made in three sizes: 10½in. × 10½in. × 8½in. £1 12 0; 14in. × 10½in. × 10¼in.
£1 16 0, and 20in. × 9in. × 10½in., and with three or four trays, £2 5 0
Blue Bird.
Size 5in. × 4½in.
Polished Brass or Various Colours or Plated, 8/6 each.
Size 3½in. × 3½in.
Polished Brass or Plated, 9/6 each.
Height 5in.
Polished Brass or Plated, 6/0 each.
Height 9in.
Polished Brass or Plated. 10/6 each.
Height 3¾in. to tip of Tail.
Finished Black. 9/0 each
Height 4¼in.
Polished Brass. 15/0 each.
Collie Dog.
5¼in. × 3?in. high.
Base, 4in. × 2¼in.
Polished Brass, 17/6 each.
Height 4¾in.
Polished Brass or Plated or Various Colours. 10/6 each.
Eagle Mascot
Large Eagle, 6/6
Large Elephant, 6/6
Large Tiger, 6/6
Height 7½in.
Polished Brass. 19/6 each.
Bear with Pole.
Extreme height, 6¼in.
Polished Brass, 18/6 each.
Policeman Taking Notes.
Height 3?in.
Bronze finish. 10/0 each.
Height 4¼in.
Gilt, 6/0 each.
Polished Brass. 11/6 each.
The Owl.
Height 4½in.
Polished Brass. 22/0 each.
(Regd.) The Lion.
With Shield for Monogram.
Polished Brass. 15/6 each.
Height 3½in.
Polished Brass or Plated. 8/6 each.
Horse Shoe.
Height 5?in.
Polished Brass. 6/6 each.
Very Handsome Flower Vase, fitted with Fluted Glass, and 4-volt Osram Bulb, 15/0 each.
Will light the interior of a car.
Stag’s Head Mascot.
Gilt, 8/0
Bull Dog in Gilt or Bronze. 6/6 each.
Bull Dog in Solid Brass, very heavy, 15/6
Four Leaf Shamrock.
Brass or Plated. Height 4in. 6/6 each.
Figure of Time.
Height 7in.
Polished Brass. 18/6 each.
Height 6in.
Polished Brass. 17/0 each.
The Cherub.
Height 4?in.
Polished Brass. 19/6 each.
Very Handsome Flower Vase, fitted with two Electric 4-volt Bulbs. 33/0 each.
Will light the interior of a car.
Latest Pattern Flower Vase, very neat and elegant, each Vase fitted with an inside Glass. Size, 8in.
Silver plated, 10/6 each.
Best London Gilt, 12/6 each.
Car Flower Vases, from 2/0 Latest Patterns sent on approval.
Latest Pattern Flower Vase, neat and elegant and fitted with inside Glass. Size 8in.
Silver plated, 10/6 each.
Best London Gilt, 12/6 each.
HARRODS’ “EVERLASTING” FOOT WARMERS. Boil for 20 minutes and they will remain hot for many hours. No refills, no expense, no mess, just boil them.
Price, 9/6, 10/6 to 35/0
Price 6/6 per pair.
(When ordering give measurements of pedal.)
MUFF WARMER, Price, 2/9 each.
10½ × 4in., 15/6
8 × 4in., 11/6
16 × 7in., 35/0
14 × 4in., 25/6
Harrods’ “Simplex” Motor Log Book.
Will show your petrol, oil and tyre consumption, total mileage and running cost at any time.
Lasts twelve months. Large pages, cloth bound, 1/0
Triangle Motor Brush, 3/9
T & S
Motor Pointed Cushion Brush, 3/6
Motor Ordinary Spoke Brushes, 4/0.
Cheaper quality, with taper double end, 2/9
Half Round Motor Wheel Brush, 4/0
All-round Motor Spoke Brush, 4/0
For guards of all kinds and shapes. Cannot scratch or chip varnish. Reaches every cranny and corner. Its long close soft bristles hold water like a sponge. Guaranteed efficient. A.Quality,10/6; B.Quality,7/6
Special Wire Wheel Brush, 2/9
Radiator Brush, 2/3
Petrol or tyre-Paint Brush, 1/3
Petrol or tyre-Paint Brush, 1/0
Motor Spoke Brush (one end round), 3/6
Motor Spoke Brush, with Handle, 3/6
Motor Body Brush. Very thick and soft fibres, which when wet, give the effect of a sponge, and clean the body without scratching, 4/0
Petrol Brush for cleaning down Engine, 1/6
Wire Wheel Brush, 1/9
Wire Wheel Brush, 2/0
Splendid dressing for the leather-face clutch, 1/0 and 2/6 per tin.
Double sided, 24in. × 20in., 1/6 each.
4-lb. packets, 2/6. One Hundredweight Bags, 60/0.
clean and free from odour. 4-lb. packets, 2/6. One Hundredweight Bags, 60/0.
for grinding in Motor Valves, 0/6 per tin.
0/5½, 0/11 & 1/11 per tin.
0/5, 0/11 & 2/0 per tin.
for cleaning hands, 0/6 & 1/3 per tin.
FLASH MOTOR SOAP, 0/6 per tin.
LASSO MOTOR SOAP, 0/6 per tablet.
BASH’S GARAGE SOAP, 0/6 per tin.
“as swift as the motor”
Splendid polish for brass and plated goods, 0/11 per tin. Quart size, 2/6; ½-gall. size, 4/9; 1-gall. size, 9/0
Bri-ta THOR Metal Polish
BRITA LIQUID METAL POLISH,very quick in action and gives a lasting polish. 0/11 per tin. Quart size, 2/6; ½-gall. size, 4/9; 1-gall. size, 9/0
for dressing leather on steel-studded tyres,
1/6 tin.
Liquid Motor Soap, instantly removes grease and grime from the hands. Sold in tins,
1/9 per tin.
DUNLOP RIM PAINT, 1/0 per tin
1/0 tin; 2-lb. tin 1/9; 4-lb. tin 2/9; 7 lbs. 4/6
Write for Harrods’ Simplex Log Book, a diary of everything a Motorist wants to know in connection with his car. Price 1/0
harrods “SHELL” tyre
WATTS Patent Nº 26385.
Excels in all that goes to make up the Ideal Tyre.
What is an Ideal Tyre?
If, as an experienced and unbiassed motorist, you were asked to enumerate the qualities essential in a Motor Tyre, they would most probably be:
Quality & Durability The rubber used is the finest possible for the purpose, toughened under a special process, and affording remarkable resistance to flints, nails and abrasive road surfaces. The “casing” is of finest closely-woven Egyptian cotton. Seven layers of this fabric go to make up the casing; between each layer an appreciable quantity of rubber is cleverly imposed integrally, affording great strength to the foundation, minimising the possibility of “rotting” and affording marked resiliency to the tyre when in use.
Efficiency The design of the “Shell” patent groove is obviously far ahead of the hitherto most popular plain groove, for the “Shell,” unlike the plain groove, is designed to grip ALL ways without loss of engine-power through suction or friction; while its wide open-ended grooves keep it cooler than even a plain tread.
Economy Their remarkably low price is arrived at by the simple addition of a reasonable working profit to the actual cost of manufacture—nothing more. The buyer of “Shell” Tyres thus gets value for money every time. The prices of “Shell” Tyres will be found about 25% below those of any other high-grade tyre. Whatever the prices ruling on the rubber market, or at whatever price “Shell” Tyres may be, there will positively be no lowering of the “Shell” high standard of quality. On the other hand, Harrods’ constant endeavour will be its improvement in every possible respect.
Manufacture “Shell” Tyres are specially manufactured for Harrods by the Avon Rubber Co., of Melksham, Wilts., one of the oldest and most reputable firms in the rubber trade in this country.
Sold in Harrods’ Motor Department
For Motor Tyres, Oils, and other Accessories, see pages 555-590. [592]
Motor Overcoats. |
of every description made to Order, any Colour or Design, or in Stock for immediate wear. |
Blue, Green, Grey, or Black Melton Overcoat (any shape), one shade only each colour, lined Tweed ... | 55/0 |
Ditto, ditto, Super Melton (any colour), lined Camel Fleece ... | 78/6 |
Ditto, ditto, best quality Melton (any colour), lined Camel Fleece ... | 84/0 |
Boxcloth Livery Overcoat, lined Tweed, Wind Cuffs, Plain Buttons ... from | 100/0 |
Melton Overcoats, lined Tweed, Wind Cuffs, Plain Buttons from | 55/0to105/0 |
These Coats are cut and made under our personal supervision, and trimmed with best materials. |
Tunics. |
Derby Tweeds | from | 42/0 |
Whipcord | ,, | 42/0 |
Melton | ,, | 42/0 |
Refine Cloth | ,, | 52/6 |
Bedford Cord | ,, | 50/0 |
Breeches. |
Tweed | from | 21/0 |
Whipcord | ,, | 28/6 |
Melton | ,, | 25/0 |
Doeskin Cloth | ,, | 39/6 |
Bedford Cord (drab), | ,, | 32/6 |
Ditto, colours | ,, | 39/6 |
Any illustration same prices. |
Livery Crest Buttons extra. |
Carriage paid in the United Kingdom. |
These Livery Overcoats can also be made in Chrome Leather, Dark Green, Blue, Brown, or Tan, Lined Camel Fleece, £6 6 0 |
Caps to match, 10/6 |
These are excellent Coats for hard wear. |
To special measures, 5/0 extra. |
Superior Black Leather Breeches, riding shape, cloth continuation, lined throughout ...
31/6 | 2nd Quality, Breeches ... | 27/6 |
Black Leather Knickers ... | 27/6 |
Black Leather Trousers ... | 27/6 |
Double-breasted Leather Jackets, best Box Calf, Cloth Collar, lined Tweed, Wind Cuffs, perfectly Waterproof ... | 75/0 |
Superior Black Leather Jackets, Double-breasted, Cloth Collar, lined Tweed, Sleeves lined Satin, Wind Cuffs ... | 52/6 |
2nd Quality, do. ... | 47/6 |
Special do. ... | 39/6 | ... | 27/6 |
Double-breasted Black Leather Overcoats, best Box Calf, full length, lined Tweed, fitted with Wind Cuffs, full Skirts, perfectly Waterproof, Cloth Collar ... | 130/0 |
Superior Quality Black Leather, lined Black Hair Seal ... | 200/0 |
Superior Quality Black Leather, lined Tweed, with Apron attachment ... | 84/0 |
Second Quality Leather ... | 77/6 |
Black Leather Overcoats, Double-breasted, lined warm material, fitted with Wind Cuffs, Cloth Collar, full length ... | 57/6&59/6 |
Holland Dust Coats, Single-breasted ... | 6/6&7/6 |
Ditto, Double-breasted, 8/6, 14/6, 16/6 & 21/0 |
Cap Covers to Match ... | 1/0 |
Chauffeurs’ Leggings. |
Real Pigskin ... | 12/6&15/6 |
Best Black Pigskin Puttee Leggings ... | 15/6 |
Best Black Hide Puttee Leggings ... | 10/6 |
Best Black Hide Spring-front Leggings | 6/11&10/6 |
Can be made in Coloured Leathers in a few days. |
Black Leather Dressing for renovating and preserving Leather, in tubes or bottles, 1/0 |
Customers’ own Designs carried out. |
Special attention given to the most minute detail. |
Dies for Buttons specially cut for Customers’ Crests. |
Price 42/0 Pair (Large and Small). |
Crest only, with motto, 45/0 per pair. |
Crest Buttons (Gilt or Plated). |
Large Size, 4/0 doz. Small Size, 2/6 doz. |
Estimates and Patterns sent on application. |
(Ready Made.) |
The “Emergency” Suit, Tunic and Breeches, 50/0. Gilt or Plated Buttons. In stock, all sizes in Dark Blue, Green or Grey. Overcoat to match, lined Tweed, 50/0 Cap to match, 6/6 |
Made to special measures, 5/0 extra each garment. |
Motor Overcoats. |
Blue, Green, Grey or Black Melton Overcoat, Lined Grey Fleece, as opposite side of this page, at prices quoted; also Dark Grey Frieze (Irish), Lined Fleece | 70/0 |
Heavy Blue Serge, lined Fleece ... | 70/0 |
Heavy Blue or Green Irish Frieze, Lined Fleece ... | 75/0 |
Heavy Melton, Lined Leather, Navy, Green, Dark Grey or Black, one shade of each colour only ... | 75/0 |
Tunics. |
Blue Serge ... | from 37/6 |
Blue Tweed | ,,37/6 |
Tan, Green, or Dark Brown Leather, prices on application. |
Breeches. |
Blue Serge ... | from 25/0 |
Blue Tweed | ,,25/0 |
Coloured Leathers as above. |
Owing to fluctuation of Leather market we cannot guarantee these prices for all time. |
Garage Suits. Jacket, Vest and Trousers. |
Derby Tweed ... | 65/0 |
Whipcord ... | 70/0 |
Heavy Serge ... | 70/0 |
Ditto, ditto, Superior Quality ... | 84/0 |
Melton ... | 90/0 |
Tan or Green Leather Undercoat | 55/0 |
An excellent Garment, can be worn under any overcoat. |
Orders by Post are promptly and accurately executed. |
Every description of Motor Liveries made to Special Order in Box Cloth Melton, Rainproof Tweeds or Leather.
Special Designs Submitted. Estimates given.
Black Leather Vest, as above, 25/6
Tan ditto, lined Natural Wool, 29/6
Thick Wool Vests with Sleeves, 12/6, 18/6 and 21/0
Thick Woollen Waistcoats, with sleeves, 18/6 and 21/0
“Jaeger” Sweater with Sleeves, 14/6, 16/6, 25/6 and 35/6
Fleecy Jackets, with sleeves.
Medium weights, 22/6 and 25/6
Heavy weights, 32/6, 37/6 42/0
In neat patterns and colours.
Brown Leather Double-Breasted Vest, with Sleeves, as illustrated, Lined Wool. An extremely warm and useful garment, 29/6.
Fancy Leather Vests, Assorted Colours, Single-Breasted, 47/6.
Double-Breasted Black Leather Vest (no sleeves), 17/6
Ditto, Tan Leather, superior finish, 25/6
Brown Leather do., with Sleeves, 29/6 Lined Wool.
Chamois Leather Waistcoat with Sleeves, as illustrated.
Single-Breasted, 18/6 and 31/6 Extremely light and warm. This Waistcoat will prove very useful to all Motorists, as it can also be worn as an ordinary Waistcoat (being very neat in appearance), yet is an excellent protection against wind and cold.
Grey and Tan, 31/6 Tan only, 18/6 Chamois Vest as sketch, but without Sleeves (Tan only), 12/6
It is a windproof and waterproof garment on novel lines which will be greatly appreciated by aeroplanists and drivers of racing cars. It is, first of all, a working overall giving complete protection to one’s ordinary clothing, whilst allowing absolute freedom of action in all directions. It is of stout double-texture material to withstand the “rough-and-ready” treatment met with in general overhauling. For driving, an ideal suit is at once ready without the necessity of the usual change; one has just to tighten the lower part of the trouser legs puttee-fashion, fastening them with the buckled strap at the bottom of trousers (which, when the suit is doing duty as a working overall, are turned up, concealing and carrying the aforementioned strap). A band at the wrist is then tightened (elastic cuffs are fitted), and the garment is ready for driving in. In stock in Brown Showerproof Twill, 10/6; Cap (extra) 5/6.
Single-Breasted Dust Coats as illustrated.
Holland ... | 7/6 |
Mercerised ... | 10/6 |
Linen ... | 12/6 |
Alpaca ... | 18/6 |
Silk ... | 30/0 |
Thick Woollen Scarves in White, Navy and Myrtle, | 2/6 |
Specially shaped Muffler to fasten round neck, with chest protection ... | 2/6 |
In wool ... | 1/11 |
,,lined leather ... | 4/6 |
Jackets ... | 2/11, 3/11 |
Trousers ... | 2/9, 3/6 |
Boiler Suit ... | 5/11, 7/3 |
Long Coats ... | 6/6 and 7/3 |
Single-Breasted ... | 16/6 |
Double ditto ... | 23/6 |
Double-breasted Tan Twill Motor Coat, Lined Leather, suitable for Dust and Rain, a most useful Coat for open Car and Touring. |
65/0 and 75/0 |
Any colour Harris Linen Collars and Cuffs fixed to any Dust Coat price 5/6 extra. |
Motorists’ Coats made to Order in a few days. Customers’ own specifications carefully carried out by experienced cutters.
Double-Breasted Dust Coats, cut very full in Skirt, Tabs to Wrists, Deep Collars, Detachable Buttons. |
Holland ... | 8/6 |
Super Holland ... | 13/6 |
Crash ditto ... | 12/6 |
Super Crash (best all round coat) ... | 14/6 |
White Cotton ... | 10/6 |
White Drill ... | 16/6 |
White Duck ... | 14/6 |
Super Crash, Blue or Green Collars and Cuffs ... | 16/6 |
Mercerised Cotton ... | 14/6 |
Drab Mercerised Cotton ... | 17/6 |
Brown Twill ... | 18/6 |
Linen Drill ... | 18/6 |
Drab Mixed Silk ... | 22/6 |
Ditto, ditto ... | 25/6 |
Ditto, Selvyt Collar ... | 27/6 |
Fawn or Grey Alpaca Dust Coats ... | 25/6 |
Tussore and Shantung Silk Dust Coats, Double-Breasted, cut very full, Tabs to Wrists, Deep Collar, well made. |
29/6 35/6 42/0 |
Real Harris or Irish Linen Double-Breasted Dust Coat, any colour, to order in a few days, with Detachable Buttons, 27/6
The “Invertere” Motor Coat.
This Coat is reversible, thoroughly waterproofed, light in weight, being finished in the best style. Prussian collar, with strap at wrist. A most useful garment. 84/0 and 95/0
The “Basil” Motor Coat.
Double-breasted, to wrap well over chest, collar to button in three positions, double cuff to button over wrist, wind cuff attached, lined Camel Fleece. Stocked in Irish Frieze, Harris and Tarffside Tweeds ... ... 70/0 and 84/0
Ditto, ditto, lined Leather superior quality £510
Ditto, ditto, ditto, detachable, to button in, £77
This Coat can be worn with equal comfort without the leather lining. Satin striped sleeve linings. Also in Rainproof West of England Tweed, lined Italian Cloth for spring and summer wear ... ... 63/0 and 45/0
Also in real Irish Frieze, 2nd quality, lined Camel Fleece as above ... 63/0 and 75/0
Ditto, lined Leather throughout ... ... 84/0
Ditto, ditto, detachable ... 98/6 and 105/0
Tells at a glance your petrol, oil, and tyre consumption. Large leaves. Price 1/0
All our Cloths are thoroughly Shrunk and Rainproofed.
GENTLEMEN’S LEATHER MOTOR COATS, Tan Chrome Leather, double-breasted, lined Camel Fleece, fitted with wind cuffs, cut very full, a practical coat for bad weather | £5 17 6 |
Ditto, ditto, Dark Brown Leather | £5 17 6 |
Ditto, ditto, Dark Green Leather | £5 17 6 |
Ditto, ditto, Dark Brown Box Calf | £9 9 0 |
Ditto, ditto, Black Box Calf | £7 7 0 |
TAN OR GREEN LEATHER UNDERCOAT. Very useful to wear under any coat to convert into Motor Coat, 49/6, 55/0 and 59/6. Tan Leather Linings, made to button into coat, 63/0
THE SPECIAL “WULDUFF” COAT (Rainproof) Double-breasted Motor Coat, Grey or Green (Lovat) Mixture with detachable leather lining ... | 105/0 |
Ditto, unlined ... | 63/0 |
Ditto, Detachable Leather Lining, which can be worn under any other coat ... | 110/0 |
LEATHER MOTOR RUGS, Tan Chrome, lined Fleece, single size ... | 70/0 |
Do. do. large size ... | 84/0 |
Lined President Cloth, single size ... | 57/6 |
Black do., single size ... | 57/6 |
Do. do. large size ... | 63/0 |
| Double size. | Single size. |
HEAVY MELTON CLOTH, lined Wool Kersey ... | 55/0 | 45/0 | | 65/0 | 57/6 | | 75/0 | 63/0 |
Heavy Box Cloth,do.... | 77/6 | 65/0 | | 79/6 | 69/6 |
Unlined Rugs, Melton ... | 39/6 | 29/6 | | 42/0 | 35/0 | | 47/6 | 37/6 |
Do. Box Cloth ... | 52/6 | 39/6 |
Do. do.... | 59/6 | 45/0 |
Do. do.V-shape, with strap and buckle ... ... ... | 70/0 |
Heavy Refine Cloth, Navy, Myrtle or Dark Brown, lined imitation Beaver ... | large size | 37/6 | imitation Chinchilla ... ... | large size | 37/6 |
Tan or Green or Black Leather Driving Apron, V Front, lined Wool | ... | 39/6 |
Super Quality do. do.... ... | ... | 47/6 |
Tan, Blue, Green or Black Chrome Leather Rug, lined Camel Fleece ... | large size | 90/0 | | singlesize | 70/0 |
MOTOR DUST RUGS, in Shot Linen, various shades, cord stitched, washable, 72in. × 50in. | ... | 10/6 |
Shot Linen (Reversible), various shades, 72in. × 54in. | ... | 14/6 |
Drab, Blue or Green Cravenette Rug ... ... ... | large size | 14/6 |
Blue, Green and Grey Silk Rug, Bound Leather ... | large size | 18/6 | quality ... ... | ... | 19/6 |
MOTOR DUST RUGS, all Wool, Fancy Check, Bound Leather ... | largesize | 21/0 |
Blue or Green Rainproof Cloth (faced Leatherette), large size, 72in. × 50in. lined Check Wool | 18/6 | Quality lined Wool (Check), 72in. × 50in. | 35/6 |
Special Crash Holland Motor Dust Rug, stitched fancy edges, 48in. × 50in. | 4/11 | × 50in. ... ... | 6/11 |
Crash Holland Rugs, Green or Blue Border, 48in. × 50in. ... | 7/9 | × 50in. ... | 10/6 |
Fawn Silk Dust Rug, fancy stitched edges, 48in. × 50in. ... | 12/6 | × 50in. ... | 17/6 |
Washable Casement Cloth Rug (Self-Lined), 72in. × 50in. ... | 8/11 |
Medium Kee-pu-dri Motor Cloth Rug, check back, 72in. × 50in. Navy and Myrtle only. ... | 14/6 |
Blue, Green, or Drab “Garbi Cord” (Rainproofed), bound leather | large size | 24/6 | Mercerised Linen (Reversible) | large size | 31/6 |
Shot Linen Lined Casement Cloth (Washable), 72in. × 50in. Various colors | 12/6 |
Camel Hair Knee Rugs, extremely light and warm, to go under heavy rug, 25/6, 31/6
Also Reversible Dark Brown and Fawn, large size, 25/6
Silk Plush Rugs, full size, 35/0, 39/6
Extra Heavy Camel Fleece Rug, Navy and Drab (Reversible) Extra large size 31/6
A very warm but light weight Rug.
The “Weatheral” Motor Coat.
Fawn Rainproof Twill Double-breasted Coat, lined Chrome Leather, collar to button in three positions, light in weight, a useful Dustproof Coat. 65/0 and 75/0. In stock, all sizes.
Dark and Medium Grey Frieze Coat, as above. lined Camel Fleece. 45/0.
Ditto, ditto, lined Camel Fleece (super quality) ... 63/0
Ditto, ditto, in various colours ... ... 84/0
Ditto, ditto, lined Chrome Leather, 73/6 & 84/0
Ditto, ditto, ditto, detachable, from 63/0 to 127/0
The “Talma” Motor Coat.
In real Irish Frieze or Harris and Tarffside Tweeds, lined Camel Fleece, fitted with wind cuffs, collar to button in three positions, super Quality ...70/0 and 84/0
Ditto, ditto, lined Chrome Leather ... 5 10 0
Ditto, ditto, ditto, detachable ... 7 7 0
All our Leather Linings are made to button in, this having been found from experience to be the most reliable and convenient method.
This Coat can also be made in 2nd quality Irish Frieze and Rainproof Tweed. Patterns sent with Self-measure Form on Application.
A large selection in Irish Frieze or Heavy Rainproof Tweed always in stock.
Patterns and self-measurement form submitted by return post.
All Collars to the Coats quoted are made to button as shown in illustrations.
Customers’ own Materials or Fur Linings made up. Estimates submitted free.
All garments are cut and made in the best possible manner; fit and style guaranteed. Every attention given to the most minute detail.
Lined Marmot | ... | from | £7 7 0 |
Do. Nutriette | ... | ,, | 8 15 0 |
Do. Wallaby | ... | ,, | 7 17 6 |
Do. Hamster | ... | ,, | 7 10 0 |
Do. Opossum | ... | ,, | 10 10 0 |
Do. Super do. | ... | ,, | 14 14 0 |
Do. Musquash | ... | ,, | 10 10 0 |
Do. Super do. | ... | ,, | 14 14 0 |
Do. Nutria Beaver | ... | ,, | 18 18 0 |
Do. Mink | ... | ,, | 20 0 0 |
All these Coats are cut very full, and are fitted with Wind Cuffs, Deep Collars to Button in three positions.
Special attention is given to the selection of Furs, and only those suitable for Motoring wear are used, so as to combine comfort with durability.
All Fur (Wool Lined).
Grey China Goat | ... | ... | from | 63/0 |
Brown do. do. | ... | ... | ,, | 70/0 |
Swiss Goat | ... | from | 8 to 12 | guineas |
Russian Wolf | ... | ,, | 8 to 12 | ,, |
Racoon | ... | ,, | 18 to 35 | ,, |
Bearskin | ... | ,, | 25 to 40 | ,, |
Opossum | ... | ,, | 20 to 30 | ,, |
Musquash | ... | ,, | 25 to 35 | ,, |
(as illustrated)
ornate right pointing finger
with Detachable Lining, which is made to Button or Clip in and proves a great boon to motorists, a heavy-weight coat being converted into a garment that can be worn in the milder seasons. The Lining is quite easy to remove and re-fix. This principle can be applied to a Fleece, Leather or Fur lined Coat.
Detachable Leather Lining fitted to customer’s own Coat
Price £3 3 0
Ditto, ditto, in Dark Grey or Drab Camel Fleece
Price £1 15 0
Estimates submitted for Detachable Fur Linings.
Customers’ own Motor Coats Cleaned and Repaired at the shortest possible notice.
Owing to the fluctuations of the Fur Market we cannot guarantee these prices.
Showing detachable lining.
Red or Blue Striped Holland. |
Sizes— | | Prices |
7ft. | × | 6ft. | ... | ... | 6/6 |
9ft. | × | 7ft. | ... | ... | 8/6 |
10ft. | × | 8ft. | ... | ... | 11/6 |
12ft. | × | 10ft. | ... | ... | 15/6 |
14ft. | × | 12ft. | ... | ... | 25/0 |
18ft. | × | 14ft. | ... | ... | 32/6 |
21ft. | × | 15ft. | ... | ... | 45/0 |
Green Rot-Proof Canvas. |
7ft. | × | 6ft. | ... | ... | 7/9 |
9ft. | × | 6ft. | ... | ... | 9/6 |
12ft. | × | 10ft. | ... | ... | 18/6 |
16ft. | × | 12ft. | ... | ... | 31/6 |
18ft. | × | 12ft. | ... | ... | 35/6 |
21ft. | × | 12ft. | ... | ... | 42/0 |
21ft. | × | 15ft. | ... | ... | 55/0 |
Unbleached Calico Car Cover for Transit. |
21ft. | × | 18ft. | ... | ... | 25/6 |
Estimates given for any size to order. |
Green Canvas. 31in. wide per yard 1/9 |
Striped Holland. 63in. wide per yard 1/6 |
Cape Cart Hoods Made to Fit any Car. |
Lined Fur, with Fur Collars.
Lined Marmot, Marmot Collar | £8 8 0 |,Nutria Beaver do. | 9 9 0 |,Musquash do. | 9 9 0 |,Real Beaver do. | 10 10 0 |
Do. Opossum, Opossum Collar | 11 11 0 |,Nutria Beaver do. | 12 12 0 |,Real do. do. | 13 13 0 |
Do. Musquash, Musquash Collar | 12 12 0 |
Do. do.,Nutria Beaver do. | 13 13 0 |
Do. do., Real | 14 14 0 | Lamb do. | 15 15 0 |
In Black or Brown Leather
(as illustration).
Price 17/6
The “Bonworth” Legging, in Tan or Black Chrome Box Leather, the most suitable Spat Legging for Motor Cyclists, being Waterproof and Greaseproof.
No. 1, Puttees. No. 2, with Clip sides,
Price 21/0
In a variety of Tweeds, interlined Waterproof, Windproof, 6/6; Tan Leather, 10/6; Black do., 8/6: Box Calf, Black or Tan, 12/6
Also an Absolute Waterproof Cap as sketch, reversible, 6/6 and 8/6
With Curtain at back to protect Neck and Ears, 7/6 Holland Dust Cap, 3/6. Also in a variety of Tweeds, interlined Waterproof, Windproof, 6/6
Also Tan Leather or Black, 12/6;
Box Calf. Black or Tan. 15/6
A most useful and comfortable Motor Cap in a variety of Tweeds, interlined Waterproof, Windproof, with back curtain to protect the ears, 6/6
Blue Cloth Caps for Chauffeurs | 4/6 6/6 8/6 |
Black Leather ditto | 5/6 7/6 |
Made to match Livery | 7/6 8/6 |
Holland Cap, Patent Leather Peak | 4/6 5/6 |
Straw Cap, Patent Leather Peak | 6/6 |
Blue or Black Cloth | 6/6 |
Superior Quality | 8/6 |
To match Livery | 8/6 |
Black Leather | 7/6 |
Do. do. with back Curtain | 10/6 |
Blue or Green or Black Cloth | 10/6 |
To match Livery | 12/6 |
Black Leather | 12/6 |
In a variety of Rainproof Cloths, ensuring a thorough protection against Wind and Rain.
7/6 and 9/6 Black or Tan Leather, 12/6
Camel Fleece, with Scarf attached, 11/6
With Curtain to protect back of Neck and Ears. In variety of Tweeds. Interlined Waterproof Silk, Windproof. Has the appearance of an ordinary cap | 6/6 |
Tan or Black Leather | 12/6 |
Ditto Box Calf | 15/6 |
Also in Fur—Electric Seal | 21/0 |
Black Coney | 15/6 |
Any other Fur made to order at a few hours’ notice. Customers’ own skins made up. |
In a variety of Tweeds, Homespuns, Harris and Donegal, interlined Waterproof, Windproof | 6/6 |
Rim to turn down all round, also in Tan Leather | 10/6 |
Black do. | 8/6 |
Box Calf, Black or Tan | 12/6 |
A very smart Cap for Motoring or Town wear. In variety of Tweeds. Interlined Waterproof Silk, Windproof | 6/6 |
In Fawn Silk | 7/6 |
Tan Chrome Leather ditto | 9/6 |
Black ditto | 9/6 |
Box Calf ditto | 12/6 |
Blue Cloth | 6/6 |
To match Livery | 8/6 |
Black Leather | 7/6 |
Do. do. with Back Curtain | 10/6 |
Black or Brown Leather Cap,
with Back Curtain, 10/6 and 15/6
As Illustration.
Large Sizes.
Navy or Myrtle.
Pilot Cloth, Lined Check Wool faced Leatherette at Bottom | 18/6 |
Do. do. Super Quality | 35/6 |
Do. do. Refine Cloth do. | 42/0 |
Do. do. do. (Unlined) | 30/0 |
Do. do. Melton Cloth, Lined Check Wool or Camel Fleece | 50/0 |
Do. do. do. (Unlined) | 37/6 |
Do. do. Super Box Cloth, Lined Check Wool or Camel Fleece | 67/6 |
Do. do. do. (Unlined) | 55/0 |
Cloth is thoroughly shrunk and showerproof before being made up into these rugs.
Black Goat ... ... ... | 25/6 |
Do. do. Superior Quality, Rainproofed cloth ... | 65/0 |
Sable Goat do. ... ... | 65/0 |
Superior do. do. ... ... | 84/0 |
Grey Goat ... ... ... | 42/0 |
Do. do. Superior quality | 70/0 |
Red Fox ... ... | from | 42/0 |
Grey Wolf ... ... | ,, | 75/0 |
Grey Fox ... ... | ,, | 75/0 |
Jackal ... ... | ,, | 75/0 |
Kangaroo ... ... | ,, | 63/0 |
Opossum (American) | ,, | 63/0 |
Do. (Australian Grey) | ,, | 115/0 |
Do. (Tasmanian Brown) | ,, | 189/0 |
Racoon ... ... | ,, | 105/0 |
Marmot ... ... | ,, | 189/0 |
Musquash ... ... | ,, | 210/0 |
Electric Seal ... | ,, | 126/0 |
Fur Rugs of every description made to order.
Skins Dressed and remounted. Estimates given on application.
