- 1.
- Aderhold, R. Über das Mutterkorn des Getreides und seine VerhÜtung Kais. Biol. Anst. f. Land. und Forstw., Flugblatt No. 21.
- 2.
- Agricultural Journal, Union of S. Africa, July, 1913.
- 3.
- Agricultural Gazette of New S. Wales, Oct. 2, 1913.
- 4.
- Allen’s Commercial Organic Analysis. Vols. vi. and vii, 1913.
- 5.
- Analyst, August, 1906.
- 6.
- Armatage, G. The Sheep Doctor, 1895.
- 7.
- Atkinson, V. T. Action of Poisons. Special Report, Diseases of Cattle and on Cattle Feeding. U.S. Dept. Agric., Bur. An. Ind., 1896.
- 8.
- —— Poisons and Poisoning. Special Report, Diseases of Cattle, rev. by L. Pearson. U S. Dept. Agric., Bur. An. Ind., 1908.
- 9.
- Auld, S. J. M. (See Dunstan, W. R.)
- 10.
- Bailey, F. M. Weeds and Suspected Poisonous Plants of Queensland, 1906.
- 11.
- —— and Gordon, P. R. Plants reputed Poisonous and Injurious to Stock, 1887.
- 12.
- Bang, B. Cases of Poisoning from Rape-seed Cakes. Ugeskr. Landm., 1897. Abs. in Exp. Sta. Rec., 9, p. 994.
- 13.
- Barger, G., and Carr, F. H. Note on Ergot-Alkaloids. Phar. Jour., 23, p. 257.
- 14.
- Baume, M. Poisoning by Oenanthe crocata. Archiv, des Mal. Mentales, 1881, No. 3. Abs. in Ed. Vet. Rev., 4, p. 704.
- 15.
- Becker, T. C. (See Witthaus, R. A.)
- 16.
- Beilstein, F. Handbuch der Organischen Chemie. 3 Bd. Hamburg and Leipzig, 1897.
- 17.
- Bentham and Hooker. British Flora, 1908.
- 18.
- Berge, Fr., and Riecke, V. A. Giftpflanzenbuch, 1845.
- 19.
- Berliner TierÄrztliche Wochenschrift. Var. issues.
- 20.
- Bessey, C. E. Poisonous Weeds. Rept. Nebraska Agr. Exp. Sta., 16, pp. 14–62.
- 21.
- Blankinship, J. W. The Loco and other Poisonous Plants in Montana. Agric. Coll. Exp. Sta., Montana, Bul. 45, 1903.
- 22.
- Blyth, A. W. Poisons: Their Effects and Detection. 4th Ed., 1906.
- 23.
- —— Old and Modern Poison Lore, 1884.
- 24.
- —— and Blyth, M. W. Poisons. Rev. Edn., 1906.
- 25.
- Board of Agric. and Fisheries. Ann. Rept. Proc. Dis. Anim. Acts for 1910 (Cd. 5606, 1911).
- 26.
- —— Leaflet, No. 13. Acorn Poisoning.
- 27.
- —— „ No. 222. Meadow Saffron.
- 28.
- —— „ No. 251. Some Common Weeds (Corn Cockle).
- 29.
- —— „ No. 291. Food Value of Acorns, Horse-Chestnuts and Beech Mast.
- 30.
- Boeck, H. von. (See BÖhm, R.)
- 31.
- Boehm. Cicutoxin. Archiv. f. exp. Path. u. Pharmakol., 5, 279–310.
- 32.
- BÖhm, R., Naunyn, B., and Boeck, H. von. Handbuch der Intoxicationen. Ed. 15 of the German Ed. of Ziemssen’s Cyclop.
- 33.
- Brandt, J. F., and Ratzeburg, J. F. C. Deutschlands phan. GiftgewÄchse in Abbildungen u. Beschreibungen, 1838.
- 34.
- Breteau. (See Cazeneuve.)
- 35.
- British Pharmaceutical Codex, quoted in Pharm. Jour., Aug. 29, 1911.
- 36.
