ic@vhost@g@html@files@62342@62342-h@62342-h-1.htm.html#Page40" class="pginternal">40; menhirs at, 98, 105, 239; sacrifices at, 199. Carruthers, Mr., 69. Castallack, Cornwall, 267. Castor, see Geminorum. Cattle, drenching in holy wells, 230. Caves, purpose of, 244, 254. “Cave of Elephanta,” 256. Celts, calendar of the, 186, 195; intrusion of, 324; worship, 32. Ceylon, 235. Chabas, 1. Chaldea, 12. Challacombe, 158; multiple avenue, 149, 159; solstitial worship, 314. Chapel Euny, Cornwall, 219, 226. Chaucer, 203. “Cheesewring, The,” 134. ChichÉn-ItzÁ, 32, 308. “Choir Gawr,” 53. ChÛn Castle, Cornwall, 284, 286. ChÛn Cromlech, Cornwall, 284. Churches, replaced stone circles, 219. Chysoister, 323. Circles (stone), employment of, 232, 316; associated with wells, 228; classification of, 36, 37; star observations in, 109. Cists, 164; burials in, 323. Clock-stars, employment of, 108, 294, 296, 298, 299, 304, 308; fall into disuse, 322. Coinage, early British, 52. Collimation-marks, 316. Constantine, Cornwall, 269. Cord, The stretching of the, 1. Cormac, Archbishop, 181, 189, 195, 204. Cornish, Mr., 270, 282. Cornwall, astronomical conditions in, 262; azimuths of May sunrise, 264; clock-stars in, 299; May bathing in, 227; stone circles in, 40, 189, 209. Friar’s Heel, the (Stonehenge), 53, 60, 68, 90, 93. “Furry Dance,” the, 206. G. Gaillard, 96, 104. “Galgal,” description of, 38. Games, 319. Garments, offerings of, 318. Gauls, 323. Gavr Innis, 38, 255. Gemini, 15. Geminorum, ?, ? and ?, 117. Geoffrey of Monmouth, 52. Glamorgan, rites at holy wells, 223. Globe, celestial, 8; precessional, 114. Goidels, 237. Gomme, Mr., 195, 213, 216, 221, 222, 227, 236, 238. “Goon-Rith,” 266. Gould, Baring-, see Baring-Gould. Gowland, Prof., 3, 45, 69, 72, 74, 75, 76, 80, 82, 87, 91, 321. Greece, astronomical observations in, 34, 298, 311; divisions of year in, 20, 304; temples in, 34, 306, 311, 313, 315; temple building in, 299. Grimm, 26, 211. Grovely Castle, 66. Groves, Biblical reference to, 245; sacred, 27, 258. Giraldus Cambrensis, 52. Gudea (2500 B.C.), 242. Guest, Dr., 95. H. Hall, Mr., 237. Halley, 54. Hallowe’en, 66, 94. Pegasi, ? and ?, 117. Pennant, tour of Scotland, 206. Penrose, Mr., 31, 34, 38, 42, 51, 62, 78, 89, 93, 94, 109, 142, 154, 298, 306, 310, 312, 313, 315. Pentecost, feast of, 32, 185. Pepi, 295. Percy’s Northumberland Notes, 184. Perrott, Mr., 148. Persia, rag-offerings in, 234. Petrie, Flinders, Prof., 62. Pet-ser, 2. Philpot, Mrs., 257. Picks, of deer’s-horn, 78. “Pierre du Conseil” (Lagatjar), 104. Piers’ Survey of S. Ireland, 182, 229. Pins, as offerings at sacred wells, 222, 227, 258, 318. “Pipers, The,” 266, 271. Pitt-Rivers, General, 235, 236. Plato, 7. Pleiades, at British monuments, 153, 273, 274, 280, 290; employed by Semites, 247; elsewhere, 108, 117, 151, 155, 162, 310, 311. Ploudalmezeau, monuments at, 100. Ploy-field, the, at Holne, 196. Pole, apparent path of stars at the north, 6; elevation of the, 9; motion of stars, round, 300, 303. Pollux, see Geminorum. Pompeii, 312. Pomponius Mela, 322, 324. 93, 129, 176, 274, 280, 290, 312, 314; sunrise at, 36; warning stars for, 117, 314; worship at, 259, 320. Spence, Mr., 35, 123, 128, 254, 285. Spica, see Virginis ?. Stalldon Moor, 150, 163. Standen (near Hungerford), 79. Stanton Drew, 166, 167, 170, 173; cove at, 37; dates of, 174; dimensions of circles at, 171; May-year at, 309; solstitial worship at, 314. Stars, changes in declination of, 42, 109; northern, 114; heliacal risings of, 108; reason for observations of, 42; worship of, 139, 249. See clock-stars. Stenness, 35, 123, 218; azimuths of sunrise at, 120; observations required at, 129; seasons provided for at, 127, 131, 309, 314. Sterility, 239, 256. Stirling, festivals at, 238. Stockwell, 67, 111, 129, 176. Stone-age, 75. Stonehenge, 41, 50, 51, 52, 58, 88, 91; amplitudes of stars at, 11; apparent paths of stars at, 7; architecture of, 83; avenue, 63, 65; axis, 55, 60; azimuth of sunrise at, 120; the “Cursus” at, THE ENDR. CLAY AND SONS, LTD., BREAD STREET HILL, E.C., AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK. |