Green, brown or Blue Cloth, lined Racoon (as illustration) | ... | 84/0 |
Ditto lined Wombat | ... | 77/6 |
Ditto lined Opossum | ... | 130/0 |
Ditto (superior quality) lined ditto | ... | 168/0 |
Ditto lined Short Black Goat | ... | 55/0 |
Ditto lined Genette | ... | 59/6 |
These Cloth Foot SacquÉ Aprons are all made with 2 Pockets and a Muff. |
Black Waterproof Cloth, lined Wool | ... | 29/6 |
Ditto lined Black Goat | ...55/065/0 |
Foot SacquÉ Apron, the Ideal Motor Rug, excluding all draughts, most convenient and comfortable, Fawn Camel Fleece | ... | 27/6 |
Grey, do. do. Extra Heavy | ... | 35/6 |
Blue or Green Waterproofed Cloth, lined Check Wool | ... | 27/6 |
Ditto lined Imitation Beaver | ... | 33/6 |
Ditto lined Imitation Chinchilla | ... | 37/6 |
Ditto lined Camel Fleece (Drab) ... 35/6 and 63/0 |
Ditto lined Grey Fleece | ... | 35/6 |
TAN OR BLACK CAPE GAUNTLETS, with Stiff Cuff, lined or unlined | ... | 8/6 | Stiff Cuff, Elastic wrist, superior quality | ... | 9/6 |
Tan or Black Cape Gauntlets, elastic wrists, lined Chamois Leather, very strong | ... | 6/11 |,lined Wool, double palms | ... | 8/6 |
Tan Cape Gloves, double palms, very strong, lined Wool, Woollen Gauntlet | ... | 8/9 |
Tan Chrome dressed Gauntlets, lined Lamb | ... | 10/6 | Wool, Steel studded palms | ... | 11/6 |
Tan Cape do. lined Wool | ... | 10/6 |
Tan or Black Cape Gauntlets, lined Fur | ... | 12/6 |
Tan Waterproof Moor Calf, lined Lamb | ... | 22/6 |
Tan or Black Cape Gauntlets, Stiff Cuff, lined Fur, strap at wrist | ... | 12/6 |
Cleaning Armlets for slipping over sleeves of Coat, Tan, Black or Green
... | 2/6to3/3 | Tan and Black Leather Lined Wool Driving Apron, cut to give ease and comfort without the usual superfluous material usually present | ... | 39/6 |
Black Cape Leather Gauntlet Gloves. |
Unlined | ... | 8/6 & 9/6 |
Lined Wool | ... | 6/11 & 9/6 |
Lined Fur | ... | 12/6 |
Short Gloves, unlined | 2/11, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6 |
CONEY GAUNTLETS, lined Wool ... | 10/6 |
Dyed Coney Gauntlets, lined Wool ... | 17/6 |
Musquash Gauntlets, lined Fur ... | 31/6 |
Pony Skin Gauntlets, lined Wool ... | 29/6 |
Electric Seal Gauntlets, lined Wool ... | 31/6 |
Dyed Opossum Gauntlet Mitts, lined Fur ... | 29/6 |
Nutria Beaver Gauntlets, | lined Fur ... | 39/6 |
Opossum Gauntlets (Grey), | ,, Wool ... | 35/6 |
Black Hair Seal Gauntlets, | lined fur | 19/6 |
Silver Coney Gauntlets | ,, | 15/6 |
Sable Coney Gauntlets | ,, | 21/0 |
COMBINATION MITT-GLOVES. An ingenious device which combines free use of fingers (as with a glove), and additional warmth of a mitt. In Musquash, 18/6. Also in Nutria Beaver, 18/6
“BLIZZARD” GAUNTLETS. The most useful and practical Glove for Motorists. In Black Seal (waterproof), with interlining of Mackintosh, lined with knitted Wool Glove, removable. Per pair ... 31/6
Cleaning Gloves, Brown Leather, 1/6
Strong Cotton Gloves (Washable), 0/8½ pr.; 3 pairs 2/0
Chamoisin Gloves, 0/10½ pair; 3 pairs 2/6.
Tan Leather Mitt, lined Wool, 5/6
Tan or Black Cape Leather Gloves, double palm, lined wool, elastic wrist, a very strong and durable Glove, ... | 6/6 |
Also a very good quality, as above ... | 4/6 |
CONEY GLOVES, lined Wool ... | 5/6 |
Fur Mitts, lined Wool ... | 7/6 |
Brown Viscobia Gloves, lined Wool ... | 8/6 |
Electric Seal Gloves, lined Wool ... | 10/6 |
Opossum ,, ,,,, ... | 17/6 & 18/6 |
Musquash,,,,,, ... | 17/6 & 18/6 |
Nutria,,,,Lamb’s Wool ... | 18/6 |
Coney Mitts, lined Wool Gauntlet Cuffs ... | 10/6 |
Wool Mitts, very strong ... | 2/6 |
TAN OR BLACK CAPE GLOVES, strap at wrist, lined Wool | ... | 6/6 |
Do. lined Lamb | ... | 8/6 |
Do. long wrist, lined Fur | ... | 12/6 |
Do. Second quality, Elastic wrist, Tilburyed Palm, unlined | ... | 3/11 |
Do. do. lined Wool | ... | 4/11 |
Owing to fluctuations of Fur Market these prices cannot be guaranteed.
Grey Fox Foot Muff, lined Iceland Sheep, including Head and Brush. A very comfortable and cosy Muff, 21/0
Fur Foot Muff, in Brown or Grey Goat, lined Fur, 9/6 and 12/6
Blue or Green Cloth Foot Muffs, lined Fur, 6/11, 8/11, 12/6
Black Leatherette (Waterproof), lined Fur, 8/11, 11/6
Fur Foot Muff, lined Fur, 10/6, 12/6, 14/6
Leopard | ditto | from | 15/6 | to | 25/0 |
Wolf | ,, | ,, | 14/6 | ,, | 21/0 |
Bear | ,, | ,, | 21/0 | ,, | 42/0 |
Hair Seal | ,, | ,, | 14/6 | ,, | 25/0 |
Grey Fox | ,, | ,, | 18/6 | ,, | 27/6 |
Cloth Foot Muff, lined Fur, in Dark Blue or Green. A wonderfully cheap and well-made Muff ... 6/11, 8/11, and 11/6
Foot Muffs with Ankle Protection
(As sketch).
This style excludes all Draughts. Blue or Green Cloth, lined Fur, 14/6, 18/6; Black Leatherette do., 11/6, 14/6; Grey Fox do., 25/6; Racoon do., 25/6; Leopard do., 35/0; Ponyskin do., 21/0 Red Fox do., 25/6; Wolf do., 18/6
Motor Hand Muff, Real Leather, lined Lambskin. Navy, Myrtle, or Brown, 18/6
Orders by Post receive prompt and careful attention from experienced assistants.
Ladies’ Black GlacÉ Leather Long Fur lined Overboots, 39/6
Gents’ Black GlacÉ Leather Long Fur lined Overboots, 42/0
These Boots slip on easily, and are made in all sizes.
Showing interior of Foot Muff and Hot-water Tank.
The Cosy Foot Rest. Zinc Hot-water Tank, covered with Bedford Cord, in Navy, Green and Drab, 19/6
will show your petrol, oil and tyre consumption, total mileage and running cost at any time. Lasts a year. Large pages, Cloth bound. Price 1/0
No. 2200. Shields for Motor Cyclists. Allowing free use of all levers and controls, also operation of Horn without withdrawing hand. Black Patent Cloth, lined Wool, 9/6 Leather, lined Fur, 22/6
Real Leather Foot Muff in Navy, Green or Brown, lined Fur. Strong and durable, with Sloping Foot Rest, 18/6
Also with Hot Water Tank, 23/6
Real Leather, Blue, Green or Brown, lined Fur, 27/6
Ankle Protection Foot Muff also in Tan Sheepskin, 23/6
Leather Foot Muff, lined Brown Iceland Sheep, in Dark Green, Blue or Brown. A most serviceable Muff. 21/0
Motor Foot Muff with Hot-water Tank, in Dark Green, Blue or Brown. Real Leather. An ideal Muff for cold weather. 27/6
Short Overshoes GlacÉ Kid, lined Fur, very useful for winter wear. Ladies or Gents, 27/6 pair.
Owing to fluctuations in the Fur Market these prices cannot be guaranteed.
CUSTOMERS of HARRODS’ TAILORING DEPARTMENT obtain the very best style of Tailoring without having to pay exorbitant prices. That in a nutshell is the foundation of the widespread success achieved by this important section.
Our Customers are gentlemen moving in the best circles, who are sound critics of clothes and what they should be, and their consistent patronage is an unique testimonial for real merit. To meet the convenience of Customers living at a distance, the detailed illustrations are arranged with a letter and number underneath, and, with the assistance of our Self-Measurement Form in the front of this book and patterns, a selection can be made with as much ease as could be afforded by a personal visit. The particulars of every Order, together with measures and paper pattern, are registered for future reference when re-ordering.
Estimates furnished for Robes, Court Dress, Army, Navy, Colonial, Consular Service and Diplomatic Uniforms.
TROPICAL OUTFITS.—HARRODS’ experience in equipping gentlemen with suitable clothing for Expeditions and Travel in all parts of the world enables them to readily supply every want that may be required. Expert advice as to the selection of suitable outfits.
Canterbury Homespuns
Canterbury Homespuns were originally made by the Huguenots, and the industry has lately been revived by The Canterbury Weavers, Ltd., with marked success. The Homespuns are woven on hand-looms from pure Kentish Wool. They are beautifully soft, and make-up perfectly. The shades, too, are artistic and delightful, and particularly becoming for Sporting wear.
HARRODS stock a large and varied selection of these Tweeds. Please send for patterns, asking for price per yard, and stating whether for Gentlemen’s Suits or Ladies’ Costumes.
When ordering your next Suit or Costume, ask to see
made by The Canterbury Weavers, Ltd.
The Newest and Most Fashionable Styles for 1912-13.
No. T O 1912.
S.B. Lounge Suit.
No. T O 1913.
D.B. Reefer Suit.
No. T O 1914.
Single Breasted Flannel Lounge Suit.
No. T O 1915.
THE “CONISTON” FLANNEL. Coat and Trousers.
Harrods make a SpÉcialitÉ Flannel Lounge Suit of Exceptional Fine Quality Scotch Flannels with soft Saxony finish which are thoroughly soap shrunk for 70/0 to order. In all there are 45 different designs of materials to select from, and the coat can be made single or double breasted, lined or unlined, for the same price.
A full range of patterns, with easy self-measurement form, post free on application.
No. T O 1916.
A most comfortable garment for Shooting, Fishing, or Golfing.
No. T O 1917.
Unlined. An Ideal Golfing Coat.
Made in 24 different designs and shades in a fine quality rainproof material (exclusively made for Harrods), which will stand the severest test of weather. For Autumn and Winter wear, lined proofed check wool or heavy Italian lining, 60/0
For Spring and Summer wear the body is unlined, with sleeves and top of back lined Silk, 55/0
To order or ready to wear.
No. T O 1918.
Riding Covert Coat.
No. T O 1919.
Riding Suit in West of England Saddle Tweeds.
No. T O 1920.
The “Harstock” Evening Dress Overcoat with Silk Facings.
No. T O 1921.
The New Dinner Jacket with Step Collar.
No. T O 1922.
The “Hartley” Style
Dress Suit.
No. T O 1923.
The “Hartley” Style
Dinner Jacket.
No. T O 1924.
The “Savoy” Evening Wrap Coat with Raglan Sleeves.
Made of Triple Yarnproof, which is Self-ventilating and permanently Weather-proof. Invaluable to Sportsmen, Motorists and Others.
Made in the Newest Shades of Drabs and Fawns. For Particulars and Prices, see Page 610. PATTERNS, WITH EASY SELF-MEASUREMENT FORM, POST FREE.
No. T O 1925.
D.B. Frock Coat with Silk Facings.
No. T O 1926.
Morning Coat with narrow braided edges.
No. T O 1927.
S.B. Clerical Frock
No. T O 1928.
S.B. Clerical Lounge
No. T O 1929.
Clerical Chesterfield
The Newest and Most Fashionable Styles for 1912-13.
No. T O 1930
No. T O 1931.
Gentlemen’s Fur-lined Overcoats, see page 612. No. T O 1932. THE SINGLE
No. T O 1934. THE SINGLE
No. T O 1936. THE DOUBLE
Only the Best Quality Materials and Linings are used in the making of all Gentlemen’s Garments. Estimates and Samples for Tropical and Colonial Outfits on application.
Expert advice as to the selection of suitable Outfits for various climates.
| From | To |
White Cotton Drill, S.B. Reefer Jacket and Trousers (unlined) ... | 19/6 | 35/0 |
White Linen Drill S.B. Reefer Jacket and Trousers (unlined) ... | 35/0 | 42/0 |
Khaki Drill Norfolk Jacket and Breeches ... ... | 32/6 | 45/0 |
Khaki Drill S.B. Reefer Jacket and Trousers (unlined) | 27/6 | 42/0 |
Khaki Drill S.B. Jacket and Breeches (unlined) ... | 30/0 | 42/0 |
White Cotton or Khaki Waistcoats (lined) ... ... | 7/6 | 12/6 |
White Cotton or Khaki Trousers only (unlined) ... | 8/6 | 14/6 |
Double Breasted Reefer Jackets (unlined) 1/6 extra. |
Flannel Lounge Suit, coat lined or unlined (60 patterns to select from)... | £2 19 6 and £3 10 0 |
| From | To |
West of England Tweeds and Cashmere Lounge Suit (lined or unlined) | 65/0 | 84/0 |
Indigo Blue Worsted Lounge Suits (Specially dyed for Tropical climates) ... | 65/0 | 84/0 |
Scotch and West of England Tweed Norfolk Jacket and Knickerbockers ... | 65/0 | 95/0 |
Fine Twill Black and Grey Worsted Frock Coat Suit ... | 95/0 | 115/0 |
Black Evening Dress Suits, with Silk Breast Facings | 84/0 | 126/0 |
Black Dress Dinner Jacket only, lined Verona and Silk Roll Collar | 47/6 | 75/0 |
(Silk linings throughout extra, as quoted on page 603) |
GENTLEMEN’S TAILORING (To Order).—Ground Floor.
PRICE LIST of ILLUSTRATIONS on Pages 600, 601, 602.
| From | To |
Style T O 1912. Lounge Suit in exclusive designs of Scotch Tweeds and Cheviots... | £3 50 | £4 15 0 |
Ditto ditto, in Black, Grey, and Fancy West of England Worsteds, Cashmeres; also Blue Serges (Indigo dye) ... | 3 5 0 | 5 5 0 |
Ditto ditto, in Real Harris Tweeds (hand spun and hand woven) ... | 3 15 0 | — |
Ditto ditto, in Canterbury Homespuns (hand woven from Pure Kentish Wool) ... | 4 4 0 | — |
Style T O 1913. D.B. Reefer Suit, in Fancy Cashmeres, Worsteds, Scotch Tweeds, Cheviots and West of England Tweeds ... | 3 5 0 | 5 5 0 |
Ditto ditto, in Black and Fancy Worsteds; also Blue Serges (Indigo dye)... | 3 5 0 | 5 5 0 |
Style T O 1914. Single Breasted Lounge Suit in Flannel, made in all the newest colourings and designs (thoroughly soap shrunk) ... | 2 15 0 | 3 15 0 |
Style T O 1913 or 1914. Flannel Lounge Suit. Exceptional Value. 30 Patterns to select from, all different designs and colourings. 59/6 to order
Harrods make a SpÉcialitÉ Flannel Lounge Suits of Exceptional Fine Quality. Scotch Flannels with soft Saxony finish, which are thoroughly soap shrunk, for 70/0 to order. In all there are 45 different designs of materials to select from, and the Coat can be made single or double breasted, lined or unlined, for the same price.
A full range of patterns, with easy self-measurement form, post free on application.
| From | To |
Style T O 1915. “The Coniston” Navy Blue Flannel D.B. Reefer and White Flannel Trousers, in the finest quality soap shrunk flannels, excellent for boating | 2150 | 4 4 0 |
Style T O 1916. “The Walton” Sporting Coat and Breeches. Just the coat for Golfing, Shooting, Fishing, etc. Smart in appearance with all the practical advantages of freedom and comfort. They are made in real Donegal Tweeds, Scotch Cheviots, and “Yeltra” yarnproof cloth | 3 15 0 | 4150 |
Style T O 1917. The Crowborough Jacket, unlined, an ideal Golfing Coat | 2 2 0 | 3 3 0 |
Style T O 1918. The Riding Covert Coat, made in various shades of West of England Rainproof Venetian Cloth | 3 5 0 | 4 10 0 |
Style T O 1919. Riding Suit, made in West of England Saddle Tweeds. Riding Lounge Suit, complete | 5 5 0 | 6 16 6 |
Fancy Whipcords and Saddle Tweeds | £2 2 0 | £2 15 0 |
Cotton and Cotton Bedford Cords (White and Coloured) | 1 15 0 | 2 2 0 |
White or Coloured Moleskin and Cantoons | 1 10 0 | 1 15 0 |
Buckskin Strappings at Knee, extra | — | 0 7 6 |
Knee Strappings, same material, extra | — | 0 4 0 |
Continuations to Short Riding Breeches, extra | — | 0 6 0 |
The “Semi” Riding Breeches, for walking or riding, in Kerry, Donegal, Homespuns and Tweeds | 1 5 0 | — |
Dark Grey or Black Treble Melton Morning Coat and Waistcoat, lined Flannel, and Skirts lined Waterproof | £5 10 0 | — |
Scarlet Twill or Melton Single Breasted Frock Hunting Coat, lined Flannel, and Skirts lined Waterproof | 7 7 0 | — |
Plain and Fancy Cashmere and Tattersall Waistcoats, lined through Flannel | 1 7 6 | — |
Hunt Buttons charged extra. |
EVENING DRESS. | From | To |
Style T O 1920. The “Harstock” Evening Dress Overcoat, with long Silk Facings, lined Verona, made in Black and Grey Cheviots, Shetlands, and Vicunas | £3 15 0 | £5 5 0 |
Style T O 1921. Dinner Jacket only, with Silk Roll or Step Collar, lined Verona. Made in Elastic Twills, Baratheas, and Shetlands | 2 12 6 | 3 5 0 |
Ditto ditto. Lined Silk | 3 15 0 | 4 15 0 |
Ditto ditto. Also made in Black and Coloured Velveteens, lined Silk, with Silk Roll Collar | 4 4 0 | — |
Norfolk Shape on Lounge Jacket | £0 5 0 |
Cloth Knee Bands to Knickerbockers | 0 3 6 |
Boxcloth,,,,,, | 0 7 6 |
Jaeger Wool Linings throughout to Lounge Suit | 0 10 6 |
,,,,,,to Vest only | 0 2 6 |
,,,,Waistband Linings to Trousers | 0 2 0 |
Check Wool or Tweed Linings to Overcoats, from | 0 7 6 |
,,,,,,Ulsters,, | 0 10 0 |
| From | To |
Style T O 1922. Black Barathea, Elastic Twill and Shetland Dress Coat | £3 3 6 | £4 5 6 |
Ditto ditto Dress Waistcoat | 0 13 0 | 1 1 0 |
Ditto ditto Dress Trousers | 0 18 6 | 1 10 0 |
Dress Suit Complete ... ... | £4 15 0 | £6 16 6 |
White Marcella Evening Dress Waistcoat, Single Breasted, 12/6 |
Double Breasted, 14/0 |
Extras, see bottom of this page. |
Black Barathea Evening Dress Suit, lined throughout Silk, with Silk Facings | £5 5 0 |
Black Barathea Dinner Jacket only, lined throughout Silk, Silk Facings, or Silk Roll Collar | 3 0 0 |
| From | To |
Style T O 1923. “The New Hartley Dinner Jacket,” made in Black Barathea, Elastic Twill and Shetlands. Lined Verona; Silk Facings | £2 12 6 | £4 4 0 |
Style T O 1924. “The Savoy Evening Wrap Coat.” Made in Black Cheviots and Shetlands, Lined Verona. Long Silk Facings to edge | 5 5 0 | — |
Ditto ditto. Lined throughout Satin | 6 6 0 | 7 7 0 |
Style T O 1925. Frock Coat, made in Black and Dark Grey Shetlands and Vicunas. Soft shades of Grey Worsteds and Cashmeres are suitable for Tropical wear. Frock Coat and Waistcoat | 3 15 0 | 6 6 0 |
Style T O 1926. Morning Coat and Vest, made in Black or Grey Shetlands, Vicunas, Worsteds and Cheviots | 3 5 0 | 5 5 0 |
Edges Braided, 9/0 extra. |
Fancy Cashmeres and Worsteds (Winter and Summer Weights) | £0 16 0 | 1 10 0 |
Stripe Cheviots, Tweeds, and Angolas (Winter and Summer Weights) | 0 14 6 | 1 5 0 |
Style T O 1927. Black and Grey Cheviots, Shetlands, and Vicunas, Frock Coat Suits | £4 4 0 | £6 6 0 |
Superfine Cloth Frock Coat and Waistcoat | 4 10 0 | 5 5 0 |
Black Shetland Frock Coat and Vest (only) | 3 5 0 | 5 5 0 |
Style T O 1928. Ditto Lounge Suits | 3 5 0 | 4 15 0 |
Style T O 1929. Ditto, Chesterfield Overcoats | 2 15 0 | 4 15 0 |
Black Shetland Trousers | 0 16 0 | 1 5 0 |
Dark Stripe and Fancy Cashmere Trousers | 0 16 0 | 1 5 0 |
OVERCOATS. | From | To |
Style T O 1930. The “Beauly” Travelling Ulster or Steamer Coat, made in Soft Cheviots, Homespuns, Fleeces and Friezes, Lined Check Wool, with Satin Sleeves | £4 4 0 | £6 6 0 |
Style T O 1931. “The Stormguard Ulster.” Made in Friezes, Fleecys and Heavy Homespuns. Cut very roomy and most comfortable to wear | 5 5 0 | 7 7 0 |
Style T O 1932. The “Parkside” Overcoat, made in Plain and Fancy Coloured Cheviots, Scotch Tweeds and Homespuns, with a Cloth or Velvet Collar | 3 5 0 | 4 15 0 |
Ditto in Pure Llamas and Shetlands, Black and Grey Cloths, with a Cloth or Velvet Collar | 3 5 0 | 5 5 0 |
Style T O 1933. The “Newbury” Coat, with Raglan Sleeves, made in Scotch Tweeds, Cheviots, Homespuns, and Harris Tweeds | 3 5 0 | 4 4 0 |
Style T O 1934. The “Regent” Chesterfield, in Cheviots, Shetlands, and Vicunas | 2 15 0 | 4 4 0 |
Ditto, Meltons, Beavers, and Lambswool | 3 15 0 | 5 5 0 |
Style T O 1935. The “Albemarle” D.B. Chesterfield, in Llamas, Fancy Cheviots and Shetlands | 3 5 0 | 4 4 0 |
Meltons, Beavers, and Heavy Lambswool | 3 15 0 | 5 5 0 |
Style T O 1936. D.B. Frock Overcoat, in Cheviots, Lambswool. and Elysians | 4 4 0 | 6 6 0 |
Style T O 1937. The Single Breasted Argyle Overcoat. Made in Blue and Grey Elysian Nap Cloths, Cheviots, Fleecys, and Scotch Tweeds of light designs. Lined Verona | 3 15 0 | 5 5 0 |
Silk Linings throughout to Chesterfield | £1 1 0 |
,,,,,,Dress Suit | 1 1 0 |
,,,,,,Lounge Suit | 0 17 6 |
,,,,,,Frock Coat and Vest | 0 17 6 |
,,,,,,Morning Coat and Vest | 0 15 0 |
,,,,to Body of Dress Jacket or Lounge Jacket, only | 0 10 0 |
Silk Sleeve Linings (only) to any Coat | 0 7 6 |
Long Silk Facings to Chesterfields | 0 15 0 |
Tweed Cape to Ulster, to button on and off, from | 0 15 0 |
Braided Edges to Morning Coat and Vest | 0 9 0 |
Harrods specialise in Servants’ Liveries, and devote a Department solely to them, fully equipped with experienced Cutters and Tailors, who use only the Best Quality Materials, which have gained us a reputation of always giving satisfaction to Masters and Servants.
Style T O 1938.
Coachman’s Box Coat.
Style T O 1939.
Footman’s Box Coat.
Style T O 1940.
Footman’s Coatee Suit.
Style T O 1941.
Coach man’s Frock Coat.
Style T O 1942.
Butler’s Dress Suit.
Box Cloth Great Coat, lined Woollen throughout | from | 90/0 |
Box Cloth Great Coat, body only lined Woollen | ,, | 80/0 |
Frock Coat | ,, | 54/6 |
Cloth Vest | ,, | 14/0 |
Striped Valencia Vest | ,, | 11/0 |
Doeskin Trousers | ,, | 24/0 |
Breeches, Real Leather | ,, | 90/0 |
Breeches, Buckskin Cloth | from | 38/6 |
,,Kerseymere | ,, | 28/6 |
Gaiters | ,, | 14/6 |
Stable Suits, best quality (West of England Tweeds) | ,, | 70/0 |
Stable Suits, 2nd quality | ,, | 65/0 |
Waterproof, Super quality, Black Cashmere | 30/6 and 37/6 |
Waterproof, White Glazed Proofing, Heavy Wigan Sheeting | 36/6 |
Box Cloth Great Coat (any colour), lined Woollen throughout, not exceeding 52in. long | 95/0 |
Box Cloth Great Coat, body only lined Woollen | 85/0 |
Coatee, any colour | 52/6 |
Vest, Cloth | 14/0 |
,,Striped Valencia | 11/0 |
Doeskin Trousers | 24/0 |
Breeches, Plush (Garters and Fringe extra) | 42/0 |
Morning Suit, Tweed or Cheviot | 70/0 |
,,,,,,,,2nd quality | 65/0 |
Waterproof, super quality, Black Cashmere | 30/6 and 37/6 |
Waterproof, White Glazed Proofing, Heavy Wigan Sheeting | 36/6 |
Doorman’s Frock Coat | from | 65/0 |
,,Overcoat | ,, | 84/0 |
,,Trousers | ,, | 24/0 |
Hall Porter’s Jacket in Blue Serge | 35/0 |
Liftman’s Jacket ,,,, | 35/0 |
Cook’s Jacket | 5/6 |
Cook’s Cap | 1/0 |
Pantry Jacket | 7/11 |
White Drill | 5/6 |
Striped Jean | 7/11 |
,,,,Youth’s | 6/11 |
Page’s Suit, any colour, best quality, one row ball buttons or studs | 60/0 |
Page’s Suit, any colour, 2nd quality | 50/0 |
Box Cloth Overcoat, lined Woollen | 70/0 |
Morning Suit, best quality Tweed | 55/0 |
,,,,,,2nd quality | 42/0 |
Waterproof (to order only) | 18/9 to 27/0 |
Jacket and Trousers in Livery Cloth, with coloured Collars and Cuffs | from | 67/6 |
Ditto in Blue Serge | ,, | 55/0 |
Lettering on Collar, extra. |
Complete Suit | 84/0 |
Dress Coat | 55/0 |
Vest | 14/6 |
Trousers | 18/6 |
Piping, any colour, to Coat | 5/0 |
,,,,Vest | 2/0 |
,,,,Trousers | 2/6 |
Sleeves to Waistcoats | 2/6 |
Continuations to Breeches | from 5/0 |
Double Lapped Seam to Box Coats | 5/0 |
Silk Velvet Collar | 3/6 |
Crest Buttons ... from per dozen, 2/6 to 4/0 |
Piping to Page’s Jacket | 3/6 |
Black Cloth Collar and Cuffs | 3/6 |
,,,,,,any other colours | 5/0 |
Valencia Slips to Frock Coats | 4/0 |
Two Plain Twisted Shoulder Cords for Livery Coat (Mohair) | 3/6 |
One Mohair Aiguilette on Shoulder of Livery Coat | 6/6 |
Dies made to Order.
Special Estimates for Clubs, Hotels,
and Large Institutions.
Livery Hats | 12/6 and 15/6 |
Pages’ Caps | 5/6 to 7/6 |
Hall Porters’ Caps | 5/6 to 10/6 |
Waterproof Livery Hat | 10/6 |
Cockade for,, | 1/3 |
Carriage Umbrellas, bamboo stick, Fox’s Frame, | 30in. | 32in. | 35in. |
Alpaca Cover ... ... | 18/6 | 21/0 | 23/6 |
Ditto Gingham Cover | 12/6 | 14/6 | 17/6 |
Ditto, with Fly Cap | 18/6 |
Harrods achieve remarkable success in “Tailoring Ready-to-Wear,” and devote a large Department to it. Its products are distinguished by quality and style. Its Ready-to-Wear Departments have raised the standard of Ready-to-Wear Clothes in this country to such a degree that it has become a popular custom with Gentlemen to obtain outfits on the spot, without going through the usual routine associated with made-to-order tailoring.
Our large and varied range of patterns and styles, together with our revised scale of sizes, enables us to fit any figure whether short, stout, normal or tall, the fit being in every way equal to made to measure. The same result can be obtained by post, all that is necessary being a statement of height and chest measurements.
Every suit sold by Harrods is cut by a first-class tailor, and receives the same attention all through as though made to a special and individual order. Its absolute success in fit is due to the fact that Harrods stock five different fittings to each chest and waist measurement, and experience proves that this range meets the wants of every man of normal dimensions.
Harrods hold large ready-to-wear selections in Flannel, Tweed and Blue Serge Lounge Suits for Gentlemen, as well as the largest stock in London of Overcoats and Travelling Ulsters.
Style No. T R 1944.
The “Burlington” S. B. Flannel Suit.
Style No. T R 1945.
The “Oxford” S. B. Lounge Suit.
No. T R 1944.
The “Burlington” S. B. Flannel Suit.
In the Newest Designs of Thoroughly Soap Shrunk Flannels. Large variety of patterns to select from
32/6, 37/6, 45/0, 50/0, 55/0
No. T R 1945.
The “Oxford” S. B. Lounge Suit.
Made in Neat Greys, also Fancy Designs of Tweeds, Worsteds and Cashmeres
45/0, 55/0, 65/0, 75/0
Ditto in Blue Serges, Plain Twills and Fancy Designs
45/0, 55/0, 65/0, 75/0
SPÉCIALITÉ FLANNEL LOUNGE SUIT. Ready to Wear in Nine Different Designs of Thoroughly Soap Shrunk Flannel. These are made in Five Different Fittings to the One Chest Measurement.
STYLE No. 1944. The “Burlington.”
Exceptional Value ... 45/0
The new pocket, with the inner pleat, keeps a coat from getting out of shape, and from dragging down when there is a weight or a strain on the pockets. All Suits made to order, or ready to wear, sold by Harrods are fitted with this New Patent Pocket without any additional charge.
No. T R 1946.
Fancy Waistcoats for Winter Wear.
In the Newest Plain Colours and Fancy Tattersalls. Lined throughout Flannel
10/6, 12/6, 16/6, 21/0
Also in Grey or Brown Suede Leather ... ... 21/0
No. T R 1947.
Fancy Waistcoats for Summer Wear
In the Newest Season’s Designs. Enormous variety to select from
6/0, 7/6, 8/6, 10/6, 12/6
No. T R 1948.
D. B. Reefer Suit.
Made in the Newest Tweeds and Worsteds, also in Blue Serges, Indigo Dyes
50/0, 55/0, 65/0, 75/0
Style No. T R 1946.
Fancy Waistcoats for Winter Wear.
Style No. T R 1947.
Fancy Waistcoats for Summer Wear.
Style No. T R 1948.
D. B. Reefer Suit.
Measures required for Ready-to-wear Garments.—Height, Chest and Waist, Sleeve from Centre of Back to Cuff for Coat. Inside Leg and Waist for Trousers. Height and Chest only for Overcoats. State when ordering whether for Normal, Tall, Stout or Short figures.
when ordering your next suit.
Imperia Clothing is high grade ready-to-wear tailoring at a moderate cost, and has rapidly made its way in public favour because of its general air of superiority—it must not be confused with the hitherto usual run of ready made clothes—it is something infinitely superior. It has a distinguished cut and finish such as are usually associated with the finest West End tailoring. Every garment is made from specially selected fabrics that are guaranteed reliable and durable.
Style No. T R 1949.
The “Crowboro” Jacket.
Style No. T R 1950.
The “Venatorm” Golf Jacket.
Showing the
“Presto” Collar
in use.
Style No. T R 1951.
Riding Breeches.
Style No. T R 1952. D.B. Frock Coat and Vest. Made in Black and Grey Shetlands, Worsteds and Vicunas. Good quality Silk facings, and lined Italian 65/0 75/0 84/0
Style No. T R 1953. Gentlemen’s Striped Cashmere and Worsted Trousers, for Town wear. In all sizes, and four different fittings ... 13/0 16/0 18/6 21/0
Style No. TR 1954. S.B. Morning Coat and Vest. Made in Black and Grey Shetlands, Worsteds and Vicunas, 55/0 65/0 75/0 Edges bound with braid, 65/0 75/0 84/0
Style No. T R 1955.
Dress Dinner Jacket.
Style No. T R 1956.
Evening Dress Suit.
