Sabine, Hannah, biographical Sketch of, 057. Salem, Massachusetts, Disturbance among the Clergy at, caused by Roger Williams, in 1634, 053. Salstonstall, Commodore, on Expedition against Penobscot in 1779, 026. Salt, Scarcity of, in Washington's Army, 376. Sanders's Creek described, 666; Battle at, in 1780, 672. Sands, Robert C., Quotation from, 090. Sandy Hook, geological Changes of--Its Topography, 079. Sargent, Epes, Quotation from, 330. Sassacus, Indian Sachem, Notice of, 047, 048. Sassamon, John, "Praying Indian," educated at Cambridge--Secretary to King Philip--Accuses his Chief of Treason--Slain, 092. Savage, Captain, at Battle near Jamestown Island in 1781, 467. Savannah described--Early History of, 720; Founding of, 722; Sons of Liberty hold Meeting at, in 1774, 724; Other revolutionary Movements at, 725; Menaced--British repulsed, 727; Siege of, in 1779, 736; Bombardment of, 737; Evacuated by the British in 1782, 741. Saybrook Platform, Notice of, 050. Sayre, Stephen, arrested in London for high Treason in 1775--Imprisoned, tried, and acquitted--Prosecutes Lord Rochford for Damages--Awarded conditional Damages, 018. Scammell, Colonel Alexander, killed at Siege of Yorktown in 1781--Biographical Sketch of, 515. Schoolcraft, Henry R., Quotation from, 656. Scollay, John, Notice of, 013. Scotch Irish, Emigration of, to Carolina--Their Principles, 565; Origin of, 566; Emigrate to South Carolina in 1730-1740, 746. Scott, Colonel Joseph W., Notice of, 129. Scott, General Charles, at Battle of Germantown in 1777, 317; Biographical Sketch of, 343. Scott, General John M., biographical Sketch of, 805. Scott, Robert G., delivers Oration at laying of Corner-stone of Washington Monument at Richmond in 1850, 437. Scout, Bloody, in Carolina, 653, 692. Seabury, Bishop Samuel, Monument of, 050; Biographical Sketch of, 797. Seal and Monogram of Jefferson, 548; Of Governor Tryon, 567; Of North Carolina, 589; Of Pulaski, 735. Seamen, American Naval, of the Revolution, 088. Sears, Captain Isaac, arrested for Treason at New York, 793; Biographical Sketch of, 797. Segur, Count, accompanies Bonaparte to Moscow in 1812, 323. Seekonk, first Landing at, of Roger Williams in 1631, 053; Notice of, 054. Selden, John A., Notice of, 441. Selwyn George A., Notice of, 567. Senate, United States, Character of, 410. Sevier, Colonel John, in Southern Campaign in 1780, 631; Biographical Sketch of--Elected Governor of Frankland, 633. Seward, Miss, Quotation from, 198, 200. Seymore, John, Governor of Maryland, Notice of, 399. Seymour (young Patriot) in Battles at Sullivan's Island and Brandywine--Tragedy of his Bride, 384. Shaftesbury, Earl of (Anthony A. Cooper), biographical Sketch of, 560. Shank, Captain, in Battle at Spencer's Ordinary, 464. Shaw, Captain, draws up Constitution of the Society of the Cincinnati, 127. Shelby, Colonel Isaac, in Southern Campaign in 1780--Biographical Sketch, 631; At Battle of King's Mountain, 633; At Buttle at Musgrove's Mill in 1780, 650. Shelby, Lieutenant, in Expedition to the Scioto in 1774, 488. Sheldon, Colonel Elisha, in command of Cavalry on East Side of the Hudson in 1780--Receives fictitious Letter from AndrÉ--Head-quarters at Salem in 1780, 147. Sheppard, Colonel, at Siege of Fort Henry in 1777, 498. Sherburne, Major, killed at Battle of Germantown in 1777, 320. Sherry, C, Quotation from, 092. Shippen, Dr. William, biographical Sketch of, 241. Shippen, Edward, appointed by Penn first Mayor of Philadelphia in 1.708, 257. Shirley, Secretary, shot in Battle at Fort Duqueane in 1755, 479. Short Men (Virginia Riflemen), Notice of, 535. Short, Thomas, first Printer in province of Connecticut--Issues the "Saybrook Platform" in 1810--Biographical Sketch of, 050. Siege of Boston in 1776 resolved upon by Washington, 009; Plan of Attack--Re-enforcement of the Army--Council of War--Number of American Troops--Situation of Washington, 010; Condition of the British Troops--Bombarded from