Herself: Talks with Women Concerning Themselves






Author of

"Confidences," "Truths," etc.




Copyright, 1911, By
Forbes and Company


A recent number of the Journal of the American Medical Association contained this paragraph:

"A correspondent asks for a good book describing the female generative organs anatomically, physiologically and pathologically, treating also of childbirth, written in language easily understood by a layman. He desires to give copies to some of his young women patients. The editor regrets there is no satisfactory book on the subject although there is great need for one."

It is a lamentable fact that the majority of women and girls are ignorant of the structure of their most important organs. In the majority of schools and colleges where physiology is taught, absolutely nothing is mentioned about the reproductive organs. As far as books or instruction are concerned, the girl is ignorant of their very existence. If she knew something of the structure of such important organs and the harmful results of many practices or acts of carelessness affecting them, would she not be better prepared to take the proper care of herself and more liable to develop into a strong, healthy woman?

If a girl in the business world is intrusted with a delicate piece of machinery she is taught the structure, use and care of it. Why is it not just as necessary that the girl, who is intrusted with the care of delicate organisms upon whose condition depends the health of the future generation, be instructed regarding the care of these organs? Instead, she is left in absolute ignorance and then blamed if she mars them.

Every woman should have some knowledge of the structure and care of her body, especially of those parts which are concerned so intimately in the welfare of the future generation. Every woman, too, should receive some instruction regarding the care of young children and the proper management of the home. A woman who attempts to care for herself and her children without proper knowledge of these subjects is like a man who tries to run his business blindfolded.

That thinking women are awakening to the fact that they have been suffering unnecessarily and are realizing the necessity for more knowledge concerning the hygiene and physiology of their own bodies is shown by the fact that nearly every chapter in this book has been written in answer to questions asked by women readers of the author's magazine articles. With the hope that the plain facts herein set forth will aid some women to have healthier and happier lives and healthier and happier babies this series of talks has been written.

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