files@62493@62493-h@62493-h-25.htm.html#Page_352" class="pginternal">352, 353, 354, 355. Arras, treaty of (1414), 327; Artevelde, Jacob van, 71, 72; —— Philip van, 317, 318. Artois, succession in, 67; - passes to Margaret of Flanders, 90;
- acquired by house of Burgundy, 320;
- ceded to Louis XI., 388;
- surrendered by Charles VIII., 393, 417.
Ascania, house of, 3, 10; - extinction in Brandenburg, 107, 110, 458;
- extinction in Saxony, 226.
Athens, duchy of, 498, 512. Auberoche, battle of, 74. Austria, under Ottokar, 3; - transferred to the Hapsburgs, 10, 127;
- separated from the other Hapsburg territories, 137, 398;
- succession of Ladislas Postumus, 409;
- falls to Frederick III., 414;
- reunion of territories, 409.
Avesnes, house of, 14. Avignon, papal residence in, 4, 17, 30, 140, 155, 185, 458; - sold to Clement VI., 153;
- quitted by the Popes, 122, 185;
- Clement VII. returns to, 122, 186.
Avila, Henry IV. deposed at, 477. Aybar, battle of, 485. Azof, Genoese in, 495, 513. Azores, the, 491, 493. Baden in Aargau, 138. Bagnolo, treaty of, 257, 284, 311. Bajazet I., 503, 321, 337, 339; - acquired by Philip the Good, 344.
Braccio da Montone, 151, 267, 268; Bramante, designs St. Peter’s, 531. Brandenburg, 3; - acquired by house of Wittelsbach, 107;
- transferred to house of Luxemburg, 120, 123, 191, 201;
- given to Frederick of Hohenzollern, 203, 216.
Bremen, 422, 451; - expelled from Hanseatic League, 429;
- restored, 432.
Brescia, calls in John of Bohemia, 144, 146; Brienne, Walter de, 147, 148. Brittany, duchy of, 45; - Succession war in, 73, 92, 97;
- united with French crown, 391, 392.
Bruce, Robert, King of Scotland, 68. Bruges, centre of mediÆval trade, 69, 422, 426. Brun, Rudolf, 131; - practically despot in ZÜrich, 132, 136;
- death, 138.
Brunellesco, Filippo, 531. BrÜnn, treaty of, 417. Brusa, in Asia Minor, 499. Buchan, Constable of France, 336, 337. Buonconvento, death of Henry VII. at, 42. Bureau, Gaspar, 352, 355. —— Jean, 352, 355. Burgundian party in France, 323, 324, 326, 348. Burgundy, county of, 12, 56. —— duchy of, Cremona, 251, 259. Crevant, battle of, 337. Crimea, the, 168, 495, 513. Crusades, the, 55. Cyprus, 168; Dalmatia, 202, 204, 246. Dante, 22, 41, 42, 139, 522, 523, 527. Danzig, 458, 462, 465. DauphinÉ, 12; David II., King of Scotland, 68, 77. Denmark, relations with Germany, 410; - war with the Hanseatic League, 433-438;
- united with Sweden and Norway, 443;
- with Schleswig and Holstein, 447;
- separated from Sweden, 448, 449.
Diaz, Bartholomew, 259, 492. Diesbach, Nicolas von, 380. Dinant, 368; - taken by Charles the Bold, 369.
Discoveries at end of fifteenth century, 259, 491-3. Ditmarsh, peasants of, 448. DÖffingen, battle of, 189. Donatello, 530. Doria, Luciano, 172. —— Paganino, 170. —— Pietro, 172. Douglas, Earl of, and Count of Touraine, 336, 337. Duccio, Sienese painter, 527. Dunois, bastard son of Louis of Orleans, 342, 352, 354, 365. Dupplin Moor, battle of, 68. Durazzo, house of, 152, 153, 191, 195. Dushan, Stephen, King of Servia, 501. Easterlings or Osterlings, 428. Écorcheurs, the, 254. —— Jacopo, 253. FougÈres, attack upon, 357. Franche-ComtÉ, 12, 56, 64, 79, 90; - acquired by Valois Dukes of Burgundy, 320;
- attacked by the Swiss, 380;
- annexed by Louis XI., 387, 388;
- surrendered by Charles VIII., 393, 417.
Francis I. of Brittany, 357. —— II. of Brittany, 363, 366, 369; Franciscans, their quarrel with John XXII., 101, 103. Frankfort, Diet of, 187. Fraticelli, the, 101, 159. Frederick III., Burggraf of Nuremberg, 8, 10, 16. —— I. of Brandenburg, 216, 395. —— II. of Brandenburg, 465. —— (the Handsome) of Hapsburg, elected King of the Romans, 98; - captured by his rival, 99;
- death, 105.
—— of Tyrol, 395, 398; —— III., Emperor, 239, 402, 404-411, 464; - relations with the Papacy and Council of Basel, 240, 241;
- joint ruler in Styria, 398;
- character, 403;
- acquires Austria, 414;
- relations with Charles the Bold, 378, 380, 416;
- last years, 417;
- death, 418.
—— I. of Sicily, 26, 482, 497. —— II. of Sicily, 482. Friuli, 246. Froissart, 155, 267. —— of Portugal, wife of Henry IV. of Castile, 477. —— ‘la Beltraneja,’ 477, 492. —— Henriquez, second wife of John II. of Aragon, 485, 486. Jobst of Moravia, 123; - receives Brandenburg from Sigismund, 191, 193;
- candidate for empire, 201, 202;
- death, 203.
