So far in our account of the phenomena we have regarded the lines, the spots, and everything that is theirs solely from the point of view of their appearance at any one time. In other words, we have viewed them only from a static standpoint. In this we have followed the course of the facts, since in this way were the canals first observed. We now come to a different phase of the matter,—the important disclosure, with continued looking, that these strange things show themselves to be subject to change. That is, they take on a kinematic character. This at once opens a fresh field of inquiry concerning them and widens the horizon of research. It increases the complexity of the problem, but at the same time makes it more determinate. For while it greatly augments the number of facts which must be collected toward an explanation of what the things are, these once acquired, it narrows the solution which can apply to them. The fact of change in the Martian markings forces itself upon any one who will diligently study the planet. He will be inclined at first to attribute it to observational Perseverance in scanning the disk long after the casual observer had considered it too far away for observational purposes, resulted in Schiaparelli’s detection Flux affecting the canals was apparent from the outset of my own observations. No less the subject of transformation than the large dark regions was the network of tenuous lines that overspread them. At times they were very hard to make out, and then again they were comparatively easy. Distance, instead of rendering them more difficult, frequently did the reverse. Nor was the matter one of veiling. Neither our own atmosphere nor that of Mars showed itself in any way responsible for their temporary disappearance. It was not always when our atmospheric conditions were best that the lines stood out most clearly, and as to Martian meteorology there was no sign that it had anything whatever to do with the obliteration. Long before the canals were dreamt of, veiling by Martian clouds or mist had been considered the cause On occasion canals in whole regions appeared to be blotted out. The most careful scrutiny would fail to disclose them, where some time before they had been perfectly clear. And this though distance was at its minimum and definition at its best. Even the strongest marked of the strange pencil lines would show at times only as ghosts of their former selves, while for their more delicate companions it taxed one’s faith to believe that they could ever really have existed. Illumination was invoked to account for this, and plays a part in the effect undoubtedly. For at plumb opposition the centre of the disk for two or three years has shown less detail than before and after that event. This is probably due not, as with the moon, to the withdrawal of shadows, but to the greater glare to which the disk is then subjected. But this is not the chief cause of the change. Still more striking and unaccountable was the fact Showing seasonal change. So much shows in the two drawings here reproduced. The increase of the Ganges and the advent of the Chrysorrhoas are noticeable in the second over the first. Showing seasonal change. Seasonal changes seemed the only thing to account for the phenomena. And in a general sense this was undoubtedly the explanation. To learn more about the matter, to verify it if it existed, and to particularize it if possible, I determined to undertake an investigation permitting of quantitative precision in the case. A method of doing this occurred to me which would To render this possible it was necessary that the drawings should be alike numerous, consecutive, and extended in time. These conditions were fulfilled by the drawings made by me at the opposition of 1903. Three hundred and seventy-two drawings had then been secured, and they covered between them a period of six months and a half. They were also as consecutive as it was possible to secure. During a part of the period the planet was seen and drawn at every twenty-four hours, from April 5, namely, to May 26, or for forty-six consecutive days. Though the rest of the time did not equal this perfection, no great gap occurred, and one hundred and forty-three nights were utilized in all. But even this does not give an idea of the mass of the data. For by the method employed about 100 drawings were used in the case of each canal, and as 109 canals were examined this gave 10,900 separate determinations upon which the ultimate result depended. That each of these determinations was independent of the others will appear from a description of the method itself on which the investigation was conducted. To understand that method one must begin a little way back. As the two planets, Mars and the Earth, turn on their axes the parts of their surfaces they present to each other are constantly changing. For a feature on Mars to be visible from a given post on earth, observer and observed must confront each other, and, furthermore, it must be day there when it is night here. But, as Mars takes about forty minutes longer to turn than the Earth, such confronting occurs later and later each night by about forty minutes, until finally it does not occur at all while Mars is suitably above the horizon; then the feature passes from sight to remain hidden till the difference of the rotations brings it round into view again. There are thus times when a given region If a marking were always salient enough it would appear in every drawing made of the disk during the recurrent fortnights of its display. If it were weaker than this, it might appear on some drawings and not on others, dependent upon its own strength and upon the definition at the moment, and