
Affection for animals, 62, 63
Affections, of born criminals, 27
in children, 133
examination of, 222-225
Age and crime, 102, 151, 152
Akkas, tribe of Central Africa, 15
Alcoholism, and hallucinations, 30, 82-84
chronic, 81, 142-143
physical characteristics, 81, 82
psychic disturbances caused by, 82-84
results of, 83
apathy and impulsiveness of victims, 84, 85
crimes peculiarly due to, 85, 142
course of the disease, 86
hereditary, 138
important factor in criminality, 138, 141
temporary, 141-142
and epilepsy, 142
effect on handwriting, 229
Algometer, 25, 246
Anfossi's tachyanthropometer, 237
craniograph, 239
Angelucci (Actes du CongrÈs d' Anthropologie), case of epileptic moral insanity, 69
Anomalies, of criminals, 7, 10-24, 231-235
of morally insane, 53
Anthropology, criminal, defined, 5
most important discovery of, 137
practical application of, 262-279
Aphasia, simulation of, 272 ff., 275
Arson, 121
Arts and industries of criminals, 44, 135
Assaulters, 25
Asylums for criminal insane, 205-208
Asymmetry, 13, 53, 242, 261
Atavism, 18, 135, 136
Atavistic origin of the criminal, 8, 9, 19, 48, 135
Australia, probation system in, 189, 191
Austria, percentage of illegitimates among criminals, 144
percentage of women among criminals, 151
Auto-illusion, 108, 109
Aymaras, the, an Indian tribe of South America, 6
Azara, d' (Travels in America, 1835), 126
Azeglio, Massimo d' (Reminiscences), 148
Bain, 130
BallvÉ, SeÑor, director of Penitenciario Nacional of Buenos Ayres, 201
Bank of Rome case, 106, 107
Barnardo, Dr., work for orphans and destitute children of London, 158-160
Beccaria, Cesare, founder of Classical School of Penal Jurisprudence, 3, 4
Bedlam, 207
Belgian Government, agricultural colony founded at Meseplas by, 202

Belgium, probation system in, 191
Bernard, experiments with dogs, 60
Blasio, de, explanation of hieroglyphics of the Camorristi, 43, 44
Booth, General, 156, 157
Born criminals, 3-51
percentage of, among criminals, 8, 100
physical characteristics, 10-24, 231-255
sensory and functional peculiarities, 24-27
affections and passions, 27, 28
moral characteristics, 28-40
intelligence, 41
relation to moral insanity and epilepsy, 58-73, 87, 259
professional characteristics, 71
difference between epileptics and, 72
no criminal scale among, 152
institutions for, 205 ff.
Bosco and Rice (Les Homicides aux Etats-Unis), on crime in Massachusetts, 173
Brigands, 35, 113-115, 215
Broadmoor, 207, 208
Brockway, 192
BÜchner, on instincts in bees and ants, 142
Burglars, 25
Burton (First Footsteps in East Africa), 128
Cabred, Professor, 203, 204
Camorra, 44, 48, 117, 230
Camorristi, hieroglyphics of, 43, 44
dress, 230
Canada, homes for destitute children, 160
Capital punishment, 208, 209
Carrara, Francesco, 4
Carrara, Prof. Mario, on neglected children, 130
Cephalic index, 10, 241
Children, destructive tendency, 65
instincts, 130 ff.
affection, 133
effect of environment on, 144
institutions for destitute, 156 ff.
methods of dealing with, 176 ff.
susceptibility to suggestion, 226
Children's courts. See Juvenile courts
CinÆdus, 231, 244
Classical School of Penal Jurisprudence, 4, 9
Classification of criminals, 8
Colour-blindness, 26, 249
Confession of criminaloids, 105
Connon, Richard, 53
Coprophagia, 274, 275
Corporal punishment, 191
Cretins, physical characteristics, 227, 234, 236, 260
dress, 231
Crime, origin of the word, 125
among primitive races, 125 ff.
in civilised communities, 134
atavistic origin, 135, 136, 137
Ætiology of, 136
pathological origin, 137
organic factors, 137
percentage of, among Jews, 140
social causes, 143
prevention, 153 ff.
curability, 153, 156
Criminal, the, defined, 3
Criminal type, 24, 48
Criminaloids, 100-121
percentage of, among criminals, 8
physical characteristics, 102, 251
psychological distinctions between born criminals and, 102 ff.
cases of, 103, 104
reluctance to commit crimes, 105
easily induced to confess, 105
moral sense and intelligence, 106
natural affections and sentiments, 106
social position and culture, 107 ff.
clever swindlers, 108
development into habitual criminals, 111-113
and certain crimes, 121
punishment, 186
Cruelty, 39
Cynicism, 31
Dalton (Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal), 129
Danish prisons, 195

