
[This table has been drawn up in order to bring together in their chronological sequence those events in different parts of Europe which are necessarily treated in the text under the head of different states. The chief events in English History are inserted to serve as guide-posts, even though in some cases no direct reference may be made to them in the following pages.]

“ David Bruce escapes to France, and French intervention in Scotland 68
1334. Death of John XXII., and election of Benedict XII. 102
1335. Death of Henry, Duke of Carinthia and Count of Tyrol 106
“ Carinthia acquired by Hapsburgs, while Tyrol goes to Margaret Maultasch, wife of John Henry of Moravia 107
1336. Rudolf Brun effects a revolution in ZÜrich 131
“ Rising in Ghent under Jacob van Artevelde 71
“ Death of James III. of Aragon, and accession of Peter IV. 481
1337. Edward III. claims the French crown and seeks allies in Flanders and Germany 71
1338. Electoral meeting at Rense, and diet at Frankfurt to protest against papal pretensions in Germany 102
“ Meeting of Lewis the Bavarian and Edward III. at Coblentz 72
“ League against Mastino della Scala. Verona loses its ascendency in northern Italy 147
1339. Edward III. invades France from Flanders. Beginning of Hundred Years’ War. Unsuccessful campaign in Picardy 72
“ Death of Azzo Visconti. Succeeded by his uncle Lucchino 175
1340. Naval victory of the English at Sluys 72
“ Edward repulsed from Tournay, concludes truce with Philip VI. 72
“ Succession dispute in Brittany on death of John III. 73
“ Alfonso XI. of Castile defeats the Moors in battle of the Salado 471
“ Waldemar III. restores monarchical power in Denmark 433
1341. Lewis the Bavarian divorces Margaret of Maultasch from John Henry of Moravia, and marries her to his son, Lewis of Brandenburg 107
“ Death of Andronicus III., and accession of John V. 500
1342. Edward III. supports John de Montfort in Brittany 73
“ Death of Carobert of Hungary, and accession of Lewis the Great 152
“ Death of Benedict XII., and election of Clement VI. 106
1343. Death of Robert of Naples, and accession of Joanna I. 152
“ Expulsion of Walter de Brienne, and constitutional changes in Florence 148
“ Treaty of Kalisch between Poland and the Teutonic Order 458
1345. Murder of Andrew of Hungary, husband of Joanna of Naples 152
1345. Assassination of Jacob van Artevelde 74
“ Death of William IV. of Holland, Hainault, and Zealand. His territories pass to a son of Lewis the Bavarian 75, 108
1346. Opposition in Germany to Lewis the Bavarian. Election of Charles IV. as King of the Romans 108
“ Battle of CrÉcy 1375. Truce between England and France, leaving England in occupation of Calais, Bordeaux, and Bayonne 96
“ Death of Waldemar III. of Denmark. Accession of Olaf 442
1376. Death of the Black Prince (June 8) 96
“ Election of Wenzel as King of the Romans 121
1377. Death of Edward III. of England. Accession of Richard II. 96
“ Gregory XI. leaves Avignon for Rome 162, 185
1378. Death of Gregory XI. in Rome. Election of Urban VI. 162, 185
“ Rising of the ‘Ciompi’ in Florence 164
“ Outbreak of war between Venice and Genoa 172
“ Galeazzo Visconti dies and is succeeded by Gian Galeazzo 177
“ Election of anti-pope Clement VII. (Sept. 20). Beginning of the great schism 122, 162, 186
“ Death of the Emperor Charles IV. (Nov. 29). Partition of his dominions 123
1379. The Genoese seize Chioggia and blockade Venice 172
“ Death of Henry II. of Castile, and accession of John I. 474
1380. Death of Charles V. of France, and accession of Charles VI. 97, 315
“ Death of Hakon of Norway. Union of Norway and Denmark under Olaf 442
“ The Genoese are forced to capitulate at Chioggia. Triumph of Venice 173
“ Death of Lewis the Great, King of Hungary and Poland 190, 459
1381. Rising of the lower classes in England 316
1382. Counter-revolution in Florence establishes oligarchy 166
“ Rising of the Maillotins in Paris 317
“ Rising of the Flemings under Philip van Artevelde 317
“ French defeat of the Flemings at Roosebek 318
“ Suppression of the Maillotins in Paris 318
“ Death of Joanna I. of Naples. Accession of Charles III. 154
1383. Death of Lewis de MÂle. His son-in-law, Philip of Burgundy, acquires Flanders, Artois, Nevers, Rethel, and Franche-ComtÉ 320
