THE BRAIN TONIC EFFECT OF THE LAWS OF MEMORY RIGHTLY APPLIED. TRAINING THE INTELLECT TO STAY WITH THE SENSES. HOW TO LEARN PROPER NAMES IN A CERTAIN ORDER OF SUCCESSION. ENGLISH SOVEREIGNS. A UNIQUE EXERCISE. NUMERIC THINKING. HOW TO NEVER FORGET FIGURES AND DATES. HOW TO LEARN PROSE AND POETRY BY HEART. THE ANALYTIC SYNTHETIC METHOD APPLIED TO LONG SENTENCES. ANALYTIC SUBSTITUTIONS. ANOTHER METHOD FOR REMEMBERING DATES AND FIGURES. THOUGHTIVE UNIFICATIONS. CONNECTING THE UNCONNECTED. How to learn a long series of Unconnected Facts in the Sciences Printer errors: A number of printer errors have been corrected. These are marked by light underlining and a title attribute which can be accessed by hovering with the mouse. For example, text. Inconsistent hyphenation and inconsistent use of -ise and -ize spellings have been left as in the original. Layout: The exercises which are here given in shaded boxes were in the original book provided in the footnote-space at the bottom of pages. So they often occured mid-paragraph; here they have been moved to a more appropriate place. These lists, and those on pages 92–94 and 167, were originally wrapped rather than placing each item on a new line. They have been unwrapped to aid legibility. The styling of chapter and section headings was inconsistent in the original. Here we have retained the use of capitals or small-capitals, and have decided to mark those headings occurring in the Table of Contents as chapter headings, and make a best guess as to the logical level of the other headings used. Greek: The Greek words on page 129 are exactly as in the original, with no attempt made to correct errors. Some browsers may not display accented Greek letters, but a transliteration of the whole word can be accessed by hovering with the mouse. For example, Accessibility: Expansions of abbreviations have been provided using the <abbr> tag, and changes in language are marked. The book contains many words in which some though not all of the letters are in italics, for example Swordsman. This may cause problems for some screenreaders. If necessary, one might edit the file to remove all <i>…</i> markup: emphasis of other words will not be lost, since they have been marked instead using <em>. The following accesskeys are provided: ASSIMILATIVE MEMORY |