Streets running north and south are numbered from 1st to 78th eastward and to 2nd westward commencing at 1st street, the western boundary of the original city and continuing to the city limits. Streets running east and west are either alphabetical or named. Alphabetical streets begin at the southern boundary of the original city at A, omit I and continue northward to Y. Named streets continue south of A and north of Y to and beyond the city limits. Block and house numbers begin at O street north and south end at 1st street east and west. Streets north or south of O are designated by the prefixes N and S respectively. Addresses West of 1st street are designated by the prefix West, abbreviated W. For example, 534 W. Washington. Odd numbers appear on the west and south sides of the streets and even numbers appear on the east and north sides. The location of each street is indicated by showing the number of blocks north or south of O, or east or west of 1st. The length of the street is indicated by showing the streets at which it begins and terminates. For example, Apple street is shown as follows: Apple—10th N of O...27th to 40th. This indicates Apple street is 10 blocks north of O and runs from 27th street east to 40th street. - A—13th S of O Limit to Limit
- Abbie—1st N of Oak 7th to 9th
- Adams—29th N of O Limit to Limit
- Alden Av—1st N of Van Dorn Winthrop Rd to Colonial Dr
- Apple—10th N of O 27th to 40th
- Arapahoe—33rd S of O 11th to 17th
- Arlington—17th S of O 27th to 32nd
- Avery Av—10th & V NE to 14th & W
- Aylesworth Av—16th N of O 48th to 71st
- B—12th S of O West 1st to 46th
- Baldwin Av—25th N of O 31st to 50th & 56th to 78th
- Bancroft Av—36th S of O 45th to 56th
- Belmont Av—27th N of O 9th to 14th
- Bluff—1st N of Benton 17th E to Milton
- Bradfield Dr—28th E of 1st From South S to 27th
- Burnham—39th S of O 14th to 20th
- Burr—1st N of Van Dorn 14th to 17th
- Burt—55th N of O 70th to 73rd
- C—11th S of O 1st to 52nd
- Cable—19th S of O 27th to 31st & 34th to 35th
- Calhoun—56th N of O 70th to 71st
- California Ct—1st S of Randolph 28th W to Victoria
- Calkins—9th S of O Folsom E 4 Blocks
- Calumet Ct—1st E of 27th Sewell to Stratford Av
- Calvert—35th S of O Limit to Limit
- Capitol Av—1st E of 20th Randolph S to E
- Cedar Av—1st E of 25th Van Dorn S to High
- Center—19th N of O 25th to 33rd
- Charleston—11th N of O 7th to 14th
- Cheyenne—32nd S of O 14th to 17th
- Church—15th S of O From 1st W 1 block
- Claremont—13th N of O 7th to 15th
- Cleveland Av—28th N of O 34th to 65th
- Clinton—15th N of O 19th to 22nd & 27th to 30th
- Colby—20th N of O 48th to 70th
- Colonial Dr—1st E of Winthrop Rd Alden Av N to Puritan Av
- Conklin—3rd E of Burlington Av Calvert S to Park
- Cooper—38th S of O 42nd to 63rd
- Cotner Blvd—46th & South NE to 70th & Fremont
- Court—16th N of O 12th to 17th
- Cuming—50th N of O 70th to 73rd
- Custer—53rd N of O 70th to 73rd
- D—10th S of O 1st to 44th
- Dakota—30th S of O 12th to 13th & 14th to 20th
- Dawes Av—25th N of O 9th to 14th
- Doane—17th N of O 32nd to 33rd
- Douglas—47th N of O 70th to 73rd
- Dudley—12th N of O 17th to 71st
- E—9th S of O West 2nd to 56th
- Eastridge Dr—1st N of Sumner 70th W to Foursome Lane
- Edison—37th N of O 33rd E to Harrison
- Elba—42nd N of O 7th to 14th
- Eleanor—46th N of O 7th to 9th
- Elm—31st E of 1st Alden Av S to Van Dorn
- Emerson—21st N of O 11th to 14th
- Epworth Park 1st & Calvert
- Euclid Av—18th S of O 16th to 24th
- Everett—15th S of O 26th to 42nd
- F—8th S of O 1st to 46th
- Fair—17th N of O Whittier E to 33rd
- Fairdale Rd—1st S of Randolph Fall Creek Rd to Cotner Blvd
- Fairfax—15th N of O 64th to 70th
- Fairfield—38th N of O 1st to 20th
- Fall Creek Rd—1st E of 52nd A to Randolph
- Folsom—6th W of 1st F S to Calvert
- Fontenelle—36th E of 1st Apple S to Vine
