- Adulterations of tobacco, 267–70
- Afghanistan, tobacco in, 137
- African tobacco, 138
- After-cultivation, 54–60
- Albuminoids in tobacco, 256
- American tobacco, 210–22
- Amersfort tobacco, 6
- Ammonia in tobacco, 255
- Analyses of tobacco, 261
- —— —— —— plants, 22
- Area of nursery, 59
- —— to plant, 53
- Artificial heat for drying tobacco, 89, 91
- Ash of tobacco, 258
- Australian tobacco, 141
- Austro-Hungarian tobacco, 141
- Barrels for tobacco, 125, 127
- Best kind of tobacco to grow, 33
- Betun, 117
- Bibliography of tobacco, 276
- Big Frederic tobacco, 34, 37
- —— Orinoco tobacco, 35, 37
- Black soil for tobacco growing, 10
- Blue prior tobacco, 37
- —— stalk tobacco, 35
- —— vitriol for killing caterpillars, 58
- Books on tobacco, 276
- Bornean tobacco, 142
- Bourbon tobacco, 143
- Boxes for tobacco, 126
- Brazilian tobacco, 143–7
- British tobacco, 164–6
- Brittle stem tobacco, 35
- Building drying-sheds, 86, 90, 95
- Bulking tobacco, 121–5
- Bull tongue tobacco, 35
- Cake tobacco, 236
- Calabrian tobacco, 3
- Californian tobacco, 3
- Canary Island tobacco, 148
- Cases for tobacco, 129
- Caterpillars, destroying, 55–60
- Cellulose in tobacco, 257
- Central Asian tobacco, 3
- Chemical ingredients of tobacco soils, 9
- Chemistry of tobacco, 259–66
- Chinese tobacco, 148
- Chlorine compounds to be avoided in tobacco manures, 25
- Choosing sort of tobacco, 31–7
- Cigarettes, 246–8
- Cigars, 56
- Nature of tobacco, 253–66
- New Zealand tobacco, 177
- Nicaraguan tobacco, 177
- Nicotine, 253
- Nitrates for tobacco soils, 13
- Nitric acid in tobacco, 255
- Nurseries, 38–48
- ——, shelter for, 38
- ——, situation for, 38
- ——, soil for, 38
- Nursery, area of, 39
- Organic matter in tobacco soils, 8
- Packing tobacco, 125–33
- Paraguay tobacco, 178
- Pegging tobacco, 71
- Pennsylvania seed-leaf, 37
- Persian tobacco, 3, 178–91
- Philippine tobacco, 191
- Picking tobacco, 104–9
- Planting out, 50–4
- Plug tobacco, 236
- Pole-burn, 78
- Potash for tobacco growing, 11, 27
- Preparation of tobacco, 231–52
- Preparing field, 48–50
- —— seed-beds, 38, 41, 43, 44
- Pressing tobacco in casks, 128, 131, 133
- Priming, 62, 65
- Principles of manuring, 18–22
- Production of tobacco in Afghanistan, 137
- —— Africa, 138
- —— Australia, 141
- —— Austro-Hungary, 141
- —— Borneo, 142
- —— Bourbon, 143
- —— Brazil, 143–7
- —— Canary Islands, 148
- —— China, 148
- —— Cochin China, 149
- —— Costa Rica, 149
- —— Ecuador, 149
- —— Fiji, 150
- —— France, 150–6
- —— Germany, 156–64
- —— Great Britain, 164–6
- —— Greece, 166
- —— Holland, 166
- —— India, 167–76
- —— Italy, 124
- Wind shelter for tobacco, 10
- Wood-ashes as tobacco manure, 14
- Worms, destroying, 55–60
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Errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s have been corrected, and are noted here. The references are to the page and line in the original. The following issues should be noted, along with the resolutions. 3.1 | N. rustica[.] | Added. | 54.18 | they grow rapidly[.] | Added. | 223.18 | 900,850 cigars[,] 5,709,442 bundles cigarettes, | Added. | 231.25 | The first process they undergo is “damping,[’/”] | Replaced. | 248.29 | depending for its f[l]avour | Inserted. | |