"Darwin's tubercle," 15, 235
Dejerine, 138
Delirium, 98
Dementia, 76, 227, 259, 260
simulations of, 272 ff.
Despine's method of punishment, 195, 196
Destitute children, care of, 156
institutions for, 156 ff.
Dewson, Miss Mary, 189
Disease and its relation to crime, 8, 220
Don Bosco, the Black Pope, 157, 173
Drunkenness, temporary, 141. See also Alcoholism
Du Bois-Reymond's apparatus, 25, 246
Dundrum, Ireland, 207
Dynamometer, 252, 253
Economic conditions, relation to crime, 150
Education, and moral insanity, 143
and crime, 143, 149
in Elmira Reformatory, 193
"Educational Alliance," for Jewish emigrants, 172
Egypt, theft in, 128
Elmira Reformatory, 192-194
England, crime in, 173
juvenile court in, 176
probation system in, 189, 191
asylums for criminal insane, 207
Environment, 8, 144, 145
Epilepsy, ancient application of the term, 58
characteristic phenomena, 58
mild forms, 59, 60
multiformity, 59, 60, 87
psychological characteristics, 61
effect on character, 62
relation to crime, 69, 71
motory and criminal, 71
psychic, 88
ambulatory, 89, 90
alcoholic psychic, 142
Epileptics, brain cells of, 22
relation to born criminals and morally insane 58 ff., 87
physical anomalies common to criminals and, 60, 61, 234
psychological characteristics, 61 ff.
cases, 64-65
criminal, 66-69, 70, 259
difference between born criminals and, 72
non-criminal, 89-92
obsessions, 226
dress, 230
special offences, 259, 260
Epileptoids, 101
Erotomania, 96
Esthesiometer, 245
Examination of criminals, 219-257
antecedents and psychic individuality, 220-222
intelligence, 222
affections, 222-225
morbid phenomena, 225-226
speech, 226-228
memory, 228
handwriting, 228-230
dress, 230-231
physical, 231-245
sensibility, 245-251
movements, 251-255
functions, 255
table of, 255-257
Fines, 187, 57
view of hysteria and epilepsy, 99
on percentage of criminals of inebriate families, 138
on criminal associations, 146
Criminal Man, 9, 288-291
Modern Forms of Crime, 9
Recent Research in Criminal Anthropology, 9, 309

