- Cheokhes, ch?-ok-h??, the mink.
- Cheplahgan, chep-lÂh´gan, the bald eagle.
- Ch’geegee-lokh-sis, ch’gee-geÉlock-sis, the chickadee.
- Chigwooltz, chig-woolt?, the bullfrog.
- ClÓte Scarpe, a legendary hero, like Hiawatha, of the Northern Indians. Pronounced variously, Clote Scarpe, Groscap, Gluscap, etc.
- Commoosie, com-moo-siÉ, a little shelter, or hut, of boughs and bark.
- Deedeeaskh, dee-deÉask, the blue jay.
- Eleemos, el-eÉmos, the fox.
- Hawahak, hÂ-wÂ-h?k´, the hawk.
- Hukweem, huk-weem´, the great northern diver, or loon.
- Ismaques, iss-mÂ-que?, the fishhawk.
- Kagax, k?g´?x, the weasel.
- Kakagos, kÂ-kÂ-g??, the raven.
- K’dunk, k’dunk´, the toad.
- Keeokuskh, kee-o-kusk´, the muskrat.
- Keeonekh, keÉo-nek, the otter.
- Killooleet, ki?loo-leet, the white-throated sparrow.
- Kookooskoos, koo-koo-skoo?, the great horned owl.
- Koskomenos, k??k?m-e-n??, the kingfisher.
- Kupkawis, cup-kÁ?wis, the barred owl.
- Kwaseekho, kwÂ-seek´ho, the sheldrake.
- Lhoks, locks, the panther.
- Malsun, m??sun, the wolf.
- Meeko, meek´?, the red squirrel.
- Megaleep, meg´Â-leep, the caribou.
- Milicete, mi??-cete, the name of an Indian tribe; written also Malicete.
- Mitches, mit´ch?s, the birch partridge, or ruffed grouse.
- Moktaques, mok-t´ques, the hare.
- Mooween, moo-ween´, the black bear.
- Musquash, mu?quÂsh, the muskrat.
- Nemox, n?m´ox, the fisher.
- Pekquam, pek-w?m´, the fisher.
- Quoskh, quoskh, the blue heron.
- Seksagadagee, sek´sÂ-g?-d´gee, the Canada grouse, or spruce partridge.
- Skooktum, skook´tum, the trout.
- Tookhees, tÔk´hees, the wood mouse.
- Umquenawis, um-que-n´wis, the moose.
- Unk Wunk, unk´ wunk, the porcupine.
- Upweekis, up-week´iss, the Canada lynx.