- A. B., information wanted concerning, 76.
- Adam, eldest son of, respected, 10.
- Æneas goes to hell, 101.
- Æolus, a seller of money, as is supposed by some, 101.
- Æschylus, a saying of, 51, note.
- Alligator, a decent one conjectured to be, in some sort, humane, 120.
- Alphonso the Sixth of Portugal, tyrannical act of, 120.
- Ambrose, Saint, excellent (but rationalistic) sentiment of, 35.
- "American Citizen," new compost so called, 104.
- American Eagle, a source of inspiration, 45
- —hitherto wrongly classed, 51
- —long bill of, 51.
- Amos, cited, 34.
- Anakim, that they formerly existed, shown, 124.
- Angels, providentially speak French, 23
- —conjectured to be skilled in all tongues, ib.
- Anglo-Saxondom, its idea, what, 21.
- Anglo-Saxon mask, 21.
- Anglo-Saxon race, 16.
- Anglo-Saxon verse, by whom carried to perfection, 11.
- Antonius, a speech of, 40
- —by whom best reported, ib.
- Apocalypse, beast in, magnetic to theologians, 83.
- Apollo, confessed mortal by his own oracle, 83.
- Apollyon, his tragedies popular, 72.
- Appian, an Alexandrian, not equal to Shakspeare as an orator, 40.
- Ararat, ignorance of foreign tongues is an, 53.
- Arcadian background, 106.
- Aristophanes, 34.
- Arms, profession of, once esteemed especially that of gentlemen, 10.
- Arnold, 42.
- Ashland, 106.
- Astor, Jacob, a rich man, 91.
- AstrÆa, nineteenth century forsaken by, 102.
- Athenians, ancient, an institution of, 41.
- Atherton, Senator, envies the loon, 60.
- Austin, St., profane wish of, 43, note.
- Aye-Aye, the, an African animal, America supposed to be settled by, 25.
- Babel, probably the first Congress, 53
- Baby, a low-priced one, 98.
- Bagowind, Hon. Mr., whether to be damned, 63.
- Baldwin apples, 125.
- Baratarias, real or imaginary, which most pleasant, 102.
- Barnum, a great natural curiosity recommended to, 49.
- Barrels, an inference from seeing, 125.
- BÂton Rouge, 106
- —strange peculiarities of labourers at, 107.
- Baxter, R., a saying of, 35.
- Bay, Mattysqumscot, 119.
- Bay State, singular effect produced on military officers by leaving it, 21.
- Beast in Apocalypse, a loadstone, for whom, 83.
- Beelzebub, his rigadoon, 61.
- Behmen, his letters not letters, 25.
- Colman, Dr. Benjamin, anecdote of, 38.
- Coloured folks, curious national diversion of kicking, 19.
- Colquitt, a remark of, 60
- —acquainted with some principles of aerostation, ib.
- Columbia, District of, its peculiar climatic effects, 44
- —not certain that Martin is for abolishing it, 115.
- Columbus, a Paul Pry of genius, 74.
- Columby, 109.
- Complete Letter-Writer, fatal gift of, 82.
- Compostella, St. James of, seen, 22.
- Congress, singular consequence of getting into, 43.
- Congressional debates, found instructive, 53.
- Constituents, useful for what, 44.
- Constitution trampled on, 58
- —to stand upon, what, 78.
- Convention, what, 44.
- Convention, Springfield, 44.
- Coon, old, pleasure in skinning, 59.
- Coppers, caste in picking up of, 94.
- Copres, a monk, his excellent method of arguing, 54.
- Cornwallis, a, 14
- —acknowledged entertaining, ib., note.
- Cotton Mather, summoned as witness, 23.
- Country lawyers, sent providentially, 31.
- Country, our, its boundaries more exactly defined, 32
- —right or wrong, nonsense about exposed, ib.
- Courier, The Boston, an unsafe print, 52.
- Court, General, farmers sometimes attain seats in, 107.
- Cowper, W., his letters commended, 76.
- Creed, a safe kind of, 97.
- Crusade, first American, 23.
- Cuneiform script recommended, 85.
- Curiosity distinguishes man from brutes, 74.
ss="pginternal">84. - Naboths, Popish ones, how distinguished, 25.
- Nation, rights of, proportionate to size, 20.
- National pudding, its effect on the organs of speech, a curious physiological fact, 25.
- Nephelim, not yet extinct, 124.