No. T R 1949. The “Crowboro” Sporting Jacket is acknowledged the most comfortable Golf Jacket yet produced. Designed at back with pleats fulled on to yoke, affording freedom to every movement. Made in the newest designs of Donegal tweeds, fancy Scotch cheviots, and homespuns. All sizes, 34 to 42in. chest ... | 25/0 | 35/0 |
Trousers to match... | 12/6 | 14/9 |
Also made in various shades of Stockinette, Showerproofed Jacket only | ... | 30/0 |
No. T R 1950. The “Venatorm” Coat (Registered No. 311788). Provides what every Sportsman looks for: Freedom of movement with comfort. The newest Sporting Garment. Freedom is obtained by means of the centre inverted pleat at back, which expands with every movement, and the expanding tongue joining the sleeves and body, which permit any motion of the arms without disturbing the body of the coat. There are slits in the front, under the two top pockets, which enable the belt to be buttoned inside if not required outside. The materials most suitable are Rough Cheviot Tweeds, Real Donegal, Scotch Homespuns, Real Harris Tweeds and Canterbury Homespuns. The “Venatorm” is equally useful for Shooting and Riding as it is for Golfing. Ready to wear ... | 45/6 |
Fitted, if desired, with Patent “Presto” Convertible Collar, extra ... | 5/0 |
No. T R 1951. Riding Breeches. In all sizes ready to wear. Made in West of England Saddle Tweeds and Fancy Whipcords ... | 25/0 35/0 45/6 |
Real Buckskin Strappings at Knees ... | extra 7/6 |
Khaki Drill Riding Breeches, strapped same material ... | 21/0 |
No. T R 1955. Dress Dinner Jacket, with Step or Silk Roll Collar. Made in Black Twills, Vicunas and Baratheas. In all sizes ... | 37/642/050/655/063/6 |
No. T R 1956. Evening Dress Suit. Perfect fitting and well tailored. Made in Black Dress Twills, Vicunas and Baratheas, all sizes ... | 70/684/095/0 |
For our Serviceable “Yeltra” Yarnproof Sporting Garments, see page 610.
Height, Chest and Waist, Sleeve from centre of Back to Cuff for Coat. Inside Leg and Waist for Trousers. Height and Chest only for Overcoats. State when ordering whether for Normal Tall, Short or Stout Figures.
Style T R 1957.
The “Beauly” Ulster.
Style T R 1958.
The D.B. “Burlington.”
Style T R 1959.
The “Sandringham.”
Style T R 1960.
The D.B. “Argyle.”
Style T R 1961.
The “Regent” Chesterfield.
Style T R 1962.
The “Parkside.”
Style T R 1962.
Back View.
Style T R 1963.
The “Harstock”
Evening Dress Overcoat
with Silk Facings.
No. T R 1957. The “Beauly” Travelling Ulster. Made in Cheviots and Homespuns; also newest designs and shades of Nap Cloths. Lined Check Woollen ... | 65/0 |
Real Irish Friezes and Fleece Blanket Cloths, various shades, lined Check Woollen ... | 75/0 and 84/0 |
Real Harris Tweed, Canterbury Homespuns, and Duffle Friezes, lined Check Woollen ... | 95/0 |
No. T R 1958. The D.B. “Burlington.” Made in the newest shades, in Cheviots, Homespuns, and Scotch Tweeds, also in Grey and Navy Elysian Nap Cloths, lined Italian and Satin sleeves, plain belt across back. A most useful coat for Town or country wear ... | 75/0 and 84/0 |
No. T R 1959. The “Sandringham” Chesterfield, for country, with Plain or Velvet Collar. Made in Brown and Grey Tweeds and Homespuns, lined with Italian and Satin sleeves, ... | 55/0,65/0,75/0,84/0 |
No. T R 1960. The Double Breasted “Argyle” Overcoat. Made in Blue and Grey Elysian Nap Cloths, also Scotch Tweeds of light designs and Fancy Fleece Cloths. Lined Verona Satin sleeves. Ready to wear in all sizes ... | 75/0, 84/0, 95/0 |
No. T R 1961. The “Regent” Chesterfield. Made in Black or Grey Cloth, lined Italian and Velvet Collar ... | 42/0 and 50/0 |
In Black and Grey soft Lambswool and Vicunas, ... | 65/0, 75/0 and 84/0 |
No. T R 1962. The “Parkside.” Useful Town Coat, for day or evening wear. Made in Black or Dark Grey Cheviots and Vicunas, with Velvet Collar ... | 65/0 |
Also in Fancy Tweeds and Cheviots, with Cloth or Velvet Collar ... | 55/0 and 65/0 |
No. T R 1963. The “Harstock” Evening Dress Chester, made in Black Shetlands and Cheviots. Lined throughout Silk, and long Silk Facings to Bottom. In all sizes, ready to wear ... | 84/0 and 105/0 |
Only the Best Quality Materials and Linings are used in the making of all Gentlemen’s Garments. Estimates and Samples for Tropical and Colonial Outfits on application.
The “Harrodian” Raincoats. Showerproof yet porous, in the newest designs. Unlined for Spring & Summer wear, 30/-, 37/6, 42/-, 49/6
Height, Chest and Waist, Sleeve from Centre of Back to Cuff for Coat. Inside Leg and Waist for Trousers. Height and Chest only for Overcoats. State when ordering whether for Normal, Tall, Short or Stout figures.
Typical Examples of the Excellence of Harrods’ Tailoring. THE “RAYNFRE” COAT.
THE “RAYNFRE” COAT. (Reg. No. 311,787).
Harrods have produced in the “Raynfre” a fashionable and serviceable Coat combined, at an economical price. For the man who desires protection against the uncertainties of our climate—who wants comfort and smartness, and who appreciates the highest class of tailoring, it is the ideal coat. The cloth is a fine quality rainproof material (exclusively made for Harrods), which will stand the severest test of weather. It is impervious to wet, but is self-ventilating at the same time, thus ensuring immunity from stuffiness.
Cut as a good raincoat should be, it has nice easy-fitting shoulders and a full skirt, which allows it to be easily slipped on and off. A superfine Italian cloth lining adds warmth, but practically nothing in weight.
The “Raynfre” when fitted with the “Presto” Patent Convertible Collar, an ingenious device which provides for the Coat Two Collars in one, without in any way interfering with the fit or appearance of the Coat.
The fitting of the “Presto” Collar is 5/0 extra.
For Autumn and Winter wear the Body is lined with proofed Check Wool or heavy Italian Cloth, and the Sleeves with Silk, which makes a warm garment, both light in weight, yet rain resisting.
Ready to Wear (lined)
or Made to Order
For Autumn and Winter Wear.
Style No. T R 1964.
Style No. T R 1965. The “RAYNFRE,” with Talma Sleeves.
THE “RAYNFRE” COAT (Regd.) is Harrods’ exclusive creation, and is made by their own tailors. Indispensable for Town, Country, and all travels, race meetings, golfing, shooting, etc., they are invaluable and most serviceable. Made in 24 different designs and shades, 46 inches long, and all sizes from 34 to 44in. chest. Height and chest measurement only necessary when ordering.
For Spring and Summer wear the Body is unlined. Sleeves and top of back lined Silk.
Ready to Wear (unlined)
or Made to Order
For Spring and Summer Wear.
Style No. T R 1966.
The “RAYNFRE,” Buttoned up.
Style No. T R 1967.
The “ESCYECOTE” made on very easy lines, with sleeves specially adapted for shooting. Rainproof, yet porous ... 45/0 and 55/0
Style No. T R 1968.
The “EDINBURGH.” Smart Coat for country wear, made in Scotch Tweeds and Homespuns. Also Fleeces, various shades 55/0 and 65/0
Style No. T R 1969.
The “ROYSTON.” Useful Coat for country wear, in rough Tweeds and Homespuns, unlined. Rainproof, yet porous ... ... ... ... 55/0 and 65/0
Height, Chest and Waist, Sleeve from Centre of Back to Cuff for Coat. Inside Leg and Waist for Trousers. Height and Chest only for Overcoats. State when ordering whether for Normal, Tall, Short or Stout figures.
Style No. T R 1970.
The “BICESTER” Riding Raincoat, cut with full skirt, made with strapped and double stitched seams, in Drab and Fawn Cashmere twills, Rainproof though free from rubber. Unlined ... 63/0
Lined throughout proofed Check Wool ... 70/0 and 75/0
T R 1971.
The “Yeltra” Sports Model. Most suitable for Country Wear and all Sports.
Grade 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
39/6 | 45/0 | 49/6 | 55/0 | 65/0 |
Ready to Wear or to Order. |
A Few Brief Features and Advantages of the “Yeltra” Yarnproofed Weathercoats.
The Sports Model is made with Prussian shape Collar and buttons to neck; it is cut with Pivot Sleeves that give absolute freedom; Cuffs fitted with patent fastener and storm strap. The Skirt comes below the knees and is cut very full. The Vertical Pockets are cut through so that the undercoat pockets can be reached easily.
The Town Model is cut on precisely the same lines as the Sports Model, with the exception that it has lapel fronts and ordinary collar, which makes it serviceable for Town Wear.
“Yeltra” Cloths, from which all “Yeltra” Weatherproof Garments are tailored, are made from finely twisted yarns and very closely woven. The yarns or threads are also treated with our special triple yarnproof process, which permeates every fibre of the cloth, and when finished renders the material perfectly rainproof while retaining its self-ventilating properties. The cloth is non-absorbent, and the result of this treatment presents a full and rich appearance. This method of proofing also obviates the disadvantages associated with the ordinary Macintosh—the cloth is pliable, comfortable to wear, yet much stronger. “Yeltra” Garments are made lined or unlined, and when lined the material used is known as a Two Strand Wool Combine Lining, which is treated in the same manner as the “Yeltra” Yarnproof Cloths. The utility of “Yeltra” Garments will appeal strongly to Sportsmen, Motorists and others, being suitable for town and country alike. It gives the required comfort demanded by “out-door” men, yet has a smart appearance that makes it “correct” for town wear.
T R 1972.
The “Yeltra” Town Model. Can be worn either as a Town Overcoat or a Weathercoat.
Grade 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
39/6 | 45/0 | 49/6 | 55/0 | 65/0 |
Ready to Wear or to Order. |
T R 1973. The “Yeltra” Crowboro’ Jacket and Trousers. The Suit to wear in any weather—impervious to rain.
37/6 45/0 55/0
Ready to Wear or to Order.
T R 1974.
The “Yeltra” Riding Coat
is undoubtedly the best Coat yet produced for Riding and General Wear. Being made with inverted pleat at side seams, which is fastened at sides with patent clips, enables the Coat to be worn as an ordinary garment when not required for riding. Ready to Wear or to Order.
65/0 and 75/0
Orders by post are promptly and accurately executed.
“Yeltra” Ski-ing Suit (Coat and Breeches) | 63/0 |
,,Ski-ing Coat only | 42/0 |
,,,,Breeches only | 21/0 |
,,Crowboro’ Coats | 25/0, 35/0, 45/0 |
,,Crowboro’ Coat with Presto Collar | 35/0, 45/0 |
,,Crowboro’ Coat with Prussian Collar | 30/0, 35/0, 45/0 |
,,Riding Breeches | 25/0 |
,,Riding Breeches in Heavy-weight Garbicord | 35/0, 45/0 |
,,Overall Trousers for Motor Cycling, Wading, etc. | 12/6 |
,,Riding Aprons | 9/6 |
T R 1975.
The “Yeltra” Cape with Waistcoat attached is the most serviceable Sporting Cape yet introduced. The Waistcoat is part of the Cape, and thus, being permanently fixed, obviates unnecessary straggling straps. The pockets are bellowed and lined with waterproof to protect cartridges in stormy wet weather. Ready to Wear or to Order.
55/0 Unlined. 63/0 Lined.
Height, Chest and Waist, Sleeves from Centre of Back to Cuff for Coat. Inside Leg and Waist for Trousers. Height and Chest only for Overcoats. State when ordering whether for Normal, Tall, Short or Stout figures.
Orders by post are promptly attended to be experienced tailors.
When ordering state whether normal, tall, short, or stout figure.
No. TR 1977. Black, Grey or Fawn Alpaca Jackets, fore parts only lined | 8/11,10/6,12/6,15/6 |
No. TR 1978. Striped Alpaca Jackets, very smart | 12/6 and 15/6 |
No. TR 1979. Tussore Silk Jackets, cream colour, all sizes | 16/- |
No. TR 1980. Tussore Silk Mixture Lounge Jackets and Trousers for tropical wear | 27/6 and 42/- |
Drab Tussore Silk Mixture Lounge Suit complete for tropical wear | 37/6 |
No. TR 1981. White Drill and Holland Chesterfields and Kennel Coats | 8/-, 8/6, 10/6 |
No. TR 1982. White Drill and Khaki Lounge Jackets and Trousers for tropical wear, all sizes | 21/- |
No. TR 1983. White Drill Jackets only | 5/6, 10/6, 12/6, 18/6 |
No. TR 1984. White Drill Trousers, all sizes | 6/6, 8/6, 10/6, 12/6 |
No. TR 1985. Brown Holland Lounge Coats and Trousers (unlined), all sizes | 12/6 |
No. TR 1986. Thin Summer Dust Coats in great variety. |
Fawn Holland | 18/6 and 22/6 |
Tussore Silk | 27/6 |
No. TR 1987. Drab Mercerised Holland showerproofed | 30/- and 37/6 |
No. TR 1988. Blanket Coats in White, Brown, Fawn, Green, Grey and Navy Blue. Fleecy, very light in weight, and warm, for slipping on after Badminton, Cricket, Tennis, Polo, etc. | 42/- and 45/- |
No. TR 1989. Blue Serge and White Flannel Football Knickers or Rowing Shorts, all sizes | 3/11 |
No. TR 1990. Black and Navy Blue Plain Coloured Flannel Jacket | 10/6, 13/6, 16/6 |
No. TR 1991. Grey Plain Coloured Flannel ditto | 19/6, 25/- |
No. TR 1992. Grey and Lovat shade Flannel Jacket for Golfing. Style, the “Crowboro” | 25/- |
No. TR 1993. Grey and Lovat shade Flannel Trousers to match | 12/6 |
No. TR 1994. Scarlet Flannel Golf Jackets, patch pockets and unlined | 14/6 |
Ditto, with blue collar and cuffs | 17/6 |
Any of the above jackets are suitable to wear with Grey or White Flannel Trousers. |
No. TR 1995. White Flannel Trousers | 10/6,12/6,16/-,18/6,21/- |
White Serge and Worsted Trousers | 12/6, 16/- |
Grey Flannel Trousers, all shades | 10/6, 12/6, 16/- |
All Flannel Trousers made with strap and buckle on hips, and bottoms are permanently turned up. |
No. TR 1976. |
Dinner Jacket, with Silk Roll Collar. Made in Black, Brown, and Navy Velveteen. Plain edges or bound with Silk Braid. Lined Silk Verona. All sizes ready to wear. 42/- |
Gentlemen’s Attire of Every Description READY TO WEAR
Stocked in five different fittings to the one chest measurement. WHEN ORDERING FROM THIS LIST, BE SURE TO QUOTE THE NUMBER IN FRONT OF ARTICLE REQUIRED.
Measures required for Ready-to-Wear Garments.
Height, Chest and Waist, Sleeves from centre of Back to cuff for Coat. Inside Leg and Waist for Trousers. Height and Chest only for Overcoat.
No. TR 1996. S.B. Lounge Jackets and Vests in Black Vicunas and Worsteds | 35/-, 42/-, 49/6 |
No. TR 1997. Black Chesterfield Overcoats for day or evening wear. Made in Shetlands and Vicunas, lined Silk and Silk facings to front edge. In all sizes, best qualities | 84/-, 95/-, 105/- |
Do. do. Lined Verona without Silk facings | 55/- and 65/- |
No. TR 1998. Inverness Capes for evening wear, in Black Twill, Shetlands and Vicunas, body lined Verona, wings lined Satin | 63/- |
Do. do. best quality, lined Satin throughout | 70/- and 84/- |
No. TR 1999. Evening Dress Trousers. Made in good quality Dress Twills, Vicunas and Baratheas. In all sizes. | 12/6, 14/6, 16/-, 18/6 |
No. TR 2000. White Marcella Evening Dress Vests, newest style | 9/-, 10/6 and 12/6 |
No. TR 2001. Black Evening Dress Vests to match suits | 14/- and 16/- |
No. TR 2002. White or Black Silk Dress Vests | 16/- and 21/- |
Miscellaneous Garments. |
No. TR 2003. Tweed Knicker Breeches for Cycling, Golf, or Walking. Made in Donegal, Scotch Tweeds, Real Harris Tweeds and Homespuns | 14/6, 18/6, 21/- and 25/- |
No. TR 2004. Tweed Inverness Capes for travelling, lined Italian | 55/- and 65/- |
No. TR 2005. British warm Coats for service wear. All sizes | 65/- |
No. TR 2005a. Covert Coats for riding. Made in various shades of Fawn, rainproofed. All sizes | 45/-, 55/- and 65/- |
No. TR 2006. Linen Riding Aprons | 7/6 |
“Yeltra”,,,, | 10/6 |
No. TR 2007. The Sheringham Golfing Cape. Made in heavy Scotch tweeds and homespuns. Showerproofed | 27/6,37/6,42/-and50/- |
A very special offer for summer holiday wear, or to wear on the river, is Harrods’ White Flannel Serge “Crowboro” Coat and Trousers. Made up as lightly as possible, it is very cool and comfortable to wear. |
Coat and Trousers, 50/-; or Coat only, 35/-; Trousers, 15/- |
All Garments are carefully cut and designed and the linings made from specially selected skins.
We hold stock of all models as sketches shown all the year round.
Fur-lined Coats sent on approval. Height and Chest Measurements only required.
The “CARLTON” Coat
For Day or Evening wear.
Produced in Black Beavers, soft Grey Cheviots and Shetlands, with linings of specially selected Musquash and Collar of rich Astrakhan or natural Beaver. 15 gs.
The “CARLTON” T R 2008. With Astrakhan Collar.
Other Fur Linings for the “CARLTON” Coat: |
Black or Grey Cloth, lined Musquash and Astrakhan Shawl Collar | 18½ gs. |
Black Cloth, lined Musquash, Persian Lamb Shawl Collar, superior quality | 21 gs. |
Black or Dark Grey Herringbone Cloth. lined Marmot, Astrakhan Shawl Collar | 13 gs. |
SpÉcialitÉ. Black or Grey Vicuna Cloth, also Dark Grey and Blue Nap, lined with rich Sable Squirrel and Persian Lamb Shawl Collar | 27 gs. |
Grey Tweed, lined Seal Coney, Seal Coney Collar | 10 gs. |
Black Cloth, lined Hamster, Astrakhan Shawl Collar | 9 gs. |
Black Cloth, lined Seal Coney, Astrakhan Shawl Collar | from9gs. |
Black Cloth, lined Hamster, Seal Coney Shawl Collar | from8½gs. |
Dark Grey Shetland, lined throughout rich quality Satin, Persian Lamb Collar | 12 gs. |
T R 2012
As useful for the Motor as for Train, Steamer, or General Wear.
This Coat combines in a practical way a smart Overcoat for ordinary wear, and a warm Fur Travelling Coat ready for any emergency of business or pleasure which may demand an extra warm wrap. When buttoned up it looks quite like an ordinary fashionable Coat, its lining of fur being so light in weight that there is no noticeable bulking | Price 9 gs. |
Also made in Dark Grey Cheviots and Fancy Friezes, lined throughout with better quality Seal Coney or Marmot | Price 11 gs. |
Also made in Dark Grey Cheviots and Fancy Friezes, lined with natural Musquash back, specially selected Skins | Price13½gs. |
A variety of Fancy Tweeds, lined throughout with rich Viscocia Fur. | Price11½gs. |
Soft Grey Vicunas, Shetlands and Cheviots, lined throughout with rich Seal Musquash | Price 26 gs. |
FUR-LINED COATS sent on approval. Height and Chest Measurements only necessary.
The “CARLTON” Coat
For Day or Evening Wear.
With Natural Beaver Collar instead of Astrakhan. This Coat is soft, cosy, and luxurious, and for cold weather ideally comfortable. The outer covers are of Black Beavers and Grey Cheviots, with natural Musquash lining and Beaver Collar. Price 15 gs.
The “CARLTON.” T R 2009. With Beaver Collar.
Other Linings with Natural Beaver Collars: |
Black or Grey Cloth, lined Musquash, natural Beaver Collar | 18 gs. |
Do. do. | 24 gs. |
Do. do. | | 30 gs. |
Black Cloth, lined Nutria, natural Beaver Collar | from 29 gs. |
FUR-LINED COATS sent on approval.
T R 2010. The “CARLTON” Coat.
Harrods’ special creation in Gentlemen’s Fur-lined Coats. |
Outer cover of superfine Black Beaver Cloth, lined throughout with Persian Lamb. The Persian Lamb Shawl Collar rolls to the bottom if desired. | Pricesfrom45gs. |
This style of Coat is also made in Black Cloth lined throughout Nutria with Persian Lamb Shawl Collar, which finishes at the top button. | Prices from 30 gs. |
Ditto, lined Seal Musquash, Astrakhan Shawl Collar | 40 gs. |
Ditto, lined throughout Grey Squirrel, with Persian Lamb Shawl Collar, which finishes at the top button | 27 gs. |
Black Cloth, lined Seal, Seal Shawl Collar. | From 80 gs. |
Black or Grey Cloth, lined Mink, Astrakhan Shawl Collar | 90 gs. |
The “CADOGAN” Coat.
A new Coat by Harrods. Very serviceable. In Grey Cheviots and Friezes, lined with Marmot throughout, and Astrakhan Step Collar.
13 gs.
One advantage of this Coat is in the Collar, which can be worn in three positions, a most useful feature which renders it indispensable for all travels, whether Train, Steamer, Motoring or Driving.
When made in darker materials it can be worn for Day or Evening Wear.
Made in Light or Dark Grey Cheviots, also Black Beaver Cloth, lined throughout Musquash, with Astrakhan, Natural Beaver, Step Collar.
16 gs.
Owing to the fluctuation of prices in the fur markets these prices cannot be guaranteed throughout the year.
The makes of Hosiery enumerated below are specially manufactured for us by the best English and Scotch Manufacturers, only the best finished Yarns and Materials being used. Every Garment is guaranteed to be of unshrinkable finish and to give excellent wear.
Man in underware
SOFT COLONIAL WOOL, Unshrinkable. Very soft. No. G E 101. Scotch Manufacture. |
| Small. | Slender. | Men’s. | Full. | Extra Full. |
Vests, long sleeves | 5/11 | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/9 | 6/11 |
,,½ sleeves | 5/9 | 5/9 | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/9 |
Pants | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/9 | 7/3 | 7/6 |
STOUT LLAMA, Pure Natural Wool, Heavy. No. G E 102. English Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/6 |
,,½ sleeves | 6/6 | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/9 |
Pants | 7/6 | 7/9 | 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/11 |
NATURAL LLAMA, All Wool, “Wolsey” Unshrinkable Finish. No. G E 103. English Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/9 | 7/3 | 7/6 |
,,½ sleeves | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/3 |
Pants | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/9 |
Drawers | 6/6 | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/6 |
PURE NATURAL WOOL. Unshrinkable. Two-Steeple Brand. Stout. |
Vests, long sleeves | 6/6 | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/9 |
,,½ sleeves | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/9 | 7/3 | 7/6 |
Pants | 7/6 | 7/9 | 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/9 |
Drawers | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 8/3 | 8/6 |
WHITE LLAMA, All Wool, “Wolsey” Unshrinkable Finish. No. G E 104. English Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/9 | 7/3 | 7/6 |
,,½ sleeves | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/3 |
Pants | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/9 |
STOUT WHITE MERINO. No. G E 105. English Manufacture. |
| Small. | Slender. | Men’s. | Full. | Extra Full. |
Vests, long sleeves | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/9 | 6/3 | 6/6 |
,,½ sleeves | 4/6 | 4/11 | 5/6 | 5/11 | 6/3 |
Pants | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/9 | 7/3 |
Drawers | 5/6 | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/11 |
SILVER GREY LLAMA “PESCO.” Unshrinkable Pure Wool. No. G E 106. Scotch Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 7/11 |
,,½ sleeves | 5/9 | 6/3 | 6/9 | 7/3 | 7/9 |
Pants | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 7/11 | 8/6 |
SILVER GREY LLAMA. Unshrinkable, Pure Wool. No. G E 108. English Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 8/3 | 8/6 | 8/11 | 9/6 | 9/11 |
,,½ sleeves | 7/11 | 8/3 | 8/9 | 9/3 | 9/9 |
Pants | 9/3 | 9/9 | 10/3 | 10/9 | 11/6 |
16 4 Thds. NATURAL REGAL LLAMA. Very Soft, Very Thick. Unshrinkable. No. G E 109. Scotch Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | — | 11/6 | 11/9 | 12/6 | 12/11 |
,,½ sleeves | — | 11/3 | 11/6 | 12/3 | 12/6 |
Pants | — | 11/3 | 12/3 | 12/11 | 13/6 |
NATURAL LLAMA. All Wool. No. G E 110. English Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 3/9 | 3/11 | 3/11 | 4/6 | 4/11 |
Pants | 4/6 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/9 | 5/6 |
STOUT SILK AND WOOL. Light Blue, White and Pink. PESCO, UNSHRINKABLE. No. G E 111. Scotch Manufacture. |
| Small. | Slender. | Men’s. | Full. | Extra Full. |
Vests, long sleeves | 9/6 | 9/9 | 10/6 | 10/9 | 11/6 |
,,½ sleeves | 9/0 | 9/6 | 10/3 | 10/6 | 11/3 |
Pants | 9/9 | 10/6 | 11/3 | 11/9 | 12/6 |
Drawers to order. |
SELF GREY LLAMA. Very Elastic. No. G E 112. Scotch Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/6 |
,,½ sleeves | 3/11 | 3/11 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 |
Pants | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/11 |
WHITE SUMMER MERINO. OO Fine Texture. No. G E 113. English Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 |
,,½ sleeves | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/3 |
Pants | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/11 |
Drawers | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/9 |
NATURAL ALL-WOOL LLAMA. Wolsey Unshrinkable Finish. |
Vests, long sleeves | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/9 | 6/11 |
,,½ sleeves | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/9 |
Pants | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 7/11 | 8/3 |
SILVER GREY LLAMA. Pure Wool. No. G E 114. Scotch Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/9 | 7/3 | 7/6 |
,,½ sleeves | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/9 |
Pants | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/6 |
| Small. | Slender. | Men’s. | Full. | Extra Full. |
Vests, long sleeves | 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/9 | 8/11 | 9/3 |
,,½ sleeves | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/3 | 8/9 | 8/11 |
Pants | 8/9 | 8/11 | 9/3 | 9/6 | 9/11 |
Drawers | 8/9 | 8/9 | 8/11 | 9/3 | 9/6 |
Vests, long sleeves | 5/6 | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/9 |
,,½ sleeves | 5/3 | 6/6 | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/6 |
Pants | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 7/11 | 8/6 |
SILVER GREY PURE WOOL. Unshrinkable Finish. No. G E 117. English Manufacture. |
Vests, long sleeves | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/11 | 9/6 |
,,½ sleeves | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/11 |
Pants | 8/6 | 8/11 | 9/6 | 9/11 | 10/3 |
“LILAINE” NEW MATERIAL. In Colours Dove and Sky. Best Quality. |
Vests, long sleeves | — | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/3 | 8/11 |
,,½ sleeves | — | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 8/9 |
Pants | 8/3 | 8/6 | 8/9 | 8/11 | 9/6 |
Drawers | 7/11 | 8/3 | 8/6 | 8/9 | 8/11 |
SILK AND MERINO. Scotch Manufacture. In White, Pink and Sky. |
Vests, long sleeves | — | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/9 |
,,½ sleeves | — | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/6 | 7/6 |
Pants | 6/3 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 8/6 |
Drawers | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/9 |
ANGLO-INDIAN GAUZE SILK & WOOL. No. G E 118. Patent Star Seats. |
| Small. | Slender. | Men’s. | Full. | Extra Full. |
Vests, long sleeves | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 8/3 | 8/11 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/9 |
Pants | 8/3 | 8/11 | 9/6 | 9/11 | 10/9 |
Drawers | 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/11 | 9/3 | 10/0 |
ANGLO GAUZE SILK AND WOOL. No. G E 119. Unshrinkable. |
Vests, long sleeves | 5/11 | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/9 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 5/6 | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/6 | 7/6 |
Pants | 6/3 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 8/6 |
Drawers | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/9 |
SILVER GREY PURE WOOL. No. G E 120. Unshrinkable Finish. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/9 |
Pants | 7/6 | 7/9 | 7/11 | 8/3 | 8/9 |
Drawers | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/3 |
VENTILACE. ANGLO-INDIAN SILK AND WOOL. No. G E 121. Most Comfortable Garment. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/6 |
Drawers | 7/6 | 7/9 | 7/11 | 8/6 | 9/3 |
Vests, long sleeves | 5/11 | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/9 | 7/3 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 5/9 | 5/11 | 5/11 | 5/6 | 6/9 |
Pants | 6/6 | 6/9 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/9 |
Vests, long sleeves | 4/6 | 4/9 | 5/6 | 5/11 | 6/3 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/11 | 5/6 | 5/11 |
Pants | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/11 | 6/6 |
Drawers | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/6 | 5/11 |
NATURAL LLAMA GAUZE PURE WOOL, Unshrinkable. Two-Steeple Brand. |
| Small | Slender | Men’s | Full | Ex. Full |
Vests, long sleeves | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/6 | 5/9 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/6 |
Pants | 5/3 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/9 | 5/11 |
Drawers | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/6 | 5/9 |
Vests, long sleeves | 3/9 | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/11 | 5/3 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 3/6 | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/9 | 4/11 |
Pants | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/9 | 6/6 |
Drawers | 4/6 | 4/9 | 5/3 | 5/9 | 6/3 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 5/3 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/11 | 6/6 |
Pants | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/9 | 7/3 |
Drawers | 5/6 | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/11 |
NATURAL LLAMA GAUZE, Unshrinkable. |
Vests, long sleeves | 3/6 | 3/9 | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/6 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 3/3 | 3/6 | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/6 |
Pants | 3/11 | 3/11 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 5/3 |
Drawers | 3/9 | 3/9 | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/11 |
Vests, long sleeves | ... | ... | 8/6 | all sizes |
Pants | ... | ... | 9/3 | ,, |
Drawers | ... | ... | 7/9 | ,, |
SPUN SILK UNDERWEAR. English Make. Novi Gauze Spun Silk. |
| Small. | Slender. | Men’s. | Ps. | Os. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/6 |
Vests, long sleeves | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/11 |
Pants | 8/6 | 8/11 | 9/6 | 9/11 | 10/6 |
Drawers | 8/3 | 8/6 | 9/3 | 9/6 | 9/11 |
Gauze Spun Silk. English Make. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 8/11 | 9/6 | 10/6 | 11/9 | 12/6 |
Vests, long sleeves | 9/6 | 10/6 | 11/6 | 12/6 | 12/11 |
Pants | 10/9 | 11/6 | 12/6 | 13/6 | 14/11 |
Super Gauze China Spun Silk. English Make. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 13/6 | 13/11 | 14/11 | 15/11 | 16/11 |
Pants | 14/9 | 15/6 | 16/6 | 17/6 | 19/6 |
Best Gauze Spun Silk. English Make. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 16/9 | 17/6 | 18/6 | 21/0 | 22/0 |
Vests, long sleeves | 18/6 | 19/6 | 20/6 | 22/6 | 24/6 |
Pants | 22/6 | 23/6 | 25/0 | 27/6 | 28/6 |
Drawers | 19/0 | 21/0 | 23/0 | 24/6 | 25/6 |
Best Lace Spun Silk. English Make. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 11/6 | 11/9 | 12/6 | 13/6 | 14/6 |
Drawers | — | 13/11 | 14/6 | 15/6 | 16/6 |
Extra Stout Novi Spun Silk. |
Vests, English Make. |
½ sleeves | — | 11/9 | 12/9 | 13/9 | 14/9 |
Vests, long sleeves | — | 12/6 | 13/6 | 14/6 | 15/6 |
Pants | 12/9 | 13/6 | 14/6 | 15/6 | 16/6 |
Stout Cream Spun Silk. English Make. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | — | 21/6 | 23/6 | 25/6 | 28/6 |
Vests, long sleeves | — | 22/6 | 24/6 | 28/6 | 29/6 |
Pants | — | 23/6 | 25/9 | 27/9 | 29/6 |
Turquoise Blue Spun Silk, Medium Weight. Best French Make. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | — | 15/6 | 16/6 | 18/6 |
,,long sleeves | — | 16/6 | 17/6 | 19/6 |
Pants | — | 17/6 | 18/6 | 21/6 |
Pure Bright Silk, Heavy Weight, Pink, Best French Make. |
| Medium. | Full. | Extra Full |
Vests, long sleeves | 42/0 | 45/0 | 49/6 |
Pants | 42/0 | 45/0 | 49/6 |
Pure Bright Silk, Medium Weight, Light Blue, Best French Make. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 32/6 | 34/6 | 36/6 |
Pants | 36/6 | 38/6 | 41/6 |
Natural Unshrinkable. |
| Slender. | Men’s | Ps. | Os. |
Wolsey Llama, ½ sleeves | 11/6 | 11/9 | 12/9 | 13/6 |
Stout Weight, long,, | 12/6 | 12/6 | 13/6 | 14/6 |
PESCO. Self-Grey. |
Light Weight, ½ sleeves | 9/9 | 10/6 | 11/6 | 11/9 |
Unshrinkable, long,, | 10/9 | 11/0 | 12/0 | 13/0 |
Unshrinkable, long sleeves | 11/9 | 12/9 | 13/9 | 14/9 |
Light Blue or White, ½ sleeves | 14/6 | 15/6 | 16/6 | 17/6 |
NATURAL WOOL, UNSHRINKABLE. Recommended for their excellent Shape. |
Heavy Weight, ½ sleeves | 11/6 | 11/9 | 12/9 | 13/6 |
Long sleeves | 11/9 | 12/6 | 12/11 | 13/11 |
½ sleeves | 9/11 | 10/6 | 10/9 | 11/6 |
Long sleeves | 10/3 | 10/9 | 11/3 | 11/9 |
White and Brown Gauze and Cotton Vests. |
| 1/6 | 1/11 | 2/6 |
White and Brown Gauze and Cotton Pants, |
| 1/11 | 2/6 | 2/11 |
Drawers | ... | ... | 1/11 | 2/6 |
WHITE INDIAN GAUZE. Finest Egyptian Cotton. |
| Small. | Slender. | Men’s. | Ps. | Os. |
Vests, long sleeves | 2/3 | 2/3 | 2/3 | 2/3 | 2/6 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 1/11 | 1/11 | 1/11 | 2/3 | 2/6 |
Pants | 2/6 | 2/6 | 2/6 | 2/6 | 2/11 |
Drawers | 2/3 | 2/3 | 2/3 | 2/3 | 2/6 |
Vests, ½ sleeves | ... | ... | ... | 3/6 |
Pants | ... | ... | ... | 3/11 |
Drawers | ... | ... | ... | 3/9 |
| Slender. | Men’s. | Ps. | Os. |
Vests, ½ sleeves | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/6 | 4/9 |
Pants | 4/6 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 5/6 |
Knicker Drawers | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 |
Orders by Post receive careful and prompt attention from experienced assistants.
