Abyssinian Baptist Church (New York), 44
Akbar brings promise of help from, 100, 101
culture of
matrilineal society, 37
political institutions, 36-37
religion, 37-39
knowledge of history of, 67-68
languages of, 36, 37
Malcolm X in, 71-72, 152
nationalism in, 184-86
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 44
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 44
Airplane crash (1962), 206
Al-Azhar University
Akbar Muhammad at, 97, 98
Elijah Muhammad at, 142
Alcohol, Malcolm X and, 58
Ali, John X, 84, 100, 104
administrative ability of, 93, 95
as black, 25-26, 62-63, 163-64
divine plagues of, 145
Elijah Muhammad as Messenger of, 54, 70, 132, 133, 135, 166, 169-71
as last Messenger, 111, 129
promised in Old Testament, 165
See also Muhammad, Elijah
Fard as Prophet of, 54
See also Fard, W. D.
has no “son,” 123-24
Islam as religion of, 113
a live God, 25, 125-28
Paradise of, 167
rebellion of Yakub against, 63-65, 71
Allen, Richard, 43-44
And Then We Heard the Thunder (novel), 46
Black Muslims and, 72-73, 201
Christianity and, 73-75
Arabic language
in Black Muslim services, 21
taught in University of Islam, 83
used by Akbar Muhammad, 98-99
Armageddon, Battle of, 22, 31, 79, 201
Muhammad’s teachings about, 55
“As-Salaam-Alaikum,” 21
Atlanta, Ga., 86
“Atlanta Speech” of Elijah Muhammad, 71, 109-29
Atlanta University, Malcolm X’s speech at, 70, 159-71
Attucks, Crispus, 68
Baldwin, James, 77, 79, 199
Bannaker, Benjamin, 68
Baptist Church
attacks slavery, 42
Negro churches founded, 43, 44
Bean pie, 20
Belafonte, Harry, 199
Bennett, Lerone, Jr., 36, 37
Bergson, Henri, 37
Fard’s use of, 48, 50
quoted by Elijah Muhammad, 119
quoted by Malcolm X, 143, 163-70, 193
as theological basis of Negro’s “inferiority,” 44-45, 59, 121
See also Christianity
“Big Red,” see Malcolm X
Birmingham, Ala., 29, 208
Black Muslim policy toward 1963 demonstrations, 85-87, 90
temple in, 21
Black, God as, 25-26, 62-63, 163-64
Black Bourgeoisie, 190-91
Black men
must become fearless, 111, 120, 122
by nature good, 22
as original men, 62-65, 113-15
as so-called Negroes, 115-16, 162-63
See also Negroes
Black Muslim movement
“Americanized,” 131
business activities of, 79-80
restaurants, 19-20, 79, 80
converts to, 30-31
“crisis system” of, 34
dietary laws of, 80
filthiness of pork, 27, 117
restaurants, 19-20
in teachings of Fard, 48
do not preach violence, 203-4
dress of, 19, 78
Akbar’s sheet, 66
education by, see Muslim Girls Training Class; Universities of Islam
finances of, 79
fund-raising, 82
Fruit of Islam, see Fruit of Islam, The
future of, 95-106
successor to Muhammad, 104-6
history of, 35, 47-58
Chicago headquarters set up, 58
Fard disappears, 53-54
founded by Fard, 48-51
Japanese proselytization, 54
Malcolm X joins movement, 55-58
Muhammad and Fard, 52-54
Jews and, 72-73, 201
lawsuits of, 82
ministers of
Chief Minister of Islam, 52
Fruit of Islam and, 81-82
supervise restaurants, 79
morality of, 58, 80-81, 153
Negro unity and
Akbar Muhammad’s speech, 99-103
belief that Negro Revolt will fail, 92, 96, 207-9
Birmingham policy, 85-87, 90
Malcolm X’s “unity speech,” 149-58
value of Black Muslims to Negro Revolt, 87
number of members, 18
opposing factions in
Akbar and Malcolm X, 102-3
Muhammad vs. Detroit faction, 53, 54
“New York-Chicago” cleavage, 94-95
orthodox Moslems and, see Moslems
politics and
in Malcolm X’s “unity speech,” 154-55
possible future policy, 96-97
voting by Black Muslims, 91, 180, 210
punishments in, 80
racial teachings of, 201-2
opposition to race-mixing, 156, 178, 191, 198-99
orthodox Muslim objections, 70-71
separation does not mean being anti-white, 132, 181, 188-89
radio programs of, 84
as a religion, 17, 59-78
The Sacred Ritual of the Nation of Islam, 51
theology, 62-65, 71
why it is a religion, 76-78
See also Allah; Black men; Muhammad, Elijah—teaching of; White men
sacrificial killing in, 52-53
services of, see “Teachings” in temples
temples of, see Temples of Islam
women in, 81
separated in temples, 20-21
See also Girls in Black Muslim movement
Black Muslims in America, The, 12
Black supremacy not taught by Black Muslims, 132, 181
Blackboard in temples, 22
Blood, Drew discovers how to preserve, 68
Boston, Mass.
