CHAPTER XVI. THE TRANSIT CIRCLE. We are now, then, in full possession of the stock-in-trade of the modern astronomer—the telescope, the clock, and the circle,—and we have first to deal with what is termed astronomy of position, that branch of the subject which enables us to determine the exact position of the heavenly bodies in the celestial sphere at any instant of time. Before, however, we proceed with modern methods, it will be well, on the principle of reculer pour mieux sauter, to refer back to the old ones in order that we can the better see how the modern instruments are arranged for doing the work which Tycho, for instance, had to do, and which he accomplished by means of the instruments of which we have already spoken. First of all let us refer to the Mural Quadrant, in which we have the germ of a great deal of modern work, its direct descendant being the Transit Circle of the present time. We begin then by referring to the hole in the wall at which Tycho is pointing (see Fig. 112), and the circle, of which the hole was the centre, opposite to it, on which the position of the body was observed, and its declination and right ascension determined. This then was Tycho’s arrangement for determining the two co-ordinates, right ascension and declination, measured from the meridian and equator. It is to be hoped that the meaning of right ascension and declination is already clear to our readers, because these terms refer to the fundamental planes, and distances as measured from them are the very A B C of anything that one has to say about astronomical instruments. We know that Tycho had two things to do. In the first place he had to note when a star was seen through the slit in the wall, which was Tycho’s arrangement for determining the southing of a star, the sun, or the moon; and then to give the instant when the object crossed the sight to the other observer, who noted the time by the clocks. Secondly, he had to note at which particular portion of the arc the sight had to be placed, and so the altitude or the zenith distance of the star was determined; and then, knowing the latitude of the place, he got the two co-ordinates, the right ascension and declination. How does the modern astronomer do this? Here is an instrument which, without the circle to tell the altitude at the same time, will give some idea of the way in which the modern astronomer has to go to work. In this we have what is called the Transit Instrument, Fig. 113; it is simply used for determining the transit of stars over the meridian. It consists essentially of a telescope mounted on trunnions, like a cannon, having in the eyepiece, not simple cross wires, but a system of wires, to which reference has already been made, so that the mean of as many observations as there are wires can be taken; and in this way Tycho’s hole in the wall is completely superseded. The quadrant is represented by a circle on the instrument called the transit circle, of which for the present we defer consideration. Fig. 112.—Tycho Brahe’s Mural Quadrant. Fig. 113.—Transit Instrument (Transit of Venus Expedition). Fig. 114.—Transit Instalment in a fixed Observatory. Now there are three things to be done in order to adjust this instrument for observation. In the first place we must see that the line of sight is exactly at right angles to the axis on which the telescope turns, and when we have satisfied ourselves of that, we must, in the second place, take care, not only that the pivots on which the telescope rests are perfectly equal in size, but that the entire axis resting on these pivots is perfectly horizontal. Having made these two adjustments, we shall at all events be able, by swinging the telescope, to sweep through the zenith. Then, thirdly, if we take care that one end of this axis points to the east, and the other to the west, we shall know, not only that our transit instrument sweeps through the zenith, but sweeps through the pole which happens to be above the horizon—in England the north pole, in Australia the south pole. That is to say, by the first adjustment we shall be able to describe a great circle; by the second, this circle will pass through the zenith; and by the third, from the south of the horizon to the north, through the pole. Of course, if the pole star were at the pole, all we should have to do would be to adjust the instrument (having determined the instrument to be otherwise correct) so as simply to point to the pole star, and then we should assure ourselves of the east and west positions of the axis. Some details may here be of interest. The first adjustment to be made is that the line of sight or collimation shall be at right angles to the axis on which the instrument moves: to find the error and correct it, bring the telescope into a horizontal position and place a small object at a distance away, in such a position that its image is bisected by the central wire of the transit, then lift the instrument from its bearings or Ys, as they are called, and reverse the pivots east for west, and again observe the object. If it is still bisected, the adjustment is correct, but if not, then half the angle between the new direction in which the telescope points and the first one as marked by the object is the collimation error, which may be ascertained by measuring the distance from the object to the central wire, by a micrometer in the field of view, and converting the distance into arc. To correct it, bring the central wire half way up to the object by motion of the wire, and complete the other half by moving the object itself, or by moving the Ys of the instrument. This of course must be again repeated until the adjustment is sensibly correct. The second adjustment is to make the pivots horizontal. Place a striding level on the pivots and bring the bubble to zero by the set screws of the level, or note the position of it; then reverse the level east for west, and then if the bubble remains at the same place the axis of motion is horizontal, but, if not, raise or lower the movable Y sufficiently to bring the bubble half way to its original position, and complete the motion of the bubble, if necessary, by the level screw until there is no alteration in the position of the bubble on reversing the level. Fig. 115.—Diagram explaining third adjustment, H, R, plane of the horizon; H, Z, A, P, B, R, meridian; A and B places of circumpolar star at transit above and below pole P. The third adjustment is to place the pivots east and west. Note by the clock the time of transit of a circumpolar star, when above the pole, over the central wire, and then half a day later when below it, and again when above it; if the times from upper to lower transit, and from lower to upper are equal, then the line of collimation swings so as to bisect the circle of the star round the pole, and therefore it passes through the pole, and further it describes a meridian which passes through the zenith by reason of the second adjustment. This is therefore the meridian of the place, and therefore the pivots are east and west. If the periods between the transits are not equal, the movable pivot must be shifted horizontally, until on repeating the process the periods are equal. In practice these adjustments can never be made quite perfect, and there are always small errors outstanding, which when known are allowed for, and they are estimated by a long series of observations made in different manners and positions. The error of the first adjustment is called the collimation error, that of the second the level error, and that of the third the deviation error. When the errors of an instrument are known the observations can be easily corrected to what they would have been had the instrument been in perfect adjustment. Now what does the modern astronomer do with this instrument when he has got it? It is absolutely without circles, but the faithful companion of the Transit Instrument is the Astronomical Clock—and the two together serve the purpose of a circle of the most perfect accuracy, so that by means of these two instruments we shall be able to determine the right ascensions of all the stars merely by noting the time at which the earth’s rotation brings them into the field of view. The clock having been regulated to sidereal time, a term fully explained in the sequel, it will show 0h. 0m. 0s. when the first point of Aries passes the meridian, and instead of dividing the day into two periods of twelve hours each, the clock goes up to twenty-four hours. If now a star is observed to pass the centre of the field of view (that is the meridian) at 1h. by the clock, or one hour after the first point of Aries, it will be known to be in 1h. of right ascension; or if it passes at 12h. it will be 12h. right ascension, or opposite to the first point of Aries, and so on up to the twenty-four hours, the clock keeping exact time with the earth. The transit instrument thus gives us the right ascension of a star, or one co-ordinate: and now we want the other—the declination. THE TRANSIT CIRCLE. This is given by the Transit Circle, which is a transit instrument with a circle attached, to ascertain the angle between the object and the pole or equator. Fig. 116.