9-h@47039-h-10.htm.html#Page_448" class="pginternal">448 Butomus, 437 Butter-cup, 11 Butter-nut, 327 Butter-nut Walnut (fig. 79), 179 Butter-tree, 400 Buxus, 430 Byttneria, 300 C. Cabomba, 254 Cactus, 368 Caiophora, 362 Calabash Tree, 405 Calandrinia, 364 Calceolaria, 411 Calempelis, 404 Calla ethiopica, 454 Callista, 113 Callistachys, 40 Callistemon, 359 Callitriche, 355 Callitris, 222 Calluna, 114 Calochortus, 450 Calycanthus, 351 CalyceraceÆ, 390 CalyciflorÆ, 237 Calycine scales, 291 Calyptrate calyx, 265 Calystigia, 408 Calyx (fig. 3), 7 Camellia, 304 Campanula, 394 Camphor of Sumatra, 303 Camphor Tree, 424 Candy Tuft, 270 Canna, 442 Cannabis, 162 Cannon ball Tree, 360 Cape Gooseberry, 145 Cape Heaths, 112 Cape Jasmine, 89 Cape Marigold, 107 Caper Spurge, 429 Caper Tribe, 274 Capparis, ib. Caprifolium, 383 Capsicum, 144 Carex, 457 Carica, 361 Carina, 37 Carnation (fig. 118), 289 Carob Tree, 46 Carpels (figs. 5 & 7), 13, 24 Carpinus, 201 Caryocar, 327 CaryophyllaceÆ, 289 Caryopsides, 33 Cashew Nut, 348 Cassandra, 116 Cassava, 430 Cassine, 343 Castor Oil, 431 Casuarina, 204 Catalpa, 405
internal">358 Deodar, 217 DeutziÆ, 358 Devil-in-a-Bush, 26 Dewberry, 57 Dianthus, 289 DichlamydeÆ, 237 Diclytra, 266 Dicotyledonous Plants, 234 Dictamnus, 341 Didymocarpus, 412 Digitalis, 411 Dillenia, 240 Dillwynia, 40 DionÆa muscipula, 284 Dioscorea, 447 Diosma, 341 Diphylleia, 253 Dipsacus, 389 Dirca palustris, 427 Dock, 423 Dodecatheon, 418 Dog Rose, 52 Dog Violet, 450 Dogwood, 381 Dorsal Suture, 37 Dortmannia, 392 Doryanthes, 446 Double Flowers, 16 DracÆna, 449 Dragon Wood, ib. Drimys Winteri, 241 Drosera, 284 Dryandra, 425 Duckweed, 455 Duke of Argyle’s Tea-tree, 146 Dumb Cane, 454 Dutch Rush, 465 Duvaua, 347 Dyer’s Weed, 273 E. Ebony, 400 Eccremocarpus, 404 Echinocactus, 369 Echium, 409 Edwardsia, 40 Egg Plant, 143 Ehretia, 410 ElÆagnus, 428 ElÆocarpus, 302 Elder, 382 Elephant’s Foot, 447 Elm, 432 Empetrum, 433 Enchanter’s Nightshade, 84 Endive, 101 Endocarp, 66 Endogens, 236 Epacris, 397 Epilobium (figs. 34 & 35), 82 Epimedium, 253 Epiphyllum, 371 Equisetum, 465 Eryobotrya, 72 Eriophorum, 457 Erodium, 35 Erythronium, 450 Erythroxylon, <
arch, 207, 216 Larix, 216 Larkspurs (fig. 10), 29 Lasiopetalum, 300 LathrÆa, 416 Laudanum, 277 Laurel, 65 Laurestinus, 383 Laurus, 424 Lavatera, 299 Lawsonia, 356 Leadwort, 418 Leatherwood, 427 Lechea, 275 Lechenaultia, 393 Lecythis, 360 Ledum, 129 Leguminous Plants, 35, 349 Leiophyllum, 130 Lemna, 455 Lemon, 307 Lemon-scented Verbena, 415 Leontice, 253 Leptosiphon, 406 Leptospermum, 359 Lesser Celandine, 17 Lettuce (fig. 41), 99 Leucojum, 446 Leucothoe, 117 Leycesteria, 384 Lichens, 468 Lignum VitÆ, 340 Ligulate florets (fig. 41), 99, 101 Ligustrum, 136 Lilac, 137 Lilium, 450 Lily of the Valley, 448 Lime, Sweet, 307 Lime Tree, 301 Limnanthes, 337 