[The following list has no pretensions to be an exhaustive bibliography of the period, nor does it profess to include all the authorities consulted by the author. It is merely compiled with the object of offering suggestions to any student who wishes to read more widely, either on the whole period, or on any part of it. Those books which cannot be classed under any of the great European states are placed under the head of ‘General.’] General— Lavisse et Rambaud, Histoire GÉnÉrale du IVe. SiÈcle À nos jours, Tome III. Creighton, History of the Papacy during the Reformation, Vols. I.-III. Froissart, Chroniques. [A popular and useful selection from the translation of Lord Berners has been published by Messrs. Macmillan and Co. in the ‘Globe’ Series. The most complete edition is that by Kervyn de Lettenhove.] Leroux, Recherches Critiques sur les relations politiques de la France avec l’Allemagne. Fournier, Le Royaume d`Arles. Oman, History of War in the Middle Ages. H. C. Lea, History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. R. L. Poole, Illustrations of Medieval Thought. Germany— Nitzsch, Geschichte des Deutschen Volkes. Lorenz, Deutsche Geschichte im 13-14 Jahrhunderte. Zeller, Histoire de l’Allemagne. Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik, Vols. I. and II. Dierauer, Geschichte der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. Palacky, Geschichte von BÖhmen. Loserth, Hus und Wiclif (translated). Sartorius, Geschichte des Ursprunges der Deutschen Hanse. SchÄfer, die HansestÄdte und KÖnig Waldemar von DÄnemark. Treitschke, Das Deutsche Ordensland Preussen, Historische und politische AufsÄtze, Vol. II. Italy— Villani, Croniche. Sismondi, Histoire des RÉpubliques italiennes du moyen Âge. Gregorovius, Geschichte der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter (translated). Romanin, Storia documentata di Venezia. H. F. Brown, Venice, an Historical Sketch. Machiavelli, Storia Fiorentina. Perrens, Histoire de Florence. Guido Capponi, Storia della republica di Firenze. Napier, Florentine History. Villari, Machiavelli (translated), Vol. I. Von Reumont, Lorenzo de’ Medici (translated). Armstrong, Lorenzo de’ Medici. J. A. Symonds, Renaissance in Italy. France and the Netherlands— Martin, Histoire de France. Michelet, Histoire de France. Langlois, Le rÈgne de Philippe le Hardi. Boutaric, La France sous Philippe le Bel. Perrens, Étienne Marcel. S. Luce, Histoire de la Jacquerie. Vanderkindere, Le siÈcle des Arteveldes. Vallet de Viriville, Histoire de Charles VII. Beaucourt, Histoire de Charles VII. Cosneau, Le ConnÉtable de Richemont. P. ClÉment, Jacques Coeur et Charles VII. Philippe de Commines, MÉmoires. Barante, Histoire des Ducs de Bourgogne. Kirk, History of Charles the Bold. Clamageran, Histoire de l’ImpÔt en France. Gasquet, PrÉcis des Institutions Politiques et Sociales de l’ancienne France. Spain— Lafuente, Historia general de EspaÑa. Burke, History of Spain, 2 vols. SchÄfer und Schirrmacher, Geschichte von Spanien. Prescott, Ferdinand and Isabella. Fall of the Greek Empire— Gibbon, Decline and Fall. Finlay, Byzantine and Greek Empires La JonquiÈre, Histoire de l’Empire Ottoman. |