

Introduction 1
Miscellaneous Orders—Preliminary Observations 3

The Order RanunculaceÆ: illustrated by the Garden Ranunculus;
the Butter-cup; the Peony; the Anemone; the Hepatica; the Clematis; the Christmas Rose; the Winter Aconite; Monkshood; the Larkspur; and the Columbine


The Genus Ranunculus, 110—The Genus Ficaria, 16—The Genus PÆonia, 18—The Genus Anemone, 19—The Genus Clematis, 23—The Genus Helleborus, &c. 25—The Genus Aconitum, 27—The Genus Delphinium, 29—The Genus Aquilegia, 31.


The Order LeguminosÆ: illustrated by the Sweet Pea; the Red Clover; Acacia armata; the Sensitive Plant; the Barbadoes Flower-fence; the Carob-tree; the Tamarind; the Senna; the Gleditschia; the Logwood; the Judas-tree; and the Kentucky Coffee-tree


Tribe I. Papilionaceous Flowers, 36—II. MimosÆ, 41—III. CÆsalpineÆ, 44.


The Order RosaceÆ: illustrated by different kinds of Roses; the Potentilla; the Strawberry; the Raspberry; SpirÆa; Kerria or Corchorus japonica; the Almond; the Peach and Nectarine; the Apricot; the Plum; the Cherry; the Apple; the Pear; The Mountain Ash; the White Beam Tree; the Quince; Pyrus or Cydonia japonica; the Hawthorn; the Indian Hawthorn; the Medlar; Photinia; Eriobotrya; Cotoneaster; Amelanchier; Burnet; and Alchemilla, or Ladies’ Mantle


Tribe I. RoseÆ, 51—II. PotentilleÆ or DryadeÆ, 54—III. SpirÆeÆ, 58—IV. AmygdaleÆ, 60—V. PomeÆ, 65—VI. SanguisorbeÆ, 73.


The Order OnagraceÆ: illustrated by the different kinds of Fuchsia; Œnothera, or the Evening Tree-Primrose; Godetia; Epilobium, or the French Willow-herb; and Clarkia


The Genus Fuchsia, 75—The Genus Œnothera, 79—The Genus Clarkia, 83.


The Order RubiaceÆ: illustrated by the Cinchona, or Peruvian Bark; Luculia gratissima; Cape Jasmine; Rondeletia; Coffee; Ixora; Ipecacuanha; Madder; Galium; Woodruff; and Crucinella stylosa


The Genus Cinchona and its allies, 86—The Genus Gardenia and its allies, 89—The Genus Rondeletia and its allies, 90—The Genus Coffea and its allies, 91—The Genus Galium and its allies, 94.


The Order CompositÆ: illustrated by the Succory; the Sow-Thistle; the Dandelion; the Burdock; the Daisy; the Chrysanthemum; Feverfew; Pellitory of Spain; Wild Chamomile; True Chamomile; Yarrow; the Bur-Marigold; Groundsel; Ragwort; Bird’s Tongue; Purple JacobÆa; Cineraria; Sunflower; Mutisia; and Triptilion


Tribe I. CichoraceÆ, 101—II. CynarocephalÆ, 103—III. CorymbiferÆ, 104—IV. LabiatÆflorÆ, 107.


The Order EricaceÆ: illustrated by the Common or Besom Heath; the Moor Heath; Cape Heaths; Ling or Heather; Andromeda; Lyonia; St. DabÆoc’s Heath; Arbutus; the Bearberry; Gaultheria; Clethra; Rhododendron; Indian or Chinese Azaleas; Yellow Azalea; American Azaleas; Rhodora; Kalmia; Menziesia; Loiseleuria; Ledum; Leiophyllum; the Bilberry; the Whortle-berry; the Cranberry; Pyrola; and Monotropa


Tribe I. EriceÆ, 110—Sub-Tribe I. EriceÆ Normales, 111—II. AndromedeÆ, 115—Tribe II. RhodoreÆ, 120—III. VaccinieÆ, 130—IV. PyroleÆ, 132.