- New England overpoweringly honoured, 48
- —wants no more speakers, ib.
- —done brown by whom, ib.
- —her experience in beans beyond Cicero's, 84.
- Newspaper, the, wonderful, 70
- —a strolling theatre, 71
- —thoughts suggested by tearing wrapper of, 72
- —a vacant sheet, ib.
- —a sheet in which a vision was let down, 73
- —wrapper to a bar of soap, ib.
- —a cheap impromptu platter, ib.
- New York, Letters from, commended, 76.
- Next life, what, 72.
- Niggers, 5
- —area of abusing extended, 46
- —Mr. Sawin's opinions of, 117.
- Ninepence a day low for murder, 14.
- No, a monosyllable, 25
- Noah, inclosed letter in bottle, probably, 75.
- Nornas, Lapland, what, 101.
- North, has no business, 58
- —bristling, crowded off roost, 81.
- North Bend, geese inhumanly treated at, 82
- North Star, a proposition to indict, 62.
- Off ox, 70.
- Officers, miraculous transformation in character of, 21
- —Anglo-Saxon, come very near being anathematized, 22.
- O'Phace, Increase D., Esq., speech of, 40.
- Oracle of Fools, still respectfully consulted, 41.
- Orion, becomes commonplace, 73.
- Orrery, Lord, his letters (lord!), 76.
- Ostracism, curious species of, 41.
- Palestine, 23.
- Palfrey, Hon. J. G., 41, 50 (a worthy representative of Massachusetts.)
- Pantagruel recommends a popular oracle, 41.
- Panurge, his interview with Goatsnose, 84.
- Papists, female, slain by zealous Protestant bomb-shell, 104.
- Paralipomenon, a man suspected of being, 82.
- Paris, liberal principles safe as far away as, 66.
- Parliamentum Indoctorum sitting in permanence, 44.
- Past, the, a good nurse, 55.
- Patience, sister, quoted, 16.
- Paynims, their throats propagandistically cut, 23.
- Penelope, her wise choice, 32.
- People, soft enough, 68
- Pepin, King, 76.
- Periwig, 80.
- Persius, a pithy saying of, 109
- —nobly emulates Cincinnatus, 110
- —is not a crooked stick, ib.
- —advises his adherents, ib.
- —views of, on present state of politics, 110-117
- —popular enthusiasm for, at Bellers's, and its disagreeable consequences, 111
- —inhuman treatment of, by Bellers, 112
- —his opinion of the two parties, 113
- —agrees with Mr. Webster, ib.
- —his antislavery zeal, 115
- —his proper self-respect, ib.
- —his unaffected piety, ib.
- —his not intemperate temperance, 117
- —a thrilling adventure of, 117-122
- —his prudence and economy, 117
- —bound to Captain Jakes, but regains his freedom, 119
- —is taken prisoner, 121-122
- —ignominiously treated, 121-122
- —his consequent resolution, 122.
Sayres, a martyr, 55. Scaliger, saying of, 28. ScarabÆus pilularius, 18. Scott, General, his claims to the presidency, 34, 37. Scythians, their diplomacy commended, 84. Seamen, coloured, sold, 8. Selemnus, a sort of Lethean river, 106. Senate, debate in, made readable, 55. Seneca, saying of, 27 - —another, 51
- —overrated by a saint (but see Lord Bolingbroke's opinion of, in a letter to Dean Swift), 76
- —his letters not commended, ib.
- —a son of Rev. Mr. Wilbur, 102.
Serbonian bog of literature, 54. Sextons, demand for, 61 - —heroic official devotion of one, 120.
Shaking fever, considered as an employer, 93. Shakspeare, a good reporter, 40. Sham, President, honest, 45. Sheba, Queen of, 19. Sheep, none of Rev. Mr. Wilbur's turned wolves, 12. Shem, Scriptural curse of, 122. Show, natural to love it, 17, note. Silver spoon born in Democracy's mouth what, 43. Sinai suffers outrages, 66. Sin, wilderness of, modern, what, 66. Skin, hole in, strange taste of some for, 94. Slaughter, whether God strengthen us for, 24. Slaughterers and soldiers compared, 104. Slaughtering nowadays is slaughtering, 104. Slavery, of no colour, 6 - —cornerstone of liberty, 52
- —also keystone, 58
- —last crumb of Eden, 61
- —a Jonah, 62
- —an institution, THE END.