Lechmere's Point--Industry of the Patriots--Farce, "Boston Blockaded,", 011; Insecurity of British Army and Fleet--Further Preparations for bombarding--Anniversary of "Boston Massacre,", 012; Evacuated by Howe--Condition of the Patriots--Agreement to spare the Town--Cannonade renewed--Commission to plunder issued by Howe--Directed by Congress to be destroyed in 1775, 013; Bad Conduct of British Troops--Their Embarkation--Entrance of the Americans into the Town--Refugees, 014; Condition of, after Evacuation--Destruction and Desecration of Property--Churches used by the British for Barracks and Stables--Troops sent to New York--Lingering of British Vessels--Final Departure, 015; Capture of Campbell and Store Ships--Effect of Evacuation, 016; Strength of Americans, 018; Official Announcement of Evacuation in London, 022; Royal Approval of Howe's Conduct during the Siege, 023. Siege of Forts Clinton and Montgomery, 167. Siege of Fort Boone in 1777, 1778, 493. Siege of Fort Logan in 1777, 493. Siege of Fort Henry, Wheeling Creek, in 1777--Approach of Girty and Indians, 497; Inhabitants of Wheeling take Refuge in Fort--Girty demands Surrender of Fort--Refused--Battle ensues, 498; Arrival of Swearingen and M'Culloch with fifty-four Men--Girty sets Fire to Houses, kills Cattle, and departs--Loss, 499. Siege of Yorktown in 1781--Arrival of Washington and French Officers at Williamsburg, Siege of Fort Motte in 1781--Rawdon approaches Nelson's Ferry--Lee's Expedient, 686; Rawdon's Retreat, 687. Siege of Fort Ninety-six in 1781--Commenced by Kosciuszko, 691; Approach of Rawdon--Attempt to destroy Stockade-Activity of the Bloody Scout, 692; Assault on Star Redoubt--Capture of Stockade, 693; Loss and wounded--Raising of the Siege--Arrival of Rawdon--His Pursuit of Greene--Movement of the two Armies, 694; Courage and Arrest of Emily Geiger--Rawdon foiled, 695. Siege of Fort Watson in 1780--Marion demands of M'Kay unconditional Surrender of the Fort--Expedient of Colonel Maham--Surrender of the British, 707; Killed and wounded, 708. Siege of Augusta in 1780--Approach of Clark and M'Call--Skirmish with Indian Camp, 715; Skirmish at White House--Colonel Brown wounded--Capture and Defeat of Americans--Fate of the Prisoners, 716; Reassembling of Patriots near Augusta, 717; Plan of Attack--Erection of Mayham Tower--Skirmish--Garrison subdued, 718; Surrender of the Forts to Americans--British Prisoners paroled to Savannah--Loss and wounded, 719. Siege of Savannah in 1779--Concentration of American Troops--D'Estaing's Summons to surrender refused--His Error, 735; Arrival of Maitland--Victory lost by Delay--Plan of the Siege, 736; Its Operations--D'Estaing proposes to storm the Works--Bombardment opened upon British--Terror reigns supreme, 737; Storming of Spring Hill Redoubt--D'Estaing wounded--Death of Pulaski and Jasper, 738; Siege raised--Loss--Withdrawal of combined Armies--Effect of the Movement, 739. Siege of Fort Sullivan in 1776--Attaek of British Fleet--Returned by Americans--Clinton repulsed--Cannonade of the Fort--Fate of British Fleet, 755; Burning of the ActÆon--Effect of the Battle--Loss--Bravery of Sergeant Jasper, 756. Siege of Charleston in 1780--Arrival of British Fleet--Advance of Clinton, 764; Attaek upon the Town--Surprise of Huger--Proposed Surrender rejected--Plan of Battle-ground, 765; Continuance of the Siege--Perils of the City--Killed and wounded, 766; Cessation of Hostilities--Capitulation and Surrender, 767. Siege of Fort Washington, 826. Sigourney, Mrs. L, H., Quotation from, 051, 427, 782. Simcoe, Major, in command of Queen's Rangers, 343; In Skirmish at Quintan's Bridge in 1779, 344; Massacres Inmates of Hancock's House, 345; On Expedition to Virginia under Arnold, 434, 444, 463; At Battle of Spencer's Ordinary in 1781,464; In Expedition to Petersburg in 1781,543; Sentby Arnold to take Fords on Nottaway and Meherrin Rivers, 547. Simmons, J, W., Quotation from, 658. Simms, Colonel