- BrÜhl, J. W., in col. with E. Hjelt and O. Aschan. Die Pflanzen Alkaloide. Braunschweig, 1900.
- 37.
- BrÜnnich, J. C. Hydrocyanic Acid in Fodder Plants. Jour. Chem. Soc., 1903, 788–796.
- 38.
- Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, 1903, 1905, 1906.
- 39.
- —— 1911, (Datura, Hyoscyamus).
- 40.
- Bull. Agric. Intelligence and Plant Diseases. Inter. Instit. Agric. Aug.-Oct., 1911, p. 2099 (Solanum Dulcamara).
- 41.
- Bulliard, P. Histoire des Plantes vÉnÉneuses et suspectes de la France, 1798, Ed. 2.
- 42.
- Callsen, J. Ueber die Alkaloide der Samen von Lupinus angustifolius und von Lupinus perennis, var. polyphyllus. Archiv. der Phar., 237, 566–595.
- 43.
- Canadian Dept. Agric., Ottawa. Farm Weeds of Canada. 2nd Ed., 1909.
- 44.
- Carr, F. H. (See Barger, G.)
- 45.
- Carruthers, Wm. Aethusa Cynapium. Jour. Roy. Agric. Soc., England, 63:280.
- 46.
- —— Lychnis Githago. Id., 63:279.
- 47.
- —— Ranunculus bulbosus. Id., 63:279.
- 48.
- —— Stellaria media: Is it Poisonous? Id., 64:308.
- 49.
- —— and Others. Yew Poisoning. Id., Ser. iii, 3:698.
- 50.
- Cazeneuve, P., and Breteau, P. Sur la Solanine. Compt. Rend., tome 128, 1899, p. 887.
- 51.
- Chemist and Druggist. Var. issues.
- 52.
- Chesnut, V. K. Principal Poisonous Plants of the United States. U.S. Dept. Agric., Div. Bot., Bull. 20, 1898.
- 53.
- —— Thirty Poisonous Plants of the United States. U.S. Dept. Agric. Farmers’ Bull. 86, 1898.
- 54.
- —— Preliminary Catalogue of Plants Poisonous to Stock. Ann. Rept. Bur. An. Ind., U. S. Dept. Agr., 15: 387–420.
- 55.
- —— Some Common Poisonous Plants. Year Book, U.S. Dept. Agr., 1896.
- 56.
- —— Some Poisonous Plants of Northern Stock Ranges. Id., 1900.
- 57.
- —— and Wilcox, E. V. Stock Poisoning Plants of Montana. U.S. Dept. Agr., Div. Bot. Bull. 26, 1901.
- 58.
- Coale, R. D. (See Remsen, I.)
- 59.
- Collin, Eug. TraitÉ de Toxicologie vÉgÉtale, 1907.
- 60.
- Colville, F. V. Crimson Clover Hair Balls. Cire. U.S. Dept. Agr., Div. Bot., 8:4.
- 61.
- Comptes Rendus. No. 147, 1906; 150, 1910; &c.
- 62.
- Cooke, M. C. Seven Sisters of Sleep. London, 1860.
- 63.
- Cornevin, Ch. Des Plantes VÉnÉneuses, 1887.
- 222.
- —— and Jones, L. R. A. Poisonous Plant: the Common Horsetail. Bull. Vt. Agr. Exp. Sta., 95: 187–192.
- 223.
- Richet, C. Les poisons convulsivants. Arch. inter. de phar., 4: 293–309.
- 224.
- Riecke, V. A. (See Berge, Fr.)
- 225.
- Rothera, A. C. H. Reputed Poison Plants. Jour. Dept. Agr. Victoria, Nov., 1910.
- 226.
- Russell, E. J. (See Parkinson, S. T.)
- 227.
- Schenck, H. (See Strasburger, E.)
- 228.
- Schimpfky, Richard. Deutschlands wichtigste GiftgewÄchse in Wort und Bild, nebst einer Abhandlung Über Pflanzengift, 1893.
- 229.
- Schmiedeberg, O. On Digitalin. Archiv. Exp. Path., 16: 149.