—The Mural Circle. The combination of the circle with the transit, forming the transit- or meridian-circle, is of comparatively recent date, and the earlier method was to use a circle with a telescope attached, fixed to a pivot moving on bearings in a wall, and called therefore the Mural Circle, Fig. 116. Since it is supported only on one side it cannot move so truly in the meridian as the transit, but, having a large circle, it gives accurate readings. Fig. 117.—Transit Circle, showing the addition of circles to the transit instrument. Fig. 118.—Perspective view of Greenwich Transit Circle. Fig. 117 shows in what respect the Transit Circle is an advance upon the transit instrument and the mural circle, for in addition to the transit instrument we have the circle. This is a perspective view of the transit, and the telescope is represented sweeping in the vertical plane or meridian. In addition to the instrument resting with its pivots on the massive piers, we have the circle attached to the side of the telescope. We see at once that by means of this circle we are able to introduce the other co-ordinate of declination. If the clock goes true with the earth—if they both beat in unison and keep time with each other—and further if the clock shows 0h. 0m. 0s. when the first point of Aries passes the centre of the field, that is through the meridian plane, then, if we observe a star at the moment it passes over the meridian, the clock will give its right ascension and the circle its declination, when the latitude of the place is known. The construction of the transit circle will repay a more detailed examination. A system of weights suspended over pulleys (Fig. 118) reduces the weight of the instrument on the pivots, in order that their form shall not be altered by too much friction, and on the right-hand side of one of the piers the eyepieces of the microscopes for reading the circle are shown. This is shown better in section in Fig. 119. One of the solid stone piers is pierced through diagonally, as shown at (m) (m), so that light proceeding from a gas-lamp (q) placed opposite the pivot of the telescope is allowed to fall through the openings, and is condensed by means of the lens (n) on the graduations of the circle of five minutes each, already referred to. By the side of each illuminating hole is another hole (o) (o) through which the reading microscopes, six in number, two of which are shown at (q) (p), having their eye-ends arranged in a circle at the end of the pier, are focussed on to the graduations of the circle. There is also another reading microscope, besides the six just mentioned, of less power for reading the degrees, or larger divisions of the circle. Hence from the side of the pier close to the lamp the observer can read the circle with accuracy, and measure the angle, to which we have alluded, made by the telescope when pointed to any particular star. We have now seen how the circle is illuminated, and now we will inquire further as to the arrangements that are necessary in order to bring this instrument into use. Fig. 119.—Plan of the Greenwich Transit Circle. We must defer giving more explanation of the practical working of the instrument until we have considered the clock used in connection with it, and we shall then show how the observations are made. One important point to which attention should be given is the method of illuminating the wires in the eyepiece. This is the arrangement. There is a lamp at the end of one of the pivots which is hollow, the light falls on a mirror, placed in the centre of the telescope, of such a shape and in such a position that it will not intercept the light from the object-glass falling through the diaphragms on to the eyepiece. The mirror is ring-shaped, something like the brim of a hat, and is carried on two pivots, so that it can be placed diagonally in the tube, or at right angles to it; it is arranged just outside the cone of rays from the object-glass, so that when the mirror is diagonally placed the light will be grasped directly from the lamp at the end of the axis and reflected down and mixed up with the light coming from the star into the eyepiece. In this way of course the wires can be rendered visible at night, and without such a method they would be invisible. This arrangement gives a bright field and dark wires; but there is also a method of reversing matters; for near the edge of the ring-shaped reflector are fixed prisms for reflecting the light, and when the reflector is placed square with the axis of the telescope the small prisms on the reflector send the light down through apertures in the diaphragms, so that the mirror in this position no longer sends the light down with the rays from the star, but through holes in the diaphragms themselves, to two small reflecting prisms, one on each side of the wires in the eyepiece. What has that light to do? It has simply to do this, it has to fall sideways on the wires themselves in such a manner that it does not fall on the eye except by reflection from the wires. In this way we have the means of getting a bright system of wires on a dark field, in which the wires and objects to be measured are the only things to be seen. As with the pivots of the transit circle, and in fact of any astronomical instrument, so with the circles, certain fundamental points have to be borne in mind; and, although it is absolutely impossible to ensure perfection, still, to go as near to it as possible, the astronomer has to observe a great many times over in all sorts of positions in order to bring the error down to its minimum. First, the circle must be placed exactly at right angles to the axis of the telescope, so that it is in the plane of the meridian. Secondly, the error of centering must be found. For instance, if the Greenwich circle were to be read by only one microscope, an error in the pivot or any part of the axis round which the circle turns would vitiate the readings; but we could get rid of that error, due to a fault of the axis, or to a want of centering, by means of two readings, at the extremities of a diameter; but even then we should not get rid of the possible error due to graduation, for even if the divisions on the circle were accurate at first, they would not long remain so, for the metal of which these circles are made is liable, like other metals, to certain changes due to temperature; and if a circle is very large the weight of the circle itself, supposing its form perfect when horizontal, will, when vertical, sag it down and deflect it out of shape, so that at Greenwich the method adopted is to use six reading microscopes. Fig. 120, which shows the Cambridge Transit Circle, indicates the arrangement of the five microscopes in use there, set round the circumference of the circle, much in the same manner as in the case of the Greenwich instrument, where there are holes through the pier in which the microscopes are placed with the eye-ends arranged in a circle at the side of it. Fig. 120.—Cambridge (U.S.) meridian circle. When, therefore, the transit is pointed to any particular star, not only is the time noted in order to determine the right ascension of the star, in a careful and elaborate way, but the readings of the circle are made by every one of these microscopes—reading from the next five minutes division of the circle which happens to be visible,—and there is an additional microscope giving the rough reading of the larger divisions of the circle from a certain zero. And what, then, is this zero? There is no doubt about the reading of the zero of right ascension, it is the intersection of the two fundamental planes at the first point of Aries; but what zero shall be used in the case of the vertical circle? Fig. 121.