John, captured under Cornwallis in 1781, 549. Simms, W, G., Quotations from, 454, 455, 539. Simpson, Captain, kills Whitechurst in Duel in 1766, 569. Singleton, Colonel, at Battle of Guilford in 1781, 609. Sinkler, William, Notice of, 698. Sinnipink Lake, Notice of, 163. Skelton, Martha, afterward Mrs. Jefferson, Notiee of, 442. Skirmish at Gaspee Point in 1772--racket Hannah chased by the Gaspee--Grounding of the Gaspee--Armed Boats dispatched from Providence under Whipple--Proceed to the Gaspee, 061; Conflict ensues--Duddington wounded and eonveyed to Pawtuxet--Destruction of the Gaspee, 062; At Newport in 1769, on board Sloop Liberty--Seizure of Brig by the Liberty--Captain assaulted with Fire arms--People of Newport demand the Assailants--Denied--The Liberty destroyed, 071; In Newport Harbor in 1775, 072; At Quaker and Turkey Hill in 1778, 083; At Doodletown in 1777, 166; Near Fort Montgomery, Hudson Highlands, 167; At Trenton in 1776, 227; Near Princeton in 1777, 235, 237, 238; At Whitemarsh in 1777, 321; Near Matson's Ford in 1778, 329; At Quintan's Bridge, between Simcoe's Rangers and American Patriots, under Captain Smith, 344; Near the Brandywine in 1777, 376, 379; At Richmond, in 1781, between Simcoe and Americans, 435; At Long Bridge, between American Videttes and Arnold's Troops, 443; At Charles City Court House, between Simeoe's Troops and Virginia Militia, 444; At Spencer'a Ordinary, between Simcoe's Rangers and M'Pherson's Dragoons, in 1781, 464; Near Fort Necessity--Washington assaults the French by Surprise--Engagement ensues--Jumonville killed--French made Prisoners--Sent to Eastern Virginia, 475; Near Blandford Church, between Phillips and Steuben, in 1781, 544; At Expedition, under Tryon, against Regulators in 1771, 576; Between Lee's Troops and the British, near the Dan, in 1781, 603; Near Reedy Fork, 605, 606; At Wahab's Plantation in 1780--At Charlotte, 625; At Greene's Spring, 630; At Fish Dam Ford, 651, 652; At Mobley's Meeting-house, 659; At Hanging Rock, between Sumter and British, in 1780, 662; Near Camden, between Gates and Cornwallis, in 1780, 672; At Hobkirk's Hill in 1781, 679; Near Eutaw Springs, 701, In South Carolina, between Partisans, in 1779, 711; Between Patriots and Indian Camp, near Augusta, in 1780, 715; Near White House, 716; Near Mayham Tower, 718; At Hickory Hill, Georgia, between British and Colonel Twiggs, in 1779, 734; Near Savannah, between British and Americans, in 1779, 735; Between Indians and Wayne in 1782, 740; At Skidaway Island in 1782, 741; Near Georgetown, South Carolina, in 1780, 770; At Parker's Ferry in 1781, 775; At Lind-ley's Mill, 777; On the Combahee in 1781, 778; Between Grant and Stirling at Battle of Long Island, in 1776, 809; Near New Rochelle, between Sullivan and Howe, 820; Near White Plains, 821. Slashes, Virginian, described, 431, 445. Slave of Captain Broadwater, biographical Sketch of, 421; Old, at Hanging Rock, 661; At Orangeburg, 687. Slaves, Indian, sent to Bermuda by Puritans, 095; Arrival of first Cargo in Virginia in 1620, 457; Number of lost, by Capture and Death, in British Invasion of Virginia in 1781, 550; In Lower Virginia, 554; Trial of, in South Carolina, 687; Importation of, prohibited in Georgia in 1734, 722; Admitted in 1743, 723; Imported into South Carolina, 1672, 743; Sent to West Indies in 1782; Number of, lost by South Carolina during the Revolution, 779. Sleepy Hollow-, Notice of, 191. Slocura, Mrs., Feat of, 588. Small pox in the British Army at Boston in 1776, 010; At Charleston, South Carolina, in 1757, 645. Smallwood, General William, Encampment of, near Paoli, in 1777, 370; Drives Arnold's Boats out of the Appomattox, 543; Biographical Sketch of, 673. Smith, Captain, in Skirmish at Quintan's Bridge in 1778, 344. Smith, Captain, slays Colonel Stuart at Battle of Guilford in 1781, 610. Smith, Captain, killed in Skirmish on the Combahee in 1771,778. Smith, Captain John, establishes Settlement