Night and storm. LUCIFER, with the Powers of the Air, trying to tear down the Cross.Lucifer. HASTEN! hasten! O ye spirits! From its station drag the ponderous Cross of iron, that to mock us Is uplifted high in air!Voices. O, we cannot! For around it All the Saints and Guardian Angels Throng in legions to protect it; They defeat us everywhere!The Bells. Laudo Deum verum Plebem voco! Congrego clerum! Lucifer. Lower! lower! Hover downward! Seize the loud, vociferous bells, and Clashing, clanging, to the pavement Hurl them from their windy tower!Voices. All thy thunders Here are harmless! For these bells have been anointed, And baptized with holy water! They defy our utmost power.The Bells. Defunctos ploro! Pestem fugo! Festa decoro! Lucifer. Shake the casements! Break the painted Panes that flame with gold and crimson! Scatter them like leaves of Autumn, Swept away before the blast!Voices. O, we cannot! The Archangel Michael flames from every window, With the sword of fire that drove us Headlong, out of heaven, aghast!The Bells. Funera plango! Fulgora frango! Sabbata pango! Lucifer. Aim your lightnings At the oaken, Massive, iron-studded portals! Sack the house of God, and scatter Wide the ashes of the dead!Voices. O, we cannot! The Apostles And the Martyrs, wrapped in mantles, Stand as wardens at the entrance, Stand as sentinels o'erhead!The Bells. Excito lentos! Dissipo ventos! Paco cruentos! Lucifer. Baffled! baffled! Inefficient, Craven spirits! leave this labor Unto Time, the great Destroyer! Come away, ere night is gone!Voices. Onward! onward! With the night-wind, Over field and farm and forest, Lonely homestead, darksome hamlet, Blighting all we breathe upon! (They sweep away. Organ and Gregorian Chant.) Choir. Nocte surgentes Vig lemus omnes!