FIG. Illustrations of Aberration.
1. Cannon shots 35
2. Boats or Waves 36
3. Lighthouse beams 37
4. Ray through a moving stratum 40
5. Wave-fronts in moving medium 41
6. Normal reflexion in moving medium 43
Experiments on Ether drift.
7. Interference Kaleidoscope 51
8. Hoek's experiment 53
9. Experiment of Mascart and Jamin 54
10. Diagram of Michelson's experiment 61
Illustrations of Ether Machine (Lodge).
11. Diagram of course of light 69
12. General view of whirling part of Ether Machine 72
13. General view of optical frame 73
14. Drawing of optical details 74
15. View of Ether Machine in action Frontispiece
16. Appearance of interference bands and micrometer wires 76
17. Iron mass for magnetisation 77
18. Appearance of bands 76
19. Arrangement for electrification 78


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