at Powhatan in 1609, 432; Rebuilds Jamestown and Church in 1620, 447; Sails for Virginia, under Newport, in 1006, 451; Imprisoned from Jealousy--Appointed one of the Council of the Colony--Released from Confinement--Allowed principal Management of Affairs, 452; Voyage up the Chickahominy--Captured by Indians--Conveyed to the Banks of Rappahannock, Potomac, and York Rivers--Biographical Sketch of, 453; Carried before Powhatan at Werowocomoen--Tried--Condemned to Death, 454; Rescued by Pocahontas--Enmity of Natives changed to Friendship--Returns to Jamestown--Establishes friendly Intercourse with Powhatan--Implores Settlers to plow and sow--Leaves Jamestown with Disgust--Explores the Country on the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay--Returns to Jamestown--Made President of the Colony--Turns Attention of Settlers to Agriculture, 455; Attempts to establish Settlement at Powhatan--Seriously injured by Explosion of Gunpowder--Delegates his Authority to George Percy--Returns to England for surgical Aid, 456; Place of first landing in Virginia, 531. Smith, Claudius, Freebooter of Ramapo Creek--Biographical Sketch of. 210. Smith, Colonel Samuel, at Attack of British on Fort Mifflin--Biographical Sketch of, 295. Smitln Dr. J, V, C., Notice of, 066. Smith, General, at Battle of Quaker Hill in 1778, 083. Smith, Governor George W., perished in Richmond Theater in 1811, 437. Smith's Point, Long Island, Notice of, 834. Smith, Joshua H., the Host of Arnold--Takes conspicuous part in his Treason--Known to be a Tory, 148; Employed to bring AndrÉ from the Vulture--His Excuses, 155; They cross the Hudson--Letter to his Brother, 156; Biographical Sketch of, 184; His Journey with AndrÉ to Compound--Departs--Returns to Fishkill, 186. Smith, Lieutenant, killed at Battle of Germantown in 1777, 317. Smith, Mrs. E, Oakes, Quotations from, 214, 248, 300, 423; Her Tales, "Ramapo Pass,", 214; and "Salamander,", 211, 214. Smith, Colonel Michael, biographical Sketch of, 791. Smyth, Dr. J, F, D., Notice of Weedon's Inn, 382. Smyth, Hon, G, W., Notice of, 221. Smythe, Reverend Dr. Samuel, Notice of, 743. Sneyd, Honora, Notice of, 198. Snowdon, Lieutenant, wounded in Battle of Guilford in 1781, 607. Snow's Island deserved, 771. Society of the Cincinnati, organized near Fishkill Landing in 1783, 125; Record of Proceedings of, 126; Its Constitution opposed by Judge Burke and others, 127; Certificate of Membership--Fac simile of, 128; Order of the Society--Presidents General of, 129; "Free Society of Traders" emigrate to America and purchase Land in Pennsylvania, 253. Somers, George, commissioned to Virginia in 1608, 456. Sothel, Governor, of Albemarle Province in 1683, 561. Sounding-board of Christ Church, Philadelphia, 248. South Carolina leaves her Delegates free to vote relative to Declaration of Independence, 276; Constitution of, adopted in 1778, 289; Legislature grants Annuity to Peter Harris (Indian), 656; Early History of, 743, 744; First Legislature of, in 1674, 745; Royal Government established in 1717--Extension of the Settlement, 746; Organization of Civil Government, 752; Condition of, after Invasion by British in 1779, 762; Re-establishment of Civil Government in 1782--Change of public Sentiment--Waning of British Power, 776; Number of Slaves lost during Revolution--Estimated Value of, 779. South Carolitnans, Boldness of, on Arrival of Stamps, in 1765, 747; Oppose the Landing of Tea in 1774, 749; Resolve on Rebellion--Draw up Articles of Association, declaring themselves independent, 750; Take Measures to fortify Charleston Harbor, 751. Spaiglit, Governor Richard D., Aid to General Caswell in 1780, 670. Spain refuses to comply with Application of George III., to prevent her Subjects from aiding America, 019; Favorable to the American Cause in 1780, 763. Spaniards in Florida, 745, 751, 763. Sparks, Major, wounded in Battle at Fort Duquesne in 1755, 479. Sparks, Veteran, Author's Interview