—Diagram illustrating how the pole is found. Let the circle, H, Z, R, Fig. 121, represent a great circle of the heavens, the meridian in fact, and let the centre of this circle represent the centre of the transit instrument. Now what we want is, not only to be able to measure degrees of arc along this circle, but to determine some starting-point for those degrees. One arrangement is to observe the reflection of the wires in the eyepiece of the transit circle, from the surface of mercury in a vessel which is placed below the telescope, turned with its object-glass downwards; the vessel containing the mercury is out of sight, between the two piers, but in Fig. 118 are seen the two parallel bars, with weights at the ends, carrying it, by which it may be brought into any position for the purpose referred to, so that the light from the wires in the eyepiece may pass through the tube and be reflected back by the mercury (the surface of which is of course perfectly horizontal), up through the tube again to the eyepiece. When the telescope is absolutely in the vertical position the images of the cross wires will be superposed over the cross wires themselves; and then an observation will give the actual reading of the circle when the instrument is pointing at 180° from the zenith; deduct 180° from this reading, and we get the reading when the instrument is pointing at the zenith—the zero required. This should be 0°, and the quantity by which it differs from 0° must be applied to the observed position of stars, so that the distance of a star from the zenith can be at once determined. But this is not all. If we assume for the moment that the observer is at the north pole, the pole star will be exactly over head, and therefore, supposing the pole star to absolutely represent the pole of the heavens, all the observer has to do is simply to take a reading of the pole star on the arc of his circle—call it 0° O´ 0?—and then use it as another zero to reckon polar distance from, seeing that every particular star or body we observe has so many degrees, minutes, seconds, or tenths of seconds, from the pole star. But we are not at the north pole. Still we are in a position where the pole is well above the horizon, and from that fact we can determine the polar distance, although the absolute place of the pole is not pointed out by the pole star. Thus, if we suppose any star, A, Fig. 121, to be a certain distance from the pole, and the earth carrying the instrument to be in the centre of the circle H, Z, R, we can observe the zenith distance of that star, Z, A, when it transits our meridian above the pole, P; and we can then observe its distance, Z, B, when it transits below the pole; and it is clear that the difference between those two measures will give the distance A, B, or double the polar distance of that star, and the mean of the readings will give the distance, Z, P, the zenith distance of the pole, so that it is perfectly easy to determine the distance between the pole and the zenith, which, subtracted from ninety degrees, gives us the latitude of the place. It is therefore perfectly easy by means of this instrument to determine either the zenith or polar distance, and, knowing the polar distance, we get the declination, or distance from the equator, by subtracting it from ninety degrees. In our case it is the north polar distance or declination of any object in the heavens that we record; and if we take the precaution to do so with this instrument at the time given by the clock, when the object passes the meridian, we have the actual apparent place of that body in the sky; and in this way all the positions of the stars and other bodies, and their various changes, and the courses of the planets, have been determined. The transit circle is the most important instrument of astronomy, and such is the perfection of the Greenwich instrument that nothing could be more unfortunate for astronomy than that that instrument should be in any way damaged. And though many of us are admirers of physical astronomy, we have yet to find the instrument that is as important to physical astronomy as the transit circle at Greenwich is to astronomy of position. The room in which these transit circles are worked—the transit room—is required to be of special construction. A clear space from the southern horizon through the zenith to the north must at any time be available; this entails the cutting of a narrow slit in the roof and both walls, without the intervention of any beams across the room. This slit is closed by shutters or windows which are made to open in sections, so that any part of the meridian can be observed at pleasure. CHAPTER XVII. THE TRANSIT CLOCK AND CHRONOGRAPH. We have now to consider the way in which the transit instrument is used and the functions which both it and the transit circle fulfil. The connection between the transit instrument and the transit clock is so intimate that either is useless without the other. In the one case we should note the passage of a star across the meridian without knowing at what time it took place; while, on the other hand, we should not learn whether the clock showed true time or not, unless we could check its indications in the manner rendered possible by transit observations. In what has been already said of time we referred to it as measured by our ordinary clocks, i.e. reckoning it from noon to midnight and midnight to noon, and regulated entirely by the length of the solar day. It would at first sight seem that it should be twelve o’clock by a clock so regulated when the sun passes the meridian; but the earth’s orbit is not circular, and the sun’s course is inclined to the equator, so that, as determined by such a clock, sometimes he would get to the meridian a little too late, and sometimes too early, so that we should be continually altering our clocks if we attempted to keep time with the sun. One of the greatest boons conferred by astronomy upon our daily life is an imaginary sun that keeps exact time, called the Mean Sun, so that the mean sun is on the meridian at twelve o’clock each day by our clocks, regulated by the methods we have now to discuss. Such clocks regulated, as it is called, to mean time are sometimes a few minutes before, and at others a few minutes behind the true sun, by an amount called the Equation of Time, which is given in the almanacs. It would therefore be difficult to regulate our standard clock by the sun, so we do it through the medium of the stars, which go past our meridian with the greatest regularity, since their apparent motion depends almost wholly upon the equable rotation of the earth on its axis, while the apparent motion of the sun is complicated by the earth’s revolution round it. This method at first sight is complex, and in fact we cannot obtain mean time directly by such transits of stars. It is accomplished indirectly by means of a clock set to star- or sidereal-time, and such a clock is the astronomer’s companion, to which he always refers his observations, and the indications of which alone are always in his mind. This he calls the Sidereal Clock. Fig. 122.—Diagram illustrating the different lengths of solar and sidereal day. We have, then, next to consider the difference between the clock used for the transit, or the sidereal clock, and an ordinary solar clock, or between a solar and a sidereal day. Let S, Fig. 122, represent the sun, and the arc a part of the orbit of the earth, the earth going in the direction of the arrow. Let 2 represent the position of the earth one day, and let 1 represent the position of the earth on the day before. A line drawn from the sun through the earth’s centre will give us the places a, b, on the earth at which it is midday on the side turned towards the sun, and midnight on the side turned from the sun. Now when a revolution of the earth with reference to the stars has been accomplished the earth comes to the second position, 2; and c is the point of midday; and there is a certain angle here between a and c, through which the earth must turn before it is noon at a, due to the change of position of the earth, or to the apparent motion of the sun among the stars, by which the sun comes to the meridian rather later than the stars each day. Now let us suppose that, while one observer in England is observing the sun at midday, another is observing the stars at the antipodes at midnight, the star is seen in the direction ?. We are aware that the stars are so far away, that from any point of the earth’s orbit they seem to be in absolutely the same place—they do not change their positions in the same way as the sun appears to do amongst them—an observer at b therefore sees on his meridian the star ? while the observer at a sees the sun on his meridian; supposing b to represent the same observer, on the second day, he will see the star due south before the other observer at a sees the sun due south. The result of that is, that the sidereal day is shorter than the solar day, and the sun appears to lose on the stars. If we wish to have a clock to show 12 o’clock when the sun is southing, we shall want it to go slower by nearly four minutes a day than one which is regulated by the stars and is at 12 o’clock when our starting-point of right ascension—which is the intersection of those two fundamental planes, the equator and the ecliptic—passes over the meridian. One of the uses of the clock showing sidereal time in connection with the convenient fiction of the “Mean Sun,” is to give to the outside world a constant flow of mean time regulated to the average southing of the sun in the middle of the period for which the sun is above the horizon each day in the year. The stellar day, that is the time from one transit of a star to the next, is shorter than a solar day by 3m. 56s., so what is called sidereal time, regulated by the transits of well-known stars, in the manner we shall presently explain, by no means runs parallel with mean time so far as the clock indications go. Indeed when we look at a sidereal clock, we see something different to the clock we are generally accustomed to see. In the first place, we have twenty-four hours instead of twelve, and then generally there is one dial for hours, another for minutes, and another for seconds. That of course might happen in the case of the mean-time clock; but the mean-time clock is not often divided into twenty-four hours, although it formerly used to be, as the dials in Venice still testify. We now see the importance of an absolutely correct determination of the right ascension of stars; for this right ascension, expressed in hours, minutes, and seconds, is nothing more nor less than the time indicated by the sidereal clock, by the side of the transit instrument, when a star passes over, or transits, the central wire of that instrument. Hence it is the sidereal clock which keeps time with the stars, and which we keep correct by means of the transit instrument. Fig. 123.