Do ye seek for fun and fortune? Listen, rovers, now to me! Look ye for them on the ocean: Ye shall find them on the sea. Chorus: Roaring wind and deep blue water! We’re the jolly devils who, Back to back against the mainmast, Held at bay the entire crew. Bring the dagger, bring the pistols! We will have our own to-day! Let the cannon smash the bulwarks! Let the cutlass clear the way! Chorus: Roaring wind and deep blue water! We’re the jolly devils who, Back to back against the mainmast, Held at bay the entire crew. Here’s to rum and here’s to plunder! Here’s to all the gales that blow! Let the seamen cry for mercy! Let the blood of captains flow! Chorus: Roaring wind and deep blue water! We’re the jolly devils who, Back to back against the mainmast, Held at bay the entire crew. They have seen which men were best. We have lifted maids and cargo, And the sharks have had the rest. Chorus: Roaring wind and deep blue water! We’re the jolly devils who, Back to back against the mainmast, Held at bay the entire crew. —George Sterling. HEARTS OF THREE