(FRONTISPIECE.) SUCH measure of perfection as had been attained by English illuminators in the latest period is well illustrated by this Plate. It is from a Book of Hours in the library of the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth. Leave to copy it was kindly accorded to us by His Grace the late lamented Archbishop Tait. The volume is square in shape and rather thick, the vellum not being of the fineness seen in the Bibles of the thirteenth century, already noticed. It is numbered 474 in the Catalogue, and is described by Mr. S. W. Kershaw, f.s.a., in his book on the Art Treasures of the Lambeth Library, who assigns it to the early part of the fifteenth century. The illuminations in this book are admirable examples of what is known as the English flower pattern, a style, as we have already observed, which was as peculiar to our insular artists as the Perpendicular style in architecture. It was used for all kinds of manuscripts, and even law deeds are sometimes to be seen thus ornamented. Even after the invention of printing it continued to flourish for a while; and books are sometimes found printed on vellum abroad, and illuminated in England with the beautiful native flower pattern in borders and initials. Mr. Kershaw observes regarding the book from which the present page has been taken: "This, a very nice example, is fairly written, and ornamented with a profusion of beautiful illuminated initials of English art. The volume contains but two miniature paintings, the remainder usually found in MSS. of this class having been abstracted. The initial letters vary in size and pattern; they are all upon backgrounds of gold, and frequently form with their finials short marginal ornaments of elegant tracery work. Pink, blue, and orange brown are the prevailing colors, the blue being often heightened on the outer edge with flat white tints. The larger initials are rich in design and varied in their coloring, and would supply the artist or amateur with abundant materials for study." I would desire to call the student's attention to one or two points of With regard to the writing, it will be observed that a great change in the form of the letters has taken place since the thirteenth century. The difference between u and n is often hardly perceptible, and has led to many curious mistakes. Nevertheless, if the student is careful about such particulars, this is a very beautiful style, and admirably suited for modern requirements. The colors used by the artist who copied this page were as follows:—for the blue, Prussian, lined and dotted with Chinese White; for the pink, Lake and Chinese White, shaded with the same color darker; the deepest shadows are Lake; for the orange, pale Indian Yellow for the lights, shaded with Burnt Sienna, and Lake for the deepest shadows. In some books illuminated in this style the centre of the letter is occupied with a scene containing figures, and occasionally a picture extends across the page, the initial fitting close up to it. The picture, in this case, is always surrounded with a double line or framework of blue, or red, and gold; and the color has a delicate white line on it, and occasionally gives out a branch which, crossing the gold line, bursts into flower in the margin. This style was largely used for official documents for a long period, and many excellent facsimiles representing examples are to be found as frontispieces to the volumes of the Roll Series. It lasted with more or less modification until the reign of Charles I. VERE FOSTER'S WATER-COLOR BOOKS. "We can strongly recommend these volumes to young students of drawing."—The Times, Dec. 27, 1884. PAINTING FOR BEGINNERS.—First Stage. Teaching the use of One Color. Ten Facsimiles of Original Studies in Sepia, by J. Callow, and numerous Illustrations in Pencil. With full instructions in easy language. In Three Parts, 4to, 6d each; or one volume, cloth elegant, 2s. 6d. PAINTING FOR BEGINNERS.