with, 170. Spencer, General Joseph, proceeds to New York after Evacuation of Boston by the British; Expedition against Rhode Island--Resignation--Biographical Sketch of, 080. Spencer's Ordinary, Notice of, 463. Spoils of War, British Ship Hope, 015; Division of, at Stony Point, 182; Amount of, taken by British from Americans during 1776, 224; Baggage Wagons captured at Battle of Princeton in 1777, 240; Taken by Americans in Battle, of Monmouth, 365; Taken by Americans at Surrender of Cornwallis at York-town, 526; Taken by British on Elizabeth River, 538; Taken by Americans at Battle of Moore's Creek in 1776, 588; Taken by British in Skirmish at Wahab's Plantation in 1780, 625, Taken by Americans at Battle of King's Mountain, 634; Taken by Higgins from British, near Hanging Rock, in 1780, 662; Taken by British from Buford, in South Carolina, in 1780, 664; Taken by British near Savannah in 1778, 732; Taken by British at Fort Lee in 1776, 828. Spottswood, Governor Alexander, Notiee of, 469, 505; Son of, supposed to have been killed by Indians near Fort Duquesne in 1757--Appointed Deputy Governor of Virginia in 1710, 471; Succeeded by Drysdale in 1722-- Knighted and presented with silver Horseshoe by George I., in commemoration of his Expedition over the Blue Ridge--Character of, 472. Sprague, Charles, Quotation from, 709. Spring, Roger Williams's, at Providence, Notice of, 057. "Spy Unmasked," Authorship of, 122, 123. Squiers, Captain, Attack at Hampton Creek in 1775, 531. Stamp-master at Annapolis, 399; At Wilmington, North Carolina, Resignation of, in 1766, 569; At Charleston, 747; At New York, 788. Stamps, Arrival of, at Charleston in 1765, 747; At New York--Demanded by the People, 788; Delivered to the Mayor, 789. Standards, American, presented to South Carolina Regiment by Mrs. Elliot in 1776, 738, 756. Standards, British, surrendered at Yorktown, 524. Staples, William R., Quotation from, 063. State House, Pennsylvania, Erection of, in 1740, 271, 272, 288. States, Organization of Governments of, in 1776, 079, 289. Statue of Washington in Capitol at Washington City, 410; In Capitol at Richmond, 436; Of Pitt, at Charleston, 748; At New York, 789; Destroyed by British in 1776, 790; Of George III., at New York, 801. Steele, Mrs. Elizabeth, Patriotism of, 598. Stephen, General Adam, at Battle of Germantown in 1777, 316, 318; Biographical Sketeh of, 320; In Expedition to Fort Duquesne in 1754, 475. Stephens, Mr., Notice of, 059. Stephenson, Captain, in marauding Expedition to Virginia in 1781, 549. Sterling, Colonel, at Red Bank in 1777, 292. Steuben, Baron, Head-quarters of, near Fishkill Landing in 1782--Aneedote of, 125; President of Society of the Cincinnati, 126; Arrives in America in 1778--Joins Continental Army--Appointed Inspector General, 341; His Aids--Biographical Sketch of--Monuments, 342, 343; At Richmond in 1781, 435; Encampment at Green Spring, 446, 467; At Siege of Yorktown in 1781, 526; Military Skill of, 543; At Battle near Petersburg, 544; Joins La Fayette in Virginia, 550. Stevens, Colonel Ebenezer, at Siege of Yorktown in 1781--Biographical Sketch of, 516. Stevens, General Edward, at Battle of Great Bridge, near Nor folk, in 1775--Character of, 535; Biographical Sketch of, 536; Conducts Morgan's Prisoners to Charlottesville in 1781, 597; Wounded at Battle of Guilford, 609. Stevens, Governor, Notice of, 561. Stewart, Major John, awarded Medal by Congress after Storming of Stony Point in 1779, 181; Reputed to be killed by Accident in South Carolina, 182, r Stirling, Lord, in command of American Troops in 1781, 145; Biographical Sketch of, 807; At Battle of Long Island in 1776--His Wardrobe, 807; Exchanged as Prisoner for Brown, 814, Stirling, Richard, Notice of, 426. Stockton, Annis, Quotation from, 242. Stockton, Captain, Notice of, 242. Stockton, Richard, Signer of Declaration of Independence--His House desolated by British, 242; Biographical Sketch-of. (See Biography