- Adventure, an, of Louise de Lorraine, 92, 97.
- Alarming diseases said to be produced by wearing high-heeled shoes, 194, 195.
- Ancient inhabitants of Polenqui, reduction of the waist by, 10.
- An Italian duchess, the costume of, 54.
- Antiquities of Egypt, researches among, 25-27
- Augsburg, the ladies of, by Hoechstetterus, 104.
- Austria, Empress of, elegant figure of, 165.
- Backboards and stocks, 134.
- Bands (narrow), used as substitutes for corsets injurious, 213, 214.
- Barbers, an army of, 110.
- Beauties of Circassia, 13, 14.
- Beauty, Hindoo ideas regarding, 19, 20.
- Belles of India, 19, 20.
- Belt (ornamented) of the Indians, 9.
- Bernaise dress, 65.
- Blanche, daughter of Edward III., dress of, 49.
- Boarding-school discipline, letter on, 170, 171.
- Boddice, bodice, or bodies, 123.
- Bonnet À canon, the, 60.
- Bouffant sleeves of the reign of Henry II., 65.
- Bridal dress of an Israelitish lady, 28.
- Buchan, writings of, 130.
- Ceylon, figure-training in, 13.
- Chaucer's writings, his admiration of small waists, 50.
- Chinese gentleman, letter from a, 20.
- Cleopatra and her jewels, 37.
- Clumsy figures great drawbacks to young ladies, 182.
- Conquest of the Roman Empire, 38.
- Corps, the, 72, 75.
- Corset, a peculiar form of, worn by some ladies of fashion in France, 190.
- Corset in use among the Israelitish ladies, 28, 29.
- Corset, general use of the, on the Continent for boys, 136-138.
- Corset, origin of, 9.
- Corset, use of by the inhabitants of the Eastern Archipelago, 10.
- Corset-covers (steel), 75.
- Corsets and high-heeled shoes denounced, 194, 195.
- Corsets, custom of wearing during sleep, 150, 153.
- Corsets for growing girls, remarks on, 167, 168.
- Corsets of the present day contrasted with those of the olden time, 196.
- Corsets, remarks on the proper application of, 214-216.
- Corsets, severe form of, worn in the Elizabethan period, 75, 76.
- Corsets, the small size of, made in London, 165.
- Corsets, their use for youths, 138.
- Corsets worn by gentlemen in 1265, 46.
- Corsets worn by gentlemen of the present time, 138.
- Costume À l'enfant, 205.
- Tight corsets, letter in praise of, 182, 183.
- Tight corsets needed for short waists, 190.
- Tight-lacing revived, 130.
- Toilet of a Roman lady of fashion, 34-36.
- United States of America, belles of the, 153.
- Venice, fashions of the ladies of, 82, 87.
- Venus de Medici, waist of, contrasted with the waist of fashion, 180.
- Venus, the cestus of, 30.
- Vienna, slender waists the fashion in, 165.
- Voluminous nether-garments of the gentlemen of the Elizabethan period, 82.
- Waist, the point at which it should be formed, 193, 194.
- Young Baronet, letter from 184.
- Zephyrina jupon of Thomson and Co., 221.
Transcriber's Note: Original spelling/hyphenation/punctuation has been retained, but typographical errors have been corrected. |