A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [Italic page numbers indicate major references] - A
- Page
- Abajo Mountains 101
- artifacts 9
- Abbey, Edward 3
- Aborigines, occupation of area 9
- Acknowledgments 105
- Anasazi people, petroglyphs 10
- Anasazi ruins 9, 103
- Ancestral Colorado River 33
- Anomalies, gravity, Salt Valley 32
- Anticlines, salt 31
- Arches, broken remains 44
- examples 46
- former abutments 68
- horizontal 44
- how they are formed 42
- natural, defined 40
- number in the park 40, 41
- origin and development 37
- pothole 44
- vertical 42, 44
- Artifacts, La Sal and Abajo Mountains 9
- Aspinall, Wayne, Representative 8
- B
- “Baby Arch” 46, 63, 83
- Balanced Rock 69, 70, 74
- Banta, Jerry 105
- Bar-DX Ranch 12, 13, 14
- “Barrier Canyon style” 10
- Bedding, wavy, Dewey Bridge Member 46
- Beeson, Stib 13
- Beginning of a monument 1
- Bending of rocks 24
- Bennett, Wallace F., Senator 8
- Beroni, Pete 14, 15
- Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument 102
- Book Cliffs 100
- Breaking of rocks 24
- Bridge, natural, defined 40
- Broken Arch 46, 79
- Brown-Stanton expedition, exploration 15
- Bryce Canyon National Park 103
- Budge, Chuck 105
- C
- Cache Valley 56, 73, 77
- Cache Valley anticline 25, 32, 34, 55, 100, 101
- Cache Valley graben 34, 100
- Campground 86
- water supply 87
- Cane Creek anticline 24
- Canyon de Chelly National Monument 102
- Canyon King 8
- Canyon Lands Section, Colorado Plateau 9, 22
- Canyonlands National Park 3, 9, 15, 102
- Canyonlands Natural History Association 8
- Capitol Reef National Park 103
- Carithers, Joe 105
- Carmel Formation 100
- Cassidy, Butch 12
- Caves, Entrada Sandstone 9
- Cedar Breaks National Monument 103
- Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member, Cutler Formation 22, 102
- Chinle Formation 32, 100, 102, 103
- “Cisco Cutoff” 16
- Civilian Conservation Corps 2
- Cliff dwellers 9
- Climate, desert 35, 51
- wetter, different landscape produced 37
- Collapse, salt anticlines 33, 34
- Color photographs, equipment used 8
- Colorado National Monument 102
- Colorado Plateau, geologic formations included 101
- rock formations 103, 104
- subdivisions 18
- uranium-vanadium mining 14
- Colorado Plateaus Province 18
- Colorado River, course established 101
- nighttime illuminated float trip 16, 52
- Colorado River canyon 35, 51, 52
- Cores, salt 100
- Corral mine 15
- Courthouse syncline 25, 30, 31, 32, 52, 63, 68, 100
- Courthouse Towers area 25, 63
- number of arches 41
- Courthouse Wash 2, 3, 18, 35, 63
- Cove Arch 70
- Cove of Caves 70
- Crossbedding, Navajo Sandstone 63, 66, 70
- Cutler Formation 32, 102
- Cedar Mesa Sandstone Member 22
- White Rim Sandstone Member 22
- D
- Dark Angel 92
- De Chelly Sandstone Member, Cutler Formation 102
- Dead Horse Point 33
- Dedication of the park 8
- Delicate Arch 16, 25, 74, 75, 77
- Delicate Arch area, number of arches 41
- Density, average, Paradox Member 32
- Deposition of rock materials, environments 20
- Desert varnish 10
- Development of the arches 37
- Devils Garden 2, 5, 25, 79, 83, 86
- fins 42
- number of arches 41
- trail 88, 92
- Dewey Bridge 52
- Dewey Bridge Member 46, 63
- Entrada Sandstone, composition 41
- “hoodoos and goblins” 66
- park road cutting 57
