VOL. I. | Page | 105, | Line | 14, | for “claim to the attribute,” read “claim to be the attribute.” | —— | 115, | —— | 2, | for “but bestows,” read “but to bestow.” | —— | 126, | —— | 16, | for “There the wife,” read “These the wife.” | —— | 159, | —— | 5, | for “comeb ene,” read “come bene.” | —— | 160, | —— | 13, | for “wha was,” read “wha wad.” | —— | 162, | —— | 7, | for “she was doon-lying,” read “she was at the doon-lying.” | —— | 238, | —— | 10, | for “dirk and threw,” read “dirk threw.” | —— | 269, | —— | 2, | for “pore, but before,” read “port before.” | —— | 274, | —— | 13, | for “over three,” read “over board three.” | —— | 286, | —— | 3, | for “animate,” read “an innate.” | —— | 295, | —— | 16, | for “feed on,” read “feed with.” | —— | 315, | —— | 3, | for “In the next,” read “For the next.” | —— | 328, | —— | In the motto, for “Ingall,” read “Fingall.” | —— | 341, | —— | 9, | for “lef,” read “left.” | —— | 342, | —— | 20, | for “fiends,” read “fiend.” | VOL. II. | Page | 17, | Line | 3, | for “laugh,” read “laugh, it.” | —— | 62, | —— | 6, | for “Gentlemen!” read “Julia.” | —— | 200, | —— | 8, | for “stop all,” read “strip all.” | —— | 243, | —— | 6, | for “beauty o,” read “beauty of.” | —— | 261, | —— | 3, | for “hey,” read “they.” | —— | 269, | —— | 2, | for “Misses,” read “Messrs.” | —— | 276, | —— | 15, | for “ne mar,” read “ne war.” | —— | 299, | —— | 14, | for “frigate in question,” read “frigate.” | —— | 300, | —— | 17, | for “me from out,” read “me out.” | VOL. III. | Page | 12, | Line | 2, | for “the sigh expressed,” read “tho’ expressed.” | —— | 32, | —— | 8, | for “chrelins,” read “cluelines.” | —— | 79, | —— | 13, | for “perverted word,” read “world.” | —— | 99, | —— | 2, | for “them,” read “him.” | —— | 112, | —— | 1, | for “prevailed to,” read “prevailed on to.” | —— | 181, | —— | 6, | for “There was,” read “This was.” | —— | 185, | —— | 12, | for “every time,” read “every day.” | —— | 201, | —— | 4, | for “rising,” read “rose.” | —— | 202, | —— | 1, | for “traversed on the,” read “traversed the.” | —— | 204, | —— | 18, | for “heroine impelled by her,” read “heroine and her.” | —— | 226, | —— | 4, | for “one half,” read “remit one half.” | —— | 230, | —— | 14, | for “disclosures had been made?” read “disclosure had been made under almost any other circumstances?” | —— | 254, | —— | 21, | for “ou hene,” read “our heroine.” | —— | 375, | —— | 16, | for “safety had,” read “safety which had.” | —— | 377, | —— | 3, | for “tooked,” read “took.” | —— | 403, | —— | 13, | for “outlaw of,” read “outlaw with.” | Transcriber’s Notes The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected. Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation in the original document have been preserved. The errata for this volume (II) have been corrected. |