The Order OleaceÆ, or JasmineÆ: illustrated by the Common White Jasmine; the Yellow Jasmine; the Privet; the Phillyrea; the Olive; the Fringe-tree (Chionanthus virginica); the Lilac; the Common Ash; and the Manna or Flowering Ash


Tribe I. JasmineÆ, 134—II. OleineÆ, 136.


The Order SolanaceÆ: illustrated by the Bitter-Sweet; Garden Nightshade; Potato; Egg-Plant; Tomato; Capsicum; Winter Cherry; Cape Gooseberry; the Deadly Nightshade; Lycium, or Duke of Argyle’s Tea-tree; Cestrum; Vestia; Tobacco; Petunia; Nierembergia; Salpiglossis; Schizanthus; Henbane; Datura; Brugmansia; Solandra; Verbascum; Celsia; Nolana; &c.


Tribe I. SolanaceÆ, 142—II. NicotianeÆ, 147; III. VerbascineeÆ, 153—IV. NolaneÆ, 155.


The Order UrticaceÆ: illustrated by the Common Nettle; the Hop; the Hemp; the Pellitory of the Wall; the Bread-Fruit Tree; the Jack-tree; the Cow-tree, or Palo de Vacca; the Upas or Poison-tree of Java; the Mulberry; the Paper Mulberry; the Osage Orange, or Maclura; the Common Fig; Ficus Sycamorus; the Banyan Tree; the Indian-Rubber Tree; and Ficus religiosa


Tribe I. UrticaceÆ, 158—II. ArtocarpÆ, 163.


The Catkin-bearing Trees: illustrated by the Walnut; the Hickory; the Willow; the Poplar; the Alder; the Birch; the Oak; the Beech; the Sweet Chesnut; the Hazel; the Hornbeam; the Hop Hornbeam; the Plane Trees; the Liquidambar; Myrica; Comptonia; Casuarina; and Garrya elliptica


JuglandaceÆ, the Walnut Tribe, 176—the Genus Juglans, ib.—the Genus Carya, 180—SalicaceÆ, the Willow Tribe, 181—the Genus Salix, 182—the Genus Populus, 184—BetulaceÆ, the Birch Tribe, 187—the Genus Betula, 188—the Genus Alnus, 189—CupuliferÆ, the Cup-bearing Trees, 190—the Genus Quercus, 191—the Genus Fagus, 195—the Genus Castanea, 198—the Genus Corylus, 200—the Genus Carpinus, 201—the Genus Ostrya, 202—the Order PlatanaceÆ, ib.—the Genus Platanus, ib.—the Genus Liquidambar, 203—the Order MyricaceÆ, ib.—the Genus Myrica, 204—the Order GarryaceÆ, ib.—the Genus Garrya, ib


The Cone-bearing Trees: illustrated by the Scotch Pine; the Spruce Fir; the Silver Fir; the Larch; the Cedar; the Araucaria; the Arbor VitÆ; the Cypress; the Deciduous Cypress; the Juniper; the Yew; and the CycadeÆ


§ I. The AbietineÆ, the Pine and Fir Tribe, 206—the Genus Pinus, 209—the Genus Abies, the Spruce Fir, 212—the Genus Picea, the Silver Fir, 214—the Genus Larix, the Larch, 216—the Genus Cedrus, the Cedar, 217—the Genus Araucaria, 219—§ II. CupressineÆ, the Cypress Tribe, 220—the Genus Callitris, 222—the Genus Cupressus, the Cypress, 223—the Genus Taxodium, the Deciduous Cypress, 224—the Genus Juniperus, the Juniper, 225—§ III. TaxineÆ, the Yew Tribe, 228—the Genus Taxus, the Yew, ib.—the Order CycadÆ, 229.


