
Doubtless our friends will not take it amiss if we give but a brief editorial this month. Our new enterprise is receiving such hearty endorsement from every quarter that we must conclude that we have taken the right step after all. We only ask that the reader and our customers bear patiently with us for a while. The season has been so backward that we are in a rush but shall be amply able to meet all demands.

We have not utilized the question and answer department this month as the amount of work that we have been obliged to perform has been simply enormous, but we shall soon have that department in running order again.

We would urge upon our readers the importance of creating a home demand for honey this season in order that we may not have a glutted honey market with which to contend.

Work hard at the State conventions to have county associations formed; these are the educators that will prove the gateway to a home demand.

Prepare to make first-class exhibitions at county fairs next fall: it will pay. It may seem as though this advice was premature, but we have none too much time to prepare for these fairs.

Remember that if we ever have a permanent market for our honey the beekeepers must make it.

We wish our readers to come to us with their experiences, successes and failures and we shall endeavor to give them such instruction as will aid them in their work.

Do not fail to send for a few of our “Companions” and distribute them for us; it will be but little trouble and will aid us wonderfully in building up our subscription list.

We are preparing to give our readers a large number of illustrations and as our list increases we shall be able to add many new and interesting features to our Journal.

We have already sent out 5,000 “Companions” within the last two weeks, and the call is so great that we are printing 5,000 more.



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