Embroidered Fronts.
Style of Design G E S 1.
Cashmere Half-hose, Embroidered Fronts.
Black, Embroidered Fronts, in White, Sky Blue, Green, Red, Purple and Gold.
1/6 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 8/6 |
1/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 11/0 |
2/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 14/6 |
2/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 17/0 |
Coloured, Embroidered Fronts, in Newest Colourings.
1/11 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 11/0 |
2/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 17/0 |
Black Cashmere, Embroidered at sides, in Self and Coloured Sides.
1/6 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 8/6 |
1/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 11/0 |
2/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 14/6 |
Black Cashmere, Shot Colours, in Silk. Very reliable quality.
2/6 pair, 6 pairs for 14/6
Coloured Cashmere, Shot Colours in Purple, Myrtle and New Brown Grounds.
2/6 pair, 6 pairs for 14/6
All Colourings are of the best Quality Dye, and all fast in washing.
Vertical Stripe. Style of Design G E S 2. Superior Cashmere Half-hose. For Dress Wear, Ribbed 1/11. Embroidered Fronts, 4/6
Fancy Stripe Cashmere Half-hose.
Best English Made Cashmere, Ribbed to fit close to the leg, with Fancy Stripes.
4/6 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 26/0 |
4/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 29/0 |
Superior Quality Coloured Ribbed Cashmere, in all colours, Merino toe and heel.
2/11 pair, 6 pairs for 17/0
Coloured Ribbed Cashmere, Spliced toe and heel, Embroidered sides.
6 pairs for 11/6. Guaranteed Wear.
Coloured Silk and Cashmere, Fast Shades. 1/11 pair, 6 pairs for 11/0
New Clerical Grey Silk and Cashmere, 1/11 pair, 6 pairs for 11/0
Fine Cashmere with neat Fancy Stripes.
1/6 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 8/6 | 2/6 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 14/6 |
1/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 11/0 | 3/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 20/0 |
Stout Cashmere, for real hard wear, Fancy Stripes.
1/6 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 8/6 | 2/6 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 14/6 |
1/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 11/0 | 3/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 20/0 |
Plain Coloured Cashmere Half-hose.
Best Quality Cashmere, stout make, in Plain Colours, with Self-embroidered Clox.
2/6 pair, 6 pairs for 14/6
Coloured Cashmere, in every shade, very strong, Merino toe and heel.
1/6 pair, 6 pairs for 8/6
Superior Black Ribbed Cashmere, medium thickness.
3/9 pair, 6 pairs for 22/0
Plain Black, Navy, and Tan Cashmere, in fine, medium, and stout makes.
1/0 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 5/9 | 2/6 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 14/6 |
1/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 8/6 | 2/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 17/0 |
1/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 11/0 | 3/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 20/0 |
Pure Lamb’s Wool, stout make, in Black, Grey, Lovat, New Viceroy Brown,
a real good sock for golfing.
2/9 pair, 6 pairs for 16/0
Pure Lamb’s Wool, fine make, in Black, Grey, Lovat, and New Viceroy Brown.
2/6 pair, 6 pairs for 14/6
Vertical Shot Stripes. G E S 4.
Silk Half-hose, Embroidered Fronts.
Coloured Pure Bright Silk Shot, Fancy Colours.
10/6 pair, 6 pairs for 60/0
Black Pure Bright Silk, Shot White or Fancy Colours.
10/6 pair, 6 pairs for 60/0
Coloured Pure Bright Silk, Shot Fancy Colours and Embroidered Clox.
12/6 pair, 6 pairs for 72/0
Newest Colours, 6/3 Rib Silk Half-hose.
10/6 pair, 6 pairs for 60/0
Plain Cold Pure Silk Half-hose, Embroidered Sides.
5/11 pair, 6 pairs for 35/0
Black Pure Bright Silk, Shot White and Colours, Embroidered Fancy Clox.
12/6 pair, 6 pairs for 72/0
Black Pure Bright Silk, Embroidered White and Coloured Fronts.
8/11 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 52/0 |
10/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 60/0 |
Black Pure Silk, Embroidered Clox, in Self and Colours.
5/11 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 35/0 |
6/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 40/0 |
8/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 52/0 |
11/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 66/0 |
Best Black Ribbed Pure Silk, in wide 6/3 Rib.
12/6 pair, 6 pairs for 72/0
Black Pure Silk, with Lace Fronts.
8/11 pair, 6 pairs for 52/0
Coloured Pure Silk, with Embroidered Self-clox,
very special line. 6/11 per pair.
Fancy Stripes. G E S 5.
Cotton Half-hose, Embroidered Fronts.
Best English-made Cotton,
Superior make of Black Cotton, Embroidered Fronts, very neat designs.
3/9 pair, 6 pairs for 22/0
Black Cotton Embroidery, Fancy Fronts.
1/11 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 11/0 |
2/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 14/6 |
2/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 17/0 |
Black Cotton, Plain. 1/0, 1/6, 1/11 pair.
Superior Make, Black Cotton, Embroidered Self-clox.
3/6 pair, 6 pairs for 20/0
Black Dressed Cotton, Embroidered Fancy Clox.
3/6 pair, 6 pairs for 20/0
Black Dressed Cotton, Embroidered Fancy Fronts.
3/9 pair, 6 pairs for 22/0
Black Lace Lisle Thread, Embroidered Fronts. 2/11 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 17/0 |
3/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 20/0 |
Superior Black Lace Lisle, Self-embroidered
Fronts. 3/11 pair, 6 pairs for 23/0
Black Gauze Lisle, Self-embroidered sides.
3/6 pair, 6 pairs for 20/0
Embroidered Silk Front.
Style of Design G E S 3
Fancy and Coloured Lisle Thread Half-hose.
Best French and English Lisle.
Fancy Stripe Lisle Thread, best French make.
2/11 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 17/0 |
3/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 20/0 |
3/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 23/0 |
Coloured Grained Lisle. 2/11 pair, 6 pairs for 17/0
Best Black Ribbed Lisle, Real Balbriggan. 3/6 pair, 6 pairs for 20/0
Best Coloured Ribbed Lisle, Real Balbriggan. 3/6 pair, 6 pairs for 20/0
Plain Colour Lisle Thread, Embroidered Self-clox, Real Balbriggan.
1/11 pair, 6 pairs for 11/0
Black and Coloured Lace, Lisle Thread. 1/11 pair, 6 pairs for 11/0
Black Lisle Thread, Embroidered Fronts.
1/11 pair, 6 pairs for 11/0. 2/11 pair, 6 pairs for 17/0
Black Lisle Thread, Embroidered Self and Coloured Sides.
1/6 pair, 6 pairs for 8/6 3/6 pair, 6 pairs for 20/0
Pure Spun Silk Half-hose. English Make.
Superior Spun, in all Fancy Colours, Embroidered Self-clox.
3/11 pair, 6 pairs for 23/0
Superior Black Spun Silk, Embroidered Self and Coloured Clox.
3/11 pair, 6 pairs for 23/0
Superior Black Spun Silk, Fancy Embroidered Patterns.
3/11 pair, 6 pairs for 23/0
Pure Spun Silk and Lisle.
Black Lisle Thread, Shot Silk Colours.
3/11 pair, 6 pairs for 23/0
Black Shot Spun Silk, Shot White and Colours.
2/3 pair, 6 pairs for 13/0
Coloured Spun Silk, Shot all Colours, with Green, Sage, Purple, Navy, Tan and New Brown Ground.
2/3 pair, 6 pairs for 13/0
Best Ribbed Cashmere.
Fancy Stripe. G E S 6.
Pure Silk Half-hose, with soft Cashmere feet.
Self and Coloured Clox. 8/6 pair.
Best Black Bright Ribbed Silk, with Self Cashmere feet.
13/6 pair.
Black Lisle Thread.
Black Lisle, Shot White and Colours.
1/11 pair, 6 pairs for 11/0
Black Lisle Thread, special strong foot.
Fast Dye.
1/0 | pair, | 6 | pairs for | 5/9 |
1/6 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 8/6 |
1/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 11/0 |
2/11 | ,, | 6 | ,, | 17/0 |
Superior Extra Fine Black Lisle Thread, with Self-clox.
3/11 pair, 6 pairs for 23/0
Bed Socks.
White Fleecy Half-hose, very thick. 3/11 pair.
White Shetland Fleecy. 2/3 pair.
Grey Shetland Fleecy Half-hose.
2/11, 3/0, 3/6 pair.
Natural Shetland Fleecy Half-hose.
2/11, 3/0, 3/9 pair.
Bed Hose.
White Fleecy, very warm. 6/9 pair.
Natural Camel Fleece. 7/6 pair.
8/9 10/6 11/6 12/6 14/6
8/6 10/11 12/6
6/6 6/11 7/6
5/6 5/11 6/6
5/6 5/11 7/6 15/0
sweater, turn-down collar
12/6 13/6
8/6 8/11
12/6 15/0
5/11 6/11 7/6 8/6 10/11
S. | M. | O’S. | Ex.O’S. |
7/6 | 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/11 |
S. | M. | O’S. | Ex. O’S. |
13/6 | 14/6 | 15/6 | 16/6 |
| M. | O’S. | Ex.O’S. |
BESTWORSTED | ... | 12/6 | 13/6 | 14/6 |
SUPER,, | ... | 11/6 | 12/6 | 13/6 |
FINE,, | ... | 10/6 | 11/6 | 12/6 |
STOUT,, | ... | 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/11 |
MEDIUM ,, | ... | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/6 |
,,,, | ... | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/11 |
,,,, | ... | 4/11 | 5/6 | 5/11 |
,,,, | ... | 3/9 | 4/3 | 4/9 |
,,,, | ... | 2/11 | 3/6 | 3/11 |
ORDERS BY POST promptly and accurately attended to by experienced Assistants.
LIGHT WEIGHT 2-ply, Very Soft Yarn,
Thick Yarn with Medium Feet,
All Gentlemen’s Golf Hose are kept in Heather, Dark Heather, Lovat, Light and Dark Grey Colours.
CARRIAGE PAID on all Drapery Goods to any part of the United Kingdom.
BEST FINE CASHMERE GOLF HOSE, Self or Coloured Top, 8/6
FINE CASHMERE GOLF HOSE, Second Quality, 6/11
FINE WOOL GOLF HOSE, With Neat Fancy Top, 3/6 4/11
PLAIN 2-PLY YARN And Plain Self Top, 3/6
REAL THICK HAND KNIT. Kept in Stock in Several Qualities.
BEST SCOTCH KNIT, Fancy pattern Leg and Top, 8/6
REAL ALLOA YARN, Thick Leg and Thin Feet, 4/11 5/11
BEST SCOTCH YARN, Stout Make and Thick Feet, 8/11
MEDIUM WEIGHT GOLF HOSE, Scotch made, with Thin Feet and Hand-made Tops, neat patterns 6/6
SUPERIOR MADE GOLF HOSE And Special Cable Top, 7/0
REAL SHETLAND FLEECE, Fancy Self Tops, 7/6
Black Silk Hose, Self Clox | ... | ... | ... | 14/6 |
Pearl | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 14/6 |
Black Spun Silk Hose | ... | ... | ... | 6/11 |
Black Cotton | ... | ... | 2/6 | 2/11 |
White Cotton | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Black Cashmere | ... | ... | ... | 2/11 |
Fancy Fleece Vest | 14/6 |
,,Fleece Wool Cardigan | 19/6 |
,,Shetland Fleece Wool Cardigan | 23/6 |
,,Angora,,,,,, | 29/6 |
,,Camel ,,,,,, | 35/0 & 42/0 |
Best Goods made. |
Fine Shetland Wool Cardigan | 7/11 |
Fleece Wool Cardigan | 10/6 |
Fancy Fleece Wool Vests, 10/6, 14/6
Fancy Shetland Fleece Vests, 15/6, 17/6
Fancy Angora Fleece Vests. Best Goods made. 21/0, 25/0
All New Shades of Lovat Blue, Green, and Brown.
Dark Colour Plain Knitted Vests,
Dark Colour Fancy Knitted Vests, 10/6, 14/6
Fancy Pattern, 6/6, 8/6, 10/6, 12/6, 14/6
All these Vests have Knitted Wool Backs.
Cardigan Knitted Vests, 6/11, 8/6 10/6
Specially adapted for sports.
Large variety of mixed colours, 19/6, 25/6
Heavier Make, 35/6, 39/6, and 42/0
An Extensive Range of the Newest and most Fashionable Waistcoats stocked ready to wear.
DRESS VESTS (Single Breast).
Fine PiquÉ and Marcella ... 5/6, 8/6
White or Silk.........12/6
SpÉcialitÉ Best French PiquÉ.
Dress Vests extra long, 4 Buttons, 9/6
New French Grey Cashmere Dress Vests,
4 Buttons, 12/6
These Vests are made in Fine PiquÉ,
Fine Diamond Marcella, Fine Plain Drills.
1/0 and 1/6 each. Fine White PiquÉ.
Very Elastic Waterproofed Finish.
In stock in all sizes, 25/6
Dark Grey, Lovat, Green, Navy, Grey, and Heather.
Carriage Paid on all Drapery Goods to any address in the United Kingdom.
3 & 4 Buttons.
Fine French PiquÉ ... ... 8/6
Fancy Marcella ... ... ... 9/6
Plain ... ... ... ... 9/6
Dress Vests stocked in sizes measuring
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42in., chest.
GENTLEMEN’S GLOVES—Dent’s, Fownes’, Trefouse, and other Makes. First choice in all weights of Gloves.
Gent’s Tan Cape, 1-button | ... | 2/6 2/9 3/6 |
Tan Cape Driving, heavily strapped, 1-button | ... | 3/6 |
Fownes’ Regulation Glove, 2-button | ... | 4/6 |
,,Badminton first Choice, 2-button | ... | 4/6 |
,,Grip Glove, 1-button, Tan, Driving | ... | 4/6 |
Hand-sewn Driving, Harrod’s guaranteed glove, 1-button ... 4/6 |
Hand-sewn Sack Wrist, no buttons | ... | 4/6 |
Fownes’ Easy Driving, 1-button | ... | 4/6 |
Coachmen’s Driving Gloves, 1-button | ... | 2/9 3/6 |
Footmen’s Tan Cape to match, 1-button | ... | 2/9 3/6 |
Mock Buck, White, 2-button | ... | 3/6 |
,,,,1-,, | ... | 2/6 |
White Real Reindeer, 2-button | ... | 5/6 |
Coachmen’s lined Driving | ... | 3/11 4/6 |
Black Driving D.B.M. | ... | 3/11 |
Tan Cape, Hand Sewn | ... | 2/9 3/6 4/6 |
White French Dress Gloves.
Tan and Slate SuÈde, 2-button | ... | 2/6 |
,,,,,,Best, 1-button | ... | 3/6 |
Tan and Grey, Antelope | ... | 3/11 |
Tan Cape, Fine Quality, 2-button | ... | 4/6 |
Melrose, Dent’s Best make, Tan, 1 clasp | ... | 3/9 |
,,,,,,,,,,2-button | ... | 3/9 |
Gold Tan, Chevrette, Best make 1-button | ... | 4/11 |
White Kid, for Dress wear, 2-button | ... | 1/6 2/6 3/6 |
,,SpÉcialitÉ, 2-button, every pair guaranteed ... 2/6 |
White Kid, for Dress, with Black Points | ... | 2/9 |
Lavender Kid for Dress, with Black Points | ... | 2/11 |
White Deerskin ... ... 1-button | ... | 3/6 |
Black SuÈde, 2-button | ... | 2/6 3/11 |
Black Kid, 2-button | ... | 3/6 |
Chevrette SuÈde, 1-button | ... | 4/11 |
Chamois Gloves, 1-button | ... | 2/6 3/6 |
,,,,2-button | ... | 2/11 |
,,,,Sack Wrist | ... | 2/11 |
Chamois Shade, Real Reindeer | ... | 5/11 |
Washable Fabric Glove, Grey, Tan, Fawn and White Chamois ... 2/6 |
Real Reindeer Tan, 2-button | ... | 5/11 |
,,Slate, ,, | ... | 5/11 |
Antelope, Tan, 1-button | ... | 3/11 |
,,Slate ,, | ... | 3/11 |
Slate, 1-button, Fawn, Drab and Mouse | ... | 2/6 |
White, 1-button | ... | 2/6 3/6 |
Tan Cape, lined Wool | ... | 3/11 4/11 5/6 9/6 |
Reindeer, lined Fur, Tan or Slate | ... | 5/11 8/6 10/6 12/6 |
Reindeer, lined Real Squirrel | ... | 14/6 25/0 |
Tan Cape, lined Fur | ... | 5/11 8/6 |
Electric Seal Gauntlets, lined Lamb’s Wool | ... | 12/6 |
Electric Seal Gloves, lined Fur | ... | 29/6 |
Real Seal Gloves, lined Lamb | ... | 70/0 |
Imitation Astrachan, lined Wool | ... | 3/6 |
Tan Cape Gloves, Lined Fur
(as illustrated), 5/11 pair.
“Brodie” Golf Glove, Chamois Leather, Faced Leather, Elastic Wrist, ventilated, per pair ... | 1/9 |
Superior Ventilated Golf Glove, White Net Back, White Doe Palm, Kid Faced, Elastic Wrist, per pair ... | 2/6 |
Please state size when ordering gloves by post.
Chamois Leather, Faced Leather, one button at back, long wrist, ventilated, per pair, 1/9
Fabric Golf Glove, Waterproof Stockinette, Faced Kid, in Tan or Fawn, specially elastic, appearance of SuÈde, per pair ... | 2/11 |
“Westward Ho” Golf Glove, very fine Chamois, Leather left palm, well ventilated, one button, long wrist, per pair ... | 3/6 |
White Berlin Waiters’ Gloves | ... | 0/9½ |
White Lisle Thread Waiters’ Gloves | ... | 0/9½ |
,,,,2-button | ... | 0/9½ |
Grey and Tan Lisle Thread Gloves | ... | 1/11 |
,,,,Silk Gloves | ... | 2/6 |
Fancy Ringwood Gloves | ... | 1/0 1/6 2/6 |
White Hunting Ringwood Gloves | ... | 1/11 2/6 |
Tan Hunting Ringwood Gloves | ... | 1/11 2/6 |
,,,,Faced Leather | ... | 2/9 |
Fancy Knit Wool Gloves | ... | 1/0 1/6 2/6 |
,,,,,,Faced Leather | ... | 2/6 3/6 |
White Knit Gloves, Plain, splendid fitting ... 2/6 |
,,,,Fancy Knits | ... | 1/6 1/11 2/6 |
Wool Mitts ... 0/6½ 1/0 1/6 2/0 2/6 |
Wool Cuffs ... 0/6½ 1/0 1/6 1/11 2/11 |
Spun Silk Cuffs, Black and White | ... | 2/6 |
Reindeer Gloves, Lined Squirrel (as illustrated), 25/0 pair.
Tan and Grey Deerskin, Lined Fur, 1 Spring Fastener, 5/11, 8/6, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6 pair.
Tan and Grey Deerskin, Lined Squirrel, 1 Spring Fastener, 14/6 pair.
Grey and Tan Deerskin, Lined Wool, 1 Spring Fastener, 4/11 pair.
Second Quality Reindeer ... ... ... 5/11
Unlined Reindeer and Deerskin—Best Quality Reindeer, 2-button, 9/6 pair.
Deerskin ... 1-button, 3/11; 2-button, 5/11
Knitted Wool Gloves:—Hand Knitted, in Heather, Grey and White ... 2/6 pair
Angora Fleece, very soft ... 2/6, 3/6, 4/6 pair
WOOL MITTS and CUFFS of every description.
Our own Shapes and Designs. Newest Colourings in Plain and Fancy Silks.
SpÉcialitÉ. Plain CrÊpe. All shades, 2/6 each; 3 for 7/0
Plain Poplin. All Shades, 2/6 each; 3 for 7/0
Plain Colours in Mat, Barathea, Rep, 2/6 each; 3 for 7/0
Plain Colours, superior quality, in Mat, Barathea, Rep, 3/6 each; 3 for 10/0
Black CrÊpe Silk, Satin and Fancy Brocades, 2/6 and 3/6
Bandanna and Spot Foulards. All latest Colours, 1/11 each; 3 for 5/6
Black and Whites, Greys, and all Colours. 2/6 each, 3 for 7/0; 3/6 each, 3 for 10/0
Plain Colours | ... | ... | — | 2/6 | 3/11 |
Fancy Designs | ... | ... | 2/6 | 3/6 | 4/6 |
Black Silk or Satin | ... | 2/6 | 3/6 | 4/6 |
White ,, ,,,, | ... | — | 2/6 | 3/6 |
For tying into Pin Scarf, 2½in. and 3½in. wide. |
White Silk Ascots... | ... | — | 1/6 | 1/11 |
Fancy Coloured Silk Ascots | 2/6 | 3/6 | 4/6 |
Black Silk Ascots... | ... | 2/6 | 3/6 | 4/6 |
| ... | 2/6 | 3/6 | 4/6 |
,,Fancy Mats | ... | — | 2/6 | 3/6 |
Foulard Ascots | ... | 2/6 | — | — |
Plain Colours. Best Fine Silks, 3/11 each, 3 for 11/3; 5/6 each, 3 for 15/9
Plain Colours. Medium English Silks, 2/6 each; 3 for 7/0
Fancy Stripes. New Colourings, 1/6, 2/6, 3/11, 5/6
Plain Shot Silk, 5/11 and 3/11
SILK SOCKS to match, 10/6 and 6/11 per pair.
HUNTING AND GOLF SCARVES. right pointing finger
White Hunting Scarves usual style, 1/11, 2/6
Our SpÉcialitÉ, White and Coloured Oxford Drayton Hunting Scarf. Folded ends, not sewn, hand-made, to wear with stiffener if required, as sketch, 2/6 right pointing finger
“Nimrod” and “Bicester” (patent) loose open ends, 2/6 White French PiquÉ Hunting, 3/11
Hunting Scarves as sketch, 2/6, 3 for 7/0
All above scarves made to any size collar.
Useful for large size neck. Best Irish Poplin, all Plain Colours, 2/6 each; 3 for 7/0. Black, and Black and White, neat Patterns, 2/6 each; 3 for 7/0
Best Quality Spitalfields Silk, Stylish Designs, 3/6 each; 3 for 10/0
Black Silk and Satin, 2/6 each; 3 for 7/0
Black Figured Silks, 2/6 each; 3 for 7/0
Plain Barathea and Rep Silks, 3/6 each; 3 for 10/0
This tie can be made in any colour.
Patterns sent for selection.
For Tying into Knots, 1¾ and 2in. wide,
White Silk, Plain Cord, 1/0, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6
White China Washing Silk, Plain and Fancy, 1/0, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6
Fancy Cord Silk, plain Colours,
1/0, 1/11
Fancy Patterns in Silk,
1/0, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6
Best quality Irish Poplin,
1/11, 2/6
Best Quality English Silks,
1/11, 2/6, 3/6
Knitted Silks, Plain Colours,
2/6, 3/11, 5/6
Black Silk Derbys,
1/0, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 3/6
Black Satin Derbys,
1/0, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11
Fancy Black Brocades, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 3/6
Black Mat Silks, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 3/6
Club Colours, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6
CrÊpe Silk, plain Colours, 2/6
Washing Foulard, 2in. wide, 1/6, 1/11
Washing Cotton, 2in. wide, 0/6½, 1/0
OXFORD TIE (as above) suitable for Knot or Bow.
Plain colours in best Silk CrÊpe, Poplin, and many other materials, 1/, 1/6
Fancy designs in Best Silks, newest patterns, 1/6
Bandanna and Spot Foulard, in Black, Navy, and Colours, 1/0, 1/6
Black CrÊpe, Satin, Silk, and Poplin, 1/0, 1/6
Washable Cotton, 2½d., 4½d. each.
Silk and Linen, Washable, 1/0 each.
Best Spitalfields Large Tie.
Wide Double Ends.
Best Make, 5/6; 3 for 15/9
Best ditto, 2nd selection, 3/11 each.
A large assortment to select from.
2 out of square ... 5/6 each.
,,,,... 3/6,,
PiquÉ Derby, in White | ... | 0/6 | each |
Fancy Coloured Cotton Derbys | 0/6 | 1/0 | ,, |
Cotton Oxford Bow Ties | 0/4½ | 0/6 | ,, |
Fancy Cotton Ascots | ... | 1/0 | ,, |
White PiquÉ Pin Scarf, | 2/6 | 6/6 | doz. |
Black and Plain Colours, knitted | ... | 1/0 | each |
Black Silk and Satin, | 0/6½ | 1/0 | 1/6 | ,, |
Plain Colours | ... | 1/0 | 1/11 | ,, |
Made-up Pin Scarf.
Black Silk or Satin ... 1/11 2/6
Fancy Coloured Silk 1/11 2/6
White Muslin, Four-fold Ties, 1in., 1?in., 1¼in. wide, | gross | 6/6 | 10/6 | 12/6 |
Made in Square or Pointed Ends | ... | per doz. | 0/6½ | 0/10½ | 1/0½ |
White Tape Ties | ... | ,, | 4/6 | 5/6 | 6/6 |
Best French Cambric | ... | ... | | 4/6 | 6/6 |
French Hair Line Muslin | ... | ... | 6/6 | 9/6 | 11/6 |
White PiquÉ | ... | ... | | 6/6 | 9/6 |
Butterfly Dress Tie | ... | ... | 6/6 | 8/6 | 11/6 |
Bat Dress Tie | ... | ... | 6/6 | 8/6 | 11/6 |
Black Silk, Oxford Dress | ... | ... | | 1/0 | 1/6 |
,,Satin,, | ... | ... | | 1/0 | 1/6 |
Black Silk and Satin | ... | each | 1/0 | 1/6 |
White Best French Muslin | ... | per doz. | 3/6 | 4/6 | 6/6 |
,,Muslin, New Shapes | ... | ,, | | 3/6 |
,,Waiters’ Shapes | ... | ,, | | 2/0 |
,,PiquÉ and Mercerised | ... | ,, | | 6/0 |
,,New Shapes, to fix on stud | ... | ,, | | 3/6 |
,,,,,,,,,, | ... | ,, | | 2/6 |
Coloured Silk | ... | ... | each | 1/0 | 1/6 |
Black Silk and Satin | ... | ... | ,, | 1/0 | 1/6 |
,,,,Boys’ Shapes, to fix on stud | ... | ... | ,, | | 0/6 |
In all shapes:—Oxford, Thistle, Batswing (as illustrated). |
Self Coloured, Silk, Oxford | each | 1/0 |
Fancy,,,,,, | ,, | 1/6 |
Self ,,CrÊpe,, | ,, | 1/6 |
,,,,Poplin,, | ea. 1/0 | 1/6 |
Fancy,,Foulard,, | each | 1/0 |
Spot Foulard, Oxford ... | ,, | 1/0 |
,,,,Thistle ... | ,, | 1/6 |
,,,,Batswing | ,, | 1/6 |
Self Coloured Silk Thistle | each | 1/6 |
,,,,,,Batswing | ,, | 1/6 |
Silk and Linen, Oxford | ,, | 1/0 |
Washable Cotton, Oxford | doz. | 2/6 |
,,,,,, | ,, | 4/6 |
Fancy Silk Batswing | each | 1/11 |
Best Quality Spitalfields, in newest designs and colourings, or made to customers’ own patterns and ideas.
Made into 2 ties ... each 5/6 Made into 3 ties ... each 3/6
Large Assortment of Squares always in stock in plain and fancy designs, exclusive patterns and in Blacks and Black and White.
Old School and College Colours always in stock. Club Colours made up to any requirement. Designs submitted.
Fancy Patterns Made-up Knot | ... | ... | ... | 1/11 |
Plain Colour | ... | ... | ... | 1/11 |
Black Silk | 1/0 | 1/6 | 1/11 | 2/6 |
,,Satin | 1/0 | 1/6 | 1/11 | 2/6 |
Fancy Patterns, Made-up Pin Scarves | ... | ... | 1/11 | 2/6 |
Plain Col | ... | ... | ... | 2/6 |
Black Silk Pin Scarves... | ... | ... | 1/11 | 2/6 |
,,Satin | ... | ... | 1/11 | 2/6 |
Neat Fancy Designs | ... | ... | 1/11 | 2/6 |
New Ascot Pin Tie, Knitted Silk, 3½in. wide, all New Fancy and Plain Colours, 7/11 each.
Tubular Washing Tie.
Fancy Cotton | 2/6 | 4/6 | doz. |
Mercerised ,, | 2/6 | 4/6 | ,, |
Special value in open end ties. Best English Silk. Black, Grey, Self and Fancy Colours.
1/11 each. 3 for 5/6.
Carriage Paid on Drapery Goods throughout the United Kingdom.
Egyptian Cotton Handkerchiefs, very soft, guaranteed fast colours, pretty colourings, to match shirts and ties, 6/6 doz.
Plain Colour Hemstitched Silk Handkerchiefs, all new colours (24 colours to select from), 24in. square, 2/6 each, 6 for 14/6. White Fine Silk Handkerchiefs, neat fancy borders, 2/6 each, 6 for 14/6
Best Silk Knitted Scarf, White or Coloured Stripe ends, 21/0. Club Stripe ends to special order, 18/6 and 21/0. SpÉcialitÉ Silk Muffler, bold stitch. 10/6 each.
Knitted Fleece Scarves or Mufflers.
Striped Angora Fleece, 4/6, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6
Plain Colour Angora Fleece, 8/11, 10/6
White Angora Fleece, 6/11, 10/6, 12/6
White Shetland Wool, 4/6, 2/11
White Knitted Wool, 1/11
Animal pattern Bandanna Handkerchiefs, 3/6, 6 for 20/0
Ancient Madder Silk Handkerchiefs, 27in., 3/11, 6 for 22/6
Best Quality Wide Silk Knitted Scarves in all colours and White, 21/0
Pure Bright Silk Scarf, extra heavy, White and Grey, 21/0
Do., 16/9.
Pure Spun Silk Scarves, 4/11, 5/11, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6 each
Norwich Silk Squares, 3/11, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6, and extra heavy, 15/6
Plain Colour Silk Muffler, 5/11 each
Long shape Silk Muffler, White or with coloured end, 5/11 and 7/6 each
Fancy coloured Muffler, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 8/11
White Cashmere Muffler, 1/6 and 2/6 each
White Spun Silk Muffler, 2/6 and 3/6 each
Hemstitched Twill Jap Handkerchiefs, 1/11, 2/6, 3/6. 22/0, 29/0, 40/0 per doz.
White China Silk Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched, 18, 20, 22, 24 ins. square, 1/0, 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 3/6 and 4/6 each. 12/0, 17/0, 22/0, 29/0, 40/0, 50/0 per doz. EXTRA SIZE, 26in. square, 3/6. 40/0 per doz.
Do., Cord Border, 20, 23, 25, 27in. square, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11 each
White China Hemstitch, with Initial, 1/11 each. 22/0 per doz.
Fancy Bandanna Handkerchiefs, 1/11, 2/6, 3/6, 3/11 each. Extra large size, 5/6
Fancy Silk Handkerchiefs, newest pattern, 3/6. 6 for 20/0
Black Silk Squares, 3/11 and 5/11 each
Hemstitched Silk Squares, 32 and 36in. square, 3/6, 4/6 each
Machine Hemmed Linen, about 21in. square, 5/11, 7/9, 10/9, 12/9 and 15/9 per doz.
Machine Hemmed Linen, about 23½in. square, 10/11, 12/6 and 18/6 per doz.