—System of wires in transit eyepiece. Let us show how this was always done some twenty or thirty years ago, and how it is sometimes done now. The transit room is kept so quiet that one can hear nothing but the ticking of the sidereal clock; the star to be observed is then carefully watched as it traverses the field of view over the wires, and the time of transit over each wire is estimated to the tenth of the time between each beat by the observer. We reproduce in Fig. 123 a rough representation of what is seen in the field of view of a transit instrument. Now if we could be perfectly sure of making an accurate observation by means of the central wire, it is not to be supposed that astronomers would ever have cared to use this complicated system of wires in their eyepieces; but so great is the difficulty of determining accurately the time at which a star passes a wire, that we have in eyepieces introduced a system of several wires, so that we may take the transit of the star first at one wire, then at another, until every wire has been passed over. We want one wire exactly in the middle to represent the real physical middle of the eyepiece so far as skill can do it, and then there is a similar number of wires on either side at exactly equal distances; so that the average of all the observations made at each of the wires will be much more likely to be accurate than a single observation at one wire. In this way the astronomer gives himself a good many chances against one to be right. If he lost his chance from any reason when using only one wire, he would have to wait twenty-four more sidereal hours before he could make his measure again, but by having five, or seven, or twenty-five or more wires in the eyepiece of the telescope, he increases his chances of correctness: and the way in which he works is this: While the heavens themselves are taking the stars across the wires he listens to the beating of the clock. If a star crosses one of the wires exactly as the clock is beating, he knows that it has passed the wire at some second, and he takes care to know what second that is; but if, instead of being absolutely coincident with one of the beats of the clock, it is half-way between one beat and another, or nearer to one beat than another, he estimates the fraction of a second, and by practice he has no difficulty at all in estimating divisions of time equal to tenths of a second, and at each particular wire in the eyepiece the transit of the star is thus minutely observed. Then if the observations are complete and the mean of them is taken, it should, after the necessary corrections for instrumental errors have been applied, give the actual observation made at the central wire; if the astronomer cannot make observations at every wire, he introduces a correction in his mean to make up for the lost observations. This is what is called the “eye and ear” method, because the observer is placed with his eye to the telescope, and he depends upon his ear to give him the exact interval at which each beat of the clock takes place, and he requires an exact power of mentally dividing the distance between each beat into ten equal parts, which are tenths of seconds. In this method of observation every observer differs slightly in his judgment of the instant that the star crosses the wire, and his estimation differs from the truth by a certain constant quantity which he must always allow for; this error is called his personal equation. In this way then the transit instrument enables us, having true time, to determine the right ascension of a heavenly body as it transits the meridian, and, knowing the right ascension of a heavenly body, we have only to watch its transit in order to know the true time; so if the observer knows at what time a known star ought to transit, he has an opportunity of correcting his clock. So much for the eye and ear method of transit observation. There is another which has now to a very large extent superseded it. This is called the “chronographic method”; we owe it to Sir Charles Wheatstone, who made it possible about 1840. Figs. 124-7 are from drawings of the chronograph in use at Greenwich, and by their means we hope to make the principle of the instrument clear. In this chronograph, g is a long conical pendulum which regulates the driving clock in the case below it, through the gearing of wheel-work, as it turns the cylinder, E, gently and regularly round. On the cylinder is placed paper to receive the mark registering the observations; along the side of the cylinder or roller run two long screws, K and N, Fig. 125, which are also turned by the clock, and on them are carried electro-magnets, A, B, Fig. 125, and prickers, 35, Fig. 126; as the screws turn, the magnets and prickers are moved along the roller, and, as the roller turns, the pointer, 36, Fig. 127, traces a fine line on the paper like the worm of a screw on the surface; and it is close to this line, which serves as a guide to the eye, that the prickers make a mark each time a current is sent through the electro-magnets; this turns each of them into a magnet, and they then attract a piece of iron which, in moving upwards, presses down its pricker by means of a lever, and registers the instant the current is sent. The different wires are brought, first from the transit circle to work one pricker, and then from the clock to work the other, the clock sending a current and producing a prick on the roller every second. Fig. 124.—The Greenwich chronograph. General view. The observer, instead of depending upon the eye and ear as he had to do before, has then the means of impressing a mark at any instant upon the same cylinder, in exactly the same way that the pendulum of the clock impresses the mark of any second, so that as each wire in the eyepiece of the transit instrument is passed by the star, he is able, by the same method as the clock, to record on this same revolving surface each observation, which can afterwards be compared with the marks representing the seconds, and so the exact time of each observation is read off more accurately and with less trouble than by the old method. Let us suppose we are making a transit observation: the clock will be diligently pricking sidereal seconds, while we, by a contact-maker held in the hand, are as diligently recording the moments at which the star passes each wire. Fig. 125.—Details of the travelling carriage which carries the magnets and prickers. Side view and view from above. Fig. 126.—Showing how on the passage of a current round the soft iron the pricker is made to make a mark on the spiral line on the cylinder. Fig. 127.