Malcolm X’s speeches in, 130-48, 173
Negro Baptist church in, 44
Boston Massacre, 68
Breasted’s The Conquest of Civilization, 50
Business activities of Black Muslim movement, 79-80
temple restaurants, 19-20, 79, 80
Cairo, Egypt
Malcolm X in, 71-72
See also Al-Azhar University
Catholic Church, 43
anti-Semitism and, 73-74
Caucasian race, 136
See also White men
Chicago, Ill.
as headquarters of Black Muslims, 54, 94-95
Japanese activities in, 54
temple in, 52
University of Islam in, 54, 82-84
anti-Semitism and, 73-75
denunciations of, 27-29, 121-24, 139, 160-64
Catholic Church, 43, 73-74
“most segregated institution in America,” 28
Negro churches, 191, 198-99
“Invisible Institution,” 41
Nation of, see Black Muslim movement
in teaching of Muhammad, 113
James X, Minister, 29
in Birmingham crisis, 86
Jamestown, Va., landing of slaves at, 39
Japanese attempts to proselytize Black Muslims, 54
Jazz in temples, 22
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 50
Jeremiah X, Minister, 100, 111, 112, 159
and Birmingham crisis, 86, 90
Jesus, 134-35
advocated separation, 193-94
Allah has no “son,” 123-24
Black Muslims and, 72-73, 201
ethnic exclusiveness of, 74-75
John XXIII and, 73-74
John X Ali, 84, 100, 104
administrative ability of, 93, 95
John 17X, 31
John XXIII, Pope, and Jews, 73-74
Johnson X, 32-34
Jones, Absalom, 43
Joseph X, Captain, 81, 100
Kennedy, Robert, 199
Kenyatta, Jomo, 154
Killens, John Oliver, And Then We Heard the Thunder, 46
King, Martin Luther, 88, 96, 97
Akbar calls for peace with, 99
Malcolm X on, 85-86, 99, 203-4, 208
Koran, see Quran
Ku Klux Klan, 66, 86
“Atlanta Speech” and, 109
burn down Malcolm X’s home, 56
of African Negroes, 36, 37
See also Arabic language
Lansing, Mich., Malcolm X, in, 56
Lawson, James, Jr., 88-89
Lawsuits of Black Muslims, 82
Liele, George, 43
Lincoln, C. Eric, 30, 63
The Black Muslims in America, 12
on Fard, 47-50
“Linnaean Web,” 45
Little, Malcolm, see Malcolm X
Los Angeles, Calif., temple in, 67
Lottie X, Sister, 81
Louis X, Minister, 100
“The White Man’s Heaven Is the Black Man’s Hell,” 21
McGowan, Police Capt., 33, 34
“Make it plain,” 23-24, 27
Make-up among Muslim women, 81
Malcolm X, Minister
at Akbar’s New York speech, 98, 101-2
brother of, 80
converted to Black Muslims, 58
described, 24
early life of
childhood, 56-57
in underworld, 57-58
Elijah Muhammad and, 31, 55-56, 58, 79, 92-95, 109
Malcolm describes Muhammad, 169-70
Malcolm in Middle East, 71-72
Malcolm warms up crowd, 23, 110
Malcolm’s only deviation from Muhammad, 105-6, 209-10
in Hinton incident, 33-34
historical knowledge of, 67-69
Lomax’ interview of, 197-211
Negro unity and
Birmingham policy, 85-87
calls for Negro unity, 149-58
Negro Revolt will fail, 91-92, 207-9
vilifies Negro leaders, 85-86, 99, 101, 203-4
as New York minister, 20, 94
orthodox Moslems and, 70, 135-36, 141-43, 159-60, 164-65
Black Muslims as part of world community, 131-32
Persian Moslems, 66-67
as possible Congressional candidate, 97, 210
probably not Muhammad’s successor, 104-6
on radio and TV, 84
“restored” name of, 79
as St. Paul of Black Muslims, 17
speeches of, 173
Atlanta University, 70, 159-71
Harvard University, 130-48
Queens College, 172-78
at “unity rally,” 149-58
Yale University, 179-95
in temple services, 24-28, 62-63
as Washington minister, 94