Hemstitched, Linen, about 19½in. square, 5/11, 6/11, 7/11, 8/11, 10/11, 12/9, 14/6, 18/6, 21/0, 27/6 and 39/6 per doz.
Hemstitched Linen, about 22in. square, 10/11, 12/9, 14/6, 18/6, 21/0 and 27/6 per doz.
Hand-sewn Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 20in. square, 14/6 and 18/6 per doz.
Hand-woven Cambric Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, special large size, 25in. square, 25/6, 27/6, and 33/6 per doz.
Hemstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs for Dress Wear, 21/0, 25/6, 35/6, 39/6, 45/6 and 52/6 per doz.
Hemstitched, with Coloured Border, 12/6, 17/0 and 29/6 per doz.
Initial Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched Cambric (any initial in stock), 10/11
Cotton Cambric Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched, 2/11 per doz.
Machine Hemmed, 2/9 per doz. Hemstitched Cotton (Coloured Border), 2/11 per doz.
White Mercerised Hemstitched Border Handkerchiefs, 6/6 per doz.
SPÉCIALITÉ: Silk and Linen Coloured Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched, 17/0 per doz. Monograms and Initials worked to order.
Suitable for every Season
The textures in which “Pesco” is made are so numerous and varied that there is no Season in the year, and no climate in the world, for which “Pesco” is not adapted. The “Pesco” ranges graduate from gossamer thinness to 6-ply thickness—for the tropical heat or Arctic cold—for wear in the east, in the west, the north or south, or at home in the best or the worst of weathers. Each and all of these “Pesco” textures (always Pure Wool or Silk and Wool throughout) can be obtained in every Underwear shape and size, for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, at moderate prices only. The “Pesco” mark, without which none is genuine, guarantees to replace free any garment that shrinks in washing.
Ladies’ and Gents’. Hosiery Depts., for prices, patterns and particulars.
First-class Cutters always in attendance in Department to measure and fit. All orders cut and made in perfectly equipped workrooms on the premises. Sample Shirt made for approval. Special patterns cut for every customer and registered for future orders. Customers’ own shirts copied, every detail being carefully studied, and the materials used are of superior qualities only. The Linens and Longcloths are the best makes procurable.
Full particulars of Repairs should be written on each shirt. Fronts, 1/6; Cuffs, 1/0; Bands, 6d. Dressing, 6d. extra.
White Japanese Silk Day Shirts, Double Cuffs | each | 15/6 |
White Japanese Silk Shirts, Pleated Fronts, Double Cuffs | ,, | 18/6 |
White Japanese Silk Tennis Shirts | ,, | 15/6 |
White Japanese Silk Night Shirts | ,, | 18/6 |
Coloured Silk (Spunella) Day Shirts, Double Cuffs | ,, | 15/6 |
Coloured Spunella Silk Night Shirts | ,, | 18/6 |
To Special Order Only. |
Best Quality Fine White Zephyr Bodies with 4-fold Linen Cuffs and Fronts, 1 or 2 Studs | 8/6, 6 for 48/0 |
Do. do. with Fine Pleated Fronts |
each 9/6, 10/6 & 12/6 |
Do. do. with Fancy PiquÉ Fronts |
8/6, 6 for 48/0; 9/6, 6 for 54/0 |
SpÉcialitÉ White Shirts, Best Longcloth Bodies, 4-fold Fine Linen Fronts and Cuffs, 1, 2 or 3 Studs Front. |
Best Materials used throughout | 8/6, 6 for 48/0 |
Do. do. Best Fancy PiquÉ Fronts | 9/6, 6 for 54/0 |
Do. do. Fine Pleated Front, | each9/6,10/6,12/6 |
All Shirts are Stocked with either Medium or Long Sleeves. |
In ordering please state length of sleeve. |
In stock in all sizes for immediate wear, or can be made to special order at same prices. These shirts are made in our own workrooms. |
Best Quality 4-fold all Linen Fronts and Wrists, Fine Longcloth Bodies, 1 Stud Front, Square Wrists | 7/6,6for42/0 |
Do. do. do. 2 Stud Fronts for Dress, Round Cuffs | 7/6, 6 for 42/0 |
Do. do. do. 3 Stud Front, Round Wrists | 7/6, 6 for 42/0 |
(excellent shirt for ordinary wear) |
Do. do. do. Fine PiquÉ Fronts, | 7/6, 6 for 42/0 |
Do. do. do. Fine Pleated Fronts | 9/6, 6 for 54/0 |
Fine Longcloth Bodies, 4-fold Cuffs and Fronts, 1 Stud Front, Square Cuffs | 5/6, 6 for 31/6 |
Do. do. 2 Stud, Round Cuffs | 5/6, 6 for 31/6 |
Fine Longcloth Bodies, Fancy Linen Pleated Fronts, Round Wrists, | 5/6, 6 for 31/6 |
Fine Longcloth Bodies, with Fancy PiquÉ Fronts, 1 Stud, Square Cuffs | 5/6, 6 for 31/6 |
All Shirts are Stocked with either Medium or Long Sleeves. |
In ordering please state length of sleeve. |
In stock in all sizes for immediate wear, or can be made to special order at same prices. These shirts are made in our own workrooms. |
Longcloth Shirts, Narrow Fronts, 2 Studs, with Narrow 2-fold Linen Bands and Detached Cuffs. Useful Shirts for Doctors and Professional Men | 5/6, 6 for 31/6 |
(SpÉcialitÉ for hard wear). |
White Uniform or Clerical Shirt in Fine Longcloth with 4-fold Linen Cuffs, all sizes | 5/6, 6 for 31/6 |
Stout Longcloth Shirts for Hard Wear, 4-fold Fronts and Cuffs, 1 Stud Front, Square Cuffs, | 4/6, 6 for 26/0 |
Do. do. 3 Stud, Square Cuffs, | 4/6, 6 for 26/0 |
White Oxford Tunic Shirts, Stiff Round Cuffs | 3/11,6for23/0 |
White Cellular Tunic Day Shirts, Soft Cuffs | each3/6 |
White do. do. Stout do. do. | ,,4/6 |
White do. do. Fine Lisle do. do. | ,,5/6 |
Carriage Paid on Drapery Goods throughout the United Kingdom.
Shirts made to Special Order at shortest possible notice.
Specialities in New Flannels for Golf, Tennis and Summer Wear. |
Light Make. |
Fine Taffeta All Wool Tunic Shirts, Double Cuffs, Unshrinkable Finish, Soft as Silk, very light but warm ... | 9/6 |
Do., to Special Order, Best Material made ... | 11/6 |
Fine Silk and Wool, with Light Stripe, Single Cuffs to Button or Link, New Season’s Shades ... | 8/6 |
Fine Silk and Wool, plain Grounds, all White, or with Smart Bold Stripes, Double Cuffs ... | 8/6 |
Do., to Special Measure, with Double Cuffs ... | 9/6 |
Do. do., Single Cuffs ... | 8/11 |
Best Fine Ceylon Flannel, to Special Order only ... | 9/6 |
Fine All Wool Flannel, with Double Cuffs, thoroughly Shrunk, in a great variety of designs... | 7/6 |
Do., to Special Order, Double Cuffs ... | 8/11 |
Do. do., Single Cuffs ... | 8/6 |
“Grosvenor” Fine Twill Ceylon Shirt, White Grounds, Neat Patterns, Double Cuffs, Unshrinkable ... | 5/11 |
Fine Ceylon Flannel Shirts, Unshrinkable, Double Cuffs ... | 5/11 |
“Liliane” new mixture of Wool and Linen, Unshrinkable, excellent wear, Double Cuffs ... | 9/6 |
Fine Gauze “Viyella” Shirts, Unshrinkable, with Single Cuffs, new SpÉcialitÉ, to order only ... | 8/6 |
Do. do. do. Double Cuffs ... | 9/6 |
For Athletic, Colonial, and Sporting Wear. |
Oxford Mat, White, with Collar ... | 3/11,4/11,5/11 |
Flannel, Fine White Cricketing Shirt ... | 4/11,5/11,7/6 |
Ceylon Flannel, Unshrinkable, White and new Fancy Colours ... | 6/6 |
Silk and Wool Flannel, White and Fancy Coloured, Unshrinkable, neat Patterns ... | 8/11 |
Fine All Wool Flannel, Fancy Coloured, thoroughly Shrunk ... | 9/6 |
Stout Flannel, for Shooting and Fishing, thoroughly Shrunk... | 6/11 |
White Silk Tennis Shirts ... | 13/6, 17/6 |
Coloured ,,,,... | 13/6, 21/0 |
“Viyella” does not shrink ... | 8/6 |
All Wool Flannel, thoroughly Shrunk, neat Patterns, soft Finish, Single Cuffs ...
8/6, 3 for 24/6 | All Wool Flannel, thoroughly Shrunk, Heavy Weight, neat Patterns ... | 9/6, 3 for 27/6 |
All Wool Flannel, Best Quality in Material and Finish, to Special Order only ... | 10/6, 3 for 30/- |
Mixed Flannel, good for Washing and Hard Wear, Light Grounds with Double Cuffs ... | 7/6, 3 for 21/6 |
Mixed Flannel, neat Patterns, thoroughly Shrunk ... | 6/6, 3 for 19/- |
Mixed Flannel do. do. ... | 5/6, 3 for 16/- |
Best Quality All Wool Flannel Twill Cashmere, Double Cuffs, to order only ... | 15/6 |
Large Stock of useful Flannel Shirts for Colonial and Home Wear in Lower Qualities.
4/6 ... ... ... 3 for 13/0
3/11 ... ... ... 3 for 11/6
2/11 ... ... ... 3 for 8/6
Light Weight.
“Viyella,” does not shrink, New Season’s Patterns, endless Assortment of Patterns, Single Cuffs to Button or Link ... | 8/6 |
Do. do., Double Cuffs ... | 9/6 |
Medium All Wool Flannel Shirts, Double Cuffs, White and Light Grounds, neat Stripe ... | 7/6 |
Medium All Wool, very excellent Cloth, a Large Assortment of neat Patterns, Single Cuffs ... | 8/6 |
Ceylon Flannel, Medium Weight, to Special Order only | 9/6 |
Shika Shirts, Regulation Shade of Khaki, with Collar attached ... | 9/6 |
Do. do. with two Pockets ... | 11/6 |
Khaki Viyella Shirts, with Collar ... | 9/6 |
Do. do. with two Pockets ... | 10/6 |
Large Stock of very fine Flannels, All Wool, Silk, Cotton and Wool, and Cashmeres, to make Shirts to Special Order.
Khaki All Wool Spine Protector, 2/9
Fine Twill Silk, Fancy Stripes, trimmed Silk Cord and Pearl Buttons ... | 21/0 |
Ditto, in Plain, Sky, Pink, Mauve and White ... | 21/0 |
Fine Taffeta Silk, excellent range of Colourings, per suit ... | 23/6 |
Stout Taffeta, full range of Plain Colours, per suit ... | 25/6 |
Fine Twill, Fancy Stripe, best washing Silk made, per suit ... | 25/6 |
Plain Colour Twill ... | 25/6 |
Plain and Fancy Stripe Twills ... | 35/6 |
Plain and Fancy Stripe Matte ... | 35/6 |
Very Fine Quality Fancy Silk ... | 37/6 |
Very Fine Quality Matte, plain colours | 47/6 |
Finest Quality, Fancy Stripe, and plain colours ... | 49/6 |
We have also a large selection of Silks, of Spitalfields make, excellent for washing, prepared for Pyjama Suits required to special order.
Six Newest Plain Shades, per suit ... | 13/6 |
Fine Jap Silk Pyjamas, Plain White or Cream, per suit ... | 21/0 |
Stout Silk Pyjamas, Trimmed Silk Cord and Pearl Buttons, per suit ... | 35/6 |
Best Quality Foulard Silks per suit ... | 42/0 |
Best White China Silk, extra heavy ... | 35/6 |
Oxford Mat Cotton Pyjamas ... | 7/6,10/6 |
Fine Zephyr Cotton Pyjamas ... | 8/6,11/6 |
“LILAINE,” a new Texture of Linen and Wool, unshrinkable and very durable, per suit, 15/6
Made exclusively for Harrods from materials carefully selected.
Many Exclusive Designs in Pyjamas.
Twill Silk Suit, trimmed Cords and Pearl Buttons. Great Variety, 21/0
Stout Silk and Cotton Mixture in special designs. Better wear than pure silk. Soft and durable. New Materials and Designs, 18/6
Ceylon Flannel, new pattern, splendid for Hard Wear, 6/11
Every description of material in stock to select from.
Special Attention is taken in selecting Materials that only Non-Irritant and Reliable makes are stocked. Large assortment to select from.
White Longcloth, Plain | 4/11 |
,,,,Trimmed | 5/11, 6/11 |
White Double Warp, Plain | 4/11, 5/11 |
White Twill, Plain | 5/11 |
Natural Unshrinkable Wool | 10/6 |
Spun Twill Silk, White and Fancy Coloured | 18/6, 21/0, 25/9 |
“Viyella,” does not shrink | 11/9 |
Flannel, thoroughly shrunk | 8/11, 10/6 |
Fine Silk and Wool, comfortable wear | 13/6 |
Fine Zephyr Cotton | 7/6 |
All Wool Flannel | 13/6, 14/6 |
Silk Striped Silk and Wool | 14/6 |
Best Quality, fine All Wool Taffeta | 13/6 |
Fine Quality, All Wool | 10/6, 11/9 |
Ceylon Flannel | 7/11, 8/11 |
Best Quality Ceylon | 11/9 |
Twill Ceylon. | 8/11 |
Silk Striped Ceylon | 10/6 |
Suits in Stock ready for immediate Wear.
Stout makes for Winter.
Best Natural Wool (unshrinkable) | 15/6 |
All Wool | 13/9, 15/6 18/6 |
“Viyella,” does not shrink | 15/6 |
Stout Flannels | 8/11, 10/6 13/9 |
Light Makes for all the year round. |
Best Quality Twill Cashmere | 18/6 |
Fine Quality Viyella | 15/6 |
Fine Quality, all Wool | 12/6 |
Twilled Ceylon | 8/11 10/6 |
Best Quality Ceylon | 13/6 |
Ceylon 5/11, 6/11, 8/11 10/6 |
Light Makes for Summer and the Tropics. |
Silk Striped Silk and Wool | 15/6 |
Plain Silk and Wool, Fancy Colours | 14/6 |
Fine Quality Ceylon | 6/11,8/11 10/6 |
Fine Quality All Wool | 12/6 13/6 |
Fine Twilled Ceylon Mercerised Stripe | 6/11 |
Fine Quality Cambric | 6/11 |
Fine Quality Zephyr | 8/6 |
SpÉcialitÉ—Fine All-Wool Taffeta.
Best wearing, and most comfortable—
Ready made 16/9
,,,,,,to special order 18/6
Wool and Cotton Fine Twill, White Grounds, Neat Stripe. Assorted Patterns. Specially recommended for Durability and Comfort.
Silk Striped Ceylon, Neat Patterns, 10/6 suit.
Silk Striped Silk and Wool. Most comfortable for wear, thoroughly shrunk, 15/6 suit.
Fine English Zephyr Tunic Front Shirts, with Double Cuffs, White Grounds, neat design in Stripes, 5/6 each, 6 for 32/0
Fine English Zephyr Tunic Front Shirts, White and Coloured Grounds, neat Stripes, Stiff Cuffs, round, 5/6 each, 6 for 32/0
White Zephyr Tunic Shirts, Soft Double Cuffs, neat designs, 4/11 each, 6 for 28/6
Oxford Mat Tunic Shirt, Soft Front, neat patterns, Stiff Cuffs. This Shirt is heavier than the Zephyr quality, 3/11 each, 6 for 23/0
Special Zephyr Shirts, Soft Tunic Front, in Blue Grounds, White Stripes. New Cambric Blue, 3/11, 6 for 23/0
Zephyr Shirts, Soft Tunic Fronts, White Ground, neat Black Stripes, Stiff Cuffs, 3/11, 6 for 23/0
Zephyr Shirts, Soft Tunic Fronts, Coloured Grounds, neat White Stripes, Stiff Cuffs, 3/11, 6 for 23/0
Zephyr Shirts, Soft Tunic Fronts, White Ground, neat Coloured Stripes, full assortment of new colours, fine line only 3/11, 6 for 23/0
White Oxford Mat Tunic Shirts, Double Cuffs, 4/11, 6 for 28/6
White Mercerised Twill Tunic Shirts, Double Cuffs, 4/6, 6 for 26/0
Zephyr Shirts, Soft Tunic Fronts, Stiff Cuffs, White and Coloured Ground, Fancy Stripes, 4/11, 6 for 28/6
BATHING SUITS (two garments). |
Recommended for Mixed Bathing |
| Sm. | Men’s | O.S. | Ex. Lge. |
Stockinette Navy | 4/6 | 4/6 | 5/6 | — |
,, Navy and White Striped | 4/6 | 4/6 | 5/6 | — |
Cashmere Trimmed | 5/11 | 5/11 | 5/11 | 6/6 |
Do., Super. Qual. | 7/6 | 7/6 | 7/6 | 8/6 |
Do., Best Quality | 9/6 | 9/11 | 10/6 | 11/6 |
In Navy or Red, all sizes, 0/8½ pair.
Navy and White Striped—
Yths’. 1/0, Men’s 1/3, O.S. 1/6
Do., Superior Quality—
Men’s, 2/6, O.S. 2/6, Ex. Lge. 2/9
Navy A.S.A., no sleeve—
Sm. Men’s, 1/11; Slr. Men’s, 1/11 Men’s, 1/11, O.S. 2/6, Ex. Lge. 2/6
Do., slightly heavier, ¼ sleeves—
Sm. 3/6, Men’s 3/9, O.S. 3/11, Ex. Lge. 4/9
Navy and White Striped Do.—
Yth’s. 2/11, Sm. 3/6, Men’s 3/11, O.S. 4/6
Navy, with short drop front (suitable for mixed bathing)— Sm. 2/11, Men’s 2/11, O.S. 2/11
Made to Special Order. |
Best French Zephyr, Pleated Fronts | 9/6 and 10/6 |
Best English Zephyr, ,,,, | 9/6 and 10/6 |
Best French Zephyr, Tunic Fronts | 8/6 |
Best English,,,, | 8/6 |
Best Oxford Mat Shirts, Tunic Fronts | 8/6 |
Second Quality Zephyr and Cambric Shirts | 6/6 |
Second Quality Oxford Mat Shirts | 6/6 |
Double Cuffs, 0/6 extra on all Shirts. |
Measurement Forms and Patterns sent free on application. |
Harrods’ Special Tattersall Zephyr Shirting. Fast Colour, Hard Wearing, good assortment of patterns, English Manufacture, Tunic Shirts, Stiff Cuffs ... ... 7/6 each, 6 for 42/0
To Special Order only.
Special Set of Patterns on application.
Surata Shirt. Fine Silk and Cotton Material. NegligÉ Wear, also much appreciated for use in hot climates. Made in white and plain colours. Also stripes on plain or white grounds, soft double cuffs, 7/11 each, 6 for 46/0
Neat stripes on white grounds, an exceptionally fine Zephyr. The softness of the material and smartness of the cut ensures the acme of comfort; besides, it looks well and wears well. Made in stiff and soft double cuffs, 5/6 each, 6 for 32/0. Stocked in all sizes.
Post Orders carefully and promptly attended to. Full Range of Patterns and self-measurement forms post free on request. In ordering, please state size of collar worn, and state length of sleeve required.
New Feature in Coloured Cambric Shirts, White Grounds, Neat Colours. Colours guaranteed absolutely Fast and Permanent.
4/6 each, 6 for 26/0
Best quality, 5/6 each, 6 for 32/0
Superior Qualities.
Ready for Immediate Wear.
In ordering please say size of collar worn and length of sleeve.
Gentlemen’s Best Quality in Cambric and Zephyr Shirts, ready for immediate wear. A large and varied assortment of patterns always on hand to select from.
Best Quality English Zephyr Shirts, Pleated Fronts, Soft Double Cuffs, best goods made, 7/6 each, 6 for 43/6
Best Quality French Imperial Cambric, Pleated Fronts, Soft Double Cuffs, best goods made, 7/6 each, 6 for 43/6
Best Quality French Cambric Shirts, Tunic Fronts, Soft Double Cuffs, best goods made, 6/11 each, 6 for 40/0
Best Quality English Zephyr Tunic Shirts, Stiff Cuffs, best goods made, 6/6 each, 6 for 37/6
Best Quality Newmarket Shirting, Fast Colours, Hard Wearing Shirt, Tunic Front, Stiff Cuffs, 5/11 each, 6 for 34/6
Fine Quality neat patterns in Fancy Zephyrs, Soft Double Cuffs, most useful shirt, excellent wear, 5/11 each, 6 for 34/6
Plain Colour Fine Mercerised Zephyr Pleated Front Tunic Shirts, Soft Double Cuffs, in White, Pale Blue, Heliotrope, Pale French Grey and Pink. Splendid washing material, 5/11 each, 6 for 34/6
Zephyr Longcloth and Silk Trunk Drawers from material in stock for immediate wear.
| Pair. |
White Longcloth | 2/0 |
Light Striped Zephyr | 3/11 |
White Japan Silk, good quality | 6/11 |
Carriage Paid on Drapery Goods throughout the United Kingdom.
Hundreds of Suits in stock ready for immediate wear. |
Stout Makes for winter wear. |
Best Natural Wool (unshrinkable) | 15/6 |
All Wool | 13/9, 15/6 18/6 |
“Viyella,” does not shrink | 15/6 |
Stout Flannels | 8/11, 10/6 13/9 |
Medium Makes for all-round wear. |
Best Quality Twill Cashmere | 18/6 |
Fine Quality Viyella | 15/6 |
Fine Quality, all Wool | 12/6 |
Twilled Ceylon | 8/11 10/6 |
Best Quality Ceylon | 13/6 |
Ceylon | 5/11, 6/11, 8/11 10/6 |
Light Makes for summer and tropical wear. |
Silk Striped Silk and Wool | 15/6 |
Plain Silk and Wool, Fancy Colours | 14/6 |
Fine Quality, Ceylon | 6/11, 8/11 10/6 |
Fine Quality All Wool | 12/6 13/6 |
Fine Twilled Cashmere, Mercerised Stripe | 6/11 |
Fine Quality Cambric | 6/11 |
Fine Quality Zephyr | 8/0 |
SpÉcialitÉ—Fine All-Wool Taffeta. |
Best wearing, and most comfortable— |
ready made 16/9 |
,,,,,,to special order 18/6 |
Many specialities in Pyjama Suits made exclusively for Harrods from materials carefully selected.
Longcloth Night Shirts, Trimmed.
White Longcloth, Plain | 4/11 |
,,,,Trimmed | 5/11, 6/11 |
White Double Warp, Plain | 4/11, 5/11 |
White Twill, Plain | 5/11 |
Natural Unshrinkable Wool | 10/6 |
Spun Twill Silk, White and Fancy Coloured | 18/6,21/0,25/6 |
“Viyella,” does not shrink | 11/9 |
Flannel, thoroughly shrunk | 8/11, 10/6 |
Fine Silk Wool, comfortable wear | 13/6 |
Fine Zephyr Cotton | 7/6 |
All Wool Flannel | 13/6, 14/6 |
Silk Striped Silk and Wool | 14/6 |
Best Quality, fine All Wool Taffeta | 13/6 |
Fine Quality, All Wool | 11/9 |
Ceylon Flannel | 7/6, 8/9 |
Best Quality Ceylon | 11/9 |
Twill Ceylon | 9/6 |
Silk Striped Ceylon | 10/6 |
Fine Twill Ceylon, White Grounds, Coloured Mercerised Stripe ... | 8/11 |
Fine White Japanese CrÊpe Pyjamas. This is the finest CrÊpe made... | 12/6 |
Silk Striped, Silk and Wool. An ideal material for Summer and tropical wear ... | 15/6 |
Wool and Cotton mixed, white ground, neat stripe, assorted colours. Specially recommended for durability and comfort ... | 8/11 |
Stout Silk and Cotton Mixture in special designs. Better wear than pure silk. Soft and durable. |
New Materials and Designs ... | 18/6 |
Fine Quality, Fancy Striped Silk ... | 18/9 |
Fine Twill Silk, Fancy Stripes, trimmed Silk Cord and Pearl Buttons ... | 21/0 |
Ditto, in Plain, Sky, Pink, Mauve and White ... | 21/0 |
Large selection of Silks, of Spitalfields make, excellent for washing, prepared for Pyjama Suits required to special order
Fine Taffeta Silk, excellent range of Colourings, price per suit ... | 23/6 |
Stout Taffeta, full range of Plain Colours, per suit ... | 25/6 |
Fine Twill, Fancy Stripe, best washing Silk made, per suit ... | 25/6 |
Plain Colour Twill ... | 25/6 |
Plain and Fancy Stripe Twills ... | 35/6 |
Plain and Fancy Stripe Matte ... | 35/6 |
Very Fine Quality Fancy Silk ... | 37/6 |
Very Fine Quality Matte, Plain Colours | 47/6 |
Finest Quality, Fancy Stripe, and Plain Colours ... | 49/6 |
Six Newest Plain Shades, per suit ... | 13/6 |
Fine Jap Silk Pyjamas, Plain White or Cream, per suit ... | 21/0 |
Stout Silk Pyjamas, Trimmed Silk Cord and Pearl Buttons, per suit ... | 35/6 |
Best Quality Foulard Silks per suit ... | 42/0 |
Best White China Silk, extra heavy ... | 35/6 |
Oxford Mat Cotton Pyjamas ... | 7/6, 10/6 |
Fine Zephyr Cotton Pyjamas ... | 8/6,11/6 |
“CLYPTO.” 1¾, 2, 2¼, 7/6 doz. 8d. each.
“Q.” 2, 2¼, 2½, 2¾. 7/6 doz. 8d. each.
“H.I.M.” 2, 2¼, 2½. 7/6 doz. 8d. each
“OPHIR.” 2, 2¼. 7/6 doz. 8d. each.
“ROW.” 2¼, 2½. 7/6 doz. 8d. each,
10/6,,1/0 ,,
“MAYFAIR.” 2½. 7/6 doz. 8d. each.
“FITZWILLIAM.” 2, 2¼, 2½, 2¾.
7/6 doz. 8d. each.
7/6 doz. 8d. each.
“NOBLEMAN.” 2, 2¼, 2½, 2¾.
7/6 doz. 8d. each.
“ST. ANDREWS.” 1½, 1¾ at back.
7/6 doz. 8d. each.
7/6 doz. 8d. each. 10/6 doz. 1/0 each.
“POLO.” 7/6 doz. 8d. each.
SOFT Double Collars, 2 inches.
White Jap Silk 1/0 each. White Taffeta 1/0 each. White Linen 9d. each.
White Mat 6d. each. White and Coloured Viyella 1/0 each.
“TOR.” 1¼ front, 1¾ back.
7/6 doz. 8d. each.
White Jap, 1/6 each. White Mat, 9d. each.
Any shape Collars copied to order from 8/6 doz. Dressed Coloured Collars made to special order from 10/0 doz.
All the Newest Shapes in Stock in all sizes from 14 to 18½, also quarter sizes from 14¾ to 16¾.
Insertion Fronts ... | 1/0 | each; | 11/6 | doz. |
Insertion Neck Bands ... | 0/3½ | ,, | 3/3 | ,, |
Insertion Cuffs, round or square | ... | ... | 7/6 | ,, |
Insertion Cuffs, best quality | ... | ... | 10/6 | ,, |
Square or Round Detachable Linen Cuffs | ... | ... | 11/6 | ,, |
Fronts (Dress Shape) to wear over flannel shirts | ... | ... | 1/6 | each. |
Reversible Shirt fronts ... | 0/6½ | each. | 6/0 | doz. |
Polo Fronts with Neck Band | ... | ... | 0/6½ | each. |
Army Braces, 1/0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6 per pair.
Flannel Body Belts.
Natural ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3/6
Scarlet Felt Body Belts ... ... ... ... 2/6
Brown ,,,, ... ... ... ... 2/6
Elastic Hip Body Belt.
Drab Jean ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2/6
Cantab Braces, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6
Thurston Stripe Web, 4/6
Pearl Links, 1/0, 1/6 pair.
Gilt, 1/0, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6
Ivory Back Studs.
2d., 4d., 6d. each;
Pearl 4d. & 6d. ,,
Pearl Front Studs ... ... per set of 3, 6½d. and 10½d.
Metal Neck,,... ... ,,10½d.
Gold Faced,,... ... ,,1/0, 2/6
Pearl Collar Studs, 4d., 6d. each;
One-piece Metal Stud, 6d. each;
“Arcanus” Collar Stud, 4½d. each;
Ivory Collar Stud, 4d., 6d. each.
“Web” Silk Braces, 5/11 Braces by Thurston, Best Silk, with Chain or Covered Gut, Leather Ends, 7/6 Plain and Stripes.
Tan and Grey SuÈde Braces, 3/6
Tan Calf, 3/6
Tan or White Buck Cloth, 6/6, lever buckle.
King Edward VII
Tie Clip ...2½d. ea.
Smaller size 2d.,,
Plain Clip ...1d.,,
Side Tie Retainers,
4½d and 1/0 pair.
The “Boston” Suspender, in Cotton, | 1/0 |
,,,,,, ,,Silk, | 1/9 |
The “Boston” Pad Grip,,,, | 1/11 |
The “Paris” Grip ... ,,Cotton, | 1/0 |
The “Lorne” Grip ... | 1/6 |
The “Prince of Wales” ... | 1/6 |
French “Guyot” Braces.
Cotton, 1/6, 2/6 Silk 3/6, 5/6
White, Plain Colours and Stripes.
SuÈde Leather Belts.
2/6, 3/6, 4/6 in Tan and Grey.
Tan Leather Belts, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6
Saddler Braces, 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6
Braces by Thurston, White and Tan Cloth 6/6
White Buckskin, 8/6; Berlin Braces, 3/6
Carriage Paid on Drapery Goods throughout the United Kingdom.
Fleece Bed Jackets, very elastic, in Natural, Navy or Grey | — | 15/6 |
Natural Flannel, undyed | — | 8/6 |
Fancy Flannel, neat Stripes | 7/6 | 9/6 |
Blue Serge Bed Jacket, lined Flannel | — | 21/0 |
Japanese Quilted Silk Smoking Jacket | — | 17/6 |
Blue Cloth Jacket, lined Flannel, Fancy Foulard Collar and Cuffs, trimmed Cords | 27/6 | 45/0 |
Black Serge Jacket, lined Flannel, Fancy Foulard Collar and Cuffs, trimmed Cords | 27/6 | 39/6 |
Blue Vicuna Jacket, lined Flannel, Quilted or Plain Silk Collar and Cuffs, Silk Cords | 27/6 | 39/6 | 45/0 |
Super Black or Blue Fine Cloth, trimmed Silk, Rich Silk Collar and Cuffs, plain | — | 42/0 |
Special Suit, made to order, of Soft Vicuna Cloths, lined and trimmed Silk, Trousers lined Cashmere | from 63/0 |
Black or Blue Serge or Vicuna Trousers, with Girdle, and trimmed Cord to match coats | 15/6 | 19/6 |
Black, Navy or Brown Velveteen Smoking Jacket, with Roll Collar, bound Silk braid | — | 35/6 |
Black or Navy Velvet Smoking Jacket, with deep Roll Collar, lined Silk, plain Silk Collar and Cuffs | — | 55/0 |
Grey Camel Hair Cloth Smoking Coat, trimmed Cords and Frogs, Silk Poplin Collar and Cuffs, various colours, lined Silk | — | 63/0 |
White Towelling | ... | 7/11 | 10/6 | 13/9 | 18/6 |
Brown Unbleached | ... | ... | ... | 15/6 | 21/0 |
Fancy Coloured | 7/11 | 8/11 | 10/6 | 15/6 | 19/6 |
Plain Colours, with Hoods | ... | ... | ... | — | 13/9 |
Plain Colour, Roll Collar, Reversible Collar and Cuffs | ... | ... | ... | 15/6 | 19/6 |
Bath Gowns with Hood or Collar, made in all Qualities, 7/11 and upwards. |
Heavy White Terry Towelling Bath Gown with Hood, extra quality | ... | ... | ... | — | 18/6 |
Unbleached Towelling Bath Gown, Fancy Stripes, with Hood | ... | ... | ... | 18/6 | 21/0 |
Fancy Tweed Jackets | 17/6 | 21/0 | 25/6 |
Real Camel Hair Jacket, trimmed Self Cord to button ... | — | 35/6 |
Trousers to match ... | — | 22/6 |
Real Camel Hair Jacket, Silk Collar and Cuffs ... | — | 45/0 |
Black or Coloured Fine Cloth, lined Silk and Faced Silk, trimmed Silk Cords and Frogs ... | — | 65/0 |
Black or Coloured Silk Poplin Jacket, lined Silk, trimmed Silk Cords and Frogs ... | — | 84/0 |
Fancy Brocade Silk, lined Silk, plain Collar and Cuffs ... | — | 84/0 |
Navy or Black Cloth, lined and Quilted Silk, Spot or Figured Foulard Facings, Collar and Cuffs, Frogs, and Cords as Illustration ... | — | 45/0 |
Navy or Black Cloth, Quilted Silk Collar, Cuffs, and Facings, lined Crimson Cashmere, Trimmed Frogs and Cords. Our SpÉcialitÉ ... | — | 39/6 |
Navy or Black Vicuna, lined and Quilted Silk Collar, Cuffs, and Facings (any Colour), Trimmed Frogs and Cords ... | — | 45/0 |
Navy or Black Vicuna Cloth Smoking Jacket, lined Quilted Silk, faced Collar and Cuffs, Spot or Figured Foulard Silk ... | — | 45/0 |
Japanese Quilted Silk Smoking Jackets ... | — | 17/6 |
Faced Collar and Cuffs ... | — | 17/6 |
Camel Hair Fleece, lined Silk with Poplin Collar, Cuffs, and Facings, Trimmed Frogs and Cords, in Grey, Green, Navy, Tan, Brown, and Cardinal, with a Variety of Colourings in Trimmings ... | — | 63/0 |
Velvet Smoking Jacket, lined Silk, with self coloured Silk Facings, Collar and Cuffs, in Black, Navy, and Brown ... | — | 55/0 |
Every description of Smoking Suit made to order.