—Side view of the carriage carrying the magnets and the pointer that draws the spiral. This is done by pressing a stud, and sending a current at each transit; so that we shall have a dot in every other space between the clock dots, supposing the wires to be two seconds in time apart; supposing them to be three seconds apart, our dots will be in every third space; supposing them to be four seconds apart, our dots will be in every fourth space, and so on; and tenths and hundredths of seconds are estimated, by the position of each transit dot between those which record the seconds. In this way one sees that we have on the barrel an absolute record, by one of the pointers, of the seconds recorded by the clock, and, by the other, of the exact times at which a star has been seen at each wire of the transit instrument. Now of course what is essential in this method is that there shall be a power of determining not only the precise second or tenth of a second of time, but also the minute at which contact takes place, otherwise there would be a number of seconds dots without knowing to what minute they corresponded; it would be like having a clock with only a second-hand and no minute-hand. The brass vertical sliding piece shown at the lower left-hand side in Fig. 96, carries at its upper end two brass bars, each of which has, at its right-hand extremity, between the jaws, a slender steel spring for galvanic contact; the lower spring carries a semicircular piece projecting downwards, which a pin on the crutch rod lifts in passing, bringing the springs in contact at each vibration: the contact takes place when the pendulum is vertical, and the acting surfaces of the springs are, one platinum, the other gold; an arrangement that has been supposed to be preferable to making both surfaces of platinum. By means of the screws n and o, which both act on sliders, the contact springs can be adjusted in the vertical and horizontal directions respectively. Other contact springs in connection with the brass bars p and q, on the other side of the back plate, are ordinarily in contact, but the contact is broken at one second in each minute by an arm on the escape-wheel spindle. The combination of these contacts permits the clock to complete a galvanic circuit at fifty-nine of the seconds in each minute, and omit the sixtieth.[13] In this way we may suppress the sixtieth second, thus leaving a blank that marks the minute; and all that the observer has to do after he has made a record of the transit, is to go quietly to the barrel, and mark the hour and minute in the vacant space. A barrel of this size will contain the observations which would be made in some hours; so that at the end of that time it may be taken off, and it will give, with the least possible chance of error, a permanent record of the work of the astronomer. It is at once apparent that by the introduction of this application of electricity, astronomy has been an enormous gainer; but so far we have simply given a description of one instrument which has been suggested for that purpose. A few words may be said on other forms. In the instrument used in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich the rotation of the roller is kept uniform, as we have seen, by a conical pendulum; but there are other methods of attaining this end—there is the fly-wheel and fan, similar to the arrangement for regulating the striking part of a clock; there is the governor used for the steam-engine, and others which give a fairly regular motion—for the motion need not be absolutely uniform, because the dots, which form the points from which to measure, are made by the standard clock. The particular instant at which each minute occurs may be recorded in another way. The two steel springs above described may be pressed together, not by a pin in the crutch, but by cogs on a wheel attached to the spindle of the escape-wheel of the clock (see Fig. 128); and then all we have to do to stop the transmission of a current at the sixtieth second is to remove one of the cogs. Fig. 128.—Wheel of the sidereal clock, and arrangement for making contact at each second. Another simple method for transmitting seconds’ currents has also been occasionally tried. A wire runs down the whole length of the pendulum, and ends in a projection of such a length that it swings through a small globule of mercury in a cup below it, the pendulum being connected with one wire from the chronograph and the mercury with the other; thus there will be a making and breaking of contact each time the point of the pendulum swings through the mercury. It is uncertain which method is the better; one would prefer that which, under any circumstances, could disturb the pendulum least: but as to which this is opinions differ. We have now described the modus operandi of making time observations with the transit instrument, the final result of which is that the time shown by the sidereal clock corresponds with the right ascension of the “clock stars” as they transit the central wire. The great use, as we have already stated, made of the sidereal clock thus kept right by the stars is to correct the mean-time clock with a view of supplying mean solar time to the outside world. As the sidereal clock is regulated by the stars, it can be corrected by them at any time by the clock stars given in the “Nautical Almanac,” whose time of passing the meridian is calculated beforehand much more accurately than a mean-time clock could be corrected by the sun; we therefore correct our mean clock by the sidereal, the two agreeing at the vernal equinox, when the sun is in the first point of Aries, and the sidereal clock gaining about 3m. 56s. each day until it has gained a whole day, and agrees again at the next vernal equinox. Fig. 129.—Arrangement for correcting mean solar time clock at Greenwich. At Greenwich there is, as we have already seen, a standard, sidereal clock, that is, a clock keeping sidereal time; and regulated from this is the standard solar time clock, giving the time by which all our clocks and watches are governed. In practice at Greenwich the solar clock is regulated as follows: in the computing room are two chronometers, c and b, Fig. 129, the one, c, regulated electrically by the mean-time clock, and the other, b, regulated by the sidereal clock—the error of the latter being known by transit observations of stars on the Nautical Almanac list, the difference between the observed time of transit and the right ascension of the star being the error required. The proper difference between the two clocks is then calculated and the error allowed for, which shows whether the solar clock is fast or slow; to correct it the following method is adopted: Carried on the pendulum of the solar clock is a slender bar magnet, about five inches long, and below it, fastened to the clock-case, is a galvanic coil; the magnet passes at each swing over the upper end of the coil; if now a current is sent through this coil in one direction repulsion takes place between the magnet and coil, and the clock is slowed; if, on the other hand, the current is reversed, the clock is made to gain. Now between the two chronometers is a commutator, d, which, by moving the handle to one side or the other, sends the current through the coil in such a manner that the clock is accelerated or retarded sufficiently to set it right; when the handle of the commutator is in the position shown in the drawing no action takes place. As an instance of another method of regulating one clock from another, we will quote what Professor Piazzi Smyth says of the clock arrangements at Edinburgh. Correction of Mean-time Clock.—“First get its error on the observing, i.e. sidereal clock. This is always done by coincidence of beats, safe and certain to within one-tenth of a second, and with great ease and comfort by means of the loud-beating hammer which strikes the seconds of the sidereal clock on the outside of the case; one can then watch the neck-and-neck race which takes place every six minutes between the second of a sidereal clock and the second of a mean-time clock, the former always winning while you look at the motion of the mean-time seconds hand, and hear the seconds of the sidereal time. Having got the error, say three (0·3)-tenths of a second slow, this is the arrangement for correcting it. The pendulum is suspended by a spring extra long, and a long arm goes across the clock pier, and the pendulum spring passes through a fine slit in the middle of it, and the left end (of said arm) turns on a pivot, while the right end rests on a cam, which can be turned by a handle outside the clock-case. Turning the handle one way raises the arm, and with that lengthens the acting length of the pendulum spring, and turning the other way, lowers it and shortens the pendulum, but so slightly that it takes fifteen minutes of the quickened rate of the pendulum, when shortened, to add the required 0·3 seconds to the indications of the clock.”