Abraxas, 203, 238, 241
Acquired characters, inheritance of, 337 ff.
Actinia equina, 361
Adaptation, 12, 318 ff.;
to life in caves, 319 ff.;
fresh and salt water, 327 ff.;
poisons, 332 ff.;
temperature, 334 ff.;
caused by hormones, 342
Addison, W. H. F., 188
Agglutination, of corpuscles by sera, 67 ff.;
of sperm, 78, 82 ff.
Allolobophora terrestris, 46
Alpheus, 176
Alytes obstetricans, 337, 338
Amanita phalloides, 63
Amblystoma, 157, 368
Amelung, 184
Amphipyra, 283
Analogies between living and dead matter, 14 ff.
Anaphylaxis reaction, 61 ff.
Ancel, 158, 225 ff.
Antagonistic salt action. See Balanced salt solutions.
Antennularia antennina, 194, 196
Apes, blood relationship to man, 54, 56 ff.
Apolant, 45
Arbacia, 75 ff., 96, 99, 101, 111, 114, 150, 190 ff., 293 ff., 298, 299, 364
Arenicola, 277
Armstrong, E. F., 26, 28, 354
Arrhenius, S., 33 ff., 88, 290, 296
Arrhenoidy, 218, 225
Artificial parthenogenesis, 95 ff.;
in sea urchins, 95 ff.;
new method of, 98, 99;
by blood, 101 ff.;
by sperm extract, 103;
by acids, 105;
by mechanical agitation, 107;
in starfish, 110;
rÔle of hypertonic solution, 112, 115, 116;
and oxidation, 116, 117, 118;
and permeability, 119 ff.;
in frogs, 124;
and determination of sex, 125
Artificial production of life, 38–39
Assimilation of CO2 without chlorophyll, 17 ff.
Asterias, 49, 81, 110, 363;
ochracea, 73 ff.;
capitata, 74
Asterina, 75, 81, 110
Astrospheres, 115 ff., 192
Auer, J., 315
Autolysis, 351 ff.
Avena, 263
B. coli communis, 36;
typhosus, 36;
fluorescens, 334
Bacteria, growth of, 15 ff., 29, 71 ff.;
specificity in, 41 ff.
“Bacterio-purpurin,” 41
Balanced salt solutions, 307–317;
theory of, 317;
and adaptation, 331 ff.
Balanus, 259
Baltzer, F., 215 ff.
Bancroft, F. W., 70, 125, 127, 264, 269 ff.
Bang, 63
Bardeen, C. R., 174 ff.
Barnacle, larvÆ of, 313 ff.
Bataillon, 124
Bateson, W., 230, 240 ff., 338, 348
Batrachia, 338
Baur, E., 48, 246
Bayliss, 63
Becquerel, P., 36 ff.
Beggiatoa, 19
Beijerinck, M., 20
Berkeley, Lord, 111
Bernard, Claude, 2 ff., 26, 159, 350, 354, 355, 358
Berthelot, 290
Bertrand, G., 248 ff.
Beutner, R., 140
Bichat, 2, 349
Bickford, E. E., 169
Blaauw, H. A., 263
Blackman, F. F., 302
Blastomeres, 141 ff.
Blind animals, 319 ff.
Blood, transfusion of, 53 ff.
Blood relationship, established by transfusion, 53, 54 ff.;
precipitin reaction, 55 ff.;
anaphylaxis reaction, 61 ff.;
hemoglobin crystals, 64 ff.
Blood serum, precipitin reaction of, 54 ff.;
effect of, on unfertilized eggs, 101 ff., 124
Blowfly, heliotropism of larvÆ of, 265 ff.
Bohn, G., 253, 264, 269
Bombinator igneus, 46
Bonellia, 215
Bonnet, 154, 161
Bordet, 54 ff., 60
Bouin, 158, 225 ff.
Boveri, Th., 8, 126, 128 ff., 134, 138 ff., 150 ff., 186 ff., 209 ff., 246
Brachystola, 199
Bradley, H. C., 27, 64, 353, 354
Brandt, 366
Braus, H., 147
Bridges, C. B., 208, 229, 231 ff.
Brown, A. P., 64 ff.
Bruchmann, H., 93
Bryophyllum calycinum, 153, 160 ff., 177
Buchner, 24
Budgett, 358
Buller, 93
Bunsen-Roscoe, law of, 11, 256 ff., 261, 263, 264
Burrows, 31
Campanularia, 178, 181
Cannon, W. B., 285
Carcinus mÆnas, 217
Cardamine pratensis, 90
Carrel, 31
Cassia bicapsularis, 37
Castle, W. E., 89 ff., 335
Caullery, M., 158, 180, 217
Cave animals, 319 ff.