Patterns and measurement forms on application.
Carriage Paid on Drapery Goods throughout the United Kingdom.
Paisley Cloths, lined Quilted Silk | — | 63/0 |
Paisley Cloths, Best Quality, Silk-lined Quilted Silk | — | 126/0 |
Natural Summer Weight Camel Hair, lined Flannel, and Trimmed Frogs and Cords, in Navy, Purple, Green, and Brown | — | 63/0 |
Self Coloured Silk Gowns, lined Silk | — | 95/6 |
Silk Brocade or Fancy Silk Gowns, lined Silk, trimmed Silk Cords and Girdle | — | 105/0 |
Harrods’ SpÉcialitÉ, in Brocaded Silk, lined and Quilted Silk, in any colour, Faced and Quilted Silk Collar and Cuffs, Silk Girdle. The Smartest Gown made | — | 168/0 |
Real Irish Poplin Gowns in Self Colours, lined Silk | — | 77/6 |
Vicuna, very light in weight and easily packed in bag, in Tan or Navy, soft and warm | — | 35/6 |
Paisley (Silk and Wool) lined Flannel | — | 49/6 |
Fancy Figured, all Wool Gowns | 39/6 | 45/0 | 50/0 |
Self-coloured Cashmere with reverse collar and cuffs, in Navy, Tan, Grey, Cardinal or Green | — | 63/0 |
DRESSING GOWNS of every description made to Special Orders. Patterns and Measurement Forms sent Free on Application.
Fancy Designs in Vicuna Cloth, Navy and Red, Fawn and Green, Tan and Brown | — | 39/6 |
Ditto ditto very soft and warm | — | 49/6 |
Self-coloured Vicuna, in Green, Tan or Navy | — | 55/0 |
Fawn Camel Hair, Reverse Collar and Cuffs, in Cardinal, Navy, Purple, Grey and Lovat | — | 55/0 |
Fancy Check Irish Wool | — | 32/6 |
Real Irish Fleece, light and warm | — | 49/6 |
Vicuna, in Brown with Tan Reverse Collar and Cuffs, Tan with Green, Navy with Tan, Grey with Red | — | 63/0 |
Japanese Quilted, plain | — | 27/6 |
Japanese Quilted, with Reverse Collar and Cuffs | — | 27/6 |
Foulard (seven ounces in weight), made to go into small space for travelling | — | 35/6 |
Light Weight Camel Hair, in Natural or Silver Grey, lined Crimson Flannel and Quilted, Silk Collar, Cuffs and Facings, in Navy, Cardinal, Green, Brown, or Pale Blue, trimmed Frogs and Cords | — | 63/0 |
Light Weight Camel Hair Cloth, in Grey, Fawn and Brown, lined Crimson Flannel | — | 39/6 |
Fawn and Grey Flannel Gown, lined Scarlet Flannel | — | 29/6 |
“Viyella” Dressing Gowns (unshrinkable), Summer Weight | — | 21/0 |
Camel Hair Cloth, in Grey and Fawn, very warm, and excellent for wear | 25/6 | 39/6 |
Brown or Navy Beaver, trimmed Fancy Cords | 16/6 | 18/6 |
Fancy Striped Tweed, in Grey, Green and Fawn | — | 21/0 |
Soft, Warm, and Light Weight Wool, in Navy, Dark Green, and Brown, with Reverse Check Collar and Cuffs | — | 29/6 |
Camel Hair, in Natural, Navy, Brown or Grey, trimmed Self or Fancy Cords | — | 39/6 |
Light Summer Weight Ditto | — | 29/6 |
Camel Hair, Double Breasted, extra wide Skirts to prevent opening when sitting down | — | 50/0 |
Neat Fancy Checks, Fawn and Grey, with Reverse Collar and Cuffs | — | 35/6 |
All-Wool Smart Checks, in Fawn, Grey or Green | — | 37/6 |
Medium Weight Cheviot, in Navy, Green or Brown, Tartan Reverse Collar and Cuffs | — | 39/6 |
Harrods’ Special Foulard Silk Dressing Gown for travelling; weighing 7 ozs., in Fancy or Self Colours | 35/6 | 42/0 |
This Gown is much in demand, as it takes so small a space in bag when folded and can be washed. |
Gentleman’s Dressing Gown in plain Yorkshire Cloth, very warm and Suitable for Hard Wear, with Cloth Edge and Fancy Silk Cords, made in Navy, Brown, Fawn, Silver Grey and Dark Grey, trimmed with Scarlet, Dark Red, Navy, Green or Self-Coloured Edge and Cords. We also make this Gown with Quilted Silk Collar, Cuffs and Facings, in the following Colourings: Navy, Dark Grey, Silver Grey, trimmed with Red, Purple, Green, Navy or Scarlet Facings.
Specially recommended both for Wear and Comfort.
Cloth Edges | 27/6 |
Quilted and Faced | 42/0 |
“Viyella” Dressing Gowns, in Fancy patterns | 21/0 |
Oxford Mat Dressing Gown | 10/6 |
Self Coloured Camel Fleece Gowns, medium weight, very soft, in Navy, Brown, Dark Green and Plum Colour, Self Cord Edges | 39/6 |
Light Weight Stripe Flannel Gowns | 17/6 |
Navy Cloth Gowns, bound Cardinal, Buff or Self, very Durable | 21/0 |
Vicuna Dressing Gowns in a variety of colourings | 84/0 |
Self Coloured Venetian Cloth, unlined (easily packed), in Self Colours, Quilted Silk Facing, Collar and Cuffs in Tan, Navy, Purple, Green, Brown, etc. | 59/6 |
Self Coloured Cashmere, medium weight, very soft, in Brown, Green and Purple | 55/0 |
Real Irish Fleece in Brown and Lovat Mixtures, very comfortable in wear | 49/6 |
Carriage Paid on Drapery Goods throughout the United Kingdom.
Shetland Wool Rugs in Natural, with coloured stripes, very warm and light in weight | 35/6 |
Natural Camel Hair Rugs (bound), very soft, light, and warm, and can be washed | 16/6, 27/6, 35/6 |
Special Value in Scotch Rugs, all wool Tartans, self backs | 14/6 |
Vicuna Saxony Rug, furl weight, Fancy Tartans or Plain Backs | 32/6 |
Vicuna Saxony Rug, heavy Travelling Rugs, reverse Fancy Tartans, 90 ins. × 66 ins. | 63/0 |
Vicuna Saxony Rug, heavy Travelling Rug, reverse Fancy Tartans, usual size | 45/0 |
Heavy Saxony Rug, extra large size, 80 ins. × 72 ins., Fancy Tartans and Checks, specially adapted for Motors | 42/0 |
Super Cashmere Rug, very warm and light, 2in. Fringe, Plain Colours | 42/0 49/6 |
Fancy Tweed Rugs, Fringe Ends 6/11, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6, 18/6 |
Fancy Tartan Rugs, Fringe Ends 8/11, 12/6, 18/6, 21/0, 29/6 |
Fleece Rug, Rough Wool, light and warm, Dark or Light Tartan, full size, best Irish Fleece | 18/9 |
SpÉcialitÉ, extra large, soft Vicuna finish, Fancy Check or Tartan reversible Rug, the cheapest rug sold | 21/0 |
Fancy Check or Plain colour, with reversible Tartan | 21/0 |
Scotch Vicuna and Tweed Rugs 10/6, 12/6, 14/6, 18/6, 21/0, 25/6, 29/6, 35/6 |
Plain colour Vicuna Rug, very soft and warm, reversible as follows:—Navy Blue and Red, Dark Brown and Gold, Black and Grey | 42/0 |
Vicuna Wool, Fawn colour, reversible Dark Checks or Tartans, | 45/0, 55/0, 63/0 |
Real Camel Hair Rugs, Bound Silk Braid | 35/6 |
Travelling Mauds, from 3½ yds. long, | 27/6, 35/6 |
Irish Fleece Rug, bright Fancy Checks | 18/9 |
Very light Cashmere Rug in Blue, Black, Grey, Red, Purple, Sky, Fawn, Green, and Reseda | 42/0 |
Large assortment of Fancy Wool, reversible Rugs, full size, soft finish and warm | 14/6to55/0 |
Seal Plush Rug, suitable for Motoring | 29/6, 35/6, 42/0, 63/0 |
Light weight Wrap or Motor Rug in fine Scotch Wool, very soft and warm, can be used for many purposes, in Fancy Checks, Tartans and Self colours, fringed ends | 16/9 each |
Self Coloured All Wool Rugs. “The Otterburn,” in Navy, Cardinal, Light Grey, Saxe Blue, Dark and Light Green, Natural, &c. ... special value | 21/0 |
Orders by post are promptly and accurately executed by experienced assistants.
“THE KAIAPOI.” These Rugs are manufactured in the Dominion, and are made from Pure Wool, specially suitable for Motoring and hard wear. The yarn being specially twisted, they are practically wind-proof ... 57/0, 65/0, 70/0 according to weight.
Natural Camel Hair Rugs, 60 × 80 ins., washable...35/6
Ditto, with Key Border............ .........27/6
Monograms or Initials worked to order on any Rug.
Carriage Paid to any address in the United Kingdom.
| £ s. d. |
Special Real Vicuna Rugs, Light Brown shade, Plain, 70 ins. × 58 ins. | 5 5 0 |
Ditto, 72 ins. × 62 ins. | 6 6 0 |
Special Real Vicuna Rugs, Fancy Check, reversible in Brown, 70 ins. × 60 ins. | 5 5 0 |
Ditto, 74 ins. × 62 ins. | 6 6 0 |
Special Motor Travelling Rug, Leather Bound, reversible Plain and Tartan, very heavy useful Rug, 66 ins. × 80 ins. | 3 5 0 |
Our SpÉcialitÉ Rug, Vicuna back with Tartan reverse, full weight and very warm | 2 2 0 |
Special School Rugs, in a variety of patterns, very durable | 8/11 10/6 12/6. |
Panama Hats, Folding and Homburg Shape in Great Variety.
Best Quality Plush | 21/0 |
2nd,,,, | 17/6 |
3rd,,,, | 12/6 |
Hunting Hat, extra strong Body | 17/6 |
Corded Silk, lined Satin, best Springs | 18/6 |
Cashmere, Best Quality | 14/6 |
,,2nd,, | 12/6 |
A large assortment Stocked in all the Best and Newest Shapes, made in three weights—Light Weight, Medium Weight, and extra Stout Body, Stiff Finish, for Hunting. |
Extra Quality, Town Finish | 12/6 |
Best Quality Felt | 10/6 |
Good Quality in extra Hard and Light Weights | 8/6 |
Special Quality, the Best Value in London | 6/6 |
Extra Stout Body, Hard Finish, for Hunting | 12/6 |
Alpine Shape, unbound Brim, Best Quality, in all the Newest Colours | 10/6 12/6 |
Alpine Shape, unbound Brim, Best Quality, in all the Newest Colours. Extra Light Weight | 6/6 8/6 |
Colonial Shape, extra wide Brim | 10/612/6 |
Terai Hats, double, for Tropical Wear | 19/6 |
,,,,single,,,,,,, | 10/6 |
Black Clerical Hats | 7/6 |
Pocket Folding Hat, very Light Weight | 4/6 5/6 |
Black Silk Plush, for Hunting | 17/6 |
Black Hard Felt, lined Silk, Quilted Pad | 12/6 |
For Silk or Hard Felt Hats, cut two pieces of stick the exact length and to fit inside hat. For Soft Felt Hat or Cap, send number of inches round head.
For Shooting, Fishing, Golfing, etc. Made in all the best Scotch and Irish Homespuns. |
Alpine Shape | 7/6 8/6 |
Sans Souci, or Pocket Hat | 6/6 |
In all the Newest Shapes and Designs, as illustrated. |
Portland Shape, Silk lined and leather | 6/6 |
,,,,extra light weight, Net lining | 6/6 |
Golf Shape, Silk lined, | |
,,,,unlined, taped seams and leather | |
Travelling Cap, with ear pieces, lined Flannel | 6/6 |
Yacht Cap, Navy Cloth, Leather Peak | 7/6 |
White Covers for same | 1/0 1/6 |
Knitted Woollen Caps, for Winter Sports or Motoring | 2/6 3/6 4/6 |
All the Newest Shapes in Coarse and Fine Plait. Pedal, Brazilian, and Panama. |
Men’s Rustic Boater, in Coarse and Fine Plait, | 2/6 3/6 4/6 5/6 6/6 7/6 |
Youths’,,,,,,,, | 2/6 3/6 4/6 |
Men’s, Fine Pedal Straw, Coarse and Fine Plait | 7/6 |
,,,,,,Alpine Shape | 6/6 8/6 10/6 |
Ladies’ Straw Riding Hats, as illustrated | 12/6 |
Folding Panama Hats, Native make | 25/6 29/6 35/6 42/0 50/0 63/0 |
,,,,,,French make | 10/6 15/6 21/0 25/6 30/0 |
Alpine,,,,,, | 25/6 35/6 42/0 |
Straw Hats Cleaned, Blocked, and Retrimmed | 3/6 |
Panama Hats,,,,,, | 4/0 |
Hat Pads, Plush | 0/9 1/0 1/4½ |
,,Velvet | 0/6 1/0 |
Hat Guards | 0/4 0/6 |
,,for Hunting | 1/6 2/6 |
Mourning Hat Bands | 0/6 0/9 1/0 |
,,Armlets, Silk Elastic | 1/0 1/3 |
Cockades for Livery Hats | 1/3 |
All Hats and Caps are delivered Carriage Free throughout the United Kingdom.
“GERRARD.” 6/6, 8/6, 10/6
“DOWNHAM.” 8/6, 10/6, 12/6
“THURSO,” 10/6
Square Crown, Hard Felt.
,,,,Unlined, 5/6
Taped Seams and Calf Leather.
Ladies’ or Gentlemen’s, 17/6
“THE PRINCE.” 12/6, 17/6, 21/0
Cashmere, 12/6, 14/6
Corded Silk, 18/6
FOLDING POCKET HAT, ... 4/6, 5/6, 6/6
For Sports, in all colours.
Ditto, White Felt, for Cricket and Tennis, 2/6
For Travelling or Motoring.
With Ear-pieces to button under chin.
For Fishing and Shooting. Made from the finest Scotch and Irish Homespun
THE CENTAUR. Ladies’ Riding Hat, 12/6
“THE MALL.” Ladies’ Riding Hat, 12/6
Alpine Hat in all colours.
Beaver nap, in all colours.
Light Weight, Soft Felt. 8/6, 10/6, 12/6
YACHT CAP, 7/6, 8/6
White Covers, 1/0, 1/6 extra.
Hard Felt, to order only, 10/6
For Motoring or Winter Sports. 2/6, 2/9, 3/6, 4/6
For Silk or Felt Hats, cut a piece of stick the exact length and width to fit inside Hat. For Soft Felt Hats or Caps, send number of inches round head.
Green felt body, covered white or khaki drill.
Drab felt on pith body.
White and Khaki drill on cork body.
Khaki quilted drill on pith body.
“THE CURZON,” 16/6
Pith body, covered drab felt.
White drill on cork body.
Pith body, covered drab felt.
“THE MADRAS,” 17/6, 22/6
Drab grey, double felt body, with air chamber.
Pith body, covered white drill.
Ladies’ Straw Riding Hat.
15/6, 21/0, 25/6, 29/6, 35/6, 42/0, 63/0
Double, 19/6; Single, 10/6
Rustic edge, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6, 6/6, 7/6
Cable edge, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6
The above are delivered Carriage Free throughout the United Kingdom.
Nos. | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Plain natural handles, covered Taffeta, Laventine or Silk. Bamboo, Ash, Cherrywood, Furze, 4/11, 6/11, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6, 15/6, 18/6, 21/0. |
,, | 6. Knotted Partridge Cane, Silver mounted, 21/0, 25/6. 9ct. Gold, 35/6. |
,, | 7. Rattan Pimento Wood, Silver mounted, 18/6, 21/0. 9ct. Gold, 29/6. |
,, | 8 & 9. Malacca or Partridge Cane, Silver mounted Cap and Slide, 25/6. |
,, | 10. Best quality Partridge Cane, Twill Silk cover, 15/6, 18/6. |
,, | 11. The “Scorer” Umbrella, Malacca or Partridge Cane, Silver Pencil, 21/0, 25/6. |
,, | 12. Bahama Rattan Cane, light brown colour. Silver mounted, 18/6, 21/0. |
,, | 13. Malacca Cane, plain Silver Band, 15/6, 18/6, 21/0. 9ct. Gold, 29/6. |
| Best quality Silk. |
,, | 14 & 15. Tortoiseshell handle, Silver Collar, Partridge Cane, 29/6, 35/6. 9ct. Gold, 35/6, 39/6. |
,, | 16. Cherrywood, Crocus or Hazelwood, Silver nose Cap and Band, 15/6,18/6, 21/0. |
,, | 17. Partridge Cane, Silver mounted, 27/6. 9ct. Gold, 45/0. |
,, | 18.,,,,Silver tip slide, 15/6, 18/6, 21/0. 9ct. Gold, 29/6, 35/6. |
,, | 19.,,,,Silver nose Cap, 21/0. 9ct. Gold, 29/6. |
,, | 20. Malacca Cane, Silver nose Cap and Band, 21/0, 25/6. 9ct. Gold, 39/6, 45/0. |
SPECIALITY. Best Solid Natural Sticks, all one piece, with best quality Glace Silk, 26in. frame, 19/6;
Solid Partridge Cane, 23/6.
The above are delivered Carriage free throughout the United Kingdom.
Customers’ own Sticks Dressed and Mounted, a SpÉcialitÉ. A Large Variety of Best Selected Natural Walking Sticks always in Stock.
1. Malacca cane, silver cap, 10/6, 15/6, 21/- Ditto, 9ct. gold, 29/6, 35/6, 42/-.
2. Pimento, hardwood, silver cap, 5/6, 7/6, 10/6.
3. Ebony wood, ivory or tortoiseshell handle, 9ct. gold collar, 29/6, 35/6.
4. Cherrywood, silver cap, 5/6, 7/6.
5. Nilgheri cane, covered pigskin, 8/6, 10/6, 12/6.
6. Malacca cane, cape horn handle, silver collar, 10/6, 15/6. Ditto, 9ct. gold collar, 29/6, 35/6.
7. Rattan Pimento or Bahama cane, silver mounted, 8/6, 10/6. Ditto, 9ct. gold mounted, 25/6, 29/6.
8. Silver handle on Partridge or Malacca cane, 15/6, 21/-.
9. “The Scorer” silver pencil case, in Partridge or Rattan cane, 8/6, 10/6, 12/6.
10. Partridge cane Rattan, silver collar, 6/6, 8/6, 10/6, 12/6. Ditto, 9ct. gold collar, 10/6, 12/6, 15/6, 21/-.
11. “The Carlton” Malacca cane, to hold 12 cigarettes, 14/6.
12. Partridge Rattan cane, tortoiseshell handle, silver band, 21/-, 25/6. Ditto, 9ct. gold band, 29/6, 35/6.
13. Bamboo, Ebony crutch handle, silver mounted, 8/6, 10/6, 12/6. Ditto, 9ct. gold ditto, 23/6, 29/6.
14. Partridge Rattan, cross hook handle, silver mounted, 8/6, 13/6. Ditto, 9ct. gold ditto, 21/-, 25/6.
15. Malacca or plain Partridge cane, tortoiseshell handle, silver collar, 19/6, 23/6, 9ct. gold collar, 29/6, 35/6.
16. Crocus wood, green or grey colour, slvr. mtd., 6/6, 8/6. Do. 9ct. gold do. 15/6, 21/-.
17. Part. cane, Rattan patt, hlf. trnd. golf shape, slvr. mt. 9/6. Do. 9ct. gld. 21/-, 25/6.
18. Military swagger cane, ebony, Malacca, or WhanghÈe cane, slvr. mtd., 5/6, 7/6.
19. Part. Ratt. can. slvr. mtd., 5/6, 6/6, 8/6, 10/6, 12/6. Do. 9ct. gold, 12/6, 15/6, 18/6, 21/-.
20. Plain Partridge cane or Pimento, slvr. mtd., 9/6, 12/6. Do. 9ct. gold do. 25/6, 32/6.
In addition to our large stock, we have established workshops on the premises for the production of “Gentlemen’s Best Handsewn” Footwear, under personal supervision. Upon measurements being taken a model is made and reserved specially for a customer’s use.
No. G B 21. Dress Wellingtons, morocco legs.
45/0 and 50/0
No. G B 22
Leggings of all descriptions.
10/9 15/6 21/0
No. G B 23. Jockey Lift, nickel plated, 3/9
No. G B 24. Riding Garters, best make. Stocked in tan, black, and patent calf, white, grey, and fawn buckskin. All one price, 3/6
No. G B 25. Parade Wellingtons. Finest calf.
42/0 and 45/0.
No. G B 26. Field or Sportsman’s Boot. Black or stain (brown) calf.55/0 and 63/0
No. G B 27. Riding, Polo and Hunting Boots.
Black, brown, and patent calf.
63/0 and 70/6
West End quality and style.
No. G B 28. Camel-hair Slippers, Jaeger Wool lined, felt and leather sole Colours—Navy blue, old gold, and fawn. 3/9 per pair.
No. G B 29. VitalitÉ “Bath” Slipper
Colours—Navy blue, brown, and towelling.
Mules (as illustration) 4/6
Albert (with backs) 5/6
Leather Outside Sole.
No. G B 31.
Riding Boot Hooks,
from 3/6 per pair.
No. G B 32. Box Cloth Spats, 4/9
Do. handmade, 7/6
Canvas (washing) Spats; 3/6
Do. handmade, 5/6 Various shades
No. G B 30. Jockey or Livery Boots.
With Scouring tops, 55/6. Leather do. 57/6
Hubert’s do. 63/0 Any colour.
The “Harrodian” Black Cream | 0/9½ per bottle |
,, ,, White,, | 0/9½ ,,,, |
,, ,,Brown,, | 0/9½ ,,,, |
,, ,, Black Paste | 0/5 ,, tin |
,, ,, Brown,, | 0/5,,,, |
Button hooks each, 0/6, 0/9, 1/6 | Boot hooks per pair, 2/9 to 8/6 |
Shoehorns,,0/6, 0/9 | Cork soles,,,,0/6 & 0/9 |
Boot Laces, Gents’ best mohair | per doz. laces, 0/9 |
,,,,,,,,porpoise | ,,,,2/0, 3/0 |
Shoe ,,,,,,mohair | ,,,,0/9 |
,,,,,,,,porpoise | ,,,,2/0 |
,,,,,,,,silk | doz. pair, 3/9 |
Trees, pack flat, aluminium, superior make | 5/6 per pair |
,,,,papier-machÉ,,,, | 2/11,, |
Boot Jack, folding, polished 3/9 | Instep Supports, heel only 6/6 |
,,,,long, folding unpolished 5/9 | ,,,,Holland’s 7/6 |
,,,,,,,,polished 8/9 | |
Brown’s Meltonian, | per doz. 9/9, bot. 0/10 |
Propert’s Standard, | per doz. 8/6, bot. 0/9 |
Brown’s de Guiche’s Parisian Polish | per bottle, 0/8, 1/8, 3/2 |
,,Meltonian Cream, white or brown | ,,,,0/8, 1/1 |
,,Lutetian Cream, for brown leather | ,,,,0/8, 1/1 |
,,Royal Meltonian Bronze, 0/8½ | Do. Kid Reviver, 0/6 Do. Parian White, 0/10½ |
Blanco ... ... ... ... 0/6 | Gishurstine per tin, 0/5, 0/10 |
Prout’s Dubbin per tin, 0/5, 0/8, 1/0 | Dale’s Dubbin ... 0/5, 0/10 |
Propert’s Navy Dressing, for brown leather | per bottle, 0/5, 0/10½, 1/1½ |
,,Nubian Blacking | per bottle, 0/10½ |
,,Brown Leather Restoring Fluids | ,,,,0/10½ |
,,Universal Cream, black and brown | per bottle, 0/5½, 0/10½, 1/1½ |
,,Kid Reviver | ,,,,0/4½, 0/9 |
,,Cream, black, brown, and white... | per tube, 0/6 |
Simpson’s White Cleaner, per bottle 0/8½ | Mars Oil, per tin, 1/0 |
Whittemores’ Dandy Polish, black and brown | per tin, 0/4½ |
,,,,,,,,,, | per bottle and tin combined, 0/10½ |
The above Polishes and Sundries are stocked in the “Gents’ Boot Dept.” When ordering mention the Department
No. G B 81.
Grecian Leather Slipper. Black and Brown GlacÉ Kid. Green, Red and Blue Kid, Handmade, 9/6 per pair.
No. G B 82.
“Albert” Leather Slipper. Black Velvet, 12/6. Green, Red and Blue Kid, Satin lined, 13/9. Black and Brown Glace Kid, Chamois Leather lined, 11/9. All Hand made.
No. G B 83.
“Court” Shoe. Best Patent Calf, leather or silk lined; shapes, pointed, medium and wide, 10/6, 15/6 and 21/0.
No. G B 84.
“Service” Shoe. Best Patent Calf, 15/6. Best Wax Calf, 15/6. Buckles extra. (Diplomatic and Civil buckles always in stock.)
No. G B 85.
“Derby” Golf Shoe. Tan Willow Calf, 30/0. Best Wax Calf, 30/0. ? in. soles.
No. G B 86.
Full Brogue “Oxford” Shoe. Best Russia Calf, 30/0. Best Wax Calf, 30/0. Best Patent Calf, 30/0. (Hand sewn. 10/0 extra.) ¼ in. soles.
No. G B 87.
“Oxford” Lace Shoe. Best Russia Calf, 30/0. Best Wax Calf, 30/0. Best Patent Calf, 30/0. These Shoes are Highest Grade.
No. G B 88.
Dress “Oxford” Shoe. Best Patent Calf, 16/9, 21/0. Hand made, 25/0.
No. G B 89.
Full Brogue Golf Shoe. Stain Calf, 30/0. Black Calf, 30/0. Ditto, Real Hand-sewn (made on the premises), 40/0. ½ in. soles.
No. G B 90.
Lace Walking Boot. Best Box Calf Brogue Golosh, 30/0. Ditto, Full Brogued 30/0. Also made Tan Willow, Full Brogued, 33/0.
No. G B 91.
Tennis Boot. White Real Buckskin, Hand-sewn, 30/0. White Imitation Buckskin, 21/0. Brown Willow Calf, 25/0. Brown Calf, 21/0. ? in. rubber soles.
No. G B 92.
Tennis Shoes. White Real Buckskin, Hand-sewn, full Brogue, 30/0 per pair. Brown, Grey and White Real Buckskin, Hand-sewn, 25/0. White Imitation Buckskin, 18/9, 15/9. Brown Calf, 25/0, 15/9, Brown Willow, 18/9.
No. G B 93.
Button Walking Boot. Best Calf Golosh, Kid Leg, 30/0. Best Calf Golosh, Kid Leg, Hand-sewn, 40/0.
No. G B 94.
Button “Town” Boot. Best Patent Brogue Golosh, Box Cloth Leg, Hand-sewn, 42/0. Patent Golosh, not brogued, Grey Antelope Leg, Hand-sewn, 40/0.
No. G B 95.
Lace Walking Boot. Best Calf Golosh, Kid Leg, 25/0; ditto, hand-sewn, 38/0; ditto, Box Cloth Leg, Hand-sewn, 40/0.
No. G B 96.
“Paddock” Boot. Patent Box Calf, 30/0. Best Wax Calf, 30/0. Best Russia, 30/0.
No. G B 97.
Golf Boot. Best Wax Calf, Hand-sewn, 40/0. Tan Willow Calf, Hand-sewn, 40/0.
No. G B 98.
Shooting Boot. Best Waterproof Calf, Hand-sewn, 42/0. Best Waterproof Brown Stain Calf, Hand-sewn, 42/0. Ditto, not Hand-sewn, 30/0 per pair.
No. G B 99.
“Ski” Boot, Norwegian pattern, Black Calf, 1st quality, 40/0; 2nd quality, 30/0.
No. G B 100.
Skating Boot, as worn at Prince’s. Best Black Calf (Hand-sewn), 40/0; 2nd quality, ordinary Balmoral cut, 30/0.
Gentlemen’s “ALTHORP” Boots & Shoes 21/-
No. G B 41.
“Althorp” Patent Court Shoe, 10/6; best quality 15/6.
Leather or Silk Lined, 3 shape toes, pointed, medium and broad.
No. G B 42.
“Althorp” Best Patent Oxford Shoe, smart shape, 21/0.
No. G B 43.
“Althorp” Best Wax Calf Oxford Shoe, 3 shape toes, pointed, medium and broad, 21/0.
No. G B 44.
“Althorp” Semi-Brogue Oxford Shoe. Tan Willow Calf, 21/0; Best Patent Calf, 21/0. Smart shape.
No. G B 45.
“Althorp” Full Brogue Oxford Shoe. Best Patent Calf, 21/0. West-end shape.
No. G B 46.
“Althorp” Full Brogue “Golf” Shoe. Tan Willow Calf, 21/0; Best Wax Calf, 21/0; Best Box Calf, 21/0. ? in. soles. Remarkable value.
No. G B 47.
“Althorp” “Golf” Shoe. Tan Willow Calf, 21/0; Box Calf, 21/0. Wide shape and fitting ? in. sole.
No. G B 48.
“Althorp” Walking Oxford Shoe. Tan Willow Calf, 21/0; Best Tan Calf 21/0. Pointed and round shape.
No. G B 49.
“Althorp” Button Walking Boot. Best Wax Calf Golosh, Kid Leg, 21/0
No. G B 50.
“Althorp” Button Walking Boot. Best Patent Golosh, Kid Leg, 21/0
No. G B 51.
“Althorp” Button Walking Boot. Best Patent Golosh, Drab Box Cloth Leg, 21/0
No. G B 52.
“Althorp” Lace Walking Boot. Best Patent Golosh, Kid Leg, 21/0
No. G B 53.
“Althorp” Lace Walking Boot. Best Wax Calf Golosh, Kid Legs, 21/0. Best Box Calf Golosh, 21/0. Stocked 4 different fittings and shapes.
No. G B 101.
Boy’s Levant Leather Cambridge Shoes For House Wear.
Size | 11 | 12 | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Price | 5/0 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/9 | 6/0 | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/9 | 7/6 | 7/9 |
Also in Patent Leather (pump soles) same prices. |
No. G B 102.
Boy s Patent Court Evening Shoes.
Size | 11 | 12 | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 6/6 | 6/9 | 7/0 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 8/0 | 8/3 | 8/6 |
No. G B 103.
Boy’s Patent Oxford Evening Shoes.
Size | 11 | 12 | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 6/6 | 6/9 | 7/0 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 8/0 | 8/3 | 8/6 |
No. G B 104.
Boy’s Bedroom Felt Slippers. Superior Quality.
Size | 11 to 1 | 2 to 5 |
Price | 2/6 | 2/11 |
Colours— Navy Blue, Maroon, Scarlet, Dark Grey |
No. G B 105.
Boy’s Brown Canvas Cricket Shoes. Leather Facings.
Size | 11 | 12 | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Price | 6/6 | 6/9 | 7/0 | 7/3 | 7/6 | 7/9 | 8/0 | 8/6 | 9/0 | 9/6 |
No. G B 106.
Boy’s Best Wax Calf Oxford Shoes.
Size | 11 | 12 | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 7/6 | 8/0 | 8/6 | 10/6 | 11/0 | 11/6 | 12/0 | 12/6 |
Also in Brown, same prices. |
No. G B 107.
Boy’s Patent Calf Oxford Shoes. Smart Style.
Size | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 9/6 | 10/0 | 10/6 | 11/0 | 11/6 | 12/6 |
No. G B 108.
Boy’s Full Brogue Shoes made in Box Calf and Brown Willow Calf
Size | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 14/3 | 14/6 | 14/9 | 15/0 | 15/3 | 15/6 |
right pointing finger
No. G B 109
Boy’s Brown Pigskin Puttee Leggings.
Size 9½ to 11
Price 5/11
Size 11½ to 13
Price 7/6
Also in Black
same price
Stocked in Half-Sizes and Fittings. Boots can be made Specially to support Weak Ankles.
Boots and Shoes made to measure.
Harrods’ Reliable School Boots and Shoes. Complete Outfits.
Workshops on the premises.
