
The following pages shall be devoted to the description of a process on Dry Collodion, which I believe to be at once simple and effective. The experiments connected with the perfection of this process have occupied my leisure time for the space of two years or more, and have been conducted with all the care of which I was master. The constant repetition of them enables me to say, that whoever will follow diligently the process step by step, as detailed in this Pamphlet, must succeed in producing pictures in every way such as could be required by the most exacting critic.

The process is simple, clean, and expeditious; and the resulting Negatives possess the exquisite softness of Albumen, the brilliancy of the wet Collodion, and the fine artistic texture of the Paper process.

To disarm criticism, and to make peace with my fellow labourers in the art, I wish it to be understood that I do not claim the use of Collodion, of Gelatine, of Metagelatine, or of any of the Chemicals used in the process—most of these have been employed by others in various ways; I merely reserve to myself the pleasure of placing in the hands of Photographers a definite and simple plan by which pictures may be taken on Dry Collodion.


June 20, 1857.


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