- The Windows section 71
- vertical arches 44
- “Dewey Road” 16
- Diapir 83
- Differential erosion 42
- Dinosaur National Monument 101, 102
- Dissimilarity of Arches vs. Canyonlands 23, 24
- Double Arch 2, 46, 72
- Double O Arch 90, 92, 98
- Drainage, Arches National Park 18
- Dry Mesa 5, 56
- E
- Eagle Park 25, 98
- number of arches 41
- Early dwellers 9
- Earthquake, rock offset along bedding plane 63
- Egyptian queen, arch resembling 63
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., Mission 66 4
- Elephant Butte 72
- Elephant Butte folds 68
- Elizondo, Emmett 13
- Entrada Sandstone 23, 74, 102, 103
- arches, modes of origin 42
- caves 9
- cut by normal fault 57
- Moab Member 24
- no water found 87
- Environments of deposition 20
- Erosion 99
- Colorado Plateau 33
- Evaporation basins 99
- Evaporites 30
- Eye of The Whale 69
- F
- Facies changes 22
- “Father of the monument,” J. W. Williams 1, 4
- Faults, Cache Valley anticline 34
- Salt Valley anticline 34
- Fiery Furnace 25, 42, 73, 79, 83
- number of arches 41
- Fins 63, 79
- Float trip, nighttime illuminated, down Colorado River 52
- Folds 24, 30, 100
- Four-wheel-drive vehicles 69
- Fractures 24
- Fremont people, occupation of area 9
- pictographs 10
- Frost, prying action 42
- G
- Garden of Eden 50, 69, 70
- Gas exploration, deep tests 15, 99
- Geographic setting 18
- Geologic age of rocks in park 98
- Geologic events forming the Colorado Plateau 98
- Geologic history, summary 98
- Geologic Time Spiral 101, 103
- Geology, at the park entrance 57
- Glen Canyon Group 52, 102, 103
- Glen Canyon National Recreation Area 101, 103
- Goblin Valley State Park 66, 103
- Gould, Lawrence M. 1
- Goulding, Harry, first person to drive into The Windows section 2, 69
- Grabens 34
- Grand Canyon National Park and National Monument 102
- Gravity anomalies, Salt Valley 32
- Green River 103
- Ground water 41
- “Guide to an Auto Tour of Arches National Park,” (The) 5, 50, 51, 72
- Gulf of California 33
- H
- Hastier, (Mrs.) Hazel Wolfe 13
- Headquarters area 57
- Henry Mountains 101
- Herdina Park 25, 69
- number of arches 41
- Hermosa Formation, Paradox Member 23, Tunnel Arch 46
- vertical arches 42, 44
- Slumping of sediments, irregular 50
- Snow 41, 51
- Sonic booms, dangers posed to arches 16, 17
- South Window 40, 68, 71
- Spanish explorers 12
- introduction of horses to this country 10
- Squaw Flat Campground 16
- Stanley, Esther 13
- (Mrs.) Flora 13
- Volna 13
- Stevens, Dale J. 40, 41, 63, 90, 98
- Strata, lateral changes across the park 22
- Sundance Kid 12
- Sunset Crater National Monument 103
- Supersonic flights banned, Moab-Times Independent 17
- Suspension bridge, Colorado River 16
- T
- Tanner, (Mrs.) Faun McConkie 1
- Taylor, L. L. (Bish) 1
- Temperatures 51
- “The Guide to an Auto Tour of Arches National Park” 5, 50, 51, 72
- The Needles section, Canyonlands National Park 16, 102
- The Windows section 25, 41, 46, 51, 66, 68, 69, 70
- Three Gossips 63
- Three Penguins 57
- Tower Arch 83
- Tunnel Arch 40, 46, 90
- Turnbow, Mary 1
- Turnbow cabin 13
- Turret Arch 68, 71
- U
- Uncompahgre Highland 23, 99, 100
- Uncompahgre Plateau 23, 99
- Uplift, Colorado Plateau 33
- Upper Devils Garden ?U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1975—679-138