—Second Stage. Teaching the use of Seven Colors. Twenty Facsimiles of Original Drawings by J. Callow, and many Illustrations in Pencil. With full instructions in easy language. In Six Parts 4to, 6d. each; or one volume, cloth elegant, 4s. SIMPLE LESSONS IN FLOWER PAINTING. Eight Facsimiles of Original Water-Color Drawings, and numerous Outline Drawings of Flowers. With full instructions for Drawing and Painting. In Four Parts 4to, 6d. each; or one volume, cloth elegant, 3s. "Everything necessary for acquiring the art of flower painting is here; the facsimiles of water-color are very beautiful."—Graphic. SIMPLE LESSONS IN MARINE PAINTING. Twelve Facsimiles of Original Water-Color Sketches. By Edward Duncan. With numerous Illustrations in Pencil, and Practical Lessons by an experienced Master. In Four Parts, 4to, 6d. each; or one volume, cloth elegant, 3s. "Must prove of great value to students. Nothing could be prettier or more charming than these sketches."—Graphic. SIMPLE LESSONS IN LANDSCAPE PAINTING. Eight Facsimiles of Original Water-Color Drawings, and Thirty Vignettes, after various artists. With full instructions by an experienced Master. In Four Parts 4to, 6d. each; or one volume, cloth elegant, 3s. "As a work of art in the book line we have seldom seen its equal; and it could not fail to be a delightful present, affording a great amount of pleasurable amusement and instruction, to young people."—St. James's Gazette. STUDIES OF TREES. In Pencil and in Water-Colors, by J. Needham. A Series of Eighteen Examples in Colors, and Thirty-three Drawings in Pencil. With descriptions of the Trees, and full instructions for Drawing and Painting. In Eight Parts 4to, 1s. each; or First Series, cloth elegant, 5s.; Second Series, cloth elegant, 5s. ADVANCED STUDIES IN FLOWER PAINTING. By Ada Hanbury. Twelve beautifully finished Examples in Colors, and numerous Outlines in Pencil. With a description of each flower, and full instructions for drawing and painting by Blanche Hanbury. In Six Parts, 4to, 1s. each; or one volume, cloth elegant, 7s. 6d. EASY STUDIES IN WATER-COLOR PAINTING. By R. P. Leitch and J. Callow. A Series of Nine Pictures executed in Neutral Tints. With full instructions for drawing each subject, and for sketching from Nature. In Three Parts 4to, 1s. 6d. each; or one volume, cloth elegant, 6s. SKETCHES IN WATER-COLORS. By T. M. Richardson, R. P. Leitch, J. A. Houston, T. L. Rowbotham, E. Duncan, and J. Needham. A Series of Nine Pictures executed in Colors. With full instructions for drawing each subject, by an experienced Teacher. In Three Parts 4to, 1s. 6d. each; or one volume, cloth elegant, 6s. "The names of the artists are quite sufficient to stamp these books with the highest qualities. The pictures are judicious in selection and artistic in execution, while the instructions are so full and clear as to almost supersede the need of a teacher."—Liverpool Courier. ILLUMINATING. Nine examples in Colors and Gold of ancient Illuminating of the best periods of this interesting and almost forgotten art, with numerous Illustrations in Outline, historical and other Notes, and full descriptions and instructions by the Rev. W. J. Loftie, B.A., F.S.A. Immediately. Adopted by the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. VERE FOSTER'S DRAWING COPY-BOOKS. GRADED AND PROGRESSIVE. With Instructions and Paper to Draw on. IN TWELVE PARTS AT ONE SHILLING EACH. Part I.—ELEMENTARY LESSONS. Part II.—OBJECTS WITH CURVED LINES. Part III.—PLANTS AND FLOWERS. Part IV.—ORNAMENT, by F. E. Hulme. Part V.—TREES IN LEAD PENCIL. Part VI.—LANDSCAPE IN LEAD PENCIL. Part VII.—MARINE, by Callow, &c. Part VIII.—ANIMALS, by H. Weir. Part IX.—ANIMALS, by H. Weir (continued). Part X.—HUMAN FIGURE. Part XI.—PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. Part XII.