- 230.
- SchÜnemann, H. Die Pflanzenvergiftungen, 1891.
- 231.
- Schunck, E., and Marchlewski, L. Ann. d. Chem., 278, 354.
- 232.
- Sitzbericht K. Acad. Wiss. (Vienna), Math. Naturw. Kl., 121 (1912) i, No. 1–3.—Abs. Exp. Sta. Record, XXIX, p. 133.
- 233.
- Smith, A. B. Poisonous Plants of All Countries, 1905.
- 234.
- Sowerby, J. E. (See Johnson.)
- 235.
- Strasburger, E., Noll, F., Schenck, H., and Karsten, G. Text Book of Botany. 3rd Eng. Ed. Rev. by W. H. Lang. 1908.
- 236.
- Stubbs, G. (See Thorpe, T. E.)
- 237.
- Sturdevant, L. B., and Peters, A. T. The Poisoning of Horses by the Common Horse-tail Weed. Rept. Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta., 19: 111–115.
- 238.
- Tasmania, Agric. and Stock Dept. Hemlock. Bull. No. 22, 1911.
- 239.
- Thorpe, T. E., and Stubbs, G. Yew Poisoning, Trans. Chem. Soc., 81 (1902).
- 240.
- Thorpe, T. E. A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry, 1912.
- 241.
- Trans. Chem. Soc., 1902.
- 242.
- —— 1907, p. 337.
- 243.
- Treub, M. Nouvelles recherches sur le rÔle de l’acide cyanhydrique dans les plantes vertes. Ann. Jardin bot., Buitzenborg, Ser. ii, 6: 79–106.
- 244.
- Tuczek, F. Behandlung der Vergiftungen mit Pflanzenstoffen. Handb. d. Spec. Therap. innerer Krankh. 2: 234–334, 1894.
- 245.
- Tutin, F. Chemical Examination of Oenanthe crocata. Wellcome Chem. Res. Laboratories, No. 132, 1911.
- 246.
- —— (See Power, F. B.)
- 247.
- Umney, C. (See Dunstan, W. R.)
- 248.
- U.S. Dept. Agric. Experiment Station Record. Var. issues.
- 249.
- —— See (7), (8), (52–57), (60), (126), and (183).
- 250.
- Van Es, L., and Waldron, L. R. Some Stock Poisoning Plants of North Dakota. N. Dak. Agr. Coll. Exp. Sta., Bull. 58, 1903.
- 251.
- Van Rijn, J. J. L. Die Glykoside, 1900.
- 252.
- Verschaffelt, E. Bepaling der werking van vergiften op planten, Afd. d. k. Akad. v. Welensch. Amst. 12: 855–9, 1903–4.
- 253.
- Veterinarian. Var. issues.
- 254.
- Veterinary Journal. Var. issues.
- 255.
- Veterinary News. Var. issues.
- 256.
- Veterinary Record. Var. issues.
- 257.
- Vicat, P. R. Histoire des Plantes vÉnÉneuses de la Suisse. Yverdon, 1776.
- 258.
- Waldron, L. R. (See Van Es, L.)
- 259.
- Walsh, L. H. South African Poisonous Plants. 1909.
- 260.
- Weber, C. A. Der Duwock (Equisetum palustre). Arb. d. deut. landw. Gesell., Heft 72, 1902.
- 261.
- Wiedmann, Fr. Zur chemischen Charakteristik der Familie der Papaveraceen. Munich, 1901.
- 262.
- Wilcox, E. V. (See Chesnut, V. K.)
- 263.
- Wilson, P. Rhododendron Poisoning in a Goat. The Veterinarian, 70: 639–640.
- 264.
- Winslow, Kenelm. Veterinary Materia Medica and Therapeutics. 1902.
- 265.
- Witthaus, R. A., and Becker, T. C. Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Vol. 4., 1896.
- 266.
- Wunchmann, F. Deutschlands Giftpflanzen. 1833.
- 267.
- Zeitschr. Anal. Chem., 1905, No. 44.
(See also various references in the text.)