- Foursome Lane—1st E of 63rd A S Eastridge Dr
- Francis—18th N of O 48th to 73rd
- Franklin—18th S of O 22nd to 58th
- Fremont—36th N of O 45th to 70th
- Furnas Av—29th N of O 9th to 14th
- G—7th S of O West 2nd to 22nd, 40th to 44th
- Garber Av—28th N of O 9th to 14th
- Garfield—15th S of O 1st to 42nd
- Garland—21st N of O 48th to 56th & 63rd to 74th
- Georgian Ct—28th S of O 29th to 31st
- Glade—22nd S of O 48th to 58th
- Gladstone—33rd N of O 42nd to 70th
- Grace Av—1st E of 32nd Holdrege to Potter
- Grant—21st S of O 1st W to Folsom
- Greenwood—30th N of O 42nd to 61st
- Griffith—1st E of 32nd Fair N to St Paul
- Grimsby Lane—3rd E of 17th Kings Highway to Pershing Rd
- Groveland—35th N of O 1st to 22nd
- Grover—4th W of 1st A North to McBride
- H—6th S of O 1st to 40th
- Hancock—2nd W of 1st South S to Buell
- Harris—6th E of 14th Adams N 1 block
- Harrison Ave—25th S of O 8th to 24th
- Hartley—35th N of O 1st to 20th & 43rd to 69th
- Harwood—19th S of O 16th to 24th
- Hatch—22nd S of O Park Blvd E to 7th
- Havelock Av—44th N of O 56th to 73rd
- Hayes—12th S of O Ricketts E to Hancock
- Helen—4th E of 14th Benton S to Adams
- High—31st S of O 9th to 51st
- Highland—45th N of O 7th to 14th
- Hill—26th S of O 1st to 14th
- Hillside—34th S of O 27th to 51st
- Hitchcock—18th N of O 27th to Griffith
- Holdrege—14th N of O 16th E to 78th
- Hudson—21st S of O 12th to 14th
- Huntington Av—24th N of O 30th to 74th
- Idylwild Dr—From 35th & Apple NE to Holdrege
- Ingalls—2nd E to Burlington Av Calvert S to Park
- Irving—41st N of O 7th to 14th
- J—5th S of O West 2nd to 56th
- Jackson Dr—29th S of O 97th to 31st
- Jeanette—25th N of O 24th to 27th
- Josephine—27th N of O 14th to 20th
- Judson—32nd N of O 3rd to Milton & 42nd to 70th
- K—4th S of O 1st to 27th
- Kearney—40th N of O 54th to 73rd
- Kings Hiway—1st S of High from Pershing Rd W & NW to 18th & High
- Kleckner Ct—Between Q & R 31st to 32nd
- Knox—31st N of O 3rd to Milton & 44th to 70th
- L—3rd S of O West 2nd to 56th
- La Fayette Av—28th S of O 24th to 28th
- Lake—24th S of O 11th to 44th
- Lake View—1 mi W of 1st on P
- La Salle—46th S of O 50th to 56th
- Laura Av—Between Randolph & J 34th to 36th
- Laurel—31st S of O 27th to 31st
- Laurence—4th E of 14th Adams S to Josephine
- Leighton Av—22nd N of O 27th to 78th
- Lenox—3rd S of O 40th to 44th
- Lexington Av—19th N of O 48th to 73rd
- Lillian—8th E of 14th Adams S to Josephine
- Lillibridge—25th S of O 52nd to 56th
- Lincoln—(State Hospital) 1st E of Folsom Van Dorn S to Park
- Lincoln Dr—2nd W of 70th A S to Sumner
- Linden—44th S of O 50th to 56th
- Locust—43rd S of O 50th to 56th
- Logan—41st N of O 54th to 73rd
- Lowell Av—40th S of O 46th to 56th
- Lynn—8th N of O Whittier E to 25th
- M—2nd S of O Burr E to 54th
- Madison Av—27th N of O 33rd to 65th
- Manatt—37th N of O 1st E to 20th
- Manse Av—1st S of Sheridan Blvd 27th E to Van Dorn
- Marion—21st S of O 14 to 16th
- Marshall Av—Between 30th & 31st J to Randolph
- Martin—17th N of O 48th to 56th
- Maude—3rd N of Oak 7th to 9th
- Mayflower Av—2nd N of Van Dorn Winthrop Rd E to Colonial Dr
- Mead—3rd W of 1st South S to Buell
- Mechanic—1st W of 1st B North to D
- Melrose Av—2nd S of Van Dorn 31st to 37th
- Memorial Dr—1st W of 33rd Sumner S Nine Blocks
- Meredith—41st S of O 46th to 52nd
- Merriam—1st E of 14th Adams S to Josephine
- Merrill—20th N of O 27th to 33rd
- Mohawk—12th S of O 32nd to 46th
- Monroe—2nd S of O 20th E to 23rd
- Morrill—42nd N of O 54th to 73rd
- Morton—51st N of O 70th to 73rd
- Mulberry—19th S of O 14th to 15th
- Myrtle—24th S of O 50th to 56th
- N—1st S of O Burr E to 44th
- Nance Av—26th N of O 9th to 14th
- Nelson—32nd N of O 3rd E to Milton
- Nemaha—34th S of O 14th to 17th
- New Hampshire—12th N of O 7th to 14th
- Normal Blvd—From 30th & B, S E to 48th, E to 56th
- North—47th N of O 14th to 27th