on white man as devil, 19, 24-25, 62-63, 68-69, 76-77, 199-200
Marshall, Thurgood, 144
Masons, 50, 124
Mays, Dr. Benjamin E., 46
Mboya, Tom, 154
Masons and, 124
Muhammad’s pilgrimage to, 69-73
Melle, kingdom of, 38
Messenger of the Prophet of Allah, 54, 70, 132, 133, 135, 166, 169-71
as last Messenger, 111, 129
promised in Old Testament, 165
See also Muhammad, Elijah
Methodist Church
attacks slavery (1784), 42
Negro Methodism founded, 43-44
Milan, Mich., Muhammad in prison in, 54-55
Mohammedanism, see Moslems
Moon blown up by evil scientist, 71, 114
Mormon Church, Negroes in, 59
Moses, 134-35
Muhammad as modern-day, 205
in Africa, 38
Black Muslims and, 66
Akbar Muhammad’s speech, 100-3
doctrinal differences, 70-71
Malcolm X’s attacks on, 70, 135-36, 141-43, 159-60, 164-65
Muhammad’s pilgrimage, 69-73, 142-43
orthodox Muslims in U.S., 69-70
as part of world community, 111, 112, 131-32, 140
Persians refused entry into temple, 66-67
recognized by hajj committee, 69-73
Mosques, see Temples of Islam
Mother Bethel, 44
Mr. Muhammad Speaks, 80, 84
circulation of, 172
reports speeches of Malcolm X, 172-74
responsibility for, 95
Muhammad (the Prophet), 135
Muhammad, Akbar, 94
in Arabic dress, 66
increased influence of, 97-98
New York speech of, 98-103
as possible successor to Elijah Muhammad, 104-6
Muhammad, Elijah
arrests of
draft registration, 54-55
University children, 54
“Atlanta Speech” of, 71, 109-29
becomes Chief Minister, 52
Birmingham crisis and, 86
Fard and, 52-54
goes to Chicago, 52-54
Malcolm X and, see Malcolm X
manner of preaching of, 55
as Messenger of Allah, 54, 70, 132, 133, 135, 166, 169-71
as last Messenger, 111, 129
promised in Old Testament, 165
in Phoenix, 94-95
pilgrimage to Mecca of, 69-73, 142-43
probable successor to, 104-6
teaching of, 110-29
Allah, 113, 123-25
black men should become fearless, 111, 120, 122
Christianity, 121-24
former criminals, 18
history of black man, 113-18
Japanese in World War II, 54, 55
knowledge of self, 18, 50, 116-17
separate state, 91
white man, 55, 125-28
why Islam has not made progress, 113
Yakub, 63-65
Muhammad, Elijah, Jr., 94, 99
as businessman, 79
Muhammad, Wallace, 106
Music in temples, 21-22
Muslim Brotherhood USA, 69
Muslim Girls Training Class, The, 81-82
established by Fard, 51
Muslims, see Black Muslim movement; Moslems
NAACP, 44, 99, 144, 173
sponsors debates with Malcolm X, 179-80
Nashville, Tenn., sit-ins in, 88-89
Nation of Islam, see Black Muslim movement
Malcolm X’s discussion of, 162-63
Muhammad’s discussion of, 115-16
Negro Revolt
Akbar Muhammad’s speech and, 99-103
belief that it will fail, 92, 96, 45-46
Black Muslim movement as, 17, 59-78
The Sacred Ritual of the Nation of Islam, 51
theology, 62-65, 71
why it is a religion, 76-78
See also Allah; Black men; Muhammad, Elijah—teaching of; White men
as closed network of believers, 73-76
compassion in, 77-78
as group experience, 60-61
See also Christianity
Restaurants, temple, 19-20, 79, 80
Revolutionary War, 68
Richmond, Va., Negro Baptist church organized in, 43
Rutherford, Joseph F. “Judge,” 50
Sacred Ritual of the Nation of Islam, The, 51
Sacrificial killing, 52-53
St. Louis, Mo., Malcolm X in, 173
Sampson, Judge Edyth, 83
Savannah, Ga., Negro Baptist church organized in, 43
Saviour, 54
See also Fard, W. D.
