A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Adam of St. Victor123
- Addison, Joseph167
- Adolphus, Gustavus138
- Ainsworth’s Version155
- Alber, Erasmus136
- Albigenses128
- Aldhelm, Bishop150
- Alexander, Mrs. Cecil Frances206
- Alexander, William153
- Alline, Harry212
- Ambrose of Milan120, 124
- American Hymnody, Beginnings of208
- American Hymns, Early Collections of213
- American Psalmody155-157
- American Recent Hymn Writers222-225
- Anatolius115
- Andrew of Crete116
- Annesley, Rev. Samuel181
- Annesley, Susanna181
- Announcement of Hymns266-8
- Appelles, von Loewenstein139
- Aquinas, Thomas125
- Arndt, Ernst Moritz144
- Arnold, Matthew57, 58
- Austin, John164
- B
- Bacon, Dr. Leonard218
- Bakewell, John189
- Baring-Gould, Sabine207
- Barnby, Joseph207
- Barton, Bernard203
- Barton, William165
- Basil, Saint50
- Baxter, Richard163, 167
- Bay Psalm Book156, 209
- Benedicite, The111
- Benson, Louis F.7, 62, 65, 85, 133, 174, 225
- Bernard of Clairvaux124
- Bernard of Cluny125
- Beza, Theodore150
- Bliss, P. P.51, 91, 224
- Bonar, Horatius207
- Bourgeois150
- Bowring, Sir John204
- Bradbury, William B.51
- Brady, Nicholas154
- Bromehead, Joseph164
- Brooks, Bishop Phillips51, 222, 223
- Brown, Phoebe Hinsdale214
- Brownlie, Rev. Dr. John114
- Bryant, William Cullen220
- Buchanan, George143, 147
- Byles, Mather211
- Byrom, John178
- C
- Caedmon158
- Calkin, J. Baptiste219
- Calvin, John148
- Campbell, Thomas155
- Campion, Thomas161
- Candlelight Hymn110
- Canon, Golden116
- Canon, Pentecostarion116
- Canons, Queen of116
- Canon, The Great116
- Canon, Triodion116
- Carlyle, Thomas135
- Caswall, Edward126, 204
- Celano, Thomas of126
- Cennick, John190
- Character of German Hymnody146
- Charlemagne124
- Christian Lyre215
- Christian Year200
- Church Poetry218
- Clement of Alexandria109
- Coleman, Dr. Lyman106
- Compendious Booke of Gude and Godlie Ballates150
- Concordant Discord of a Broken-Hearted Heart164
- Conder, Josiah204
- Cosin, Bishop124
- Cosmas116
- Cotterill, Thomas202
- Coverdale, Miles150
- Cowley, Robert151
- Cowper, William, Life of196, 197
- Coxe, Bishop Arthur Cleveland223
- Crosby, Fanny51, 261
- D
- Damiana, Cardinal123
- Da Todi, Jacopone127
- Davies, Samuel211
- Decius, Nicolaus136
- De la Motte Fouque144
- Dexter, Henry M.110
- Doane, Bishop George W.219
- Doane, William H.51, 270
- Doddridge, Philip233, 238
- Doddridge, Relative Standing178
- Duffield, George, Jr.222
- Dundee Psalms150
- Dunster and Lyon156
- Dwight, Timothy (Pres.)210
- E
- Earliest English Hymns158
- Eber, Paul136
- Edmeston, James203
- Eliot, John156
- Emergency Hymns260
- English Literary Ideals Discourage Hymn Writing159
- English Psalmody Submerges English Hymnody159
- English Psalm Versions Before Sternhold150
- F
- Faber, Frederick W.206, 235
- Fawcett, John60, 191
- Finney, Charles G.51, 214
- Fitting Hymn Tunes to Congregations249
- Flagellant Monks131
- Fleming, Paul139
- Francis of Assisi126
- Francke, August Hermann141
- Franck, John140