- North Side Av—8th N of O 15th to 17th
- O—Between N & P Limit to Limit
- Oak—23rd N of O 7th to 14th
- Orchard—11th N of O Stewart E to 71st
- Otoe—28th S of O 7th to 20th
- P—1st N of O West Limits E to 35th
- Park Av—23rd S of O 8th to 27th
- Park Blvd—7th & Peach SW to 1st & Van Dorn
- Park—(State Hospital) 30th S of O Folsom to Lincoln
- Pawnee—29th S of O 7th to 48th
- Peach—18th S of O 6th to 15th
- Pear—7th N of O 27th to 28th
- Pepper Av—Between 26th & 27th Sumner to South
- Perkins Blvd—26th S of O 16th to Worthington Av
- Pershing Rd—20th & High thence SW to 1st N of Calvert
- Pioneers Blvd—42nd S of O Limit to Limit
- Platte Av—45th N of O Touzalin E to 73rd
- Plum—19th S of O 7th to 15th
- Plymouth Av—24th S of O Bradfield Dr E Three Blocks
- Portia—1st E of 14th Benton S to Adams
- Potter—15th N of O 21st to 33rd
- Prescott Av—39th S of O 40th to 56th
- Prospect—17th S of O 16th E to 20th
- Puritan Av—25th S of O Stratford Av E to Colonial Dr
- Q—2nd N of O Burlington Av E to 44th
- Queen—2nd E of Burlington Av S to Small
- Randolph—7th S of O 20th to 56th
- Rathbone Rd—30th E of 1st from Intersection of Van Dorn and Sheridan Blvd N to Plymouth Av
- Rebecca—2nd E of 14th Benton S to Adams
- Ricketts—7th W of 1st Hayes S to Wood
- Ridge—30th E of 1st Plymouth Av N to South St
- Roose—26th S of O 52nd to 56th
- Rosalind—5th E of 14th Adams S to Josephine
- Rose—17th S of O Limits E to 15th
- Royal Court—1st S of Van Dorn 27th to 28th
- Ryall—(State Hospital) 5th W of 1st Calvert N 3 Blocks
- Ryons—21st S of O 17th to 30th
- S—4th N of O ½ mi W of Burlington Av E to 36th
- St Marys Av—1st W of 17th South of Lake, Calvert to Burnham
- St Paul Av—26th N of O 32nd to 61st
- Salem Av—1st S of Benton Milton E to 27th
- Saratoga—22nd S of O 11th to 13th
- Saunders Av—24th N of O 9th to 14th
- Scott Av—Between 38th & 39th South S to Pawnee
- Seward—39th N of O 49th to 74th
- Sewell—22nd S of O 17th to 40th
- Sheldon—13th N of O 22nd to 23rd
- Sheridan Blvd—25th & South SE to 44th & Calvert
- Sherman—32nd S of O 27th to 51st
- Short—Between Whittier & 23rd W North to X
- Sioux—31st S of O 14th to 17th
- Smith—2nd N of Van Dorn 14th to 40th
- South—20th S of O Limit to Limit
- Starr—13th N of O 27th to 71st
- Stillwater Av—23rd S of O 11th to 14th
- Stratford Av—1st N of Sheridan Blvd 27th to Rathbone Rd
- Summit Blvd—From 31st and Jackson Drive SE
- Sumner—16th S of O West 2nd to 52nd
- Superior Av—47th N of O 7th to 14th
- T—5th N of O 1st to 36th
- Taylor Av—1st E of Cotner Blvd R NE to 63rd
- Theresa—27th N of O 24th to 27th
- Thomas—4th W of 1st South S to Buell
- Thurston—49th N of O 70th to 73rd
- Touzalin—58th E of 1st
- Trimble—8th W of 1st A S to Wood
- U—6th N of O 1st to 33rd
- Union—1st N of E 22nd to 23rd
- Union Airport Rd—58th N of O 56th E to 70th
- V—7th N of O 1st to 8th
- Vale—43rd N of O Limit to Limit
- Van Dorn—27th S of O Limit to Limit
- Vine—7th N of O 12th to 70th
- Virginia—22nd N of O 11th to 14th
- W—8th N of O 7th to 71st
- Walker Av—23rd N of O 28th to 71st
- Washington—14th S of O Limits E to 42nd
- Waugh—4th W of 1st Calvert N 3 Blocks
- Weber—35th N of O 33rd E to Halstead
- Wendover—23rd S of O Bradfield Dr E 1 Block
- West Lincoln—2 mi NW of Post Office
- Whittier—1st E of 22nd Vine N to X & Holdrege N to Fair
- William—1st W of 33rd Sheridan N to Van Dorn
- Winthrop Road—31st E of 1st Sheridan Blvd N to South St
- Witham Lane—1st S of High 17th to Pershing Rd
- Woodbine Av—1st E of 38th Sheridan S to Calvert
- Woodland Av—52nd S of O 48th to 52nd
- Woods Av—3rd S of O 33rd to 38th
- Woodscrest Av—1st N of Van Dorn 22nd to Sheridan Blvd
- Woodsdale Blvd—30th S of O 20th to 21st
- Woodsview—29th S of O 16th to 17th
- Worthington—1st E of 19th 1 block N of South S to Burnham
- X—9th N of O 1st to 71st
- Y—10th N of O 7th to 71st