Every Requisite in Footwear for School use.
left pointing finger
No. G B 110
Boy’s (Newmarket Cut) Leggings.
Size 9½ to 11
Boxcloth 5/11
Brown Pigskin 6/6
Brown Sheepskin 6/3
Size 11½ to 13
Boxcloth 6/11
Brown Pigskin 7/6
Brown Sheepskin 7/3
No. G B 112
Boy’s Cricket Boots. |
White Imitation Buckskin | 12/6 |
Russet Calf | 12/6 |
No. G B 113
Boy’s Tennis Shoes. |
White Imitation Buckskin | 12/6 |
Brown Calf (fives shoes) | 12/6 |
No. G B 114
Boy’s Walking Boots, Box Calf. Light and Pliable. Suitable for Small Boy. |
Size | 11 | 12 | 13 | 1 |
Price | 10/0 | 10/6 | 11/0 | 12/0 |
Also Brown, same prices. |
No. G B 115
Boy’s Football Boots (our own make). Pliable Tops. Brown and Black. Bars or Studs |
Size | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Prices | 7/6 | 8/0 | 8/6 | 9/0 | 10/0 | 10/6 |
Any Branded Make Supplied. |
No. G B 116
Boy’s Strong Walking Boots. Brown Willow Calf. Hand Welted. |
Size | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 12/6 | 13/0 | 13/6 | 14/0 | 14/6 | 15/6 |
No. G B 117
Boy’s Strong Calf Golosh Boots. Wear Guaranteed. |
Size | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 9/3 | 9/6 | 10/0 | 10/3 | 10/6 | 10/9 |
No. G B 118
Boys Real Handsewn Calf Golosh Boots. Two shapes. Square toe & Nature form. |
Size | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 12/0 | 12/6 | 13/6 | 14/6 | 15/6 | 16/6 |
No. G B 119
Boy’s All Wax Calf Derby Boots. |
Size | 13 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Price | 15/6 | 16/0 | 16/6 | 17/0 | 17/6 | 18/0 |
Stout Waterproof Soles. |
Every Clothing Requisite supplied for all Public Schools.
No. B Y 48. The “Marlboro’” jacket and Waistcoat, in black vicuna, with seam and vent at back, or whole back. First quality, size to fit boys 12 years of age, 23/9: rise 0/9 per size. 2nd quality, 30/3; rise 0/9 size. Harrods’ spÉcialitÉ. In Black Serge, 35/6, any size to order or ready to wear.
Striped Trousers, 10/6, 12/6, 15/6, 18/6.
No. B Y 12. Dinner Suit in black dress suiting, first quality, size to fit twelve years, 47/6, rise 0/9 per size; best quality, size to fit twelve years, 55/0, rise 1/6 per size.
Black Dress Trousers, 7/11 to 18/6.
White Waistcoats, from 5/6.
Dinner Jackets and Waistcoats, 36/6, rise 0/9; best quality, 41/0, rise 1/6.
No. B Y 15. Single-Breasted Chesterfield Overcoat.
In grey cheviot, 21/0 to 50/0; blue beaver, 31/6 to 50/0.
In Rainproof Coatings, stylish designs, 35/6 to 63/0.
The “Harrow” Coat and Waistcoat, in black vicuna. 45/0, 50/0, 55/0, 58/6.
Striped Cashmere Trousers.
10/6, 12/6, 15/6, 18/6.
No. B Y 55. Eton Jacket and Waistcoat, first quality, size to fit boys of 8 years of age, 18/6, rising 0/9 per size. Second quality, 27/6, rising 0/9 per size; third quality, lined silk, 39/6, rising 1/0 per size. Eton White Pique Dress Vests from 5/6 Trousers, in black, 7/11 to 18/6.
No. B Y 11. Eton jacket and Waistcoat, first quality, size to fit 9 years, 19/3, rise 0/9 per size; better qualities 22/6, 28/6, 39/6, rise 1/0 per size.
Harrods’ SpÉcialitÉ. In Black Serge, 32/6, to order or ready to wear.
Trousers black or grey, 7/11 to 18/6. White Pique Waistcoats, from 5/6.
B Y 65. Trouser Suit in Tweed and Navy Serges, 24/6, 29/6, 32/6, 37/6, 44/6, 49/6.
Harrods’ SpÉcialitÉ, 63/0, to order or ready to wear. Our own make.
The Jacket made with seam and vent at back, or whole back.
No. B Y 51. Double-Breasted Lounge Suit, in fancy Tweeds or Serges, to fit boys from 10 years of age, 26/6, 31/6, 34/6, 39/6, 46/6, 52/0. The Jacket made with seam and vent at back, or whole back. In Flannel, unlined, Jacket and Trousers only. Size for 10 years. First quality, 17/6, 21/6, 28/6, rise 0/9 per size; second quality, 33/6, 35/6; rise 1/3 per size.
No. B Y 69. Single-breasted Flannel Jacket and Trousers.
To fit boys from 10 to 18 years of age.
10 years’ size, 16/6, 19/6, 26/6, rise 0/9 per size.
31/6, 33/6, rise 1/3 per size. Fancy Waistcoats, 2/11 to 7/6 The jackets are made with seam and vent at back or whole back, and patch pockets.
No. B Y 91. Flannel Knicker Suit.
Flannel jacket and knickers, unlined, to fit boys from 7 to 14 years of age.
Size for 7 to 10 years, 12/6, 16/6, 21/6, 26/6, 27/6, rise 0/9 per size.
Boys’ Tennis Jackets. Plain colours, crimson, brown, navy or green, all sizes, 4/11. Plain colours, crimson, brown, navy or green, edges bound or plain, sizes for age 7 to 11, 8/6; 12 to 14, 9/3; 15 to 17, 10/0
Striped Flannels, 7 to 11, 6/6: 12 to 14, 7/3; 15 to 17, 8/0. Best quality, 7 to 11, 8/3; 12 to 14, 8/9; 15 to 17, 9/6
No. B Y 92. Flannel Blazers, plain Colours, with cord on edge, 4/11. Striped Flannel, ½ in. stripe, from 5/6, fit boy 5 years; 1½in. stripe, from 7/6. Larger sizes extra.
Caps to match, 1/6, 2/6. Special quotations to Schools, Clubs, etc.
Grey flannel trousers, size to fit boys 12 years of age, 6/11, 10/6; larger sizes a little extra.
White flannel 5/11, 7/11, 10/6; larger sizes a little extra. Grey flannel knickers, 3/11, 5/6, 6/11, prices quoted to fit boys 7 years of age; larger sizes a little extra. White flannel knickers, 3/6, 4/9, 6/6, prices quoted for 7 years of age; larger sizes a little extra.
No. B Y 36. Boy’s “Ballater” Suits, to fit boys from 7 to 16 years of age. Blue serge and Scotch and Irish tweeds, 18/6 to 45/0
No. B Y 37. Rugby Suit Jacket with seam and vent at back, or whole back. Tweed and navy serge, to fit boys 9 to 15 years of age. 18/6 to 45/0
Football Knickers, navy serge, all sizes, 2/11 Navy serge, with elastic at back, 4/6 White flannel, plain, 4/11
No. B Y 70. Cadogan Suit, with walking breeches. Navy serge and tweed, 16/6 to 45/0
No. B Y 32. Boy’s Norfolk Suit, in tweed and navy serge, 15/6 to 35/6
This suit is also made in Real Irish tweed in plain colours, to fit boys 6 to 9 years, 28/6 to 34/6
Orders by post promptly and accurately attended to. SPECIMEN SCHOOL OUTFIT. |
Complete Outfit for 16 Guineas. |
| £ s. d. |
Eton Jacket and Vest | 1 1 0 |
Eton Trousers | 0 8 11 |
Tweed Suit | 1 4 6 |
Chesterfield Overcoat | 1 5 0 |
4 Day Shirts at 3/11 | 0 15 8 |
3 Flannel Pyjamas at 6/3 | 0 18 9 |
3 Wool Undervests at 4/11 | 0 14 9 |
3 Pants or Drawers at 5/9 | 0 17 3 |
1 Dozen Collars | 0 7 6 |
1 Dozen Handkerchiefs | 0 2 11 |
1 Pair Gloves | 0 2 9 |
1 Pair Braces | 0 1 0 |
3 Neckties at 1/0 | 0 3 0 |
1 Muffler | 0 2 6 |
1 Umbrella | 0 5 6 |
1 Silk Hat | 0 10 6 |
1 Felt Hat | 0 4 6 |
1 Hat Case | 0 6 6 |
4 Hose at 2/11 | 0 11 8 |
1 Tweed Cap | 0 2 6 |
3 Half Hose at 1/6 | 0 4 6 |
1 Pair Lace Boots | 0 12 6 |
1 Pair Oxford Shoes | 0 10 6 |
1 Pair Stout Slippers | 0 5 3 |
1 Pair Bath Slippers | 0 1 11 |
1 Sponge and Bag | 0 1 6 |
1 Hair Brush and Comb | 0 1 6 |
1 Nail Brush, 0/6½, Tooth Brush, 0/6½ | 0 1 1 |
2 Bath Towels at 1/6, 4 Towels at 1/0 | 0 7 0 |
1 Dressing Gown | 0 12 6 |
1 Rug | 0 7 11 |
1 Mackintosh | 0 17 6 |
1 Playbox, 18 ins. | 0 9 0 |
1 Hand Bag | 0 6 9 |
1 Overland Trunk | 1 10 0 |
No. B Y 52. Double-breasted Suit, with knickers, in tweed and blue serge, jacket made with seam and vent at back, or whole back. 23/6 to 45/0
In flannel, jacket and knickers only, unlined, sizes for 7 to 10 years, 15/6, 19/6, 25/6, 28/6, 31/6. Larger sizes rise 0/9 per size.
Carriage paid throughout the United Kingdom. No. B Y 64. The “Clifford” Suit, in tweed and navy serge, made without a collar, so that the Eton collar fits perfectly. Jacket is made with whole back, or seam and slit.
20/0 to 39/6
Extensive variety of young gentlemen’s Overcoats for school and general wear.
B Y 56. Riding Coat, in covert coating, cut full in skirt, with vent for riding; also suitable for walking.
First quality, to fit boys 6 years of age, 24/6; rise 0/9 per size.
Best quality, to fit boys 6 years of age, 39/6; rise 0/9 per size.
Caps to match Coats, 3/11
B Y 43. The “Carlton” Overcoat, in tweed and rainproof coatings, to fit boys from eight years of age. 18/6 to 45/0. Lined or unlined.
Orders by post promptly and
accurately attended to.
B Y 46. Double-breasted “Haddon” Overcoat, in tweed, to fit boys from five to twelve years of age. Lined wool, seam and vent at back. 18/6 to 39/6
B Y 54. Youth’s Raglan Overcoat, seam and vent at back, lined wool, 29/6 to 63/0.
Also made unlined in Rainproof Coating, 26/6 to 50/0
B Y 57. The “Rain Resister” Coat, in thoroughly reliable materials, to fit boys three to sixteen years of age.
Size for three years, 16/3; rise 0/9 per size.
In better Qualities with Raglan Sleeves, from 25/0 to 42/0
B Y 42. Double-breasted Motor Coats, in frieze and all kinds of cloths.
Lined wool, 32/6 to 63/0
Lined leather, 63/0 to 105/0
B Y 14. Double-breasted Ulster, lined wool, with strap at back. 29/6 to 63/0
B Y 41. Boys’ Fur-lined Coats, blue beaver or tweed, lined hamster, and genette collar. To fit six years old, 105/0; larger sizes up to 10gns. Small Boys’ Fur-lined Coats, to fit two years old, 56/0; rise 5/0 per size. Overcoat lined wool with fur collar only. Size for three years, 55/0; rise 1/6 per size.
B Y 33. Single-Breasted Covert Coat, to fit Boys from three to fifteen years. Prices quoted for size to fit three years, 18/6, 23/9, 32/9. Rise 0/9 per size. Riding Breeches in Tweed with Buckskin Strappings, from 12/6. In Whipcord with Buckskin Strappings, from 25/6 to 35/6. In Tweed without Strappings, from 8/6
B Y 81. The “Raglan” Over coat, in rainproof coatings and tweed, lined or unlined, to fit boys from five years of age 22/6 to 45/0
B Y 25. Little Boy’s Dressing Gown, in soft, warm materials, 26 to 36in. long, 10/6 to 18/6
B Y 45. Boy’s Dressing Gown, in blue frieze cloth, bound edges, from 10/6 to 21/0. Fawn and grey, imitation camel hair, 15/6 to 27/6. Pure camel hair fawn, dark brown and navy, 23/6 to 52/0
B Y 93. The Sports Suit, to fit young gentlemen 7 to 16 years. In newest tweeds, from 21/0 to 63/0
B Y 92. “Captain” Overcoat, made from blue beaver, serge or faced cloths, with velvet collar and cuffs, 24/6 to 42/0 Inverted pleat at back with half belt.
B Y 60. Double-breasted Driving Coat, in fawn and grey Venetian cloth, lined serge silk. Size for 3 years, 36/0, rising 0/9 per size, Cap to match, 3/11
Do. in beaver cloth ...29/6 to 42/0
B Y 26. Double-breasted Reefer, to fit boys from 2 years of age. Rough blue serge, 12/6, 16/3, rising 0/9 per size. Fine serge, 13/6, 14/6, 22/6. White drill, 8/6. White pique, 10/6, 12/6. Cream serge. 12/6, 18/6, 22/6
B Y 27. Man-o’-War Suit. White drill blouse, trousers and bib, 9/6 to 12/6. Fine and rough navy serge, including bib and lanyard. 12/6 to 35/6. Blouse and bib in white drill 5/9; also with detachable collar and cuffs 1/0 extra. Trousers only, 3/11 to 6/11
B Y 31. Sailor Knicker Suit in rough serge, including collar, lanyard and bib, 9/11. Better quality 13/6, 15/6, rising 0/9 per size. Fine serge, 15/6, 18/6, 27/9, rising 0/9 per size. Cream serge, 12/6, 18/6, 21/0. White drill, including bib, 7/11 to 9/6. Galatea Suit, 5/11. Drill Knickers, 1/11, 2/6
B Y 30. Regulation Man-o’-War Suit, white drill, including bib, lanyard and whistle, 12/6
Regulation Drill Cap, 1/9
Regulation Straw Hat, 5/6
Half Squares are extra, 1/11 and 2/6
Navy Regulation Serge Suit, 18/6
B Y 58. The “Naval” Overcoat, made from indigo dye serges, loose pleat and strap at back. To fit boys from 2 to 9 years of age, 19/6 to 32/6 Navy Beaver Cloth, size for 9 years, 28/6; rise 1/0 per size.
B Y 6. “Stafford” Jacket and Knickers, faced cloth, 21/0 to 28/6; cream serge and frieze, 18/6 to 25/6; in 60 shades of velveteen, 18/6 to 32/6; blouses extra. White drill, 10/6, 12/6; White Pique, 14/0; Harris Linen, 15/6. 5 years’ size. Larger are 0/9 per size extra.
B Y 47. The “Tavistock,” strap at back, in all kinds of materials, to fit boys from 3 years of age, 18/6 to 35/6. In Art Serges, lined serge silk, 21/0 to 32/6. Cap to match, 3/11. “Sans Souci” Hat, 5/6
B Y 10. The Dress Knicker Suit, in black vicuna cloths with silk facings, to fit boys 7 to 10 years. Price to fit 7 years, 29/6, rise 0/9 per size.
White Waistcoats, 3/9 to 5/6
B Y 9. The “Kensington” Suit. In black and navy cloth, from 24/6 to 37/6; velveteens from 18/6 to 35/6. In navy serge from 21/6. In neat tweeds, grey, lovat, brown, etc., from 18/6 to 35/0
B Y 7. Jacket and Knickers only, to fit boys from 5 to 9 years old, black or coloured velveteen, 21/0 to 35/0; faced cloth and velveteen; 21/0 to 35/6. Lace sets, 3/11 to 21/0. Lace collars, 2/6 to 12/6. Satin Broche Waistcoats, from 6/6
B Y 22. The New Warwickshire Home Knitted Jersey. 90 shades to select from.
Size | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| 5/6 | 5/11 | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/6 | 7/11 | 8/6 |
Caps to match, 1/11
Knickers in blue serge, special value,
sizes 000 to 2, 1/11 Sizes 3 to 6, 2/6
Cream and coloured art serges, 2/11 to 8/6
B Y 19. Boy’s Knitted Coat, to fit boys from two to five years. Size to fit two and three years, 12/6. Size to fit four and five years, 18/6. Caps, 1/11, 2/11
B Y 24. Reggie Jersey Suit. In white, pale blue, reseda, brown, navy and cardinal, 5/9. Cap, 1/0 extra.
Better qualities, 8/6 to 12/6
B Y 83. French Cashmere Jersey Suits. Cream, navy and green, to fit boys from two to six years of age, 12/6
B Y 23. Boys’ Cashmere Jerseys, button on shoulder. Cream, pale blue, reseda, myrtle, cardinal, tan and fawn.
Size | 18 | 20 | 22 | 24 | 26 | 28 | 30 |
| 3/6 | 3/8 | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/9 | 5/3 | 5/6 |
Fawn Cord Knickers. |
Size | 000 | 00 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 5/6 | 6/0 | 6/6 | 7/0 | 7/6 | 8/0 |
Spun Silk Jerseys, |
Sizes | 18 | 20 | 22 | 24 | 26 |
| 7/11 | 8/6 | 8/11 | 9/6 | 10/3 |
B Y 34. Boy’s Knitted Wool Waistcoats.
6/11 10/6 15/6
B Y 67. Boy’s Ribbed Jersey, Button on Shoulder. White, navy, cardinal, reseda, green, brown.
Chest | 22 | 24 | 26 | 28 | 30 |
| 4/6 | 4/9 | 5/0 | 5/3 | 5/6 |
B Y 29. Boy’s Basket Pattern Jersey. White and all colours.
Size | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 4/11 | 5/9 | 6/6 | 7/6 | 8/0 | 8/9 |
Jersey and Knickers. |
Size | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 10/0 | 11/6 | 12/6 | 13/6 |
B Y 68. Boy’s White Sweaters,
Boys’. | Youths’. | L. Youths.’ | S. Men’s. |
A quality. |
3/4 | 3/6 | 3/8 | 3/11 |
B quality. |
4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 |
C quality. |
5/3 | 5/6 | 5/9 | 5/11 |
B Y 28. Boy’s Sweater Jersey. White and all colours, button front.
Size | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 3/11 | 4/6 | 4/11 | 5/9 | 6/6 | 7/3 |
B Y 35. Boy’s Knitted Wool Cardigan Waistcoats.
With sleeves, 12/6 18/6
various hats
1 Eton Silk Hat | 10/6 15/6 |
2 Felt Hat | 4/6 6/6 |
3 College Cap | 4/6 |
4 Boy’s Boater | 2/6 3/6 4/11 |
5 Golf Cap | 3/6 3/11 |
6 Beaufort Cap | 4/6 6/6 |
7 Motor Cap | 3/6 5/6 |
8 “Sans-Soucie” | 4/11 6/6 |
9 Cricket Hat, Fawn Drill | 1/0 |
,, ,, White Drill | 1/6 |
26 Panama Hat 8/11 10/6 12/6 18/6 21/0 |
Small Boy’s Blocked Panama 8/11 12/6 |
Imitation Panama | 4/11 |
various hats
27 Regulation Man-o’-War Hat, Natural Colour Straw, with Name of Ship 5/6 |
Man-o’-War Hat, White Straw | 2/11 3/6 4/6 6/11 |
28 White Straw Round Crown, medium shape | 4/11 6/11 |
20 Square Crown White Straw | 4/11 7/6 10/6 |
30 White Felt Hat | 6/11 |
31 Round Crown, Straw | 3/11 4/11 7/6 10/6 |
32 White and Coloured Felt Hats | 6/6 |
33 Three Cornered Felt Hat | 6/11 |
34 Velour Felt Hat, best quality | 14/6 17/6 |
35 Small shape Felt Hats, white and coloured | 6/6 |
36 Navy Regulation Man-o’-War Cloth Cap | 2/11 4/6 |
Scarlet Serge or Cloth | 3/6 4/6 |
37 White and Coloured Felt Hats | 6/11 12/6 |
38 Man-o’-War Cap, Navy Serge | 2/11 3/11 |
,,,,,,White Serge | 3/6 |
39 Knitted Hockey Cap | 2/11 |
40 Beret Cap, White, Navy, Sky Blue, Scarlet, Purple, Reseda 2/11 4/6 |
41 Knitted Cap for little boys | 1/11 |
42 Imitation Astrachan Hussar | 5/6 |
Real Astrachan | 38/6 |
43 School Cap | 1/0 1/6 |
44 Nutria Beaver Hussar Cap | 10/6 12/6 18/6 |
45 Jockey Cap, Black Velveteen | 5/6 |
B Y 18. Parisian Suit, to fit boys from two to five years.
Navy, cream and coloured serges, 12/6 to 25/6. Faced cloth, 21/0 to 28/6. Washing materials, 8/11, 10/6, 12/6, 14/6. Harris linen, 15/6. White silk, 29/6 to 39/6. Shantung silk, from 21/0. Collars extra, linen, 1/11, 2/6; silk, 1/11, 3/11
B Y 94. The “Marcus” Suit, in Fancy Washing Materials. Fancy Trimming on edge. From 4/11 to 21/0. In Art Serges, from 15/6 to 24/6. In Faced Cloths, from 25/6. In Velveteen, from 27/6 to 39/6.
B Y 21. The “Cavendish” Overcoat, to fit boys from two years of age.
Beaver cloths, 23/6 to 32/6. Cream, navy and coloured serge and blanket cloths, 16/6 to 24/6. Cream cloth, from 29/6.
B Y 71. The “Ampthill” Suit. In white drill smocked with various colours, sizes 000 to 1, 10/6. Harris linen, sizes 000 to 1, 13/6. Larger sizes extra in Brown Holland, smocked Red, Sky, or Green, from 8/6.
B Y 05. The “Douglas” Suit, in Fancy Washing Materials. To fit boys 2 to 5 years, from 12/6 to 21/6; in Art Serges, from 18/6.
B Y 1. Cream Japanese Silk Blouse, trimmed hemstitched frilling. Sizes 000 to 1, 16/6. Larger sizes rise 0/6 per size.
B Y 5. The “Ritz” Blouse, fancy cotton and white drill, 3/11 to 5/11; striped cashmere, 5/11; Viyella, sizes 000 to 0, 6/11; larger sizes, 7/11 to 8/11.
B Y 61. The “Weymouth” Overcoat. To fit boys from two to five years. Cream and coloured serges.
First size, 18/6; rise 0/9 per size.
B Y 2. Cream Japanese Silk Blouse, feather-stitched. Size 000 to 1, 15/6. Larger sizes rise 0/6 per size.
B Y 4. The “Byron” Blouse, white drill, 2/11, 4/6; coloured cotton, 3/11 to 5/11; cream and striped Viyella, ages 2 to 4, 6/11; larger sizes, 7/11 to 8/11. White Silk, 10/6, 14/6. Natural Shantung Silk, 000 to 1, 8/11; 2 to 5, 9/6
B Y 78. Velveteen Jacket and Vest, 19/6, 25/6 Kilt, 10/6, 18/6 Scarf, 4/11 Belted Plaid, 10/6 Trews, 3/6 Hose, 4/6 Sporran, 8/6 Chain for Sporran, 1/0 Garters, 1/10 Brooch, 2/6 Thistle, 1/0 Dirk, 13/6 Shian Dhu, 5/6 Tie, 0/8½ Cap, 3/6 Feather, 1/0
B Y 79.
Undress Tweed Suits, 17/6 to 35/6 Undress Jacket & Vest, 11/6 to 25/6 Jacket and Vest, Brown Holland, 9/11 to 15/6.
B Y 80.
Double Breasted Covert Coat, in Fawn Venetian, first size, 33/0; rise 0/9 per size.
Faced cloth, first size, 24/0; rise 0/9 per size.
In Art Serges, Green, Brown, etc., 2/6. Knickers to match, from 5/9. Cap, 3/11.
B Y 75.
The “Abercrombie” Suit, In Velveteen, with Japanese Silk Cloth, from 21/0 to 32/6
In Art Serges, from 17/6.
B Y 74.
Karl Suit (unlined). White Drill and Striped and Plain Washing Material, from 5/11. Harris, Linen, 11/6. In Art Serges, from 15/6.
No. B Y 86. Court Suit, in black velveteen ... 55/0
In “Court” velvet. Write for patterns and estimates.
No. B Y 3. Page’s Suit, in satin. Patterns & estimates on application.
No. B Y 16. Sandringham Overall, Brown Holland, to fit age 2, 3/9; ages 3 to 8 rising 0/3 size; white or coloured drills, 5/11 to 6/11.
No. B Y 39. Double-breasted Leather Coats, lined wool, to fit boys from 4 to 17 years of age 4 to 6, 63/0; 7 to 10, 70/0; 11 to 13, 78/0; 14 to 17, 84/0.
No. B Y 50. Overcoats to fit Boys 3 to 8 years. In blue, brown, or green cloth, lined fur, from 70/0 Fur collar only, lined wool, from 40/0. Fur caps, from 16/6.
A large selection of Illustrations and Photographs can be seen in the department. We make a speciality of executing these orders at very moderate prices.
WALKING STICKS, from 1/6 to 8/6.
No. B Y 52. Young Gentlemen’s Umbrellas, newest handles, strong frames and reliable covers, 5/6, 8/11, 10/6, 12/11
No. B Y 99. Pretty Bath Gowns, in sky blue, white, heliotrope, trimmed with border of Quaint Dutch Figures. Length, 26in. to 36in. 10/0 each.
No. B Y 97. Riding Breeches, in Whipcord, Buckskin Strapped, made in own workrooms. To order or ready to wear ... 28/6 to 35/6 In Cord ... 8/11 to 12/6 In Tweed with Buckskin Strapping, from 12/6, without Strappings, from 8/6.
No. B Y 96. Children’s Gaiters, in Black, Fawn or Navy Cloth. First size, 3/9, rise 3d. size. In White Cloth, 4/11, rise 3d. size. In Tan Leather, 6/11, rise 3d. size.
BOY SCOUT OUTFIT. | Size 12½ | 13 | 13½ | 14in. | Neck. |
Union Flannel Shirts | 3/9 | 4/2 | 4/4 | 4/9 | each. |
,,,,,, | 44/0 | 47/0 | 49/0 | 53/0 | doz. |
Chest | 26 | 28 | 30 | 32 | 34in. |
Jersey | 3/3 | 3/6 | 3/8 | 3/10 | 4/2 each |
,, | 36/0 | 38/0 | 40/0 | 42/0 | 46/0 doz. |
Knickers, navy serge, all sizes | each | 2/6 | per doz. | 28/0 |
Knickers, in khaki serge | ,, | 3/6 | ,, | 38/0 |
Boys’ Hose | ,, | 1/5 | ,, | 15/0 |
Puttees | ,, | 3/3 | ,, | 36/0 |
Belt | ,, | 1/3 | ,, | 13/0 |
Hat | ,, | 2/0 | ,, | 22/0 |
Scout Master’s Hat | ,, | 3/6 | ,, | 39/0 |
Scarf | ,, | 0/6 | ,, | 5/6 |
Haversack | ,, | 1/3 | ,, | 13/0 |
Water Bottle | ,, | 1/6 | ,, | 16/0 |
Jaarkey Can | ,, | 1/3 | ,, | 14/0 |
Mess Billy and Can | ,, | 0/11½ | ,, | 9/11 |
Mess Tin and Scout Badge | ,, | 1/6 | ,, | 15/9 |
Scout’s Axe | ,, | 1/6 | ,, | 16/0 |
Lanyard and Whistle | ,, | 0/8 | ,, | 7/6 |
Knife Pouch | ,, | 0/6½ | ,, | 6/0 |
Scout Pole, best quality | ,, | 1/0 | ,, | 11/0 |
Shoulder Knot | ,, | 0/2½ | ,, | 2/0 |
Patrol Flags | ,, | 0/9½ | ,, | 8/3 |
Morse and Signal Flags | ,, | 1/6 | ,, | 14/6 |
A substantial reduction is made on all articles for Scouts wear on orders for one dozen of each article, if ordered as listed on this page. |
Special attention is given in producing Garments at the
— lowest possible prices. —
No. B Y 13. The “Jester” Suit, for fancy dress. In sateen, 52/0; in satin, 68/0, 72/0, 75/0
Patterns and estimates sent free.
No. B Y 8. Pierrot Suit, in white cotton, trimmed red or black silk pompoms. 25/6 Can be made in lower quality at 21/0
Louis XV.—Long coat of velvet, made with full skirts, and embroidered with gold or coloured silk, the sleeves being turned up, with wide cuffs. Long waistcoat of figured silk. Knee breeches of plain silk. White silk stockings, brought up over the knee. Low shoes. Wig. Sword and three-cornered hat, trimmed lace, 95/0
Stockings, wig, shoes, sword, and hat are extra.
Patterns of materials and estimates can be sent for any style in fancy dress.
Fisher Boy, Neapolitan. Striped trousers. Red sash round the waist. Loose coat, with one sleeve on. Shirt, with turn-down collar and loose sleeves. Jelly-bag cap of red. 35/0
Sandal Shoes extra.
Pillar Box.—Costume made in scarlet satin, in imitation of a letter box. Cut square at the throat, and ornamented with a tablet showing time for posting letters. Long scarlet gloves. Black stockings. Low shoes, 36/6. Sateen, 29/6
Shoes and stockings are extra.
Napoleon.—White buckskin breeches and high polished boots. Waistcoat of white cloth. Scarlet coat, cut away from the front, and faced with white cloth and buttons. Gold epaulets. Felt hat. 95/0
Cowboy.—Red shirt, cotton breeches, lasso, belt, and hat, 38/6.
Boots and leggings are extra.
Orders by post promptly and accurately attended to.
Peter Pan.—Ragged Tunic of brown cloth finished with white lawn collar. Sleeves laced below elbows. Cape slung from shoulder. Brown cap, tights and shoes. From 42/0 complete. For boy age 6 years. Larger sizes extra.
Dutch Costume.—Including
Sabots, 38/6
Carriage paid throughout the United Kingdom.
Irish Peasant.—Cut-away coat of green cloth. Red cloth waistcoat. Corduroy or moleskin knee breeches. Grey worsted stockings. Soft felt hat. 42/0
B Y 104.
Boys’ United Sleeping Combinations, sizes from 2 to 8 years, in Viyella, light-weight, unshrinkable, neat patterns, 6/11 to 7/6
Heaver Weights made to order only.
Youths’ White Sweaters, open necks or collars, 4/6, 4/11, 5/3, 6/11, 7/6, 8/11 Grey Sweaters, 3/11, 4/6 White and Various Colours, 3/6 to 5/6
| Small Boys’ | Boys’ | Youths’ | Large Youths’ | Extra Lge Yths’ |
Natural Wool, | Half Sleeves | 2/9 | 2/9 | 2/9 | 2/11 | 3/3 |
Fine Natural Llama | ,, | 2/11 | 2/11 | 3/3 | 3/6 | 3/9 |
,,White All-Wool | ,, | 3/6 | 3/6 | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/3 |
,,,,Scotch Gauze | ,, | ... | 2/6 | 2/6 | 2/9 | 2/11 |
,,,,Silk & Merino | ,, | ... | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 |
,,Natural Llama | ,, | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 5/3 |
(Extra Strong) |
,,White Cotton Gauze | ,, | ... | 1/6 | 1/6 | 1/6 | 1/9 |
Medium Self Grey Llama | ,, | 3/3 | 3/6 | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/3 |
,,White All-Wool Long Sleeves | ... | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 |
Heavy Natural All-Wool | ,,,, | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 |
Pesco |
Heavy Natural All-Wool | ,,,, | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/11 |
Natural Wool | 2/11 | 2/11 | 3/3 | 3/6 | 3/9 |
Fine Natural Llama | 3/6 | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/6 |
,,White All-Wool | ... | 3/6 | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/3 |
,,,,Scotch Gauze | ... | 2/6 | 2/6 | 2/9 | 2/11 |
,,,,Silk and Merino | 4/9 | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/11 |
,,Natural Llama (Extra Strong) | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 | 5/9 | 6/3 |
,,White Cotton Gauze | ... | 1/9 | 1/9 | 1/9 | 1/11 |
Medium Self Grey Llama | ... | 3/6 | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/3 |
,,White All-Wool | ... | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 |
Heavy Natural All-Wool Pesco | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 |
,,Natural All-Wool | 5/6 | 5/9 | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/9 |
Fine Natural Llama | ... | ... | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 |
,,Natural Llama (Extra Strong) | ... | ... | 5/11 | 6/3 | 6/9 |
,,White All-Wool | ... | ... | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/6 |
Medium Self Grey Llama | ... | ... | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/6 |
,,White All-Wool | ... | ... | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 |
Heavy Natural All-Wool Pesco | ... | ... | 4/11 | 5/3 | 5/6 |
,,Natural All-Wool | ... | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/9 | 7/3 |
| 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Fine Natural Llama | Half Sleeves | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 5/6 |
,,White Scotch Gauze | ,, | 3/9 | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/9 | 5/3 | 5/6 |
,,White All-Wool | ,, | 3/11 | 4/3 | 4/6 | 4/9 | 4/11 | ... |
,,White Silk & Merino | ,, | 5/9 | 6/3 | 6/6 | 6/11 | 7/3 | 7/9 |
Medium Self Grey Llama | ,, | 3/11 | 4/6 | 4/11 | 5/6 | 5/11 | ... |
,,White and Natural Llama | 5/6 | 5/9 | 6/0 | 6/3 | 6/9 | ... |
(Long Sleeves) |
Viyella | 9/6 to 11/6 |
Stout Flannel, neat patterns | 7/11 to 9/6 |
Second Quality do. | 5/11 to 7/6 |
Silk and Wool | 11/6 to 14/6 |
Fine Ceylon Flannel | 5/11 to 6/11 |
All-Wool Pyjamas | 8/6 to 11/6 |
Fine All-Wool Pyjamas | 8/6 to 12/6 |
Sizes from 22in. to 36in. |
B Y 101.