Cell division, 15, 29, 129 ff.;
suppression of, 113 ff.
Cells, nutritive media of, 15 ff;
immortality of, 30 ff.;
migrating, 44;
mesenchyme, 51 ff., 130 ff., 147, 155 ff.
Cerianthus membranaceus, 171 ff., 188, 361
ChÆtopterus, 78 ff.
Chamberlain, M. M., 293, 297
Chapman, H. G., 60
Chemotropism of spermatozoa, 92 ff.
Chevreul, 289
Child, C. M., 7, 170, 177, 358
Chlamydomonas, 277
Chodat, R., 248
Chologaster, 320
Christen, 288
Chromosomes, rÔle of, in sex determination, 198 ff.;
theory of Mendelian heredity, 233
Chun, 142
Ciona intestinalis, 89 ff., 212
Cladocera, 159
Clausen, H., 302
Clavellina, 181
Cohen, E., 292
Cohn, 41 ff.
Compton, 90
Conklin, E. G., 129, 134, 143, 145 ff.
Constancy of species, 40–43
Copernicus, 346
Corpus luteum, action of, 157–158
Correlation, 154, 167
Correns, C., 90 ff., 214
Cramer, 289
Crampton, H. E., 143, 225
Criodrilus lacuum, 219–220
Crossing over of chromosomes, 241 ff.
Crystals, differences between living organisms and, 14 ff.
Ctenolabrus, 355, 357, 359
Ctenophores, 142
CuÉnot, L., 12, 324
Cullen, G. E., 24, 291
Cuma rathkii, 318
CyanophyceÆ, 287
Ford, 63
Forssmann, 63
FrÉdÉricq, 351
Free-martin, cause of sterility, 218–219
Friedenthal, H., 53 ff., 60
Frisch, K., 278, 279
FrÖschel, P., 263
Fuchs, H. M., 90
Fucus, 123
Fundulus heteroclitus, 51, 116, 147, 300, 301, 302, 307 ff., 321 ff., 328 ff., 335, 337, 357 ff.
Galileo, 346
Galvanotropism, 11, 270 ff., 319
Gay, F. P., 62 ff.
Generation, spontaneous, 14 ff., 34
Genes, 4 ff., 152, 319
Genus and species, chemical basis of, 40 ff.
Geppert, 358
Germination in seeds, 35 ff.
Giard, 180, 216 ff.
Godlewski, E., 48, 75, 78, 120, 126, 169
Godlewski, E., Sr., 18
Goebel, K., 154, 161
Goldfarb, A. J., 326
Goldschmidt, R., 220 ff.
Goodale, H. D., 218
Gortner, R., 249
Graber, V., 256, 276
Grafting, heteroplastic, in animals, 46;
in plants, 47
Gravitation, influence on organ formation in Antennularia, 194 ff.;
on the egg of the frog, 141
Gray, J., 122
Gregory, 243
Groom, T. T., 280
Growth, termination of, and adaptation, 318
Helmholtz, 34
Hemoglobins, crystallographic measurements of, 64 ff.
Henderson, L., 317
Henking, 198 ff.
Herbst, C., 97, 147, 193, 306, 310
Heredity, of genus and species, 40 ff., 70, 151, 152;
Mendelian, 70, 151 ff., 229 ff., 348;
of sex, 198;
sex-linked, 203 ff., 238 ff.;
and evolution, 348
Herlant, M., 78 ff., 115 ff.
Hermaphroditism, 89 ff., 212 ff., 216, 219 ff.
See also Inhibition and Regeneration.
Hertwig, O., 97, 123, 292
Hertwig, R., 95, 97
Hess, C., 278
Heterogeneous hybrids, purely maternal, 49, 50
Heterogeneous transplantation, Murphy’s experiments on, 44 ff.;
limitation of, 46
Heteromorphosis, 155, 193–196
Hill, C., 25
Hippiscus, 199
Holmes, S. J., 269
Hoppe-Seyler, 351
Hormones, 145, 155, 181, 219;
and Mendelian heredity, 245 ff., 348;
and adaptation, 342.
See also Organ-forming substances.
Huxley, 346
Hybridization, heterogeneous, in sea urchins, 48 ff., 73 ff.;
in fishes, 51;
in plants (Mendel’s), 230 ff.
Hydrolytic enzymes, action of, 24;
reversible action of, 24 ff.
Hypertonic solution, 99, 111 ff.
Imitation of cell structures by colloids, 39
Immortality, of cancer cells, 30;
of somatic cells, 30 ff.;
of life in general, 34 ff.