we should have a certain percentage of visibility for it at that presentation. While if it changed in strength between one presentation and the next, the percentage of its recording would change likewise. Definition of course is always varying, but if its value be noted at the time of each drawing this factor may be allowed for more or less successfully. Making such allowance, together with other corrections to produce extrinsic equality, such as the planet’s distance, which we need not enter upon here, we are left with only the marking’s intrinsic visibility to affect the percentages; that is, the percentages tell of the changes it has successively undergone and give us a history of its wax and wane. From drawings accurately made it is possible to add to the accuracy of the percentage by noting in each, The longitude of each canal was known, and the longitude of the central meridian of each drawing was always calculated and tabulated with the drawing, so that it was possible to tell which drawings might have shown the canal. Only when the position of the canal was within a certain number of degrees of the centre of the drawing (60°) was the drawing used in the result, allowance being duly made for the loss upon the phase side. Each drawing, it should be remembered, was as nearly an instantaneous picture of the disk as possible. It covered only a few minutes of observation, and was made practically as if the observer had never seen the planet before. In other words, the man was sunk in the manner. Such mental effacement is as vital to good observation as mental assertion is afterward to pregnant reasoning. For a man should be a machine in collecting his data, a mind in coÖrdinating them. To reverse the process, as is sometimes done, is not conducive to science. When the successive true percentages of visibility of a given canal had thus been found, they were plotted vertically at points along a horizontal line corresponding In this manner were obtained the cartouches of 109 canals. Now, as the presence or absence of any canal in any drawing was entirely irrespective of the presence or absence of another, each such datum spoke only for itself, and was an entirely independent observation. The whole investigation thus rested on 10,900 completely separate determinations, each as unconditioned by the others as if it existed alone. As every factor outside of the canal itself which could affect the latter’s visibility was taken account of, and the correction due to it as nearly as possible applied before the cartouches were deduced, the latter represent the visibility of the canal due to intrinsic change alone. In other words, they give not the apparent only but the real history of the canal for the period concerned. To see this the more clearly, we may set over against the cartouche the canal character it signalizes:—
If the cartouche first falls and then rises, this shows the canal to have passed through a minimum state at the time denoted by the point of inflection; if it rises first and falls afterward, this betokens in the same way a maximum. Thus the cartouches reveal to us the complete history of the canals,—what changes they underwent and the times at which these occurred. The cartouche, then, is the graphic portrayal of the canal’s behavior. It not only distinguishes at once between the dead and the living, as we may call the effect of intrinsic change, but it tells the exact character of this change,—the way it varied from time to time, the epoch at which the development was at its minimum or its maximum for any given canal, and lastly, its actual strength at any time, thus giving its relative importance in the canal system. For the height of the curve above the diagrammatic horizon marks the absolute as well as the relative visibility and enables us to rank the canals between themselves. Now, the first point it furnishes a criterion for is the This criterion is absolute. Unless all the cartouches were approximately straight lines, no illusion theory of any kind whatever could explain the facts. Even then the lines might all be real; for unchangeable reality would produce the same effect on the cartouches as illusion. In the case therefore of horizontal straight line cartouches, we should have no guarantee on that score of reality or illusion; but, on the other hand, curves or inclined straight lines in them would be instantly fatal to all illusion theories. Turning now to the 109 cartouches obtained in 1903, the first point to strike one’s notice is that all but three of them are curves and that even these three must be accepted with a caveat. Here, then, the cartouches dispose once and for all of any and every illusion theory. They show conclusively that the canals are real objects which wax and wane from some intrinsic cause. Of the 109 canals examined 106 showed by their cartouches that they had been during the whole or a part of the period in a state of change. But the change was not the same for all. In some the minimum came early; in others, late. Some decreased to nothing and stayed there; others increased from zero and were increasing still at the time observations closed. Latitude proved the means of bringing comparative order out of the chaos. When the canals were ranged according to their latitude on the planet, a law in their development came to light. To understand it, the circumstances under which the canals were presented
The vernal longitude is the longitude of the planet in its orbit reckoned from the vernal equinox. From the table it appears that the cartouches cover the development of the canals from about June 6 to September 1 of the Martian northern hemisphere for the current but to us undated year, ab Marte condita.