—MECHANICAL DRAWING. PUBLISHED ALSO IN FIFTY NUMBERS AT THREEPENCE EACH. ELEMENTARY LESSONS. A 1 Initiatory Lessons. A 2 Letters and Numerals. B 1 Objects (Straight Lines). B 2 Domestic Objects (Simple). OBJECTS WITH CURVED LINES. C 1 Domestic Objects (Flat Treatment). C 2 Domestic Objects (Perspective). D 1 Leaves (Flat Treatment). D 2 Leaves (Natural Treatment). PLANTS AND FLOWERS. E 1 Plants (Simple Forms). E 2 Plants (Advanced). G 1 Flowers (Simple Forms). G 2 Flowers (Advanced). ORNAMENT, by F. E. Hulme. I 1 Elementary Forms. I 2 Simple Forms (Fretwork, &c.) I 3 Advanced Forms (Carving, &c.). I 4 Ornament (Classic, &c.). TREES IN LEAD PENCIL. J 1 Oak, Fir, &c. J 2 Beech, Elm, &c. J 3 Oak, Chestnut, Birch. J 4 Birch, Larch, Poplar, &c. LANDSCAPE IN LEAD PENCIL. K 1 Rustic Landscape in Outline. K 2 Shaded Objects, &c. K 3 Shaded Landscape. K 4 Advanced Landscape. MARINE, by Callow, &c. M 1 Boats, Foregrounds, &c. M 2 Fishing Craft, Coasters, &c. M 3 Yachts and other Vessels. M 4 Drawing of Waves. HUMAN FIGURE. Q 1 Features. Q 2 Heads, Hands, &c. Q 3 Rustic Figures, by Duncan. Q 4 Figure from the Antique. ANIMALS, by H. Weir. O 1 Birds and Quadrupeds. O 2 Poultry, various breeds. O 3 British Small Birds. O 4 British Wild Animals. O 5 Horses (Arab, Hunter, &c.). O 6 Horses (Racer, Trotter, &c.). O 7 Dogs (Seventeen Species). O 8 Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, &c. O 9 Lambs, Ass, Foal, &c. O 10 Foreign Animals, &c. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. R 1 Definitions and Simple Problems. R 2 Practical Geometry. R 3 Applied Geometry. PRACTICAL MECHANICAL DRAWING. T 1 Initiatory. T 2 Details of Tools, &c. T 3 Models for Working Drawings, &c. T 4 Details of Machines and Engines. Z Blank Exercise Book. VERE FOSTER'S DRAWING CARDS. Beautifully Printed on Fine Cards and done up in neat Packets. First Grade, Set I.—FAMILIAR OBJECTS, 24 cards, 1s. First Grade, Set II.—LEAF FORM, 24 cards, price 1s. First Grade, Set III.—ELEMENTARY ORNAMENT, 24 cards, price 1s. Second Grade.—ORNAMENT, by F. E. Hulme, 18 large cards, price 2s. Advanced Series.—ANIMALS, by Harrison Weir, 24 cards, price 1s. 6d. OF VERE FOSTER'S DRAWING-BOOKS The STANDARD says—There is no book of instruction in drawing, no matter what its price, so well calculated to aid self-help as Vere Foster's books. Even in schools that possess the advantage of apt and experienced teachers of drawing, their advantages will speedily become manifest. Mr. Vere Foster has done a public service by the production of this series. The GRAPHIC says—If any parent who reads these lines has a boy or girl who wishes to learn how to be an artist, let us boldly recommend Vere Foster's Drawing-Book. It is not only the cheapest, but by far the best that we have seen. The ART JOURNAL says—It would be difficult to overrate the value of this work—a work that is not to be estimated by its cost: one is great, the other very small. Any learner may find in it a huge volume of thought, his studies rightly directed by a competent practical teacher, who will teach him nothing by which he can be led astray, or that he will have to unlearn when he consults the great Book of Nature. Adopted by the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. POYNTER'S SOUTH KENSINGTON DRAWING-BOOK. This New Series of Drawing Copies has been issued under the direct superintendence of E. J. Poynter, R.A. The examples have been selected for the most part from objects in the South Kensington Museum, and the Drawings have been made under Mr. Poynter's careful personal supervision by Pupils of the National Art Training School. Each Book has Fine Cartridge Paper to draw on. Two Books. ELEMENTARY FREEHAND DRAWING. Sixpence Each. I.—Simple Geometrical Forms. II.—Conventionalized Floral Forms. Six Books. FREEHAND DRAWING, ORNAMENT, FIRST GRADE. Sixpence Each. I.—Simple Objects and Ornament—Flat. II.—Various Objects—Flat. 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