Inheritance, of colour-blindness, 203, 204, 205;
of eye pigment in Drosophila, 204 ff.;
of pigments, 248 ff.;
of acquired characters, 337 ff.
Inhibition of regeneration in Bryophyllum, 162 ff.
Inhibition of sexual characters of opposite sex, in pheasants, 218;
lack of in hermaphrodites, 219;
in Bonellia, 226
Instincts, 10 ff., 253 ff.;
sexual, 198 ff.
Intersexualism, 221
Intestine, formation of, 130 ff.
Isoagglutinins, 66 ff., 92
Isolation of blastomeres, 136 ff.
Jacoby, 352
Janda, V., 219 ff.
Jansky, 67
Janssens, 242
Jennings, H. S., 264 ff.
Jensen, 45
Joest, 46
Johannsen, W., 42, 333
Jones, 352
Jost, 90
Kammerer, P., 325, 337 ff.
Kanitz, A., 290, 292, 296
Kastle, J. H., 26 ff.
Kellogg, V. L., 279
Kelvin, 34
King, W. O. R., 50, 247
Klug, 351
v. Knaffl, E., 106
Knowlton, E. P., 292
Kofoid, C. A., 143
v. KÖrÖsy, 300
Korschelt, 361
Krakatau, 21
Kraus, 54 ff.
Krogh, 292
Kry, F., 335
Kupelwieser, H., 75
Lack of oxygen, influence on disintegration of tissue, 355 ff.
Ladoff, S., 224
Lamarck, 6
Laminaria, 165
Landois, L., 53
Landsteiner, 66
Lanice, 143 ff.
Lankester, E. R., 41
Leathes, J. B., 63
LeucÆna leucocephala, 37
Levene, 351, 352
Lewis, 183, 344, 364
Light, influence on organ formation, in cave animals, 319 ff.;
in Proteus, 325;
in Eudendrium, 326.
See also Heliotropism.
Lillie, F. R., 80, 82 ff., 87 ff., 93, 134, 191, 218, 292
Lillie, R. S., 101, 107, 110, 120 ff.
Lipase, synthetic action of, 26
Living and dead matter, specific differences between, 14 ff.
Lloyd, D. J., 111
Localization of Mendelian characters in individual chromosomes, 243, 244
Loeb, Leo, 30 ff., 45, 157, 170, 187 ff., 342
Loevenhart, A. S., 26 ff.
Lumbricus rubellus, 46
Lychnis dioica, 217
Lycopodium, 93
LygÆus, 201
Lymantria dispar, 220
LymnÆus, 142
Lymphocytes, rÔle of, 45 ff.
Lyon, E. P., 134 ff.
Macfadyen, A., 36
Maeterlinck, 255
Magnus, W., 60
Maltase, synthetic action of, 25
Marchal, P., 222 ff., 254
Margelis, 192
Mass of chromatin and of cytoplasm, 186
Mast, 269, 277
Mathews, A. P., 107, 363
Matthaei, G. L. C., 302
Maxwell, S. S., 270, 274, 277
McClendon, J. F., 122, 322
McClung, C. E., 68, 198 ff., 237
Megusar, 340
Meignon, 217
Meisenheimer, 225
Meltzer, S.J., 315
Membrane formation, 86 ff.;
artificial, 98 ff.
Mendel, G., 23, 229 ff.
Mendelian characters, and evolution, 70, 348;
and internal secretions, 243, 348;
and enzymes, 247, 248, 249
Mendelian, factors of heredity, 4 ff., 68, 151 ff.;
mutation, 66;
dominant, 90;
segregation, 229 ff.
See also Non-Mendelian inheritance.
Mendelian heredity, mechanism of, 229 ff.;
and chromosomes, 233 ff.;
and hormones, 245 ff., 348;
and enzymes, SchizophyceÆ, 21
Schleip, W., 213
Schoenbein, 358
Schottelius, 334, 337
Schroeder, 14, 33
Schultze, O., 141
SchÜtze, 55
Schwann, 33
Schwarzschild, 34
Secretions, internal, 145, 155, 157
Self-digestion, 350 ff.
Self-sterility, 89 ff.
Senescence, 367
Sequoia, 31, 368
Setchell, W. A., 165, 287
Sex, of parthenogenetic frogs, 125;
of twins, 211
Sex chromosome, 199 ff.
Sex determination, cytological basis of, 198 ff.;
physiological basis of, 214 ff.
Sexual characters, 198 ff.
Shibata, 93
Shull, A. F., 214, 224
Sicyonia, 193
Side-chain theory, 88, 188
Smith, Geoffrey, 159, 217
Smith, Graham, 58
Spain, K. C., 188
Spallanzani, 33
Species, chemical basis of, 40 ff.;
specificity of, 41 ff.;
incompatibility of, not closely related, 44 ff.