Limnocharis, 438 Linaria, 412 Linden tree, 301 LinnÆa, 385 Ling, 114 Linum, 293 Linseed, 295 Liquidambar, 203 Liquorice, 35 Liriodendron (Tulip Tree), 245 Lisianthus, 403 Litchi, 328 Live Oak, 194 Loasa, 362 Lobelia, 391 Loblolly-boy, 303 Logwood, 35, 47 Loiseleuria, 129 London Pride, 377 Lonicera, 383 Loosestrife, 418 Lopezia, 84 LophirseÆ, 371 Orange (figs. 121 and 122), 307 Orange Lily, 53 Stocks, 270 Stone Pine, 211 Stonewort, 465 Storax, 398 Stratiotes, 436 Strawberry, 55 Strawberry Blite, 422 Strawberry Tree, 118 Strelitzia, 443 Streptocarpus, 412 Strobile, 210 Strychnos, 401 Stuartia, 303 Stump of the Silver Fir, 215 Stump Tree, 48 Style, 5 StylideÆ, 393 Styrax, 398 Succory, 101 Sugar Cane, 458 Sugar Maple, 320 Sun-dew Tribe, 284 Sun Flower, 107 Sun Rose, 279 Suwarrow Nut, 327 Sweet Bay Tree, 424 Sweet Briar, 53 Sweet Gale, 203 Sweet Pea (fig. 13), 36 Sweet William, 292 Swietenia, 329 Sycamore (figs. 123 & 124), 315 Sycamore Tree of Holy Writ, 172 Symplocos, 397 Symphoria, 384 Syringa, 358 T. Tacamahac Tree, 187 Talauma, 245 Talinum, 364 Tamarind, 35, 46 Tamarisk, 357 Tamus, 448 Tanghina, 402 Tapioca, 431 Tap-root (fig. 11), 30 Tar, 209 Taxodium, 224 Taxus, 228 Teak, 415 Teasel, 389 Tea Tree, 306 Tecoma, 404 Tectona, 415 Tendrils, 24 TerebinthaceÆ, 347 Ternate leaves, 55 TernstroemiaceÆ, 303 Testudinaria, 447 Thalia, 442 Thallus, 468 ThalamiflorÆ, 237 Thalamus, 5 Theca, 461 Thea Bohea, THE END. LONDON: BRADBURY AND EVANS, PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. WORKS BY MRS. LOUDON. PRACTICAL INSTRUCTIONS IN GARDENING, FOR LADIES. With directions for every Month in the Year. Second Edition, with Woodcuts. Fcap. 8vo, 6s. CONTENTS: Digging.—Forking.—Hoeing, and Raking.—Manuring, and making Hotbeds.—Sowing Seeds, Planting Bulbs and Tubers, Transplanting and Watering,—Grafting, Budding, Inarching, Making Layers and Cuttings.—Training, Pruning, and destroying Insects.—Kitchen garden, and Culinary Vegetables.—Kitchen-garden, and Fruit-trees.—Flower-garden, and Flowers.—The Lawn, Shrubbery, and Pleasure-ground.—Rock-work, Moss-houses, and Fountains.—Window Gardening, and Greenhouse Plants.—Calendar of operations for the Year. THE YEAR-BOOK OF NATURAL HISTORY FOR YOUNG PERSONS. CONTENTS: Snails and Slugs.—Moths and Butterflies.—Bees and Wasps.—British Singing Birds.—Luminous Insects.—Wild Flowers and Clouds.—Water Beetles: Rose Chaffer, Cock Chaffer, Cock Roach, Dragon Fly, May Flies, and the Stickle Back.—The Limestone Caverns; Fossil Remains; Coal Mines; Iron Furnaces; Thunder Storm.—Moles, Mushrooms, Truffles, and Morels, Shrews, Mice, Frogs, and Polecats.—River Crawfish; and Flies.—Snipes and Woodcocks, Fieldfares and Thrushes; American Mocking Bird; Larks; Courses of the Wind.—Frost and Snow; The Holly; Mistletoe, and Robin Redbreast. With 45 Woodcuts, 16mo, 4s. |