- Abd, 15
- Abu Aweigila, 16
- Abu Hareira, 45
- Ain Karim, 83
- Ajalon, 71
- Akaba, Gulf of, 4, 26
- Aleppo, 23, 143
- Alexandretta, 143
- Ali Muntar, 38
- Amman, 114, 141
- Anwas, 73
- Apex, The, 46, 50, 59
- Arara, 131
- Armageddon, 33
- Asluj, 54
- Atawinah, 45, 58, 59
- Auja, 5, 14
- Australia Hill, 39
- Baalbek, 143
- Baghdad, 22
- Baha, 45
- Baku, 23
- Beersheba, 39, 45, 51, 56
- Beihesnia, 75
- Beit Dukka, 75
- Beit Iksa, 83
- Beit Hanun, 45, 58, 63
- Beit Jibrin, 67
- Belah, 38
- Bethel, 109
- Beth-horon, 71
- Bethshan, 139
- Bireh, 72
- Bir-el-Abd, 14
- Bir-es-Sakaly, 54
- Bitter Lakes, 5
- Constantinople, 7
- Ctesiphon, 22
- Damascus, 142
- Dardanelles, 6
- Dead Sea, 112
- Deraa, 142
- Dueidar, 13
- Egypt, 1
- El Arish, 5
- El Burj, 80
- El Kep, 130
- El Kubeibeh, 67
- El Mesmiye, 68
- El Mughar, 68
- El Tine, 45
- El Tireh, 138
- Emmaus, 78
- Enab, 75Printed in Great Britain for Robert Scott, Publisher, Paternoster Row, London,
by Butler & Tanner, Frome TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE Please hover your mouse over the words with a thin dotted gray line underneath them for seeing what the original reads. LIST OF FIXED ISSUES - p. v—typo fixed, changed "Judaean" to "JudÆan"
- p. vi—typo fixed, changed "Khuweilfah" to "Khuweilfeh"
- p. vii—typo fixed, changed "Tamberlane" to "Tamerlane"
- p. 019—typo fixed, changed "Weli Sheikh Nura" to "Weli Sheikh Nuran"
- p. 029—typo fixed, changed "Keran" to "Keram"
- p. 039—typo fixed, changed a comma into a period after "Ali Muntar and Gaza"
- p. 054—inserted a missing period after "in our hands"
- p. 056—inserted a missing closing bracket after "farther west"
- p. 073—typo fixed, changed "via" to "viÂ"
- p. 078—inserted a missing period after "his positions"
- p. 097—typo fixed, changed "Napolean" to "Napoleon"
- p. 112—typo fixed, changed "garrision" to "garrison"
- p. 114—typo fixed, changed "Hajleh" to "Hajlah"
- p. 135—typo fixed, changed "Nahr el Falik" to "Nahr el Falyk"
- p. 147—typo fixed, changed "Abou Aweigila" to "Abu Aweigila"
- p. 147—typo fixed, changed "Birel Abd" to "Bir-el-Abd"
- p. 147—typo fixed, changed "Beth-Horon" to "Beth-horon"
- p. 148—typo fixed, changed "Maza" to "Mazar"