Sizes 11½ to 14.
Fine Ceylon Flannel | 3/6 to 3/11 |
Fine Silk and Wool | 7/6 to 7/11 |
Flannel Shirts | 3/6 to 3/11 |
Flannel Shirts | 4/6 to 5/9 |
(Medium weight) |
Viyella Shirts | 6/6 to 7/6 |
All-Wool Flannel, fast colours | 4/11 to 6/11 |
All-Wool Taffeta | 5/6 to 6/6 |
(Double Cuffs). |
B Y 102.
Sizes 11½ to 14.
Fine White Flannel | 3/11 to 4/11 |
Fine White |
Viyella | 6/11 to 7/11 |
White Matte Oxford | 3/6 to 3/11 |
Jap Silk | 8/11 to 12/6 |
B Y 103.
Sizes 11½ to 14.
Good Quality Zephyr, Soft Fronts, 3-fold Wrists, 3/11
With Double Cuffs. 4/6.
White Matte Oxford, Double Cuffs, 3/6
Good Quality White Longcloth, 3-in. Cuffs, very strong, 3/6
3-Fold Linen Fronts and Cuffs, all sizes, 3/11
Special White Shirt, our own make, Tuck-in Sleeve, very strong, 5/6, 6 for 31/6
Stocked with long or medium sleeves.
Pleated Dress Shirts, neat Tucks, 5/6, 6 for 31/6
12-in. to 14-in. neck.
B Y 100.
7/6 doz., 0/8 each.
COLLARS. 0/6 each.
1/0 each.
Eton Regulation,
7/6 doz., 0/8 each.
Eton, 2½in. deep, 5/6 doz., 0/6 each
7/6 doz., 0/8 each.
Ditto, 3in. deep, 8/6 doz.
2 and 2¼in. deep from size 13. 7/6 doz., 0/8 each.
BOYS’ LINEN FRONTS. 0/6½ each.
BOYS’ LINEN CUFFS. 0/6½ pair.
STRAW HATS. 2/6 3/6 4/6 6/6
PANAMA HATS. 8/11 10/6 15/6 18/6 21/0
New shapes. 4/6 and 6/6
1/0 1/6 2/6 3/11 6/6
2/6 4/11 6/11
In Ivory, Pearl, and Plated Gold in every variety.
In Tan and Grey 2/6 3/6 4/6
B Y 54. YOUNG GENTLEMEN’S GLOVES. Strong Tan Cape 2/0 2/9 2/11. Tan or Grey Doe, 2/6. Tan or Grey Deer, 3/9 White Dress, 1/9. Tan or Grey Deer, lined wool, 3/11. Tan or Grey Deer, lined fur, 5/6. Tan Deer, fur back, 5/6. Fur Motor Gauntlet Gloves, 10/9 15/6. Wool Gloves, 1/0 1/6 1/11 2/11. Wool Gloves, leather palm and fingers, 2/6. Tan Cape, lined wool, 2/11 3/11
B Y 98.
Tan, Black, White, Green and Heather shades, embroidered tops, fit boys 3 to 7 years.
Hemstitched Cotton, 2/11 doz.
Hemstitched Linen, 6/6 doz.
Machine Hemmed, 2/9 doz.
Machine Hemmed Linen, 4/11 doz.
Marked in Ink free of charge.
Eton Silk Hats, fine quality, newest shapes, 10/6 and 15/6.
Youths’ Opera Hats, 15/6.
In all shapes, from 0/6½ to 1/6
A large assortment to select from.
Strong Frames and Reliable Covers.
Newest Handles.
5/6 8/11 10/6 12/6
New Shades in Self Colours, 1/6 1/11
Black or Navy Cashmere, 1/0
Harrods’ SpÉcialitÉ, 1/6 pair, 6 for 8/6
Spun Silk, Embroidered Fronts or Clox, 3/6 3/11 pair.
Knitted 3-ply Worsted in Heather Shades, 1/9
Knitted Worsted, Grey or Heather Shades, 1/0 1/6 pair.
Scotch Wool, with Fringe,
4/11 5/11 7/11 8/11
Scotch Wool, Reversible, Neat Checks and Tartans,
10/6 14/6 18/6
Cotton, Elastic and Berlin, 0/6½ 1/0 1/6 1/11 Mikado, 1/0
Shades of Grey Heather and Lovat Mixtures,
2/6 2/11 3/6 3/11 4/6 4/11
In Black or Navy Self Tops, 2/11
Heather Knit Stockings, 2/6 2/11 3/6
Black or Tan Cashmere Ribbed Hose, treble knees, spliced heels and toes, Harrods’ spÉcialitÉ, 1/9 1/11 pair.
Black or Tan, Best Quality Cashmere Hose, 2/6 2/9 2/11 pair
Black Worsted Hose, 1/0 1/11 2/11 pair.
Black Spun Silk Hose, Ribbed, 6/11 to 7/11
Ditto, Plain, 4/11 6/6
T Y 37. The “Primrose” Pram, painted in brown, green and blue, with fine lines, reversible hood, and fitted with apron. Height to handle, 26in.: length of body, 21in., 14/11.
T Y 1037. Jointed Doll, with sleeping eyes, daintily dressed in white embroidered frock trimmed blue ribbon. White straw hat, trimmed to match. 15in. high, 3/11.
T Y 1031. The “Monica” Pram, painted in green and blue, coach finished. With apron, rubber-tyred wheels, reversible hood, and china handle. Height to handle, 28in.; length of body, 23in., 19/6.
T Y 1034. Dressed Doll in pale blue silk, frock trimmed fancy braid, with white hat trimmed blue ribbon. Clothes all take off. Doll with sleeping eyes and real eyelashes, 16in. high, 17/6.
T Y 1003. English Dressed Baby Doll of fine quality. 19in. long, measures 33in. over all, sleeping eyes. Robe of superior silk and lace, bonnet to match. Clothes take off, 37/6.
T Y 38. The “Joan” Pram, with strap cee-springs, reversible hood, rubber-tyred wheels, and beautifully upholstered, coach-painted body with vertical black stripes. Height to handle, 29 in.; length of body, 25in., 33/6.
T Y 1007. English Dressed Doll, 17in. high. All clothes take off. Daintily dressed in pink silk frock and red cloth coat trimmed lace and velvet. Straw hat trimmed to match, 12/11.
T Y 1033. Fine quality Jointed Doll, with character face, dressed white muslin, lace trimmed frock, with pink satin cloak. Also fine quality wig. 15in. high, 14/11.
T Y 1032. The “Heather” Pram. Superior car, fine quality upholstery, finished in white and pale blue, rubber-tyred wheels. Height to handle, 25in., length of body 21in., 18/6.
T Y 1006. Fine quality Jointed Doll. 19in. high, with real eyelashes. English dressed. All clothes take off. Complete with white silk frock and smart coat of red cloth trimmed black silk. Black and white silk hat trimmed with flowers, 19/6.
T Y 31. The “Marie” Pram, with reversible hood, rubber-tyred wheels, china handle. Colours—blue and green. Height to handle, 25 in.; length of body, 19in., 10/11
T Y 1030. The “Whitehall” Pram, finished in white and pale blue, reversible hood, rubber-tyred wheels, and invisible well. Height to handle, 25in.; length of body, 21in., 16/11.
T Y 1038. Fine Quality Jointed Doll with sleeping eyes, dressed tastefully in cream material with sequin effect. 10in. high, 6/6.
T Y 681. Light Oak Cot on Rockers. Complete with Mattress and Pillow. Size 24in. × 14in. × 10in. 7/6
T Y 16. The Child’s Playground. Size 4ft. × 3ft., 15/0 When not in use this folds quite flat.
T Y 1278. Dolly’s Swing Bassinette with wrought iron frame, curtain hanger and wire mesh basket, painted white enamel. Size of basket, 20in. long, 11in. wide, 8in. deep, 3/11 24in. × 14in. × 9in., 4/11 Mattress and Pillow for same, 1/3 and 1/6
T Y 1103. Long Clothes Baby Doll, complete with bottle and hood, 4/11
T Y 1101. Toy Pram Rugs, in white or grey fur, mounted on blue or green cloth. 21in. × 14in., 2/11
T Y 1109. White Lawn Trimmed Lace Cloak, thoroughly well made, 2/3
Set complete, fits 13in. doll.
T Y 1100. Undressed Jointed Washable Doll, sleeping eyes, fair or dark wig. 18in. long, 5/11
T Y 1104. A Campbell Kid. “Campbell’s Son,” 11½in. long, with unbreakable head, various coloured suits, model hands, 4/11
A Campbell Kid T Y 1105. “Campbell’s Daughter,” 11½in. long, complete with soft body, unbreakable head, socks, cloth shoes, and dainty dresses, 4/11
T Y 132. Pierrot Doll, soft, light, and indestructible in white, pink and blue 16in. long, 1/10½
HARRODS’ DOLLS’ HOSPITAL. Dolls of all kinds repaired equal to new. New heads, wigs, arms or legs at the shortest notice.
T Y 1102. Silk Eiderdown Quilts, for doll’s cot, in blue, pink and white. 16in. × 14in., 3/11
T Y 136. Size 26in. × 12in. Black Cot, trimmed, 18/6; untrimmed, 9/3. White Cot, trimmed, 19/6; untrimmed, 10/3. Mattress and Pillow, 1/11; Set of Blankets, Sheets and Slips, 3/11. Bedding of any size made to order.
T Y 714. The famous Crawling Rug for the nursery. In red, blue, or green serge grounds, with appliquÉ animals in various colours. 6ft. × 4ft., 18/11
T Y 1004. Undressed Character Baby Doll, with real hair, sleeping eyes, bent limbs, 12in. long, 3/11
T Y 1132. Water Spaniel, with jointed legs, brown and white plush, of fine quality, good model, 13in. long, 9in. high, 8/11.
T Y 364. Grey Plush Donkey on strong iron wheels. Complete with reins, saddle, &c. Height to saddle 15in. 19/6
I am Caesar”
T Y 1111. “Caesar” Dogs, made of fine quality plush, with dog collar and voice. 12 in. 3/11, 14in. 5/11, 16in. 7/11. Kennels in stained wood worded “I am Caesar.” 4/6 size takes a 3/11 dog, 5/6 size takes a 5/11 dog, 6/6 size takes a 7/11 dog.
T Y 365. English Made Model Plush Teddy Bears of fine quality, complete with growl. 11½in.4/6, 13in.6/6, 14½in.8/6, 16in.10/6, 18in.13/6, 20in.17/6, 22in.21/0, 24in.25/6, 26in.31/6
T Y 755. Jemima Puddle Duck. A quaint toy, complete with hood and shawl. 8in. 1/11, 10in. 2/11, 13in. 3/11
T Y 1137. White Plush Mechanical Rabbit, with Egg. Realistic movement in legs, which gives the appearance of walking, 8½in. high, 3/6
T Y 1128. White Pomeranian, 9½in. high, 3/11
T Y 1142. Wool Reins in choice colourings, well knitted, 45in. long, 2/6
T Y 1143. Wool Football, various colours, with bell and wool line,
17in. long, 3/11
T Y 1135. Tiny Brownie, jointed, 5½in. high, 0/6
T Y 1136. Tiny Brown Plush Teddy Bear, jointed, 3¾in. long, 0/6
T Y 370. Model Lamb, best stuffing and finish throughout, 12in. high, 13in. long, 4/6
No. T Y 1134. Tiny Plush Caesar Dog, 3½in. long, 0/6
T Y 134. Wool Made Cockatoo, beautifully soft for baby. In pink and white, and blue and white, 9in. long, 1/11
T Y 1133. Model Velvet Rabbits, various sizes, in box. 11 × 9½in. 4/11
T Y 1001. Plush Jointed Aberdeen Terrier, complete with dog collar and squeaker, 18in. long from nose to tip of tail, 9in. high, 5/11
T Y 1124. Model Skin Cow with bell, voice, milking apparatus, fixed on wood stand, with four wheels, 17in. high, 28in. long, 49/6
T Y 1138. White Plush Mechanical Rabbit, on strong wheels with Sack Trolley, carrying black rabbit, 10in. overall, 8½in. high, 3/6
T Y 1130. King Charles Spaniel, of fine plush, jointed legs, 6½in. high, 9½in. long, 3/11
T Y 1127. White Plush Cat with Wool Ball, of various colours, 7in. high, 11in. long, 4/6
T Y 1141. Wool Rattle in blue and white and pink and white, size 15in. 1/11
T Y 1125. Plush Horse on Stand, with four strong wheels, fitted with saddle, bridle, &c., 25in. long, 24in. high, 39/6
T Y 764. Lieut. Shackleton’s Model Plush Penguin. A desirable toy for baby, complete with squeaker. Sizes, 9in. 1/11, 11in. 2/11, 13in. 4/6, 15in. 5/11
T Y 590. 21-Piece Tea Set, rosebud decoration, in strong box, 15in. × 11in., 5/11
T Y 1160. Model Travelling Trunk, with fine quality jointed doll, undressed, and complete outfit of clothing, 13½in. long, 8in. wide, 42/0
T Y 1162. Knife, Fork, and Spoon Set, suitable for doll’s tea sets. Size, 7in. × 6½in., 1/6
T Y 272. Enamelled Wash Stand, with Toilet Set, 17in. × 12in., 15/11
T Y 1166. 6 Cups and Saucers, Teapot, Sugar and Cream, with choice decoration of figures. 12in. × 9in., 4/6
T Y 1163. 7-Piece Tea Set, with Dutch decoration, complete in box, 12in. × 6in., 1/11
T Y 1164. Knives, Forks, Spoons, Knife Rests, Serviettes and Rings. Complete in box, 10in. × 8in., 6/11.
T Y 594. 15 Piece Tea Set (various decorations), on collapsible table, varnished finish, 14½in. high, 15½ in. diam., 18/6
T Y 1167. Enamelled Coffee Service, with border of dark blue, consisting of coffee pot, 4 cups and saucers, sugar and cream. Size of box, 15in. square, 6/6
T Y 1165. 6 Cups and Saucers, Teapot, Milk Jug, Sugar and Cream, decorated with pictures of nursery rhymes, box 12in. × 8in., 5/6
T Y 1171, The “Little Laundry” Outfit, comprising water jug, tub, pail, rope, pegs, can, &c., 15 × 19in., 7/6
T Y 595. 17-Piece Tea and Coffee Service, with serviettes, specimen vase and table-cloth, also collapsible varnished table, 16in. high, top of table 19in. × 14in., 22/6
T Y 1273. The Dolls Standard Folding Bed, made of light oak, with woven wire mattress, overlay, pillow, and dainty curtains. Size, 25in. when open. 14/6
left pointing finger
T Y 1273. Bed Folded, with Curtains partly drawn. Height 29in., width 12in.
T Y 607. Wicker Picnic Basket, containing 4 enamelled cups and saucers, spirit lamp, sandwich case, and kettle, knives, forks, spoons, serviettes, etc. 10in. × 7in., 5/11
T Y 1084. Light Blue Enamel Tea Set of 15 pieces, unbreakable, boxed, size 10½ by 8½ in., 2/6
T Y 267. Enamel Tea Set in Wedgwood blue colour with white decoration of true lover’s knots, 11 pieces. size 15in. square, 5/6
T Y 271. Child’s Enamelled Washing Outfit, with painted figures, pail tub, washing board, etc., 16in. high, 6/11
T Y 1079. Enamel Tea Set, 11 pieces, grey colour, boxed complete, size 11 by 8½in., 3/6
T Y 1080. Enamel Kitchen Set, grey colour, 23 pieces in box complete, size 17 by 12in., 4/6
T Y 1170. Enamelled five-piece Toilet Set, with grey ground and dark blue decoration, 12 by 12in., 8/11
T Y 273. Child’s Enamelled Laundry Set, 6 airers, tub, pail, brushes, pegs, etc. Nicely decorated, 18in. high, 6/11
T Y 600. Model Cooking Stove of fine quality, two saucepans, kettle and boiler, 11 by 8in., 9/11
T Y 1083. The Little Housekeeper’s Outfit, comprising bread-board and knife, rolling pin and board, butter dish with pats, in box complete, 18in. long by 8in. wide, 2/6
T Y 1078. Kitchen Furniture, comprising 7 well-made white wood articles, suitable for dolls’ house, boxed, 5/11
T Y 1074. White Enamel Kitchen Set, with 12 utensils, size 17½ by 13½in., 5/6
T Y 1075. The Child’s Household Broom,
32in. long, 1/-
T Y 270. Enamelled Bath on wood stand, complete with pail. Colours: blue and white, 16½in. high, 7/9
T Y 1076. Soft Hair Broom, 36in. long, for the Little Housekeeper, 1/11
T Y 1077. Enamel Kitchen Set, of best quality. Colours: dark brown outside, inside grey. 15 pieces of utility, size 19 by 14in., 7/11
No. T Y 1275. TRAPEZE GINGER. This quaint figure will perform a series of acrobatic movements by simply working cords on pulleys. Pull the string and the figure moves. 15in. high, 5/11
No. T Y 1072. MODEL ROAD ROLLER. reliable clockwork, realistic colourings, 8½in. long, 5in. high, 4/11
No. T Y 1066. MOTOR LORRY, with strong clockwork; straight or circular movement, rubber-tyred wheels, 11in. long, 5in. wide, 3in. high, 5/6
No. T Y 1068. MODEL MOTOR, with extra long clockwork spring, rubber-tyred wheels, 4 lamps, doors to open, and 2 figures, 15in. long, 8in. high. 25/6
No. T Y 1000. MODEL MECHANICAL LADYBIRD. Crawls in life-like manner along the table, shelf, or box, without falling. When it reaches the edge it will turn away. Size of box. 8in. by 5in., 10½d.
No. T Y 1064. OPEN TOURING CAR, with wind screen, doors to open, rubber tyred wheels, realistic colourings, 10½in. long, 5-in. wide, 4½in. high, 8/11
No. T Y 1071. MOTOR FIRE ENGINE, fitted with strong clockwork, complete with figures, hose, bell; reversing-gear mechanism drives wheels or pumps water, rubber-tyred wheels. 10in. long, 4½in. wide, 6½in. high, 18/6
No. T Y 1069. MODEL TAXICAB, finished in white, with black top and hood, strong clockwork, rubber-tyred wheels, 8½in. long, 5½in. high, 4/11
No. T Y 1008. MODEL MECHANICAL TIGER, with life-like springing and crouching movements. Strong clockwork, beautifully finished in realistic colourings, 23in. long from nose to tip of tail, height, 7in., 35/6
No. T Y 716. The MECHANICAL LUCKY BLACK CAT, with walking and mewing movements, best clockwork, 12 by 11in., 23/6
No. T Y 1070. Fine MODEL HANSOM CAB, complete with skin horse and driver, strong clockwork, 12in. overall, 6in. high, 12/
No. T Y 1063. MOTOR CAB, strong clockwork, with brake, doors to open, front axle adjustable for circular or straight running. Size 10in. long, 3in. wide, 5½in. high, 3/6
No. TY 1065. MODEL MOTOR CAR, with reliable spring, driver, doors to open, 8½ in. long 4½in. high, 2/11
No. T Y 1009. The “ASSEMBLE” DRIVEABLE HORSE, made in five pieces. The stand is fitted with strong clockwork. When horse is assembled and fitted the stand can be driven in any direction. Length 16in., height 14in., 12/6
No. T Y 964. Model Motor Bus, with rubber tyres, pivoting front wheels, painted in green and yellow. 21in. long, 11in. high, 12/0
No. T Y 1061. Child’s Chair with coloured rush seat, 20in. high, seat 10½in. square, 2/6
No. T Y 1057 The Wobbling Goblin, fitted with solid wood wheels, hardwood foot-rests and springs which impart a trotting effect, nicely upholstered in velvet. 23in. long; height to seat, 14½in., 8/11
No. T Y 1053. Wood Horses and Carts. Carts made to tip, fine model horses.
Length | over all, | 18 | in.; | height, | 9 | in.; | width, | 11 | in. | 2/11 |
,, | ,, | 21 | ,, | ,, | 11 | ,, | ,, | 11 | ,, | 3/11 |
,, | ,, | 23 | ,, | ,, | 12 | ,, | ,, | 12 | ,, | 4/11 |
No. T Y 146. Children’s Garden Furniture. Set of 4 pieces, 17/11; chair, 3/6; armchair, 4/6; table, 4/6; seat, 7/6, in separate pieces. Length of seat 34in., height 14in.; height of table, 20½in.; size of table, 15½in. square; height of chairs, 14in.
No. T Y 728. Model Wood Engines, painted red, solid wood wheels and steel axles.
18 | in. | long, | 11 | in. | high | 2/11 |
20 | ,, | ,, | 13 | ,, | ,, | 4/6 |
23 | ,, | ,, | 15 | ,, | ,, | 6/6 |
28 | ,, | ,, | 16 | ,, | ,, | 8/6 |
No. T Y 729. Solid Elm Carts with beechwood horses. Carts made to tip, rubber tyred wheels with steel axles.
27 | in. | over all, | 12 | in. | high, | 12/11 |
28 | ,, | ,, | 14 | ,, | ,, | 15/11 |
33 | ,, | ,, | 16 | ,, | ,, | 18/11 |
No. T Y 179. Toy Lawn Mower, with grass box polished wood handle.
31in. long 6/11
No. T Y 1056. Child’s Nursery Swing, made of reliable wood, painted oak colour. Height, 5ft. 9in., spread 6ft., complete, 19/6
No. T Y 112. Toy Garden Rollers, iron handles, steel barrels, painted red or green.
26 | in. | long, | 3/6 |
29 | ,, | ,, | 4/9 |
34 | ,, | ,, | 6/6 |
No. T Y 1055. Doll’s High Chair, enamelled white. Can be converted into low chair with table. 28in. high, 10in. wide, 12/6.
No. T Y 724. Toy Rake of strong wood painted and varnished. 30in. long, 1/6
No. T Y 725. Toy Garden Broom, made of birch, varnished handle, 38in. long, 1/6.
No. T Y 1059. Child’s Chair, with coloured rush seat and arm rests. 18in. high, seat 11in. square, 3/6
No. T Y 1060. Deck Chair for Dolly, with adjustable rest. 24in. long, 1/11.
No. T Y 722. Stool Horses on Castors, with Leather Cloth Seats. Just the toy for baby when about to toddle.
18 | in. | long, | 9 | in. | high | ... ... | 3/6 |
22 | ,, | ,, | 10 | ,, | ,, | ... ... | 4/11 |
24 | ,, | ,, | 12 | ,, | ,, | ... ... | 6/11 |
No. T Y 1054. Nursery Yacht, with seating accommodation for two children, polished finish. 46in. long, 23in. high, 17/6
ss="img"> ENGLAND and WALES
T Y 951. Dissected Maps of England and Wales. Best quality 3-ply wood, each county carefully sawn out to be fitted together, box 12½ by 9in., 1/6
T Y 940. All the parts to make a perfect working Clockwork Locomotive, 0 gauge, box 12 by 10 in., 3/9
T Y 835. Harrods’ complete Outfit for producing Jig-saw Puzzles at home, comprising fret-saw frame, with 24 extra blades, mounted and unmounted pictures, good supply of special wood, cramp, sawing block, and sand-paper, in strong box 14½ by 13½in. by 2in. 5/0
T Y 1207. How to paint Pictures. The only things needed are water and a paint brush. Box 11 by in., 1/0
T Y 555. The Monster Painting Book, containing sketches, free-hand drawings, and hand-painted illustrations to copy from. Complete, with paints and brush, 10 by 8in., 3/11
T Y 347. Ingersoll Watches. For boys. Nickel, gunmetal, or gold plate. ‘Crown,’ 5/0 ‘Eclipse,’ 6/0 ‘Thin Junior,’ 8/6 ‘Solar,’ 10/6, only in gunmetal. For girls. Nickel, gunmetal, or gold plate. ‘Midget,’ 8/6
T Y 554. Boy’s Tool Box, consisting of saw, hammer, mallet, chisel, &c., in strong box, 18 by 5in., 3/11
T Y 42. How to Build a Fortress. Parts in box, when assembled have a realistic effect 7/6
T Y 47. How to Build an Artillery Gun. Will shoot wood ammunition, 18in. long, 7in. high, 8/11
T Y 56. How to Build a Train. No nails needed, all parts fit together, 36in. long, 3/6
T Y 193. Model Potter’s Wheel. A most instructive toy for boy or girl. Will mould any plain piece of pottery in plastic clay. Fascinating to watch and to use. Makes no mess. An ideal plaything, 3/6 each.
T Y 1277. How to Build a Suspension Bridge. All parts in strong wood box, no nails needed, 7/6
T Y 1209. Pixies’ Plants grow in 48 hours. Suitable for boy or girl desiring to become amateur gardener, 10 by 8½ by 2in., 2/6
No. T Y 190. Rubber Bubble Blowers. No soap, no broken pipes, no wet clothes or spoilt carpets. For use indoors or out. Nicely finished wooden pipe, with two bubbles made of finest Para rubber and with strong valves. Complete in nice box, Price 0/10½; Extra bubbles, 0/4 each.
T.Y. 191. Interlocking Building Blocks. Blocks of various lengths are all notched on the sides, and can be fitted one into another. In cardboard box at 10½d. 1/11. In strong wood box at 3/6, 5/6, 7/6, 10/6
T.Y. 199. How to make Trucks, Cranes, Bridges, Railway Signals, etc., with parts of a “Meccano” Outfit. No. 1, 5/0; No. 2, 10/0; No. 3, 15/0; No. 4, 25/0 Polished wood boxes, No. 5, 55/0; No. 6, £5 Progressive Outfits.
T.Y. 547. How to Build a Windmill, parts complete in strong box, 50 pieces, 48in. high, 2/6
T.Y. 553. How to Build a Tower Lift. Over 100 pieces in strong box. Complete, 45in. high, 2/11
T.Y. 51. The Young Mason and How to Build Model Houses, 5/6
T.Y. 44. How to Build a Scenic Railway, 5/11
T.Y. 46. Hammer and Nails. How to construct various models, with a hammer, nails, and wood, 2/11
T.Y. 41. How to Build a Lighthouse, 8/11
T.Y. 52. The Little Jack of All Trades. Models of all kinds easily assembled, 5/6
T.Y. 55. The Practical Cart Builder, 5/6
T.Y. 50. How to Build a Horse Stable, 15in. long, 18in. high, 11/9
T.Y. 49. How to build an Overhead Railway. All parts in strong wood box. Carriages ply along rails. 8/11
T.Y. 53. How to Build a Military Barracks. Parts in strong wood box. 9/11
T Y 1285. Model Submarine, actually diving and rising. New and improved construction with device for making the boat travel “awash,” that is, on the surface, or for making it dive and rise alternately. Superior patented clockwork mechanism. 11¾in. long, 8/11
T Y 1281. Paddle Steamer, handsomely painted, with strong clockwork movements, paddle wheels are strong and well-balanced. 10¼in. long, 4/11
T Y 415. Model Cruiser, designed after latest types; superior clockwork movements, best finish, 24in., 25/6
T Y 1284. Steam Racing Boat, good model, built on scientific lines. Reliable steam boiler and engine. 18in. long, 10/6
T Y 1154. Model Mechanical Swimming Frog, with good mechanism and realistic colouring. 9in. long, 3/6
T Y 1280. Model Atlantic Liner, designed after the famous Cunarder, “Mauretania.” Very best workmanship and finish throughout. Extra strong and powerful clockwork movement. Accurate in all details. 25in. long, 35/6
T Y 245. Model Motor Boat. Reliable clockwork movements. 15in. long, 4/9
T Y 1283. Model Destroyer, designed after the newest types in the Navy, correct colours, four funnels. Strong, reliable clockwork. 23in. long, 12/11
T Y 1156. The “Gunta” Racing Yacht, rigged in the well-known Gunter style, with hulls of selected wood, fitted with brass fin and lead bulb, painted grey, 21in., 18/6, 24in., 22/6
T Y 1157. The “Cynthia” Model Cutter, fitted with lead keel, best quality sails, pine masts and spars, hull black and red. For quite young boys, 12in., 5/6 15in., 8/6
T Y 1155.
T.Y. 216. Model Spring Buffers. Gauge 0, 1/9 Gauge 1, 2/6
T.Y. 1022. Guard’s Lamp, red and green glass, burns candles, 6in., 6d
T.Y. 215. Model Crossing Gates. Gates to open. Gauge 0, 8in. long. Hand-working, 4/11 Gauge 1, Automatic, 8/6.
T.Y. 1024. Model Barrier, 14in. long, 7in. high, 10½d.
T.Y. 1023. Automatic Ticket Office, 7in. high, with 24 tickets, 1/0.
T.Y. 1025. Place Indicator, with name plates, 5in. high, 6d.
T.Y. 1026.
Model Railway Signal,
11in. high, 10½d.
T.Y. 213. Model Scenic Tunnel. Gauge 0, 12in. long, 3/11; gauge 1, 15¾in. long, 5/11; gauge 1, 19in. long, 7/11; all gauges, 23¾in. long, 9/11
T.Y. 221. Arc Lamp with glass globe, winds up and down. 16½in. high, 2/3.
T.Y. 501. Automatic Signal,
19¾in. high, 5/11
T.Y. 1027. Model Foot Bridge, with figures, fitting. Gauges 1 and 2, 22in. long, 7in. high, 3/11
Orders by Post are carefully and accurately executed.
T.Y. 504. Signal Box, 6 by 6 by 5in., 1/11
T.Y. 1028. Model Crane with windlass, 12in. long, 7in. high, 4/11
T.Y. 1029. Notice Board
3½in. high, 5½d. each.
T.Y. 220. Street Lamp burns oil, 7¾in. high, 10½d.
T.Y. 212. Railway Bridge, with rails and lamps. Gauge 0, 52in., 6/11; gauge 1, 58in., 8/11
T.Y. 1215. Electric Dynamo with lamp, mounted on strong wood base, 5in. long, 3½in. high, 12/11
T.Y. 1216. Model Cast Iron Grindstone 5¼in. high, 2/11
T.Y.1219. The “Hearwell” Telephone. Can be fitted in any part of the house with practical results. Full instructions supplied with each instrument, 17 by 12in., 17/6
T.Y. 1253. Model Electric Arc Lamp, winds up and down, and lights. 5in. high, 14/6
T.Y. 417. Model Electric Crane, 18in. high, lifting capacity up to two pounds, with two switches, 14/6 Accumulator extra.
T.Y. 1229. Model Metal Fountain, can be worked by handle or driven by steam, 11 by 7½in., 7/11
T.Y. 1222. Revolving Steam Crane, with vertical steam engine, boiler house, and crane to be turned by means of handle, 8½ by 12in., 10/6
T.Y. 1220. Horizontal Steam Engine, with oscillating brass cylinder and reversing gear, safety valve, steam whistle, and oxidised brass boiler, mounted on strong wood base, 6 by 6 by 9in., 5/11
T.Y. 227. Stationary Steam Traction Engine, with large Iron fly wheel, safety valve, water gauge glass, steam whistle, &c. Mounted on wood base 10¼ by 5 by 11½in., 22/9
T.Y. 1223. Steam Traction Engine, with oxidised brass boiler, safety valve, steam whistle, and fixed cylinder. 8½ by 4½ by 11in., 15/6
T.Y. 882. Steam Engine, coupled with dynamo generating electric light, 4 volt, 9½ by 5 by 10½in., 15/6
2/6 2/6
T.Y. 1226. Electric Light Outfit and how to produce it. All parts on card. 11 by 9in., 2/6
T.Y. 1227. Steam Roller, with backward and forward movement, straight or circular running, 8 by 5 by 7½in., 14/6
T.Y. 1233. Speed Controller for Electric Railways, with handle for regulating, 4¾in. high, 3/6
T.Y. 1231. Vertical Steam Engine, mounted on strong cast iron stand, with gas generating lamp, safety valve, steam whistle, etc 12½in. high, 22/6
T.Y. 1234. Vertical Steam Engine, with fixed cylinder, reversing movements, steam whistle, water gauge glass, mounted on cast iron stand, 13½in. high, 10/6
T.Y. 1225. Vertical Steam Engine, mounted on cast iron stand, with oxidised brass boiler, oscillating cylinder, etc., 10½in. high, 4/11
T.Y. 1224. Friction Shocking Coil, with handles, mounted on wood base, 3 by 3¾ by 3½in., 6/11
T.Y. 1232. Tapping Key for Morse Code, best finish, 5½ by 3in., 5/6
T.Y. 1279. Aerial Spiral Mono-rail, 35ft. long, complete with top, 5/0