The zones comprised each a belt of territory about thirteen degrees wide, the first being less solely because in part occupied by the permanent polar cap. The curves of all the canals in a given zone have been combined into a mean curve or cartouche for that zone; and then the cartouches for the several zones have been represented and ranged according to latitude on the accompanying plate. Consideration of these mean canal cartouches is very instructive. In the first place not one of them is a straight line, either horizontal or inclined. All are curves and, with the exception of the top one, all show a minimum or lowest point during the period under observation. From this point they rise with the time, or to the right on the plate. A black star marks this minimum, and is found farther and farther to the right as one goes down the plate; that is, as one travels from the neighborhood of the arctic regions down to the equator and then over into the planet’s southern hemisphere. Drawing now a line approximately through the stars and remembering Furthermore, the development took place at an approximately uniform rate. This is shown by the fact that the line passing through the black stars is approximately straight; for such straightness means that progression down the disk as measured by the latitude bore throughout the same ratio to the time elapsed. Looking at them again we notice that the three topmost cartouches, those of the north polar, arctic, and sub-arctic canals respectively, dip at the right before the end of the observations, while the other seven were still rising when those observations were brought to a close. A reason for this, or at least a significant coincidence, is to be found in the dotted line pendent from the top of the table and labelled “First Frosts.” This dotted line denotes the date at which the first extensive frost occurred in the polar regions; for even before this time patches of white had appeared north of the Mare Acidalium, denoting the on-coming of the cold. It becomes all the more so when the three cartouches are considered seriatim. The most polewards, the north polar one, had sunk to zero sometime before the first extensive frost occurred; the second, the arctic, did so later than its northern neighbor, probably just before the epoch in question; while the third, practically outside the zone of deposition, was behind both the others in its descent. Inspection of the drawings upon which the cartouches are based confirms an inference deduced from this: that it was cold that killed, not frost that covered, them, which was responsible for their obliteration. The drawings show that the canals ceased to be seen before the white patches were These three cartouches furthermore show each a maximum, and what is significant the maximum occurs later in time for each, according as the zone lies remote from the pole. A red star marks this maximum and shows that the time of greatest development for the three zones was respectively:— 41 days after the summer solstice for the North Polar. 61 days after the summer solstice for the Arctic. 95 days after the summer solstice for the Sub-Arctic. We now pass to the other curves, those that were unaffected by cold. Though in these the minima themselves show the law of latitudinal progression, the wavelike character of the advance is even better disclosed by the curves. As the eye follows them down the page, the advance of the wave to the right is plainly apparent. The slope of the wave is much the same for all, implying that a like force was at work successively down the latitudes. It seems possible to trace this force to an origin at the south. For beginning with the north sub-tropic zone the gradient on the left shows less and less steep southward to the south sub-tropic zone. Such a dying-down swell is what should be looked for in an impulse which had travelled from the south northward, since the wave would affect the more northern zones last, and less of a calm period would intervene between the two impulses from opposite poles. The cartouches, then, state that the canals began to develop after the greatest melting of the polar cap had occurred; that this development proceeded down the latitudes to the equator, and then not stopping there advanced up the latitudes of the other hemisphere. In the next place they show that in the arctic region the development was arrested and devolution or decay set in as it began to get cold there, |