
"He opened windows for them upon the splendour and the savagery, the pomp and the pitifulness that he had found in many corners of the earth. He saw that in every scene, in every human activity there was an element which lifted it into the region of the beautiful, and he made all his readers see it, whether he was learned or ignorant; cultivated or only just able to read. Full justice has never been done to him. There was no silver in his purse, only gold."—Hamilton Fyfe in "The Daily Mail."

The Valley of the Moon 7s. 6d. net and 4s. net
Jerry of the Islands 7s. 6d. net and 2s. 6d. net
Michael, Brother of Jerry 7s. 6d. net and 2s. net
Hearts of Three 6s. net and 2s. 6d. net
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Before Adam 1s. 6d. net
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