Sketch of the Natural System, according to Professor Decandolle 231
Introduction ib.
Phanerogamous Plants—DicotyledoneÆ—I. DichlamydeÆ 239
§ I.—ThalamiflorÆ.
1. RanunculaceÆ 239
2. DilleniaceÆ 240
3. MagnoliaceÆ 241
4. AnonaceÆ—the Custard-apple Tribe 245
5. MenispermaceÆ—the Cocculus Tribe 246
6. BerberideÆ—the Berberry Tribe 247
7. PodophyllaceÆ—the May-apple Tribe 253
8. HydropeltideÆ 254
9. NymphÆaceÆ—the Water-lily Tribe ib.
10. SarracenieÆ—the Side-saddle Plant 259
11. PapaveraceÆ—the Poppy Tribe ib.
12. FumariaceÆ—the Fumitory Tribe 266
13. CruciferÆ—Cruciferous Plants ib.
14. ResedaceÆ—the Mignonette 271
15. DatisceÆ 273
16. CapparideÆ—the Caper Tribe 274
17. FlacourtianeÆ 275
18. BixineÆ—the Arnotta Tribe ib.
19. CistineÆ—the Cistus Tribe ib.
20. ViolaceÆ—the Violet Tribe 279
31. DroseraceÆ—the Sun-dew Tribe 284
22. PolygaleÆ—the Milkwort Tribe 285
23. TremandreÆ 286
24. PittosporeÆ—the Pittosporum Tribe 287
25. FrankeniaceÆ—the Frankenia Tribe 288
26. CaryophyllaceÆ—the Carnation Tribe 289
27. LinaceÆ—the Flax Tribe 293
28. MalvaceÆ—the Mallow Tribe 296
29. BombaceÆ—the Silk Cotton-tree Tribe 299
30. ByttneriaceÆ 300
31. TiliaceÆ—the Linden Tribe 301
32. ElÆocarpÆ—the ElÆocarpus Tribe 302
32*. DipterocarpÆ—the Camphor-tree Tribe 303
33. ChelonaceÆ, or HugoniaceÆ ib.
34. TernstroemiaceÆ ib.
35. CamelliaceÆ—the Camellia Tribe 304
36. OlacineÆ—the Olax Tribe 307
37. AurantiaceÆ—the Orange Tribe 307
38. HypericineÆ—the Hypericum Tribe 312
39. GuttiferÆ—the Mangosteen Tribe 313
40. MarcgraaviaceÆ ib.
41. HippocrataceÆ ib.
42. ErythroxyleÆ—the Red Wood Tribe 314
43. MalpighiaceÆ—the Barbadoes Cherry Tribe 314
44. AcerineÆ—the Maple Tribe 315
45. HippocastaneÆ, or ÆsculaceÆ—the Horse-chestnut Tribe 322
46. RhizoboleÆ—the Caryocar Tribe 327
47. SapindaceÆ—the Soap-tree Tribe ib.
48. MeliaceÆ—the Bead-tree Tribe 328
48*. CedreleÆ—the Mahogany Tribe 329
49. AmpelideÆ—the Vine Tribe ib.
50. GeraniaceÆ—the Geranium Tribe 332
51. TropÆolaceÆ—the Nasturtium Tribe 337
51*. LimnantheÆ ib.
52. BalsamineÆ—the Balsam Tribe 338
53. OxalideÆ—the Wood-sorrel Tribe 339
54. ZygophylleÆ—the Bean-caper Tribe 340
55. RutaceÆ—the Rue Tribe ib.
56. SimarubaceÆ 342
57. OchnaceÆ ib.
58. CoriareÆ ib.
§ II.—CalyciflorÆ.
59. CelastrineÆ 343
60. RhamnaceÆ 345
61. BruniaceÆ 346
62. SamydeÆ ib.
63. HomalineÆ ib.
64. ChailletiaceÆ 347
65. AquilarineÆ ib.
66. TerebinthaceÆ—the Turpentine Tribe ib.
67. LeguminosÆ—(See Chap. II. in p. 35) 349
68. RosaceÆ—(See Chap. III. in p. 50) 350