- Franklin, Benjamin210
- Freylinghausen, Johann A.141
- Fuller, Thomas155
- Furber, Rev. Daniel L.7
- G
- Gates, Ellen H.91
- Gellert, Christian Fuerchtegott139, 142
- Genevan Psalter150
- Gerhardt, Paul139
- German Te Deum138
- Gerok, Karl von146
- Ghoostly Psalms and Spiritual Songs150
- Gill, Thomas Hornblower58
- Gilman, Frederick J.155
- Gilmore, Joseph H.91, 224
- Gladden, Washington51, 224
- Gloria in Excelsis111
- Gloria Patri112
- Goethe126
- Gospel Hymn, The89
- Adaptation to Practical Work96-99
- Advantages of98
- Almost Universal Use89
- Discrimination in Use of Gospel Songs Needed98
- Judged by Results90
- Lack of Discrimination of Critics91
- Precursors of90
- Standard Hymns92
- Unfair Comparisons93
- Wrong Assumptions92
- Goudimel150
- Grant, Sir Robert203, 230, 235
- Great Hymnic Themes88
- Gregory of Nazianzus114
- <
span class="lr">Gregory the Great124
- Grigg, Joseph192
- H
- Hammond, William235
- Hankey, Kate91
- Hardenberg, Friedrich von144
- Harris, Dr. Rendell107
- Hastings, Thomas91, 215, 216
- Havergal, Frances Ridley207
- Hawks, Mrs. Annie S.91, 234
- Heath, George75
- Heber, Bishop Reginald84, 199, 232
- Hedge, Frederick H.135
- Herbert, Geo.36, 162
- Hermannus Contractus124
- Herrick, Robert163
- Hewitt, Eliza Edmunds91
- Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers120, 130
- Hiller141
- Holden, Oliver213
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell220
- Hopper, Rev. Edw.91, 224
- Horder, W. Garrett25, 160, 166
- Hosmer, Rev. Frederick L.224
- How, Bishop W. W.206
- Hoyt, Dr. A. S.96
- Hunter, Rev. William91
- Huntington, Countess of194
- Huss, John, of Prague131
- Hyde, Abby B.214
- Hymnal as a Text Book of Theology84-86
- Hymnal, Making a Personal240-242
- Hymn Lover, The25
- Hymnology, Works on7-8
- Hymns35
- Adjusted to Mass Singing74
- As a Pedagogic Device74
- As Literature53
- As Poetry27
- Changes in63-75
- Character of changes67-72
- John Wesley as Reviser70-72
- Limits of author’s rights65
- Minor changes in hymns73-75
- Often needless64
- Return to originals212
- Odes of Solomon106
- Odo of Cluny123
- Olivers, Thomas189
- Olney Hymns (Newton)195
- Omitting Verses272
- Onderdonk, Dr. H. U.219
- Opitz, Martin138
- P
- Palgrave56, 175
- Palmer, Ray91, 217-18, 233
- Parker, Archbishop154
- Parker, Theodore126
- Parks, Prof. Edwards A.7
- Patrick, Saint159
- Paul of Samosata112
- Paulus Diaconus123
- Perronet, Edward189
- Personal Hymnal240-2
- Peter the Hermit125
- Phelps, Prof. Austin7, 88, 95, 257
- Phelps, Dr. Sylvanus Dryden224
- Phillips, Philip51
- Pietism in German Hymnody144
- Planning Music of Service250-53
- Popularity of Sternhold and Hopkins Version152
- Poteat, Prof. H. M.21
- Practical Hymnology21
- Practical Hymn Studies242
- Prentiss, Mrs. Elizabeth224
- Preparing a Congregation to Sing Hymns268-72
- Priest, Francis Baker164
- Primitive Church, The106
- Procter, Adelaide A.231
- Proses123
- Protestant Te Deum74
- Prudentius, Bishop of Poitiers112
- Psalmody in America209
- Psychology of Psalmody148-9