


[Italic page numbers indicate major references]

Abajo Mountains 101
artifacts 9
Abbey, Edward 3
Aborigines, occupation of area 9
Acknowledgments 105
Anasazi people, petroglyphs 10
Anasazi ruins 9, 103
Ancestral Colorado River 33
Anomalies, gravity, Salt Valley 32
Anticlines, salt 31
Arches, broken remains 44
examples 46
former abutments 68
horizontal 44
how they are formed 42
natural, defined 40
number in the park 40, 41
origin and development 37
pothole 44
vertical 42, 44
Artifacts, La Sal and Abajo Mountains 9
Aspinall, Wayne, Representative 8
“Baby Arch” 46, 63, 83
Balanced Rock 69, 70, 74
Banta, Jerry 105
Bar-DX Ranch 12, 13, 14
“Barrier Canyon style” 10
Bedding, wavy, Dewey Bridge Member 46
Beeson, Stib 13
Beginning of a monument 1
Bending of rocks 24
Bennett, Wallace F., Senator 8
Beroni, Pete 14, 15
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument 102
Book Cliffs 100
Breaking of rocks 24
Bridge, natural, defined 40
Broken Arch 46, 79
Brown-Stanton expedition, exploration 15
Bryce Canyon National Park 103
Budge, Chuck 105
Cache Valley 56, 73, 77
Cache Valley anticline 25, 32, 34, 55, 100, 101
Cache Valley graben 34, 100
Campground 86
water supply 87
Cane Creek anticline 24
Canyon de Chelly National Monument 102
Canyon King 8
Canyon Lands Section, Colorado Plateau 9, 22
Canyonlands National Park 3, 9, 15, 102
Canyonlands Natural History Association 8
Capitol Reef National Park 103
Carithers, Joe 105
Carmel Formation 100
Cassidy, Butch 12
Caves, Entrada Sandstone 9
Cedar Breaks National Monument 103
Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member, Cutler Formation 22, 102
Chinle Formation 32, 100, 102, 103
“Cisco Cutoff” 16
Civilian Conservation Corps 2
Cliff dwellers 9
Climate, desert 35, 51
wetter, different landscape produced 37
Collapse, salt anticlines 33, 34
Color photographs, equipment used 8
Colorado National Monument 102
Colorado Plateau, geologic formations included 101
rock formations 103, 104
subdivisions 18
uranium-vanadium mining 14
Colorado Plateaus Province 18
Colorado River, course established 101
nighttime illuminated float trip 16, 52
Colorado River canyon 35, 51, 52
Cores, salt 100
Corral mine 15
Courthouse syncline 25, 30, 31, 32, 52, 63, 68, 100
Courthouse Towers area 25, 63
number of arches 41
Courthouse Wash 2, 3, 18, 35, 63
Cove Arch 70
Cove of Caves 70
Crossbedding, Navajo Sandstone 63, 66, 70
Cutler Formation 32, 102
Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member 22
White Rim Sandstone Member 22
Dark Angel 92
De Chelly Sandstone Member, Cutler Formation 102
Dead Horse Point 33
Dedication of the park 8
Delicate Arch 16, 25, 74, 75, 77
Delicate Arch area, number of arches 41
Density, average, Paradox Member 32
Deposition of rock materials, environments 20
Desert varnish 10
Development of the arches 37
Devils Garden 2, 5, 25, 79, 83, 86
fins 42
number of arches 41
trail 88, 92
Dewey Bridge 52
Dewey Bridge Member 46, 63
Entrada Sandstone, composition 41
“hoodoos and goblins” 66
park road cutting 57
The Windows section 71
vertical arches 44
“Dewey Road” 16
Diapir 83
Differential erosion 42
Dinosaur National Monument 101, 102
Dissimilarity of Arches vs. Canyonlands 23, 24
Double Arch 2, 46, 72
Double O Arch 90, 92, 98
Drainage, Arches National Park 18
Dry Mesa 5, 56
Eagle Park 25, 98
number of arches 41
Early dwellers 9
Earthquake, rock offset along bedding plane 63
Egyptian queen, arch resembling 63
Eisenhower, Dwight D., Mission 66 4
Elephant Butte 72
Elephant Butte folds 68
Elizondo, Emmett 13
Entrada Sandstone 23, 74, 102, 103
arches, modes of origin 42
caves 9
cut by normal fault 57
Moab Member 24
no water found 87
Environments of deposition 20
Erosion 99
Colorado Plateau 33
Evaporation basins 99
Evaporites 30
Eye of The Whale 69
Facies changes 22
“Father of the monument,” J. W. Williams 1, 4
Faults, Cache Valley anticline 34
Salt Valley anticline 34
Fiery Furnace 25, 42, 73, 79, 83
number of arches 41
Fins 63, 79
Float trip, nighttime illuminated, down Colorado River 52
Folds 24, 30, 100
Four-wheel-drive vehicles 69
Fractures 24
Fremont people, occupation of area 9
pictographs 10
Frost, prying action 42
Garden of Eden 50, 69, 70
Gas exploration, deep tests 15, 99
Geographic setting 18
Geologic age of rocks in park 98
Geologic events forming the Colorado Plateau 98
Geologic history, summary 98
Geologic Time Spiral 101, 103
Geology, at the park entrance 57
Glen Canyon Group 52, 102, 103
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area 101, 103
Goblin Valley State Park 66, 103
Gould, Lawrence M. 1
Goulding, Harry, first person to drive into The Windows section 2, 69
Grabens 34
Grand Canyon National Park and National Monument 102
Gravity anomalies, Salt Valley 32
Green River 103
Ground water 41
“Guide to an Auto Tour of Arches National Park,” (The) 5, 50, 51, 72
Gulf of California 33
Hastier, (Mrs.) Hazel Wolfe 13
Headquarters area 57
Henry Mountains 101
Herdina Park 25, 69
number of arches 41
Hermosa Formation, Paradox Member 23, Tunnel Arch 46
vertical arches 42, 44
Slumping of sediments, irregular 50
Snow 41, 51
Sonic booms, dangers posed to arches 16, 17
South Window 40, 68, 71
Spanish explorers 12
introduction of horses to this country 10
Squaw Flat Campground 16
Stanley, Esther 13
(Mrs.) Flora 13
Volna 13
Stevens, Dale J. 40, 41, 63, 90, 98
Strata, lateral changes across the park 22
Sundance Kid 12
Sunset Crater National Monument 103
Supersonic flights banned, Moab-Times Independent 17
Suspension bridge, Colorado River 16
Tanner, (Mrs.) Faun McConkie 1
Taylor, L. L. (Bish) 1
Temperatures 51
“The Guide to an Auto Tour of Arches National Park” 5, 50, 51, 72
The Needles section, Canyonlands National Park 16, 102
The Windows section 25, 41, 46, 51, 66, 68, 69, 70
Three Gossips 63
Three Penguins 57
Tower Arch 83
Tunnel Arch 40, 46, 90
Turnbow, Mary 1
Turnbow cabin 13
Turret Arch 68, 71
Uncompahgre Highland 23, 99, 100
Uncompahgre Plateau 23, 99
Uplift, Colorado Plateau 33
Upper Devils Garden ?U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1975—679-138

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