1385. Gian Galeazzo Visconti imprisons his uncle, Bernabo, and reunites the Milanese dominions 177
“ Charles III. of Naples claims crown of Hungary 191
“ Portuguese victory at Aljubarrota over Castilians 474
“ Death of Louis of Anjou, who had obtained Provence but had been defeated by Charles III. as a claimant to Naples 154
1386. Jagello of Lithuania marries Hedwig, younger daughter of Lewis th 237
“ Death of Albert II. (Oct. 27) 401
“ Union of Greek and Latin Churches agreed to at Florence 236
“ Deposition of Eugenius IV. by the Council of Basel 238
“ Election of anti-pope Felix V. 238
1440. The Praguerie in France 354
“ Election of Frederick III. as King of the Romans 402
“ Ladislas Postumus becomes Duke of Austria and King of Bohemia 409
“ The Hungarians elect Ladislas III. of Poland 409
“ ‘Prussian League’ formed in opposition to the Teutonic Order 463
1441. Peace between Milan and Venice. Venice keeps Brescia and Bergamo 251
“ Venice acquires possession of Ravenna 251
1442. Alfonso V. of Aragon finally secures the crown of Naples 271
“ Death of Blanche of Navarre. Her husband, John of Aragon, keeps the crown, excluding his son, Charles of Viana 485
1443. Eugenius IV. returns to Rome 239
1444. Battle of Varna. Death of Ladislas of Poland and Hungary 410, 508
1445. Organisation of standing army in France 354
“ Ladislas Postumus accepted as King of Hungary 410
“ Æneas Sylvius arranges terms between Frederick III. and Eugenius IV. 240
“ Marriage of Henry VI. of England with Margaret of Anjou 356
1446. Banishment of the dauphin Louis to DauphinÉ 358
1447. Death of Eugenius IV. (Feb. 23), and election of Nicolas V. 241, 272
“ Death of Filippo Maria Visconti. Republic in Milan 252
1448. Nicolas V. approves concordat with Germany 241, 273
“ Death of John VI. Succeeded by Constantine PalÆologus 509
“ Death of Christopher vacates the three Scandinavian crowns 446
“ Swedes elect Karl Knudson 446
“ Christian I. (of Oldenburg) becomes King of Denmark 446
1449. Dissolution of the Council of Basel 241
“ Renewal of war in France. Invasion of Normandy by the French 357
1450. Grand jubilee in Rome 242, 273
“ Francesco Sforza makes himself master of Milan 253
“ Disorder in England. Rising of Jack Cade 305
“ Florence at war with Naples and the Papacy 282, 307
1479. Death of John II. of Aragon. Succeeded by Ferdinand the Catholic, but Navarre passes to his daughter Eleanor 487
“ Florentine reverses. Lorenzo de’ Medici goes to Naples 308
“ Regency of Bona of Savoy in Milan overthrown by Ludovico Sforza 262
“ Treaty of Constantinople ends the long war between Venice and the Turks 256, 513
1480. Occupation of Otranto by the Turks 283, 310, 513
“ Florence makes peace with Naples and Sixtus IV. 309
“ Important constitutional changes in Florence 310
“ Death of RÉnÉ le Bon, succeeded by Charles of Maine 389
1481. Death of Mohammed II.. Evacuation of Otranto. Temporary decline of Turkish power 513
“ Death of Charles of Maine enables Louis XI. to acquire Anjou, Maine, and Provence 389
1482. Death of Mary of Burgundy 388
“ Treaty of Arras settles the Burgundian succession 388
“ Venetian attack upon Ferrara 257, 283
“ Coalition of Milan, Naples, and Florence against Venice and the Papacy 257, 283
1483. Death of Edward IV. of England 388
“ Death of Louis XI. Accession of Charles VIII. Regency of Anne of Beaujeu 390
“ Sixtus IV. deserts Venice and joins the hostile league 284
1484. Meeting of States-General at Tours 391
“ Treaty of Bagnolo ends the Ferrarese war 257, 284
“ Death of Sixtus IV., and election of Innocent VIII. 284
“ War between Mathias Corvinus and Frederick III. 416
1485. Henry VII. establishes the Tudor dynasty in England 391
“ Rising of Neapolitan barons against Ferrante. Offer of the crown to RÉnÉ of Lorraine 286
“ Mathias Corvinus seizes Vienna 417
1486. Bartholomew Diaz rounds the Cape of Good Hope 492
“ Maximilian elected King of the Romans in his father’s lifetime 417
1488. Death of Francis II. of Brittany. Succeeded by daughter Anne 391
1490. Death of Mathias Corvinus. Succeeded by Ladislas of Bohemia 417
1491. Anne of Brittany compelled to marry Charles VIII.

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