[14] The sidereal clock is used in many ways besides the purpose of giving a basis from which we can at any time get solar time, the distribution of which forms the subject of our next chapter. CHAPTER XVIII. “GREENWICH TIME” AND THE USE MADE OF IT. We have now described the method of obtaining and keeping true Greenwich time by means of transit observations, and the next thing is to distribute it either by controlling or driving other clocks electrically, or by sending electric signals at known times for persons to set their clocks right. Nearly all, if not quite the whole, of the mean-time clocks in the Observatory are driven by a current controlled by the standard clock, as also is a seconds relay, a Fig. 129. The clock controls, by currents sent every second by the relay, one or two clocks in London, by special wires. So long ago as the year 1840 Sir Charles Wheatstone read a paper before the Royal Society in which he described an apparatus for controlling any number of clocks by one standard clock at a distance away. The principle was, that at each beat of the standard clock an electric current was sent from it through a wire to the clocks to be worked by it or governed; and this current made an electro-magnet attract a piece of iron each time it was sent; and this piece of iron moved backwards and forwards two pallets, something like those of an ordinary clock, which turned a wheel, and so worked the clock. Instead of a spring or weight being used to work it regulated by the pallets, the pallets moved the clock themselves, and of course keep time with the standard clock. Sir Charles Wheatstone in this most valuable pioneer paper, indicates several modifications of this plan. He proposed to the Astronomer-Royal to test his method by using the then new telegraph line to Slough, but the idea was not carried out. This method of driving clocks by electricity naturally required considerable battery power, and in the more modern systems the clocks are simply controlled, and not driven, by electric currents. A very pretty method of regulating clocks by a standard clock is that in use at Edinburgh. On the pendulum rod of the clock to be regulated, and low down on the same, is a coil of fine covered wire wound round a short tube. Two permanent magnets are placed in line with each other, with their N or S ends close together and the other ends attached to the clock-case, in such a manner that the coil, on swinging with the pendulum, can slide over the magnets without touching. The terminal wires of the coil are led up to near the point of suspension of the pendulum, so as not to affect its swing, and the regulating current is sent through a wire like a telegraph wire from the standard clock, and from this wire round the coil and then to the earth, or back by another wire. Currents are sent through the wires in contrary directions during each successive second, so that the current in the coil flows in one direction during its swing from, say, right to left, and in the contrary direction when swinging from left to right; the effect of the current flowing in one direction is to cause one magnet to repel the coil off it, and the other to attract it over it, so that there is a tendency to throw the coil from one side of its swing to the other, and back again when the current is reversed. A little consideration will make it clear that if the pendulum tries to go too fast the coil will tend to commence its return swing before the current assisting the previous swing has stopped, and it will therefore meet with resistance, and be brought back to correct time. The alternate currents during each second may be sent by having a wheel of thirty long teeth on the axis of the seconds hand. Above the wheel, and insulated from each other, are fixed two light springs which descend side by side on either side of the teeth of the wheel, and at right angles to each spring there projects sideways a little bar of agate with sloping sides, which is lifted up by the teeth as they pass; one agate is fastened a little lower down its spring than the other, so that they are held one above the other, and half the distance between two teeth apart: the wheel is so arranged that while at rest one of the teeth presses against one of the agates and pushes the spring outwards, while the other agate drops between two teeth. At the next tick of the clock the wheel will move one-half a tooth’s distance and the other agate will be raised and the first dropped. At the bottom of each spring is a little platinum knob that is brought against a platinum plate as each spring is raised, so as to make electric contact. Two batteries (single cells of “sawdust-Daniell’s” answer admirably for short distances) are used, the + pole of one being put in contact with the upper attachment of one spring and the - pole of the other battery in contact with the other spring. The other poles are put to earth, or connected to the return wire from the governed clock. The plate against which the springs are lifted is put in connection with the line wire going to the regulated clock. Then, as either spring is lifted up during the swing of the pendulum from side to side, a + or - current is sent through the line wire from one of the batteries. It is not absolutely necessary to use two batteries, one being sometimes sufficient, and in this case one spring is thrown out of action, and a current sent only during every other second in the same direction. The battery may in this case be placed close to the regulated clock, or anywhere in the circuit, so long as a current flows whenever the standard clock completes the circuit at the other end. This method has the advantage that the amount of current sent can be regulated at will by a person at the regulated clock, so that it is possible by putting on more battery power to get sufficient current through the wire to work a bell ringing at every other second, or a galvanometer, showing when the seconds hand of the standard clock is at the Os, for there is one tooth cut from the wheel in such a position that when the seconds hand is at Os no current is sent for two or more following seconds according as one or both springs are acting; knowing this, the observer watches for the first missing current or “dropped second,” and so finds if his clock is being correctly regulated. We see now the necessity for correcting the standard clock by gradually increasing or decreasing the rate, for if it were done rapidly, the controlled clocks would break away from the control, and not be slowed and accelerated with the standard. At Greenwich the correction, usually only a fraction of a second, is made a little before the hours of 10 A.M. and 1 P.M., since at those instants a distribution of time is made throughout the country. This distribution is made as follows:— An electric circuit is broken in two places at the standard clock, one place of which is connected for some seconds on either side of each hour, while the other is connected at each sixtieth second; both breaks can therefore be only connected at the commencement of each hour, and then only can the current pass. We will call this, therefore, the hourly current: it acts on the magnet discharging the Greenwich time ball at one o’clock daily, and on the magnet of the hourly relay shown in Fig. 129, which completes various circuits. One goes to the London Bridge station of the South-Eastern Railway Co., and the other to the General Post Office for further distribution. The bell and galvanometer in the figure marked “S. E. R. hourly signal and Deal ball,” and “Post Office Telegraphs” show the passage of these signals. We have now got the hourly signal at the Post Office, and this is distributed by means of the Chronopher, or rather Chronophers, for there are two, the old one originally constructed by Mr. Yarley, and brought from Telegraph Street on the removal to St. Martin’s-le-Grand, and a new one, much larger, shown in the accompanying Fig. 130. It is to this that the Greenwich wire is led, and the current transmitted to the different lines. The lines are divided into four groups, (1) the metropolitan, (2) short provincial, (3) medium provincial, (4) long provincial; the first being wires passing to points in London only, the second to places within about 50 miles of London, the third to more distant places, and the fourth to the more distant places still, requiring signals. The ends of each of the four groups are brought together, and each group has its separate relay. These four relays—the left-hand four shown in Fig. 130—are all acted upon by the Greenwich signal and therefore act simultaneously, each relay sending a portion of the current of its battery through each wire of its group. Fig. 130.