experiments of Yakub, 63-65
not supported by orthodox literature, 71
moon blown up by, 71, 114
as “Pharaoh’s Magicians,” 134
Searching of visitors to temples, 20
in Detroit of 1930s, 47, 50
of Negro church, 43-46
See also Desegregation
“Self,” knowledge of, 18-19, 50, 116-17, 120, 155
Separation of black man, 22-23
advocated by Jesus, 193-94
does not mean being anti-white, 132, 181, 188-89
not mentioned in Akbar’s speech, 101
Old House will collapse, 137
a separate state, 90-92, 97, 115
Sharrieff, Raymond, 79, 95
after Muhammad’s death, 104-6
as head of The Fruit, 81
“Sheep,” 23
Shriners, 124
Silks and satins, 24, 211
sold by Fard, 47
“Slave” names, 30-31, 120-21, 163
Christianity and, 38-42
Malcolm X’s discussion of, 137-39, 161-63, 208
Muhammad’s discussion of, 115-22
Smith, Pastor Kelly Miller, 88-89
Smoking, Malcolm X and, 58
Songhay, kingdom of, 38
Spottswood, Dr. Stephen Gill, 44
Supreme Court outlawing of segregation, 144-46, 200, 208
Susu people, 38
Takahashi, Major, 54
Teachings of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in a Mathematical Way, 51
“Teachings” in temples, 22-28
converts at, 30
“deaf, dumb, and blind” speech, 26-28
emotional effect of, 31
Fruit of Islam during, 21, 29
separate services for The Fruit, 81
warm-up for, 23-24, 110
Temple Number Two (Chicago), organized, 52
Temple Number Seven (New York)
Hinton incident at, 32-34
Malcolm X as minister of, 20, 94
restaurant of, 20
Temples of Islam, 19-33
first (Fard’s), 48, 50-51
generally rented halls, 20
music in, 21-22
Persian Moslems refused entry to, 66-67
restaurants of, 19-20, 79
searching of visitors to, 20
seating arrangements in, 20-21
services in, see “Teachings” in temples
“That’s right,” 21
Theology, see Christianity; Religion
Thomas J., Minister, 100
Tillich, Paul, 17
Thresher (submarine), 206
Toynbee, Arnold, 90
Universities of Islam, 82-84
founded by Fard, 51
local authorities and, 54, 82
“University Speech” of Malcolm X, 70, 159-71
Van Loon’s Story of Mankind, 50
Violence not preached by Black Muslims, 203-4
Wallace, Mike, 70
Washington, D.C.
Malcolm X as minister in, 94
Muhammad’s speech in, 23
White, William, 43
“White Man’s Heaven Is the Black Man’s Hell, The,” 21
White men
Akbar Muhammad on, 100-1
created by Yakub, 63-64, 71
as devils
Elijah Muhammad on, 55, 125-26
Malcolm X on, 19, 24-25, 62-63, 68-69, 76-77, 199-200
teaching condemned by orthodox, 71
Fard’s teachings on, 49, 50-51
by nature evil, 22, 63, 64
responsible for crime, 27, 152
to be destroyed, 55, 65-66, 126, 148, 204-6
See also Separation of black man
Wilkins, Roy, 96, 97
Williamsburg, Va., Negro Baptist church in, 43
“Wolves,” 23
Women in Black Muslim movement, 81
separated from men in temple, 20-21
See also Girls in Black Muslim movement
Woodrow, Minister, 100
“Word,” the, 31, 79, 201
See also Armageddon, Battle of
Wright, Herbert, debates with Malcolm X, 179-80
“X,” as name, 30-31
Yakub, experiments of, 63-65
not supported by orthodox literature, 71
Yale University, Malcolm X at, 179-95
Yoruba people, 38
“You tell it like it is,” 21