- Abbott, Lyman, 89
- Acta Diurna, 197
- Addison, Joseph, 89
- Arnold, Sir Edward to Tennyson, 64
- Barnato, Barnard, 110
- Beecher, Henry Ward, 93, 173
- Bowles, Samuel, 91, 148
- Brisbane, Arthur, 174
- Bryant, William Cullen, 147
- Burleigh, Lord, 200
- Butler, Samuel, 55
- Butter, Nathaniel, 202
- Cary, Henry N., 201
- Cable, Costs, 107, 112, 190
- Censorship, 164
- Chaucer, 65
- Christian Science Monitor, The, 89
- City Editor, The, 2
- Conquests, the public’s great interest in any kind of a fight, 97
- Copy Readers, 29, 35
- Correspondent, the Washington, 10, 12
- Correspondent, the Foreign, 112
- Corbett, James, 97
- Courant, The London, 205
- Crooke, William, 18
- Dana, Charles Anderson, his fine leadership, 48;
- great as an editor, 61;
- advice to his Managing Editor, 62;
- on hasty editorial writing, 80;
- on making the Sun talked about, 94
- Dickens, Charles, experience as a reporter, 16
- Edison, first public test of the household electric light, 13
- Editorial writer, The, 76, 78
- Editorial council, The, 79
- Editor in chief, The, 79
- Editor, letters to, 80
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 52
- Exaggeration, where it may be tolerated, 70
- Field, Eugene, 148
- Field, William H., 194
- Fiske, John, 181
- Forney, Colonel John W., 35
- Fourth Estate, The, 119
- France, Anatole, 68
- Froude, James Anthony, 148
- Gazette, The Peking, 197
- Gazette, The London, 206
- George, Lloyd, 111
- Gladden, Washington, 157
- Gosse, Edmund, 56
- Gray, 55
- Greeley, Horace, 61, 91, Transcriber’s Note:
Punctuation has been standardised. Spelling and hyphenation have been retained as published in the original publication except as follows: -
- Page 3
everything happens in New York than can changed to everything happens in New York that can - Page 47
or off Montauk Point: judgment whether changed to or off Montauk Point; judgment whether - Page 60
better expresed by changed to better expressed by - Page 89
kind to whom lacrimose emotion changed to kind to whom lachrymose emotion - Page 94
who succeded Greeley as editor changed to who succeeded Greeley as editor - Page 102
exaggeration and breathless anouncement changed to exaggeration and breathless announcement - Page 111
opinion as to the propects for peace changed to opinion as to the prospects for peace - Page 198
sent as governor to Cilica changed to sent as governor to Cilicia - Page 219
accounts the letters from Edinburg changed to accounts the letters from Edinburgh - Page 236
Gazette, The Pekin changed to Gazette, The Peking - Page 220
Lausanne, StÉphane changed to Lauzanne, StÉphane |