A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Italic page numbers indicate major references] - A
- Abajo Mountains 21, 113
- Additions to the park 1
- All American Man pictograph 9, 70
- Anasazi people 9, 12, 68
- Anderson Bottom 93
- Angel Arch 24, 68
- Anticline Overlook 31, 50
- Arches 64, 70
- Angel 24, 68
- Canyon Viewpoint 36
- Castle 68
- Druid 24, 76
- Gothic 68
- in Cedar Mesa Sandstone 66, 115
- in Navajo Sandstone 36
- Little Rainbow Bridge 98
- origin 65
- Pinto 98
- Wooden Shoe 66
- Arches National Park 28, 116
- B
- Beef Basin 9, 75
- Benchlands 58
- Bighorn Mesa 46
- Bishop, Francis Marion, quotation 106
- Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument 115
- Bonita Bend 57, 93
- Bootlegger Canyon 98
- Bowknot Bend 85, 88
- Bryce Canyon National Park 116
- Bureau of Land Management 46
- Buttes, Junction 27
- Merrimac and Monitor 28
- of the Cross 92
- Turks Head 40, 43, 93
- C
- Campgrounds, Hatch Point 48
- near Green River Overlook 43
- Peek-a-boo Spring 68
- Squaw Flat 2, 63
- Windwhistle 47
- Cane Creek anticline 31, 50, 53, 100
- Canyon de Chelly National Monument 115
- Canyon King 98
- Canyon Rims Recreation Area 47
- Canyon Viewpoint Arch 36
- Canyonlands Overlook 48
- Canyonlands Resort 2, 63
- Canyons, access roads 8
- Bootlegger 98
- Cataract 5, 85, 108
- Colorado River 85
- Cyclone 79, 80
- Davis 64, 70
- Desolation 8
- Elephant 76
- Green River 85
- Horse 64, 67
- Horseshoe 1, 9
- Kane Springs 48
- Labyrinth 5, 90
- Lathrop 34, 36
- Lavender 64, 70
- Lockhart 49
- Lower Red Lake 80
- Millard 57
- Mineral 29
- Range 58
- Red Lake 80
- Salt 9, 64, 66
- Sevenmile 28
- Stillwater 5, 40, 43, 92
- Taylor 91
- Trough Springs 48
- Upheaval 46
- Capitol Reef National Park 115
- Castle Arch 68
- Cataract Canyon 5, 85, 108
- Cave Spring Environmental Trail 14, 66
- Cave Spring line camp 2, 14
- Cedar Breaks National Monument 116
- Cedar Mesa Sandstone 47, 58, 63
- arches 66, 115
- potholes 36, 65
- Chesler Park 75, 76
- Chinle Formation 115
- Moss Back Member 16, 62
- Church Rock 60
- Climate 23
- Colorado National Monument 115
- Colorado Plateau 17, 21, 114
- Colorado River 96, 114
- river runners’ guidebook 5
- Confluence of Green and Colorado Rivers 17, 80, 106
- Confluence Overlook 80
- Cutler Formation 48, 54, 62, 98
- Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member 47
- de Chelly Sandstone Member 115
- Organ Rock Tongue 40
- White Rim Sandstone Member 34
- See also Cedar Mesa Sandstone; White Rim Sandstone.
- Cyclone Canyon 79, 80
- D
- Davis Canyon 64, 70
- Dead Horse Point 30, 31, 101
- Dead Horse Point State Park 30
- Desolation Canyon 8
- Devils Kitchen 75
- Devils Lane 75, 80
- Devils Pocket 75
- Dinosaur National Monument 8, 114
- Druid Arch 24, 76
- Dugout Ranch 14, 61
- E
- Elaterite Basin 58
- Elephant Canyon 76
- Elephant Hill 2, 75
- Entrada Sandstone 28, 60, 115, 116
- Entrances, Island in the Sky district 2, 28, 34
- Needles district 2, 60
- Ernies Country 58
- Erosion 21, 64, 114
- landslide 106
- Needles district 63
- rate 21, 90
- volume of rock removed 21, 112
- F
- Facies changes 34, 47, 58, 113
- Faults 48, 63, 79, 104
- Floods 67
- Fort Bottom 91, 92
- Fossils 76, 101
- Four-wheel-drive roads. See Jeep trails.
- Fremont people 9, 12
- G
- Gas 53, 112
- Geologic history 20, 112
- Glen Canyon National Recreation Area 115
- Goblin Valley State Park 116
- Goose Neck 30, 31, 101
- Gothic Arch 68
- Grand Canyon National Park 115
- Grand (Colorado) River 17, 96
- Grand View Point 40
- Grays Pasture 29, 36
- Green River 87
- Overlook 43
- River runners’ guidebook 4
- Ground water 64, 65
- H
- Hatch Point 46
- Hatch Point Campground 48
- Henry Mountains 21, 114
- Hermosa Formation, Paradox Member 53, 79, 108
- History, Butch Cassidy and his Wild Bunch 14, 57, 92
- cliff dwellers 9
- cliff dwellings 97
- cowboys 14, 30
- first siting by white man 4
- mapping 117
- Powell river expeditions 4, 87
- railroads 96
- trapper Julien 90
- Horse Canyon 64, 67
- Horseshoe Canyon 1, 9
- Horseshoe Canyon Detached Unit 54
- Horsethief Trail 29, 36, 90
- Hurrah Pass 48, 50
- I
- Igneous rocks 20, 113
- Indian Creek 61, 93, 101
- Indian Creek State Park 12, 61
- Indian ruins. See Ruins.
- Indians, Anasazi 9, 12, 68
- Fremont 9, 12
- Pueblo 9
- Ute 12
- Iron 23
- Island in the Sky 27
- J
- Jackson Hole 90, 100
- Jeep trails, Davis Canyon 70
76, 101 - Rincons 86, 90
- Anderson Bottom 93
- Indian Creek 93, 101
- Jackson Hole 90, 100
- River trips 85, 86
- Canyon King 98
- early float 87, 88, 96
- guidebooks 4, 88
- Powell expeditions 4, 87
- rapids 108
- stern-wheeler 98
- Rivers, Colorado 96, 114
- Grand (Colorado) 17, 96
- Green 87
- cutoffs 86, 87
- See also Rincons.
- meanders 85, 86
- Rock column 20, 31
- Rock folds, anticlines 98
- Cane Creek anticline 31, 50, 53, 100
- Kings Bottom syncline 50, 98
- Meander anticline 79, 108
- Moab anticline 50
- oil and gas 53
- potash salts 53
- San Rafael Swell 116
- Shafer dome 31, 49, 53, 101
- synclines 43, 49, 100
- Upheaval Dome 43
- Rock fractures, faults 48, 63, 79, 104
- joints 63, 79
- origin 79
- Rock inscriptions 12
- Rock layers, dip 54, 85,