of Signers of Declaration of Independence, Supplement.) Stone, Thomas, Notice of, 402. Stone, William, succeeds Thomas Greene as Governor of Maryland in 1649, 398; Gives Place to Commissioners appointed by Parliament--Restored to full Powers in 1654--Compelled to surrender his Warrant to Commissioners--Organizes armed Body of Roman Catholics--Seizes Provincial Records--Made Prisoner--Four of his Men executed, 398. Stonington, its Settlement in 1658--Bombarded by British in 1813, 051. Stony Point, captured by Sir Henry Clinton in 1779, 175; Topography of, 175, 176, 178; Retaken by Americans under General Wayne--Preparations for Attack--Negro Spy, 176; Condition of the Fortress--Wayne's Proposition to storm it, 177; Approach of Americans--Capture of Sentinels--Storming of Fort, 178; Wayne wounded--His Bravery--Surrender of Fort by British--Wayne's Dispatch, 179; Washington orders Evacuation of Stony Point--Destruction of the Works--Seizure of Artillery and Stores--Ordnance placed on Board Galley--Galley sunk by Enemy near Caldwell's Landing--Since, alleged to contain Kidd's Treasures, 180, 181; Division of Spoils, 182. Store Ships, British, capture of, 015. Storm, violent, off Newport in 1778, 081. St. Clair, General, dislodges British at Wilmington, North Carolina, in 1781, 529. St. Clair, Sir John, wounded in Battle at Fort Duquesne in 1755, 479. St. Mary's, Maryland, settled by Roman Catholics, under Calvert, 'in 1634, 397. St. Pierre, M, De, receives Letter from Dinwiddie by Washington, at Fort Le Bouf, in 1753--Reply, 474. St. Simon, Marquis De, in command of Freneh Land Forces under De Grasse in 1781, 511; At Siege of Yorktown, 515, St. Tammany, Origin of Name of--Grave of--Notiee of, 247, Strickland, Mr., Quotation from, 417, 418. Striekland, Executioner of AndrÉ--Notice of, 203. Stuart, Colonel, killed at Battle of Guilford in 1781, 610. Stuart, Gilbert, paints Sign of King of Prussia Tavern, 331, Stuart, John, biographical Sketch of, 647. Stuyvesant, Petrus, sueeeeds Kreft as Governor of New York in 1625, 783; Biographical Sketch of, 784. Suffolk, Virginia, devastated by British in 1779,538. Sullivan, General John, proceeds to New York after Evacuation of Boston by the British, 015; Appointed in command of American Troops at Rhode Island in 1778, 077; Sueeeeds General Spencer in Expedition against Rhode Island in 1777, 080; Sends Letters of Remonstrance to D'Estaingin 1778, 082; Succeeds General Lee in command of American Troops at Veal Town in 1776, 223; At Battle of Trenton in 1776, 226, 227; At Battle of Germantown in 1777, 316; At Buffington's, on the Brandywine, in 1777, 379; Charges preferred against him by Burke--Defended by Washington--Dissension with Deborre, 381; Made Prisoner on Long Island, 810; Sent with Message to Congress--Exchanged for Prescott, 814, Summer, Indian, on the Hudson, 098. Sumner, General Jethro, in Southern Campaign under Greene, in 1780, 625; Biographical Sketeh of, 697. Sumter, General Thomas, biographical Sketeh of--His Compatriots in Southern Campaign in 1780--Attacked by Wemyss at Fish Dam Ford, 651; In Battle at Blackstock's Plantation, 652; Styled the Carolina Game-cock--Receives Thanks from Congress for his Valor, 653; In Battle at Rocky Mount in 1780, 659; His Defeat--Success at Wateree Ford--Defeat at Fishing Creek--Passage of the Catawba, 660; In Battle at Hanging Rock, 662; His Residence, 682. Sunbury, taken by British in 1778, 733. Sunnyside, Residence of Washington Irving, 192. Surgeons, Rush, Leiper, Latimer, and Willett, sent back to British Camp to attend wounded Americans after retreat from Brandywine, 385. Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1781, 524. Sutherland, Lieutenant, in command of Ship _Vulture_ at Time of Arnold's Treason, 150. Swain, Gov, David L., Notiee of, 578.585, 586, 598, 617, 619, 623. Swearingen, Colonel, at Siege of Fort Henry in 1777, 499, Swiss, Settlement of, in South Carolina, in 1730, 746. |