69. CalycanthaceÆ 351
70. GranateÆ 352
71. MemecyleÆ 353
72. CombretaceÆ ib.
73. VochysieÆ ib.
74. RhizophoreÆ ib.
75. LophireÆ 354
76. OnagrariÆ—(See Chap. IV. in p. 75) ib.
77. HalorageÆ, or CercodianÆ 355
78. CeratophylleÆ ib.
79. LythrarieÆ, or SalicariÆ 356
80. TamariscineÆ—the Tamarisk Tribe ib.
81. MelastomaceÆ 357
82. AlangieÆ ib.
83. PhiladelpheÆ—the Mock-orange Tribe 358
84. MyrtaceÆ—the Myrtle Tribe ib.
85. CucurbitaceÆ—the Gourd Tribe 360
86. PassifloreÆ—the Passion-flower Tribe 361
86*. MalesherbiaceÆ 362
87. LoaseÆ ib.
88. TurneriaceÆ 363
89. PortulaceÆ—the Purslane Tribe 364
90. ParonychieÆ 365
91. CrassulaceÆ—the House-leek Tribe ib.
92. FicoideÆ—the Fig-marigold Tribe 367
93. CactaceÆ—the Cactus Tribe 368
94. GrossularieÆ—the Gooseberry Tribe 372
95. EscalloniaceÆ 376
96. SaxifragaceÆ 377
97. CunoniaceÆ 378
98. UmbelliferÆ—Umbelliferous Plants, or the Parsley Tribe ib.
99. AraliaceÆ 379
99*. HamamelideÆ 380
100. CaprifoliaceÆ, or the Honeysuckle Tribe 381
101. LorantheÆ 385
102. ChlorantheÆ 386
103. RubiaceÆ (See Chap. V. p. 85) 386
104. OpercularieÆ 387
105. ValerianeÆ—the Valerian Tribe ib.
106. DipsaceÆ—the Teasel Tribe 389
107. CalycereÆ 390
108. CompositÆ (See Chap. VI. p. 98) ib.
109. LobeliaceÆ 391
110. StylideÆ 393
111. GoodenoviÆ ib.
112. CampanulaceÆ—the Campanula Tribe 394
113. GesnerieÆ 395
114. VaccineÆ (See Chap. VII. p. 130) ib.
115. EricaceÆ (See Chap. VII. p. 109) ib.
116. PeneaceÆ 396
§ III.—CorolliflorÆ.
117. EpacrideÆ 396
118. SymplocineÆ 397
119. StyracineÆ 398
120. MyrsineÆ 399
121. SapoteÆ ib.
122. EbenaceÆ 400
123. BrexieÆ ib.
124. OleinÆ (See Chap. VIII. p. 136) 401
125. JasmineÆ (See Chap. VIII. p. 134) 401
126. StrychneÆ ib.
127. ApocyneÆ 403
128. AsclepiadeÆ ib.
129. GentianeÆ—the Gentian Tribe ib.
130. BignoniaceÆ 404
131. CobÆaceÆ 405
? PedalineÆ and SesameÆ 133.
134. PolemoniaceÆ 406
135. HydroleaceÆ 407
136. ConvolvulaceÆ ib.
137. BoragineÆ 409
138. CordiaceÆ 410
139. HydrophylleÆ ib.
140. SolanaceÆ (See Chap. IX. p. 141) ib.
141. ScrophularinÆ 411
142. LabiatÆ 412
143. VerbenaceÆ—the Vervain Tribe 414
144. MyoporinÆ 415
145. AcanthaceÆ ib.
146. OrobancheÆ 416
147. LentibulariÆ ib.
148. PrimulaceÆ—the Primrose Tribe ib.
149. GlobulariÆ 418
150. PlumbagineÆ ib.
Phanerogamous Plants—DicotyledoneÆ—II. MonochlamydeÆ 419
151. PlantagineÆ 419
152. NyctagineÆ 420
153. AmaranthaceÆ ib.
154. PhytolaceÆ 421
155. ChenopodeÆ ib.
156. BegoniaceÆ



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