FIG. | Illustrations of Aberration. | 1. | Cannon shots | 35 | 2. | Boats or Waves | 36 | 3. | Lighthouse beams | 37 | 4. | Ray through a moving stratum | 40 | 5. | Wave-fronts in moving medium | 41 | 6. | Normal reflexion in moving medium | 43 | | Experiments on Ether drift. | 7. | Interference Kaleidoscope | 51 | 8. | Hoek's experiment | 53 | 9. | Experiment of Mascart and Jamin | 54 | 10. | Diagram of Michelson's experiment | 61 | | Illustrations of Ether Machine (Lodge). | 11. | Diagram of course of light | 69 | 12. | General view of whirling part of Ether Machine | 72 | 13. | General view of optical frame | 73 | 14. | Drawing of optical details | 74 | 15. | View of Ether Machine in action | Frontispiece | 16. | Appearance of interference bands and micrometer wires | 76 | 17. | Iron mass for magnetisation | 77 | 18. | Appearance of bands | 76 | 19. | Arrangement for electrification | 78 |