| PAGE |
Only Authentic Portrait of Wilhelm Heinrich Sebastian von Troomp (from the oil painting) | Frontispiece |
Departure from Castle Trump | 9 |
Along a Highway of the Under World | 23 |
Before her Majesty Galaxa, Queen of the Mikkamenkies | 35 |
A Dinner easily provided for | 47 |
Princess Crystallina uncovers her Heart | 59 |
Crystallina’s Heart on a Screen | 71 |
Bulger parts his Master from Princess Crystallina | 83 |
The Formifolk try the Beat of the Baron’s Heart by Telephone | 95 |
Barrel Brow engaged in reading Four Books at once | 107 |
A Soodopsy Maiden reading her Favorite Poet | 119 |
The Gigantic Tortoise that devoured Pouting Lip | 131 |
Sailing away from the Land of the Soodopsies | 143 |
The Battle for Life with the White Crabs | 155 |
The Little Man with the Frozen Smile | 167 |
Bulger shows the Baron Something Wonderful | 179 |
The Baron’s Flight to the Ice Palace | 191 |
Death of Fuffcoojah | 197 |
Koltykwerpian Quarrymen hewing a Passage through the Wall of Ice | 203 |
The Wonderful Ride on the Block of Ice | 207 |
The Tropics of the Under World | 213 |
Through the Revolving Door | 219 |
Caught up in the Arms of the Torrent | 225 |
Hurled out in the Sunshine | 231 |