Species specificity, determined by proteins, 63, 68, 348;
apparently not by nucleins, 69
Specificity, of grafted tissues, 47;
of spermatozoa, 48;
of blood sera, 53 ff.;
in fertilization, 71 ff.;
of activation of sperm by eggs, 80 ff.
Spelerpes, 320
Spermatozoa, fertilization of eggs by, 72 ff.;
activation by eggs of, 80 ff.;
agglutination of, 82 ff.;
cluster formation of, 83;
chemotropism of, 92 ff.;
cultivating of, Steinach, E., 225 ff., 254, 343
Stereotropism, 178, 187, 283
Stevens, Miss, 68, 199
Stimulus, 196
Stockard, 322, 340
Strassburger, 260
Streaming as means of egg differentiation, 145, 146
Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, 50, 52, 75, 81 ff., 103, 247
Strongylocentrotus lividus, 129
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, 52, 73 ff., 81 ff., 94, 98 ff., 103, 108, 109, 111 ff., 137, 191, 246 ff., 293 ff., 364;
larvÆ of, 49 ff.
Sturtevant, A. H., 229 ff.
Styela, 146
Sulphur bacteria, 19 ff.
Supergenes, 5, 9, 136, 319
Sutton, W. S., 68, 233 ff.
Synthesis of living matter, by micro-organisms, 15 ff.;
by enzymes, 24 ff.
Synthetic action of enzymes, 23 ff., 38
TÆnia, 212
Talbot, 262
Tammann, 291
Tanaka, 243
Taylor, A. E., 27, 69 ff.
Tchistowitch, 54 ff.
Teleost fish, crosses of, 6 ff., 345
Temperature, effect on heliotropism, 280;
upper limit for organisms, 287 ff.;
effect on life, 288 ff.;
on butterflies, 303 ff.;
adaptation to, 334 ff.
Temperature coefficient, 290 ff., 305;
for enzyme, 291;
for development, 292 ff.;
for oxidations, 295;
and fluctuating variation, 296 ff.;
for heart-beat, 300 ff.;
for duration of life, 366
Thatcher, Miss, 181
Thyroid inducing metamorphosis in tadpoles, 155, 156
Tichomiroff, 95
Tissue culture of spermatozoa, 127
Tissues, transplantation of, 30 ff., 44 ff.;
cultivation of, 31 ff.;
specificity of, 44 ff.
Torrey, H. B., 264, 269
Tower, 348
Transfusion of blood, 53
Transplantation, of tissues, 30 ff., 44 ff.;
of cancers, 45;
of anlagen, 148;
of eye of salamander, 157;
of testes, 226;
of ovaries, 227
Traube, 28
Treub, 21
Trial and error, 268, 270
Trifolium arvense, 37
Tropisms, 11 ff., 92 ff., 147, 178, 187, 253 ff.;
and instincts, 253;
theory of, 257 ff.
Tropisms, in embryonic development, 147;
of cave animals, 324
Trypanosomes, 332 ff.
Trypsin, synthetic action of, 27
Tuber brumale, 60
Tubularia crocea, 171
Tubularia mesembryanthemum, 167, 169, 192
Twins, origin of, 136 ff.;
sex of, 211
Tyndall, 33
Typhlogobius, 320
Typhlomolge, 320
Typhlotriton, 320, 323
Tyrosinase, 249, 250
Tyrosine, 249, 250
v. UexkÜll, J., 4 ff., 128, 139
Uhlenhuth, E., 157, 183, 187
Uhlenhuth, P., 55, 58, 66, 322
Underhill, F. P., 23
Vanessa, prorsa, 303;
levana, 303
Vaney, 217
Van Slyke, D. D., 22, 24, 291
van’t Hoff, 24 ff., 290, 292, 296
Variation, 6, 297 ff., 346–348
Vitzou, 159
Volvox, 280
Walcott, 42, 61
Warburg, O., 117 ff.
Warming, 41
Wasps, polymorphism in, 222–224;
sex determination, 255 ff.
Wassermann, 55
Wasteneys, H., 29, 82, 87, 112, 113, 117, 191, 277, 293, 295, 335, 364
Weiggert, 188
Weismann, 7, 30, 303
Wells, H. G., 62, 69
Welsh, D. A., 60
Werner, F., 340
Wheeler, W. M., 43
White, J., 36
Whitney, D. D., 224
Wilson, E. B., 68, 143, 199 ff.
Winkler, 47
Winogradsky, S., 16 ff., 42
Wolf, G., 182, 187
Yeast cells, cultivation of, 15 ff.
Young, 16, 358
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