—The Chronopher. The metropolitan group, being used only for time purposes, is always connected with the relay, but to the country, signals are sent only twice a day, namely, at 10 A.M. and at 1 P.M., and as the ordinary wires are used for this purpose, they must be switched into communication with Nos. 2, 3, and 4 relays. The action at each hour is as follows:—The wires leading to the respective towns are connected with their speaking instruments through a contact spring; these contact springs are shown in the figure in a row, like the keys of a piano; along the keys runs a flat bar which at a short time before 10 A.M. and 1 P.M. is turned on its axis by the clockwork above, by so doing it presses back all the keys from their respective studs, and so cuts off communication with the speaking instruments, and puts the wires into communication with the bar, which is divided into three insulated portions, each in communication with a relay and battery; the batteries and relays become connected with their respective groups, and a constant current flows through all the wires to the distant stations serving as a warning. When the Greenwich current arrives the relays reverse the currents, and this gives the exact time. Shortly afterwards the clock turns back the rod and the springs go into contact with their respective instruments, and all goes on as before. One of the remaining relays of the apparatus sends a current to Westminster clock tower for the rating of the clock there, but it is in no way mechanically governed by the current. The apparatus is entirely automatic, and to judge of the degree of accuracy obtained an experiment was made. One of the distributing wires was connected with a return wire to Greenwich, and the outgoing current to the Post Office and the incoming one were passed round galvanometers, when no sensible difference could be seen in the indications. At 10 A.M. a considerable distribution goes on by hand. At this instant a sound signal is heard from the chronopher, and the clerks immediately transmit signals through the ordinary instruments to some 600 places; these again act as centres distributing the time to railway stations and smaller places. The methods of signalling the time are various; at some places, as at Edinburgh, Newcastle, Sunderland, Dundee, Middlesborough, and Kendal, a gun is fired at 1 P.M. The history of the introduction of time-guns is a somewhat curious one. In August 1863, during the meeting of the British Association at Newcastle, Mr. N. J. Holmes contrived the first electric time-gun. This gun was fired by the electric current direct from the Royal Observatory at Edinburgh, 120 miles distant. Time-guns were afterwards experimentally fired at North Shields and Sunderland; the Sunderland gun was after a time withdrawn; the Newcastle and North Shields time-guns are regularly fired every day at 1 P.M. Four time-guns were mounted in Glasgow, also to be fired by the electric current from Edinburgh; a large 32-pounder was placed at Port Dundas, on the banks of the Forth and Clyde Canal; a second small gun was placed near the Royal Exchange; a third 18-pounder at the Bromielaw, for the benefit of Clyde ships in harbour; and a fourth twenty-five miles further down the Clyde, at the Albert Quay, Greenock, for the vessels anchored off the tail of the bank. These four guns, and the two at Newcastle, were regularly fired from the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, for some weeks. A local jealousy springing up amongst a few of the Glasgow College Professors and the Edinburgh Observatory, against the introduction of mean-time into Glasgow from the Royal Observatory Edinburgh, instead of deriving it from the Glasgow Observatory clock (the longitude of which was undetermined at that time), the originator of the guns, Mr. Holmes, was cited before the police-court, charged under the Act with discharging firearms in the public streets. The jealousy ended in the withdrawal of the guns, and Glasgow, from then until now, has been without any practical register of true time.[15] Another system of time signalling is to expose a ball to view on the top of a building, and drop it, as in the case of the ball automatically dropped at Greenwich every day. We have already mentioned that one of the wires from the Greenwich Observatory connects it with the London Bridge Station, and this is used for dropping the time-ball at Deal. In return for the hourly signals the Company give up the use of the wires to Deal for two or three minutes about 1 P.M., when the Deal wire is switched into communication with the Greenwich wire by a clock, just in the same manner as at the Post Office, and communication is also made at Ashford and Deal, in order that the current shall go to the time-ball. In order that they shall know at Greenwich that the ball has fallen correctly, arrangements are made so that the ball on falling sends a return current back to Greenwich. It appears that erroneous drops are rare, but, if such is the case, a black flag is immediately hoisted and the ball dropped at 2 P.M. Hourly signals are distributed on the metropolitan lines and to the “British Horological Institute” for Clerkenwell; the leading London chronometer makers also receive them privately. We now come to deal with one of the practical uses of the clock and transit instrument with reference to determining longitudes. The earth rotates once every twenty-four hours, and if at any time a star is directly south of Greenwich it is also due south of all places on the meridian of Greenwich north of the equator, and north of all places on the same meridian south of the equator; then, as the earth rotates, the meridian of Greenwich will pass from under the star, and others to the west will take its place, and in an hours time, at 1 P.M., a certain meridian to the west of Greenwich will be under the star, and in that case all places on this meridian will be an hour west of Greenwich, and so on through all the twenty-four hours, the meridian being called so many hours, minutes, or seconds, west, as it passes under any star that length of time after the meridian of Greenwich. It is immaterial whether we reckon longitude in degrees or in time, for since there are 360 degrees or twenty-four hours into which the equator is divided, each hour corresponds to 15°. We also express the longitude of a place by its distance east of Greenwich in hours, so instead of calling a place twenty-three hours west, it is called one hour east. Suppose we wish to find the longitude of any place, all that is required to be known to an observer there is the exact time that a certain star is on the meridian of Greenwich; he then observes the time that elapses before the star comes to his meridian, and this time is the longitude required. This, of course, only shows the principle, for in practice it is not absolutely necessary for the star to be on either meridian, provided its distance on either side is known, when, of course, the difference between the times when it actually crosses the meridian can be reckoned. In practice a difficulty arises in finding out at a distance from Greenwich what time it is there. It is of course twelve o’clock at Greenwich when the sun crosses the meridian, and it is also twelve o’clock at all the other places when the sun crosses their meridian: but if a place is two hours west of Greenwich, the sun crosses the meridian two hours later than it does at Greenwich, and consequently their clock is two hours slower than Greenwich time, hence the term “local time,” which is different for different places east or west of Greenwich. We have taken above a star for our fixed point, but obviously the sun answers the same purpose. It will appear from this, that if we know the difference between the local times of two places, we also know the longitude of one place from the other, which is the same. A great number of ways have been tried in order to make it known at one observing station what time it is at the other. Rockets are sent up, gunpowder fired, and all kinds of signals made at fixed times for this purpose; but these, of course, only answer for short distances, so for long ones carefully adjusted chronometers have to be carried from one station to the other to convey the correct time; unless telegraph wires are laid from one place to another, as from England to America; then it is easy to let either station know what time it is at the other. For ships at sea chronometers answer well for a short time, but they are liable to variation. There are certain astronomical phenomena the instant of occurrence of which can be foretold—and published in the nautical almanacs—such as the eclipses of Jupiter’s moons, and the position of our own moon amongst the stars. Suppose then an eclipse of one of Jupiter’s moons is to take place at 1 P.M. Greenwich time, and it is observed at a place at 2 P.M. of the observer’s local time, i.e., two hours after the sun has passed his meridian, then manifestly the clock at Greenwich is at 1 P.M. while his is at 2 P.M., and the difference of local time is one hour, and the place is one hour, or 15°, east of Greenwich. If, however, the eclipse was observed at 12 noon, then the place must be one hour west of Greenwich. The local time being one hour slower than Greenwich shows that the sun does not south till an hour after it does at Greenwich, or, in reality, the place does not come under the sun till after the meridian at Greenwich has passed an hour before, clearly showing it to be west of Greenwich. We shall now see how easy it is to find the longitude when the two stations are electrically connected. Suppose we wish to determine the difference of longitude of two places in England,—this can be determined with the utmost accuracy in a short time if the observers have a chronograph, of the kind just described, to record the transit of a star at these two places. The