John XXII., 99, 145; —— XXIII., elected Pope, 201; - quarrel with Naples, 204, 211, 267, 268;
- summons Council of Constance, 205;
- conduct at Constance, 213-215;
- deposed, 216, 217;
- death, 221.
—— I. of Aragon, 482, 483. —— II. of Aragon, 484, 485, 486, 487. —— King of Bohemia, 18, 75, 98, 107, 112; —— III., Duke of Brittany, death of, 73. —— the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy, 321-332; —— of Calabria, 260, 299, 486; - joins League of the Public Weal, 365, 367.
John I. of Castile, 474, 475. —— II. of Castile, 475, 476. —— or Hans, King of Denmark and Norway, 447, 448. —— I., posthumous son of Louis X., 64. —— II., King of France, 421, 453, 458; Livonia, 421, 453; Livorno, annexed to Florence, 167, 289. Lodi, treaty of, 253, 298. London, German hansa in, 426, 427. Loredano, Antonio, 256. Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, 527, 528. Loria, Roger di, 49. Lorraine, succession in, 345; - seized by Charles the Bold, 383, 385.
Louis IX. of France, death of, 46. —— X. of France, 44, 62; —— XI., King of France, 261; —— XII., King of France, 258, 259, 264, 391. —— I. of Anjou, Count of Provence and titular King of Naples, 154, 190, 317. —— II. of Anjou, 155, 195, 198, 266, 269, 326, 330. —— III. of Anjou, 269, 335; - claim to Aragon, 483;
- death, 271.
—— de MÂle, Count of Flanders, 316, 318, 320. —— Duke of Orleans, brother of Charles VI., 319, 321; LÜbeck, Orvieto, cathedral of, 531. Osterlings or Easterlings, 428. Othman, 499. Otranto, occupied by the Turks, 283, 285, 310, 513. Otto of Brandenburg, cedes the electorate to Charles IV., 120. —— IV., Count of Burgundy, 56. Ottokar, King of Bohemia, 3, 8; - crusade in Prussia, 456;
- war with Rudolf I., 9, 10;
- death, 10.
Ottoman Turks, origin of, 499; - their conquests in Europe, 502, 503, 504, 507, 508;
- they capture Constantinople, 510;
- further conquests, 511, 512, 513, 514.
Padilla, Maria de, 472, 473. Padua, subjected to Milan, 179; - revolt of, 180;
- seized by Venice, 245.
Palermo, rising at, 25. Palladio, architect, 531. Papal States, 26, 27. Paris, University of, 194, 197, 201, 209. Parliament, the model (1295), 60. —— of Paris, the, 59. —— the Florentine, 33. Patay, battle of, 341. Paul II., 280, 415. Pavia, Council at, 228. Pazzi, conspiracy of the, 262, 282, 305-307. —— Francesco, 305, 306. —— Jacopo, 305, 306. Pecquigni, treaty of, 382. Pelekanon, battle of, 499. Peniscola, 221. Pera, suburb of Constantinople, 168, 178, 495. PÉronne, interview at, 370; Perpignan, 198;
ernal">481; Procida, John of, 24. Prokop, son of John Henry of Moravia, 123. —— Hussite leader, 225, 227, 228; - attends Council of Basel, 231;
- killed, 232.
Provence, 12; - marquisate of, 47, 56;
- county of, 9, 47;
- acquired by first house of Anjou, 24;
- acquired by second house of Anjou, 154;
- united with France, 279.
Prussia, 55, 209, 453, 454; - conquered by Teutonic Knights, 455, 456, 457;
- divided into east and west, 465.
Prussian League, 463, 464. Public Weal, war of the, 46, 365-367. Puritanism, 532. Raphael, 528, 529. ReichstÄdte, 5. Renaissance, the, 20, 518, 519; - prominence of Italy in, 520;
- Papal patronage of, 521;
- in literature, 522-525;
- in art, 525-532;
- its relation with the Reformation, 532;
- stimulates education, 533.
RÉnÉ le Bon, 260, 271, 354, 378, 486; - claims Lorraine, 345, 346;
- relations with Charles the Bold, 383, 389;
- death of, 389.
—— of Lorraine, 279, 286, 312, 378, 381, 385; Rense, meeting of electors at, 102, 106, 117. Reuchlin, 525. Reutlingen, battle of, 121. Rheims, coronation of Charles VII. at, 341.35. Tours, States-General at, 390. Trastamara, Henry of, 93, 94, 472, 473. —— House of, acquires crown of Castile, 474; - acquires crown of Aragon, 483.
Trebizond, Empire of, 495, 513. Tremouille, George de la, 339, 340, 346, 347. Treviso, 143, 245; - subjected to Venice, 147, 171;
- lost by Venice, 174;
- recovered, 179.
Trivulzio, Gian Jacopo, 308. Troyes, treaty of, 332, 333. Turin, peace of, 174. Tyler, Wat, 316. Tyrol, county of, 10, 15; - passes to Margaret Maultasch, 107, 108;
- acquired by Hapsburgs, 120.
Unterwalden, 126, 127. Urban V., 122, 161, 162, 185, 503. —— VI., election of, 122, 162, 185, 186. Urgel, house of, 481, 482, 483. Uri, 126; - united with Schwiz and Unterwalden, 127.
Uzzano, Niccolo da, 289, 290, 292. Valencia, 478; Valla, Lorenzo, 524, 525. Valois, house of, 45; Varna, battle of, 410, 508. Vaudemont, Antony of, 345. —— Frederick of, 346. —— RÉnÉ of, 341, 483. —— daughter of RÉnÉ le Bon, Burgundy. - Transcriber’s Notes:
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.
- Footnotes have been collected at the end of the text, and are linked for ease of reference.