Title-page—Border and Initial, Italian Work of fifteenth century.
General Sketch of the Art of Illuminating, vii
Example of Illumination by Giulio Clovio, xi
Sixteenth-century Writing, from "Albert Durer's Prayer-Book," xiv
Practical Instructions as to Materials and Modes of Working, xv
Illuminated Plate I.—Initials by English Illuminators of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, 3
Description of Plate I., 1
French Initials, from an Alphabet of the fifteenth century, 4
Illuminated Plate II.—Twelve Initial Letters from a French Manuscript of the fifteenth century, 7
Description of Plate II., 5
Large Initial Letter of the twelfth century, from Harleian MSS. 3045, British Museum, 8
Illuminated Plate III.—Examples of thirteenth-century work from two Manuscripts in the British Museum, 11
Description of Plate III., 9
Outline Drawings of two pages of a Book of Hours of the fourteenth century, 12
Illuminated Plate IV.—Facsimile page of a Manuscript in Lambeth Palace Library—fifteenth century, 15
Description of Plate IV., 13
Outline Drawings of two pages of a Book of Hours of the fourteenth century, 16
Illuminated Plate V.—Ornaments and large Initial from Manuscripts of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in the British Museum and South Kensington Museum, 19
Description of Plate V., 17
Outline Drawings of Bands and Border Ornaments of the fourteenth century, 20
Illuminated Plate VI.—A full page and separate Initials from a Book of Hours (Low Countries, fifteenth century), and Border from Manuscript in British Museum, 23
Description of Plate VI., 21
French Initial Letters and Border Ornaments of the fourteenth century, 24
Illuminated Plate VII.—Borders of Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries,—and Heraldic Designs, from Manuscripts in British Museum and Heralds' College, 27
Description of Plate VII., 25
Outline Drawing of Border and Text, with Adoration of the Three Kings, sixteenth century, 28
Illuminated Plate VIII.—Examples from the Book of Kells (ninth century), in Library of Trinity College, Dublin, 31
Description of Plate VIII., 29
Outline Drawings of Early Irish Initial Letters, 32
Illuminated Plate IX.—Facsimile page of a Book of Hours in Lambeth Palace Library—early in fifteenth century, Frontispiece.
Description of Plate IX., 33

The outlined initials on pp. xv, 9, 13, 21, 25, 29, and 33 are taken from a manuscript of the fifteenth century, preserved at Nuremberg. The originals are very highly but delicately colored, the ground being gold; the body of the letter, black; and the scroll work and foliage pink, blue, green, and yellow. The book, which is dated 1489, is a treatise entitled the "Preservation of Body, Soul, Honour, and Goods." The tailpieces throughout represent heraldic animals, from the Rows Roll and other authentic sources.

Heraldic Boar.


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