observers at each station arrange that the observer at Station A shall observe the transit of a certain star on his chronograph, and the observer at Station B shall observe the transit of the same star on his, and then with the faithful clock, beating seconds and marking them on the surface of both chronographs simultaneously, the difference of sidereal time between the transit of the same star over Station A and Station B will be an absolute distance to be measured off in as delicate a way as possible by comparison of the roller of each chronograph, and will give exactly how much time elapses between the two transits. This is the longitude required. There are various methods of utilizing the same principle, as, for instance, one chronograph only may be used, and both observers then register their transits on the same cylinder. But when we have to deal with considerable distances, such as between England and the United States, then we no longer employ this method. From Valentia we telegraph to Newfoundland in effect “Our time is so-and-so,” and then the observer at Newfoundland telegraphs to Valentia “Our time is so-and-so.” In this way the absolute longitude of the West of Ireland and America and the different observatories of Europe has been determined with the greatest accuracy. So it appears there are two methods, the first showing one time, say Greenwich time, at both places, and showing the difference in times of transit of stars; or secondly, having the clock at each place going to its own local time, so that a certain star transits at the same local time at each place, and finding the difference between the two clocks. CHAPTER XIX. OTHER INSTRUMENTS USED IN ASTRONOMY OF PRECISION. In former chapters we have described the transit circle as it now exists as the result of the thought of Tycho, Picard, RÖmer, and Airy. This, though the fundamental instrument in a meridional observatory, is by no means the only one, and we must take a glance at the others. In RÖmer’s “Observatorium Tusculaneum,” near Copenhagen, built in 1704, there was not only a transit circle in the meridian of course, but a transit instrument in the prime vertical, i.e. swinging in a vertical plane at right angles to the former one, so that while the optical axis of one always lies in a N.S. plane, that of the other lies in an E.W. one. RÖmer did not use this instrument much; it remained for the great Bessel to point out its value in determinations of latitude. This instrument is, so to speak, self-correcting, because between the transit of a star over its wires while pointing to the east of the meridian, and that while pointing to the west its telescope can be reversed in its Ys, or one position may be taken for one night’s observations, and the other for the next, and so on. In Struve’s form of this instrument the transit of stars can be observed at an interval of one minute and twenty seconds, this time only being required to raise it from the Ys, to rotate it through 180°, and lower it again. This rapid reversal, and consequent elimination of instrumental imperfections, enable observations of the most extreme precision to be made in such delicate matters as the slight differences of declination of stars due to aberration, nutation, and the like. The intersection of the meridian with the prime vertical marks the zenith. To determine this:—first, there is the zenith sector, invented by Hooke; it consists of a telescope, carried by an axis on one side of the tube, and at right angles to it, so that the telescope swings exactly as a transit does, and it is provided with cross wires in the same manner; instead, however, of having a whole circle, it has only two segments of a circle; and as it is never required to swing the telescope far from its vertical position, there is a diagonal reflector at the eyepiece, so that the observer can look sideways, instead of upwards, in an awkward position. Its use is to determine the zenith distance of stars as they pass near that point. These distances are read off on the parts of the circle by verniers or microscopes, as in the transit circle. The zenith telescope, chiefly designed by Talcott, is the modern equivalent of the sector, and both instruments are more used in geodetical operations than in fixed observatories. At Greenwich, however, there is an instrument for determining zenith distances of very special construction. This is called the reflex zenith tube, shown in Fig. 131. It is a sectional drawing of one of those instruments showing the path of the rays of light. A, B, is an object-glass, fixed horizontally, and below it is a trough of mercury, C, the surface of which is always of course horizontal. The light from a star near the zenith is allowed to fall through the object-glass, which converges the rays just so much that they come to a focus at F, after having been reflected from the surface of the mercury, and also by the diagonal mirror or prism, G; at F, therefore, we have an image of the star, which can be examined together with the cross-wires at the eyepiece, M. There is in this instrument no necessity for the accurate adjustments that there is in the case of the transit, the surface of the mercury being always horizontal, and so giving an unaltering datum plane. Fig. 131.—Reflex Zenith Tube. When the star is perfectly vertical, its image will fall on a certain known part in the eyepiece; but, as it leaves the vertical, the angle of incidence of its light on the mercury alters, and likewise that of reflection, so that the position of the image changes, and this change of position in the eyepiece is measured by movable cross-wires and a micrometer screw, similar to that employed for reading the circle in the transit circle. At the present time ? Draconis is the star which passes very nearly through the zenith of Greenwich, and observations of this star are accordingly made at every available opportunity. We now pass to an enlargement of the sphere of observation of the transit circle in order that any object can be viewed at all times when above the horizon; in this case the transit circle passes into the alt-azimuth, or altitude and azimuth instrument, astronomical theodolite, or universal instrument. A reference to Fig. 132—a woodcut of an ordinary theodolite—will show the new point introduced by this construction. Imagine the upper part of the theodolite fixed with its telescope and circle in the plane of the meridian—we have the transit circle; swing the theodolite round through 90°—we have the prime vertical instrument. Now instead of having the upper part fixed let it be free to rotate on the centre of the horizontal circle—we have the alt-azimuth. In the description of the instruments used in Tycho’s observatory (Chapter IV.), we described another instrument by which Tycho and the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel endeavoured to make observations out of the meridian; and we may remember that they almost had to give the matter up in despair, because they could not find any clocks sufficiently good to enable them to fix the position of the star. Fig. 133.—Portable Alt-azimuth. If we refer again to Fig. 18, we see the method by which Tycho tried to get the two co-ordinates. On the horizontal circle there are the graduations for azimuth, or the measurement from the south along the horizon, and on the vertical quadrant are the graduations for altitude. Now let us turn to the modern equivalent of that instrument. Fig. 133 shows this in a portable form. The upper part of the instrument is, as one sees, nothing more than a transit circle exactly equivalent to the one described. We have a telescope carried on a horizontal axis, supported by a pillar; we have the reading microscopes, and the like; but the support of the horizontal axis, instead of being on the solid ground, as it is in the transit circle, rests on a movable horizontal circle, which is also read by microscopes arranged round it, so that all errors may be eliminated. With this instrument we can get the altitude of an object at any distance from the meridian, and at the same time measure its distance east and west of it. The arrangements designed by the Astronomer Royal for observations of the moon at Greenwich are more elaborate. In the Greenwich alt-azimuth, the telescope is swung on pivots between two piers, just as in the case of the transit, these piers being fixed to the horizontal circle. The great advantage of this instrument is that the true place of a heavenly body can be determined whenever it is above the horizon; we have neither to wait for a transit over the meridian nor over the prime vertical. Nevertheless its use is not general in fixed observatories. Reduce the dimensions of the horizontal circle and increase those of the vertical one, and we have the vertical circle designed by Ertel, and largely used in foreign observatories.