


1. Present Sun Worship in Japan 4
2. The Celestial Sphere, Conditions at the North Pole 5
3. The Celestial Sphere, Conditions at the Equator 6
4. The Celestial Sphere, Conditions in a Middle Latitude 6
5. The Four Astronomical Divisions of the Year 14
6. The Various Bearings of the Sun Risings and Settings in N. latitude 51° 14
7. The Astronomical and Vegetation Divisions of the Year 23
8. Original Tooling of the Stones at Stonehenge 44
9. View of Stonehenge from the West 45
10. Copy of Hoare’s Plan of Stonehenge, 1810 46
11. The Leaning Stone in 1901 48
12. The Axis of the Temple of Karnak 56
13. Plan of the Temple of Ramses II. in the Memnonia at Thebes 57
14. One of the remaining Trilithons at Stonehenge 59
15. General Plan of Stonehenge 60
16. The Arrangements for raising the Stone 70
17. The Cradle and Supports 71
18. The Frame used to locate the Finds 73
19. Some of the Flint Implements 77
20. Showing the careful Tooling of the Sarsens 82
21. Face of Rock against which a Stone was made to rest 83
22. The Leaning Stone Upright 85
23. Stonehenge, 1905 86
24. Map of the Stones made by the Ordnance Survey 89
25. Rod placed in the Common Axis of the Circle and Avenue 94
26. Alignments at Le MÉnec 99
27. Menhir on Melon Island 100
28. Melon Island, showing Menhir and Cromlech 101
29. Menhirs of St. Dourzal 102
30. Alignment at Lagatjar (photograph) 103
31. Alignments at Lagatjar (plan) 104
32. Menhirs on Solstitial and May Alignments 105
33. Diagram for finding Declination from given Amplitudes or Azimuths in British Latitudes 113
34. Declinations of Northern Stars from 250 A.D. to 2150 B.C. 115
35. Declinations of Southern Stars from 250 A.D. to 2150 B.C. 116
36. The Conditions of Sunrise at the Summer Solstice in Lat. 59° N. 119
37. The Azimuths of the Sunrise (upper limb) at the Summer Solstice. Lats. N. 59°-47° 121

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