
Lecture I.


Part I.

Introductory. Geological. The Waveney. Burgh Castle.


Part II.

Domesday Book. The Parishes of Lothingland. Lowestoft in Domesday. Herring Rents. Condition of People in Saxon Times. Serfdom. Craftsmen. The Merchant. Etymology of Lowestoft


Lecture II.
Lowestoft in the 14th Century.

Part I.

Rise and Fall of Yarmouth. The Free Fair on Yarmouth Quay. Naval power of Yarmouth. The Black Plague. The Statute of Herrings.


Part II.

Rise of Lowestoft. Parliamentary War with Yarmouth. Edward Ill’s Charter. The “Commons” support Lowestoft against the Crown. Charter revoked. Charter re-granted by Richard II. Riot at Lowestoft. Richard II. visits Yarmouth. Charter revoked and re-granted. “Composition” between the two towns.


Part III.

The Lay Subsidies. Lowestoft in 1327 and 1525. Grant of Market. The Parish Church. Old Chapels. Vaulted Cellars in High Street.


Lecture III.
Lowestoft in Elizabeth’s Time.

Part I.

The Parish Register. The Trades of the Town. The Vicars. “Mr. Annott his Schoolmaster.” Resident Gentry. The Fish Trade. Piracy at Lowestoft. Cecil’s Fast. Lowestoft a Shopping Town. Population. Dutch Refugees. Holinshed on the Luxury of Elizabeth’s time. “The South Flint House.”


Part II.

Lowestoft and Yarmouth at the end of the 16th century. Gorleston Harbour. Second contest about Kirkley Road. The Star Chamber and the Judges. Opinion of Mr. Counsellor Bacon. First Boundary Pole fixed on Gunton Denes.


Lecture IV.
Lowestoft in the Times of Charles I. and Charles II.

Part I.

Dutch and French Fishermen in the “British Seas.” Pamphlets of Sir Walter Raleigh and “Tobias Gentleman.” Ship-money. Fleet sent against the Dutch Busses. The Civil War. Cromwell’s visit to Lowestoft. The Bell in the Town Hall. The Great Fire of 1644. Value of Houses, 1642 and 1898.


Part II.

Third and last Contest with Yarmouth about Kirkley Road. The Yarmouth Bailiffs and their “Man of War.” Lowestoft appeals to the King. Sympathetic Letter of Charles II. to Lowestoft. Decision of the House of Lords. Proceedings at Yarmouth about the measurement of the seven miles. Boundary Posts again fixed on Gunton Denes. Imprisonment and Penance of Mr. Roger Smith. Corton Pole. Effect of successful termination of the suit. Our townspeople take measures to increase their trade. Conclusion. Lowestoft Heroes of the XVII Century.



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