Prison Palimpsests, 9, 155, 300-302
The Female Offender, 180, 291-294
Crimes, Ancient and Modern, 173, 302-303
The Man of Genius, 283-288
Political Crime, 294-298
Too Soon, 298-300
Diagnostic Methods of Legal Psychiatry, 303-305
Anarchists, 305-307
Lectures on Legal Medicine, 307-308
Luciani, experiments of, 59
Lunacy, general forms, 74, See also Insanity
Maccabruni, Dr. (Notes on Hidden Forms of Epilepsy, 1886), 89
Mafia, 117, 230
Magnaud, 187
Maniacs, 76, 259
Manzoni (Promessi Sposi), on instinctive tendency to law-breaking, 152
Marey's tympanum, 224
Marro (Annalidi Freniatia, 1890), 64
Massachusetts, crime in, 173
probation office in Boston, 189
reformatories at Boston, 190
Mattoids, 228, 229
Median occipital fossa, discovery of, 6
Melancholia, 75, 227, 252, 259
Memory, 228
Mendacity, 96-98
Meseplas, agricultural colony at, 202, 203
Metchnikoff, 14
Meteoric sensibility, 26
Modern School of Penal Jurisprudence, 4, 5, 9, 153, 155, 156
Monomaniacs, impulses and motives, 77
cases, 78, 276 ff.
handwriting, 228, 230
dress, 231
examination of, 276 ff.
Moral sense, of criminals, 28-40
of criminaloids, 106
Moreau, 130
(De l' Homicide chez les enfants, 1882), 131
Morel, 53, 98
MÜlhausen (Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Pacific), 129
Murder, among gipsies, 140
among Jews, 140
in United States, 145
Murderers, physical characteristics, 16, 18, 26, 46, 236
moral sense, 29, 38
imprisonment, 182
dress, 230
Newspaper reports of crimes, influence of, 146, 147
Nothnagel's thermo-esthesiometer, 247
Obermayer's methods in prisons, 195, 196
Obscenity, 63
Occupations suitable for prisoners, 197, 203, 204
"Open Door," the, penal institution in Buenos Ayres, 203, 204
Orange, 208
Orgies, 40
Osmometer, 251
Ottolenghi, discoveries of, 61
Paralysis, 75, 226, 229
Paralytic, demented, 269
"Paranza," 48
Paresis, 82, 83
Parkinson's disease, 252
Passion, criminals of, 117-121, 186
Patrizi, 224
"Patta, La" 41
Pears (Prisons and Reform, 1872), 196
Pederasts, 232
Pellagra, 76, 150
Pelvimeter, 239
Penal codes, 176, 178
Penal colonies, 201-204
Penalties, 153
table of, proposed by the Modern School, 210-212
Penitenciario Nacional of Buenos Ayres, 198-203
Penitentiaries, 194-198
Penta, on percentage of criminals of inebriate families, 138
Perez,(Psychologie de l'enfant), quoted, on anger in children, 131
Perth, Scotland, 207
Peruvian Indians, 6, 7
Physical anomalies of criminals, 7, 10-24, 231-245
Pictet, 125
Pictography, 43
Pinel, 37, 53
Plethysmograph, 223, 225, 264
Poisoners, 31, 182
Political offenders, 186
Polyandry, 127
Population, density of, effect on criminality, 146, 148
Positive School of Penal Jurisprudence. See Modern School of Penal Jurisprudence
Pott, 125
Poverty and crime, 150
Precocity in crime, 222
Preventive methods, 175 ff.
Primitive races, tattooing among, 45
views of crime, 125-129, 134
death penalty among, 209
Prison life, effect upon criminals, 148, 149, 153, 154, 186
Probation Office in Boston, 189
Probation system, 178, 179, 188-191
Professions and crime, 149, 150, 221
Progeneismus, 13, 60, 243
Prognathism, 7, 12
Prostitution, 144, 151, 180
Proverbial sayings concerning criminals, 49, 50
Prussia, percentage of illegitimates among criminals, 144
Psychology of born criminals, 27 ff.
Ptosis, 14, 236
Punishments, 185
corporal, 191
capital, 208, 209
Race and crime, 139, 140
Recidivists, 46, 222
Reformatories, 182, 192
Reformatory Prison for Women at South Framingham, near Boston, 183-185
Remorse, 29
Repentance, 29
Rescue Homes of the Salvation Army, 169
Revue d'Anthropologie, 1874, 128
Ribaudo, Brancaleone, 138

Richet, experiments with dogs, 59, 60
on hysteria, 95
Roncoroni, discoveries of, 21, 22, 61, 100
Rosenbach, experiments of, 59
"Rota, La" 41
Salvation Army, 167-170
Samt, on epilepsy, 88, 90, 91
San Stefano, island, convict population, 34
Sensibility, general, 24, 245, 246, 277
to touch and pain, 25, 245, 246, 277
to the magnet, 26
meteoric, 26
of the senses, 26, 249-251
localisation of, 247
to metals, 248
Simulation, 97, 261, 272
Sisterhoods founded by Rabbi Gottheil, 170-172
Skin diseases, 232
Skull, formations, 10-12
measurements, 239-242
Slang, 28, 33, 42, 152
Smugglers, 114
Snow (Two Years' Cruise round Tierra del Fuego), 129
Social causes of crime, 143
Somatic examination, 260, 277
Somnambulism, 63, 141
South America, institutions for orphans, 157


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